Csit Btech Iv Yr Vii Sem Scheme Syllabus July 2022

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IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering & Science

(A UGC Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to RGPV, Bhopal)

Scheme Based on AICTE Flexible Curriculum
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) [Computer Science & Information Technology]

VII Semester

Maximum Marks Allotted

Subject Code Theory Practical Total Hours per Total

S.No. Subject Name week

Marks Credits
Term work
Mid Sem. Quiz/
End Sem End Sem Lab Work & L T P
Exam. Assignment
1. PCC-CSIT701 PCC Data Science 70 20 10 60 40 200 3 – 2 4
2. PEC-CSIT701 PEC Elective-III 70 20 10 60 40 200 3 – 2 4
3. PEC-CSIT702 PEC Elective-IV 70 20 10 – – 100 3 – – 3
4. OEC-CSIT701 OEC Open Elective-III 70 20 10 – – 100 3 – – 3
5. PROJ- – – – 12 6
PROJ Project-II – – 60 40 100
6. PROJ- – – 2
PROJ Evaluation of Internship-II – – 60 40 100 – 4
Total 280 80 40 240 160 800 12 – 20 22

Electives-III Electives-IV Open Electives-III

PEC-CSIT701(A) Mobile Application OEC-CSIT701(A) E-Commerce & Web
PEC-CSIT702(A) Information Theory & Coding
Development Technology
PEC-CSIT701(B) Compiler Design PEC-CSIT702(B) Pattern Recognition OEC-CSIT701(B) Robotics
PEC-CSIT701(C) Soft Computing PEC-CSIT702(C) Computational Intelligence OEC-CSIT701(C) Embedded System
PEC-CSIT702(D) Deep & Reinforcement
PEC-CSIT701(D) Semantic Web & Ontologies OEC-CSIT701(D) Transportation Engineering

1 Hr Lecture 1 Hr Tutorial 2 Hr Practical

1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PCC-CSIT701 Data Science 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits

Prerequisite: Basics of Statistics and Probability

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to familiarize students with the roles of a data scientist and enable
them to analyze data to derive meaningful information from it.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Data Science and Big Data Overview: Types of data, Sources of data, Data collection, Data storage
and management, Big Data Overview, Characterization of Big data, Drivers of Big Data,
Challenges, Big Data Use Cases, Defining Big Data Analytics and examples of its use cases, Data
Analytics Lifecycle: Discovery, Data Preparation, Model Planning, Model Building,
Communicate Results, Operationalize.

Module 2: (12 hrs.)

Advanced Analytical Theory and Methods: Clustering, K-means, Additional Clustering
Algorithms, Association Rules, Apriori Algorithm, Applications of Association Rules,
Regression, Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Classification, Decision Trees, Naive Bayes,
Additional Classification Methods, Text Analysis, Text Analysis Steps, Determining Sentiments.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Advanced Analytics-Technology and Tools: Analytics for Unstructured Data Use Cases,
MapReduce, Apache Hadoop, Traditional database vs. Hadoop, Hadoop Core Components,
HDFS, Design of HDFS, HDFS Components, HDFS Architecture, Hadoop 2.0 Architecture,
Hadoop-2.0 Resource Management, YARN.

Module 4: (08 hrs.)

The Hadoop Ecosystem: Introduction to Hive, HBase, Hive Use Cases: Face book, Healthcare;
Hive Architecture, Hive Components. Integrating Data Sources, Dealing with Real-Time Data
Streams, Complex Event Processing, Overview of Pig, Difference between Hive and Pig, Use
Cases of Pig, Pig program structure, Pig Components, Pig Execution, Pig data models, Overview
of Mahout, Mahout working.

Module 5: (04 hrs.)

Introduction to R, Basic Data Analytics Methods Using R, Communicating and
Operationalizing an Analytics Project, Creating the Final Deliverables, Data Visualization Basics.

Course Outcome:

1. Demonstrate proficiency with statistical analysis of data.

2. Build and assess data-based models.
3. Execute statistical analyses with professional statistical software.
4. Demonstrate skill in data management.
5. Apply data science concepts and methods to solve problems in real-world contexts and
will communicate these solutions effectively

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. EMC Education Services, “Data Science and Big Data Analytics”, Wiley, 2015.
2. Judith Hurwitz, Alan Nugent, Fern Halper, and Marcia Kaufman, “Big Data
for Dummies”, Wiley & Sons,2013.
3. Vignesh Prajapati, “Big Data Analytics with R and Hadoop”, Packt Publishing, 2013.
4. David Dietrich, Barry Heller, and Beibei Yang “Data Science and Big
Data Analytics: Discovering, Analyzing, Visualizing and Presenting Data”, John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.

List of Experiments:

1. Introduction to R tool for data analytics science

2. Basic Statistics and Visualization in R
3. K-means Clustering
4. Association Rules
5. Linear Regression
6. Logistic Regression
7. Naive Bayesian Classifier
8. Decision Trees
9. Simulate Principal component analysis
10. Simulate Singular Value Decomposition
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Mobile Application
PEC-CSIT701 (A) 3L : 0T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits

Prerequisite: JAVA Programming

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to help students to gain a basic understanding of Android application
development and tools.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (10 hrs.)

Introduction to Android: The Android Platform, Android SDK, Eclipse Installation, Android
Installation, building you First Android application, Understanding Anatomy of Android
Application, Android Manifest file.

Module 2: (08 hrs.)

Android Application Design Essentials: Anatomy of an Android applications, Android
terminologies, Application Context, Activities, Services, Intents, Receiving and Broadcasting
Intents, Android Manifest File and its common settings, Using Intent Filter, Permissions.

Module 3: (06 hrs.)

Android User Interface Design Essentials: User Interface Screen elements, Designing User
Interfaces with Layouts, Drawing and Working with Animation.

Module 4: (04 hrs.)

Testing Android applications: Publishing Android application, Using Android preferences,
Managing Application resources in a hierarchy, working with different types of resources.

Module 5: (12 hrs.)

Using Common Android APIs: Using Android Data and Storage APIs, Managing data using
SQLite, Sharing Data between Applications with Content Providers, Using Android Networking
APIs, Using Android Web APIs, Using Android Telephony APIs, Deploying Android Application
to the World.
Course Outcome:

1. Identify various concepts of mobile programming that make it unique from programming
for other platforms.
2. Critique mobile applications on their design pros and cons.
3. Utilize rapid prototyping techniques to design and develop sophisticated mobile interfaces.
4. Program mobile applications for the Android operating system that use basic and advanced
phone features.
5. Deploy applications to the Android marketplace for distribution.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Lauren Darcey and Shane Conder, “Android Wireless Application Development”,

Pearson Education, 2nd ed. (2011)
2. Reto Meier, “Professional Android 2 Application Development”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd
3. Mark L Murphy, “Beginning Android”, Wiley India Pvt Ltd3.R3. Android
Application Development All in one for Dummies by Barry Burd, Edition: I

List of Experiments:

1. Compare various operating Systems with Android OS

2. Install / Configure JDK, Android studio and android SDK, ADT plug-in and create android
Virtual device.
Develop a program:
3. To display “Hello world “on screen.
4. To implement linear layout, absolute layout.
5. To implement Frame layout, table layout and relative layout
6. To implement text view, edit view, auto complete text view.
7. To implement login window using above UI controls.
8. To implement Checkbox, Radio Button, and Radio group and progress bar.
9. To implement list view, Grid view, and Image view and scroll view.
10. To implement Date, time picker and activity
11 To implement Custom Toast Alert.
12. To build camera.
13. For providing Bluetooth connectivity.
13. For providing Bluetooth connectivity.
14. For animation.
15. To a) Send SMS b) Receiver SMS c) Send and receive E-mail.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PEC-CSIT701 (B) Compiler Design 3L : 0T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits

Prerequisite: Context Free Grammar, Finite State Machine

Course Objective:

The Objectives of this course is to explore the principles, algorithms, and data structures involved
in the design and construction of compilers.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (08 hrs.)

Introduction to compiling & Lexical Analysis: Introduction of Compiler, Major data Structure in
compiler, types of Compiler, Front-end and Back- end of compiler, Compiler structure: analysis-
synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a compiler, Lexical analysis: Input buffering
, Specification & Recognition of Tokens, Design of a Lexical Analyzer Generator, LEX.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Syntax Analysis &Syntax Directed Translation: Syntax analysis: CFGs, Top down parsing,
Brute force approach, recursive descent parsing, transformation on the grammars, predictive
parsing, bottom up parsing, operator precedence parsing, LR parsers (SLR,LALR, LR),Parser
generation. Syntax directed definitions: Construction of Syntax trees, Bottom up evaluation ofS-
attributed definition, L-attribute definit ion, Top down translation, Bottom Up evaluation of
inherited attributes Recursive Evaluation, Analysis of Syntax directed definition.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Type Checking & Run Time Environment: Type checking: type system, specification of simple
type checker, equivalence of expression, types, type conversion, overloading of functions
and operations, polymorphic functions. Run time Environment: storage organization,
Storage allocation strategies, parameter passing, dynamic storage allocation , Symbol table,
Error Detection & Recovery, Ad-Hoc and Systematic Methods.

Module 4: (06 hrs.)

Code Generation: Intermediate code generation: Declarations, Assignment statements,
Boolean expressions, Case statements, Back patching, Procedure calls Code Generation: Issues
in the design of code generator, Basic block and flow graphs, Register allocation and assignment,
DAG representation of basic blocks, peephole optimization, generating code from DAG.

Module 5: (06 hrs.)

Code Optimization: Introduction to Code optimization: sources of optimization of basic
blocks, loops in flow graphs, dead code elimination, loop optimization, Introduct ion to
global data flow analysis, Code Improving transfor mations ,Data flow analysis of structure
flow graph Symbolic debugging of optimized code.

Course outcomes:

1. State the overview of phase of compiler and Lexical analysis.

2. Design and implement various parsing techniques of compiler.
3. Apply type checking for semantic analysis and analyze Run time environment.
4. Design and implement different intermediate code generation techniques.
5. Analyze various code optimization techniques.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. A. V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J. D. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques and Tools,

Pearson Education
2. Raghavan, Compiler Design, TMH Pub.
3. Louden. Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice, Cengage Learning
4. A. C. Holub. Compiler Design in C , Prentice-Hall Inc., 1993.
5. Mak, writing compiler & Interpreters, Willey Pub.

List of Experiments:

1. Design a lexical analyzer for given language and the lexical analyzer should ignore
redundant spaces, tabs and new lines.
Write a C Program:
2. To identify whether a given line is a comment or not.
3. To recognize strings under 'a*', 'a*b+', 'abb'.
4. To test whether a given identifier is valid or not.
Write a Lex Program:
5. Write a LEX Program to count the number of token.
6. Write a LEX Program to identify the identifier.
7. Write a LEX Program to convert the substring abc to ABC from the given input string.
8. Write a lex program to find out total number of vowels, and consonants from the given
input sting.
Write a C Program:
9. Write a C program to implement operator precedence parsing.
10. Write a C program to implement LALR parsing.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PEC-CSIT701 (C) Soft Computing 3L : 0T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits

Prerequisite: Analysis and Design of Algorithm

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to familiarize the students with different soft computing tools to use
them to be able to solve complex problems

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (08 hrs.)

Introduction to Neural Network: Concept, biological neural network, comparison of ANN
with biological NN, evolution of artificial neural network, Basic models, Types of learning, Linear
separability, XOR problem, McCulloch-Pitts neuron model, Hebb rule.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Supervised Learning: Perceptron learning, Single layer/multilayer, Adaline, Madaline, Back
propagation network, RBFN, Application of Neural network in forecasting, data compression
and image compression.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Unsupervised learning: Introduction, Fixed weight competitive nets, Kohonen SOM, Counter
Propagation networks, (Theory, Architecture, Flow Chart, Training Algorithm and applications).
Introduction to Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Recurrent neural networks (RNN).

Module 4: (06 hrs.)

Fuzzy Set: Introduction, Basic Definition and Terminology, Properties and Set-theoretic
Operations, , Fuzzy Relations , Membership Functions and their assignment, Fuzzy rules and fuzzy
Reasoning, Fuzzy if-then Rules, Fuzzy Inference Systems. Application of Fuzzy logic in solving
engineering problems.

Module 5: (06 hrs.)

Genetic Algorithm: Introduction to GA, Simple Genetic Algorithm, terminology and operators of
GA (individual, gene, fitness, population, data structure, encoding, selection, crossover, mutation,
convergence criteria). Reasons for working of GA and Schema theorem, GA optimization
problems like TSP (Travelling salesman problem), Network design routing. Introduction to Ant
Colony optimization (ACO) and Particle swarm optimization (PSO).

Course Outcome:
1. State basic concept of Neural Network
2. Illustrate various concepts supervised learning, data and image compression
3. Describe the concept of unsupervised learning.
4. Apply fuzzy logic concepts to solve real world problem.
5. Design and implement the real world problem through Genetic algorithm.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. S.N. Shivnandam, “Principle of soft computing”, Wiley.

2. S. Rajshekaran and G.A.V. Pai, “Neural Network , Fuzzy logic And Genetic Algorithm”,
3. Jack M. Zurada, “Introduction to Artificial Neural Network System” JAico Publication.
4. Simon Haykins, “Neural Network- A Comprehensive Foundation”
5. Timothy J.Ross, “Fuzzy logic with Engineering Applications”, McGraw-Hills 1.

List of Experiments:

1. Form a perceptron net for basic logic gates with binary input and output.
2. Using Adaline net, generate XOR function with bipolar inputs and targets.
3. Calculation of new weights for a Back propagation network, given the values of input
pattern, output pattern, target output, learning rate and activation function.
4. Design fuzzy inference system for a given problem.
5. Maximize the function y =3x2 + 2 for some given values of x using Genetic algorithm.
6. Implement Travelling salesman problem using Genetic Algorithm.
7. Optimisation of problem like Job shop scheduling using Genetic algorithm
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Semantic Web &

PEC-CSIT701 (D) 3L : 0T: 2P (5 hrs.) 4 credits


Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to familiarize the students about Semantic Web Vision and able to
understand XML,RDF, Querying Ontology.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Semantic Web: Building Models , Calculating with knowledge, Exchanging Information,
Semantic Web Technologies ,Types of Web :Smart Web & Dumb Web, Applications ,Semantic
Data ,Search Engine for Semantic Web

Module 2: (08 hrs.)

Semantic Modeling: Modeling for human communication, Explanation and prediction,
Mediating Variability: Variation & Classes, Variation & Layers, Expressivity in Modeling.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Resource Description Language RDF : Introduction , Advanced features , simple ontologies in
RDF Schema , encoding of special data structures, RDF formal semantics ,syntactic reasoning
with deduction rules ,Distributing data across web , Managing data from multiple sources .

Module 4: (10 hrs.)

Web Ontology Language OWL : OWL syntax and Intuitive semantics , OWL species , Owl formal
semantics : Description Logics , Model-Theoretic Semantics of OWL, Automated reasoning with
OWL, Ontology Matching and Distributed Information .

Module 5: (06 hrs.)

Semantic Web Application Architecture: RDF Parser/Serializer, RDF store: RDF data standards
and Interoperability of RDF stores , RDF query engines , SPARQL: Query language for RDF ,
conjunctive Queries for OWL DL ,RDF backed web portals , Data federation . Ontology
Engineering: Constructing Ontologies manually, Reusing Existing Ontologies, Semiautomatic
Ontology Acquisition, Ontology Mapping

Course Outcome:

1.Understand the semantic web Vision and technologies

2.Understand about ontology
3.Understanding about Data Web (Linked open data Cloud)

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Hitzler, Markus, Rudolph , “ Foundations of Semantic Web Technologies” ,

Chapman & Hall/CRC,2009,ISBN 9781420090505
2. Allemang , Hendler , “ Semantic Web for the working Ontologist” 2nd ed. Elsevier Pub
3. Liang Yu , “ Introduction to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services”, Chapman
& Hall/CRC
4. Antoniou , Harmelen , “A semantic Web Primer”, PHI Pub.
5. Rajendra Akerkar ,“ Foundations of Semantic Web” , Narosa Publishing ,NewDelhi

List of Experiments:

1. Working with XML

2. Working with XML Schema, DTD
3. Design of Ontology using RDF
4. Design RDF document with different Serialization format (e.g. tutle,N-triple)
5. Design of Ontology using RDFS
6. Design of Ontology using OWL
7. Case study : Pizza Ontology
8. Querying Ontology using SPARQL
9. Case Study : DBpedia
10. Case study : LOD Cloud
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PEC-CSIT702 (A) 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits
Theory & Coding


Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to study how information is measured in terms of probability and
entropy, and the relationships among conditional and joint entropies

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (08 hrs.)

Introduction : Information Theory, Information and entropy, joint and conditional entropy,
differential entropy, relative entropy, mutual information, relationship between entropy and
mutual information.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Source coding: Shannon’s source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Shannon Fano coding.
Channel Coding Channel capacity, binary symmetric channel, binary erasure channel,
Shannon’s channel coding theorem.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Linear Block Codes: Definition, properties, matrix description of linear block codes, generator and
parity check matrix, encoding of linear block codes, decoding of linear block codes, syndrome
decoding, standard array, co-sets, perfect codes, systematic block code, Hamming code.

Module 4: (08 hrs.)

Cyclic Codes: Introduction, properties of cyclic codes, polynomials and division algorithm, and
decoding of cyclic codes, matrix description of cyclic codes, burst error correction, cyclic
redundancy check. Circuit implementation of cyclic codes.

Module 5: (04 hrs.)

Convolution Codes: Introduction, tree codes and trellis codes, polynomial description of
convolution codes, distance notation, generating function, matrix description, viterbi decoding.
Course Outcome:

1. Understand information, entropy, mutual information and relationship.

2. Compare various source coding techniques and channel capacity.
3. Inspect error detection and correction inlinear block codes
4. Illustrate various concept of encoding circuits for cyclic codes
5. Understand the concept of convolution codes

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Das, Mullick and Chatterjee: Principles of Digital Communication, New Age

International Publishers.
2. Cover and Thomas: Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India.
3. Ranjan Bose: Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, TMH.
4. Lin and Costello: Error Control Coding, Pearson Education.
5. Moon: Error Correction Coding, Wiley India. 6. Wells: Applied Coding and Information
Theory for Engineers, Pearson Education
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PEC-CSIT702 (B) 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits


Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to learn the fundamentals of pattern recognition and its relevance to
classical and modern problems.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (08 hrs.)

Introduction – Definitions, data sets for Pattern, Application Areas and Examples of pattern
recognition, Design principles of pattern recognition system, Classification and clustering,
supervised Learning, unsupervised learning and adaptation, Pattern recognition
approaches, Decision Boundaries, Decision region , Metric spaces, distances.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Classification: introduction, application of classification, types of classification, decision
tree, naïve Bayes, logistic regression , support vector machine, random forest, K Nearest
Neighbor Classifier and variants, Efficient algorithms for nearest neighbor classification,
Different Approaches to Prototype Selection, Combination of Classifiers, Training set, test set,
standardization and normalization.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Different Paradigms of Pattern Recognition, Representations of Patterns and Classes,
Unsupervised Learning & Clustering: Criterion functions for clustering, Clustering Techniques:
Iterative square -error partitional clustering – K means, hierarchical clustering, Cluster validation.

Module 4: (06 hrs.)

Introduction of feature extraction and feature selection, types of feature extraction , Problem
statement and Uses, Algorithms - Branch and bound algorithm, sequential forward /
backward selection algorithms, (l, r) algorithm.
Module 5: (06 hrs.)
Recent advances in Pattern Recognition, Structural PR, SVMs, FCM, Soft computing and Neuro-
fuzzy techniques, and real-life examples, Histograms rules, Density Estimation, Nearest
Neighbor Rule, Fuzzy classification.

Course Outcome:

1. Understand the concept of a pattern and the basic approach to the development of pattern
2. Acquire the knowledge of classification, its types and normalization.
3. Understand unsupervised learning & clustering in pattern recognition
4. Understand the basic methods of feature extraction, feature evaluation, and data mining
5. Understand soft computing and fuzzy classification for recent advancements in pattern

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart and David G. Stork, “Pattern Classification”, 2nd Edition,
John Wiley,2006.
2. C.M. Bishop, “PatternRecognitionandMachineLearning”,Springer,2009.
3. S. Theodoridis and. Koutroumbas, “Pattern Recognition”, 4th Edition, academic
4. Robert Schalk off, “pattern Recognition: statistical, structural and neural approaches”,
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


PEC-CSIT702 (C) 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits


Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to provide a strong foundation on fundamental concepts in

Computational Intelligence and its application.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Introduction to Computational Intelligence; types of Computational Intelligence, components of
Computational Intelligence. Concept of Learning/ Training model. Parametric Models,
Nonparametric Models. Multilayer Networks: Feed Forward network, Feedback network.

Module 2: (14 hrs.)

Fuzzy Systems: Fuzzy set theory: Fuzzy sets and operations, Membership Functions, Concept of
Fuzzy relations and their composition, Concept of Fuzzy Measures; Fuzzy Logic: Fuzzy Rules,
Inferencing; Fuzzy Control - Selection of Membership Functions, Fuzzification, Rule Based
Design & Inferencing, Defuzzyfication.

Module 3: (08 hrs.)

Genetic Algorithms: Basic Genetics, Concepts, Working Principle, Creation of Offsprings,
Encoding, Fitness Function, Selection Functions, Genetic Operators-Reproduction, Crossover,
Mutation; Genetic Modeling, Benefits.

Module 4: (06 hrs.)

Rough Set Theory - Introduction, Fundamental Concepts, Set approximation, Rough membership,
Attributes, Optimization. Hidden Markov Models, Decision tree model.

Module 5: (06 hrs.)

Introduction to Swarm Intelligence, Swarm Intelligence Techniques: Ant Colony Optimization,
Particle Swarm Optimization, Bee Colony Optimization etc. Applications of Computational
Course Outcome:

1. Describe in-depth about theories, methods, and algorithms in computation Intelligence.

2. Compare and contrast traditional algorithms with nature inspired algorithms.
3. Examine the nature of a problem at hand and determine whether a computation intelligent
technique/algorithm can solve it efficiently enough.
4. Design and implement Computation Intelligence algorithms and approaches for
solving real-life problems.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Russell C. Eberhart and Yuhui Shi, Computational Intelligence: Concepts to

Implementations, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
2. Andries P. Engelbrecht, Computational Intelligence: An Introduction, Wiley Publishing.
Simon Haykin, Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall. David E.
Goldberg, Genetic Algorithm in Search Optimization and Machine Learning, Pearson
3. Jagdish Chand Bansal, Pramod Kumar Singh, Nikhil R. Pal, Evolutionary and swarm
Intelligence Algorithms, Springer Publishing, 2019.
4. S. Rajeskaran, G.A. Vijaylakshmi Pai, “Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic
Algorithms Synthesis and Applications”.
5. J.S. Roger Jang, C.T.Sun, E. Mizutani, “Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing: A
Computational Approach to Learning & Machine Intelligence”, PHI, 2002.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


Deep &
PEC-CSIT702 (D) Reinforcement 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits

Prerequisite: Machine Learning

Course Objective:

The objective of this course is to learn designing and implementation of deep and reinforcement
learning approaches using machine learning for solving real-life problems.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

History of Deep Learning, McCulloch Pitts Neuron, Thresholding Logic, Activation functions,
Gradient Descent (GD), Momentum Based GD, Nesterov Accelerated GD, Stochastic GD,
AdaGrad, RMSProp, Adam, Eigenvalue Decomposition. Recurrent Neural Networks,
Backpropagation through time (BPTT), Vanishing and Exploding Gradients, Truncated BPTT,
GRU, LSTMs, Encoder Decoder Models, Attention Mechanism, Attention overimages.

Module 2: (10 hrs.)

Autoencoders and relation to PCA, Regularization in autoencoders, Denoisingautoencoders,
Sparse autoencoders, Contractive autoencoders, Regularization: Bias Variance Tradeoff, L2
regularization, Early stopping, Dataset augmentation, Parameter sharing and tying, Injecting
noise at input, Ensemble methods, Dropout, Batch Normalization, Instance Normalization,
Group Normalization.

Module 3: (10 hrs.)

Greedy Layerwise Pre-training, Better activation functions, Better weight initialization methods,
Learning Vectorial Representations Of Words, Convolutional Neural Networks, LeNet, AlexNet,
ZF-Net, VGGNet, GoogLeNet, ResNet, Visualizing Convolutional Neural Networks, Guided
Backpropagation, Deep Dream, Deep Art, Recent Trends in Deep Learning Architectures.
Module 4: (08 hrs.)
Introduction to reinforcement learning(RL), Bandit algorithms – UCB, PAC,Median
Elimination, Policy Gradient, Full RL & MDPs, Bellman Optimality, Dynamic Programming -
Value iteration, Policy iteration, and Q-learning & Temporal Difference Methods, Temporal-
Difference Learning, Eligibility Traces, Function Approximation, Least Squares Methods

Module 5: (06 hrs.)

Fitted Q, Deep Q-Learning , Advanced Q-learning algorithms , Learning policies by imitating
optimal controllers , DQN & Policy Gradient, Policy Gradient Algorithms for Full RL,
Hierarchical RL,POMDPs, Actor-Critic Method, Inverse reinforcement learning, Maximum
Entropy Deep Inverse Reinforcement Learning, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning,
Recent Trends in RL Architectures.

Course Outcomes:
1. Describe in-depth about theories, models and algorithms in machine learning.
2. Compare and contrast different learning algorithms with parameters.
3. Examine the nature of a problem at hand and find the appropriate learning
algorithms and it’s parameters that can solve it efficiently enough.
4. Design and implement of deep and reinforcement learning approaches for solvingreal-
life problems.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. Deep Learning, An MIT Press book, Ian Goodfellow and YoshuaBengio and Aaron
2. Pattern Classification- Richard O. Duda, Peter E. Hart, David G. Stork, John Wiley &
Sons Inc.
3. Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction, Sutton and Barto, 2nd Edition.
4. Reinforcement Learning: State-of-the-Art, Marco Wiering and Martijn van Otterlo, Eds
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


E- Commerce &
OEC-CSIT701 (A) 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits
Web Technology

Prerequisite: Hypertext Markup Language

Course Objective:

The students will be able to understand fundamentals of web technology and e-commerce, types
and applications.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (08 hrs.)

Electronic Commerce and physical Commerce: Different type of e-commerce, e-commerce
scenarios, advantages of e-commerce. Business models: Feature of B2B e-commerce, Business
models, Integration. E-Services: category of e-services, Web- enabled services, Matchmaking
services, and information-selling on the web.

Module 2: (08 hrs.)

Internet payment system: Characteristics of payment system, 4C payments methods, SET
Protocol for credit card payment, E-cash, E-check, Micro payment system, Overview of
smart card, overview of Mondex. E-Governance: E-Governance architecture, Public private
partnership, Readiness, Security, Cyber Crime and Law, IT Act

Module 3: (08 hrs.)

Advanced technologies for e-commerce: Introduction to mobile agents. WAP: the enabling
technology : The WAP model, WAP Architecture, Benefit of WAP to e-commerce. Web
Security, Encryption Schemes, Secure Web documents, Digital signatures and firewalls.

Module 4: (08 hrs.)

Introduction to building blocks of electronic commerce: Internet and networking.
Technologies, IP addressing, ARP, RARP, BOOTP, DHCP, ICMP, DNS, TFTP, TELNET.
Module 5: (08 hrs.)
Static and dynamic web pages: tiers, plug-ins, frames and forms. Exposure to Markup
languages, HTML, DHTML, VRML, SGML, XML etc. CGI, Applets & Serve-lets, JSP &
JAVA Beans, active X control, ASP cookies creating and reading cookies, semantic web,
semantic web service ontology Comparative case study of Microsoft and JAVA technologies, web
server scalability,.Distributed objects, object request brokers, component technology, Web
services, Web application architectures, Browsers, Search engines.

Course Outcomes::

1. Understand the basic concepts and technologies used in the field of ecommerce.
2. Understand the processes of developing and implementing information systems.
3. Understand and apply the advance technology for e commerce.
4. Understand the basic building blocks for ecommerce.
5. Understand the role of different technologies for developing web pages.

Recommended Books:

1. Henry Chan, Raymond Lee, Tharam Dillon, E-Commerce Fundamental and

Applications, Willey Publication.
2. Minoli & Minoli, Web Commerce Technology Hand Book,TMH
3. Satyanarayana, E-Government, PHI
4. Web Technology, Achyut Godbole, Atul Kahate, TMH
5. Uttam K: Web Technologies, Oxford University Press.
6. G. Winfield Treese, Lawrence C. Stewart, Designing Systems for Internet Commerce,
Longman Pub.
7. Charles Trepper, E Commerce Strategies, Microsoft Press
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


OEC-CSIT701 (B) ROBOTICS 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits


Course Objective:

To understand the basic concepts associated with the design and Functioning and applications of
Robots. To study about the drives and sensors used in Robots.

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Fundamentals of Robot: Robot – Definition – Robot Anatomy – Co-ordinate Systems, Work
Envelope, types and classification – Specifications – Pitch, Yaw, Roll, Joint Notations, Speed of
Motion, Pay Load – Robot Parts and Functions – Need for Robots – Different Applications

Module 2: (12 hrs.)

Robot Drive Systems and End Effectors : Pneumatic Drives , Hydraulic Drives, Mechanical
Drives, Electrical Drives, D.C. Servo Motors, Stepper Motor, A.C. Servo Motors – Salient
Features, Applications and Comparison of Drives End Effectors – Grippers – Mechanical
Grippers, Pneumatic and Hydraulic Grippers, Magnetic Grippers, Vacuum Grippers; Two
Fingered and Three Fingered Grippers; Internal Grippers and External Grippers; Selection and
Design Considerations.

Module 3: (14 hrs.)

Sensors and Machine Vision: Requirements of a sensor, Principles and Applications of the
following types of sensors– Position of sensors (Piezo Electric Sensor, LVDT, Resolvers, Optical
Encoders, Pneumatic Position Sensors), Range Sensors (Triangulation Principle, Structured,
Lighting Approach, Time of Flight Range Finders, Laser Range Meters), Proximity Sensors
(Inductive, Hall Effect, Capacitive, Ultrasonic and Optical Proximity Sensors),Touch Sensors,
(Binary Sensors, Analogue Sensors), Wrist Sensors, Compliance Sensors, Slip Sensors. Camera,
Frame Grabber, Sensing and Digitizing Image Data – Signal Conversion, Image Storage, Lighting
Techniques. Image Processing and Analysis –Data Reduction: Edge detection, Feature Extraction
and Object Recognition -Algorithms. Applications– Inspection, Identification, Visual Serving and
Module 4: (04 hrs.)
Robot Kinematics and Robot Programming: Forward Kinematics, Inverse Kinematics and
Differences; Forward Kinematics and Reverse Kinematics of Manipulators with Two, Three
Degrees of Freedom (In 2Dimensional), Four Degrees of Freedom (In 3 Dimensional) – Deviations
and Problems. Teach Pendant Programming, Lead through programming, Robot programming
Languages – VAL Programming – Motion Commands, Sensor Commands, End effecter
commands, and Simple programs

Module 5: (04 hrs.)

Implementation and Robot Economics: RGV, AGV; Implementation of Robots in Industries –
Various Steps; Safety Considerations for Robot Operations; Economic Analysis of Robots – Pay
back Method, EUAC Method, Rate of Return Method.

Course Outcome:

1. Learn about knowledge for the design of robotics.

2 Learn about force and torque sensing
3. Understand different sensors and vision of machine
4. Understand robot kinematics and robot programming
5. Apply basics on an application of Robots

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. M. P. Groover, “Industrial Robotics – Technology, Programming and Applications”,

McGraw- Hill, 2001.
2. Saha S. , Introduction to Robotics , TMH.
3. Ghoshal Ashitava, Robotics, Fundamental Concepts and Analysis, Oxford.
4. Yu Kozyhev, Industrial Robots Handbook, MIR Publications.
IPS Academy
Institute of Engineering & Science
Department of Computer Science & Engineering


OEC-CSIT701 (C) 3L : 0T: 0P (3 hrs.) 3 credits


Course Objectives:

The objective of this course is to introduce students with knowledge about the basic functions and
applications of embedded systems, its protocols and softwares

Course Contents: (40 hrs.)

Module 1: (06 hrs.)

Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definition of embedded system, embedded systems vs.
general computing systems, history of embedded systems, classification, major application areas,
purpose of embedded systems, characteristics and quality attributes of embedded systems,
common design metrics, and processor technology: general purpose processor, application
specific processor, single purpose processor.

Module 2: (08 hrs.)

Embedded System Architecture: Von Neumann v/s Harvard architecture, instruction set
architecture, CISC and RISC instructions set architecture, basic embedded processor,
microcontroller architecture, CISC & RISC examples: 8051, ARM, DSP processors.

Module 3: (08 hrs.)

Input Output and Peripheral Devices Timers and counters, watchdog timers, interrupt controllers,
PWM, keyboard controller, analog to digital converters, real time clock. Introduction to
communication protocols: basic terminologies, concepts, serial protocol: I2C, CAN, firewire,
USB. Parallel protocols: PCI bus, IrDA, bluetooth, IEEE 802.11, wireless protocols.

Module 4: (10 hrs.)

Memory System Architecture Caches, virtual memory, MMU, address translation, memory and
interfacing , memory write ability and storage performance. Memory types, composing
memory – advance RAM interfacing, microprocessor interfacing I/O addressing, interrupts, direct
memory access, arbitration multilevel bus architecture.
Module 5: (08 hrs.)
Embedded System Supporting Technologies Difference between normal OS and RTOS,
scheduling algorithms. Case study: Tiny OS, VxWorks, QNX. Overview of VLSI
technology, introduction to device drivers. Case studies: washing machine, air-conditioning, auto
focus camera.

Course Outcomes:
1. Explain the embedded system concepts and architecture of embedded systems.
2. Describe the architecture of 8051 microcontroller and write embedded program for
8051 microcontroller.
3. Select elements for an embedded systems tool.
4. Understand the memory types used in embedded systems.
5. Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability.

List of Text / Reference Books:

1. F Vahid, T Giogarvis, Embedded systems: A unified hardware/software approach, Wiley,

2. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems Introduction, 2nd Ed., TMH publication, 2015.
3. David E Simons, An Embedded Software Primer, Pearson, 1999.

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