Project 2 - Brett Williams
Project 2 - Brett Williams
Project 2 - Brett Williams
for art, and AI generated art. What you should be able to take away from this writing is that these
problems are taking away the jobs, opportunities, and humanity in art. These problems are worth
talking about because they are important things for art. The cost of art supplies is way too
expensive just like everything else in today’s economy. The lack of support for art is a big one to
me because it is the reason, I’m changing my major because art classes are only 3 credit hours
but it’s a 3 hour class twice a week plus with no art building the art classes I had were in random
places not meant for it and I would also talk a little bit about the lack of money in art jobs.The
last thing is ai art because ai art steals other artist content and mashes it together and it could lead
The cost of art supplies is way too expensive and that takes away a lot of opportunities
for people to do art. And you have to use higher quality materials because if you don’t the art
won’t look as good and this is shown in the article “The Relation of Quality of Artwork” by Pete
J. Carr, Robert D. Clements. Where it says that when using expensive materials disadvantaged
children created significantly more high quality artwork than did the advantaged children, but
when they used inexpensive materials there was no difference. Also, since the prices of just a
100 page 9 in. by 12 in. The sketchbook is $16 on amazon. A box of paints cost $55 If just a
sketchbook and paint is $16 then materials for a class is in the hundreds of dollars. I also was
told my freshman year that “art is one of the most expensive majors someone can go into.”Also
the fact that art jobs don’t pay enough too there is a 61.2% of artists that have a full time 2nd job
and 31.3% that work a part time 2nd job and only 7.5% of artist have varying hours as a 2nd job.
The lack of support for art in today is everywhere even here at App State, because how
the times of the classes are laid out makes it seem like they don’t care about your mental health
or you in general, they have strict attendance policies which is one of the dumbest rules in my
opinion, They only give you 3 credit hours even though you are doing 3 hour classes twice a
week with crazy deadlines that make you work even more. We don’t even have an art building
right now at App State. They could of easily have had it done by now, but App state doesn’t care
so it’s still under construction. Artists also make very little money according to “Why are Artists
Poor?” by Abbing Hans. So that also shows how little support there is for artists.
Ai is going to make digital art worthless because even as of right now there is new ai
coming out that is making the digital art more and more realistic looking. Ai art also takes a
bunch of artist work without credit to form its Ai art. The impact that ai art has on artists
according to “AI and its Impact on Artists” by Harry H. Jiang, and others. Says that there will be
a loss of jobs because corporations are going to try and automate their jobs with ai. There will be
an economic loss with ai and it is taking over the artists jobs because there will be more people
These are the problems that occur in my major, things like ai generated art, no support for
artists, and expensive art materials and they all have an impact on jobs, opportunities, and
humanity in art.
Worked Cited
Researcher, Harry H. Jiang Independent, et al. “Ai Art and Its Impact on Artists:
Abbing, Hans. “Why Are Artists Poor? : The Exceptional Economy of the Arts.”
writers, for “Sample Findings.” National Endowment for the Arts, Accessed 7
Mar. 2024.
Hi Brett! I really enjoyed reading about your stance on the art community and how they are
underappreciated. I completely agree with your stance that art is an underappreciated
profession/major. I hadn’t really thought about it before since my major is so different but your
article made me realize just how much help art departments need. I say this because this was the
whole point of this project and you did a great job of making me, your reader, think about a
department outside of my own. I also appreciate you incorporating AI into your article. I haven’t
heard as much about how AI interferes with art-related professions as much as literature-related
professions. I liked the information that you provided in your article but I feel like it could use a
little more detail. For example, in your second paragraph, a few things you could expand on
include why are expensive art supplies thought to be better than cheaper art supplies? Why don’t
the cheaper materials produce the same quality work as the expensive materials? Why is art such
an expensive major? Does the price of this major cause students to avoid going into this major?
These questions could allow you to expand on your information within the article and clear up
any questions the reader may have. I liked your comment in paragraph one about how the
economy plays a huge role in this issue. Unfortunately, inflation is a growing issue in the US and
art is just one of the many departments it negatively affects. I recommend that you hyperlink
your in-text references to articles. This will allow for the reader to see exactly where your
information is coming from. A recommendation that I have for your final draft of the article
would be to maybe add a picture that relates to art. I feel like having visuals, especially in an
editorial article, can really help the reader understand what you are talking about. Also, you may
already be planning on it but I would recommend that you expand your conclusion a little more.
It doesn’t need much work but maybe another sentence or two! Overall, you did a great job
discussing the issues that the art profession has and I have learned so much already! You
definitely seem passionate about this topic, which is great when writing an editorial. I feel like
you have hit all of the main points that are needed for this project. Great work! - Madison
Hey Brett! Great work here, I enjoyed reading and gaining an understanding of how art is an
underappreciated major/profession. I had never really thought about this much being that my
major is completely different, and my major is really all I am worried about but you have really
enlightened me and I am sure you will enlighten others as well. It certainly sounds to me like the
art program at App is being neglected. With the expensive tuition that we all pay you would think
that you would be able to finish an art building for the art majors. I also agree that it does not
make any sense heo a three credit hour class is a three hour class twice a week, really seems
like that should be a six credit hour class. I think one thing you mentioned that we all can
certainly agree on is the fact that everything in today's economy costs way too much. $16 for a
simple sketch book is absurd. If a sketchbook costs that much I don't even want to know what
some other things cost. But I feel for you there, everything I do seems to cost a ton of money. I
can certainly see how AI genterated art would be a bad thing for the art community. It takes
away from the talent that you have to have to create art, which is not easy. I took a few art
classes in high school so I figured out the hard way that it is not easy and you have to have
great attention to detail. Ican aslo see how AI genterated art would devalue art. It can be
produced much faster than traditional art so you can do more of it in a shorter amount of time
which would mean making more money. But also taking away from true artists who put the time
into their work. Overall Brett I think you did a really good job on this. I think you checked all the
main points. The only thing I think you could do better is try to elaborate just a little bit more. I
think listing the prices of some more srt supplies would further make your point a little more. I
know we did have a window for how many words we were supposed to write so that may or may
not be feasible. If it is, I think it would do a lot for your work.- Reece Hagwood
Reflection- For this Project I completed my peer review by reading their writing and seeing if it
made sense and if anything needed to be corrected. Completing these peer reviews helped me
revise my own essay by realising that I needed to change my citations and that I would need to
add some more details in my writing. This project has helped me have a better understanding of
how to contribute to the conversation on how art supplies are too expensive, how there is a lack
of support for art, and how AI generated art impacts artists.If I were to do this project agin I
would revise what I’m doing it on since it was supposed to be on climate justice in my major. My
process of brainstorming was good because I thought of many different things and then chose
one. One process I would change would be my drafting because I didn’t draft. I just started
writing because I didn’t have enough time to draft. One thing that definitely needs improvement
is my procrastination because I always end up waiting too long. Besided those things though, I
think my process of writing isn’t too bad.
Genre: 3/5 I think I did alright for my genre. The only thing that I would have
changed and taken points off is that I didn’t do climate justice in my
● Demonstrates major. I did and Justice.
anticipation of genre
and audience
expectations in your
own writing.
● Demonstrates careful
research on the
genre chosen.
● Demonstrates
understanding of
genre of Op-Ed
and/or informative/
● Demonstrates
creativity and critical
● Is sufficiently
● Shows effective use
of citations in
Rhetoric: 4/5 I think I did a solid job on rhetoric because I
● Demonstrates understand the situation that I am talking about.
understanding of
rhetorical situation
and audience needs
specific to the
● Demonstrates aim
that adds to the
conversation and
informs the audience
of something they
might not know or
have thought about
in that way
● Appeals to audience
effectively using
emotional, logical,
and ethical appeals
● Builds credibility
effectively through
(hyperlinked where
appropriate), logical
structure, and ethos.
Research: 5/5 I have sources and citations that are done right.
● Uses sufficient
textual examples and
provides sufficient
evidence for claims
including scholarly
● Demonstrates
analysis of genre,
author/s, purpose,
audience, context,
sources, content
level, format,
language and visuals.
● Uses sufficient
textual examples.
● Shows effective use
of citation
(hyperlinks and
works cited at the
end in field’s format)
Labor/Process: 5/5 I submitted everything on time.
● participated in good
faith in the drafting,
peer review, revision,
and reflection
process and
submitted in a timely
TOTAL: 17/20
Dear Brett,
Some good work here, and I appreciate that you did some revision based on the feedback.
However, I think this piece needed significantly more revision than what you have been able to
do thus far. I tend to agree with your self assessment. I also think there was a lost opportunity
here to lean into the social justice aspect of this assignment. Let me know if you still want to
Dr. W