High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy Correlation and

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E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.


High Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy Correlation and

Sedimentary Model of Braided Rivers: A Case on Paleogene
Palogue Oilfield, South Sudan
Zhao Ning*1, Gao Xia1, Chen Zhongmin1, Huang Jiangqin2 and Zhang Guangya1
1PetroChinaResearch Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development, 100083 Beijing, China
2CECEP L&T Environmental Technology, 100085 Beijing, China

Abstract: Complicated fluvial sands correlation and braided river models are still challenges for
heterogeneous anisotropic reservoir evaluation for petroleum development in oilfields. Based on
high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology, core observation, and the analysis of logging and
seismic data, high-resolution sequence stratigraphy framework of Paleogene Yabus formation of Palogue
Oilfield, South Sudan is established, and sedimentary characteristics of braided rivers are analyzed, (1) In
braided river deposits, channel bars are usually pro-gradating seawards and going thicker upwards. And
braided channels are retro-gradating landwards and going thinner upwards. Both of them can be subdivided
into channel (bar) trunks and channels (bar) flanks, showing vertical stacking and lateral migration; (3) As
the A/S (Accommodation space/sediments supply) increasing upwards, braided river sands are shifting
frequently as a reciprocating migration in Yabus V/VI, and they are more stable as the A/S decreasing
upwards as a vertical aggradation in Yabus VII/VIII; (4) With 77 wells sedimentary microfacies
identification, sand thickness and sand/bed ratio distribution, sedimentary facies distribution of all members
and zones are analyzed. According to the A/S change, three braided river models are concluded, including
isolated channel type (high A/S period), crossed channels type (medium A/S period), and superposed
channels type (low A/S period).

passive continental margin on seismic data, sequence

stratigraphy can be identified by different levels of
1 Introduction truncations or unconformity, such as onlaps, downlaps,
Several braided river models have been concluded toplaps. on seismic reflection configuration (Fig.1A).
according to bed geometry, flow and sedimentary process However, in a fluvial or a deep lake or marine deposits,
[1], or sediment type, sinuosity, braiding parameter and where lack of these regional seismic reflections, it is
characteristic elements [2]. They all considered about difficult to figure out sequence boundary, even sequence
flow mechanism, characteristics of braided river deposits, stratigraphy correlation. Therefore, doing strata
and summed up braided river models according to grain correlation according to lithology surface (sands – shales
size, sinuosity, bed geometry, and sedimentary mutation) or physical surface (overlaps or unconformity)
micro-facies units. However, they didn’t establish the is not adapt to sequence stratigraphy division and
relationship between flow mechanism and characteristics correlation of braided river deposit for their quick-change
of braided river deposits. Taking braided river deposits in river channels (Fig.1B). when doing with thick overlaid
Yabus formation in Pal block of Palogue oilfield, South sands correlation, as shown in Fig.1C (Paul Weimer,
Sudan 3/7 Area as an example, this text applied outcrops 2009), how can we deal with it. These are problems when
and cores observation, well logs and seismic inversion doing braided river study.
data of braided river deposits, doing analysis of
sedimentary characteristics and depositional evolution,
and concluded sedimentary models according to
accommodation space and sediments supply (A/S) view
of high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. These models
can illustrate the relationship between braided river
characteristics and A/S change.
In the theory of sequence stratigraphy originated from

* Corresponding author: E-mail: williams8021@petrochina.com.cn. ZHAO Ning, Tel: +86 10 8359 3191, Fax: +86 10 83598042.
Address: No.20, Xueyuan road, Haidian district, Beijing, China.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

braided river deposits for its low precision, high

resolution sequence stratigraphy (HRSS) theory is used.
Based on this theory, (1) base level is a potentiometric
surface, not a definite one, and (2) in high
Accommodation / Sedimentary supply (A/S),
sedimentary facies preservation is good, vertical
gradation is clear, and sands are isolated distributed
vertically; In low A/S, sedimentary facies preservation is
bad, vertical gradation is unclear, and sands are
superposed vertically; (3) Depositional volume is
Fig.1 Questions in sequence stratigraphy of fluvial deposits (A. different according to various depositional environment;
Adaptability of sequence stratigraphy theory; B. Correlation (4) According to the variation of accommodation and
standard: lithology surface or physical surface; C. Continuity of
overlaid sand correlation and geological outcrop according to
sediment supply, base level shows a dynamic balance,
Paul Weimer, 2009) deposition or erosion (starvation), and rising and falling
periods can be divided in one cycle. Therefore, this
theory creates a new correlation standard, not restricted
to definite unconformity surfaces. Therefore, it is
2 Geological Settings adaptable to multi-periods deposits, especially overlaid
sands correlation.
Melut basin locates on northeast South Sudan (Fig.2A), From Cretaceous to Neogene, the oilfield structure
and southern part of east central Africa shear zones, with changes from rifting into depressing period (the 1st grade
a narrow northwestern and wide southeastern wedge sequence), and between these two periods, regional
shape (Fig.2B) and 33.2*103 km2. It has five half-graben unconformity was spreading the whole oilfield (Fig.3).
depressions, i.e., northern, eastern, center, southern and From Paleocene to Oligocene epoch, one intact base
western depression, echelon arranging in NW-SE level cycle (BLC, the 2nd grade sequence) was included,
direction, and one western uplift, and northern depression and maximum flooding surface is in Adar formation with
is the largest, with 3500 km2 area. Melut is a medium amplitude, low frequency and week continuity
Mesozoic-Cenozoic intracontinental rift basin, induced in seismic (Fig.3). Yabus (Y) and Samaa formation each
by central Africa shear zones slant rifting [3-4]. Palogue have one intact BLC (the 3rd grade sequence), including
oilfield locates on northwest Melut basin (Fig.2B). It is rising and falling period. Comparing the two formations,
an anticline structural belt, raised by basement uplifting, Samaa formation is more sandy, with week amplitude,
with nearly 530km2, separated by northwest to southeast low frequency and week continuity in seismic. However,
direction faults, and can be divided into 10 blocks Yabus formation is more shaly, and YI-YIII
(Fig.2C), and Pal block is one of most oil productive sub-formations upwards are more shaly, with high
areas, more than five million barrels amplitude, medium frequency and low continuity in
totally. seismic, than YIV-YVIII sub-formations downwards,
with high amplitude, high frequency and high continuity
in seismic reflection (Fig.3). Therefore, high resolution
sequence stratigraphy division schedule of Palogue
oilfield has been constructed.
The progress of HRSS correlation, which is the key
step for braided river sands distribution study, concludes
four steps [5-9]. (1) Choosing a stable, large distribution,
and easy tracing marker, and usually choose thick shales
in a stable depositional environment as a regional marker.
According to well logs, 20-30m thick shales in Adar
formation can be the regional marker in this area. The
thickness of marker is relatively stable, and easy tracing
Fig.2 Location and structural background of Palogue oilfield. in seismic sections; (2) Combining geological and
Melut basin, South Sudan (A. location of Melut basin, northeast
geographical methods, such as seismic data consulting,
South Sudan; B. Structural background of Melut basin, the
lighter color, the structural higher, and Palogue oilfield on well logs correlation and core observation, and matching
northwestern uplifts in Melut basin; C. 10 blocks of Palogue the results of such methods. Considering the process of
oilfield, and Pal block is one of anticlines in the oilfield, braided river formation, from the hydraulic power
divided by large faults) change view, sequence stratigraphy division on cores has
been done, according to colors, beddings and sand/shale
type of cores (Fig.4). Further, analysis about well logs
and seismic data gives more information about regional
3 High resolution sequence sequence stratigraphy, and also hydraulic power change;
stratigraphy (3) Identifying multi-grade rising and falling BLC
periods, and transitional surfaces, including sequence
Considering about seismic sequence stratigraphy division boundary or maximum flooding surfaces. Sequence
cannot give the fine results about frequently changing stratigraphy division should follow the progress, from the

E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

lower grade (unconformities in seismic and well logs for loading capacity when deposition happens. As shown in
the whole area) to the higher grade (hydraulic changes in Fig.4, hydraulic power variates with BLC change. Cores
cores observation). Core color (black, brown, green, red color, beddings and sand/shale type give the result of
or white) give some information about the environment, hydraulic power variation, changing from channel bars in
such as oxidation – deoxidation condition, rock primary falling BLC cycle to braided channels in primary
components or strata characteristics; beddings (horizontal rising BLC cycle. With well logs, sedimentary facies
bedding, wave bedding, oblique bedding, trough cross identification Jumping particles are priority in shallow
bedding, and so on) show hydrodynamic condition, i.e., layers and suspending particles are priority in lower
laminar / turbulent flow, relatively strong or weak; and layers shown in grain size probability cumulative curves
sand/shale type (shale, slits or sand layer) indicates (Fig.4).

Fig.3 High resolution sequence stratigraphy framework and structure background from Cretaceous to Neogene (the left figure shows
high resolution sequence stratigraphy framework in the whole Palogue oilfield, from Paleogene to Neogene period, it shows rising
stage the 1st grade BLC, and Paleogene period concludes one intact 2nd grade BLC and three the 3rd grade BLCs. Moreover, Yabus
formation can be divided into three the 4th grade BLCs and eight the 5th grade BLCs, according to well logs variation; the right figure
shows tectonic change from rifting to depressing and seismic characteristics changing from Paleogene to Neogene period. Adar
formation is more shaly, and Samaa formation is more sandy, compared with Yabus formation. Moreover, YI-YIII sub-formation is
more shaly compared by YIV-YVIII sub-formation.)

Fig.4 High resolution sequence stratigraphy division in core observation, well logs and grain size probability cumulative curves

Therefore, high resolution sequence stratigraphy

When doing the sequence stratigraphy correlation, framework has been built.
sediments distribution both in lateral and planar should
be considered. Compared with well sections both vertical
and parallel to provenance supply direction, strata trend
and bed thickness are different. Strata is always uneven,
fluctuated, and bed thickness is frequently changed with
25-50m thickness vertical to provenance supply direction;
however, strata is stable with anticline shape across the
section, and bed thickness has little difference with
30-35m thickness parallel to provenance supply direction.

E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

upwards, forming the rising stage BLC of the 5th grade

sequence, and the thickness of sands turns smaller
upwards, still composing the rising stage BLC with the
4th grade sequence in Fig.7B. Sometimes, shales in
braided river depositional system may be considered near
the flooding surface for their fine grain size, and
normally locate on the transformation from the rising to
falling stage BLC. (3) However, calcareous nodules in
red shales are growing less and smaller upwards in the
Fig.5 Braided river outcrop in petrified wood national
rising stage BLC, and shrinkage cracks or vertisols are
geological park in Beijing, China (A. Braided river channel well developed in falling stage BLC, indicating an
sands overlaid vertically, B period I, II, III, IV and V; from C to exposed or uncovered depositional environment, and
F, hydraulic power is increasing downwards, and channel bars paleosol layers with calcareous nodules locate in the
show both vertical stacking and lateral migration.) center, which show a very drought condition from falling
to rising stage BLC transformation for its low
accumulation space. Four BLCs of braided river deposits,
4 Sedimentary characteristics and from paleosol layers with calcareous nodules to red
models shales (Fig.7D) and then to thick gravels upwards
forming one intact BLC. Moreover, from thick gravels to
red shales and then to paleosol layers upwards
4.1 Outcrops of braided river deposits constituting another intact BLC, and then repeating the
depositional progress again (Fig.7C). Therefore,
Braided river outcrops observation can give some hydrodynamic mechanism of braided river sands
information about sedimentary face types, hydrodynamic formation, superposition and correlation are figured out
condition, paleotopography in depositional period, sands through outcrops observation.
vertical superposed stacking patterns and lateral
distribution law. In braided river deposits, many scholars
may think vertical superposition is the main stacking
pattern of braided channel or channel bar sands (Fig.5A,
Fig.5B, Fig.7B), as shown in Fig.7, three sand layers
constitute the rising stage BLC, with 25-35cm sand
thickness vertically, and 20-25cm sand thickness laterally.
As in petrified wood national geological park braided
river channels deposits, one rising stage BLC of the 3rd
grade sequence can be subdivided into five rising stages
BLC of the 4th grade sequence. Moreover, three stages of Fig.6 Braided river outcrop of lower Cretaceous in Hebei,
China (Five periods braided river sands deposits, including
sands overlaid vertically in each period, and sands
braided river channels and channel bars.)
thickness grows thinner upwards (Fig.5B) (1) However,
braided river sands always show vertical superposing and
lateral migrating in nature, for the frequent water flow
changing. As in petrified wood national geological park
channel bar deposits, sand layers are showing a
reciprocating stacking pattern, indicating frequently
changing back and forth water flow mechanism,
hydraulic power is increasing downwards, from wave
bedding, oblique bedding, week trough cross bedding to
trough cross bedding, showing the rising stage BLC
vertically. Moreover, channel bars show both vertical
stacking and lateral migration (Fig.5C-Fig.5F). (2)
Moreover, braided channels and channel bars always Fig.7 Braided river outcrop in the 4th member of Quantou
interact with each other, showing lateral stacking patterns formation in Jilin, China (A. Braided river channel sands
(Fig.6, Fig.7A), as main braided channels contacting with overlaid vertically and migrated laterally; B. Three stages of
channel bar flanks or main channel bars joint with sands are overlaid vertically; C. Four BLCs of braided river
braided channel flanks, and sometimes braided channel deposits, from paleosol layers with calcareous nodules to red
sands act as a progradation or retrogradation pattern, shales (D) and then to thick gravels upwards forming one intact
showing water flow direction in deposition. As shown in BLC.)
Fig.6, braided channels and channel bars are vertical
stacking and lateral migrating with each other. Braided 4.2 Sedimentary facies classification and
channel sands are multi-period overlaid vertically, with distribution
gravels directional arrangement at the bottom and
parallel beddings in the center. Three stages of sands are According to core data, outcrops and well logs, two
overlaid vertically, with grain size grows smaller sedimentary sub-facies and five microfacies of braided

E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

river deposits are identified (Table.1), including channel Channel bars are coarse grain sands blocking fine grain
sub-facies (i.e., braided channel, channel bar, channel sands in river center or flank for hydraulic power change,
suspension) and inter-channel sub-facies (i.e., overbank, caused by braided channels frequent change and
flooding plain), and braided channel and channel bar are topography modification. They are grey, green or white
most important sands in braided river reservoirs. Braided color, from medium sandstones to coarse sandstones
channels are grey or green color, from conglomeratic upwards (coarsing upwards), with thick monolayer (the
coarse sandstones to fine sandstones upwards (fining thickness is 8-30m) and thick overlaid multilayers
upwards), with thin monolayer (the thickness is no more vertically. Oblique beddings, trough cross beddings with
than 10m) and overlaid multilayers vertically. Trough erosion surface at the bottom and shale interlayers
cross beddings, oblique beddings or parallel beddings between sand layers are well developed, indicating high
with erosion surface at the bottom are well developed, hydraulic power and frequent change water flows.
indicating high hydraulic power and quickly stacking Therefore, they usually show “jugged box or funnel”
depositional condition. Therefore, shales can hardly shape in GR (coarsing upwards), with prograding
deposit, showing “bell or box” shape in GR (fining seawards and different direction axis of elliptical shape in
upwards). For its multi-periods and interval flooding flow, lateral distribution (Fig.6). Like braided channels,
braided channels are retrograding landwards and channel bars can also be divided into bar trunks and bar
frequently changing in lateral distribution (Fig.6). flanks. However, according to different accumulation
Moreover, according to different accumulation space, space, bar trunks are formed in low A/S period, with
channel trunks are formed in high A/S period, with wide-shallow transverse bars, high provenance supply,
narrow-deep river bed, low provenance supply, fine grain coarse grain size, and lateral migration on the priority;
size, intraclast bounder clay at the bottom and lots of bar flanks are formed in high A/S period, with
fine-grain overflows; channel flanks are formed in low narrow-deep longitudinal bars, low provenance supply,
A/S period, with wide-shallow river bed, high fine grain size, and vertical staking on the priority
provenance supply, coarse grain size, interclast bounder (Table.1).
clay at the bottom and little overflow deposits (Table.1).
Table.1 Sedimentary facies division of braided river (Braided channels and channel bars can be divided into channel (bar) trunks and
channel (bar) flanks according to their relative location)

Microfacie Example
Facies Subfacies Lithology log response
from fine sands to gravel,
braided from oblique-bedding to bell shape, positive
channel trough cross bedding, finer cycle
from fine sands to coarse
sands, from oblique-bedding funnel shape,
channel channel bar
to trough cross bedding, inverse cycle
coarsing upwards
high GR, usually
braide channel block boulder, no bedding, developed in the
d river suspension no cycle upwards bottom of braided
from silts to fine sands, from
parallel bedding to small funnel shape,
cross bedding, coarsing inverse rhythm
interchann upwards
from silts to shales, usual high GR, usual
flood plain horizontal bedding or wave thinner than
bedding, no cycle vertically meandering river
Comparing sedimentary micro-facies of braided river
sands with parallel to or vertical to provenance supply
direction, sands distributions are different. When parallel
to provenance supply direction, braided channels are
relatively stable, and channel bars are vertical
superposing more than lateral migrating, with good sands
continuity, for high accumulation space and low
provenance supply (Fig.8A); however, when vertical to
provenance supply direction, braided channels are
frequently changed, channel bars are lateral migrating
more than vertical superposing, with bad sands continuity,
for low accumulation space and high provenance supply

E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

Fig.10 Sedimentary micro-facies distribution of braided river

sands in every zone (from upper YV-1-1~3 to lower YV-2-1~2
or YV-3-1~2 zones, braided river sands shows the rising period
Fig.8 Sedimentary micro-facies of braided river sands of BLC change, that is from high A/S to low A/S change.)
correlation with different direction (A. Braided river sands
correlation parallel to provenance supply; B. Braided river
sands correlation vertical to provenance supply.)
4.3 Sedimentary facies models of braided river
According to 77 wells microfacies identification, deposits
sand thickness and sand/bed ratio calculation, braided
According to water level, bed structural and grain size,
rive sands distribution in every zone and every sand layer
nine kinds of braided river model were concluded by A.D.
have been done. From the top to the bottom, braided
Miall (1996), i.e., gravel-bed braided river with sediment
channels are changing from narrow distributed, single
gravity flow, shallow gravel-bed braided river, deep
channel to wide distributed, crossed channel, and the
gravel-bed braided river, low sinuosity river with
long axis of channel bars vary from NW-SE (parallel to
alternate bras, shallow perennial sand-bed braided river,
provenance supply) to SW-NE (vertical to provenance
deep perennial sand-bed braided river, high energy
supply), with larger and larger distribution. As shown in
sand-bed braided river, distal sheet flood sand-bed river,
Fig.9, braided channels and channel bars are changing
flashy ephemeral sheet flood sand-bed river [2].
from narrow, single channel to crossed channel, and
According to braided river formation and A/S change,
channel bars are larger and larger from zone YV1 to zone
three types of braided river sedimentary model are
YV3 with A/S decreasing downwards. Moreover,
concluded. In the high A/S period, braided channels are
compared with every sub-zone of Yabus formation
separated with each other, overbanks are developed
(Fig.10), braided channels and channel bars show the
between channels, and most of channel bars are small
same changes as every zone in Fig.9, and also more
and arbitrary assembling. Therefore, it is can also be
sands distribution downwards in every sub-zone with A/S
called isolated channel type, and characterized by poor
sands and rich shales (Fig.11A). This isolated channel
type of braided river is in high accommodation space and
low sediments supply condition, and transits to
meandering river with hydrodynamic power decreasing
in a lower elevation. However, in low A/S period,
braided channels are superposed with each other; and
most of channel bars are large compared to isolated
channel type, and always along with currents direction.
So it can also be called superposed channel type, and
characterized by rich sands and poor shales (Fig.11C).
Fig.9 Sedimentary microfacies distribution of braided river This superposed channel type of braided river is in low
sands with seismic inversion results (according to microfacies accommodation space and high sediments supply
identification, sand thickness and sand/bed ratio calculation, condition. In medium A/S period, braided channels are
braided rive sands distribution from zone YV-1 to zone YV-3) intersected with each other; and most of channel bars are
also arbitrary assembling, and it is called crossed channel
type, and characterized by medium sand shale ratio
(Fig.11B). This crossed channel type of braided river is
in relatively lower accommodation space and higher
sediments supply condition with the former one, and
transits into superposed channel type with more sand
content. For example, Congo river goes from northeast to
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E3S Web of Conferences 53, 03024 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20185303024

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