10.1515 - Bejm 2022 0039
10.1515 - Bejm 2022 0039
10.1515 - Bejm 2022 0039
Abstract: This paper explores the macroeconomic impact of social unrest, using
a novel index based on news reports. It shows that unrest has an adverse effect
on economic activity, with GDP remaining on average 0.2 percent below the pre-
unrest baseline six quarters after a one-standard deviation increase in the unrest
index. Moreover, results are robust to instrumenting via regional unrest to address
potential endogeneity concerns. Unrest “events”, captured by a large change in
the unrest index, result in a more pronounced decline in GDP—a 1 percent reduc-
tion six quarters after the event—but impacts differ by type of event. The adverse
impact of unrest on activity is mainly associated with sharp contractions in man-
ufacturing and services, and consumption. However, it can be mitigated by strong
institutions and by a country’s policy space (such as fiscal space and exchange rate
We thank the editor, Tiago Cavalcanti, and two anonymous referees for excellent suggestions. We are
very grateful to Philip Barrett for kindly sharing the social unrest data and for valuable comments. The
paper also benefitted from helpful comments by Oded Galor, Elena Ianchovichina, Deniz Igan, Aart
Kraay, Inci Otker, Martin Rama, Daniel Riera-Crichton, Bob Rijkers, Guillermo Vuletin, and participants
at the IMF WHD Seminar, the World Bank ABCDE Conference, and the World Bank LAC Chief Economist
Office Seminar. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board, or IMF management. All errros are our own.
1 Introduction
The frequency of social unrest has increased recently (Figure 1), with impor-
tant social political, and economic ramifications across the globe. In 2019, social
unrest events affected a large and diverse set of countries, ranging from advanced
economies (France and the People’s Republic of China Hong Kong Special Admin-
istrative Region) to emerging market economies (Chile and Lebanon). The Global
Peace Index (2020) suggests that the number of riots, general strikes and anti-
government demonstrations around the world increased by 244 per cent over the
last decade (2011–2019). Importantly, these unrest events have affected the lives and
livelihoods of millions of persons around the world.
Following a brief decline in the first year of the pandemic, social unrest could be
further accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic (Barrett and Chen 2021). The Coro-
navirus crisis has been having profound health and socio-economic implications
across various groups in society, with its adverse impact appearing particularly
concentrated among the most vulnerable segments of the population. In this con-
text, recent studies suggest that the pandemic could further exacerbate inequality
and poverty (Furceri et al. 2020; IMF 2020). Thus, to the extent that these socio-
economic variables are important drivers of popular discontent, social unrest could
be further fueled by the pandemic. Preliminary findings for 2021 suggest that the
frequency of unrest events has indeed started increasing (see Figure 1). In addition,
the ongoing cost of living crisis may further raise concerns about social unrest.
In light of these concerns, this paper uses a novel, high-frequency, index of
social unrest constructed by Barrett et al. (2022) to explore the macroeconomic
impact of social unrest episodes. In particular, using this novel index, the paper
applies the local projection method proposed by Jordà (2005) to address the follow-
ing questions: How does social unrest affect economic activity? What sectors and
components of aggregate demand are more likely to be adversely affected? Can
the adverse economic implications of social unrest be dampened by strong institu-
tions and available policy space? Are emerging markets and advanced economies
affected similarly? Do different types of unrest (by intensity and origin) have differ-
ent effects?
Results point to sizeable short-to medium-term economic costs associated with
episodes of social unrest. On average, economic activity declines sharply following
spikes in the unrest index or after an unrest event. For comparison, the average
impact of social unrest events that we estimate in this paper is larger than the
impact on oil exporters’ GDP of a typical oil price plunge and is comparable to the
impact of an oil price plunge combined with a recession (World Bank 2020). It is
also comparable to the impact of a fiscal consolidation of around 1 percent of GDP
(Carriere-Swallow, David, and Leigh 2021).
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Figure 1: Frequency of unrest events. Authors’ calculations based on Barrett, Appendino, Nguyen and de Leon Miranda (2022).
919 — The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
920 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
1 See Section 5 in Barrett et al. (2022) for a comparison of the index used in this paper with other
measures of social unrest found in the literature.
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 921
The pickup in episodes of social unrest around the globe in recent years has
raised the interest in understanding the causes and consequences of these events,
including through recent work at the IMF. Bernal-Verdugo, Furceri, and Guillaume
(2013) use the Cross-National Time Series Data (CNTS) to study the economic impact
of social and political instability and find evidence that these types of events
can have adverse effects on GDP that can last up to three years. More recently,
Barrett et al. (2021) investigate the effects of social unrest on stock markets across
the world. Hlatshwayo and Redl (2021) examine the macro-criticality of social unrest
and use machine-learning techniques to forecast future unrest. Saadi Sedik and Xu
(2020) investigate the dynamics among social unrest, major pandemic in history,
economic growth, and inequality.
Our paper expands this literature along two dimensions. First, by using the
data constructed by Barrett et al. (2022), this paper is able to study the impact of a
broader pool of unrest episodes on activity at a higher frequency, which improves
our ability to identify a causal effect.2 Indeed, compared to existing indicators, the
data by Barrett et al. (2022) provides higher frequency data for a broader set of
unrest events (than the Cross-National Time Series Data – CNTD, annual), broader
coverage (than the Armed Conflict Location and Event Database – ACLED, mainly
focused on SSA) and more objectivity and replicability (than International Country
Risk Guide – ICRG, which relies on subjective assessment). Second, we comple-
ment the work of Bernal-Verdugo, Furceri, and Guillaume (2013), which is closest
to this paper, by disentangling the impact of unrest on activity by looking at differ-
ent demand and supply components and by exploring the potential role of policy
space and institutions in mitigating the adverse impact of unrest.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data and
empirical methods used in the analysis. Section 3 presents the paper’s main find-
ings. Section 4 explores the channels through which unrest affects activity and the
factors mitigating its impact. Section 5 presents additional robustness exercises.
Finally, Section 6 concludes.
2 A more ambitious exercise would explore high-frequency identification of the causal effect of
unrest on demand proxied by spending (for instance, using credit-cards transaction data); on
methodology, see the pioneering work by Cook and Hahn (1989), Kuttner (2001), and Cochrane and
Piazzesi (2002)
922 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
Barrett et al. (2022) and other macro data used in the analysis. It then discusses the
various local projection specifications used to study the impact of social unrest.
where xi,t is the article count related to unrest in country i in month t; zt is the
overall article count in period t; and x̄ i and z̄ are the corresponding averages over
all time periods.3
In order to obtain the article counts used in the construction of the RSUI, Bar-
rett et al. (2022) employ a set of search criteria (Table 1). The search criteria for
determining the article count related to unrest in a specific country at a given
month are complex and include both inclusive and exclusive requirements. In par-
ticular, the inclusive requirements aim to select language related to unrest, such
as protests, riots, revolutions, and other forms of civil or domestic unrest. The
exclusive requirements aim to avoid false positives by omitting articles that con-
tain words that may erroneously be associated with unrest or may be related to
anniversaries of previous unrest episodes. In addition, the location criteria ensure
that the article refers to social unrest directed at a specific country, and the word
count ensures a minimum threshold of 100 words for articles to be included. The
RSUI measures the extent of social unrest for each country over time relative to its
country mean. The cross-sectional properties of the RSUI are described in detail in
Barrett et al. (2022).
In addition to constructing the ”index”, Barrett et al. (2022) propose an
algorithm to identify RSUI-implied ”events”, i.e. episodes of unrest that can be
3 Barrett et al. 2022 propose two indices, one which is normalized to have mean 100 (index A in
their paper) and one that is not (index B in their paper). The former is their preferred index, which
is the one we use in this paper.
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 923
x it y it zt
Must include Country name AND (“protest∗ ” OR “riot∗ ” OR Country Name “Today”
“revolution” OR ([“civil” or “domestic”] within 10 words AND “today”
of “unrest”)
Must exclude Country-specific terms OR “vote of protest” OR “protest
vote” OR “protestant∗ ” OR “anniversary” OR “war” OR
“memorial” OR “movie”
Location tag Country i Country i
Subject tag Domestic politics or civil unrest
Word count 100+ 100+ 100+
considered sizeable on the basis of large movements in the index. Such an event
has to satisfy the following three criteria:.
– It must be a local peak: RSUI i,t = max{RSUI i,t+1 , RSUI i,t−1 }
– The index must be large enough to satisfy one of the following conditions:
– RSUIi,t > RSUI i,t +(4∗ SD(RSUI i,t ));
– RSUI i,t is in the top 2 percentile;
– RSUI i,t exceeds the 20-year moving average by 4 times the 20-year stan-
dard deviation.
– The unrest article count for the month is at least 10 percent the average monthly
count for the country over the past 12 months.
Importantly, the authors also construct detailed event timelines from independent
narrative sources for more than a dozen country-specific case studies, showing that
these detailed events line up closely with RSUI-implied events. They thus conclude
that large changes in reported unrest are driven by highly newsworthy, real-world
events rather than mismatches, changes in media focus, bias, or other sources of
In addition to these RSUI-implied events, there is a subset of social unrest
episodes located in the very extreme part of the RSUI distribution. We label such
an event that is satisfying all five criteria above as a major event.
In the empirical analysis, we use the RSUI series and apply transformations of the
monthly data, as follows.
924 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
– First, for each country, we aggregate the RSUI at the quarterly level by taking
the maximum monthly level of the RSUI over the corresponding quarter.4 In this
way, we aim to ensure that a (local) spike in social unrest is reflected in the
quarterly series.5
– Second, we also aggregate the RSUI-implied event dummy constructed by the
authors and the additional major event dummy at the quarterly level (taking
the maximum over the quarter). Notably, we focus on new events—events that
are at least 8 quarters apart from past events. In the analysis, we use both the
RSUI index and the identified events, in separate exercises.
Figure 2 shows the evolution of the RSUI for the selected set of economies affected by
social unrest in 2019 that were mentioned in the introduction. The quarterly value
of RSUI is defined by the maximum of the original monthly RSUI over the 3 months
of that quarter. In the econometric analysis, which is further discussed below, we
exploit the time series properties of the dataset to estimate dynamic panel regres-
sions. See Barrett et al. (2022) for a discussion on the cross-sectional properties of
the distribution of the RSUI, which map a country’s RSUI level to its position in the
cross-sectional distribution.
4 We aggregate at the quarterly level in order to match the GDP components. An alternative exer-
cise could explore high-frequency identification of the causal effect of unrest on demand proxied
by spending (for instance, using credit-cards transaction data); on methodology, see the pioneering
work by Cook and Hahn (1989), Kuttner (2001), and Cochrane and Piazzesi (2002).
5 As in other cases of data aggregation, this approach does not account for timing within the quar-
ter and does not allow to differentiate between effect of a spike in the RSUI at the beginning of
the quarter versus those occurring at the end of the quarter. Nonetheless, this issue may be more
problematic in static regressions rather than the local projections method employed in this study.
6 In particular, each event in the Barrett et al. (2022) dataset has a label (say yellow vests protest),
which we use to further find descriptions of the events.
Chile France
1985q1 1990q1 1995q1 2000q1 2005q1 2010q1 2015q1 2020q1 1985q1 1990q1 1995q1 2000q1 2005q1 2010q1 2015q1 2020q1
dateq dateq
1000 1500
1985q1 1990q1 1995q1 2000q1 2005q1 2010q1 2015q1 2020q1 1985q1 1990q1 1995q1 2000q1 2005q1 2010q1 2015q1 2020q1
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
dateq dateq
Figure 2: RSUI in selected economies. Authors’ calculations based on Barrett, Appendino, Nguyen and de Leon Miranda (2022).
926 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
yi,t+h − yi,t−1 = 𝛼ih + 𝛾th + 𝛽 h unresti,t + 𝜃 Xi,t + 𝜇 j,h unresti,t+ j + 𝜀i,t+h (2)
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 927
Table 2: Sample.
where t captures time, i denotes countries, h is the time horizon in quarters after
unrest, y is the variable of interest (GDP, sectoral value added, demand compo-
nents, confidence); unrest is either the index proposed by Barrett et al. (2022)
(RSUI) or the event dummy; 𝛼ih are the horizon-specific country fixed effects; 𝛾th are
horizon-specific quarter/year fixed effects, and X it are a set of controls that includes
past values of the dependent variable, past values of terms-of-trade growth, and
past values of the RSUI. As proposed by Teulings and Zubanov (2014), we include
the term j=1 𝜇 h, j unresti,t+ j to control for the fact that unrest events may be per-
sistent. When we study the impact of the index, this term includes forward values of
the index; when we study the impact of the event dummy, this term includes future
events (regardless of whether they are new or not). Excluding this term could bias
our estimates of 𝛽 h , which is our parameter of interest.
One potential caveat of a causal interpretation of the econometric approach
described above is the potential reverse causality running from growth perfor-
mance to social unrest and the potential omitted variable bias. We tackle these
concerns by implementing an IV approach that exploits regional waves of social
unrest. In addition, we show evidence that the impact of unrest on GDP does not
seem to be driven by preceding periods of weak activity or by fiscal consolidations,
two factors that may result in both low growth and in social unrest. More details
are presented later in the paper.
j ,h
+ 𝜇high unresti,t+ j
+ (1 − F(zi,t−1 )) 𝛼loh 𝑤,i + 𝛾loh 𝑤,t + 𝛽loh 𝑤 unresti,t + 𝜃lo𝑤 Xi,t
+ 𝜇loj,h𝑤 unresti,t+ j + 𝜀i,t+h (3)
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 929
where F (zi,t−1 ) is a smooth function of the state variable taking a value between
0 and one; and z is a normalized version of the state variable such that F(0) = 21 .
When presenting results, we plot estimates for 𝛽high
and 𝛽loh 𝑤 , the two parameters
capturing differences in response to unrest across states. While many state vari-
ables could affect the impact of social unrest on growth, in this analysis we are
primarily interested in state variables that reflect the economies’ institutional and
policy settings. In what follows we present results for three state variables:.
– Rule of law;
– Debt level;
– Exchange rate flexibility
These are broad indicators that have the advantage of being available for a large
set of countries and for a relatively long period of time (most of the time horizon
in our analysis).7 Each of them represents a different perspective of the two dimen-
sions that we explore as potential intermediaries in the relationship between social
unrest and growth (namely institutions and policy space). In the exercise, each of
the state variables is normalized such that the standardized variables (z) have mean
zero and a standard deviation equal to 1. In other words, countries with low (high)
rule of law/debt levels are those that have values below (above) the average in our
sample. In the case of exchange rate flexibility, F (z) is an indicator function that
takes the value of one if the “fine” exchange rate classification constructed by Ilzet-
zki, Reinhart, and Rogoff (2019) takes a value higher than 9,8 and zero otherwise. In
turn, as is common in the literature, we assume:
( ) ( ( ))
F(zi,t−1 ) = exp −𝜆0 zi,t−1 ∕ 1 + exp −𝜆0 zi,t−1 (4)
3 Results
This section presents the estimated impact of both changes in the RSUI index and
the social unrest events on GDP. It also presents results from an IV exercise aimed
at addressing endogeneity concerns.
7 In Hadzi-Vaskov, Pienknagura, and Ricci (2021) we also study the differential impact of social
unrest on economic activity for alternative structural factors (labor market flexbility and product
market competition).
8 A country with classification of nine is one that has a “preannounced crawling band that is wider
than or equal to +/−2 percent”.
9 Results are robust to alternative choices for 𝜆0 .
930 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
Figure 3: Impact of social unrest on GDP (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded area indicates 90 percent confidence
interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
New Event New Major Events
M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest Quarters since unrest
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Figure 4: Impact of social unrest conditional on the extent of the event (response after a new event identified by algorithm). Shaded
area indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 933
∑ 1∕ log(disti, j )
unresti−,ti,W = ∑ unrest j,t (5)
(1∕ log(disti,k )
k ∈W−i
where W−i is the set of all countries with available data on social unrest exclud-
ing country i, unrest j,t is either RSUI or the RSUI-implied events, and disti, j is
the bilateral population-weighted distance between country i and country j, as
10 Section 5 presents additional robustness exercises aimed at studying the role of factors that may
affect growth and unrest simultaneously.
934 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
presented in the CEPII Geodist dataset. The second measure is a similar index using
only regional partners (where regions are defined using the IMF regional classi-
fication), unrest− i,t
. And the third one is an index that only takes into account
contiguous countries (countries sharing a land border), regardless of their region,
. With those indices, we follow an IV strategy where RSUI and the RSUI-
implied events are instrumented using, in turn, unrest−
and its lagged values,
and its lagged values, and unrest−
and its lagged values.11 In the first
stage we also include region-time fixed effects to capture any regional time-varying
variable that may affect waves of unrest.
The results confirm the finding that both spikes in the RSUI and episodes of
social unrest lead to lower GDP compared to countries that do not suffer social
unrest.12, 13 A one standard deviation increase in RSUI leads to a 0.2 to 0.3 percent
decline in GDP on impact, depending on the instrument used (Figure 5).14 As in the
baseline specification, the impact of social unrest in the IV specification are also
persistent over our 6-quarter window.
Similar results are obtained when studying the impact of RSUI-implied unrest
events (Figure 6). New episodes of social unrest lead to a 1 to 2 percent decline in
GDP on impact relative to baseline, and the impact grows to 2 to 3 percent after 6
quarters. The estimated effects are roughly two to three times as large as those in
the baseline specification. Figure 7 shows that the same holds when analyzing the
impact of major events.
4 Exploring Heterogeneity
So far we have shown that, on average, social unrest has an adverse and protracted
impact on GDP. Moreover, we showed that, while endogeneity may be a concern,
results are robust to an IV strategy that exploits regional waves of unrest. The results
in Section 3, however mask potential heterogeneity on the economy-wide impact
of social unrest and on the role of country characteristics. This section explores
several layers of heterogeneity, which help understand the channels through which
unrest affects activity and the role that country fundamentals have in mitigating the
economic impact of unrest.
11 In each case we instrument the unrest variable with both RSUIi−,ti and two lags and eventi−,ti and
two lags.
12 In all cases, the hypothesis of weak instruments is rejected.
13 IV results for other outcome variables are available upon request.
14 Hadzi-Vaskov, Pienknagura, and Ricci (2021) show results using a GDP-weighted index of unrest,
with similar quantitative impacts.
Baseline Result Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in
the world, weighted by distance
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in Instrument: RSUI and events in contiguous countries
the region, weighted by distance
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
baseline baseline
Figure 5: Impact of social unrest on GDP, instrumental variables approach (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded
area indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Baseline Result Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in
the world, weighted by distance
-6 -4 -2
-6 -4 -2
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in Instrument: RSUI and events in contiguous countries
the region, weighted by distance
-6 -4 -2
-6 -4 -2
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Figure 6: Impact of social unrest on GDP, instrumental variables approach (response to a new RSUI-Implied event). Shaded area
indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Baseline result Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in
the world, weighted by distance
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Instrument: RSUI and events in countries in Instrument: RSUI and events in contiguous countries
the region, weighted by distance
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
-8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
baseline baseline
Figure 7: Impact of social unrest on GDP, instrumental variables approach (response to a new RSUI-Implied major event). Shaded area
indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
938 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
15 This is particularly in light of its impact on uncertainty elaborated below and the relationship
between uncertainty and investment as in Bloom (2009).
Agriculture Manufacturing
0 .5
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
-.5 0 .5
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 8: Impact of social unrest on economic sectors (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded area indicates 90
percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Consumption Investment
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
-1 -.5 0 .5 1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest
Figure 9: Impact of social unrest on demand components (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded area indicates 90
percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 941
Figure 10 documents the impact of social unrest on uncertainty as well as, con-
sumer and business confidence. The left panel shows that changes to the RSUI are
associated with a significant increase in the World Uncertainty Index for the cor-
responding economy for a few quarters, before dying out during the first year. In
addition, social unrest is associated with a drop in consumer confidence, albeit
generally not statistically significant.
Consistent with the findings above, we find that new unrest events result in
a decline in manufacturing and services value added (Figure 11), a contraction
in consumption, exports and imports (Figure 12), and a reduction in consumer
confidence (Figure 13). We do not find a statistically significant effect of unrest
events on agriculture value added, investment, and business confidence.
.5 1
-.5 0
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Business Confidence
0 .5 1
Change relative to level in t-1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest
Figure 10: Impact of social unrest on uncertainty and confidence (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded area
indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Agriculture Manufacturing
1 2
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Figure 11: Impact of unrest events across sectors (response after a new event identified by algorithm). Shaded area indicates 90
percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Consumption Investment
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Exports Imports
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Figure 12: Impact of unrest events across demand components (response after a new event identified by algorithm). Shaded area
indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Consumer Confidence Business Confidence
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest Quarter since unrest
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
Figure 13: Impact of unrest events on confidence (response after a new event identified by algorithm). Shaded area indicates 90
percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
Response to Events Triggered by Politics Response to Events Triggered by Social Issues
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Response to Events Associated with Both Response to Events that Cannot be Labeled
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
Figure 14: Impact of different types of events on GDP. Shaded area indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors
clustered at the country and year level.
Advanced Economies Emerging Markets
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest Quarters since unrest
90 percent confidence band Average effect 90 percent confidence band Average effect
baseline baseline
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
Figure 15: Impact of social unrest on GDP by income group (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Shaded area indicates 90
percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
948 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
16 The threshold for the debt to GDP ratio to define whether a country has high or low debt is 54
percent. As mentioned, this is the average in our sample.
17 The results are robust to alternative definitions of a low growth evento, based on: growth devi-
ations from country-specific moving averages, as well as just negative growth in the period before
the social unrest.
By Rule Law By Debt Level
-.5 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest Quarters since unrest
By XR-flexibility
-.5 0 .5
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
Figure 16: Impact of social unrest conditional on institutions and policy space (response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI). Black
(red) lines correspond to weak (strong) institutions/policy space. Shaded (dashed lines) area indicates 90 percent confidence interval
preceded by low growth events. This strategy is implemented both for the analysis
based on the RSUI and the RSUI-derived new events.
More specifically, when using “new event” dummies we run the following
+ 𝜇 j,h unresti,t+ j + 𝜀i,t+h (6)
where sg eventi,t is a dummy taking value one if country i experienced both a social
unrest event in period t and two or three quarters of below-average growth in the
three quarters preceding the unrest event. The dummy variable s eventi,t takes
value of one if country i experienced a social unrest event and did not experience
two or three quarters of below average growth in the three quarters preceding the
identified unrest event. Finally, the dummy variable g eventi,t takes value of one
if country i experienced two or three quarters of below-average growth prior to
period t and did not experience a social unrest event. The excluded group includes
countries that neither experienced unrest nor low growth. Such a regression allows
us to show the results for four mutually exclusive cases: i) only social unrest event;
ii) only growth event; iii) both events; and iv) no event. When using the RSUI, the
econometric specification takes the following form:
yi,t+h − yi,t−1 = 𝛼ih + 𝛾th + lowi,t 𝛿loh 𝑤 + 𝛽loh 𝑤 RSUIi,t + 𝜃lo𝑤 Xi,t
+ 𝜇loj,h𝑤 unresti,t+ j
+ (1 − lowi,t ) 𝛿nolo
𝑤 + 𝛽nolo𝑤 RSUIi,t + 𝜃nolo𝑤 Xi,t
j ,h
+ 𝜇nolo 𝑤
unresti,t+ j + 𝜀i,t+h (7)
where lowi,t is a dummy variable that takes value of one if country i experienced
two or three quarters of below average growth prior to the event. Thus, 𝛽loh 𝑤
captures the effect of an increase in the social unrest index (RSUI) in countries with
prior low growth, and 𝛽nolo
captures the effect of an increase in the social unrest
index (RSUI) in countries with no prior low growth.
Figure 17 shows the impact of social unrest on economic activity after control-
ling for prior adverse growth events, as defined above (note that all four effects
Impulse response to events of both Impulse response to events of
social unrest and low growth low growth and no social unrest
0 1
-4 -3 -2 -1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band social unrest and low growth 90 percent confidence band no social unrest and low growth
baseline baseline
-4 -3 -2 -1
-4 -3 -2 -1
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
90 percent confidence band social unrest and no low growth 90 percent confidence band difference
baseline baseline
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest
Figure 17: Impact of social unrest on GDP after controlling for prior adverse growth events (response to growth and social unrest
events). Shaded area indicates 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
952 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
are estimated simultaneously). The top panels show that adverse growth events
are persistent, as expected, but the decline in GDP is larger when growth events
are combined with episodes of social unrest. Crucially, the lower left panel shows
that social unrest significantly affects growth even if not preceded by adverse
growth events, with a GDP contraction of about 1 percent after 6 quarters. Similarly,
the lower right panel shows that social unrest leads to a larger decline in eco-
nomic activity in countries experiencing below average growth prior to the unrest
event compared to countries that experience below average growth but no social
unrest event. The last two results point to the robustness of our results to reverse
causality, by confirming both the standard prior that an unrest event preceeded by
low growth is associated with stronger effect on growth, and the case where unrest
not preceeded by low growth still affects growth subsequently.
Figure 18 shows similar analysis using the RSUI index, focusing on the
”differential impact” of spikes in the social unrest index in countries with low
growth prior to the spike versus those that did not have low growth prior to the
spike. In countries with low prior growth (black line), GDP gradually falls after a
one standard deviation increase in the RSUI, and after six quarters it stands approx-
imately −0.2 percent below the baseline (countries with low growth and no spike
in the index). Countries that did not experience an episode of low growth prior
to the spike in RSUI (red line) also suffer a decline in activity. When experienc-
ing unrest, low growth countries face a larger contraction on impact than no-low
growth countries, but the medium-term effects are similar for both groups.
Both the analysis of events and the RSUI confirm that our results are robust
to controlling for past growth dynamics. Indeed, we find that social unrest has an
adverse impact on growth regardless of whether the country was experiencing low
growth prior to unrest or not.
Next, we focus on the concern that our baseline results could be driven by a
potential driver of both unrest and activity: fiscal consolidations. While there is a
longstanding debate regarding the impact of consolidations on activity, there are a
number of studies suggesting that fiscal consolidations have an adverse effect on
economic activity (although the effect would depend on the composition of the con-
solidation as discussed in Alesina, Favaro, and Giavazzi 2019). At the same time,
episodes of fiscal consolidation are often linked with protests and socio-political
instability (Ponticelli and Voth 2020).
To study whether our results are picking-up the link between fiscal austerity
and economic activity and unrest, respectively, we estimate an econometric specifi-
cation that distinguishes between the effect of social unrest in countries that expe-
rience episodes of fiscal austerity and those that do not. In particular, we estimate
the following specification:
-.2 .1 -.1 0
Change relative to GDP in t-1 (in percent)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest
Figure 18: Impact of social unrest on GDP after controlling for prior adverse growth events (response to a one st. dev. change in the
RSUI). Shaded area and dashed lines indicate 90 percent confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year
954 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
yi,t+h − yi,t−1 = 𝛼ih + 𝛾th + consi,t 𝛿cons
+ 𝛽cons
RSUIi,t + 𝜃cons Xi,t
j ,h
+ 𝜇cons unresti,t+ j
+ (1 − consi,t ) 𝛿nocons
+ 𝛽nocons
RSUIi,t + 𝜃nocons Xi,t
j ,h
+ 𝜇nocons unresti,t+ j + 𝜀i,t+h (8)
where consi,t is a dummy variable taking value one if the country’s primary fiscal
deficit over GDP increased by more than 2 percentage points from one year to the
other, and unresti,t captures either RSUI or the RSUI-implied dummy.
The results in Figure 19 show that social unrest has an adverse effect on eco-
nomic activity, regardless of whether a country is immersed in a fiscal consolidation
effort, though the effect appears somewhat stronger under consolidation (the black
and red lines represent the effects of unrest, in the presence or absence of fiscal
consolidation respectively). Hence, the adverse impact of social unrest on economic
activity estimated in countries that are not experiencing episodes of fiscal auster-
ity suggests that social unrest affects GDP beyond the potential role played by fiscal
Response to a one st. dev. change in the RSUI Response to a New RSUI-Implied Event
.2 0
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Quarters since unrest Quarters since unrest
Figure 19: Impact of social unrest on GDP after controlling for fiscal consolidations. Shaded area and dashed lines indicate 90 percent
confidence interval with standard errors clustered at the country and year level.
956 — M. Hadzi-Vaskov et al.
6 Conclusions
Using a novel, timely and transparent indicator for social unrest based on media
word count metrics, this study investigates the macroeconomic effects of social
unrest. The analysis provides several contributions to the existing literature—it
includes a broader pool of social unrest events and investigates the impact on a
broad set of higher-frequency economic indicators.
The analysis draws several key conclusions. First, economic activity declines
following a one standard deviation increase in the social unrest index, with GDP
remaining on average 0.2 percent below the pre-unrest level after 6 quarters. Sec-
ond, the adverse effect on GDP is driven by sharp contractions of services and
manufacturing (from sectoral perspective) and consumption (from demand side).
Third, social unrest is found to dampen (consumer) confidence and raise uncer-
tainty. While unrest is found to adversely affect country groups regardless of their
income level, the effect upon emerging markets seems to be (about two times) larger
than in advanced economies. Fourth, strong institutions and available policy space
(fiscal space and exchange rate flexibility) can dampen the adverse effects of unrest.
Fifth, the effects are larger when considering major events of social unrest—which
are increases of at least 4 standard deviations in the RSUI—as, on average, GDP
remains 1 percent below baseline after 6 quarters of such a social unrest event.
Hence, the effect of such major effects is more than proportional than implied by
the results for RSUI above, and consistent with the notion that major events have
relatively larger impact. For comparison, the impact of social unrest events is larger
than the impact on oil exporters’ GDP of an oil price plunge and is comparable to the
impact of an oil price plunge combined with a recession (World Bank 2020). It is also
comparable to the impact of a fiscal consolidation of around 1 percent of GDP (Carri-
ere-Swallow, David, and Leigh 2021). The impact of unrest on GDP is consistent and
quantitatively similar to the findings Barrett et al. (2021), who study the behavior
of stock market returns after episodes of social unrest. Sixth, unrest episodes moti-
vated by socio-economic considerations result in sharper GDP contractions com-
pared to those associated mainly with politics/elections; and episodes triggered by
a combination of both socio-economic and political issues see the sharpest contrac-
tions. Finally, the results are robust to controlling for endogeneity, not only via the
implementation of an instrumental variables strategy that exploits regional waves
of social unrest, but also by controlling for previous adverse growth events (thereby
addressing some of the possible reverse causality concerns) and for episodes of
fiscal consolidation.
The findings in this paper also point at possible areas for future research.
For instance, future work may want to focus on further disentangling the het-
erogenous effect of different types of unrest, such as highly disruptive and violent
The Macroeconomic Impact of Social Unrest — 957
events versus peaceful demonstrations.18 The findings also suggest that further
research would be valuable to better understand the impact of social unrest on
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