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Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366

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Short Communication

Development of a novel method for the backward extrusion

V. Shatermashhadi a, B. Manafi a, K. Abrinia b, G. Faraji b,⇑, M. Sanei c
Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
School of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran 11155-4563, Iran
Young Researchers Club, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, a new method of backward extrusion using small diameter billet is proposed. In this new
Received 17 March 2014 process, the die setup consists of three main parts of the fix-punch, the moveable punch and the matrix.
Accepted 15 May 2014 The fix-punch has been used to decrease the cross section of applied billet and finally reducing the total
Available online 2 June 2014
force of the process. To investigate the capability of this process, experimental and finite element (FE)
methods were used. The results showed that the first advantageous of the new process is that the load
Keywords: is reduced to about less than a quarter in comparison with the conventional backward extrusion process.
Backward extrusion
This higher reduction in the required force is due to reduce of the cross section of the initial billet. EF
Lower process load
Plastic strain
results showed that while needing lower loads, the applied plastic strain through the processed sample
Strain homogeneity is about two times higher than that in the sample processed via conventional backward extrusion. This is
the second advantageous of the process. Eventually, the most important advantages of the novel method
of backward extrusion are the lower process force, imposing higher effective strain and a better strain
homogeneity through the tube length. This new process is also very promising for producing ultra fine
grained (UFG) samples because the higher level of shear strains.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the two optimal conical and curved die in the forward and backward
extrusion using of both finite element method and experimental
Nowadays, the extrusion process has an important role in the investigation [10]. Kim et al. evaluated the effects of lubricants in
manufacturing industries. Backward extrusion has been conven- backward extrusion of large aspect ratio rectangular aluminum case
tionally used for the production of hollow-shape symmetric and [11,12]. The effects of geometrical parameters such as die corner
cylindrical products [1]. Bae and Yang analyzed the backward extru- radius and gap height, as well as process condition such as friction
sion process of internally elliptic shaped tubes from round billets on the radial-backward extrusion process were examined by Far-
with using of upper bound method [2]. Shen et al. have proposed a houmand and Ebrahimi [13]. Fatemi-Varzaneh and Zarei-Hanzaki
method for estimating the value of shear friction factor using of a proposed a novel severe plastic deformation process based on an
backward extrusion-type forging [3,4]. Lee et al. examined the extru- accumulative back extrusion process [14]. Abrinia and Orangi ana-
sion of hexagonal shaped wrench bolts using of upper-bound lyzed the backward extrusion process of internally arbitrary-shaped
method [5]. Cho et al. studied the process design of a forward and tubes from circular billet using of finite element method. They exam-
backward extruded axisymmetric part [6]. Fereshteh-Saniee et al. ined tubes with elliptical, rectangular and circular shape [15].
have performed several tests with different lubricants and friction Fatemi-Varzaneh et al. have studied the strain distribution and
conditions to find out the friction modeling of different bulk forming deformation behavior during accumulative back extrusion process
processes [7]. Bakhshi-Jooybari et al. have worked on reducing the on AZ31 magnesium alloy [16]. Orange et al. have carried out the
deformation load in backward rod extrusion to optimize the die pro- analysis of backward extrusion process of aluminum tubes which
file by both numerical and experimental approach [8]. Uyyuru and have internally and externally shaped section using of finite element
Valberg examined the material flow over the punch head in back- method [17]. Javanmard et al. have analyzed the backward extrusion
ward extrusion process by finite element simulation and physical process for circular shape hollow components from round billets by
modeling [9]. Saboori et al. have examined the extrusion energy of a computational method based on the natural element method
[18]. Alihosseini et al. described a new process based on a cyclic
forward–backward extrusion for producing ultrafine grains materi-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +98 2161114012. als. They applied this new process to AA1050 aluminum alloy [19].
E-mail address: ghfaraji@ut.ac.ir (G. Faraji).

0261-3069/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
362 V. Shatermashhadi et al. / Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366

Faraji et al. [20] have investigated the effects of the accumulative direct extrusion process to achieve a cylindrical sample with a dis-
back extrusion process on plastic deformation behavior and micro- tinct diameter. The diameter and length of the billet were 20 mm
structure of an AZ91 magnesium alloy by finite element method and 170 mm, respectively. The inner and outer radius of fix-punch,
and experimental investigations. Wang et al. have been observed the radius of the matrix and the height of the edge for produced die
that the effective strains at the produced part along both the axial selected as 7.5 mm, 10 mm, 10 mm and 5 mm, respectively. The
and the radial directions were nonuniform [21]. Also, Chalay-Amoly length, outer diameter and thickness of the final product were
et al. obtained the distributions of plastic strain were heterogeneous designed to be 85, 63 and 3 mm, respectively. Compression test
over the cross section of produced parts. They also studied the micro- according to ASTM: E9-09 standard has been performed to obtain
structure evolution of the backward extruded parts and their results the mechanical properties. The physical and mechanical properties
indicated that inhomogeneously obtained microstructure was clo- of the material were reported in Table 1. The main parts of the die
sely corresponded to the heterogeneous strain pattern that has been setup including matrix, fix-punch, moveable punch, guide shafts
developed during deformation [22]. and the holder plate of guide shafts were shown in Fig. 3(a). Differ-
As revealed from the literature, the nonuniform distribution of ent parts of the die were hardened to 50 HRC. The test has been
the effective strain is one of the disadvantageous of the conven- carried out using of an INSTRON hydraulic press. The experiment
tional backward extrusion process that extremely affected the was performed at 1 mm/s plunger speed at room temperature. Bri-
microstructure and mechanical properties of produced part. The nell hardness test with 30 kg force was used for hardness measure-
higher process load is also another important limitation of the con- ments according to the ASTM: E10-12 standard. The experimental
ventional backward extrusion process. For the elimination of these setup including assembled die on the press was shown in Fig. 3(b).
limitations, a new backward extrusion process is proposed. To The DEFORM 3D-6.1 software has been used for FE simulation.
study the capability of this new process, experimental and finite The material model was defined as elastic–plastic. The data of true
element analysis were used. stress–strain based on the results of compression test has been
entered to the FE software. All the die parts have been considered
2. Principle of the new backward extrusion process as rigid bodies. The billet has been defined as deformable object
during all analyses. The dimensions of all objects in the simulation
In the new process, the die setup consists of three main parts of perfectly matched with experimental ones in order to validate the
the fix-punch, the moveable punch and the matrix. Schematic results of the simulation. Tetrahedral element type was used, and
illustrations of the conventional and new backward extrusion the mesh sensitivity test has been carried out. Suitable mesh num-
methods are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. In the conventional backward ber reported as 25000. The friction type selected as shear. Because
extrusion process, the billet has been initially placed in the matrix of the nature of the process, the friction factor (m) selected as 0.2
and then with the pressure of the punch, the material is com- [7]. The type of simulation was Lagrangian Incremental. The global
pressed and flowed through the gap between punch and matrix. re-meshing was chosen and the type of interference depth selected
In the new backward extrusion, as shown in Fig. 2, small diameter as relative and its value considered as 0.7. The conjugate-Gradient
billet is put in a cylindrical hole named billet chamber in the fix- has been chosen as the solver of simulation.
punch. Then the moveable punch is pressed the billet into the
gap between fix-punch and the matrix. So the compressed material
is flowed through the gap between fix-punch and the matrix. The 4. Results and discussion
inner radius of fix-punch helped to material easily flowed through
chamber of the billet and internal die. Also, the outer radius of fix- The unprocessed initial billet and processed sample which is a
punch and radius of the matrix have been improved the material closed-end tube were shown in Fig. 4(a and b), respectively. As
flow in the process. shown, a 20 mm diameter billet was changed to 63 mm diameter
cup shaped sound sample successfully via new backward extrusion
process. It seems that most of the materials such as aluminum,
3. Experimental and FE procedure copper and magnesium. and their alloys which can be processed
via conventional method may be processed by the new method.
High-purity lead was used in the experiments. As-received lead Though, this statement needs experimental evidence; it is promis-
metal ingot was melted and casted, then was extruded using of ing that the new process could be applied to a wide range of metal-
lic materials.
The process force of conventional and novel method of back-
ward extrusion obtained from FE method has been compared as
shown in Table 2. Based on obtained results, the required force
to produce a particular product with conventional backward
extrusion was equal to 264.6 kN, while the required force to pro-
duce the same product using novel backward extrusion was
equal to 61.1 kN. Consequently in the novel backward extrusion
process the required force to produce a particular product was
less than a quarter in comparison with conventional backward
Hung and Chiang [23] investigated the influence of ultrasonic-
vibration on Double Backward extrusion of aluminum alloy. In this
method, the ultrasonic energy applied to the punch die and then
the punch die deformed material. They reported that the required
load for conventional method was 14.3 kN while it is 11.5 kN by
imposing the ultrasonic energy to the punch. So by using of ultra-
sonic vibration, the extrusion force will be decreased about 20%. As
was mentioned earlier with using of the novel method of backward
Fig. 1. The schematic view of backward extrusion. extrusion, the extrusion load can be reduced about 75%. Uyyuru
V. Shatermashhadi et al. / Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366 363

Fig. 2. A schematic view of the new method of backward extrusion.

and Valberg [9] showed that even by eliminating the friction in the contours show that the new method could apply larger strain com-
process of backward extrusion the total forming load just pared to the conventional method. Quantitative values of the effec-
decreased only 25% while, in the novel method of backward extru- tive strain through the thickness at the final sample produced by
sion even by considering the reasonable value for the friction coef- both conventional and new process have been shown in Fig. 6.
ficient that can be obtained by routine lubrication of die, the total As shown the mean value of plastic strain in the sample processed
forming load of the process has been decreased about 75%. This is via new process is about 3 while it is about 1.5 in the sample pro-
an important advantageous of this new method. cessed via conventional process. This means that the new process
The distributions of the effective strain in the samples prepared could apply higher plastic strain compared to the traditional
by both conventional and novel methods of backward extru- method. This is other advantageous of this novel backward extru-
sion were shown in Fig. 5(a and b), respectively. Effective strain sion process.

Table 1
The mechanical and physical properties of the material used in the experiments.

Parameter Density Young’s modulus (E) Poisson’s ratio Yield strength (MPa) Ultimate strength (MPa)
Value 11,350 kg/m3 14 GPa 0.42 14.5 25

Fig. 3. (a) The main parts of die and (b) the assembly view of die.
364 V. Shatermashhadi et al. / Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366

Fig. 4. (a) Applied lead billet in the experiment and (b) the product of novel backward extrusion process.

Table 2
Comparison between process force of conventional and new method of backward extrusion.

Inner diameter (mm) Outer diameter (mm) Billet diameter (mm) Billet length (mm) Max. load (kN)
Conventional method 57 63 63 17.13 264.6
New method (this work) 57 63 20 170 61.1

As was obtained from the graph, with moving toward the out- In the recent years, several novel severe plastic deformation
side of the part, the effective strain in the new process has been methods have been proposed to impose higher effective strain to
rapidly increased specifically at near of the exterior area of the the material in order to increase the hardness and improve the
part. But in the conventional method, the maximum effective mechanical properties of the final product. Alihosseini et al. [19]
strain obtained at the inner surface of the part. The difference reported after only one cycle of cyclic forward–backward extrusion
between the effective strain of conventional and new method (CFBE), hardness has been increased from the initial value of 25 Hv
was very high. The difference is more sensible at the exterior area to around 47–52 Hv (about 100% improvement). Fatemi-Varzaneh
of the part than that at the interior. It can be deduced from results and Zarei-Hanzaki [14] processed wrought magnesium alloy by
that the effective strain of the new method of backward extrusion ABE method. Based on the researches, the ABE technique is capable
through the thickness of the part was at least two times of the of imposing an equivalent strain about 4–5 after one pass. This
effective strain at any point of thickness in part that has been made range of equivalent strain was very close to the range of equivalent
from the conventional method of backward extrusion and at out- strain applied by the novel method of backward extrusion. Based
side of the part, the strain effective in the novel process through on the results of microhardness test, after two passes the hardness
the thickness was about three times in comparison with the same has been increased about 53% and 34%, at 180 °C and 380 °C
point of part that has been made from conventional method. The respectively. Alihosseini et al. [25] processed AA1050 by accumu-
microstructure and formation of small sized grains were corre- lative back extrusion method and then investigated the micro-
sponded to the amount of effective strain [24]. The higher plastic structural evolutions and microhardness of samples that
strain cause to decrease the grain size of the microstructure and subjected to one, two and three passes of ABE. Based on the
consequently enhance the mechanical properties [14,20]. So, this researches, in the ABE process the most increase in the hardness
new method is promising for producing ultra fine grained samples value has been obtained after the first pass. They reported that
with higher strength compared to the conventional technique. The the micorhardness was increased from 31 Hv to 67 Hv after 3
hardness of the processed sample was increased to about 19 HB passes of ABE. So the hardness increased about 116%.
from the initial value of 7.4 HB in the unprocessed billet. This As was mentioned earlier, the hardness in the novel method of
shows a significant improvement in mechanical property of the backward extrusion has been increased from the initial value of
processed sample by new backward extrusion process. 7.4 HB to the 19 HB. This means that the hardness has been
V. Shatermashhadi et al. / Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366 365

Fig. 5. Distribution of the effective strain for (a) conventional backward extrusion processed sample and (b) new method of backward extrusion processed sample.

Effective strain

Distance from the end of tube

Fig. 6. A comparison between the effective strain along the thickness at the final
Fig. 7. A comparison between the strain effective along the length of the processed
part prepared by both conventional and the new method.
tube by both conventional and novel method of backward extrusion.

increased about 156% by using the novel method of backward microstructure characterizations and the inhomogeneous obtained
extrusion instead of conventional method of backward extrusion. microstructure was related to the heterogeneous strain pattern
Quantitative values of the effective strain along the length of developed during deformation [22]. The standard deviation value
the produced tube by both conventional and new methods have of effective strain data along the length of the processed tube by
been shown and compared in Fig. 7. Clearly the effective strain both conventional and novel method of backward extrusion is
along the length of the produced tube by new method in the mid- 0.564 and 0.195 respectively. Obviously these values show that
dle node of thickness at the distance of 15 mm from the bottom of the effective strain along the length of the processed tube by novel
the tube was 3.3 in comparison with the effective strain of 1.9 at method of backward extrusion is more coherent than that of pro-
the same point in the produced tube by conventional method. cessed tube by conventional method of backward extrusion so
The variation range of the effective strain from the bottom to the the mechanical properties along the length of processed tube by
top of the produced tube by new method was very homogeneous novel method of backward extrusion are more homogenous than
in comparison with the conventional method and this range that of processed tube by conventional method of backward
equaled to value of 0.62 while the effective strain along the length extrusion.
of the produced tube by conventional method has been changed in The last researches confirmed that the larger plastic strain leads
a wide range. For the produced tube by conventional method, the to the higher fraction of dynamically recrystallized new grains and
maximum and minimum values of effective strain occurred at the higher hardness values, consequently [22]. So the higher plastic
the distances of 35 mm and 80 mm from the bottom of the tube strain along the length of the produced tube by new method leads
respectively and these values were 2.22 and 0.5 so the variation to, the higher hardness value in comparison with the conventional
range of the effective strain along the length equaled to 1.72 that method. At produced part from the conventional method of back-
was about three times more than of the variation range of gained ward extrusion, the effective strain along the length of the tube has
effective strain along the length of the tube that has been made been suddenly decreased after the distance of 55 mm from the end
by new method. of the tube while the changes of the effective strain along the
According to the last researches, the inhomogeneous length of the produced tube by novel method of backward extru-
distribution of effective plastic strain resulted to the different sion were very smooth by moving from the end of the tube toward
366 V. Shatermashhadi et al. / Materials and Design 62 (2014) 361–366


The authors are grateful for the research support of the Iran
National Science Foundation (INSF).


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