Economic Inquiry doi:10.1111/j.1465-7295.2007.00069.x
(ISSN 0095-2583) Online Early publication July 28, 2007
Vol. 46, No. 2, April 2008, 179–196 Ó 2007 Western Economic Association International
contract selection. It turns out that turnover problem and gives them commitment power,
costs affect the amount of efficiency wages which in turn grants firms more flexibility to
and performance pay in optimal contracts. alleviate the workers’ moral hazard problem.
While in MM efficiency wages and subjective A general interpretation of this result is that
performance pay cannot be used together to exogenous friction might be more efficient
motivate workers, in our model firms are than endogenously created friction (efficiency
able to use combinations of both methods wages) in overcoming double moral hazard
of payments. By affecting optimal contracts, problems in markets.
turnover costs also have impacts on the equi- In an extended model, we incorporate
librium employment level and social welfare. workers’ search costs. Now, wage contracts
Finally, our model generates rich empirical should not only motivate workers to exert
implications about the relationships among effort (IC condition) but also induce unem-
turnover costs, forms of employment con- ployed workers to search (IR condition). It
tracts, and levels of employment. turns out that inducing workers to search
Our basic model studies how turnover costs becomes more difficult as the unemployment
borne by firms affect contract selection. From rate increases. The main result in the extended
the firm’s point of view, subjective perfor- model is that wages are increasing in the
mance pay is ‘‘cheaper’’ since efficiency wages employment level only when employment is
entail a wage premium. Thus, the optimal high and are completely rigid when employment
wage contract uses the maximum amount of is low. This implies that wage-unemployment
bonus to motivate workers. However, subjec- relationship changes over the course of busi-
tive performance pay may not be credible due ness cycles: wages are procyclical in booms
to the firm’s moral hazard problem: in labor and rigid during recessions.
markets with positive unemployment, a firm Our model generates rich empirical impli-
can immediately hire a new worker after cations. First, different labor markets (occu-
reneging on the implicit bonus. The presence pations) will adopt different forms of wage
of turnover costs can alleviate this moral haz- contracts. In particular, the efficiency wage
ard problem. This is because a worker can component (wage premium) is negatively
punish a reneging firm by quitting and the firm related to and the amount of bonuses is pos-
has to incur turnover costs in hiring new work- itively related to the turnover costs borne by
ers. Therefore, in the optimal contract, the firms in labor markets. Second, workers paid
amount of bonus is increasing in turnover by bonuses on average earn less than workers
costs. Since subjective performance pay is paid fixed wages (efficiency wages). Third,
cheaper, as the turnover costs increase, more occupations paid bonuses should have lower
subjective performance pay leads to a lower unemployment rates than occupations in
total wage payment. which bonuses are seldom used. Fourth, wages
After deriving the optimal contracts, we are procyclical during booms and are either
turn to study market equilibrium, which is rigid or countercyclical in recessions. Finally,
determined by firms’ free entry condition. In the wage-unemployment elasticity is decreas-
market equilibrium, the revenue product of ing in turnover costs in labor markets. All
labor equals the average labor cost (ALC), these predictions are consistent with some
which consists of the wage payment each empirical evidence.1
period and the average turnover costs incurred Relational contracts have been studied by
per period on the equilibrium path. Interest- Bull (1987), MM (1989, 1998), Baker, Gibbons,
ingly, up to some threshold (when the wage and Murphy (1994), and Levin (2003). How-
premium is positive), an increase in turnover ever, except for MM (1989, 1998), all the other
costs reduces the ALC and leads to an increase papers study the one-firm-one-worker setting;
in the equilibrium employment level. More- hence, both the firm’s and the worker’s outside
over, when the revenue product of labor is options are exogenously given. Moreover,
elastic enough, an increase in turnover costs these papers do not study contract selection
leads to higher social welfare. This is a surpris- between efficiency wages and subjective per-
ing result: a little bit of (exogenous) friction in formance pay. MM (1989) offered a complete
markets is beneficial for social welfare. The
main reason behind this result is that friction
in markets alleviates the firms’ moral hazard 1. See Section VI for details.
characterization of the set of relational con- If employed, a worker gets utility Wt vet,
tracts that can be implemented in a market where Wt is the total wage payment, v . 0 is
setting, but it does not study the problem of the disutility of work, and et is effort in period t.
contract selection. For simplicity, we assume that a worker can
Akerlof and Katz (1989) incorporated either work (et 5 1) or shirk (et 5 0). The profit
a performance bond into a shirking model of a filled job vacancy in period t is pet Wt.
of efficiency wages. They, however, assumed Workers without a job receive an unemploy-
that firms are able to commit: firms never for- ment benefit u . 0 per period, which is exog-
feit a worker’s bond if he does not shirk. In enously given. Consistent with employment at
contrast to their assumption, our model, fol- will, we assume that only spot contracts are
lowing the literature of relational contracts, legally enforceable. Following the incomplete
assumes that firms are not able to commit. contract literature, we assume that et is observ-
The labor turnover models of efficiency wages, able but not verifiable.2 Therefore, spot con-
such as Salop (1979) and Stiglitz (1974), treat tracts that are contingent on et cannot be
the turnover rate as endogenous. They derive enforced by the court.
the result that firms with higher turnover costs Nevertheless, since employment relation-
may pay higher wages in order to reduce total ships have the potential to be long term, firms
turnover costs. This result is in direct contrast may use implicit bonuses. In particular, Wt
to the prediction of our model. consists of a fixed wage wt 0 that the firm
The structure of the paper is as follows. Sec- pays regardless of et and a bonus bt 0 that
tion II sets up the basic model. Section III the firm agrees to pay only if et 5 1. While wt is
studies the optimal wage contracts. In Section legally enforceable, bt cannot be enforced by
IV, first the stationary market equilibrium is the court; hence, it has to be self-enforcing.
derived and then comparative statics and wel- Note that if an employed worker shirks,
fare analysis are conducted. In Section V, we then his employer’s period profit is negative.
extend the basic model to incorporate search Thus, firms have to motivate workers to exert
costs. Section VI presents some empirical evi- effort. To make sure there is positive employ-
dence. Section VII concludes the paper. ment, we assume that p(0) . u + v/(dq). In
addition, we assume that p(L) u + v/(dq).
This assumption ensures that J L; that is,
there is always unemployment and workers
Consider a labor market over time, with are always on the long side of the market.
time t being discrete. There are L workers There are turnover costs in the labor mar-
and many firms which create J job vacancies ket. Firms incur recruiting costs in finding job
in total. While L is exogenously given, there candidates.3 Workers incur search costs in
is free entry on the firms’ side, thus J is endog- finding jobs. Moreover, each firm may require
enous. Both workers and firms are risk neutral a skill which is firm specific.4 For simplicity,
and share the same discount factor d. Each job we assume that it takes one period for
has the same revenue product of labor p. Each a new employee to acquire the firm-specific
firm takes p as given, but in the aggregate, p is skill. During that period, the output of
a decreasing function of the total employment a new worker is less than that of an old worker
E. At the beginning of each period, unem- by cF 0.5 The parameter cF captures the
ployed workers and unfilled vacancies are ran-
domly matched. Note that agents on the long
side of the market may not get a match. At the 2. An alternative setting would be that, while et is not
end of each period, each existing match breaks observable, the performance is observable but not verifi-
able, and et determines the worker’s performance with
up with probability 1 q for exogenous rea- some noise. The only difference this alternative setting
sons. In any existing match that survives this makes is that shirking cannot be detected for sure. Since
shock, the worker and the firm simultaneously workers are risk neutral, the qualitative results of the
paper still hold under this alternative setting.
decide whether to continue the relationship 3. For some jobs, Lang (1991) found that firms are
next period. If either party decides to leave, willing to pay employment agencies large sums for finding
then the match is broken up endogenously. workers.
All the agents without a match enter into 4. See Hashimoto and Yu (1980) for the issue of firm-
specific human capital.
the unmatched pool at the beginning of the 5. cF can be interpreted as the training cost to acquire
next period. firm-specific skills.
degree of firm specificity of jobs: the more firm The model is similar to MM but with two
specific are jobs in the market, the larger the departures. First, we introduce turnover costs
cF. We denote c 5 cF + cR (cR represents in labor markets, which are not studied in their
recruiting costs) as the turnover costs. For model. Second, we only consider the case J L,
simplicity, we assume that c is borne by firms while in their model both cases J L and J .
alone.6 Later on, we will discuss how relaxing L are studied.8 Note that there are double
this assumption affects the results of the moral hazard problems: workers may want
model. In the basic model, we ignore workers’ to shirk and collect the fixed wage wt, and
search costs, which will be studied in Section firms may want to renege on the bonus bt after
V. For simplicity, we assume that if a worker is workers exert effort. The concern for external
separated from a firm, his skill which is specific reputation may mitigate the moral hazard prob-
to that firm degenerates immediately. There- lems. We rule out such a reputation effect.9
fore, all workers in the unmatched pool are We are interested in equilibria in which
homogeneous regardless of their employment employed workers exert effort and firms do
history. not renege in each period. There are many
This is essentially an infinitely repeated relational contracts that can be supported as
game with some employment relationships perfect equilibria, some of which may involve
reshuffled in each period. The timing of a typ- complicated strategies. For simplicity, we
ical period is shown in Figure 1. At the begin- restrict our attention to trigger strategies. In
ning of period t, unemployed workers and particular, if a worker shirks, the firm will fire
unfilled job vacancies are randomly matched. him immediately. Similarly, if a firm reneges
In each match, the firm offers the worker on a bonus (pays less than bt), the worker quits
a contract. The worker can either accept or immediately.10
reject the offer. If he rejects the offer, the
worker is unemployed for that period. Then,
each employed worker chooses effort and gets III. THE OPTIMAL CONTRACTS
paid. After the payments have been made, a
1 q fraction of existing matches exogenously We are interested in stationary equilibrium,
break up. Then, in each surviving match, the in which the employment level, the fixed wage,
worker and the firm simultaneously decide and implicit bonus are constant over time, so
whether to continue the relationship into the we can drop all the time subscripts. Denote UN
next period.7 All the unmatched agents enter (US) as the expected discounted lifetime utility
into the unmatched pool in the beginning of of an employed nonshirker (shirker) and U as
the next period.
8. Another minor difference is that in MM, there is
a job creation cost. Incorporating a job creation cost
6. This assumption is not unrealistic. An empirical would not change the qualitative results of our paper.
study by Green et al. (2000) shows that even expenses 9. External reputation may not work for two reasons.
on most transferable training are paid by employers. First, outsiders do not know exactly whether a separation
7. Alternatively, it is also possible that endogenous occurs due to exogenous reasons or cheating. Second, even
separation decisions are made before exogenous separa- if a separation is known to be due to cheating, outsiders do
tion occurs. But whether exogenous separation occurs not know exactly which party is at fault.
before or after endogenous separation decisions are made 10. The trigger strategies are appealing in practice: if
does not matter, since a match breaks up if either separa- at least one party violates the relational contract, the infor-
tion occurs. mal relationship sours and is unlikely to continue.
the expected discounted lifetime utility of an The continuation value of VN has two com-
unemployed worker. Let E be the number ponents. With probability 1 q, exogenous
of employed workers and a be the job acqui- separation occurs, so the firm gets a continua-
sition rate. Note that both E and a are endog- tion value V ; with probability q, the existing
enous variables. The value function UN is the match remains in the next period, and the
following (supposing firms do not renege): firm’s continuation value is VN(w, b). VR is dif-
ferent from VN in continuation values: after
ð1Þ U N ðw; bÞ 5 ðw þ b vÞ þ d½qU N ðw; bÞ the firm reneges, the existing match breaks
þ ð1 qÞU ðw; bÞ: for sure so the firm’s continuation value is
always V . V is the firm’s fallback position if
The value of UN consists of two terms. The it reneges. Since there is unemployment in
first term in Equation (1) is a nonshirker’s cur- the market, the firm can immediately find
rent period payoff. With probability 1 q, the a new worker to fill its vacancy, by incurring
current match breaks up exogenously so the turnover cost c. Therefore, V ðw; bÞ 5 V N c.
worker gets a continuation value U ðw; bÞ.
With probability q, the current match contin- A. Programming Problem
ues in the next period and the worker’s contin- Each firm offers a relational contract to
uation value is UN(w, b). Similarly, other value maximize its profit, taking the employment E
functions are: (hence a) as given. The relational contract
ð2Þ U S ðw; bÞ 5 w þ dU ðw; bÞ should satisfy the following conditions. Unem-
ployed workers should be willing to accept the
contract, and employed workers should have
ð3Þ U ðw; bÞ 5 a U N ðw; bÞ incentives to exert effort. Firms should earn
zero profit due to free entry, and firms should
þ ð1 aÞ½u þ dU ðw; bÞ: not have incentives to renege. Note that max-
imizing profit is equivalent to minimizing total
If an employed worker shirks, the current wage payment W. Mathematically, the pro-
relationship breaks up for sure, so the contin- gramming problem is as follows:
uation value is U ðw; bÞ. For an unemployed
worker (at the beginning of a period) with min W 5 w þ b
probability a, he will find a job in that period
and his payoff is UN(w, b); with probability subject to
1 a, he will stay unemployed and get UN U ðIRWÞ
u þ dU ðw; bÞ.
Similarly, denote VN (VR) as the expected V 5 0 ðIRFÞ
discounted lifetime profit of a filled job UN US ðICWÞ
vacancy if the firm does not renege (reneges)11
and V as the expected discounted lifetime V V ðICFÞ:
profit of an unfilled job vacancy. The value
functions are the following (supposing work- The IRF condition depends on the revenue
ers do not shirk): product of labor p(E). For the time being, we
ignore this condition and discuss it in the next
ð4Þ V N ðw; bÞ 5 ðp w bÞ þ d½qV N ðw; bÞ section when we study market equilibria.
þ ð1 qÞV ðw; bÞ Substituting Equations (1) and (2), the no-
shirking condition (ICW) becomes:
motivating workers: either the bonus b should on the bonus if it is too high. This moral haz-
be big enough to reduce the gain of shirking or ard can be alleviated by the presence of turn-
the worker’s rent from continued employ- over costs c: the firm will incur c in hiring
ment, which is created by paying efficiency a new worker next period if it reneges on
wages, should be big enough. Note that firms the bonus. The upper bound of credible
can also use a combination of both. bonuses thus is increasing in turnover costs
Similarly, the no-reneging condition (ICF) c. When dqc , v, the firm should set the high-
can be simplified as: est credible bonus b* 5 dqc to reduce the nec-
essary wage premium required to motivate
ð8Þ b dqc: workers. When dqc v, setting any b 2 [v,
dqc] is enough to motivate workers, and the
The left-hand side of Equation (8) is the firm does not need to pay wage premiums.
firm’s current period gain from reneging; the But now the IRW condition is binding, so
right-hand side is the expected cost of reneg- the total wage payment cannot be reduced
ing. Since it can always have a job vacancy further.
filled immediately, the firm’s rent from contin- Define the wage premium wp as the extra
ued employment comes solely from the fact utility per period enjoyed by an employed
that retaining an old worker saves turnover worker relative to an unemployed worker.
costs c.12 Therefore, any credible b has an By Lemma 1, we can calculate wp in the opti-
upper bound dqc. mal contracts.
ð9Þ wp 5 ðb þ w vÞ u
B. Optimal Contracts 5 f1=½ð1 aÞdq 1gmaxfv dqc;0g
With a positive c, firms have some freedom
From Equation (9), it is clear that the wage
to choose b in relational contracts. From the
premium is decreasing in c. Moreover, when
no-reneging condition (Equation 8), the cred-
c v/(dq), the wage premium equals to 0.
ible bonuses the firm can choose are in the
On the other hand, when c 5 0, b* 5 0 and
range [0, dqc]. The bigger the c, the more free-
firms have to use solely efficiency wages to
dom the firm has to choose b. To facilitate
motivate workers. Note that this case corre-
analysis, we first prove a lemma.
sponds to the situation studied by Shapiro
and Stiglitz (1984). The following proposition
LEMMA 1. If c 2 [0, v/(dq)), in the optimal
summarizes the above results.
relational contract, the firm should set b* 5
dqc. If c v/(dq), in the optimal relational con-
PROPOSITION 1. (a) Suppose c v/(dq).
tracts, the firm can set any b* 2 [v, dqc] subject
Then, the optimal contracts have the following
to w* 5 u + v b* 0.
form: b* 2 [v, dqc] subject to w* 5 u + v b* 0.
Workers receive no wage premium, and the opti-
C. Proof. See the Appendix. j
mal contract is purely in the form of perfor-
The intuition for Lemma 1 is the following. mance pay. (b) Suppose c 2 (0, v/(dq)).
There are two ways to motivate workers: effi- Then, the optimal contract is the following:
ciency wages and performance pay. Perfor- b* 5 dqc and w* 5 u + (v dqc)/[(1 a)dq].
mance pay is less costly than efficiency Employed workers receive a positive wage pre-
wages from the firms’ perspective. This is mium, which is decreasing in c. The optimal con-
because performance pay discourages shirking tract is a combination of performance pay and
directly without increasing total compensa- efficiency wages. (c) Suppose c 5 0. Then, the
tion, while efficiency wages require firms to optimal contract has no performance pay compo-
increase total compensation. However, perfor- nent and is in the form of pure efficiency wages.
mance pay is restricted by the moral hazard
problem on the part of the firm: it may renege
D. Robustness
12. In MM, a firm’s rent from continued employment Note that the trigger strategies associated
comes from the fact that the firm may not have its vacancy
filled immediately, which is possible only when J . L. This with the optimal contract do constitute a
rules out the use of performance pay when J L. subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium even when
c 2 [0, v/(dq)) (so employed workers enjoy only due to exogenous separation. Denote
a positive wage premium). This is because E* as the employment level(s) in stationary
the worker and the firm make their separation equilibria, which is determined by the firms’
decisions simultaneously. Under this assump- free entry condition:
tion, after one party’s deviation, the strategy
profile (quit, fire) is optimal since unilateral ð10Þ V ðw ;b ;E Þ 5 ½pðE Þw b
deviation in separation decision would not
change the outcome.13 dð1qÞc=
So far, we have assumed that c is borne by ð1dÞc 5 05pðE Þ
firms solely. Now suppose that the firm and
5 w þb þð1dqÞc:
the new worker share the turnover cost c
according to some bargaining rule, with the
firm bearing cost hc and the new worker bear- The equilibrium job acquisition rate a is
ing (1 h)c (h 2 (0, 1)). We can go through the
same analysis again. Now, the firm can enforce ð11Þ a 5 ð1 qÞE =ðL qE Þ:
a credible bonus only up to h(dqc), which is
less than dqc in the basic model. However,
now the worker has less incentive to shirk Using Equation (11) and the results in Prop-
since if he shirks, he will be fired and bear osition 1, Equation (10) can be written more
the additional cost (1 h)c in case he finds explicitly. Specifically, for c 2 [0, v/(dq)),
a new job later. The amount of necessary effi- Equation (10) becomes
ciency wages is still decreasing in c if c 2 [0, v/
(dq)). Overall, the optimal bonus is decreased, ð12Þ pðE Þ 5 u þ m=ðdpÞ þ ½m=ðdqÞ c
but the efficiency wage is more or less the ð1 qÞE =ðL E Þ:
same. The qualitative results of the model
remain the same.
Note that any severance pay has no value in For c v/(dq), Equation (10) can be rewritten
overcoming the moral hazard problems. Sup- as:
pose employment contracts specify that firms
pay workers s whenever separation occurs. ð13Þ pðE Þ 5 u þ m=ðdqÞ
This severance pay s enables firms to credibly
þ ð1 dqÞ½c m=ðdqÞ:
enforce a bonus s. Under this circumstance,
however, the workers’ moral hazard problem
is not altered: though workers do not receive The right-hand side of Equation (10) speci-
the bonus s in the case of shirking, they receive fies the ALC per period on the equilibrium
a severance pay s instead, thus there is no pun- path, with (1 dq)c being the average turn-
ishment for shirking. over costs incurred per period. Now, define
A. Comparative Statics
We are interested in how changes in c affect
the market equilibrium.
The first term is the social value of the total both terms are negative in Equation (17).
output or consumers’ total willingness to pay Therefore, we have the following proposition.
for the total output. The second term is the
total cost of labor, and the third term is the PROPOSITION 3. If c 2 [0, v/(dq)) and Con-
total turnover cost incurred per period. Taking dition (18) is satisfied (the revenue product of
the derivative of Equation (16) with respect to c, labor p(E) is elastic enough), the social surplus
is increasing in c. When c v/(dq), the social
ð17Þ @S=@c 5 ½pðE Þ ðu þ vÞ surplus is decreasing in c.
ð1 qÞc@E =@c
Proposition 3 is a surprising result: a little bit
ð1 qÞE : of (exogenous) friction in markets can improve
social welfare. Conventional wisdom tells us
We first consider the case c 2 [0, v/(dq)). that friction in markets is always bad, since it
Substituting @E*/@c from Equation (15) into impedes the smooth functioning of markets.
Equation (17), we get However, our model shows that if there is
a double moral hazard problem in the market,
ð18Þ @S=@c . 05vð1 dÞ=d . a little bit of (exogenous) friction in the market
p9ðE ÞðL E Þ: can actually make the market function more
effectively. The main reason is that without
exogenous friction, contingent contracts are
Condition (18) is satisfied if |p9(E*)| is not available; thus, to motivate one side of
small enough. In other words, if the revenue the market (workers), a certain amount of
product of labor is elastic enough, then the matching friction has to be created endoge-
social surplus is increasing in turnover costs nously by using efficiency wages. The presence
c. Intuitively, an increase in c has two oppo- of some exogenous friction alleviates the firms’
site effects on social welfare (see Equation moral hazard problem and gives them commit-
17). On one hand, it directly increases the ment power, which makes contingent contracts
total turnover costs, thus reducing social wel- (performance pay) feasible. Contingent con-
fare. On the other hand, it increases the equi- tracts not only reduce the amount of endoge-
librium level of employment, thus increasing nously created friction that is necessary to
the social welfare. If the revenue product of motivate workers but also reduce the total
labor is elastic enough, a small increase in c amount of friction in the market that is neces-
can induce a big increase in the equilibrium sary to motivate workers. Broadly speaking,
employment level, causing the positive effect this result implies that exogenous friction might
to dominate the negative effect and social be more efficient than endogenously created
welfare increases.15 friction in overcoming double moral hazard
When c v/(dq), the social surplus is problems in markets.
decreasing in c. This is because an increase in
c reduces the equilibrium employment E*, thus
bonuses, which reduce the wage premium. Compared to Equation (17), the second
This also implies that workers paid higher term disappears because the government col-
bonuses actually earn less than those paid lects the money. Therefore, the total social
low bonuses.16 welfare is always increasing in t as long as
The third implication is about the relation- c + t v/(dq). In fact, social welfare is maxi-
ships among turnover costs, bonuses, and mized when t 5 v/(dq) c. Of course, the
unemployment. The model predicts that downside of a turnover tax is that it may
occupations paid higher bonuses should impede the free relocation of labor when firms
have lower levels of unemployment. How- have different growth prospects, which is not
ever, the relationship between turnover costs modeled in the paper.
and unemployment level is nonmonotonic.
Among the occupations with low turnover
costs, the occupations with higher turnover V. INCORPORATING SEARCH COSTS
costs should have lower levels of unem-
ployment. On the other hand, among the In this section, we extend the basic model to
occupations with high turnover costs, the incorporate workers’ search costs. Search
occupations with higher turnover costs costs are directly borne by workers. More
should have higher levels of unemployment. importantly, a worker incurs search costs as
The final implication is about the sensitivity long as he has actively searched for jobs,
of wage payment to employment levels. Spe- regardless of whether he finds one. Although
cifically, wages are less sensitive to the workers bear search costs directly, firms have
employment level in occupations with high to induce workers to search for two reasons.
turnover costs than in occupations with low First, firms need workers to fill vacancies after
turnover costs. exogenous separations occur. Second, to effec-
By Proposition 4, if the existing turnover tively discipline shirkers, firms have incentives
costs are small in markets, it might be benefi- to reduce the effective job acquisition rate by
cial for the government to tax employers inducing workers to search.
(without compensating employees) whenever We model the unemployed workers’ search
turnover occurs, thus increasing the effective behavior as follows. Anticipating the wage
turnover costs. Actually, a government tax contracts that firms offer, in each period, each
always increases social welfare as long as unemployed worker decides whether and with
the turnover costs c , v/(dq). To see this, sup- what probability to search (here, we allow
pose c , v/(dq) and the government imposes workers to play mixed strategy regarding
a turnover tax t with c + t , v/(dq). Now, search). If a worker searches, he incurs search
the social surplus becomes costs cS . 0 in that period regardless of the
outcome. After unemployed workers make
ð E their search decisions, the effective job acquisi-
SðE ;c;tÞ 5 pðEÞdE E ðuþvÞð1qÞE c: tion rate a is determined, which is the ratio of
0 the number of unfilled vacancies to the popu-
lation of unemployed workers who search
The equilibrium E* satisfies actively. Since the environment is symmetric
for all unemployed workers, we focus on sym-
pðE Þ 5 u þ v=ðdqÞ þ ½v=ðdqÞ metric strategies: each unemployed worker
c tð1 qÞE =ðL E Þ: searches with the same probability r 2 [0, 1].
Given r, the stationary job acquisition rate is
Note that @E*/@t 5 @E*/@c . 0. Thus,
a 5 minf1; ð1 qÞE=½rðL qEÞg:
@S=@t 5 ½pðE Þ ðu þ vÞ
ð1 qÞc@E =@t . 0:
The presence of search costs cS has two
effects on wage contracts. First, it can disci-
pline employed workers: if a worker shirks,
he will be fired and has to incur search costs
16. Of course, this result crucially depends on the risk cS for several periods to find another job. Sec-
neutrality of workers. ond, firms now have to induce workers to
search, since search costs are directly borne by The new programming problem for each
workers. Specifically, with the presence of cS, firm is as follows, taking the job acquisition
the value functions become the following: rate a as given:
TABLE 3 Bonuses across Occupations II
Bonuses across Occupations I Occupations Incidence of Bonus (%)
Bonus +
Professional and managerial 35
Occupations Bonus (%) Promotion (%)
Supervisors 32
Managers 28.46 47.37 Clerical, administrative, 30
Professionals 15.46 29.22 and secretarial
Secretaries 11.60 25.60 Skilled manual 22
Food service workers 7.49 18.66 Semiskilled manual 16
Cleaning service workers 7.43 17.33 Unskilled manual 11
The Wage Curves Wage-unemployment Elasticities II
Occupations British GHS data ABS IDS data
Manual 0.0721
Clerks 0.0896
Professionals 0.0631 0.0224
Managers 0.0497 0.0198
ð24Þ wþbuþv ðIRWÞ Now, consider the case E E.^ In this case, firms will just
induce â by paying the following wage:
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