Filter Validation
Filter Validation
Filter Validation
Cartridges, Maxicaps® & Midicaps®
Table of Contents
Pharmaceutical products, such as Therefore, a prior membrane Guidelines for validation are given
injectable and infusion solutions or filtration run is required by cGMP in the US Code of Federal Regula-
those which come in contact with regulations (Current Good Manufac- tions Title 21 and the current
open wounds, must conform to turing Practice of the US Food and USP. In addition, guidelines have
exactly defined quality standards. Drug Administration) to ensure that been established jointly by the
The desired quality of the final particles and microbes are removed. Committee for Laboratories and
product can only be obtained when Solutions containing heat-labile Official Drug Product Inspection
the entire production process is products, such as antibiotics, can Services and the Department of
adequately safeguarded against be cold sterilized by membrane Industrial Pharmacists of the
contamination. Final product filtration immediately before aseptic Federation Internationale
quality meeting the standards of filling. Microbe retentive filtration Pharmaceutique (F.I.P.), which is
the respective pharmacopeias can (bacteria retentive according to the the European counterpart of the
be achieved by using membrane European Pharmacopeia 6) or sterile FDA. The term validation is defined
filter technology at critical points filtration (sterilization by filtration by the F.I.P. guidelines as follows:
where particles or microbes could in conformance with the current ”Validation, as used in these guide-
contaminate a product or must be USP), respectively, is an important lines, comprises the systematic
separated from it. Heat-stable final process step in the manufacture testing of essential production
products can be sterilized practically of sterile pharmaceutical products. steps and equipment in the R & D
and effectively by autoclaving. This When sterilizing filters are used and production departments,
process, however, does not remove in the manufacture of pharma- including testing and inspection of
particles or dead microorganisms ceuticals, the aseptic process must pharmaceutical products with the
which may release pyrogens. be validated, taking all aspects of goal of ensuring that the finished
the product and the production products can be manufactured
process into consideration. Sartolon, reliably and reproducibly and in
a pleated filter cartridge with a the desired quality in keeping with
reinforced double layer membrane, the established production and
reliably fulfills the product-specific quality control procedures“. We
requirements which have to be have compiled this validation guide
imposed on a sterilizing grade so users of Sartolon filter cartridges
filter. Validation is indispensable can plan, implement and document
for guaranteeing the safety of their own validation procedures.
pharmaceuticals, and is a logical
supplement and significant part of
the cGMP regulations which have
been in force for quite some time.
1.1 cGMP Quality Assurance from 1.3 Prevention of Contamination 1.6 Quality Management System
Sartorius Sartorius capsules and filter Sartorium Stedim Biotech imple-
Consistent high quality of Sartorius cartridges are sealed in mented Quality Management
Membrane Filters, Capsules gas-permeable protective plastic Systems to assure consistent high
(ready-to-connect filtration units) bags in a controlled production quality of Membrane Filters and
and Filter Cartridges is assured area. Following this step, they are Filter Cartidges.
by careful selection of the raw heat treated with steam to reliably
materials, well-planned and prevent microbial growth, and thus Exemplary Quality Systems
validated production technologies rule out the possibility of pyrogen Certificates:
and an exceptionally efficient synthesis during shipping and
Quality Assurance Department, all storage. Quality Management System
of which results in high batch- ISO 9001
to-batch reproducibility. The test 1.4 Complete Traceability Quality Management System
procedures used are based both on The pore size (or retention rating), ISO 13485
external standard methods, such type and lot number are printed on
as the USP, EP and ASTM, and on the label of the protective plastic The complete Quality Systems
in-house methods which are the or paper bag and on the label of Certificates are continuously
result of Sartorius’ experience over the box in which the cartridge or updated and can be downloaded
the past 60 years. capsule is packed. In addition, these on our website:
specifications are imprinted on the
1.2 Quality Assurance outer cage of each filter cartridge
For quality assurance, all materials or on the housing of each capsule. qm-certificates
are selected carefully in accordance The traceable lot number allows
with current regulations, such as convenient retrieval of all data
the FDA CFR’s, cGMP’s in-house complied on the materials used,
guidelines and the specifications production steps and QC tests.
of our Research and Development
Department including the terms 1.5 Sartorius Drug Master File
of delivery and acceptance of our This product is registered with the
Purchasing Department. Documen- Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA).
tation begins with the inspection The DMF number is available upon
of the incoming raw materials request.
including in-process materials,
molded parts and sealing materials,
etc. for manufacture. Adherence to
cGMP requirements (clean-room
conditions, gowning and employee
hygiene, etc.) which are monitored
by documented in-process controls,
ensures optimal quality control
in standard operating procedures
for production. Finished Sartorius
Capsules and Filter Cartridges
undergo final product quality
control. This involves 100 %
non-destructive testing of each
individual product and other
individual tests carried out on a
representative number of samples.
A lot is not released until all
in-process and final quality control
data are available.
1.7 Test Methods for the Quality
Assurance of Sartorius
Sartolon Filter Elements
Bubble Point of the Cartridge Bacteria Challenge Testing Correlation of Diffusion and
Bubble Point Values with the ASTM
Diffusion Value of the Cartridge Endotoxin Testing Bacteria Challenge Tests
Flow Rate and Throughput of the Flow Rate Testing Current USP Class VI Plastics Tests
Membrane Intracutaneous Test
Steam Sterilizability Systemic Injection Test
Bacteria Challenge Testing of Every Implantation Test
Lot of Filter Membrane Extractable Substances
Particle Release
In-line Steam Sterilization
(cartridges only) Autoclavability
2. Technical Specifications
21 Double Open end
Pore Size cartridge with flat
25 S-adapter top, locking
bayonet adapter with
Height 226 double O-ring
27 Flat top, double 222
O-ring bottom
Pore Size
07H 0.2 µm final membrane
2.1.2 Mini Cartridges Explanation
Type of Adapter
15 Bayonet adapter with
Pore Size O-ring
2.1.3 Maxicaps® Explanation
Pore Size
Pore Size
07H 0.2 µm final membrane
Filtration Area
0 Hose barb
S 11⁄2" Tri-Clamp
F 3⁄4" Tri-Clamp
The first code letter of the
connector code represents the inlet,
the second code letter represents
the outlet connector.
2.1.4 Midicaps® Explanation
Pore Size
Pore Size
07H 0.2 µm final membrane
The first code letter of the
connector code represents the inlet,
the second code letter represents
the outlet connector.
2.2 Filter Material 2.3 Mechanism of Filtration 2.5 Materials of Construction
Heterogeneous double layer The retention of particles and All materials meet the FDA require-
Polyamide membrane filters, with microorganisms is achieved by a ments as defined in Title 21 Code
the upstream filter membrane sieving mechanism through the of Federal Regulations. Biosafety
having a larger pore size than the Polyamide filter membrane. The testing, such as the Class VI Plastics
final membrane. throughput is enhanced through Testing as described in the current
the use of fractionated filtration USP, are also met and exceeded.
due to the heterogenous double
layer membrane. Upstream Support Layer:
2.4 Pore Size Combination
0.45 µm + 0.2 µm Prefilter Membrane:
Reinforced Polyamide
Downstream Support:
Outer Cage:
Inner Core:
Capsule Housing:
Silicone; Optional:
EPDM or Fluoroelastomer
Filling Bell:
10 |
2.7 Dimensions
Adapter 10" [mm] 20" [mm] 30" [mm] Diameter [mm]
25 321 568 817 70
± 3 mm per 10"
Height measurement include adapter and S-top where indicated in the diagram.
2.7.2 Mini Cartridges
| 11
Diameter without Valves
2.7.3 Maxicaps®
Total Height
Total Diameter
(including valves)
12 |
2.7.4 Midicaps® Diameter Midicaps® Housing without Valves
Total Height
| 13
2.8 Maximum Allowable
Differential Pressure
The maximum allowable differential
pressure depends on the temper-
ature at which the pressure is
exerted. Maximum allowable differ-
ential pressures in the direction of
2.8.1 Cartridges
2.8.2 Maxicaps®
Temperature [°C] 20 50
Pressure [bar] 4 3
Pressure [psi] 58 43.5
2.8.3 Midicaps®
Temperature [°C] 20 30
Pressure [bar] 5 3
Pressure [psi] 72.5 43.5
14 |
2.11 Rinse-Up Required for Particle
The requirements for filtrate quality
according to the current USP
”Sterile Water for Injection“ are met
without the need for initial flushing
of the filter cartridge and Midicap®.
2.12 Sterilization
Autoclaving of wet filter cartridges ,
Maxicaps® & Midicaps® up to a
maximum temperature of 134 °C,
for 30 minutes
In-line steam sterilization of wetted
cartridges with a maximum of
2.3 bar|34 psi inlet pressure and
2 bar|29 psi outlet pressure
(max. Dp = 0.3 bar|5 psi).
Maxicaps® and Midicaps® cannot be
in-line steam sterilized.
Pore Size of the Height Test Pressure Maximum Diffusion Minimum Bubble Point
Final Membrane [bar|psi] [mL/min] [bar|psi]
0.2 µm 10" 2.5|36 13 3.0|43.5
20" 2.5|36 26 3.0|43.5
30" 2.5|36 39 3.0|43.5
Pore Size of the Filtration Area Test Pressure Maximum Diffusion Minimum Bubble Point
Final Membrane [m2|ft2] [bar|psi] [mL/min] [bar|psi]
0.2 µm 0.2|2.2 2.5|36 4 3.0|43.5
| 15
3. Flow Rates
Background Results
Test filter cartridges are placed into The flow rate curves for water
individual Sartorius filter housings through Sartolon standard
(Sartorius housings, Type cartridges, mini cartridges,
340011P25TT112A or Maxicaps® & Midicaps® of the given
331019P15TT112A). Capsules are pore sizes and lengths versus differ-
directly installed into the piping ential pressure are on the following
system, using sanitary flanges. pages.
The piping system to and from the
filters has an inner diameter of Note
25 mm|1 inch resp. 15 mm|0.6 inch. The flow rate is strongly influenced
The water inlet is opened and the by the viscosity of the medium
filter housings are completely being filtered. For this reason, all
vented. flow rate measurements are taken
at 20 °C so that the influence of
The filters are rinsed for approxi- temperature on viscosity is not a
mately 5 minutes at 0.3 bar|4 psi factor.
differential pressure to assure
complete wetting. The filter For flow rate measurements of
cartridges are then integrity tested 20" and 30" filter cartridges, the
to assure that only integral filters flow rates reach a point where the
are tested. The inlet pressure (Pi) is geometry of the piping and the
held constant at 2.5 bar|36 psi. filter housing begin to contribute
to the overall differential pressure
By adjusting the valves on the (resistance to flow). At a flow rate
downstream side of the filter of approximately 7000 L/h
housing, the required differential (120 L/min), the filter membrane
pressure for the test measurements surface area is no longer the flow
is established. After achieving a limiting factor, but the housing
constant differential pressure, the and piping system begin to have
flow rate is recorded from the increasing effects on differential
flow meter and the temperature is pressure. For this reason the flow
noted. The flow meter used in this rates are only recorded at limited
testing was a Fisher & Porter COPA differential pressures.
XM Magnetic Inductive Flow Meter
Model D10D1465.
Test Set-up
Regulating Valve,
Test Filter
Water Water
Stream Pressure Gauge Regulating Valve, Thermometer Flow Meter Stream
16 |
3.1 Water Flow Rates for 10", 20" and 30" Cartridges and Maxicaps®
Sartolon 0.45|0.2 µm
2.0 30
1.0 15
0 0
0 2500 5000 7500 10000 12500 15000
Flow Rate [L/h]
Standardized at 20 °C
3.2 Water Flow Rates for Mini Cartridges with 2.000 cm2|2.2 ft2 Filtration Area
Sartolon 0.45|0.2 µm
1 15
0.50 7.5
0 0
0 250 500 750 1000
Flow Rate [L/h]
Standardized at 20 °C
| 17
3.3 Water Flow Rates for Midicaps® with 2.000 cm2|2.2 ft2 Filtration Area
Sartolon 0.45|0.2 µm
1 14.5
0.5 7.25
0 0
0 300 600 900
Flow Rate [L/h]
Standardized at 20 °C
18 |
4. Chemical Stability – Sartolon
Compatibility measurement with complete filter element, but different O-ring materials:
Silicone EPDM Fluoroelastomer
Acetic acid, 10 % ––
Acetic acid, conc. –– –– ––
Citric acid
Formic acid, 10 %
Formic acid, conc. –– –– ––
Hydrochloric acid, 25 % –– –– ––
Hydrochloric acid, 30 % –– –– ––
Lactic acid
Nitric acid, 10 % –– –– ––
Nitric acid, 65 % –– –– ––
Phosphoric acid, 25 % –– –– ––
Sulfuric acid, 25 % –– –– ––
Sulfuric acid, conc. –– –– ––
Tartaric acid
Trichloracetic acid, 10 % –– –– ––
Trichloracetic acid, 25 % –– –– ––
Ammonium hydroxide, 10 % ––
Ammonium hydroxide, 30 % –– ––
Potassium hydroxide, 1 M
Sodium hydroxide, 1 M
Sodium hydroxide, 2.5 M –– ––
Acetone –– ––
Amyl acetate ––
n-Amyl alcohol
Aniline –– ––
Benzene –– ––
Benzyl alcohol
Legend Carbon tetrachloride –– ––
= Compatible
= Limited compatibility Chlorbenzene –– ––
depending on concentration, Chloroform –– ––
temperature etc.
– – = Not compatible Cyclohexanone
Decalin ––
Test Specifications
Diethyl ether –– ––
7 days contact at 20 °C
Dimethyl formamide –– ––
Important Dimethyl sulfoxide
Compatibility is influenced by
various factors, such as temper- Dioxane ––
ature, concentration, etc. Ethanol, 10 %
If necessary, test the compatibility
with the solution you wish to Ethanol, 98 %
filter before performing the actual Ethyl acetate
filtration run.
| 19
Ethylene glycol
Isopropyl alcohol
Methanol, 98 %
Methyl acetate
Methylene chloride –– ––
Methylene glycol
Methyl ethyl ketone
Methyl isobutyl ketone
Perchloroethylene –– ––
Propyl acetate ––
n-Propyl alcohol
Sodium hypochloride
Tetrahydrofuran –– ––
Tetralin –– ––
Toluene –– ––
= Compatible Trichloroethylene –– ––
= Limited compatibility Triethanolamine
depending on concentration,
temperature etc. Turpentine ––
– – = Not compatible Xylene –– ––
20 |
5. Integrity Test Limits
| 21
5.2 Bacteria Retention Test
Test Set-up
Regulating Valve Capsule or
Housing with Analytical
Sterile Prefil- Test Filter Filters
Mixing Flow Meter
Water Tube Water
Stream Stream
Water flow is initiated and the The bacterial challenge bioburden Test Procedure
water stream first passes through a that will be introduced to the test The Sartolon filter cartridges or
sterilizing grade filter cartridge. The filter cartridge is controlled by capsules are installed and wetted
purpose of this filter is to remove dosing of the bacterial suspension as described in the operating
particles and bacteria to assure the into the water stream with a instructions. The filter system is
Test Filter is only challenged with peristaltic pump. After the bacterial then sterilized.
the bacterial load as described in suspension is added to the water
the ASTM Document. stream, the flow is directed through The system is then rinsed with
a mixing tube to ensure that proper water and the test filter is integrity
Sterilizing Filter Cartridge: mixing of the bacterial suspension tested with the Sartocheck® 4 Plus.
Sartobran® P 0.45|0.2 µm has occurred. For the control and The water flow is controlled with
Membrane Filter 5232507H1-P monitoring of the differential the valving of the system and set
pressure during the Bacteria so that the bacterial suspension can
Challenge Test, pressure gauges and be dosed into the water stream.
valves have been installed on the After the Bacteria Challenge Test,
upstream and downstream side of the analytical filters are incubated
the filter cartridges. The filtrate that on agar plates to determine if there
passes through the test filter flows was passage of bacteria through
through two parallel analytical the test filter. The analysis of the
filters. After the completion of analytical filters is conducted
the Bacteria Challenge Test, these according to the ASTM Method.
analytical filters can be examined
according to the analytical methods
described in the ASTM document.
22 |
5.3 Diffusion Test Limits Results
5.3.1 Cartridges|Maxicaps® Lot Number Diffusion [mL/min] Bioburden [CFU] Filtrate Quality
019141 8.4 2.4 × 1011 sterile
Since most of the 10"|250 mm 019141 8.6 4.7 × 1011 sterile
filter cartridges tested during 019141 8.6 4.7 × 1011 sterile
the validation studies had low
diffusion values and produced 020041 8.8 2.4 × 1011
sterile filtrates, the following data 019141 8.8 1.8 × 1011 sterile
represents a sampling from all
filters tested during the validation 020341 9.0 2.4 × 1011
testing, indicating results near the 019141 9.0 2.4 × 1011 sterile
diffusion|sterile filtrate limits. 020041 9.0 6.3 × 1011
019141 9.2 2.4 × 1011
020041 9.2 2.9 × 1011 sterile
019141 9.2 5.0 × 1011
020341 9.4 2.4 × 1011 sterile
020041 9.4 5.0 × 1011
020041 9.8 9.0 × 1010 sterile
019141 9.8 3.4 × 1011
020341 9.8 5.0 × 1011
020341 10.3 1.3 × 1011 sterile
020041 10.6 3.4 × 1011
019141 11.4 2.1 × 1010 sterile
019141 11.5 2.1 × 1010
020041 11.7 2.1 × 1010 sterile
020041 12.0 2.1 × 1010
020341 12.0 3.4 × 1011 sterile
019141 12.0 2.4 × 1011
019141 12.6 2.1 × 1010
020041 12.6 5.0 × 1011 sterile
020341 12.8 3.4 × 1011
020341 13.2 4.7 × 1011 sterile
020041 13.4 3.4 × 1011
020041 13.8 9.0 × 1010 sterile
020341 14.4 3.4 × 1011
019141 14.4 5.8 × 1011
019141 15.0 3.4 × 1011 sterile
019141 18.4 3.4 × 1011
020041 23.7 1.7 × 1011 non sterile
020041 27.9 1.3 × 1011
non sterile
020341 50.0 1.3 × 1011 non sterile
020341 63.6 9.0 × 1010
non sterile
| 23
Cartridges (10"|250 mm)
Diffusion [mL/min]
Non Sterile
Safety margin
02 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
01 41
02 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
01 41
02 41
01 41
02 41
01 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
01 41
02 41
02 41
01 41
01 41
02 41
01 41
02 41
01 41
13 mL/min.
24 |
5.3.2 Midicaps®
| 25
5.4 Manual Determination of 5.4.1 Examples of the Maximum
Maximum Allowable Pressure Drop Allowable Pressure Drop for
Slowly pressurize the filter housing Sartolon Midicaps®
containing the wetted filter
cartridge. The required test pressure
is dependent upon the pore size of Midicaps® Max. Diffusion Upstream Volume Max. Allowable
the membrane to be tested. (See at 20 °C and [mL/min] Pressure Drop at 20 °C
integrity test data table). Once the 4 bar|58 psi and 2.5 bar|36 psi
correct pressure is attained, allow Sartolon 4 320 mL 62 mbar/5 min
for a 5 minute stabilization period 5105307H9––SS (0.9 psi/5 min)
and then close the pressure supply.
During the 5 minute test period, the
pressure drop should not exceed the
permissible value. This maximum
pressure drop is dependent upon
a variety of criteria, including the
upstream volume of the special
filter housing at a constant
temperature and must be calcu-
lated according to the general gas
PA–PE: Pressure drop in mbar
after test period (t)
V: Volume of housing on
the inlet side in mL
(net volume of housing
with installed cartridge
+ volume of the inlet
line to the stop valve
+ volume of the gas
With the use of the Sartorius
automated integrity test system,
Sartocheck® 4 Plus, the upstream
volume is calculated during every
integrity test.
26 |
6. Thermal Stability
6.1 Steam Sterilization of Cartridges Important Note for In-line Steam In order to demonstrate that the
The materials and construction of Sterilization Sartolon filter cartridges have
Sartolon filter cartridges allow for After the installation and wetting of good thermal stability, three filter
exposures to multiple steam steril- the filter cartridges, the upstream cartridges from three different
ization cycles. Since multiple steam vent valve on the filter housing, manufacturing lots were tested
sterilization cycles may be required all drainage and inlet and outlet under the following procedure:
in actual practice, the influences valves on the filter housing should
of the thermo-mechanical stresses be slightly opened and the steam 1. The new filter cartridges are
on the integrity of Sartolon filter inlet valve should be opened slowly wetted with water.
cartridges were examined. As a to allow for a slow steam stream
result, recommendations and limits coming into the filter system. 2. The filters are then integrity
for multiple in-line steam steril- During the initial phase of pressure tested by Bubble Point and
ization are given. increase, the maximum differ- Diffusion Tests. The flow rates
ential pressure should not exceed were also recorded for these new
Test Method: 0.5 bar|7 psi. As soon as steam is filters.
Sartolon 10" filter cartridges, with passing through the outlet valves of
a pore size of 0.45|0.2 µm from the housings, the inlet and outlet 3. The filters are in-line steam
a number of different production valves should be manipulated so sterilized.
lots, were installed into stainless that the outlet pressure is not more
steel filter housing (Sartorius Part than 2 bar|30 psi. Additionally, the 4. After the first in-line steam
Number 340011P25TT112A) wetted, inlet pressure should not be more sterilization cycle, the filters are
and were in-line sterilized with than 0.2 to 0.3 bar (3 to 4 psi) integrity tested by Bubble Point
saturated steam at 2 bar|30 psi above the sterilization pressure. and Diffusion Tests.
for 30 minutes after reaching a After steam sterilization pressures
steaming temperature of 134 °C have been achieved, the filters are 5. The filters are then steam
(measured at the outlet of the steamed for 30 minutes under these sterilized 25 times.
housing). Additionally, the differ- conditions. After steaming and
ential pressure was held constant closing of the steam inlet valve, the 6. After the 25 cycles, the filters are
and did not exceed 0.3 bar|4 psi upstream and downstream pressures integrity tested by Bubble Point
during steam sterilization. After are allowed to drop to atmospheric and Diffusion Tests. The flow
the steam sterilization cycle, the pressure, the drain valves are closed rates were also recorded.
steam pressure is allowed to drop and the venting valve is opened.
to atmosphere (in about 3 to 5 If fasten cooling is required, the 7. The cartridges are then Bacterial
minutes) and the system is cooled system can be rinsed with water Challenge tested to determine
by filtration with water at a differ- at a differential pressure of 0.2 if the steam sterilization cycles
ential pressure of 0.2 to 0.3 bar to 0.3 bar (3 to 4 psi). In order had any effect on the bacteria
(3 to 4 psi) for 5 minutes. The to assure that the filters are retention properties of the
in-line steam cycle is then repeated. not chemically attacked during Sartolon filter cartridges.
Before beginning these tests and steaming, only steam generated
after 20 in-line steam cycles, the with pure water should be used.
integrity of the filter cartridges
is verified through diffusion and
Bubble Point Testing, as well as the
water flow rates. After 25 steam
cycles, the filters are tested by the
ASTM Bacteria Challenge Test to
verify that the filters could still
produce a sterile effluent.
| 27
6.1.1 Effects on Water Flow Rates
Test Procedure
Nine Sartolon 10" filter cartridges
from three different lot numbers
were installed and wetted in
standard filter housings. The flow
rate was measured at a differential
pressure of 0.5 bar|7 psi. The values
are the average of the filters from
the production lot.
5 Flow Rate
Prior to Steaming
0 After 25 Steam Cycles
6005443 6005543 6005643
Lot Number
28 |
6.1.2 Effects on Diffusion Test Values Test Pressure: 2.5 bar|36 psi
Flow Rate
Prior to Steaming
0 After 25 Steam Cycles
6005443 6005543 6005643
Lot Number
| 29
6.1.3 Effects on Bubble Point Values
Test Procedure
After Diffusion Testing, the same
Sartolon 10" filter cartridges are
then tested by the Bubble Point
Test, utilizing the Sartocheck®
4 Plus automated integrity test
system. The following results are
the averages for the filters from
the three different production lots
Flow Rate
Prior to Steaming
0 After 25 Steam Cycles
6005443 6005543 6005643
Lot Number
30 |
6.1.4 Effects on Bacteria Challenge Test
Test Procedure
With the Sartolon 10" filter
cartridges previously mentioned,
a Bacterial Challenge Test was
performed. This test was conducted
according to the current ASTM F838
Guideline. The following bacteria
concentrations are averages for the
elements tested.
The results indicate that the
integrity and bacterial retentive
properties of the Sartolon filter
cartridges are not effected by 25
In-line Steam Sterilization Cycles at
134 °C for 30 minutes.
| 31
6.2 Autoclaving of In order to demonstrate that the
Maxicaps® & Midicaps® Sartolon Maxicaps® & Midicaps®
The materials and construction have good thermal stability,
of the Sartolon Maxicaps® & multiple capsules from three
Midicaps® allow for exposures to different manufacturing lots
multiple autoclaving cycles. Since were tested under the following
multiple autoclaving cycles may procedure:
be required in actual practice,
the influences of the thermo- 1. The new Maxicaps® & Midicaps®
mechanical stresses on the integrity are wetted with water.
of Sartolon Maxicaps® & Midicaps®
were examined. As a result, recom- 2. The filters are then integrity
mendations and limits for multiple tested by bubble point and
autoclaving are given. diffusion tests. The flow rates
were also recorded for these new
Test Method filters.
Sartolon Maxicaps® & Midicaps®,
with a pore size of 0.2 μm from a 3. The filters are autoclaved.
number of different production lots,
were installed and were autoclaved 4. After the first autoclaving cycle,
at 2 bar|30 psi and a temperature the filters are integrity tested by
of 134 °C for 30 minutes. Before bubble point and diffusion tests.
beginning these tests and after The flow rates were also recorded.
25 autoclaving cycles, the integrity
of the Maxicaps® & Midicaps® 5. The filters are then autoclaved
is verified through diffusion and 25 times.
bubble point testing, as well as the
water flow rates. After 25 cycles, 6. After the 25 cycles, the filters are
the filters are tested by the ASTM integrity tested by bubble point
Bacteria Challenge Test to verify and diffusion tests. The flow rates
that the filters could still produce a were also recorded.
sterile effluent.
7. The capsules are then Bacteria
Challenge tested to determine if
the autoclaving cycles had any
effect on the bacteria retention
properties of the Sartolon
Maxicaps® & Midicaps®.
32 |
6.2.1 Effects on Water Flow Rates
Test Procedure
Sartolon filters from three different
lot numbers were installed and
wetted. The flow rate was measured
at a differential pressure of
0.5 bar|7 psi. The following table
contains the average values for the
capsules tested. Flow rate values
have been standardized at 20 °C. Maxicaps®
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
019141 020041 020341
Lot Number
| 33 Midicaps®
Flow Rate
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
423943 500743 500643
Lot Number
34 |
6.2.2 Effects on Diffusion Values
Test Procedure
Sartolon filters from three different
production lots were wetted. A
Diffusion Test utilizing the following
parameters was conducted utilizing
an automated integrity test system,
the Sartocheck® 4 Plus:
Test Pressure:
2.5 bar|36 psi
Stabilization Time:
5 minutes
Test Time:
5 minutes Maxicaps®
Flow Rate
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
019141 020041 020341
Lot Number
| 35 Midicaps®
Flow Rate
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
423943 423743 423843
Lot Number
36 |
6.2.3 Effects on Bubble Point Values
Test Procedure
After diffusion testing, the same
Sartolon filters are then tested
by the Bubble Point Test, utilizing
the Sartocheck® 4 Plus automated
integrity test system. The following
results are the averages for the
elements tested. Maxicaps®
Flow Rate
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
019141 020041 020341
Lot Number
| 37 Midicaps®
Flow Rate
Prior to Autoclaving
0 After 25 Autoclaving Cycles
423943 423743 423843
Lot Number
38 |
6.2.4 Bacteria Challenge Test Values
Test Procedure
With the Sartolon filters previously
mentioned, a Bacterial Challenge
Test was performed. TThis test was
conducted according to the current
ASTM F838 Guideline. The following
bacteria concentrations are
averages for the elements tested. Maxicaps®
Conclusion Note
The results indicate that the The service life of the filter
integrity and bacterial retentive elements is determined by process
properties of the Sartolon conditions, for instance the particle
Maxicaps® are not effected by load of the solution being filtered.
25 autoclaving cycles at 134 °C for The service life can also be influ-
30 minutes. enced by the steaming conditions.
Different qualities of steam and
steam process conditions may
lead to variations in the service
life of the filters when filters are
in-line steam sterilized repeatedly.
Additional service life can affected
by product residues which are
not removed completely from the
membrane by flushing.
| 39 Midicaps®
The results indicate that the
integrity and bacterial retentive
properties of the Sartolon
Midicaps® are not effected by
25 autoclaving cycles at 134 °C for
30 minutes.
40 |
7. Testing According to USP
| 41
7.1 Particle Content of the Filtrate Test Set-up Particle analysis of the samples
Two filter cartridges, two Maxicaps® is conducted utilizing a particle
Purpose & two Midicaps® each from three sensor system. This system consists
In general, the particle release from production lots were wetted of a Pacific Scientific Hiac Royco
filters should be minimized. For and autoclaved prior to being sampler (Model 3000 SOS, serial
parenteral solutions, the require- tested. The wetting of the filters No. 93023007), in which a particle
ments are defined in the USP is achieved through a static soak, sensor (Model HRLD 150, serial
Monographs, which set maximum not through fluid flow, in order to No. 9208-012) is installed to
limits for particle content based avoid removing potential particles analyse the filtrate in accordance
on defined particle sizes. The that may be present. As a wetting with the current USP requirements.
particle release of Sartolon filter and flushing medium, Reverse The system also incorporates a
cartridges, Maxicaps® & Midicaps® Osmosis (RO) generated water is particle counter (Model 8000, serial
should lie well below the limits set used during the testing. An integrity No. 91078805). The particle sensor
forth in the current USP for ”Large test is performed to assure that system is calibrated twice a year in
Volume Parenterals for Single Dose only integral filters are used for line with USP Standards.
Infusion“. this testing. In order to generate
particle-free water, the water is A sampling vessel is placed into
Limits first filtered through two 0.2 µm the sampler. The sample medium is
From the current USP, the following membrane filter cartridges. This drawn in through a glass bulb and a
limits have been set as a maximum water is used to flush the filter sample volume of 25 mL/min. is set
number of particles per mL of housing and all contact surface to exactly on the sampler. The particle
product (in this case, large volume remove surface particles prior to count begins automatically when
injections for single dose infusion): testing. The filter elements that the sampler is started. The average
have been autoclaved and integrity particle value is calculated from a
25 particles/mL > 10 µm tested are then installed in the total of six measurements, 25 mL
3 particles/mL > 25 µm pre-rinsed system. each.
Test Set-up
Particle Sensor
Particle Test Filter
Filtration Element
Valve Pressure
Water flow
42 |
7.1.1 Standard Cartridges
Particle Size Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Limits
[µm] per mL per mL per mL per mL According
after 1 L Flush after 2.5 L Flush after 5 L Flush after 10 L Flush to USP
> 10 1 0 0 0 25
> 25 1 0 0 0 3
7.1.2 Maxicaps®
Particle Size Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Limits
[µm] per mL per mL per mL per mL According
after 1 L Flush after 2.5 L Flush after 5 L Flush after 10 L Flush to USP
> 10 5 4 2 0 25
> 25 1 1 0 0 3
7.1.3 Midicaps®
Particle Size Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Particle Count Limits
[µm] per mL per mL per mL per mL According
after 1 L Flush after 2.5 L Flush after 5 L Flush after 10 L Flush to USP
> 10 0 0 0 0 25
> 25 0 0 0 0 3
The tables above show that for
Sartolon 10" filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® and Midicaps®, the
requirements of the current USP
and BP for particle content are met
in the first liter of rinse volume.
This shows that the initial filtrate
conforms to these standards, as it is
not technically feasible to test the
first mL of solution filtered. Accord-
ingly, the Sartolon filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® and Midicaps® do not
have to be rinsed prior to being
able to produce a filtrate that
conforms with the current USP and
BP for particle content.
| 43
7.2 Determination of Oxidizable 7.2.1 Standard Cartridges
Substances of the Filtrate
Test Procedure
Three Sartolon standard cartridges, Blank passed
three Maxicaps® & three Midicaps®
each from three different Lot Test Results Test Results Test Results Test Results
production lots were wetted (by Number after after after after
soaking) and autoclaved. After 1 L Flush 2.5 L Flush 5 L Flush 10 L Flush
installation the filter elements were 6005443 passed passed passed passed
flushed with Water for Injection
and 100 mL samples were taken 6005543 passed passed passed passed
after 1, 2.5, 5 and 10 L flush 6005643 passed passed passed passed
volumes for each element.
Blank passed
The Sartolon filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® & Midicaps® produced
filtrates that, when measured
by this method, were below the
requirements set by the current USP
Limits for Oxidizable Substances for
”Sterile Water for Injection”.
44 |
7.3 Determination of pH Values and
Conductivity of the Filtrate
Test Procedure
Three Sartolon standard cartridges,
three Maxicaps® & three Midicaps®
each from three different
production lots were wetted (by
soaking) and autoclaved. After
installation the filter elements were
flushed with Water for Injection
and samples were taken after 1, 2.5,
5 and 10 L flush volumes for each
Test Limits
The following table lists the limits
for pH and conductivity given by
the current USP in conjunction with
“Sterile Purified Water” and the
filters were tested in the specified
pH range of 5 to 7.
| 45
7.3.1 Standard Cartridges
Blank pH 5.7
Lot pH pH pH pH Note
Number after after after after Due to the interrelationship
1 L Flush 2.5 L Flush 5 L Flush 10 L Flush between the pH value determi-
6005443 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 nation and the measurement of the
conductivity, results for both tests
6005543 5.2 5.2 5.3 5.4 must be viewed together.
6005643 5.2 5.3 5.3 5.5
46 |
7.3.2 Maxicaps®
Blank pH 5.9
7.3.3 Midicaps®
Blank pH 5.8
Lot pH after pH after pH after pH after Due to the interrelationship
Number 1 L Flush 2.5 L Flush 5 L Flush 10 L Flush between the pH value determi-
423743 5.4 5.5 5.65 5.7 nation and the measurement of the
conductivity, results for both tests
423843 5.4 5.5 5.65 5.75 must be viewed together.
423943 5.45 5.55 5.65 5.75
| 47
7.4 Determination of Chloride 7.4.1 Standard Cartridges
7.4.3 Midicaps®
Blank passed
Sartolon standard filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® and Midicaps® produced
filtrates that, when measured
by this method, were below the
requirements set by the current
USP Limits for Chloride for “Sterile
Water for Injection”.
48 |
7.5 Determination of Sulfate 7.5.1 Standard Cartridges
7.5.3 Midicaps®
Blank passed
Lot pH pH pH pH
Number after after after after
1 L Flush 2.5 L Flush 5 L Flush 10 L Flush
423743 passed passed passed passed
423843 passed passed passed passed
423943 passed passed passed passed
Sartolon standard filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® & Maxicaps® produced
filtrates that, when measured
by this method, were below the
requirements set by the current USP
Limits for Sulfate for “Sterile Water
for Injection”.
| 49
7.6 Determination of Ammonia 7.6.1 Standard Cartridges
7.6.3 Midicaps®
Blank passed
Sartolon standard filter cartridges,
Maxicaps® & Midicaps® produced
filtrates that, when measured
by this method, were below the
requirements set by the current
USP Limits for Ammonia for “Sterile
Water for Injection”.
50 |
7.7 Biocompatibility
These tests are to determine
that all components used in the
manufacture of Sartolon filter
elements are biosafe and meet or
exceed the requirements for the
current USP Class VI Plastics Tests.
The following certificate was
released as a result of the testing of
Sartolon filter elements. All material
used in the construction of the
Sartolon filter elements meet or
exceed the requirements of the USP
Class VI. Plastics Tests.
| 51
Certificate Standard Cartridges
52 |
Certificate Inline Maxicaps® Housing
| 53
Certificate Midicaps®
54 |
8. Endotoxin Testing
Purpose Results
The goal of these tests is to
determine whether the amount of Standard Cartridges
endotoxins released in the effluent
of a Sartolon filter element meets Lot Number LAL Test Results
the requirements of EP and USP 6005443 passed
monographs for “Sterile Water for
Injection” (0.25 EU/mL). 6005543 passed
6005643 passed
Test Method
The filter cartridges are shaken in
a defined, smallest possible volume Maxicaps®
of endotoxin free water. Sartolon
filter, Maxicaps® & Midicaps® Lot Number LAL Test Results
from a variety of production lots 019141 passed
are placed into glass vessels and
filled with the required amount of 020041 passed
endotoxin free water. In contrast to 020341 passed
filter cartridges Capsule filters are
filled from both sides of the plastic
housing with the required amount Midicaps®
of endotoxin free water.
Lot Number LAL Test Results
Then the vessels or Capsule filters 423743 passed
are placed on a shaker in order
to free any endotoxins that may 423843 passed
be present. They are shaken for 423943 passed
60 minutes with 100 rpm. Samples
are then taken and evaluated with
the LAL gel clot test with a sensi- Conclusion
tivity of 0.06 EU/mL. All Sartolon 10" filter elements,
under the conditions of the
Along with these samples a positive extraction test described above,
control containing 0.06 EU of gave results below 0.18 EU/mL
endotoxin per mL is incubated bacterial endotoxin.
as well as the endotoxin free
water itself as a negative control.
A clot indicates the presence of
endotoxins. No clot indicates
absence of endotoxins
(i.e. < 0.06 EU/mL).
| 55
Sales and Service Contacts
For further contacts, visit
Specifications subject to change without notice. Printed in Germany on paper that has been bleached without any use of chlorine.
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8317 Tagelswangen Phone +51.1.441 0158
Phone +91.80.4350.5250
Phone +32.2.756.06.80 Fax +51.1.422 6100
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Ukraine Sartorius Stedim Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
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Phone +380.44.411.4918
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Phone +82.31.622.5700 Fax +82.31.622.5799