keep in mind that you can pause and quit at any
time for your safety and well-being.
@# Swamp Striped Invent Creativity
@$ Mountains Auroral Analyze Desire FORCEFUL
The Dark Room :
@% River Flaming Redeem Confidence
An endless empty room that you have locked
@^ Lake Swirly Sneak Insecurity yourself in. This is a safe place without any PATIENT
#! Ocean Enormous Seek Decency potential danger, although thrills are neither
#$ Glacier Frosty Adapt Guilt
#% Pond Blooming Examine Inspiration The Labyrinth :
#^ Desert Spotted Encourage Affection A bizarre yet miraculous world inhabited by
$! Tundra Inky Escape Oblivion
thousands of butterflies. It has an infinite land A Guided Journey
and as many landscapes, plants, and natural
phenomena as you can ever imagine. However, CREATING YOUR WANDERER About Embracing
$@ Caves Crystal Forgive Strength
Your Past
there are no living creatures besides you and the
$# Fields Elegant Retrieve Prejudice
butterflies. Choose your name and preferred pronouns.
Neither the Labyrinth nor the butterflies are an Your character has three approaches (forceful,
$$ Nest Vibrant Empathize Family
immediate threat to you, but you may confront patient, and quick). Assign one to a +2, another
$% Wasteland Fragile Sacrifice Violence
difficulty in response to an event willingly or with a +1, the third defaults to a 0.
$^ Cliffs Miniature Create Aspiration otherwise.
%! Gardens Fragrant Protect Sacrifice ABOUT YOUR JOURNEY
%@ Jungle Crimson Observe Altruism Created by
You are in a dark room. It has been so long since
%# Prairie Ethereal Follow Failure you came to this endless, empty room that you
can no longer remember who you were.
%$ Reef Hypnotic Persuade Romance
While slumbering in darkness, you notice
%% Hive Syrupy Hide Betrayal
butterflies fluttering around. The next moment,
%^ Canyon Festive Dance Joy the dark room is no longer dark; it is a colourful
labyrinth filled with hundreds of butterflies
^! Catacombs Sacred Record Obligation
where your lost self sleep.
^@ Volcanic Charcoal Support Courage At the end of your adventure in the miraculous
^# Wetlands Obscure Explore Redemption This work is based on Firelights, product of Fari RPGs realm and a recollection of yourself, you arrive
(, developed and authored by René- in the dark room once again. There is a door to
^$ Tomb Lacy Destroy Regret
Pier Deshaies-Gélinas, and licensed for our use under the the outside right in front of you.
^% Estuary Splashing Sing Gratitude Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License Gather the courage to open the door and see the
( light in reality. The key is what you found on
^^ Hollow Brilliant Learn Existence your journey: who you truly are.
�e Basics �e Game THE LABYRINTH
To play this game, you will need the following When you start the game, draw a card from the When you act in the face of adversity, Before getting into the final scene, gather all the
materials: Story Deck and place it face up in front of you. Action+Approach. cards except the World Map and shuffle.
� A deck of 52 cards without Jokers. You will This is where you start your journey. As you go Also, develop more details regarding your
use this as a way to guide the story. This is further, you will add more cards to your World � Upon Light, it’s a full success. personality and identity by using your
your Story Deck. Map. Each card represents a new region. � Upon Shade, it’s a partial success. memories as inspirations. Re-consider your
When you add a new region card, the corner of � Upon Void, it’s a setback, mark 1 Fear. name and pronouns if needed.
� Two six-sided dice. You will use these to
perform actions and get answers about the your card needs to connect with another
world. These are your Action Dice. region’s corner. To know whether the region
� A notebook to act as your Journey Book for
you are adding is located below, beside or EMBRACING THE PAST
log entries.
above your current location, compare the
numbers of both cards, and interpret the result.
DISCOVER A REGION The pieces of yourself you found on the journey
� Index cards or random slips of paper. When you look for a new path, may have been encouraging and comforting,
� A token of some sort (coin, poker chip, etc.). � If the number on the new card is higher than Action+Approach to expand your map. Roll on but they can also be dreadful.
the one on your current location, place the the tables for inspiration. When you try to reach the door, your Past
card above. appears. It is a piece of your lost self that
� If the number on the new card is lower than � Upon Light, add the two cards to your map. comprises your painful memories, and you
STARTING THE GAME the one on your current location, place the � Upon Shade, add either one of the cards to
must confront it in order to escape the Dark
card below. Room.
To play, make sure you have a couple of hours your map.
of spare time ahead of you. Shuffle and place � Otherwise, place the card beside your � Upon Void, the path is hidden, mark 1 Fear. Collect the cards where you found your lost self
your Story Deck on a flat surface and gather current location. from the World Map to build a Stack. You can
your Action Dice. add more cards to your Stack by the action FACE
Use rolling tables for inspiration, place slips of THE PAST. When the number of cards on the
paper on top of the cards to note down details
about the region. COLLECT NECTAR Stack exceeds the Past’s strength, you are able
to embrace it and finally ready to open the door.
MAKING AN ACTION When you collect nectar for butterflies,
Actions guide your journey across this world. Action+Approach. The number of drops goes � Pathos (17 cards): A creature in an uncertain
figure with elements of your recalled
Each one is a self-contained system which helps FINDING YOURSELF back to zero if it’s used.
memories. Pathos represents your trauma,
to resolve your questions or actions.
Pieces of your lost self are sleeping quietly, yet � Upon Light, you collect 2 drops of Nectar. agony, regrets, and the reasons why you
When making an Action, go through the locked yourself in this room. Using your
following: waiting to be awakened. In some regions, you � Upon Shade, you collect 1 drop of Nectar.
may experience something that reminds you of memories for inspiration, describe as you
� Upon Void, it was all empty, mark 1 Fear. want. Hearts ♥ count as two stack cards.
� Draw 2 cards face-up from your Story Deck. your own forgotten identities. To find yourself,
DISCOVER A REGION. If the new card is a face
� Roll and sum your two Action Dice. card (jack, queen or king), you encounter
� Add any modifiers to your roll to get your something personally significant, such as an
Then, interpret the result as follows and discard
the cards:
object, voice, word, or scenery.
Use the table for inspiration, imagine what you
recalled and write it down on a slip of paper
� If your score is higher than both cards, and place it on your current region. When you want a guide from butterflies to seek
there’s Light. your lost self, Action+Nectar. FACE THE PAST
� If your score is higher than one card, there’s � Upon Light, you find a part of yourself, When you build a Stack, Action+Approach.
Shade. FEAR AND THE DARK ROOM recall and write down 2 new memories Repeat until you’ve stacked enough cards to exceed
� Otherwise, there’s Void. about yourself. the Past’s strength.
When your Fear is full or your Story Deck is
empty, it means that the journey in the � Upon Shade, you hear their breath, recall
Aces are worth 1, Jacks are worth 11, Queens are and write down 1 new memory about � Upon Light, stack the two cards on the Past.
worth 12, and Kings are worth 13. Each Action Labyrinth comes to an end. Soon or later, you
see a misty dark corner in the middle of yourself. � Upon Shade, stack one of the cards on the
is formatted Actions + Modifier and tells you Past.
what happens when there’s Light, Shade or nowhere and experience an urge to go in. Once � Upon Void, you hardly catch a vague sign,
Void. you are back in the Dark Room, go to write down 1 new memory about yourself � Upon Void, pick one of the cards and add it
The Game - THE DARK ROOM. and mark 1 Fear. to the Past’s strength.