Sample Campaign Pitch
Sample Campaign Pitch
Sample Campaign Pitch
proper nouns have been changed for copyright purposes.
Your patron is House DunKarad, one of the twelve dwarven clans of the Mirror Holds and also one
of the powerful serpentmarked houses, providing security and banking services across all the
continent. Recently, the Iron Council -- the ruling council of the Mirror Holds upon which each
dwarven clan has a representative -- has become troubled by a series of attempted and successful
robberies occurring throughout the Mirror Holds. Thus, the Iron Council issued a unanimous edict
(a rare occurrence indeed) that each dwarven clan was to vigorously investigate and put an end to
the robberies occurring in its own hold.
However, House DunKarad -- who is officially only an observer on the Iron Council but holds sway
from the shadows -- suspects that another of the dwarven clans, or perhaps the Tar’Jorash orcs, is
likely behind the robberies. You see, historically the clans of Mirror Holds have participated in
squabbling, feuds, and conflict to no end, and House DunKarad -- who has always remained as
neutral as possible -- simply cannot trust the Iron Council nor the individual clans to successfully
resolve this matter.
Furthermore -- and most concerning of all for your patron -- House DunKarad's magically and
mechanically secured vaults have also been targeted -- though, of course, none of the robbery
attempts were successful, thankfully. (Imagine the blow to the house's reputation as premiere
banker and security specialist if they had been.)
At any rate, this is where your adventuring party comes in. Having been newly commissioned and
onboarded by House DunKarad, you have not been established as known agents of the house.
Furthermore, none of you are dwarves. These two elements -- and the untapped potential your
patron sees in you -- will allow you to travel and investigate and poke your noses where known
agents of House DunKarad and dwarves (who the other clans would immediately view with
suspicion) would not otherwise be able to go. Thus, your wealthy patron has commissioned your
adventuring group to follow the breadcrumbs of these robberies, see where they lead, and resolve
the matter using whatever means are necessary.
Campaign Features
Subterfuge as you navigate the various dwarven holds and investigate the robberies,
maintaining the secrecy of your true nature as agents of House DunKarad. This presents the
opportunity of working for the other dwarven clans as double agents, if desired, since many
are requesting the aid of adventurers for a variety of matters, including that of the robberies.
Dungeon delving as a main feature. The dwarven holds have surface structures, but all
stretch in the depths below as well. Furthermore, there is an entire Realm Below, that
perhaps awaits. I would not characterize this as a mega-dungeon by any means, but rather
lots of separate "dungeons" to be explored and overcome. Much overland travel and time on
the surface will be involved, too, as the group likely travels from one area to another
following leads.
Exploration of the Mirror Holds as a main feature. The campaign will likely take you across
the breadth and depth of the dwarven-held territory of the continent.
Exploration of the rest of the continent as a minor feature. The campaign will sometimes
take you to other areas of the continent for a change of pace and to experience other cool
things that are out there.
Politics as a minor feature. Some politics would come into play as many dwarven clans
constantly feud and you would be navigating the various clans. However, politics in this
campaign would be lightweight.
Right and wrong… As agents of House DunKarad, you are considered above any local law, at
least as far as your patron is concerned. You have been commissioned to get results, using
any means necessary, and in your patron's eyes, the end always justifies the means.
Level range. The campaign would begin at level 1 and likely take the group to level 20.