2.ME2033 - P2-Boys Gas Calorimeter
2.ME2033 - P2-Boys Gas Calorimeter
2.ME2033 - P2-Boys Gas Calorimeter
1. Instructions:
• Discuss the importance of studying the calorific values of fuels with the group members and the
• Conduct the experiment and obtain the measurements from the test rig as instructed by the
instructor while following the safety guidelines.
2. Introduction:
The calorific value of a fuel is defined as the energy produced per unit quantity of fuel when it is burned
at a constant pressure, the combustion products being the same temperature as the reactants (fuel and
air). If the H2O in the products is condensed, then the higher or gross calorific value (HCV) is
determined and if the H2O in the products remains in the vapor phase (or corrections are made to this
effect) then the lower or net calorific (LCV) is determined. Knowing the calorific value is very
important to select the best fuel for different heat engines.
3. Learning Objectives:
To determine the higher and lower calorific values (HCV and LCV) of liquid petroleum gas (LPG).
Sometimes, HCV and LCV are also referred to as the gross calorific value and the net calorific value.
4. Apparatus:
5. Testing Procedure:
The pressure of the gas is determined by a manometer, while its volume at this pressure and ambient
temperature are measured in the gas meter. The meter is leveled with three foot-screws and filled with
water to a fixed level so that the gas passes through the water at a constant pressure. The instrument
serves as a pressure regulator and gives an even flow of the gas ensuring steady combustion. To ensure
steady conditions, the observations are made only after the apparatus has been in use for about 30 mins.
The two-way cup is directed under the exit tube to collect the circulating water and is directed off after
3 or 4 complete revolutions of the meter pointer. The thermometers are read at regular intervals, the
water is collected alternatively in two jars, while the total condensation for the whole test is recorded.
ME2033 [Thermodynamics of Heat and Work Transfer Devices] Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of Moratuwa
Repeat the experiment with slightly different rates of gas and water flows. Take the measurements and
readings once the system reaches a steady state condition.
6. Observations:
Test No.
Gas parameters
Volume of gas
Gauge pressure
Absolute pressure
Inlet temperature
Exhaust temperature
Elapsed time
Corrected volume (27oC, 1.023bar)
Volume flow rate (27oC, 1.023bar)
Volume collected
Elapsed time
Ambient temperature
Ambient pressure
7. Calculations:
Calculate the HCV and the LCV of the fuel using the following equations respectively.
ME2033 [Thermodynamics of Heat and Work Transfer Devices] Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of Moratuwa
Where the volume of the fuel used, and the mass of water are measured over the same time interval
(with the aim of calculating the mass flow rate)
The latent heat of water at a temperature of 27oC should be used. This may be determined from
8. Results:
Compare the calculated HCV and LCV values from this experiment vs values obtained from the
published materials.
9. Discussion:
• Why this lab exercise is useful? Where can the results be used in engineering design/industry?
• Is it correct to use the latent heat of steam at 25oC in calculating the lower calorific value? Why?
• What are the relative merits of the use of HCV and LCV in power plant thermal efficiency
• Are the calorific values from your measurement using the low and high gas flow rate different
with the quoted value in the reference material? Why?
• What can you conclude from this experiment? Can the experiment set-up be used to measure the
HCV/LCV of other fuels? Why?
ME2033 [Thermodynamics of Heat and Work Transfer Devices] Department of Mechanical Engineering – University of Moratuwa