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Instructions in Filling Up Prework Templates Final

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Instructions in Filling-Up the DepEd Personnel Audit Pre-work Templates:

In preparation for the upcoming Training-Workshop on Department of Education (DepEd) Personnel Audit FY 2024,
all DepEd Regional Offices and Schools Division Offices are required to accomplish the following templates prior the
conduct of the workshop:

1. Template A: Plantilla of Personnel (Orange Colored Sheet)

What do you need:

a. Excel copy of your office’s Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP).
For SDOs, to include schools under your jurisdiction, both implementing units (IUs) and non-implementing
units (Non-IUs).
b. Rat-Plan approved staffing pattern/staffing complement
c. List of school-based personnel with school assignment (school ID and name of school)
d. Other Plantilla monitoring tools/database/reports with employee’s actual assignment (for
reassigned/deployed), status of hiring, and date of vacancy.

What do you need to do:

Complete the required information per scenario:


For filled-up items Complete the following columns:
A – Posi on Status F – Date of Last Promo on
B –Item Number G – School ID
C – Full Name H – School Name
D – Date of Birth I – Actual Deployment (if applicable)
E – Original Appointment J – Tagging of Item
For vacant/unfilled items Complete the following columns:
*Required fields for unfilled items A – Posi on Status K – Date of Vacancy
will be highlighted in yellow B – Item Number L – Period Dormant
G – School ID M – Reasons for Unfilled (generic reasons)
H - School Name N – Remarks (specific reasons)
J – Tagging of Item O – Other Remarks

Steps and Procedures:

Step 1: Select your Regional Office
Step 2: Select you Schools Division Office

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Step 3: Select the appropriate response on PRIME-HRM Level II status of your office
Step 4: Enter the required information for COLUMNS A-G, I-K and M-O. Copy and paste options may be used
except for columns A (Position Status), column H (School Name) and column L (Period Dormant). Do not cut
any of the cells as the data validation/formulas may be corrupted.

e. 4.1 For column A, no action is required as this is automatically generated based on the response provided
in the next columns. Please do not edit this column.

4.2 For column B, list down all Item Numbers of all authorized positions under your Region/SDO based on
your office’s Personal Services Itemization and Plantilla of Personnel (PSIPOP). For SDOs, to include item
numbers of authorized positions under schools under their jurisdiction, both implementing units (IUs) and
non-implementing units (non-IUs). Note: Duplicate values will be highlighted in red for your review and

4.3 For column C, enter the full name of incumbent occupying the Plantilla Item Number following the
format: Last name, First Name, Middle Name. Middle name must be spelled out.
Sample: Dela Cruz, Juan Jr. Santos

4.4 For column D-F, if the item is currently filled-up, enter the incumbent’s date of birth, original
appointment and date of last promotion following the format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Sample: 06/04/1996 for June 4, 1996

Note: Date of birth, original appointment and date of last promotion equal to and over the mandatory
age of retirement shall be highlighted in yellow for correction.

4.5 For column G, if the authorized item is a school-based position, enter/select the school ID of its school
assignment based on BEIS.
4.6 For column H, this is an auto-generated column. The corresponding school name shall be reflected
based on the school ID provided. DO NOT EDIT THIS COLUMN.

4.7 For column I, if the incumbent is reassigned or deployed, enter the actual office assignment with the
following format: RO-SDO-Name of Office School
Sample: NCR-Pasig-HRDD
RO IV-A-Bacoor-San Nicholas HS

4.8 For column J, based on the approved Rationalization Plan/Staffing Pattern, select the status of the
item: Regular (RR), Coterminous to the official/appointing authority (CT), Coterminous to the incumbent

4.9 For column K, if the item is currently unfilled, enter the date of vacancy following the format:
Sample: 04/10/2024 for April 10, 2024

5.0 For column L, this is an auto-generated column. The period of dormancy for vacant items shall be
automatically computed. DO NOT EDIT THIS COLUMN.

5.1 For columns M-N, select the pre-identified reasons for vacancy:
column M – generic reasons
column N – specific reasons based on selection in column L

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5.2 For column O, if “Other Reasons” is selected in column L, please provide the specific reasons,
comments, or justifications for the unfilled item which is not included in the pre-identified generic

2. Template B: Non-Plantilla Personnel (Green Colored Sheet)

What do you need:

a. Excel copy of list of Contract of Service/Job Order, Casual, Contractual and LGU funded personnel currently
engaged by your office. For SDOs, to include data from schools under your jurisdiction, both implementing
units (IUs) and non-implementing units (non-IUs).
b. List of school-based COS/JO/Casual/Contractual/LGU funded personnel with school assignment (school ID
and name of school)
c. Other monitoring tools/database/reports for COS/JO/Casual/Contractual/LGU funded personnel.

What do you need to do:

Complete ALL the required information per column.

Steps and Procedures:

Step 1: Select your Regional Office
Step 2: Select you Schools Division Office
Step 3: Enter the required information for COLUMNS B-C & E-L:

3.1 For column B, select the appropriate office assignment (governance level).

3.2 For column C, if the non-plantilla personnel are currently reporting to the school, enter/select the
school ID of its school assignment based on BEIS.

3.3 For column D, this is an auto-generated column. The corresponding school name shall be reflected
based on the school ID provided. DO NOT EDIT THIS COLUMN.

3.4 For column E, select the nature of work based on his/her current position (refer to the HR Data
Template Data Field Guide below)

3.5 For column F, enter monthly compensation in figures (excluding other monetary benefits).

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3.6 For column G, select the fund source for the payment of salaries.

3.7 For column H, enter the full name engaged COS/JO/Casual/Contractual/LGU funded personnel
following the format: Last name, First Name, Middle Name. Middle name must be spelled out.
Sample: Dela Cruz, Juan Jr. Santos

3.8 For column I & K, enter date of birth and date of First Day of Service (FDS) following the format:
Sample: 06/04/1996 for June 4, 1996

For FDS, enter the date of original date of engagement (first entry) of the personnel regardless of gap
in service.

3.9 For column J, select sex assigned at birth

3.10 For column L, enter total years in service excluding gaps (if any)

3.11 For column M, select terms of contract duration.

3.12 For column N, select status of employment/engagement with your office.

Once completed, save file with the following format: HR Data Templates-RO-SDO-Date completed (Sample: HR Data
Templates-RO2-CAGAYAN-04152024) and upload at https://tinyurl.com/DPA-2024-Prework under the Accomplished
Pre-Work Templates Folder before the conduct of your scheduled workshop. Additional instructions will be provided
during the workshop proper.

Should you have further clarifications/inquiries on the filling-up of the template, you may refer to the HR Data
Templates Data Field Guide below or you may contact the BHROD-Personnel Division via email at
bhrod.pd@deped.gov.ph or call us at (02) 8633-9345 or (02) 8633-6682.

Thank you.

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Column Required Data Descrip on Available Template Op ons
Refers to the status of item/posi on if
“Filled” or “Unfilled”

This column is automa cally

A POSITION STATUS Automa cally generated

Please do not edit this column.

Refers to the unique item number of

the authorized posi on based on the
B ITEM NUMBER None: Data entry required
Personal Services Itemiza on and
Plan lla of Personnel (PSIPOP)
Refers to the incumbent’s full name
following the given format wherein
middle names are spelled out: LN,

C FULL NAME LN – Last Name None: Data entry required

FN – First Name
MN – Middle Name

Dela Cruz, Juan Jr. Santos
Refers to employee’s birthdate
following the given format:
D DATE OF BIRTH None: Data entry required
June 4, 1996 = 06/04/1996
Refers to employee’s date of original
appointment following the given
E MM/ DD/YYYY None: Data entry required
March 29, 2023 = 03/29/2023
Refers to employee’s date of last
promo on following given format:

F April 1, 2024 = 04/01/2024 None: Data entry required
Note: For those not promoted since
date of original appointment, the
entry shall be the same as indicated in
Column D.
Required for teaching and school
based authorized posi ons. This
Dropdown list of available School
G SCHOOL ID refers to the school’s unique
IDs per Division / Office
iden fica on number in the Basic
Educa on Informa on System (BEIS).
Page 5 of 9
Refers to the name of the school
a ached to the school ID provided in
Column G.
Automa cally generated based on
This column is automa cally the school ID provided.

Please do not edit this column.

Refers to employee’s actual place of
assignment if reassigned or

I ACTUAL DEPLOYMENT RO-SDO-Name of Office/School None: Data entry required

RO IV-A-Bacoor-San Nicholas HS

Dropdown list:
Refers to employee’s item status  RR – Regular item
based on the Ra onaliza on Plan or  CT – Coterminous to appoin ng
the Approved Staffing authority or official
Pa ern/Complement. CTI – Coterminous to the
Refers to date when the item became
vacant using the following give
K DATE OF VACANCY None: Data entry required
April 10, 2024 = 04/10/2024

*Required for all vacant items only

Computes how long the item has
been unfilled.
Automa cally computed based on
This is auto generated. the date of vacancy provided.

Please do not edit this column.

Dropdown list:
 Awai ng CSC A esta on
 CTI Item
 Hard-to-fill Posi on
 Item is already filled up
Pre-iden fied generic reasons for the
 Item is reposted
M  Not Applicable
 Natural Vacancy
*Required for all vacant items only
 On-going Hiring Process (for 1st
pos ng only)
 Other Reasons
 Waiving of items under Special
Hiring Arrangements
Refers to the specific cause of Dropdown list:
N REMARKS vacancy based on the selected a. Awai ng CSC A esta on
generic reason in Column M:  No further remarks required
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b. CTI Item
Please select the applicable remark  CTI due to Ra onaliza on
per declared reason  CTI due to Tri-focaliza on
c. Hard-to-fill Posi on
 A orney Items
 Guidance Counselor items
 Lack of applicants with the
appropriate specializa on
 Lack of qualified applicants
based on QS
d. Item is already filled up
 No further remarks required
e. Item is reposted
 Reposted once
 Reposted twice
 Reposted thrice
 Reposted more than 3x
f. Not Applicable
 No further remarks required
g. Natural Vacancy
 Resigned
 Re red
 Transferred
h. On-going Hiring Process (for 1st
pos ng only)
 Publica on Stage
 Ini al Evalua on Stage
 Compara ve Assessment Stage
 Delibera on Stage
 CAR/CAR-RQA Pos ng Period
 Selec on & Appointment Stage
i. Other Reasons
j. Waiving of items under Special
Hiring Arrangements
 DOST scholar graduates
 SPIMS beneficiaries

Addi onal reasons, comments, or

jus fica ons for unfilled item which
is not included in the pre-iden fied
O OTHER REMARKS generic reasons None: Data entry required

*Required if “Other Reasons” is

selected in Column M
Note: Selection of Regional Office and Schools Division Office information is required prior to accomplishing the

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(Contract of Service, Job Orders, Casual, Contractual, and LGU Funded)
Column Required Data Descrip on Available Template Op ons

A NO. Refers to the number of entries No data entry required; pre-filled

Dropdown list:
 Central Office
Refers to employee’s place of office  Regional Office
assignment (governance level only)  Schools Division Office
 School

Required for teaching and school

based authorized posi ons. This refers
Dropdown list of available School
C SCHOOL ID to the school’s unique iden fica on
IDs per Division / Office
number in the Basic Educa on
Informa on System (BEIS).
Refers to the name of the school
a ached to the school ID provided in
Column F.
Automa cally generated based on
This column is automa cally the school ID provided.

Please do not edit this column.

Dropdown list:
 Clerical services
(Administra ve, Messenger)
 Driver/Transporta on
 Engineering
 Health and allied services
(Medical Doctors, Nurses,
Guidance Counselors)
 IT services
(Informa on Technology
Refers to the classifica on of work of
E NATURE OF WORK  Janitorial services
the posi on held
(U lity, Ground Maintenance,
 Legal services
(A orney, Legal Assistant)
 Security services
(Watchman, Security Officer)
 Teaching services
 Technical services
(Technical Assistant, Researcher)
 Trades and cra s/laborer
(Skilled Worker, Cra sman)
 Others
Refers to the monthly compensa on
F MONTHLY SALARY None: Data entry required
(Excluding other monetary benefits)
Refers to the fund source for the Dropdown list:
payment of salary and benefits  MOOE/GMS
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 LGU Funds
 Program Support Funds
Refers to the employee’s full name
following the given format wherein
middle names are spelled out: LN, FN,

H FULL NAME LN – Last Name None: Data entry required

FN – First Name
MN – Middle Name

Dela Cruz, Juan Jr. Santos
Refers to employee’s birthdate
following the given format:
I DATE OF BIRTH None: Data entry required
June 4, 1996 = 06/04/1996
Dropdown list:
Refers to employee’s sex assigned at
J SEX  Male
 Female
Refers to the original date of
K FIRST DAY OF SERVICE engagement in your office regardless None: Data entry required
of gap in service. (First entry)
Refers to the total years in service
L YEARS IN SERVICE None: Data entry required
excluding gaps
Dropdown list:
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
Refers to the terms/period of contract
M CONTRACT DURATION  3-month period
dura on.
 6-month period
 9-month period
 Yearly
 Others
Dropdown list:
 Casual
STATUS OF Refers to the status of engagement  Contract of Service
ENGAGEMENT with DepEd  Contractual
 Job Order
 LGU Funded
Note: Selection of Regional Office and Schools Division Office information is required prior to accomplishing the

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