NIST CSF 20 Audit Checklist Part 1 - 240429 - 094544

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NIST CSF 2.0 Audit Checklist

GOVERN (GV): The organization’s cybersecurity risk management strategy,
Function expectations, and policy are established, communicated, and monitored
Organizational Context (GV.OC): The circumstances — mission, stakeholder
expectations, dependencies, and legal, regulatory, and contractual requirements —
Category surrounding the organization’s cybersecurity risk management decisions are
Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status
GV.OC-01: The 1. Does the organization have a documented and
organizational mission is communicated mission statement that clearly
understood and informs articulates the organization's purpose and strategic
cybersecurity risk objectives?
management 2. Have the organization's key stakeholders (e.g.,
executive leadership, board of directors, department
heads) been engaged to ensure a shared
understanding of the organizational mission?
3. Has the organization assessed how its mission and
strategic objectives could be impacted by
cybersecurity risks and threats?
4. Are the organization's cybersecurity risk management
policies, processes, and controls aligned with and
designed to support the achievement of the
organizational mission?
5. Do the organization's cybersecurity risk management
activities (e.g., risk assessments, control
implementation, monitoring) take the organizational
mission into account when prioritizing and addressing
6. Are cybersecurity roles and responsibilities defined in
a way that ensures the organization's mission is
considered when making risk-based decisions?
7. Does the organization periodically review and update
its cybersecurity risk management approach to
ensure it remains aligned with the evolving
organizational mission and strategic priorities?
GV.OC-02: Internal and 1. Has the organization identified and documented its
external stakeholders are internal and external stakeholders?
understood, and their 2. Has the organization assessed the needs,
needs and expectations expectations, and concerns of these stakeholders
regarding cybersecurity regarding cybersecurity?
risk management are 3. Are the identified stakeholders and their
understood and cybersecurity-related needs and expectations
considered communicated and understood throughout the
4. Does the organization have a process in place to
regularly engage with stakeholders to understand any
changes or new cybersecurity-related needs and

5. Are the organization's cybersecurity risk management

policies, processes, and controls designed to address
the identified stakeholder needs and expectations?
6. Are there examples of how the organization has
incorporated stakeholder feedback and input into its
cybersecurity risk management approach?
7. Does the organization have a mechanism to monitor
and address any gaps or misalignments between
stakeholder needs and the organization's
cybersecurity risk management activities?
GV.OC-03: Legal, 1. Has the organization identified and documented all
regulatory, and relevant legal, regulatory, and contractual
contractual requirements requirements that impact its cybersecurity practices?
regarding cybersecurity — 2. Does the organization have a process in place to
including privacy and civil regularly review and update its understanding of
liberties obligations — are applicable cybersecurity-related laws, regulations,
understood and managed and contractual obligations?
3. Are the identified legal, regulatory, and contractual
requirements communicated to relevant stakeholders
throughout the organization?
4. Has the organization assessed the potential impacts
and risks associated with non-compliance with these
5. Are the organization's cybersecurity risk management
policies, processes, and controls designed to ensure
compliance with the identified legal, regulatory, and
contractual requirements?
6. Does the organization have a mechanism to monitor
and report on its compliance with cybersecurity-
related legal, regulatory, and contractual
7. Are there any examples of how the organization has
adapted its cybersecurity risk management approach
to address changes in legal, regulatory, or contractual
GV.OC-04: Critical 1. Has the organization identified and documented its
objectives, capabilities, critical objectives, capabilities, and services that are
and services that essential for stakeholders (both internal and
stakeholders depend on external)?
or expect from the 2. Are the dependencies and relationships between
organization are these critical objectives, capabilities, and services
understood and understood, including any interdependencies or
communicated external dependencies?
3. Has the organization assessed the potential impacts
on stakeholders if these critical objectives,
capabilities, and services are disrupted or
4. Are the organization's cybersecurity risk management
policies, processes, and controls designed to protect
the critical objectives, capabilities, and services

proportionate to their importance and the associated

5. Does the organization monitor and review the status
and security of the critical objectives, capabilities,
and services on a regular basis?
6. Are there processes in place to manage changes or
disruptions to the critical objectives, capabilities, and
services, including incident response and recovery
7. Are the organization's key stakeholders (e.g.,
leadership, service owners) aware of and engaged in
the management of the critical objectives,
capabilities, and services?
GV.OC-05: Outcomes, 1. Has the organization identified and documented the
capabilities, and services critical outcomes, capabilities, and services that it
that the organization depends on to achieve its mission and objectives?
depends on are 2. Are the dependencies and relationships between
understood and these critical outcomes, capabilities, and services
communicated understood, including any interdependencies or
external dependencies?
3. Has the organization assessed the cybersecurity risks
associated with these critical outcomes, capabilities,
and services, including the potential impacts if they
are disrupted or compromised?
4. Are the cybersecurity controls and risk management
activities designed to protect the organization's
critical outcomes, capabilities, and services
proportionate to their importance and the associated
5. Does the organization monitor and review the status
and security of the critical outcomes, capabilities,
and services on a regular basis?
6. Are there processes in place to manage changes or
disruptions to the critical outcomes, capabilities, and
services, including incident response and recovery
7. Are the organization's key stakeholders (e.g.,
leadership, service owners) aware of and engaged in
the management of the critical outcomes,
capabilities, and services?

Risk Management Strategy (GV.RM): The organization’s priorities, constraints, risk

Category tolerance and appetite statements, and assumptions are established, communicated,
and used to support operational risk decisions

Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status

GV.RM-01: Risk 1. Has the organization defined clear and measurable
management objectives cybersecurity risk management objectives?
are established and 2. Were these objectives developed in collaboration with
agreed to by key stakeholders, such as executive leadership,
organizational business units, and IT/security teams?
stakeholders 3. Do the risk management objectives align with the
organization's overall strategic goals and priorities?
4. Are the risk management objectives communicated
and understood across the organization?
5. Are the risk management objectives regularly
reviewed and updated to ensure they remain relevant
and appropriate?
6. Are the risk management objectives used to guide the
development and implementation of the
organization's cybersecurity risk management
7. Does the organization have a process in place to
measure and report on the achievement of the risk
management objectives?
GV.RM-02: Risk appetite 1. Has the organization defined and documented its
and risk tolerance cybersecurity risk appetite and risk tolerance
statements are statements?
established, 2. Were these statements developed in collaboration
communicated, and with key stakeholders, such as executive leadership,
maintained business units, and IT/security teams?
3. Do the risk appetite and tolerance statements align
with the organization's strategic goals, risk
management objectives, and overall risk management
4. Are the risk appetite and tolerance statements
communicated and understood across the
5. Does the organization have a process in place to
review and update the risk appetite and tolerance
statements on a regular basis to ensure they remain
relevant and appropriate?
6. Are the risk appetite and tolerance statements used
to guide decision-making and risk management
activities throughout the organization?
7. Are there examples of how the organization has
applied the risk appetite and tolerance statements to
address specific risks or risk scenarios?

GV.RM-03: Cybersecurity 1. Has the organization integrated its cybersecurity risk

risk management management activities and outcomes into the
activities and outcomes enterprise-wide risk management processes?
are included in enterprise 2. Are cybersecurity risk management strategies and
risk management treatment plans coordinated with the organization's
processes overall enterprise risk management approach?

3. Are cybersecurity risk management responsibilities

and accountabilities defined within the enterprise risk
management framework?
4. Does the organization's enterprise risk management
reporting and governance processes include
information on cybersecurity risks and risk
management activities?
5. Does the organization periodically review the
integration of cybersecurity risk management within
the enterprise risk management processes to identify
any gaps or areas for improvement?
GV.RM-04: Strategic 1. Has the organization defined and documented its
direction that describes strategic direction for cybersecurity risk response
appropriate risk response options?
options is established 2. Does the strategic direction consider factors such as
and communicated the organization's risk appetite, tolerance, and
available resources?
3. Are the risk response options (e.g., accept, mitigate,
transfer, avoid) clearly described and communicated
to relevant stakeholders?
4. Are the criteria and decision-making processes for
selecting appropriate risk response options defined
and understood across the organization?
5. Are the risk response options aligned with the
organization's overall cybersecurity risk management
strategy and enterprise risk management approach?
6. Does the organization have a mechanism to monitor
the effectiveness of the implemented risk response
options and make adjustments as needed?
GV.RM-05: Lines of 1. Has the organization established and documented
communication across clear lines of communication for sharing information
the organization are about cybersecurity risks across the organization?
established for 2. Do these communication channels include both
cybersecurity risks, vertical (e.g., from leadership to operational teams)
including risks from and horizontal (e.g., across business units, functions)
suppliers and other third information flows?
parties 3. Are the roles and responsibilities for communicating
and escalating cybersecurity risks, including risks
from suppliers and other third parties, defined and
4. Are the communication processes and protocols for
sharing information about cybersecurity risks
documented and communicated to relevant
5. Does the organization have a mechanism to ensure
timely and effective communication of cybersecurity
risks to the appropriate decision-makers and

GV.RM-06: A 1. Has the organization developed and documented a

standardized method for standardized methodology for assessing,
calculating, categorizing, and prioritizing cybersecurity risks?
documenting, 2. Does the methodology consider factors such as asset
categorizing, and criticality, threat likelihood, impact, and risk
prioritizing cybersecurity tolerance?
risks is established and 3. Is the risk assessment methodology consistently
communicated applied across the organization?
4. Are the results of risk assessments documented in a
centralized and standardized manner?
5. Are the risk categories and prioritization criteria
communicated to relevant stakeholders throughout
the organization?
6. Does the organization regularly review and update the
risk assessment methodology to ensure it remains
appropriate and effective?

1. Has the organization identified and documented any

GV.RM-07: Strategic strategic opportunities (i.e., positive risks) that could
opportunities (i.e., be realized through its cybersecurity risk management
positive risks) are activities?
characterized and are 2. Are these strategic opportunities characterized in
included in organizational terms of their potential benefits, likelihood of
cybersecurity risk success, and the resources required to pursue them?
discussions 3. Are the identified strategic opportunities incorporated
into the organization's overall cybersecurity risk
management discussions and decision-making
4. Does the organization have a process in place to
regularly review and update its assessment of
potential strategic opportunities related to
5. Are the organization's key stakeholders (e.g.,
executive leadership, business units) aware of and
engaged in the consideration of strategic
opportunities related to cybersecurity risk

Roles, Responsibilities, and Authorities (GV.RR): Cybersecurity roles,

Category responsibilities, and authorities to foster accountability, performance assessment,
and continuous improvement are established and communicated

Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status


GV.RR-01: Organizational 1. Has the organization's leadership (e.g., executive

leadership is responsible team, board of directors) clearly defined and
and accountable for communicated their responsibility and accountability
cybersecurity risk and for managing cybersecurity risks?
fosters a culture that is 2. Do the organization's leadership team members
risk-aware, ethical, and actively demonstrate their commitment to
continually improving cybersecurity risk management through their actions
and decisions?
3. Has the organization established a culture that
encourages risk awareness, ethical behaviour, and
continuous improvement in cybersecurity practices?
4. Does the organization's leadership actively promote
and support cybersecurity training, awareness,
GV.RR-02: Roles, 1. Has the organization documented and communicated
responsibilities, and roles, responsibilities, and authorities related to
authorities related to cybersecurity risk management?
cybersecurity risk 2. Do personnel understand their assigned cybersecurity
management are risk management roles and responsibilities, and does
established, the organization monitor and enforce these?
communicated, 3. Are the cybersecurity risk management roles and
understood, and enforced responsibilities aligned with the organization's overall
risk management strategy and objectives?
4. Does the organization periodically review and update
the cybersecurity risk management roles and
responsibilities as needed?
5. Are the cybersecurity risk management roles and
responsibilities clearly defined for both internal and
external stakeholders?
GV.RR-03: Adequate 1. Has the organization defined cybersecurity risk
resources are allocated strategy that outlines resource requirements?
commensurate with the 2. Are the resources (financial, personnel, technological,
cybersecurity risk etc.) allocated for cybersecurity risk management
strategy, roles, commensurate with the organization's cybersecurity
responsibilities, and risk strategy and policies?
policies 3. How does the organization determine the appropriate
level of resources required to effectively manage
cybersecurity risks?
4. Does the organization's budgeting and resource
allocation process consider the evolving
cybersecurity threat landscape and the need for
continuous improvement?
5. How does the organization ensure that the allocated
cybersecurity resources are utilized efficiently and
6. Does the organization regularly review and adjust the
cybersecurity resource allocation to address changes
in risks, threats, and organizational priorities?
7. How does the organization's leadership demonstrate
their commitment to providing adequate resources for
effective cybersecurity risk management?

GV.RR-04: Cybersecurity 1. Are cybersecurity-related roles, responsibilities, and

is included in human competencies incorporated into the organization's job
resources practices descriptions and hiring criteria?
2. Does the organization's hiring process include
cybersecurity-focused assessments, such as
background checks, skills evaluations, or security
clearance verifications?
3. Are cybersecurity awareness, training, and education
requirements defined and incorporated into the
organization's onboarding and ongoing professional
development programs?
4. How does the organization ensure that personnel
maintain the necessary cybersecurity knowledge and
skills to perform their job functions effectively?
5. Does the organization have a process to identify and
address cybersecurity competency gaps among
personnel, and provide appropriate training or
development opportunities?
6. How does the organization's human resources
department collaborate with the cybersecurity team
to ensure alignment between HR practices and
cybersecurity requirements?
7. Does the organization have a process to manage the
removal of access and privileges for departing or
terminated employees in a timely manner?
8. How does the organization's human resources
practices support the development of a
cybersecurity-aware culture and the retention of
skilled cybersecurity personnel?
Category Policy (GV.PO): Organizational cybersecurity policy is established, communicated,
and enforced

Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status

GV.PO-01: Policy for 1. Has the organization established a comprehensive
managing cybersecurity cybersecurity risk management policy that is aligned
risks is established based with its overall organizational context, cybersecurity
on organizational context, strategy, and priorities?
cybersecurity strategy, 2. Does the cybersecurity risk management policy
and priorities and is clearly define the organization's approach to
communicated and identifying, assessing, and mitigating cybersecurity
enforced risks?
3. How does the organization ensure that the
cybersecurity risk management policy is
communicated to all relevant internal and external
4. Are there processes in place to monitor and enforce
compliance with the organization's cybersecurity risk
management policy?

5. Does the policy address roles, responsibilities, and

authorities related to cybersecurity risk management
across the organization?
6. Does the organization provide training and awareness
programs to ensure that personnel understand and
adhere to the cybersecurity risk management policy?
7. How does the organization's leadership demonstrate
their commitment to the cybersecurity risk
management policy and its effective implementation?
8. Are there mechanisms in place to hold individuals and
business units accountable for adherence to the
cybersecurity risk management policy?
GV.PO-02: Policy for 1. Has the organization defined process for regularly
managing cybersecurity reviewing and updating the cybersecurity risk
risks is reviewed, management policy?
updated, communicated, 2. How does the organization identify and incorporate
and enforced to reflect changes in requirements, threats, technology, and
changes in requirements, organizational mission into the policy review and
threats, technology, and update process?
organizational mission 3. Are there mechanisms in place to ensure that the
updated cybersecurity risk management policy is
effectively communicated to all relevant internal and
external stakeholders?
4. How does the organization ensure that the updated
cybersecurity risk management policy is understood
and implemented by personnel across the
5. What processes are in place to monitor and enforce
compliance with the updated cybersecurity risk
management policy?
6. Does the organization provide training and guidance
to support the implementation of the updated
cybersecurity risk management policy?
7. How does the organization evaluate the effectiveness
of the updated cybersecurity risk management policy
in addressing evolving risks and threats?
8. Are there clear accountabilities and consequences
defined for non-compliance with the cybersecurity
risk management policy?
9. How does the organization's leadership demonstrate
their ongoing commitment to the review, update, and
enforcement of the cybersecurity risk management

Category Oversight (GV.OV): Results of organization-wide cybersecurity risk management

activities and performance are used to inform, improve, and adjust the risk
management strategy

Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status


GV.OV-01: Cybersecurity 1. Does the organization have a defined process for

risk management strategy reviewing the outcomes of its cybersecurity risk
outcomes are reviewed to management strategy?
inform and adjust strategy 2. How does the organization identify and collect
and direction relevant data and metrics to evaluate the
effectiveness of its cybersecurity risk management
3. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the review and analysis of cybersecurity risk
management strategy outcomes?
4. What mechanisms are in place to gather feedback
and input from key stakeholders (e.g., leadership,
business units, cybersecurity team) on the
cybersecurity risk management strategy's
5. Does the organization's review process consider
changes in the threat landscape, regulatory
environment, technology, and business objectives
that may impact the cybersecurity risk management
6. How does the organization analyse the results of the
cybersecurity risk management strategy review to
identify areas for improvement or adjustment?
7. Are there documented procedures for incorporating
the findings from the cybersecurity risk management
strategy review into the organization's decision-
making processes and strategic planning?
8. How does the organization's leadership demonstrate
their commitment to the continuous improvement of
the cybersecurity risk management strategy based on
the review outcomes?
9. Does the organization have a process to monitor the
implementation and impact of any adjustments made
to the cybersecurity risk management strategy based
on the review findings?

GV.OV-02: The 1. Does the organization have a defined process for

cybersecurity risk periodically reviewing and adjusting its cybersecurity
management strategy is risk management strategy?
reviewed and adjusted to 2. How does the organization identify and incorporate
ensure coverage of changes in organizational requirements, risks, and
organizational threats into the review and adjustment of the
requirements and risks cybersecurity risk management strategy?
3. Are there mechanisms in place to gather input from
key stakeholders (e.g., business units, IT, security
team, leadership) on the effectiveness and relevance
of the cybersecurity risk management strategy?
4. What criteria or metrics does the organization use to
assess the adequacy and coverage of the
cybersecurity risk management strategy in addressing
its requirements and risks?
5. How does the organization analyze the results of the
cybersecurity risk management strategy review to
identify areas for improvement or adjustment?
6. Are the adjustments to the cybersecurity risk
management strategy aligned with the organization's
overall risk management approach and business
7. What processes are in place to ensure that the
updated cybersecurity risk management strategy is
effectively communicated and implemented across
the organization?
8. Does the organization provide training or guidance to
support the implementation of the adjusted
cybersecurity risk management strategy?
9. How does the organization's leadership demonstrate
their commitment to the regular review and
adjustment of the cybersecurity risk management
10. Are there mechanisms in place to monitor the
effectiveness of the adjusted cybersecurity risk
management strategy and make further refinements
as needed

GV.OV-03: Organizational 1. Does the organization have a defined process for

cybersecurity risk evaluating and reviewing the performance of its
management cybersecurity risk management activities?
performance is evaluated 2. What metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs), and
and reviewed for other measurements does the organization use to
adjustments needed assess the effectiveness of its cybersecurity risk
management program?
3. How does the organization collect and analyse data
on the performance of its cybersecurity risk
management activities?
4. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the evaluation and review of cybersecurity risk
management performance?
5. Does the organization's performance evaluation
process consider feedback from internal stakeholders
(e.g., business units, IT, security team) and external
stakeholders (e.g., customers, partners, regulators)?
6. How does the organization identify and address any
gaps or areas for improvement in its cybersecurity risk
management performance?
7. Are the findings from the cybersecurity risk
management performance evaluation used to inform
adjustments to the organization's cybersecurity risk
management strategy, policies, and practices?
8. What processes are in place to ensure that the
adjustments made based on the performance
evaluation are effectively communicated and
implemented across the organization?
9. Does the organization's leadership actively engage in
the review of cybersecurity risk management
performance and the decision-making process for
necessary adjustments?
10. How does the organization monitor the impact and
effectiveness of the adjustments made to its
cybersecurity risk management program based on the
performance evaluation?

Category Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (GV.SC): Cyber supply chain risk
management processes are identified, established, managed, monitored, and
improved by organizational stakeholders
Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status
GV.SC-01: A 1. Has the organization established a comprehensive
cybersecurity supply cybersecurity supply chain risk management
chain risk management program, strategy, objectives, and policies?
program, strategy, 2. Are the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
objectives, policies, and program, strategy, objectives, and policies aligned
processes are established with the organization's overall cybersecurity and
and agreed to by enterprise risk management frameworks?
organizational 3. Do the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
stakeholders policies and processes cover the entire lifecycle of

third-party relationships, from onboarding to

4. Are there defined processes for identifying, assessing,
and mitigating cybersecurity risks associated with the
organization's supply chain?
5. Does the organization periodically review and update
the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
program, strategy, objectives, and policies to address
changes in requirements, threats, and technology?
6. Are there mechanisms in place to monitor and
enforce compliance with the organization's
cybersecurity supply chain risk management policies
and processes?
7. Does the organization provide training and guidance
to personnel involved in managing cybersecurity
supply chain risks?
GV.SC-02: Cybersecurity 1. Has the organization clearly defined the cybersecurity
roles and responsibilities roles and responsibilities for its suppliers, customers,
for suppliers, customers, and partners?
and partners are 2. How are the cybersecurity roles and responsibilities
established, communicated to the organization's suppliers,
communicated, and customers, and partners?
coordinated internally 3. What mechanisms are in place to coordinate the
and externally cybersecurity roles and responsibilities between the
organization and its supply chain stakeholders?
4. Are there contractual agreements or memorandums
of understanding that define the cybersecurity roles,
responsibilities, and expectations for supply chain
5. Are there processes in place to address and resolve
any gaps or conflicts in the cybersecurity roles and
responsibilities with supply chain stakeholders?
6. How does the organization ensure that changes in
cybersecurity roles and responsibilities are
communicated to relevant supply chain stakeholders
in a timely manner?
7. Does the organization have a process to periodically
review and update the cybersecurity roles and
responsibilities of its supply chain stakeholders?

GV.SC-03: Cybersecurity 1. Is the organization's cybersecurity supply chain risk

supply chain risk management program integrated into its overall
management is integrated enterprise risk management framework?
into cybersecurity and 2. How does the organization identify, assess, and
enterprise risk mitigate cybersecurity risks associated with its supply
management, risk chain as part of the enterprise risk management
assessment, and process?
improvement processes 3. Are the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
processes aligned with the organization's risk
assessment methodology and risk appetite?

4. Does the organization have a process to continuously

monitor and update its understanding of
cybersecurity risks within the supply chain?
5. How are the findings and insights from the
cybersecurity supply chain risk management process
incorporated into the organization's overall risk
management decision-making?
6. Are there clear roles and responsibilities defined for
the integration of cybersecurity supply chain risk
management into the enterprise risk management
7. Does the organization provide training and guidance
to personnel involved in the integration of
cybersecurity supply chain risk management into
enterprise risk management?
8. How does the organization ensure that cybersecurity
supply chain risks are considered in the organization's
strategic planning, budgeting, and investment
9. Are there mechanisms in place to measure the
effectiveness of the integration of cybersecurity
supply chain risk management into the enterprise risk
management processes?
10. Does the organization's leadership actively support
and oversee the integration of cybersecurity supply
chain risk management into the enterprise risk
management framework?
GV.SC-04: Suppliers are 1. Has the organization identified and documented all of
known and prioritized by its suppliers, vendors, and other third-party service
criticality providers?
2. How does the organization categorize and prioritize its
suppliers based on their level of criticality to the
organization's operations and cybersecurity risk
3. What criteria does the organization use to assess the
criticality of its suppliers (e.g., access to sensitive
data, impact on business continuity, cybersecurity
4. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the identification, categorization, and prioritization of
suppliers based on criticality?
5. How often does the organization review and update its
supplier criticality assessments to account for
changes in the supplier landscape and risk
6. Does the organization's supplier criticality
prioritization align with its overall cybersecurity and
enterprise risk management strategies?
7. How does the organization communicate the
criticality assessments and priorities to relevant
internal and external stakeholders?

8. Are there processes in place to monitor and validate

the accuracy of the supplier criticality assessments
over time?
9. Does the organization have a centralized repository or
system to maintain and manage information on its
suppliers and their criticality levels?
GV.SC-05: Requirements 1. Has the organization defined and documented the
to address cybersecurity cybersecurity risk requirements that must be
risks in supply chains are addressed in contracts and agreements with
established, prioritized, suppliers and other third parties?
and integrated into 2. How are the cybersecurity risk requirements
contracts and other types prioritized and integrated into the organization's
of agreements with contracting and procurement processes?
suppliers and other 3. Do the cybersecurity risk requirements cover aspects
relevant third parties such as access controls, data protection, incident
response, and security testing?
4. Are the cybersecurity risk requirements aligned with
the organization's overall cybersecurity and enterprise
risk management policies and standards?
5. What processes are in place to ensure that the
cybersecurity risk requirements are communicated to
and acknowledged by suppliers and other third
parties during the contracting phase?
6. How does the organization monitor and enforce
compliance with the cybersecurity risk requirements
by its suppliers and other third parties?
7. Are there mechanisms in place to address and resolve
any non-compliance or gaps in meeting the
cybersecurity risk requirements with suppliers and
other third parties?
8. Does the organization provide guidance or training to
its procurement, legal, and contract management
teams on the integration of cybersecurity risk
requirements into supplier agreements?
9. How are the cybersecurity risk requirements in
supplier agreements periodically reviewed and
updated to reflect changes in the organization's risk
landscape and regulatory environment?
10. Does the organization's leadership actively support
and oversee the incorporation of cybersecurity risk
requirements into supplier and third-party
GV.SC-06: Planning and 1. Does the organization have a defined process for
due diligence are conducting due diligence on potential suppliers and
performed to reduce risks other third-party service providers before entering into
before entering into a formal relationship?
formal supplier or other 2. What types of cybersecurity-related assessments and
third-party relationships checks are performed as part of the due diligence
process (e.g., security controls, risk assessments,
incident history)?

3. How does the organization evaluate the potential

cybersecurity risks associated with a supplier or third-
party before onboarding them?
4. Are there clear criteria and thresholds established for
determining the acceptability of cybersecurity risks
posed by potential suppliers and third parties?
5. Does the organization's due diligence process include
an assessment of the supplier's or third-party's
financial stability, ownership structure, and overall
business continuity capabilities?
6. How does the organization document and
communicate the results of the due diligence process
to the relevant stakeholders involved in the supplier or
third-party selection decision?
GV.SC-07: The risks 1. Has the organization established a process to identify,
posed by a supplier, their assess, and prioritize the cybersecurity risks posed by
products and services, its suppliers and other third-party service providers?
and other third parties are 2. What criteria and methodologies does the
understood, recorded, organization use to evaluate the cybersecurity risks
prioritized, assessed, associated with its suppliers and third parties (e.g.,
responded to, and threat assessments, vulnerability scans, security
monitored over the control reviews)?
course of the relationship 3. How does the organization maintain a centralized
inventory or database of the identified cybersecurity
risks related to its suppliers and third-party
4. Are the cybersecurity risks associated with suppliers
and third parties integrated into the organization's
overall enterprise risk management framework and
risk register?
5. What processes are in place to regularly monitor and
update the cybersecurity risk profiles of the
organization's suppliers and third-party service
6. How does the organization respond to and mitigate
the identified cybersecurity risks posed by its
suppliers and third parties, based on the risk
prioritization and assessment?
7. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the ongoing management and monitoring of
cybersecurity risks related to suppliers and third-party
8. Does the organization provide guidance or training to
personnel responsible for supplier and third-party risk
management activities?
9. How does the organization's leadership oversee and
provide direction on the management of cybersecurity
risks associated with the supply chain and third-party
10. Are there mechanisms in place to measure the
effectiveness of the organization's supplier and third-

party cybersecurity risk management processes and

make improvements as needed?

GV.SC-08: Relevant 1. Has the organization identified and documented the

suppliers and other third roles and responsibilities of its suppliers and other
parties are included in third-party service providers in its incident planning,
incident planning, response, and recovery processes?
response, and recovery 2. How are the incident response and recovery
activities requirements communicated to and coordinated with
the organization's suppliers and third-party service
3. Are there clear processes in place for suppliers and
third parties to report and escalate cybersecurity
incidents that may impact the organization?
4. Does the organization's incident response and
recovery plans include specific procedures for
engaging and collaborating with suppliers and third
parties during a cybersecurity incident?
5. How does the organization test and validate the
involvement of suppliers and third parties in its
incident planning, response, and recovery exercises?
6. Are there mechanisms in place to ensure that
suppliers and third parties maintain and regularly test
their own incident response and business continuity
7. How does the organization monitor and enforce the
compliance of its suppliers and third parties with the
incident planning, response, and recovery

GV.SC-09: Supply chain 1. Has the organization integrated its supply chain
security practices are security practices into its overall cybersecurity and
integrated into enterprise risk management programs?
cybersecurity and 2. How are the cybersecurity and enterprise risk
enterprise risk management processes, policies, and controls
management programs, applied to the organization's supply chain and third-
and their performance is party relationships?
monitored throughout the 3. Does the organization have a defined process to
technology product and monitor and measure the performance of its supply
service life cycle chain security practices as part of its cybersecurity
and enterprise risk management programs?
4. Are the supply chain security practices and their
performance metrics aligned with the organization's
overall cybersecurity and risk management objectives
and key performance indicators (KPIs)?
5. How does the organization ensure that changes or
updates to its cybersecurity and enterprise risk
management programs are also reflected in its supply
chain security practices?
6. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the integration and ongoing management of supply
chain security practices within the organization's
cybersecurity and enterprise risk management
7. Are there mechanisms in place to review and
continuously improve the integration of supply chain
security practices into the organization's
cybersecurity and enterprise risk management
8. How does the organization ensure that the
performance and results of its supply chain security
practices are effectively communicated to relevant
GV.SC-10: Cybersecurity 1. Does the organization's cybersecurity supply chain
supply chain risk risk management plan include provisions for activities
management plans that occur after the conclusion of a partnership or
include provisions for service agreement with a supplier or third-party?
activities that occur after 2. What processes are in place to ensure the secure
the conclusion of a transfer, return, or destruction of the organization's
partnership or service data and assets when a supplier or third-party
agreement relationship is terminated?
3. Are there defined procedures for the secure
offboarding of supplier or third-party access,
accounts, and privileges upon the conclusion of an
4. How does the organization ensure that intellectual
property, confidential information, and other sensitive
data are protected during and after the termination of
a supplier or third-party relationship?

5. Are there contractual clauses or agreements that

outline the post-relationship cybersecurity and data
handling requirements for suppliers and third parties?
6. Does the organization have a process to verify and
validate the secure destruction or return of the
organization's data and assets by suppliers and third
parties upon the termination of an agreement?
7. Are there mechanisms in place to address and
mitigate any cybersecurity risks that may arise from
the termination of a supplier or third-party

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