NIST CSF 20 Audit Checklist Part 1 - 240429 - 094544
NIST CSF 20 Audit Checklist Part 1 - 240429 - 094544
NIST CSF 20 Audit Checklist Part 1 - 240429 - 094544
Category Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (GV.SC): Cyber supply chain risk
management processes are identified, established, managed, monitored, and
improved by organizational stakeholders
Subcategory Audit Questionnaire Compliance Status
GV.SC-01: A 1. Has the organization established a comprehensive
cybersecurity supply cybersecurity supply chain risk management
chain risk management program, strategy, objectives, and policies?
program, strategy, 2. Are the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
objectives, policies, and program, strategy, objectives, and policies aligned
processes are established with the organization's overall cybersecurity and
and agreed to by enterprise risk management frameworks?
organizational 3. Do the cybersecurity supply chain risk management
stakeholders policies and processes cover the entire lifecycle of
GV.SC-09: Supply chain 1. Has the organization integrated its supply chain
security practices are security practices into its overall cybersecurity and
integrated into enterprise risk management programs?
cybersecurity and 2. How are the cybersecurity and enterprise risk
enterprise risk management processes, policies, and controls
management programs, applied to the organization's supply chain and third-
and their performance is party relationships?
monitored throughout the 3. Does the organization have a defined process to
technology product and monitor and measure the performance of its supply
service life cycle chain security practices as part of its cybersecurity
and enterprise risk management programs?
4. Are the supply chain security practices and their
performance metrics aligned with the organization's
overall cybersecurity and risk management objectives
and key performance indicators (KPIs)?
5. How does the organization ensure that changes or
updates to its cybersecurity and enterprise risk
management programs are also reflected in its supply
chain security practices?
6. Are there clear roles and responsibilities assigned for
the integration and ongoing management of supply
chain security practices within the organization's
cybersecurity and enterprise risk management
7. Are there mechanisms in place to review and
continuously improve the integration of supply chain
security practices into the organization's
cybersecurity and enterprise risk management
8. How does the organization ensure that the
performance and results of its supply chain security
practices are effectively communicated to relevant
GV.SC-10: Cybersecurity 1. Does the organization's cybersecurity supply chain
supply chain risk risk management plan include provisions for activities
management plans that occur after the conclusion of a partnership or
include provisions for service agreement with a supplier or third-party?
activities that occur after 2. What processes are in place to ensure the secure
the conclusion of a transfer, return, or destruction of the organization's
partnership or service data and assets when a supplier or third-party
agreement relationship is terminated?
3. Are there defined procedures for the secure
offboarding of supplier or third-party access,
accounts, and privileges upon the conclusion of an
4. How does the organization ensure that intellectual
property, confidential information, and other sensitive
data are protected during and after the termination of
a supplier or third-party relationship?