For All There Exists Proof Writing
For All There Exists Proof Writing
For All There Exists Proof Writing
Proof Writing
The basic logical structure of a for all , there exists such that (, ) proof is like this:
Suppose is arbitrary. Let = ( some function of that comes seemingly out of
nowhere). Then (show how with this choice of y, the property (, ) is satisfied.)
So youre the magician and the y is a rabbit you pull out of your hat. You dont let the audience
know how it got in there. How it got there, thats your scratchwork, and its not part of your
published proof. The scratchwork consists of writing down what you want, i.e. (, ), and
then figuring out how to select the y, given x, to make (, ) happen.
The technical reason why starting with what you want (, ) and then finding the y to
make it happen is not acceptable proof of existence is that it reverses the flow of the logic. It
assumes the conclusion that y exists, and then derives necessary conditions for it. Perhaps
those necessary conditions narrow the candidate pool down to one candidate. Even then, that
doesnt prove that such a y actually exists, because it is not clear that the logical chain is
Here is an example of how assuming existence and deriving conditions does not prove
existence. Someone wants to prove that a real number exists whose square is -9 (no such
number exists of course because all squares of real numbers are greater than or equal to zero.)
He starts by assuming existence.
Suppose such that 2 = 9. Then by squaring both sides, we get 4 = 81. This is true for
= 3 and = 3. Therefore, I have proved the existence of real numbers whose square is -9.
It is undeniable that if such real numbers existed, their fourth powers would be 81, and it is also
undeniable that because of that, the only possible candidate real numbers are = 3. So the
conditional if a real number has a square of 9, the number must be 3 or -3 is true. But its only
true because its premise is false.
Assuming that unicorns dont exist, the following is also a true statement, for the same reason:
If unicorns exist, they have 4 legs, a tail and a horn, and if you grind their horn into dust, that
dust is a room temperature superconductor and allows us to build faster than light engines.
This is why your actual existence proof must go in the other logical direction. It must begin by
identifying the object, and then show that it does satisfy the claimed properties.
When our imagined proof writer attempts to do that for the " 2 = 9" proof, he would like to
write the following, and immediately realize that it is wrong:
Suppose = 3. Then 2 = 9.
Oops. The candidate x=3 doesnt work after all. Its square is 9, not -9.
[Based on this insight, we can in fact now give a correct proof of non-existence:
Suppose, to get a contradiction, that there is such that 2 = 9. Then by squaring both
sides, we get 4 = 81. This is only true for = 3 and = 3. But the squares of those numbers
are 9, not -9. That contradicts the assumption 2 = 9. Therefore, real numbers whose squares
are -9 do not exist.]
So lets repeat for the record one more time: when you write a proof that for all , there
exists such that (, ), you can and should assume existence for your scratch work, to
find the candidate y that will make P(x,y) true. But in the existence proof you publish, you
cannot assume existence. You introduce the candidate y and show that it satisfies P(x,y). The
chain of logic goes in the opposite direction here.
A proof is not a teaching device. You dont share the thought process that went into designing
the proof. You dont reveal how you arranged for the rabbit to come out of the hat. You share
only what is logically necessary to convince the reader that for each x, a suitable y exists.
Lets take a simple example theorem:
Theorem: for any real number x, there is a real number y so that their sum is 10.
Formally, we could write this statement as follows: ( + = 10).
This is a challenge-response game. Given an x, can I find the y so that + = 10?
Heres the scratch work that convinces me that I can always win this game. I write down what I
want: + = 10 and then solve for y: = 10 . Aha. Given x, I need to select 10-x for the
This scratch work has no place in my proof, because I assumed existence of what I want and
used that to narrow down the pool of infinitely many real numbers y that could conceivably add
up to 10 when we add them to x, to a single candidate. Technically, therefore, I havent proved
existence. All that this proves is that IF y exists, it must be 10-x. It doesnt prove that this y
actually exists. Just like assuming that IF shape-shifting aliens exist and showing that then, your
neighbor Joe must be one of them, combined with the fact that Joe undeniably exists, doesnt
prove that shape-shifting aliens exist.
So the existence proof must reverse the logical direction. Heres the correct proof:
Suppose is an arbitrary real number. Let* = 10 . Subtraction is defined for any pair of
real numbers, so this always exists. Then, + = 10. We have shown that for any x, a y
exists with + = 10.
(* let, pick, select, choose, they all convey the same meaning.)
Other semi-common mistakes
Proof by example: you cant prove statements that are true about infinitely many values of a
variable by citing example. Appealing to the readers intuition or pattern recognition ability
doesnt make it any better. A proof has to convince a hostile jury, not a friendly audience. So
dont do this:
Lets take = 2 as an example. Then if we select = 8, + = 10.
The tragedy of this incorrect proof lies in the fact that the writer was so close to a correct proof.
She only needed to make that small abstraction step of realizing that how she found the y for
the special case x=2, namely by subtracting the x from 10, works for any x, and writing it down
The following is another attempted proof by example, but it is worse than the previous.
Lets take = 2 and = 8. Then + = 10.
This proof writer shows no awareness of the fact that the statement to be proved is not
symmetric between x and y. We are not proving that numbers exist whose sum is 10. We are
proving something more subtle: that for any given number, a second number can be picked so
that their sum is 10.
Proof by affirmation or declaration: this is the attempt to prove existence by merely claiming
Suppose x is an arbitrary real number. Then let be a real number such that + = 10.
Therefore, we have proved that for every real number x, a real number y exists so that their
sum is 10.
Prove that for any integer 2, you can always find an odd number strictly between 2 and
3, i.e. you can always find an odd number such that 2 < < 3.
2014 R. Boerner ASU School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences