YR OptiView (RevK 03)

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YR OptiView with Standard Starter ELINK YORK TALK 3 Micro Board: 031-01730 / 2430
Item Version Rev. Date YORK P N Chksum Baud COMMENTS
1 C.MLM.05.00 19.2K
2 C.MLM.05.00.02A 14-Mar-02 4CB6 19.2K Allows clearing " LOW DISC SUPERHT LMT" and "FRZE THRT-COND FLOW SWCH " warnings.
3 C.MLM.05.03.100 F884 19.2K NEMA
4 C.MLM.05.03.200 B4A6 19.2K CE
5 C.MLM.05.04.103 C258 19.2K Slide Valve Postion Point Removed
6 C.MLM.05.04.203 DDFE 19.2K Slide Valve Postion Point Removed
7 C.OPT.05.08.303 19.2K 2430 Board


REF Type Instance Name Name Type Address Address Scale Imperial POINT LIST DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REF
see notes 2, 3
P03 AV.1 AV1 REM LEAVING CHW TEMP SP nviCoolSetPt SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 1 0001 Div 10 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Setpoint (Condenser LHWT Setpoint for Heat Machines) S S S S S S S P03
P04 AV.2 AV2 MOTOR CURRENT REMOTE SP nviCapacityLimit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 2 0002 Div 10 % Motor Current Limit Setpoint S S S S S S S P04
P05 A AV3 ADF 3 0003 Div 10 P05
P06 A AV4 ADF 4 0004 Div 10 P06
P07 BV.1 BV1 REM START STOP CMD nviChillerEnable SNVT_switch (95) BD 1 0061 N/A 0 /1 Remote Start/Stop [Stop/Start] S S S S S S S P07
P08 B BV2 BD 2 0062 N/A P08
P09 B BV3 BD 3 0063 N/A P09
P10 B BV4 BD 4 0064 N/A P10
P11 AI.1 AV5 LEAVING CHW TEMP nvoLvgCHWTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 5 0005 X 10 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P11
P12 AI.2 AV6 ENTERING CHW TEMP nvoEntCHWTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 6 0006 X 10 °F Return Chilled Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P12
P13 AI.5 AV7 EVAPORATOR PRESSURE nvoEvapPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 7 0007 X 10 PSI Evaporator Pressure PSIG S S S S S S S P13
P14 AI.6 AV8 CONDENSER PRESSURE nvoCondPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 8 0008 X 10 PSI Condenser Pressure PSIG S S S S S S S P14
P15 AV.14 AV9 OIL DIFERENTIAL PRESSURE nvoOilDiffPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 9 0009 X 10 PSI Oil Pressure Differential PSID S S S S S S S P15
P16 AI.4 AV10 ENTERING COND WATER TEMP nvoEntCNDTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 10 0010 X10 °F Return Condenser Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P16
P17 AI.3 AV11 LEAVING COND WATER TEMP nvoLvgCNDTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 11 0011 X10 °F Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P17
P18 AI.11 AV12 MOTOR CURRENT PCT FLA nvoActualCapacit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 12 0012 X10 % Motor Current Percent FLA S S S S S S S P18
P19 A AV13 ADF 13 0013 X10 P19
P20 A AV14 ADF 14 0014 X10 P20
P21 A AV15 ADF 15 0015 X10 P21
P22 A AV16 ADF 16 0016 X1 * P22
P23 A AV17 ADF 17 0017 X1 * P23
P24 A AV18 ADF 18 0018 X 10 P24
P25 AV.1 AV19 LEAVING CHW TEMP ACT SP nvoActiveSetpt SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 19 0019 X 10 °F Leaving Child Liq SP-Selected (Cond LHWT for Heat Machine) S S S S S S S P25
P26 AV.20 AV20 MOTOR CURRENT ACTUAL SP nvoCapacityLimit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 20 0020 X 10 % Motor Current Limit Setpoint - Selected S S S S S S S P26
P27 AV.6 AV21 EVAP SATURATION TEMP nvoEvapSatTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 21 0021 X 10 °F Evaporator Saturation Temperature S S S S S S S P27
P28 AV.7 AV22 COND SATURATION TEMP nvoCondSatTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 22 0022 X 10 °F Condenser Saturation Temperature S S S S S S S P28
P29 AI.7 AV23 DISCHARGE TEMP nvoDischTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 23 0023 X 10 °F Discharge Temperature S S S S S S S P29
P30 AV24 ADF 24 0024 X1 P30
P31 AV.54 AV25 FILTER DIFF PRESSURE nvoFilterDP SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 25 0025 X1 * PSI Filter Pressure Differential S S S S S S S P31
P32 AV.15 AV26 ACCUM OPERATING HOURS nvoRunHours SNVT_time_hour (124) ADF 26 0026 X1 * hrs Unit Operating Hours S S S S S S S P32
P33 AV.16 AV27 ACCUM SYSTEM STARTS nvoSystemStarts SNVT_count (8) ADF 27 0027 X1 * count Unit System Starts S S S S S S S P33
P34 A AV28 ADF 28 0028 X1 P34
P35 A AV29 ADF 29 0029 X 10 P35
P36 BO.1 BV5 COMPR MOTOR STATUS nvoOnOff SNVT_switch (95) BD 5 0065 N/A 0 /1 Motor Run Contacts S S S S S S S P36
P37 BO.12 BV6 OIL RETURN SOLENOID nvoOilLineSol SNVT_switch (95) BD 6 0066 N/A 0 /1 Oil Return Solenoid S S S S S S S P37
P38 BO.2 BV7 CHW PUMP STAT nvoCHLPump SNVT_switch (95) BD 7 0067 N/A 0 /1 Chilled Liquid Pump S S S S S S S P38
P39 BI.4 BV8 STOP SWITCH STATUS nvoPanelStopSw SNVT_switch (95) BD 8 0068 N/A 0 /1 Panel Stop Switch [Start enabled/Stop] S S S S S S S P39
P40 BI.1 BV9 CHW FLOW SWITCH STAT nvoCHFlowSwitch SNVT_switch (95) BD 9 0069 N/A 0 /1 Chiller Liquid Flow Switch S S S S S S S P40
P41 B BV10 BD 10 0070 N/A P41
P42 BI.35 BV11 LOW SEPARATOR OIL SWITCH nvoLowSepOilSw SNVT_switch (95) BD 11 0071 N/A 0 /1 Low Separator Oil Switch S S S S S S S P42

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REF Type Instance Name Name Type Address Address Scale Imperial POINT LIST DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REF
see notes 2, 3
P43 B BV12 BD 12 0072 N/A P43
P44 B BV13 BD 13 0073 N/A P44
P45 B BV14 BD 14 0074 N/A P45
P46 B BV15 BD 15 0075 N/A P46
P47 B BV16 BD 16 0076 N/A P47
P48 B BV17 BD 17 0077 N/A P48
P49 B BV18 BD 18 0078 N/A P49
P50 B BV19 BD 19 0079 N/A P50
P51 B BV20 BD 20 0080 N/A P51
P52 B BV21 BD 21 0081 N/A P52
P53 B BV22 BD 22 0082 N/A P53
P54 B BV23 BD 23 0083 N/A P54
P55 BV.26 BV24 ICE STORAGE MODE nvoIceStoragMode SNVT_switch (95) BD 24 0084 N/A 0/1 Ice Storage Mode [Disabled/Enabled] S S S S S S S P55
P56 SC.1 MV1 UNIT OPERATION CODE nvoOperCode SNVT_count (8) ADI 1 0030 X1 enum Operation Code S S S S S S S P56
P57 SC.2 MV2 UNIT SAFETY FAULT CODE nvoSafetyCode SNVT_count (8) ADI 2 0031 X1 enum Unit Safety Fault Code S S S S S S S P57
P58 SC.3 MV3 UNIT CYCLING FAULT CODE nvoCyclingFault SNVT_count (8) ADI 3 0032 X1 enum Unit Cycling Fault Code S S S S S S S P58
P59 SC.4 MV4 UNIT WARNING FAULT CODE nvoWarnFault SNVT_count (8) ADI 4 0033 X1 enum Unit Warning Fault Code S S S S S S S P59
P60 SC.5 UNIT CONTROL SOURCE nvoUnitCtrlSrce SNVT_count (8) ADI 5 0034 X1 enum Unit Control Source [0=Local, 1=ISN, 2=Analog, 3=Digital, 4=Modem] S S S S S S S P60
P61 MV6 ADI 6 0035 X1 P61
P62 C MV7 ADI 7 0036 X1 P62
P63 C MV8 ADI 8 0037 X1 P63
P64 C MV9 ADI 9 0038 X1 P64
P65 C MV10 ADI 10 0039 X1 P65
P66 A AV30 ADF 30 0040 X1 P66
P67 A AV31 ADF 31 0041 X1 P67
P68 AV.1 AV32 LVNG CHW TEMP ACT SP nvoActiveCHWSP SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 32 0042 X1 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature SP Active S S S S S S S P68
P69 A AV33 ADF 33 0043 X1 P69
P70 A AV34 ADF 34 0044 X 10 P70
P71 AV.19 AV35 ANTI RECYCLE TIME REMAIN nvoAntiRecycle SNVT_time_min (123) ADF35 0045 X1 * min Anti-Recycle Time Remaining S S S S S S S P71
P72 A AV36 ADF 36 0046 X1 * P72
P73 AV.55 AV37 SEAL PRESS DIFFERENTIAL nvoSealDP SNVT_press (30) ADF 37 0047 X1 * PSI Seal Pressure Differential PSID S S S S S S S P73
P74 A AV38 ADF 38 0048 X1 * P74
P75 A AV39 ADF 39 0049 X1 * P75
P76 A AV40 ADF 40 0050 X1 P76
P77 AV.56 AV41 MIN LOAD CTL MTR FLA LIM nvoMinLoadFLALim SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 41 0051 X1 % Minimum Load Control Motor FLA Limit S S S S S S S P77
P78 AI.37 AV42 SLIDE VALVE POSITION nvoSlide ValvePos SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 42 0052 X1 % Slide Valve Position S S S S N N N P78
P79 A AV43 ADF 43 0053 X1 P79
P80 B BV25 BD 25 0085 N/A P80
P81 B BV26 BD 26 0086 N/A P81
P82 B BV27 BD 27 0087 N/A P82
P83 B BV28 BD 28 0088 N/A P83
P84 B BV29 BD 29 0089 N/A P84

LON SNVTS Used: SNVT_count (8), SNVT_lev_percent (81), SNVT_temp_p (105), SNVT_switch (95) , SNVT_time_minute (123) , SNVT_freq_hz (76) , SNVT_amp (01) , SNVT_elec_kwh (13) , SNVT_power_kilo (83) ,
SNVT_volt (44) , SNVT_volt_ac (138), SNVT_press_p (87)
2 Modbus Scaling indicated in BOLD with an (*) asterisk are User Configurable, if necessary, through the USER's Report. See a qualified JCI technician for details.
MODBUS scaling factors indicated in BOLD with an (*) asterisk are User Configurable, by a field technician if necessary. All Modbus values are of the type SIGNED with the exception of the User Configurabale values that are all
UNSIGNED. Modbus Function Types Supported (ENG P03-P06 = Types 03, 06, 16) , ( ENG P07- P10 = 01, 03, 05, 15, 06, 16), (ENG P11-P35, P56-P79) = 03, 04) , (ENG P36-P55, P80 -P84 = 01, 02, 03)
4 BACnet Engineering Units shown with an (*) Asterisk will be assigned a BACnet Eng Unit type of (95) ie NO UNITS.
5 Status Codes: Special Display characters such as (, ), [, ], {, },/,\,%,< and > are not compatible with Elink N2 formats. Substitute text strings , "-", PCT, GTN will be used .
6 Status Codes: Status Code Text string lengths are limited to 60 total characters (including spaces)

Revision: YR OptiView (Rev K_03) Tab: Standard Property of York International York, PA Page: 2 of 8

ENG YR Operational Code ENG YR Safety Code ENG YR Cycling Code

0 Unit Stopped - Ready To Start 0 No Abnormal Condition 0 No Abnormal Condition
1 Unit Stopped - Local Shutdown 1 Evaporator - Low Pressure 1 Multi-Unit Cycling - Contacts Open
2 Unit Stopped - Remote Shutdown 2 Evaporator - Transducer Or Leaving Liquid Probe 2 System Cycling - Contacts Open
3 Unit Stopped - Warning Active 3 Evaporator - Temperature Transducer 4 Oil - Low Temperature
4 Unit Stopped - Cycling Shutdown 4 Condenser - High Pressure Contacts Open 5 Control Panel - Power Failure
5 Unit Stopped - Safety Shutdown 5 Condenser - High Pressure 6 Leaving Chilled Liquid - Low Temperature
6 Unit Start Inhibit 6 Condenser - Pressure Transducer Out Of Range 7 Leaving Chilled Liquid - Flow Switch Open
7 Unit Starting 7 Auxiliary Safety - Contacts Closed 8 Condenser - Flow Switch Open
8 Unit Running - No Abnormal Condition 8 Discharge - Low Temperature 9 Motor Controller - Contacts Open
9 Unit Running - Warning Active 9 Discharge - High Temperature 10 Motor Controller - Loss Of Current
10 Unit Running - Chiller Unload Before Shutdown 10 Oil - High Temperature 11 Power Fault
11 Unit Lockout Delay 11 Oil - Low Differential Pressure 12 Control Panel - Schedule
12 Unit Running - Modified Run* 12 Reserved 12 13 Starter - Low Supply Line Voltage
13 Unit Stopped - Internal Shutdown* 13 Reserved 13 14 Starter - High Supply Line Voltage
14 Reserved 14 14 Reserved 14 56 Reserved 56
15 Reserved 15 15 Oil- High Pressure 57 Reserved 57
16 Oil- Filter Clogged 58 Reserved 58
21 Control Panel - Power Failure 59 Reserved 59
23 Motor Or Starter - Current Imbalance 60 Reserved 60
38 Reserved 38 61 Reserved 61
39 Reserved 39 62 Reserved 62
40 Reserved 40 63 Reserved 63
41 Reserved 41 64 Reserved 64
42 Reserved 42 65 Reserved 65
43 Reserved 43 66 Reserved 66
44 Reserved 44 67 Reserved 67
45 Reserved 45 68 Reserved 68
46 Reserved 46 69 Reserved 69
47 Reserved 47 70 Reserved 70
48 Reserved 48 71 Reserved 71
49 Starter - Invalid Motor Selection 72 Reserved 72
50 Oil Or Condenser Transducer Error 73 Reserved 73
51 Evaporator - Low Pressure 74 Reserved 74
52 Evaporator - Low Pressure - Smart Freeze 75 Reserved 75
58 Motor - Phase Rotation
59 Motor - High Temperature
60 Discharge - High Pressure
68 Motor - Ground Fault
69 Excessive Bearing Vibration
70 Reserved 70

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ENG YR Warning Code

0 No Abnormal Condition
1 Real-Time Clock Failure
2 Default Setpoints Loaded
3 Evaporator Or Condenser Transducer Error
4 Evaporator - Low Pressure Limit
5 Condenser - High Pressure Limit
6 Condenser Transducer Error
7 Condenser - Freeze Threat
13 Oil - High Temperature
14 Motor - High Current Limit
20 Oil - Filter Dirty
21 Maximum Load - Load Limit
22 Minimum Load - Load Limit
23 Low Discharge Superheat Limit
24 Low Discharge Superheat Detected
27 Slide Valve Uncalibrated
28 Freeze Threat - Condenser Flow Switch
29 Reserved 29
30 Reserved 30

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YR Optiview with Solid State Starter ELINK YORK TALK 3 Micro Board: 031-01730 / 2430
Item Version Rev. Date YORK P N Chksum Baud COMMENTS
1 C.MLM.05.00 19.2K 1730 board
2 C.MLM.05.00.02A 14-Mar-02 4CB6 19.2K Allows clearing " LOW DISC SUPERHT LMT" and "FRZE THRT-COND FLOW SWCH " warnings
3 C.MLM.05.03.100 F884 19.2K NEMA
4 C.MLM.05.03.200 B4A6 19.2K CE
5 C.MLM.05.04.103 C258 19.2K Slide Valve Postion Point Removed
6 C.MLM.05.04.203 DDFE 19.2K Slide Valve Postion Point Removed
7 C.OPT.05.08.303 19.2K 2430 Board


REF Type Instance Name Name Type Address Address Scale Imp POINT LIST DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REF
see notes 2, 3
P03 AV.1 AV1 REM LEAVING CHW TEMP SP nviCoolSetPt SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 1 0001 Div 10 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Setpoint S S S S S S S P03
P04 AV.2 AV2 MOTOR CURRENT REMOTE SP nviCapacityLimit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 2 0002 Div 10 % Motor Current Limit Setpoint S S S S S S S P04
P05 A AV3 ADF 3 0003 Div 10 P05
P06 A AV4 ADF 4 0004 Div 10 P06
P07 BV.1 BV1 REM START STOP CMD nviChillerEnable SNVT_switch (95) BD 1 0061 N/A 0 /1 Remote Start/Stop [Stop/Start] S S S S S S S P07
P08 B BV2 BD 2 0062 N/A P08
P09 B BV3 BD 3 0063 N/A P09
P10 B BV4 BD 4 0064 N/A P10
P11 AI.1 AV5 LEAVING CHW TEMP nvoLvgCHWTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 5 0005 X 10 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P11
P12 AI.2 AV6 ENTERING CHW TEMP nvoEntCHWTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 6 0006 X 10 °F Return Chilled Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P12
P13 AI.5 AV7 EVAPORATOR PRESSURE nvoEvapPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 7 0007 X 10 PSI Evaporator Pressure PSIG S S S S S S S P13
P14 AI.6 AV8 CONDENSER PRESSURE nvoCondPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 8 0008 X 10 PSI Condenser Pressure PSIG S S S S S S S P14
P15 AV.14 AV9 OIL DIFERENTIAL PRESSURE nvoOilDiffPress SNVT_press (30) ADF 9 0009 X 10 PSI Oil Pressure Differential PSID S S S S S S S P15
P16 AI.4 AV10 ENTERING COND WATER TEMP nvoEntCNDTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 10 0010 X10 °F Return Condenser Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P16
P17 AI.3 AV11 LEAVING COND WATER TEMP nvoLvgCNDTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 11 0011 X10 °F Leaving Condenser Liquid Temperature S S S S S S S P17
P18 AI.11 AV12 MOTOR CURRENT PCT FLA nvoActualCapacit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 12 0012 X10 % Motor Current Percent FLA S S S S S S S P18
P19 AI.16 AV13 PHASE A MOTOR CURRENT nvoCurrent_A SNVT_amp (1) ADF 13 0013 X10 amp SSS Phase A Current S S S S S S S P19
P20 AI.17 AV14 PHASE B MOTOR CURRENT nvoCurrent_B SNVT_amp (1) ADF 14 0014 X10 amp SSS Phase B Current S S S S S S S P20
P21 AI.18 AV15 PHASE C MOTOR CURRENT nvoCurrent_C SNVT_amp (1) ADF 15 0015 X10 amp SSS Phase C Current S S S S S S S P21
P22 AI.13 AV16 PHASE A_B LINE VOLTS nvoVoltage_A SNVT_volt (44) ADF 16 0016 X1 * volt SSS Phase A Voltage S S S S S S S P22
P23 AI.14 AV17 PHASE B_C LINE VOLTS nvoVoltage_B SNVT_volt (44) ADF 17 0017 X1 * volt SSS Phase B Voltage S S S S S S S P23
P24 AI.15 AV18 PHASE C_A LINE VOLTS nvoVoltage_C SNVT_volt (44) ADF 18 0018 X 10 volt SSS Phase C Voltage S S S S S S S P24
P25 AV.1 AV19 LEAVING CHW TEMP ACT SP nvoActiveSetpt SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 19 0019 X 10 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Setpoint - Selected S S S S S S S P25
P26 AV.20 AV20 MOTOR CURRENT ACTUAL SP nvoCapacityLimit SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 20 0020 X 10 % Motor Current Limit Setpoint - Selected S S S S S S S P26
P27 AV.6 AV21 EVAP SATURATION TEMP nvoEvapSatTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 21 0021 X 10 °F Evaporator Saturation Temperature S S S S S S S P27
P28 AV.7 AV22 COND SATURATION TEMP nvoCondSatTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 22 0022 X 10 °F Condenser Saturation Temperature S S S S S S S P28
P29 AI.7 AV23 DISCHARGE TEMP nvoDischTemp SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 23 0023 X 10 °F Discharge Temperature S S S S S S S P29
P30 AV24 ADF 24 0024 X1 P30
P31 AV.54 AV25 FILTER DIFF PRESSURE nvoRefLvlPos SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 25 0025 X1 * PSI Filter Pressure Differential S S S S S S S P31
P32 AV.15 AV26 ACCUM OPERATING HOURS nvoRunHours SNVT_time_hour (124) ADF 26 0026 X1 * hrs Unit Operating Hours S S S S S S S P32
P33 AV.16 AV27 ACCUM SYSTEM STARTS nvoSystemStarts SNVT_count (8) ADF 27 0027 X1 * count Unit System Starts S S S S S S S P33
P34 A AV28 ADF 28 0028 X1 P34
P35 A AV29 ADF 29 0029 X 10 P35
P36 BO.1 BV5 COMPR MOTOR STATUS nvoOnOff SNVT_switch (95) BD 5 0065 N/A 0 /1 Motor Run Contacts S S S S S S S P36
P37 BO.12 BV6 OIL RETURN SOLENOID nvoOilLineSol SNVT_switch (95) BD 6 0066 N/A 0 /1 Oil Return Solenoid S S S S S S S P37
P38 BO.2 BV7 CHW PUMP STAT nvoCHLPump SNVT_switch (95) BD 7 0067 N/A 0 /1 Chilled Liquid Pump S S S S S S S P38
P39 BI.4 BV8 STOP SWITCH STATUS nvoPanelStopSw SNVT_switch (95) BD 8 0068 N/A 0 /1 Panel Stop Switch [Start enabled/Stop] S S S S S S S P39
P40 BI.1 BV9 CHW FLOW SWITCH STAT nvoCHFlowSwitch SNVT_switch (95) BD 9 0069 N/A 0 /1 Chiller Liquid Flow Switch S S S S S S S P40
P41 B BV10 BD 10 0070 N/A P41
P42 BI.35 BV11 LOW SEPARATOR OIL SWITCH nvoLowSepOilSw SNVT_switch (95) BD 11 0071 N/A 0 /1 Low Separator Oil Switch S S S S S S S P42

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REF Type Instance Name Name Type Address Address Scale Imp POINT LIST DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 REF
see notes 2, 3
P43 B BV12 BD 12 0072 N/A P43
P44 B BV13 BD 13 0073 N/A P44
P45 B BV14 BD 14 0074 N/A P45
P46 B BV15 BD 15 0075 N/A P46
P47 B BV16 BD 16 0076 N/A P47
P48 B BV17 BD 17 0077 N/A P48
P49 B BV18 BD 18 0078 N/A P49
P50 B BV19 BD 19 0079 N/A P50
P51 B BV20 BD 20 0080 N/A P51
P52 B BV21 BD 21 0081 N/A P52
P53 B BV22 BD 22 0082 N/A P53
P54 B BV23 BD 23 0083 N/A P54
P55 BV.26 BV24 ICE STORAGE MODE nvoIceStoragMode SNVT_switch (95) BD 24 0084 N/A 0/1 Ice Storage Mode [Disabled/Enabled] S S S S S S S P55
P56 SC.1 MV1 UNIT OPERATION CODE nvoOperCode SNVT_count (8) ADI 1 0030 X1 enum Operation Code S S S S S S S P56
P57 SC.2 MV2 UNIT SAFETY FAULT CODE nvoSafetyCode SNVT_count (8) ADI 2 0031 X1 enum Unit Safety Fault Code S S S S S S S P57
P58 SC.3 MV3 UNIT CYCLING FAULT CODE nvoCyclingFault SNVT_count (8) ADI 3 0032 X1 enum Unit Cycling Fault Code S S S S S S S P58
P59 SC.4 MV4 UNIT WARNING FAULT CODE nvoWarnFault SNVT_count (8) ADI 4 0033 X1 enum Unit Warning Fault Code S S S S S S S P59
P60 SC.5 MV5 UNIT CONTROL SOURCE nvoUnitCtrlSrce SNVT_count (8) ADI 5 0034 X1 enum Unit Control Source [0=Local, 1 = ISN, 2= Analog, 3 = Digital, 4 = Modem] S S S S S S S P60
P61 C MV6 ADI 6 0035 X1 P61
P62 C MV7 ADI 7 0036 X1 P62
P63 C MV8 ADI 8 0037 X1 P63
P64 C MV9 ADI 9 0038 X1 P64
P65 C MV10 ADI 10 0039 X1 P65
P66 A AV30 ADF 30 0040 X1 P66
P67 A AV31 ADF 31 0041 X1 P67
P68 AV.1 AV32 LVNG CHW TEMP ACT SP nvoActiveCHWSP SNVT_temp_p (105) ADF 32 0042 X1 °F Leaving Chilled Liquid Temperature SP Active S S S S S S S P68
P69 A AV33 ADF 33 0043 X1 P69
P70 A AV34 ADF 34 0044 X 10 P70
P71 AV.19 AV35 ANTI RECYCLE TIME REMAIN nvoAntiRecycle SNVT_time_min (123) ADF35 0045 X1 * min Anti-Recycle Time Remaining S S S S S S S P71
P72 A AV36 ADF 36 0046 X1 * P72
P73 AV.55 AV37 SEAL PRESS DIFFERENTIAL nvoSealDP SNVT_press (30) ADF 37 0047 X1 * PSI Seal Pressure Differential PSID S S S S S S S P73
P74 AV.54 AV38 FILTER PRESS DIFFERENT nvoFilterDP SNVT_press (30) ADF 38 0048 X1 * PSI Filter Pressure Differential PSID S S S S S S S P74
P75 A AV39 ADF 39 0049 X1 * P75
P76 A AV40 ADF 40 0050 X1 P76
P77 AV.56 AV41 MIN LOAD CTL MTR FLA LIM nvoMinLoadFLALim SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 41 0051 X1 % Minimum Load Control Motor FLA Limit S S S S S S S P77
P78 AI.37 AV42 SLIDE VALVE POSITION nvoSlide ValvePos SNVT_lev_percent (81) ADF 42 0052 X1 % Slide Valve Position S S S S N N N P78
P79 A AV43 ADF 43 0053 X1 P79
P80 B BV25 BD 25 0085 N/A P80
P81 B BV26 BD 26 0086 N/A P81
P82 B BV27 BD 27 0087 N/A P82
P83 B BV28 BD 28 0088 N/A P83
P84 B BV29 BD 29 0089 N/A P84

LON SNVTS Used: SNVT_count (8), SNVT_lev_percent (81), SNVT_temp_p (105), SNVT_switch (95) , SNVT_time_minute (123) , SNVT_freq_hz (76) , SNVT_amp (01) , SNVT_elec_kwh (13) , SNVT_power_kilo (83) ,
SNVT_volt (44) , SNVT_volt_ac (138), SNVT_press_p (87)
2 Modbus Scaling indicated in BOLD with an (*) asterisk are User Configurable, if necessary, through the USER's Report. See a qualified JCI technician for details.
MODBUS scaling factors indicated in BOLD with an (*) asterisk are User Configurable, by a field technician if necessary. All Modbus values are of the type SIGNED with the exception of the User Configurabale values that are all
UNSIGNED. Modbus Function Types Supported (ENG P03-P06 = Types 03, 06, 16) , ( ENG P07- P10 = 01, 03, 05, 15, 06, 16), (ENG P11-P35, P56-P79) = 03, 04) , (ENG P36-P55, P80 -P84 = 01, 02, 03)
4 BACnet Engineering Units shown with an (*) Asterisk will be assigned a BACnet Eng Unit type of (95) ie NO UNITS.
5 Status Codes: Special Display characters such as (, ), [, ], {, },/,\,%,< and > are not compatible with Elink N2 formats. Substitute text strings , "-", PCT, GTN will be used .
6 Status Codes: Status Code Text string lengths are limited to 60 total characters (including spaces)
NOTE: The Appropriate Product Code Listing Summary Should Accompany Document

Revision: YR OptiView (Rev K_03) Tab: with SSS Property of York International York, PA Page: 6 of 8

ENG YR Operational Code ENG YR Safety Code ENG YR Cycling Code

0 Unit Stopped - Ready To Start 0 No Abnormal Condition 0 No Abnormal Condition
1 Unit Stopped - Local Shutdown 1 Evaporator - Low Pressure 1 Multi-Unit Cycling - Contacts Open
2 Unit Stopped - Remote Shutdown 2 Evaporator - Transducer Or Leaving Liquid Probe 2 System Cycling - Contacts Open
3 Unit Stopped - Warning Active 3 Evaporator - Temperature Transducer 4 Oil - Low Temperature
4 Unit Stopped - Cycling Shutdown 4 Condenser - High Pressure Contacts Open 5 Control Panel - Power Failure
5 Unit Stopped - Safety Shutdown 5 Condenser - High Pressure 6 Leaving Chilled Liquid - Low Temperature
6 Unit Start Inhibit 6 Condenser - Pressure Transducer Out Of Range 7 Leaving Chilled Liquid - Flow Switch Open
7 Unit Starting 7 Auxiliary Safety - Contacts Closed 8 Condenser - Flow Switch Open
8 Unit Running - No Abnormal Condition 8 Discharge - Low Temperature 9 Motor Controller - Contacts Open
9 Unit Running - Warning Active 9 Discharge - High Temperature 10 Motor Controller - Loss Of Current
10 Unit Running - Chiller Unload Before Shutdown 10 Oil - High Temperature 11 Power Fault
11 Unit Lockout Delay 11 Oil - Low Differential Pressure 12 Control Panel - Schedule
12 Unit Running - Modified Run* 12 Reserved 12 13 Starter - Low Supply Line Voltage
13 Unit Stopped - Internal Shutdown* 13 Reserved 13 14 Starter - High Supply Line Voltage
14 Reserved 14 14 Reserved 14 56 LCSSS Initialization Failed
15 Reserved 15 15 Oil- High Pressure 57 LCSSS Shutdown - Requesting Fault Data…
16 Oil- Filter Clogged 58 LCSSS - Low Phase A Temperature Sensor
21 Control Panel - Power Failure 59 LCSSS - Low Phase B Temperature Sensor
23 Motor Or Starter - Current Imbalance 60 LCSSS - Low Phase C Temperature Sensor
38 LCSSS - Phase Loss 61 LCSSS - Phase Locked Loop
39 LCSSS - Current Imbalance 62 LCSSS - Power Fault
40 LCSSS - 105% Motor Current Overload 63 LCSSS - High Supply Line Voltage
41 LCSSS - High Current 64 LCSSS - Low Supply Line Voltage
42 LCSSS - Open SCR 65 LCSSS - Invalid Current Scale Selection
43 LCSSS - Shorted Phase A SCR 66 LCSSS - Run Signal
44 LCSSS - Shorted Phase B SCR 67 LCSSS - Serial Communications
45 LCSSS - Shorted Phase C SCR 68 LCSSS - Stop Contacts Open
46 LCSSS - High Phase A Temperature - Running 69 Reserved 69
47 LCSSS - High Phase B Temperature - Running 70 LCSSS - Logic Board Processor
48 LCSSS - High Phase C Temperature - Running 71 Reserved 71
49 Starter - Invalid Motor Selection 72 LCSSS - Logic Board Power Supply
50 Oil Or Condenser Transducer Error 73 Reserved 73
51 Evaporator - Low Pressure 74 LCSSS - Serial Communications
52 Evaporator - Low Pressure - Smart Freeze 75 LCSSS - Phase Loss
58 Motor - Phase Rotation 60 Discharge - High Pressure
59 Motor - High Temperature 68 Motor - Ground Fault
60 Discharge - High Pressure 69 Excessive Bearing Vibration
68 Motor - Ground Fault
69 Excessive Bearing Vibration
70 Reserved 70

Revision: YR OptiView (Rev K_03) Tab: with SSS Property of York International York, PA Page: 7 of 8

ENG YR Warning Code

0 No Abnormal Condition
1 Real-Time Clock Failure
2 Default Setpoints Loaded
3 Evaporator Or Condenser Transducer Error
4 Evaporator - Low Pressure Limit
5 Condenser - High Pressure Limit
6 Condenser Transducer Error
7 Condenser - Freeze Threat
13 Oil - High Temperature
14 Motor - High Current Limit
20 Oil - Filter Dirty
21 Maximum Load - Load Limit
22 Minimum Load - Load Limit
23 Low Discharge Superheat Limit
24 Low Discharge Superheat Detected
27 Slide Valve Uncalibrated
28 Freeze Threat - Condenser Flow Switch

Revision: YR OptiView (Rev K_03) Tab: with SSS Property of York International York, PA Page: 8 of 8

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