Week 8
Week 8
Week 8
Each Fourier mode for the velocity has a certain amount of “energy”
represented by 12 ûiû∗i . In most turbulent flows we can expect that
this “modal energy” is larger at lower k, smaller at higher k.
The energy of the turbulent signal can be considered as the sum of
the energies of a collection of Fourier modes which may represent con-
tributions from different wavenumbers (in space, as written above)
or frequencies (in time, see Appendix D of Pope).
3D wavenumbers
u(x) = û(k) exp(ιk · x)
where the “wavenumber vector” is defined by
k = (kx, ky , kz ) or k = (k1, k2, k3)
and, of course, x = (x1, x2, x3). In tensor notation we may write
ui(x) = ûi(k) exp(ιkj xj )
The tasks of going from u(x) to û(k) or vice versa are referred to as
“taking a Fourier transform” (either forward or backward).
Note: the sign here implies summing over a finite number of
Fourier modes, which are all periodic in space. This describes tur-
bulence in a 3D periodic domain, with periodic boundary conditions
in each direction. This is convenient in DNS., but if the summation
is replaced by an integral then the periodic BC is not required.