LessonPlan - Sumita Kumar - Udsa - Csbs
LessonPlan - Sumita Kumar - Udsa - Csbs
LessonPlan - Sumita Kumar - Udsa - Csbs
Examples Heuristic
Evaluation: Group 09/24/202 09/27/2022
Assignment initiation
15 44 3 (Website and App) 10:30-11:30 SMART BOARD CO3
Evaluation for key tasks of
the app or website for 09/27/2022 09/30/2022
16 46 3 heuristic principles 10:30-11:30 SMART BOARD CO3
17 48 3 severity of heuristic evolut 09/30/2022 10:30-11:30 1/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO3
Understanding users,
their goals, context of
use, and environment of
21 4 use 6/10/2022 1:30-2:30 6/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO4
Research Techniques:
22 4 Contextual Enquiry 6/10/2022 2:30-3:30 8/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO4
23 4 Interview 8/10/2022 3:30-4:30 10/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO4
Competitive Analysis for
24 4 UX 10/10/2022 9:30-10:30 11/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO4
Scenarios and Persona
25 5 Technique 11/10/2022 1:30-2:30 11/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
Presentation of Personas
26 5 for the group project 11/10/2022 2:30-3:30 12/10/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
Design Thinking
27 5 Technique 12/10/2022 10:30-11:30 10/13/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
Discovery and
28 5 brainstorming 10/13/2022 1:30-2:30 10/15/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
29 5 Concept Development 10/15/2022 2:30-3:30 10/17/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
Task flow detailingfor the
30 5 Project 10/17/2022 3:30-4:30 10/19/2022 SMART BOARD CO5
31 6 Prototyping Techniques 10/19/2022 9:30-10:30 10/31/2022 SMART BOARD CO6
32 6 Paper, Electronic 10/31/2022 1:30-2:30 10/20/2022 SMART BOARD CO7
33 6 Prototyping Tools 10/20/2022 2:30-3:30 1/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO8
Project Prototyping
34 6 Iteration 1 1/11/2022 10:30-11:30 1/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO9
Project Prototyping
35 6 Iteration 2 1/11/2022 1:30-2:30 2/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO10
36 6 Testing techniques 2/11/2022 2:30-3:30 2/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO11
discussion regarding
37 6 doubt question 5/11/2022 3:30-4:30 5/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO12
discussion on project
38 100 6 related interface design 8/11/2022 9:30-10:30 8/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO13
39 1,2,3 rivision 9/11/2022 1:30-2:30 9/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO14
40 4,5,6 rivision 9/11/2022 2:30-3:30 9/11/2022 SMART BOARD CO15