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Vol. 04. No. 01, March 2023, pp. 57 - 89

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ISSN: 2721-3811 (media online)



Husnul Fuadatun Nisa', Silvia Hanifatus Sholihah

Kyai Abdullah Faqih University Gresik
The purpose of this study is to examine more deeply the Formation of Students' Religious Character through
the Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA) Proficiency Standards Programme at Madrasah
Tsanawiyah Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang Gresik. This research is designed to find the methods used
by the School in the formation of students' religious character through the SKUA Program at Madrasah
Stanawiyah Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang Gresik; besides ,this research is designed to find the
religious value formed through this SKUA Program, or short for Standard Proficiency Ubudiyah and
Akhlakul Karimah.This type of research is qualitative case study research using descriptive analysis. The
subject of this research is religious character with the object of research of the Ubudiyah Proficiency
Standards and Akhlaqul Karimah Programme. The data collection used observation, interview, and
documentation techniques. The results showed that: 1) the methods used in the formation of students'
religious character through the SKUA programme are 2, namely methods, habituation, and exemplary. 2)
religious character values formed in students through the SKUA programme are 2, namely, divine values
consisting of taqwa, sincerity, gratitude, patience, and honesty, and insanity values consisting of
trustworthiness and tawadhu'.
Keywords: Religious Character, Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah Standard Proficiency
Programme (SKUA)

I. Introduction with character and morals. Character
One of the character education that education for students takes place over time
must be instilled early on in the younger because a person's character or oral grows
generation as the nation's successor is and develops along with the development of
religious character. Entering an increasingly good student behavior and continuous
advanced age and intense pressure and habituation. Character building cannot be
competition, the formation of this religious done quickly or immediately, as it seems. It
character is becoming increasingly takes time and a long process (Tabrani
important. The importance of religious Ridwan, 2018).
character formation for children aims to The implementation of religious
build children's awareness of the causal character building can be done by the way
relationship, namely the existence of God as teachers always provide direction and
the creator and his relationship with his support student actions that lead to
creation. In the context of the school goodness and prevent bad behaviour by
curriculum, religious character is needed to telling them. The way to tell children who
lead students to become human beings who act poorly is not by violence or scolding
believe and fear God, have noble character, them, which can cause children to feel
are always orderly and disciplined towards threatened. Thus, the right method is
existing regulations, have good manners to needed to form religious character in
teachers or parents, and care about their students (Utami and Ratnasari Diah, 2015).
environment (Fitria Ningsih, Akh.Syaiful To overcome the moral and ethical
Rijal, 2021). problems that occur to students and to form
Religious values will be shown by a the religious character of students, careful
person through his words and actions. This planning is needed. One of the programmes
value is a basic value in all aspects of life. implemented in educational institutions to
Therefore, the school environment greatly shape the religious character of students is
influences the formation of students' through the Ubudiyah Proficiency
characters, and what they get at school will Standards and Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA)
determine whether or not the students' programme, not least in Madrasah
characters are good (Puput Andita, 2022). Tsanawiyah Hidayatul Ummah. Researchers
Therefore, all educational institutions must chose the SKUA programme as the object of
have long-term goals in forming students research because the programme focuses on
Islamic religious education, and this other words, students have the
programme is expected to increase students' responsibility to memorise and practice
religious observance. The Indonesian their knowledge as a requirement to take
government, through the Ministry of the End of Semester Assessment (PAS).
Religious Affairs, provides additional In this study, researchers chose MTS
policies to every madrasah/school Hidayatul Ummah because it is one of the
educational institution under the auspices formal educational institutions that strives
of the Ministry of Religious Affairs is to make student morals as one of its main
required to include SKUA material in the objects, so there are many concepts related
formal curriculum (Abdul Hamid, 2019). to religious values in it. The school is a
This means that through this additional relevant place to conduct research in
curriculum, it is intended to form positive accordance with the researcher's research
changes in the character of students, both title, and there has been no similar research
spiritual character, attitudes and behaviour conducted at the school. This school is an
of students. However, the SKUA Islamic school that provides balanced
programme at Hidayatul Ummah MTS has education between science and student
existed since before the authority of the character building.
Ministry of Religious Affairs (Alfin, The SKUA guidebook at Hidayatul
2022).All educational institutions are given Ummah MTS is a handbook for teachers and
freedom in implementing the SKUA students in order to achieve educational
programme. The government only provides goals that follow the guidance of the times
a general implementation mechanism; and in accordance with the objectives of the
namely, its implementation must be carried madrasah. This SKUA book aims to increase
out every week, and the completion of students' knowledge and skills in Islamic
SKUA material is used as a requirement in Religious Education regarding aliyah
taking school exams. In this case, the SKUA ubudiyah and akhlaqul karma through
programme is a mandatory programme that istiqomah habituation in reading,
must be carried out by schools and followed memorising, and practising their knowledge
by all students. This is because if students in daily life.
do not follow the SKUA programme or do Character education that has been
not carry it out completely, then students implemented or that has been instilled in
are not allowed to take school exams. In this school is a religious character, such as
greeting teachers when entering school, individual, so that it appears in his unique
habituation in the morning such as reading behaviour (Rowi Mukhsin, 2022).
prayers and dhuha prayers every day, According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary,
reading tahlil and istighosah on Fridays, and character is character, psychological traits,
praying dhuhr in the congregation (Yeni morals or character traits that distinguish a
Rahmawati, 2022). person from others. Character can also mean
Based on the above background, the character or habit. In general, the character
researcher is interested in conducting is associated with distinctive or special
research with the title "Formation of traits or patterns of behaviour of a person
Students' Religious Character through the that distinguishes him from others
Ubudiyah Proficiency Standards and (Gunawan, 2012.
Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA) Programme at According to Thomas Lickona in
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Hidayatul Ummah Agus Wibowo, character is a person's
Balongpanggang Gresik". nature in responding to situations morally.
II. Overview of Religious Character This nature is manifested in the actions of
Building the character through good behaviour,
A. Definition of Character Building honesty, responsibility, respect for others,
Shaping is the process, method or and other noble characters. This is in line
act of shaping something. Shaping means to with what Aristotle said that character is
make or create something with a certain closely related to "habit" or habits that are
form, which also means guiding, directing or continuously carried out (Agus Wibowo,
educating the character, mind, personality, 2012).
character and so on (Depdiknas, 2022). According to Majid and Dian,
What is meant by formation in this study is character is a character, trait, or very basic
the process, way or act of forming through things that exist in a person. Meanwhile,
an education by guiding, directing and according to Zubaedi, character is a guide to
educating an educator in order to form a all human characteristics that are
good personality. permanent, so that it becomes a special
Character etymologically comes mark to distinguish one person from
from the Latin character, which means to another (Muchlisin Riadi, 2023). Character
mark. Character, according to Agus Sujanto, is understood as a way of behaving that is
is a complex psychophysical totality of an unique to each individual to live and work
together, both in the family, community, knowledge through character education in
nation and state. Individuals with good various lives in accordance with school
character are individuals who are able to culture and curriculum (Sriwahyuni et al,
make decisions and are ready to take Vol2 No 2). So character building does not
responsibility for the consequences of each only stop at the cognitive stage but must be
decision. Character can be considered as the comprehensive to touch the real practice
values of human behavior related to God and implemented in the attitudes shown in
Almighty, self, fellow human beings, the everyday life.
environment, and nationality manifested in B. Definition of Religious Character
thoughts, attitudes, words, feelings and The word religion comes from the
actions based on religious norms, laws, word religion, which means trust or belief in
manners, cultural customs, and aesthetics a power above human ability. Religion can
(Muchlas Samani and Hariyanto, 2012). be interpreted as piety or a great devotion to
It can be concluded that character is religion. This piety can be proven by
a way of thinking, behaving, and acting, as carrying out all religious commands and
well as being a person's personal staying away from all prohibitions in
characteristic that appears in everyday life religion. Without both, a person does not
that can distinguish him from other people. deserve the title of religious behavior
Character is found in a person's attitude (Kemendiknas, 2010).
towards himself, others, the tasks entrusted Religious character is one of the 18
to him and other situations. A person's national characters planned by the Ministry
character is not formed suddenly, not of National Education. The Ministry of
formed since he was born, but through a National Education states that religious
long process. Although a person's character character is an attitude and behavior that is
can be obtained due to heredity, the obedient in carrying out religious worship
environment in which a person grows is also and living in harmony with other religions
an important factor determining the (Ministry of National Education, 2010).
character that will be obtained (Muchlas Religion, according to Suparlan, is an
Samani and Hariyanto, 2012). attitude and behavior that is obedient in
Character building is carried out with the carrying out the teachings of the religion
aim of building individual abilities in social that is adopted, tolerant of the
interaction, forming ethics and academic implementation of other religious worship,
and living in harmony with adherents of other religions, and living in harmony with
other religions (Retno Listyarti, 2012). other religions. This religious character is
It can be concluded that the term needed by students in facing the current era
religious character is the character, of globalization and moral degradation
character, attitude, character, personality, (Dian Chrisna Wati et al., 2018).
and behaviour of a person who always relies Zayadi suggests that the sources of
on all aspects of his life to the religion he values that apply in the tradition of human
adheres to. life are classified into two types, namely:
This religious character is very Ilahiyah value (value related to God) Divine
important. This refers to Pancasila, which value is a value related to God, where the
states that Indonesian people must believe core of divinity is religion. Parents from an
in the existence of God Almighty with the early age teach and introduce religions that
consequences of implementing the exist in the family. The religion you believe
teachings of their religion. And in Islam, all in may be different from that of your friends
aspects of life must be based on and in and neighbors. This religious diversity does
accordance with Islamic teachings not make each other hostile. On the
(Aliverma wiguna, 2014). contrary, you are accustomed to respecting
The purpose of religious character each other and carrying out worship in
building is to restore fitnah and the accordance with their respective religions
embodiment of Islamic values to be realised and beliefs (Ari w Purwandasari et al,
in the personalities of students who are 2018).Religion is a core of divinity. The core
initiated by Muslim educators through a of the value of education is as expressed in
terminal process on the results (products) the book by Abdul Majid and Dian
with Islamic personalities who are faithful, Andayani, described as follows (Abdul
pious, and knowledgeable who are able to Majid and Andayani, 2018).
develop themselves into obedient servants Faith, which includes man's
of Allah (Asmaun Sahlan, 2009). relationship with God, angels, books,
C. Religious Character Values miracles, the last day and the existence of
Religious value is one of the supernatural beings as well as good and bad
character values that is used as behavior and destiny.
attitudes that are obedient in carrying out Islam, the degree of frequency,
the teachings they adhere to, tolerance for intensity and implementation of one's
worship. This includes the performance of three are not gathered, then it is not called
prayers, zakat, fasting, and hajj. gratitude. These three things are
Ihsan includes the experience and acknowledging favours in the inner form;
feeling of God's presence in life, peace of gratitude is related to the heart, tongue and
mind, fear of violating God's commands, limbs (Zubaidi, 2013).
belief in receiving rewards, feeling close to Sabar means to restrain and restrain,
God and the urge to carry out religious the meaning is to refrain from everything
orders; that is not liked because of expecting the
Taqwa is to keep oneself from the pleasure of Allah or carrying out Allah's
torment of Allah. By following his orders with full submission, accepting all of
commands and avoiding his prohibitions Allah's destiny with steadfastness, facing
(Zubaidi, 2013). trials (difficulties) with a roomy chest,
Ikhlas, which is doing actions always avoiding angry attitudes towards
without any strings attached, other than anyone (Abdul Majid, 94).
just hoping for the pleasure of Allah by Honesty, which is conveying
doing actions sincerely without strings something openly, as it is and in accordance
attached, helping anyone who deserves to be with conscience, by saying and doing what
helped, giving something without hoping it is, saying what is right is right and saying
for anything in return and carrying out what is wrong is wrong (Marzuki, 2015).
actions only hoping for the pleasure of Allah And there are many more divine values
(Zubaidi, 2013). taught in Islam. The values above represent
Tawakkal, which is freeing the heart religious values that need to be instilled in
from all dependence on other than Allah students as a very important ingredient in
SWT. And submit all decisions only to Allah education.
SWT. This tawakkal must begin with effort D. Insaniyah values (values that relate to
and hard work; it is not called tawakkal if fellow human beings)
someone has not made an effort or hard As a religious person, you also have
work in a job (Zubaidi, 2013). an obligation to love your fellow human
Gratitude is an expression of beings. A sense of concern for the difficulties
gratitude, praising the giver for the good of others is one form of mutual love. Values
that has been done. The gratitude of a included in insaniyah values include (Ari w
Muslim revolves around three things; if the Purwandasari et al, 3):
Silaturrahim is the bond of love Sanjaya, 2008). According to KBBI, the
between people. Al-ukhwah is establishing methods are:
brotherhood between neighbours. A well-thought-out way of organising to
Husnudzon is an attitude of always being achieve a goal.
kind to others. An organised and systemised way of
Amanah is the attitude of carrying working to be able to carry out an activity
out their responsibilities and being easily in order to achieve a specified purpose
trustworthy. Amanah is the attitude or (Dendi Sugono, 2008).
behavior of someone who can carry out and In terms of language, the method comes
keep every promise and responsibility. Or it from the Greek "Methodos" This word
can also be interpreted that trust is a trust consists of two syllables, namely "Metha",
that must be borne in realising something which means through / through and
that is done with full commitment, "Hodos", which means the way / way. Thus
competence, hard work and consistency the method can be interpreted as a way or
(Ismail Sukardi, 2016). path that must be travelled to achieve a goal.
Tawadhu' is an attitude of humility, not In English, the terms Method and Way are
arrogant, not haughty, or humbling oneself known, which are translated as method and
so as not to appear arrogant, haughty, way. In Arabic, the word method is
arrogant, big-headed or other words that are expressed in various words such as At-
equivalent to tawadhu' (WJS. Thoriqoh, Al Manhaj, and Al Wasilah. At-
Poerwadarminta, 1982). Thoriqoh means path, Al Manhaj means
The two values above play a role in students' system, and Al Wasilah means mediator.
religious behaviour. Where students must Thus, the Arabic word closest to the
be able to balance all their affairs both in the meaning of method is Ath-Thoriqoh. So the
world and in the hereafter so that their lives method means a path travelled to achieve a
are balanced. Therefore, these values are goal (Ismail SM, 2008).
important to be instilled in education in Education expert Elgar Bruce Wesley
formal schools. quoted by Omar Muhammad at-Taumî as-
Methods are the means used to implement Syaibânî gives the meaning of the method as
the plans that have been prepared in real a series of directed activities for educators
activities so that the objectives that have that cause the learning process to occur in
been prepared are achieved optimally (Wina students, or it is a process whose perfect
implementation results in the learning Thus, the Arabic word closest to the
process, or it is the path by which the lesson meaning of method is Ath-Thoriqoh. So the
is impressed. With this last definition, method means a path travelled to achieve a
method means effort goal (Ismail SM, 2008).
Methods of Religious Character Building Education expert Elgar Bruce Wesley
quoted by Omar Muhammad at-Taumî as-
Methods are the means used to implement Syaibânî gives the meaning of the method as
the plans that have been prepared in real a series of directed activities for educators
activities so that the objectives that have that cause the learning process to occur in
been prepared are achieved optimally (Wina students, or it is a process whose perfect
S, 2008). According to KBBI, the methods implementation results in the learning
are: process, or it is the path by which the lesson
A well-thought-out way of organising to is impressed. In this latter sense, method
achieve a goal. means an effort to process and develop an
An organised and systematic way of idea so as to produce a theory or finding
working to be able to carry out an activity (Omar Mohammad Attaumi A, 1979).
easily in order to achieve a specified purpose Character building is the process of
(Dendi S, 2008). instilling knowledge of goodness and
In terms of language, the method comes encouraging good behaviour. The goal is for
from the Greek "Methodos" This word children to be able to apply their knowledge
consists of two syllables, namely "Metha", correctly and consciously in everyday life
which means through / through and without having to be forced. To form
"Hodos", which means the way / way. Thus students' religious character, a method is
the method can be interpreted as a way or needed. There are several methods that are
path that must be travelled to achieve a goal. carried out as an effort to form religious
In English, the terms Method and Way are character, among others:
known, which are translated as method and Habituation
way. In Arabic, the word method is Habituation is a method used to accustom
expressed in various words such as At- students to think, behave, and act in
Thoriqoh, Al Manhaj, and Al Wasilah. At accordance with the objectives of Islamic
Thoriqoh means path, Al Manhaj means teachings. Education will only be wishful
system, and Al Wasilah means mediator. thinking if existing attitudes or behaviours
are not followed and supported by practice Exemplary behaviour supports the
and habituation. Education encourages and formation of good character. This example is
provides space for students on theories that very helpful in shaping student character.
require direct application so that theories Teachers have become figures for students.
that are initially heavy become lighter for The exemplary behaviour of a teacher in
students when often implemented (A. various activities will be a mirror for
Nashih Ulwah, 2000). students. This puts more emphasis on the
Habituation serves to reinforce the object behavioural aspects in the form of real
that has entered the heart of the recipient of actions and not just talk without action
the message. The coaching process (Furqon, 39).
emphasises direct experience and serves as This example can be more accepted if it is
the glue between the character's actions and exemplified by the closest person. For
one's self. Habituation is the process of example, a teacher becomes a good example
forming new habits or improving existing for his students, or parents become a good
habits. In addition to using commands, role example for their children (Nasirudin,
models, and special experiences, habituation 2009).
also uses punishment and rewards Being exemplary in educating children is the
(Muhibbin S, 2000). most effective and successful way of
Habituation is directed at acculturating preparing children in terms of morals, and
certain activities so that they become shaping their mental and social feelings.
patterned or systemised activities. Psychologically a child likes to imitate; not
Character education is not enough to be only good things are imitated by children,
taught through classroom subjects, but even sometimes children will also imitate
schools can also implement it through bad things. In educating children without
habituation. Spontaneous habituation an example, any education is useless for
activities can be carried out, for example, children, and any advice has no effect on
greeting each other, both between friends, them. It is easy for an educator to give a
between teachers and between teachers and lesson to a child, but it is very difficult for
students. Schools that carry out character the child to follow it when the person who
education have certainly carried out gives the lesson does not practice what is
habituation activities (Furqon, 39). taught (Nasih U, 84).
The two methods should not be separated religious spirit. 4) a person's psychological
because one will strengthen the other condition.
process. Character building using only External Factors
habituation without exemplification will be External factors influence the development
verbalistic and theoretical (Nasirudin, 41). of the religious spirit seen from the
Meanwhile, the process of habituation environment in which a person lives. The
without habituation will only make humans environment is divided into 3 parts, namely:
act without being able to understand the 1) family environment, the first social
meaning. environment known to children. 2)
Character Building Factors institutional environment, in this case in the
Character is not formed just like that but is form of formal institutions such as schools
formed through several influencing factors, or non-formal, 3) the community
namely: biological factors and environment where he lives.
environmental factors (Kartini Kartono, Overview of the Ubudiyah Proficiency
2001). Standards and Akhlakuk Karimah (SKUA)
Jalaluddin divides the factors that influence Definition of Ubudiyah and Akhlakul
religious character into two parts, namely Karimah Proficiency Standards (SKUA)
(Jalaludin, 2005): The Standard of Proficiency in Ubudiyah
Internal Factors and Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA) programme
Internal factors are factors that exist within is implemented in all madrasas in East Java,
a person. Jalaluddin divides 4 parts, namely: namely every madrasa, both public and
1) heredity factors, the emotional private, must implement SKUA (Standard
relationship between parents, especially of Proficiency in Ubudiyah and Akhlakul
mothers who are pregnant with their Karimah) according to the level of education
children, greatly affects the religiosity of in each institution.
children; 2) age level, religious development Based on the Circular Letter of the Head of
in children is determined by age level the Regional Office of the Ministry of
because, with the development of children's Religious Affairs of East Java Province
age, it affects their thinking, 3) personality, Number: Kw. 134/HK.00.8/1465/2012, SKUA
often called self-identity. Differences are is a reinforcement programme for Islamic
thought to affect the development of the Religious Education (PAI) materials that
aims to provide solutions to the weaknesses worship, servitude, praise, requests, prayers,
of reading and writing the Qur'an, ubudiyah rewards, sins, the hereafter, and so on
and karakul Karima students, especially (Henk Kusumawardana, 2020).
students in madrasah (Circular Letter from Meanwhile, akhlakul karimah comes from
the Office of the Ministry of Religious two words, namely akhlak and karimah.
Affairs, 2012). Abdul Qasim said, "good character is the
The SKUA programme is seen from two most important journey of the servant. In
elements, namely ubudiyah and akhlakul other words, great morals are the absence of
karimah. The word Ubudiyah / Worship people who argue and are refuted because of
according to language means obeying, their deep knowledge of Allah SWT" (Al
submitting, and humbling yourself. Ibadah Qasim Abdul Karim Hawazin Al-Qusyiri
in the meaning of obeying or obeying orders An-Naisaburi, 2007). So, karakul Karima is a
is revealed by Allah in the Qur'an: value system that becomes the principle of
‫عد ٌُّو‬ َ َٰ ‫ش ْي‬
َ ‫طنَ ۖ ِإناهُۥ لَ ُك ْم‬ ۟ ‫أَلَ ْم أ َ ْع َه ْد إِلَ ْي ُك ْم َٰيَبَنِى َءا َد َم أَن اَّل ت َ ْعبُد‬
‫ُوا ٱلَ ا‬ ٓ behaviour sourced from the Qur'an, as-
‫ُّم ِبين‬ sunnah, and natural values (sunatullah)
Meaning: "Have I not commanded you, O (Zainudin Ali, 2010).
children of Adam, that you should not Akhlakul karma in the SKUA review
worship the devil? Indeed the devil is a real contains manners or manners in doing a
enemy to you". (Q.S. Yasin/36:60). matter related to hablun min Allah and
While the understanding in terms is to hablun minannas, such as manners in
glorify Allah SWT, glorify Him seriously, learning, manners in visiting the sick,
and humble yourself to Him (Sidik Tono, manners in praying, manners in reading the
2000). Qur'an, and so on. To ensure the
According to Sidik Tono, "Ubudiyah is implementation process and streamline the
establishing sincere obedience with achievement of goals, the implementation of
reverence, looking at what comes from You SKUA is an integral part of the madrasah
with a humble gaze, and witnessing curriculum (Circular Letter of the Head of
something that results from the course of the Regional Office of the Ministry of
your life as a decree" (Sidik Tono, p. 04). Religious Affairs of East Java Province,
It can be concluded that ubudiyah / worship 2012). It can be concluded that the SKUA
is the interaction between humans and their programme is a teaching programme on how
creator, which includes all actions related to to worship and behave correctly in
accordance with Islamic law and is a Urgency and Purpose of the Standard Skills
requirement for students to be able to take for Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah
semester exams at a madrasa. (SKUA) Programme
Basis of the Ubudiyah and Akhlakul
Karimah (SKUA) Proficiency Standard The Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah
Programme Proficiency Standards Programme, when
The basis for the implementation of the viewed from two sides, namely ubudiyah
standard of 'ubudiyah and akhlakul karῑmah and karakul Karima, the programme is very
(SKUA) skills is: important for students. Because these two
Law 20 Year 2003, on the National things have a relationship with the religious
Education System. character of students, where religious or
moral character is very necessary to be
Government Regulation 19/2005 on disciplined and is needed by students in the
National Education Standards. face of changing times and moral
PP No. 22, 23, 24 of 2006 concerning degradation. In this case, students are
content standards, SKL standards and their expected to be able to behave well based on
implementation. religious provisions and provisions.
Minister of Religious Affairs No. 2 of 2008 Given the importance of the material of the
concerning SI for Religious Education and Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA)
Arabic Language. Standard Proficiency Programme, that can
Circular Letter of the Director General of be used for future life guidelines because it
Islamic Education No. Dj. is related to the physical and spiritual
11.1/PP.00/ED/863A/2008. students so that students become noble. In
Circular Letter of the Regional Office of the other words, it is hoped that students can
Ministry of Religious Affairs of East Java grow both physically and spiritually as well
Province, Kw.13.4/1/HK.008/1465/2012, as their morals, knowledge and
concerning the Standard of Ubudiyah and responsibilities (Khamdan Asrofi, 2019).
Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA) (Khozinatul R, There are several things that are the
2018). background of this programme. First, to
form or improve the religious character of
students. Second, as a forum for students to
improve themselves and add to the religious
insight of students. Third, to develop beings who can carry out their obligations
da'wah and study Islam in depth. Fourth, to and avoid all prohibitions, as well as being
train students to have a sense of able to give rights to Allah and His
responsibility and social community. Fifth, messenger, fellow humans, other creatures,
of course, to realise the vision and mission of and the surrounding nature as well as
the madrasah. In the formation of religious possible (Ulul Amri S, 2012).
characters, of course, it does not only end Research Methods
during the study period at the madrasa but Research Type and Approach
will also be carried when they have plunged The approach used in this research is a
into society in their lives later. qualitative approach. This type of research
The purpose of the issuance of the is qualitative case study research using
Circular Letter of the Head of the Regional descriptive analysis. As revealed by Deny
Office of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of Satriawan that a case study is research
East Java Province conducted in-depth on an institution,
No.Kw.134/1/HK.00.8/1465/2012 is a form of organisation, or certain symptoms (Fitri and
concern for the Ministry of Religious Affairs Lutfiyah, 2017).
of the East Java Region for students in In this study, the research subjects were all
Madrasahs which are felt that there are still residents of Madrasah Tsanawiyah
some students who are weak in Islamic Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang Gresik
religious education both in theory and related to the SKUA programme at the
practice and student weaknesses in reading school. The case study in this research
and writing the Koran. So that this SKUA focuses on the method in the formation of
Programme has the aim of providing students' religious character through the
reinforcement of Islamic Religious SKUA programme and the religious value
Education material and providing solutions formed through the SKUA programme at
to weaknesses in reading and writing the MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang
Koran, ubudiyah and akhlak Karima Gresik.
(Circular Letter of the Head of the Regional The methods of data collection in the study
Office of the Ministry of Religion of East are observation, interview and
Java Province, 2012). documentation.
With this programme, students are In this study, the location and time that will
expected to be able to become human be the object of the research conducted is at
Madrasah Tsanawiyah Hidayatul Ummah include: a) methods applied in shaping
Balongpanggang Gresik Learning Year 2022- students' religious character through the
2023. SKUA programme and b) religious
The data analysis techniques in this research character values formed from the SKUA
are Data collection, data reduction, data programme.
presentation, and conclusion drawing. In Researchers will submit an explanation of
this study, researchers tested the validity of the research data obtained from the research
the data by triangulation, namely source location, namely at MTS Hidayatul Ummah
triangulation, technique triangulation, and Balongpanggang, both in the form of
time triangulation. observation, interviews and documentation.
Findings and Discussion Of course, the data exposure will be
discussed in accordance with the research
Formation of Students' Religious Character focus and research objectives as follows:
through the Ubudiyah Proficiency Methods in Building Students' Religious
Standards and Akhlakul Karimah (SKUA) Character through the SKUA Programme at
Programme. Hidayatul Ummah MTS Balongpanggang
The data presentation in the research One of the efforts to shape students'
"Formation of Students' Religious Character religious character is the SKUA programme.
through the Ubudiyah and Akhlakul MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang is
Karimah Standard Proficiency Programme a madrasa that uses the 2013 curriculum
(SKUA) at Madrasah Tsanawiyah under the Ministry of Religion. The
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang Gresik" Standard of Ubudiyah Proficiency and
focuses on the formation of students' Akhlaqul Karimah (SKUA) activity is an
religious character through the SKUA activity to measure students' proficiency in
programme that has been implemented at reading and writing the Qur'an, morals, fiqh,
the school. The aspects that the researcher dhikr, and prayer. Activities issued by the
will describe include 1) the background of Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry
the research object, which includes: a) of Religious Affairs of East Java Province
school history, b) school profile, c) state of issued a letter Number:
teachers, d) state of students, and e) state of Kw.13.4/1/HK.00.8/1925/2012 which
infrastructure of Hidayatul Ummah MTs. 2) requires all madrasas to carry out the
description of research results which
activities of the Ubudiyah Proficiency religious character at Hidayatul Ummah
Standards and Akhlaqul Karimah (SKUA). MTS Balongpanggang Gresik.
The background to the implementation of Habituation Method
the Ubudiyah and Akhlaqul Karimah The habituation method is a habituation
Proficiency Standards (SKUA) activities at activity carried out at school continuously.
MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang, is One example of habituation that is applied
that it already existed before the authority is dzuhur prayer in congregation. In
of the Ministry of Religion, as said by Mrs connection with this habituation method,
Alfin Nur Faizah, S.Kom, as the head of the Mrs Nur Aini as the SKUA teacher
curriculum, as follows: conveyed the following:
"This SKUA programme has been around for "In shaping students' religious character,
a long time. Since I went to school here, it one of them is by doing habituation. We
has existed. As for who initiated this apply habituation at school so that children
programme, I don't know. So we are now are accustomed to being practised in
just running it and not because of the everyday life. For example, in praying
recommendation from the government. dxuhur in congregation. If they are told to
However, it is seen from the existence of the pray, they still need to be encouraged first.
SKUA programme that it is important and This is a habit that needs to be further
useful." familiarised, yes because prayer is our
obligation as Muslims to do so. "
So this SKUA programme has been running
for a very long time. Not only because of the Mr Athok Maulana also added the
issuance of a circular letter from the Head of following:
the Regional Office of the Ministry of "We use this habituation method to help
Religious Affairs of East Java Province in children do the things they need to do and
2012. But because of the importance of the automatically they do these religious
SKUA programme, and has been running for activities without being ordered. We also
a very long time. tell parents that they should tell their
children to pray on time, because this aims
The following will describe what methods to shape children's religious character and
are applied in the formation of students' so that what is done at school is not in vain,
we also need parental intervention in this
case to support children's religious asmaul husna and pray. After that we greet
character." and shake hands with the teachers.
Especially for Fridays, the habituation is in
One small example of habituation applied at the form of reading istighosah and tahlil but
MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang is once every 2 weeks it alternates with
the habituation of reading juz-amma and sports."
asma'ul husna before learning begins. This The above statement was also conveyed by
habituation is carried out in the schoolyard Mr Athok Maulana as follows:
at 6.30 to 7 o'clock. This is as conveyed by "Habituation for every day is in the form of
Mrs Nur Aini as follows: reading juzamma, sholawat and asmaul
"Before learning, we do habituation every husna. As for Friday, it is different, the
day in the school yard from 6.30 to 7 o'clock. habituation is in the form of reading
The habituation is in the form of reading istighosah and tahlil which is carried out
juz-amma then continued reading sholawat once a fortnight in the musholla alternating
nariyah and asmaul husna. Hopefully, with with exercise and cleaning. This is done so
this reading, the child's heart will melt to that the children don't get bored."
become a good child. And hopefully the
habit can be applied in everyday life." From the results of these interviews, it can
be concluded that the habituation applied at
With the habituation of reading juz-amma MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang is
and Asma ul husna, students will the recitation of juz amma, sholawat, and
automatically carry out this habit until later asmaul husna for every day carried out in
and can also be applied at home, namely by the schoolyard. And for Friday, the habit is
reading the Koran after prayer, even if only a in the form of reading istighosah and tahlil,
little. which are carried out in the musholla,
The customs applied at MTS Hidayatul sports and clean Friday.
Ummah Balongpanggang are as conveyed by The habituation method carried out at MTS
one of the seventh-grade students as Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang aims to
follows: form and strengthen students' religious
"Learning starts at 7 o'clock. Before that we character. The application of this method
have what is called habituation, first we must be carried out consistently,
read juz-amma first then continue to read continuously and thoroughly so that the
objectives of the SKUA programme can be examples to the children or become good
achieved. Thus, students who have a strong role models, such as in terms of arriving on
religious character can be formed optimally. time and dressing neatly. The child usually
This method is applied so that students get sees the teacher, if the teacher can be a good
used to getting used to what is done at example for students, God willing, students
school, from speaking politely, honestly, will also imitate the good behaviour of the
discipline, and worshiping Allah sincerely teacher."
and without being ordered to do it at school
and in the community. The exemplary method above is also added
through the explanation of Mr Athok
Exemplary Method Maulana as follows:
The exemplary method at MTS Hidayatul "A good example from a teacher will make
Ummah Balongpanggang is an effective way children automatically follow every thing
to prepare and shape students' religious that is done and modelled by their teacher.
character, as well as a way for teachers to As is the case with the schedule of
directly model for students what needs to be accompanying children in congregational
improved. prayer, the teacher must accompany from
One of the exemplary methods applied at making ablutions until the prayer is
MTS Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang is finished. The hope is that all the teachers
discipline starting from the teacher to the will come to the prayer room to accompany
students, both in attending school on time the children, to be a good example in
and dressing neatly. When this exemplary carrying out worship. Not only in terms of
method is applied, students will come to prayer, in terms of eating and drinking using
school on time and wear neat uniforms. the right hand, saying greetings, reading
That way, students do not break the rules basmalah before doing something, shaking
that have been set at school. This is as stated hands after doing morning habituation
by Mrs Alfin as follows: before learning begins in the school yard is
"The exemplary method itself has been also needed so that children have good
applied for a long time, and thank God it is attitudes and ethics that can be applied in
getting better and better. Because this everyday life."
method builds character, both religious As the above was also added by Mrs Nur
character and others. At least we give Aini as follows:
"The SKUA book teaches moral and fiqh Researchers also interviewed one of the
material. So after we provide understanding students of MTS Hidayatul Ummah
to children, we must also be able to be a Balongpanggang regarding the role models
good example, especially in morals. There is given in this school as follows:
material on ethics to teachers, to elders, to "Yes, the teacher sets a good example. For
younger people, so the children can see oh example, when there are children who eat
this is how to be ethical to elders, oh this is while standing, they are reminded and
how to be ethical to younger people. So we exemplified how the ethics of eating are. If
as teachers should be good role models for someone speaks impolitely, they are
our children, because children imitate what reprimanded. Yes, like that."
the teacher does. If the teacher sets a good
example, God willing, the children will From the results of the interview above, it
follow it, but if the teacher sets a bad can be concluded that the exemplary
example, what else will the students do?" method at MTS Hidayatul Ummah
Balongpanggang is also needed in shaping
The purpose of applying this exemplary students' religious character. As a teacher,
method is so that students can become good he should be a good example for his
role models, both at school and outside of students and as a parent to be a good
school; this is as stated by Mrs Alfin as example for his children because a teacher
follows: at school doubles as a parent for his
"We use this exemplary method to train students.
students here to be good role models, both One of the school's goals in implementing
at school and outside of school. Our hope as this programme is to ensure that children
teachers is that when the children have can memorise and practice all prayer
graduated or left this school, they can recitations, daily prayers and other
practice these examples, whether at school important prayers. Because if we only rely
or the boarding school they will go to, yes, on class time, it cannot guarantee to cover
anyway outside of that, they can practice everything. With this programme, the
the examples that have been given in this teachers hope that the children will be able
school, both the examples of the teachers to do everything in accordance with the
and the students." vision of this school, namely "The realisation
of a generation of Muslims who are
Berakhlaqul Karimah, Achievers, taught to always act and behave by
Knowledgeable and Pious by Applying the prioritising taqwa to Allah. By having
Teachings of Ahlussunnah Wal Jama'ah." taqwa, students are able to strengthen their
Religious Values Formed Through the morals and improve the quality of their
SKUA Programme at Hidayatul Ummah worship.
MTS Balongpanggang Gresik. This devotion can be reflected in the
In shaping the religious character of behaviour of the students as they usually
students, the principal and all staff take part perform dhuha and zuhr prayers in the
and try their best to achieve the desired congregation at school. This is as stated by
goals, namely by carrying out several Mrs Nur Aini as follows:
activities that support the growth of "To form children's religious character, at
religious character from within students. least we teach devotion through
The following are some of the religious congregational prayers. If dhuhur, we hold
characters found by researchers at MTS congregational prayers at school because
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang through before going home and it is done alternately
the SKUA programme: per class as well as dhuha prayers because
Divine value (value related to God) the place is not adequate. At the very least,
The following are some of the divine values we give the obligation to pray to be
formed through the SKUA programme at embedded in the school. Congregational
Hidayatul Ummaah MTS Balongpanggang dzuhur prayers are performed during the
Gresik: second break. The first break is for going to
Taqwa the canteen for those who want to go to the
Taqwa is a condition where a servant canteen, the second break is for
always carries out everything that is congregational prayers only and it is done
commanded by Allah and always tries to alternately for each class."
avoid everything that is prohibited by Allah. This was also added by Mrs Alfin as follows:
The value of taqwa is reflected in various "Children at school are educated to have
behaviours, such as performing prayers, good morals, one of which is through
both fardhu and sunnah prayers. This congregational prayer activities. With these
devotion is one part of the religious activities, we hope that children can
character developed at MTS Hidayatul increase their devotion to God. If from the
Ummah Balongpanggang. Students are SKUA programme, it is from the materials,
such as the procedures for ablution and programme at Hidayatul Ummah MTS
prayer. First of all, they memorise it, then Balongpanggang is piety. The school
deposit it by practising it. Yes, with this, it provides religious activities so that students
is hoped that it can increase the devotion of can have good morals. As the school's vision
students so that they can get closer to God, is "The realisation of a devoted generation of
love God more." Muslims with Ahlussunnah wal jamaah".
These activities start from before learning to
Mr Athok Maulana also added the after learning, namely starting with
following: habituation and greetings every morning
"One of the visions of this school is the and ending with prayer after learning.
realisation of a devoted generation of Ikhlas
Muslims with Ahlussunnah wal jamaah . So SKUA also instils the value of sincerity in
the school provides activities to achieve this worship in students. They are taught that
vision. One of them is the habituation and worship is not just for the sake of reward or
greetings every morning before entering the judgement from others but must be done
class, dhuha prayer, and dzuhur prayer in out of love for Allah and with the hope of
congregation, istighosah on Friday once getting His pleasure. One of them is in terms
every two weeks, and SKUA programme. As of habituation. This is as conveyed by Mrs
for in the classroom, we accustom children Alfin as follows:
to pray before and after learning. And in the "With the habituation in school, it can make
first hour we hold a recitation of the Qur'an children sincere to do it, why is that?
in the classroom according to their abilities, Because habituation is done every day, then
so the children used to read the Qur'an God willing, children will sincerely do it
before entering the new school, so we can because they are used to it and can be
know the child's ability. With these applied in everyday life."
activities we hope that children can do it in
their daily lives. And also we hope that the Mr Athok Maulana also added the
character of children can be even better ". following:
"In the morning before the lesson starts,
From the results of the interview above, it before entering the class, there is something
can be concluded that one of the religious called habituation, so when the bell rings,
characteristics formed through the SKUA the children immediately gather in the
school yard and read juz-amma, asmaul to have a sense of sincerity that can be
husna and sholawat. Our hope is that the applied and practised in everyday life. It
children can sincerely do everything aims to make them have a sense of surrender
without coercion." and trust in Allah.
Mrs Nur Aini also added the following: Behaviours that are indicators of the value of
"In SKUA itself, we train children to be responsibility are praying to God, usually
sincere in doing anything without expecting saying thank you to others and avoiding
rewards. We always give motivation to arrogant attitudes. This behaviour is not
children before learning. A simple example always visible in a person. But in certain
is in terms of prayer. We train children to be activities, it will be known and can also be
sincere in worshiping Allah. Once there was formed in the environment he lives in. One
a child who had an accident, and the form of gratitude that is taught is by making
children sincerely donated their money to a prostration of gratitude when winning a
the child who had the accident." competition. This is as stated by Mrs Alfin
From the results of the interview above, it as follows:
can be concluded that one of the religious "Character building is gratitude. Here, we
characters formed through SKUA at MTS, often win competitions at the school,
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang, is district and provincial levels. And for
sincere, both in worshiping Allah and in children who win during the competition,
helping others. we teach them to prostrate in gratitude after
In addition, sincerity is also reflected in the the announcement of the results of the
enthusiasm of students who contribute to competition."
the implementation of qurban at MTS
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang every Mrs Nur Aini, as the SKUA teacher, added
Eid al-Adha. As conveyed by one of the the following:
students as follows: "In the SKUA programme, children
"Every Eid al-Adha we have contributions memorise verses from the Qur'an, are
for the implementation of qurban at school." required to pray in congregation, give alms
From the results of the interview above, it on Fridays, pray before and after learning, all
can be concluded that the sincerity taught of these are things that we can teach
at MTS Hiidayatul Ummah invites students children about gratitude. A simple example
is praying after eating, which teaches children to be patient. And it is proven that
children to be grateful for the blessings children do not leave the class."
given by Allah, in the form of food that they Mrs Nur Aini as, the SKUA teacher, added
can still eat." as follows:
"SKUA is not only a deposit, but there is
Mr Athok Maulana also added the also a test at the end. Yes, when they are
following: told to deposit, they never complain,
"Before and after the implementation of because the deposit can be done at any time,
SKUA and other lessons, we accustom the not only during SKUA lessons, so the SKUA
children to pray. Our goal is for the children teachers have an agreement, if the children
to be grateful for what they have now, so can deposit at any time when the teacher is
that the knowledge they get is barakah." free, yes, that means during breaks or when
the teacher has no teaching hours."
From the results of these interviews, it can
be concluded that gratitude is one of the From the results of the interview above, it
religious characteristics formed at MTS can be concluded that patience is one of the
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang. This religious characters formed at MTS
gratitude is taught to students both in joy Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang.
and sorrow in their daily lives. Patience is instilled here both in the
Patience classroom and outside the classroom. And
Students are taught to always be this patient attitude is very triggering to
patient in facing various kinds of tests and avoid fights. Hopefully, by having a patient
trials. By having a patient attitude, students attitude, students can live in harmony with
can overcome problems well and not easily each other.
despair. An example of the cultivation of Honesty is a condition of a person
patience was conveyed by Mr Athok who always says something in accordance
Maulana as follows: with the existing reality, even if it is painful
In every lesson, there will definitely for him. In addition, an honest person will
be times when children get bored. But when always carry out something with existing
they are bored, they cannot leave the class as regulations even though they are not being
they please, they must obey the existing supervised. Honesty is part of the religious
rules. Yes, in these conditions it trains character that is also formed at MTS
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang. One Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang. We
way to teach honesty is through prayer apply honesty in everyday life
journals. This is as conveyed by Mr Athok students, both in deeds and words. This is
Maulana as follows: done so that this school can create
"To train the children's honesty, I give them graduates who will be successful, smart and
a prayer journal. I do this so that they are honest in any case.
trained to perform the 5-time prayer Insaniyah values (values that relate to fellow
obligation. Why can't they be honest? human beings)
Because in the journal there must be a Amanah
parent's signature. Yes, I husnudzon the Amanah is an attitude that is manifested in
children can be honest in filling out the behaviour that is honest, trustworthy, and
journal. During exams, children also do not responsible for the tasks, trust given. A
cheat on their friends." trustworthy attitude also involves integrity
This was also conveyed by Mrs Nur Aini as and honesty in carrying out tasks and
follows: carrying out responsibilities. This was
"As the SKUA teacher, I also give the conveyed by Mrs Alfin as follows:
children a prayer journal, in which there is a "At school, there must be something called a
5-time prayer table, if they pray, they tick it, teacher giving assignments. The children did
if they don't pray, they cross it, but thank the assignment given earlier. They have tried
God the children are honest, because I see to memorise it so they can deposit it. That is
that there are still holes, before they collect one example of the trustworthy attitude
the book, they must ask for their parents' that we instil. And we also don't forget to
signatures first. Yes, maybe that's what motivate them to be trustworthy and
makes children honest. But yes, I also tell responsible for their duties."
them. If the problem of prayer is related not
only to me, but most importantly to Allah. If Mrs Nur Aini also said something similar as
you don't pray, your parents will also be follows:
punished in hell." "SKUA is a deposit system, if they deposit it,
From the results of the interview above, it you can say they are trustworthy, it is their
can be concluded that honesty is one of the duty to deposit with their respective SKUA
religious characters formed at MTS teachers. And alhamdulillah, the children all

deposit because it is a requirement to take jewellery at school. So girls are not allowed
the exam." to wear excessive jewellery when they go to
school. There are group assignments, and
This trustworthy attitude is very important the group assignments can make children
in various fields of life. In everyday life, it is become tawadhu', not picky about their
very important to build good and healthy friends, because it is from the results of the
relationships with others. Someone who has shuffle."
a trustworthy attitude will always be valued
and respected by others because of their Mrs Nur Aini also added the following:
integrity and honesty. It also supports trust "Before depositing the SKUA material, the
and good cooperation between people and is children usually listen to each other's
essential in building sustainable memorisation in class."
From the results of the interview above, it One of the students also confirmed this
can be concluded that trustworthiness is statement as follows:
one of the religious characters formed "Yes. If we are in class during SKUA, we
through the SKUA programme at MTS must simak-simakan. If that's not the case,
Hidayatul Ummah Balongpanggang. we memorise on our own but we don't
Tawadhu' disturb others."
Tawadhu' is a person's ability to humble From the results of the interview above, it
themselves and recognise their weaknesses can be concluded that the tawadhu's
despite their strengths. This attitude is attitude is one of the religious
related to simplicity in attitude and characteristics formed through the SKUA
behaviour, not being arrogant, respecting programme at Hidayatul Ummah MTS
others indiscriminately, and always being Balongpanggang. People who have an
humble. Someone who has a tawadhu attitude of tawadhu' will have a sense of
attitude will not be arrogant, forgive easily empathy and cooperation. He will be more
and always keep his heart from being open in accepting other people's ideas and
arrogant or haughty. This was conveyed by opinions. The attitude of tawadhu' can also
Mr Athok Maulana as follows: reduce conflicts that occur in social
"One of the things we do is to have a rule interactions.
that girls are not allowed to wear excessive
The above information, based on the results Habituation method
of research on religious characters formed in The habituation method applied at school
students through the SKUA (Standard through the SKUA programme, which has a
Proficiency Ubudiyah and Akhlakul big impact on him, is the habituation of
Karimah) programme, includes divine reading juzamma and shalawat before
values, including taqwa, sincerity, gratitude, learning begins. With this habituation,
patience, honesty and insanity values, students will automatically carry out this
including trustworthiness and tawadhu'. habituation so that later to improve student
Analysis of the data obtained related to the religiosity can run smoothly and maximise
method of forming religious characters is by the results. So after students get lessons in
using understanding, habituation, and reading the Qur'an, they also need to get
exemplary. used to it so that the knowledge gained can
Character building is carried out with the be applied in everyday life.
aim of building individual abilities in social The habituation will be able to create a
interaction, forming ethics and academic religious atmosphere in schools because
knowledge through character education in religious activities and religious practices
various lives in accordance with school that are carried out programmatically and
culture and curriculum (Sri Wahyuni, p. routinely (habituation) are expected to
129). So character building does not only instil the values of Islamic teachings and
stop at the cognitive stage but must be shape the character of students to be more
comprehensive to touch the real practice religious.
and implemented in the attitudes shown in This description of the method of
everyday life. habituation is a way that is done to
In shaping the religious character of accustom students to think, behave, and act
students, a method is needed. Methods are in accordance with the objectives of Islamic
systematic steps in implementing a teachings (A. Nasih U, 84).
comprehensive and long-term plan to Exemplary method
achieve a goal (Nanang Fatah, p. 25). The The exemplary method applied at school
methods used in this school to shape through the SKUA programme is an
students' religious character through the effective way to prepare and shape students'
SKUA programme are habituation methods religious attitudes and is also a way for
and exemplary methods. teachers to model directly to students. For
example, when the teacher dresses neatly, Divine value
the students will also dress neatly. This is Here are some divine values that are formed
the material in the SKUA book. in students through the SKUA programme:
As a teacher, you should be able to be a good Taqwa
example for your students. The purpose of Taqwa is related to faith. We need to know
applying the exemplary method is so that and realise that faith can increase and
students can become good role models, both decrease. This will be evident from the
at school and outside school. This example behaviour it displays. Faith becomes
is very effective because students can see, superior based on the basis of awareness
observe, and hear directly the behaviour, and dhikr, and it will decrease if negligent.
attitudes and speech of the teacher. Thus The value of piety is shown by the practice
students can imitate and practice the of worship that students do regularly. Then
positive things obtained from the teacher. faith becomes stronger and becomes clear
From this description of the method in the after seeing everything that He has created.
formation of religious character, the opinion Devotion here is instilled from before the
of Furqon Hidayatullah is consistent that start of learning until the end of learning.
the exemplary method is a supporter of the This devotion can be seen from the
formation of good character and is very willingness of students to pray in
helpful in shaping student character congregation and pray before and after
(Furqon Hidayatullah, p. 39). learning.
The three processes should not be separated From this description, there is a conformity
because one will strengthen the other. of opinion with Marzuki that taqwa is to
Character building using only the submit and obey Allah by trying to carry out
habituation process without His commands and stay away from His
exemplification will be verbalistic and prohibitions (Marzuki, p. 98).
theoretical. Meanwhile, the habituation Ikhlas
process without habituation will only make A sense of sincerity must be instilled in
humans act without being able to children, whether in learning, behaving, and
understand the meaning. doing the slightest thing. If a sense of
Based on the results of research conducted sincerity has grown, then sincerity will
by researchers, the religious characters become a force that can change all treatment
formed in students include the following: in life. This sincerity can be seen in the
sincerity of students in praying, helping In Islam, there are several forms of patience,
friends who are in trouble, and making namely patience in obeying Allah, then
donations for qurban implementation at patience in facing calamities, trials and in
school. obtaining Allah's favour (Allah's provisions)
From this description, there is conformity and patience in avoiding sinful acts or
with the opinion of Abdul Majid and Dian prohibitions. This patient attitude can be
Andayani that ikhlas is doing selfless deeds, seen from the attitude of students who do
other than just hoping for the pleasure of not complain about depositing and do not
Allah by doing deeds sincerely without complain when they are bored of lessons.
strings attached, helping anyone who is From this description, there is conformity
later helped, giving something without with Zubaedi's opinion that patience is
expecting anything in return and carrying refraining from everything that is disliked
out actions only hoping for the pleasure of because it expects the pleasure of Allah
Allah (Abdul Majid and Dian Andayani, p. (Zubaidi, p. 96).
94). Honest
Gratitude Honest means the harmony between the
A Muslim's gratitude revolves around three news and the reality. So, if the news is in
things, and if these three things are not accordance with the existing situation, it is
together, then it is not called gratitude. said to be honest, but if not, it is said to be a
These three things are recognising blessings lie. Honesty is in speech, as well as in deeds,
in the inner form, gratitude related to the of course, in accordance with what is in
heart, tongue and limbs. The gratitude that their hearts. An honest attitude here can be
can be seen here is that students who win in seen from filling out a prayer journal and not
the competition make prostrations of cheating when taking an exam.
gratitude and pray before and after learning. From this description, there is conformity
From this description, there is conformity with Marzuki's opinion that honesty is to
with the opinion that gratitude is an say and do what is and say the truth
expression of gratitude by praising the giver (Zubaidi, p. 96).
for the good that has been done (Zubaidi, p. Insaniyah value
96). Here are some insaniyah values that are
Patience formed in students through the SKUA
Amanah From the explanation above, it can be
A person is considered trustworthy if he can concluded that the character formed in
be trusted and can deliver messages or students at Hidayatul Ummah MTS
entrustments to other people who are Balongpanggang consists of divine values
entitled. This trustworthy attitude can be (taqwa, ikhlas, patience, honesty, and
seen in students who do the assignments gratitude) and human values
given by the teacher, both in the form of (trustworthiness and tawadhu').
written and oral assignments, take care of Summary
borrowed items and then return them. Based on the results of research on the
From this description, there is conformity formation of students' religious character
with Ismail Sukardi's opinion that an through the SKUA (Standard Proficiency of
attitude of trustworthiness is an attitude of Ubudiyah and Akhlakul Karimah)
carrying out his responsibilities and being programme at Hidayatul Ummah MTS
trustworthy or the attitude or behaviour of Balongpanggang Gresik, the following
someone who can carry out and keep every conclusions can be drawn:
promise and responsibility (Ismail Sukardi, Methods in the formation of students'
p. 14). religious character through the SKUA
Tawadhu' programme (Standard of Ubudiyah
A person's tawadu attitude can be seen from Proficiency and Akhlakul Karimah) at
his daily behaviour. The form tawadhu Hidayatul Ummah MTs Balongpanggang
attitude of students here can be seen in Gresik.
shaking hands with the teacher after The methods used in the formation of
morning habituation; students do not students' religious character through the
choose friends to group and listen to each SKUA programme at Hidayatul Ummah
other when memorising. MTS Balongpanggang Gresik are 2, namely
From this description, there is conformity the first habituation method carried out by
with the opinion of WJS Poerwadarmita the habituation of reading juzamma, asmaul
that tawadhu' is humble, not arrogant, not husna and shalawat every morning starting
haughty, or humbling oneself so as not to at 06.30 until 7.00, shaking hands with the
appear arrogant, haughty, arrogant, big- teacher after habituation, habituation of
headed or other words that are equivalent to dhuha and dhuhur prayers in congregation,
tawadhu (WJS Poerwadarminta, p. 26). habituation of istighosah and tahlil every 2
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