December 2014 1417446569 90
December 2014 1417446569 90
December 2014 1417446569 90
ABSTRACT The competency mapping is a vital requirement for all the manufacturing industries. This has to be me-
ticulously followed in all the functions supported by human resource department. According to UNIDO
(2002) A Competency is a set of Skills, related knowledge and attributes that allow an individual to successfully per-
form a task or an activity within a specific function or a job. Manufacturing concerns would expand in stage by stage
and depends on the market size, demand and other environmental factors including demographic and political situ-
ation. Competency mapping holds different branches according to the frame work. This compromise the skill sets
of Education, Knowledge, awareness, experience, intellectual, qualification and experience. Competency Mapping is
a process of identification of competencies required to successfully perform a particular job or role or a set of tasks at
a given point of time. ( jain 2013)These metrics are tuned up in the mapping process and creating the new organiza-
tional structures for employees with necessary motivation, the definite improvement of manufacturing industries is very
much possible. This research attempts to describe the existing concepts on competence mapping. The purpose of this
research is to present the existing phenomenon.
study of “Competency Mapping” need for employees for Dr. V. K. JAIN (2013) dealt with a Case study Competency
two Software Company with 147competencies which is re- Mapping in Indian Industries; he had a case study at RXY
lating to 20 broad categories and the dimensions are Drive laboratories worked out following key competency and ar-
for results, Process management, Functional expertise, Per- rived a score board and fined the improvement areas of
sonal effectiveness & ability to influence, Innovation, Team individual.
effectiveness, Customer service, Self-development orienta-
tion, Analytical thinking, Physical ability, Knowledge, Apti- • Technical
tude, Motivation, Communication, Leadership, Managerial • Behavioral
ability, Negotiations, Personal values, Social skills, Technical • Assignment of Scores on Attributes, Skills and Knowl-
competence. Simple random method was used to collect edge of the Employees
the data from the respondents. Tools like t test were used • Assessment of Overall Competency of the Employees
to identify the present competency levels and the compe-
tency gap. He found the gap between CTS & HCL compa- Mr. Sunil J Ramlall (2006) dealt in his research for “Identi-
nies and concluded HCL employees are require training for fying HR competencies and their relationship to Organiza-
improve their effectiveness,. tion practices”. He has taken a survey with HR professional
in the level of HR VPs, HR Directors, HR Managers, HR
Dr. Ajay Khousik (2014) has published his views in “Com- generalist & HR Specialist in 66 different companies. He
petency Mapping of Project and Delivery Management” circulated the survey of sample size 224 populations and
for a Project based assignment for a team, he establish. he got feedback with 104 populations.
• For each role/positions., present the Job Element He has more dealt with HR functional strategy of their reg-
Analysis and write a complete job element analysis ta- ular function contribution like Staffing, HR implementing
ble, pinpoint the critical skills, knowledge and traits re- strategies, Administrative tasks, Designing HR strategies,
quired Labour relations, Organizational assessment and legal as-
• For each role/positions., list the competencies as se- pects. He detailed about HR competency as, the HR per-
lected from the JEA table / quancom or company’s val- sonnel should aware of all departmental deliverables and
ues. responsibility and create an effective appraisal system to
• BARS table for each competency analyzed, for each of analyze the individual competency levels.
the roles
Mr. Shulagna Sarkar (2013), from the article he has dis-
He detailed the roles analysis by element vise and sepa- cussed about “Competency based training needs for In-
rate as characteristics of Knowledge & Skills. dian organization”. He has discussed about the 5 set of
competency to create for analyzing about the individual
Mr. Md.Ishtiak Uddin, Mr. Khadiza Rahman Tanchi, Mr. employees to decide for training needs for individuals.
Md.Nahid Alam (2012) are dealt with “Competency Map-
ping is a Tool for HR Excellence”. They used the following Methods used the following for competency based
techniques training needs
o Analyzing the Organizational & Individual goals
• Behavioral event interview o Identifying and define the competencies (Set Standard)
• Using the STAR technique o Measure current level
• Repertory grid with 7 steps for analyzing the skill set o Provide need based training
o Industrial Application
Mr. R. Yuvaraj (2011) dealt with “Competency Mapping –
A Drive in Indian Industries” The following STEPS he has Tools used for the above are
identified as key competencies for an organization and the o Job analysis questionnaire
job within the function. o Psychometric test questionnaire
o Direct Observation
1. Identify the department for mapping. o Checklist Method
2. Identify the Structure of the organization and select the o Questionnaire for Expert Opinion
grades & levels. o Direct Observation rating
3. Job Description from individuals and departments. o Training Feedback questionnaire
4. Conducting Semi-Structured interviews.
5. Collecting interview data RESERCH PLAN FOR THE STUDY
6. Classify the required Skill list. Reason for Selection of this Study
7. Identify the skill levels. The person who is working under manufacturing compa-
8. Evaluate identified competencies and skill levels with nies should posses the following element as per the Fig.1
immediate superiors and other heads of concerned de- and play in many angles to the succession of Individual,
partments. Management and HRD function relatively. All these factors
9. Preparation of Competency calendar. are interlinked with the performance of organizational ob-
10. Mapping of Competencies jectives and goals as planned by the Management.
Also he used the following methodologies for concluding Most of the organizations are lagging in structuring of their
the Job and Behavioral competency for an organization employees based on this competency mapping with re-
spect to all these aspects.
• Research Design
• Sampling Method
• Sampling Design
Date :
Name of the Em- Present
ployee : Grade :
Cumulative Experi-
ence :
Current Employer
Experience :
Imme- HRD
diate Re-
Criteria Mark Score Ap- viewer com-
Education 10
Source: Author construct
Current Area of 10
Now the manufacturing industries are capturing the perfor- Experience
mance of the employees as follows Other Areas of 10
Fig.2 Other Field of Expe-
rience with relevant 10
to Current field
Specific Qualification 10
Core depth of 10
Source: Author construct Communication Skill 10
Behavioural Quality 10
From the above figure it is observed that in practical, for relevant working
while updating the achievements many organizations are
failed to update the proper system for capturing the em- Multiple Skills with
ployee output concerns and finally Adhoc evaluation is relevant current em- 10
ployer suitability
Computer Skills 10
To improve the appraisal system, the criteria is Structure a The above result can be consolidates as master sheet for
standard system which could majorly participating on eval- all the employees, and filtering by Master skills Vs Current
uating their overall output efficiency with respect to their function Vs Multiple Capability. According to the results
demanded management objectives has to fulfill. If they are restructure the personnel for all the departmental func-
perfectly reached in their deliverables, those are qualified tion and make a system for continual monitoring for further
for fulfilling organizational objectives. Training need and Motivation for the individual for success
of the organization.
Initiatives for HRD function
Analyze the departmental function responsibility needs CONCLUSION
of a manufacturing organization for the following depart- Creating an organization structure with clear roles and re-
ments concerns sponsibility with NO ambiguity within the personnel can
make healthy working environment and resulting the Good
• Engineering and Effective performance on their output. This paper may
• Planning serve the employees understand the process and require-
• Purchasing ments of the organization. Further to effective training and
• Assembly motivate the individual and relevant appraisal system will get
• Quality Assurance followed by the management can improve the company’s
• Quality Control image with the working personnel as well as society. Then
• Assembly the recruiting process will become easy to HRD personnel’s,
Good personality personnel will join in the organization.
The following basic need of responsible quality for individ-
ual function for the entire employee should be prepared as
one time process for existing working personnel and file it
as master record of employee.
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