Implementation of 5S Techniques in A Ter
Implementation of 5S Techniques in A Ter
Implementation of 5S Techniques in A Ter
1Postgraduate Student, Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
2Assistant Hospital Operating Officer, Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
3Associate Professor and Operation Officer (HA), Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore,
Karnataka, India.
4Assistant Hospital Operating Officer, Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
5Postgraduate Student, Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
6Postgraduate Student, Department of Hospital Administration, Yenepoya Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
5S is considered as a foundation for lean, because of its ability to eliminate wastes from non-value added activities or waste from
human motion. It is a structured program to systematically organise workplace and boost the morale of workers, promoting a
sense of pride in their work.
The objectives of the study are to reduce the process wastes, smoothen the process flow, improve the storage facilities, safety
and security through 5S techniques at a selective biomedical engineering department; to measure the improvement in 5S audit
scoring before and after 5S implementation.
Improvement was observed at the biomedical engineering department that was reflected from the fact that the audit score had
increased from 31.79% to 91.794%. Paired t-test was 8.5673 at p < 0.0010.
5S technique is an inevitable tool to enhance the productivity, safety, acceptable working environment, optimal inventory
management and resultant financial benefits of saving inventory cost, smooth workflow, uninterrupted access to materials and
tools as and when required. This technique has stood the test of time for improving quality in various organisations such as
healthcare, industrial area, business sectors and educational institutions and so forth.
5S, Lean, Maintenance Department, Healthcare Industry, Hospital.
HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Thapa R, Prakash R, Saldanha S, et al. Implementation of ‘5S’ techniques in a tertiary care teaching
hospital. J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci. 2018;7(35):3840-3846, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/861
BACKGROUND 5S Represents following set of Practices-
Healthcare organisations are increasingly employing Lean 1. Sort: To sort and systematically discard items those are
tools in an effort to reduce waste while providing high quality not needed in the workplace.
healthcare and 5S is one of the more popular tools in use to 2. Set in Order: To arrange necessary items in a neat and
achieve Lean healthcare.1 The 5S approach is a principle and systematic manner, so that they can be easily retrieved
a tool, which is used to organise and manage the workplace for use and to return after use.
for improvement of the working environment. It originated 3. Shine: To clean and inspect the workplace thoroughly so
from the Japanese manufacturing sector in the mid-1950s. that there is no dirt on the floor, machines and
The approach became famous and it started to be applied by equipment etc.
many companies in the 1980s. It has also been applied in the 4. Standardise: To maintain a high standard of workplace
service industry for example in hotels and hospitals since the organisation by keeping everything clean and orderly at
1990s.2 all times.
‘Financial or Other Competing Interest’: None. 5. Sustain: To train people to practice the 5S system
Submission 07-07-2018, Peer Review 11-08-2018, continuously, so that it becomes habitual and ingrained
Acceptance 17-08-2018, Published 27-08-2018. in the culture of the organisation.3
Corresponding Author:
Radha Thapa,
Yenepoya Medical College, 5S is considered to be the building block or the
Department of Hospital Administration, foundation upon which lean healthcare rests. It is also
Mangalore, defined as the process that provides the foundation for
Karnataka, India. building a lean healthcare environment.4 5S activity is not a
one-time process, but it is a long-term activity and strategic
DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2018/861
option for policy makers that needs to be performed as long
as an organisation survives. Therefore, 5S technique is the
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3840 Original Research Article
foundation stone for any organisation as it leads to its of user; furniture like tables, shelves, cupboard etc. are
continuous improvement in productivity, zero defects, cost clearly identified; locations of containers, tool boxes, bins,
reduction, safety in working area and optimal utilisation of paperwork, personal protective equipment are clearly
resources. defined via signs or marked and properly labelled, fire hoses,
fire extinguishers and emergency exit are prominently
Objectives of the Study displayed or not, working conditions are ergonomically
To reduce the process wastes, smoothen the process friendly or not.
flow, improve storage facilities, safety and security SHINE component checklist consisted of questions related
through 5S techniques at a selective biomedical to whether working tools, work surfaces, walls, floors,
engineering department. containers, boxes, bins and personal protective equipment
To measure the improvement in 5S audit scoring before are kept clean or not. Cleaning equipment are stored neatly
and after 5S implementation. and readily available or not. Cleaning schedule is present and
followed regularly or not.
MATERIALS AND METHODS STANDARDISE component checklist included questions
A pre-post study design carried out in Yenepoya Medical like whether tools, equipment, paperwork, furniture etc. is
College Hospital, Mangalore. Yenepoya Hospital is well- stored neatly in designated areas and is returned to their
equipped tertiary care teaching hospital with state-of-the-art proper homes immediately after use or not, equipment
modern biomedical equipment and with specialty and super maintenance records are visible or not, product waste is
specialty services. “5S” techniques were implemented in consistently and regularly cleaned up or not. The results of
biomedical engineering department after understanding the the previous audit is posted and clearly visible for entire
problem faced by biomedical engineers and other healthcare team or not, whether areas for improvement identified
team members. This technique was implemented after during the previous audit have been addressed and
discussion and meetings with Hospital Operation Officers, completed, whether work environment which includes
Assistant Hospital Officers and Biomedical Engineers. The lighting, temperature and airflow are satisfying, whether
effectiveness of 5S techniques were assessed by 5S audit preventive measures have been implemented to ensure the
checklist with rating score of each component. Audit score workplace meets 5S guidelines.
ranging from 0 to 5 are as follows: no effort- 0 score, slight SUSTAIN component of checklist included questionnaires
effort- 1, moderate effort- 2, average results- 3 score, above like whether a member of management has participated in
average results- 4 score and outstanding results- 5 score. In the 5S activity, whether recognition is given to the teams
audit checklist, SORT component comprised of 6 questions involved in the 5S activities, whether the team took initiative,
and other components like SET IN ORDER, SHINE, time and resources are allocated towards 5S activities.
STANDARDISE and SUSTAIN comprised of 11, 10, 7 and 5
questions respectively. Statistical Analysis
SORT component checklist included questions related to Data was analysed using the MINITAB version 18. It was
equipment which are either broken, obsolete or unnecessary, described by using mean, standard deviation and paired t-
required tools present in the area, only required furniture, test. P < 0.001 was considered to be highly significant.
spare parts, paperwork are present or not- if they are not
required then they are red tagged for removal, and tripping RESULTS
hazards like electrical wires and equipment cables are After recognising the importance of 5S in healthcare, the
removed from working area. team members of this study had done thorough discussion
SET IN ORDER component checklist included whether and decided to implement the 5S management techniques
equipment/ machinery is clearly identified and placed [Figure 1] in Biomedical Engineering Department of
properly, tools have designated storage area within the reach Yenepoya Medical College Hospital.
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3841 Original Research Article
Tools and Jigs
Machine parts
Return to
Move to red tag storage area
Move to storage site
Before the implementation, the areas in Biomedical relevance and the frequency of their use to create more space
engineering departments were neither sorted nor specified with all the required items available in proximity whenever
and equipment were kept in untidy and haphazard manner necessary [Figure 3].
without labelling. For relevance, Red tag [Figure 2] technique
was used for the identification and scrutiny of needed and Major Benefits Observed after this Process were-
unwanted items that consumed unnecessary space. The Optimal usage of workplace.
unwanted or equipment which have failed permanently and Staff satisfaction.
cannot be put into use were condemned. The main strategy Required items available in proximity.
was to reorganise the unwanted items from the items which Increased workspace area and thereby increased
are required on a daily basis according to their importance, productivity.
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3842 Original Research Article
Set in Order
Before –
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3843 Original Research Article
of 5S technique. The two-tailed p-value equals 0.0010 and by
Set in Order
conventional criteria this difference is considered very
After –
statistically significant. The mean difference between before 5S
and after 5S equals to -23.40 [Figure 5]. 95% confidence
interval of this difference from -30.98 to -15.82, which
indicates that 5S technique is an indispensable tool to improve
Total quality in healthcare setup.
30 55 50 35 25 195
No. of Standard
6 11 10 7 5 39 SE T- P-
questions Mean SD df Error of
91.794% Mean value value
Scores Difference
29 50 42 34 24 179
obtained Before
12.40 6.58 2.94
Table 2. After the implementation of 5S Techniques 5S
8.5673 4 2.731 0.0010
35.80 10.35 4.63
Table 3. Paired T-Test Result
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3844 Original Research Article
In a study done by Shogo Kanamori et al5 at a health centre in
Senegal ‘Implementation of 5S management method for lean
healthcare at a health centre in Senegal: a qualitative study of
staff perception’ adopted 5S technique to improve the working
condition at a healthcare centre. In this study, 5S technique
was implemented in Biomedical Engineering Department of a
tertiary care teaching hospital and found similar results like
the above-mentioned study. After application of 5S technique,
following benefits were found which includes-
Improved hygiene and cleanliness.
Photograph of BME Office Area Fewer unwanted items.
before 5S Implementation
Improved orderliness of items.
Improved labelling and directional.
Indicators of service units.
Reduction in time searching for items.
Increased reuse of items.
Improved collaboration among staff members.
Increased awareness of 5S.
J. Evolution Med. Dent. Sci./eISSN- 2278-4802, pISSN- 2278-4748/ Vol. 7/ Issue 35/ Aug.27, 2018 Page 3845 Original Research Article
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