The Challenges of A Working Woman
The Challenges of A Working Woman
The Challenges of A Working Woman
By Joanna Zambas
Although we’ve come a long way throughout history by gaining the right to work and vote, there is still
an obvious gender bias that lingers within the workplace – whether it’s a man benefiting more from
small talk than women, the temperature of the office being set to the average male comfort or a strong
woman being labelled as "a b*tch". A modern day woman struggles to strike a balance between working
and family life, often sacrificing the latter to succeed and gain status within a company and society. They
are not only faced with these problems but also get paid significantly less than their male co-workers,
too. Here are the most common problems for women still lurking in today’s workplace:
1. Pregnancy Discrimination
Being a working woman can become extremely difficult when it comes to having a baby. Many women
are afraid of starting a family knowing that their career will most likely be affected. In fact, The Guardian
reports that approximately 50,000 women per year lose their jobs as the result of a pregnancy or having
had a child, while many female workers return to work only to realise that their job duties have changed
or that they can no longer progress within their role. Why should we continue to deal with this kind of
discrimination? Men don’t have the same issue when becoming a father, but they too sacrifice as much
of their personal time when raising a child.
2. Sexual Harassment
The tricky topic of workplace sexism and harassment has become even more evident in recent years,
with women plucking up the courage to share their horrific stories. It’s sad that women are still faced
with these kind of challenges in the workplace. Why does your sexist boss think that he can lure you into
his office on his own and try to seduce you or make a sexist remark as he’s passing by your desk? We are
all equal in the workplace, so if a colleague tries to belittle you, pluck up the courage and put the sexist
pig back in his place.
8. Work-Life Imbalance
Another noticeable challenge that the working women of today faces is a work-life imbalance. Their
personal life tends to suffer due to work commitments or vice-versa. Family tends to feel neglected after
endless nights of staying late at the office to complete an all-important project. Or, on the other end of
the spectrum, women still find themselves in the same dead-end position years later, because they have
to leave work on time to pick up their kids from their after-school activities. Unfortunately, this can
sometimes be self-inflicted; to get out of the mess, we need to organise our time better and get our
priorities in order.
9. Ego Clashes
Women of power are usually faced with an egotistical man who refuses to take orders from a woman –
sounds like cavemen rubbish, right? Sadly, this kind of inequality still exists in today’s working world.
Some men go as far as belittling a woman or talking to them as if they are clueless (when, really, we
probably know more than them, but we let them gloat in their glory thinking they have the upper hand).
The only way to overcome this is to ignore the belittler and try to change their opinion in order for them
to trust the strong woman and quit clashing with her.
10. Fear
Most women fear the unknown and are scared to take risks that might lead to failure. Do you always
wonder if everyone around you is questioning your abilities? If so, you need to let go of the fear as it’s
probably holding you back. The most important thing is that you’re in the position because you have the
skills for it and are excited about it. Hold on to that enthusiasm and use it as a source of power when
you are feeling insecure.
11. Exclusion from the Boy’s Club
If you thought you left the ‘boy’s club’ in primary school, think again! In a male-dominated industry, men
stick together in a clique and tend to exclude female employees. They go as far as to mock them or
make them feel inadequate. To overcome this childish behaviour, simply ignore them and rise to the top
or find another female alibi.
12. Office Favouritism
Are you in a male-dominated industry and feel like your manager favours your male co-worker? They
are always sharing banter on the latest football trend or discussing the latest technological discovery
but, sadly, you only talk to your boss about work-related issues. To identify whether you are facing
favouritism, try to spark a conversation on a topic that you both share a common interest in. If it’s
quickly brushed off, you can bet that your gut instinct was correct.
Explicit gender bias has largely disappeared from the workplace due to tougher legislation and increased
focus on diversity. However, the shift in issues has become more subtle and these challenges have taken
a different form from those encountered by previous generations of women. By bringing awareness to
these issues, women know that they aren’t alone. Millennials can decide what they will and won’t
accept and can pave the way for young professionals to follow in their footsteps.