The Inequality of Gender Equality
The Inequality of Gender Equality
The Inequality of Gender Equality
April 4, 2018
In a hurried statement about gender pay gaps, the CIPHRCLVSARM (Charted Institute for
Personnel, HR, Clipboards and Looking Very Sincere at Redundancy Meetings) has thrown its
weight behind getting more women on boards thought the country.
Marion Thick, the extremely overpaid CEO of the CIPHRCLVSARM and herself a woman, said
between attending some very important meetings where she had to look terribly important, that it
is an absolute disgrace that in this day and age there are not more women on boards.
Ms Thick went on to say that from today, she expects to see more women on surfboards,
rollerboards, snowboards and, if in the painting and decorating business, floorboards. Those in
the espionage business must also respect gender equality when it comes to waterboards. And she
no longer wants to see actresses sweeping the boards at award ceremonies. She feels this should
be left strictly to the men.
One of the biggest issues those of us (men and women) who are concerned with Gender
Equality face is the idea that our fears are “all in our heads”. From that starting point it’s
difficult to engage in any meaningful discussion or debate on the issue. Many of those
who dismiss the problem, particularly where it exists in the workplace, simply claim that
it doesn’t exist at all. I want to address some of these Gender Equality Myths.
This is a common claim. The problem is that the objections to its existence are based on
emotions and beliefs (which is another blog in itself). As Ricky Gervais once said “Beliefs
don’t change facts. Facts, If you are rational should change your beliefs.” The current
data being received is based on the average median hourly earnings per person and the
facts DO NOT LIE. Each sector varies, and the figures can also vary when you consider
different factors. But the average median pay gap is 9.8% according to latest figures. 8
out of 10 UK Companies pay women less than men! Just because you believe that it
doesn’t exist or that it makes you uncomfortable doesn’t make it so.
Myth Number 2- “I’m not sexist, so it’s not my concern”
That doesn’t mean that it’s not your problem. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has
inherent bias. It can be tough to be perfect- but being aware that it exists is part of the
battle. In addition, being acutely aware of potential gender inequality means you can be
in a position to challenge inappropriate behaviour and actions. It says a lot about the
issue overall that when a man is challenged by another man he’s more likely to take
stock of his behaviour. I’ve seen the realisation dawn on the perpetrator that he was out
of order and in danger of becoming a pariah in the workplace.
Myth Number 3 – Women lack the confidence to progress to the next level
This can be true depending on the individual. But I’m sorry to say that this is often a
result of male domination of the top positions in companies over many decades, and
specifically an expectation of how employees should be expected to behave. Women
tend to be harder on themselves over failures, more self-critical therefore can lack
confidence. For example, they are less aggressive during a heated meeting and they can
find themselves unwilling to speak up. All women have a responsibility to increase their
confidence levels, but would it not be easier if men were aware of how they can impact
a woman’s confidence by their conduct? We lead differently than men in many
instances – and should not have to conform and behave in a “masculine” way.
Our sisterhood of Generation Career winners, many of whom work for the same
companies, laugh at this one. The amount women engaging in networking events and
helping each other SPECIFICALLY due to the issues they face in the workplace due to
gender inequality is staggering. I’m sorry lads but give women some prosecco and some
good company and they show themselves to be team players in a way that helps us all.
For every group of men spending time on the golf course is a group of women who are
socialising together and consider themselves to be emotionally invested in each other’s
success. I’ve worked with many ‘backstabbing bitches” in my time, and the vast majority
of them have been men.
Guess what? Most working women including my wife CHOOSE BOTH. As should most
men. It doesn’t matter who the primary carer for children is, employers should
accommodate them as much as possible because a functioning societies future depends
on it. Decisions to take time out of your career to focus on young children should not
affect your standing in the workplace when you return. But it does; which is why so
many women are entering returnship programmes to address the issues they may face
when they come back to work. The UK has the highest rates of childcare in the world.
This forces women to leave work or go part-time which is another issue that needs to be
urgently addressed. Families are struggling because of this burden so it defies belief
that some men would see this as anything other than a problem that needs fixed.
Oh yes they do. No matter what tone they take it can have a negative impact on their
chances of getting hired or getting the promotion. If a man asks he is seen as a go-
getter, a confident ambitious dude with the drive to succeed. Sadly, when a woman
asks, she is often seen as pushy and demanding.
Myth Number 7 – Women don’t want equality, they want to put men down
The battle cry of the fragile male ego and one of the most frustrating Gender Equality
Myths. It’s almost as if they haven’t abandoned the “Ewww girls” mentality from primary
school. Equality is not a threat to men it is of benefit to them. Unfortunately a narrative
of “they are all feminazis” has permeated social media, with zero facts to back it up.
If true equality is achieved (an almost impossible task admittedly) what negative impact
will it have on a man’s life? You will still get the job/promotion if you are right for it and
if you think you are in a job because of your gender then you are part of the problem.
You won’t get paid less but your partner/wife/sister/daughter/mother could get paid
more. Plus increased flexibility will be good for everyone, as will shared parental leave.
Also, diversity in the workplace means diversity in decisions and this is of benefit to
everybody. Stop feeling so threatened, Stop being a ‘broflake’ and grow up.
Myth Number 8 – Men who support equality are just “White Knights”
Talk about missing the point entirely. Women are more than capable of fighting for
gender equality alone they don’t need our “help”. But they do need our “Buy in” which
is what I would actively encourage. Interestingly my belief in equality comes from quite
a selfish standpoint and I make no apology for it. I want my 2 daughters to have the
same opportunities as they would have if I had sons. Any man who has a daughter
should want this too. If you don’t then I’m afraid to say you have failed her as a dad.
Controversial, but I stand by that opinion 100%. The same goes for any women in your
life; if you see them as direct competitors rather than friends and family who you would
defend then you aren’t much of a man are you?
Myth Number 9 – It’s political correctness gone mad
There is a narrative being spread that the fight for equality is a recent development. Its
almost as if the suffragettes didn’t exist (despite recent anniversaries). This phrase is
trotted out by those wishing to excuse sexism (and numerous other ‘isms’ that we can
do with less of). Challenging gender inequality and supporting #metoo can go hand in
hand with finding Frankie Boyle or Jim Jeffries hilarious. The two things aren’t mutually
Myth Number 10 – Gender equality isn’t real – look at all the successful women!
You seriously think that the fact there is a few female CEOs and politicians means
everything is fine? Really? There are more CEOs of FTSE 100 companies called John
than women. 32% of female MPs and female actors have been shown to be paid
substantially less than their male counterparts. These are just three examples. Do not
let exceptions to the rule cloud your opinion of the issues that women face. It’s naïve
and ignorant.
If you are interested in making a difference to your own career why not join our career
winners group.
Gender Equality is one of the most debated and controversial topics of all time. It is the
21st century where women are often seen working together with men or competing
with them, where women are doing the work which was considered impossible once
even for men. For example, it is so common to see women flying a plane, a woman
leading a country, a woman winning Nobel Prize, women building software and
women constructing buildings. So it is somehow right to say that in this century gender
equality has finally become a reality. But as a matter of fact, there are two sides to
everything. So if we turn our sights around, there are so many socio-economic
constraints that force us to accept that ‘NO, Gender Equality is still a myth’. Taking the
name of some successful and elite women like Malala Yousufzai, Benazir Bhutto,
Indira Gandhi, Angela Markel, and Hilary Clinton do not hide the fact that women are
still being discriminated in many ways.
To debate more on whether ‘Gender Equality is a myth or reality’, we first need to
understand how we define equality, how the world and different nations see its
meaning. According to the exact definition of equality, it is an amalgam of three
different words, ‘Status, Opportunities, and Rights’. We are living in a world where
along with her ascribed status of a women, sister, mother and wife, she has also
achieved so many other statuses. Some women have achieved a status of pilot, some
have become doctors, others have earned their reputation as teachers and many are
successful athletes. If we talk about the next word ‘Opportunities’ then without a doubt
with the massive success the world is providing women with new and new
There are many organizations and societies or schools that are grooming women for
new and new tasks and opening new vistas for her, but what about the third part? Is
she being given her rights too? Equality becomes reality when it is enjoyed equally by
all the sectors.
Females make more than 50 percent of the population of Pakistan. However, by not
providing them the opportunities — and facilities — to participate in all sectors of life,
we have failed to cash in on the talents and skills of a major chunk of our population
and it has resulted in huge economic losses.
However, it is important to note that the problem of gender inequality has plagued not
only Pakistan but almost every part of the world. Males, females, eunuchs; all genders
are facing inequality all around the world. This burning issue must be resolved as early
as possible in the light of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (UNDHR)
the Article 2 of which asserts that “Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms
set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth
or other status.”
Before analyzing the issue of gender inequality in detail, it seems suitable to know as to
what gender equality actually is. Generally, gender equality is considered the provision
of rights only to females only, but in actuality, it is achieved when women and men
enjoy the same rights and opportunities across all sectors of society, including
economic participation and decision-making, and when the different behaviors,
aspirations and needs of women and men are equally valued and favored.
Ours is a patriarchal society and males are dominant here in almost all fields of life.
But, there rights, too, are violated and they face discrimination — though its ratio is
meagre. It is often observed that while numerous men have queued up in order to get
something — for instance, a ticket — a female comes and gets that before them;
bypassing all the males who have been waiting for their turn for many hours. Although
it is considered an act of courtesy in our society, yet this is violation of males’ rights.
Moreover, in public sector as well as private sector, women not only have quota but
some positions like office assistant, personal secretary, receptionist, etc., are also
almost every time offered only to females. It’s also a common observation in many
offices that men share the most part of the work burden.
To present the other side of the story, it is pertinent to mention that mostly females are
the victims of the violation of their rights.
In Pakistan, we often read news about the instances of vani, an ugly tradition where
young women are traded between families in resolution of a dispute; swara, a
deplorable practice under which minor girls are given away in marriage to the enemy’s
family as a symbol of ‘lasting and effective’ peace between two disputing parties, etc.,
which means that girls are treated like a commodity. Moreover, in our common
households, boys are given preference over girls in terms of provision of basic
necessities of life. Unequal treatment of boys and girls can be seen in almost every
facet of life. For instance, it is rampant in terms of provision of food as well as
education; if a son wants to go for an outing with his friends, he is encouraged to do so.
But, if similar wish is expressed by a daughter, she would be snubbed and would not be
allowed owing to “traditions” of the society. Domestic violence is also ubiquitous in
Pakistan and the findings of Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey (PDHS) speak
volumes about this fact. The PDHS has found that 43 percent of women and 35 percent
of men in Pakistan deem it absolutely justified if a husband inflicts violence on his wife
in case she argues with him.
The cancer of honour killings has also been rampant in Pakistan as according to a
report by Aurat Foundation around 1,000 women and to another one by the Human
Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) around 900 women annually are killed in the
name of honor in Pakistan; let alone the actual figure which must be much higher than
those reported because these organizations collect data only from newspapers and
other like sources.
The chronically dejected class, which consists of transgender or eunuchs, is the most
vulnerable in our society. As per the findings of a recent survey, 60 percent of the
people of Pakistan do not want to befriend the eunuchs; only 14 percent replied in
affirmative. The birth of a eunuch is considered not less than a torment. Most families
virtually abandon them and leave them on the mercy of the fate. Resultantly, most of
them end up being a beggar, a street singer or a dancer. They are even denied their
right to inherit as they are not given proper share in the property left by their parents.
Besides this inhumane treatment, almost all families don’t want to send them to
schools and colleges for getting education. And, if they howsoever successfully get
education, then jobs are not offered to them despite possessing the qualities required
to perform the job effectively and efficiently.
Although it was like a whiff of fresh air when in 2012, the Supreme Court of Pakistan
(SC) ruled that eunuchs be given equal rights as any other citizen of the country, yet the
situation on ground is still far from satisfactory. We need to recognize that eunuchs are
not less talented than the individuals belonging to other genders. Hardly would have
anyone known that Cai Lun, a Han dynasty Chinese official who is traditionally
regarded as the inventor of paper and the papermaking process was a eunuch.
When it comes to civil services of Pakistan, a 10 percent quota is reserved for females.
At provincial level, also, women have a specific quota in provincial government
services; for instance, it is 15 percent in Punjab, 7 percent in Sindh, 5 percent in
Baluchistan and 10 percent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. But, when it comes to shemales or
transgenders, mum’s the word.
In private sector educational institutions and business concerns, the situation is
appalling. In this sector, males are offered more salaries than the female counterparts.
Mostly, females are offered a job to work as a showpiece while sitting on the front desk
of the office. They are mostly given jobs as telephone operator or personal secretary. It
is another form of discrimination which should be avoided and a culture of
meritocracy should be promoted instead.
When it comes to the Armed Forces of Pakistan, we see that there are only 4000
females among 617,000 active personnel. There number is really scant and it should be
increased to encourage more and more women to join the armed forces. After
independence, an attempt of introducing combat training programme in Pakistan
armed forces was made by Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan; but her attempt was foiled
by General Frank Walter Messervy — First Commander-in-Chief of Pakistan Army from
15 August 1947 to 10 February 1948. In 1949, the first lady took personal initiatives and
established her own Pakistan Army Women National Guard (WNG) with few combat
courses. The unit’s first GOC and chief controller was Begum Ra’ana, with the rank of a
Brigadier. After a long struggle, in 2002, Ms Shahida Malik became the first female
officer to reach the rank of Major General in Pak Army.
Prior to this, in 2003, Pakistan Air Force had inducted the first batch of women as
general duty pilots which joined the combat services of PAF in 2006.
The Global Gender Gap Report 2015, launched by the Davos-based World Economic
Forum, ranked Pakistan at 144th position among 145 countries. This shows our
seriousness in eradication of gender inequality in Pakistan.
It’s common observation even in this modern era that after an ultrasound of a pregnant
woman, if it is found that the baby would be a girl, many a time the mother is made to
go through abortion. But, if the foetus is of a male, then that woman is treated like a
princess or a queen.
Even in a country like United States of America, which boasts to be the world’s lone
superpower and the torchbearer of human rights, all the presidents had been males.
No woman has ever been provided an opportunity to lead the country.
The same situation is with the United Nations. All of the eight secretaries-general of the
UN — the last being Ban Ki-moon in the list — were males; no woman has ever been
elected to this coveted post.
In the Muslim world, the situation is not much different. For instance, in Saudi Arabia
gender inequality prevails as women were not allowed to drive cars for a long time.
However, a campaign in 2011 had done a little and some women are now allowed to
drive cars and they are being issued driving licenses.
In a nutshell, gender inequality has permeated the world and it is right to say that
‘gender equality is a myth’. However, if the abovementioned issues are resolved, this
myth can be broken. It is the only way to promote gender equality because it is a
prerequisite that must be fulfilled if a country wants to tread the path that leads to
development and prosperity.