Planting Seeds of Biblical Truth

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Researchers affirm what Christian families have known intuitively for
years: families that eat together, pray together and play together are
stronger. But today’s crazy schedules and priorities are making it more
difficult to make every day count in the simplest ways.

That’s why I’m excited that Focus on the Family magazine makes it easier
to invest a bit of time each week on family devotions. Our staff compiled
52 weekly devotions that you can start anytime. Each contains faith-
affirming Biblical principles that will help you do what no one else in this
world will ever do as well as you: help build a lasting, thriving faith in
God into your child’s heart.

Try them out, and let us know how they’re helping your family thrive!

Planting Seeds of Biblical Truth © 2012, 2016 Focus on the Family. All rights
reserved. Used by permission.

All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the
Holy Bible, New International Version, (NIV). Copyright © 1973, 1978,
1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved
worldwide. Subscribe to Focus on the Family magazine!
Week 1: God Is Kind Week 2: A Peaceful Home
Talking to God Talking to God
Ask God to help you notice the ways He is kind to you and to others. Ask God for forgiveness if you’ve hurt the feelings of someone in your family or
have been unkind. Then thank God for your relationships with your family and
Diving In friends.
Fill a bowl with a bag of your family’s favourite small treats. As a family, take
turns sharing ways God has been kind to you today. Enjoy a piece Diving In
of candy for each example given. Use bright colours to draw a picture of a home with sunshine and birds outside
and with cake, presents and a family inside. Then use dark colours to draw a
Going Deeper second home with storm clouds and lightning outside and siblings upset with
God’s kindness can be personal, meant especially for one person. David each other on the inside. Compare the pictures. Talk about why one is more
experienced God’s kindness, and he praised God for it, saying, “He reached peaceful.
down from on high and took hold of me” (Psalm 18:16).
God’s kindness may also affect many people in a particular way. God shows Going Deeper
His kindness through the ongoing provision described in Acts 14:17: “He has Families are made up of people with different personalities and emotions.
shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons.” Sometimes family members feel happy, and other times they feel angry. How a
God’s kindness is part of His nature. It’s easy to overlook the everyday person is feeling should not change a family’s peaceful home. Romans 12:18 says,
expressions of His kindness, but as you intentionally look for them, you become “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” This
more aware of God’s love. mention of everyone includes the members of your family. Getting along with
those in your family may seem like a lot of work some days. But Proverbs 17:1
Talking to Each Other says that a peaceful home is a true treasure, something worth working for.
• Talk about a time when God has been kind to you. “Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.”
• Why is it important to notice God’s kindness?
—Bridgette Booth Talking to Each Other
• How should you act toward family members?
• W hat can you do to be a peacemaker in the family when someone
is angry or upset?
• How can God’s peace fill your home, even when you disagree with
Consider therefore each other?
—Karen Schmidt
the kindness and
sternness of God.
Romans 11:22
 lessed are those who make
peace. They will be called
sons of God.
Matthew 5:9, NIrV
Week 3: Yearning for God Week 4: Receiving Forgiveness
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God that He loves you and wants you to learn to talk to Him through Silently confess the things you have done that are hurtful to others.
prayer. Ask God to teach you how to pray. Ask God for forgiveness. Then thank Him for forgiving you.

Diving In Diving In
Make three sets of note cards with the following words/phrases on them: At your next family meal, have everyone wear earplugs or earphones but talk
grandparent, best friend, your pastor, grocery store clerk and a neighbour’s cousin. as usual, without trying to help each other hear what you are saying. Also wear
Spread out the first stack according to the person you talk to most at the top and them as you clear the table as a family.
the person you talk to the least at the bottom. Arrange the second set in the same
way, with the person you most want to be around at the top. Line the third set Going Deeper
next to the other two, with the person you most miss at the top. Compare how When you don’t come to God to be forgiven, it is as if you refuse to listen
similar your lists are. to Him. By not hearing God, you separate yourself from Him, just as you
did when you suddenly could not hear your family well. Read Psalm 32:5, “I
Going Deeper acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will
Prayer is simply talking to God, who loves you and wants what is best for you. confess my transgressions to the Lord’—and you forgave the guilt of my sin.”
Just as you may miss someone you love when he is gone, your spirit misses God When you ask for forgiveness, God forgives you. It is as if He removes the
when you do not spend time talking to Him. The Bible often says that this earplugs from your ears, and you can hear Him again.
longing to be with God is like being thirsty or hungry. Read Psalm 42:1-2: “As
the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God. My soul Talking to Each Other
thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go and meet with God?” You • Have you ever kept something you did wrong a secret?
can go to God in prayer and find Him, just as the deer finds water in a stream If so, how did trying to hide this secret make you feel?
when it is thirsty. • What might keep you from going to God and confessing a sin?
• How do you feel when someone forgives you for something you’ve done wrong?
Talking to Each Other —Lee Smedly
• What do you think about when you are hungry or thirsty?
• How is being with God similar to being with a person you love?
How is it different?
• How might you tell that your spirit is thirsty to be with God?
—Lee Smedly
If we confess our sins, he is
faithful and just and will
Whoever drinks the water I give him
forgive us our sins and purify
will never thirst. Indeed, the water
us from all unrighteousness.
I give him will become in him a spring 1 John 1:9

of water welling up to eternal life.

John 4:14
Week 5: Praising God in Prayer Week 6: Sweetness for the Soul
Talking to God Talking to God
Praise God for making you and everything you have, including food, While praying together, take turns thanking God for your favourite foods.
a home and people who love you.
Diving In
Diving In Post a sheet of paper on the wall. Draw a simple platter on the paper and invite
Think about the things you’re grateful for. Make a list of 10 of them. family members to draw their two favourite desserts on the platter. All of these
Tell someone why you’re grateful for each, and praise God for all that desserts will combine to be one spectacular, yet imaginary, family dessert. Now
He has given you. ask your child to make up a name for this treat.

Going Deeper Going Deeper

Through the use of short blessing prayers that relate to everyday life, people It’s fun to imagine all your favourite desserts in the same place at the
learn to praise God and express thanksgiving. The moment you open your eyes same time. And while this may be fun to imagine, it wouldn’t be healthy to
in the morning, you might pray, “Thank You, God, for my eyes. Thank You for actually eat all those goodies. Self-control keeps you from making poor eating
sight.” While getting dressed, you could pray, “Thank You, God, for meeting my choices; at the same time, it helps you learn to appreciate things that are better
needs—giving me clothes to wear, such as these,” and at the first sight of the sun, for you. Have you ever considered developing a taste for wisdom?
you may declare, “God, You are so great! Thank You for your creation.” Psalm Proverbs 24:13-14 says it like this: “Eat honey, my son, for it is good; honey
145:1-2 is a great example of how to praise God: “I will exalt you, my God the from the comb is sweet to your taste. Know also that wisdom is sweet to your
King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut
extol your name for ever and ever.” Praise God today and every day! off.” Just as eating your favourite desserts can be pleasant, so exercising wisdom
in your choices can have a sweet influence on your life now and in the future.
Talking to Each Other
• How did writing down a list of things you’re grateful for change Talking to Each Other
your attitude? • How can wisdom be sweet to your soul in the same way desserts are sweet to
• If you praised God for everything He has given you, how long would your taste?
it take? • How can you find wisdom?
• How might praising God change you? —Janine Petry
—Lee Smedly

Great is the Lord and most The wisdom that comes from heaven is
worthy of praise; his greatness first of all pure; then peace-loving,
no one can fathom. considerate, submissive, full of
Psalm 145:3
mercy and good fruit.
James 3:17
Week 7: The Discipline of Scripture Study Week 8: Showing Kindness
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His Word, which helps you understand what is best for your life, Thank God for your family and friends. Ask Him to help you always treat other
and pray that God would give you a desire to study and obey it. people with kindness.

Diving In Diving In
Grab a notebook and pen, head outside or go exploring in your home. Write Before mealtime, have each family member gather five shirts. Any style will work.
what you see, hear and smell. Younger kids can work with a parent or sibling. The idea is to have a stash of shirts to pull from.
Afterward, discuss the details you noticed when you carefully studied your As you prepare for dinner—setting the table, filling drinks, serving food—
surroundings. Talk about what you’ve never noticed before. kindly offer to help one another with tasks. You may also compliment a task well
done: “Wow, Mom! This smells great.” As you are kind to another member of
Going Deeper your family, put on one of your shirts. The goal is to put on all of your shirts.
Just as you find new things in a familiar environment, you can find new things
in the Bible—even if you’ve read it before. You can discover new details of who Going Deeper
God is, what He’s like and how you can become like Him. Each shirt you put on was a symbol of kindness you showed to a member of your
One way to make these discoveries is by studying the lives of Bible characters. family. You were demonstrating the action of Colossians 3:12. In that verse, God
Or study certain subjects, like prayer or giving. You can also study the Bible tells us to clothe ourselves with kindness. As you did and said kind things, you
from beginning to end. No matter what type of Bible study you choose, the were showing kindness that comes from God.
Holy Spirit brings God’s Word alive in your heart by helping you discover things
you’ve never noticed before. Talking to Each Other
• Tell about some ways other people have shown kindness to you.
Talking to Each Other • How can you show kindness?
• What stories in the Bible are special to you? Why? • Why is this important?
• What are the benefits of studying the Bible? —Bridgette Booth
• W hat are some topics you would like to study in God’s Word?
(Refer to the concordance in the back of your Bible for topical ideas.)
—Renee Gray-Wilburn

Therefore, as God’s chosen people,

But the man who looks intently into holy and dearly loved, clothe
the perfect law that gives freedom, yourselves with compassion,
and continues to do this, not forgetting kindness, humility,
what he has heard, but doing it—he gentleness and patience.
will be blessed in what he does. Colossians 3:12

James 1:25
Week 9: God Is Faithful Week 10: Good Motives
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His faithfulness—for being strong when you are weak and for Thank God that He motivates you to do the right things. Ask Him to help you
being with you no matter where you are. bring Him honour through your good choices.

Diving In Diving In
Go on a scavenger hunt. Each person should find one thing that is “strong.” As Make a “good deeds chain.” Cut several strips of paper into equal lengths. On
a family, talk about the items you gathered and why you chose them. Then test each strip, write one good deed that could be done for a family member or friend.
each item to prove that it is strong in some way. Using glue or tape, form the strips of paper into interlocking loops (a chain). Each
family member can remove one loop per day and do that good deed for someone
Going Deeper else. Here’s the catch: Don’t tell the person that you did it. Let goodness be your
In Joshua 1:7, God tells Joshua to “be strong and very courageous.” Joshua’s focus instead of getting recognition for doing something good.
strength comes from God and not from his abilities. In the same way, people
today are asked by God to do things such as loving their neighbour, doing what Going Deeper
is right by their enemy and feeding the poor. When you allow God to strengthen It’s nice when you’re noticed for doing good. But you shouldn’t do good deeds
you, He demonstrates that He is faithful to you. Because of Jesus’ example and simply because you want to be noticed by others. Jesus said, “Be careful not to
God’s strength, people can do what God requires, even when their inclination do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you
may be to love only those who are good to them. In 1 Thessalonians 5:24, the will have no reward from your Father in heaven” (Matthew 6:1). The reason why
apostle Paul says, “The one who calls you is faithful.” God will never ask you to you do something (motivation) is just as important as what you do (good deed).
do something without faithfully giving you the strength to complete the task. True goodness is motivated by your love for God and your desire to please Him.
Your love for Him is the best motivation for doing good because it brings God
Talking to Each Other honour.
• What do you think it means to be “strong in the Lord”?
• How does your strength show God’s faithfulness? Talking to Each Other
• When you say God is faithful, what does that mean? • Tell about a time when you did something good because you wanted to be liked
• Why does His faithfulness matter? or noticed by others.
• When have you seen God’s faithfulness to your family? To you? • Is it more difficult to do a good deed if you know no one will notice it? Why or
—Janine Petry why not?
• Why is God pleased when you do good deeds in secret?
—Jeanne Gowen Dennis

Let us hold unswervingly

to the hope we profess, All a man’s ways seem innocent
for he who promised is to him, but motives are
faithful. weighed by the Lord.
Hebrews 10:23 Proverbs 16:2
Week 11: Be Patient Week 12: Moving in the Right Direction
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His patience and for helping you to be patient Take turns thanking God for your favourite animals and for the wonder
with yourself. of His creation.

Diving In Diving In
Try to write your name or draw a picture with the hand you don’t normally use. Think of an animal that you would like to ride. Encourage the younger children
If you make a mistake, start over. Talk about why it’s so frustrating to write or in your family to act out the animal of their choice, then take turns talking
draw with your opposite hand. about which animal you would choose to ride and why.

Going Deeper Going Deeper

Think about times when God has been patient with you. In 2 Peter 3:15, the Many different kinds of animals can be ridden: horses, llamas, donkeys,
Bible says, “Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation.” God is elephants, camels and even ostriches. And while it may be fun to ride these
patient with you not just in the area of salvation, but in every area of your life. animals, it would be difficult to actually get anywhere without some way to
He won’t give up on you, even when you make mistakes. You need to be as control them. For many animals, a bit and bridle are used to apply pressure to
patient with yourself as God is with you. Instead of becoming frustrated, you steer them in the right direction.
should keep trying to do what is right before God, even when you fail, so you The Bible uses a bit and bridle as an illustration. “Do not be like the horse
can become more like Jesus every day. or the mule, which have no understanding but must be controlled by bit and
bridle or they will not come to you” (Psalm 32:9). If you have trouble controlling
Talking to Each Other yourself, you may feel the pressure of God’s discipline as He points you in the
• How do you know God is patient with you? right direction. This discipline can come through parents or other authorities.
• What is one area where you easily become frustrated? However, when you choose to follow God’s Word and quickly obey Him, He’ll
• What is one thing you can do to become more patient with yourself? keep you on the right path.
—Renee Gray-Wilburn
Talking to Each Other
• W hat kinds of things could be like bits and bridles for people?
• From whom or from where do you get guidance?

I was shown mercy so that in me, • How do you respond to God’s directions? Do you easily obey them?
—Janine Petry

the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus

might display his unlimited patience Like a city whose walls are
as an example for those who would broken down is a man who
believe on him and receive eternal life. lacks self-control.
1 Timothy 1:15-16 Proverbs 25:28
Week 13: Finding Your Place Week 14: Jesus Frees You From Fear
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for the gifts He’s given you. Pray that you will use them to help Thank God that He promises to always be with you. Ask God to help you trust
others. Him so that you can be free from the burden of fear.

Diving In Diving In
Take turns guessing how many muscles you have in your body. Try counting Gather a stack of books. Choose a family member to stand with arms extended
your muscles and come up with a total number. while others load books onto his arms, one at a time, until he can hold no more.
In the process, family members will share fears as books are added to the stack.
Going Deeper
The human body has more than 600 muscles! Some muscles are large and some Going Deeper
are very small, but they all work together to help you get things accomplished. Fears are like the books you carry—each one adds weight and increases the
As they work together, you grow stronger. burden. In contrast, when you give your fears to God, it’s like removing a book
It’s also like this with God’s family. You need others. Ephesians 4:15-16 says: from the stack—the load is lighter as your burdens are lifted. God does not
“Speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the want your fears to burden you. John 14:27 says, “Peace I leave with you; my
Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts
every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does be troubled and do not be afraid.” God loves you and is in control of your
its work.” Just as each muscle has a unique function in the body, so each one of circumstances. Even when things do not work out the way you expect or hope,
us has a unique place in the body of Christ. St. Paul writes: “The body is a unit, you do not have to worry or be afraid. You can be free from your fears because
though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they He will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5). He will carry the burden
form one body. So it is with Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12). You have special for you!
gifts and abilities you can use to support others and help the body of Christ grow.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • How does it make you feel to know God wants to give you peace and freedom
• What are some things you do well? from fear?
• How are you using your gifts and abilities to help others? • Is it ever difficult to trust God with your worries and fears? Why?
—Karen Schmidt and Janine Petry • What fears do you need to give to Him?
—Lee Smedly

Now you are the body of

Christ, and each one of Cast all your anxiety
you is a part of it. on him because he
1 Corinthians 12:27
cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Week 15: The Flavour of Kindness Week 16: Working as a Team
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for giving you the ability to speak. Ask Him to show you how to Thank God that you have a significant part to play in the body
use your words carefully. of believers.

Diving In Diving In
Have each family member write down six words on a piece of paper: three kind Turn a household task into a bucket brigade by passing items hand to hand to
words and three unkind words. Don’t share your lists just yet. complete the chore. Do this when loading the washer with laundry, unloading
Fill two bowls with snacks. One bowl should have a sweet snack (candy- groceries from the car or putting away clean dishes.
coated chocolate) and the other bowl a sour snack (lemon burst). Then, have each
family member take a turn reading a word from his list. The others have to guess
Going Deeper
if it is a kind (sweet) or unkind (sour) word. When guessed correctly, everyone
Notice how quickly the work got done when everyone pitched in. Each person’s
gets a candy-coated chocolate or lemon burst to “taste” the word.
contribution was valuable. It’s easy to think that certain roles or people in the
body of Christ are more important than others. Leaders who speak publicly
Going Deeper might appear most essential, but Jesus asks you to play your part in the life of
The words you use make a difference. Words can be sour, or they can be sweet. His church. The apostle Paul explains in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 how he planted
They can hurt feelings, or they can repair relationships. Words can build people “seeds” of the Gospel, then another believer, Apollos, watered the seeds, and
up or tear people down. God made them grow. Both believers played a part in the process, but each of
Because your words are powerful, you need to choose them carefully. In 1 their roles was different. Can you imagine a baseball team where one player
Thessalonians 5:11, the apostle Paul urges believers to “encourage one another decided to stay home on game night? The team would be ineffective. God wants
and build each other up.” When you choose kind words, you’re giving others a you to work with others as players on His team.
taste of God’s kindness, and that brings Him honour.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • How would the body of Christ suffer if members didn’t do their part?
• Is it easier for you to think of kind or unkind words? Why? • How can you build teamwork in your family and with other believers?
• How does sharing kind words make you feel? How does receiving kind words —Karen Schmidt and Janine Petry
make you feel?
• W hat are some things you can do this week to replace unkind words with kind
—Bridgette Booth
There are different kinds of working,
but the same God works all
Pleasant words are a of them in all men. Now to each
honeycomb, sweet to the one the manifestation of the Spirit is
soul and healing to the bones. given for the common good.
Proverbs 16:24 1 Corinthians 12:6-7
Week 17: Sharing the Truth in Love Week 18: Practice Patience
Talking to God Talking to God
Ask God to give you a loving attitude toward people who are different from you Thank God for His gift of patience and the experiences you’ve had that have
and for the opportunities to share His love with them. helped you to learn to be more patient.

Diving In Diving In
Place a dab of toothpaste on your lips. Ask your family members to suggest Put on a pair of shoes with shoelaces. Tie one shoe as you normally would. Then
how they would tell you that you had toothpaste on your lips if you were a tie your second shoe using your hands to do opposite tasks. For example, if you
famous actor. Have someone else put on the toothpaste and ask the family to usually make your first loop with your right hand, then make it with your left.
address him or her as if that person were your pastor. Continue changing roles Notice how difficult a simple task becomes when you do it a new way. Your
to tell a good friend, a school bully, a stranger and a grouchy teacher about the usual way is easier because of how you’ve trained your muscles to work.
toothpaste on their faces.
Going Deeper
Going Deeper Galatians 5:22 tells us that patience is a gift from God! But just like muscles,
Just as it might be hard or awkward to tell a famous actor or a stranger that our patience needs to be trained so that it comes more easily and you learn
she has toothpaste on her lips, so sharing God’s truth can feel difficult. But how to handle challenging situations. The next time something happens that
authentic, Biblical tolerance allows you to treat others well, even when you have requires you to wait, thank God for helping you practice your gift of patience.
something to share that they may not want to hear. Being grateful may even help you keep from getting upset and losing your
Think about the way you role-played talking to someone you respected, such patience.
as a pastor or a famous person. You were probably careful to show respect and
kindness as you shared the truth. By treating all people, including those who are Talking to Each Other
different from you, with the same kindness and respect, you can more effectively • What’s one area where it’s hard for you to show patience?
share the Gospel. • W hat are some ways you can exercise your gift of patience in that area?
• How might thanking God for opportunities to exercise patience keep you from
Talking to Each Other becoming upset?
• Is it difficult for you to share God’s truth with nonbelievers? Why? —Renee Gray-Wilburn
• How could you show God’s love to a friend who doesn’t believe
in Jesus?
• W hat kind words could you use with someone whose opinion of God

A man’s wisdom gives him

is different from yours?
—Lee Smedly

patience; it is to his glory

Instead, speaking the truth in to overlook an offense.
love, we will in all things grow up into Proverbs 19:11

him who is the Head, that is, Christ.

Ephesians 4:15
Week 19: God’s Timing Week 20: A Strong Faith Brings Peace
Note: Parents should be prepared to give their children a treat after today’s
Talking to God
family devotion.
Steady, steadfast, unwavering, firm, reliable, solid—these words describe who
God is. Tell God as you pray how you appreciate Him for these characteristics.
Talking to God
Thank God for answering so many of your family’s prayers at just the right time.
Diving In
Prepare two shallow baking pans filled with sand: one damp and firmly packed,
Diving In the other loose and dry. Roll a toy car or marble across each
Guess how long the following people had to wait for things: How long did type of sand. The goal is to see which type of sand allows the object
Noah and his family have to wait inside an ark for the rain to stop? (40 days) to roll farther.
How long did Abraham and Sarah have to wait for a baby?
(25 years) How long did the Israelites have to wait to enter the
Going Deeper
Promised Land? (40 years) Ask your parents how long you will have
Just as it’s easier to roll things across firm sand, a firm faith makes it easier for
to wait for a treat.
you as you go through the good and bad things in life. Faith brings a lot of
blessings, including peace. Psalm 29:11 says, “The Lord gives strength to his
Going Deeper people; the Lord blesses his people with peace.”
Sometimes it seems that prayers will never be answered. But God promises But when you don’t trust God, you have faith similar to loose sand; you get
that when you pray according to His will, He always hears and answers (1 John bogged down and have trouble getting through the hard things in life. That’s
5:14-15). Sometimes you have to wait patiently for His answer, and sometimes why you need to pray for God to draw you closer to Him and
He answers differently than what you expect. Still, He knows how to give you to build your faith in Him.
what you need, exactly when you need it. To learn what the right timing for
an answer is, wait for God to answer it. That’s the right time, and the perfect
Talking to Each Other
• Describe a time when your faith has grown. What helped you grow
in your faith?
Talking to Each Other • How have you felt God’s peace? What did it feel like?
• W hat’s the longest you’ve had to wait for something you’ve • God is the author of peace and every good thing. Have you asked Him for
really wanted? more faith? Have you asked Him for His peace?
• What can you do to wait patiently for an answer to prayer? —Karen Schmidt
• What are you waiting for right now? Are you waiting patiently?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn

Let the peace of Christ

Every living thing looks to you for rule in your hearts.
food. You give it to them exactly Colossians 3:15

when they need it.

Psalm 145:15, NIrV
Week 21: God Leads in His Gentleness Week 22: Learning to Be Faithful
Talking to God Talking to God
You serve a loving God. Thank Him for His desire to gently lead you toward Thank God for His willingness to teach you how to be faithful to Him with the
Him and His willingness to give you the choice of obedience. gifts and talents He has given you.

Diving In Diving In
Put on a blindfold. Then, have another family member guide you through Choose one person, and have everyone in the family suggest a few ideas about
different rooms by “steering” your shoulders from behind. Then walk through what the person does well. Then vote on those ideas to figure out which of those
the same rooms, still blindfolded, following the whispered directions of a things the person does best. Repeat for each person in your family.
trusted family member.
Going Deeper
Going Deeper Jesus told the story of the master who entrusted three servants with different
Just as family members can guide you with touch and whispers, God amounts of money while he left on a trip. When the master returned, he found
has many ways of gently leading you forward. He directs you through His that one servant had doubled the money he had been given. To this servant,
Word (Psalm 119:105), with a quiet voice (1 Kings 19:11–13) and through other the master said: “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful
people (Hebrews 13:7). No matter how He leads you, God can do so without with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share
being harsh. If you accidentally head in the wrong direction, He can gently your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21). The master did not like when one
help you back onto His path. Even when you purposely disobey, His desire is to of his servants buried his money. The master said that this servant had not been
lovingly correct you. In the process of learning to follow Him, God allows you faithful with what he had been given. God has given you gifts and talents. He
to make choices and suffer the consequences of your choices; but He also knows wants you to use them faithfully to serve God and others.
how to pull you gently back into His fold.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • W hat did your family say you do best? Do you agree?
• How was having someone steer you through the rooms different than having If not, what do you think you excel at?
directions whispered to you? • How can you use your talents to serve God?
• Which way is more like how God leads you? Explain. • How can you improve in this area?
• How can you learn to better recognize God’s gentle leading? • What can your family do to help you become better at doing this?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn —Janine Petry

He tends his flock like a shepherd:

Now it is required that those
He gathers the lambs in his arms and
who have been given a trust
carries them close to his heart;
must prove faithful.
he gently leads those that have young. 1 Corinthians 4:2
Isaiah 40:11
Week 23: Friends Help Each Other Week 24: Accepting Differences
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His constant help and for the people around you (family, friends, Ask God to show you people in the body of Christ who are different from you.
teachers, pastors) who help you, too. Pray that you will accept and respect them.

Diving In Diving In
Sit in a circle. One person should stand and say, “I am your friend. Play a quick game of “Who Am I?” Rather than guessing people by name,
I will .” In the blank, the person can make up an ending, such explain that you will be guessing types of personalities (shy, inquisitive, mature,
as “help you comb your hair” or “take your favourite toy without asking.” The goofy).
rest of the family should give a thumbs-up if the action is that of a friend Write different personality types on slips of paper. Drop the slips in a bowl.
and a thumbs-down if the action is not that of a friend. Go around the circle Then have each family member draw one. Take turns acting in character as
a few times. It’s OK for people to suggest funny ideas that don’t belong in a other family members ask questions to figure out the personality type you are
friendship. pretending to be.

Going Deeper Going Deeper

The Gospel of Mark tells about four men who helped their friend find Talk with your child about how the different personalities your family acted
a way to Jesus (2:1-12). Their friend was not able to walk, so they carried out could complement one another. God created each of us with unique
him through the crowd, made a hole in the roof above Jesus and lowered him personalities, and our differences can draw us closer to one another and to God.
through it. Because they loved their friend enough to help him, he was able to Jesus connected with people of all kinds. His closest friends included
meet Jesus, and Jesus healed him so he could walk. passionate and sometimes short-tempered Peter, loyal and devoted John and
rational yet doubting Thomas. Jesus said in Mark 3:34-35 that whoever does the
will of God is His family. To be like Jesus, we must accept all who make up the
Talking to Each Other
body of Christ. Respect for our differences has the potential to bring us together
• How have your friends helped you?
to serve Him.
• How have you helped your friends?
• Do you have friends with special needs? How might you help them?
• What other ways can friends help each other? Talking to Each Other
—Lettie Kirkpatrick Burress • W hat kinds of people tend to frustrate you?
Why do you think they are hard for you to accept?
• How can you show acceptance to people in the body of Christ who are
different from you?
Two are better than one, —Karen Schmidt and Janine Petry

because they have a good return for

their work: If one falls down, his friend
My command is this: Love each
can help him up. But pity the man who
other as I have loved you.
falls and has no one to help him up! John 15:12
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Week 25: Who’s Your Master? Week 26: Peace in Safety
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for being the Lord of your life. Ask Him to show you any areas What things keep you safe every day? Being safe gives a feeling of peace. Thank
where you have not yet made Him Lord. Trust Him for help to exercise self- God for things that keep you safe—seat belts, locks on doors, parents, police,
control. fire fighters and even smoke alarms.

Diving In Diving In
Play a game of charades, and try to guess the title of popular movies or cartoon Who or what might scream if you burn your toast or oatmeal? (you, your mom
series. or dad and the smoke alarm)

Going Deeper Going Deeper

It’s fun to do things you enjoy, like watch your favourite television show or play In the old days, people were warned of a fire when someone in the street twirled
your favourite games. But it might not be so fun if those things had control over a wooden rattle. People who were asleep, however, sometimes didn’t hear the
you. In 1 Corinthians 6:12, the apostle Paul says: “ ‘Everything is permissible rattle. Now houses and other buildings have small plastic boxes with batteries
for me’—but not everything is beneficial. ‘Everything is permissible for me’— that warn when there is a fire. You can sleep peacefully without worrying you
but I will not be mastered by anything.” When something that you enjoy won’t hear a rattle in the street.
doing becomes something that you are driven to do, it may have control over God gives you an even better kind of peace that helps you feel safe all the
you. This means that you’ve given up your ability to choose what is best. It’s time. Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do
important to only have one Master—God—and to make sure He comes first in not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not
everything you do. be afraid.”

Talking to Each Other Talking to Each Other

• What do you enjoy doing in your free time? • Of what things are you afraid?
• Name a few characteristics of a “master.” How can you tell if something in • W hen you’re scared, how can you remember that God wants to give you
your life is becoming a master over you? His peace?
• Discuss some ways that you can develop more self-control. • How can you enjoy more of God’s peace today?
—Janine Petry —Karen Schmidt

I will lie down and sleep in

No one can serve two masters.
Either he will hate the one and love the
peace, for you alone, O Lord,
make me dwell in safety.
other, or he will be devoted to the one Psalm 4:8

and despise the other.

Matthew 6:24
Week 27: Mirroring Goodness Week 28: Patience Amid Differences
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His goodness and ask Him to reflect His goodness in you. Ask God to forgive you for the times you’ve been impatient with others. Thank
Him for the times other people have been patient with you.
Diving In
Take a mirror and stand near a window where the sunshine is bright. (If there Diving In
is no bright sunshine, use a lamp.) Tilt the mirror so it reflects the light. Take Shout out as many pairs of opposites as you can. (For example: wet and dry;
turns using the mirror to shine the sun’s light on each other. Avoid shining the happy and sad; tall and short)
light in people’s eyes. Instead, focus it on their hearts.
Going Deeper
Going Deeper Have you ever noticed how two people can have opposite personalities or likes
Those who stood in the reflected light of the mirror could see that the light and dislikes? God sometimes fills families with people who are quite different
came through the window and not from the person holding the mirror. In the from each other. To learn to get along with those closest to you, you have to
same way, we can reflect God’s goodness to others. Matthew 5:16 says, “Let work at being patient with your differences. In 1 Corinthians 13:4, the first
your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your word used to describe love is patient.
Father in heaven.” God’s goodness shines through you and has the power to When Jesus told you to love your neighbour as yourself (Matthew 22:39),
change hearts. When you do good for others, you are mirroring God’s goodness He knew you would need patience to do this. God, in His creativity, made you
to them. different from all others. Because of this, you have the opportunity to learn
Talking to Each Other
• In what ways can you mirror God’s goodness to others today? Talking to Each Other
• W hat can blur your reflection of God’s goodness? • Tell about a time when someone was especially patient with you.
• What can you do to keep your mirror bright and clean? • Why is patience an important part of loving people?
—Jeanne Gowen Dennis • Is there someone you need to be more patient with?
• What is one thing you can do to show patience to this person?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn

The true light that gives

light to every man was And we urge you, brothers,
coming into the world. warn those who are
John 1:9
idle, encourage the
timid, help the weak, be
patient with everyone.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
Week 29: God Is the Judge Week 30: Jesus Frees You From Death
Talking to God Talking to God
Ask God to help you show love and tolerance to people who don’t have Thank God that He sent His Son, Jesus, so that you can spend eternity with
a relationship with Him. Him.

Diving In Diving In
Write “Jesus loves you” on a sheet of paper. On a second sheet, write Prepare some paper, writing utensils and colouring supplies for each member of
“USEOJOSVUESLY,” which is a scrambled version of the sentence. Then tell the family. Together, talk about the promise of heaven—the assurance that you
your family that you have an important message for them. Show the scrambled will live with God forever (eternity). Using the paper and art supplies, have each
message to your family. When they express confusion over the message, show person describe heaven with pictures, words or both! Then share these original
them the real message. works of art, and explain how they make you feel about this amazing promise
from God.
Going Deeper
People who don’t have a relationship with God are not able to understand the Going Deeper
truth of the Gospel. For them, God’s Word is just like a scrambled message. Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and believes him who
Without this understanding, they will make wrong choices in life, even when sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from
they’re trying to do what is right. death to life” (John 5:24). Because you believe in Him, you are set free from
In 1 Corinthians 5:12, the apostle Paul says, “What business is it of mine to the fear of death and can look forward to living forever with God in heaven.
judge those outside the church?” Thinking and talking about heaven is one way of celebrating your freedom in
God is the only one qualified to judge nonbelievers, people outside of the Jesus and keeping your focus on God’s promises.
church. People who are not living according to God’s Word may frustrate you,
but as a believer, you shouldn’t judge them or treat them harshly. Instead, offer Talking to Each Other
them Biblical tolerance—treat them with respect and patience even though you • A s your family shared with each other about heaven, did you have any new
disagree with their poor choices. insights about God’s gift of eternal life?
• How does the promise of heaven make you feel?
Talking to Each Other • How does knowing you have eternal life influence the way you live?
• Who can judge nonbelievers? —Lee Smedly
• How should you treat those who don’t know Jesus?
—Lee Smedly

Therefore, there is now no condem-

Jesus said, “Father, nation for those who are in Christ
forgive them, for Jesus, because through Christ Jesus
they do not know the law of the Spirit of life set me
what they are doing.” free from the law of sin and death.
Luke 23:34 Romans 8:1-2
Week 31: Repairing Wounds Week 32: The Spiritual Discipline of Fasting
Talking to God Talking to God
Ask God to show you if you have been unkind or have hurt the feelings of Ask the Holy Spirit to help you be more aware of God’s generosity.
others. As He brings specific events to mind, ask for His forgiveness.
Diving In
Diving In Write these categories on separate paper slips: after-school activity, toy or
Playfully simulate a first aid situation. For example, have someone pretend to electronic gadget, snack, drink, TV show. Place the folded slips in a bowl. Have
get a deep cut or break a bone. Make a plan regarding what needs to be done to each person draw a slip, read the category and name one favourite thing in that
help. Gather supplies and run through a couple of emergency scenarios, keeping category. Discuss how difficult it might be to give up each.
the mood light but realistic.
Going Deeper
Going Deeper Fasting means giving up something you enjoy or need for a designated period of
Proper first aid can minimize pain and promote a quick recovery. Just time. In the Old Testament, fasting was common for entire nations who were
as a cut on your hand needs attention so it can heal, wounds in the body of seeking God’s help or direction (2 Chronicles 20:3, Jonah 3:5). In the New
Christ also need tending. In Matthew 5:23-24, Jesus directed His followers to Testament, Jesus fasted (Matthew 4:2) and taught His disciples about fasting
resolve any wrong with a fellow Christian before coming to God in prayer. (Matthew 6:17-18).
Whether you’ve accidentally hurt someone by your words or actions, (Fasting is not always a good idea for children or pregnant women. They can
or you’ve been insensitive or selfish toward another believer, God expects you to consider giving up something else that they really want or like.)
repair that wound. Giving a sincere apology is always appropriate first aid. Fasting allows you to focus your time and attention on God. When
combined with prayer and time in God’s Word, fasting strengthens your faith
Talking to Each Other and helps you become more confident of God’s power.
• How do you feel when another Christian hurts your feelings or is unkind to
you? Talking to Each Other
• W hy is it important to ask forgiveness when you hurt • How does fasting bring you closer to God?
someone’s feelings? • What is one thing you enjoy that you can give up for a day?
—Karen Schmidt and Janine Petry —Renee Gray-Wilburn

But when you fast, put oil on

Be kind and compassionate your head and wash your face, so
to one another, forgiving that it will not be obvious to men
each other, just as in that you are fasting, but only to
Christ God forgave you. your Father, who is unseen.
Ephesians 4:32 Matthew 6:17-18
Week 33: Show God’s Faithfulness to Others Week 34: T he Spiritual Discipline of Worship
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for the people He has put in your life—your family, friends and Thank God for who He is and for all He’s done for you. Ask Him to help you
others. Ask Him how you can show them His faithfulness. learn to worship Him with every part of your life.

Diving In Diving In
Look through a photo album. Talk about your favourite memories of your Have everyone collect a couple of common objects used during the day, such as
family and friends. Consider how you have influenced some of them and how a cellphone, a pen, a purse or a clothing item. Place the objects on a table and
they have changed you. hold up one item at a time. As a family, try to come up with ways that each
item could be used to glorify (worship) God. Take turns offering suggestions.
Going Deeper
Old Faithful—a geyser at Yellowstone National Park—erupts approximately 17 Going Deeper
times per day, every 30 to 120 minutes, for one to five minutes! Why do you People often think of worship as singing songs during church services, but it’s
think it was named Old Faithful? God wants you to be reliable, just like this so much more. Worship means to bring or give God glory. There are many
geyser in Yellowstone. Your consistency in loving and caring for others will different ways you can worship God.
demonstrate God’s faithfulness to them. You can also worship God with your mind by not thinking evil or sinful
thoughts (Philippians 4:8). When you give generously, speak words of encour-
Talking to Each Other agement and serve others, you’re also worshipping God. And, of course, praising
• How has God been faithful to you? Him through prayer and song is a great way to worship. God wants you to wor-
• Who have you told about His faithfulness? ship Him with every part of your life.
• How might your faithfulness to a friend show that person
God’s faithfulness? Talking to Each Other
• Name one friend you intend to show God’s faithfulness to this week. • What is one of your favourite worship songs?
—Janine Petry • What are other ways you can worship God?
• What’s one form of worship you will practice this week?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn

I thank Christ Jesus

our Lord, who has Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in
given me strength, that view of God’s mercy, to offer your
he considered me faithful, bodies as living sacrifices,
appointing me to his service. holy and pleasing to God—this is
1 Timothy 1:12
your spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12:1
Week 35: Jesus Is Your Friend Week 36: Gentleness in Speech
Talking to God Talking to God
Name one good friend and tell God something you love about that person. Thank God for giving you the ability to be gentle with your words. Ask Him to
Then thank God for him or her. help you choose your words carefully so they are not hurtful.

Diving In Diving In
Tape a large sheet of paper to the wall. Write as many words as you can to List five words that describe your best friend. Now list five words that describe
describe good friends. someone you don’t get along with very well. Say each of the 10 words out loud
and consider how you’d feel if each of those words were used to describe you.
Going Deeper
Jesus had 12 disciples who were His friends. You can become a friend of Jesus, Going Deeper
too. When you follow and obey Jesus just as His disciples did, Jesus calls you Words are powerful. “The tongue has the power of life and death” (Proverbs
His friend. What kind of friend is Jesus? In John 15:13, Jesus says, “Greater love 18:21). Wow! What you say—and how you say it—really does matter. Words
has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” That’s what Jesus can hurt, or they can heal.
did for His disciples and for you. When you respond to hurtful words with more hurtful words, you only
make things worse. If you answer with gentleness, you can soothe angry or bitter
feelings and restore broken relationships. Your gentle words show people that
Talking to Each Other
they have value, whether you agree or disagree with them. Proverbs 12:18 says,
• How do the words on your sheet of paper (from Diving In) also relate
“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
to Jesus?
• What does it mean when Jesus calls you His friend?
• How is Jesus different from our other friends? Talking to Each Other
—Lettie Kirkpatrick Burress • How have others hurt you with their words?
• How have you hurt others with your words?
• W hat gentle words have been given to you, and how did they help you?
• W ho is one person you can use gentle words with, even if this person doesn’t
I no longer call you servants, deserve them?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn
because a servant does not know
his master’s business. Instead,
I have called you friends,
for everything that I learned A gentle answer
from my Father I have made turns away wrath, but a
known to you. harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1
John 15:15
Week 37: Peace Through God’s Rules Week 38: Controlling the Tongue
Talking to God Talking to God
Tell God what you love about His Word, the Bible. Tell Him why you like Thank God for His Word and for making you in His image. Take turns offering
a certain verse or story, and thank Him for it. a prayer of praise for the many ways God has gifted you to communicate with
each other.
Diving In
With Mom or Dad standing close by, try walking around the room wearing Diving In
snowshoes, swim fins or shoes that are way too big. How far can you go without If possible, build a fire and enjoy the warmth together. If not, then simply
stumbling or wobbling? Do you think a rule that you shouldn’t wear these recall a time when you enjoyed the warmth of a fire—whether during a special
things in the house would be a good idea? Explain. winter gathering or during a summer camping trip. Take turns describing your
favourite fireside memories.
Going Deeper
Consider Psalm 119:165: “Great peace have they who love your law, and Going Deeper
nothing can make them stumble.” God promises you a giant helping of peace The fireside memories that you cherish have one thing in common: control. Any
when you do what His Word says. Following God’s rules helps you make fewer fire that is out of control is far from a cherished memory because it is extremely
mistakes, and you no longer have to worry about stumbling or getting hurt dangerous.
because of bad decisions. Living according to God’s Word allows His peace to James, Jesus’ brother, teaches the importance of watching your words. He
rule your heart. Whew! For a reminder of what God’s Word says, review Psalm writes, “Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts.
18:30, 19:8, 33:4. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” (James 3:5). If left
uncontrolled, your words have potential for great damage, just as a spark can
Talking to Each Other ignite a terrible fire. You keep fire contained to protect your family from harm;
• Think about a rule that you follow, such as walking in the crosswalk or not in the same way, you can exercise self-control in your choice of words to avoid
running in the hallway at school. Are you more likely to get hurt when you hurting others.
follow the rules or when you don’t follow them? Explain.
• When have you felt peaceful because you obeyed God’s Word? Talking to Each Other
• How can you get God’s peace back after you’ve goofed up? • W hat do you think James meant when he said that the tongue makes “great
—Karen Schmidt boasts”? Give some examples.
• How have you experienced the hurt that can come from a few “out
of control” words?

Doing what is right will bring

• How can you be careful with your words so you don’t hurt others?
—Janine Petry

peace and rest. When my people do

that, they will stay calm and trust in He who guards his mouth
the Lord forever. and his tongue keeps
Isaiah 32:17 NIrV
himself from calamity.
Proverbs 21:23
Week 39: Showing Gentleness Week 40: Faithfulness in Creation
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for the people in your life who show you gentleness. Ask God to Thank God for the variety and beauty of the seasons—bright flowers, colourful
help you find ways to show His gentleness to others. leaves, sparkling snow and new buds.

Diving In Diving In
Gently tap objects as you walk through your house. You can tap a window, a Hold an orange and shine a flashlight on the fruit as if it were the sun shining
hardwood floor, a countertop, a glass vase or the front door. Discuss why you on the earth. Point out where the sun may warm the earth and where it won’t
need to be gentle when you tap items around the house. Concentrate on how as the orange is turned. Talk about how the people living in the Northern
fragile items can break and hard items can hurt your hands. Hemisphere pull out their sweaters and hats when those in the Southern
Hemisphere head to the beach.
Going Deeper
Sometimes your actions are what you use to “tap” the people around you. It’s Going Deeper
important to remember that you can hurt others with your behaviour, just as Even if people in different places have seasons at opposite times, the seasons
you can be hurt by what others do. Because you are fragile, God wants you to still come every year. You can count on them—just like you can count on
be gentle with others. Philippians 4:5 says, “Let your gentleness be evident to other things in nature to always be the same. The sun always rises in the east,
all.” Your actions are evidence of your gentleness, and when you make an effort for example, and the stars annually shine in the same patterns in the night sky.
to be gentle with others, you show God’s character to the world. Read Psalm 74:16-17. Remember that God sets “all the boundaries of the earth.”

Talking to Each Other Talking to Each Other

• What is one thing you do that shows gentleness to others? • What season is your favourite? Why?
• How difficult or easy is it to show gentleness to others? • What other consistent patterns have you noticed in nature?
• How have others modelled gentleness to you? • W hy is it important that God faithfully causes the seasons and other things to
• What can you do this week to show gentleness to someone? happen at their set times?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn • What do these things teach you about God?
—Janine Petry

Therefore, as God’s chosen people, Your word, O Lord, is eternal; it

holy and dearly loved, clothe stands firm in the heavens. Your
yourselves with compassion, faithfulness continues through
kindness, humility, all generations; you established
gentleness and patience. the earth, and it endures.
Colossians 3:12 Psalm 119:89-90
Week 41: Promises Are Important Week 42: God Longs for You
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for always keeping His promises. Ask Him for help so you can keep Thank God for all the ways He loves and cares for you. Ask Him to show you
your promises, too. how much He wants you to talk with Him.

Diving In Diving In
List some of the promises God gave people in the Bible and the way He kept Line up a number of small glasses next to the kitchen sink. One by one, fill the
those promises. Examples: putting a rainbow in the sky as a promise to never glasses. Discuss how you could fill every container in your house and water
again destroy the earth with a flood; giving Abraham’s descendants the land of would still flow out of the faucet. In a similar way, God’s longing for you won’t
Canaan; sending a Saviour, Jesus; sending the Holy Spirit. end.

Going Deeper Going Deeper

The Bible tells the story of two young men, Jonathan and David, who became God is available to you at all times. Just as you can fill another glass with water
good friends. Because they loved each other, they made a promise to always simply by turning on the faucet, so you can enjoy God’s presence by going to
be friends and exchanged gifts as symbols of their friendship. This story was Him in prayer. Read Isaiah 30:18: “The Lord longs to be gracious to you; he
written in 1 Samuel 18:1-4 and 1 Samuel 20:16-17. Twice, Jonathan saved rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all
David’s life when Jonathan’s father, King Saul, wanted to kill David. Later, after who wait for him!” God wants you to grow closer to Him, to be filled with His
Jonathan died and David became king, David asked, “Is there anyone still left of love and peace, because He longs for what is best for you. Although God works
the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (2 Samuel on your behalf, He wants you to respond to Him, showing a willingness to
9:1). David remembered his promise of friendship to Jonathan and was kind to share your life with Him. One way you can do that is by talking to Him daily.
Jonathan’s son.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • W ho is your favourite person to talk to, and what makes this person
• When do people make promises? your favourite?
• W hat promises have others made to you? Did they keep their promises? • Tell about a time when you really wanted to talk to this person.
• W hat promises have you made to others? How hard was it to keep • Why did you long to talk to this person?
your promises? • Why might God long to be gracious to you?
• Why is it important to keep your promise to a friend? —Lee Smedly
—Lettie Kirkpatrick Burress

You know with all your heart and Surely I am with

soul that not one of all the good you always, to the
promises the Lord your God gave very end of the age.
Matthew 28:20
you has failed.
Joshua 23:14
Week 43: Protecting What Is Precious in You Week 44: Showing Compassion
Talking to God Talking to God
Spend some time thanking God for the protection He provides. Ask God to help you see others as He sees them and to give you a heart of
compassion for those who do not have a relationship with Him.
Diving In
Play a game of capture the flag. Divide into two teams, with each team having Diving In
its own “flag.” (You can use any item that can be easily carried.) After both Clear a space where you can walk blindfolded and not hurt yourself. Set the
teams have found a secure location to place their flag, the game begins. The radio volume so it drowns out your normal speaking voice. On one side of the
object of the game is for family members to make their way into the opposing room, blindfold a family member. From across the room, have another person
team’s territory, grab the flag and return to their own territory without being whisper directions that guide the blindfolded person to him or her. Ask the
tagged. Each team will have to work both offensively and defensively. whisperer to gradually speak up until the blindfolded person can hear the
directions and safely make it to the other side.
Going Deeper
It’s important to have defences in place to protect things that are precious to Going Deeper
you. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man One of the reasons that Jesus came into the world was to help the blind
who lacks self-control.” The Bible teaches that developing self-control is a see (Luke 4:18-19). People who do not know God are like people who are
way to protect yourself from things that could harm you. When you practice blindfolded. They can’t find their way to God and to His forgiveness and love.
self-control, you’re building strong walls that will keep important things safe— They are “spiritually blind” and need the guidance of God’s truth to lead them.
things like your love for God and for others. The noises of the world—such as people’s differing opinions about God—often
drown out the truth that would guide them.
Talking to Each Other Clear directions helped your blindfolded family member cross the floor amid
• Can you describe what walls around a city used to look like? How is self- the blaring sounds of a radio. Similarly, Jesus wants to help those who do not
control like city walls? have a relationship with God find their way to Him. He is the way through the
• W hat kinds of things do you find in cities that need to be protected? What distracting noises of the world, and He has compassion on them because they
kinds of things has God placed in you that need to be protected? are blind and confused. As followers of Christ, we should have the same attitude
• In what areas do you have a hard time practicing self-control? How can these toward those who are spiritually blind.
areas be strengthened so you are better protected from harm?
—Janine Petry Talking to Each Other
• How did it feel to listen for or give directions with the distracting noise?
• What “noises” might keep nonbelievers from hearing God’s love for them? How
might you show compassion to the spiritually blind?
—Lee Smedly

I have considered my ways and have

turned my steps to your statutes. I will [Jesus] had compassion on them,
hasten and not delay to obey your because they were harassed and
commands. helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Psalm 119:59-60 Matthew 9:36
Week 45: God’s Love Is Faithful Week 46: Choosing to Be Kind
Talking to God Talking to God
Tell God how you intend to treat others well, but sometimes don’t. Thank God Ask God to help you choose to be kind, especially when you don’t feel like it.
for His unfailing love, and ask Him to help you love better.
Diving In
Diving In Place a baseball cap or other hat in the centre of the table and gather around as
For one full day, try to treat others well. The “others” should be your family a family. Ask one family member to put on the hat—signifying that she is going
and everyone else around you. Do your best to keep from becoming upset, to share a compliment about someone else in the group. After she has shared the
impatient or annoyed, regardless of what others do or how they treat you. kind remark, she’ll pass the hat to the person she complimented, who will then
compliment another family member. Continue the game until each person has
had at least two turns wearing the hat and saying something kind.
Going Deeper
Proverbs 20:6 questions whether anyone has unfailing love as God does. It asks,
“But a faithful man who can find?” Then throughout the Old Testament, writers Going Deeper
constantly praise the faithfulness of God’s love. As believers, God helps you be Being kind is a choice. You make choices every day—some big and some small.
more consistent in your relationships with others because of His faithfulness. Think about all the choices you’ve made in the last 30 minutes. Which food
You may not be able to perfectly love others by yourself, but God empowers you to eat first at dinner, whether to sit on the floor or stay in your chair for this
to more faithfully love others. devotion, and who to share compliments about—those were all choices. God
wants you to choose to be kind.
The Bible tells about a kind man named Boaz who shared his harvest by
Talking to Each Other
letting a poor woman named Ruth gather from his fields (Ruth 2:8). Sometimes
• How easy or hard was it to love others all day?
kindness is a choice to share what you have with someone in need. Other times,
• Do you think you could do this every day?
it’s a decision to encourage someone with a sincere compliment.
• What would keep you from treating others well?
—Janine Petry
Talking to Each Other
• Does God care about whether we are kind to others?
• How do you know? (Matthew 25:31-40)
• W hat are some ways you can daily show kindness to those around you?
For I am convinced that neither death —Bridgette Booth

nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will be Be kind and
able to separate us from the love of compassionate
God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. to one another . . .
Ephesians 4:32
Romans 8:38-39
Week 47: God Is Good Week 48: Jesus Frees You to Love
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for offering His gift of friendship and love to you, and ask Him to Ask God to help you receive His love so that you can show that love
help you know and love Him more. to others.

Diving In Diving In
Make a favourite fun drink (smoothie, root beer float, milk shake, etc.) for each Place a small clear glass in a shallow bowl. Pretend you are the empty glass and
family member. Give each person a straw to drink through. Then challenge the bowl represents the people in your life. Fill a pitcher with water. Pretend
them to drink the liquid without letting the straw touch it. that the pitcher is God and the water represents God’s love. As you pour water
from the pitcher into the glass, think about the love that God pours into you.
Going Deeper Continue pouring water from the pitcher until it spills over the sides of the glass,
When you tried to drink without letting the straw touch the liquid, you filling the bowl.
discovered that it didn’t work. It’s only when the liquid surrounds the straw that
the goodness can flow from the cup and through the straw. Going Deeper
Jesus said only God is good (Luke 18:19), so you cannot become good The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 3:12, “May the Lord make your love increase
without Him. In order to truly “drink in” God’s goodness, you have to and overflow for each other and for everyone else.” Just as the water filled the
immerse yourself in Him. That’s like drinking in His goodness. You can do glass and overflowed into the bowl, God promises that He will give you so
this by accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and pursuing a relationship much love that it will overflow, and you will be able to love others. Because your
with Him. God works in your heart to help you recognize and do His will love from God is more than enough, you are free to love everyone around you
(Philippians 2:13). As you pray and learn from God’s Word, you will grow in with the “overflow.”
your relationship with Him, and His goodness will form in you.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • Will God’s love for you ever run out?
• In what ways do you “drink in” God’s goodness? • How does God’s love help you love others?
• What are some things that keep you from doing this? • In what ways can you show God’s love to others?
—Jeanne Gowen Dennis —Lee Smedly

Dear friends, since

To this end also we pray for you
God so loved us, we
always, that our God will count you
also ought to love
worthy of your calling, and fulfill one another.
every desire for goodness and 1 John 4:11

the work of faith with power.

2 Thessalonians 1:11, NASB
Week 49: Friends Need to Ask Forgiveness Week 50: Jesus Frees You From Sin
Talking to God Talking to God
Thank God for His forgiveness and for sending Jesus to wash away your sins. Thank God for sending Jesus to free you from the sin that entangles you.

Diving In Diving In
Find a partner. Do the following actions: Pat your thighs once, *clap both hands Gather the following items: a laundry basket or box you or another family
against your partner’s hands, clap your right hand to your partner’s right hand, member can fit into, a ball of string or yarn, some tape and a pair of scissors.
clap your left hand to your partner’s left hand, clap both hands against your Choose a family member to crawl inside the container. Other family members
partner’s hands,* then pat your thighs once. The second time through, repeat will place pieces of string across the opening of the container, taping the
the sequence within the asterisks five times before ending with the final pat on string on each side. Each time a new piece of string is added, a family member
your thighs. When you are done, talk about which claps you did well and which will share about a sin or temptation that he or she sometimes struggles with.
ones you messed up. Continue adding strings, crisscrossing them until the person in the container is
hemmed in. Then have a family member cut the strands to free the person.
Going Deeper
We all make mistakes. One day, Jesus’ close friend Peter made a big mistake. Going Deeper
When people were being mean to Jesus, Peter pretended that he didn’t even know The string demonstrates the effect of sin in your life. Sin entraps you and
Jesus. In Luke 22:57, Peter tells a woman, “I don’t know him.” Twice more he prevents you from obeying God and enjoying true freedom. Romans 3:23-24
tells people that he is not one of Jesus’ friends. When Peter realized what he had says, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified
done, he was sorry. Because Jesus loved Peter, He forgave him. Forgiveness is an freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.” God
important part of all friendships. understands that you struggle with sin. He knows that sometimes it is difficult
for you to obey Him. But God loves you so much that He sent Jesus to save you,
Talking to Each Other to rescue you from the sin that entangles you. Jesus is the only one who can set
• Have you ever hurt a friend? you free from sin. To receive this free gift, you must trust Him.
• What happened when you asked for forgiveness?
• How has a friend hurt you? Talking to Each Other
• What would you do if the person asked for forgiveness? • How does sin keep you from experiencing freedom?
—Lettie Kirkpatrick Burress • Do you sometimes get trapped in sin even though you know Jesus has set you
• When you feel trapped, what can you do to be free once more?
—Lee Smedly
Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord,
how many times shall I forgive my brother
when he sins against me? Up to seven
So if the Son sets you
times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not
free, you will be
seven times, but seventy-seven times.”
Matthew 18:21-22 free indeed.
John 8:36
Week 51: A Heart of Gentleness Week 52: Excellence of Character
Talking to God Talking to God
Ask God to help you keep your heart gentle. Talk to Him about times when you Thank God that you can trust Him, even when things seem to be going wrong,
haven’t had a heart of gentleness, and ask for His forgiveness. because His goodness and love for you never change.

Diving In Diving In
Pour some flour into a paper bag and rocks or gravel in another. Without their Take turns hiding behind a door. The person hiding can wear any expression he
knowing what is inside, have another family member guess, then reach into one wants—silly, sad, angry. But when another family member opens the door, the
bag at a time and describe how the contents feel. hider must quickly put on a big smile.
Then, see if other family members can guess what the person’s expression
Going Deeper looked like before it changed.
Both bags look the same on the outside, but the contents of one are soft, while
the contents of the other are hard. People are like these bags—you can’t always Going Deeper
tell what’s on the inside. You learn in 1 Samuel 16:7 that “man looks at the You try to look and act your best in front of others, but what about when no
outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” one’s watching? Your goodness is not determined by how you appear to others,
God knows you can use your outward appearance—how you act and what but by who you really are on the inside. Psalm 44:21 says God knows the
you say—to cover up what’s really inside, just like the bags covered their contents. secrets of the heart. He knows what you think, do and say—even when you’re
You might act kind and gentle but have bad attitudes or mean thoughts. While alone. God is always with you, and He helps you stay strong and make good
God wants you to be gentle on the outside, He also wants your heart to be gentle. decisions.
When your heart is full of gentleness, God can use you to bless others.
Talking to Each Other
Talking to Each Other • W hat are some ways you try to put on your “best face” in front
• W ho is someone you know with a gentle heart? of others?
• What do you like about this person? • How does knowing that God is always with you make you feel?
• W ho is someone you know with a hard heart? • How does this help you make good decisions when you are with
• How does this person treat you? others and when you are alone?
• What causes your heart to become hard? —Jeanne Gowen Dennis
• What are some ways you can keep your heart soft?
—Renee Gray-Wilburn

Search me, O God,

[Your beauty] should be that of your and know my heart;
inner self, the unfading beauty test me and know my
of a gentle and quiet spirit, anxious thoughts.
Psalm 139:23
which is of great worth in God’s sight.
1 Peter 3:4
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