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Electromagnetic Waves.

Radiation (Part - 1)

Q.189. An electromagnetic wave of frequency v = 3.0 MHz passes from vacuum

into a non-magnetic medium with permittivity a = 4.0. Find the increment of its

Ans. The velocity of light in a medium of relative permittivity Thus the

change in wavelength of light (from its value in vacuum to its value in the medium) is

Q.190. A plane electromagnetic wave falls at right angles to the surface of a plane-
parallel plate of thickness l. The plate is made of non-magnetic substance whose
permittivity decreases exponentially from a value al at the front surface down to a
value a, at the rear one. How long does it take a given wave phase to travel across
this plate?

Ans. From the data of the problem the relative permittivity of the medium varies as

Hence the local velocity of light

Thus the required time

Q.191. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency v = 10 MHz propagates in a

poorly conducting medium with conductivity σ = = 10 mS/m and permittivity ε = 9.
Find the ratio of amplitudes of conduction and displacement current densities.

Ans. Conduction current density

Displacement current density

Ratio of magnitudes on putting the values.

Q.192. A plane electromagnetic wave E = E m cos (ωt— kr) propagates in vacuum.

Assuming the vectors E m and k to be known, find the vector H as a function of
time t at the point with radius vector r = 0.


So integrating (ignoring a constant) and using

Q.193. A plane electromagnetic wave E = Em cos (ωt— kr), where E m, = Emey, k =

kex, ex, eu are the unit vectors of the x, y axes, propagates in vacuum. Find the
vector H at the point with radius vector r = xex at the moment (a) t = 0, (b) t = to.
Consider the case when E m =1 60 V/m, k = 0.51 m-1, x = 7.7 m, and to = = 33 ns.

Ans. As in the previous problem

Q.194. A plane electromagnetic wave E = E m, cos (ωt— kx) propagating in vacuum
induces the emf gin, in a square frame with side l. The orientation of the frame is
shown in Fig. 4.37. Find the amplitude value ε ind, if E m = 0.50 mV/m, the frequency
v =5.0 MHz and l = 50 cm.


Putting the values

Q.195. Proceeding from Maxwell's equations show that in the case of a plane
electromagnetic wave (Fig. 4.38) propagating in vacuum the following relations

Q.196. Find the mean Pointing vector (8) of a plane electromagnetic wave E =
Em cos (ωt— kr) if the wave propagates in vacuum.



Q.197.. A plane harmonic electromagnetic wave with plane polarization

propagates in vacuum. The electric component of the wave has a strength
amplitude E m = 50 mV/m, the frequency is v 100 MHz. Find:
(a) the efficient value of the displacement current density;
(b) the mean energy flow density averaged over an oscillation period.


Q.198. A ball of radius R = 50 cm is located in a non-magnetic medium with

permittivity ε = 4.0. In that medium a plane electromagnetic wave propagates, the
strength amplitude of whose electric component is equal to E m = 200 Vim. What
amount of energy reaches the ball during a time interval t = 1.0 min?

Ans. For the Pointing vector we can derive as in (196)

along the direction of propagation.

Hence in time t (which is much longer than the time period T of the wave), the
eneigy reaching the ball is

Q.199. A standing electromagnetic wave with electric component E = E m cos

kx•cos ωt is sustained along the x axis in vacuum. Find the magnetic component of
the wave B (x, t). Draw the approximate distribution pattern of the wave's electric
and magnetic components (E and B) at the moments t = 0 and t = T/4, where T is
the oscillation period.


Q.200. A standing electromagnetic wave E = E m cos kx• cos ωt is sustained along
the x axis in vacuum. Find the projection of the Pointing vector on the x axis sx (x,
t) and the mean value of that projection averaged over an oscillation period.



Q.201. A parallel-plate air capacitor whose electrodes are shaped as discs of radius
R = 6.0 cm is connected to a source of an alternating sinusoidal voltage with
frequency ω = 1000 s-1. Find the ratio of peak values of magnetic and electric
energies within the capacitor.

Ans. Inside the condenser the peak electrical energy

(d = separation between the plates, πR2 = area of each plate.).

is the maximum voltage

Changing electric field causes a displacement current

This gives rise to a magnetic field B (r) (at a radial distance r from the centre of the

Energy associated with this field is

Thus the maximum magnetic energy


The approximation are valid only if

Q.202. An alternating sinusoidal current of frequency ω = = 1000 s -1 f lows in the

winding of a straight solenoid whose cross-sectional radius is equal to R = 6.0 cm.
Find the ratio of peak values of electric and magnetic energies within the solenoid.

Ans. Here then the peak magnetic eneigy is

Changing magnetic field induces an electric field which by Faraday’s law is given by
The associated peak electric eneigy is

Again we expect the results to be valid if and only if

Q.203. A parallel-plate capacity whose electrodes are shaped as round discs is

charged slowly. Demonstrate that the flux of the Pointing vector across the
capacitor's lateral surface is equal to the increment of the capacitor's energy per
unit time. The dissipation of field at the edge is to be neglected in calculations.

Ans. If the chaige on the capacitor is Q, the rate of increase of the capacitor’s energy

Now electric field between the plates (inside it) is,

So displacement current

This will lead to a magnetic field, (circuital) inside the plates. At a radial distance r

Hence at the edge.

Thus inward Pointing vector

Total flow =

Q.204. A current I flows along a straight conductor with round cross-section. Find
the flux of the Pointing vector across the lateral surface of the conductor's segment
with resistance R.

Ans. Suppose the radius of the conductor is R 0. Then the conduction current density is

where is the resistivity.

Inside the conductor there is a magnetic field given by

∴ Energy flowing in per second in a section of length l is

But the resistance

Thus the energy flowing into the conductor = I 2 R.

Q.205. Non-relativistic protons accelerated by a potential difference U form a

round beam with current I. Find the magnitude and direction of the Pointing
vector outside the beam at a distance r from its axis.

Ans. Here where R = radius of cross section of the conductor and n =

chaige density (per unit volume)


Thus, the moving protons have a charge per unit length

This gives rise to an electric field at a distance r given by

The magnetic field is


Radially outward from the axis

This is the Pointing vector.

Q.206. A current flowing in the winding of a long straight solenoid is increased at a

sufficiently slow rate. Demonstrate that the rate at which the energy of the
magnetic field in the solenoid increases is equal to the flux of the Pointing vector
across the lateral surface of the solenoid.

Ans. Within the solenoid and the rate of change of magnetic energy

Where R = radius of cross section of the solenoid l = length.

Also along the axis within the solenoid.

By Faraday’s law, the induced electric field is

Q.207. Fig. 4.39 illustrates a segment of a double line carrying direct current
whose direction is indicated by the arrows. Taking into account that the
potential and making use of the Pointing vector, establish on which side
(left or right) the source of the current is located.

Ans. Given
The electric field is as shown by the dashed lines (— →).

The magnetic field is as shown emerging out of the paper. is parallel to

the wires and towards right.

Hence source must be on the left.

Q.208. The energy is transferred from a source of constant voltage V to a

consumer by means of a long straight coaxial cable with negligible active
resistance. The consumed current is I. Find the energy flux across the cross-section
of the cable. The conductive sheath is supposed to be thin.

Ans. The electric field (— →) and the magnetic field (H→) are as shown. The electric
field by Gauss’s theorem is like

Magnetic field is

Q.209. A source of ac voltage V = Vo cos ωt delivers energy to a consumer by

means of a long straight coaxial cable with negligible active resistance. The current
in the circuit varies as I = = Io cos ωt — φ). Find the time-averaged energy flux
through the cross-section of the cable. The sheath is thin.

Ans. As in the previous problem

Hence time averaged power flux (along the z axis) =

On using

Q.210. Demonstrate that at the boundary between two media the normal
components of the Pointing vector are continuous, i.e. S1n = S2n.
Ans. Let be along the z axis. Then
Electromagnetic Waves. Radiation (Part - 2)

Q.211. Demonstrate that a closed system of charged non-relativistic particles with

identical specific charges emits no dipole radiation.



Hence P=0

Q.212. Find the mean radiation power of an electron performing harmonic

oscillations with amplitude a = 0.10 nm and frequent cy ω = 6.5.1014S-1



Q.213. Find the radiation power developed by a non-relativistic particle with

charge e and mass m, moving along a circular orbit of radius R in the field of a
stationary point charge q.

Ans. Here

Q.214. A particle with charge e and mass m. flies with non-relativistic velocity v at
a distance b past a stationary particle with charge q. Neglecting the bending of the
trajectory of the moving particle, find the energy lost by this particle due to
radiation during the total flight time

Ans. Most of the radiation occurs when the moving particle is closest to the stationary
particle. In that region, we can write

And apply the previous problem’s formula


(The integral can be taken between with little error.)



Q.215. A non-relativistic proton enters a half-space along the normal to the

transverse uniform magnetic field whose induction equals B = 1.0 T. Find the ratio
of the energy lost by the proton due to radiation during its motion in the field to its
initial kinetic energy.

Ans. For the semicircular path on the right

(Neglecting the change in v due to radiation, correct if ).

Q.216. A non-relativistic charged particle moves in a transverse uniform magnetic

field with induction B. Find the time dependence of the particle's kinetic energy
diminishing due to radiation. How soon will its kinetic energy decrease e-fold?
Calculate this time interval for the case
(a) of an electron,
(b) of a proton.



This is the radiated power so

Times less for an electron than for a proton so electrons radiate

away their energy much faster in a magnetic field.

Q.217. A charged particle moves along the y axis according to the law y = a cos ωt,
and the point of observation P is located on the axis at a distance 1 from the
particle (l ≫ a). Find the ratio of electromagnetic radiation flow densities S 1/S2 at
the point P at the moments when the coordinate of the particle y 1 = 0 and y2 = a.
Calculate that ratio if co = 3.3.10 6 s--1 and l = 190 m.

Ans. P is a fixed point at a distance l from the equilibrium position of the particle.

Because / > a, to first order in the distance between P and the instantaneous position

of the particle is still l For the first case y = 0 so t = T/4

The corresponding retarded time is


For the second case y = a at t = 0 so at the retarded time


The radiation fluxes in the two cases are proportional to

On substitution.

Note: The radiation received at P at time t depends on the acceleration of the charge at
the retarded time.
Q.218. A charged particle moves uniformly with velocity v along a circle of radius
R in the plane xy (Fig. 4.40). An observer is located

on the x axis at a point P which is removed from the centre of the circle by a
distance much exceeding R. Find:
(a) the relationship between the observed values of the y projection of the
particle's acceleration and the y coordinate of the particle;
(b) the ratio of electromagnetic radiation flow densities S1/S2 at the point P at the
moments of time when the particle moves, from the standpoint of the observer P,
toward him and away from him, as shown in the figure.

Ans. Along the circle x = sin ωt, y = cos ωt

Where If t is the parameter in x (r), y (r) and

t ' is the observer time then

Where we have neglected the effect of the y--coordinate which is of second order. The
observed coordinate are


This is the observed acceleration.

(b) Energy flow density of JEM radiation S is proportional to the square of the y-

projection of the observed acceleration of the particle


Q.219. An electromagnetic wave emitted by an elementary dipole propagates in

vacuum so that in the far field zone the mean value of the energy flow density is
equal to So at the point removed from the dipole by a distance r along the
perpendicular drawn to the dipole's axis. Find the mean radiation power of the
dipole. pole's axis. Find the mean radiation power of the dipole.

Ans. We know that

At other angles


Average power radiated

Q.220. The mean power radiated by an elementary dipole is equal to P o. Find the
mean space density of energy of the electromagnetic field in vacuum in the far field
zone at the point removed from the dipole by a distance r along the perpendicular
drawn to the dipole's axis.

Ans. From the previous problem.



(Pointing flux vector is the energy contained is a box of unit cross section and length c).

Q.221. An electric dipole whose modulus is constant and whose moment is equal to
p rotates with constant angular velocity w about the axis drawn at right angles to
the axis of the dipole and passing through its midpoint. Find the power radiated by
such a dipole.
Ans. The rotating dispole has moments


Q.222. A free electron is located in the field of a plane electromagnetic wave.

Neglecting the magnetic component of the wave disturbing its motion, find the
ratio of the mean energy radiated by the oscillating electron per unit time to the
mean value of the energy flow density of the incident wave.

Ans. If the electric field of the wave is

Then this induces a dipole moment whose second derivative is

Hence radiated mean power

On the other hand the mean Pointing flux of the incident radiation is


Q.223. A plane electromagnetic wave with frequency ω falls upon an elastically

bonded electron whose natural frequency equals ω 0. Neglecting the damping of
oscillations, find the ratio of the mean energy dissipated by the electron per unit
time to the mean value of the energy flow density of the incident wave.
Ans. For the elastically bound electron

This equation has the particular integral (i.e. neglecting the part which does not have

the frequency of the impressed force)

Hence P = mean radiated power

The mean incident poynting flux is


Q.224. Assuming a particle to have the form of a ball and to absorb all incident
light, find the radius of a particle for which its gravitational attraction to the Sun
is counterbalanced by the force that light exerts on it. The power of light radiated
by the Sun equals P = 4.1026 W, and the density of the particle is p = 1.0 g/cm3

Ans. Let r = radius of the ball R = distance between the ball & the Sun (r « R).

M = mass of the Sun

y = gravitational constant

(The factor converts the energy received on the right into momentum received. Then
the right hand side is the momentum received per unit time and must equal tLe negative
of the impressed force for equilibrium).


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