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Kongu Engineering College


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International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;




PG Scholar, 2Professor & Head
Department of Chemical Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Erode, India

Many industries such as oil refineries, metal, cosmetics, food industries,
petrochemical and petroleum production usually produce a wastewater containing
emulsions of oil in water. Because of toxic nature, important effects and different
kinds of oily wastewater on the surrounding environment soil, water, and necessary
to treat the wastewaters before sent to the environment. Methods to treat the
waste water such as adsorption, hydro cyclones, sedimentation, biological treatment
and dissolved air flotation. Treatments of oily waste water are not suitable for
conventional treatment methods. This can overcome by Split cylinder sparged
reactor. Split cylinder sparged reactor is a modified type of bubble column in which
the internal structure is divided into two separate sections by a baffle split which is
the riser and down comer. An extensive literature survey has been the carrier at to
study the split cylinder sparged reactor. Conventional multiphase reactors like
bubble column, jet-loop reactors, gas lift reactors are not suited for treatment of oily
based effluent. Any improvement made in the conventional multiphase reactor may
be employed to treat the oily based effluent. The objective of the present work is to
perform to treat the oily based effluent by novel split cylinder sparged reactor. For
this purpose experiments will be carrier at in 0.15m diameter, if the height of column
0.61m, the height of the baffle 0.51. In our study, volumetric flow rate varies (0-
1200lph) the calculate the hydrodynamic parameters such as Gas holdup, Pressure
drop, Reynolds number, Friction factor, and Power were determined.
Keywords: Split cylinder sparged reactor, gas holdup, pressure drop, microemulsion.

I. INTRODUCTION between the initial height of stagnant liquid to

Split cylinder sparged reactor is a modified dispersion height of liquid of an airlift reactor creates
type of bubble column in which the structure is a density difference as a driving force for circulation
divided into two separate sections by split the baffle of microemulsion liquid. Since the upper limit of
inside the column, which is riser (upward) and permissible oil in the effluent is steadily reduced by
(downward) downcomer. The conventional governing bodies, industries have to improve the
treatment methods are not suitable to treat oily treatment plants to meet the new limits. The oil-in-
waste water. This can overcome by Split cylinder water emulsion is a colloidal dispersion of oil droplets
sparged reactor. The gas hold-up (ε) difference in an aqueous medium. These droplets have a


International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;

tendency to coalescence and separate from the enhance the efficiency, opitimized and to improve
aqueous phase. One of the useful equipment that can the understanding of separation mechanism in terms
treat wastewaters is the split cylinder sparged of zeta potential measurements. A.K.Hashmi et al
reactor. Most of the published works on airlift (2004) [02] that can be used for the treatment of
bioreactors have been on air-water based systems wastewater. A slop oil stage 2 hydro cyclone system
with properties different from the real conditions of was set up, hot water was added in-line and an in-line
the aerobic bio desulfurization (BDS) processes. static mixer was installed to ensure mixing of slop oil
S.B.Sawant et al. (1979) [15] Gas hold-up in the packed and water. Bench-scale test results indicated that the
bubble column, investigates the effect of velocity and slop oil contained 20% or more oil (by volume) and
height of dispersion column. B.G.Kelkar et al (1983) must be diluted to maintain 15–20% oil in order to
Five aliphatic alcohols were investigated with effective separation achieved the hydro cyclone.
concentration varying from 0.5 weight percentage to M.J.Ayotamuno et al (2004) [03] Adsorption isotherms
2.4 weight percentage. For dilute aqueous solutions were derived from the two forms of activated carbon
of aliphatic alcohols, observe the length chain of used, namely granular activated-carbon (GAC) and
alcohol increase in the gas holdup. This was found for powdered activated-carbon (PAC). It reveals that the
the batch as well as continuous bubble columns. powdered form of activated carbon is more effective
E.Molina et al (1999) [13] A linearly increased by than the granular form. A.Cambiella et al (2006) [04]
homogeneous bubbly flow, where the gas holdup Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions have industrial
and velocity. F.P.Shariati et al (2006) [11] amount of applications in the metalworking industry in
surfactant on the hydrodynamics and mass transfer operations such as forming, rolling, machining and
inside a draft tube air lift reactor was studied in order alkaline degreasing. A wide variety of additives:
to correlated that can be used for design of DTAB emulsifiers, corrosion inhibitors, extreme pressure
employed in diesel biodesulfurization processes. agents, biocides, antifoam compounds. Efficient
M.Asgharpour et al (2010) [10] dynamic method was method as secondary treatment, compared to gravity
measured using a volumetric mass transfer settling treatment of waste emulsified oils by
coefficients of oxygen between air and water for centrifugation {attractive method}. X.Zhao et
various gas aqueous organic systems. M.K.Moraveji al(2006)[05] As an alternative to the conventional
et al (2011) [09] Alcohols addition minimize bubble activated sludge (CAS) process, this paper
size, to change gas holdup, mass transfer interfacial investigates the use of microorganisms immobilized
area, mass transfer coefficient higher. M.Y.Chistit et on carriers in a pair of Biological Aerated Filter (BAF)
al (1987) [08] Gas-liquid or gas-slurry reactors are used reactor to pre-treat oil field wastewater before
in aerobic fermentations. Increased power inputs desalination.
lead to smaller bubbles, however, coalescence also II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
became important at higher bubble densities and In this experimental investigation of a split cylinder
tended to break up the offset bubbles resulting from sparged reactor assemblies were fabricated using
the force due to dynamic pressure increases. transparent acrylic materials {sheets/cylinders}. First
Khare.A.S.et al. (2006) [07] it has been observed that one was a cylindrical column insert the baffle inside
the addition of fine particles increases the fractional the reactor column having specifications as
gas hold-up, It also increases with an increase in the mentioned in Table 1.
non-coalescing behavior of the liquid phase. Jha.A,
Raj Mohan.B et al. (2008) [29] the rate of increase of Table 1 Specifications of columns
gas holdup for a fixed concentration of the solution is
Columns Specifications, cm
independent of the level of water in the column and C/S
and Parts
dependent upon a type of sparger. A.A.Al Shamrani ID OD H T Area,cm2
et al (2002) [01] dissolved air floatation in a separation
Column 14 15 61 0.5 154
of oil droplet from a synthetic wastewater to


International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;

A Split The air was sparged into the column

Cylinder through gas sparger that was fixed at the base of the
Sparged Baffle 14 - 51 0.5 column using thread and bolted assembly. Holes
Reactor were fitted on the all side tighten the assembly so as
(SCSR) to prevent gas and liquid leakage during
ID-Inside Diameter, OD-Outside Diameter, Height, T- experiments. This arrangement also helped vertical
Thickness,C/S- Cross section mounting of the column on the main stand as shown
A. A Split Cylinder Sparged Reactor (SCSR) in Figure.2.2 (g). A gas chamber beneath the sparger
The experimental setup of a split cylinder sparged ensured the uniform distribution of air through
reactor is shown in Figure.2.1, it consists of a sparger as shown in Figure.2.2 (c). A hole was also
transparent cylindrical column and one baffle having drilled in the bottom of this round plastic sparger for
specifications as given in Table 1. The baffle used the entry of air from the compressor into the column.
in this investigation was placed a center of the
column and held using an insert tightly chloroform
paste mechanism. The gap between the baffle and
the column was uniform on two sides throughout the
length of the baffle. Small thin square acrylic pieces
to be heated, bend the pieces were also pasted at end
(a) (b) (c) (d)
of baffle. The ceramic pall ring packing material was
Figure.2.2 (a) Baffle attachment (b) Rotameter (c)
mounted left side of riser section. The top and
Gas Sparger and (d) Acrylic Nipple
bottom of the baffle clearance 0.5m of reactor

(e) (f) (g)

Figure.2.2 (e) Sampling valve, (f) Air control valve (g)
A SCSR mounted on stand & Manometer

Figure. 2.2 Snapshots of a split cylinder sparged

reactor and its parts
The air was supplied by using the single
stage, air-cooled compressor. This compressor was
equipped with a 45 liters horizontal tank complete
with a safety valve, air gauge, and drain valve. The
Figure. 2.1 Schematic of experimental setup of an
SCSR maximum compressor capacity was 10kgf/cm and


International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;

2 measurement, incorporating the requirements of

minimum pressure 2kgf/cm was to deliver at
chemicals, instruments and techniques are
reactor column. Air flow was regulated at constant
discussed in the following sections. Again, the
pressure, using the pressure regulator and measured
methods specific to the applications of a split cylinder
using calibrated rotameter working in the range of
sparged reactor for oily based effluent treatment and
0-1200LPH. A Graph sheet was mounted behind the
also wastewater treatment of are described in the
column for measurement of liquid level and also gas
respective chapters detailing these applications.
holdup the measurement. Microemulsion liquid
A. Gas holdup determination: The gas holdup
samples required for various analyses were drawn
was determined by measuring the increase in height
through a sampling valve located at the bottom of
of the dispersion upon aeration were investigated,
the column. Figure.2.2 (e) shows the valve, fitted into
the gas hold-up was then calculated from the
the turnings made in a copper nipple, which was then
following equation
fixed on the bottom of the column. A Mseal and
HG  H L
Teflon tape were used in the acrylic based mounting g 
assembly of a sampling valve to avoid any leakage. HG
Chisti and Moo-Young [12] discussed by (1987) gas Where,
spargers exist in the literature. However, for HG is the gas-liquid dispersion height,
biotechnological applications the perforated plate HL is the height of gas free liquid and
and to a lesser extent the porous plates are most Ɛg is a gas holdup.
commonly used. In this work plastic type spargers IV. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS
having a same number of holes, the diameter of A. Air -Water system.
holes and pitch were used for a hydrodynamic study
of Air- Water system, and Kerosene- Water system
in a Split Cylinder Sparged Reactor. The specifications
of the plastic type spargers used are given in Table 2.
Plastic type sparger is also shown in Figure.2.2(c).
Table 2. Spargers and their specifications for a
Sparger specifications
N h, dh, Hole Pt,
Number diameter, Pitch, Figure A1: Volumetric flow rate versus % Gas
of holes mm mm holdup.
Plastic Bulk volume decreases smaller bubbles
type 20 1 20 were produced in microemulsion compared pure
sparger water, gas holdup increases. Characteristics of
III. MATERIALS AND METHODS microemulsion system, increased hindering of
The gas holdup, pressure drop, Reynolds coalescence compared to pure water, the higher
number, friction factor and power etc. are the density of liquid buoyancy forces enhanced to
important hydrodynamic parameters of a split bubble to rise gas holdup decreases, it creates bigger
cylinder sparged reactor which determine the overall bubbles and increases buoyancy forces, therefore,
performance of a split cylinder sparged reactor. The gas hold up decreases.The flow regimes like
literature was numerous techniques and protocol to homogeneous, heterogeneous and transistion state.
determine and evaluate these parameters. An
account on those techniques as well as detailed
description is used in the present investigation such
as change in volume method for gas holdup


International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;

Figure A2 : Volumetric Flow Rate versus Power

In split cylinder sparged reactors with stagnant Figure B2: Volumetric flow rate versus % Gas
liquid, increased the air flow rate, higher air holdup.
velocity and power also increased. The gas holdup increases in the kerosene –water
system. Slight variation in the kerosene- water
system. The flow rate is directly proportional gas

Figure A3: Volumetric flow rate versus Pressure

To determine the change of pressure drop along
the air flow rate of the reactor. Figure B3: Volumetric Flow Rate versus Power
B. Kerosene –water system C. Comparision of Air and Kerosene-water

Figure B1: Pressure drop versus % Gas holdup.

The gas holdup increases in kerosene-water system, Figure C1: Volumetric flow rate versus % Gas
the change in pressure drop. Gas holdup slightly holdup.
changes compared air-water system and kerosene– Volume decrease bubbles were produced
water system. Figure B2 shown in the gas holdup smaller in microemulsion compared pure water, gas
increases in the kerosene-water system. Slight holdup increases in kerosene-water system.
variation in the kerosene- water system. The flow Characteristics of micro emulsion system, increased
rate is directly proportional gas holdup. hindering of coalescence, it creates bigger bubbles


International Journal of Engineering Research-
Online Vol.5., Issue.2,
A Peer Reviewed International Journal 2017
Articles available online http://www.ijoer.in;

and increases buoyancy forces, therefore, gas hold

up decreases in air water system.

Figure C4: Volumetric Flow Rate versus Power

Figure C2: Velocity versus % Gas holdup The hydrodynamic parameters such as Gas
The gas hold up increased in the air -water holdup, Pressure drop, Friction factor and Power
system with increasing air velocity. In this project the were calculated. It was also observed that the volume
bulk volume decreases in microemulsion creates capacity will be more for larger diameter reactor
smaller bubbles to form high air velocity and increase column 150mm is preferred. If the length of the
the gas holdup. The air flow rate increased in column is large, a handled large amount of oily
following gas hold up, the arrangement is followed effluent. Increasing the air flow rate increases the gas
Water<kerosene hold up based on density difference of the micro
The higher density the gas holdup decreases. The emulsion fluids like kerosene, diesel. Conventional
lower density the gas holdup increases. multiphase reactors like bubble column are not
suited for treatment of oily based effluent. Any
improvement made in the conventional multiphase
reactor may be employed to treat the oily based
effluent. In the present work to treat the oily based
effluent by novel spilt cylinder Sparged reactor. A
hydrodynamic characteristic of the reactor was
studied for different geometrical, dynamic, fluid
properties and for different operating variables.
These optimized results will be helpful for industries
recovery of oil and water, petroleum refinery and
food industries.
Figure C3: Volumetric Flow Rate versus Pressure
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