J Engfailanal 2019 05 037
J Engfailanal 2019 05 037
J Engfailanal 2019 05 037
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Dr. Roberto Frias St., 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Engineering, State University of Rio de Janeiro, São Francisco Xavier St, 524, Maracanã, 20550-900 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Steel railway bridges of all types comprise a large portion of the infrastructure inventory of
Railway bridges several countries. Due to the ageing of these structures and increasing traffic loadings, structural
Welded connections fatigue increasingly became an important concern, leading to bridges deterioration. In this
Fatigue cracking context, it is well-known that welded connections are among the weakest locations in steel
Distortion/vibration-induced fatigue
bridges since they are prone to stress concentrations leading to the initiation of fatigue cracks.
Although its importance, the study of the development history of welding technology applied to
steel bridges is often overlooked in introductory texts about fatigue of metallic bridges. However,
to understand the historical development of welding in steel bridges construction and its impact
on fatigue design is fundamental, mainly because fatigue evaluation depends on the age of
structures. The goal of this paper is to review the history of fatigue cracking of welded railway
bridges, discussing the structural behaviour of welded bridges under dynamic traffic loads and
the different causes of fatigue damage of welded connections. The presented case studies cover a
period from the beginning of application of welding to steel bridges in the 1930s, revisiting well-
known cases of cracks documented in the literature due to their historic relevance and presenting
also recent cases of the last decades due to new traffic conditions related to Heavy Traffic Loads
(HAL) and High-Speed Trains. For this purpose, an in-depth literature review covering more than
one-century history was carried out, providing a multidisciplinary analysis with insights into the
welding history and practice and fatigue of welded joints, especially applied to steel railway
1. Introduction
Railway bridges of all types comprise a large portion of the infrastructure inventory of several countries. Due to their high
transportation capacity and effective energy usage, with lowest environmental harm, railways are one of the most important means of
transportation in the world, in which steel bridges have been widely used. The maintenance of railway bridges is costly and a major
concern for railway administrations. It was reported that > 60% of the railway bridges stock in Europe was over 50 years old
and > 30% was over 100 years old [1]. These bridges are subjected to higher loads and speeds than those for which they were
originally designed.
Due to the ageing of the materials combined with increasing traffic loadings, structural fatigue increasingly became an important
concern in bridges deterioration. Several authors mention fatigue as one of the main causes of structural failures in metallic bridges
[2–5], considering it in the front of the concerns in the update of the railway infrastructures to carry heavy loads. In this context, it is
well-known that welded connections are among the weakest points in steel bridges, since they are prone to stress concentrations
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: guilherme.alencar@fe.up.pt (G. Alencar).
Received 27 September 2018; Received in revised form 22 May 2019; Accepted 30 May 2019
Available online 31 May 2019
1350-6307/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
leading to initiation of fatigue cracks. Nowadays, many existing welded bridges are reaching their design working life, and a number
of fatigue damages, which cannot be ignored or neglected, are known. The inexperience and the lack of knowledge about fatigue
behaviour in the beginning of the application of welding to bridges is one of the main causes of existing fatigue damages [6]. The
application of welding to railway bridges started in the 1930s, with the majority of steel welded bridges built since 1950. However,
although its importance, the study of the development of welding technology to steel bridges is often overlooked in introductory texts
of fatigue of metallic bridges, with the history of mid-twentieth-century bridge technology being a relatively new field of research
Clearly, it is fundamental to understand the historical development of welding in steel bridge construction and its impact on the
fatigue design mainly because fatigue evaluation depends on the age of structures. Such study also can broaden the understanding of
old bridges, which today's engineers must maintain and inspect. In case of repairs of railway bridges due to fatigue damages, Lippi
et al. [8] highlighted the necessity of knowing the historical reconstruction or maintenance activities performed by railway autho-
rities which could permit to evaluate correctly the fatigue load cycles really occurred on bridge components. Initial key questions may
include: what were the factors that led some countries and their engineers to develop particular technologies and structural details?
What made one country's bridge division progressive and another's conservative in the application of the new technologies? What
were the significant works in advancing successful technologies, such as welded girders, orthotropic steel decks, composite (steel-
concrete) welded girders, etc.?
The present work is an attempt to answer these questions to some extent. The main goal is to review cases of fatigue cracking of
welded connections in railway bridges under traffic service loads over the years and make the reader aware of this important theme.
Herein, ‘welded bridge’ is understood as any bridge that have used welding to some extent, even combining it with other types of
joining techniques. Since welding is used for almost every new steel bridges, the applications can be very broad [6]. In some cases,
insights into how and why engineers chose to do what they did can even be of great importance. The work is organized in the
following manner: i) initially, a historical overview of welding application to steel railway bridges is presented; ii) secondly, several
cases of detected cracks are outlined; with the different causes of fatigue cracks in welded joints of steel bridges being discussed. The
reasons for the occurrence of cracks are examined, trying to extract some practical lessons. Employed repair and retrofit methods to
welded cracked joints are not covered in the present work, being only cited very briefly if necessary.
The adoption of welding was one of the most important refinements in structural steel design during the twentieth century, but it
took many decades to replace the long-customary method of bridge construction based on the use of rivets. Electrode welding, i.e.
using a fusion agent of flux which joins the parts to be welded was known in mechanical manufacturer since about 1917 [9].
However, railway bridges have probably been those steel structures where, due to very strong safety concerns, welding was admitted
very late [10]. From 1926 onwards, the railway industry used to apply arc welding in reinforcement of old metallic bridges while
keeping it in operation, mainly in U.S. [7], Germany and Belgium [11], United Kingdom and oversea territories [12], France [13] and
in Japan starting from 1931 [14], and other countries. Konishi [14] reported for example an impressive number of 1300 old railway
metallic bridges that were reinforced with welding from 1931 to 1940 in Japan. During the Second World War, thousands of welders
were trained in the repairing of bridges, ships, aircrafts, and other structures.
Already in the 1930s, electric arc welding offered a valuable solution to railway engineers facing the problem of increased traffic
loads and deterioration due to corrosion [12]. One of the main advantages claimed in the beginning for the application of arc welding
to bridge reinforcement was that it avoids or greatly reduces delays in the railway traffic during works. An emblematic case of success
was the reinforcement of the Austerlitz Bridge, carried out around 1936. The bridge is located in the Line 5 of the Parisian Me-
tropolitan Railway, and it is still operating today. It was constructed by 1906, with the design capacity to carry light trains of 121 t.
However, thirty years after its construction, it was carrying light trains of 420 t, requiring a reinforcement of its structure, which was
made with welding with no interruption of the rail traffic [15].
Thus, motivated by some relatively successful experiences with reinforcement of old metallic bridges with arc welding, the first
all-welded railway bridge began to be erected in 1928, in Chicopee-Falls, Massachusetts, U.S. [16]. The bridge with a span of 41 m
was built by The Westinghouse Electric Company, a leading promoter of welding technology in the early times, and it was used to
transport large generators from facilities to the rest of U.S. thru railways. One year later, the German National Railway Company
commissioned its first completely welded bridge to be installed on a track near Münster in Westphalia, with a span of 10 m and girder
height of 920 mm [17]. The 30 mm thick and 260 mm wide flange plates of the bridge were attached by strong non-rounded fillet
welds to the 15 mm thick web plates, due to the concern regarding its strength to cyclic loading, which was unknown at the time. The
width of the fillet weld was chosen equal to the thinner of the 2 plates being joined. The bridge was put in service in 1930 and after
six years of heavy traffic with the passage of 220,000 trains, their perfect integrity has been emphasized as an eloquent testimony to
the usability of the welding process to railway bridges [9].
Soon, engineers recognized the advantages of welding over riveting, and the technology had spread to several countries. Based on
those advantages, the following ones are highlighted:
i) Welded structures are usually lighter than riveted structures since when using welding, gussets or other connecting components
are not used.
ii) The welded joints provide high efficiency, which is not possible in the case of riveted joints.
iii) Modifications and additions can be easily performed in existing structures. Riveting requires enough clearance.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
i) Inspecting and maintaining welded structures takes a longer time than rivets.
ii) Welding requires a demanding preparation of joints. The welding process also requires a lot of equipment increasing the pro-
duction costs.
iii) Since welding involves an uneven heating and cooling, members may get distorted or additional stresses may develop. If no
provision is kept for expansion and contraction in the frame, there is a possibility of cracks development.
Besides weldments, bolts have also been applied as an alternative to the rivets in bridge construction. Bolts increases the joints
efficiency compared to riveted joints due the usage of high strength preloaded bolts. In general, welded details are more susceptible
to fatigue cracking in comparison to bolted or riveted ones. Weld defects and discontinuities such as weld undercut, entrapped
porosities and lack of fusion are stress raisers from which fatigue cracking may initiate. Unfavourable welding residual stresses and
stress concentrations due to weld geometry and welding induced micro-cracks are other factors that often accelerate the process of
fatigue damage in welded bridge details.
Table 1 lists some of the first welded bridges per some selected countries, with the indication of their location, year of con-
struction, maximum span length (in case of multiple spans), main traffic type, structural type, current condition and if some sort of
cracks have been reported. Bridges a) to e) represent several cases of all-welded trial railway bridges: a) and b) were the first welded
railway bridges in the world, constructed by Westinghouse Electric Company in the U.S., as already mentioned [16,18]. Bridge c) was
one of the first European welded bridge, operated by ELiN A.G. in Austria [19], with a similar plate girder with 5.20 m span
constructed in Leuk (Switzerland) in the same year by the Swiss Federal Railways [17,20]. Bridges d) and e) were the first fully-
welded railway bridges in Germany [20] and Finland [21], respectively. All these bridges were an initial experiment performed by
national state railway companies and some relevant private companies for the use of welding in bridges. They demonstrated the
capabilities and peculiarities of welding technique to bridge construction in the early times. However, most of these trial bridges are
not in use nowadays and seemed to have been in operation for only a few years, due to its experimental character.
Some notable cases of entirely welded railway bridges for passengers' traffic from this period which are still operating after more
than of 80 years of service are represented by cases f) and g). Bridge f) is a curved-frame steel bridge still in use in Zagreb (Croatia), in
very good state and preserved conditions regarding its first state presentation in the IABSE Berlin-Munich Congress in 1936 [22], and
bridge g) is an overpass in the Poznan-Szczecin Line in Poland built in 1935, which was subjected to damages caused by military
operations during the Second World War but was renovated and is still in service nowadays [23]. Many others old welded railway
bridges constructed during the period 1936–1975 in Poland are also reported in [23–26].
As can be seen from the presented cases, the introduction of welding to bridge construction was marked by short spans, as with
the introduction of every new material or technique in bridge construction [18]. After the relatively success of such trial bridges, the
steel bridge industry has set a clear course in the direction of welding technology in the early 1930s, mainly in Europe. Just a few
years later, spans beyond the 30 m mark had already been achieved [9], and in 1935 the first welded girder bridge (of road type)
beyond the 100 m mark were constructed [27], with railway bridges limited to spans up to 50 m due to safety concerns [17]. During
those times, welding was a key topic in the first two conferences of the newly formed International Association for Bridge and Structural
Engineering (IABSE), held in Paris at 1932 and Berlin at 1936 [28]. Those meetings congregated the state-of-the art of welding
technology applied to bridges at the time with experts highlighting the advantages of welding over riveting and describing it as more
cost-effective [11].
Thus, after achieving a relatively level of confidence in welding, entirely welded girder bridges with more demanding passengers
and freight traffic requirements began to be constructed [29]. Some of the early welded girder bridges per selected countries in
operational lines (not trial ones) are shown in Table 2, cases h) to k). Bridge h) was constructed around 1934, and it is still in
operation in the current longest railway line in Norway [30], being an example of one of the earliest railway bridges combining both
shop welding and field riveting. In this case, the girders were welded in workshops in Oslo and then transported to site, while the
lateral brackets were attached to the girder by means of rivets. Bridge i) is referred as the first welded bridge in France, located in
Saint-Denis, Paris, and it was designed for a high skew angle [13]. Bridge j) is a continuous girder bridge 592.6 m long with 32 spans
over the Miryang River, in South Korea and bridge k) is one of the oldest welded railway bridges in Sweden, constructed around 1950
and located over the Söderström River in Stockholm [31]. All these bridges, with the exception of the French one, are still in service
nowadays, some of them even being subjected to heavy traffic.
From the reviewed early technical literature on welded bridges, it was possible to observe that several methods of construction
using welding were first tested in road and highway bridges, due to the reason that the impact stress for a movable load being less
important than for railway bridges. Indeed, the earliest all-welded bridges in several countries were of road traffic type, e.g. Poland in
1928 [29], Romania in 1931 [32], Serbia in 1932 [22], Netherlands in 1934 [33], Sweden in 1934 [34] and Belgium in 1932 [35],
with the Belgian State Railways Department allowing the construction of railway bridges using only rivets during the 1930s, the same
occurring in Hungary [36]. The last Belgian riveted railway bridge was built in the 1960s [37]. Moreover, only after more or less a
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Table 1
Some of the earliest entirely welded Railway Bridges per selected countries.
Bridge Location/year of Max span Traffic Bridge type Status Cracks
decade of a very consistent set of successful applications to highway bridge construction, a new construction method making use of
welding was extensively adopted in railway bridges, e.g.: i) Composite (steel-concrete) construction, with the first composite roadway
bridge built in 1936 in Switzerland and the first railway composite bridge built in 1950 in Germany [38], herein adopting the concept
of composite beams those that have welded shear connectors between the steel beam and the reinforced concrete (RC) slab; ii)
orthotropic steel decks (OSD), firstly adopted for a roadway bridge in 1950′, and later in a railway bridge in 1959, both in Germany,
see Table 3, bridge l) [39,40].
As a consequence of this precaution in railway industry, there are much more cases of fatigue cracks reported in the literature for
highway bridges [41,42], although the more severe railway traffic loads. One exception to this rule was the adoption of high strength
bolts, since it was first used in metallic railway bridges by 1947 in the United States to replace loosening rivets, still in experimental
character [43]. Bridges m) and n) (Table 3) are some examples of the early railway bridges which used high-strength bolts to join
elements on site since the design: bridge m), a rail-road bridge built in 1957 in Australia [44], and bridge n), the first bolted-welded
bridge in China, built in 1963 [3]. There was, of course, nothing new about the use of bolts in steel construction in the 1950s.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Table 2
Some of the earliest welded girder bridges in operational lines by selected countries.
Bridge Location/year of Max span Traffic Bridge type Status Cracks
Some of the earliest welded h) Bridge over River 17 m Mixed Plate girder In use
bridges in operational Namsen
lines Nordslandbanen,
~ 1934
However, until laboratory tests were performed in order to assess the behaviour of high strength bolts [45], their use was limited to
applications where the applied stresses were simpler and lower than those found in main bridges components. Another important
advancement, which was exclusively related with railway engineering was the development of bridges designed to high-speed trains,
firstly in Japan, by using plate girders only, conventional composite beams or through truss bridges in some parts of the Tokaido
Shinkansen, represented by cases o) and p) (see Table 3) [46], and then in France for the TGV Northern line, with the first bridges
built in 1991, adopting modern composite steel-concrete girders, case q) (see Table 3) [47]. However, it is important to highlight that
although composite construction was very popular in highway bridges since the 1940s, their use in railway bridges were more restrict
in the same period.
A representation of the hitherto discussed historical development of the use of welding in railway bridge construction is shown in
Fig. 1. The figure was made based on the presented literature review, and the remarked dates delimiting each method of construction
may vary depending on the technological development level, disseminated knowledge, and mastery of technique present in each
country in each period.
This information can be useful to estimate the maximum age of existing steel railway bridges per construction method with the
goal of evaluating its remaining service life. Furthermore, the adopted classification in the diagram is not strictly closed. Of course,
there might exist bridges that combine two or more methods. The graph also shows that due to lack in the understanding of metal
weldability, poor design and execution at early times, the use of welding for the purpose of bridge reinforcement lasted more or less
only up to the end of Second World War because of the risk of fatigue and brittle cracking. Another important development in bridge
construction, although not directly linked to welding, was the usage of hot-rolled profiles in railway bridges superstructure with short
spans starting in 1910s [48], because of the provided economy in construction. Sometimes it was combined with concrete, but
without taking advantage yet of the composite action between steel and concrete by means of shear connectors, which occurred for
railway bridges only in the 1950s.
Despite available welding related technologies, the graph highlights that riveting technique was the predominant method for
bridge construction in the beginning of the twentieth century. One of the influencing aspects for a persistent preference of riveted
construction for many years, with the last riveted bridges being constructed until in the end of 1960s, was related with engineer's
decisions regarding safety concerns with welding technique, which can vary for each country for the covered period. For example, in
some states of the U.S. that did not early adopt welding, engineers either held on conservatively to tried-and-trusted riveting or
expressed concerns that welding did not have enough track record to prove its safety in the long-term [7]. By 1955, only 22 states of
U.S. among 48 reported that they had used welded beams [7], while 300 welded railway bridges have been constructed in Germany
by 1939 [35], from which 100 are still in use today [17]. The viability of welded connections under high stresses and the risk of crack
initiation and propagation were under some apprehension for bridge engineers. These concerns were not unjustified, the welding
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Table 3
Some bridges with important advancements in railway bridge construction making use of welding.
Bridge Location/year of Max Traffic Bridge type Status Cracks
construction Span
High-speed traffic o) Shinkansen Girder 35 m High-speed Plate or box girders only In use X
Bridges traffic and Composite beams
Shinkansen, Japan
technique, as well as its strength to static and dynamic loads, was new and unproven, and there was a lack of convenient methods for
inspecting and repairing defective welds. Moreover, the knowledge of why cracks do occur was something that was not common
knowledge among the bridge engineers in the 1930s, as riveted bridges had not been experiencing this kind of problems to such
extent before [42,49].
An important book summarizing the state-of-the-art in the beginning of twentieth century in hot-driven rivet construction is due
to Frémont [50], which was published in 1906. In this work, it is possible to observe the presence of a general caution with the
material brittleness of rivets and metallic plates. However, after almost 60 years of experience with the use of rivets in metallic
bridges and large structures, such as the Britannia riveted bridge erected in 1848 [51] and the Eiffel Tower constructed in 1889,
fatigue – in the sense of crack propagation under service loads – was not described or included among the several types of damages
that could evolve in riveted structures in Frémont's work. It was only verified that after riveted railway bridges being in operation for
many years that cracks started to occur, mainly due to increased stress levels with the introduction of new and heavier rolling stocks
with increased frequency [52]. One of the earliest confirmed fatigue failures in a riveted railway bridge was discovered in 1930 in the
shear connection of the floor beam of a through truss bridge built in 1898 in the United States [53], taking place at the riveted web
angles due to cyclic end rotation of the connected member. The bridge was subjected to 182,000 stress cycles in a year, lasting >
30 years in service. A few number of railway bridges developed fatigue cracks in similar details approximately after 30 years of
service in the first half of the twentieth century [53]. Cavaco [52] mentions the case of a riveted bridge having almost 100 years of
service with no indications of crack development by 2008, after intensive use.
On the other hand, fully-welded bridges and bridges strengthened with welding have developed fatigue cracks after only few
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
years of service. Regarding the first all-welded bridges presented in Table 1, with the exception of the through truss bridge over the
River Chicopee built in 1928, all first entirely-welded bridges are of plate girder type. Reported cracks on butt welds of the lower
flanges of the world's first railway bridge only after a few days encouraged national railway companies to keep constructing truss
bridges only with rivets [17]. Surveys of other industries demonstrated that fatigue and brittle cracking was much more common for
welded than for riveted structures in the period of 1900–1950 [54]. In the next section, the main causes of fatigue cracking of welded
railway bridges are investigated.
Several authors distinguish between the different causes of fatigue cracking in metallic bridges into different categories
[6,8,41,55,56]. Regarding the type of effect or design characteristic that induces the fatigue damage, usually these authors agree with
the following category subdivision: a) Fatigue induced by welding crack-like defects: fatigue cracks originating from weld defects that
were introduced at the time of fabrication; b) Load-induced fatigue: fatigue cracking due to an inappropriate structural component of
low fatigue strength in terms of nominal stress; c) Distortion-induced fatigue: fatigue cracks originating and/or fatigue crack growth
due to out-of-plane stresses and deformations that were unforeseen in the design; d) Vibration-induced fatigue: Fatigue cracks ori-
ginating and/or fatigue crack growth due to unexpected structural behaviour such as vibrations induced by wind or traffic. One fifth
category usually considered is fatigue assisted by corrosion, which is however out-of-the-scope of the present work.
Based on the chronological review of reported fatigue cracks occurring in railway bridges, it was constructed the qualitative
diagram shown in Fig. 2, where the horizontal axis represents the most predominant cause of fatigue cracks for bridges constructed in
the corresponding covered period (1900 to 2020), and the vertical axis represents the recognition order over time by the community
of bridge engineers to the related phenomenon giving rise to fatigue cracks. For example, bridges constructed in the period between
Vibration-induced fatigue
1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Fig. 2. Prevailing periods for the main causes of fatigue cracking of welded railway bridges.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Table 4
– Different railway bridges with reported cracks due to fatigue of welded connections.
Bridge Location/year of construction Max Span Traffic Bridge type Status Cracks
t) Bridge over the Panaro River 75.6 m Mixed Full through truss bridge In use X
Bologna-Verona Line, Italy
~ 1970
v) Wei River Railway Bridge 26.2 m Freight Bolted-welded girder bridge In use X
West-central China
w) Bridge over Córrego do Ouro 35 m Freight Curved Box girder bridge In use X
Vitória-Minas HAL Line, Brazil
1930 – beginning of welding technique – and 1970 – when non-destructive inspection methods for welding became further devel-
oped– are most prone and well-known to have developed cracks due to weld defects. Of course, any type of damage might be found at
any time in any country during the referred period, and the diagram is an overall evaluation of the reported cases in literature.
Naturally, a combination of two causes is very frequent too, e.g. cracks that originated from a weld defect but grew due to high
secondary stresses.
More recently, this classification was adopted by Yokoyama & Miki [57] in the construction of a large database of previously
repair cases containing a comprehensive information of welded structures that have been damaged by fatigue, accounting for 204
cases from different countries. According to this database, today's most noticeable cases of fatigue cracks are due to secondary stresses
and complex and unexpected behaviour in the service phase, such as vibrations caused by traffic, representing together 63% of the
total cases of reported fatigue cracks [57]. Fatigue cracks have also been a problem with some more recent welded bridges over the
years. Table 4 presents some recent case studies in different countries that presented fatigue cracks, which were subjected to the
different causes of fatigue cracking. In the following subsections, the following bridge case studies, together with some of those
presented in Tables 1-3 will be related to specific fatigue cracking causes in welded connections.
The database constructed by Yokoyama & Miki [57] allowed to make interesting deductions, such as the relation between the
mentioned causes of fatigue crack growth and years of service at the date of crack detection, as illustrated in Fig. 3. From this graph, it
is possible to observe that fatigue cracks caused by welding defects were discovered during the first years of service for most bridges,
a remark that is usually attributed to the state of development of welding technique and the structural detailing practice of welding
connections in early times. Based on these results, it is also possible to confirm that vibration is another cause of fatigue cracking
which is most likely to occur early in-service periods. Furthermore, Fig. 3 shows that damage detection from causes related to low-
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 3. Relation between years of service and fatigue causes [adapted from [57]].
fatigue strength and secondary stresses tend to peak between 15 and 25 years of service, and that all causes of fatigue damage are
usually detected within 45 years of service. In bridges life cycle, a time interval of 25 years corresponds in equivalence to their
‘infancy’, drawing attention to the fact that when new and unproven designs are employed in bridges, their integrity must be more
frequently inspected during this period. In the following subsections, the different causes of fatigue cracking in railway bridges will be
outlined, with the subsequent discussion of selected case studies.
(a) (b)
Fatigue B B
Fig. 4. Illustration of one of the first reported fatigue cracks in welded structures which occurred in 1930 and 1936 in the reinforcement of an old
metallic bridge: (a) first and (b) second reinforcement option [11].
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
20 mm
60 mm
90 mm
500 mm
Fig. 5. (a) As-built groove weld of the girder railway welded bridge in the Train Zoo Station (Berlin), (b) Cracked area and drilled crack arrest holes,
Bridge case study r), Table 4 [58].
bridges were still to occur, two years before the well-known fracture of the road bridge near Hasselt [49]. These cracks took place in
the overpass of the Zoological Gardens Station in Berlin (bridge r), Table 4), which was erected in 1936 as two double frames girder
bridges spanning 50 m – one, single track, the other, double track. Girder sections were made of welded plates, with a web 3 m in
depth. On the single-track bridge, the flange was made of 60 mm plates and 500 mm wide. On the double-track bridge, the flange was
620 mm by 65 mm in cross section.
In the end of 1936, after the single-track bridge had been in use for half a year, transverse cracks visible to the naked eye were
noted in the welds between the lower flanges and the web, extending around 20 mm into the parent metal [58,59]. As soon as the
cracks were discovered, stop-holes were drilled both in the flange and in the web (see Fig. 5b), and temporary supports were
provided. The suggested fracture scenario was that a fatigue crack initiating from a weld defect, in the transition area between the
flange and the web in the lower part of the girder, gradually would have propagated to a certain critical length into the parent metal
(with respect to brittle fracture) and thus caused the fracture, which was restricted to a small zone probably because of load shedding
effects (load redistribution during crack propagation). A roadway welded girder bridge that suffered from fractures originating from
the same detail in the same period in Germany did not have the same “luck”, since the crack extended 1.50 m long in the web [10].
In this case, several factors have contributed to create the necessary conditions to the crack growth and fracture. For example,
groove welds between the flange and the web in the form of that presented in Fig. 5a became common practice in German welded
girders in those times, mainly for a good intention, i.e. to shift the longitudinal flange-to-web weld – seen as an introducer of the so-
called notching effect and as weakest than the parent metal made of rolled plates – slightly above the point of maximum stress in the
lower flange to web intersection. However, such welds are prone to lack of fusion and it is difficult to achieve a good weld penetration
in these kind of details than for the now customary full-penetration butt welds. Even flange-to-web fillet welds might result in less
defective welds if the root is carefully welded. Indeed, groove welds in the web-to-flange weld was then considered a poor detailing
practice [41,49]. Besides that, investigations carried out in 1938 by Kommerell in web-to-flange welds of actual I-girders bridges
revealed the appearance of weld crack-like defects as soon as the weldment was completed [60], which were later attributed to the
high content of hydrogen and phosphorus of the electrodes [49,54], thus leading to the creation of brittle welds. The fatigue cracks
and the later fracture of the I-girders of the Berlin Zoo Station bridge has almost certainly started from a weld crack-like defect, as
later noted by Kommerell. Moreover, Wichtowski [26] reported several cracks and weld defects detected by means of periodically
radiographic inspection tests performed in 155 welded bridges constructed between 1930 and 1960 in Poland. Such cracks were
mainly attributed to the low quality of the welded joints performed immediately after and before the Second World War, and some of
them even gave rise to fatigue crack growth and brittle fracture.
Another factor with implications in the fatigue strength of early welded structures was the advent of high-strength steels in the
1960's. The increase in strength helped to save material in the new bridges that were built, however, because of the high carbon
content (in combination with the high allowable stresses) the material was not suitable for welded bridges, in particular since steels
with higher carbon content can experience hardening through welding. Later investigations performed by German bridge regulators
on brittle cracking due to shrinkage stresses caused by welding led to the establishment of some requirements, such as: i) mandatory
pre-heating before welding of steel plates with thickness > 20 mm (to avoid high weld shrinkage stresses); ii) prescribed limits for the
chemical composition of high-strength steels in order to control the carbon content [49]; and iii) the obligation of use only steel plates
with thickness lower than 50 mm, which then led to development of a particular detail with sound fatigue strength constituted by
several layers of welded plates, also called lamellae joint, in order to achieve higher thicknesses [61]. Some of these rules spread
worldwide, and the construction regulatory agencies of some countries even followed it until recently, e.g. in South Korea where
plates with thickness > 50 mm were not allowed in steel bridge construction until 1999 [62].
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Mirko Roš (Empa) in Switzerland [67]; c) Henri Dustin (University of Brussels) in Belgium, mainly for welded nodes of Vierendeel
bridges [35] and d) Wilbur Wilson and Frank Thomas (University of Illinois) in United States for bridge riveted connections [68].
In general, these early tests underlined relevant aspects of the welding technique on the fatigue strength of bridge details, both
from the metallurgical and structural points of view, such as: a) the fractures in the fatigue tests occurred mostly in the parent metal
and started from notches in the surface at the transition between weld metal and plate, an effect that was then called the “notch
effect”; b) as consequence of the “notch effect” on the geometry, it was noted that the use of weld electrodes of superior strength did
not result in higher fatigue lives. Tests performed later in the 1970s by the Lehigh University Laboratory also confirmed that the steel
material strength was not a significant factor to fatigue strength [69], also as a consequence of the “notch effect” created by the
welding process; c) proper executed butt welds can achieve even higher fatigue strengths than riveted connections; d) the fact that
thin welds with smooth transition increase the fatigue strength, unlike what was initially thought before 1935 (e.g. bridge d, Table 1,
where thick fillet welds were adopted) and e) the necessity of constant welding work supervision both in the shop and on site in order
to achieve the expected fatigue strengths.
These findings obtained from early cyclic load tests using pulsator-machines represented a significant contribution to welding
technique, improving its understanding and solving its first technical issues. Later definitive improvements in the quality of steel and
in detailing provisions allowed engineers to design new welded structures with confidence [7]. On the other hand, the fact that
welding could introduce high residual stresses which could be critical to fatigue crack initiation had set a direction in industry to
avoid welding to reinforcement of old metallic structures. This trend remained until the further development of weldability tests and
non-destructive methods from 1970s onwards. Later, the use of welding to strengthening of steel bridges was resumed to very
restricted conditions, although according to Kühn et al. [6] common recommendation is to avoid it on existing structures if possible
and use it only to members subjected to compression.
Load-induced fatigue is a result of the fluctuation of the nominal primary stresses, i.e. the stress range induced by the applied
loads using standard first-order design calculations. Load-induced cracking occurs primarily at poor details when these details are
subjected to significant stress ranges exceeding the fatigue limit [70]. Before the advent of welding, engineers already knew that some
structural details with inappropriate geometry often result in fatigue cracking when subjected to uniaxial loads. Details with low
fatigue strength due to the presence of sharp notches were known to be problematic, mainly from railway axles failures. Therefore,
with the development of fatigue tests of welded connections from 1930 onwards and also learning from failures, bridge engineers
gained knowledge about some widespread details which result in very low fatigue strength and should be avoided in construction of
new bridges. In the meantime, however, many bridges were constructed and are still in operation with load-induced fatigue prone
details. In the following subsection, some of these details are reminded and discussed.
Fig. 6. Spherical bearing support with (a) good mobility and (b) degraded mobility [adapted from [74]] (Bridge case study o), Table 3).
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 7. Illustration scheme of the fatigue cracks in flange lateral attachments in welded railway bridges: (a) bridge cross-section and (b) top view of
the lower flange attachment detail (Bridge case study r), Table 4).
Besides cover plates and similar details, many fatigue cracks were reported in other details due to load-induced fatigue, e.g. lateral
attachment plates welded to the bottom flange of railway girder bridges (bridges j) and k), see Table 2, and bridge v), see Table 4),
[76–79], which serve as connection between the horizontal bottom bracing system and the main bridge members. Horizontal and
vertical bracings are intended to distribute traffic loading and to offer resistance to wind, but most important, it functions as bracing
against girders lateral buckling during construction, before the concrete deck is poured. Usually, for constructional reasons the
position of these lateral attachments is matched with the position of transverse attachments welded to the web. The gusset is welded
over the lower flange by means of fillet welds or in the flange thickness, when it is called a flange tip attachment, creating a very
prone fatigue detail, with characteristic fatigue resistances in the order of 50 MPa at 2 million constant amplitude cycles [80]. The
mechanism of crack formation is very simple and illustrated in Fig. 7. The crack usually initiates from the fillet weld toes extending
into the parent metal normal to principal direction in a zone of high primary tension stresses.
Alternatively, lateral attachments could be welded to the girder web instead of the tensioned flanges. However, some cautions are
required in order to position the gusset in a zone of lower tension stresses. An example of fatigue cracking in this kind of connection
which was placed very near to the tension flange was reported for a simply-supported completely welded railway girder bridge
spanning 19.80 m built in 1956 in the U.S. and replaced by a new bridge in 1997 [81,82]. With the bridge replacement, the old bridge
was moved to a test line at the Facility for Accelerated Service Testing (FAST) in Pueblo, Colorado (U.S.) to investigate the effects of
Heavy Axle Loads (HAL) traffic – composed by trains with axle weights usually higher than 22.5 t – on the fatigue life of welded
details. After being subjected to 1900 million gross tons of HAL traffic between 1997 and 2014 (equivalent to 12 million load cycles),
several fatigue cracks were reported in different locations, and the bridge is now out-of-service (bridge s), see Table 4). The cracks
that developed in the gusset-to-web are shown in Fig. 8, where it is possible to observe that the gusset was placed very near to the
lower flange, in a location with high bending stress concentration.
Another type of fatigue cracking due to load-induced effects which was referred by China Academy of Railway Sciences [83]
occurred in the tube-gusset joints of longitudinal diaphragms of cable-stayed bridges. Although such connection being not very
common in old steel bridges, it is presenting an increasing adoption in the construction and rehabilitation of steel and composite
steel-concrete bridges in the last years [84–87], mainly due to the following advantages: i) facilitation of girder installation and to
Fig. 8. Fatigue cracking in the gusset plate of the welded railway bridge at FAST [adapted from [82]] (Bridge case study s), Table 4).
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 9. Typical fatigue failures of tube-gusset joint of the longitudinal diaphragm of cable stayed-bridge with orthotropic deck, China Academy of
Railway Sciences [adapted from [83]].
obtain desirable deck performance, being very efficient in compression; ii) easy internal access; iii) weight saving and iv) elimination
of a considerable amount of weld by replacing plate diaphragms. However, important differences are found between fatigue
structural codes concerning the characteristic fatigue strength of tube-gusset joints on the basis of nominal SeN curves, being FAT 71
or 63 according to EN 1993-1-9 [88], FAT 63 or 45 according to IIW [89], FAT 68 or 43 according BS 7608 [90] and FAT 90 or 71
according to DNV [91].
The cracks reported in the tube-gusset connections of the longitudinal diaphragms appeared only after few years of service and
initiated from the weld toe near the slot end and propagated into the tube along the circumference with crack lengths ranging from
several to hundreds of millimetres, and some of them eventually resulted in a circumferential failure, as shown in Fig. 9. The fatigue
strength of the connection could have been increased by adopting a chamfer angle in the end of the tube and full-penetration welds,
allowing a smooth stress flow and reducing the stress concentration. However, in the reported case, a tube without chamfer and
welded to the gusset by means of fillet welds was adopted. The cracks can also be attributed to the overly optimistic fatigue nominal
strength used in the design phase and based on current standards. For example, according to Baptista et al. [84] Eurocode curves
(FAT 71 or FAT 63 for a chamfer angle smaller or higher than 45°, respectively) are clearly unrepresentative and nonconservative
when compared to old and recent fatigue tests results of tube-gusset joints.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
distance of 125 to 150 mm between web lateral attachments and the girder flange, depending on the attachment length.
Furthermore, welded bridges built in the 1950s until the late 1960s used the fatigue design specifications developed on the basis
of fatigue tests largely performed with small-scale specimens in the 1930s (referred in the last section). However, fatigue cracking due
to primary stresses was then often found in many highway and railway bridges. New fatigue tests performed in the 1970s with girder
and full-scale specimens indicated that the tests performed with small-scale specimens overestimated the fatigue resistance of
structural details [100], a fact that is well-known today [101]. As consequence, some fatigue design provisions in use since the 1930s
were inadequate and overly optimistic, particularly at longer lives, because the assumption of a fatigue limit of 2 million cycles
proved to be incorrect (a number arbitrarily defined by Wöhler in 1860). On the other hand, another cause of fatigue cracking, due to
secondary stresses instead of primary stresses revealed to be even more critical to railway bridges in the same period. In the following
subsection, this cause will be outlined.
Distortion-induced fatigue cracking results from second-order stresses, typically due to out-of-plane deformations and in-
compatible deformations at intersecting structural elements [70]. Nishikawa et al. [102] mentioned that almost all fatigue cracks
reported in Japan are caused by distortion-induced stresses. Connor & Fisher [103] have estimated that nearly 90% of all fatigue
cracking is the result of out-of-plane distortion or other unanticipated secondary stresses at fatigue-sensitive details. Bowman et al.
[104] have conducted a survey of US state transportation officials in order to evaluate current fatigue inspection and evaluation
procedures. The results of the survey revealed that distortion-induced fatigue cracking is the most frequently encountered type of
fatigue distress observed by various state transportation agencies is United States. The AASHTO LRFD [93] specification, as well as
the Manual for Bridge Evaluation (MBE) [105] defines it as “fatigue effects due to secondary stresses not normally quantified in the typical
analysis and design of a bridge”. Early reported cracks due to distortion-induced fatigue in welded joints were observed in the mid-
1970s at the end of vertical stiffeners or connection plates for floor beams and transverse diaphragms of railway bridges [71,106].
The cracks appeared in a region that was previously designated as “web gap”, i.e. a space let between the transverse stiffeners and the
tension flanges during girder construction, a practice that had its origin from the German codes for railway bridge construction
developed in the 1930s due to the concern of fatigue cracking related with welding an element normal to primary stresses [64].
This concern, which is frequently mentioned in introductory texts to distortion-induced fatigue, is herein recovered from a
conference paper translated to English by the secretariat of the second IABSE meeting held in Berlin in 1936:
“While in early days stiffeners were welded unhesitatingly to both flanges, later on endurance fatigue tests with fillet welds placed vertically
to the direction of force and with the zones in which the lateral fillets start and end led to the recognition that, on account of the considerable
reduction of fatigue resistance, it would be necessary to prohibit welding of stiffeners and girder connections in the tension flange for bridge
construction.” [64].
Although distortion-induced fatigue is a problem more frequent in steel girder bridges, it also has developed in many other types
of bridges, such as trusses, suspension bridges, tied arch bridges and box girder bridges and have been known to crack frequently and
relatively early in the service life of many bridges [82]. Indeed, initiation of fatigue cracks in the web-gap regions for structures not
designed to current code specifications is anticipated to occur within 1/5 of the design service life of a bridge, which is equivalent to
more or less 20 years for most bridges, as can be testified by the data obtained by Yokoyama & Miki [57], see Fig. 3. In the following
subsection, most representative distortion-induced fatigue prone details are outlined and discussed.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 10. (a) Half cross-section of a typical steel girder bridge; (b) Out-of-plane distortion and (c) Crack location [adapted from [110]] (Bridge case
study k), Table 2).
Fig. 11. Cracks due to top flange distortion in a welded railway bridge [113] (Bridge case study j), Table 2).
overlooked in early welded railway bridges with pure steel, wood or RC slab decks was the existing eccentricity created between the
main longitudinal bending axis of the girders and the rail (see Fig. 12a). This eccentricity combined with horizontal loads induced by
the wheel-rail contact (Fig. 12b) can induce additional out-of-plane restraint bending in the flanges, leading to fatigue cracking of
flange welded attachments. Recent examples of welded girder railway bridges with this type of crack can be found in Kyung et al.
[113], Lee & Lee [114] and Lippi et al. [115], the latter two shown in Table 2 and Table 4, bridges j) and t), respectively.
Several cracks were found in brackets of the walkway of steel welded railway bridges in recent years, due to displacement of the
floor-beams in the longitudinal direction. According to Fisher [41], this is one of the most oldest cases of cracks due to out-of-plane
distortion, firstly detected in highway bridges in U.S. in the beginning of the 1970s. The cracks usually occur in two main locations,
i.e. the connection of the walkway floor beams to the brackets (as shown in Figs. 13–14) and between the brackets and the web of the
(a) (b)
M1 M1
M2 M2
Fig. 12. Mechanism of distortion in the flanges due to (a) vertical loads and (b) horizontal loads [adapted from [56]].
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 13. Fatigue crack due to out-of-plane displacement of the walkway under the crossing of HAL traffic in a bridge located in Vitória-Minas Line
(Brazil) [119] (Bridge case study w), Table 4).
Fig. 14. (a-c) Mechanism of creation of distortion in the walkways of continuous bridges [adapted from [41]].
steel girders. Recent examples of bridges that suffered from this effect can be found in [116–118]. It seems to be common in brackets
of bridges with continuous spans. The overall mechanism of crack formation is illustrated in Fig. 14a-c.
In general, the rotation angle due to train crossing and girder bending (θ) led to an additional longitudinal displacement (Δ),
which, due to the rigid welded connection between floor beams and brackets creates secondary stresses at the level of the bracket to
the girder weld and at the weld between the brackets and the floor beams.
A famous case of distortion-induced fatigue cracking took place at the Dan Ryan welded railway viaducts located in Chicago
(Illinois). Following the discovery of cracking in the bents of the Dan Ryan Rapid transit, the cracks were temporary retrofitted with
two stop holes at both crack tips of the through thickness crack [82]. Later, the fractured bents were replaced by new bents. I-girders
are currently resting on the upper flange of the bents (Fig. 15a–b). At the time of the discovery of the cracked bents, the structure was
analysed using the finite element method for computing stresses. The web of the box bent was modelled with shell elements. The
analysis of the deformations in the area intersection between the east web and bottom flange indicated stress concentrations due to
out-of-plane bending of the web, see Fig. 16 [120]. Another factor contributing for the stress concentration was attributed to the lack
of fusion in the welds of the intersections, which were connected by partial penetration groove welds that resulted in a large unfused
region in the box girder web [41].
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 15. (a) Old [82] and (b) current Dan Ryan Expressway viaduct state [Google Street View].
top flange
girder web
bottom flange
Fig. 16. Curved cross girder structure with fatigue crack in the bottom flange to box bent web weld [adapted from [82]].
cracking problems are minimized. The fatigue testing demonstrated that for cyclic out-of-plane displacement of web gap regions, the
fatigue strength increased as the web gap length increased. However, a relationship between web gap length and the initiation of
fatigue cracking revealed not to be directly proportional. Small web gaps, less than five times the web thickness, were found to have
very unpredictable behaviour. Later, a comprehensive experimental study was conducted by Fisher et al. [122] in NCHRP no. 336
with the goal of recommend criteria for designing steel girders in order to minimize distortion-induced fatigue cracking problems.
When the data was plotted on an SeN curve it was verified that all the data exceeded FAT 80 category, according to the nominal
stress method. From this experimental study, some recommendations were made. Rigid connections of the plate to the top and
bottom flanges by bolted or welded connections are needed to prevent fatigue cracks from out-of-plane deformation. Successful arrest
of cracking at details with distortion-induced cyclic stresses higher than 105 MPa requires a positive attachment between the con-
nection plate and the girder flange in order to bridge the web gap and reduce the magnitude of the out-of-plane web bending stress.
These early tests were an initial attempt to characterize the fatigue strength based on the nominal applied stress and detail category.
More recently, some fatigue tests to characterize the characteristic fatigue strength of distortion-induced fatigue bridge sensitive
details in terms of local applied stresses (such as the stress at the weld hot-spot) have been performed [123]. In this context, the hot-
spot stress method revealed to be suitable to analyse the fatigue performance of distortion-induced fatigue sensitive details of
composite steel-concrete bridges through the use of the finite element sub modelling technique [124].
According to Okelo [125], although current bridge design specifications provide rules to estimate the fatigue life for load-induced
cases, fatigue cracking due to out-of-plane distortion is not adequately addressed in standard structural codes, despite its severity. In
general, most bridge design specifications codes intend to prevent distortion-induced fatigue issues by recommending detailing
guidelines for common welded joints. The AASHTO LRFD [93] specification, Article, as well as the MBE [105] provide a
separate section on distortion-induced fatigue. They contain general statements that stress the importance of the proper connection of
transverse connection stiffeners to longitudinal (i.e. main) components, however the development of web gap stresses is limited
through improved detailing requirements and it does not explicitly classify detail categories for distortion-induced fatigue. Pre-
scriptive provisions on how distortion-induced fatigue cracking can be evaluated or treated are not provided. AASHTO LRFD [93]
also requires that stiffeners used as connection plates for diaphragms or cross-frames shall be attached to both the compression and
tension flanges of the longitudinal girders. In Europe, although the Eurocode standard for fatigue assessment of steel structures [88]
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 17. (a), (b) Cracks induced by vibration, e.g. by wind or traffic in welded hangars of railway bridges [131].
does not deal directly with ‘distortion-induced fatigue-sensitive details’, design rules to avoid fatigue web gap cracking are given by
the British Steel Construction Institute in Hendy & Iles [126]. It is interesting to note that these rules for intermediate transverse
stiffener design are quite similar in terms of broad concepts to the approach taken in AASHTO [93].
Vibration-induced fatigue cracking in steel bridges can result from either primary or secondary stresses, and can originate from
different type of actions, e.g. wind loading, railway traffic, earthquakes and others. Due to low local stiffnesses in correspondence of
critical details, vibration phenomena can occur simultaneously or not with distortion-induced fatigue, and can in fact strongly affect
steel bridges safety [55,127]. Vibration caused by wind was already recognized as being very critical since the well-known failure of
Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which took place in 1940. In this case, the wind caused an excessive number of stress reversals of the bridge
deck (made of steel riveted girders), which resulted in resonance with a 0.2 Hz torsional vibration mode, leading to failure due to low-
cycle bending fatigue [49]. The sources of railway traffic-induced vibration in welded components can be separated as follows: i) due
to the complex dynamic interaction phenomena between the train and the bridge; ii) due to dynamic effects caused by the contact
forces between the wheel and the train considering the rail irregularities and the wheel defects and iii) due to the global and local
resonance that can be created by the crossing of repeated and equally spaced axle loads. In the following subsection some examples of
vibration-induced fatigue regarding the type of phenomenon are cited and discussed.
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
Fig. 18. (a) fatigue cracking in a steel box girder of the Tokaido Shinkansen and (b) out-of-plane vibration modes of the web leading to increase
“modal” stresses in the web gap [134–136] (Bridge case study o), Table 3).
the secondary bending stress concentration generated by the out-of-plane distortion at the welding restraint provided by the so-called
rib-to-deck connection. OSDs have been widely adopted in high-speed railway bridges in China, and other numerous bridges are
planned to be built in near future [139]. The study of the vibration phenomena caused by high-speed trains in orthotropic decks and
hence the impact on the fatigue life has increasingly attracted research interest in recent years [140,141].
On the other hand, fatigue cracks due to vibration were also reported for train speeds lower than 200 km/h, specifically for HAL
traffic for the welded bridge at FAST (bridge s), see Table 4). In particular, it was observed a strong correlation between rail
irregularities and increased rate of fatigue crack initiation and growth. In railway bridges, the irregularities of the rail have a strong
influence in the dynamic behaviour of the structure, and it can be separated between two parts: (a) static track irregularity, due to the
inherent defects of the rails and the train wheels and (b) dynamic track irregularity, due to rail elastic deformation under train loads
[142]. In the welded bridge at FAST, the static irregularities, i.e. without the effect of the live load were measured to have an
amplitude of 2.30 mm on the north rail and 2.80 mm on the south rail, which were considered of moderate level. However, they were
enough to cause strains about 10% higher than with smoother rails. The higher strain ranges observed for non-smoothed rails resulted
in about a 50% increase in fatigue accumulation per train crossing [81].
Other example which occurred for speeds under 200 km/h was at the steel structure of one of the elevated parts of the Washington
D.C. Metro, specifically in the crossing over the Potomac River (bridge u), Table 4). The Washington D.C. Metrorail system was built
in 1970's and inaugurated in 1976. Each train is 22.86 m long with a unique track gauge of 1429 mm and being able to operate at a
maximum speed of 121 km/h. The crossing within this portion is composed of multiple simple spans across concrete piers, varying
between 21 and 36 m approximately, with two steel box girders section, which support a RC slab. Within each box girder, K-type
diaphragms are weld connected to transverse connection plates which are fillet weld connected to the box girder webs. The referred
fatigue cracks occurred in the transverse connection plate weld ends [98]. Herein, vibration with frequencies with magnitude in the
order of 20 Hz were observed (Fig. 19), in a very similar manner with the steel box girders fatigue cracking found in the Tokaido
Shinkansen bridges.
Outter face:
Compression (–)
Inner face:
Tension (+)
movement of
Web from Box Deflection of bottom flange
corner rotation
Fig. 19. View of the Metrorail double-box steel girder corner of the bridge over the Potomac River with out-of-plane vibration of the girder web
[adapted from [98]] (Bridge case study u), Table 4).
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
be taken into consideration in the fatigue assessment [143]. Most of the first bridges built for the Tokaido Shinkansen in the 1960s,
where most fatigue cracks due to vibration-induced fatigue were early reported, adopted pure steel solutions (ballastless track half-
through girder, through truss, box girder or girder bridges), which are well-known to have very low mass and damping ratios. In the
case of modern high-speed railway bridges, very strict design criteria in terms of deformability (vertical, horizontal and torsional) and
dynamic behaviour are now recommended by standards and technical-scientific literature [143–145]. These criteria can be fulfilled
by designing a main steel or composite section, providing the required stiffness, incorporating a concrete slab underneath the track
and adopting ballasted tracks. The ballast and the concrete introduce additional mass and damping under the track, thus reducing the
dynamic vibrations induced by the live load. This design philosophy has been employed throughout the French HS lines since the
TGV Nord, opened to traffic in 1990. The efficient use of materials, alongside with the design of simple details, lead to a good fatigue
behaviour of these structures and, subsequently, to a longer lifecycle and lower maintenance [146].
Phenomena like vibration-induced fatigue are still partially uncovered by actual design codes and represent a critical aspect for
the assessment of existing bridge remaining life and for the design of new bridges. One relevant attempt to change this scenario was
performed by the European project FADLESS [8], whose main objective was to clarify the uncertainties concerning vibration/dis-
tortion induced fatigue into railway steel bridges. In particular, the most important aspects outlined include the dynamic behaviour,
the influence of train-bridge interaction phenomena, the local vibration/distortion effects, the actual stress patterns into critical
details, the real composition of traffic spectra and the influence of secondary stresses on the fatigue resistance of components. Several
bridge case studies in Europe were selected in order to apply the methodology developed under FADLESS project, which included a
variety set of bridges with different construction methods (riveted-only, welded, composite steel-concrete, etc.). Regarding vibration-
induced fatigue on welded joints, the FADLESS project highlighted that the structural damping has an important effect on the
dynamical behaviour of a railway bridge because it is one of the main factors limiting the vibration amplitudes. Its knowledge is
therefore essential for the assessment of existing bridges subjected to high-speed trains. Moreover, the computation of the local stress
effects by vibration phenomena in order to perform the fatigue assessment of critical details requires the consideration of the whole
dynamic system for the global model. Because the task of numerical simulation is to check the local vibration of the steel bridge, one
sufficiently precise numerical model is necessary, both from a global and a local point of view.
4. Conclusions
In the present work an in-depth literature review covering more than one century was carried out, providing a multidisciplinary
analysis with insights into the welding history and practice, especially applied to steel railway bridges construction. The combined
results of the historical, technical and structural investigations emphasize the importance of confronting the original design of a
welded joint with its historical context, characterized by joining typologies, construction techniques and calculation methods peculiar
to a certain time period. Advances in welding technology and shop practice played a significant role in fatigue design of steel railway
bridges, but few studies have emphasized yet how those practices determined, for example, the changes that made possible the
construction of welded bridges with high fatigue performance. This is an important area of study that needs to comprehend a
worldwide context.
The first technical issues related to welding and the generated distrusted climate followed by many reported cases of fatigue
cracking and brittle failures of dynamic loaded structures after few years of service in the early times explain why riveted connections
were still in use until 1970s. Both the mentioned cases of early reported damages, the cracks of a lattice bridge reinforced with
welding and the fracture of the girders of the Berlin Zoological Garden station bridge were caused by insufficient experience with
welding technology applied to steel bridges. Such problems were initially perceived as setbacks by the engineering community;
however, they contributed later to the further development of welding technology in the correct direction. Thus, slowly welding
technology became the dominant technology for the fabrication of built-up bridge components, surely overtaking riveting as the
preferred joining method.
The following individual cases provided valuable insight into the causes of cracking, the importance of details, and the sig-
nificance of defects on the performance of railway bridges. Throughout the years, further advice regarding caution with fatigue
cracking has been given, certainly with good intentions. Some, however, such as the warning to not weld transverse stiffeners to
tensioned flanges or the recommendation to use groove welds instead of butt welds in the flange-to-web weld, were unrealistic. In
most cases, fatigue cracking in bridges resulted from an inadequate experimental base and overly optimistic specification provision
developed from early experimental data with small-scale specimens. For the design of new steel railway bridges, some of the causes of
cracking discussed in this work can be prevented with the engineering knowledge acquired today. The lessons learned from the past
assist with an understanding of the behaviour of railway bridges and the importance of detail and execution.
As outlined in this work, distortion/vibration phenomena represent nowadays a cause for concern for most railway bridge
managers, and one that continues to attract research. Therefore, some aspects of the distortion and vibration-induced fatigue were
addressed, as were referred some important works related with investigation of the structural behaviour of connections with out-of-
plane displacements in steel railway bridges. Identification of vulnerable structures and assessment of distortional fatigue stresses are
very important tasks to evaluate the remaining service life of railway infrastructure inventory. However, the lack of standard
guidelines for the evaluation of distortion-fatigue crack initiation and propagation is one of the challenges that structural engineers
could face in practice when dealing of the ageing and deterioration of old steel bridges and in the design of non-standardized
structural details for new bridges. In this case, the application of numerical modelling techniques with the Finite Element Method,
considering updated models to experimental measurements together with advanced methods for fatigue assessment based on local
approaches may be useful to evaluate fatigue-prone details of existing bridges. For design purposes, FE modelling may offer a unique
G. Alencar, et al. Engineering Failure Analysis 104 (2019) 154–176
perspective to analyse stress concentrations, distortion/vibration effects, and fatigue crack propagation caused by cyclical loadings.
The stresses acting in the mentioned details are difficult to determine without a high-level finite element analysis of the bridge and,
hence, are difficult to design for.
Declarations of interest
The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support for this research work provided by the Brazilian Science
Foundation'sCNPq- National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (doctoral scholarship process 203662/2014-8).
The authors also gratefully acknowledge the financial support for this research work provided by CAPES, FAPERJ and the Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology, particularly through the Projects FiberBridge - Fatigue strengthening and assessment of
railway metallic bridges using fiber-reinforced polymers, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030103, and CONSTRUCT - Institute of R&D in
Structures and Construction, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007457, both funded by FEDER funds through COMPETE2020 – Operational
Thematic Program for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI).
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