Ifefory: Rails
Ifefory: Rails
Ifefory: Rails
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Introduction -------------page i
Development ------------- 3
Weight ---------------- 5
Composition ------------- 9
.Durability - -- -- -- -- -- -- - Eo
The railroad rail has received more study and more careful
material, and it has been greatly improved and its cost cheap-
ened, nevertheless, it is still of vital interest to the
eera who are able to design and produce rails which will
It is also true that many of the steel rail mills are owned
for the high prices of steel rails, and the excessive tariff
the primary rail and trace its development down to the present
years later the bridge rail. In 1844 the pear-shaped rail was
with the idea that, after one head had been worn out, the rail
one head has been worn out by traffic, the whole rail is generally
type of rail is better for heavy and fast traffic; but is more
the surface and line of rails shall be without bumps and kinka.
as economy will permit. This allows' the hot metal in the rail
in each part was decided upon -as follows: 42 percent for the head
21 percent for the web; and 37 percent for the flange. The
top corner radius of head, 5/16 inches; lower corner radius, 1/16
inch; 3ide radius of web, 12 inches; top and bottom radius of web,
to the radius of the upper oorner of the head and to the slope of
the side of the head. For it is agreed that sharp rail comers
wear the wheels and produce sharp flanges which are liable to
rail wear is much less rapid when the area of contact between
the rail and wheel flange i3 small. When the rail-head has worn
wheel flange, the entire rail wears away very quickly. The
rail seotions for the various weights of rails, and the railroads
are gradually adopting them. There are a few other types such
as the Dudley and Sayre sections, but they are closely related to
weight of trains, the heavy iron rail was introduced, the first
Sase 57 y»
80 lb.
ft* 6
4o ibf -5
90 lbs.
Fie-" 8 — Sayre Type. Fi»* 31
type of American
Society of Civil Engineers.
K - 4j -
7E lbs. 100 lbs.
Fig, , &) .
— band berg Kail Section. MQi 'i'l . — Dudley Type.
Rail Sections.
U ~
5? Pi
Fig. 08 .
— Hunt Rail Section. Frgr-&4. — Rail Section of Great Northern Ry.
90 lbs.
Bull-head Rail and Cast-
iron Chair; London & North-
western Ry, (England).
n3 E -
In this country, there are still many miles of rails too light
are the strength and stiffness. Let us assume that all weights
stiffness as the fourth power, while the area (and therefore the
weight per unit of length) varies only as the square. From this,
it follows that the stiffness varies as the square of the weight,
6 2/3 per cent to the cost; but 14 percent to the stiffness and
are more economical and are being adopted, even when not absolute-
110 pound rail of the Ohegnecto Railway in Canada, but 100 pound
Hew York, New Haven and Hartford; Chespeake and Ohio Railway,
and other lines. The minimum economical weight in ordinary-
the time, however, when most of the railroads will be using the
Another item of interest in the history of rails is the
standard lengths that have been adopted from time to time. The
primary rail- -the wooden stringer- -was IS feet long. The oast
later, the 18- foot wrought iron rail was brought into use. In
1855, when steel rails were introduced, the standard length was
do with it. For many years the ordinary length of flat cars
was such that a rail longer than 30 feet could not be conveniently
However, such difficulties no longer exist, but the 30- foot rail
In recent years, many roads have been trying the 45-and 60-
their length, and can be laid around sharp curves without being
ing and handling them. Both the Pennsylvania and the Norfolk and
Western Railroads have a great many miles of 60- foot rails. Al-
most all the street railways have adopted this length, as there
feet, and the experience derived from increasing the length seems
was plentiful and hence the best was used. With reference to the
The rail heads were small, and the rails were worked at so low a
temperature that they came out hard and tough. It mattered little,
wiierefore, about the carbon or the other chemical constituents.
fell, and the mill outputs grew rapidly. For this reason, the
vania Railroad, announced that soft rails were best. His con-
track, and his critics maintained that this was too small a
the best. The practical outcome was that this proposi tion was
carbon rail. The theory, however, was not born out by exper-
Of the 64 samples, only one had over .60 percent of carbon, and
only four contained more than .50 percent. But today, 50 per-
low. For the French consider no rail hard unless it has more
than .50 percent of carbon, and they often use 1.00 peroent.
.Ir. Conard, a French engineer, found from a study of rails
and found that the French rails wore about twice as long as the
German rails.
.65 to .75 as specified for the 10O pound rail of the New York
as follows:
Silicon (
0. 13 to 0.256 " ;
important. The first iron rails were made from straight puddled
"bars. These were about one inch thick, and were placed one
formed. The pile was then reheated and rolled into rails, and
it was to* the formation of that pile that inventive genius was
with the top bar of the pile of puddled steel - found much favor,
Another nlan, upon which much money was spent, was to ham-
a steam hammer. These were then drawn into a slab two to two
and one-half inches thick, which was placed on the top of the
economy increased, that demand. was no longer made and new rails
were composed entirely of old ones.
the ability of the iron rails to resist wear became more and
more unsatisfactory. It then seemed that from this cause e"i one
1857 and remained until 18 73, some sixteen years, during which
only the changes which have taken place from time to time will
be mentioned.
During the Civil war there was a great demand for cheap
steel. An answer to this universal demand was made "by the in-
They devised a new way to refine iron, which has since been
new idea, and one which at first seemed absurd to every other
the world with a cheap and abandunt supply of its most useful
The second converter was made with holes in the sides, and
this converter, he showed that cold air does not chill molten
Mushet, who solved the problem of how to leave just enough carbon
ioo mk&0
. Jucf noii
W9n orlT
Job oriw
the process at the right moment, Mtishet asked; "Why not first
turn out all the carbon, and then pour back the exact quantity
you need?" This was a simple device but no one had thought •
speaking it was not steel but much like wrought iron. It was
poured into it, and a strong blast of air is then forced through
the perforated botton, 7hieh rushes through the metal with great
rapidity. Then yellow sparks are sent out at the top many feet
carbon - are separated from the metal. The sparks change from
further, and the molten iron is poured into a swinging ladle and
from this into a train of huge clay pots, pushed into place
by a little locomotive.
Until Ttfarch 1884, all American rails were fed by the use of
but none had been actually built. In 1884 tables were driven
and Rensselaer Iron and Steel Company of Troy, New York. This
of the rails made in America today are made by the Bessemer pro-
plying the blooming mill with just the right quantity of ingots,
Within the last few years it has been clearly shown that a great
Much care is now taken to finish the rails colder than formerly,
Quality than those made from Bessemer steel, but the future
five degree curve, and after four years of service were said to
use of nickel- steel rails for six years seems to indicate that
rails of such metals will out wear three or four sets of erarbon-
Railroad, the tinier Railroad, and the New York Central and
Some frogs and switch points of the s^rae steel are also under
t ri al
An investigation was begun some time ago at the test depart-
to a minimum.
facture have been taken, and particular attention has been given
ation have merely confirmed the previous opinion, and have proved
class showed a marked toughness under the drop test, and one
(of the grains) are a safe guard, and the more junctions there
are, the more reliable will the steel be." And again, "it would
seem to follow, then, that the smaller and finer the grain the
Brinell ,
Sauveur, and others.
for rails, but the quality of the metal was not improved.
mill practice.
ing made upon rails. The chemical test has for its main object
which have such a marked influence on the rail for good or bad.
determined from pieces cut out of the rails. One of the chief
requires that the rails shall not bend more than 6 inches, and
side from the 2000 pound weight falling through half the standard
ened steel; but the use of such tests and others of a different
character does not seem to have passed the realm of experimenta-
and at most the makers agree to replace broken rails which show
the manufacturers.
but five of these are now making rails. Since 1876, in addition
steel producers are now making rails, two are on other products,
and the remaining nine have gone out of existance, so that there
mills. The above refer only to the mills that are rolling rails
two others by still another; thus leaving two single and independ
the required blast furnaces, steel furnaces, and town, has just
been completed.
again passed the 2 , 000, Ou^. -ton point. In that year there were
some fifteen miles away from its old one. There have been
but fundamentally, the converting works and mills are the same,
In 1886, the rail mill of the Edgar Thompson works had been
by other mill3. A new mill was started in 1S88 and all promises
for it have been much more than fulfilled. Its greatest pro-
one three- high blooming mill. After the starting of the new
mill the original Edgar Thompson rail mill remained idle for
several years. It was then remodeled and used for the product-
ion of rails which were under 60 pounds per yard in weight.
of pig iron of all kinds in the United States was 1,868,961 gross
basic pig iron was first ascertained in 1886 when it was 336,403
gross tons. In 1905, it was 4,105,179 gross tons, charcoal
basic pig iron not being considered in either case.
seems to have reached its limit. The sources of iron ore are
becoming exhausted and new sources are rare. IJ^ny of the new
ore deposits contain sulphur and the ore is mostly iron pyrites
more than 8,000 men. But, owing to the recent panic, the work-
all are under the control of the steel trust. Hence this should
the opinion of the writer they should be under the direct con-
years to come, the standard rail for the United States and for
now using. The section will not differ greatly from that which
has already been decided upon; that is, the Du dley- Hawks -Bint
orican Society of Civil Engineers section. The average weight
will very likely be more tnan it is now, and the steel harder.
The writer should not oe surprised to see 100 pounds per yard
common, 80 pounds the average weight, and 0.60 percent the aver-
and some other roads are today putting in many 60 -foot rails.
writer ha3 aimed to give a clear and brief account of the history
the problems of life will secure the respect and esteem of the
best men about him, which, after all is the highest success
Trat man's Railway Track and Track Work.
1 & 2, 1893.
1, 1894.
" 2, 1899.
2, 1900.
Feb. 28, 1890.
11 11
Aug. 17, 1894.
Vol. 3.
Aug. 189 7.