AC LDCE Notification 2024
AC LDCE Notification 2024
AC LDCE Notification 2024
1. Applications are invited from serving Sub-Inspectors and Inspectors for the post of Assistant
Commandant (GD) in the Central Reserve Police Force, Border Security Force, Indo-
Tibetan Border Police and Sashastra Seema Bal through Limited Departmental Competitive
Examination (LDCE) for the vacancy year - 2023 as per Recruitment Rules of respective
Forces. The posts are temporary but likely to become permanent in accordance with the
guidelines of the Government.
2. Vacancies :-
SL No Name of Force Number of vacancies
Unreserved SC ST Total
1. CRPF 19 00 00 19
2. BSF 23 04 02 29
3. ITBP 25 03 01 29
4. SSB 08 02 02 12
Total vacancies 75 09 05 89
Note :- (i) Vacancies mentioned above are subject to change (May increase or decrease at
any stage).
(ii) Out of total 29 vacancies in BSF, 5% i.e. 1 vacancy is to be filled by female
candidate. However, in case vacancy meant for female candidate is not filled, the
same will be filled up by male candidate and will not be carried forward for next
3. Pay :-7th CPC Pay Matrix Level-10, Rs. 56,100/- (PB-III of Pre-revised scale Rs.15,600-
39,100 + GP Rs.5,400/-) plus allowances like DA, HRA, CCA, and other allowances as
admissible under Rules.
4. Eligibility conditions: The eligibility for AC(GD) through this LDCE will be as per the
RRs of the respective Forces. It will be the responsibility of respective CAPFs to
scrutinize the application accordingly before forwarding it to Nodal Force i.e. CRPF.
a) Age : - The upper age limit for appearing in the LDCE will not be more than 35
(Thirty Five) years as on 1st August 2023.
e) Physical Standards :- The minimum requirements for the candidates (as applicable
to Assistant Commandant (GD) in the Direct Entry) are as under :-
S/No Particulars Male Female
01 Height(Minimum in cms) 165 cms 157 cms
02 Chest(Minimum in cms) 81 cms
Unexpanded N/A
Minimum Expansion 05 cms
03 Weight in Kgs 50 kgs 46 Kgs
Note:- The weight should be as per height and age as mentioned in Annexure-I of revised
uniform Guidelines for recruitment Medical Examination of GOs and NGOs in CAPFs &
AR issued by MHA dated 20.05.2015). However, as per MHA OM No.A-VI-1/14-
Rectt(SSB) dated 24.08.2015, overweight/underweight candidates will be allowed to
participate in the next stage of recruitment and shall not be debarred at PST stages. The
final decision on fitness/unfitness will be decided by the medical authority at the time of
Medical Examination based on the weight and age on the day of Medical Examination
and height as measured by the PST Board.
f) Medical Standards :-
i) The candidate must be in Medical Category SHAPE – I(ONE).
ii) The standard of Medical fitness for the candidates should be the same as prescribed
by the Government for Assistant Commandant(GD) in the Direct Entry.
iii) It should, however, be clearly understood that the Government of India reserves
right/absolute discretion to reject or accept candidature of any candidate after
considering the report of the Medical Board.
iv) Medical examination will be conducted as per revised Medical Guidelines
issued by MHA dated 20.05.2015, F.No-E.32012/ADG(Med)/DME&RME/DA-
1/2020(Part File)/1166 dated 31st May, 2021 and amended from time to time for
recruitment of GOs and NGOs in the CAPFs and AR.
5. Number of Chances :- As per SOP, a total of 03 (three) chances will be given for
appearing in LDCE. The willing and eligible candidates will submit application as per
Annexure-B to their respective Directorate General. No TA/DA, journey expenses are
allowed for attending the test. The period of the test will be treated as on leave for the
candidates appearing in the test, which would be sanctioned by the leave sanctioning
6. The selection process:- The selection process will be as under :-
6.1 Written Examination:-
There will be three papers in written test as per details given below. Admission for the
written examination will be purely on production of call letter issued to the eligible
candidates by the Nodal Force and Force identity Card of the candidates. Since, this
examination is purely for CAPFs personnel, all candidates shall be in proper uniform.
i) Paper-I (Intelligence Test and General knowledge). (Time 2 hours – 100 Marks & 100
Questions) This will include General Awareness, General Intelligence, Reasoning,
Numerical Ability, Current Events, Matters of every day observation and experience.
This paper would be objective type (Multiple choice question & bilingual i.e. English or
Hindi ).
ii) Paper-II (Professional Skill) (Time 2 hours – 100 Marks & 100 Questions)
This will be designed to test professional skills of the candidate in relation to operational
and administrative requirement of the Force of which he/she is a member. This paper
would be objective type (Multiple choice question & bilingual i.e. English or Hindi ).
( Continued on page-3)
iii) Paper-III (Essay, Precis Writing and Comprehension) (Time 2 hours – 100 Marks )
The medium of writing of essay shall be opted by the candidate as Hindi or English.
However, medium of writing précis and comprehension will be English only.
Note : Qualifying marks will be 45% in each paper and 50% in aggregate. However,
qualifying marks for SC/ST candidates will be 40% in each paper and 45 % in aggregate
6.2 Physical Standard Test (PST) & Physical Efficiency Test (PET) :
The candidates who qualify written examination will only be called for Physical Standard
Test & Physical Efficiency Test at place specified by the Nodal Force by constituting a
Board of Officers. The Physical Standard Test (PST) will be conducted as per
standards prescribed for direct recruitment of Assistant Commandant(GD) in
CAPFs. Physical Efficiency Test shall comprise of the following components which
will be qualifying in nature but failure even in one event will amount to
disqualification :-
a. Male Candidate :
(i) 100 meters race to be completed in 16 seconds.
(ii) 800 meters race to be completed in 03 minutes 45 seconds.
(iii) Long Jump 3.50 mtrs (Three chances will be given)
(iv) Shot Put (7.26 Kgs.) 4.50 mtrs. (Three chances will be given)
b) Female Candidates :
(i) 100 meters race to be completed in 18 seconds.
(ii) 800 meters race to be completed in 04 minutes 45 seconds.
(iii) Long Jump 3.00 mtrs (Three chances will be given)
( Continued on page-4)
(Continued on page-5)
8. Training:-
The selected candidates shall undergo training at the training centre of respective Forces
and they will remain on probation for a period of two years as per recruitment rules for
the post of Assistant Commandant (GD).
9. Submission of application :-
(i) The Directorate General of CAPFs will further circulate this advertisement, SOP
and its related instructions to their field formations for obtaining the applications of
eligible candidates.
(ii) The eligible candidates shall apply for the post in the prescribed format attached with
this Notification as Annexure-‘B’ to their respective Directorate General through proper
Applications should be supported with proof of the Date of Birth, Educational
Qualification, Caste/Tribal Certificate issued by the Competent Authorities, Certificate
for completing length of clean service (as prescribed in RRs of respective CAPFs) after
verification/checking from service records (as per annexure-D), ACRs/APARs for last
05 years and Disciplinary/Vigilance clearance Certificate/ SHAPE-I Medical Category.
However, no marks will be allotted for documentation. No direct correspondence by the
candidates, in this regard will be made with CRPF Directorate being Nodal Force.
(iii) The concerned Directorate General of CAPFs shall accordingly collect applications from
willing/eligible candidates of their Organization, consolidate applications properly,
entered serially in a register in the chronological order of the receipt. Preliminary
screening of applications as per checklist (Annexure-A) will be carried out by the
concerned Force Directorate strictly as per eligibility conditions by constituting a Board
of Officers and will forward the list of eligible candidates only in hard and soft copy
alongwith their Admit Cards (Annexure-C) to the Dy. Inspector General(Rectt),
Directorate General, CRPF, East Block-VII, Level-IV, R.K. Puram, New Delhi-66 for
allotment of Roll numbers to the eligible candidates. The applications received after due
date fixed for receiving or those found incomplete in any manner will be rejected by the
concerned Force Directorate, duly recording the reasons for rejection in the register
against the name of the applicant. Board Proceedings alongwith individual-wise
Recruitment Dossier, containing all the papers including ACRs/APARs, (Annexure-A to
D & (Annexure-II-soft and hard copy), NOC etc. tagged should be prepared in separate
file cover in each case & same should be serially as per check list and retained by
concerned CAPFs till hearing from Nodal Force (CRPF).
(iv) Application received after due date i.e. 21/05/2024 will not be considered under any
(v) Candidates must send the following documents with his/her application to their
concerned Directorate General:-
(a) Admit Card duly filled in all respect and signed by the candidate with photograph pasted
(duly typed on A4 size paper).
( Continued on page-6)
(b) Two identical copies of recent passport size (5 cms x 7 cms approx) photographs of the
candidate in uniform, one pasted on the application form and the other on the admit card
in the space provided therein, duly signed by the candidate as per instructions.
(c) Two self-addressed envelopes of 11.5 cms x 27.5 cms size affixed with Rs. 25/- postal
(d) Self attested true copy of matriculation or equivalent certificate as proof of age.
(e) Self attested true copy of the certificates of education qualifications.
(f) Self attested true copy of caste certificate in case of SC/ST candidates.
(g) Service certificate/vigilance clearance as per specimen enclosed with the application
(h) Attested copy of latest Shape-1(ONE) Medical Category certificate.
(I) Applications, which are not in prescribed proforma or not accompanied by the specified
enclosures or incomplete or defective applications shall be summarily rejected. No
representation or correspondence regarding such rejection shall be entertained under any
(II) Candidates are not required to submit any original certificates in support of their claims
regarding educational qualifications and other relevant certificates and will submit only
self attested/certified true copies with their applications. If on verification, even at any
later stage, it is found that any candidate does not fulfill any of the eligibility conditions;
his/her candidature shall be liable to be rejected.
(III) The applications of the eligible candidates received through respective CAPFs HQ will
be allocated Roll Numbers by the Nodal Force(CRPF).
(IV) Admit card for the written examination and venue of the examination will be issued to
each eligible candidate by Nodal Force and will be communicated through their
respective CAPFs HQ. If any candidate does not receive intimation, he/she may contact
concerned CAPFs HQ and no personal enquiry will be accepted by CRPF Dte. being
Nodal Force.
(V) Any change/notice in recruitment process will only be uploaded in CRPF Recruitment
website i.e. Hence, candidates at their own interest are advised
to log on to the CRPF Recruitment website from time to time.
10. Centre of Examination :-
Date and time of written examination, Physical Standard Test (PST), Physical Efficiency
Test (PET) and interview will be intimated to the candidates through their respective CAPFs
by Recruitment Branch, Directorate General, CRPF, East Block-VII, Level-IV, R.K.Puram,
New Delhi-110066. The candidates are required to bring along with them all their
testimonials in original at the time of interview.
Note :- Call letters will be issued to the eligible candidates for appearing in the written
examination only. No separate call letter will be issued to appear for PST/PET/Interview and
Medical examination. The list of eligible candidates will be circulated to concerned CAPFs
for informing to the eligible candidates and will also be displayed at the Recruitment Centre,
uploaded in CRPF Recruitment Website i.e.
( Continued on page-7)
(a) The application must be filled by the candidate in his/her own handwriting. Corrections, if
any, should be legible and attested by the candidate.
(b) Before filling in the application form, the candidates should read the eligibility conditions
for the recruitment carefully to see if they are eligible. They should apply if they fulfill all
the conditions to avoid disappointment at the later stage.
(c) Being allowed to appear in the written examination will not in any way guarantee
(d) Applications, which are not legible or are incomplete or incorrectly filled or are not
accompanied by prescribed enclosures, shall be summarily rejected.
(e) No changes in the entries once made in the application form will be allowed at later stages
under any circumstances.
(f) Applications supported by all documents as mentioned in above Paras will only be accepted
and no advance copy will be entertained by the Nodal Force.
Sd/- 08/04/2024
(H.S. Rawat)
IG (Estt)Dte.
(Signature, Name, Rank & Office) (Signature, Name, Rank & Office)
Member-II Member-I
5. Age as on 01.08.2023 :
Year Month Day
12. Number of chances of Assistant Commandant (LDCE), already availed and details
thereof:(Should be mentioned Year-wise) ___________________________________
No Objection Certificate
Certified that the particulars given by the applicant have been checked and found
correct. This Office has no objection for his/her appearing in Assistant Commandant(GD)
LDCE for the vacancy year-2023. He/she is eligible for the post of Assistant Commandant
(GD) through this LDCE.
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________
against him/her. He/she will be released to join his/her new assignment in case of selection to the post,
Place :-
Date :-
Name :
Designation :
Office Seal :
NOTE :- i) Service certificate- In the case of SIs, service certificate should be issued by Dy
Inspector General and for INSPs, service certificate should be issued by Inspector General
of concerned CAPFs.
ii) Length of service- The candidate should have completed four years regular service as
on 1st January 2023 in the rank of Sub-Inspector/ Inspector including period of training as
prescribed in RRs of respective CAPFs.
Sl. Number.
Force Number.
Name of CAPF.
Date of Birth
Age as on 01-08-2023
Length of service as on 01-01-2023
(10) (11)
Category ( UR/SC/ST).
Details of punishment if any.
for the vacancy year 2023 .
(Gallantry/Life Saving/DM & Fire
Medals ) during service , if any.
Number of chances already availed in AC(GD) LDCE and details
(15) thereof.
ACR/APAR Grading of preceding 05 years
Format of data to be forwarded in soft copy (MS Excel) by concerned CAPFs in respect of
eligible/willing candidates for the post of Assistant Commandant(GD) through LDCE in CAPFs
Sd/- 08/04/2024
(H.S. Rawat)