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evsjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© Gi †¯úkvj mv‡Rkb ‡deªæqvwi 202424 4

cÖKvwkZ nIqvi ZvwiL: 16 †deªæqvwi 2024

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 eZ©gv‡b BREB Gi M«vnK msL¨v KZ? (35,512,685)

 cjøx we`¨yr mwgwZ KZwU? 80 wU
 BREB K‡e MwVZ nq? 1977
 wcwRwmwe we`¨yr mÂvj‡bi mv‡_ wK wbqš¿Y K‡i _v‡K? wd«Ky‡qwÝ
 evsjv‡`‡ki KZ kZvsk gvbyl we`¨yr myweav cv‡”Q? 100%
 BREB Kvi †_‡K we`¨yr µq K‡i?? BPDB
 BREB Gi eZ©gv‡b m‡e©v”P KZ †gMvIqvU we`¨yr Pvwn`v? 9801 †gMvIqvU
 evsjv‡`‡ki †gvU Mªvn‡Ki c«vq 80% MªvnK cjøx we`¨yZvqb Kvh©µ‡gi AšÍf©y³|
 BREB †gvU †jv‡Wi cªvq 60% †jvW †kqvi K‡i _v‡K|

 What is the present per capita Electricity Generation ( Kwh) in BD.? 602 Kwh
 How many electricity distribution utilities are there in bangladesh? (6)

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 How many transmission utilities are there in Bangladesh? (1)
 Now Maximum Transmission Voltage in Bangladesh: (400 KV)
 Which distribution voltage is not used in BREB System? (66KV)

* ˆe`y¨wZK wgUv‡i GK BDwbU we`y¨r LiP ej‡Z eySvq-

K. GK wK‡jvIqvU N›Uv L. GK IqvU N›Uv
M. GK †gMvIqvU N. GK IqvU DËi: K
*. evsjv‡`‡k mve‡gwib †Ke‡ji gva¨‡g cÖ_g †Kvb Dc‡Rjvq we`y¨r mieivn Kiv nq?
K. nvwZqv L. mݯxc
M. Pi Av‡jKRvÛvi N. †m›U gvwU©b DËi: L
*. †KvbwU bevqb‡hvM¨ kw³i Drm bq?
K. Rj‡¯ªvZ L. evqy cÖevn
M. cÖvK…wZK M¨vm N. m~h©v‡jvK DËi: M
*. evsjv‡`k cjøx we`y¨Zvqb †evW© GKwU we`y¨r-
K. Drcv`bKvix ms¯’v L. weZiYKvix ms¯’v
M. mÂvjbKvix ms¯’v N. wecYbKvix ms¯’v DËi: L
*. gvbbxq cÖavbgš¿x †kL nvwmbv K‡e evsjv‡`‡ki kZfvM we`y¨r myweavi AvIZvq Avbvi †NvlYv cÖ`vb K‡ib?
K. 21 gvP©, 2021 L. 21 gvP©, 2022
M. 22 gvP©, 2022 N. 26 gvP©, 2021 DËi: L
*. we`y¨r Avwe®‹v‡ii m‡½ †Kvb wkí wecø‡ei m¤úK© Av‡Q?
K. cÖ_g L. wØZxq
M. Z…Zxq N. PZz_© DËi: L
*. ¯^vaxbZv cyi¯‹vi-2022 (2021) cÖvß †KvbwU?
K. R¡vjvwb wefvM L. we`y¨r wefvM
M. †¯ªfv N. wcwRwmwe DËi: L

*. cvqiv _vg©vj cvIqvi cøv‡›Ui †gvU Drcv`b ÿgZv KZ?

K. 800 †g. I. L. 400 †g. I
M. 1300 †g. I. N. 1320 †g. I. DËi: N
*. Ultra Super Critical Technology e¨envi K‡i we`y¨r Drcv`‡b evsjv‡`k c„w_ex‡Z KZZg †`k?
K. 10g L. 33Zg
M. 13Zg N. 35Zg DËi: M
*. wb‡Pi †KvbwU we`y¨r mÂvjb †Kv¤úvwb?
K. †Wm‡Kv L. †bm‡Kv
M. †Wmv N. wcwRwmwe DËi: N

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*Electric power is generated at the power station by using number of alternators in ____.
(a) parallel
(b) series
(c) both parallel & series
(d) none of the abov Ans: a

*The power factor of an IM under no load conditions will be closer to_________.

(a) Unity
(b) 0.2 lagging
(c) 0.1 leading
(d) 0.2 leading Ans: b

*When the fault current is 2000 A, for a relay setting of 50% with CT ratio 500/5, the plug setting
multiplier will be__________.
(a) 12
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 10
Ans: b PSM=(2000*5/500)/5*50%=8
*A transformer has copper loss of 200W at full load. The copper loss at half full load will be
a. 50W
b. 100W
c. 400W
d. 200W Ans: (½)^2 *200=50 W

*A transformer has iron loss of 200W at full load. The iron loss at half full load will be __________.
a. 50W
b. 100W
c. 400W
d. 200W Ans: d Iron loss constant so Iron loss always same.

*The full load copper loss of a transformer is 1600W. What will be the copper loss at 75% load?
(a) 1200W
(b) 900W
(c) 1600W
(d) 800W Ans: (0.75)^2 *1600= 900 W
*একটি কক্ষের তাপমাত্রা 40°C। ফাক্ষরনহাইট স্কেক্ষে তাপমাত্রা কত হক্ষব?
(ক) 80°F
(খ) 62°F
(গ) 86°F
(ঘ) 68°
Ans: C/5= F-32/9 => 40/5=F-32/9 => F= 104 F

*In a transistor if B=100 & Collector current is 10 mA, then Emitter current is __________.
(a) 100 mA

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(b) 10.1 mA
(c) 110 mA
(d) 9.9 mA
Ans: Ic= B*Ib Ib> = Ic/B = 10/100=0.1 We know Ie=Ib+Ic =0.1+10 =10.1ma

*The resonant frequency of an RF amplifier is 1 MHz and its bandwidth is 10 kHz. The Q factor will
A. 10
B. 100
C. 0.01
D. 0.1 Ans:b Q factor= Fr/BW=100

*An 8-pole, 3-phase, 50 Hz induction motor is operating at a speed of 720 rpm. The
frequency of the rotor current of the motor in Hz is ________.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 3
d) 1 Ans: a Fr=s*f=0.04*50=2 Hz
*What is maximum value of power factor?
(a) 0.5
(b) 1
(c) 1.5
(d) 0.95 Ans: b

*An Induction motor with 1000 r.p.m. speed will have___________.

(a) 8 poles
(b) 4 poles
(c) 6 poles
(d) 2 poles Ans: c Ns=120*50/Pole => Pole=6

*. 40W Two bulbs are connected in series, what will be the total power?
(a) 40W
(b) 80W
(c) 20W
(d) 25W Ans: 20W
*. 60W Two bulbs are connected in parallel, what will be the total power?
(a) 60W
(b) 30W
(c) 120W
(d) 100W Ans: 120W
*. A transformer has full-load copper loss of 400W. The copper loss at half full-load will be
a. 50W
b. 100W
c. 400W
d. 200W Ans: b

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*. A transformer has iron loss of 200W at full load. The iron loss at half full load will be
a. 50W
b. 100W
c. 400W
d. 200W Ans: d

 The Efficiency of half wave rectifier: 40.6%

 The Efficiency of full wave rectifier: 81.2%
 The ripple factor of half wave rectifier: 1.21
 The ripple factor of full wave rectifier: 0.48
 greater than 1 The form factor of AC wave: 1.11Load factor always less than 1
 Demand factor always less than 1
 Diversity factor always
 Fusing factor always greater than 1
 Economical power factor 0.95 lagging
 The efficiency of a 3-phase induction motor is approximately proportional to: (1-S).
 The short circuit test on a transformer gives: (copper losses)
 The open circuit test on a transformer gives: (iron losses)
 Armature reaction of an alternator affects: (Voltage)
 Which transformer is best considering following voltage regulation? (0%)
 The maximum efficiency of a class B push-pull amplifier is: (78.5%)
 The direction of rotation of a DC motor may be determined by : (Fleming's Left Hand Rule)
 When a 400Hz transformer is operated at 50Hz, its KVA rating is: (Reduced to 1/8)
 Full load copper loss of a transformer is 1600W. Which will be in half load-- (400W)
 When speed of an alternator is changed from 3600 rpm to 1800 rpm, the generated emf/phase
will become: (one-half)
 What is immaterial for a fuse? (Its length)
 In a BJT, if alpha=0.9 then Beta=? (9)
 Transformer has negative voltage regulation at power factor: (Leading)
 Input impedance of an Op-amp is: (very high)
 What is the frequency for a 4 pole generator of speed 1200 rpm? (40 Hz)
 A oil CB is rated as 1500A, 1000MVA, 33KV, 3-sec, 3-phase. Determine rated symmetrical
breaking current. (17496A)
 Two electric lamps 40W, 220V each are connected in series across 220V. The power
consumed by the combination: (20W)
 The full load slip of a synchronous motor is: (0%)
 If line frequency is 60Hz, the output frequency of a bridge amplifier is: (120Hz)
 Universal gate: (NAND+NOR gate)
 The ordinary efficiency of a given transformer is maximum when: (Cu loss=Iron loss)
 The most common fault on an overhead transmission line: (Single line to ground)
 The synchronous speed of a 3-phase induction motor having 20 poles & connected to a 50Hz
source is: (300 rpm)
 The armature of a dc machine is laminated in order to reduce: (eddy current loss)
 The condition for maximum efficiency of a generator is: (Variable loss=Constant loss)
 The power factor of an alternator is determined by its: (Load)
 Conductivity is analogous to: (Permeability)

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 Input impedance of Transistor: (Low)
 Fleming's Left hald rule applied in: Motor
 Fleming's Right hald rule applied in: Generator
 BJTs: Current controlled device
 MOSFET+JFET: Voltage controlled device
 Maximum efficiency of Transformer: Cu loss=Iron loss
 Maximum efficiency of DC Generator: Constant loss=Variable los
 FET, JFET & MOSFET †Kvb ai‡bi U«vÝwR÷i wWfvBm? DËit wZbwUB BDwb‡cvjvi wWfvBm| NPN & PNP nj
evB‡cvjvi U«vÝwR÷i|
 U«vÝwR÷‡ii †em, BwgUvi I Kv‡j±i †Wvwcs Kiv nq wKfv‡e? DËit nvjKv, me‡P‡q †ewk Ges gvSvwi
 FET I U«vÝwR÷i‡K †Kvb ai‡bi wWfvBm ejv nq?৷ DËit †fv‡ëR K‡›U«vj wWfvBm I Kv‡i›U K‡›U«vj wWfvBm|
 LED & LCD meaning Ans: Light Emitting Diode & Liquid Crystal Display
 BDwbfvm©vj †MBU ejv nq? DËit NAND & NOR
 †`‡k cvIqvi Distribution Utility KZwU? 6 wU
 †`‡ki m‡e©v”P we`¨yr Drcv`b 15648 ‡gMvIqvU
 eZ©gv‡b †`‡ki bewbe©vwPZ President KZZg I bvg 22 Zg Rbve †gvt mvnveywÏb
 24.4.2023 Zvwi‡L †`‡ki 22Zg ivó«cwZ wn‡m‡e kc_ wb‡jb †gv. mvnveywÏb |
 XvK Gwj‡f‡UW G•ª‡cÖmI‡q ev Dovj moK D‡Øvab Kiv nq 2 †m‡Þ¤^i 2023, †gvU ‰`N© 19.73 wKwg|
 RvZxq msm‡` me©Rbxb †cbkb e¨e¯’vcbv wej 2023 cvm nq 24 Rvbyqvwi 2023|
 me©Rbxb †cbkb e¨e¯’vcbv D‡Øvab Kiv nq 17 AvMó 2023|
 eZ©gv‡b wRAvB cY¨ 31 wU |
 ‡`‡k cÖ_gevi KjvMv‡Qi kvox ˆZwi K‡ib ivaveZx †`ex ev›`ievb
 wddv gwnjv wek^Kvc 2023 P¨vw¤úqb `j †¯úb|
 cÖ_g †`k wn‡m‡e Puv‡`i `wÿY †giæ Rq K‡i fviZ Z_v Bm‡ivi (Indian Space Research Organisation-1969)
gnvKvkhvb – P›`ªhvb 3 ( 23 AvMó 2023)
 we‡k^i PZz_© †`k wn‡m‡e Pvu` Rq K‡i fviZ|

 cÙv †mZy D‡Øva‡bi ZvwiL 25 Ryb 2022

 COP-29 m‡¤§jb AbywôZ n‡e AvRvievBRvb evKz 2024 mv‡j b‡f¤^i gv‡m|
 COP -30 m¤§‡jb AbywôZ n‡e eªvwR‡j|
 evsjv‡`‡ki 8g cÂevwl©K cwiKíbvi †gqv` 2021-2025
 Awdwmqvj bvg: Òevsjv‡`k e-Øxc cwiKíbv-2100 cÖYqY cÖKíÓ A_©‰bwZK mnvqZvq: †b`vij¨vÛm miKvi
 2022 KvZvi wek¦Kvc P¨vw¤úqb `j- Av‡R©w›Ubv
 cieZ©x 9g wU-20 wµ‡KU wek^Kvc 2024 mv‡j I‡q÷ BwÛR I hy³iv‡ó|
 evsjv‡`k Iqvb‡W, ‡U÷ I wU-20 `‡ji AwabvqK bvRgyj †nv‡mb kvšÍ | Avc‡WU 16 †deªæqvwi 2024

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