NZIA SCC SF 2018 Schedules - Reference
NZIA SCC SF 2018 Schedules - Reference
NZIA SCC SF 2018 Schedules - Reference
Institute of Architects
Short Form E
SCC SF 2018
Between <Principal>
the Principal
and <Contractor>
the Contractor
for <Contract>
the Contract
at <Location>
the Location
Telephone: 0-9-623 6080
Involvement of the Registered Master Builders Association of New Zealand Inc
This NZIA Standard Construction Contract Short Form 2018 has been negotiated with and is
endorsed by the Registered Master Builders Association of NZ Inc.
We acknowledge the following:
The substantial commitment made by the NZIA members of the NZIA - RMBA Joint Contracts
Committee, Graham Crust, Ben Dallimore, Tom Dixon, Norrie Johnson, Marcus Hogan, Tim
Melville, Phillipa Nihotte, Aaron Sills and Rosalie Stanley.
The substantial commitment made by the Registered Master Builders Association members of the
NZIA – RMBA Joint Contracts Committee, Paul O’Brien and Grant Pemberton
© 2018 New Zealand Institute of Architects Incorporated
This document may only be used by an NZIA Practice. It must not be copied, stored in any kind of
information retrieval system, or reproduced in any form by any individual organisation without the
express authority of a Principal of such NZIA Practice.
This edition
This edition represents a change from the approach that has been taken in previous editions as it
now includes the same general conditions as for the NZIA Standard Construction Contract.
However the schedules to this short form contract have been edited to exclude certain features
including liquidated damages and bonus provisions. Other parts of Schedule B1 have been pre-
filled with what is considered to be the default position for this item. Schedules relating to Special
The Principal: <Principal Name>
Contract Price: $
Contract price, excluding Goods and Services Tax
It is agreed as follows:
The Contractor will carry out the obligations imposed on the Contractor by the Contract
2. The Principal will pay the Contractor the Contract Price or such greater or lesser sum as
will become payable under the Contract Documents together with Goods and Services
Tax at the times and in the manner provided in the Contract Documents.
3. Each party will carry out and fulfil all other obligations imposed on that party by the
Contract Documents.
Contract Documents:
The Contract Documents are this Schedule A1 Contract Agreement and the following which
The Tender
Contractor’s Tender Submissions dated ~ as attached.
Contractor’s Tender Summary dated ~ as attached.
Notices to Tenderers
Notice to tenderer 01 dated ~
The following additional documents:
SCC:2018 General Conditions
Specifications issued prior to the date of acceptance of Tender
Drawings issued prior to the date of acceptance of Tender
This Contract Agreement is signed by the Principal
Name: <Principal>
Street Address: <Street address>
Postal Address: <Postal address>
E-mail: <Email>
Principal’s representative
Person: <Person>
E-mail: <Email>
Telephone: <Telephone>
Mobile: <Mobile>
Principal’s address for submission of Payment Claims
Street Address: <Street address>
Postal Address: <Postal address>
E-mail: <Email> E
Name: <Contractor>
Street Address: <Street address>
Postal Address: <Postal address>
E-mail: <Email>
Telephone: <Telephone>
Mobile: <Mobile>
Practice Name: <Practice>
Street Address: <Street address>
Person: <Person>
E-mail: <Email>
Mobile: <Mobile>
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Schedule B1 B1
Specific conditions
7.1 Site possession date
Time after notification of acceptance of Tender/date for Principal to give
possession of the Site to the Contractor. 10 Working Days
8.1 Principal supply items
The Principal is supplying the following items for inclusion in the contract
<List, or state None> E
8.3 Nominated subcontractors
The Principal is not nominating any subcontractor to carry out any work
or to provide goods or services.
Time from date Contractor is given possession of the Site for Contractor
to achieve Practical Completion of the Contract Works. ~ Working Days
14 Payments
Due date for payment and payment assessment times after a Payment
Claim is received by the Architect.
14.1.1 The Contractor is entitled to submit a Payment Claim to the
Architect. Once a month
14.1.2 d Due date for payment. 17 Working Days
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Schedule B1 B1
Specific conditions
Materials and Fittings not delivered to the Site
14.1.2 e iv The Contractor is entitled to include a Payment Claim for an
advance for materials or fittings not yet delivered to the Site
but only for the following.
<List, or state None>
14.9 Retentions
14.9.1 Retentions apply to this Contract as follows
On the first $200,000.00 10%
plus on the next $800,000.00 5%
Maximum retention: $60,000.00
Retentions payments
14.5.2 Time for the Principal to notify amendment or deductions 3 Working Days
14.6.1 Time for any required replacement Payment Schedule to be
15 Final Payment
15.1.1 Time after the Practical Completion certificate has been
issued for the Contractor to submit the Final Payment Claim. 1 month
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Schedule B1 B1
Specific conditions
Due date for payment and payment assessment times after the Final
Payment Claim is received by the Architect.
15.1.3 d Due date for payment 45 Working Days
15.2.1 Time for Architect to issue Final Payment Schedule 20 Working Days
15.4.2 Time for Principal to notify any amendments or deductions 30 Working Days
15.5.1 Time for any required replacement Final Payment Schedule
to be issued. 35 Working Days
President of the Arbitrators and Mediators Institute of New Zealand Inc.
Registrar of the Building Disputes Tribunal (NZ) Limited
Delete one
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Schedule E3 E3
Practical completion certificate
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Issued to: <Principal>
Copy to <Contractor>
Practical Completion
Practical Completion means that the Contract Works or a Separate Section of them attain
Practical Completion when:
a. they are able to be used for their intended purpose without material inconvenience;
b. they have generally been built in accordance with the Contract documents;
c. they are complete except for:-
• minor defects and minor omissions for completion during the Defects Notification
• omissions and defects which the Architect becomes aware of during the Defects
Notification Period;
• any undiscovered, latent or other defect or omission which the Architect could not have
reasonably discovered;
• work which the Architect and the Contractor have agreed to defer for completion during
the Defects Notification Period, or such later date as agreed between the parties.
d. Information and warranties listed in the Specific conditions have been provided.
This certificate
This is to certify that in accordance with clause 12.1, the Contract Works have been inspected
and qualified for Practical Completion on <Practical Completion Date> .
The Defects Notification Period as detailed in clause 13.1 commenced on this date and
continues for a period of <Period of Continuation> .
The Architect has used all reasonable care and skill in the preparation of this Certificate.
It is provided in accordance with and subject to clause 1.3.1 Architect’s role, sub-clause c.
This certificate is provided to the Principal and Contractor only, and for the purposes set out in
this Contract. It is not to be used by the Principal, the Contractor, or any other person, for any
other purpose. No waiver of this clause by the Architect shall be effective unless it is in
Issued by Date
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Schedule E4 E4
Defects liability certificate
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Issued to: <Principal>
Copy to <Contractor>
End of Defects Notification Period
The Architect is required to issue a defects liability certificate. Clause 13.3.1 states that:
The Architect must issue a defects liability certificate to the Principal with a copy to the
Contractor when in relation to the Contract Works or a Separate Section of them:
a. the Defects Notification Period has ended; and
b. deferred work and omissions have been completed; and
c. all defects have been corrected.
This certificate
This is to certify that in accordance with clause 13.3, for the above named Contract Works the
Defects Notification Period has ended, all deferred work and omissions have been completed
and all defects have been corrected.
The issuing of this certificate does not affect the Contractor’s liability to fulfil any obligation in
the Contract which remains unperformed or not properly performed.
The Architect has used all reasonable care and skill in the preparation of this Certificate.
It is provided in accordance with and subject to clause 1.3 Architect’s role, sub-clause c.
This certificate is provided to the Principal and Contractor only, and for the purposes set out in
this Contract. It is not to be used by the Principal, the Contractor, or any other person, for any
other purpose. No waiver of this clause by the Architect shall be effective unless it is in
Issued by Date
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Schedule F1 F1
Specific conditions of insurance
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Principal: <Principal>
Contractor <Contractor>
Minimum insurance requirements
These are minimum requirements and the Principal and/or Contractor are
free to arrange whatever additional insurance protection they may require.
These insurance arrangements do not limit or alter any indemnities as
contained in the general conditions.
b. An amount for Variations that the Architect may direct during the $<0.00>
Contract period
replacement work
f. An amount for increased construction costs incurred as a result of $<0.00>
loss or damage.
To be completed irrespective of whether the Principal or the Contractor is insuring
Amounts are exclusive of Goods and Services Tax
Deductible in Contract Works insurance arranged by the Principal. $<0.00>
2. Existing structures
2.1 The Principal shall arrange insurance for loss or damage to the Principal’s
existing structures and contents arising out of the performance of the
Contract Works.
2.2 The existing structures are: -
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Schedule F1 F1
Specific conditions of insurance
<Existing structures>
There are no existing structures for which this insurance is required.
Delete provision which do not apply
2.3 Deductible in existing structures insurance arranged by the Principal. $<0.00>
3. Public liability insurance
3.1 The Contractor shall effect insurance in the name of the Contractor with
the Principal noted as an additional insured for its legal liability arising
from the performance of the Contract Works by the Contractor under this
3.2 The insurance shall be effected for an amount not less than: $5,000,000.00
and notification from the Principal that the Principal has taken over
the risk; and then
c. continue to cover loss or damage and liability risks arising from the
carrying out of deferred work and work required to remedy defects until
such work is completed.
6. Insurance requirements
6.1 The insurances that the Contractor or Principal arrange under the
Contract must meet the following requirements:
a. The insurance must include a provision that a default by one insured
does not prejudice the rights of the other.
b. The insurance must include a waiver of the insurer’s right to
subrogation against the insured parties.
c. The insurance must operate as if separate policies had been issued
to each of the insured parties other than in relation to the amount of
insurance available.
d. The insurer or insurers and the insurance contracts must be
acceptable to the other parties, but those parties must not be
unreasonable in agreeing to the arrangements.
e. They must not be able to be cancelled or changed without the consent
of the parties
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Schedule F2 F2
Confirmation of insurance – Contract Works
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Principal: <Principal>
Contractor: <Contractor>
We advise that “additional” terms, copy attached, have been specifically Yes / No
applied to this project.
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Schedule F2 F2
Confirmation of insurance – Contract Works
Construction period
Defects Notification Period
(both subject to alteration under construction contract)
Annual cut-off policy Yes / No
Policy expiry date
Testing and commissioning period. Yes / No
Flow on damage as a result of faulty materials, workmanship or errors & Yes / No
omissions in design
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us without written advice to
the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Insurance Company
Signed Date
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Schedule F3 F3
Confirmation of insurance – Public liability
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Contractor: <Contractor>
With the Principal noted as an additional insured for its legal liability arising from the
performance of the Contract Works by the Contractor under this contract.
Principal: <Principal>
We advise that “additional” terms, copy attached, have been specifically Yes / No
applied to this project.
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Schedule F3 F3
Confirmation of insurance – Public liability
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us without written advice to
the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Insurance Company
Signed Date
© NZIA Inc 2018 SCC 2018 SF v1.0 Schedule F3 Confirmation of insurance – Public liability– Page 2 of 2
Schedule F4 F4
Confirmation of insurance
Motor vehicle third party liability
Schedule F4 Confirmation of insurance – Motor vehicle third party liability
We confirm having effected motor vehicle third party liability insurance for:
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Contractor: <Contractor>
Annual policy Yes / No
Policy expiry date
The sums insured are: -
Section 2 liability $
The deductible/excess is (including GST) $
We advise that “additional” terms, copy attached, have been specifically Yes / No
applied to this project.
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us without written advice to
the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Insurance Company
Signed Date
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Schedule F5 F5
Confirmation of insurance – Construction Plant
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Contractor: <Contractor>
Annual policy Yes / No
Policy expiry date
The sums insured are: -
Schedule of Construction plant and equipment attached $
The deductible/excess is (including GST) $
We advise that “additional” terms, copy attached, have been specifically Yes / No
applied to this project.
We undertake that this policy will not be cancelled or amended by us without written advice to
the insured party which has arranged the insurances.
The insurance issued is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Insurance Company
Signed Date
© NZIA Inc 2018 SCC 2018 SF v1.0 Schedule F5 Confirmation of insurance – Construction Plant– Page 1 of 1
Schedule G1 G1
Warranty agreement
Contract: <Contract>
Location: <Location>
Contractor: <Contractor>
Principal: <Principal>
Warrantor: <Warrantor>
Warranted works: <Warranted works>
Warranty period: <#> years from the date of Practical Completion of the Contract Works.
The Principal has entered into a Contract (the Contract) with the Contractor for carrying out
the Contract Works. The warranted works are part of the Contract Works.
The Contractor has agreed to arrange for the provision of a warranty in respect of the
warranted works for the warranty period on the terms set out in this warranty.
The warrantor has agreed to provide a warranty in respect of the warranted works for the
warranty period on the terms set out in this warranty.
It is agreed
The warrantor warrants to the Principal that the warranted works shall be as required in the
If not specified, the works shall comprise of materials and fittings of merchantable quality and
be undertaken in accordance with good trade practice.
This warranty shall be in addition to, and shall not derogate from, any manufacturer’s warranty
or any warranty implied by law, attaching to any part of the warranted Works.
1. Warrantor’s obligations
1.1 The warrantor agrees that if the warrantor is advised by the Principal in writing within the
warranty period of any defect in the warranted works for which the warrantor is liable under
the terms of this warranty, the warrantor will promptly take steps to remedy the defect.
2. Remedial Work
2.1 Any work which the warrantor is liable to undertake shall be carried out:
a. to the standard required by the Contract; and
b. in a prompt and timely manner; and
c. without unnecessary inconvenience to any occupants; and
d. at the warrantor’s cost; and
e. subject to reasonable access being provided to the warrantor for the purpose of carrying
out the work.
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Schedule G1 G1
Warranty agreement
rectification without substantial expense which is out of all proportion to the cost of the
Contract Works, the warrantor may:
a. where the defect may be reasonably rectified by repair rather than by replacement, the
warrantor’s obligation under this warranty shall be only to repair or otherwise make good
the defect; or
b. propose reasonable monetary compensation in lieu of remedying the defect; or
c. propose a combination of both repair and compensation.
3.2 The Principal must consider the warrantor’s reasonable proposals and the parties must
endeavour in good faith to reach agreement. Where agreement cannot be reached, the
dispute shall be resolved in accordance with the disputes clause in this warranty.
4. Failure by warrantor to perform remedial work
4.1 If the warrantor fails to promptly, adequately and satisfactorily carry out the work or to propose
acceptable repair/compensation, the Principal may then arrange for the work to be carried out
by others.
4.2 The Principal must first give the warrantor 10 working days notice to carry out and complete
the work. If the warrantor does not do this within the time, the Principal must then advise the
warrantor in writing that the work will be carried out by other Persons.
4.3 In such event the warrantor is not released from obligations under this warranty, which
continues in full force and effect, except in respect of the defect remedied by the Principal or
by another person contracted by the Principal.
4.4 The reasonable cost of remedial work carried out by such other persons including all
reasonable costs of the Principal is to be paid to the Principal by the warrantor on demand.
5. Exclusions
5.1 The Principal agrees that the warrantor is not liable for any defect or damage caused by:
a. wilful act or negligence of the Principal or any person other than the warrantor; or
b. fire, explosion, earthquake, war, subsidence, slips, faulty materials or workmanship other
than caused by the defect in the warranted work; or
c. any force of nature which the warrantor could not reasonably foresee; or
d. any neglect or unnecessary delay by the Principal in giving notice to the warrantor of a
defect in the warranted Works becoming apparent; or
e. design faults, errors or discrepancies, unless the warrantor undertook the design of the
part of the warranted works the subject of the defect; or
f. unintended use of the warranted works by the Principal or any occupant thereof; or
g. failure by the Principal or any occupant thereof to maintain the warranted works in
accordance with good practice and any manufacturer’s stated or recommended
instructions or requirements.
6. Assignment
6.1 The Principal may assign the benefit of this warranty to any person.
7. Disputes
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Schedule G1 G1
Warranty agreement
7.1 Any dispute between the Principal and the warrantor arising out of this warranty is to be
referred to arbitration before a sole arbitrator. If within 15 working days of notice of dispute,
the Principal and the warrantor cannot agree on a single arbitrator, either party may request
the president of the Arbitrators & Mediators Institute of New Zealand to appoint an arbitrator.
8. Notices
8.1 Notices given to the warrantor are deemed to have been effectively served on the warrantor if
given in accordance with the Contract.
Signed by the Warrantor
E Date
Print name of person authorised to sign
In the presence of
Signed by witness
In the presence of
Signed by witness
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Schedule G1 G1
Warranty agreement
NOTE – Where the Warrantor is not the Contractor the Warranty agreement must be executed by both the Warrantor and the Principal
in the manner required for execution of a deed.
Where any of these parties are a company the Warranty must be executed by having it signed, under the name of the company, by two
or more directors. If there is only one director, it is sufficient if the Warranty agreement is signed under the name of the company by that
director, but the signature must be witnessed by another person.
The witness must not only sign but must also add his or her occupation and address. Alternatively, companies may execute under
power of attorney. Where any party is a body corporate the warranty agreement must be executed by affixing the body corporate seal,
which must be attested in the manner provided for in the clauses of, or applicable to, the body corporate deed.
In the case of a party who is an individual, the party must sign and the signature must be witnessed by another person. The witness
must not only sign but must also add his or her occupation and address.
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