ApotheCarrie Tarot Journal Workbook
ApotheCarrie Tarot Journal Workbook
ApotheCarrie Tarot Journal Workbook
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The tarot will reflect some hard truths back to us if we are willing to
receive them. This is where the deep healing can happen with tarot.
Journaling these feelings as they come up can move us through discomfort
and towards becoming a more integrated person.
W hich cards do you immediately and/ or consistently feel
resistance towards?This may feel like a dislike or aversion
but can also feel like apathy. W hich cards do you currently
wish were not part of the deck?There may be some
personal healing needed there. Looking into what these
cards represent can bring wonderful insight to your
Most tarot readers will get "haunted" by a certain
card that tends to show up often in a short period
of time. Spend some time with this card: what
could it be trying to bring to light?Even if the card
repeats while reading for other people, it likely has
a message for you as well.
- Perhaps you could explore colour in the tarot. Explore how each colour adds or
enhances the card it appears on. W hat is your personal relationship with that
- W hich animals appear in your deck?How do they relate to the cards that they
show up on?W hat are the characteristics of that animal?
- You may wish to become familiar with numerology and devote a page to
numerical references with tarot. There are some strong patterns there.
- W ho are you as a tarot card?W hile we are constantly evolving through different
cards, who are you now and what lessons and healing might be suggested by this
- Daily Draws! This is one of the most important ways to engage with your tarot
deck. Draw a card in the morning and spend your day looking for examples of this
card in your tasks and interactions. Alternately, you may draw a card in the
evening and reflect back on how that card may have shown up for you throughout
the day.
© All materials property of Carrie Besko and ApotheCarrie Tarot