and more...
on US Orders over $35!
Inside Savor Daily Life to
Nature-Based & Pagan . . . . . . . . 1
Tarot & Divination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Make the Most of
Lo Scarabeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Blue Angel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
the New Year
Each new year ushers in new beginnings and is a turning point in the
2024 Annuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 wheel of time that offers fresh snow, fresh schedules, and fresh starts.
Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Many of us make resolutions—often to remove negative habits from
our lives and instill positive practices in their place.
Magick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
But, resolutions, for so many reasons, often fall by the wayside. They
Alternative Health
may be too grand in scope, or too unattainable within our current
& Self-Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
framework of life. Instead of making resolutions, one place to start
Paranormal, Psychic creating lasting change for the upcoming year is by savoring and cel-
Development, Past Lives, ebrating the mundane in our lives—each and every day.
& Spirit Communication. . . . . . 29 There is power and wisdom in all that happens each day, whether
Astrological Services . . . . . . . . . 31 through the turning of our daily oracle card, trimming our herb gar-
dens, or journaling the previous night’s dreams. When we reconnect
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
with and learn to recognize the beauty and power that is already
Sign Up Today! around us, we can make the path to our goals that much easier.
Get special offers and discounts via email. No matter what your goals or resolutions for the new year look like,
this issue has a number of books and decks to help you get started.
ORDER ONLINE: • Page 3: Herbs are a powerful way to elevate not just your magic
Llewellyn.com but also your daily life! The Hearth Witch’s Everyday Herbal
catalogs more than 150 commonly found herbs, with time-
ORDER BY PHONE: saving, user-friendly plant profiles.
Toll-free within the
U.S. at 1-877-NEW-WRLD • Page 6: Start your year with month-by-month gardening
(1-877-639-9753). guidance for flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, and more.
Featuring dozens of spells, charms, and activities, A Year in
ORDER BY MAIL: the Enchanted Garden helps you deepen your connection to
Llewellyn Worldwide Mother Earth.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN • Page 17: The minutiae of daily life can make it difficult to
55125-2989, U.S.A. connect to the natural world. Be empowered and aligned to the
sacred cycles of nature through the 45 cards of the Maidens of
Cover credits: Getty Images #1281593121
©Iryna Rudaieva
Nature-Based & Pagan
Virgo Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Thumper Forge • 244 pp • 5 x 7
Improve your magical practice and personal development
with the power of your Virgo Sun sign. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and
Thumper Forge share what strengths and challenges your sign
brings to both witchcraft and everyday life. Featuring recipes,
exercises, stories, rituals, and spells from the authors and a
RECENT host of Virgo contributors, this book teaches you how to best
release connect with your sign's energy, manage your power, cleanse
and shield yourself, tailor-fit magical workings to your sign,
and more.
Leo Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Coby Michael • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Ignite your witchcraft with the mighty roar of your Leo sun
sign. Featuring eye-opening insight and numerous spells,
exercises, and stories, Leo Witch reveals what strengths and
weaknesses this sign brings to both your practice and every-
day life. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Coby Michael, along with a
RECENT variety of Leo contributors, teach you how to best connect
release with your sun sign energy. Contributors include Aly Kravetz
aka BronxWitch, Jaime Gironés, Fio Gede Parma, Gwendolyn
Reece, Lady Rhea, David Salisbury, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Sandra Kynes.
Cancer Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Madame Pamita • 248 pp • 5 x 7
Dive deep into every magical endeavor and nurture
your intuition with the power of your sun sign. Ivo
Dominguez, Jr. and Madame Pamita, along with a vari-
ety of Cancerian contributors, teach you to boost your
witchcraft and personal development through spells,
Boost Your Magical
exercises, recipes, and stories. You'll learn how to con-
nect with your sign's energy, understand your strengths
and weaknesses, and choose the best correspondences
Practice with the
and tools. Contributors include Jenya T. Beachy, Sam
Belyea, Durgadas Allon Duriel, Laura González, Courtney
Weber, Stephanie Woodfield, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Power of Your
Sandra Kynes.
Sun Sign
Libra Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Patti Wigington • 248 pp • 5 x 7
Gemini Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Laura Tempest Zakroff Bring balance to your magical life and improve all your relationships with the
248 pp • 5 x 7 power of your Libra Sun sign. Sharing numerous spells, exercises, recipes, and
Unite your Gemini nature and your witchcraft with this practi-
stories, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington help you harness Libra energy
cal astrological guide. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Laura Tempest
Zakroff, as well as contributing Gemini witches, show you how and use it to make your practice stronger than ever. Discover the correspon-
to power your magick with your sun sign's energy. You will dences, self-care routines, and divination techniques that best support your
discover ways to incorporate your sun sign into daily prac-
tice, use self-care routines to keep your magic in peak shape,
personality and goals. In addition to spells from a variety of Libra contributors,
gain Gemini guidance through ritual, and more. Contributors you'll discover cleansing and shielding methods, a ritual to meet with the
include Chris Allaun, Crystal Blanton, Irene Glasse, Tiffany spirit of your sign, and advice for overcoming any obstacles.
Lazic, Najah Lightfoot, Austin Nix, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Sandra Kynes. 978-0-7387-7286-8
Northeastern maritime practice of “buying the wind,” the Mexican
Curanderismo method of energy cleansing with candles, the Irish-
American custom of making fairy houses, and more.
SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99
Speak in the comprehensive collections of witchcraft and folk magic ever writ-
ten. This treasure trove of witchery is designed to help you inte-
grate folk traditions into your life and deepen your understanding
Charming Tradition
of magic.
SAVE 30% $27.99 $19.59
2 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan
A Resource
of Nearly 150
Sourced Herbs
The Hearth Witch’s Everyday Herbal
Anna Franklin • 328 pp • 7½ x 9¼
From acacia to yarrow, this valuable resource is packed with entries
for nearly 150 commonly sourced herbs. The Hearth Witch's Everyday
Herbal helps you easily find culinary, household, cosmetic, magical, and
medicinal uses for almost any plant.
Designed for quick reference, this catalog of botanical wisdom is an
excellent guide for anyone who works with herbs in their daily and
magical lives. Each concise entry includes the plant's planetary ruler,
element, and magical virtues, as well as associated deities and lore, and
the appendix explains how to prepare herbs for teas, salves, bath prod-
ucts, and more.
The Hearth Witch’s The Hearth Witch's The Hearth Witch's Year The Hearth Witch’s
Garden Herbal Kitchen Herbal Anna Franklin • 256 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Compendium
Anna Franklin • 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Anna Franklin • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Filled with spells, recipes, and crafts, this Anna Franklin • 528 pp • 7½ x 9¼
This book teaches you how to use a wide This practical guide includes more than 150 book helps you discover the magical Experience the power of magical workings
variety of common garden plants to improve recipes and highlights 23 plants, spices, and rhythms of the natural world. Join Anna using items you created yourself. Utilize natu-
your health, treat common ailments, make herbs. It shows how to use the ingredients Franklin as she shares time-honored recipes ral ingredients for the wellbeing of your com-
personal care products, and develop your most of us already have in our kitchens for and step-by-step instructions for bringing munity, home, and body. This comprehensive
magical practice. Anna Franklin provides home remedies, personal care, spiritual prac- enchantment and joy into your life. Discover sourcebook includes more than 200 food and
comprehensive profiles for nearly thirty tice, and magic. dozens of incantations and spells to help you drink recipes, more than 100 bath and beauty
plants, such as begonia, sunflower, dande- 978-0-7387-5789-6 celebrate the cycles of the seasons, honor recipes, nearly 200 essential oil blends and
lion, and clover. She shares each one’s culi- the gods and spirits, and release negative home remedies, and much more.
nary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses. energy and anxiety. 978-0-7387-5046-0
978-0-7387-7230-1 978-0-7387-6497-9
SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99
$24.99 $19.99
Kitchen Witchery
Laurel Woodward • 360 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Transform your cooking into a magickal art of healing, manifesta-
tion, and creation. Featuring a wide variety of recipes, correspon-
dences, and techniques, this practical guide elevates the way you
cook and prepare meals. Laurel Woodward shares the magick of
everyday things, revealing how each task can become a ritual of
SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49
Enchanted Kitchen
Gail Bussi • 336 pp • 5 x 7
Take a delicious tour through the year with this month-by-month
celebration of nourishment for the body, heart, and soul. Part guide-
book, part recipe book, and part inspirational journey, Enchanted
Kitchen is ripe with the simple magic, healing, and joy found in the
ordinary, everyday things we sometimes take for granted.
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of
Wicca in the Kitchen
Scott Cunningham • 400 pp • 6 x 9
Virtually any item in your pantry can be used for personal transfor-
mation, because food contains specific magical energies you can
harness for positive results. This encyclopedia of food magic offers
twenty-seven of Scott Cunningham’s favorite recipes. Magical
menus for more than ten desired goals are also included.
Become a Wizard
you, your meal preparation experience can be both creative and
consuming as you sample the helpful hints, superb resources and
fascinating lore in A Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook.
in the Kitchen
4 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan
Season Songs
Emma Kathryn • 192 pp • 5¼ x 8
Featuring an animist approach to the Wheel of the Year, this book
is a beautiful ode to nature-centered magical practice. Using her
own stories and experiences as a witch, Emma Kathryn passion-
ately helps you develop a connection to the natural world in every
release season. This book includes 30+ exercises to help you navigate the
land where you live in a meaningful way.
Round We Dance
Mark A. Green • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Bring more joy and meaning to your life with nature-based rituals,
ceremonies, and workings that are spiritually powerful but not reli-
gious. With an emphasis on the cycles of nature instead of deity
worship, Mark A. Green shows you how to celebrate the wheel of
the year, rites of passage, and personal observances. He provides
pre-order dozens of rituals, workings, crafts, and recipes that bring more hap-
NOW! piness and connection to every occasion.
Carl F. Neal • 240 pp • 5 x 7
A well-rounded introduction to Imbolc, this attractive book features
rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes hands-on
Step onto the information for modern celebrations, spells, crafts, invocations
and prayers, and more! Imbolc—also known as Brigid’s Day—is a
time to awaken from our months of introspection and start making
6 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan
Build a Rich
Practice to Hades
Jamie Waggoner • 256 pp • 6 x 9
One of the most recognizable but misunderstood Greek gods, Hades plays a
valuable role that has not garnered much adoration. Using myth, storytelling,
and practical exercises, author Jamie Waggoner shows how Hades is more than
the keeper of souls and the land of the dead. She reveals his true nature and
provides everything you need to build your own rich devotional practice.
Discover Hades's real story with passages written in his own words, excerpts
from historical texts, and Jamie's personal experiences. She helps you cultivate
an unexpectedly life-affirming relationship with him through meditations, altar
building, and other magical work. With Hades's wisdom, you will develop a deep
appreciation for the glorious spectrum of experience we can have in this mortal
NEW! $21.99
Hades at Llewellyn.com
Houseplant HortOCCULTure Jude's Seasonal Herbal Remedies The Magickal Botanical Oracle
Devin Hunter • 320 pp • 6½ x 8 • Hardcover • Color Jude Todd, Carly Wall • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8 Christopher Penczak & Maxine Miller • Boxed deck includes 33 cards and
160-page guidebook
No plant is ever just a houseplant. Whether you are a green Master Herbalist and Naturopathic Doctor Jude C. Todd
witch or merely horti-curious, you can learn how to success- compiled a compendium of the teas, tinctures, lotions, and Tap into the deeply rooted wisdom of the natural world with
fully grow potted plants, connect with their spiritual energies, potions she crafted across more than four decades of experi- this dark and mysterious union of horticulture and occult-
and partner with them for magic. ence in the healing arts. After Jude passed away, her daugh- ism. Featuring plants commonly found in a witch's garden,
ter Carly Wall found and edited her unfinished manuscript, apothecary, or spell book, Maxine Miller's detailed illustra-
“Respectful, inclusive, and inspiring.”
cultivating it into a work that Jude's many readers will love. tions personify the true spirit of each plant while capturing
—Arin Murphy-Hiscock, author of The Green Witch
978-0-7387-7674-3 the elegance and multifaceted nature of the botanical world.
$26.99 $16.99
The Witches’ Encyclopedia Divine Dirt Backyard Garden Witchery
of Magical Plants Charity L. Bedell • 264 pp • 5 x 7 Laurel Woodward • 408 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Sandra Kynes • 408 pp • 8 x 10 Turn ordinary soil into magic with more than 150 spells and No matter what your skill level is, you’ll find practical advice
Featuring more than 550 plants, this heavily illustrated exercises designed to work with the energy of various envi- for building and maintaining an enchanting garden, as well as
botanical encyclopedia offers detailed profiles of all the mag- ronments—from riverbanks and fields to gardens and grave- spiritual guidance for keeping it sacred and safe. This book cov-
ical herbs, houseplants, fruits, vegetables, trees, and flowers yards. Charity L. Bedell combines witchcraft, Conjure, and ers not only the ins and outs of dirt types, zones, and sun expo-
you could ever need. other folk practices to help you connect with and understand sure, but also the energy of plants, regions, and land spirits.
978-0-7387-7548-7 the magical places all around you. 978-0-7387-7070-3
$34.99 978-0-7387-7740-5 SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99
Weedy Wisdom for the Curious Forager Magical Gardens Garden Witchery
Rebecca Randall Gilbert • 264 pp • 5½ x 6¼ Patricia Monaghan • 288 pp • 7½ x 9 Ellen Dugan • 304 pp • 7½ x 7½
Based on foraging classes Rebecca taught at Camp This updated fifteenth anniversary edition offers fresh advice How does your magickal garden grow? Whether you live in
Jabberwocky, the oldest summer camp for people with dis- and guidance for creating a soul-nourishing magical garden. a wooded cottage, a suburban house, or a city apartment, a
abilities in the US, this book introduces beginners to the lan- Bursting with ideas, fascinating myth, and gardening advice powerful and enchanted realm awaits you. Discover the secret
guage of plants and the art of noticing. Learn to gather and for every climate and season, this guidebook also offers med- language and magickal properties of trees and flowers, herbs
prepare commonly available plants, from sumac to sassafras, itations, rituals, prayers, and ceremonies. and plants, and learn how to create your own witch’s garden.
for a wide variety of purposes. 978-0-7387-3192-6 978-0-7387-0318-3
978-0-7387-7207-3 SAVE 30% $17.95 $12.57 $21.99
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89
8 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan
A Witch's
Guide to
Creating &
Phoenix LeFae
264 pp • 6 x 9
This inspiring book walks you through every step of ritual work, from setting
your intentions to creating sacred space to closing the ceremony. You will
find a variety of exercises, meditations, and activities, as well as guidelines
for making unique rituals from scratch. Phoenix helps you design solitary
and group rituals that are the perfect fit. NEW!
Life Ritualized
Gwion Raven & Phoenix LeFae • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Whether it's a weighty occasion like birth, marriage, or death, or
a more private one like blessing a new house or changing jobs,
A Must-Have
this book provides everything modern witches need to make it a
moment of reflection and reverence. Phoenix LeFae and Gwion
Raven help you commemorate rites of passage. Life Ritualized
Resource for
Wiccan Rituals
offers detailed instructions for group and solitary activities that
enrich these moments for witches and Pagans.
The Elements of Ritual
Everyday Witch Book of Rituals Deborah Lipp • 320 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Deborah Blake • 360 pp • 7½ x 7½
Amplify your wishes and manifest positive changes in your life Fully revised and expanded with fresh insights, this new edition of
with Deborah Blake’s inspiring collection of simple rituals. Whether The Elements of Ritual is a must-have resource on Wiccan ritual. Not only does
practicing alone or with a group, these empowering ceremonies will
help you find love, build courage, boost creativity, achieve balance,
it teach you step-by-step how to cast a circle, but it also explains why each step
and deepen your faith. Through lighthearted, down-to-earth meth- is important. Deborah Lipp looks at every phase through an elemental lens,
ods, fill your year with meaningful magickal practice. revealing the process (earth), mythology (water), mystical inspiration (fire),
and theology (air) behind it.
The Elements of Ritual now features updates throughout on gender and polar-
ity as well as all-new sections on the history of elemental associations and
Amber K & Azrael Arynn K • 624 pp • 7 x 10 raising the cone of power. This edition also includes alternate orders for the
Change yourself and your world with effective, focused rituals. traditional steps of ritual.
Whether you’re planning a simple coven initiation or an elaborate
outdoor event for hundreds, the authors share their vast knowl- 978-0-7387-7550-0
edge of ritual planning, explore ritual from many cultures, and $24.99
share their own experiences. This all-inclusive guidebook includes
all aspects of ritual.
Jo Graham introduces you to the history and mythology of seven Live fully as a Pagan every day of the year, not only at full moons
Hellenistic goddesses and teaches you how to work with each one and holidays. With practical tips for incorporating Pagan spiritual-
in your spiritual practice. With the help of these powerful deities, ity into every aspect of life, this book teaches you how to do quick
you can improve your luck, resilience, and more. Jo encourages and easy rituals, make a customizable sacred calendar, connect
you to explore your personal connection to each goddess through with the earth, express Pagan spirituality through craft projects,
stories, journal prompts, and rituals. and more.
978-0-7387-6726-0 978-0-7387-3724-9
$17.99 $16.99
10 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Tarot & Divination
Release Mental
Clutter and Elevate
Your Tarot Readings
Meditation and Tarot
Chanda Parkinson • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8
Combine the power of tarot with the art of meditation to deepen mindfulness,
cultivate intuition, and unlock your inner wisdom. Chanda explores the major
arcana, minor arcana, and court cards in depth, sharing card correspondences,
overall theme, related meditation, number meanings, and more.
Based on the classic Rider-Waite-Smith system, this beginner-friendly book
features card art from various decks as well as exercises and journal prompts
designed to help you improve relationships, solve problems, and understand
yourself on a deeper level.
Tarot: The Way of Pathworking the Tarot Tarot Healer Mindful Tarot
Mindfulness Leeza Robertson • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8 Leeza Robertson • 276 pp • 5¼ x 8 Lisa Freinkel Tishman, PhD
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger Deepen your connection to the tarot cards Combining chakra healing techniques with 336 pp • 6 x 9
136 pp • 6 x 9 • Color with this book’s amazing approach to path- the healing energy of tarot, this book guides Combining tarot card archetypes and mean-
Discover the amazing partnership of tarot working. With straightforward techniques you through each of your seven chakras, ings with today’s well-researched methods
and mindfulness with this comprehensive, and hands-on exercises, Leeza Robertson showing you how to enhance your energy, of meditation, this groundbreaking book
full-color book by European tarot authorities guides you through the 78 cards using three find and clear blocks, and become your own shows you how to find amazing insights
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger. Featuring pathworking styles: intentional, intuitive, tarot healer. Through engaging exercises, through compassion. Learn to develop skills
spreads, charts, and card-by-card breakdowns and wandering. Pathworking is also a jour- enlightening card meanings, and guided on three levels: mindful awareness of your-
with color illustrations for each, this guide is ney of meditation, and you’ll learn how to readings, this guide helps you build a road self and your querent, a deeper relationship
the ultimate resource for finding peace and meditate on your readings. map for spiritual and physical healing. with your cards, and a transformed under-
balance through your tarot practice. 978-0-7387-5787-2 978-0-7387-6376-7 standing of the tarot system.
978-0-7387-6662-1 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89 $17.99 978-0-7387-5844-2
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 $19.99
Seaborn Kipper
Siolo Thompson & Thomas Witholt
Boxed kit includes 38-card deck and 160-page, full-color guidebook
From bestselling artist Siolo Thompson comes a fortune-telling deck like no other. Based on
the historic Kipper system, this whimsical set features ethereal aquatic life and genderqueer
merpeople who reveal deep insights about yourself, your life, and the people impacting it.
The companion guide blends old and new divination methods, creating a modern approach
that focuses on personal identity and self-development. With Siolo's signature watercolor
style and Thomas Witholt's masterful insights, Seaborn Kipper stands out in an ocean of
other decks.
Otherkin Tarot
Siolo Thompson • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 288-page, full-color guidebook
Siolo Thompson
From the creator of the bestselling Linestrider Tarot comes a (Seattle, WA) is a visual artist and author who
unique, Rider-Waite-Smith-based deck filled with beings who employs multiple techniques and narrative
inhabit the liminal space between myth and fact, human and ani- forms, from traditional painting to comics
mal. Tarot’s deep symbolism is brought into new light with these and sequential illustration. Her work has
fanciful illustrations, originally created with hand-ground natural
been published and exhibited worldwide.
pigments on natural paper.
She is the creator of The Linestrider Tarot,
$29.99 Otherkin Tarot, Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle,
Winterseer Animal Oracle, Seaborn Kipper,
and more. Visit her at SioloThompson.com.
12 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Tarot & Divination
Witch Sister Tarot Tarot of the Witch's Garden
Julia Jeffries • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 216-page, full-color guidebook Sasha Graham & Natasa Ilincic • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 312-page,
Thrumming with the power of Celtic legends and kindred spirits, full color guidebook
this hauntingly beautiful deck captures the bold and mysterious Cultivating personal intuition is as sublime as a summer land-
nature of witchcraft. Julia Jeffrey's evocative artwork reimagines scape with this enchanting Rider-Waite-Smith-style deck. Natasa
the Rider-Waite-Smith system into a world of iconic witches, magi- Ilincic's delicate watercolor paintings decorate seventy-eight
cal familiars, and extraordinary stories. exquisitely crafted cards with comforting cottagecore scenes to
RECENT 978-0-7387-6511-2 provide gentle respite from your busy modern world.
$32.99 978-0-7387-6852-6
Edgar Allan Poe Tarot Mystic Palette Tarot Muted Tone Edition
Rose Wright & Eugene Smith • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 288-page, Ciro Marchetti • Boxed deck includes 78 cards
full-color guidebook Featuring softer and more refined colors that give it a vintage, well-
Blending the divinatory power of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot with loved feel, this deck-only version of Mystic Palette Tarot inspires
the visionary writings of Edgar Allan Poe, this deck offers deep spiri- awe with every card flip. Ciro Marchetti's signature style takes on
tual insight into who you are and what you might become. Stunning new life in this muted edition, transformed by an amber glow that
illustrations based on Poe's tales of the mysterious and the macabre will make your readings more meaningful and fun.
will inspire your imagination and open your soul to revelation. 978-0-7387-7615-6
978-0-7387-6033-9 $23.99
$31.99 NOW!
The Wizard
of Oz Book
Paolo Barbieri
128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ • Color • Hardcover
Journey to Oz like you never have before with this illustrated storybook by
award-winning artist Paolo Barbieri. This full-color, hardcover book reimag-
ines one of the greatest American stories, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in
Barbieri's breathtaking art style. Accompanied by extracts from the original
text by L. Frank Baum, this book invites you to experience an epic adventure
alongside Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodcutter, and the Cowardly Lion.
Alice in Wonderland Book Barbieri Night Fairies Book StarDragons Book Tarot of Traditions
Paolo Barbieri • 128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ Paolo Barbieri • 96 pp • 8 x 11 Paolo Barbieri • 128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ Giuliano Costa • Boxed deck includes 78 cards
• Color • Hardcover Color • Hardcover Color • Hardcover Known for his use of rich colors and
Experience Wonderland like you never have Step into the phenomenal world of night From the brilliant imagination of best- high-quality compositions, Giuliano Costa
before with this full-color, illustrated story- fairies with this stunning book by renowned selling artist Paolo Barbieri comes a presents a new Rider-Waite-style tarot that
book by award-winning artist Paolo Barbieri. artist Paolo Barbieri. These gorgeous illus- must-have book filled with exquisite will inspire every reading. This deck gives
This hardcover book presents Lewis Carroll's trations transport you into a realm of won- and formidable stardragons. They are traditional symbols a rustic feel that is warm
classic story, but the artwork reinterprets Alice der where fairies welcome you with radiant creative renditions of famous constella- and welcoming as you find the answers you
as a teenager exploring Wonderland. In his magic and energy. With this hardcover tions, including Andromeda, Pegasus, seek. Each card encourages you to delve just
signature style, Barbieri brings new depth book, you'll be inspired to channel the Orion, Ursa Major, and many more. Barbieri’s a little deeper into their meanings, finding
to Alice's journey and delights readers with strength and curiosity of these fairies in your stardragons capture the essence of these unique connections that improve your every-
exquisite illustrations. everyday life. cosmic forces and inspire you to shoot for the day life in many ways.
978-0-7387-7585-2 978-0-7387-6951-6 stars in everything you do. 978-0-7387-7677-4
$24.50 $28.95 978-0-7387-6592-1 $24.95
14 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Tarot for
Practical People
Alice Mastroleo
192 pp • 5¼ x 8 • Color
Learn how to read tarot and make the most out of each draw. Designed spe-
cifically for practical-minded people, this 192-page book forgoes the frills
and instead focuses on grounded and dependable methods for interpret-
ing the cards and divining your future. This innovative approach to tarot will
guide you toward easier readings and down-to-earth answers to any real
world, day-to-day questions you may ask.
Visit https://bit.ly/Llewellyn_Tarot
for new tarot and oracle decks, our free
online tarot reading, and more to get
started on your tarot journey.
Activate Your
Psychic Ability
Paul Fenton-Smith
240 pp • 5¼ x 8¼
Your psychic senses are your keys to creating your best path forward. Activate your
natural psychic ability to build faith in your instincts and be true to the outcomes
of your choosing. This thorough and practical how-to includes approaches, strat-
egies, exercises, activities, quizzes, anecdotes and expert advice. Gain awareness
of where the choices, connections and actions of today will take you so you can
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Soul Mirror Journal Soul Mirror Oracle Soul's Journey Oracle The Path of Light Oracle
Sunshine Connelly & Ana Novaes Sunshine Connelly & Ana Novaes • Boxed kit Rassouli • Boxed kit includes 44 cards Anthony Salerno & Toni Carmine Salerno
includes 42 cards and 120-page, color guidebook and 120-page, color guidebook Boxed deck includes 39 cards
220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼
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Transform fear, amplify love, and welcome Deluxe Paperback
minating process. Within its light, you are Featuring gold foil embellishments on the
potent change for yourself and all the Immerse yourself within a fusion of timeless
freed into the understanding that we are all box and guidebook as well as gold stamp-
intertwining threads of your world with this teachings, spirited illuminations, transfor-
divine, all creators, all connected. Gaze into ings on the back of each card, this gorgeous
journal. Inside, you'll enjoy 220 lined and mative imagery, and loving intention. With
this oracle to transform fear, amplify love, oracle will help you realize your unique
unlined pages, 44 full-page color illustra- in-depth messages and practical exercises
and welcome potent change for yourself and destiny. Rassouli's enchanted messages,
tions, and inspiring verses that guide your inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, this oracle
all the intertwining threads of your world. mantras, and artwork are interlaced with
spiritual odyssey. With this journal, you can is invaluable for anyone seeking a more
Know and see yourself through the mirror of love, wisdom, and inspiration to nurture
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sacred rhythms and lost traditions. Work with these elemental beings to discover har-
mony within the cycles of your life and embrace your true, unshakeable center.
Earth Mothers Oracle Medicine Heart Journal The Messenger’s Lightworker Oracle:
Lynda Bell • Boxed kit includes 45-card deck Alana Fairchild; Sophie Wilkins Scribe Journal Fierce Love 11:11 Edition
and a 120-page guidebook Alana Fairchild, Mario Duguay, Hillary Wilson
220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼ Ravynne Phelan • 220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼
The Earth Mothers are magical guardians Connect with the eternal essence of Mother There was a time when humankind moved Boxed deck includes 44 cards; card stand with
who care for the animals in this world and gold-foil sigils; and 240-page, color guidebook
Earth to honor the natural wisdom and lov- in harmony with the seasons and cycles of
beyond. The spirited beings they protect are With gold-foil accents on the box and guide-
ing intelligence of your Medicine Heart. This life, and this journal is for those who yearn
here to provide you with intuitive wisdom book cover, as well as gold-painted edges on
220-page journal features lined and unlined to re-ignite their connection with Gaia, the
and clarity. Lynda Bell's vibrant portrayals every card, this special edition of Lightworker
pages, inspired verse, and 44 full-page natural world, and its creatures. Infused with
of 45 goddess protectors and their furry, Oracle connects you with your heart. Be con-
color illustrations to help you discover pre- the magic of ancient dragons, elemental fae,
feathered, and scaled charges will speak fident in claiming the unique beauty that
cious offerings nestled in seen and unseen mystical trees, and their wild animal kin, this
directly to your wild and imaginative heart. resides within your soul. Whether you’re an
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Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs
Llewellyn’s 2024 Moon Sign Book Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Sun Sign Book
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resource for people in all walks of life, and it's Spiral Bound titioners of any skill level, and it shows you how
been a bestseller since it first appeared in 1905. Llewellyn's 2024 Moon Sign Datebook is a weekly to use planetary wisdom to find exciting oppor-
This book is a gardener's best friend, with lunar planner packed with tips for gardening by the tunities in your future. This accessible almanac
timing tips for planting and harvesting that have moon, moon lore, and information on retro- helps you answer important questions about love,
proven their effectiveness time and time again. grades, void-of-course, equinoxes, and solstices. money, family, and more while you learn what
978-0-7387-6898-4 The moon's energy and the position of the heav- areas in your life have potential for great success
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Mystical Cats Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 Alchemy 1977 • 24 pp • 12 x 12
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With twelve magical scenes that any cat lover will a dozen different decks, each one handpicked by tarot at a time with Alchemy 1977's latest wall calendar.
adore, this calendar showcases feline poise and play- expert Barbara Moore. More than a collection of art, Featuring thirteen new illustrations filled with dark and
fulness in a uniquely captivating way. Each illustration Llewellyn's 2024 Tarot Calendar also provides valu- mysterious delights, this powerful collection of allur-
by award-winning artist Ciro Marchetti captures majes- able insights, tips, and techniques you can apply to ing gothic imagery will provide energy and excitement
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Secrets of Predictive Astrology What's Your Big Three?
Anthony Louis • 440 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Andrea Taylor • 264 pp • 5 x 7
In the 1920s, London astrologer William Frankland revolutionized Your sun sign represents your will, your moon sign shows how
predictive astrology. Now you can learn his methods for yourself. you feel, and your rising sign—AKA your ascendant—indicates what
Drawing on Frankland’s two books, author Anthony Louis explores people first notice when meeting you. This beginner-friendly book
RECENT Frankland’s discoveries in detail, sharing numerous examples that explores the meaning of each zodiac sign and how your big three
demonstrate how inclusive and uncomplicated these methods work together. You’ll enhance self-awareness and promote hap-
can be. pier relationships with friends and family.
978-0-7387-7464-0 978-0-7387-7061-1
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Written roughly a century earlier than the four gospels that Drawing from Eastern and Western traditions to form its own 360 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with dust jacket
appear in the Bible, the Gospel of St. Thomas features 114 unique path, this book introduces practitioners to a new Discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, this authentic
verses detailing an inward, mystical spirituality, through to be school of ceremonial magic. JR Mascaro presents paneidol- work of 17th-century English magic has been meticulously
some of the closest records to Yeshua’s (Jesus’) teachings. This ism, his unique ritual system, and shows you how to contact transcribed and translated by Daniel Harms and illustrated
book explores each of these translated verses and helps you and work with spirit entities. This book provides powerful by James R. Clark. Includes a comprehensive introduction,
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A trained linguist and enthusiastic intellectual, Patrick Dunn Frater Barrabbas instructs the ritual magician and occult Europe’s best-known mage and contemporary occult author
delves into the web of language and symbols that constitute student on the history and theory of Qabalah—and provides shares his extensive magical expertise in the companion vol-
nearly every magical act. His theoretical, language-driven practical tools for incorporating these elements into spiritual ume to his highly acclaimed High Magic. This comprehensive
paradigm touches on all elements voiced and written, from and magical practice. He presents the Qabalah in five parts, guide explores a variety of magical topics—mirror magic, sigil
speaking in tongues and creating mantras to composing covering the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two paths, the Four magic, shamanism, magical orders, mudras, and divination—
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Psychic Dreamer
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In dreams, everyone is creative, intuitive, and guided by dimensions that are not usually
perceivable while awake. In this book, Dr. Michael Lennox helps you explore your innate
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your skill level.
Dr. Lennox introduces you to the different types of dreams, including precognitive, lucid,
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who have passed, and encounter all sorts of out-of-body experiences. The book also covers
past lives, night terrors, and multidimensional dreams, and effective dreamwork.
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uneasy, and uncontrollable. This book shows how to tame ing body positivity, relationships, and career, this book helps the six empathic types. The Spiritual Power of Empathy is a
your consciousness and manage stress, anxiety, and frustra- you find greater freedom within yourself. Durgadas Allon hands-on training course for empaths. Learn how to comfort-
tion. With thorough mental training provided by renowned Duriel unites spirituality with cognitive behavior therapy to ably use this often-unrecognized ability for self-care, career
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learn to activate wellness on all levels and deepen the bond while also healing your home and the planet. Join feng shui you in using your master chakra on the path to greater love,
with your animal. Providing in-depth descriptions and case expert Tisha Morris as she reveals the amazing possibilities for harmony, and fulfillment. Learn about the soul-ray colors,
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stories, and advice for creating herbal medicine, this fun mudras. Popular author Alexandra Chauran reveals that all eye and improve your innate psychic abilities. Jiulio Consiglio
hardcover book is an ideal resource for gardeners and aspir- the power you need is right in your hands. Featuring a wealth shows you how to tune in to your intuition, protect your third
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Rounded Edges and Foil Drawing on Eastern and Western explanations of energy Develop intuitive awareness and learn to understand the
Connect to your spirit animals and discover how they can work, this beginner-friendly book teaches how to see and signs that Spirit sends your way. Featuring a glossary of hun-
guide you to live your best life. This beautifully bound, pock- interact with subtle energies. Jean-Louis de Biasi shares dreds of signs and their meanings, this comprehensive guide
et-sized guide features more than two hundred entries for nearly 40 exercises, both for solo practitioners and couples, helps you build a personal oracle system for invoking mes-
wild, domestic, and mystical animals. Learn what each sym- to heighten your psychic abilities and give you a new under- sages in your daily life. You’ll also explore ways to connect
bolizes, how it may appear to you, and how to best use its standing of the levels of reality beyond our own. with loved ones in the spirit realm.
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Paranormal, Psychic Development, Past Lives, & Spirit Communication
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This hands-on book presents a brand-new method of channeling Astral projection, or out-of-body travel, is a completely natural
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how to communicate with angels, ghosts, nature spirits, and more. make new friends or even find a lover—all are possibilities on the
Usable as a companion to The Art of Scrying & Dowsing, this book’s astral planes. Learn how to leave your body at will, be fully con-
methods provide much higher accuracy than traditional channel- scious, and remember the experience after you return.
ing practices. 978-1-56718-796-0
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Step onto the Garden Path
with a Year of
Spells, Stories & Soil
Planted mainly for its beautiful paper-white bark and lovely foliage, the birch is a great addition to northern
gardens. As a tree of new beginnings, birch teaches us to look at the possibilities that lie before us and be
courageous in our undertakings. Traditional Witch’s besoms are made from birch twigs and can be used in
ritual to “sweep” out the old year.
Experience an Epic
Adventure Through Oz
This full-color, hardcover book reimagines
one of the greatest American stories,
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,
in Paolo Barbieri's breathtaking art style.