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JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 Opening the Door to Spiritual Evolution & Magical Living

Start the New Year

by Savoring Each Day
Advice for the Entire Year
Seaborn Kipper Deck
Through Your Dreams

and more...

on US Orders over $35!
Inside Savor Daily Life to
Nature-Based & Pagan . . . . . . . . 1
Tarot & Divination . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Make the Most of
Lo Scarabeo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Blue Angel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
the New Year
Each new year ushers in new beginnings and is a turning point in the
2024 Annuals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 wheel of time that offers fresh snow, fresh schedules, and fresh starts.
Astrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Many of us make resolutions—often to remove negative habits from
our lives and instill positive practices in their place.
Magick. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
But, resolutions, for so many reasons, often fall by the wayside. They
Alternative Health
may be too grand in scope, or too unattainable within our current
& Self-Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
framework of life. Instead of making resolutions, one place to start
Paranormal, Psychic creating lasting change for the upcoming year is by savoring and cel-
Development, Past Lives, ebrating the mundane in our lives—each and every day.
& Spirit Communication. . . . . . 29 There is power and wisdom in all that happens each day, whether
Astrological Services . . . . . . . . . 31 through the turning of our daily oracle card, trimming our herb gar-
dens, or journaling the previous night’s dreams. When we reconnect
Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
with and learn to recognize the beauty and power that is already
Sign Up Today! around us, we can make the path to our goals that much easier.
Get special offers and discounts via email. No matter what your goals or resolutions for the new year look like,
this issue has a number of books and decks to help you get started.

ORDER ONLINE: • Page 3: Herbs are a powerful way to elevate not just your magic
Llewellyn.com but also your daily life! The Hearth Witch’s Everyday Herbal
catalogs more than 150 commonly found herbs, with time-
ORDER BY PHONE: saving, user-friendly plant profiles.
Toll-free within the
U.S. at 1-877-NEW-WRLD • Page 6: Start your year with month-by-month gardening
(1-877-639-9753). guidance for flowers, herbs, vegetables, trees, and more.
Featuring dozens of spells, charms, and activities, A Year in
ORDER BY MAIL: the Enchanted Garden helps you deepen your connection to
Llewellyn Worldwide Mother Earth.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN • Page 17: The minutiae of daily life can make it difficult to
55125-2989, U.S.A. connect to the natural world. Be empowered and aligned to the
sacred cycles of nature through the 45 cards of the Maidens of

Stay Connected the Wheel Oracle.

• Pages 24: Our intuition is a powerful asset as we move toward
our goals. Learn to tap in to your innate psychic abilities
through the power of your dreams with Psychic Dreamer.
• Inside Back Cover: Begin your new year by sweeping out
Legal Notice
Prices are subject to change without notice.
the old and ushering in the new with a Birch Besom creation,
Sale prices may not be combined with other offers. excerpted from A Year in the Enchanted Garden.
Copyright ©2024 Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
All rights reserved. Though the paths to our goals will often be long and winding, each
Stock photography model(s) used for illustrative
purposes only and may not endorse or represent the journey starts with a single step. May you be inspired to take a step
book’s subject.
forward on your journey by savoring and enjoying all the beauty and
New Worlds of Body, Mind & Spirit and Llewellyn
are registered trademarks of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. power already around us.

NW241 designed by Adrienne January Best and brightest,

Cover credits: Getty Images #1281593121
©Iryna Rudaieva
Nature-Based & Pagan

Virgo Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Thumper Forge • 244 pp • 5 x 7
Improve your magical practice and personal development
with the power of your Virgo Sun sign. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and
Thumper Forge share what strengths and challenges your sign
brings to both witchcraft and everyday life. Featuring recipes,
exercises, stories, rituals, and spells from the authors and a
RECENT host of Virgo contributors, this book teaches you how to best
release connect with your sign's energy, manage your power, cleanse
and shield yourself, tailor-fit magical workings to your sign,
and more.

Leo Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Coby Michael • 240 pp • 5 x 7
Ignite your witchcraft with the mighty roar of your Leo sun
sign. Featuring eye-opening insight and numerous spells,
exercises, and stories, Leo Witch reveals what strengths and
weaknesses this sign brings to both your practice and every-
day life. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Coby Michael, along with a

RECENT variety of Leo contributors, teach you how to best connect
release with your sun sign energy. Contributors include Aly Kravetz
aka BronxWitch, Jaime Gironés, Fio Gede Parma, Gwendolyn
Reece, Lady Rhea, David Salisbury, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Sandra Kynes.

Cancer Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Madame Pamita • 248 pp • 5 x 7
Dive deep into every magical endeavor and nurture
your intuition with the power of your sun sign. Ivo
Dominguez, Jr. and Madame Pamita, along with a vari-
ety of Cancerian contributors, teach you to boost your
witchcraft and personal development through spells,
Boost Your Magical
exercises, recipes, and stories. You'll learn how to con-
nect with your sign's energy, understand your strengths
and weaknesses, and choose the best correspondences
Practice with the
and tools. Contributors include Jenya T. Beachy, Sam
Belyea, Durgadas Allon Duriel, Laura González, Courtney
Weber, Stephanie Woodfield, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Power of Your
Sandra Kynes.
Sun Sign
Libra Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Patti Wigington • 248 pp • 5 x 7
Gemini Witch
Ivo Dominguez, Jr.; Laura Tempest Zakroff Bring balance to your magical life and improve all your relationships with the
248 pp • 5 x 7 power of your Libra Sun sign. Sharing numerous spells, exercises, recipes, and
Unite your Gemini nature and your witchcraft with this practi-
stories, Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Patti Wigington help you harness Libra energy
cal astrological guide. Ivo Dominguez, Jr. and Laura Tempest
Zakroff, as well as contributing Gemini witches, show you how and use it to make your practice stronger than ever. Discover the correspon-
to power your magick with your sun sign's energy. You will dences, self-care routines, and divination techniques that best support your
discover ways to incorporate your sun sign into daily prac-
tice, use self-care routines to keep your magic in peak shape,
personality and goals. In addition to spells from a variety of Libra contributors,
gain Gemini guidance through ritual, and more. Contributors you'll discover cleansing and shielding methods, a ritual to meet with the
include Chris Allaun, Crystal Blanton, Irene Glasse, Tiffany spirit of your sign, and advice for overcoming any obstacles.
Lazic, Najah Lightfoot, Austin Nix, Dawn Aurora Hunt, and
Sandra Kynes. 978-0-7387-7286-8

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 1

Nature-Based & Pagan

Ozark Folk Magic

Brandon Weston • 278 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Bring ancient methods of healing and magic into the modern
world with this impressive book on Ozark folk magic. Discover how
to optimize your healing work and spells according to the moon
cycles, zodiac signs, and numerology. Providing lore, herbs, magi-
cal alignments, verbal charms, and more.
SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

Ozark Mountain Spell Book

Brandon Weston • 216 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Discover traditional folk magic of the Ozark Mountains and how
to incorporate it into your own practice with Brandon Weston’s
follow-up to Ozark Folk Magic. This unique grimoire weaves fas-
cinating historical details and thrilling stories from Weston’s life
alongside step-by-step instructions for authentic remedies, rituals,
and spell work.

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of

North American Folk Magic
Cory Thomas Hutcheson • 384 pp • 8 x 10
This comprehensive guide to North American folk magic cov-
ers more than twenty diverse magical traditions. Discover the

Northeastern maritime practice of “buying the wind,” the Mexican
Curanderismo method of energy cleansing with candles, the Irish-
American custom of making fairy houses, and more.
SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99

New World Witchery

Cory Thomas Hutcheson • 480 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Featuring nearly 500 samples of folklore, including stories, arti-
facts, rituals, and beliefs, New World Witchery is one of the most

Speak in the comprehensive collections of witchcraft and folk magic ever writ-
ten. This treasure trove of witchery is designed to help you inte-
grate folk traditions into your life and deepen your understanding

Charming Tradition
of magic.
SAVE 30% $27.99 $19.59

of Ozark Rhymes, Small Magics

Poems & Verses

H. Byron Ballard • 214 pp • 5¼ x 8
H. Byron Ballard presents a hands-on, back-to-basics guide to
building a magical practice. She answers vital questions about
what magic is, why it matters, and how to do it, offering no-non-
Granny Thornapple’s Book of Charms sense techniques anyone can use. She encourages you to experi-
ence magic with fresh eyes—whether you’re a beginner or need to
Brandon Weston • 288 pp • 6 x 9 regain a beginner’s mind.
Little Ann was born in Nelson's Holler during a thunderstorm on the 978-0-7387-7370-4
same day her grandmother died. She was also born with the gift.
Follow Ann's story as she grows up learning the folkways, embraces her
Roots, Branches & Spirits
natural cunning, and eventually becomes her town's charmer, earning the
H. Byron Ballard • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8
nickname "Granny Thornapple." The southern Appalachians are rich in folk magic and witchery.
This book explores the region's customs and traditions for magi-
Brandon Weston begins each chapter with a compelling snippet from cal healing, luck, prosperity, and more. Author H. Byron Ballard—
the life of this fictional practitioner, who is based on the many healers he known as the village witch of Asheville, North Carolina—teaches
has interviewed. you about the old ways and why they work. Part cultural journey
and part magical guide, this book uncovers the authentic tradi-
978-0-7387-7608-8 tions of one of North America's most spiritually vibrant regions.
$19.99 $16.99

2 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan

A Resource
of Nearly 150
Sourced Herbs
The Hearth Witch’s Everyday Herbal
Anna Franklin • 328 pp • 7½ x 9¼
From acacia to yarrow, this valuable resource is packed with entries
for nearly 150 commonly sourced herbs. The Hearth Witch's Everyday
Herbal helps you easily find culinary, household, cosmetic, magical, and
medicinal uses for almost any plant.
Designed for quick reference, this catalog of botanical wisdom is an
excellent guide for anyone who works with herbs in their daily and
magical lives. Each concise entry includes the plant's planetary ruler,

element, and magical virtues, as well as associated deities and lore, and
the appendix explains how to prepare herbs for teas, salves, bath prod-
ucts, and more.

The Hearth Witch’s The Hearth Witch's The Hearth Witch's Year The Hearth Witch’s
Garden Herbal Kitchen Herbal Anna Franklin • 256 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Compendium
Anna Franklin • 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Anna Franklin • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Filled with spells, recipes, and crafts, this Anna Franklin • 528 pp • 7½ x 9¼
This book teaches you how to use a wide This practical guide includes more than 150 book helps you discover the magical Experience the power of magical workings
variety of common garden plants to improve recipes and highlights 23 plants, spices, and rhythms of the natural world. Join Anna using items you created yourself. Utilize natu-
your health, treat common ailments, make herbs. It shows how to use the ingredients Franklin as she shares time-honored recipes ral ingredients for the wellbeing of your com-
personal care products, and develop your most of us already have in our kitchens for and step-by-step instructions for bringing munity, home, and body. This comprehensive
magical practice. Anna Franklin provides home remedies, personal care, spiritual prac- enchantment and joy into your life. Discover sourcebook includes more than 200 food and
comprehensive profiles for nearly thirty tice, and magic. dozens of incantations and spells to help you drink recipes, more than 100 bath and beauty
plants, such as begonia, sunflower, dande- 978-0-7387-5789-6 celebrate the cycles of the seasons, honor recipes, nearly 200 essential oil blends and
lion, and clover. She shares each one’s culi- the gods and spirits, and release negative home remedies, and much more.
nary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses. energy and anxiety. 978-0-7387-5046-0
978-0-7387-7230-1 978-0-7387-6497-9
SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99
$24.99 $19.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 3

Nature-Based & Pagan

Kitchen Witchery
Laurel Woodward • 360 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Transform your cooking into a magickal art of healing, manifesta-
tion, and creation. Featuring a wide variety of recipes, correspon-
dences, and techniques, this practical guide elevates the way you
cook and prepare meals. Laurel Woodward shares the magick of
everyday things, revealing how each task can become a ritual of
SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49

Enchanted Kitchen
Gail Bussi • 336 pp • 5 x 7
Take a delicious tour through the year with this month-by-month
celebration of nourishment for the body, heart, and soul. Part guide-
book, part recipe book, and part inspirational journey, Enchanted
Kitchen is ripe with the simple magic, healing, and joy found in the
ordinary, everyday things we sometimes take for granted.
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of
Wicca in the Kitchen
Scott Cunningham • 400 pp • 6 x 9
Virtually any item in your pantry can be used for personal transfor-
mation, because food contains specific magical energies you can

harness for positive results. This encyclopedia of food magic offers
twenty-seven of Scott Cunningham’s favorite recipes. Magical
menus for more than ten desired goals are also included.

A Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook

Patricia Telesco • 384 pp • 7 x 10
More than a collection of recipes, A Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook weds
modern ingredients and utensils with potent traditional prepara-
tions for a truly magical resource. Wherever your cooking takes

Become a Wizard
you, your meal preparation experience can be both creative and
consuming as you sample the helpful hints, superb resources and
fascinating lore in A Kitchen Witch’s Cookbook.

in the Kitchen

Cookbook of Shadows The Magick of Food

Gwion Raven • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Melanie Marquis • 352 pp • 5 x 7 Discover a magickal collection of lore, recipes, rituals, and practices
Embrace the magick of cooking and become a true wizard in the kitchen with from modern and ancient cultures of the world. You’ll transform
the mundane task of fueling your body into an opportunity for
dozens of simple, delicious, and effective recipes. Featuring the magickal attri- deep nourishment and connection to loved ones and the divine.
butes of more than one hundred ingredients, Cookbook of Shadows teaches “This book is truly a joy…[It] should be in every witch’s home.”
you how to shape reality through mindful, witchy food. —Michael Furie, author of Supermarket Sabbats
Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of enchanted cooking, from the $19.99
metaphysical effects of common culinary items to recipes designed to attract
peace, prosperity, strength, and love. Whether you're looking for seasonal Celtic Folklore Cooking
feast ideas or a magickal midnight snack, Melanie Marquis provides every- Joanne Asala • 384 pp • 7 x 10
Celtic Folklore Cooking offers plenty of tempting choices for daily
thing you need to unlock the maximum power of food. meals or special celebrations. More than two hundred tasty, tra-
978-0-7387-7496-1 ditional dishes are nestled among food-related proverbs, poems,
tales, customs, and other nuggets of folk wisdom. Each recipe lists
$17.99 ancient and modern holidays associated with the dish so you can
select the perfect seasonal fare.

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Nature-Based & Pagan



release release release release

Conjuring the Calabash Dream Witchery Seeking Dragons

Mawiyah Kai EL-Jamah Bomani • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Elhoim Leafar • 400 pp • 6 x 9 Virginia Chandler • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Authentic and unapologetic, this guide to magical spirituality Venezuelan practitioner Elhoim Leafar presents more than This marvelous guide provides everything you need to put
empowers women of color to take back the power to heal and 70 spells, charms, folk remedies, and exercises to help you dragon energy to work in your life. Virginia Chandler presents
shine under their own strength. Written by an accomplished understand the world of dreams. Written from the perspective various methods and tools for working with dragons, includ-
Hoodoo practitioner, this book features spells, recipes, and ritu- of South American magical culture, this must-have compen- ing incense, oil recipes, chants, and meditations. Discover
als that help readers rise out of the constrictions around them. dium demonstrates what dream witchery is, why it’s import- dragon archetypes, how to safely approach and connect with
978-0-7387-7371-1 ant, and how to practice it. them, what offerings they like, and much more.
$18.99 978-0-7387-7475-6 978-0-7387-6970-7
$22.99 $19.99

Practical Candle Magic Empowerment Through Witchcraft Magical Herb Compendium

Rachel Patterson • 304 pp • 6 x 9 Linda Murphy, PhD • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 Aurora • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Featuring 35+ spells and exercises, this book guides you Discover how traditional Wicca can empower and change you. Explore the magical properties of more than 90 herbs, from
through every aspect of working with wick and wax, from Linda Murphy, PhD teaches that witchcraft is more than just aconite to yew. In detailed profiles, this book catalogs magi-
the fundamentals to creating your own candle magic. Rachel spellcasting, helping you enhance your personal power and cal and astrological associations, as well as potential uses for
teaches you how to choose a candle, charge it with intention, live at the center of your strength. This book features more each plant so you can quickly access any of its information.
dress it with oils and herbs, and complete your spell. Discover than 30 exercises, including spells, rituals, and meditations. This encyclopedia features all the knowledge and skills you
candle spells for luck, prosperity, protection, love, and more. 978-0-7387-7449-7 need to create your own apothecary.
978-0-7387-7153-3 $17.99 978-0-7387-7495-4
$18.99 $18.99

A Rainbow of Spells The Book of Druidry Queen of All Witcheries

Ileana Abrev • 264 pp • 5½ x 6 • Hardcover • Color Kristoffer Hughes • 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Jack Chanek • 240 pp • 6 x 9
Featuring more than 70 spells, this book shows you how to Renowned author Kristoffer Hughes presents a beginner Who is the Goddess and how did she become the iconic
connect with color for powerful magic. Ileana Abrev teaches guide to Druidry that covers what it is, where it comes from, figure we know today? Queen of All Witcheries explores the
you how to align with every color of the rainbow and beyond, and why it’s an important and fulfilling spirituality. Explore mythology of the Goddess through a historical lens, introduc-
tying them to the days of the week and the planetary bodies. what it means to talk with trees and answer the call of the wild ing you to influential voices that shaped the modern Goddess
Learn how to set up your sacred space; select the best color for awakening. Through prayer, meditation, and ritual, you will movement, including Charles Godfrey Leland, Margaret
your purpose; and use crystals, candles, and more. expand your awareness and connect with the Awen. Murray, Dion Fortune, and Gerald Gardner.
978-0-7387-7226-4 978-0-7387-6887-8 978-0-7387-7342-1
$17.99 $26.99 $17.99

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Witchcraft Eclectic Witchcraft Thrifty Witchery

Deborah Blake • 240 pp • 4¼ x 6¼ • Hardcover with Charlotte Wilde • 264 pp • 6 x 9 Martha Kirby Capo & Vincent Higginbotham
Rounded Edges and Foil Step into your power and feel confident in your magick 280 pp • 5¼ x 8
Brimming with nearly 70 spells, tips, and activities, this with this modernized and inclusive approach to witchcraft. Discover the secrets to practicing magick on a budget with
illustrated book helps you take new steps on your personal Charlotte Wilde teaches you foundational skills, such as rais- this empowering guide. Featuring more than 40 exercises,
journey into witchcraft. Deborah Blake teaches you how to ing and grounding energy, and then guides you into greater Thrifty Witchery shows that intuition, wisdom, and intention
build an altar, use divination tools, invoke deities, and more. workings, including how to create your own spells. are more important to your magick than expensive trinkets.
Covering a wide range of magical goals, this little book will 978-0-7387-7456-5 With these three skills, you can turn everything you touch
help you live a successful, enchanted life. $18.99 into a magickal tool.
978-0-7387-7481-7 978-0-7387-7052-9
$14.99 $17.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 5

Nature-Based & Pagan

The Natural Home Wheel of the Year

Raechel Henderson • 272 pp • 7 x 10
Invite the sabbats into your home the natural way and create a
vibrant Wheel of the Year tradition with this book of crafts, activ-
ities, and recipes. For each sabbat, Raechel Henderson features
sections on low-cost, eco-friendly activities, inspiration for your
seasonal altar, journal prompts, food ideas, decoration sugges-
RECENT tions, and more.
release 978-0-7387-7369-8

Season Songs
Emma Kathryn • 192 pp • 5¼ x 8
Featuring an animist approach to the Wheel of the Year, this book
is a beautiful ode to nature-centered magical practice. Using her
own stories and experiences as a witch, Emma Kathryn passion-
ately helps you develop a connection to the natural world in every
release season. This book includes 30+ exercises to help you navigate the
land where you live in a meaningful way.

Round We Dance
Mark A. Green • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Bring more joy and meaning to your life with nature-based rituals,
ceremonies, and workings that are spiritually powerful but not reli-
gious. With an emphasis on the cycles of nature instead of deity

worship, Mark A. Green shows you how to celebrate the wheel of
the year, rites of passage, and personal observances. He provides
pre-order dozens of rituals, workings, crafts, and recipes that bring more hap-
NOW! piness and connection to every occasion.
Carl F. Neal • 240 pp • 5 x 7
A well-rounded introduction to Imbolc, this attractive book features
rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes hands-on

Step onto the information for modern celebrations, spells, crafts, invocations
and prayers, and more! Imbolc—also known as Brigid’s Day—is a
time to awaken from our months of introspection and start making

Garden Path with

plans for the future.
SAVE 30% $12.99 $9.09

a Year of Spells, Beltane

Stories & Soil

Melanie Marquis • 240 pp • 5 x 7
A well-rounded introduction to Beltane, this attractive book
features rituals, recipes, lore, and correspondences. It includes
hands-on information for modern celebrations, spells, crafts, invo-
A Year in the Enchanted Garden cations and prayers, and more! Beltane marks the start of the sum-
mer season; put your plans into action with this book.
Monica Crosson • 424 pp • 6 x 9 978-0-7387-4193-2
Dig into your Witchcraft with month-by-month gardening guidance for flowers, SAVE 30% $12.99 $9.09
herbs, vegetables, trees, and more. Featuring dozens of spells, charms, and
activities, this hands-on book helps you select, grow, and harvest the best plants
Rituals of Celebration
for your region and shows you how to use them in your magickal practice. Jane Meredith • 336 pp • 6 x 9
Monica Crosson devotes three chapters to each month, sharing both practical Each year, Jane Meredith plans meaningful rituals to celebrate
the solstices, equinoxes, and cross-quarter festivals. In Rituals of
and magickal tips on timely garden tasks. Her inviting collection blooms with Celebration, she shares her most memorable rituals and offers how-to
stories, recipes, and crafts as well as correspondences for stones, colors, ani- instructions for creating your own. Discover how the changing sea-
mals, zodiac signs, and more. sons correspond with personal growth and how to incorporate these
themes into your spiritual celebrations. Craft projects included.
978-0-7387-7367-4 978-0-7387-3544-3
$27.99 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

6 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan

Build a Rich
Practice to Hades
Jamie Waggoner • 256 pp • 6 x 9
One of the most recognizable but misunderstood Greek gods, Hades plays a
valuable role that has not garnered much adoration. Using myth, storytelling,
and practical exercises, author Jamie Waggoner shows how Hades is more than
the keeper of souls and the land of the dead. She reveals his true nature and
provides everything you need to build your own rich devotional practice.
Discover Hades's real story with passages written in his own words, excerpts
from historical texts, and Jamie's personal experiences. She helps you cultivate
an unexpectedly life-affirming relationship with him through meditations, altar
building, and other magical work. With Hades's wisdom, you will develop a deep
appreciation for the glorious spectrum of experience we can have in this mortal

NEW! $21.99

Hades at Llewellyn.com

The Philosophy of Modern Witchcraft Cerridwen The Horned God

Dark Paganism the with Greek Gods Kristoffer Hughes • 352 pp • 6 x 9 of the Witches
Frater Tenebris • 302 pp • 6 x 9 Jason Mankey & Astrea Taylor The witch goddess Cerridwen is the focus of Jason Mankey • 304 pp • 6 x 9
Discover a life-changing spiritual paradigm 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼ devotion and reverence among witches and Throughout history, horned deities have
that honors the divine Self and strives to This book reveals the origins of nearly thirty Pagans around the world. This book traces been honored as gods of nature, sex, fer-
elevate it to a higher state of being. Frater Greek gods and goddesses, how they’ve Cerridwen's roots through layers of history tility, passion, sacrifice, death, and rebirth.
Tenebris introduces you to a spiritual been worshipped across the centuries, and and myth, and it provides hands-on exer- The Horned God of the Witches reveals the
path that focuses on self-transformation how you can work with them in your own cises and visionary rites to help you realize origins and features of their most common
and shadow work. You’ll learn the nine practice. Jason Mankey and Astrea Taylor her immeasurable power in your own mag- guises—Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Elen of the
Dark Pagan principles, which range from introduce you to the gods one by one, ical practice. Ways, the Green Man, and even the Devil.
self-knowledge and acceptance to environ- presenting their history, unique correspon- 978-0-7387-6382-8 978-0-7387-6308-8
mental mastery and positive relations. dences, and more. SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39
978-0-7387-7260-8 978-0-7387-6876-2
SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39 $24.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 7

Nature-Based & Pagan

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Houseplant HortOCCULTure Jude's Seasonal Herbal Remedies The Magickal Botanical Oracle
Devin Hunter • 320 pp • 6½ x 8 • Hardcover • Color Jude Todd, Carly Wall • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8 Christopher Penczak & Maxine Miller • Boxed deck includes 33 cards and
160-page guidebook
No plant is ever just a houseplant. Whether you are a green Master Herbalist and Naturopathic Doctor Jude C. Todd
witch or merely horti-curious, you can learn how to success- compiled a compendium of the teas, tinctures, lotions, and Tap into the deeply rooted wisdom of the natural world with
fully grow potted plants, connect with their spiritual energies, potions she crafted across more than four decades of experi- this dark and mysterious union of horticulture and occult-
and partner with them for magic. ence in the healing arts. After Jude passed away, her daugh- ism. Featuring plants commonly found in a witch's garden,
ter Carly Wall found and edited her unfinished manuscript, apothecary, or spell book, Maxine Miller's detailed illustra-
“Respectful, inclusive, and inspiring.”
cultivating it into a work that Jude's many readers will love. tions personify the true spirit of each plant while capturing
—Arin Murphy-Hiscock, author of The Green Witch
978-0-7387-7674-3 the elegance and multifaceted nature of the botanical world.
$26.99 $16.99
The Witches’ Encyclopedia Divine Dirt Backyard Garden Witchery
of Magical Plants Charity L. Bedell • 264 pp • 5 x 7 Laurel Woodward • 408 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Sandra Kynes • 408 pp • 8 x 10 Turn ordinary soil into magic with more than 150 spells and No matter what your skill level is, you’ll find practical advice
Featuring more than 550 plants, this heavily illustrated exercises designed to work with the energy of various envi- for building and maintaining an enchanting garden, as well as
botanical encyclopedia offers detailed profiles of all the mag- ronments—from riverbanks and fields to gardens and grave- spiritual guidance for keeping it sacred and safe. This book cov-
ical herbs, houseplants, fruits, vegetables, trees, and flowers yards. Charity L. Bedell combines witchcraft, Conjure, and ers not only the ins and outs of dirt types, zones, and sun expo-
you could ever need. other folk practices to help you connect with and understand sure, but also the energy of plants, regions, and land spirits.
978-0-7387-7548-7 the magical places all around you. 978-0-7387-7070-3
$34.99 978-0-7387-7740-5 SAVE 30% $29.99 $20.99

Weedy Wisdom for the Curious Forager Magical Gardens Garden Witchery
Rebecca Randall Gilbert • 264 pp • 5½ x 6¼ Patricia Monaghan • 288 pp • 7½ x 9 Ellen Dugan • 304 pp • 7½ x 7½
Based on foraging classes Rebecca taught at Camp This updated fifteenth anniversary edition offers fresh advice How does your magickal garden grow? Whether you live in
Jabberwocky, the oldest summer camp for people with dis- and guidance for creating a soul-nourishing magical garden. a wooded cottage, a suburban house, or a city apartment, a
abilities in the US, this book introduces beginners to the lan- Bursting with ideas, fascinating myth, and gardening advice powerful and enchanted realm awaits you. Discover the secret
guage of plants and the art of noticing. Learn to gather and for every climate and season, this guidebook also offers med- language and magickal properties of trees and flowers, herbs
prepare commonly available plants, from sumac to sassafras, itations, rituals, prayers, and ceremonies. and plants, and learn how to create your own witch’s garden.
for a wide variety of purposes. 978-0-7387-3192-6 978-0-7387-0318-3
978-0-7387-7207-3 SAVE 30% $17.95 $12.57 $21.99
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Seasons of the Sacred Earth Garden Witch’s Herbal Cottage Witchery

Cliff Seruntine • 336 pp • 6 x 9 Ellen Dugan • 336 pp • 7½ x 7½ Ellen Dugan • 288 pp • 7½ x 7½
Join the Seruntine family on a magical journey of green liv- Deepen your connection to the earth and watch your magickal Cottage Witchery is the ideal guide to show you how to bring
ing at their homestead hollow in the Nova Scotia highlands. skills blossom. Designed to enhance any Craft tradition, this the beauty of nature and its magickal energies indoors. From
Growing and hunting most of their food, they live in harmony handy herbal reference provides the physical description, specialized spells and charms to kitchen conjuring and color
with the land, while giving proper respect to nature’s spirits. folklore, magickal qualities, and spellwork correspondences magick, this hands-on guide teaches Witches of all levels how
In return, the land blesses them with overflowing gardens for a wealth of flowers, trees, and herbs, and features for- to strengthen a home's aura and energy, using only common
and the safety of their farm animals. ty-seven botanical drawings. household and outdoor items.
978-0-7387-3553-5 978-0-7387-1429-5 978-0-7387-0625-2
SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99 $21.99 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

8 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Nature-Based & Pagan

A Witch's
Guide to
Creating &
Phoenix LeFae
264 pp • 6 x 9

This inspiring book walks you through every step of ritual work, from setting
your intentions to creating sacred space to closing the ceremony. You will
find a variety of exercises, meditations, and activities, as well as guidelines
for making unique rituals from scratch. Phoenix helps you design solitary
and group rituals that are the perfect fit. NEW!
Life Ritualized
Gwion Raven & Phoenix LeFae • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Whether it's a weighty occasion like birth, marriage, or death, or
a more private one like blessing a new house or changing jobs,
A Must-Have
this book provides everything modern witches need to make it a
moment of reflection and reverence. Phoenix LeFae and Gwion
Raven help you commemorate rites of passage. Life Ritualized
Resource for
Wiccan Rituals
offers detailed instructions for group and solitary activities that
enrich these moments for witches and Pagans.
The Elements of Ritual
Everyday Witch Book of Rituals Deborah Lipp • 320 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Deborah Blake • 360 pp • 7½ x 7½
Amplify your wishes and manifest positive changes in your life Fully revised and expanded with fresh insights, this new edition of
with Deborah Blake’s inspiring collection of simple rituals. Whether The Elements of Ritual is a must-have resource on Wiccan ritual. Not only does
practicing alone or with a group, these empowering ceremonies will
help you find love, build courage, boost creativity, achieve balance,
it teach you step-by-step how to cast a circle, but it also explains why each step
and deepen your faith. Through lighthearted, down-to-earth meth- is important. Deborah Lipp looks at every phase through an elemental lens,
ods, fill your year with meaningful magickal practice. revealing the process (earth), mythology (water), mystical inspiration (fire),
and theology (air) behind it.
The Elements of Ritual now features updates throughout on gender and polar-
ity as well as all-new sections on the history of elemental associations and
Amber K & Azrael Arynn K • 624 pp • 7 x 10 raising the cone of power. This edition also includes alternate orders for the
Change yourself and your world with effective, focused rituals. traditional steps of ritual.
Whether you’re planning a simple coven initiation or an elaborate
outdoor event for hundreds, the authors share their vast knowl- 978-0-7387-7550-0
edge of ritual planning, explore ritual from many cultures, and $24.99
share their own experiences. This all-inclusive guidebook includes
all aspects of ritual.

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 9

Nature-Based & Pagan
Weave the Liminal Scottish Witchcraft
Laura Tempest Zakroff • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Barbara Meiklejohn-Free • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8
Explore what it means to be a contemporary Witch and learn how Discover the magical folk traditions of the Scottish Highlands.
to overcome difficult issues. A hands-on guide to the Modern Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, a Scottish hereditary witch, takes you on
Tradition of Witchcraft, this book is all about creating an authentic a journey through her own spiritual awakening into the craft and
expression of Witchcraft that works for you. You’ll also discover how shares the ins and outs of incorporating these ancient magical tra-
to journey into the liminal realm to meet with spirits. ditions into your own life. Enjoy inspiring anecdotes, craft history,
978-0-7387-5610-3 step-by-step instructions, and more.
SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99 978-0-7387-6093-3

Water Magic Sacred Gender

Lilith Dorsey • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Ariana Serpentine • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8
This entry in Llewellyn's exciting Elements of Witchcraft series, Create a spiritual connection to your gender and incorporate it
Water Magic reveals the amazing possibilities of using water in into your personal practice. While exploring gender from a sacred
your modern practice. Cleansing and strong, the power of water perspective, Ariana Serpentine introduces you to trans and nonbi-
is all around you and in you. Lilith Dorsey presents many ways to nary figures from Pagan pantheons as well as spirits and deities
incorporate water into your magic, from washes and baths to spells that can help you achieve self-actualization.
and rituals. 978-0-7387-7134-2
978-0-7387-6442-9 $16.99

The Satyr's Kiss Sacred Leaves

Storm Faerywolf • 360 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Diego de Oxóssi • 304 pp • 5 x 8½
This practical guide to Witchcraft both embraces and celebrates Discover the power, magic, and secrets of Afro-Brazilian herbal
queer men through an impressive collection of spells, rituals, and witchcraft with this thorough guide. Compiling three volumes into
exercises. Storm Faerywolf empowers everyone who identifies as one updated edition, this book spotlights the authentic day-to-day
male to take his rightful place at the center of his own universe. magic practiced in the Orisha religion, making these techniques
This book features a variety of methods for celebrating sex in a accessible to all readers. Diego de Oxóssi also teaches you how to
magical way. identify plants through their characteristics.
978-0-7387-6770-3 978-0-7387-6705-5
SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

Seven Goddesses of the Hellenistic World To Walk a Pagan Path

Jo Graham • 200 pp • 5¼ x 8 Alaric Albertsson • 288 pp • 53⁄16
16 x 8

Jo Graham introduces you to the history and mythology of seven Live fully as a Pagan every day of the year, not only at full moons
Hellenistic goddesses and teaches you how to work with each one and holidays. With practical tips for incorporating Pagan spiritual-
in your spiritual practice. With the help of these powerful deities, ity into every aspect of life, this book teaches you how to do quick
you can improve your luck, resilience, and more. Jo encourages and easy rituals, make a customizable sacred calendar, connect
you to explore your personal connection to each goddess through with the earth, express Pagan spirituality through craft projects,
stories, journal prompts, and rituals. and more.
978-0-7387-6726-0 978-0-7387-3724-9
$17.99 $16.99

Strix Craft Traditional Wicca

Oracle Hekataios • 310 pp • 5¼ x 8 Thorn Mooney • 216 • 6 x 9
Bring the magic of ancient Greece into the modern world with this This book explores Traditional Gardnerian Wicca, in which the
powerful book full of Strix, Hellenic Polytheist, and Iatromantis practitioners typically trace initiatory lineages back to Wicca’s early
practices. Featuring wisdom that used to be only available to schol- founders. Exploring covens, initiations, lineages, practices, ethics,
ars, Strix Craft presents Greek magic in a concise format with con- and more, Traditional Wicca shares tips and ideas on how to get the
temporary ideas and hands-on practices. Oracle Hekataios guides most from this profound approach to Witchcraft.
you through the many compelling facets of the Strix. 978-0-7387-5359-1
978-0-7387-6327-9 $19.99

Tea Magic Transformative Witchcraft

Jenay Marontate • 248 pp • 6 x 9 Jason Mankey • 408 pp • 6 x 9
This comprehensive guide covers all six tea varieties, proper brew- Delve into some of the most persistent mysteries of the Craft and
ing methods, associated health benefits, magical correspondences, discover insightful guidance. Filled with powerful, personal stories,
and tips for making your own blend. It also helps you improve your a fascinating history of modern Wicca and Witchcraft, original rituals,
meditation, wellness, and spell work while enhancing the joy you and a wealth of tips and techniques, this book provides the practical
gain from each cup. Learn visualization, scrying, and spirit commu- and theoretical keys you need to unlock the Craft’s mysteries.
nication techniques, and much more. 978-0-7387-5797-1
978-0-7387-6790-1 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39
SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

10 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Tarot & Divination

Release Mental
Clutter and Elevate
Your Tarot Readings
Meditation and Tarot
Chanda Parkinson • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8
Combine the power of tarot with the art of meditation to deepen mindfulness,
cultivate intuition, and unlock your inner wisdom. Chanda explores the major
arcana, minor arcana, and court cards in depth, sharing card correspondences,
overall theme, related meditation, number meanings, and more.
Based on the classic Rider-Waite-Smith system, this beginner-friendly book
features card art from various decks as well as exercises and journal prompts
designed to help you improve relationships, solve problems, and understand
yourself on a deeper level.


from Chanda Parkinson at Llewellyn.com


Tarot: The Way of Pathworking the Tarot Tarot Healer Mindful Tarot
Mindfulness Leeza Robertson • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8 Leeza Robertson • 276 pp • 5¼ x 8 Lisa Freinkel Tishman, PhD
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger Deepen your connection to the tarot cards Combining chakra healing techniques with 336 pp • 6 x 9
136 pp • 6 x 9 • Color with this book’s amazing approach to path- the healing energy of tarot, this book guides Combining tarot card archetypes and mean-
Discover the amazing partnership of tarot working. With straightforward techniques you through each of your seven chakras, ings with today’s well-researched methods
and mindfulness with this comprehensive, and hands-on exercises, Leeza Robertson showing you how to enhance your energy, of meditation, this groundbreaking book
full-color book by European tarot authorities guides you through the 78 cards using three find and clear blocks, and become your own shows you how to find amazing insights
Johannes Fiebig & Evelin Bürger. Featuring pathworking styles: intentional, intuitive, tarot healer. Through engaging exercises, through compassion. Learn to develop skills
spreads, charts, and card-by-card breakdowns and wandering. Pathworking is also a jour- enlightening card meanings, and guided on three levels: mindful awareness of your-
with color illustrations for each, this guide is ney of meditation, and you’ll learn how to readings, this guide helps you build a road self and your querent, a deeper relationship
the ultimate resource for finding peace and meditate on your readings. map for spiritual and physical healing. with your cards, and a transformed under-
balance through your tarot practice. 978-0-7387-5787-2 978-0-7387-6376-7 standing of the tarot system.
978-0-7387-6662-1 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89 $17.99 978-0-7387-5844-2
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 $19.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 11

Tarot & Divination

Seaborn Kipper
Siolo Thompson & Thomas Witholt
Boxed kit includes 38-card deck and 160-page, full-color guidebook
From bestselling artist Siolo Thompson comes a fortune-telling deck like no other. Based on
the historic Kipper system, this whimsical set features ethereal aquatic life and genderqueer
merpeople who reveal deep insights about yourself, your life, and the people impacting it.
The companion guide blends old and new divination methods, creating a modern approach
that focuses on personal identity and self-development. With Siolo's signature watercolor
style and Thomas Witholt's masterful insights, Seaborn Kipper stands out in an ocean of
other decks.


HedgeWitch Botanical Oracle Winterseer Animal Oracle

Siolo Thompson • Boxed kit includes 40-card deck and 192-page, full-color guidebook Siolo Thompson • Boxed kit includes 52-card deck and 192-page, full-color
This collection of forty elegant botanical cards draws inspiration companion book
from healers, helpers, and shaman who walk the thin places Experience Celtic and Norse lore in a brand-new way with this gor-
between one world and another. These wise folks find the plants of geous oracle featuring animals of the northern climes. Winterseer
their practice at the edges of cultivated fields as well as deep in the Animal Oracle shows you how to use the wisdom of long-revered
woods, wilds, and along shorelines. creatures, from salmon and magpie to badger and bear, to deepen
978-0-7387-5753-7 your divination practice.
$27.99 978-0-7387-6794-9

The Linestrider Tarot Llewellyn’s 2024 Hedgewitch

Siolo Thompson • Deluxe Hardbox kit includes 78-card deck and 288-page, Botanical Calendar
full-color guidebook
Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12
Linestriding is about walking on the border between magic and
A true celebration of seasonal changes, this eye-catch-
logic, the conscious and unconscious mind—one foot in each to
ing wall calendar exhibits exquisite botanical paintings
discover the answers you seek. Gentle and whimsical, this tarot
by world-famous artist Siolo Thompson, creator of the
features beautiful minimalist art by Siolo Thompson.
Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle. With hand-made watercolor
978-0-7387-4829-0 paints, Siolo imbues her personal energy into every work,
$29.99 capturing the spiritual essence of your favorite plants.
SAVE 30% $14.99 $11.99

Otherkin Tarot
Siolo Thompson • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 288-page, full-color guidebook
Siolo Thompson
From the creator of the bestselling Linestrider Tarot comes a (Seattle, WA) is a visual artist and author who
unique, Rider-Waite-Smith-based deck filled with beings who employs multiple techniques and narrative
inhabit the liminal space between myth and fact, human and ani- forms, from traditional painting to comics
mal. Tarot’s deep symbolism is brought into new light with these and sequential illustration. Her work has
fanciful illustrations, originally created with hand-ground natural
been published and exhibited worldwide.
pigments on natural paper.
She is the creator of The Linestrider Tarot,
$29.99 Otherkin Tarot, Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle,
Winterseer Animal Oracle, Seaborn Kipper,
and more. Visit her at SioloThompson.com.

12 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Tarot & Divination
Witch Sister Tarot Tarot of the Witch's Garden
Julia Jeffries • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 216-page, full-color guidebook Sasha Graham & Natasa Ilincic • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 312-page,
Thrumming with the power of Celtic legends and kindred spirits, full color guidebook
this hauntingly beautiful deck captures the bold and mysterious Cultivating personal intuition is as sublime as a summer land-
nature of witchcraft. Julia Jeffrey's evocative artwork reimagines scape with this enchanting Rider-Waite-Smith-style deck. Natasa
the Rider-Waite-Smith system into a world of iconic witches, magi- Ilincic's delicate watercolor paintings decorate seventy-eight
cal familiars, and extraordinary stories. exquisitely crafted cards with comforting cottagecore scenes to
RECENT 978-0-7387-6511-2 provide gentle respite from your busy modern world.
$32.99 978-0-7387-6852-6

The River Lustrous Lenormand

Nick Bantock • Boxed deck includes 48-card deck and 240-page, Ciro Marchetti • Boxed kit includes 47-card deck and 208-page, full-color guidebook
full-color companion book Bursting with exquisite color, detail, and symbolism, this 47-card
Swim through your subconscious with this stunning deck from Lenormand deck will answer your questions and inspire your prac-
New York Times bestselling author Nick Bantock. Featuring tice. Each card is emboldened with Ciro Marchetti’s award-winning
forty-eight surrealistic cards that feed your imagination and per- style. In addition to old favorites like Rider, Ship, and Bear, you’ll
sonal mythology, The River teaches you to think intuitively with also find eleven new and re-imagined cards like Labyrinth, Masks,
images rather than words. and Closer Look.
978-0-7387-7576-0 978-0-7387-7320-9
release $26.99 SAVE 30% $27.99 $19.59

The Archeo Soul Cats Tarot

Nick Bantock • Boxed deck includes 40-card deck and 204-page full-color guidebook Leeza Robertson, with art by Adam Oehlers • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and
Imagine your inner life as a hero’s quest and this deck as your 216-page, full-color companion book
band of faithful companions. The Archeo features 40 archetype Rediscover your passion for play, your sense of adventure, and
cards, a full-color guidebook detailing their skills and personali- your capacity for love with help from the soul cats, a divine group
ties, and two blank cards to create your own archetypal characters. of felines who work in conjunction with angels. This gorgeous
From the alchemist to the trickster, these marvelous cards help you deck introduces you to an abundance of spiritual guides and
understand your full potential as a person of many parts. teaches you how to apply their wisdom and strengths to your life.
978-0-7387-6440-5 978-0-7387-6782-6
SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49 SAVE 30% $31.99 $22.39

Cirque du Tarot Rose Tarot

Leeza Robertson, with art by Josh Tufts • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 206- Nigel Jackson • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 240-page,
page, full-color companion book full-color companion book
This unique deck showcases the excitement and illusion to be This elegant deck is unique in the simplicity of its linework com-
found under the big top along with all the behind-the-scenes bined with the richness of its symbolism and iconography. Author
intrigue that fuels the show. The suits are cleverly comprised of and artist Nigel Jackson developed the Rose Tarot based on his
clockwork machines, balancing blades, water acrobatics, and blaz- unparalleled expertise in the Hermeticists of the 17th century,
ing fire dancers; and since the cards follow the Rider-Waite-Smith the Illuminist Freemasons of the 18th century, and the romantic
structure and symbology, you can begin reading with them today. esotericists of the 19th century.
978-0-7387-6408-5 978-0-7387-5854-1
SAVE 30% $31.99 $22.39 SAVE 30% $31.99 $22.39
Witchling Academy Tarot Mystic Palette Tarot
Pamela Chen with Art by Mindy Zhang • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 100-page Ciro Marchetti • Boxed kit includes 78-card deck and 120-page, full-color guidebook
companion book With splendid color and exquisite detail, renowned artist Ciro
Welcome to the Witchling Academy of Magic, where you'll embark Marchetti turns traditional Rider-Waite-Smith imagery into a
on an unforgettable adventure through the tarot. Learn the basics launchpad for your creative expression. This deck guides your div-
of spellwork and master the elements. Build a personal connection ination with mystic settings and grand characters that transcend
to the cards and help maintain the balance of light and dark. time and space. The color guidebook lets you look deep into each
978-0-7387-6219-7 pre-order card, exploring keywords, archetypes, and more.
$27.99 978-0-7387-7614-9

Edgar Allan Poe Tarot Mystic Palette Tarot Muted Tone Edition
Rose Wright & Eugene Smith • Boxed kit includes a 78-card deck and a 288-page, Ciro Marchetti • Boxed deck includes 78 cards
full-color guidebook Featuring softer and more refined colors that give it a vintage, well-
Blending the divinatory power of the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot with loved feel, this deck-only version of Mystic Palette Tarot inspires
the visionary writings of Edgar Allan Poe, this deck offers deep spiri- awe with every card flip. Ciro Marchetti's signature style takes on
tual insight into who you are and what you might become. Stunning new life in this muted edition, transformed by an amber glow that
illustrations based on Poe's tales of the mysterious and the macabre will make your readings more meaningful and fun.
will inspire your imagination and open your soul to revelation. 978-0-7387-7615-6
978-0-7387-6033-9 $23.99
$31.99 NOW!

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 13


The Wizard
of Oz Book
Paolo Barbieri
128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ • Color • Hardcover
Journey to Oz like you never have before with this illustrated storybook by
award-winning artist Paolo Barbieri. This full-color, hardcover book reimag-
ines one of the greatest American stories, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, in
Barbieri's breathtaking art style. Accompanied by extracts from the original
text by L. Frank Baum, this book invites you to experience an epic adventure
alongside Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodcutter, and the Cowardly Lion.


Alice in Wonderland Book Barbieri Night Fairies Book StarDragons Book Tarot of Traditions
Paolo Barbieri • 128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ Paolo Barbieri • 96 pp • 8 x 11 Paolo Barbieri • 128 pp • 8¼ x 11½ Giuliano Costa • Boxed deck includes 78 cards
• Color • Hardcover Color • Hardcover Color • Hardcover Known for his use of rich colors and
Experience Wonderland like you never have Step into the phenomenal world of night From the brilliant imagination of best- high-quality compositions, Giuliano Costa
before with this full-color, illustrated story- fairies with this stunning book by renowned selling artist Paolo Barbieri comes a presents a new Rider-Waite-style tarot that
book by award-winning artist Paolo Barbieri. artist Paolo Barbieri. These gorgeous illus- must-have book filled with exquisite will inspire every reading. This deck gives
This hardcover book presents Lewis Carroll's trations transport you into a realm of won- and formidable stardragons. They are traditional symbols a rustic feel that is warm
classic story, but the artwork reinterprets Alice der where fairies welcome you with radiant creative renditions of famous constella- and welcoming as you find the answers you
as a teenager exploring Wonderland. In his magic and energy. With this hardcover tions, including Andromeda, Pegasus, seek. Each card encourages you to delve just
signature style, Barbieri brings new depth book, you'll be inspired to channel the Orion, Ursa Major, and many more. Barbieri’s a little deeper into their meanings, finding
to Alice's journey and delights readers with strength and curiosity of these fairies in your stardragons capture the essence of these unique connections that improve your every-
exquisite illustrations. everyday life. cosmic forces and inspire you to shoot for the day life in many ways.
978-0-7387-7585-2 978-0-7387-6951-6 stars in everything you do. 978-0-7387-7677-4
$24.50 $28.95 978-0-7387-6592-1 $24.95

14 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )

Tarot for
Practical People
Alice Mastroleo
192 pp • 5¼ x 8 • Color
Learn how to read tarot and make the most out of each draw. Designed spe-
cifically for practical-minded people, this 192-page book forgoes the frills
and instead focuses on grounded and dependable methods for interpret-
ing the cards and divining your future. This innovative approach to tarot will
guide you toward easier readings and down-to-earth answers to any real
world, day-to-day questions you may ask.

Visit https://bit.ly/Llewellyn_Tarot
for new tarot and oracle decks, our free
online tarot reading, and more to get
started on your tarot journey.



Tarot of the Gnomes JustAsana for Mothers Starman Tarot Deck Fairy Tarot
Pietro Alligo; Antonio Lupatelli • Boxed deck Clemence Barbier; Anna Gladkoff-Veliz • Boxed Davide de Angelis • Boxed deck includes 78-card Pietro Alligo; Antonio Lupatelli • Boxed deck
includes 78 cards and 64-page companion deck includes 115 cards and instruction booklet deck and 128-page companion includes 78 cards and 64-page companion
This new edition of Tarot of the Gnomes fea- This edition of the JustAsana Deck is In 1995, David Bowie and Davide De Angelis A perfect blend of whimsy and depth, this
tures joyful and evocative cards that open designed for mothers who want to practice began collaborating on album art for Bowie's revised edition of Fairy Tarot will charm you
the doors to a fantastic and funny world of yoga safely, both during and after pregnancy. album Outside, a creative working rela- with enchanting images and clever sym-
small, magical friends. A delight to children Featuring poses and exercises specially tionship that endured for more than seven bolism. Fairies are eager to show humans a
and adults, this deck tells beautiful stories selected for each of the three trimesters, years. Inspired by their collaboration, Davide more lighthearted way of living and, through
that both entertain and teach valuable life these cards will deepen the bond between De Angelis produced a fascinating tarot this deck, they offer practical ways to over-
lessons. Though they are small statured, you and your growing child. The front of each deck, decades in the making, that expertly come difficulties and stay positive. With
the gnomes offer us great wisdom on our card highlights an illustration of an asana, weaves together intricate sacred geometries, Waite-Smith-based suits that reflect Fairy
tarot journey. while the other side features a written expla- alchemy, magic, and the sacred teachings of lifestyle (acorns, hearts, leaves, and bells),
978-0-7387-7794-8 nation of that pose. the world's mystery traditions. this deck will make you smile and laugh as
$25.95 978-0-7387-7783-2 978-0-7387-7779-5 you uncover the answers you seek.
$33.95 $28.95 978-0-7387-7793-1

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 15


Activate Your
Psychic Ability
Paul Fenton-Smith
240 pp • 5¼ x 8¼
Your psychic senses are your keys to creating your best path forward. Activate your
natural psychic ability to build faith in your instincts and be true to the outcomes
of your choosing. This thorough and practical how-to includes approaches, strat-
egies, exercises, activities, quizzes, anecdotes and expert advice. Gain awareness
of where the choices, connections and actions of today will take you so you can
greet every pivotal moment of your life with greater wisdom, calm, confidence
and clarity.



Soul Mirror Journal Soul Mirror Oracle Soul's Journey Oracle The Path of Light Oracle
Sunshine Connelly & Ana Novaes Sunshine Connelly & Ana Novaes • Boxed kit Rassouli • Boxed kit includes 44 cards Anthony Salerno & Toni Carmine Salerno
includes 42 cards and 120-page, color guidebook and 120-page, color guidebook Boxed deck includes 39 cards
220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼
Self-reflection is an active, ongoing, and illu- Deluxe Paperback and 160-page, color guidebook
Transform fear, amplify love, and welcome Deluxe Paperback
minating process. Within its light, you are Featuring gold foil embellishments on the
potent change for yourself and all the Immerse yourself within a fusion of timeless
freed into the understanding that we are all box and guidebook as well as gold stamp-
intertwining threads of your world with this teachings, spirited illuminations, transfor-
divine, all creators, all connected. Gaze into ings on the back of each card, this gorgeous
journal. Inside, you'll enjoy 220 lined and mative imagery, and loving intention. With
this oracle to transform fear, amplify love, oracle will help you realize your unique
unlined pages, 44 full-page color illustra- in-depth messages and practical exercises
and welcome potent change for yourself and destiny. Rassouli's enchanted messages,
tions, and inspiring verses that guide your inspired by the Bhagavad Gita, this oracle
all the intertwining threads of your world. mantras, and artwork are interlaced with
spiritual odyssey. With this journal, you can is invaluable for anyone seeking a more
Know and see yourself through the mirror of love, wisdom, and inspiration to nurture
untangle the past, navigate shadows, and meaningful life.
your soul—your evolving destiny awaits. and guide your soul. Turn to the wonders of
realize your full potential.
978-0-7387-7800-6 divine creativity and practical epiphany to 978-0-7387-7790-0
$29.95 light up the dreams and possibilities of your $28.95
$25.95 soul's journey.

16 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )

Maidens of the Wheel

Oracle Cards
Tammy Wampler
Boxed kit includes 45-card deck and 120-page guidebook
The Maidens of the Wheel have been known in many places and by many names
throughout history. They dance through the cosmos, embodying inspiration and whis-
pering guidance. Through these forty-five cards, they empower and align you with

sacred rhythms and lost traditions. Work with these elemental beings to discover har-
mony within the cycles of your life and embrace your true, unshakeable center.



Earth Mothers Oracle Medicine Heart Journal The Messenger’s Lightworker Oracle:
Lynda Bell • Boxed kit includes 45-card deck Alana Fairchild; Sophie Wilkins Scribe Journal Fierce Love 11:11 Edition
and a 120-page guidebook Alana Fairchild, Mario Duguay, Hillary Wilson
220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼ Ravynne Phelan • 220 pp • 7¼ x 9¼
The Earth Mothers are magical guardians Connect with the eternal essence of Mother There was a time when humankind moved Boxed deck includes 44 cards; card stand with
who care for the animals in this world and gold-foil sigils; and 240-page, color guidebook
Earth to honor the natural wisdom and lov- in harmony with the seasons and cycles of
beyond. The spirited beings they protect are With gold-foil accents on the box and guide-
ing intelligence of your Medicine Heart. This life, and this journal is for those who yearn
here to provide you with intuitive wisdom book cover, as well as gold-painted edges on
220-page journal features lined and unlined to re-ignite their connection with Gaia, the
and clarity. Lynda Bell's vibrant portrayals every card, this special edition of Lightworker
pages, inspired verse, and 44 full-page natural world, and its creatures. Infused with
of 45 goddess protectors and their furry, Oracle connects you with your heart. Be con-
color illustrations to help you discover pre- the magic of ancient dragons, elemental fae,
feathered, and scaled charges will speak fident in claiming the unique beauty that
cious offerings nestled in seen and unseen mystical trees, and their wild animal kin, this
directly to your wild and imaginative heart. resides within your soul. Whether you’re an
dimensions. Record your thoughts, feelings, journal includes lined and unlined pages,
Through this authentic rekindling of love experienced lightworker or are taking your
and reflections in these pages as you move 44 full-page color illustrations, and inspiring
and compassion, you can explore significant first steps on your journey, these cards will
with the healing rhythms of Earth and Sky verses throughout.
life lessons, discover your courage, and find guide and inspire you.
and enrich your life for the benefit of all. 978-0-7387-7859-4
divine sustenance in the layers of strength, 978-0-7387-7791-7
978-0-7387-7864-8 $23.95
creativity, and beauty within. $32.95
978-0-7387-7838-9 $23.95

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 17

Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs

Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024

Witches’ Companion Witches' Datebook Witches' Spell-A-Day Herbal Almanac
Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn • 168 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn • 272 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8
Keep up to date on the latest witchy trends, Spiral Bound Spellcasters of all levels enjoy the 365 For twenty-five years, Llewellyn's Herbal
unique insights from your favorite authors, Express your inner Witch throughout the spells in Llewellyn’s annual Spell-A-Day Almanac has provided enthusiasts of all
and hands-on practices that help contem- year and stay organized while you do it. Almanac. These easy bewitchments, reci- skill levels with a wealth of practical ideas
porary Witches like you stay magically Llewellyn's 2024 Witches' Datebook fea- pes, rituals, and meditations are designed on growing, using, and benefiting from
inspired and strong. Providing more than tures amazing illustrations from award-win- to be used for the areas of life that need nature's most dynamic plants. This impres-
two dozen articles, Llewellyn's 2024 Witches' ning artist Jennifer Hewitson as well as the most magical attention: love, health, sive guide is packed with valuable infor-
Companion showcases exciting Pagan topics tips, techniques, and recipes to help you money, protection, home and garden, mation, including gardening resources,
and amplifies the voices of some of today's connect to nature, spirit, and your own travel, and communication . hands-on project ideas, and dozens of
most powerful practitioners. deeper wisdom. 978-0-7387-6905-9 helpful tips and techniques.
978-0-7387-6903-5 978-0-7387-6904-2 SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19 978-0-7387-6895-3
SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19 SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19 SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99

Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Witches' Calendar

Magical Almanac Sabbats Almanac Llewellyn • 28 pp • 12 x 12
Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn • 312 pp • 5¼ x 8 Jazz up your new year with Llewellyn's 2024 Witches' Calendar.
For over three decades, this almanac has provided Deepen your connection to seasonal energies and Featuring magnificent scratchboard art by Jennifer Hewitson and sea-
spells, rituals, and ideas that inspire practitioners discover new ways to commemorate each sabbat. sonal spells by skilled practitioners, this calendar has been the first
of all levels to deepen their magical practice. This almanac offers fresh perspectives on the choice for Witches and Pagans everywhere for more than 25 years.
You'll enjoy two dozen articles, grouped by ele- Wheel of the Year as well as spells, rituals, crafts, This bestselling calendar also features the Moon's signs and phases,
ment, that improve your connection to natural and recipes that draw from both leading-edge daily color correspondences, solar and lunar eclipses, lunar gardening
energies and enrich your life throughout the year. ideas and old-world wisdom. tips, and Celtic tree months so you can live your best life. Includes US,
978-0-7387-6896-0 978-0-7387-6900-4 Canadian, and Pagan holidays.
SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99 SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19 978-0-7387-6906-6
SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99

18 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs

Llewellyn’s 2024 Astrological Calendar Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024

Llewellyn • 40 pp • 12 x 12 Astrological Pocket Planner Daily Planetary Guide
Since 1932, Llewellyn's Astrological Calendar has been a trusted and Llewellyn • 192 pp • 4¼ x 6 Llewellyn • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8
bestselling source of both marvelous artwork and astrological insights. Astrologers of every level will love having cosmic Spiral Bound
This year's edition is a feast for the eyes with original illustrations by wisdom in a compact form. A favorite resource The most trusted and astrologically detailed date-
Faryn Hughes. Each month also features favorable and demanding for more than twenty-five years, Llewellyn’s book is now better than ever with new tables,
days, monthly horoscopes, and travel forecasts. Beginners and expe- Astrological Pocket Planner shows you how to including the year's moon voids, planetary
rienced astrologers alike will find plenty to enjoy, from the astrology pinpoint the perfect dates for any activity or event, ingresses, and planetary motions. Also new this
primer to the major daily aspects. including vacations, parties, and meetings. . year are calendar spreads that provide room for
978-0-7387-6890-8 978-0-7387-6891-5 notes and a snapshot view of each month.
SAVE 20% $15.99 $12.79 SAVE 20% $9.99 $7.99 978-0-7387-6892-2
SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19

Llewellyn’s 2024 Moon Sign Book Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Sun Sign Book
Llewellyn • 320 pp • 5¼ x 8 Moon Sign Datebook Llewellyn • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8
Llewellyn's Moon Sign Book is a respected Llewellyn • 192 pp • 5¼ x 8 Llewellyn's 2024 Sun Sign Book is perfect for prac-
resource for people in all walks of life, and it's Spiral Bound titioners of any skill level, and it shows you how
been a bestseller since it first appeared in 1905. Llewellyn's 2024 Moon Sign Datebook is a weekly to use planetary wisdom to find exciting oppor-
This book is a gardener's best friend, with lunar planner packed with tips for gardening by the tunities in your future. This accessible almanac
timing tips for planting and harvesting that have moon, moon lore, and information on retro- helps you answer important questions about love,
proven their effectiveness time and time again. grades, void-of-course, equinoxes, and solstices. money, family, and more while you learn what
978-0-7387-6898-4 The moon's energy and the position of the heav- areas in your life have potential for great success
SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19 enly bodies can help you achieve success, if you and which require extra attention.
know how to work with them. 978-0-7387-6901-1
978-0-7387-6899-1 SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19
SAVE 20% $13.99 $11.19

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 19

Calendars, Datebooks, & Almanacs

Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Dragon Calendar Llewellyn’s 2024

Hedgewitch Botanical Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 Magical Moon Calendar
Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 Fearsome, phenomenal, and sometimes fanciful, Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12
A true celebration of seasonal changes, this eye-catch- dragons have captivated humanity for millennia. With Treat yourself to spectacular artwork, spells, and rit-
ing wall calendar exhibits exquisite botanical paintings Llewellyn's 2024 Dragon Calendar, you can enjoy these uals all year long with this moon-themed calendar.
by world-famous artist Siolo Thompson, creator of the awe-inspiring creatures throughout the year and con- Featuring illustrations by renowned artists Abigail
Hedgewitch Botanical Oracle. With hand-made water- nect with their energy in your everyday life. Their fiery Larson, Barbara Tamilin, Sue Gent, and Mickie Mueller,
color paints, Siolo imbues her personal energy into passion and beauty shine like stars through the illus- Llewellyn's 2024 Magical Moon Calendar is a delight-
every work, capturing the spiritual essence of your favor- trations of renowned artist Piya Wannachaiwong. This ful, multi-purpose tool that will enhance your magical
ite plants. Witchy tips by popular author Monica Crosson wall calendar features a wide array of dazzling dragons practice. Each stunning piece of art is accompanied by
accompany each original artwork, offering advice for and includes major US, UK, and Canadian holidays and a spell, ritual, or fascinating bit of lore.
incorporating the featured plants in your practice. moon phases. 978-0-7387-7426-8
978-0-7387-6894-6 978-0-7387-6893-9 SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99
SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99 SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99

Llewellyn’s 2024 Llewellyn’s 2024 Tarot Calendar Alchemy 1977 Gothic 2024 Calendar
Mystical Cats Calendar Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 Alchemy 1977 • 24 pp • 12 x 12
Llewellyn • 24 pp • 12 x 12 This wall calendar features twelve gorgeous cards from Explore an extraordinary world of shadows one month
With twelve magical scenes that any cat lover will a dozen different decks, each one handpicked by tarot at a time with Alchemy 1977's latest wall calendar.
adore, this calendar showcases feline poise and play- expert Barbara Moore. More than a collection of art, Featuring thirteen new illustrations filled with dark and
fulness in a uniquely captivating way. Each illustration Llewellyn's 2024 Tarot Calendar also provides valu- mysterious delights, this powerful collection of allur-
by award-winning artist Ciro Marchetti captures majes- able insights, tips, and techniques you can apply to ing gothic imagery will provide energy and excitement
tic yet inquisitive cat personalities in gorgeous other- your own readings. These pages are sure to keep you throughout the year.
worldly settings. organized, inspired, and in tune to divinatory insights 978-0-7387-6888-5
978-0-7387-6897-7 throughout the year. SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99
SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99 978-0-7387-6902-8
SAVE 20% $14.99 $11.99

20 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Secrets of Predictive Astrology What's Your Big Three?
Anthony Louis • 440 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Andrea Taylor • 264 pp • 5 x 7
In the 1920s, London astrologer William Frankland revolutionized Your sun sign represents your will, your moon sign shows how
predictive astrology. Now you can learn his methods for yourself. you feel, and your rising sign—AKA your ascendant—indicates what
Drawing on Frankland’s two books, author Anthony Louis explores people first notice when meeting you. This beginner-friendly book
RECENT Frankland’s discoveries in detail, sharing numerous examples that explores the meaning of each zodiac sign and how your big three
demonstrate how inclusive and uncomplicated these methods work together. You’ll enhance self-awareness and promote hap-
can be. pier relationships with friends and family.
978-0-7387-7464-0 978-0-7387-7061-1
$34.99 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Horary Astrology Sun Signs in Love

Anthony Louis • 424 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Desiree Roby Antila • 280 pp • 6 x 9
With nothing more than a sincerely asked question, horary astrology Bring clarity and harmony to your romantic relationships with this
can help you find anything that has been lost. Join renowned astrol- book on sun signs and how each one approaches matters of the
oger Anthony Louis as he shares dozens of sample charts taken from heart. Desiree Roby Antila proves that there are no bad matches—
his own astrology practice, complete with in-depth explanations of every sign can match with any other if you have the right knowl-
how to read them. Horary has been used to find everything from lost edge. This book helps make your current and future relationships
keys to missing persons, and you, too, can reap the amazing practical sail more smoothly and more happily.
benefits of this exciting approach to astrology. 978-0-7387-7165-6
978-0-7387-6699-7 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99
The Art of Predictive Astrology Sun Signs, Houses & Healing
Carol Rushman • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Carmen Turner-Schott • 272 pp • 5¼ x 8
Imagine that you can look at astrological charts and be able to Uniting sun sign personality traits with the astrological power of
make accurate predictions for coming events, including the dates the twelve houses, this beginner-friendly book teaches you how to
when they will occur. Carol Rushman developed this skill, and by accomplish three important things: transformation, healing, and
using the techniques she reveals here, you can, too! Learn how to resiliency. Each chapter focuses on a sun sign and a house, explor-
work with the progressed moon, progressed house cusps, transits, ing them separately and in connection to the planets.
eclipses, stationing and retrograde planets, and lunations. 978-0-7387-7130-4
978-0-7387-0164-6 $16.99

Discover the Aspect Pattern Born Under a Good Sign

in Your Birth Chart Kristy Robinett • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8
Glenn Mitchell • 336 pp • 6 x 9 Set yourself up for better relationships and a bright future with
Featuring over one hundred charts and many clarifying examples, this down-to-earth guide to sun signs. Stripping away the woo-woo
this practical guide shows you how to read a birth chart with con- and technical charts, Kristy Robinett shows how to deal with each
fidence by presenting the eight basic planetary patterns and what sun sign’s traits and tendencies. This book’s essential information
they mean. These patterns reveal your personality traits, talents, works for any calendar year and will improve your life and rela-
values, and aspirations. tionships.
978-0-7387-6288-3 978-0-7387-5716-2
SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39 $16.99

Essential Astrology Astrology of the Moon

Amy Herring • 408 pp • 6 x 9 Amy Herring • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Introducing natal astrology with in-depth, easy-to-understand Your moon sign represents your emotional nature and lights the
instruction, Essential Astrology shows how to interpret your chart way toward profound spiritual growth; this information-packed
beyond the stereotypes and into the heart of each planet, sign, guide explains the moon’s powerful energetic potential in relation
house, and aspect. This comprehensive guide provides you with to the signs, houses, planets, and aspects. Look up your moon sign
the practical tools you need to enrich your knowledge and appli- with the easy-to-use “cookbook” format, and discover your emo-
cation of astrology. tional needs so you can create happiness at every life stage.
978-0-7387-3563-4 978-0-7387-1896-5
$24.99 $21.95

Behind the Horoscope Astrology on the Cusp

Wendell C. Perry • 216 pp • 6 x 9 Sally Cragin • 240 pp • 5 x 8
This simple, unique guide to astrology shows how your sun’s Gain a deeper understanding of your personality and motiva-
house placement indicates your strengths and how your moon’s tions—and those of your partner, friends, and family—with this first-
placement affects your intuition and the depths of your personality. ever guide to cusp astrology. Designed for people whose birthdays
Whether you’re a newcomer or experienced astrologer, this book fall between two signs, this book lets you quickly look up your date
will help you understand and manage your emotions, trust your of birth to discover your strengths, career opportunities, gifts, and
instincts, and make your mark on the world. challenges.
978-0-7387-6422-1 978-0-7387-3154-4
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 21



The Gnostic Path of St. Thomas Seal, Sigil & Call Of Angels, Demons & Spirits
Tau Malachi • 352 pp • 6 x 9 JR Mascaro • 192 pp • 6 x 9 Daniel Harms & James R. Clark
Written roughly a century earlier than the four gospels that Drawing from Eastern and Western traditions to form its own 360 pp • 7 x 10 • Hardcover with dust jacket
appear in the Bible, the Gospel of St. Thomas features 114 unique path, this book introduces practitioners to a new Discovered in the Bodleian Library at Oxford, this authentic
verses detailing an inward, mystical spirituality, through to be school of ceremonial magic. JR Mascaro presents paneidol- work of 17th-century English magic has been meticulously
some of the closest records to Yeshua’s (Jesus’) teachings. This ism, his unique ritual system, and shows you how to contact transcribed and translated by Daniel Harms and illustrated
book explores each of these translated verses and helps you and work with spirit entities. This book provides powerful by James R. Clark. Includes a comprehensive introduction,
embody their lessons. ontological tools that go beyond any one spiritual tradition. annotations, and more than 100 illustrations.
978-0-7387-7565-4 978-0-7387-7053-6 978-0-7387-5368-3
$26.99 $17.99 $65.00

Tarot Magic Queer Qabala Magical States of Consciousness

Donald Tyson • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Enfys J. Book • 256 pp • 6 x 9 Denning & Phillips • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Discover a powerful system of ritual magic that uses the A fresh look at Hermetic Qabala, this book highlights the Train your physical and emotional self to ascend the Tree of
cards of a standard tarot deck. Based on Golden Dawn tarot inherent queer and non-binary nature of this powerful mag- Life. Pathworking is one of the most powerful techniques
correspondences, these rituals can be worked anywhere and ical system as well as the innate inclusivity of its practice. employed in the practical Qabalah, the core of the Western
take only a few minutes to complete. With this innovative Enfys J. Book explains the basics of Qabala in an easy-to-un- Esoteric Tradition. Llewellyn is pleased to bring back Magical
approach, you can erect an entire ritual temple anywhere you derstand way, making this book a powerful spiritual tool for States of Consciousness, the classic text that first made path-
choose. (Previously sold as Portable Magic.) any practitioner to enjoy. working widely available.
978-0-7387-5723-0 978-0-7387-6976-9 978-0-7387-3282-4
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 $18.99 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99

Magic, Power, Language, Symbol Magical Qabalah for Beginners High Magic II
Patrick Dunn • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Frater Barrabbas • 360 pp • 5¼ x 8 Frater U...D... • 480 pp • 7½ x 9¼
A trained linguist and enthusiastic intellectual, Patrick Dunn Frater Barrabbas instructs the ritual magician and occult Europe’s best-known mage and contemporary occult author
delves into the web of language and symbols that constitute student on the history and theory of Qabalah—and provides shares his extensive magical expertise in the companion vol-
nearly every magical act. His theoretical, language-driven practical tools for incorporating these elements into spiritual ume to his highly acclaimed High Magic. This comprehensive
paradigm touches on all elements voiced and written, from and magical practice. He presents the Qabalah in five parts, guide explores a variety of magical topics—mirror magic, sigil
speaking in tongues and creating mantras to composing covering the ten Sephiroth, the twenty-two paths, the Four magic, shamanism, magical orders, mudras, and divination—
Enochian spells and understanding gematria. Worlds, the Three Negative Veils, and the Tree of Life. in a modern, non-dogmatic way.
978-0-7387-1360-1 978-0-7387-3244-2 978-0-7387-1063-1
$21.99 $15.99 $34.99

The Magic of Pathworking High Magic How to Become a Mage

Simon Court • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Frater U...D... • 432 pp • 7½ x 9¼ K.K. Albert, Joséphin Péladan, with Jean-Louis de Biasi
Magical pathworking is the powerful process of using specific Magic must be mastered through understanding and prac- 288 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover with dust jacket
guided meditations to explore the unlimited spiritual ener- tice. This book guides the magician through a series of basic How to Become a Mage is the first English translation of the
gies that form the contours of our lives. This book guides you exercises and real magical practices in a consistent program enormously influential occultist Joséphin Péladan. This book is a
through a journey of unique pathworkings based on arche- with examples and explanations. The program is effective and fascinating display of nineteenth-century French thought, shar-
typal themes and helps you develop your inner workspace. entirely self-directed, and the book is encyclopedic in depth ing the era’s most revolutionary ideas on overcoming the pitfalls
It also shows how to interpret and incorporate the events, and inclusive of even chaos and cyber magic. of status-quo society while perfecting and purifying one’s own
symbols, and more. 978-0-7387-0471-5 soul in preparation for transcendent magical operation.
978-0-7387-6541-9 $34.99 978-0-7387-5948-7
$18.99 SAVE 30% $31.99 $22.39

22 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
The Complete Encyclopedia Invoking the Egyptian Gods
of Egyptian Deities Judith Page & Ken Biles • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Tamara L. Siuda, PhD • 872 pp • 8 x 10 • Color • Hardcover Combining elegant rites with an evocative description of each
This premium hardcover offers comprehensive profiles of more deity’s myths, this book invites you to begin a soul-level trans-
than 100 Egyptian gods, goddesses, and other divine beings. This formation and awaken to your own strength, power, and divinity.
thoroughly researched, full-color tome provides detailed descrip- Discover your true magickal name; create a doorway into other
pre-order tions and illustrations of well-known deities like Anubis and Isis as dimensions; and receive messages from Isis, Sekhmet, Nut,
NOW! well as lesser-known ones like Harmachis and Wenut. Hathor, Osiris, and many others.
978-0-7387-7079-6 978-0-7387-2730-1
$90.00 SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

Techniques of Graeco-Egyptian Magic Pathworking with the Egyptian Gods

Stephen Skinner • 388 pp • 7½ x 10 • Hardcover Judith Page & Jan A. Malique • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Egypt was once at the heart of magical practice, and the Graeco- Delve into the Egyptian Mysteries and become enlightened
Egyptian papyri are the clearest and most extensive documen- through profound spiritual truths. Through guided pathworkings,
tation of some of these earliest methods. Using academic tools, this dynamic book brings to life nineteen Egyptian deities, includ-
Stephen Skinner has translated and presented the information ing Isis, Amun, and Horus. Perform a soul-level initiation and tour
contained in the papyri so that the magic will transcend theory this ancient land through astral travel techniques.
and become a real practice. 978-0-7387-1906-1
978-0-7387-4632-6 $18.95

Techniques of Solomonic Magic The Secret Texts of Hellenic Polytheism

Stephen Skinner • 378 pp • 7½ x 10 • Hardcover John Opsopaus, PhD • 408 pp • 7½ x 9½
This is the most detailed analysis of the techniques of Solomonic Only sixteen chapters of Plethon’s Book of Laws survive, and for
magic from the seventh to the nineteenth century ever pub- the first time ever, they have been translated into English in their
lished. This volume explores the methods of Solomonic magic in entirety. Now you can immerse yourself in this philosopher’s com-
Alexandria, tracing how the tradition passed through Byzantium (the plete system of Neopagan theology and religious practice focused
Hygromanteia) to the Latin Clavicula Salomonis and its English incar- on the Hellenic pantheon and rooted in ancient Greek Paganism.
nation as the Key of Solomon. 978-0-7387-7093-2
978-0-7387-4806-1 $27.99

The Orphic Hymns The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy

Patrick Dunn • 336 pp • 6 x 9 • Hardcover with Dust Jacket Edited and annotated by Donald Tyson
The Orphic Hymns are fascinating historical artifacts—87 devotions, 480 pp • 7 x 10
invocations, and entreaties to the Greek gods that are as powerful The Fourth Book of Occult Philosophy, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa
as they were thousands of years ago. This premium hardcover edi- and unnamed others, is considered one of the cornerstones of
tion features new English translations along with the original Greek Western magic. For more than three hundred years, this myste-
on the facing pages. rious tome has been regarded as difficult or even impossible to
978-0-7387-5344-7 understand—until now.
SAVE 30% $40.99 $28.69 978-0-7387-1876-7

The Eastern Mysteries Spiritual Alchemy

David Allen Hulse • 656 pp • 7 x 10 Jenny Tyson • 312 pp • 6 x 9
This amazing and in-depth volume reveals secrets of Sumerian This fascinating book follows Jenny Tyson’s year-long training and
mysticism, the Kabbalah, Arabic astrology, the chakras, and the the intense three-day spirit initiation that turned her minimal
Chinese elements. It includes the full text of the I Ching and rarely psychic abilities into full-blown clairvoyance and clairaudience.
discussed secrets associated with the Kabbalistic Sepher Yetzira. Spiritual Alchemy also teaches you how to undertake your own
978-1-56718-428-0 spirit communication.
$49.99 978-0-7387-4976-1
SAVE 30% $21.99 $15.39

Three Books of Occult Philosophy Rediscover the Magick

Henry C. Agrippa, Edited by Donald Tyson of the Gods and Goddesses
1,024 pp • 7 x 10 Jean-Louis de Biasi • 360 pp • 6 x 9
Having been used for five centuries (but never reprinted in its Providing a seven-step system of exercises and rituals, Jean-Louis
entirety), Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Agrippa is the single de Biasi also includes tips and techniques for working with sacred
most important text in the history of Western occultism. Edited by texts, the five temples of the human being, The Great Work, the
occult author Donald Tyson and presented as Agrippa intended. three cosmic rituals, and the planetary days.
978-0-7387-5527-4 978-0-7387-3997-7
$75.00 $24.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 23

Alternative Health & Self-Help

The Connection
Between Your Dreams
and Intuition
Psychic Dreamer
Dr. Michael Lennox • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8
In dreams, everyone is creative, intuitive, and guided by dimensions that are not usually
perceivable while awake. In this book, Dr. Michael Lennox helps you explore your innate
psychic abilities and teaches you how to develop them through dreamwork regardless of
your skill level.
Dr. Lennox introduces you to the different types of dreams, including precognitive, lucid,
shared, and visitation dreams. Learn to foretell the future, receive messages from people
who have passed, and encounter all sorts of out-of-body experiences. The book also covers
past lives, night terrors, and multidimensional dreams, and effective dreamwork.


Psychic Dreamer at Llewellyn.com

Dream Sight Dream Interpretation for Beginners

Dr. Michael Lennox • 408 pp • 6 x 9 Diane Brandon • 312pp • 5¼ x 8
Access the mysteries of the unconscious mind through an innova- Decode the wisdom of your dreams to improve your relationships,
tive and simple three-step approach: identify universal symbols, enrich your life, and achieve personal growth. Use dreams for
consider the context, and pinpoint personal associations. Also spiritual unfolding as well as improved problem-solving, creative
includes an overview of major dream types, such as nightmares, inspiration, and deeper insight into your life. Join dream expert
recurring, and precognitive, plus in-depth, classic meanings for Diane Brandon as she explores different dream types and mean-
over three hundred dream symbols. ings, dream recall and incubation techniques, , and more.
978-0-7387-2602-1 978-0-7387-4191-8
$24.99 $17.99

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Dreams Llewellyn’s Complete Book

Dr. Michael Lennox • 248 pp • 4¼ x 6¼ • Hardcover with of Lucid Dreaming
Rounded Edges and Foil Clare R. Johnson, PhD • 456 pp • 8 x 10
The third book in Llewellyn’s Little Books series, this is a pock- Discover a range of practical techniques and guided visualizations
et-sized guide to interpreting your dreams and using their wis- to help you bring the creativity and super-conscious awareness of
dom to better your life. This simple and concise reference book lucid dreaming into your life. This book includes tips on how to
features tips for remembering dreams, dictionary-style entries on get and stay lucid, cutting-edge advice from experts, techniques
common dream archetypes, and techniques for dream journaling for overcoming nightmares, and ways to integrate lucid creativity
and enhancing your creativity. for healing and mindfulness.
978-0-7387-5207-5 978-0-7387-5144-3
$14.99 $34.99
Llewellyn’s Complete Dictionary of Dreams Modern Dreamwork
Dr. Michael Lennox • 312 pp • 8 x 10 Linda Yael Schiller • 288 • 5¼ x 8
More than one thousand cross-referenced dream symbols and Modern Dreamwork is a hands-on guide to several different
their meanings will assist you in analyzing your unconscious mind. approaches for interpreting your dreams so that you can work
Join Dr. Michael Lennox as he explores the basics of interpretation through difficult issues with confidence knowing that you’re in
and three tenets that will help you work with the dictionary most tune with the wisest parts of yourself. Linda Yael Schiller presents
effectively. Dreams have an intelligence and purpose of their own, three unique methods: the Integrated Body Method, the PARDES
allowing your soul to reveal itself. method, and the Guided Active Imagination Approach (GAIA).
978-0-7387-4146-8 978-0-7387-6182-4
SAVE 30% $25.99 $18.19 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

24 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Alternative Health & Self-Help

RECENT pre-order
release NOW!

Finding Your Calm The Burnout Antidote The Intuitive Dance

Edited by Angela A. Wix • 264 pp • 5¼ x 8 Anne Bérubé • 264 pp • 5¼ x 8 Atherton Drenth • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Twelve of Llewellyn’s top authors have collaborated to intro- Restore your energy, find emotional freedom, and thrive with With practical exercises and easy-to-use techniques, The
duce you to a dozen new age relaxation techniques that can the help of this guide to overcoming burnout. Anne Bérubé Intuitive Dance guides you in finding your inner calm. Learn
positively impact all areas of your life. Pulling from both sci- presents a unique way of using your body as an instrument how to improve your wellness, find your intuitive type, center
entific and spiritual methods, these expert authors introduce for accelerated transformation and growth. Access your innate and ground your energy, and fill your life with abundance.
you to guided meditations, visualizations, and other simple capacity to heal and learn that your burnout can become a This book will also show you how to start living the truth of
practices so you can achieve a state of calm, collected bliss. gateway to embodied wisdom and vitality. who you really are.
978-0-7387-7465-7 978-0-7387-6973-8 978-0-7387-4798-9
$17.99 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

Anxiety to Empowerment Intuition and Chakras Meditation with Intention

Amanda Huggins • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 Lesley Phillips, PhD • 288 pp • 6 x 9 Anusha Wijeyakumar, MA • 208 pp • 5 x 7
Anxiety to Empowerment provides a complete course to Learn how to receive higher guidance, release doubt, clear With just five minutes of meditation a day, you can achieve a
unstick yourself from stress. With visualizations and journal blocks, and improve your intuition with this book on devel- more focused, balanced, and peaceful life. Join wellness con-
prompts, you will identify your own habits, anxiety triggers, oping your psychic abilities through energy. You’ll express sultant Anusha Wijeyakumar as she shares the transforma-
and tendencies for self-sabotage. Then, you will be gently your full potential through a journey of spiritual awak- tive meditation program that she developed for California's
guided through exercises, meditations, yoga poses, and other ening. Featuring exercises and foundational techniques, world-famous Hoag Hospital.
activities to tap into your soul's inherent wisdom. this book makes it easy to follow your inner guidance and 978-0-7387-6268-5
978-0-7387-7494-7 overcome challenges. $15.99
$16.99 978-0-7387-6275-3
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Taming the Drunken Monkey Worthy As You Are The Spiritual Power of Empathy
William L. Mikulas, PhD • 288 pp • 5¼ x 8 Durgadas Allon Duriel • 272 pp • 6 x 9 Cyndi Dale • 264 pp • 6 x 9
The mind often behaves like a drunken monkey—unfocused, Navigating through nine important realms of your life, includ- Join popular author Cyndi Dale as she shares ways to develop
uneasy, and uncontrollable. This book shows how to tame ing body positivity, relationships, and career, this book helps the six empathic types. The Spiritual Power of Empathy is a
your consciousness and manage stress, anxiety, and frustra- you find greater freedom within yourself. Durgadas Allon hands-on training course for empaths. Learn how to comfort-
tion. With thorough mental training provided by renowned Duriel unites spirituality with cognitive behavior therapy to ably use this often-unrecognized ability for self-care, career
teacher William L. Mikulas, you’ll effectively enhance the help you remove negative self-talk and create affirmations to advancement, raising children, and healing the self and
health of your body, mind, and spirit. cultivate healthy habits. others.
978-0-7387-3469-9 978-0-7387-7241-7 978-0-7387-3799-7
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 $19.99 $17.99

You Are Magical The Strength of Sensitivity Sanctuary of Your Own

Tess Whitehurst • 240 pp • 5 x 8 Kyra Mesich, PsyD • 216 pp • 6 x 9 Caroline Dow • 336 pp • 5¼ x 8
With dozens of spells for every major purpose, You Are Discover tools and techniques for living with sensitivity and This book shares ideas and techniques for transforming any
Magical shows you how to fully embrace your spirituality and empathic ability in a positive way. Kyra Mesich, PsyD, shares space into a haven designed to bring balance, serenity, and
create positive change in yourself and the world. Discover the stories about the struggles and triumphs of being an empath, joy into your life. Sanctuary of Your Own shows you how to
legacy of your magic, how it is uniquely yours, and exactly amazing research that explains how empathic ability works, carve out a mini sanctuary at home, work, in your car, or even
what ingredients and steps you need to craft a truly magnif- and instructions for living intuitively while integrating your in a hotel room. No matter where you are, you can create a
icent life. whole mind, body, and spirit. sacred space.
978-0-7387-5678-3 978-0-7387-4849-8 978-0-7387-6242-5
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59 $17.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 25

Alternative Health & Self-Help

The Answer Within

Erin Newman • 216 pp • 5 x 7
Attract abundance and align with your deeper purpose using
insights from your spirit guides. With nearly 30 hands-on exer-
cises, Erin Newman teaches you how to safely work with your
guides in a non-appropriative way, regardless of your background
or belief system. Your guides will help you manifest money, ease
physical pain, heal ancestral patterns, and more.

Connect and Work with Spirit Guides

Shannon Yrizarry • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8
Spirit guides can be powerful sources of wisdom, inspiration,
and support. This beginner-friendly book takes you step-by-step
through the process of awakening your innate connection to
high vibrational guides. It answers common questions and covers
important techniques such as building trust in yourself and heal-
ing from physical ailments.
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

How to Meet and Work with Spirit Guides

Ted Andrews • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8
Learn simple and effective techniques for establishing rapport with
your angels and guides. Explore meditation, divination, fragrance,
crystals, and other ways to connect with spirit helpers, and enjoy
the many gifts and learning opportunities gained by working with

NEW! guardian angels, spirit guides, loved ones in spirit, animal totems,
nature spirits, and fairies.
SAVE 30% $14.99 $10.49

Guides, Guardians and Angels

D.J. Conway • 192 pp • 6 x 9
How will your angels guide you on your life’s path? Develop a
personal and meaningful relationship with your spirit guides

Call Upon Your through unique meditations, guided visualizations, rituals, and
spells. Connect with power animals, nature spirits, and the spirits
of friends, family, and even pets for personal empowerment, spiri-

Sacred Helpers tual growth, and profound peace.


for Wisdom
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

An Angel for Anything

and Guidance Richard Webster • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8

Invoke angelic allies for hundreds of goals, from better protection
and well-being to greater mindfulness and creativity. An Angel for
Anything makes it easy to look up angels for specific purposes
Spirit Guide Invocations with a detailed appendix and chapters organized into clear topics
Billie Topa Tate • 208 pp • 5 ¼ x 8 and subtopics. Even if the subject you're looking for isn't featured,
Webster provides guidelines for creating your own summoning rit-
Drawing upon ancient native wisdom learned from her elders, Billie Topa Tate ual. With angelic guidance, you will feel more positivity every day.
teaches you how to call upon angels, ancestors, and other spiritual beings NOW! 978-0-7387-7571-5
for guidance and protection. Using the powerful placement of words as an $16.99
energy tool, you can alleviate stress, resolve past lives, send love to those who Spirit Allies & Healing Guides
have passed, and more. Dawn McLaughlin • 240 pp • 6 x 9
This book teaches you the essential skills for collaborating with
With specific invocations for dozens of purposes, Billie helps you find the your allies, from grounding your energy to awakening your psychic
right words to transform the energy of nearly any situation. Regardless of your senses. Discover different types of spirits and explore techniques
for communicating with them. Learn how to cultivate relationships
background or experience level, this book will show you how energy can cross with your team and study the seven keys that ensure the best
time and space to support you. pre-order results with them.
978-0-7387-7418-3 $18.99
26 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Alternative Health & Self-Help
Everyday Reiki Develop Your Medical Intuition
Dawn McLaughlin • 360 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Sherrie Dillard • 312 pp • 6 x 9
Connect with universal healing energy on a personal level with Tune in to the energy body to assess and positively influence
this immersive guide to the teachings and practice of Reiki. Dawn health and well-being on every level. Discover step-by-step exer-
McLaughlin presents a 40-day program at each of the three levels cises, guided visualizations, true case studies, and practice advice
that features daily wisdom; intention-setting prompts; and various from author Sherrie Dillard’s twenty-five-year career as a profes-
exercises, such as guided journaling, meditations, and chants. This sional medical intuitive.
book covers all the facets of Reiki. release 978-0-7387-4201-4
978-0-7387-7544-9 $19.99

The Art of Spiritual Healing Energy Healing for Trauma,

Keith Sherwood • 288 • 6 x 9 Stress & Chronic Illness
Healing energy is always flowing through you—discover how to Cyndi Dale • 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼
tap this incredible healing source. In this second edition, Keith Combining insights from holistic healing modalities and main-
Sherwood has expanded the scope beyond physical disease, add- stream science, renowned author Cyndi Dale shares an impres-
ing chapters on healing energetic traumas and relationships, as sive array of subtle-energy techniques for resolving challenging
well as maintaining wellness in a complex and stressful world. physical and spiritual ailments.
978-0-7387-4660-9 978-0-7387-6104-6
SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99 SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49

The Courageous Path to Healing The Essential Guide to Aromatherapy

Jennifer Kreatsoulas, PhD • 240 pp • 5¼ x 8 and Vibrational Healing
Join Jennifer Kreatsoulas on her mindful, yoga-filled road to recov- Margaret Ann Lembo • 360 pp • 6 x 9
ery and use powerful self-help exercises to aid in your own healing Enhance your healing practice with The Essential Guide to
journey. Providing stories of poignant moments on Jennifer’s road Aromatherapy and Vibrational Healing, an A-to-Z guide to sixty
to overcoming an eating disorder, this book transforms her experi- essential oils that also features flower remedies, gemstone
ences into thematic lessons that you can use as you face challenges essences, and other vibrational elements.
in your own life. 978-0-7387-4339-4
978-0-7387-6746-8 $19.99
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

Heal Your Inner Wounds Sacred Massage

Abby Wynne • 336 pp • 5 x 8 Debra DeAngelo • 288 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Now is the time to start feeling worthy of the good life you dream Through thoughtful touch, your hands can provide relaxation
about. This inspiring book features a unique mix of shamanism and relief to family and friends with a variety of ailments, from
and psychotherapy for transformational healing. Abby Wynne headaches to PTSD. Debra DeAngelo introduces you to massage
guides you through each step of life and teaches you to let go of through the lens of spirituality, magic, and ritual. In addition to
resentments from the past so you can have a more positive future. physical techniques, she teaches you how to channel your healing
978-0-7387-5707-0 energy into another person.
$18.99 978-0-7387-7267-7

The Healing Power of Tea Supercharged Self-Healing

Caroline Dow • 264 pp • 5¼ x 8 RJ Spina • 230 pp • 6 x 9
From the history of tea to growing a tea garden, this comprehen- RJ Spina shares the unique seven-step healing system that he
sive book takes you on a fascinating journey into the world of teas used to overcome chest-down paralysis and chronic illness, and
and tisanes. Whether you’re a new or expert tea drinker, Caroline now utilizes to help countless others heal their debilitating health
Dow provides you with “tea-rrific” knowledge, including explana- challenges. This book shows you how to achieve elevated states
tions of different tea types as well as a list of ailments and what of consciousness and harness high-frequency energy for health,
blends will alleviate them. vitality, and deep inner peace.
978-0-7387-4033-1 978-0-7387-6809-0
SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89 SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59

Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Ayurveda Change Your Mind

Hans H. Rhyner • 672 pp • 8 x 10 RJ Spina • 224 pp • 6 x 9
Discover the principles, therapies, and collected knowledge of a Expanding on the techniques in Supercharged Self-Healing, RJ
venerable ancient healing system. Ayurveda provides a three-fold Spina shares new high-frequency metaphysics made simple and
approach to wellness: preventative, psychological, and curative. practical. This book helps you be free of the stress, doubts, and low
This comprehensive reference to a natural system of medicine will energy that block your joy and quality of life. RJ’s revolutionary
guide you on your way to addressing specific health concerns and teachings will help rewire your subconscious mind and balance
improving overall wellbeing. your energy.
978-0-7387-4868-9 978-0-7387-7425-1
$44.99 $17.99

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 27

Alternative Health & Self-Help


The Goddess Discovered Crystal Power Missing Element, Hidden Strength

Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD • 368 pp • 6 x 9 Kac Young, PhD • 232 pp • 6 x 9 Tisha Morris • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8
This guide introduces you to hundreds of goddesses around Heal more deeply and restore your spirit with this in-depth We each embody a primary element and a weak or missing
the world. Shelley invites you to meet ancient Egyptian, guide to enhancing your crystal practice. Kac Young provides element. When you embrace your missing element—water,
Celtic, Greek, Norse, and Mesoamerican pantheons. She everything you need to know about not only the best healing wood, fire, earth, or metal—you can pull yourself out of a rut
also provides details on African, East Asian, Hindu, and crystals, but also how to pair them with many other meta- and bring more success to your life and work. Tisha Morris
Indigenous deities. physical tools and techniques. shows you how to apply the ancient wisdom of Taoist princi-
978-0-7387-7176-2 978-0-7387-6289-0 ples to turn your missing element into your hidden strength.
$22.99 $17.99 978-0-7387-7101-4

Animal Healing Decorating with the Five Discover Your Master Chakra
Niki J. Senior • 264 pp • 6 x 9 Elements of Feng Shui Stephanie S. Larsen • 336 pp • 5¼ x 8
Animal Healing offers detailed information on how to sense, Tisha Morris • 264 pp • 6 x 9 Everyone has a master chakra that defines who they are and
establish, and attune your awareness to animal energy. You’ll Balance your personal energy and beautify your living space how they interact with others. This insightful book guides
learn to activate wellness on all levels and deepen the bond while also healing your home and the planet. Join feng shui you in using your master chakra on the path to greater love,
with your animal. Providing in-depth descriptions and case expert Tisha Morris as she reveals the amazing possibilities for harmony, and fulfillment. Learn about the soul-ray colors,
studies about each healing modality, this book reveals the transformation when you use the wisdom of the Five Elements identify your spiritual gifts, and use that knowledge to solve
true nature of emotional animal health. to make simple changes in your home and in your life. problems and live according to your passions.
978-0-7387-5777-3 978-0-7387-4652-4 978-0-7387-4926-6
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 $16.99 SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Herbs Modern Guide to Mudras Open Your Third Eye
Holly Bellebuono • 264 pp • 4¼ x 6¼ • Hardcover Alexandra Chauran • 220 pp • 6 x 9 Jiulio Consiglio • 224 pp • 5¼ x 8
with Rounded Edges and Foil Fill your life with grace and joy using one of humanity’s old- Filled with simple yet effective exercises and meditations, this
Featuring recipes, helpful exercises, practical gardening tips, est forms of magic, meditation, and communion with spirit— practical guide provides everything you need to open your third
stories, and advice for creating herbal medicine, this fun mudras. Popular author Alexandra Chauran reveals that all eye and improve your innate psychic abilities. Jiulio Consiglio
hardcover book is an ideal resource for gardeners and aspir- the power you need is right in your hands. Featuring a wealth shows you how to tune in to your intuition, protect your third
ing herbalists. of illustrations, this book is perfect for anyone who wants to eye, trust your gut feelings, and more. You can expand your
978-0-7387-6205-0 add color and beauty to everyday life. awareness and consciousness to unimaginable heights.
$14.99 978-0-7387-6766-6 978-0-7387-6709-3
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 $16.99

Llewellyn’s Little Book of Spirit Animals Mysteries of the Aura Sacred Signs & Symbols
Melissa Alvarez • 288 pp • 4¼ x 6¼ • Hardcover with Jean-Louis de Biasi & Patricia Bourin • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Sherrie Dillard • 264 pp • 6 x 9
Rounded Edges and Foil Drawing on Eastern and Western explanations of energy Develop intuitive awareness and learn to understand the
Connect to your spirit animals and discover how they can work, this beginner-friendly book teaches how to see and signs that Spirit sends your way. Featuring a glossary of hun-
guide you to live your best life. This beautifully bound, pock- interact with subtle energies. Jean-Louis de Biasi shares dreds of signs and their meanings, this comprehensive guide
et-sized guide features more than two hundred entries for nearly 40 exercises, both for solo practitioners and couples, helps you build a personal oracle system for invoking mes-
wild, domestic, and mystical animals. Learn what each sym- to heighten your psychic abilities and give you a new under- sages in your daily life. You’ll also explore ways to connect
bolizes, how it may appear to you, and how to best use its standing of the levels of reality beyond our own. with loved ones in the spirit realm.
guidance and energy. 978-0-7387-6381-1 978-0-7387-4968-6
978-0-7387-5270-9 SAVE 30% $19.99 $13.99 SAVE 30% $16.99 $11.89

28 L l e w e l l y n . c o m • 1 . 8 7 7. N E W.W R L D ( 1 . 8 7 7. 6 3 9 . 9 7 5 3 )
Paranormal, Psychic Development, Past Lives, & Spirit Communication
The Art of Channeling Astral Travel for Beginners
Jenny Tyson • 240 pp • 6 x 9 Richard Webster • 256 pp • 5¼ x 8
This hands-on book presents a brand-new method of channeling Astral projection, or out-of-body travel, is a completely natural
that connects you to any type of spirit. Jenny Tyson teaches you experience. Explore new worlds, go back and forth through time,
how to communicate with angels, ghosts, nature spirits, and more. make new friends or even find a lover—all are possibilities on the
Usable as a companion to The Art of Scrying & Dowsing, this book’s astral planes. Learn how to leave your body at will, be fully con-
methods provide much higher accuracy than traditional channel- scious, and remember the experience after you return.
ing practices. 978-1-56718-796-0
978-0-7387-7147-2 $15.99
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29

The Art of Scrying & Dowsing Demystifying the Out-of-Body Experience

Jenny Tyson • 264 pp • 6 x 9 Luis Minero • 408 pp • 7½ x 9¼
Discover a new approach to scrying and dowsing that uses revolu- This is a groundbreaking guide for using OBEs to achieve personal
tionary methods to quickly uncover exciting and unknown informa- growth. With over a dozen exit techniques, learn to meet spiritual
tion—everything from the location of lost items to knowledge about guides, loved ones who have crossed over, or other out-of-body
your future self. Great for practitioners of any level, this book features travelers. Included are communication techniques and memory
easy-to-use and accurate techniques that only take fifteen minutes. aids to get the most out of each experience.
978-0-7387-6796-3 978-0-7387-3079-0
SAVE 30% $18.99 $13.29 SAVE 30% $24.99 $17.49

Mediumship, Scrying & Communicating with Spirit

Transfiguration for Beginners Carl Llewellyn Weschcke & Joe H. Slate, PhD
Diana Palm • 216 pp • 5¼ x 8 792 pp • 7 x 10
With this easy-to-use guide, you’ll be amazed at how simple it is to Communicating with Spirit shows you—with clear, precise instruc-
unlock your spiritual sight. Whether you’re a medium or not, you tions—how to return Spirit to your inner self, open the doors to
can develop skills for mental and physical mediumship, scrying communication at the spiritual levels, and extend perception
and transfiguration, séances, reading spiritual signs, clearing your from material limitations toward the inclusiveness of higher-
space, and protecting yourself from harm. dimensional awareness.
978-0-7387-5248-8 978-0-7387-4468-1
$16.99 $34.99

The Encyclopedia of Superstitions Lemuria and Atlantis

Richard Webster • 336 pp • 7½ x 9¼ Shirley Andrews • 288 pp • 6 x 9
Trivia fans and fun fact fanatics will adore this fascinating encyclo- Where and when did Lemuria and Atlantis exist? Is anyone finding
pedia of over five hundred bizarre beliefs. Discover batty beliefs evidence of these lost lands today? What can we learn from these
about baldness, beans, and the Bermuda Triangle, and peculiar two civilizations lost in time? Author Shirley Andrews answers
practices regarding hiccups, hearses, and hunchbacks. From mod- these questions and many more. She offers evidence of Atlanteans
ern myths to centuries-old lore, this guide offers a wealth of won- and Lemurians in the Americas, their advanced technologies and
derfully weird beliefs. vibrational healing methods, and her theories of what really hap-
978-0-7387-1277-2 pened to Lemuria and Atlantis.
$18.95 978-0-7387-0397-8
SAVE 30% $17.99 $12.59
How to Uncover Your Past Lives Psychic Dreaming
Ted Andrews • 192 pp • 5¼ x 8 Loyd Auerbach • 288 pp • 5¼ x8
Have you ever experienced a feeling of déjà vu? These experiences Explore how parapsychology and dreamwork can be combined to
provide clues to past lives. Learn how to safely and easily explore enhance creativity, improve your decision-making, and heal your-
past-life memories using self-hypnosis, meditation, dowsing, fra- self in body and soul. Parapsychologist Loyd Auerbach shows how
grance, and crystals. Discover how to use past-life awareness as a to identify ESP, clairvoyance, precognition, and other psi experi-
tool for spiritual growth, to recognize soul mates and their role in ences as they occur through dreams.
your life, and gain insight into your life’s purpose. 978-0-7387-5170-2
978-0-7387-0813-3 $19.99

Past Lives in Ancient Lands & Other Worlds Psychic Vision

Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD • 304 pp • 6 x 9 Melanie Barnum • 216 pp • 6 x 9
Explore case studies of past lives from ancient lands and other Offering both intuitive and analytical guidance, Psychic Vision
worlds, including experiences in ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire, includes everything you need to know about using clairvoyance
Lemuria, Atlantis, planets beyond Earth, and more. In addition and coordinate remote viewing to enhance your life. With chap-
to sharing some of her most exciting client regression sessions, ter-by-chapter exercises to take you on a clairvoyant journey—as
Shelley A. Kaehr provides more than 50 activities to help you dis- well as instructions for the exact protocol used by government
cover and make sense of your own soul history. agencies—Psychic Vision is an indispensible guide to developing
978-0-7387-7100-7 your psychic sight.
$19.99 978-0-7387-4623-4

F R E E S H I P P I N G o n o r d e r s o f $ 3 5 o r m o re (see order form for details) 29

Paranormal, Psychic Development, Past Lives, & Spirit Communication
Unquiet Voices Spirits, Seers & Séances
pre-order Rob and Nonie Douglas • 360 pp • 6 x 9 Steele Alexandra Douris • 226 pp • 5¼ x 8
Authors Rob and Nonie Douglas combine classical necromancy Séances, paranormal investigations, fortune telling, and other
and modern investigative methods to help you confidently iden- spiritual practices helped define the Victorian era—and they con-
tify spirits of the dead, know when they are present, and diag- tinue to shape our world today. From Jack the Ripper and Edgar
nose their effects. Explore the historical legacy of necromancy, Allen Poe to “A Christmas Carol” and Dracula, this book uses his-
learn about diverse types of spirits, and avoid common errors toric examples and hands-on exercises to show how spiritualism
and misconceptions. and mediumship have profoundly impacted the UK and US.
978-0-7387-6555-6 978-0-7387-7461-9
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The Horrors of the House of Wills Walking the Twilight Path

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Step onto the Garden Path
with a Year of
Spells, Stories & Soil
Planted mainly for its beautiful paper-white bark and lovely foliage, the birch is a great addition to northern
gardens. As a tree of new beginnings, birch teaches us to look at the possibilities that lie before us and be
courageous in our undertakings. Traditional Witch’s besoms are made from birch twigs and can be used in
ritual to “sweep” out the old year.

Traditional Birch Besom

Traditional besoms were made with ash wood for the staff, birch
branches for the bristles, and willow withes (young, flexible branch-
es) for binding. Try to find an ash branch that has fallen or gently ask
the tree for one of its branches. Birch branches are easily gathered
from beneath a birch tree, and willow withes can be cut (with plenty
of thanks) from the tree. All these materials can also be purchased
You will need:
• 1 dry ash branch, 30 to 35 inches long
• A good handful of birch twigs, 12 to 20 inches long
• Garden twine
• A few willow withes, soaked in water for 24 hours before use
Before putting your besom together, prepare your staff by peeling
and sanding or decorating and polishing it in a way that suits you
and your craft. When ready, lay your staff aside as you gather your
birch branches into a bunch and bind it with twine. Plunge the staff
into the middle of your birch bundle and secure it to the staff tightly
with willow withes or more twine.
Use your besom to sweep away negative vibes.
As you sweep in a deosil direction, say something like this:
We call upon the guardians of the birch 424 pp • 6 x 9
To sweep away negativity and bring us mirth 978-0-7387-7367-4
Forest spirits, we thank thee $27.99
For peace and protection, so mote it be


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Experience an Epic
Adventure Through Oz
This full-color, hardcover book reimagines
one of the greatest American stories,
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,
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