EDE Final Report

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Shree Mouni vidyapeeth’s

Institute of Civil and Rural Engineering, Gargoti.

Micro Project Report
Under The Course

“Enterpreneurship Development” (22032)

With title

“Study supply chain management of Bisleri”

Submitted by

1. Manasvi Vasant Narake

2. Sanika Jotiram Arade
3. Aditya Maruti Bhendavadekar

In Partial Fulfillment of
Diploma in Computer Engineering

Department of Computer Engineering


This is to certify that the Micro project entitled “Choose Any Product And Study It Supply
Chain” under the course of “Enterpreneurship Development” submitted to the Institute of
Civil and Rural Engineering, Gargoti in partial fulfilment of Diploma in Computer Engineering
is a record of original work done by Manasvi, Sanika, and Aditya during the period from to
under supervision and guidance Mr. K. N. More, Lecturer in department of Computer

Head of the Department Principal Signature of the Guide


We all Manasvi, Sanika, and Aditya hereby, declares that the Micro Project submitted to the
Institute of Civil and Rural Engineering, Gargoti in partial fulfillment of Diploma in
Computer Engineering done in the period of 2022-2023 under the supervision and guidance of
Mr. K. N. More, Lecturer in department of Computer Engineering. The project has not been
copied with any other candidate of any diploma college.

Place: Gargoti. Signature of the Candidates


Manasvi Vasant Narake

Sanika Jotiram Arade

Aditya Maruti Bhendavadekar


Sr. No. Content/Title Page No.

1. Rationale

2. Aims/benefits of Microproject

3. Course outcomes addressed

4. Literature Review

5. Actual Methodology Followed

6. Actual Resources Used

7. Introduction

8. Process Of Chain Management

9. Objectives Of Supply Chain Management

10. Participate Of Supply Chain

11. Introductiion Of Bisleri International

12. Histroy

13. Field Visit

14. Skill Developed

15. Application


Sr. Roll Enrollment Exam Seat

Name No. Signature
No. No. No.

1. Manasvi Vasant Narake 04 2000120291

2 Sanika Jotiram Arade 05 2000120292

3. Aditya Maruti Bhendavadekar 06 2000120293

Micro-Project Report
Course: “Enterpreneurship Development” (22032)
“Study supply chain management of Bisleri”
1.0 Rationale
The project is an extensive report on how the Bisleri company market strategy and how the
company has been supply chain management process .The report begins with the history of the
product and the and introduction of the Bisleri. The report also contains the process of chain
management in Bisleri. And objectives to declared in chain management process also include in
participate for supply chain.

2.0 Aims/benefits of Microproject

1. To find about consumers and retailers brand preference.

3.0 Course outcomes addressed

1. Develop comprehensive business plan.

4.0 Literature Review

Book: Enterpreneurship Development
https://www https://www.ambitionbox.com/salaries/bisleri-salaries/supply-chain-management-

5.0 Actual Methodology Followed:

Introduction Of Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is concerned with getting the product and services where
they are needed and when they are needed. It is difficult to carry out any marketing or
manufacturing activity without logistics support. SCM involves integration of various functions
such as transportation , ware housing, packaging, material handling, inventory management,
information management ,etc. Supply chain consist of all the stages that are required to satisfy
customers request. It starts with the supplier and passes through the manufacturer, whole salers,
retailers and finally reaches the customer.

➢ Element of supply chain management

There are FOUR driving forces which lead to the development of supply chain management
.Companies have undertaken various initiatives and approaches to address and assortment of
issues related to their supply chain management. The approaches and initiative classified into
seven streams.
1. Strategic Purchasing
Intense competitive pressures have forced companies to re-examine their approach to managing
suppliers and their supply base. An increasing focus on core competencies, and the increase in
outsourcing of components and services , has also placed greater emphasis on supplier
management. In addition, much of the traditional in-house development activities have been
pushed on to suppliers. Purchasing is thus increasingly as a strategic weapon, centered on its
ability to create collaborative relationships for firm advantage. Partnerships with suppliers can
have a strong positive influence on firm performance through the development of joint resources
and the exchange of valuable knowledge with these in dividual partners. In practice, many firms
fail to realize these benefits when they implement sourcing agreements at a lower negotiated
price. They fail to follow through with the relational processes that capture benefits over the
course of the contract. The ability to extract benefits from supplier relationships is linked to the
way these relationships are managed.

2.Supply Management
A broad term describing the various acts of identifying, acquiring and managing the products
and/or resources needed to run a business or other organization. These include physical goods as
well as information, services and any other resources needed. Supply management divisions
within large corporations can be very large, with budget In the billions and employing hundreds
of workers. The main goals within supply management are to control costs, efficiently allocate
resources and gather information to be used in strategic business decisions

Communication is a crucial to supply chain and yet it is surprisingly one of the biggest areas in
the need of improvement.
When it comes to cooperating with staff in other departments, many procurement professionals
admit it is very difficult. And when it comes to communicating with those outside the
organization, i.e. the suppliers, communications can become even further strained. It all boils
down to the simple fact that with proper communication between stakeholders and external
suppliers, more creative ideas can be brought to the table, thus improving the process. If people
from different points of the process are able give ideas for improvements based on firsthand
experience, it stands to reason that this will made for a much better managed process. If
communication is limited, so is the ability of the procurement department to influence the end to
end procurement process.

4.Supplier selection process

Choosing the right supplier involves much more than scanning a series of price lists. Your
choice will depend on a wide range off actors such as value for money, quality, reliability and
service .How you weigh up the importance of these different factors will be based on your
business' priorities and strategy.

Supply Chain Management Process

Supply chain management is a process used by companies to ensure that their supply chain is
efficient and cost-effective. A supply chain is the collection of steps that a company takes to
transform raw materials into a final product. The five basic components of supply chain
management are discussed below

1. Plan
The initial stage of the supply chain process is the planning stage. We need to develop a plan or
strategy in order to address how the products and services will satisfy the demands and
necessities of the customers. In this stage, the planning should mainly focus on designing a
strategy that yields maximum profit. For managing all the resources required for designing
products and providing services, a strategy has to be designed by the companies. Supply chain
management mainly focuses on planning and developing a set of metrics.

2. Develop(Source)
After planning, the next step involves developing or sourcing. In this stage, we mainly
concentrate on building a strong relationship with suppliers of the raw materials required for
production. This involves not only identifying dependable suppliers but also determining
different planning methods for shipping, delivery, and payment of the product. Companies need
to select suppliers to deliver the items and services they require to develop their product. So in
this stage, the supply chain managers need to construct a set of pricing, delivery and payment
processes with suppliers and also create the metrics for controlling and improving the
relationships. Finally, the supply chain managers can combine all these processes for handling
their goods and services inventory. This handling comprises receiving and examining shipments,
transferring them to the manufacturing facilities and authorizing supplier payments.

3. Make
The third step in the supply chain management process is the manufacturing or making of
products that were demanded by the customer. In this stage, the products are designed,
produced, tested, packaged, and synchronized for delivery. Here, the task of the supply chain
manager is to schedule all the activities required for manufacturing, testing, packaging and
preparation for delivery. This stage is considered as the most metric-intensive unit of the supply
chain, where firms can gauge the quality levels, production output and worker productivity.

➢ Objectives of supply chain management

1. To maximize the overall profitability

The most important objective of supply management is to maximize the overall supply
chain profitability. The supply chain profitability is the difference between the amount paid by
customer to purchase the product and the cost incurred by organization to produce and supply
the product to the customer at right time.

2. Enhancing customer service

One of the major objectives of supply chain management is to provide superior consumer
service. It aims at avoiding any kind of service failure and provides efficient service to
customers there by leading to customer satisfaction .

3. Reduce inventory cost

One of the objectives of supply chain management is to reduce inventory cost. Due to
efficient supply chain management , there is greater coordination and corporation among the
members which helps to reduce inventory thereby reducing inventory costs.

4. Reduce warehousing cost:

Due to reduction in level of inventory there will be are ware housing cost as there will be
less held up of inventory.
5. Reduce transportation cost :
Another objectives of supply chain management is to reduce transportation cost through
proper planning and network and by using transportation principals like economics of scale and
economics of distance

6. Reduce lead time:

Efficient supply chain management should reduce the time required to convert orders into
cash through proper communication, coordination etc.

7. Minimizing variance:
Supply chain management through standardized of activities and process helps to reduce
variance between actual results and perceived results .

➢ Participates Of Supply Chain Management

1. Suppliers:
These are the organizations that provides goods and services to the purchasing
organization. Suppliers provide raw materials to manufacturers who need the set run their
operations or incorporate in to the goods that they manufacture.

2. Manufacturers:
These are the organization that are engaged in the production of goods and services.
Manufacturers sell their goods to others like distributors/wholesalers/retailers in the supply
chain for the resale

3. Distributors:
Distributors are typically middlemen that purchase goods from manufacturers with the
intention of reselling the others in supply chain.

4. Customers:
Customers are the end receivers or users of the product or service. They are the
essential part of the supply chain as they ultimate consumers of product and services.

➢ Introduction Of Bisleri

Bisleri is a brand of a bottled water in India. Bisleri has 60% market share in packaged drinking
water in India. Product range comprises of two variants: Bisleri with added minerals and bisleri
mountain water. It is available in 8 packs sizes: 250 ml cups,250 ml bottles, 500 ml, 1 litre, 1.5
litre,2 litre, 5 litre and 20litre.It operation run throughout the sub-continent of India and one of
the lead bottle water supplying company in india. As of 19 September 2015 bisleri has 80
bottling plants amongst which 12 are they own and 68 are licensed.

➢ Histroy
Bisleri was founded by sign or Bisleri was an Italian company. Italian mineral water
company was launched in India in year 1965 and brought by the parle from the ltalian
entrepreneur sign or felice bisleri in 1969 mineral water company. At the time bisleri had been
unable to market bottle and planned to exist the market however parle group felt that no soft
drink company was complete without soda. Bisleri was initially used to launch both carbonated
and noncarbonated versions of bisleri soda .bisleri soda though doing well, had to bed is
continued, as parle sold their soft drink brand to coco cola in 1993. after sale of coco cola,
Ramesh Chauhan sifted the main focus to make bisleri into a major brand.

1. 1990:Opponents started for bisleri in large scale but even it was still able to survive.
2. 1991:Biserli economic 20 litre jar was introduced to cater to home and office.
3. Bisleri changed its brand color into blue to green. Bisleri mountain water from the
Himalayas was launched.
4. 2009:Biserli ushered in the festive seasons with 250 mland 500 ml packs.
5. 2010:Biserli stepped into the premium water category with vedica natural mountain
water from the Himalayas.
6. 2011:A home size pack of 15 litre was introduced. Bisleri soda was launched
7. 2014:Biserli launched an energy drink urzza.
8. 2015:Biserli changed its packaging.

➢ Bisleri purification process

The multiple stages of the Bisleri purification process is claimed to ensure that the water
is free from all forms of bacteria. Bisleri does not use the process of chlori nationas it may create
harmful residues in water. The journey of a Bisleri bottle begins from the source which is
groundwater. This sourced water is treated with ozone, which helps destroy all the bacteria and
viruses within seconds. The water then goes through a sand filter which removes the coarse
particles up to 30 micron in size. The next filter is the carbon filter which helps get rid of any
pesticides, color and odor from the water. This water then goes through a process called reverse
osmosis which removes the excess quantity of salts and minerals from the water making it soft
and drinkable. Minerals are then added to the water to bring back the taste and goodness. Bisleri
mineral water contains minerals such as magnesium sulphate and potassium bicarbonate, which
the company claims to maintain the body’s pH balance
and to keep the body fit and energetic. At Bisleri this purified mineral water is made to go
through a double ozonisation process before the filling to ensure no environment contamination
happens during the filling and the product can enjoy a long life.
The entire process involves zero human intervention giving no chance for external
contamination. In case of SKU’s such as the 20
-litre jar, where the container is re-used, there is an additional process followed. This process
involves getting back the containers, conducting a human check for any damaged or
contaminated containers which are immediately crushed and sent for scrap. The usable
containers are washed and undergo anozonisation process to purify them and make them safe for
re-use. The containers are then filled. For other products at Bisleri, including Vedica and Urzza,
similar production processes are followed, with variations intechnique according to the product's

➢ Working Process of Bisleri

• Suppliers and Raw materials:
Raw materials added in Bisleri are-
2. chlorides
3. magnesium
4. Sulphate
These all are the contents in bottle of bisleri. The companies that provide bisleri with raw
materials(chemicals) are prime tech limited. They usually purchase raw material monthly basis.
1)Sources water from Himalayas.
2)It also sources water from rivers and treat it.
3)During rainy season rain harvesting is done and during summer seasons they extract water
from bore-wells and outsource water through water tanks from the nearby areas. It sources
plastics for the bottle from Manjushreetechno park Ltd, a provider of PET plastics.

• Warehouse:
There are almost 16 warehouses across Mumbai and1820 almost all over India.

1. Capping:
For capping ozonized caps are used.Rubber and stainless steel parts are used as it touchesthe
whole water bottle to avoid germs and infection

2. Labelling:
1. Hot melt reel feed Bopp machine is used forlabelling.
2. A pre-cuted glued label is rolled with the bottle.
3. The safety precautions taken while packing is doneas follows:
4. checked whether the bottle is leaking or damaged
5. packed into sturdy cartoons
6. dispatched to market through trucks

• Transportation:
After manufacturing the bottles are stored in a rack like place and are arranged according
to liters. For the transportation the bottles are packed in cartons and by using forklifts the cartons
are loaded in to trucks. The entire process involves zero human intervention. The timing is
between 1pm to 6 pm is the delivery time of the bisleri bottles. Because it is convenient time to
distribute and some distributers are not open at morning to receive goods at morning. On a
national level 2000 trucks on call for bisleri, while the number of trucks averages 300 and 250 in
Mumbai and Delhi markets. It also uses railways if necessary.

• Distribution:
The first truck released at 1 pm covers several parts of Mumbai in a cycle covers the
area like vile Parle, Santa Cruz, lower Parel, Goregoan, malad, marine lines and the second truck
that leaves by 3pm covers Ulhasnagar and panvel and also the harbor line is covered .

• Wholesalers and Retailers:

There are almost 3400 whole sellers all over India and 315000 retailers. Raj trading
company is the leading distributor of bisleri water in Mumbai. They operate in thane, Navi
Mumbai and malad. There are also other wholesalers like bisleri store, tanuja agency, shree
Ganesh agency etc.

• Inventory Management:
Bisleri has 7 stock keeping units 5 under bisleribottle,1 under vedica natural spring
water and 1under urzza power drink.
1)About 50 tones of stocks are dispatched for a month.
2)They stock water as inventory. The water is stored in the cement tank of capacity of 9000
Gallons approximately (34,069 liters). The tank is cleaned using chemicals regularly (every
month) to avoid bad smell ,germs & bacteria.

• Role of IT in inventory management:

1. Replenishment.
2. Monitoring inventory levels.
3. Information on current stock levels.
4. IT is also used for online ordering of bisleri bottles andalso used for online payments.

• Reverse logistics:
In case of SKU’s such as the 20-litre jar, where the container is re-used, there is an
additional process followed. This process involves getting back the containers, conducting a
human check for any damaged or contaminated containers which are immediately crushed and
sent for scrap. The usable containers are washed and undergo an ozonisation process to purify
them and make them safe for reuse.

6.0 Actual Resources Used

Name of required
Sr.no. Specification Quantity Remarks

Hardware Laptop,
1. 1 Each
(pc/laptop) Core i3, 8GB RAM

2. Software/IDE Microsoft Word 1 Each

3. Online Reference Google -

7.0 Skill Developed/ Learning Outcomes of This Micro-Project.

a) Understood the supply chain of bisleri.

8.0 Application of this Micro-Project

a) To study the business model of bisleri.

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