FM Guideline 2022-23
FM Guideline 2022-23
FM Guideline 2022-23
Dcpartment of Agriculture
NABANNA,3'd Floor,
325, Sarat Chattcrjec Road,
No. 1209 -AG-l 103011/2022-AI)LS AGI{l I)atcd. Ilowrah. thc l4tr' Septernbcr. 2022
Sub : Implementation of Farm Mcchanization Schemcs during 2022-23
2 Onc 'I'imc Assistancc to Small and Marginal !'armcrs for purchasc of Small
l'arm Implcments (O'l'A - St-I)
The above schemes will bc implemented as per Orrerational Guidelincs for l-arm
Mechanization Schemcs 2022-23 attachcd hcrcwith as Annexurc - I to XXIII. 'l he financial
allocation from difIcrcnt sourccs will be as per approvcd Annual Action Plan and / or allocation
undcr respective schcmcs. Regarding Statc l)evelopment Schcmes, specific approval as pcr
norms has to be obtained by thc l)ircctor of Agriculture & Ex-Olficio Secretary, Wcst l]engal.
I)ircctor ol'Agriculturc & Irx-Ofllcio Sccrctary. West Ilcngal wiil makc district-
wise allocation of funds and take all neccssary actions for implementation ol'the abovc Farm
Mechanization Schemes, including Manufacturing/l)calcr's I{cgistration and Portal cntry, and
scnd monthly Physical and Irinancial Progress R.eport, to this cnd on a regular basis.
Additional S ccretary
to thc Oovernme nt of West Bengal
Contd.... P/2
Pagc : 2
No. 1209 i2(4)-AG-t 103011/2022-AI)LS AGRI I)ated, I lowrah, thc l4rr' September. 2022
i 2AL2-
Additional Sec reta ry
to thc (lovcrnment of West Bcngal
25627 1 6t2l22t NAB S EC(AG Rt)
Annexurc - lA
1. What's n-ew in Opcrational Guidclincs lor l.arm Mcchanization Schcmcs (FSSM ,OI'A-SFI &
CIIC ) during 2022-23 in rcspect ol202l -22?
l. A beneiiciary or his/her spouse will bc cligiblc again after an interual of4 years for all thc
three schemcs (O'fA-S}|I. FSSM & CIIC) .
2. AU the manufacturcr will submit/upload notarized dcclaration rcgarding pricc of thcir
product, after sale service & all othcr relcvant information/documents as per Annexure-
3. Permanent inscription/metal cmbossing/ mctal sticker is mandatory bcforc gcotagging of
machinery/implements lor FSSM,O'l'A-SIrl & CI IC.
4. Geotaggcd Photograph of machincry showing pcrmancnt inscriptiodmctal cmbossing/
metal sticker with bencficiary to bc submittcd along with thc claims for I,'SSM,O'I'A-SIil
5. l'hc bcncficiary or signatory in application will havc to attain a minimum age limit of l8
years at thc time of application for ITSSM, O'lA-Sl.'l & CllC .
6. Govt. Ilmploycc or the employcc of any Covl undenaking Organization /Govt
Autonomous body is not cligiblc undcr ITSSM, Ol'A-SIrl & CI IC.
2. I'ree climber , Solar Opcratcd Knapsack Spraycr ,fruit pickcr/ pluckcr, spiral gradcr, harvcsting
tool (Sclthc) arc also ncwly undcr O'I'A-SIiI as in Anncxurc-lll.
3. Pump scts run with lossil fucl( dicscL/pctrol/kcroscnc) is cxcludcd lrom thc list ol machincry
O[ I]SSM .
l. In Non-CHC blocks cvcry onc will bc cligiblc to satup CIIC but prcfcrencc will bc givcn to
Organized groups likc SKUS/PAC/I.'PO clc. In \on-CllC blocks, an individual/ entrcprencur
with project cost ('IIiO) nraximunr up to Rs 40 lakh will bc allowcd to sctup CHC with thc
approval of SPMl'.
2. Organizcd groups likc SKUS/PAC/FPO ctc. arc cligible to setup CI{C in all blocks.
3. Credit merit ofthc applicant will be considercd as an important criteria tbr selection at
the timc of lcasibility vcrification.
4. Dronc lbr Agricultural Purposc, Solar pump set(2-5hp AC or DC) , Solar cool chambcr ,
Pulverizcr/grindcr /, Manual sccdcr with sccd tray for mat nurscry arc includcd in Iist of
rnachincry undcr CHC in Annexurc-lV
25627',1 6 120221 NAB S EC (AG Rl)
5. "Annexure -XX " has been incorporated as tirnvarding lcttcr to sponsoring Bank
Branch by the DDA(Admn) lor Cl IC .
6. "Annexure-XXl" has been incorporated as intimation lctter to sponsoring Bank for'
nraking paynrcnt for CHC .
7. At least four types of Machinery & maximum two no machinery ofa particular typc should be
selcctcd from thc list undcr CtlC .
8. Copy ofinsurancc ofcvcry rnachincry ofan establishcd CllC should bc submittcd to lllc
conccmed Asstt DA Block in evcry ycar lbr thc pcriod of six ycars liom cstablishmcnt
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
1. Annexure-I: Operational Guidclincs for Fann Mechanization Schemes -2022-23
2. Annexure-ll: l-ist of fann r.nachinery/ equipment and adurissible ratc of subsidy for I;SSM
7. Annexure-Vll: Applicalion Form for Purchasc of Agricultural llquipment/ Machinery under OTA-
8. Annexure-VlII: Application cum briefproject reporl for setting up Custom Hiring Centre (CHC)
9. Annexurc-lX: Consent of hnancing Bank rcgarding projecl appraisal and loan sanction lbfi CHC
10. Annexure-X: Delivery & Demonstration cefiificate lor machinery/ equipment/ implements
distributed under l:arm Mechanization Schcmc (ITSSM &OTA-SFI)
11. Anncxurc-Xl: Inspcction rcporl of farm machincry/ equipment/ inrplemcnts supplicd undcr Fatm
Mechanization Schcmc.
12. Annexure-Xll: Proforma for inspection by Joint Inspection Committcc for CHC
1 3. Annexure-Xlll: Proforma for undertaking fron.r the beneficiary in case of FSSM & OTA-SFI
14. Annexure- XIV :Profoma for feasibility report for CllC by Assistant Director ol Block & Assistaut
Dilector of Agriculture (Admn) of Subdivision (New & existing)
15. Annexure XV: Prolbrma 1br recommendation of IIi-'l'cch CIIC /lndividual CHC by District
16. Annexure XVi :Sanction Ordcr for Purchasc of Machincry under IiSSM & OTA-SFI
I 9.Annexure-XVIII- Omitted
2l.Anncxure-XX: Proforma for sending application to Bank for sanction loan & Projcct Appraisal for CHC
22.Annexure-XXl: Intimation to Bank for making payment to the suppliers under CllC
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Anncxurc 1
I. Introduction:
i) Agricultural land arca has lirrit, but thc dcmand lbr lood is cvcr increasing duc to population
growth. 'l'o incrcasc productivity in thc Iirnitcd lar)d so as to rncct thc cxpandiDg dcmand
arising from population Browth as wcll as highcr-incomc is vcry important lactor.
ii) 1'o incrcasc prodr.rctivity, timcly and prccise ficld work is ncccssary. fo makc it possiblc,
agricultural machincs takc an importanl role.
iii) Mcchanization dccrcascs dcpcndencc ol farmers on availability of manual labour on thc onc
hand and enables them to undertake modem methods of cultivation on the other. 1'his hclps
tlre f'armer to reduce his cost of cultivation by saving on labour cost and also ensurcs
increased productivity bccause of thc improvcd agricullural practices rrade possible
through mcchanization.
iv) Morcovcr, it inrprovcs utilization of narrow tinic availablc bctwccn two conscculivc crops.
Augncnting famr-porvcr is thus onc of thc main cnabling factors lor cnhancing agricultural
productivity and incrcasing farmcrs' income.
v) Govemment of Wcst Ilengal has been promoting usage of 1am cquipment and machinery
since 2012-13 by granting subsidy undcr the thrce umbrella schemes pooling out funds
fronr various CSS schemcs and SDS schcme.
i) lncrcasing thc rcach of famr mcchanizatiorl to small and marginal larmers and to the rcgiolls
whcrc availability of farm power is low;
ii) Promoting 'Custom Hiring Ccntrc' to ollict the advcrsc cconomics of scalc arising due to
small landholding and high cost of individual owncrship;
iii) To encourage thc usage of prccision and high cost famr rnachinery among the small ard
marginal farmers oI thc State. 'l'o ensure an optimal cffect of mcchanization on
productivity incrcasc, thc farm-powcr availability has rcachcd 2.27 KWlha during 2021-
22. But, it is far bcyond thc oplimum of 2.5 KW/ha as cnvisioncd by thc Govcmmcnt of
iv) fo promote conscrvation agriculturc.
v) 'fo promote ncw farm maclrinery likc solar pump sct , paddy transplantcr machinc, power
wccdcr, dronc lbr agricultural purposc ctc & post harvcst machincry likc multi crop
thrcsher, ricc dchuskcr, oil mill , dal mill , pulvcrizcr ctc.
25627 1 612022l NAB S EC (AG R r )
vi) Promote farm mcchanization among stakcholders by way of on-lleld and olf-lleld training ani
vii)Pooling out funds undcr hcad of rnachinery fiom various CSS schemes and SDS schemc to
feed the scheme
Pinancial Support Schcme for I'arm Mechanization (FSSM): lt was launchcd on 5'h
Dcccmber 2012 by the Agriculturc Dcpa mcnt, Govcmment ol Wcst Bcngal for extcnding
financial support as subsidy to thc small and marginal lanaers of thc State for purchase ol larnr
equipment/ machinery. 'l'he aim is to facilitate mechanization in agricuiture so as to cnsure
bcttcr productivity and minimization of cost of cultivalion.
2. C)nc Time Assistance to Small and Marginal l'armers for Purchasc of Small I arm
lmplements (O'I'A-SFI): lt was Iaunchcd on 12'l' Ircbruary 2013 with thc purposc to aid thc
farmcrs in procuring smal) implcmcnts neoessary lor agricultural operations. One 'l'imc
Assistancc (O'l'A) up to Rs. 10,0001 (Rupccs 1'cn thousand) is providcd to thc bcncficiary
farmcr tbr purchasc of small inrplcmcnts undcr thc schcrnc. 'l'hc O'l'A amount is lirnitcd to
50% olthc cost olthc implcmcnt.
3. Crcdit Linkcd Subsidy Schcme for Rural Enlrcprencurs to set up Custom Iliring
Ccntre s (CIIC) of Farm Machincry: It was launchcd on 22''d Octobcr 20 14, for promoting
Custom Hiring Ccntrcs ol larm machincry by rural cntrcprencr,rrs, with thc aim of incrcasing
larm porvcr by cncouraging usage ol fann machincry by smal) and marginal t'armcrs, who
would othcrwisc be deprivcd of this aid bccause o1'1hc prohibitivc cost of owning such asscls.
Subsidy @ 40% of the'l'ota) Project Cost/ 'l'otal liinancial Outlay( l'l:'O) is extendcd to
2s627 I 6I 2022t NAB S EC(AG Rr)
applicants for sctting up CIIC in thc rural arca. 'l'he maximum subsidy will be finalizcd as pc?
SMAM opcrational guideline and SPM'l' rccommcndation.
(ii) State Projcct Management &'[cchnical Team (SPM'I') lirr ]'arm Mcchanization:
a) A Statc Projcct Managemcnt & 'l'cchnical 1'eam (SPM'l') undcr thc chairmanship of thc
Dircctor of Agriculture & ex o//icio Secrelary will be rcsponsiblc lbr implementation o1'
thc schcmc in thc tcam.'l'hc Dcputy Dircctor rcsponsiblc lor liarm Mcchanisation rvill
bc Mcmbcr-Sccrctary. Rcprcscntativcs of thc l)cpartmcrlt ol'Agriculturc not bclow tl]c
rank of Joint Secrctary, the l)irccior of Horticulture or his rcpresentative, expert from
SAUs , tcchnical cxpcrt from thc Dircctorate of Agriculturc or any othcr membcr as
thc SPMT dcerns to bc rcquircd will bc mcmbers.
b) Thc committee will approvc rcgistration ofthc Manulhcturcrs & dealers.
c) Thc proposals ol High valuc CIICs with 'l'FO morc than lls. 60 lakh will bc
rccommcnded by thc DI-SC to thc "Slatc Project Managcnrcnt & 'l'cchnical 'l'cam
(SPM'|)." 'l'his "SPM'I'" will takc final decision on approval/non approval ol IIigh
Valuc Cll{C with TFO morc than Rs 60 lakh upto maximum project limit of lrarm
Machincry allowcd undcr lhis projccl.
d) Indivrdual applications ol Non-(--llC blocks will finally bc approved /not approved
by SPM-l' aftcr rccommcndation of DI-SC.
c) Guide to resolve any tcchnical issue while implcmcntation o1'thc Scheme subject to
approval ol'thc Sccrctary o{'thc I)cpaftmcnt.
25627 16 I 2022t NAB S EC (AG Rr )
Rs. 60 (Sixty) lakh for group/ organizational application and monitor implcmcntatiol
ofall the three components ofthe scheme.
c) For highcr valuc CIIC cascs abovc 60 lakh l'FO, Post-harvest CHC cases & individual
application of Non-CllC block up to Rs 40 lakh, DLSC will give dctailcd obscrvation
as per lormat prcscribed in Annexure-XV and will reconrmend the same to thc SPM'f
for final approval .
d) 'l'hc DDA (Adrnn) o1'thc rcspcctive district will recommcnd applications and put up
bcforc the District l,cvcl Sanctioning Committcc (DI-SC), aftcr thorough chccking with
support from Assistanl Dircctor of Agriculturc in chargc of Mcchanization for
processing as mcntioned abovc.
25627 I 6t2022lNAB SEC(AGRr)
& Ol A SI.-l . 1'hc subsidy will bc rclcascd in DB-l' modc to thc bcncficiarics or to th8
concemcd bank branch to subsidy rcservc Iund/loan account as the case may bc.
ii) The subsidy will bc applicablc for purchasc ol cnlistcd machinery/cquipmcnt from thc
approvcd Manulacturcr/Dealcr in Dcpartmcntal portal.
iii) A bcnchciary or his/hcr spousc will not bc cligiblc to apply afrcsh bcfore cornplclion of
4(four) years from releasc last subsidy for any typc of machinery under any F'arm
Mcchanization schcmc( I:SSM.O1'A-SFI & CIIC) from the Statc undcr this Guidclincs
As the Govcmmcnt is not procuring any machinc, and larmers/bcneficiaries arc procuring those
against subsidy, the target of thc schcme will be to givc best valuc to the cxpenditure incurred by the
beneficiary or thc Govcrnmcnt and to cnsurc that only intercstcd pcrsons/bodies, wherevcr locatcd. arc
selectcd as bcncficiary. Thc implcmcntation of Iiarm Mcchanization Schcmes consists of two parts
which are mainly pcrformed onlinc:
i) Onlinc Rcgislration of Manulacturcrs & Dcalcrs of |amr Machincry & cquipm{rnts and Pricc
publication 10 climinatc disparity in pricc of lhc machincry across districts & to cnsurc
quality aftcr salc scrvicc .
ii) Onlinc application of bcncficiary farmcrs/cntrcprcncurs for subsidy releasc to thc Bcncficiary
through Dti'l' undcr e Ililling Modulc of IFMS /PFMS/ from rcspectivc Bank Accounl.
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AGRt)
the open market price of that particular product of the manufacturers
Notarized declaration as per Annexure-XlX regarding rates of the
machinery/equipments under Govt. sponsored schemes
assurance of after sale service & all other information as furnished
for registration .
iv) Product specification will be followed as per SMAM guidelines.
v) Valid BIS/Test cediflcates details. Only ISI marked / FMTTI (Farm Machinery
Training and Testing Institute) or Govemment approved ( DAC&FW, GOI
)testing center certified equipment/machinery will be eligible for subsidy under
the scheme.List of Testing Institute is shovvn in Annexure-XXIII as per SMAM
vi) General onc ycar warranty for all machincry/implcrncnt (5 years for solar
pumpsel and controller) a:rd lour ycar allcr-sales serviccs (25 years lbr SPV
panel) will bc providcd for implcmcnts. 'l-hc naturc of warranty. points of
service, arrangcrncnt for at-sitc prornpt scrvice or at workshop poirt service in
critical situation/major problcm etc. will bc dcscribed in dctails.
vii)Thc product should pcnnanently bc cmbosscd with mctal platc / pcrmancnt
inscription mcntioning linginc Chassis /tJniquc Product Scrial no, Ilatch no,
Modcl no. Selling Pricc ,ycar o1' manulhcturing ctc. and such product dctails
should appcar in the GS'l'llill /lnvoicc / challan and arc mandatory for rclcasc
of subsidy. Pcrmanent inscription/embossing will bc donc beforc Gcotagging
& joint inspection & it's cost will be bomc by the manulacturers /dealcrs .
viii) Arrangcmcnt for this online rcgistration shall be madc by the
Directoratc of Agriculture.
ix) The famrcrs will, howevcr, be frec to procurc the approvcd machinc of samc
spccification from porlal cnlisted dcalcr at less pricc.
b) Dctails of Proccss ilow for registration of Manulactures will bc available in thc web
c) All thc nlanufacturcrs will rnandatorily enlist all of thcir authorizcd dealers in WB to
make all their approved products casily availablc to the applicants .
d) Il' any applicant sclccl any approvcd producl fiom any rcgistcrcd dcalers . thcn thc
manufacturer will havc to cnsurc thc dclivcry of thc product to thal bcncficiary through thcir
dcalcr within thc stipulatcd period.
c) If any manufacturcr/ dcalcr furnishcd any kind of falsc infonnation/ documcnts or
charges highcr priccs comparc 10 opcn markct priccs of their products, providc non-
salisfactory aticr salc scrvice to thc bcncficiary .1hcn approval ol'that manufacturcrs &
dcalcrs will bc withdrau'n for all thcir products in any time and will also be
blacklisted for this schcmc.
0 Duly updated manufacturing license, marketing license will be mentioned/ submitted for
g) The manufacturers who are already blacklisted or debarred from participating any RFP/tender
for their non satisfactory performance, non compliance of statuary requirements or otherwise
by the State or Central govt or both will notbeallowed under this scheme.
h) 1'hcrcwill bc no cdit option in any infonnation aftcr stipulatcd pcriod of rcgistration
exccpl email id, contact pcrson name, contact no & WhatsApp no.
i) Ilard Copy o1' all thc rclevant documents ntust bc sent to thc Hcad Quartcr ol the
Agriculturc Dircctoratc within thc stipuiated pcriod.
't 9s
25627 1 6t2O22rNAB S EC(AG Rl)
a) Identity-proof-EPIC
c) Bank Account dclails( Activc),
d) Activc mobilc no
c) I-and dctails,
c) Namc of machincry/cquipmcnt,
iii) After successful submissior.r of online applicalion, hard copics of pfint out of the applicalion
with acknowlcdgcmc[t rcccipt, rcccnl passport sizc photograph and other prcscribcd
documcnts will havc to bc submittcd to thc office of the AssttDA of conccmcd Block for
I--SSM & OTA-SFI and at DDA(Admn) Officc at district level for CFIC withrn thc
stipr.rlated period.
iv) No quotalion fron thc dcalcr is rcquircd at thc limc of application fbr IrSSM & OTA-SIl &
quotations to be submitted with the hard copy ol'application only lor CIJC.
v) Thc applicant will gct onc timc cdit option in spccificd ficld altcr submitting of application
through onlinc modc but bcforc submission of hard copy to the Officc of thc AssttDA
block for I--SSM & O1'A-SIrl & to the DDA(Admn) office at district for CHC . No edit
option will be allowed once hard copy is submitted.
25627 1 6t 20221 NAB S EC(AG Rr)
X. Role of different scctor in Implementing F-M Schcmes:
Joint Inspection Commitlcc after CllC machinery arc Financing Bank; DDM,NABARD:
purchascd DDA (Admn.), Asst.D.A (Admn.),
Asst.D.A (Biock), GM-DlC (lor OllC
on Post harvcst ).
Undcrtaking. Vcrification & Geo-l agging of IrSSM Asst D n Rlock
DBT for IrSSM & O'fA-Sl;l implcnrcnls Assr. D.n (Admn.) Subdivision
Publicity & awareness through print rrcdia. mass directoratc I I0. Disrrict , Sub Oivisional
media, flex , miking ctc & Block Ollicc
25627 1 6t2o22t NAB S EC (AG Rr)
XI. l'eaturcs of I'SSII & 0-1 .\-StI:
While subsidiscd support will bc provided for small powcr opcratcd cquipmcnt likc powcr til)cr, pump
scts, solar pump sct , Rice 'l'ransplantcr ,powcr rcapcr, Rotavalor, powcr wccdcr , MC'l' , ctc undcr
FSSM & supporr will be providcd nostly lbr manually opcratcd tools likc spraycr, manually opcrated
paddy thresher', cono wccder, wccdcr, drum sccdcr. solar light trap. chaffcuttcr, sccd bin, secd tray.
sccder etc. and battcry operatcd spraycrs and PVC pipes etc undcr O1'A-SIrl
a) Area ofOpcration: All thc schcmcs arc applicablc unilormly throughout the Sta1c. cxccpt
district of Kolkata.
b) AYailable Equipme nt: !'SSM: An exhaustive list of most popular farrn machinery rvith subsidy
lirnits is providcd in Annexure - II based on Cost Nomrs and Pattcrn of
Assistance undcr Sub Mission on Agricultural Mechanization
lAnncxure II (c)l of SMAM guidclinc 2020-21 (l{cviscd). IIowcvcr, r-O
largc machines likc tractor, rice transplanlcr "aboye 4 rorv",
combine haryester etc. will bc provided undcr FSSM.
i) I'or purchasc ol'power tillcr & solar pump sets undcr ITSSM,
minimum land holding ol l (onc) Acr c by thc applicant will bc
ii) Priority: Applicants of Granr Panchayat arcas with low Fanr Power
availability will get priority over other. Similarly whilc fund
allocation, thc DDA will allocate fund in such a manncr so that
Blocks low Irarm Power avarlability will gct priority ovcr othcrs.
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d) Nature of Assistance: FSSM: lhc Statc Govcrnmcnt will provide subsidy amounting to 50-60
%o 01'the cost o1'machinery or a certain amount hxcd lor cach type of
e) Application Procedure: i) Only onlinc application will be received after publication regarding
thc samc in Statc lcvcl daily newspapers as well as in Dcpartmcntal
portai of Govt. of Wcst Bengal.
iii)'I'he applicant will get one lime edil option in spccihcd lleld alter
submitting of application online mode but belore submission of hard
copy to the O1-fice of thc AssttDA Block . No edit option will be
ailowed oncc hard copy is submitted .
25627 1 6t2022tNAB SEC(AG Rr)
v) The DDA (Admn), aftcr receiving thc rccommcndcd appticarioit
from Bl-SC, shall placc thc samc bcfbrc thc I)istrict I-evel Sanctiorring
Committcc (Dl,S(l).
vi) D[-SC shall approvc thc priority list ol'thc cligiblc applications
keeping in view quota for SC and ST beneliciaries giving prcfbrcnce
to the rcgions with low farm power availability.
l'hen DDA ( Admn) will providc on linc approval on thc basis of
availability of fund as pcr approval of DI.SC. Finally ADA Block will
issuc sanction ordcr to the beneficiary rccciving on linc approval frorn
DDA(Admn) for purchasing of machincry /cquipmcnt.
vii) Aflcr approval o1'priority list by DI-SC, I)DA (Admn) shall upload
thc list of bcncficiarics in thc Dcpartmcntal/District portal giving namc.
addrcss, machincry/cquipment to be purchascd, maximum allowablc
amount ofsubsidy and other nccessary dctails as provided in the poftal.
viii) IIe shall also providc thc list ofbcncficiarics to the respectivc ADA
(Block) & DDOs (Drarving and l)isbursin-s Olficcr) lor follow up and
paymcnt o1'subsidy in due course.
x) DDA(Admn) will providc onlinc approval on thc basis of availability
of fund .No Sanction order shall bc issucd il sufficient fund is not
available with the districts.
ix) Compulsory fixing of mctal plate/stickcr or cmbossing or pcrmancnt
inscription on the body of each implemcnt/machinery supplied under thc
schcmcs will bc at dealer's cost. Thc inscription contains namc of
beneficiary, ycar, scheme, block and arnount offinancial assistance. No
app verification will be done by ADA Block if metal fixing ,/permanent
inscription is not donc on thc body ofmachincry.
g) Sanction ordcr for purchasc of machincry: i) Aftcr getting approval of list by DLSC,
DDA(Admn) will providc onliuc approval & finally the respcctivc
ADA(BIock) will issue individual sanction letter (Annexurc XVI) fbr
purchasc ol lhrm machincry/implcmcnt in favour of thc bcncficiarics
and servc thc icttcrs to them.
ii) Before issuing sanction order, availability of fund should be
cnsurcd. In no case, sanction ordcr should be issued without
availability of fund.
iii) The bencficiary shall purchase thc approvcd equipmcnt/ machinery
through sclf-financc & submit the claim within maximum Fiftccn (15)
days (except lbr solar pump scts/ oilmill /dal mill etc where permanent
installation is rcquircd ) from the datc of issuance ofthe sanction letter.
iv) If thc l" round of sclected bcncficiarics fail to purchase the dcsircd
machincry within the stipulated timc and submit claim for subsidy, for
2nd or onward round , beneficiary will bc allowed giving any timc
schcdr.rle up to 15 days for purchase of machinery & and claint
submission by thc respective Assistant Dircctor of Agriculture (Block)
dcpcnding upon thc situation.
v) For Solar pulnp sets/ oil mill /dal mill ctc. which needs installation,
additional maxinrum.S0 ('l'hirty) days will bc allowed tbr installation
& claim submission lrom thc date of issuancc of ordcr i.c total 45 days
25627 1 6l2022tNAB SEC(AG Rr)
for purchasing , installation & claim submission. Subsequcnt ,*1i
onward round, bencficiary u'ill be allowed any time schedulc up to 30
(Thirty ) days( in addition to l5 days for purchasing of machincry ) by
thc rcspcctivc Assistant Dircctor of Agriculturc (lllock) for installation
& claim submission liom the datc ol'issuance of ordcr depending upon
h) Pricing:
The price mentioned in the portal by the manufacturers will be indicative
inclusive of all taxes & in no case shall be more than the MRP & the final
purchase price is negotiable between the buyer applicant & the respective
dealers within the ceiling of indicative price submitted by the manufacturers
& final selling price of a product must be lower or at par with the open
market price of that particular product of the manufacturers. All the
manufacturers will submit & upload an notarized undertaking on a Non
Judicial Stamp paper of Rs 100.00 by their component Authority
stating that the selling price of all their products will be at par or lower
with open market price & approval of their manufacturers & dealers
will be cancelled at once by the SPMT ifdeviation of their declaration
is observed in any case .
i) Subsidv releasc: i) 'l'hc bcncficiary shall producc proof of purchasc (like original GS'l'
bill/ scll'-auestcd copies o1'GS'l'bill indicating machinc serial number,
batch no. certificatc of field dcmonstration of thc machinc. warranty
documcnt etc. to thc ADA(Block) fbr subsidy rcleasc.
ii) 'l'hc beneficiary shall also subnrit an undertaking as per Annexure-
XIII for FSSM & OTA-SIrI stating that hc/shc will not transfer/
mortgage/sell thc rnachinery/ equipment within 4(l"our) years fiom date
o1'purchase. Dclivery &
Demonstration certiticatc as per Annexure-X
signcd by dcalcr and bencficiary should also bc submittcd during claim
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
pcmrancnt inscription rn thc body of thc cach machincry/cquipmel?
bctbrc gcotagging of machinery. No gcotaaging lvill be done by the
ADA or his authorizcd person if melal €mbossing/ metal sticker
/metal plate /pcrmanent cmbossing /inscription is done on the
mac hin cry/i mp lcm cn t.
v) Once the inspection report is uploadcd in thc ponal & hard copy of
claims has bccn rccommcndcd by thc AssttDA Block to the conccmcd
DDO , then DDO shall releasc thc subsidy to thc bank A/C of the
respective beneticiaries through DB-l- under e-Billing Module of IFMS or
PFMS or from rcspectivc Schematic Bank account/Treasury.
vi)'l'he bill will be drawn from thc trcasury through ll'MS or released
through PIiMS on production o1' following: l. DLSC approved
bcncficiary list, 2. Dclivcry & dcmonstration sertificate (Anncxure-X).
3. Copy of GST bill having rnachine identification dctails 4.
I3eneficiary's bank account details. 5. Gcotaggcd Photograph of
machincry showing mctal cmbossing/pcrmancnt inscription of thc
machincry along with be:rcficiary & 6. An undertaking of the
bencliciary undcr |SSM & OI'A-Slil in Annexurc-XIIL
j) Equity and Reservation: i) 'fhc agriculturally potcntial rcgions of iow fam power availability
shall be given priority. Iror FSSM & OTA-SFI, Gram Panchayat will be
considercd as a unit.
ii) Within a unit, prefcrence will bc givcn to chronoiogically i.e. as per
scrial numbcr.
iii) Carc should bc takcn that bcnefits of subsidy under this schcmc bc
cxtcndcd compulsorily to at least 16% Scheduled Castc and 8o%
Schcduled 'lribc benellciarics. Separate reports will have to be
submittcd from timc to timc.
XIl. !-eatures of Credit Linked Subsidy Schemc for Rural Entrepreneurs to set up Custom
Iliring Ccntres (CIIC) of !-arm Vachine ry:
a) Area of Operation: All thc schcmcs arc applicablc uniformly throughout thc Statc, exccpt
district of Kolkata.
b) Eligible Banks: Schedulcd Commcrcial Banks, Rcgional Rural Banks and Cooperative
Banks having dircct/ own Corc Banking Facility.
c) Purpose ofthe scheme: i) To set up Custom Hiring Ccntres of end-to-end (from land development
to residuc managcmcnt) famr machinery, to be hired out 10 all fanners,
with prefcrencc accordcd to small and marginal fanncrs of thc adjoining
ii) 'l'o ofl'sct high cost ol owning fann machincry fbr small holdings.
iii) To incrcasc fam powcr availability from prcscnt lcvcl of 2.27 KWha
to 2.5 KWha as cnvisioncd by thc Govcmmcnt of India.
25627 1 6t2022t NAB S EC(AG Rr)
iv) As a policy to cncompass All Blocks under CIIC, Blocks having *J
CIIC will bc givcn first priority.then Block with lowcr no oICIIC & so
on . Within thc CIIC blocks , CP having no CHC to bc prioritizcd
d) Eligiblc Entrepreneu r:
i) In Non-CII('blocks cvcry onc will bc cligiblc to setup CHC bul prcfcrcncc
rvill bc givcn to Organizcd groups likc SKUSPAC/I"PO ctc. In Non-CI IC
blocks, an individual/ cntrcprcncur with project cost ('i'FO) nraximum up to I{s
40 lakh will bc allowcd to sctup CllC with the approval 01'SPMI' , ard thc
commcrcially organizcd scctors or groups likc group of individuals, PACS, Joint
Liability Groups (Jt,G) with bank accounts, SHGs, SHG (llusters & I.cdcrations,
Prop ctorship Irilrr.. s, Paftnership lrirms, Co-operativc socictics, Ijanncr's Clubs,
FPO/ FPCs, Krishak Sangha, FICs and Private/Public l,td. Companics ctc. arc
cligiblc in all blocks to sctup CHC with projcct cost (TFO) bctwccn minirrum Rs
20 lakb to maximum as pcr SMAM Gr.rideline and SPM'[ rccommcndatiol.
c) \ature of Assistance: i) 'l'hc maximum subsidy will be limited to 40o/o of the 'fotal !-inancial
Outlay ('f|O , cost of machincry including lranspoflation t AMC for 3
ycars I cosl ofopen shcd I insurancc for I year).
ii) Minimum'l liO would bc Rs.20.00 lakh and the maxirnum would bc as
pcr SMAM Guidclinc and SPMT rccommcndalion.
iii) AII thc CIICs of 'l'FO more than 60 lakh, Post-harvcst CIIC cascs &
individual application ol Non-CIIC block up to Rs 40 lakh will bc
forwardcd by thc DDA (Admn) of thc district to Directoratc/SPM'l' for
final approval as pcr Annexure XV.
iv) naxirrunr amount allowcd for cost oI opcn shcd for machincry
will be limitcd to 5% ol'1he Tl.-O and total ancillary cosl (olhcr than
machinery) should not exceed l0% of 'l'l'O.
v) 'l-hc applicanl will havc to dcposit margin money of a mjnimum amount of
25% of 'l'FO to thc financing bank before releasc of subsidy by thc DDA
(Admn) to thc Uank and rest will be bank loan.
f) Subsidy Management: Back cndcd Subsidy Managemcnt: i) All custom hiring centrcs will be
established undcr the model of credit linked back cndcd linancial
assistancc without cxccption.
(ii) Thc bank will lock thc financial assistance releascd to thcm for a
pcriod ol'4 ycars. 'l'hc beneficiary will repay the conlplctc bank loan
within thc pcriod of not lcss than 4 ycars. 'l'he Bcncficiary will not bc
25627 1 6t2022tNAB SEC(AG Rr)
allowcd to transfcr/ scll/ rnortgagc thc CIIC to any onc bclorc tt.!
completion o1'6 ycars ISMAM Guidcline 11.2.2(vi)(iii)].
iii) Banks may furthcr note that aftcr receivinB thc project cost (including
subsidy amount disburscd in favour of thc bcncficiary), thcy should makc
clear distinction betwccn loan and subsidy component and the intercst
rnay bc charged on)y on loan colrrponcnt. Ilank will chargc intercsl only
on thc dill'crcncc ol' 'llank [-oan' and 'Subsidv amount' and calculatc
repaylncnt accordingl y.
iv) In thc cascs. whcrc subsidy is not givcn (whcrc thc bcncficiarics arc
ineligiblc for assistancc under thc scheme), thc banks would be liablc to
retum thc subsidy amount to Govcmment of West Bengal within a period
ofthrcc months from thc date of disbursemcnt ofsubsidy.
v) Banks will sign an agreemcnt wilh thc Beneficiary on Subsidy
Managerncnt and establishment of CFIC, thc copy of which is to bc
handed ovcf to DDA(Admn).
vi)'l'he subsidy arrount will be rctumed to thc DDA(Admn), Governmcnt
of West Bcngal of thc respectivc district, in case the llcncllcjary f'ails to
procurc thc cquipmcnt/machinc, raisc thc shcd ctc. (whatcvcr componcnls
were calculated bcforc disburscmcnt of loan) rvithin thc stipulatcd pcriod
of 3 (three) months. Ihis retumcd subsidy amount lionr non-cstablishcd
CIIC at DDA (Admn) cnd will bc utilizcd by District aftcr approval of
DLSC with an intimation to stalc lrarm Mechanization ccll.
vii) 'l'hc borrowcr wili not bc cligible lor subsidy if rcpaymcnt is
completcd bcfore four ycars or if hc fails to rcpay the loan. In that case,
the subsidy amount has to be refunded to thc DDA (Admn) of the district
by thc concerned Bank failing which action will bc takcn as pcr law.
viii) During the rcpayment pcriod, thc cntrcprcncur shall not alienatc thc
assets procured undcr this schcmc by way of sale or leasc or create any
othcr sccurity intcrcst on them whatsocvcr. In such cascs, thc subsidy will
be forfcitcd and ncccssary othcr actior will bc taken as pcr law.
25627 1 612022l NAB SEC(AG Rl)
v)For AMC, Insurance, cost of shcd tor CHC propcr documents (vettJ8
estimate by compelcnt authority, quotation, invoice) nccd to be submitted
along with projcct to the satisfaction of thc financing bank.
vi)Copy of insurancc ol cvcry machincry of an cstablishcd CIIC to bc
subrrined to the conccmed Asst.DA Block in cvcry year for the pcriod of
six years.
i) Procedure of Application: i) Only onlinc application will be reccived alicr publication o1'
rcspcctivc advcrtiscmcnt in lcading daily ncwspapcrs as wcll as in
Dcpartrncntal wcb portal of Govt. of West Bcngal.
j) Processing of Application: i) 1'hc DDA(Admn) will process applications with support of Asstt.
DA (in charge of Iiarm Mechanisation) of the district, Asstt. DA (Admn)
of the rcspcctive subdivision, Assistant Dircctor of Block for placing
before thc DI-SC.
ii) Assistant Director of Agriculture (Block) & AssttDA(Admn) or his
rcprescntative officcr AssttDA(SM) will rnake sitc verification .
Recommendation of thc Assistant Director of Agriculture (Block) and
Asst DA (Admn) in the Fcasibility Rcport would be kcyjudging factor for
sclection of beneficiaries while asscssing the project cost, priority region
concept ctc as per Annexure-XIV.
iv) Crcdit mcrit of thc applicant will be considered as an important
critcria for sclcction at the tirnc of feasibility vcrification by the AssttDA
Illock & AssttDA(Admn) of concemcd Sub Division.
v) 1'hc DDA(Admn) shall indicatc its rccommcndation on each
application and place it to the DI-SC lor sanctioning subsidy.
vi) Applicants of Blocks having no CIIC and with low Farm Power
availability will get priority ovcr othcr. The DDA(Admn) will indicate the
agriculturally potential Blocks rvith low farm power availability. She/he
will thereafter placc those before the DLSC lor screening as well as
prioritization of thc cligible applications.
vii) When it deems tit, the DI-SC will give "in principle approval" to be
issucd by thc DDA(Admn) as Anncxurc XVIIA & thcn DDA(Admn) will
2s627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
send thc application along with othcr documcnts to thc conccmcd Bar#
as pcr Anncxure-XX for sanctioning loan & submitting project Appraisal
Rcporl within l5 days. The cnlrcprcncur shall approach thc conccrned
Bank with thc abovc sanclion lcttcr for gctling his loan sanctioncd.
k) Approval and release ofLoan and Subsidy: i) On receiving lctter liom DDA (Admn.) lor
proving consent of Ioan sanctioning for CIIC, the linancing Bank shall
vcrify thc sitc and prcparc a projcct appraisal rcport (Annexure-X) which
will bc sent to the DDA (Admn.) 01'thc district fbr considering the project
within l5 days of inlimation of dccision of DLSC. lf any Bank l]ranch
docs not rcsponsc within thc stipulatcd pcriod , thcn that cascs may be
sent to anothcr Bank Branches as per choicc o1'thc applicant with an
intimation to the DI-SC.
ii) 'l'he DDA (Admn.) shall place thc applications along with Bank
appraisal reports and consent letter ol Bank regarding issue of loan in
Anncxurc IX bcforc thc DI-SC for consideration and sponsoring. DLSC
will finalise the decision.
iii) 'l'hcn an agrecmcnt will be signcd as pcr Anncxurc-V bctwccn the
cntrcprcncur and DDA (Admn.) on Non Judicial stamp paper ofRs I00/-
and will have to bc duly notariscd.'l'his is other than banking documents
which the entrepreneur will have to sign. The copy of this agreement is to
bc handcd ovcr to sponsoring banl branch also.
iv)A final sanction letter (Annexure XVIIB) will be issucd to the
entreprcncur with copy to concemcd Bank Branch whosc projcct proposal
is approvcd by the DI-SC.
V) Beforc issuing sanction order, availability of fund should be
ensurcd. In no case, sanction order should be issued without
availability of fund.
vi) Alicr getting confirmation of sanction of loan by the respective bank
and issuc of sanction lcttcr, cnsurinS, dcposition of margin moncy ol thc
cntreprcncur , thc DDA (Admn) shall rclcasc thc full subsidy amount
(w.r.t. projcct rvith maximum I'IIO up to Rs 60 lakh) in favour of the
eligiblc cntreprcncur in his/her Subsidy Reservc I'und Account / Loan
Account by drawal of fund liom the trcasury (or Schernatic
accounl)/PFMS on production of approvcd priority list of the DLSC and
prqcct Appraisal rcport/consent (Anncxure IX) of thc financing bank.
vii) As noted abovc, the subsidy will be "back endcd" with a compulsory
"lock-in pcriod of4 ycars" for all CIIC irrespcctivc ofproject sizc.
viii) Aftcr sanctioning thc loan amount, recciving the margin moncy &
subsidy amount, the concemed Bank will issue delivery order(Do) to the
supplicrs chosen by thc cntrepreneur which were sent to the Bank through
thc DDA(ADMN) .Copy of thc DO should be sent to the DDA(Admn)
bY Bank.
ix) hnrncdiately aftcr dclivcry ,DDA(Admn), will makc a joint inspcction
with the concemed Bank & other Olficials . ensure geo-tagging of the
equipment/machincry/asset created with entry of Iingine number, Chesis
numbct ctc and asscts in Fann App & WB Famr App and on bcing
satisficd, an intilratiou will be givcn by DDA(Adrnn) to bank for final
paymcnt to suppliers as pcr Annexurc-XXI.
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
x) I'ayment to thc supplicrs by lhc Bank will only be made aftSi
recciving thc intinralior of payment from thc DDA(Admn) aftcr
completion ofjoint inspcction & gco tagging. No paymcnt will be donc
by thc bank to thc suppliers wilhout rcceiving the intimation of
pa-l-mcnt as pcr Anncxure-XXl & Bank wiu be liable if any payment
is donc rvithout receiving the intimation lcllcr from DDA(Admn).
l) Processing at Bank: i) All I-oan proposals sponsorcd by thc DLSC shall bc duly proccsscd
alter obsei-ving all duc diligencc and lbrmalities and disposed ol'by the
Branch Managcrs rvithin I 5 days liom receipt of the loan proposals from
the sponsoring authoritics.
ii) Cornprehensivc ilrsurancc of thc assets is to be donc at the borrower's
cost with Ilank Clause.
rii) I'rimary llypothccation of asscts crcatcd out ol' projcct cost for
security purposc. Additional Chargc on land possesscd by the borrowers,
whcrcvcr applicable. As pcr RBI norns, no additional security is to bc
insistcd upon for loan amount up to Rs.l.00 l-akh in cases of FSSM and
Rs 10.00 lakh in cascs of CIIC as per prevailing RBI guideline
RBUITIDD/2020-2 i/T2MastcrDircctions IrlDD.CO.Plan.tsC . 5104.09.01I 2020-21
dt. Scptcrnbcr 04, 2020 .
XIII. Monitoringmcchanism:
CIose monitoring ofthe implementation ofthe scheme shall be undertaken both at the State
and the District lcvcls. Thc issuc should bc discusscd as paft of structured agcnda in thc
SLBC/DCC/BLIIC meetings also.
At the District level, thc DLSC shall hold regular meetings to monitor the implementalion
of thc schcmc. 'lhc matter may also bc discusscd as an agenda in thc DCC for propcr monitoring
ofthe bank credit Iinked cases.
The Asst. DA (Block) and thc Ass1. DA (Admn.) ol thc rcspcctive Subdivision will
regularly monitor thc schcmcs in thcir rcspcctivc jurisdiction. Propcr rcgistcr should bc maintaincd
at thc district/block lcvcl to keep records o1'physica) and financial achicvcrncnts. I-he inspection of
pertbrmance rcpon of thc cstablished CIIC will bc continucd fbr six ycars by thc Asst. D.A.
(Block), which is to be displaycd in thc public domain. Rcgular inspcctions shall bc carricd out to
ascertain proper end use of subsidy disburscd. 'l'he minimum number of cases to be inspected at
various levels will bc as follows:
l. By Subdivision Officc IAsst. DA (Admn) or ADA(SM)] l0% of All disburscd cascs
o1'the Sub-division.
25627 1 6t2022tNAB SEC(AGRr)
2. By district Olficc IDDA (Admn) or ADA (of district)] at lcast tivc (S1 cascs pt?
3. Ily Rangc Ofhcc lJoint Dircctors of llangc or othcr officcrs in rangc officcl All
CHCs in the rangc and 50lo of olhcr cascs. Thcsc rcports will be placcd in thc SPMT.
An inspection rcport in all such cases shall bc prcpared as per (Annexurc-Xl) and
submitted to the DDA (Admn) of the district / JDA(Range) / Directorate of Agriculture. 'l'he JDA
(Range) shall scnd a compilcd repo( of all such inspections to the Director of Agriculturc cvcry
XIV. GricvanccRedrcssal:
Thc bencliciary must satisfy h imscl I/herscll that the supplicr/ dcalcr/ manul'acturcr optcd,
has cxtcndcd adcquatc guarantcc/ facilitics lor warranty and aftcr salcs scrviccs. Gcncral onc ycar
warranty ibr all machincry (5 ycars lbr solar pump set and controller) and four ycar alier-sales
serviccs (25 years lor SPV pancl) will be plovided fi'om the dalc ofpurcJrase .
An undcrtaking in the above respect is to be obtained from lhe supplicr/ dealer/
manufacturer by the bcncficiary bcforc/ at the timc of purchase.
Grievanccs, if anv, which may arisc during implemcntation of the schcmc, shall be
resolved by the DDA (Admn) at thc District levcl in consultalion lyith DI-SC and b1' thc
Director of Agriculturc & ll,x-Officio Secretary, GoWB at State lcve l.
Ii'or all othcr issucs. thc latest operational guidclines of Sub Mission on Agricultural
Mcchanization (SMAM) will apply.
2s627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
List offarm machincry/ cquipmcnt and admissible ratc ofsubsidy for !-SSM: FY: 2022-23
(a)Powcr Wccdcr (engirc opcralcd up to 2 IIP) RS.25,000 .00 or 50% ofthc cost
(b)Powcr Weedcr (enginc operated 2.1 -5 hp) r{s. 35,000 .00 or 50% of the cost
I (c)Powcr Wccder (enginc opt abovc 5 Hp ) Ils.63,000. 00 or 50 % ofthc cost
1 Self propclled rice transplanter 4 row Rs.2,00.000.00 or 501/o ofthc cost
8 Multi Crop Thrcshcr/ paddy thrcshcr/Maizc/ Rs. 1,00,000.00 or 5{)%o ofthc cost
Groundnut Shcllcr up 10 4 MT/ hr by motor above
5 or tractor abovc 35hp
L_+ Rotavator 6-8 lecl. Ils. 44800.00 or 50'X, of the cost
l0 Enginc opcratcd po'u,cr spraycr abovc l6 lilrc Its. I0.0(X).{)0 or 509i, ofthc cost
Powcr Opcralcd ( Elcctric) Spraycr I{s. 5.000.00 or 50'l{, ofthc cost
l2 Autorn atic Potato !lantcr Its.75.000.00 or 50'7u ofthc cosl
t-'l Potalo Diggcr sclf propcllcti tractor tlraur: R.. :0.00U.UU o; )0" ,irhc .u.I
l1 Mini ILice Mill Rs. 2,00,000.00 or 5070 of thc cost
t5 Mini I)al Mill l{i. I.2<.{)00.00 or r0'o ollhc uosl
l6 Mini Oil Mill with filtcr l{s. or 50oo oltlrc cost
t1 Pulvcriser/Grindcr,rPolishcr Rs. 50.000.00 or 50'Zo oflhe cost
l8 Powcr drivcn dchuskcr Rs. 60,000.00 or 50% ofthc cost
l9 Straw cho crl shreddcr/ Mulchcr /Straw rca Rs. 67,200.00 or 507o ofthc cost
20 Dronc for cultural purTlojc Its 3.00 lakh or 50% ofthe cosl
2l Solar i aL94 !l 400- 1000 sq t'cct RsJ.00 lakh o15Q99 o!1hc cosl
2) 't! !lo9f
Dchydration unit/Pricking machincll Iumidilic:' Rs 1.50 lakh or 50olo ofthc cosl
23 Packi machinc Iis 2.40 lakh or 50Yo oftbc cosl
24 Mul bcny Cutting Prcpara tion Machinc Rs 7.50{) {x) or 5{)"o ufthc cosl
25 Kna sack Mul rlaI cum I Iarvcstcr Its 17.500.00 or ofthc cost
26 Shoot Crushing \4achinc lbr scriculture Ils 15,000.00 or 507uofthe cost
21 Chawk i-[-eaf Chopper lirr suiculturc Rs 20,000.00 or 507o ofthc cost
Cocoon Deflosscr fol scriculturc l{s 7,500.00 or 50'2, ofthc cost
29 Plastic TraLy washing Machinc for scriculturc Its 20,000.(X) or 507u oflhc cost
30 Youn Si lk,.r,onr Dusting Machinc I{s 20,000.00 or 50')/o of thc cost
ll olhor nrachinery listcd un der SMAM As pcr dccision o1'SPM'l'
2s627 1 6t 2022|NAB SEC(AG Rt)
I-ist of implcmcnts cligiblc lbr subsidy undcr OTA-SI;1. FY 2022-23 (Exhaustivc list)
(Subsidy Rs.10,000/- or 50 pcrccnt for more than onc 1)?e of
2 Manual thrcshcr
Manual Chaffcutter
4 l)rum Sccdcr
Solar I-ight'l'rap
Manual sccdcr (lbr mat nurscly)
ll 'l'rcc climbcr
l6 Spiral gradcr
2s627 1 612022l NAB SEC(AG Rr)
Indicative List of farm machinery eligiblc for CIIC projects for lhe ye 2022-23
(At lcast four lypcs of Machincry & maximum two uo. machincry of a pafiicular lypc should bc selected from
thc list)
1 Ilotavator/Cultivator
It Rid cr
9 Potato Planter
l0 Potato Digger,/Harvcslcr
1l Maizc Shcllcrtthrcshcr
l4 Pulveriser/Grinder/l'olishcr
19 Bal"L(49lrn!1l99ti!Sqlqr) I
1 3! I(8.-
2t) Mulcher
[,ascr l-and l,cvcllcr
25627',t 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
An ncxuro-V
[Format ofAgrcemcnt bctwccn DDA (Adurn.) and CHC I']ntrcprcncur] Affix Sclf
attested recent
Passport sizc
Photograph of
I, , s/o-
rcsiding at PO- PS-
been sclccted Ibr setting up a C'uslom lliring Ccntrc of Iiarm Machincry at Plot No.-
Mouza- , JI- No.-
PS- _, Block-_ on Govemment subsidy by the Department of
Agriculture, Government of Wcst Bengal under the soherne Credit Linkcd Subsidy Scheme for Rural
Entrepreneurs to set up of Custom Hiring Ccntrc( CHC) of Farm Machinery during 2022-23.. All lhe
infonnation & documcnts submitled aiong with rny Applicalion for CIiC is truc 10 the bcst ofmy knowlcdge.
I shali obey the Guidelinc /instruction ofAgricultural depannent for cstablishment of CtlC .
'l'he following Farm Machinery will be purchased fronr thc supplicr mcntioncd against thc nantc of the
+- I 1--
F---]-- L
l Ot At-
Total Financial Outlay (Ttro) ofthc CHC js lts.
Out of uhich Govamment subsidy Rs and Bank [-oan
I shall impleurcnt thc projcct as mcntioncd in the Bank Appraisal rcporl. Only ncw machir.rery will bc
procurcd for the projcct.
ll I shall display a permanent sign board in front of the CllC indicating thc date of opening, the
amount ofassistancc rcccived from thc Agriculture Dcpartmcnt, Govt. Of Wcst Bengal for the
project, the namc ofthc financing Bank and thc crcdit rcccivcd.
2s627 1 6t2022tNAB SEC(AG Rr)
iii. A pcrmancnt Mctal Tagl stickcr as fumrshed bclow shoukl bc affixcd to cach ol tfr8
iv. I shall registers thc concerncd equipmcnt with R'l'O ol'the district as per norms.
v, I also undertake that the loan amount taken by me for sctting up CIIC shall have a mandatorily
loan repayment period of not Iess than 4(four) years. I shall not be eligiblc for subsidy if
repayment is complcted bcforc four ycars or if fails to repaymcnt thc loan. In that casc, thc
subsidy amount has to bc rcfunded to thc DDA(Admn) of the district failing which action will
be taken as per law.
vi. I shall display a signboard in fiont of my CHC indicating thc date of opcning, thc amount of
assistance received liom the Agricultural Department, GOWB ibr this project, the nam€ of
financing Bank & credit reccived & hiring rate for difTerenl fann machineries with contact
vii. I hcrcby undcrtakc and confirm that thc said Farm Machincry shall not be sold/hypothccatcd or
transf'ercd to any other's namc in any firanner by rre within a period of six(06) years from
the date of supply. I shall usc thc said Fann Machinery only for the agricultural purposes. It
will bc utiliscd following thc guideline ofthe abovc mcntioncd schcmc.
viii. A rcgistcr will bc maintaincd for custom hiring & money reccipt/cash credit mcmo will bc
issucd to the uscrs of CHC .
ix. Only "reasonable charges" will be collected from the lhrmers for hiring of fhrm machinery in
consultalion with the Assistant Dircctor of Agriculrurc of concemed tslock & Assistant
utilisation / fraud / chcating thc Govemmcnt and other appropriatc chargcs in IPC. In any casc,
thc Departmcnt of Agriculture, Govcmment of Wcst tscngal shall have thc first chargc to
recover subsidy amount.
xiv. By confiscating the said Farm Machinery either t'rom me or from any other person under
whosc posscssion the farm machincry remains.
2s627 1 6t 2022t NAB S EC(AG Rr)
Datc: Signaturc ofthe DDA (Admn) Signaturc of thc Owncr/
Placc: District Prop etor of Custor'n Iliring Centrc
Witness 2 :
Witness I :
s/o.D/o. w/o:
Contact No
Contact No.
2s627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AGRr)
Sl. No....................... Govcrnmclt of Wcst Bcngal
l)cpairmcnt o1' Agriculture
Application Form for Purchasc ofAgricultural Equipment/ Machinery undcr FSSM for 2022-23
l)a11 .\
Space for
l. Name ofApplicant :
2. Father's name/ Husband's name
3. Aadhaar Card No. colour
4. EPIC No photograph
5. Mobile No.
6. KB ID Ncw
7. Address a) Districl :
b) Sub-Division:
c) Block :
d) Grarn Panchayat:
e) Village :
0 Post Ofnce :
g) PIN :
Sl. No.............
Received an application for availing subsidy under I.SSM scheme during 2022-23 for purchase ofpower drivcn
fann machincry from Sri/ Smt of S/O or
25627 1 6t2022t NAB S EC(AGRr)
Sl. No
Space for
l. Name of Applicant :
2. Fathcr's namc/ Husband's name :
:b) Sub-Division:
8. CategoryofFarmcr : SC/S'f/OBC/Gencral
9. Bank Account Details a) Name as in pass book
b) Account Numbcr:
c) Name of Bank:
d) Name of Branch:
e) IIrSC:
10. Area of land holding in dccimal:
I L Details of machincry to bc purchascd
t- 'l'otal
Sl. No.............
Rcccived an application for availing subsidy undcr O'|A-SFI during 2022-23 schcmc tbr purchasc of
manually opcratcd f'arm machinery/lmplemenls from Sri/ Smt .................... -.........,,,,,,,,,.,,,-,..',,,,,,, of
ViIlagc.................... GP.......................... on............................. .... for considcration.
25627 1 6I 20221 NAB S EC(AG Rl)
Sl. No....................... Annexure-VIII
Govemmcnt ol Wcst BcnSal
Depattmcnt of Agriculture
Application cum briefproject report for setting up Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) for 2022-23
Space for
l. Name ofApplicant/ Signatory :
5. EPIC No. :
6. Mobile No. :
8. Email ID :
9. Addrcss a) District :
b) Sub-Division:
c) Block :
d) Gram Panchayat:
e) Village :
f) Post Office :
g) PIN:
10. Details ofland holding of project site: Block............. Mouza JL No
Khatian.....................................Area in decimal ... . . . .....
11. Bank Account Details a) Namc as in pass book:
b) Account Number:
c) Name ofBank:
d) Name olBranch:
e) II.SC:
12. Arca ofland undcr thc proposcd projcct:
13. Types of fann machinery requircd in proposcd area :
14. Dctails of machinc / iterns to bc urchascd includin cosl ofshcd, insurancc othcrs)
sl. Name of Model Namc of Quotcd pricc Pricc as pcr
No Machinery/ No. authorized in Rs. poftal in Rs.
Item Manufacturcr
L 1 l
15. Total Financial outlay in Rs. :
2s627 1 6120221 NAB SEC(AGRr)
Sl. No.............
Rcceived an application for availing subsidy undcr CIIC schemc during 2022-23
hiring centrc for farm machinery from Sri/SmV ............... S/O or D/O.
....... Mangcr/Secrctary of ................
Organization) Villagc................... GP............................................. on
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
Consent of financing Bank regarding project appraisal and loan sanction for CHC: 2022-23
2s627 1 6t2$22t NAB SEC(AG Rt)
This is to apprise that, the project ofcstablishing Custorn Hiring Centre (CHC) ofFarm machincry for thc year
2022-23 as received from (Name of thc Entrcprcneur) of Villagc/'l'own/
Mouza Block , Dislrict through
Dcpartment ofAg culture, has been scrutinizcd and cvaluatcd thoroughly for feasibility, economic viability
and other aspccts necded for project tinancing and found unsuitable.
Wc arc rctuming thc casc as thc projcct does not worlh linancing owing to
*N.B: Plcasc strikc out thc portions ro1 rcquircd ( I;ill cithcr Part-A or Part-B)
2s627 1 6l2O22lNAB SEC(AG Rr)
Df,LIVERY & Df,iltONSTR,t'r'lO\ CERr-rrrC:\'r'E IOR M_,\CrrrNERY/ EQUrP:!llrYr'/ l14PLEMr.l.'TS
Ccrtified that thc following farm machincry/ equipmenV implemcnts, thc details of which is given along side
has bccn supplied to Sri/ Smt/ ....S/o, D/o,.... ............................of
village.................... cP........................................81ock..................... of
........ Disldct as per his application bcaring Sl. No....... ......... ...... ........ and Sanction
order vide mcmo no................................. dt...-.-..-. .......... ,,,,,of thc
.............. (designation of sanctioning authority) under...................
schcme ofAgriculture Dcpanmcnt, Wcst Bcngal during thc year 2022-23.
Name of I laoa"t xo. cipacity I Sl. No./ Purchase Subsidy
Chassis No Pricc in Amount in
Rs Rs
l l
- I
This is also to ccrtify that Minirnun l2 months \.!'aranty & 4(fbur) years after sale service ( 5 ycars fbr solar
pumpsat & controller & 25 ycars for SPV panel) will bc provided to thc bcneficiary liom thc datc of
purchasc of the machincry/implcments .
Rcceived the above statcd new Fann Machincry/ Iiquiprncnt/ Implemcnts in good condition and adequatc
training has becn providcd by manul'acturers/ dcalcrs rcgarding opcration and maintcnancc ofthc sanc.
5. Product Details :
t l I
6. Delivcrv Dctails
Namt'of Sanelron orrlcr i t;s f bill no Darc ofdclircr. Whcther Rcmarks, ifany
Supplicr with No. inslallaliun ploduct
conrtcl dclalls I
GS'l bill crc.
are at par with
ollicc rccord
7. I"indings of inspcction a)
2s627 1 6l2022lNAB S EC(AG Rr)
Proforma for inspection by Joint Inspection Committee for CIIC during202Z-23
Coniact No.
DDA(Adrnn) or his l
I'inancing Bank
Asst.D.n (Admn)
Asst.D.A (Block)
District llorticulture
Olficer/ GM-DIC(For
l I
I l
ii) Name and address of thc entreprcneur with AADIIAAR No., tclcphonc no., c mail ctc.
25627 1 6 I 2022t NAB S EC(AGR|)
j) No. oftraincd staffdeploycd in CHC:
k) Whethcr approvals/ pcrmissions from local authoritics arc obtaincd for cstablishmcnt/
running of CHC including R'l'O rcgistration:
8. Borrower's contribution:
2s627 1 612022t NAB SEC(AGRr)
,tnncrurc-XI II
Name of Machinery:
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
DURING 2022-23
2. a) Nanrc ofapplicant:
b) Namc ofSignatory in casc ofOrganization
c) Contact no d) Occupation/'Dcsignation
d) Addrcss
e) New CHC
0 Financial strcnglh / Financial rncrit oflhc applicant( Attach copy of Bank statcmcnt)
c) Sponsoring Bank and Agrccancc to sponsor:
5. Shed: a) Own/ Rented............... b) Arca: Sufficient... Yes.4.lo c) Naturc of Land(As perG.O.). Yes/No
6. Knowlcdge ofapplicant about sclccted machinery /CHC cstablishmcnv Entrcpreneurship:
Signaturc with datc and scal of Siglaturc with date and scal of
Asstt.D.A.Block Asstt.D.A(Admn)
25627 16120221 NAB SEC(AG Rl)
An ncxu rc-XY
l)rlail of Boneficiary Applirant
I ) Applicant Namc :
Rccommendcd & forwarded to thc DA&l':OS,WB , Directoratc of Agriculturc. Jcssop Building, Kol
Memo No I)ated
The Bencliciary
Subsidy claim should be raised with in this stipulatcd period by you with thc lollowing documcnts.
1. Copy oforiginal GST bill having machincry/cquipment idcntification lcaturcs-
2. Rank Acco[nt l)ctails
3. Demonstration /training or operation of thc machincry/cqtripmerlt signcd jointly by the tarmcr & dcalcr as pcr
4. Gcotaggcd Photograph of machine showing pcrmanent inscription/mctal cmbossing with
5. Undenaking of lanncr rcgarding salc/mortgagc/lcasc out ctc as per AnDexurc-Xlll
2s627 I 6t2i22t NAB S EC(AG Rr)
Annexure XVIIA
Mcmo No Dalcd
Thc Bcncficiary
Your application having serial no. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. lor setting up ofCustom Hiring Centrc (CHC) with Proposed
TFO of Rs..................has been approvcd in principle by the D[,SC and you arc cligible for a subsidy of
maximum of409lo of TIrO under thc schcmc Credit l-inked Subsidy Scheme for Rural Entrcpreneurs to set up of
Custom Hiring Centrc (CHC) of l'arm Machinery during 2022-23.
You arc rcquestcd to subm;t conscnt lcllcr in Anncxurc Ix tioor thc linaDcing bank branch with project
appraisal report within l5 days of cornmunication ol'this ordcr, lailing which this approval will bc lrcalcd
as cancelled.
Mcmo No Daled:
Copy forwarded for inlbrmation and neccssary actionto thc:
i) The Branch Managq................Bank with a rcquest to do thc nccdful
ii) 'fhe Asst. D.A./ ( Admn)
iiD The Asst. D.n./ ( Block)
iv) LDM......................
Memo No Dalcd
The Bcneficiary
Addrcss:... . .. ..
Your application having scrial Do. . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbr ssltrDLl up ol (luslom lliriDg Ccntrc (CIIC) has bcc[
sanciioned by thc DI,SC with lbllowing dctails undcr thc scircrnc Crcdil Linkcd Subsidy Schcme for Rural
Entrepreneurs to set up of Custom Hiring Cenlr€ (CHC) of !'arm Machin(rry during 2022-2-3.
Iare{llllled l
Subsidy Amount (Rs.)
O\\'D Corltributron (lls.)
Bank Loan (Rs.)
isl ol Mac hincry( I)crail cncloscd)
E _L
Lock in l'eriod
Completio[ of ln]plcmentation by date
[' within I nro :rt1x liom iss ! of thi.s ordcr)
You havc to conrply with thc currcnt faml nrcchanization guidcline in toto
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AGRr)
I ,...................S/O:. AADHAAR NO ....................Managcr/Proprictor /.... ......... .... ( Dcsignation .
ol' ( name of manufacturcr) on bchaif oi
. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( name of company/manufacturer
. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . . .
address , contact details- phone& e mail id) solcmnly dcclarc to (hc bcst ofmy knowlcdge & truth that -
l. all the information i.e. CS'I-N & CIN numbcr, l)ealcrs'data. Testing ceftificate, alter sale scrvice ctc
fumishcd in the po avsubmitted as hard copics arc coffact to thc bcst ofmy knowlcdgc & belicl' fbr
rcgistration of our diffcrcnt farn machincry/cquipmcnts/implements for supplying undcr diffcrcnt
fann Govt sponsored farm mcchanization schcme in WB for the year 2022-23.
II the pdce ofour products mentioncd in portal for Govt sponsored schemes is at par or lowcr with opcn
markct pricc ofour products iu that parlicular rcgion of Wcst Bcngal & it will bc valid up to l]cxt onc
year .
III wc shall provide minimum onc ycar waranty from thc datc of purchasc of nachincry & ninimum 4
(four) year after sale serviccs for all thc machincry & minimum 5(five) years for solar pumpset &
controllcr and 25 ycars for SPV pancl for solar pumpsct.
IV. wc shall abide by thc guidclincs ofthc liarnr Mcchanization schcmcs publishcd by thc Covt
wc will mandatorily cnlist all ol our authorizcd dealcrs in WB to makc all our approvcd
product easily availablc to thc applicants.
VI If any applicant select any approved product from any ofour dealers , we will ensure thc delivery of
the product to that beneficiary through our dcaler within the stipulated pedod.
VII our company has not evcr bccn blacklistcd by any Statc Govt or Central Govl fbr non satisfactory
performance/after sale service , non compliance of statuary requirements or otherwise.
V III the approval of our manufacturer for sclling of our products in Govl sponsored lann nrechanization
schcmc will be cancclled at oncc &componcnt authority of thc Govcrnment can takc appropriatc
action as per guidelinc of rhc schclnc, il' thcrc is any allcgation against submission of any typc of fhlsc
inlormalion or documents & clairning of higher chargcs/priccs of our products by any of our dealers
comparc with opcn markct pricc. ln that casc .wc shall not clairn any coDrpensation or anything 10 thc
Govt .
Witn ess
25627 1 6t20221 NAB SEC(AGRI)
PO ................ Dist......................
PIN- Txxxxxx
e-mail- ---------- --------Telephone
Sub: Rcqucst for proccssing of CllC application and sanclion ofloan for establishmcnt ofCustom
Hiring Ccntre(CHC.) dvtng 2022-23
Ref: GO N0
In rcference to the above, this is to inform you that, followirlg applicant has applied for setting
up Custom Hiring Ccntrc(CHC) on subsidy undcr Crcdit t.inkcd Subsidy Schcme for Rural Entrcprencurs to
set up ofCustonr Hiring Cenlrc( CIIC) oflarm Machinery durrng2022-23 dctail ofwhich as statcd below-
(Amount in Rs.)
Nanc, l;inancia llcncficiary Govt.
si. Father's/husband s I Contribution in Subsidy
Applicati Illock Mobilc No
No narnc and address Outlay( Rs minimunr Q440% ot
on No 'n,o) in
of applicanl k425% of rt:O TFO
According to the Govemment Order refcrred abovc ,you are requested to issue loan sanction
letter as per Annexure IX within ( Date) along with Projecl Appraisal Report(PAR) in your
branch letterhcad as per cnclosed format. 'l'he subsidy lilnd will bc translcrred ftom the treasury or
Bank Account through IFMS/PI:MS in favour of Loan Account/ Subsidy Reservc lrund Account
providcd by you in appraisal report.
A copy of thc Govt. order, I set of application along with documcnts & copy ofAnnexurc-lX
are enclosed hercwith for your ready rctcrence.
This is for thc favour of your inlormation and necessary action.
llnclo: As Stalcd
Dcputy Dircctor of Agnculturc (Admn.)
25627 I 6t2022lNAB S EC(AG Rr)
Mcmo No: iCIIC i2022-23 Datcd:
2 The LDM
3 The Assistant Director of Agriculturc (Admn), .........
4 Assistant Direclor of Agriculturc
5 Sri/Smt............... S/O.D/O:........,............ViI1:...... ..PO.. with a
request to contact with thc Bank Branch immcdiatcly.
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AG Rr)
Govcmmcnt of Wcst Bcngal
Olficc of thc Dcputy Dircctor of Agriculturc (Admn.)
..... Dis1........
PIN- Txxxxxx
e-n1qil- 7'elephone
Sub: lntimation to Ilank for rraking paymont to the supplicrs undcr CllC
As pcr GO no ilatcd. _joint inspcction of following CI{C has
been done on. ...........
(n mounl in Rs.)
'l'otal Bcncfic iary
Name, Ilank
Contribution Govt.
SI Fathcr's/husband' I"inancial Loan
Mobile in Rs Subsidy
N Applicat s namc and Block Outlay up to
No. minimum Q!40% of
o ion No address of ( fFO) in Gt3s%
(Q25% of TFO
applicant Rs. 'fFo of 'l'FO l
Now, as pcr rccommcndation of thc Joint Inspcction Committcc, it is rcqucstcd to makc
necessary arrangements to make paymcnt of thc following machinery to thc suppliers through
Namc of Manufacturcr Modcl Name of Quoted price of
Machincry suppliers machine ry as pcr
Chalian/bills in Rs
t 1
L ,l
Deputy I)irector ol Agriculturc (Adrnn.)
25627 1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AGRr)
The abovc mentioncd slalcmcnt is true & joint inspection & gcotagging of all thc supplicd
machinery except ............ through WB Farm App has been done .
25627',1 6t2022t NAB SEC(AGRt)
S. T-
No. Nanrc of (he State \amc of the Instilute
l BIII,\R Faculty ol' Agricultural Iingincering, Rajcndra Agriculturc
Urrir crsitl. Pt SAtBIIIAR)
2 (]ITII,^.'T'I'ISGAI'II Statc Icvcl Agriculturc ImplcDrcnt'l csting Ccntrc. [)irectoratc
(Agriculrural Finginccriug), Agriculturc I)cpartmcrlt, Govt.of
Chhattis arh,'l'c li Ban dh a.GoravPath ,R./\IPIJR((llIII ATI'I SGARH
I)EI,III Division ol Aglicultural Iinginccring,lndian Agricultural
3 Rcsearclr Institute-Nll.wDItl,Ill-12.
(; T ]J,,\ IiA I' CollegcofA gricultural Enginccring&Tcchnology,JunagarhAgricult
ural Univcrsity. JUNAGAIJII (GUJAB 'l')
Collcgc ol' Agricultural I'inginccring &'l'ccl.rnology,
TIARYA\A Charan Singh Agriculture Universily,I I I SSAR
Shcr-c-Kashrrir Univcrsity of Agri. Sciencc & Tcchnology,
KASI I MI I' Sher-c-Kashmir Univcrsity ,lgri. Scilncc & Technology.l
i "i
8 - I Uirsa Agriculturc University. Kankc.RA\CHI(JHARKHA:!D)
jt,ur[truno Agriculturc Machincry Icsling und lrainrng I
JH,\RKII \D Ccntrc(.lAM-'l"fC), Dcpartmcnt of Agriculturc and Canc
9 Dcvelopmcnt (Dircctoratc of Soil Conservation),Jharkhand.
12 KARr"Al'-4.K4 l
Rd, Kr ishi Nagar.
T)harrvad. Karnalla \-5110005
| ,, I
Col legcolAgriculturallinginecringand'f echnology,Dr.BalasalrcbSa
wantKonkanKrishiVidyapcgth, DA EO!:t ( l\t4 I I4MiH1'R4)
CollcgcolAgricultural Iinginccringarrd'l'cchnology,Marathwada
Agriculturaltjnivcrsiry, PA RItI IAN I (It A 1l A RAS II'l'RA)
Collcge of Agricultural Lngincering ina tcitrnotogy. tlriii,r
University of Agriculture and 'Iechnology.
2s627 I 6120221 NAB SEC(AGRr)
Statc l-r: vcl Fanrr Machincry'l'raining & 'l'csting Ccntrc,
22 Agriculturc l)epartmcnt. Go!cmmcnl of Odisha, Bhubaneswar,
--ollcgc l
ol Agricultulal I'nginccring and-'l cchnologr. I'u;j;b
I ---l
I'UNJAIt C-'entral Institulc of Post-l Iarvest [']nginccring ar.rd'lechnology, I
C.IPI IE'l ). I-udhiana-141 004
IrannlmplcrncntsandMachincry'l'est ing&'l-rainingCcntre,
CcnlralWorkshop.SwamiKcshwana ndlla iasthanAgricultural
R.\.I,,\S I I I,\\ Univcrsit ).Bikancr(Rajaslhan).
Collegc of 1'echnology and Agricuhlrral t.ingineering, I
+ 29
amilNaduAgricultura lU ni\ crsity. Kumulur, 'l rich;-
I.anr Machincry testing ccntrc, ICn R-Ccntral Institutc of
25627 1 6120221 NAB S EC(AG Rl) 53