Smi No Rdso 2016 El Smi 0288 Rev 0
Smi No Rdso 2016 El Smi 0288 Rev 0
Smi No Rdso 2016 El Smi 0288 Rev 0
2.2 As most of the MPCS units (about 85.6%) are beyond warranty, a need is felt to provide
a uniform technical scope of work for Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) of MPCS.
Zonal Railways have also requested from to time for uniform technical guidelines in this
Throughout this document, the t e rm s:
a)'MPCS' means Microprocessor based control 86 fault diagnostic system.
b)`VCD' means Vigilance Control Device.
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c) 'LED' means Light Emitting Diode used for signal indication purpose in MPCS.
d) 'LCD' means Liquid Crystal Display used in display unit of MPCS.
e) ‘ S C U ' m e a n s S i g n a l C o n d i t i o n i n g U n i t f o r m e a s u r i n g a n a l o g p a r a m e t e r s o f
locomotives like voltages, speed and pneumatic pressures.
f) `ISCU' means Intelligent Signal Conditioning Unit used for measuring traction
motor currents.
g)'DJ' means Main circuit breaker of locomotive .
h) m e a n s l o w v o l t a g e t e s t i n g o f l o c o m o t i v e o n b a t t e r y s u p p l y
i)'HT' means high voltage testing of locomotive on OHE supply
j)'TM' means Traction Motor of locomotive.
k)'Railways' means Government of India, Ministry of Railways, Railway Board,
Zonal Railways, loco shed or its nominees.
1) 'AMC' means the Annual Maintenance Contract.
m)'Contract' means the contract for annual maintenance of MPCS fitted on
Conventional tap changer Electric locomotives
n)'Contractor' means the firm / company on whom the order for annual
maintenance of MPCS fitted on Conventional tap changer Electric locomotives is
to be placed.
o ) `RDS0' shall mean Research, Design and Standards Organization/Lucknow.
p ) `Minor Schedule' means the inspection schedule IA, IB, IC and ICO
q ) `Major Schedule' means the schedule AOH/TOH, IOH and POH
r ) 'OEM' means Original Equipment Manufacturer
4.0 Object:
5.1 This is a comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for MPCS where Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) /contractor shall at its own cost and expense attend,
replace and install materials which get consumed, wear out due to ageing /use in the
normal course of operation as well as attend failures/breakdowns /out of course repairs
of MPCS including components, assembly/ sub-assembly, electronic cards etc. for
efficient and reliable operation of equipment under AMC. During the maintenance
period OEM/contractor shall arra nge t ra nsport of m a n a nd m a t e ri a l a t i t s own c ost a s
and when required for maintenance of the equipment.
5.2 The contract shall be comprehensive in nature wherein preventive as well as Breakdown
Maintenance of MPCS shall be carried out by the contractor including the arrangement
of spares, tools, consumables, technical expertise, man power and replacement of
defective cards/equipment etc. The released defective cards, consumables, tools, items
etc. will be contractor's property. C ont ra c t or sha l l re m ove t he sa m e from t he she d's
premises with due authority/proce dure s.
5.3 Railways will enter into AMC for MPCS with manufacturers of MPCS for their own make
of MPCS units or with sources approved for repair of MPCS of a particular make.
5.4 MPCS units under warranty shall not be included in scope of AMC. MPCS units beyond
manufacturer's warranty shall only be included in scope of AMC. However, Railways
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may enter in to AMC contract for MPCS units covered under warranty, but in such
cases, AMC for units still covered under warranty shall commence from the next day of
completion of warranty period.
5.5 AMC will be entered by Railways for MPCS units beyond warranty up to codal life of
MPCS unit.
5.6 AMC will be carried out for MPCS units in working condition.
5.7 The maintenance and support by the contractor shall consist of periodical preventive
checks as per the maintenance schedule of MPCS for trouble free operation of the
equipment as well as attending the failures/breakdown/out of course repair etc.
5.8 Contractor shall ensure that AMC maintenance schedule should match with the loco
inspection schedules. i.e. IA, IB, IC, AOH/TOH, IOH, POH etc. The scope of maintenance
by the contractor shall be largely as per preventive maintenance schedule of the
equipment, but shall include out of course attentions including breakdown, if any
required, to ensure trouble free operation of the locomotive.
5.9 AMC shall not cover the MPCS failures due to circumstances such as fire in
locomotives, accident, earth quake, floods etc. However, in such circumstances payment
for spares to be replaced by the tenderer will be made extra as per the price list of OEM
submitted along with their offer.
5.10 All maintenance activities shall be carried out as per the schedule approved by
Railways. In case of any abnormalities found during minor/major schedules, associated
component/subassemblies shall be replaced/repaired by the contractor. The activities
to be covered under scope of work of AMC of MPCS are given below:
1.2 Verification of driver log Book: verify drivers log book and
record bookings related to MPCS functionality.
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3.8 Check the Date, time and loco no. for proper entry.
3.9 Check both the display units and buzzer for proper
3.10 Check healthiness of spare and redundant input 86 output
cards of MPCS
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5.10.2 Works to be done during major schedules (AOH/TOH/IOH/POH)
During major schedules, following additional activities over and above the activities specified for
minor schedules will be carried out:
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and pressure etc.
9.0 Check buzzer functionality for three different frequency used
in MPCS version-3
10.0 Checking proper working of notch encoder for notch indicator
fitted with SMGR in MPCS Version-3.
11.0 Check for proper se t t i ng of all eliminated relays like Q20,
Q30, QF, QD etc.
12.0 Checking Uniformity of configuration parameters in both CPU
13.0 Check the condition of lock in front door of main control panel
and replace if required.
14.0 Checking of all types of sensors used in MPCS like hall effect,
pressure etc.
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5.11.5 Railways and the Contractor shall jointly arrive at the number of locomotives that are
under AMC at the start of contract and a record shall be kept for this purpose.
5.11.6 Railways shall inform in advanc e (pre fe ra bl y 24 hours i n a dva nc e or a t l e a st 12 hours
in advance) the contractor regarding locomotives planned for scheduled repairs (i.e.
IA/IB/IC/ICO/AOH/TOH/IOH/POH) so that contractor can also plan and carry out
the activities as per scope of work of AMC.
5.11.7 Railways shall also inform the contractor regarding any line failures/breakdown of the
locomotive and likely place (trip shed/ loco shed) and date where locomotive needs to
be attended by the contractor.
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5.12.12 After every attention to the MPCS, contractor will give a report to the Railways giving
details of activities carried out including details of components/subassemblies
5.12.13 The contractor shall quote the rates for comprehensive AMC (as specified in clause
5.1) considering both the break down & preventive maintenance (including spare
materials, components, assemblies, labour, manpower, service, transportation etc.).
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5.14.4 Downtime penalty for individual locomotive
a) Downtime on account of online failures of equipment under AMC shall be from the
time the locomotive fails on line and reported to the contractor till the loco is given
ready for service.
b) T h e c o n t r a c t o r s h a l l e n s u r e t h a t d u r i n g t h e b i l l i n g p e r i o d ( t h r e e m o n t h s ) ,
individual downtime of all the locomotives covered under AMC, on account of out
of course repair and online failures of equipment under AMC does not exceed 5%
of loco hours for the locomotive covered in the AMC. Penalty for Downtime of the
individual locomotive shall be as under:
Individual Loco Penalty
Down time
5 % or less NIL
> 5% 5% of the individual loco's monthly proportional bill
5.14.5 Overall liability in any case shall not exceed 10% of the contract value
(P.K. Saraswat)
for Director General (Elect.)
Enclosures: Nil
(P.K. Saraswat)
for Director General (Elect.)
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