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Nanomaterials are a product of one of the truly revolutionary disruptive technologies invented by mankind.
Nanotechnology as it is appropriately called, can synergistically add up to more the value of all products taken
individually including cement concrete through these nanomaterials. This study investigates the mechanical
properties of M-40 Grade concrete enhanced with precise amounts of nanomaterials, specifically Nano Silica
(nS) and Carbon Nanotubes (CNT). We conducted a systematic optimization of nS and CNT by varying their
proportions in increments of 0%, 0.5%, 0.75%, 1.0%, 1.25%, and 1.5% for nS, and 0%, 0.02%, 0.05%, and
0.1% for CNT, relative to the cement weight. The optimization process utilized a standard mortar mix with
ordinary Portland cement, forming cubes of 70.7 mm, maintaining a water cement ratio of 0.5 & cement to
sand ratio of 1:3, and adjusting the water content using the IS codal formula After 28 days of standard curing,
we tested the cubes to determine the optimal nS and CNT levels. These optimized concentrations were then
applied to standard Grade M-40 concrete, as per IS:10262 (2009), to assess their mechanical impact,
confirming the beneficial synergy of the nanomaterials through microstructural characterization.
It is seen that the synergy provided by the nanomaterials can be beneficial for the cement composites if used in
a prudent way which is also proved by its micro structural characterizations.
According to IS: 456 the modulus of concrete is 5000√ (fck), MPa, where fck is the characteristic
compressive strength of concrete. Our Paper aims to study the application of nanomaterials i.e. nS and CNT
in enhancing the elastic response of concrete with nano additions when compared with normal standard
control concrete. Previous literatures [2-22] suggest that nano materials have a beneficial effect especially
on the behavior of cement concrete over other materials including fibers.
The following Tables (1 & 2) below shows the specific properties of nano silica & carbon nanotubes
TABLE 1. Specific properties of Nano Silica (SiO2) used here
% Specific % Specific
Sample Content(Lit.) Gravity(Lab.) Content(Lab.) Gravity(Lit.)
14-16% 1.12 21.4% 1.08-1.11
XTX 30-32% 1.16 40.74% 1.20-1.22
XFXLa 40-43% 1.24 41.935% 1.30-1.32
The following Figures (1 and 2) below shows the XRD images of Nano Silica & Carbon Nanotubes used.
TABLE 5. Strength (MPa) of nano-added OPC Mortar (% Increase w.r.t. ordinary cubes).
Avg.7 daycube Avg.90 daycube Avg.180 daycube Avg.365 daycube
Sl %NanoadditionsinCement Avg.28
strength strength strength strength
No. (OPC) (%increase) daycubestrength( (%increase) (%increase) (%increase)
% increase)
1. OPC(0 % nS/CNT) 21.08 31.89 31.20 30.01 30.01
2. OPC(0.5% nS) 23.85(13.14%) 35.51(11.35%) 41.3(32.7%) 27.47(-9.2%) 26.76(-4.29%)
3. OPC(0.75%nS)(optimized) 23.85(13.14%) 42.27(32.55%) 49.85(59.8%) 32.52(8.4%) 31.5(4.96%)
4. OPC(1.0 %nS) 25.07(18.93%) 37.36(17.15%) 42.98(37.7%) 33.68(12.2%) 32.41(8.0%)
5. OPC(1.25% nS) 23.17(9.91%) 30.85(3.26%) 39.45(26.4%) 35.24(17.4%) 31.3(4.29%)
6. OPC(1.5% nS) 23.81(12.95%) 37.79(18.5%) 33.42(7.12%) 31.23(4.07%) 29.12(-2.96%)
7. OPC(0.02% CNT)(optimized) 17.69(-10.4%) 43.75(38.7%) 35.59(15.48%) 30.89(10%) 28.53(-4.93%)
8. OPC(0.05% CNT) 27.19(-16.1%) 34.88(37.2%) 31.85(14.07%) 38.55(3.0%) 41.69(38.92%)
9. OPC(0.1% CNT) 21.69(28.9%) 24.83(9.37%) 31.5(2.08%) 30.16(23.55%) 50.78(69.21%)
Fig. 4. Strength at various stages of Nano Silica added cement composites used.
Fig. 5. Strength at various stages of Carbon Nanotubes added cement composites used.
Fig. 6. Modulus of Elasticity of Nano Silica & Carbon Nanotubes added M-40 Concrete
1. The results showed that the optimizations for nanomaterials in OPC mortar are nS=0.75%, CNT=0.02% and TiO 2=1.0% for
cement mortar up to 28 days as per Table 4. In the long-term strength, some contradictions were noticed where more addition of
nanomaterials yielded good results.
2. Modulus of Elasticity results showed an abnormal gain of about 419 %( for CNT added concrete) and 137 %( for nS added
concrete) for which the reasons are not clear
3. Further research on micro structural studies is necessary for characterization of nanomaterials in cement and concrete.
TABLE 6. Modulus of Elasticity (in N/mm2) of Control Concrete & Nano-Silica added concrete at 28 days at w/c Ratio of 0.4.
Type of Concrete Control Concrete[Density=2502.47kg/m3] Nano-Concrete(0.75% nS addition)
Sample1[Density=2519.65kg/m3] Sample2[Density=2455.28kg/m3]
Load Stresss Deflection(mm) Deflection(mm) Deflection(mm)
(Ton) (N/mm2) Longitudinal Lateral Longitudinal Lateral Longitudinal Lateral
Reading Value Reading Value Reading Value Reading Value Reading Value Reading Value
(R) (Rx0.01) (R) (Rx0.002) (R) (Rx0.01) (R) (Rx0.002) (R) (Rx0.01) (R) (Rx0.002)
(net) (mm) (net) (mm) (net) (mm) (net) (mm) (net) (mm) (net) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2.83 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 5.66 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15 8.49 0.005 0.00005 0 0 0.0049 0.000049 0 0 0.0033 0.000033 0.003 0.000006
20 11.32 0.008 0.00008 0.0085 0.000017 0.0062 0.000062 0.007 0.000014 0.0033 0.000033 0.003 0.000006
25 14.15 0.018 0.00018 0.019 0.000038 0.0083 0.000083 0.008 0.000016 0.0066 0.000066 0.0065 0.000013
30 16.98 0.033 0.00033 0.035 0.000070 0.011 0.00011 0.011 0.000022 0.001 0.0001 0.01 0.000020
35 19.81 0.043 0.00043 0.0455 0.000091 0.015 0.00015 0.015 0.000030 0.0023 0.00023 0.023 0.000046
38 21.508 0.183 0.00183 0.194 0.000388
40 22.64 0.0205 0.000205 0.021 0.000041 0.14 0.0014 0.14 0.00028
45 25.47 0.026 0.00026 0.026 0.000052 0.24 0.0024 0.24 0.00048
48 26.6 0.36 0.0036 0.36 0.00072
50 28.3 0.059 0.00059 0.09 0.00018
55 31.3 0.01 0.001 0.1 0.0002
Modulus of E= S2 – S1 E= S2 – S1 E= S2 – S1
Elasticity ℮2 – ℮1 ℮2 – ℮1 ℮2 – ℮1
(N/mm2) Where, S2 = 0.4x(21.508) with ℮2 to be Where, S2= 0.4x(31.3)with ℮2 to be Where, S2= 0.4x(26.6) with ℮2 to be
determined from Stress-Strain Curve. determined from Stress-Strain Curve. determined from Stress-Strain Curve.
& S1= to be determined from the Stress-Strain & S1= to be determined from the Stress-Strain & S1= to be determined from the Stress-Strain
-6 -6 -6
Curve at an strain[ ℮1] value of 0.5 x 10 for Curve at an strain[ ℮1] value of 0.5 x 10 for Curve at an strain[ ℮1] value of 0.5 x 10 for
all the cases. all the cases. all the cases.
E= 10.868– 5.703 =
E= 8.6032– 5.68 = 53,197.45MPa E= 12.452– 5.688 = 96,136.46MPa 1,56,752.65MPa⃰
0.00855–0.5/1000000 0.0000704–0.5/1000000 0.000033–0.5/1000000
* Subject to Experimental Variations
Average ElasticityNano-Concrete = 1,26,444.56MPa
% incr. in -- +137.69
TABLE 7. Modulus of Elasticity (in N/mm2) of CNT added Concrete added concrete at 28 days at w/c Ratio of 0.4.
Load Stresss Longitudinal Lateral
(Ton) (N/mm2) Reading(R) Value(Rx0.01) Reading(R) Value(Rx0.002)
(net) (mm) (net) (mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
5 2.83 0 0 0 0
10 5.66 0 0 0 0
15 8.49 0.001 0.00001 0.002 0.000004
20 11.32 0.002 0.00002 0.008 0.000016
25 14.15 0.003 0.00003 0.011 0.000022
30 16.98 0.004 0.00004 0.014 0.000028
35 19.81 0.005 0.00005 0.023 0.000046
40 22.64 0.006 0.00006 0.032 0.000064
45 25.47 0.007 0.00007 0.040 0.00008
50 28.31 0.008 0.00008 0.050 0.0001
55 31.14 0.009 0.00009 0.052 0.000104
60 33.97 0.011 0.00011 0.061 0.000122
65 36.80 0.012 0.00012 0.070 0.000140
70 39.63 0.013 0.00013 0.073 0.000146
75 42.46 0.015 0.00015 0.09 0.00018
80 45.29 0.016 0.00016 0.01 0.0002
85 48.12 0.018 0.00018 0.012 0.00024
90 50.96 0.019 0.00019 0.0132 0.00026
95 53.78(Failure) 0.020 0.00020 0.016 0.00032
E= S2 – S1
℮2 – ℮1
Where, S2 = 0.4x(53.78) with ℮2 to be determined from Stress-Strain Curve.
Modulus of Elasticity -6
& S1= to be determined from the Stress-Strain Curve at an strain[ ℮1] value of 0.5 x 10 for all the cases.
E= 21.51– 5.68 = 2,76,589.8MPa
* Subject to Experimental Variations
% incr. in Elasticity +419.93%
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