Hb300e Im 053-1ec00 16-49 01

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IM | 053-1EC00 | Manual
HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49
IM 053EC

Ohmstr. 4
91074 Herzogenaurach
Telephone: +49 9132 744-0
Fax: +49 9132 744-1864
Email: info@vipa.com
Internet: www.vipa.com

053-1EC00_000_IM 053EC,2,GB - © 2014

VIPA System SLIO Table of contents

Table of contents
1 General.................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 Copyright © VIPA GmbH ................................................................................. 4
1.2 About this manual............................................................................................. 5
1.3 Safety information............................................................................................. 6
2 Basics and mounting............................................................................................. 7
2.1 Safety information for users.............................................................................. 7
2.2 System conception........................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Overview........................................................................................................ 8
2.2.2 Components.................................................................................................. 9
2.2.3 Accessories................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Dimensions..................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Mounting bus coupler..................................................................................... 14
2.5 Wiring............................................................................................................. 17
2.5.1 Wiring bus coupler....................................................................................... 17
2.5.2 Wiring periphery modules............................................................................ 20
2.5.3 Wiring power modules................................................................................. 21
2.6 Demounting.................................................................................................... 25
2.6.1 Demounting bus coupler.............................................................................. 25
2.6.2 Demounting periphery modules................................................................... 27
2.7 Trouble shooting - LEDs................................................................................. 30
2.8 Installation guidelines..................................................................................... 30
2.9 General data................................................................................................... 33
3 Hardware description........................................................................................... 35
3.1 Properties....................................................................................................... 35
3.2 Structure......................................................................................................... 36
3.2.1 Interfaces..................................................................................................... 36
3.2.2 LEDs............................................................................................................ 37
3.3 Technical Data................................................................................................ 38
4 Deployment........................................................................................................... 41
4.1 Basics EtherCAT ........................................................................................... 41
4.1.1 General........................................................................................................ 41
4.1.2 EtherCAT State Machine............................................................................. 43
4.1.3 CoE - CANopen over Ethernet.................................................................... 44
4.1.4 ESI files....................................................................................................... 44
4.2 Accessing the System SLIO........................................................................... 45
4.2.1 General........................................................................................................ 45
4.2.2 Accessing the I/O area in the master system.............................................. 45
4.2.3 Accessing the I/O area................................................................................ 45
4.2.4 Accessing parameter data........................................................................... 47
4.2.5 Accessing diagnostics data......................................................................... 48
4.3 Data transfer via PDO and SDO..................................................................... 50
4.4 Variable PDO mapping via SDO..................................................................... 51
4.5 Object Dictionary............................................................................................ 51
4.6 Error handling................................................................................................. 64
4.6.1 Overview...................................................................................................... 64
4.6.2 Emergency error message.......................................................................... 64
4.6.3 Standard error messages ........................................................................... 65

HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49 3

General VIPA System SLIO
Copyright © VIPA GmbH

1 General
1.1 Copyright © VIPA GmbH
All Rights Reserved This document contains proprietary information of VIPA and is not to be disclosed or used
except in accordance with applicable agreements.
This material is protected by the copyright laws. It may not be reproduced, distributed, or
altered in any fashion by any entity (either internal or external to VIPA), except in accord-
ance with applicable agreements, contracts or licensing, without the express written con-
sent of VIPA and the business management owner of the material.
For permission to reproduce or distribute, please contact: VIPA, Gesellschaft für Visuali-
sierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH Ohmstraße 4, D-91074 Herzogenaurach, Ger-
Tel.: +49 9132 744 -0
Fax.: +49 9132 744-1864
EMail: info@vipa.de

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in
this document was complete and accurate at the time of publishing. Nev-
ertheless, the authors retain the right to modify the information.
This customer document describes all the hardware units and functions
known at the present time. Descriptions may be included for units which
are not present at the customer site. The exact scope of delivery is
described in the respective purchase contract.

CE Conformity Declaration Hereby, VIPA GmbH declares that the products and systems are in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provisions. Conformity is indicated by the CE
marking affixed to the product.

Conformity Information For more information regarding CE marking and Declaration of Conformity (DoC), please
contact your local VIPA customer service organization.

Trademarks VIPA, SLIO, System 100V, System 200V, System 300V, System 300S, System 400V,
System 500S and Commander Compact are registered trademarks of VIPA Gesellschaft
für Visualisierung und Prozessautomatisierung mbH.
SPEED7 is a registered trademark of profichip GmbH.
SIMATIC, STEP, SINEC, TIA Portal, S7-300 and S7-400 are registered trademarks of
Siemens AG.
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc., USA.
Portable Document Format (PDF) and Postscript are registered trademarks of Adobe
Systems, Inc.
All other trademarks, logos and service or product marks specified herein are owned by
their respective companies.

Information product sup- Contact your local VIPA Customer Service Organization representative if you wish to
port report errors or questions regarding the contents of this document. If you are unable to
locate a customer service centre, contact VIPA as follows:

4 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO General
About this manual

VIPA GmbH, Ohmstraße 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany

Telefax: +49 9132 744-1204
EMail: documentation@vipa.de

Technical support Contact your local VIPA Customer Service Organization representative if you encounter
problems with the product or have questions regarding the product. If you are unable to
locate a customer service centre, contact VIPA as follows:
VIPA GmbH, Ohmstraße 4, 91074 Herzogenaurach, Germany
Tel.: +49 9132 744-1150 (Hotline)
EMail: support@vipa.de

1.2 About this manual

Objective and contents This manual describes the IM 053-1EC00 of the System SLIO from VIPA. It contains a
description of the structure, project engineering and deployment.

Product Order number as of state:

IM 053EC 053-1EC00 02 V1.4.2

Target audience The manual is targeted at users who have a background in automation technology.

Structure of the manual The manual consists of chapters. Every chapter provides a self-contained description of a
specific topic.

Guide to the document The following guides are available in the manual:
n An overall table of contents at the beginning of the manual
n References with page numbers

Availability The manual is available in:

n printed form, on paper
n in electronic form as PDF-file (Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Icons Headings Important passages in the text are highlighted by following icons and headings:

Immediate or likely danger. Personal injury is possible.

Damages to property is likely if these warnings are not heeded.

HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49 5

General VIPA System SLIO
Safety information

Supplementary information and useful tips.

1.3 Safety information

Applications conforming The System SLIO is constructed and produced for:
with specifications
n communication and process control
n general control and automation applications
n industrial applications
n operation within the environmental conditions specified in the technical data
n installation into a cubicle

This device is not certified for applications in
– in explosive environments (EX-zone)

Documentation The manual must be available to all personnel in the

n project design department
n installation department
n commissioning
n operation

The following conditions must be met before using or commis-
sioning the components described in this manual:
– Hardware modifications to the process control system should only be
carried out when the system has been disconnected from power!
– Installation and hardware modifications only by properly trained per-
– The national rules and regulations of the respective country must be
satisfied (installation, safety, EMC ...)

Disposal National rules and regulations apply to the disposal of the unit!

6 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Safety information for users

2 Basics and mounting

2.1 Safety information for users
Handling of electrostatic VIPA modules make use of highly integrated components in MOS-Technology. These
sensitive modules components are extremely sensitive to over-voltages that can occur during electrostatic
discharges. The following symbol is attached to modules that can be destroyed by elec-
trostatic discharges.

The Symbol is located on the module, the module rack or on packing material and it indi-
cates the presence of electrostatic sensitive equipment. It is possible that electrostatic
sensitive equipment is destroyed by energies and voltages that are far less than the
human threshold of perception. These voltages can occur where persons do not dis-
charge themselves before handling electrostatic sensitive modules and they can damage
components thereby, causing the module to become inoperable or unusable. Modules
that have been damaged by electrostatic discharges can fail after a temperature change,
mechanical shock or changes in the electrical load. Only the consequent implementation
of protection devices and meticulous attention to the applicable rules and regulations for
handling the respective equipment can prevent failures of electrostatic sensitive modules.

Shipping of modules Modules must be shipped in the original packing material.

Measurements and altera- When you are conducting measurements on electrostatic sensitive modules you should
tions on electrostatic sen- take the following precautions:
sitive modules
n Floating instruments must be discharged before use.
n Instruments must be grounded.
Modifying electrostatic sensitive modules you should only use soldering irons with
grounded tips.

Personnel and instruments should be grounded when working on electro-
static sensitive modules.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
System conception > Overview

2.2 System conception

2.2.1 Overview
System SLIO is a modular automation system for assembly on a 35mm mounting rail. By
means of the peripheral modules with 2, 4 or 8 channels this system may properly be
adapted matching to your automation tasks. The wiring complexity is low, because the
supply of the DC 24V power section is integrated to the backplane bus and defective
modules may be replaced with standing wiring. By deployment of the power modules in
contrasting colors within the system, further isolated areas may be defined for the DC
24V power section supply, respectively the electronic power supply may be extended with

8 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
System conception > Components

2.2.2 Components
n CPU (head module)
n Bus coupler (head module)
n Line extension
n Periphery modules
n Accessories

Only modules of VIPA may be combined. A mixed operation with third-
party modules is not allowed!

CPU 01xC
With this CPU 01xC, the CPU electronic, input/output components and power supply are
integrated to one casing. In addition, up to 64 periphery modules of the System SLIO can
be connected to the backplane bus. As head module via the integrated power supply
CPU electronic and the I/O components are power supplied as well as the electronic of
the connected periphery modules. To connect the power supply of the I/O components
and for DC 24V power supply of via backplane bus connected peripheral modules, the
CPU has removable connectors. By installing of up to 64 periphery modules at the back-
plane bus, these are electrically connected, this means these are assigned to the back-
plane bus, the electronic modules are power supplied and each periphery module is con-
nected to the DC 24V power section supply.

CPU 01x
With this CPU 01x, the CPU electronic and power supply are integrated to one casing. As
head module, via the integrated power module for power supply, CPU electronic and the
electronic of the connected periphery modules are supplied. The DC 24 power section
supply for the linked periphery modules is established via a further connection of the
power module. By installing of up to 64 periphery modules at the backplane bus, these
are electrically connected, this means these are assigned to the backplane bus, the elec-
tronic modules are power supplied and each periphery module is connected to the DC
24V power section supply.

CPU part and power module may not be separated!
Here you may only exchange the electronic module!

Bus coupler
With a bus coupler bus interface and power module is integrated to one casing. With the
bus interface you get access to a subordinated bus system. As head module, via the inte-
grated power module for power supply, bus interface and the electronic of the connected
periphery modules are supplied. The DC 24 power section supply for the linked periphery
modules is established via a further connection of the power module. By installing of up to
64 periphery modules at the bus coupler, these are electrically connected, this means
these are assigned to the backplane bus, the electronic modules are power supplied and
each periphery module is connected to the DC 24V power section supply.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
System conception > Components

Bus interface and power module may not be separated!
Here you may only exchange the electronic module!

Line extension
In the System SLIO there is the possibility to place up to 64 modules in on line. By means
of the line extension you can divide this line into several lines. Here you have to place a
line extension master at each end of a line and the subsequent line has to start with a line
extension slave. Master and slave are to be connected via a special connecting cable. In
this way, you can divide a line on up to 5 lines. To use the line extension no special con-
figuration is required.

Periphery modules Each periphery module consists of a terminal and an electronic module.

1 Terminal module
2 Electronic module

Terminal module
The terminal module serves to carry the electronic module, contains the backplane bus
with power supply for the electronic, the DC 24V power section supply and the staircase-
shaped terminal for wiring. Additionally the terminal module has a locking system for
fixing at a mounting rail. By means of this locking system your SLIO system may be
assembled outside of your switchgear cabinet to be later mounted there as whole system.

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VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
System conception > Accessories

Electronic module
The functionality of a SLIO periphery module is defined by the electronic module, which is
mounted to the terminal module by a sliding mechanism. With an error the defective
module may be exchanged for a functional module with standing installation. At the front
side there are LEDs for status indication. For simple wiring each module shows a corre-
sponding connection diagram at the front and at the side.

2.2.3 Accessories
Shield bus carrier
The shield bus carrier (order no.: 000-0AB00) serves to carry the shield bus (10mm x
3mm) to connect cable shields. Shield bus carriers, shield bus and shield fixings are not
in the scope of delivery. They are only available as accessories. The shield bus carrier is
mounted underneath the terminal of the terminal module. With a flat mounting rail for
adaptation to a flat mounting rail you may remove the spacer of the shield bus carrier.

Bus cover
With each head module, to protect the backplane bus connectors, there is a mounted bus
cover in the scope of delivery. You have to remove the bus cover of the head module
before mounting a System SLIO module. For the protection of the backplane bus con-
nector you always have to mount the bus cover at the last module of your system again.
The bus cover has the order no. 000-0AA00.

Coding pins
There is the possibility to fix the assignment of electronic and terminal module. Here
coding pins (order number 000-0AC00) from VIPA can be used. The coding pin consists
of a coding jack and a coding plug. By combining electronic and terminal module with
coding pin, the coding jack remains in the electronic module and the coding plug in the
terminal module. This ensures that after replacing the electronics module just another
electronic module can be plugged with the same encoding.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO

2.3 Dimensions
Dimensions CPU 01xC

Dimensions CPU 01x

12 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting

Dimensions bus coupler

and line extension slave

Dimensions line extension


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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Mounting bus coupler

Dimension periphery

Dimensions electronic

Dimensions in mm

2.4 Mounting bus coupler

There are locking lever at the top side of the bus coupler. For mounting and demounting
these locking lever are to be turned upwards until these engage. Place the bus coupler at
the mounting rail. The bus coupler is fixed to the mounting rail by pushing downward the
locking levers. The bus coupler is directly mounted at a mounting rail. Up to 64 modules
may be mounted. The electronic and power section supply are connected via the back-
plane bus. Please consider here that the sum current of the electronic power supply does
not exceed the maximum value of 3A. By means of the power module 007-1AB10 the
current of the electronic power supply may be expanded accordingly.

14 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Mounting bus coupler


1. Mount the mounting rail! Please consider that a clearance from the middle of the
mounting rail of at least 80mm above and 60mm below, respectively 80mm by
deployment of shield bus carriers, exist.

2. Turn the locking lever upwards, place the bus coupler at the mounting rail and turn
the lever downward.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Mounting bus coupler

Mounting periphery

1. Before mounting the periphery modules you have to remove the bus cover at the
right side of the bus coupler by pulling it forward. Keep the cover for later mounting.

2. Mount the periphery modules you want.

3. After mounting the whole system, to protect the backplane bus connectors at the
last module you have to mount the bus cover, now. If the last module is a clamp
module, for adaptation the upper part of the bus cover is to be removed.

16 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Wiring > Wiring bus coupler

2.5 Wiring
2.5.1 Wiring bus coupler
Terminal module terminals The System SLIO bus coupler have a power module integrated. Terminals with spring
clamp technology are used for wiring. The spring clamp technology allows quick and easy
connection of your signal and supply lines. In contrast to screw terminal connections this
type of connection is vibration proof.

Umax 240V AC / 30V DC
Imax 10A
Cross section 0.08 ... 1.5mm2 (AWG 28 ... 16)
Stripping length 10mm

Wiring procedure
1 Pin number at the connector
2 Opening for screwdriver
3 Connection hole for wire

1. Insert a suited screwdriver at an angel into the square opening as shown. Press
and hold the screwdriver in the opposite direction to open the contact spring.
2. Insert the stripped end of wire into the round opening. You can use wires with a
cross section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2
3. By removing the screwdriver, the wire is securely fixed via the spring contact to the

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Wiring > Wiring bus coupler

Standard wiring

(1) DC 24V for power section supply I/O area (max. 10A)
(2) DC 24V for electronic power supply bus coupler and I/O area

PM - Power module For wires with a core cross-section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2.

Pos. Function Type Description

1 --- --- not connected
2 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
3 0V I GND for power section supply
4 Sys DC 24V I DC 24V for electronic section supply
5 --- --- not connected
6 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
7 0V I GND for power section supply
8 Sys 0V I GND for electronic section supply

I: Input

Since the power section supply is not internally protected, it is to be exter-
nally protected with a fuse, which corresponds to the maximum current.
This means max. 10A is to be protected by a 10A fuse (fast) respectively
by a line circuit breaker 10A characteristics Z!

The electronic power section supply is internally protected against higher

voltage by fuse. The fuse is within the power module. If the fuse releases,
its electronic module must be exchanged!

18 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Wiring > Wiring bus coupler

Fusing n The power section supply is to be externally protected with a fuse, which corresponds
to the maximum current. This means max. 10A is to be protected with a 10A fuse
(fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 10A characteristics Z!
n It is recommended to externally protect the electronic power supply for bus coupler
and I/O area with a 2A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 2A characteris-
tics Z.
n The electronic power supply for the I/O area of the power module 007-1AB10 should
also be externally protected with a 1A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker
1A characteristics Z.

State of the electronic After PowerON of the System SLIO the LEDs RUN respectively MF get on so far as the
power supply via LEDs sum current does not exceed 3A. With a sum current greater than 3A the LEDs may not
be activated. Here the power module with the order number 007-1AB10 is to be placed
between the peripheral modules.

Shield attachment

1 Shield bus carrier

2 Shield bus (10mm x 3mm)
3 Shield clamp
4 Cable shield
To attach the shield the mounting of shield bus carriers are necessary. The shield bus
carrier (available as accessory) serves to carry the shield bus to connect cable shields.
1. Each System SLIO module has a carrier hole for the shield bus carrier. Push the
shield bus carrier, until they engage into the module. With a flat mounting rail for
adaptation to a flat mounting rail you may remove the spacer of the shield bus car-
2. Put your shield bus into the shield bus carrier.

3. Attach the cables with the accordingly stripped cable screen and fix it by the shield
clamp with the shield bus.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Wiring > Wiring periphery modules

2.5.2 Wiring periphery modules

Terminal module terminals
Do not connect hazardous voltages!
If this is not explicitly stated in the corresponding module description,
hazardous voltages are not allowed to be connected to the corresponding
terminal module!

With wiring the terminal modules, terminals with spring clamp technology are used for
wiring. The spring clamp technology allows quick and easy connection of your signal and
supply lines. In contrast to screw terminal connections this type of connection is vibration

Umax 240V AC / 30V DC
Imax 10A
Cross section 0.08 ... 1.5mm2 (AWG 28 ... 16)
Stripping length 10mm

Wiring procedure
1 Pin number at the connector
2 Opening for screwdriver
3 Connection hole for wire

1. Insert a suited screwdriver at an angel into the square opening as shown. Press
and hold the screwdriver in the opposite direction to open the contact spring.
2. Insert the stripped end of wire into the round opening. You can use wires with a
cross section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2
3. By removing the screwdriver, the wire is securely fixed via the spring contact to the

Shield attachment

1 Shield bus carrier

2 Shield bus (10mm x 3mm)
3 Shield clamp
4 Cable shield

20 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Wiring > Wiring power modules

To attach the shield the mounting of shield bus carriers are necessary. The shield bus
carrier (available as accessory) serves to carry the shield bus to connect cable shields.
1. Each System SLIO module has a carrier hole for the shield bus carrier. Push the
shield bus carrier, until they engage into the module. With a flat mounting rail for
adaptation to a flat mounting rail you may remove the spacer of the shield bus car-
2. Put your shield bus into the shield bus carrier.

3. Attach the cables with the accordingly stripped cable screen and fix it by the shield
clamp with the shield bus.

2.5.3 Wiring power modules

Terminal module terminals Power modules are either integrated to the head module or may be installed between the
periphery modules. With power modules, terminals with spring clamp technology are
used for wiring. The spring clamp technology allows quick and easy connection of your
signal and supply lines. In contrast to screw terminal connections this type of connection
is vibration proof.

Umax 240V AC / 30V DC
Imax 10A
Cross section 0.08 ... 1.5mm2 (AWG 28 ... 16)
Stripping length 10mm

Wiring procedure
1 Pin number at the connector
2 Opening for screwdriver
3 Connection hole for wire

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Wiring > Wiring power modules

1. Insert a suited screwdriver at an angel into the square opening as shown. Press
and hold the screwdriver in the opposite direction to open the contact spring.
2. Insert the stripped end of wire into the round opening. You can use wires with a
cross section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2
3. By removing the screwdriver, the wire is securely fixed via the spring contact to the

Standard wiring

(1) DC 24V for power section supply I/O area (max. 10A)
(2) DC 24V for electronic power supply bus coupler and I/O area

22 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Wiring > Wiring power modules

PM - Power module For wires with a core cross-section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2.

Pos. Function Type Description

1 --- --- not connected
2 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
3 0V I GND for power section supply
4 Sys DC 24V I DC 24V for electronic section supply
5 --- --- not connected
6 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
7 0V I GND for power section supply
8 Sys 0V I GND for electronic section supply

I: Input

Since the power section supply is not internally protected, it is to be exter-
nally protected with a fuse, which corresponds to the maximum current.
This means max. 10A is to be protected by a 10A fuse (fast) respectively
by a line circuit breaker 10A characteristics Z!

The electronic power section supply is internally protected against higher

voltage by fuse. The fuse is within the power module. If the fuse releases,
its electronic module must be exchanged!

Fusing n The power section supply is to be externally protected with a fuse, which corresponds
to the maximum current. This means max. 10A is to be protected with a 10A fuse
(fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 10A characteristics Z!
n It is recommended to externally protect the electronic power supply for head modules
and I/O area with a 2A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker 2A characteris-
tics Z.
n The electronic power supply for the I/O area of the power module 007-1AB10 should
also be externally protected with a 1A fuse (fast) respectively by a line circuit breaker
1A characteristics Z.

State of the electronic After PowerON of the System SLIO the LEDs RUN respectively MF get on so far as the
power supply via LEDs sum current does not exceed 3A. With a sum current greater than 3A the LEDs may not
be activated. Here the power module with the order number 007-1AB10 is to be placed
between the peripheral modules.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Wiring > Wiring power modules

Deployment of the power n If the 10A for the power section supply is no longer sufficient, you may use the power
modules module from VIPA with the order number 007-1AB00. So you have also the possibility
to define isolated groups.
n The power module with the order number 007-1AB10 is to be used if the 3A for the
electronic power supply at the backplane bus is no longer sufficient. Additionally you
get an isolated group for the DC 24V power section supply with max. 4A.
n By placing the power module 007-1AB10 at the following backplane bus modules
may be placed with a sum current of max. 2A. Afterwards a power module is to be
placed again. To secure the power supply, the power modules may be mixed used.

Power module 007-1AB00

Power module 007-1AB10

(1) DC 24V for power section supply I/O area (max. 10A)
(2) DC 24V for electronic power supply bus coupler and I/O area
(3) DC 24V for power section supply I/O area (max. 4A)
(4) DC 24V for electronic power supply I/O area

24 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Demounting > Demounting bus coupler

Shield attachment

1 Shield bus carrier

2 Shield bus (10mm x 3mm)
3 Shield clamp
4 Cable shield
To attach the shield the mounting of shield bus carriers are necessary. The shield bus
carrier (available as accessory) serves to carry the shield bus to connect cable shields.
1. Each System SLIO module has a carrier hole for the shield bus carrier. Push the
shield bus carrier, until they engage into the module. With a flat mounting rail for
adaptation to a flat mounting rail you may remove the spacer of the shield bus car-
2. Put your shield bus into the shield bus carrier.

3. Attach the cables with the accordingly stripped cable screen and fix it by the shield
clamp with the shield bus.

2.6 Demounting
2.6.1 Demounting bus coupler
Bus interface and power module may not be separated! Here you may
only exchange the electronic module!

1. Power-off your system.

2. Remove if exists the wiring of the bus coupler.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Demounting > Demounting bus coupler

For demounting and exchange of a (head) module or a group of
modules, due to mounting reasons you always have to remove the
electronic module right beside. After mounting it may be plugged

Press the unlocking lever at the lower side of the just mounted right module near
the bus coupler and pull it forward.

4. Turn all the locking lever of the bus coupler to be exchanged upwards.

5. Pull the bus coupler forward.

6. For mounting turn all the locking lever of the bus coupler to be exchanged upwards.

7. To mount the bus coupler put it to the left periphery module and push it, guided by
the stripes, to the mounting rail.
8. Turn all the locking lever downward, again.

26 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Demounting > Demounting periphery modules

9. Plug again the electronic module, which you have removed before.
10. Wire your bus coupler.
ð Now you can bring your system back into operation.

2.6.2 Demounting periphery modules

Exchange of an electronic 1. Power-off your system.

2. For the exchange of a electronic module, the electronic module may be pulled for-
ward after pressing the unlocking lever at the lower side of the module.
3. For installation plug the new electronic module guided by the strips at the lower side
until this engages to the terminal module.
ð Now you can bring your system back into operation.

Exchange of a periphery 1. Power-off your system.

2. Remove if exists the wiring of the module.
For demounting and exchange of a (head) module or a group of
modules, due to mounting reasons you always have to remove the
electronic module right beside. After mounting it may be plugged

Press the unlocking lever at the lower side of the just mounted right module and pull
it forward.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Demounting > Demounting periphery modules

4. Turn the locking lever of the module to be exchanged upwards.

5. Pull the module.

6. For mounting turn the locking lever of the module to be mounted upwards.

7. To mount the module put it to the gap between the both modules and push it,
guided by the stripes at both sides, to the mounting rail.
8. Turn the locking lever downward, again.

9. Plug again the electronic module, which you have removed before.
10. Wire your module.
ð Now you can bring your system back into operation.

Exchange of a module 1. Power-off your system.

2. Remove if exists the wiring of the module group.
For demounting and exchange of a (head) module or a group of
modules, due to mounting reasons you always have to remove the
electronic module right beside. After mounting it may be plugged

Press the unlocking lever at the lower side of the just mounted right module near
the module group and pull it forward.

28 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Demounting > Demounting periphery modules

4. Turn all the locking lever of the module group to be exchanged upwards.

5. Pull the module group forward.

6. For mounting turn all the locking lever of the module group to be mounted upwards.

7. To mount the module group put it to the gap between the both modules and push it,
guided by the stripes at both sides, to the mounting rail.
8. Turn all the locking lever downward, again.

9. Plug again the electronic module, which you have removed before.
10. Wire your module group.
ð Now you can bring your system back into operation.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Installation guidelines

2.7 Trouble shooting - LEDs

General Each module has the LEDs RUN and MF on its front side. Errors or incorrect modules
may be located by means of these LEDs.
In the following illustrations flashing LEDs are marked by ☼.

Sum current of the elec-

tronic power supply

Behaviour: After PowerON the RUN LED of each module is off and the MF LED of each
module is sporadically on.
Reason: The maximum current for the electronic power supply is exceeded.
Remedy: As soon as the sum current of the electronic power supply is exceeded, always
place the power module 007-1AB10. Ä Chapter 2.5.3 ‘Wiring power modules’ on page 21

Error in configuration

Behaviour: After PowerON the MF LED of one module respectively more modules
flashes. The RUN LED remains off.
Reason: At this position a module is placed, which does not correspond to the configured
Remedy: Match configuration and hardware structure.

Module failure

Behaviour: After PowerON all of the RUN LEDs up to the defective module are flashing.
With all following modules the MF LED is on and the RUN LED is off.
Reason: The module on the right of the flashing modules is defective.
Remedy: Replace the defective module.

2.8 Installation guidelines

General The installation guidelines contain information about the interference free deployment of a
PLC system. There is the description of the ways, interference may occur in your PLC,
how you can make sure the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and how you manage
the isolation.

30 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
Installation guidelines

What does EMC mean? Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) means the ability of an electrical device, to function
error free in an electromagnetic environment without being interfered respectively without
interfering the environment.
The components of VIPA are developed for the deployment in industrial environments
and meets high demands on the EMC. Nevertheless you should project an EMC planning
before installing the components and take conceivable interference causes into account.

Possible interference Electromagnetic interferences may interfere your control via different ways:
n Electromagnetic fields (RF coupling)
n Magnetic fields with power frequency
n Bus system
n Power supply
n Protected earth conductor
Depending on the spreading medium (lead bound or lead free) and the distance to the
interference cause, interferences to your control occur by means of different coupling
There are:
n galvanic coupling
n capacitive coupling
n inductive coupling
n radiant coupling

Basic rules for EMC In the most times it is enough to take care of some elementary rules to guarantee the
EMC. Please regard the following basic rules when installing your PLC.
n Take care of a correct area-wide grounding of the inactive metal parts when installing
your components.
– Install a central connection between the ground and the protected earth conductor
– Connect all inactive metal extensive and impedance-low.
– Please try not to use aluminium parts. Aluminium is easily oxidizing and is there-
fore less suitable for grounding.
n When cabling, take care of the correct line routing.
– Organize your cabling in line groups (high voltage, current supply, signal and data
– Always lay your high voltage lines and signal respectively data lines in separate
channels or bundles.
– Route the signal and data lines as near as possible beside ground areas (e.g.
suspension bars, metal rails, tin cabinet).
n Proof the correct fixing of the lead isolation.
– Data lines must be laid isolated.
– Analog lines must be laid isolated. When transmitting signals with small ampli-
tudes the one sided laying of the isolation may be favourable.
– Lay the line isolation extensively on an isolation/protected earth conductor rail
directly after the cabinet entry and fix the isolation with cable clamps.
– Make sure that the isolation/protected earth conductor rail is connected impe-
dance-low with the cabinet.
– Use metallic or metallised plug cases for isolated data lines.

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
Installation guidelines

n In special use cases you should appoint special EMC actions.

– Consider to wire all inductivities with erase links.
– Please consider luminescent lamps can influence signal lines.
n Create a homogeneous reference potential and ground all electrical operating sup-
plies when possible.
– Please take care for the targeted employment of the grounding actions. The
grounding of the PLC serves for protection and functionality activity.
– Connect installation parts and cabinets with your PLC in star topology with the
isolation/protected earth conductor system. So you avoid ground loops.
– If there are potential differences between installation parts and cabinets, lay suffi-
ciently dimensioned potential compensation lines.

Isolation of conductors Electrical, magnetically and electromagnetic interference fields are weakened by means
of an isolation, one talks of absorption. Via the isolation rail, that is connected conductive
with the rack, interference currents are shunt via cable isolation to the ground. Here you
have to make sure, that the connection to the protected earth conductor is impedance-
low, because otherwise the interference currents may appear as interference cause.
When isolating cables you have to regard the following:
n If possible, use only cables with isolation tangle.
n The hiding power of the isolation should be higher than 80%.
n Normally you should always lay the isolation of cables on both sides. Only by means
of the both-sided connection of the isolation you achieve high quality interference
suppression in the higher frequency area. Only as exception you may also lay the iso-
lation one-sided. Then you only achieve the absorption of the lower frequencies. A
one-sided isolation connection may be convenient, if:
– the conduction of a potential compensating line is not possible.
– analog signals (some mV respectively µA) are transferred.
– foil isolations (static isolations) are used.
n With data lines always use metallic or metallised plugs for serial couplings. Fix the
isolation of the data line at the plug rack. Do not lay the isolation on the PIN 1 of the
plug bar!
n At stationary operation it is convenient to strip the insulated cable interruption free
and lay it on the isolation/protected earth conductor line.
n To fix the isolation tangles use cable clamps out of metal. The clamps must clasp the
isolation extensively and have well contact.
n Lay the isolation on an isolation rail directly after the entry of the cable in the cabinet.
Lead the isolation further on to your PLC and don't lay it on there again!

Please regard at installation!
At potential differences between the grounding points, there may be a
compensation current via the isolation connected at both sides.
Remedy: Potential compensation line

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VIPA System SLIO Basics and mounting
General data

2.9 General data

Conformity and approval
CE 2014/35/EU Low-voltage directive
2014/30/EU EMC directive
UL - Refer to Technical data
RoHS 2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment

Protection of persons and device protection

Type of protection - IP20
Electrical isolation
to the field bus - electrically isolated
to the process level - electrically isolated
Insulation resistance - -
Insulation voltage to reference earth
Inputs / outputs - AC / DC 50V, test voltage AC 500V
Protective measures - against short circuit

Environmental conditions to EN 61131-2

Storage / transport EN 60068-2-14 -25…+70°C
Horizontal installation hanging EN 61131-2 0…+60°C
Horizontal installation lying EN 61131-2 0…+55°C
Vertical installation EN 61131-2 0…+50°C
Air humidity EN 60068-2-30 RH1 (without condensation, rel. humidity 10…95%)
Pollution EN 61131-2 Degree of pollution 2
Installation altitude max. - 2000m
Oscillation EN 60068-2-6 1g, 9Hz ... 150Hz
Shock EN 60068-2-27 15g, 11ms

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Basics and mounting VIPA System SLIO
General data

Mounting conditions
Mounting place - In the control cabinet
Mounting position - Horizontal and vertical

EMC Standard Comment

Emitted interference EN 61000-6-4 Class A (Industrial area)
Noise immunity EN 61000-6-2 Industrial area
zone B EN 61000-4-2 ESD
8kV at air discharge (degree of severity 3),
4kV at contact discharge (degree of severity 2)
EN 61000-4-3 HF field immunity (casing)
80MHz … 1000MHz, 10V/m, 80% AM (1kHz)
1.4GHz ... 2.0GHz, 3V/m, 80% AM (1kHz)
2GHz ... 2.7GHz, 1V/m, 80% AM (1kHz)
EN 61000-4-6 HF conducted
150kHz … 80MHz, 10V, 80% AM (1kHz)
EN 61000-4-4 Burst, degree of severity 3
EN 61000-4-5 Surge, degree of severity 3 *
*) Due to the high-energetic single pulses with Surge an appropriate external protective circuit with lightning protection elements like conductors for lightning and overvoltage is

34 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Hardware description

3 Hardware description
3.1 Properties
Properties The EtherCAT coupler IM 053EC serves for an easy connection of decentralized
periphery to EtherCAT. EtherCAT offers real time Ethernet technology on I/O level.
n EtherCAT coupler for max. 64 peripheral modules
n Ethernet-based field bus system with high real-time capability
n Supports the CANopen application profile CoE (CANopen over Ethernet)
n Online configuration via master system
n Various diagnostics functions
n RJ45 jack 100BaseTX
n Network LEDs for Link/Activity and Error
n Status LEDs for RUN and Error
n Distributed Clock is not supported by this version

Ordering data

Type Order number Description

IM 053EC 053-1EC00 EtherCAT coupler for System SLIO

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Hardware description VIPA System SLIO
Structure > Interfaces

3.2 Structure
1 Locking lever terminal module
2 Labeling strip bus interface
3 LED status indication bus interface
4 Labelling strip power module
5 LED status indication power module
6 Backplane bus
7 DC 24V power section supply
8 Power module
9 EtherCAT RJ45 bus interface "IN"
10 EtherCAT RJ45 bus interface “OUT"
11 Unlocking lever power module
12 Bus interface
13 Terminal power module

3.2.1 Interfaces

Bus interface and power module of the bus coupler may not be sepa-
Here you may only exchange the electronic module!

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VIPA System SLIO Hardware description
Structure > LEDs

PM - Power module For wires with a core cross-section of 0.08mm2 up to 1.5mm2.

Pos. Function Type Description

1 --- --- not connected
2 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
3 0V I GND for power section supply
4 Sys DC 24V I DC 24V for electronic section supply
5 --- --- not connected
6 DC 24V I DC 24V for power section supply
7 0V I GND for power section supply
8 Sys 0V I GND for electronic section supply

I: Input

Interface for EtherCAT 8pin RJ45 jacks:

n An EtherCAT network always consists of a master and an various number of
EtherCAT salves (coupler).
n Each EtherCAT slave has an "IN" and "OUT" RJ45 jack. The arriving EtherCAT cable
from the direction of the master is to be connected to the "IN" (Port 0) jack. The
"OUT" (Port 1) jack is to be connected to the succeeding EtherCAT station. With the
respective last EtherCAT station the "OUT" jack remains free.
n EtherCAT uses Ethernet as transfer medium. Standard CAT5 cables are used. Here
distances of about 100m between 2 stations are possible.
n Only EtherCAT components may be used in an EtherCAT network. For topologies,
which depart from the line structure, the corresponding EtherCAT components are
n Hubs may not be used.

3.2.2 LEDs
LEDs power module

PWR IO PWR PF Description

green green red

● X ○ Power section supply OK

● ● ○ Electronic section supply OK
X X ● Fuse electronic section supply defective
on: ● | off: ○ | not relevant: X

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Hardware description VIPA System SLIO
Technical Data

Status indication
bus interface

LED Description
PW · Bus interface is power supplied.
SF BB n 1 flash per s: With state change due to an error e.g. a
module is removed
n 2 flashes per s: EtherCAT-Timeout (watchdog) e.g.
EtherCAT master is missing
n Blinking with 2Hz: Error in configuration
RUN ○ Bus coupler in state Init
green · Bus coupler in state Operational
BB n Blinking with 2Hz: Bus coupler in state Pre-Opera-
n 1 flash per s: Bus coupler in state Safe-Operational
L/A1 ○ No communication to the preceding station
green · Preceding EtherCAT station is connected
IF1 · Internal error during communication with the preceding
L/A2 ○ No communication to the succeeding station
green · Succeeding EtherCAT station is connected
IF2 · Internal error during communication with the succeeding
on: · | off: ○ | blinking (2Hz): BB

3.3 Technical Data

Order no. 053-1EC00
Type IM 053EC
Module ID -
Technical data power supply
Power supply (rated value) DC 24 V
Power supply (permitted range) DC 20.4...28.8 V
Reverse polarity protection ü
Current consumption (no-load operation) 95 mA
Current consumption (rated value) 0.95 A
Inrush current 3.9 A
I²t 0.14 A²s
Max. current drain at backplane bus 3A
Max. current drain load supply 10 A

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VIPA System SLIO Hardware description
Technical Data

Order no. 053-1EC00

Power loss 3W
Status information, alarms, diagnostics
Status display yes
Interrupts yes, parameterizable
Process alarm yes, parameterizable
Diagnostic interrupt yes, parameterizable
Diagnostic functions yes, parameterizable
Diagnostics information read-out possible
Supply voltage display green LED
Service Indicator -
Group error display red SF LED
Channel error display none
Hardware configuration
Racks, max. 1
Modules per rack, max. 64
Number of digital modules, max. 64
Number of analog modules, max. 64
Fieldbus EtherCAT
Type of interface Ethernet 100 MBit
Connector 2 x RJ45
Topology -
Electrically isolated ü
Number of participants, max. 65535
Node addresses -
Transmission speed, min. 100 Mbit/s
Transmission speed, max. 100 Mbit/s
Address range inputs, max. 512 Byte
Address range outputs, max. 512 Byte
Number of TxPDOs, max. -
Number of RxPDOs, max. -
Material PPE / PPE GF10
Mounting Profile rail 35 mm
Mechanical data
Dimensions (WxHxD) 48.5 mm x 109 mm x 76.5 mm

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Hardware description VIPA System SLIO
Technical Data

Order no. 053-1EC00

Net weight 155 g
Weight including accessories -
Gross weight -
Environmental conditions
Operating temperature 0 °C to 60 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to 70 °C
UL certification yes
KC certification yes

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VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Basics EtherCAT > General

4 Deployment
4.1 Basics EtherCAT
4.1.1 General
Field buses were established for many years in the automation technology. Since higher
speeds are required but the technical limits of this technology have already been
reached, new solutions needed to be found.
At least in theory, the Ethernet, which is familiar to all of us from the office world, is fast
with its 100Mbit/s speed, which is available everywhere today. However, these networks
do not offer real-time capability due to the kind of cabling that they use and the rules gov-
erning access rights. This effect was corrected with EtherCAT®.

EtherCAT® n For EtherCAT® is valid: EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented tech-
nology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.
n EtherCAT means Ethernet for Controller and Automation Technology. It was originally
developed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH and is now supported and further devel-
oped by the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG). ETG is the word biggest interna-
tional user and producer connection for industrial Ethernet
n EtherCAT is an open Ethernet based field bus system, which is standardized at the
n As open field bus system EtherCAT matches the user profile for the part of industrial
real-time systems.
n In opposition to the normal Ethernet communication at EtherCAT the data exchange
of I/O data takes place during the frame passes the coupler with 100Mbit/s in full-
duplex. Since in this way a frame to send and receive direction reaches the data of
many stations, EtherCAT has a rate of user data of over 90%.
n The EtherCAT protocol, which is optimized for process data, is directly transported
with the Ethernet frame. This again can consist of several sub-frames, which serve for
a storage area of the process image.

Transfer medium EtherCAT uses Ethernet as transfer medium Standard CAT5 cables are used. Here dis-
tances of about 100m between 2 stations are possible.
Only EtherCAT components may be used in an EtherCAT network. For topologies, which
depart from the line structure, the corresponding EtherCAT components are necessary.
Hubs may not be used.

Communication principle At EtherCAT the master sends a telegram to the first station. The station takes its data
from the current data stream, inserts its answer data and sends the frame to the suc-
ceeding station. Here the frame is handled with the same way.
When the frame has reached the last station this recognizes that no further is connected
and sends the frame back to the master. Here the telegram is sent through every station
via the other pair of leads (full-duplex). Due to the plug sequence and the use of the full-
duplex technology EtherCAT represents a logical ring.

EtherCAT State Machine Via the EtherCAT State Machine the state of the EtherCAT members is controlled.

Object dictionary (SDOs) In the object directory the parameter, diagnostics, interrupt or other data are listed, which
may be written or read via EtherCAT. The object directory may be accessed by the SDO
information service. Additionally the object directory may be found in the device master

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Basics EtherCAT > General

Process data (PDOs) The EtherCAT data link layer is optimized for the fast transfer of process data. Here it is
specified how the process data of the device are assigned to the EtherCAT process data
and how the application of the device is synchronized to the EtherCAT cycle. The map-
ping of the process data happens by PDO mapping and by Sync-Manager-PDO-Assign
objects. These describe, which objects of the object directory are transferred as object
data via EtherCAT. The cycle time to transfer the process data via EtherCAT and how this
is synchronized for the transfer is specified with the Sync-Manager-Communication

Emergencies Via Emergencies diagnostics, process events and errors at state change of the State
Machine may be transferred.
Status messages, which show the current state of the device, should directly be trans-
ferred within the process data.

Distributed clocks (DC) Due to the run time of an EtherCAT frame at the bus, the outputs of the EtherCAT slave
stations are activated at different times and the inputs are read at different times. For an
isochronous access to the process data EtherCAT provides the "distributed clock" func-
tionality. In EtherCAT "Distributed Clocks" means a logical combination of "clocks", which
are located in the EtherCAT devices With this there is the possibility to locally provide a
synchronized time in each bus device. With DC current output values are activated in
equal time on the slave stations, and the input values read at precisely this time. This
moment is called Sync signal. If an EtherCAT device supports the DC, it has its own
clock. After PowerON this first locally works, based on an own pulse generator. By
selecting an EtherCAT slave station, which has to provide the reference time, the distrib-
uted clocks can be synchronized. This reference clock so represents the system time.
Among others there are the following DC setting parameters:
n Master/bus shift
– Master shift: Based on DC the reference clock takes the "master" function, i.e. all
DC slaves are adjusted based on the reference clock.
– Bus Shift: Based on DC the reference clock takes the "slave" function, i.e. the
EtherCAT master specifies how fast or how slow the reference clock has to run.
n Continuous Propagation Compensation
– A command (datagram) will be inserted in the cyclic frame which allows the
EtherCAT master to measure and compensate the propagation delay time by
n Sync Window Monitoring
– A command (datagram) will be inserted in the cyclic frame which allows the
EtherCAT master to determine the sync state ((in-sync or out-of-sync) of the

42 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Basics EtherCAT > EtherCAT State Machine

4.1.2 EtherCAT State Machine

States In each EtherCAT communication device a state machine is implemented. For each state
there is defined which communication service is active via EtherCAT. The state machine
of the slave station is controlled by the state machine of the EtherCAT master.

Init - 01h After power-on the EtherCAT members are in state Init. There is neither mailbox nor
process data communication possible. The EtherCAT master initializes the SyncManager
channels 0 and 1 for the mailbox communication.

Pre-Operational (Pre-Op) - The EtherCAT master initializes the SyncManager channels for process data (starting
02h with SyncManager channel 2), the FMMU channels and the PDO mapping respectively
the SyncManager PDO assignment. Further in this state the settings for process data
transfer and the module-specific parameters, which deviate from the default values are
transferred. During the transition from Init to Pre-Op the EtherCAT slave checks whether
the mailbox was correctly initialized. In the state Pre-Op mailbox communication and
Ethernet over EtherCAT (EoE) are possible but the process data communication is

Safe-Operational (Safe- In Safe-Op the input data are cyclically updated but the outputs are de-activated. With the
Op) - 04h transition from Pre-Op to Safe-Op the EtherCAT slave checks if the SyncManager chan-
nels for process data communication are correct. Before it acknowledges the state
change, the EtherCAT slave copies current input data to the corresponding DP RAM
areas of the EtherCAT slave controller. In the state Safe-Op mailbox and process data
communication is possible.

Operational (Op) - 08h In the state Op the input data are cyclically updated and the EtherCAT master sends
output data to the EtherCAT slave. The EtherCAT slave copies the output data of the
master to its outputs and return input data to the EtherCAT master. In this state process
data and mailbox communication is possible.

Bootstrap - option (Boot) - In state Boot the firmware of an EtherCAT slave may be updated via the EtherCAT
03h master. This state may only be reached via Init. In the state Boot is mailbox communica-
tion via the protocol File-Access over EtherCAT (FoE) possible. Other mailbox and
process data communications are de-activated.

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Basics EtherCAT > ESI files

4.1.3 CoE - CANopen over Ethernet

CoE means CANopen over EtherCAT. With CANopen you get a standard user interface,
which makes a simplified system structure possible with most different devices. With CoE
the device parameters may comfortably be accessed and data were may be read or
written at the same time. Real-time data may be read by PDOs an the parametrization
happens by SDOs. Further there are emergency objects available.

DA Destination address
SA Source address
CRC Checksum

4.1.4 ESI files

From VIPA there are ESI files for the EtherCAT coupler available. These files may either
be found on the supplied storage media or at the download area of www.vipa.com.
Please install the ESI files in your configuration tool. Details on the installation of the ESI
files are available from the manual supplied with your configuration tool. For configuration
in your configuration tool every System SLIO module may the found in the ESI files as
XML data.

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VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Accessing the System SLIO > Accessing the I/O area

4.2 Accessing the System SLIO

4.2.1 General
Overview In the following you will find the description of accessing the following System SLIO areas
via EtherCAT:
n I/O area in the master system
n I/O area
n Parameter data
n Diagnostics data
Information concerning the allocation of these areas may be found in the description of
the corresponding System SLIO module.

ESI file You got ESI files from VIPA for the EtherCAT coupler. These files are located either on
the enclosed data carrier or in the download area of www.vipa.com. Install the ESI files in
your configuration tool. More information about installing the ESI file may be found in the
manual of the according engineering tool. For configuration in your configuration tool,
every System SLIO module may be found in the ESI files as XML data. A configuration
should always take place by means of the ESI files.

4.2.2 Accessing the I/O area in the master system

When used in an EtherCAT master system the VIPA EtherCAT coupler occupies 8 byte
data in the address area of the EtherCAT master. These are available via the object of
0xF100 sub index 1 and 2 in the object directory. The process data have the following

Input area Addr. Byte Function

+0 4 Hardware interrupt counter:
number of hardware interrupts
+4 4 Diagnostics interrupt counter:
number of diagnostics interrupts

Output area No byte of the output area is used by the module.

4.2.3 Accessing the I/O area

The I/O area may be accessed via the following objects:
n SDO Access via PDO

As soon as the EtherCAT coupler changes to the state Safe-Operational, the input data
may be read. In the state Operational the output data may also be written. Information
concerning the process data transfer by means of PDO may be found in the manual of
your EtherCAT master. Additionally the in/output data are mapped on SDO objects.

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Accessing the System SLIO > Accessing the I/O area Access via SDO

By means of SDO access the in/output data of the object directory may be read. The fol-
lowing figure shows how the in/output data are mapped on the SDO objects:

Input data 0x6000 + EtherCAT-Slot

Index Module Subindex

0x6000 SM 021 DI 2x DC 24V 01h, 02h
0x6002 SM 031 AI 2x 12Bit 01h, 02h
0x6003 FM 050 1x32Bit 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h
0x6004 SM 021 DI 4x DC 24V 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h

Output data 0x7000 + EtherCAT-Slot

Index Module Subindex

0x7001 SM 022 DO 4x DC 24V 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h
0x7003 FM 050 1x32Bit 01h, 02h, 03h, 04h

Read input data When accessing the input area of a System SLIO module the addressing via index
(0x6000 + EtherCAT-Slot) takes place. The corresponding input data may be accessed
via subindexes. The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the description of the
corresponding System SLIO module.

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x6000 0x00 Input Data Unsigned8 ro Number of subindexes of the input
data for the corresponding EtherCAT-
0x01 ro Input data (see module description)
0x02 ro
... ...

46 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Accessing the System SLIO > Accessing parameter data

Read ouput data With the reading access of the output area of a System SLIO module the addressing via
index (0x7000 + EtherCAT-Slot) takes place. The corresponding output data may be
accessed via subindexes. The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the descrip-
tion of the corresponding System SLIO module.

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x7000 0x00 Output Data Unsigned8 ro Number of subindexes of the output
data for the corresponding EtherCAT-
0x01 ro Output data (see module description)
0x02 ro
... ...

4.2.4 Accessing parameter data

The following figure shows how the parameter data are mapped on the SDO objects:

Parameter data 0x3100 + EtherCAT-Slot

Index Module Subindex

0x3102 SM 031 AI 2x 12Bit 01h, 02h
0x3103 FM 050 1x32Bit 01h ... 0Fh

Accessing the parameters For module parameterization SDO transfer takes place. Here the EtherCAT-Slot is
addressed via index. Via subindexes the corresponding parameters may be accessed.
The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the description of the corresponding
System SLIO module.

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Accessing the System SLIO > Accessing diagnostics data

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x3100 0x00 Parameter Unsigned8 ro Number Access to the parameters of the
of param- System SLIO modules. Only modules
...0x313F eters with parameters are mapped.
0x01 Param1 rw Module parameter data
0x02 Param2 rw (see module description)

... ...

Modules with no interrupt capability or whose diagnostic interrupt is de-

activated can not send an interrupt message on an error in parameteriza-
tion. Possible parameterization errors may be detected by means of a
diagnostic request after the parameterization.

4.2.5 Accessing diagnostics data

Hardware and diagnostic interrupt data of System SLIO modules with interrupt capability
were automatically sent by an emergency telegram if the interrupt is activated by parame-
terization. There is also the possibility to request diagnostics data via SDO.

Alarm Status The Alarm Status contains in each case a counter for hardware and diagnostic interrupts
for interrupt signaling. These counter are input data of the EtherCAT coupler and were
transferred together with the process data.

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default value Meaning

0xF100 0x00 Interrupt Status Unsigned8 ro 2
0x01 Hardware Inter- Unsigned32 ro 0x00000000 Counter for hard-
rupt Counter ware interrupt
0x02 Diagnostic Unsigned32 ro 0x00000000 Counter for diag-
Interrupt nostic interrupt

With de-activated Auto-Acknowledge (Object 0x3000:01 = 0) of the EtherCAT coupler the

corresponding counter is set to 1 until you acknowledge this accordingly. For this you
have to write any value you like to subindex 0x06 under the accordingly assigned index.
With activated Auto-Acknowledge (Object 0x3000:01 = 1) here you will find the number of
hardware and diagnostics interrupts, which happened since the last interrupt reset. To
reset the corresponding counter you have to write any value you like to the subindex
0x06 under the accordingly assigned index.
There are the following index assignments:
n Write to 0x06 of index 0x5000: Reset of counter hardware interrupt
n Write to 0x06 of index 0x5002: Reset of counter diagnostic interrupt

Hardware interrupt data If the alarm status indicates a hardware interrupt, the current hardware interrupt data may
be accessed by index 0x5000. The allocation of the hardware interrupt data may be
found in the description of the corresponding module.

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VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Accessing the System SLIO > Accessing diagnostics data

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x5000 0x00 Hardware Unsigned8 ro 6 Current hardware interrupt data
Interrupt Data
0x01 Slot Number Unsigned8 ro 0x00 EtherCAT-Slot of the module which
reports an interrupt
0x02 Hardware Unsigned8 ro 0x00 Hardware interrupt data (see module
Interrupt Data description)
0x03 Hardware Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Interrupt Data
0x04 Hardware Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Interrupt Data
0x05 Hardware Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Interrupt Data
0x06 Acknowledge Unsigned8 rw 0x00 Any value resets the hardware inter-
rupt counter and acknowledges if nec-
essary the interrupt.

Diagnostic data (Byte 1 ... If the Alarm Status indicates a diagnostic interrupt the current diagnostics data may be
4) accessed via index 0x5002. The allocation of the diagnostics data may be found in the
description of the corresponding module.

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x5002 0x00 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 6 Current diagnostic data
0x01 Slot Number Unsigned8 ro 0x00 EtherCAT-Slot of the module which
reports an interrupt
0x02 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 0x00 Byte 1 ... 4 of the diagnostic data (see
Data 00 module description)
0x03 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Data 01
0x04 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Data 02
0x05 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 0x00
Data 03
0x06 Acknowledge Unsigned8 rw 0x00 Any value resets the diagnostic inter-
rupt counter and acknowledges if nec-
essary the interrupt.

Diagnostic data The whole diagnostic data of a module may be accessed with this object. Here you may
(Byte 1 ... n) either access current diagnostic data or the diagnostic data of a module on any

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Data transfer via PDO and SDO

Index Subindex Name Type Attr. Default Meaning

0x5005 0x00 Diagnostic Unsigned8 ro 18
Data Slot
0x01 Unsigned8 rw 0 By reading this index here the
EtherCAT-Slot of the module may be
found, to which the following diag-
nostic data belong to. By writing of an
EtherCAT-Slot to this index the diag-
nostic data of the corresponding
module may be read.
0x02 Unsigned8 ro 0 Diagnostics data of the module (see
module description)
0x03 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x04 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x05 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x06 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x07 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x08 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x09 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0A Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0B Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0C Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0D Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0E Unsigned8 ro 0
0x0F Unsigned8 ro 0
0x10 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x11 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x12 Unsigned8 ro 0
0x13 Unsigned32 ro 0

4.3 Data transfer via PDO and SDO


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PDO PDO means Process Data Object. Process data may be transferred during run-time by
means of PDOs. Here the Inputs respectively outputs are directly addressed within the
frame. More concerning the process data transfer during run-time may be found in the
manual of your EtherCAT master.

SDO SDO means Service Data Object. Within a SDO message the parameter data of your
system may be accessed. Here the parameters are addressed by according indexes and
subindexes. An overview of the objects may be found in the object directory.

4.4 Variable PDO mapping via SDO

Overview Some modules a variable process image. If your master system supports variable PDO
mapping, on modules with variable process image the size of the process image may be
preset by a appropriate adjustment of the PDO contents. More information about PDO
mapping may be found in the manual of your master system.

Functionality n The ESI file the modules are defined, which have a variable process image When
modules with a variable process image are used, so startup commands are automati-
cally inserted to the startup list of the master.
– These startup commands are SDO write accesses to the areas 0x16yy and
0x1Ayy (PDO mapping), where the structure of the process data of a module is
– The startup commands are executed with each change from Pre-Op to Safe-Op
condition of the appropriate EtherCAT coupler.
n Within your EtherCAT master system / EtherCAT configurator the PDO contents may
be removed or added. Here the startup command are automatically adjusted.

With the adjustment of the PDO contents please always consider the
data structure of the I/O data of the corresponding module. Information
about the data structure of the I/O data of a module may be found in the
additional System SLIO manual.

n So that the new configuration can be taken, the master system is to be initialized
again, respectively when a EtherCAT configurator is used the new configuration can
be loaded into the EtherCAT master.
– With the change from Pre-Op to Safe-Op the new startup commands were trans-
ferred to the EtherCAT coupler and thus the new PDO mapping is adjusted.
n The EtherCAT coupler configures the corresponding module and automatically
adjusts the length of the module parameters in the object directory 0x31yy an.

The adjustment of the process image of modules with a variable process

image size should not be made by the object 0x31yy, since otherwise
only the length in the module is adjusted but EtherCAT coupler and
master further use the standard length!

4.5 Object Dictionary

Object overview Index Object Dictionary Area
0x0000 ... 0x0FFF Data Type Area
0x1000 ... 0x1FFF Communication Area

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Object Dictionary

Index Object Dictionary Area

0x2000 ... 0x5FFF Manufacturer Specific Area
0x6000 ... 0x6FFF Input Area
0x7000 ... 0x7FFF Output Area
0x8000 ... 0x8FFF Configuration Area
0x9000 ... 0x9FFF Information Area
0xA000 ... 0xAFFF Diagnosis Area
0xB000 ... 0xBFFF Service Transfer Area
0xC000 ... 0xEFFF Reserved Area
0xF000 ... 0xFFFF Device Area

Please consider the System SLIO power and clamp modules do not have
any module ID. These may not be recognized by the EtherCAT coupler
and so are not listed respectively considered during slot allocation.
Further within EtherCAT the slots are designated as EtherCAT-Slot. The
counting always begins with 0.

In the following example at the physical slot 2 a clamp module (CM) is connected. Since
the clamp module does not have any module ID, this is not recognized by the EtherCAT
coupler. So in EtherCAT the next module is mapped to EtherCAT-Slot 1 and so on.

Explanation of the ele- Index:Sub - Index and subindex

Ux - Data type UNSIGNEDx
Access - Read- write access (ro: Read access only, rw: Read and write access)
Default - Default value
* - For objects with more than one subindex, note that subindex 0 is of type
UNSIGNED8. Here 2 bytes are used. This moves the locations of the sub-
sequent subindices. When accessing the entire object, the read buffer has
to be expanded by 1 byte due to the 2-byte alignment.

Device type
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1000:00 Device type U32 ro 0x00001389 0x00001389 means MDP
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Device name
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1008:00 Device name VSTRG ro VIPA 053-1EC00

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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Hardware version
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1009:00 Hardware version VSTRG ro
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Software version
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x100A:00 Software version VSTRG ro
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

System version
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x100B:00 System version U8 ro State depends on the FPGA version of the coupler
and the modules, at least System version 2
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Identity object
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1018:00* Identity object U8 ro 0x04

0x1018:01 Vendor ID U32 ro 0x0000AFFE

0x1018:02 Product code U32 ro 0x0531EC00

0x1018:03 Revision number U32 ro 0x00000011

0x1018:04 Serial number U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Output mapping modules

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1600...0x163F:00* RxPDO Map U8 ro/rw** Number of outputs at Entry only available at slots with output
this slot modules.
0x1600...0x163F:01 Output mapping U32 ro/rw** Example: 0x7000:01, 1 > at slot 0 the first
output has a length of 1 bit.
0x1600...0x163F:02 Output mapping U32 ro/rw**

0x1600...0x163F: ... ...

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

**) rw only at output modules with variable process output image.

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Input mapping modules

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1A00... 0x1A3F: TxPDO map U8 ro/rw** Number of inputs at Entry only available at slots with input
00* this slot modules.
0x1A00... 0x1A3F:01 Input mapping U32 ro/rw** E.g.: 0x6000:01, 8 > at slot 0 the first input
has a length of 8 bit.
0x1A00... 0x1A3F:02 Input mapping U32 ro/rw**

0x1A00... 0x1A3F: ... ...

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

**) rw only at output modules with variable process input image.

Input mapping coupler

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1AFF:00* Status PDO U8 ro 2 Mapping for the interrupt counters of the coupler.
0x1AFF:01 Input mapping U32 ro 0xF100:01,32 Mapping for the hardware interrupt counter.
0x1AFF:02 Input mapping U32 ro 0xF100:02,32 Mapping for the diagnostic interrupt counter.
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Due to the system the mapping should not be changed in the configura-
tion tool, otherwise the process image could be influenced!

SyncManager type
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1C00:00* SyncManager type U8 ro 4

0x1C00:01 Subindex 01 U8 ro 1

0x1C00:02 Subindex 02 U8 ro 2

0x1C00:03 Subindex 03 U8 ro 3

0x1C00:04 Subindex 04 U8 ro 4

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

RxPDO assign
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1C12:00* RxPDO assign U8 ro Number of
modules with
0x1C12:01 Subindex 001 U16 ro process output
0x1C12: ... ... U16 ro

0x1C12:40 Subindex 64 U16 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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TxPDO assign
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1C13:00* TxPDO assign U8 ro Number of input
PDOs of couple
0x1C13:01 Subindex 001 U16 ro and modules
0x1C13:02 Subindex 002 U16 ro

0x1C13: ... ... U16 ro

0x1C13:40 Subindex 064 U16 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

The EtherCAT coupler also has process input data, which show the alarm status. So
there is in the first place the assignment 0x1AFF for the input PDOs of the coupler.

SM output parameter
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1C32:00* SM output parameter U8 ro 6

0x1C32:01 Sync mode U16 rw

0x1C32:02 Cycle time U32 rw

0x1C32:03 Shift time U32 ro

0x1C32:04 Sync modes supported U16 ro

0x1C32:05 Minimum cycle time U32 ro

0x1C32:06 Minimum shift time U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

SM input parameter
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x1C33:00* SM input parameter U8 ro 6

0x1C33:01 Sync mode U16 rw

0x1C33:02 Cycle time U32 rw

0x1C33:03 Shift time U32 ro

0x1C33:04 Sync modes supported U16 ro

0x1C33:05 Minimum cycle time U32 ro

0x1C33:06 Minimum shift time U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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Parameter SLIO EtherCAT

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x3000:00* Coupler parameter U8 ro 1

0x3000:01 Auto acknowledge U8 rw 1 Defines the mode, how interrupts are handled by the
EtherCAT coupler.
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Here the EtherCAT coupler may be parametrized. With this object the write access is only
possible when the EtherCAT coupler is in PreOp or SafeOp state. In Op state write
access is denied.
n With Auto-Acknowledge = 0 of the EtherCAT coupler per module the corresponding
counter is increased by 1. Once you acknowledge the interrupt, the counter is
decreased by 1. If there are more modules with a pending interrupt, by the write SDO
access always the most recent interrupt is acknowledged (last in - first out).
n With Auto-Acknowledge = 1 each interrupt is automatically acknowledged by the
EtherCAT coupler. In this mode the diagnostics data were always overwritten by new
interrupts. Default setting is Auto-Acknowledge = 1. For continuous use Auto-
Acknowledge should be activated.

Parameter SLIO Module

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x3100...0x313F:00* Parameter U8 ro Number of parame-
0x3100...0x313F:01 Param1 rw
0x3100...0x313F:02 Param2 rw
0x3100...0x313F: ... ...

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

With this object the parameters of a System SLIO module may be accessed. Here the
addressing by index takes place. Via subindexes the corresponding parameters may be
accessed. The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the description of the corre-
sponding module. Also here it is valid that power and clamp modules are not recognized
by the EtherCAT coupler and so are not listed and considered during slot allocation.
If the module has parameters it is valid
n Index 0x3100: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 0
n Index 0x3101: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 1
n ...
n Index 0x313F: Access to EtherCAT-Slot 64
In the following example via index 0x3102 the parameters of the module at the physically
slot 4 may be accessed.

physical 1 2 3 4
Slot number
Module DI CM DO AI
Index 0x3100** - 0x3101** 0x3102
EtherCAT-Slot 0 - 1 2
**) This entry is not listed, because the module has no parameters.

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Clear SLIO counter

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4000:00* Clear Slio counter U8 ro 2 Writing of a value you want to the corresponding
subindex clears the counter.
0x4000:01 Clear master counter U8 rw 0
0x4000:02 Clear module counter U8 rw 0
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Master counter
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4001:00* Master counter U8 ro 11

0x4001:01 Expected length error U16 ro

0x4001:02 TimeOut error U16 ro

0x4001:03 StopBit error U16 ro

0x4001:04 FCS error U16 ro

0x4001:05 Telegram length error U16 ro

0x4001:06 Telegram type error U16 ro

0x4001:07 Alarm retry error U16 ro

0x4001:08 Bus idle time error U16 ro

0x4001:09 Wrong node address U16 ro

0x4001:0A Telegram valid U16 ro

0x4001:0B Master load U16 ro

0x4001:0C 1 telegram retry U16 ro

0x4001:0D 2 telegram retry U16 ro
0x4001:0E 3 telegram retry U16 ro
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Module MDL counter

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4002:00* Module MDL counter U8 ro 64

0x4002:01 Slot 1 U16 ro 0

0x4002:02 Slot 2 U16 ro 0

0x4002: ... ... U16 ro 0

0x4002:40 Slot 64 U16 ro 0

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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Module NDL counter

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4003:00* Module NDL counter U8 ro 64

0x4003:01 Slot 1 U16 ro 0

0x4003:02 Slot 2 U16 ro 0

0x4003: ... ... U16 ro 0

0x4003:40 Slot 64 U16 ro 0

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Version components
EtherCAT coupler
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4100:00* SLIO version U8 ro 4 Version of the components of the coupler
0x4100:01 Master FPGA U16 ro Version of the FPGA

0x4100:02 SLIO bus U16 ro Version of the SLIO backplane bus

0x4100:03 Firmware package U32 ro Version package

0x4100:04 Mx file VSTRG ro Name and version of the Mx file of the coupler

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Here the value of the versions of the components of the EtherCAT coupler may be

FPGA version modules

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4101:00* Module FPGA version U8 ro FPGA versions of the modules

0x4101:01 Slot 1 U16 ro EtherCAT-Slot

0x4101:02 Slot 2 U16 ro

0x4101: ... ... U16 ro

0x4101:40 Slot 64 U16 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

The FPGA version of the SLIO module at the slot in EtherCAT may be determined by this

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Firmware version modules

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4102:00* Module firmware ver- U8 ro Firmware versions of the modules
0x4102:01 Slot 1 U32 ro EtherCAT-Slot

0x4102:02 Slot 2 U32 ro

0x4102: ... ... U32 ro

0x4102:40 Slot 64 U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Via this object you may determine the firmware version of the SLIO module at the

Serial number modules

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x4103:00* Module serial number U8 ro Serial number of the module

0x4103:01 Slot 1 VSTRG ro EtherCAT-Slot

0x4103:02 Slot 2 VSTRG ro

0x4103: ... ... VSTRG ro

0x4103:40 Slot 64 VSTRG ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

With this object the serial number of the SLIO module at the EtherCAT-Slot may be deter-

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Hardware interrupt data

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x5000:00* Hardware interrupt U8 ro 6 Current hardware interrupt data
0x5000:01 Slot number U8 ro 0x00 EtherCAT-Slot of the module which reports an inter-
0x5000:02 Hardware interrupt U8 ro 0x00 Hardware interrupt data (see module description)
data 00
0x5000:03 Hardware interrupt U8 ro 0x00
data 01
0x5000:04 Hardware interrupt U8 ro 0x00
data 02
0x5000:05 Hardware interrupt U8 ro 0x00
data 03
0x5000:06 Acknowledge U8 rw 0x00 Any value resets the hardware interrupt counter and
acknowledges if necessary the interrupt.
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

If the object 0xF100 indicates a hardware interrupt here the current hardware interrupt
data may be accessed. The allocation of the hardware interrupt data may be found in the
description of the corresponding module.
With de-activated Auto-Acknowledge of the EtherCAT coupler the hardware interrupt
counter of object 0xF100 is reset and the hardware interrupt is acknowledged. For this
you have to write any value you like to subindex 0x06 of index 0x5000.

Diagnostic data
(byte 1 ... 4)
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x5002:00* Diagnostic data U8 ro 6 Current diagnostic data
0x5002:01 Slot number U8 ro 0x00 EtherCAT-Slot of the module which reports an inter-
0x5002:02 Diagnostic data 00 U8 ro 0x00 Byte 1 ... 4 of the diagnostic data (see module
0x5002:03 Diagnostic data 01 U8 ro 0x00
0x5002:04 Diagnostic data 02 U8 ro 0x00
0x5002:05 Diagnostic data 03 U8 ro 0x00
0x5002:06 Acknowledge U8 rw 0x00 Any value resets the diagnostic interrupt counter and
acknowledges if necessary the interrupt.
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

If the object 0xF100 indicates a diagnostic interrupt here the first 4 bytes of the current
diagnostics interrupt data may be accessed. The allocation of the diagnostics data may
be found in the description of the corresponding module.
With de-activated Auto-Acknowledge of the EtherCAT coupler the diagnostic interrupt
counter of object 0xF100 is reset and the diagnostic interrupt is acknowledged. For this
you have to write any value you like to subindex 0x06 of index 0x5002.

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Diagnostic data
(byte 1 ... n)
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x5005:00* Diagnostic data slot U8 ro 19

0x5005:01 U8 rw 0 By reading this index here the EtherCAT-Slot of the

module may be found, to which the following diag-
nostic data belong to. By writing of an EtherCAT-Slot
to this index the diagnostic data of the corresponding
module may be read.
0x5005:02 U8 ro 0 Diagnostics data of the module (see module descrip-
0x5005:03 U8 ro 0
0x5005:04 U8 ro 0
0x5005:05 U8 ro 0
0x5005:06 U8 ro 0
0x5005:07 U8 ro 0
0x5005:08 U8 ro 0
0x5005:09 U8 ro 0
0x5005:0A U8 ro 0
0x5005:0B U8 ro 0
0x5005:0C U8 ro 0
0x5005:0D U8 ro 0
0x5005:0E U8 ro 0
0x5005:0F U8 ro 0
0x5005:10 U8 ro 0
0x5005:11** U8 ro 0
0x5005:13 U32 ro 0
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52
**) This subindex is of type U8. Due to the 2-byte alignment, an additional byte is used in the background. This shifts the subsequent
subindex by 1. When the entire object is accessed, the 2-byte alignment of subindex 0 and subindex 11 of the read buffer must be
extended by 2 bytes.

The whole diagnostic data of a module may be accessed with this object. Here you may
either access current diagnostic data or the diagnostic data of a module on any

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Read input data

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x6000...0x603F:00* Input data U8 ro Number of subindexes of the input data for
the corresponding EtherCAT-Slot.
0x6000...0x603F:01 ro Input data (see module description)
0x6000...0x603F:02 ro
0x6000...0x603F: ... ... ... ro
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

With this object the input data of a System SLIO module may be read. Here the
addressing of the EtherCAT-Slot via index (0x6000 + EtherCAT-Slot) takes place. The
corresponding input data may be accessed via subindexes. The allocation of the subin-
dexes may be found in the description of the corresponding module.

Read output data

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0x7000...0x703F:00* Output data U8 ro Number of subindexes of the output data for
the corresponding EtherCAT-Slot.
0x7000...0x703F:01 ro Output data (see module description)
0x7000...0x703F:02 ro
0x7000...0x703F: ... ... ... ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

With this object the output data of a System SLIO may be read. Here the addressing via
index (0x7000 + EtherCAT-Slot) takes place. The corresponding output data may be
accessed via subindexes. The allocation of the subindexes may be found in the descrip-
tion of the corresponding module.

Information concerning the write access to outputs may be found in the

manual of your EtherCAT master.

Modular device profile

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF000:00* Modular device profile U8 ro 5

0xF000:01 Module index distance U16 ro 1

0xF000:02 Maximum number of U16 ro 0x40 (64)

0xF000:03 Standard Entries in U32 ro 0
Object 0x8yy0
0xF000:04 Standard Entries in U32 ro 0
Object 0x9yy0
0xF000:05 Module PDO group U8 ro 0

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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Module list
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF010:00* Module list U8 ro Module ID of the modules

0xF010:01 Subindex 001 U32 ro

0xF010:02 Subindex 002 U32 ro

0xF010: ... ... U32 ro

0xF010:40 Subindex 064 U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Configured module list

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF030:00* Configured module list U8 rw Module ID of the configured modules.

0xF030:01 Subindex 001 U32 rw

0xF030:02 Subindex 002 U32 rw

0xF030: ... ... U32 rw

0xF030:40 Subindex 064 U32 rw

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

n When writing to a subindex the entered value is compared with the module ID of the
same subindex of index 0xF050. So the configuration may be checked.
n Some configuration tools cannot automatically be write to this index, thus some con-
figuration errors may not be detected.

Detected address list

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF040:00* Detected address list U8 ro Addresses of the modules, which were recognized
by the coupler.
0xF040:01 Subindex 001 U16 ro

0xF040:02 Subindex 002 U16 ro

0xF040: ... ... U16 ro

0xF040:40 Subindex 064 U16 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Error handling > Emergency error message

Detected module list

Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF050:00* Detected module list U8 ro Module IDs of the modules, which were recognized
by the coupler.
0xF050:01 Subindex 001 U32 ro

0xF050:02 Subindex 002 U32 ro

0xF050: ... ... U32 ro

0xF050:40 Subindex 064 U32 ro

Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

Interrupt status
Index:Sub Name Type Access Default Description
0xF100:00* Interrupt status U8 ro 2

0xF100:01 Hardware interrupt U32 ro 0x00000000 Counter for hardware interrupt

0xF100:02 Diagnostic interrupt U32 ro 0x00000000 Counter for diagnostic interrupt
Ä ‘Explanation of the elements’ on page 52

With de-activated Auto-Acknowledge of the EtherCAT coupler the corresponding counter

is set to 1 until you acknowledge this accordingly. For this you have to write any value you
like to subindex 0x06 under the accordingly assigned index.
With activated Auto-Acknowledge here you will find the number of hardware and diagnos-
tics interrupts, which happened since the last interrupt reset. To reset the corresponding
counter you have to write any value you like to the subindex 0x06 under the accordingly
assigned index.
There are the following index assignments:
n Write to 0x06 of index 0x5000:
– Reset of counter hardware interrupt
n Write to 0x06 of index 0x5002:
– Reset of counter diagnostic interrupt

4.6 Error handling

4.6.1 Overview
In EtherCAT there are the following two types of error messages:
n Emergency error message
n Standard error message

4.6.2 Emergency error message

Emergency error messages are generated on errors during state changes respectively at
hardware and diagnostic interrupts if the interrupt is activated by parameterization. Emer-
gency error messages are released within device-internal mechanisms and sent to the
master by means of the mailbox service.

64 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Error handling > Standard error messages

Frame structure Byte

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EEC - Emergency Error Codes following ETG specifications:

0xFFxx: Vendor-specific emergency message (VIPA = 0xFF00)
0xA0xx: State Machine transition error, e.g. due to a configuration error (length,
address, settings). More information concerning this may be found at ETG.
ER - Error register - State of the State Machine:
01: Init
02: Pre-Op
03: BootStrap
04: Safe-Op
08: Op
DATA - Error data with more information concerning the error

With a hardware interrupt or diagnostic interrupt respectively in DATA the Manufacturer

Specific Error Field (MEF) may be found. The field has the following structure:


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

SLOT - EtherCAT-Slot of the module where is the error from

TYPE - Interrupt type
01: Hardware interrupt
02: Diagnostics interrupt
DIAG - Error code, which is described at corresponding module.

4.6.3 Standard error messages

Emergency error messages are released within device-internal mechanisms and sent to
the EtherCAT master. The following standard error messages my occur:

AL Status Code To get more information about the error the EtherCAT master reads the AL Status Code
(AL = application layer). This is allocated in the EtherCAT coupler in register 0x0134.
Besides the EtherCAT-specific error codes the vendor-specific error codes may also be
SyncManager Watchdog 0x001B
If there is no communication to the master possible e.g. line is interrupted, you will get the
error message 0x001B after the SyncMaster watchdog time has been elapsed. The time
is to be configured in the master. Due to the fixed watchdog time of the System SLIO the
SyncManager watchdog time must be less than or equal to 0.5s! Otherwise a restart is
necessary when the SyncManager has released.

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Error handling > Standard error messages

EtherCAT specific error messages

Code Description Current State Resulting State

0x0000 No error Any Current state
0x0001 Unspecified error Any Any + E
0x0002 No Memory Any Any + E
0x0011 Invalid requested state change I > S, I > O, P > Current state + E
O, O > B,S > B,
0x0012 Unknown requested state Any Current state + E
0x0013 Bootstrap not supported I>B I+E
0x0014 No valid firmware I>P I+E
0x0015 Invalid mailbox configuration I>B I+E
0x0016 Invalid mailbox configuration I>P I+E
0x0017 Invalid SyncManager configuration P > S, S > O Current state + E
0x0018 No valid inputs available O, S > O S+E
0x0019 No valid outputs O, S > O S+E
0x001A Synchronization error O, S > O S+E
0x001B SyncManager watchdog O, S S+E
0x001C Invalid SyncManager Types O, S, P > S S+E
0x001D Invalid Output Configuration O, S, P > S S+E
0x001E Invalid Input Configuration O, S, P > S P+E
0x001F Invalid Watchdog Configuration O, S, P > S P+E
0x0020 Coupler needs cold start Any Current state + E
0x0021 Coupler needs INIT B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0022 Coupler needs PREOP S, O S + E, O + E
0x0023 Coupler needs SAFEOP O O+E
0x0024 Invalid Input Mapping P>S P+E
0x0025 Invalid Output Mapping P>S P+E
0x0026 Inconsistent Settings P>S P+E
0x0027 Free-run not supported P>S P+E
0x0028 Synchronization not supported P>S P+E
0x0029 Free-run needs 3 Buffer Mode P>S P+E
0x002A Background Watchdog S, O P+E
0x002B No Valid Inputs and Outputs O, S > O S+E
0x002C Fatal Sync Error O S+E
0x002D No Sync Error S>O S+E
0x0030 Invalid DC SYNC Configuration O, S > O, P > S P + E, S + E
0x0031 Invalid DC Latch Configuration O, S > O, P > S P + E, S + E

66 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

VIPA System SLIO Deployment
Error handling > Standard error messages

Code Description Current State Resulting State

0x0032 PLL Error O, S > O S+E
0x0033 DC Sync IO Error O, S > O S+E
0x0034 DC Sync Timeout Error O, S > O S+E
0x0035 DC Invalid Sync Cycle Time P>S P+E
0x0036 DC Sync0 Cycle Time P>S P+E
0x0037 DC Sync1 Cycle Time P>S P+E
0x0041 MBX_AOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0042 MBX_EOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0043 MBX_COE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0044 MBX_FOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0045 MBX_SOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x004F MBX_VOE B, P, S, O Current state + E
0x0050 EEPROM No Access Any Any + E
0x0051 EEPROM Error Any Any + E
0x0060 Coupler Restarted Locally Any I
< x8000 Reserved

Vendor-specific error messages

Code Description Current State Resulting State

0x8000 no module recognized or present I I+E
0x8001 Module at system bus needs update P > S P+E
0x8002 Init error P>S P+E
0x8003 unexpected restart (Watchdog) P>S P+E
0x8004 Error reading EEPROM P>S P+E
0x8005 System SLIO IO area too big or P>S P+E

I - Init
P - Pre-Operational
S - Safe-Operational
O - Operational
B - Bootstrap
E - Error

SDO error code If a SDO request is negative evaluated, an according SDO error code is released. In the
following table the possible errors are listed.

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Deployment VIPA System SLIO
Error handling > Standard error messages

Code Description
0x05030000 Toggle bit not alternated
0x05040000 SDO protocol timed out
0x05040001 Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown
0x05040002 Invalid block size (block mode only)
0x05040003 Invalid sequence number (block mode only)
0x05040004 CRC error (block mode only)
0x05040005 Out of memory
0x06010000 Unsupported access to an object
0x06010001 Attempt to read a write only object
0x06010002 Attempt to write a read only object
0x06020000 Object does not exist in the object dictionary
0x06040041 Object cannot be mapped to the PDO
0x06040042 The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed
PDO length
0x06040043 General parameter incompatibility reason
0x06040047 General internal incompatibility in the device
0x06060000 Access failed due to an hardware error
0x06070010 Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not
0x06070012 Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
0x06070013 Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
0x06090011 Subindex does not exist
0x06090030 Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access)
0x06090031 Value of parameter written too high
0x06090032 Value of parameter written too low
0x06090036 Maximum value is less than minimum value
0x08000000 General error
0x08000020 Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application
0x08000021 Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of
local control
0x08000022 Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the
present device state
0x08000023 Object directory dynamic generation fails or no object directory is
present (e.g. object directory is generated from file and generation
fails because of an file error)

68 HB300 | IM | 053-1EC00 | en | 16-49

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