Basic SC Physics - DPP 04 (Of Lec 15 & 16)
Basic SC Physics - DPP 04 (Of Lec 15 & 16)
Basic SC Physics - DPP 04 (Of Lec 15 & 16)
1. In a SC, probability of finding a hole at an energy [MCQ]
level E1 ( E1 EF ) will be 5. In a doped-SC, following information is given EF –
(a) 1/2 EFi = – 0.3 eV, then concentration of electrons and
holes in the SC is :
(b) < 1/2
Given : kT/q = 0.025 volt.
(c) > 1/2
(a) n = 1.63 × 105 ni , p = 6.14 × 10–6 ni
(d) Can’t be determine as E1 is not known
(b) n = 6.14 × 10–6 ni , p = 1.63 × 105 ni
(c) n = ni , p = 12 ni
(d) n = 12 ni , p = ni
2. In a doped SC if we add pentavalent impurities then
fermi level moves :
(a) In upward direction always [MCQ]
(b) In downward direction always 6. Fermi level diagram of a SC is given as :
3. Across a sample of n-type SC, electric field of E =
104 V/cm is applied. Doping concentration ND = 1016 Initial doping concentration is N1.Now it is doped
/cm3 and saturation velocity of charge carrier is 107 with acceptor impurities of concentration N2 such
cm/sec. Then the value of current density [kA/cm2] that new fermi level position is as given below :
in SC is ____________.
Given: [ Mobility of electrons = 1350 cm2/V-sec]
4. In a SC fermi level lies above the mid of the band
gap, then which of the following is true ? Then the relation between N2 and N1 is
Answer Key
1. (b) 6. (b)
2. (a) 7. (c)
3. (16) 8. (b)
4. (a) 9. (0.0470 to 0.0480)
5. (b) 10. (3.000 to 3.018)