Energy crisis is one of the major concerns in today’s world. As the demand of
energy is increasing every day, the ultimate solution to deal with these sorts of
lot less damaging, and does not threaten the environment have gained much interest
in these years. Walking is the most common activity in day to day life. During the
walking surface, due to the transfer of this weight on to the road surface, through foot
falls on the ground during every step. This energy can be tapped and converted into
locomotive force into electrical energy is a relevant and important proposal of power
sensors are used for this purpose. In a country like India, implementation of that
technology is way too expensive in a wide scale and hence, a cheap alternative
using mechanical alternative is used here. Man use and need energy at an
increasing rate for his/her nourishment and well-being. Due to this a lot of energy
resources have been wasted. This project proposal for the use of waste energy is
very much relevant and important for highly populated countries where the roads,
The system generates voltage using footstep force. The system serves as a
it. The project is designed to be useful at public places where a lot of people keep
walking through all day. At such places these systems are to be placed at any entry
points where people travel through entrance or exits and they have to step on this
device to get through. These devices may then generate a voltage on every footstep
and when mounted in series they will produce a sizeable amount of electricity.
This device, if embedded in the footpath can convert foot impact energy into
electrical form. The working principles is simple. When a pedestrian step on the top
plate of the device, the plate will dip down slightly due to the weight of the
pedestrian. The downward movement of the plate results in rotation of the shaft of an
electrical alternator fitted in the device to produce electrical energy. The top plate
reverts back to its original position due to negating springs provided in the device.
traffic such as College of Engineering the electricity generated from these devices
can be used for street lights. In this project we are generating electricity just with the
help of the rack, pinion and flywheel arrangement along with alternator and gear or
chain drive mechanisms. For its proper functioning such that it converts force into
electrical energy, the mechanism consists of rack, pinion, flywheel, gear and chain
Students. They shall be totally aware from other alternative and renewable
energy sources to build new devices that will help not only the society but also the
Parents. They shall be able to realize their important roles and functions in
human health.
The College of Engineering of UEP. This will provide the college a visible
outcome which can be used for accreditation purpose and practical application
The Technology Department. The final product of this study will serve as a
who wants to explore extensively the variables that were included in the study
is all about generating electricity when people walk on the floor. If we are able to
design a power generating floor that can produce 100W on just 12 steps, then for
120 steps we can produce 1000W; and that if we install such type of 100 floors with
this system then it can produce 1MW. As a fact only 11% of renewable energy
contributes to our primary energy. If this project is deployed, then not only we can
overcome the energy crises problem but this also contributes to create a healthy
global environmental change. In this project, a gear system is attached with flywheel
which causes to rotate the dynamo as the tile on the deck is pressed. The power
that is created is saved in the batteries. In addition, we will be able to monitor and
control the amount of electricity generated. When an individual passes it push the
tile on the ground surface which turn the shaft beneath the tile, turn is limited by
twice by a single tile push. The movement of the prevailing shaft turn the gearbox
shaft which builds it 15 times (1:15) then its movement is smoothen by the help of fly
wheel which temporary store the movement, which is convey to the DC generator (it
research paper attempts to show how energy can be tapped and used at a
commonly used floor steps. The usage of steps in every building is increasing day by
day, since even every small building has some floors. A large amount of energy is
wasted when we are stepping on the floors by the dissipation of heat and friction,
every time a man steps up using stairs. There is great possibility of tapping this
energy and generating power by making every staircase as a power generation unit.
The generated power can be stored by batteries, and it will be used for lighting the
“Generation of Electrical Energy from Foot Step Using Rack and Pinion
Chandu” In this research paper authors used regulated 5V power, 500MA power
supply. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the AC output of secondary of
230/12V step down transformer. A rack and pinion is a type of linear actuator
including a pair of gears which convert rotational motion into linear motion. The
“pinion" engages teeth on the rack. In this paper, since the power generation using
foot step get its energy requirements from Non-renewable source of energy. There is
no need of power from external sources and there is less pollution in this source of
energy. It is very useful to the places like all roads and as well as all kinds of
“How fossil fuel use threatens kids’ health” By Elizabeth Grossman”. The
burning of fossil fuels — coal, oil and gas — creates pollution that not only can harm
health but also foster climate change. Together these impacts pose an outsize risk to
children, studies show. Their data point to a growing need for society to better
Columbia University, in New York City, where she runs the Columbia Center for
Children's Environmental Health. She and her colleagues have been studying the
health effects of pollution and stress. Their findings have shown, again and again,
that both can produce measurable harm to children. Youngsters who live in poor
households and those of color tend to face an especially high risk of breathing
polluted air and encountering stress, her team has shown. What kind of stress? It
might be the anxiety of not always having enough food to eat. Stress also can
develop when children must move because their parents have lost their homes or
Amravati, India This paper deals with design and modeling of components of the
prototype model of the foot step power generation system using 3D modeling
investigated using finite element analysis software for deflection of the spring for
using FEA. The output involves electric power generation from the prototype model
performance of the output generated by the Foot Step Power Generation unit, setup
was placed on the floor. a weighing instrument is kept on the top surface of unit. A
voltmeter is connected to the output terminals of the unit as shown in figure. During
experimentation Weight on the top plate is observed for the range 27 kg (265 N) to
60 kg (540N) for 60 seconds for 25 numbers of steps and voltage for the load range
is tabulated as under.
A. Materials
stepped on the platform the device will automatically pump down and
3. Return spring
pressed or pulled but returns to its former shape when released used
4. Battery
5. Alternator
6. Chain
7. Gear
8. Flywheel
to the machine.
9. Bearing
generate the electrical power in order to compensate the power demand. In this
and a return spring that will hold the pressure from the
shaft A to shaft B.
2. Research Design