Project Report1
Project Report1
Project Report1
Vikas Pal*1, Sumit Kumar*2, Virender Kumar*3, Gunjan Jha*4, Peeyush Pant*5
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg., Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology,
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Delhi, India
Abstract—Establishing home automation system to enabling controlling and monitoring automated home
improve comfort, convenience and quality of life has appliances by smartphones anywhere from the globe.
gained popularity and effectiveness during last decades. Several home automation systems have emerged by using
This has encouraged researchers to develop flexible smartphones with microcontrollers. Various wireless
techniques for home automation systems which are user communication techniques viz IoT, GSM, ZigBee, and
friendly and cost effective. For home automation utilizing EnOcean have been utilized for the same and proposed
smartphone with microcontroller and application platform by the researchers [7]-[9]. Variety of home automation
seems attractive option. Among various schemes proposed systems have been proposed to offer flexible functions,
by researchers voice controlled home automation is seems services and controls. Typically the common features
effective since it reduces human efforts and errors with may include appliance control, thermostat control, remote
improved efficiency. These systems also addresses problem control lighting, live video surveillance, monitor security
of elderly/ disabled people else they require dedicated camera, real time text alerts [10]-[13].
human assistance to control the household appliances. In Several investigations proposed by the researchers are
this paper a voice controlled home automation system is focused on technologies which incorporates features
designed and implemented using Arduino UNO, bluetooth like flexibility, easy operation and low cost. Accordingly
HC-05 and smartphone. The Bluetooth module transmits Smart GSM based hhome aautomation ssystem has
data for controlling receives input signal from a device been proposed [14]. However the system was sluggish
having bluetooth compatibility viz smartphone with with limited operational features. Also, simple web
interface software Arduino-Uno. The system prototype is controlled home automation system with fault detection
operated by the voice commands for household electrical is proposed [15]-[17]. Investigations were also made on
appliances electric lamp and table fan. sensor network for home automation [18], [19]. Courreges
Keywords: Home Automation, Electrical Appliances, Voice reported investigations to evaluate Performance
Recognition, Arduino, Bluetooth Module, Smartphone and interoperability of radiofrequency home automation
Application. protocols and Bluetooth low energy for smart grid and
smart home applications [20]. Voice controlled home
I. INTRODUCTION automation system has scopes for development of reliable,
effective and flexible systems.
Improvement in comfort level, convenience to control
appliances and quality of life by installing home In this paper voice controlled home automation system
automation system has increased its popularity and by using bluetooth technology has been proposed. The
effectiveness. Modern home automation systems aim system enables user to control the home appliances from
to deliver easiness to the users including elderly and humane voice by microphone of a smartphone. This
disabled peoples by reducing human effort and labor system has been integrated with electrical appliances and
[1], [2]. A typical modern home automation system uses controls them by using voice commands. The proposed
single controller for connected appliances viz power system uses Bluetooth module for transmitting data
plugs, lighting devices, temperature and/or humidity for controlling the operation of electrical appliances.
sensors, detectors installed for smoke, gas and fire besides The system interfaces on/off switches of electrical
regulating emergency and security systems [3]-[5]. Latest appliance by solid state relay to control the device. The
home automation devices also embed renewable energy voice command is sent by using software designed for
based systems offering advantages of flexible control and controlling the system which integrates microphone and
easy management through smartphone, tablet, desktop voice recognition system implemented in device such as
and laptop [6]. Growth in wireless technologies has also Arduino Voice Control application. A micro-controller
boosted development of home automation systems by ATMEGA320P (Arduino Uno) is embedded in the system.
IITM Journal of Management and IT 102 Volume 12, Issue 1 • January-June 2021
The systems user interface device is a smartphone and C. ZigBee Based Wireless Home Automation System
software which interface with Arduino Uno to execute
commands of user. The proposed smart home automation
can also offer support personal by eradicating the issue
to turn on/off electrical switches and controlling by
voice commands. The system is so designed that user
can control all appliances at once or can control each
appliance separately.
Methodologies employed in a home automation system
are rigorously analyzed to identify the gap for developing
a platform by using proposed voice automation system
[21]. The schemes are summarized as follows.
IITM Journal of Management and IT 103 Volume 12, Issue 1 • January-June 2021
The process of sending and receiving commands
executes within 2 seconds. This system permits users
to get feedback status of household appliances via SMS
on their smartphones. The wide availability of GSM
network assures users can get worldwide accessibility
to control appliances for maximum security and
IITM Journal of Management and IT 104 Volume 12, Issue 1 • January-June 2021
The Arduino Uno as depicted in Figure 6 is a
microcontroller board based on the ATmega328p. It
has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be
used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz
ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an
ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything
needed to support the microcontroller. We either need to
connect it to a computer using a USB cable or power it
with an AC-to-DC adapter. The Arduino circuit acts as
an interface between the software part and the hardware
part of the project.
Figure 5: HC-05 Bluetooth Interfacing with Arduino UNO
The automation system connects with the smartphone
through Bluetooth. The smart phone sends control signals
to switch home appliances ON or OFF by an android
app through Bluetooth interface. The project is built on
Arduino UNO and is used to control LEDs and four
home appliances connected to the Arduino through relays.
(Refer Figure 2). Application in an android smartphone
as shown in figure 3.
B. Bluetooth module
The pictorial representation of the deployed Bluetooth
modules is shown in Figure. 4. The Bluetooth technology
for exchanges data over short distances (using short- Figure 6: arduino uno
wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from 2.4 to
2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobile devices, and building
personal area networks (PANs). The Bluetooth module
being used allows us to transmit and receive signals. It
receives the text from the Android phone and transmits it
to the serial port of the Arduino Uno. HC-05 module is an
easy to use Bluetooth SPP (Serial Port Protocol) module,
designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup.
Serial port Bluetooth module is fully qualified Bluetooth
V2.0+EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) 3Mbps Modulation
with complete 2.4GHz radio transceiver and baseband.
It uses CSR Bluecore 04-External single chip Bluetooth
system with CMOS technology and with AFH(Adaptive
Frequency Hopping Feature). It has the footprint as small
as 12.7mmx27mm. Hope it will simplify your overall
design/development cycle. HC-05 Bluetooth Module
Interfacing with Arduino UNO is compulsory for the Figure 7: Prototype of proposed voice controlled home
data or command transmission. Default settings of HC- automation
05 Bluetooth module can be changed using certain AT The Bluetooth module transmits the text to the Arduino
commands. As HC-05 Bluetooth module has 3.3 V level Uno serial port. The text is matched against the various
for RX/TX and microcontroller can detect 3.3 V level, combinations of predefined texts to switch the appliances
so, there is no need to shift TX voltage level of HC-05 on/off. The appliance name and a command for on/
module. But we need to shift the transmit voltage level off are stored as predefined command. For example, to
from microcontroller to RX of HC-05 module. switch on a television the user needs to say “television
IITM Journal of Management and IT 105 Volume 12, Issue 1 • January-June 2021
on” and to switch it off he needs to say “television off”. user gives the command to microcontroller by using
The appliances are connected via the relay boards to speech recognition system of smartphone and system
pin numbers 2, 3 and 4 of the Arduino Uno. When the software application via Bluetooth module HC-05. The
matching text is detected the corresponding pin number is microcontroller acts accordingly to the command give user
given a high or low output signal to switch the appliance and controls the functionality of mechanical relay. The
on and off respectively. Arduino Uno is programmed using Arduino IDE which is
software; the user interface application is Arduino Voice
D. Relays Control. As the figure 8 shows it is is the home automation
The mechanical relay have capability for acting as switch system or we called Voice Controlled Home Automation.
for turning on and off electrical loads. They Woks simply
by providing small electrical power in form of electrical V. IMPLEMENTATION AND TEST
signal. This allow high power loads controlled by using PROTOTYPE
small amount of power. The mechanical relay uses
electromechanical coil to open and close the circuit. When A low cost and efficient smart home system is presented
small amount of current passes through coil it excites the in the proposed design shown in Fig.8. This system has
coil and generates magnetic field and either pull the bar two main modules: the hardware interface module and
or release the bar which is used for opening and closing the software communication module. At the heart of
the circuit, here opening and closing means restricts flow this system is the Arduino Mega 2560 microcontroller
of current and vice versa respectively.(Refer Figure 7) a which is also capable of functioning as a micro web
relay is an electromagnetic switch. In other words it is server and the interface for all the hardware modules. All
activated when a current is applied to it. Normally a relay communication and controls in this system pass through
is used in a circuit as a type of switch (as shown below). the microcontroller.
There are different types of relays and they operate at Using the above mentioned components we implement our
different voltages. When a circuit is built the voltage system on a breadboard. The microcontroller device with
that will trigger it has to be considered. In this project the Bluetooth module and relay circuit needs to be attached
the relay circuit is used to turn the appliances on/off. with the switch board. Then we need to launch the android
The high/low signal is supplied from the Arduino Uno based application-“ARDUINO VOICE CONTROL” on
microcontroller. When a low voltage is given to the relay our Smartphone. Through the application we can instruct
of an appliance it is turned off and when a high voltage the microcontroller to switch on/off an appliance. After
is given it is turned on. The relay circuit to drive four getting the instruction through the Bluetooth module the
appliances in the Voice-operated Android and Arduino microcontroller gives the signal to the relay board.
Home automation system is shown below. The number The application first searches for the Bluetooth device. If it
of appliances can be modified according to the user’s is available then it launches the voice recognizer. It reads
requirements. the voice and converts the audio signal into a string. It
produces a value for each appliance which will be given
to the microcontroller device. The microcontroller uses the
port in serial mode. After reading the data it decodes the
input value and sends a signal to the parallel port through
which the relay circuit will be activated. In this work we
use Bluetooth module. We can also attach a GSM module
to do the work, using which the application can be used
anywhere where a mobile network is available.
Figure 8: Relay
Arduino based device control using Bluetooth on
Smartphone project can be enhanced to control the speed
of the fan or volume of the buzzer etc. Home automation
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM MODEL and Device controlling can be done using Internet of
The system is designed by using three main components, Things – IOT technology. Replacement of Bluetooth by
first is microcontroller Arduino Uno, second is Bluetooth GSM modem may achieve device controlling by sending
module HC-05 and third is mechanical relay. Firstly SMS using GSM modem.
IITM Journal of Management and IT 106 Volume 12, Issue 1 • January-June 2021
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Figure 9: System flow chart
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