Indegene MehtaEquities IPONote
Indegene MehtaEquities IPONote
Indegene MehtaEquities IPONote
INDEGENE LTD 06-05-2024 - 08-05-2024
Industry: Digital-Led Commercialization Services Price Band: ₹430-452
Recommendation: Subscribe for long term Post Implied Market Cap: – ₹10,346 - ₹10,836 Cr
Key Data About the Company
Issue Size (₹ Cr) 1,789 - 1,842 Indegene Ltd, established in 1998, provides digital-led commercialization services for the life sciences
Fresh (₹) 760 industry. They assist biopharmaceutical, emerging biotech, and medical device companies in product
OFS (₹) 1,082
development, market launch, and sales. With over two decades of healthcare domain expertise and
No of shares offered 41,628,952 -
tailored technology, they offer comprehensive solutions covering commercial, medical, regulatory, and
Face Value (₹ /share) R&D operations for life sciences companies.
Bid Lot 33 Investment Rationales
Domain expertise in healthcare: Indegene leverages its domain expertise to use technology effectively,
Indicative Timetable
optimizing sales and marketing costs, enabling omnichannel activation, expediting patient recruitment for
Activity On or about
clinical trials, and accelerating regulatory submissions. With a highly skilled team, including 20.49% of
Finalisation of Basis of Allotment 9/5/2024
employees with healthcare backgrounds, they offer end-to-end support across the commercialization
Refunds/Unblocking ASBA Fund 10/5/2024
value chain for life sciences companies.
Credit of equity shares to DP A/c 10/5/2024
Trading commences 13/5/2024
Robust digital capabilities and in-house developed technology portfolio: Indegene has developed
proprietary AI-based tools and platforms under the "NEXT" brand, aiming to optimize various aspects of
Shareholding (No. of shares)
the R&D and commercialization processes in the life sciences industry. Supported by a team of 650
Pre-Issue 222,435,091 individuals, including a Gen AI workbench, these tools facilitate interaction between technology experts
Post Issue (Lower price band) 240,606,392 and subject matter experts, driving enterprise outcomes at scale across content management, safety,
Post Issue (Higher price band) 239,743,990 regulatory intelligence, customer data management, clinical trials, and workflow management.
Shareholding Pattern
Global delivery model: Indegene offers solutions through two delivery models: enterprise-wide
Public - Individual Selling S/h:
technology-enabled COEs and digital Omnichannel Activation solutions. Their COEs consist of subject
Pre Issue 19.89%
Post Issue
experts collaborating with clients to deliver technology-enabled solutions globally. Omnichannel
Activation enables digital sales and marketing campaigns, reducing the reliance on medical
Public - Investor Selling S/h: representatives for biopharmaceutical companies.
Pre Issue 36.70%
Post Issue 26.42% Track record of creating value through acquisitions: Indegene has executed multiple successful
acquisitions since 2005, leveraging synergies, networks, technologies, and talent pools. These
Public - Others:
Pre Issue
acquisitions have expanded their solutions portfolio, accessing new technologies, markets, and clients.
Post Issue 57.23% The latest acquisition is expected to enhance their commercialization portfolio with brand strategy,
marketing development capabilities, and patient engagement platforms.
Employee Trust::
Pre Issue 0.17%
Post Issue 0.16% 1) Concentration of clients in revenue contribution.
Issue Breakup 2) Regulated by data protection and various other laws.
MEL or its associates have not been debarred / suspended by SEBI or any other regulatory authority for accessing / dealing in securities Market. MEL, its associates or Research
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Before making an investment decisionon the basis of this research, the reader needs to consider,with or without the assistance of an adviser,whether the advice is appropriate
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Registration granted by SEBI and certification from NISM in no way guarantee performance of the intermediary or provide any assurance of returns to investors
Digitally signed by PRASHANTH TAPSE
Msearch’s Recommendation (Absolute Performance)
DN: c=IN, o=Personal, title=9900,
Buy: > 20% within the next 12 Months Uvh0nyjf,
Accumulate: 5% to 20% within the next 12 Months
, postalCode=410206, st=Maharashtra,
Sell : < -20% within the next 12 Months daa39e207395253da05e3cc35578e3bd25c
MEHTA EQUITIES LTD Date: 2024.05.03 13:22:42 +05'30'
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