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ODL-BCI: Optimal deep learning model for

brain-computer interface to classify students confusion

via hyperparameter tuning

Md Ochiuddin Miaha , Umme Habibaa , Md Faisal Kabirb,∗

a Department of Computer Science, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA.
b Department of Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University - Harrisburg, PA, USA.


Brain-computer interface (BCI) research has gained increasing attention in edu-

cational contexts, offering the potential to monitor and enhance students’ cogni-
tive states. Real-time classification of students’ confusion levels using electroen-
cephalogram (EEG) data presents a significant challenge in this domain. Since
real-time EEG data is dynamic and highly dimensional, current approaches have
some limitations for predicting mental states based on this data. This paper
introduces an optimal deep learning (DL) model for the BCI, ODL-BCI, opti-
mized through hyperparameter tuning techniques to address the limitations of
classifying students’ confusion in real time. Leveraging the ”confused student
EEG brainwave” dataset, we employ Bayesian optimization to fine-tune hyper-
parameters of the proposed DL model. The model architecture comprises input
and output layers, with several hidden layers whose nodes, activation functions,
and learning rates are determined utilizing selected hyperparameters. We eval-
uate and compare the proposed model with some state-of-the-art methods and
standard machine learning (ML) classifiers, including Decision Tree, AdaBoost,
Bagging, MLP, Naı̈ve Bayes, Random Forest, SVM, and XG Boost, on the
EEG confusion dataset. Our experimental results demonstrate the superiority
of the optimized DL model, ODL-BCI. It boosts the accuracy between 4% and

∗ Correspondingauthor
Email address: mpk5904@psu.edu (Md Faisal Kabir)

Preprint submitted to Journal of LATEX Templates February 2, 2024

9% over the current approaches, outperforming all other classifiers in the pro-
cess. The ODL-BCI implementation source codes can be accessed by anyone
Keywords: Brain-computer Interface; Electroencephalogram; Hyperparameter
Tuning; Machine Learning; Deep Learning; Neural Network; Bayesian

1. Introduction

The evolution of BCI technology has unlocked groundbreaking pathways

in cognitive neuroscience, especially in understanding and interpreting EEG
data [1, 2, 3]. EEG, a representation of the brain’s electrical activity, offers
invaluable insights into cognitive states and has diverse applications, ranging
from medical diagnostics to enhancing learning experiences in education [4, 5, 6].
One critical aspect lies in monitoring and assessing students’ confusion levels in
education, which can provide valuable insights into their learning behaviours and
enable educators to tailor personalized teaching methods for improved learning
outcomes [7, 8]. Despite its potential, extracting meaningful information from
EEG data is complex, requiring sophisticated analytical models to handle its
high dimensionality and variability [9, 10].
Recent advancements in deep learning have shown exceptional promise in
analyzing EEG signals, providing the ability to learn intricate patterns and as-
sociations from vast and complex datasets [11]. Nevertheless, the performance
of DL models is heavily contingent upon the careful selection of hyperparam-
eters [12]. Manual tuning is not only laborious and time-consuming but also
rarely yields optimal results [13]. This has led researchers to seek automated,
intelligent methods for hyperparameter optimization [14].
However, the right choice of hyperparameters, such as the number of hidden
layers, the number of nodes per layer, the kind of activation function, and the
learning rate, greatly influence how well DL models perform [15]. The tradi-
tional methods to tune these hyperparameters, such as grid search or random

search, have significant drawbacks [12]. They can be computationally expensive
and inefficient in exploring the hyperparameter space, and they do not consider
the interactions between hyperparameters, which may impact the model’s per-
formance [16]. On the other hand, Bayesian Optimization (BO) is a compelling
solution, offering a conscientious and efficient approach for hyperparameter tun-
ing in DL models [16]. This probabilistic model-based optimization technique
iteratively updates the belief about the objective function to find the maximum
value in a minimum number of steps [15, 16].
In this study, we explore the efficacy of Bayesian Optimization in fine-tuning
hyperparameters for a deep-structured learning model dedicated to classifying
students’ confusion levels from EEG data. Confusion assessment is particularly
challenging due to the subtle nature of the cognitive states of the brain signal.
The proposed optimal DL model for the ODL-BCI maps hyperparameters to
a probability score on the objective function, creating a probabilistic and ac-
curate function model. Unlike traditional methods, it uses information from
past evaluations for future selection, thus offering an efficient exploration of
the hyperparameter space. By incorporating the complex interaction of hyper-
parameters and balancing exploration and exploitation in the hyperparameter
space, ODL-BCI improves the performance of the DL model, which surpasses
traditional ML and state-of-the-art approaches in accuracy and efficiency.
Our research contributes to the field by:

• Presenting a DL model optimized by Bayesian techniques for EEG brain

data interpretation.

• Empirically validating the model against conventional classifiers and state-

of-the-art methods.

• Establishing the groundwork for real-time BCI applications in educational

settings to monitor and enhance student engagement.

The ramifications of this work extend beyond the educational sphere, suggesting
potential adaptations in neurotherapeutic settings and human-computer inter-

action paradigms.
The rest of this paper is organized as Section 2 literature review, a summary
of similar existing works. Then, we move to Section 3 to explain the experimen-
tal setup and how we got EEG data. In Section 4, we detail our proposed DL
method. We share the results of our experiments in Section 5 and then wrap up
with Section 7, where we conclude and discuss future works, suggesting where
this research could go next.

2. Related Work

The application of DL and ML models explored several studies in brain-

computer interfaces (BCIs) for various cognitive tasks. To predict motor im-
agery tasks from multi-channel EEG data, Miah et al. [1] present the ensemble
method called CluSem based on clustering. Their approach achieves high accu-
racy in classifying motor imagery tasks, showcasing its potential for improving
the performance of BCIs. The study contributes to developing more accurate
and reliable brain signal analysis techniques. Kabir et al. [16] conduct a com-
prehensive performance analysis of dimensionality reduction algorithms in ML
models for cancer prediction. Their results clarify how various dimensionality
reduction methods affect cancer prediction models’ predictive accuracy. The
present study significantly contributes to ML model optimization for precise
cancer diagnosis and prediction.
Santamarı́a-Vázquez et al. [11] propose a robust asynchronous control method
for ERP-based BCIs using DL. Their research focuses on enhancing the usability
and effectiveness of BCIs by leveraging DL techniques. The study demonstrates
the potential of DL for achieving reliable and efficient asynchronous control of
BCIs, facilitating improved communication between humans and machines. Wu
et al. [15] the authors propose an automated approach for hyperparameter tun-
ing in deep learning-based side-channel analysis. The authors demonstrate im-
proved performance in analyzing side-channel vulnerabilities by optimizing the
hyperparameters. This research contributes to advancing automated techniques

for enhancing the effectiveness of deep learning-based side-channel analysis.
Men and Li [7] investigate using EEG signals to detect student confusion in
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Their study demonstrates the poten-
tial of EEG-based analysis in monitoring and understanding the cognitive states
of students during online learning. By detecting confusion, this research con-
tributes to developing effective interventions and personalized learning strategies
in MOOCs, ultimately enhancing the learning experience. Kunang et al. [13]
the authors investigate the application of DL and hyperparameter optimization
techniques for classifying attacks in an intrusion detection system (IDS). The
study demonstrates the effectiveness of DL models in accurately classifying dif-
ferent types of attacks and the importance of hyperparameter optimization in
improving the performance of the IDS. This research contributes to cyberse-
curity by showcasing the potential of DL and hyperparameter optimization for
robust attack classification in IDS.
Cooney et al. [12] evaluate the impact of hyperparameter optimization in
the machine and DL methods for decoding imagined speech using EEG signals.
Their research emphasizes the importance of optimizing hyperparameters for
accurately and reliably decoding imagined speech from EEG data. The study
provides valuable insights into optimizing ML models for understanding speech-
related brain activity. Reñosa et al. [17] focus on classifying confusion levels
using EEG data and artificial neural networks (ANNs). Their study demon-
strates the potential of EEG-based classification in assessing cognitive states,
such as confusion. By leveraging ANNs, the authors provide insights into us-
ing EEG data for real-time cognitive assessment, with potential applications in
various fields, including education and human-computer interaction.
Miah et al. [18] using brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) to forecast the ori-
entations of voluntary hand movements and develop a real-time EEG classifi-
cation system. Their study demonstrates the feasibility of using EEG signals
to accurately classify hand movement directions in real time, contributing to
the advancement of BMIs. The research showcases the potential of EEG-based
BMIs for applications in prosthetics, rehabilitation, and assistive technology.

Thomas et al. [19] examine how DL methods are used in BCIs. According
to their research, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural
networks (RNNs), two DL algorithms, perform better at accurately classifying
brain signals than more conventional techniques. This demonstrates how DL
can improve the functionality and performance of BCIs, opening the door to
more efficient brain-computer communication.
While these existing papers have significantly contributed to the BCIs field,
our paper addresses notable gaps. Firstly, many current approaches need more
focus on hyperparameter optimization, relying on traditional methods that
might limit BCI model optimization. Our paper introduces more efficient Bayesian
optimization for hyperparameter tuning. Secondly, there is a need for more spe-
cialized models for classifying cognitive states, such as confusion levels, using
EEG signals. Our paper bridges this gap by introducing ODL-BCI, designed ex-
plicitly for personalized education and cognitive state monitoring. Thirdly, the
efficiency required for practical BCI deployment in real-world scenarios should
be considered. Our paper emphasizes both effectiveness and efficiency. Lastly,
while previous studies primarily report accuracy, our comprehensive analysis
of sensitivity, precision, and F-score demonstrates the practical advantages of
ODL-BCI over existing algorithms, highlighting its novelty in these critical as-

3. Experimental Paradigm and Signal Acquisitions

3.1. NeuroSky MindSet

The NeuroSky MindSet EEG headset is used by Wang et al. [20] to record
the ”confused student EEG brainwave” dataset. This headset is an innovative
BCI device engineered for the measurement and recording of electrical brain
activity through electroencephalography (EEG) [21]. It is primarily marketed
as a BCI device, allowing users to interact with various applications and devices
using their brainwave activity [22]. The main feature of the NeuroSky MindSet
headset is equipped with an EEG sensor, which is its primary component for

measuring the brain’s electrical activity [23]. This single dry electrode is strate-
gically positioned on the FP1 area of the forehead to capture brainwave data.
Complementing this, the headset also employs reference and ground sensors lo-
cated on the ear clip [21]. These are essential for establishing a baseline for the
EEG measurements, ensuring the captured data remains accurate and devoid of
external interference [24]. It records numeric values determined by proprietary
algorithms, reflecting the user’s mental states like attention and meditation.
The device also logs numeric values for frequency bands, capturing data from 0
to 60Hz every half-second [17].

Figure 1: NeuroSky headset electrodes distribution according to the 10-20 international sys-
tem. Source: NeuroSky.

It has 14 metallic electrodes mounted on a plastic base, meticulously po-

sitioned on the scalp in accordance with the internationally recognized 10-20
system [25]. Refer to Figure 1 for a visual representation of the electrode layout,
aligning with the 10-20 system which is used by Wang et al. [20]. The 10-20 sys-
tem’s meticulous electrode placement ensures consistency and standardization
by distributing electrodes based on precise percentages of the scalp’s left-right
and front-back dimensions [26]. This adherence to the 10-20 system simplifies
integration with existing EEG research and data analysis methodologies [5].

3.2. EEG Dataset Background and Description
The primary objective of the EEG dataset was to investigate the relation-
ship between students’ confusion levels and EEG signals while watching Massive
Open Online Courses (MOOC). The dataset was inspired by a pilot study con-
ducted by Wang et al. [20], where college students’ EEG signals were collected
to determine their confusion levels when exposed to MOOC content.

Table 1: Features extracted from EEG NeuroSky MindSet.

Features Description Sampling Rate

Attention Proprietary measure of mental focus 1 Hz
Meditation Proprietary measure of calmness 1 Hz
Raw Raw EEG signal 512 Hz
Delta (δ) 1-3 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Theta (θ) 4-7 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Alpha1 (α) Lower 8-11 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Alpha2 (α) Higher 8-11 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Beta1 (β) Lower 12-29 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Beta2 (β) Higher 12-29 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Gamma1 (γ) Lower 30-100 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz
Gamma2 (γ) Higher 30-100 Hz of power spectrum 8 Hz

Ten college students were enlisted in this dataset to participate in the study.
Each student is equipped with a wireless single-channel Neurosky MindSet EEG
headset. [27], which precisely measured cerebral activity over the frontal lobe.
These students were tasked with watching a set of ten 2-minute-long videos.
The MindSet EEG device adeptly extracted a comprehensive set of features, as
outlined in Table 1, to capture various aspects of cognitive responses. Notable
features included ”Attention,” serving as a metric for the students’ mental focus,
and ”Meditation,” quantifying levels of calmness.
Furthermore, the original EEG signals were averaged and represented by the
”Raw” feature. Features from various power spectrum frequency regions were
also included in the dataset. These features were sampled at a frequency of 2 Hz,
providing a detailed insight into students’ cognitive states. The total number of
data samples for this selected dataset is 12,811, where confused are 6,567 and
not-confused are 6,244. Based on the duration of the material presented to each

Figure 2: Correlation matrix plot of the extracted features from EEG neuroheadset.

student, these data samples are split into average values of 120. With ten data
points from each student, this yields 100 data points. The researchers cut out
the first and last 30 seconds from each visual material to represent roughly 60
seconds of data samples in each data point. Only the middle portion of each
recording was shown to the participating students in the experiment where the
dataset was gathered. So, each visual material had an approximate duration of
two minutes or less.
Figure 2 shows the extracted features’ correlation matrix with a color bar
that emphasizes the likelihood that each extracted feature will be correlated with
the other. There is a chance that the diagonal will have one (off-white). As can
be seen, the hierarchical clustering approach was used to display the correlation
matrix. Light colors indicate positive correlations, while deep shades indicate
negative correlations. The box shows the values of the correlation coefficient, ei-
ther positive or negative. The colors are mapped with varying coefficient values
on the right side. As can be seen, the correlation between attention and medita-

tion and the remaining features is inverse, and the highest linear correlation was
found between the extracted features’ beta and gamma signals. The ODL-BCI
datasets are available for anyone athttps://github.com/MdOchiuddinMiah/ODL-

4. Classification Techniques

Classification techniques play a pivotal role in the realm of BCIs to analyze

EEG data [1]. The application of these techniques aids in classifying different
mental states based on the acquired data [18, 5]. In this study, we utilized several
baseline models, including Decision Tree, AdaBoost, Bagging, Multilayer Per-
ceptron (MLP), Naı̈ve Bayes, Random Forest, Support Vector Machines (SVM),
XG Boost, and a specially designed DL model. Each of these classifiers offers
different strengths, and their performance tends to vary depending on the na-
ture of the dataset and problem at hand [28]. Our objective was to explore
and compare the efficiency of these classifiers on the EEG data, with particular
emphasis on our proposed DL model.

4.1. Baseline Models

This section presents an overview of the baseline models employed in our

investigation. These models serve as essential benchmarks for assessing the
performance of our proposed DL model, ODL − BCI, in classifying students’
confusion levels from EEG data.

4.1.1. Decision Tree

Decision trees are renowned for their interpretability and simplicity [18].
They partition the dataset based on the most relevant features, constructing a
tree-like structure that aids decision-making [1]. Here, we implement the C4.5
[29] algorithm.

4.1.2. AdaBoost
AdaBoost is an ensemble learning method that combines several weak clas-
sifiers’ predictions to produce a robust classifier[1]. It focuses on rectifying the
errors of prior classifiers, ultimately enhancing classification accuracy [28]. We
used the C4.5 algorithm and 100 learners to train and build a robust classifier.

4.1.3. Bagging
Bagging, or Bootstrap Aggregating, is another ensemble method that crafts
numerous base models using random subsets of the dataset [5]. The amalgama-
tion of these models results in better predictions, reducing overfitting [1]. We
used DecisionT reeClassif ier as the base estimator.

4.1.4. Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)

MLP, an artificial neural network, consists of multiple interconnected layers
[1]. It excels at capturing complex patterns in data [1]. Here, we deploy MLP
to gauge its performance relative to our DL approach. We used 100 hidden
layers, activation function relu, adam for weight optimization, and learning
rate 0.0001.

4.1.5. Naı̈ve Bayes

The Naı̈ve Bayes classifier relies on Bayes’ theorem and feature independence
assumption [5]. Despite its simplicity, it demonstrates surprising effectiveness,
particularly in text classification tasks [28]. We used the M ultinomialN B clas-
sifier to construct the model.

4.1.6. Random Forest

Random Forest is an ensemble approach that builds multiple decision trees
during training and aggregates their results[28]. Its robustness and suitability
for high-dimensional data make it a valuable baseline [28]. We used 100 trees in
the forest with gini classifier and minimum samples 2 to split an internal node.

4.1.7. Support Vector Machines (SVM)
SVMs are potent classifiers that aim to identify a hyperplane best suited to
segregate data points from different classes [18]. They shine in high-dimensional
spaces and complex datasets [28]. We implement SVM with linearkernel and
predict proba to enable probability estimation.

4.1.8. XG Boost
Renowned for its speed and performance, XG Boost is a gradient-boosting
algorithm that builds an ensemble of decision trees iteratively, focusing on re-
ducing predictive errors [30]. We used binary : logistic for binary classification
with logistic regression [30] and 100 decision trees in the ensemble with one
random seed for reproducibility.

4.2. Proposed Deep Learning Model

Our proposed method incorporates an optimal deep-learning model with

hyperparameters optimized by Bayesian optimization. It has been tailored ex-
plicitly for BCI data analysis. The below sections provide a detailed outline of
the model structure, parameter selection, optimization technique, model con-
struction, and training.

4.2.1. Model Structure and Parameter Selection

The architecture of our DL model consists of an output layer, multiple hidden
layers, and an input layer. The quantity of input features and output classes
determines the nodes in the input and output layers. The architecture and
parameters of the hidden layers are meticulously selected through the Bayesian
optimization process, as highlighted in Table 2 and 3. The model features four
hidden layers (H1, H2, H3, H4) with varying numbers of nodes (200, 100, 50,
16, respectively). The activation functions for these layers, selected based on
their performance during the optimization process, are either Rectified Linear
Units (RELU) or Parametric Rectified Linear Units (PRELU). The learning
rates for each layer are set at 0.001 or 0.01, again based on the optimization

process. Binary crossentropy as loss function and optimizer Adam used to train
the model. Two nodes on the output layer represent the class label Confused
and Not-Confused, which used the activation function Sigmoid to calculate the
output of the nodes.

Table 2: Optimized ODL-BCI hyperparameters.

Hyperparameters List of Values (N)

No. of Layers 1≤N≤6
Nodes per Layer 4 ≤ N ≤ 200
Activation Function Sigmoid, RELU, PRELU, ELU, Swish, Tanh
Learning Rate 0.000001, 0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1

Table 3: Summary of the Best Parameters.

Grid Search Bayesian Algorithm

Number of hidden Layer 3 4
Size of hidden Layers 150-60-20 200-100-50-16
Activation Function PRELU, Sigmoid RELU, PRELU, Sigmoid
Learning Rate 0.001 0.001
Time [h:m:s] 23:10:40 12:10:20
Number Of runs 42,552 21,200
Accuracy 68% 74%

4.2.2. Bayesian Optimization

The centerpiece of our hyperparameter optimization process is the imple-
mentation of Bayesian Optimization, as described in Algorithm 2. Initially, the
hyperparameters are set to none. Each iteration includes sampling parameters
from the search space, performing cross-validation, calculating an evaluation
metric, and adding the parameters and evaluation metric to the hyperparam-
eters set. This process continues until the top hyperparameters that yield the
highest evaluation metric are obtained.

4.2.3. Model Construction and Training

Our DL model’s creation and training process are governed by the proce-
dures listed in Algorithm 1. The model starts by dividing the BCI data into

Table 4: The best performed hyperparameters for the deep structured model on students
confusion EEG dataset.

Hidden Layers Nodes per Layer Activation Function Learning Rate

Layer H1 200 RELU 0.001
Layer H2 100 RELU 0.001
Layer H3 50 PRELU 0.01
Layer H4 16 PRELU 0.001

Figure 3: The work-flow of the proposed optimal deep learning model for student’s confusion
EEG dataset.

80% training and the remaining 20% test datasets. Following this, the Bayesian
optimization process generates a set of hyperparameters. The model is initial-
ized using these parameters, trained using the training data, and evaluated on
the test data. This cycle is repeated for each set of hyperparameters, with the
most accurate model on the test data identified as the best model. Its hyper-
parameters are then stored.
The developed DL model, with its bespoke structure and optimization pro-

cess, offers a potent approach to BCI data analysis. As confirmed by the results
shown in Table 5, the model surpasses traditional ML classifiers, demonstrating
an accuracy of 74%. This underscores the viability and superiority of DL mod-
els optimized with Bayesian optimization in BCI applications. The ODL-BCI
implementation with compared models source codes can be accessed by anyone

5. Experiments

We performed a series of experiments to test the effectiveness of our pro-

posed DL model. Our experimental setup, the optimized hyperparameters of
the model, and the results obtained will be discussed in the following sections.

5.1. Experimental Setup

All experiments were performed on a MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i7 3.3
GHz Dual-Core processor and 16 GB of RAM. Python 3.8 was utilized as the
primary language for coding, while the Scikit-learn 0.21.2 and TensorFlow 2.9
libraries facilitated the implementation of the machine-learning models. Spyder
3.3.1 (https://www.spyder-ide.org), a Python development environment, was
used for coding and running the models.
Using popular ML algorithms as benchmarks, our model’s performance is
evaluated using classification metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and
F-score. Eq. 1 is used to quantify the accuracy; when xi is correctly classified,
assess(xi ) = 1; when xi is misclassified, assess(xi ) = 0 [1]. The computations
are displayed in Eq. 2 to 4 [28, 18]. The weighted average values of precision,
recall, and F-score are considered. The true positive rate (TPR) and false pos-
itive rate (FPR) trade-off between the classifiers was visualized and quantified
using ROC curves and AUC scores. The calculations are defined in Eqs. 5
and 6 [18]. The true positive rate (TPR) is plotted against the false positive
rate (FPR) in the ROC curve. The lowest threshold is represented by a line,
y = x, in the au-ROC curve, where correctly classified data points indicate 1
and misclassified instances are revealed as 0 [28].

Algorithm 1 Proposed deep learning model with optimized hyperparameters
by Bayesian Optimization
Input: BCI data D
Output: Optimized deep learning model

1: Split D into train data and test data;

2: hyperparams = BayesianOptimization();
3: best accuracy = 0;
4: best model = None;
5: best hyperparams = None;
6: for params in hyperparams do
7: nl = params[’no of layers’];
8: npl = params[’nodes per layer’];
9: af = params[’activation function’];
10: lr = params[’learning rate’];
11: model = initialize model(nl, npl, af, lr);
12: train model with train data;
13: accuracy = evaluate model(test data);
14: if accuracy > best accuracy then
15: best accuracy = accuracy;
16: best model = model;
17: best hyperparams = params;
18: end if
19: end for
20: return best model with best hyperparams;

Algorithm 2 Bayesian Optimization for proposed deep learning model ODL-
Output: Optimized hyperparams
1: hyperparams = None;
2: for each iteration do
3: Sample params from the search space;
4: Perform cross-validation with params;
5: Calculate evaluation metric;
6: hyperparams ∪ {params, evaluation metric};
7: end for
8: Sort hyperparams in descending by evaluation metric;
9: return top hyperparams;

i=1 assess(xi )
Accuracy = , xi ∈ X (1)

P recision = (2)

Recall = (3)

2 × precision × recall
F − score = (4)
precision + recall

TPR = (5)

FPR = (6)
The notations TP, TN, FP, and FN denote the true positive, true negative,
false positive, and false negative results, respectively [1].

5.2. Results

Our empirical results are embodied in Tables 2 through 5, which jointly pro-
vide a comprehensive view of the optimal DL model’s hyperparameter tuning,
comparative performance, and preferred configuration.
We initially evaluated the performances of the ODL-BCI model with differ-
ent learning parameters. These parameters were tested using a comprehensive
hyperparameter list, including the number of layers, nodes per layer, activation
function types, and learning rate, as Table. 2 detailed.
Table 3 tabulates the best parameters suggested by the grid search and
Bayesian optimization algorithms. The total execution time taken by the Grid
Search is more than 23 hours, almost double that of the Bayesian Algorithm.
Also, the number of runs for the Bayesian Algorithm is half the number for Grid
Search. A primary concern is the accuracy, and our observations indicate that
Bayesian optimization outperforms grid search regarding model accuracy 74%
and time efficiency.
The optimal hyperparameters for the DL model on students’ confusion EEG
dataset were selected based on the best performance metrics and are illustrated
in Table 4. This table elucidates the most practical combination of hidden
layers, nodes per layer, activation functions, and learning rate for the proposed
model. A four-layer model is proposed, employing RELU and PRELU activation
functions and adopting learning rates of 0.001 and 0.01.

Table 5: Accuracy and Average Sensitivity/Recall, Precision and F-score on EEG confusion

Classifiers Accuracy (%) Precision Recall F-score

Decision Tree 60 0.60 0.60 0.60
AdaBoost 61 0.61 0.61 0.61
Bagging 64 0.65 0.64 0.64
MLP 66 0.66 0.66 0.66
Naı̈ve Bayes 58 0.58 0.58 0.58
Random Forest 69 0.69 0.69 0.69
SVM 58 0.58 0.58 0.58
XG Boost 67 0.67 0.67 0.67
ODL-BCI 74 0.74 0.74 0.74

Figure 4: ROC and AUC analysis of ODL-BCI model compared to popular classifiers on
students confusion EEG dataset.

Next, the performance of the ODL-BCI model was compared with exist-
ing methods, such as Decision Tree, AdaBoost, Bagging, MLP, Naı̈ve Bayes,
Random Forest, SVM, and XG Boost. The comparative analysis of accuracy,
precision, recall, and F-score of these classifiers on students’ confusion level
EEG data is presented in Table 5. The proposed DL model significantly out-
performs the existing classifiers. The ODL-BCI model achieves 74% accuracy,
precision, recall, and F-score, demonstrating superior performance to the other
tested classifiers. While existing ensemble approaches can reach up to 69.0%
accuracy, single classifiers in this dataset failed to achieve more than 60% accu-
racy. The table indicates that ODL-BCI outperforms other ensemble classifiers
used for this task by more than 5.0%. Fig. 4 displays the decision boundaries
of the suggested method compared to the classifiers used for this dataset.
For a more in-depth understanding of our DL model’s behaviour, we moni-
tored its training progress over 2000 epochs. Figures 5 and 6 depict the accuracy
and loss over time. Notably, we observed that after approximately 400 epochs,
accuracy and loss reached stable levels. The accuracy plateaued at around 0.67,
while the loss remained below 0.60. These observations suggest that our model
effectively captured the underlying patterns in the data, achieving remarkable

Figure 5: Accuracy over time after 2000 epochs for proposed ODL-BCI model using student’s
brain data..


5.3. Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods

To evaluate the prowess of our proposed ODL-BCI model, we compared its

performance with several state-of-the-art methods previously employed on the
students’ confusion EEG dataset. This comparison sheds light on the effective-
ness of our novel approach in pushing the boundaries of classification accuracy.

Table 6: Compare with state-of-the-art methods used students confusion EEG dataset.

Classication Methods Accuracy (%)

SVM (linear kernel) (Ni et al. [31]) 67.2
Bidirectional LSTM (Ni et al. [31]) 73.3
RNN-LSTM (Ni et al. [31]) 69.0
LLM using BERT (Kostas et al. [32]) 59.0
Pre-defined Confusion Level (Haohan et al. [20]) 67.0
User-defined Confusion Level (Haohan et al. [20]) 56.0
Proposed ODL-BCI 74.0

As illustrated in Table 6, our ODL-BCI model achieved a remarkable accu-

racy of 74.0%. This accomplishment surpasses the performance of other notable
methods. For instance, SVM with a linear kernel, as documented by Ni et al.

Figure 6: Loss over time for optimized deep learning model after 2000 epochs.

[31], attained an accuracy of 67.2%. Meanwhile, Bidirectional LSTM and RNN-

LSTM, also explored by Ni et al. [31], achieved accuracies of 73.3% and 69.0%,
respectively. Haohan et al. [20] presented two approaches—Pre-defined Con-
fusion Level and User-defined Confusion Level—with accuracies of 67.0% and
56.0%, respectively.
In addition to our proposed ODL-BCI model, we explored the application of
Large Language Models (LLM) for the classification task, inspired by the work
of Kostas et al. [32]. Leveraging the BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representa-
tions from Transformers) model for sequence classification, our implementation
achieved an accuracy of 59%. The LLM approach involves tokenizing the EEG
data into sequences and training a transformer-based model on the provided
dataset. While our primary focus remains on the ODL-BCI model, utilizing
LLM presents an alternative perspective on EEG-based classification tasks. The
comparative performance of the ODL-BCI model and the LLM approach is de-
tailed in Table 6, highlighting the nuanced outcomes and shedding light on the
potential impact of different methodologies in confusion level detection.
Our ODL-BCI model’s substantial superiority over these state-of-the-art
methods is evident, marking a significant advancement in EEG-based confu-

sion level classification.

6. Threats to Validity

In discussing the findings of our study, it is essential to acknowledge poten-

tial threats to validity that may impact the robustness and generalizability of
our results. One potential threat is related to the dataset used in our experi-
ments. While we carefully curated a dataset of EEG data to represent students’
confusion levels, the inherent variability in individual cognitive responses may
introduce bias. Additionally, the relatively modest size of our dataset poses chal-
lenges in achieving complete generalizability. Furthermore, as with any machine
learning model, the performance of our proposed ODL-BCI is contingent on the
chosen hyperparameters and model architecture. Although we employed rigor-
ous optimization techniques such as Bayesian Optimization, the sensitivity of
these choices to different datasets and tasks remains a consideration. Lastly, us-
ing a specific preprocessing pipeline and feature extraction methods may impact
the reproducibility of our results in different experimental setups. Addressing
these challenges and exploring their potential impact on the outcomes of our
study is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of the proposed model’s

7. Conclusions & Future Work

This study introduced Bayesian optimization as a robust methodology for

fine-tuning hyperparameters in deep learning-based BCI models, aiming to clas-
sify students’ confusion levels using EEG data. We developed a tailored frame-
work that combines the power of DL with Bayesian optimization techniques,
creating a model referred to as ODL-BCI.
Our findings demonstrate that Bayesian optimization is exceptionally effec-
tive for optimizing hyperparameters in EEG-based cognitive state classification.
The ODL-BCI model, enriched with Bayesian optimization, outperformed con-
ventional ML classifiers and even state-of-the-art methods on the ”Confused

student EEG brainwave data” dataset. This model achieved an impressive ac-
curacy of 74 percent, underscoring its potential as a valuable tool in the educa-
tional sector for real-time confusion level assessment.
Although the proposed model shows promising results, future work can fur-
ther enhance its capabilities. For instance, the model can be tested with a larger
dataset to verify its scalability. Incorporating other types of neural networks
and more advanced optimization algorithms can also be explored to improve the
model’s performance. Furthermore, real-world deployment of the model in the
educational sector can be examined to assess its practical utility in enhancing
student confusion and learning outcomes.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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