Bright Saturday
Bright Saturday
Bright Saturday
H.H. Pope Tawadros, II
Pope and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark,
The Coptic Orthodox Church
In Egypt and Abroad
Night of Apocalypse
ليلة أبو غلمسيس
Table of Contents
PSALI WATOS (THE LORD HAS INCREASED GOODNESS FOR US) ............................................................................ 78
MELODY FOR BRIGHT SATURDAY ....................................................................................................................... 82
SATURDAY THEOTOKIA WITH WATOS TUNE ....................................................................................................... 85
SATURDAY LOBSH (EXPLANATION) WATOS ........................................................................................................ 89
THE LITANY OF THE OBLATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 93
LITANY “LET US PRAISE WITH THE ANGELS” ....................................................................................................... 95
THE DOXOLOGIES ............................................................................................................................................... 98
The Introduction to the Doxologies................................................................................................................ 98
Doxology for Bright Saturday........................................................................................................................ 99
Doxology for St. Mary ................................................................................................................................. 100
Doxology for Archangel Michael ................................................................................................................. 101
Doxology for the Heavenly Orders .............................................................................................................. 102
Doxology for St. John the Baptist ................................................................................................................ 104
Doxology for the Apostles............................................................................................................................ 104
Doxology for St. Mark ................................................................................................................................. 105
Doxology for St. Stephen ............................................................................................................................. 106
Doxology for St. George .............................................................................................................................. 107
Doxology for St. Philopateer Mercurius ...................................................................................................... 108
Doxology for St. Mina ................................................................................................................................. 109
Doxology for St. Antony the Great ............................................................................................................... 110
Doxology for St. Bishoy and St. Paul of Tammoh......................................................................................... 111
Conclusion of Doxologies............................................................................................................................ 112
INTRODUCTION TO THE ORTHODOX CREED ....................................................................................................... 113
THE ORTHODOX CREED .................................................................................................................................... 114
PROPHECY FROM ISAIAH 55:2 – 13 .................................................................................................................... 116
A HOMILY FOR OUR FATHER ST. ATHANASIUS THE APOSTOLIC ......................................................................... 117
THE PAULINE EPISTLE ...................................................................................................................................... 118
The Trisagion Hymn in Paschal Tune or Annual Tune ................................................................................. 120
JOYFUL CYMBALS ............................................................................................................................................ 120
THE LITANY OF THE GOSPEL ............................................................................................................................. 121
THE PSALM (HALF IN PASCHA TUNE AND HALF ANNUAL TUNE) .......................................................................... 123
Hymn “Ke `upertou = We Beseech” ........................................................................................................... 124
THE GOSPEL (HALF IN PASCHA TUNE AND HALF ANNUAL TUNE) ........................................................................ 124
Hymn “E;be vai = Wherefore We Glorify” ................................................................................................ 125
THE EXPOSITION .............................................................................................................................................. 125
THE THREE SHORT LITANIES ............................................................................................................................ 126
First Litany: The Litany of Peace ................................................................................................................ 127
Second Litany: The Litany of the Fathers .................................................................................................... 128
Third Litany: The Litany of the Assemblies .................................................................................................. 129
THE ABSOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 133
The First Absolution .................................................................................................................................... 133
The Prayer of Submission to the Son ........................................................................................................... 134
The Absolution to the Son ............................................................................................................................ 136
THE CONCLUDING HYMN ................................................................................................................................. 137
THE FINAL BLESSING........................................................................................................................................ 138
THE THIRD HOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 142
PSALM 19 (20) .................................................................................................................................................. 142
PSALM 22 (23) .................................................................................................................................................. 143
PSALM 23 (24) .................................................................................................................................................. 144
PSALM 25 (26) .................................................................................................................................................. 146
PSALM 28 (29) .................................................................................................................................................. 147
PSALM 29 (30) .................................................................................................................................................. 148
PSALM 33 (34) .................................................................................................................................................. 150
PSALM 40 (41) .................................................................................................................................................. 152
PSALM 42 (43) .................................................................................................................................................. 154
PSALM 44 (45) .................................................................................................................................................. 155
PSALM 45 (46) .................................................................................................................................................. 157
PSALM 46 (47) .................................................................................................................................................. 159
PROPHECIES OF THE THIRD HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY .................................................................................. 160
PSALM OF THE THIRD HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY .......................................................................................... 160
GOSPEL OF THE THIRD HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY......................................................................................... 161
LITANY “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY” ......................................................................................................................... 162
THE SIXTH HOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 164
PSALM 53 (54) .................................................................................................................................................. 164
PSALM 56 (57) .................................................................................................................................................. 165
PSALM 60 ......................................................................................................................................................... 166
PSALM 62 ......................................................................................................................................................... 167
PSALM 66 ......................................................................................................................................................... 169
PSALM 69 (70) .................................................................................................................................................. 170
PSALM 83 (84) .................................................................................................................................................. 170
PSALM 84 (85) .................................................................................................................................................. 172
PSALM 85 (86) .................................................................................................................................................. 174
PSALM 86 (87) .................................................................................................................................................. 176
PSALM 90 (91) .................................................................................................................................................. 177
PSALM 92 (93) .................................................................................................................................................. 179
PROPHECIES OF THE SIXTH HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY .................................................................................. 179
PSALM OF THE SIXTH HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY .......................................................................................... 180
GOSPEL OF THE SIXTH HOUR OF BRIGHT SATURDAY ......................................................................................... 181
LITANY “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY” ......................................................................................................................... 182
APOCALYPSE (BOOK OF REVELATION) ................................................................................................... 184
HYMN OF THE BLESSING ................................................................................................................................... 184
HYMN HAIL TO MARY THE QUEEN.................................................................................................................... 184
HYMN OF ST. JOHN ........................................................................................................................................... 186
THE REVELATION OF ST. JOHN THE THEOLOGIAN .............................................................................................. 186
Revelation 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 186
Revelation 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 190
Revelation 3 ................................................................................................................................................ 196
Revelation 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 201
Revelation 5 ................................................................................................................................................ 203
Revelation 6 ................................................................................................................................................ 206
Revelation 7 ................................................................................................................................................ 209
Revelation 8 ................................................................................................................................................ 214
Revelation 9 ................................................................................................................................................ 216
Revelation 10 .............................................................................................................................................. 221
Revelation 11 .............................................................................................................................................. 223
Revelation 12 .............................................................................................................................................. 227
Revelation 13 .............................................................................................................................................. 230
Revelation 14 .............................................................................................................................................. 234
Revelation 15 .............................................................................................................................................. 238
Revelation 16 .............................................................................................................................................. 239
Revelation 17 .............................................................................................................................................. 243
Revelation 18 .............................................................................................................................................. 247
Revelation 19 .............................................................................................................................................. 251
Revelation 20 .............................................................................................................................................. 256
Revelation 21 .............................................................................................................................................. 259
Revelation 22 .............................................................................................................................................. 265
Hymn Ak[i `t,aric `mMw`ucyc................................................................................................................... 269
THE PRAYER OF SUBMISSION ADDRESSED TO THE FATHER (INAUDIBLE)............................................................ 379
THE PRAYER OF ABSOLUTION ADDRESSED TO THE FATHER............................................................................... 380
THE CONFESSION.............................................................................................................................................. 385
PRAYERS BEFORE THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE HOLY MYSTERIES ........................................................................ 388
THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE HOLY MYSTERIES ................................................................................................... 391
HYMN MY GOD, MY GOD................................................................................................................................. 391
PROPHECIES OF THE EVE OF RESURRECTION ..................................................................................................... 394
A PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING AFTER COMMUNION ........................................................................................... 400
THE DISMISSAL ................................................................................................................................................ 402
THE SHORT BLESSING....................................................................................................................................... 402
Rites of Bright Saturday
طقس سبت الفرح
They start by chanting the following . التالي بلحنه المعروف151 يبدأون بتالوة المزمور
Psalm 151, with its known tune.
Psalm 151
151 المزمور
Najij au;ami`o `nouorganon@ ouoh My hands made a harp; يداى صنعتا األرغن وأصابعى
my fingers fashioned a lyre. .ألفت المزمار
natyb auhwtp `no'altyrion. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. . هلليلويا. هلليلويا.هلليلويا
Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a.
Ouoh nim pe `;na`stame Pa[oic@ And who will tell my هو،من هو الذى يخبر سيدى
Lord? The Lord himself; it الرب الذى يستجيب لجميع الذين
`n;of pe P[oic@ `n;of safcwtem is he who hears. .يصرخون إليه
`eouon niben etws `e`hryi oubyf.
N;of afouwrp `mpef`aggeloc It was he who sent his وهو أرسل مالكه ورفعنى من
messenger and took me . ومسحنى بدهن مسحته،غنم أبى
ouoh afolt `ebolqen ni`e;wou `nte from my father’s sheep, and . هلليلويا. هلليلويا.هلليلويا
anointed me with his
paiwt@ ouoh af;ahct qen `vneh `nte
pef;whc. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a.
Na`cnyou naneu ouoh hannis] ne My brothers were أخوتى حسان وكبار والرب لم
handsome and tall, but the .يسر بهم
ouoh `mpef ]ma] `nqytou `nje P[oic. Lord was not pleased with
Ai`i `ebol `e`hren piAllovuloc@ I went out to meet the خرجت للقاء الفلسطينى فلعننى
Philistine, and he cursed me .بأوثانه
afcahou`i `eroi qen nef`idewlon. by his idols. . هلليلويا. هلليلويا.هلليلويا
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a.
Anok de ai;wkem `ntefcyfi et,y But I drew his own فاستليت سيفه الذى كان بيده
sword; I beheaded him, .ونزعت رأسه عنه
`ntotf ai`wli `ntef `ave.
Ouoh ai`wli `nou[isipi `ebolqen and took away disgrace .ونزعت العار عن بنى إسرائيل
from the people of Israel. . هلليلويا. هلليلويا.هلليلويا
nensyri `mpIcrayl. Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia.
Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a.
They wrap the Book of Psalms in white يلفون سفر المزامير في ستر حرير أبيض ويطوفون
linen cloth and start a procession around the حول الكنيسة بالناقوس بينما يرتلون اللحن التالي (وهو
church chanting with cymbals the following .)لبش الهوس الثاني
hymn (which is the Second Hoos Lobsh).
+ Marenouwnh `ebol@ `mPi`,rictoc + Let us give thanks, to مع، المسيح إلهنا، فلنشكر+
Christ our God, with David . داود النبي،المرتل
Pennou]@ nem piiero'altyc@ Dauid the prophet, and psalmist.
Je af;amio `nnivyou`i@ nem For He has made the ، وجنودها،ألنه خلق السموات
heavens, and all its hosts, . على المياه،وأسَّس األرض
noudunamic@ afhicen] `mpikahi@ `e`hryi and established the earth, on
the waters.
hijen nimwou.
+ Nainis] `mvwctyr@ piry nem + These two great stars, ، هذان الكوكبان العظيمان+
the sun and the moon, He ، جعلهما ينيران،الشمس والقمر
piioh@ af,au euerouwini@ qen has made to enlighten, the .في الفلك
Af`ini `nhan;you@ `ebol qen He brought forth the نفخ، من خباياها،أخرج الرياح
winds, out of His treasure . حتى أزهرت،في األشجار
nef`ahwr@ afnifi `nca ni`ssyn@ sa box, He breathed unto the
trees, and they blossomed.
`ntouviri `ebol.
+ Afhwou `noumounhwou@ hijen + He caused the rain to على وجه،ً أمطرا مطرا+
fall, upon the face of the وأعطت، حتى أنبتت،األرض
`pho `m`pkahi@ sa `ntefrwt `e`pswi@ earth, and it sprouted, and .ثمرها
gave its fruit.
`ntef] `mpefoutah.
Af`ini `noumwou@ `ebol qen He brought forth water, ، من صخرة صماء،أخرج ماء
out of a rock, and gave it to . في البرية،وسقى شعبه
oupetra@ af`tco `mpeflaoc@ `n`hryi hi His people, in the
+ Af;amio `mpirwmi@ kata pef`ini@ + He made man, in His ، كشبهه، صنع اإلنسان+
image, and His likeness, . لكي يباركه،وصورته
nem tefhikwn@ e;ref`cmou `erof. that he may praise Him.
Marenhwc `erof@ ten[ici `mpefran@ Let us praise Him, and ونشكره، ونرفع اسمه،فلنسبحه
exalt His name, and give . كائنة إلى األبد،ألن رحمته
tenouwnh naf `ebol@ je pefnai sop thanks to Him, His mercy
endures forever.
sa `eneh.
+ Hiten nieu,y@ `nte + Through the prayers, يا رب، المرتل داود، بصلوات+
of David the psalmist, O . بمغفرة خطايانا،إنعم لنا
piiero'altyc Dauid@ P[oic `ari`hmot Lord grant us, the
forgiveness of our sins.
nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
They start the Midnight Praise with the :ثم يبدأون تسبحة نصف الليل بالهوس األول كما يلي
First Hoos, as follows:
Tote afhwc `nje Mw`ucyc nem Then Moses and the حينئذ سبح موسى وبنو إسرائيل
children of Israel sang this ،بهذه التسبحة للرب وقالوا
nensyri `mPicrayl `etaihwdy `nte song to the Lord and spoke "فلنسبح للرب ألنه بالمجد قد
saying, “Let us sing to the ".تمجد
P[oic ouoh afjoc e;roujoc@ je
Lord for He has triumphed
marenhwc `eP[oic je qen ou`wou gar gloriously.”
+ Ou`h;o nem ou[aci`h;o + The horse and its rider الفَرس وراكبه طرحهما في+
He has thrown into the sea. صار لي، ُمعيني وساتري.البحر
afberbwrou `e`viom. Oubo`y;oc nem The Lord is my strength and .ً خالصا
song, and He has become
ourefhwbc `ebol hijwi@ afswpi nyi
my salvation.
Vai pe Panou] ]na]`wou naf@ He is my God and I will إله أبي،هذا هو إلهي فأمجده
glorify Him, my father’s .فأرفعه
Vnou] `mpaiwt ]na[acf. God and I will exalt Him.
+ P[oic petqomqem `nnibwtc@ + The Lord is a Man of الرب، الرب مكسر الحروب+
war, the Lord is His name. مركبات فرعون وكل قوته.اسمه
P[oic pe pefran. Nibere[woutc `nte Pharaoh’s chariots and his .طرحهما في البحر
army He has cast into the
Vara`w nem tefjom tyrc
afberbwrou `e`viom.
+ Afhwbc `e`hryi `ejwou `nje + The depths have انغمسوا إلى، غطاهم الماء+
covered them; they sank to .العمق مثل الحجر
pimwou@ auwmc `e`qryi `epetsyk the bottom like a stone.
`m`vry] `nou`wni.
Tekou`inam P[oic ac[i`wou qen Your right hand O Lord يدك.يمينك يا رب تمجدت بالقوة
has become glorious in .اليمنى يا إلهي أهلكت أعداءك
oujom. Tekjij `nou`inam Panou] power. Your right hand O
Lord has dashed the enemy
actake nekjaji.
in pieces.
+ Qen `p`asai `nte pek`wou@ + And in the greatness سحقت الذين، بكثرة مجدك+
of Your excellence, You ، أرسلت غضبك،يقاوموننا
akqomqem `nnyet]oubyn@ akouwrp have overthrown those who .فأكلهم مثل الهشيم
rose up against You, You
`mpekjwnt@ afou`omou `m`vry]
sent forth Your wrath, it
`nhanrwou`i. consumed them like
Ebol hiten pi`pneuma `nte And with the blast of ،وبروح غضبك وقف الماء
Your nostrils the waters ،وارتفعت المياه مثل السور
pek`mbon af`ohi `eratf `nje pimwou@ were gathered together, the .وجمدت األمواج في وسط البحر
flood stood upright like a
au[ici `nje nimwou `m`vry] `noucobt@
wall, and the depths were
au[wc `nje nijol qen `;my] `m`viom. congealed in the heart of the
+ Afjoc gar `nje pijaji@ je + The enemy said, “I ، "إني أسرع فأدرك، قال العدو+
will pursue, I will overtake, ، وأشبع نفسي،وأقسم الغنائم
]na[oji `ntataho@ `ntavws I will divide the spoil, my ".وأقتل بسيفي ويدي تتسلط
lust shall be satisfied upon
`nhanswl@ `nta`tcio `nta'u,y@
them, I will draw my sword
`ntaqwteb qen tacyfi `nte tajij and my hand shall destroy
+ Nim et`oni `mmok qen ninou] + Who is like You O يا رب. من يشبهك في اآللهة+
Lord among the gods? Who ، ُممجدا ً في قديسيك،من يشبهك
P[oic. Nim et`oni `mmok@ `eau]`wou nak is like You, glorified in His ً صانعا،متعجبا ً منك بالمجد
saints, amazing in glory, .عجائب
qen nye;ouab `ntak@ euer`svyri `mmok
performing wonders?
qen ou`wou@ ek`iri `nhan`svyri.
Akcouten tekou`inam `ebol You stretched out Your .مددت يمينك فإبتلعتهم األرض
right hand, the earth هذا الذي،هديت شعبك بالحقيقة
afomkou `nje `pkahi. Ak[imwit swallowed them. You in إلى، وقويته بتعزيتك،اخترته
Your mercy have led forth .موضع راحة قدسك
qajwf `mpeklaoc qen oume;myi vai
the people whom You have
`etakcotpf@ ak]jom naf qen redeemed, You have guided
them in Your strength, to
teknom]@ euma `nemton efouab nak. Your holy habitation.
+ Aucwtem `nje hane;noc ouoh + The people will hear ، سمعت األمم وغضبت+
and be afraid, sorrow will .والمخاض أخذ سكان فلسطين
aujwnt@ hannakhi au[i `nnyetsop take hold of the inhabitants
of Palestine.
qen Nivulictim.
Tote auiyc `mmwou `nje Then the dukes of Edom ورؤساء،حينئذ أسرع وُ الة أدوم
will be amazed, the mighty .المؤابيين أخذتهم الرعدة
nihygemwn `nte Edwm@ niar,wn `nte men of Moab, trembling
will take hold of them.
Nimw`abityc ou`c;erter pe `etaf[itou.
+ Aubwl `ebol `nje ouon niben + All the inhabitants of وأتت، ذاب كل سكان كنعان+
Canaan will melt away, fear .عليهم الرعدة والخوف
etsop qen <anaan@ af`i `e`hryi `ejwou and dread will fall on them.
Qen `p`asai `nte pek`jvoi By the greatness of ،بكثرة ساعدك فليصيروا كالحجر
Your arm they will be as حتى،حتى يجتاز شعبك يا رب
marou`erwni@ satefcini `nje peklaoc still as stone, till Your .يجتاز شعبك هذا الذي اقتنيته
people pass over O Lord,
P[oic@ satefcini `nje peklaoc vai
till Your people pass over
`etak`jvof. whom You have purchased.
+ Anitou `eqoun tojou hijen + You will bring them أدخلهم وأغرسهم على جبل+
in, and plant them in the هذا، وفي مسكنك ال ُمعَد،ميراثك
outwou `nte tek`klyronomia@ nem mountain of Your .الذي صنعته يا رب
inheritance, in the place O
`eqoun `epekma`nswpi etcebtwt@ vai
Lord, which You have
`etakerhwb `erof P[oic. made for You to dwell in.
ouoh `eti.
+ Je au`i `eqoun `e`viom `nje ni`h;wr + For the horses of ألنه قد دخل إلى البحر خيل+
Pharaoh went with his .فرعون ومركباته وفرسانه
`nte Vara`w nem nefbere[woutc nem chariots and his horsemen
into the sea.
A P[oic en pimwou `nte `viom And the Lord brought أما،والرب غمرهم بماء البحر
back the waters of the sea بنو إسرائيل فكانوا يمشون على
`e`hryi `ejwou@ nensyri de `mPicrayl upon them, but the children .اليابسة في وسط البحر
of Israel went on dry land in
naumosi qen petsou`wou qen `;my]
the midst of the sea.
+ Ac[i de nac `nje Mariam + And Miriam the أخت، فأخذت مريم النبية+
prophetess, the sister of وخرج في، الدُف بيديها،هارون
]`provytyc@ `tcwni `nA`arwn@ Aaron, took a timbrel in her إثرها جميع النسوة بالدُفوف
hand, and all the women .والتسابيح
`mpikemkem qen necjij@ ouoh au`i `ebol
went out after her with
camenhyc `nje nihiomi tyrou qen timbrels and with praises.
+ Ou`h;o nem ou[aci`h;o@ + The horse and its ، الفرس وراكب الفرس+
rider, He has thrown into "فلنسبح.طرحهما في البحر
aferbwrou `e`viom. Je marenhwc the sea. “Let us sing to the ." ألنه بالمجد قد تمجد،الرب
Lord, for He has triumphed
`eP[oic@ je qen ou`wou gar af[i`wou.
Qen ouswt afswt@ `nje pimwou With the split, the والعمق، ماء البحر،قطعا ً إنقطع
waters of the sea split, and .ً صار َمسلكا،العميق
`nte `viom@ ouoh `vnoun etsyk@ the very deep, became a
afswpi `nouma `mmosi.
+ Oukahi `na;ouwnh@ `a`vry sai + A hidden earth, was أشرقت، أرض غير ظاهرة+
shone upon by the sun, and وطريق غير،الشمس عليها
hijwf@ oumwit `natcini@ aumosi an untrodden road, was . مشوا عليها،مسلوكة
walked upon.
Oumwou efbyl `ebol@ af`ohi The flowing water, ، ب ِفعل عجيب، وقف،ماء ُمنحل
stood still, by a miraculous, .ُم ِعجز
`eratf@ qen ouhwb `ns
` vyri@ act of wonder.
+ Vara`w nem nefharma@ auwmc + Pharaoh and his ، ومركباته، غرق فرعون+
chariots, were drowned, . البحر،وعبر بنو إسرائيل
`epecyt@ nensyri `mPicrayl@ and the children of Israel,
crossed the sea.
auerjinior `m`viom.
Enafhwc qajwou pe@ `nje And in front of them يسبح،وكان موسى النبي
was, Moses the prophet برية، حتى أدخلهم،قدامهم
Mw`ucyc pi`provytyc@ sa `ntef[itou praising, until he brought .سيناء
them, to the wilderness of
`eqoun@ hi `psafe `nCina.
+ Enafhwc `eVnou]@ qen + And they were بهذه، وكانوا يسبحون هللا+
praising God, with this new ،التسبحة الجديدة قائلين
taihwdy `mberi@ je marenhwc `eP[oic@ psalmody, saying: “Let us ألنه بالمجد قد،"فلنسبح الرب
sing to the Lord, for He has ."تمجد
je qen ou`wou gar af[i`wou.
triumphed gloriously.”
Hiten nieu,y@ `nte Mw`ucyc Through the prayers, of ، موسى رئيس األنبياء،بصلوات
Moses the Archprophet, O . بمغفرة خطايانا،يا رب انعم لنا
piar,y`provytyc@ P[oic `ari`hmot Lord grant us, the
forgiveness of our sins.
nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
Prayers of the Old Testament Prophets
صلوات أنبياء العهد القديم
Give ear, O heavens, and I will speak; and hear, O ولتسمع األرض.أنصتي أيتها السماء فاتكلم
earth, the words of my mouth. Let my teaching drop as ولتنظر صوتي كالغيث.كالما ً من فمي
the rain, My speech distill as the dew, as raindrops on the ولينحدر مثل الطل كالمي مثل المطر على
tender herb, and as showers on the grass. For I proclaim النجيل ومثل النسيم على العشب ألني دعوت
the name of the Lord: Ascribe greatness to our God. He is أعطوا العظمة للرب إلهنا ألن هللا.اسم الرب
the Rock, His work is perfect; for all His ways are justice,
هللا. وسبله جميعها عدل.أفعاله حقيقية
a God of truth and without injustice; righteous and
upright is He. .صادق وليس فيه ظلم بار هو الرب وطاهر
They have corrupted themselves. They are not His الجيل.ً أخطأ إليه البنون المملوءون عيبا
children, because of their blemish: A perverse and ً أنتم إذا. أبهذا تكافئون الرب.األعوج الملتوى
crooked generation. Do you thus deal with the Lord, O اليس هذا هو أبوك.شعب جاهل وغير حكيم
foolish and unwise people? Is He not your Father, who أذكر أيام الدهر.الذي اقتناك وخلقك وجبلك
bought you? Has He not made you and established you? أسأل أباك فيعرفك.وأفهم سنى أجيال األجيال
Remember the days of old, consider the years of many
حين قسم العلي األمم.ومشائخك فيقولون لك
generations. Ask your father, and he will show you; Your
elders, and they will tell you: When the Most High أقام حدود األمم على حدود.وفرق بني آدم
divided their inheritance to the nations, when He . فكان حظ الرب شعبه يعقوب.مالئكة هللا
separated the sons of Adam, He set the boundaries of the .وجبل ميراثه إسرائيل
peoples according to the number of the children of Israel.
For the Lord’s portion is His people; Jacob is the place of
His inheritance.
He found him in a desert land and in the wasteland, a عاله في البرية في ظماء الحر أحاط به في
howling wilderness. He encircled him, He instructed him, وعلمه وحفظه كحدقة.موضع ال ماء فيه
He kept him as the apple of His eye. As an eagle stirs up كالنسر الذي يغطي عشه ويحب.العين
its nest, hovers over its young, spreading out its wings, بسط جناحيه فاحتضنهم وحملهم على.فراخه
taking them up, carrying them on its wings, so the Lord الرب وحده ساقهم ولم يكن معهم إله.منكبيه
alone led him, and there was no foreign god with him. He
وأصعدهم على عز األرض وأطعمهم.غريب
made him ride in the heights of the earth, that he might
eat the produce of the fields; He made him draw honey من ثمرات الحقول وأرضعهم عسالً من
ً ً
from the rock, and oil from the flinty rock; curds from the صخرة ومن الصفا أخرج لهم دهنا وسمنا من
cattle, and milk of the flock, with fat of lambs; and rams البقر ولبنا ً من الغنم مع شحم الحمالن
of the breed of Bashan, and goats, with the choicest والكباش ونتاج البقر والتيوس مع شحم
wheat; and you drank wine, the blood of the grapes. .ً ومن دم العنب شربوا خمرا.الحنطة
But Jeshurun grew fat and kicked; you grew fat, you فأكل يعقوب وشبع وغلظ وبطر الحبيب
grew thick, you are obese! Then he forsook God who وسمن وسكر واتسع وترك عنه هللا الذي
made him, and scornfully esteemed the Rock of his اسخطوني.خلقه وتباعد عن هللا مخلصه
salvation. They provoked Him to jealousy with foreign بالغرباء وأغضبوني بنجاستهم وذبحوا
gods; with abominations they provoked Him to anger. آلهة لم يعرفوها حديثة:للشياطين ال هللا
They sacrificed to demons, not to God, to gods they did .متأخرة أتت اآلن لم يعرفها آباءهم
not know, to new gods, new arrivals that your fathers did
not fear.
Of the Rock who begot you, you are unmindful, and هللا الذي ولدك رفضته ونسيت هللا الذي
have forgotten the God who fathered you. And when the فرأى الرب وغار وغضب من أجل.عالك
Lord saw it, He spurned them, because of the provocation سخط بنيه وبناته وقال أني أصرف وجهي
of His sons and His daughters. And He said: I will hide وأعرفهم ماذا يكون لهم بالعاقبة ألنهم.عنهم
My face from them. I will see what their end will be, for هم. أوالد ليس لهم أمانة،جيل ملتوى
they are a perverse generation, children in whom is no
أغاروني بالتي ليست آلهة وأسخطوني
faith. They have provoked Me to jealousy by what is not
God; they have moved Me to anger by their foolish idols. .بأوثانهم
But I will provoke them to jealousy by those who are وبشعب ال فهم.وأنا أغيرهم بالتي ليست بأمة
not a nation; I will move them to anger by a foolish له أسخطهم ألن النار تتقد في غضبي وتحرق
nation. For a fire is kindled by my anger, and shall burn إلى أسافل الجحيم وتأكل األرض وثمراتها
to the lowest hell; it shall consume the earth with her . وأجمع عليهم الباليا.وتلهب أساسات الجبال
increase, and set on fire the foundations of the mountains. وسهامي أفنيها فيهم فينحلون من الجوع
I will heap disasters on them. I will spend My arrows on
ويصيرون طعاما ً لطيور السماء والهندوان
them. They shall be wasted with hunger, devoured by
pestilence and bitter destruction. I will also send against الذي ال يشبع وأرسل عليهم أنياب الوحوش
them the teeth of beasts, with the poison of serpents of .مع غضب زحافات األرض
the dust.
The sword shall destroy outside; there shall be terror من خارج يجعلهم السيف بغير أوالد إلى
within for the young man and virgin, the nursing child الشباب.االنقضاء والخوف من داخل المخادع
with the man of gray hairs. I would have said: I will dash ألني. الرضيع مع األشيب الفاني.مع العذاري
them in pieces, I will make the memory of them to cease قلت أتي أبددهم وأبطل ذكرهم من الناس لوال
from among men. Had I not feared the wrath of the ولئال،ألجل غضب األعداء لئال تطول مدتهم
enemy, lest their adversaries should misunderstand, lest
يقوم عليهم الذين يضادونهم ولئال يقول العدو
they should say; Our hand is high; and it is not the Lord
who has done all this. For they are a nation void of أن يدنا عالية وليس هللا الفاعل لهذه كلها ألنه
counsel, nor is there any understanding in them. .شعب قد أضاع الرأي وليس فيه فطنة
Oh, that they were wise, that they understood this, لم يعقلوا ليفهموا هذه فليسبقوا إليها في
that they would consider their latter end! How could one كيف يطارد الواحد ألفا ً واإلثنان.الزمان اآلتي
chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, لوال أن هللا أسلمهم والرب.يهزمان ربوة
unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had دفعهم في أيديهم ألن آلتهم ليست كإلهنا
surrendered them? For their rock is not like our Rock, ألنه من كرم سدوم هو.وأعدائنا جهلة
even our enemies themselves being judges. For their vine
عنبهم عنب.كرمهم وأغصانهم من عمورة
is of the vine of Sodom and of the fields of Gomorrah.
Their grapes are grapes of gall. Their clusters are bitter. .مر وعنقود المرارة فيهم
Their wine is the poison of serpents, and the cruel .سم األفاعي هو خمرهم وسم التنين القاتل
venom of cobras. Is this not laid up in store with Me, أليست هذه مجتمعة عندي ومختوم عليها في
sealed up among My treasures? Vengeance is Mine, and في يوم النقمة أجازيهم في الزمان.كنوزي
recompense; their foot shall slip in due time; for the day ألنه قد اقترب يوم هالكهم.إذا زلت قدمهم
of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten ألن الرب يقضي.وهو كائن مهيء لهم
upon them. For the Lord will judge His people and have
compassion on His servants, when He sees that their لشعبه ويتعزي على عبيده ألنه رآهم
power is gone, and there is no one remaining, bond or :مشلولين وفانيين لما نزل بهم وقال الرب
free. He will say:
Where are their gods, the rock in which they sought أين آلهتهم التي اتكلوا عليها التي أكلتم شحم
refuge? Who ate the fat of their sacrifices, and drank the ذبائحها وشربتم خمر سكائبها فلتقم وتعينكم
wine of their drink offering? Let them rise and help you, أني أنا، انظروا، أنظروا.ولتكن لكم نصرة
and be your refuge. Now see that I, even I, am He, and أنا أميت وأحيي.هو وليس إله غيري
there is no God besides Me. I kill and I make alive. I .وأضرب واشفي وليس من يفلت من يدي
wound and I heal; nor is there any who can deliver from
أني أمدد يدى إلى السماء وأقسم بيميني
My hand. For I raise My hand to heaven, and say: As I
live forever, If I whet My glittering sword, and My hand إني أصقل سيفي.وأقول حى أنا إلى األبد
takes hold on judgment, I will render vengeance to My أجازي.كمثل البرق وتضبط الحكم يدي
enemies, and repay those who hate Me. .بالحكم أعدائي ولمبغضي أجازي
I will make My arrows drunk with blood, and My ً سهامي أسكر من الدماء وسيفي ياكل لحما
sword shall devour flesh, with the blood of the slain and من دم المجرحين والسبى على رؤوس
the captives, from the heads of the leaders of the enemy. أفرحي به أيتها السموات.أراخنة األعداء
Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; for He will avenge أفرحوا أيها.ولتسجد له جميع مالئكة هللا
the blood of His servants, and render vengeance to His .األمم مع شبعه وليتقوا به جميع مالئكة هللا
adversaries. He will provide atonement for His land and
ألنه ينتقم لدم بنيه ويكافئ بالنقمة لألعداء
His people.
.ولمبغضيه يجازي ويطهر الرب أرض شعبه
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
My heart rejoices in the Lord. My horn is exalted in اتسع.اعتز قلبي بالرب وارتفع قرني ياإلهي
the Lord. I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your فأنه.فمي علي أعدائي ألني فرحت بخالصك
salvation. No one is holy like the Lord, for there is none وال بار مثل إلهنا.ليس أحد قدوس مثل الرب
besides You, nor is there any rock like our God. Talk no فال تفتخروا وال،وليس أحد قدوس سواه
more so very proudly; let no arrogance come from your تتكلموا الكالم العالي وال يخرج كالم تعظم
mouth, for the Lord is the God of knowledge; and by Him
من أفواهكم ألن هللا رب معرفة واألفعال
actions are weighed.
.تتهيأ له
The bows of the mighty men are broken, and those والضعفاء تمنطقوا،انكسرت قسى األقوياء
who stumbled are girded with strength. Those who were والشباعي من الخبز نقصوا والجياع،قوة
full have hired themselves out for bread, and the hungry ألن العاقر ولدت سبعة.شبعوا في األرض
have ceased to hunger. Even the barren has borne seven, . الرب يميت ويحيي.والكثيرة األوالد ضعفت
and she who has many children has become feeble. The ، الرب يفقر ويغني.يحدر إلى الجحيم ويصعد
Lord kills and makes alive; He brings down to the grave
.يضع ويرفع
and brings up. The Lord makes poor and makes rich; He
brings low and lifts up.
He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar يقيم الفقير من التراب ويرفع البائس من
from the ash heap, to set them among princes and make المزبلة ليجلسه مع رؤساء شعبه ويورثه
them inherit the throne of glory. For the pillars of the يعطي صلوات الذين يطلبون.كرسي العظمة
earth are the Lord’s, and He has set the world upon them. ألن الرجل. ويبارك سنى الصديقين،إليه
He will guard the feet of His saints, but the wicked shall القوى ليس بقوته قويا ً الرب يجعل عدوه
be silent in darkness. For by strength no man shall
ال يفتخر الحكيم. الرب هو قدوس.ً ضعيفا
prevail. The adversaries of the Lord shall be broken in
pieces; from heaven He will thunder against them. The بحكمته وال يفتخر القوى بقوته وال يفتخر
Lord will judge the ends of the earth. He will give أن. لكن بهذا فليفتخر المفتخر.الغني بغناه
strength to His king, and exalt the horn of His anointed. يفهم ليعرف الرب ويصنع حكما ً وعدالً في
الرب صعد إلى السموات.وسط األرض
وهو صديق ويدين أقطار األرض.فأرعد
.ويعطي القوة لملوكنا ويرفع قرن مسيحه
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
O Lord, I have heard your speech and was afraid; O تأملت أعمالك.يا رب سمعت صوتك فخفت
Lord, revive Your work in the midst of the years! In the يعرفونك في وسط حيوانين عندما.فبهت
midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember تدخل السنين يعرفونك عندما ياتي الزمان
mercy. God came from Teman, the Holy One from Mount وعندما تضطرب نفسي بالرجز تتذكر،تظهر
Paran. His glory covered the heavens, and the earth was والقدوس من، ياتي هللا من التيمن،الرحمة
full of His praise. His brightness was like the light; He
غطت. مظلل أكثر من الشجر،جبل فاران
had rays flashing from His hand, and there His power was
hidden. Before Him went pestilence, and fever followed تسبحته السماء فضيلته وامتألت األرض من
at His feet. .وضوءه يكون كالنور والقرون في يديه
وجعل محبة قوته ثابتة تمشي قدام كلمته
.وتخرج رجاله إلى السهول
He stood and measured the earth. He looked and نظر فذابت األمم.قام فتزلزلت األرض
startled the nations. And the everlasting mountains were .وانسحقت الجبال وذابت اآلكام الدهرية
scattered, the perpetual hills bowed. His ways are تخاف.عوض التعب نظروا سبلك الدهرية
everlasting. I saw the tents of Cushan in affliction; the مساكن الحبشة ومظال أرض مديان أتغضب
curtains of the land of Midian trembled. O Lord, were يا رب على األنهار أو يكون رجزك في
You displeased with the rivers, was Your anger against
األنهار أو نهضتك تكون في البحر؟ ألنك
the rivers, was Your wrath against the sea, that You rode
on Your horses, Your chariots of salvation? .ًتركب على خيلك فتكون فروسيتك خالصا
Your bow was made quite ready; oaths were sworn قال الرب.وتوتر قوسك توترا ً على السحب
over Your arrows. You divided the earth with rivers. The تراك األمم فتتمخض،لتنشق األرض باألنهار
mountains saw You and trembled; the overflowing of the اعطت اللجة.وجعا ً ويشتت مياه مسالكه
water passed by. The deep uttered its voice, and lifted its ارتفعت الشمس.صوتها عند ارتفاع خياله
hands on high. The sun and moon stood still in their تسير سهامك.والقمر وقف في ترتيبه للنور
habitation; at the light of Your arrows they went, at the
.في ضوء بروق سالحك
shining of Your glittering spear.
You marched through the land in indignation; You ، بغضبك تصغر األرض وبرجزك تذوب أمم
trampled the nations in anger. You went forth for the خرجت لخالص شعبك لتخلص الذين
salvation of Your people, for salvation with Your مسحتهم القيت موتا ً على رأس مخالفي
Anointed. You struck the head from the house of the الناموس وجعلت أساساتهم باطلة وأقمت
wicked, by laying bare from foundation to neck. You رباطانك حتى األعناق قطعت رؤوس مخالفي
thrust through with his own arrows the head of his
الناموس مع األقوياء بدهشة يتزلزلون في
villages. They came out like a whirlwind to scatter me;
their rejoicing was like feasting on the poor in secret. You ويفتحون لحمهم كما يأكل، نفوسهم
walked through the sea with Your horses, through the البحر اطلعت خيلك على،ًالمسكين سرا
heap of great waters. .فتتعكر المياه الكثيرة
When I heard, my body trembled and my lips تحفظت واضطربت بطني من صوت صالة
quivered at the voice; rottenness entered my bones; and I واضطرب،شفتي ودخل الرعب عظامي
trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble. وألني ساستريح في يوم،مزاجي تحتى
When he comes up to the people, He will invade them شدتي ألصعد إلى شعب غربتي ألن شجرة
with his troops. Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor التين ال تثمر بعد وال ثمرة تكون في الكرمة
fruit be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may
والحقول ال تطعم،ويكذب عمل الزيتون
fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be
cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls- وفنيت األغنام إذ ليس لهم طعام والبقر ال
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my أما أنا فأتهلل.يوجد على المذود بحريته
salvation. The Lord God is my strength; He will make my الرب هللا هو.بالرب وأفرح باهلل مخلصي
feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my يرفعني على.قوتي ويثبت رجلي إلى النهاية
high hills. .األعالي ألغلب بتسبحته
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Then Jonah prayed to the Lord his God from the fish’s وصلى يونان للرب إلهه في بطن الحوت
belly. And he said: I cried out to the Lord because of my صرخت إلى الرب إلهي في ضيقتي:وقال
affliction, and He answered me. Out of the belly of Sheol ،فسمعني من بطن الجحيم وسمع صوتي
I cried, and You heard my voice. For You cast me into the وأحاطت بي،طرحتني إلى أعماق البحر
deep, into the heart of the seas, and the floods surrounded . جميع أهوالك وأمواجك جاءت على.األنهار
me. All Your billows and Your waves passed over me.
أنا قلت أني طرحت عن عينيك فهل أعود
Then I said: I have been cast out of Your sight; yet I will
look again toward Your holy temple. The waters قد اكتنفتني مياه الى.أنظر هيكل قدسك
surrounded me, even to my soul. The deep closed around البحر التف عشب. أحاط بي غمر.النفس
me; weeds were wrapped around my head. .برأسي
I went down to the moorings of the mountains. The ونزلت في أرض التي متاريسها مثبتة إلى
earth with its bars closed behind me forever; yet You فلتصعد من الفساد حياتي ايها الرب،األبد
have brought up my life from the pit, O Lord, my God. متى ذكرت رحمة.إلهي عند فناء نفسي
When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the Lord; إلى هيكلك،الرب فلتأت صالتي إليك
and my prayer went up to You, into Your holy temple. تركوا، حافظي الباطل والكذب،المقدس
Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own
رحمتهم وأنا بصوت تضرع واعتراف أذبح
mercy. But I will sacrifice to You with the voice of
. كل ما نذرته أعطيه لك يا إله خالصي.لك
thanksgiving. I will pay what I have vowed. Salvation is
of the Lord.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
I said, “In the prime of my life I shall go to the gates أنا قلت في ارتفاع أيامي أني امضي في
of Sheol; I am deprived of the remainder of my years.” I قلت.أبواب الجحيم وأترك السنين الباقية
said, “I shall not see Yah, The Lord in the land of the .لست أنظر بعد خالص هللا على األرض
living. I shall observe man no more among the inhabitants تركت،ولست أنظر أيضا ً إنسانا ً من جنسي
of the world. My life span is gone, Taken from me like a عني بقية حياتي فخرج ومضي منى مثل
shepherd’s tent; I have cut off my life like a weaver.
.خيمة وقد حلها
He cuts me off from the loom; from day until night .روحي في صارت مثل منسج قد قرب قطعه
You make an end of me. I have considered until morning- في ذلك اليوم أسلمت للغداء كأني ألسد هكذا
- like a lion, so He breaks all my bones. From day until . من النهار إلى الليل أسلمت.سحق عظامي
night You make an end of me. Like a crane or a swallow, مثل سنونو هكذا أصوت ومثل حمامة هكذا
so I chattered. I mourned like a dove; my eyes fail from عيني فنيتا من أن أنظر إلى علو.أهدر
looking upward. O Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for
السماء نحو الرب الذي خلصني ونزع وجع
What shall I say? He has both spoken to me, and He بماذا اتكلم فانه قال لي و هو قد فعل اتمشى
Himself has done it. I shall walk carefully all my years In ايها.متمهال كل سني من اجل مرارة نفسي
the bitterness of my soul. O Lord, by these things men السيد بهذه يحيون وبها كل حياة روحي
live; and in all these things is the life of my spirit; so You هوذا للسالمة قد تحولت.فتشفيني و تحييني
will restore me and make me live. Indeed it was for my لي المرارة وانت تعلقت بنفسي من وهدة
own peace that I had great bitterness; but You have
الهالك فانك طرحت وراء ظهرك كل
lovingly delivered my soul from the pit of corruption, for
You have cast all my sins behind Your back. .خطاياي
For Sheol cannot thank You, death cannot praise You; ألن ليس الذين في الجحيم يسبحونك وال
those who go down to the pit cannot hope for Your truth. األموات يباركونك وال الذين في الجحيم
The living, the living man, he shall praise You, as I do يترجون رحمتك لكن األحياء تباركك مثلى أنا
this day. The father shall make known Your truth to the ألني منذ اليوم أصنع صبيانا ً هؤالء يخبرون
children. The Lord was ready to save me; therefore we بعدلك يا رب خالصي ولست أكف مباركا ً لك
will sing my songs with stringed instruments all the days
.بمزمار جميع أيام حياتي أمام بيت إلهي
of our life, in the house of the Lord.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Prayer of Manasseh (from the Deuterocanonical Books)
)صالة منسي الملك (من األسفار القانونية الثانية
O Lord Almighty, God of our ancestors, of Abraham, يا رب ضابط الكل الذى فى السماء إله آبائنا
Isaac, Jacob and their righteous children; You made الصديق،إبراهيم واسحق ويعقوب وزرعهم
heaven and earth with all their beauty. You set limits for .الذى خلق السماء واألرض وكل زينتها
the sea by speaking Your command. You closed the الذى ربط البحر بكلمة أمره وختم فمه باسمه
bottomless pit, and sealed it by Your powerful and .ًالمخوف والمملوء مجدا
glorious name.
All things fear You and tremble in Your presence, الذى يفزع ويرتعد كل شئ من قدام وجه
because no one can endure the brightness of Your glory. ألنها ال تحد عظمة عز مجدك وال.قوته
No one can resist the fury of Your threat against sinners. يدرك غضب رجزك على الخطاة وغير
But Your promised mercies are beyond measure and أنت الرب،محصاة وال مدركة رحمة إرادتك
imagination, because You are the highest, O Lord, kind, طويل الروح وكثير الرحمة،العلى الرحوم
patient, and merciful, and you feel sorry over human
.وبار ومتأسف على شر البشر
You, O Lord, according to Your gentle grace, أنت أيضا ً يارب على قدر صالحك رسمت
promised forgiveness to those who are sorry for their sins. توبة لمن أخطأ إليك وبكثرة رحمتك بشرت
In Your great mercy, You allowed sinners to turn from .بتوبة للخطاة لخالصهم
their sins and find salvation.
Therefore, O Lord, God of those who do what is right, أنت يا رب إله األبرار لم تجعل التوبة
You didn’t offer Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who didn’t للصديقين إبراهيم واسحق ويعقوب هؤالء
sin against You, a chance to change their hearts and lives. الذين لم يخطئوا إليك بل جعلت التوبة لمثلى
But You offer me, the sinner, the chance to change my ألنى أخطأت أكثر من عدد رمل،أنا الخاطئ
heart and life, because my sins outnumbered the grains of كثرت آثامى ولست مستحقا ً أن أرفع.البحر
sand by the sea. My sins are many, O Lord; they are
.عينى إلى السماء من قبل كثرة ظلمى
many. I am not worthy to look up, to gaze into heaven
because of my many sins.
Now, O Lord, I suffer justly. I deserve the troubles I ولست مستحقا ً أن أنحنى من أجل كثرة
encounter. Already I’m caught in a trap. I am held down .رباطات الحديد وال أرفع رأسى من خطاياى
by iron chains so that I can’t lift up my head because of واآلن بالحقيقة قد أغضبتك وال راحة ألنى
my sins. There is no relief for me, because I made You والشر صنعت بين يديك،أسخطت رجزك
angry, doing wrong in front of Your face, setting up false واآلن. وأكثرت نجاساتى،وأقمت رجاساتى
gods and committing offenses. Now I bow down before
.أحنى ركبتى قلبى وأطلب من صالحك
You from deep within my heart, begging for Your
I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I know the ، وآثامى أنا عارفها،أخطأت يا رب أخطأت
laws I have broken. I am praying, begging you: Forgive ولكن أسأل وأطلب إليك يا رب أغفر لى وال
me, O Lord, forgive me. Don’t destroy me along with my وال،على إلى الدهر َّ وال تحقد،تهلكنى بآثامى
sins. Don’t keep my bad deeds in Your memory forever. تحفظ شرورى وال تلقنى فى الدينونة فى
Don’t sentence me to the earth’s depths, for You, O Lord, . ألنك أنت هو إله التائبين.قرار أسفل األرض
are the God of those who turn from their sins.
In me you shall show how kind You are. Although I .وفى أظهر صالحك ألنى غير مستحق َّ
am not worthy, You shall save me according to Your فاسبحك كل حين كل،وخلصنى بكثرة رحمتك
great mercy. I will praise You continuously all the days of ألنك أنت هو الذى تسبح لك كل.أيام حياتى
my life, because all of heaven’s powers praise You, and . آمين.قوات السموات ولك المجد إلى األبد
the glory is Yours forever and always. Amen.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
With my soul I have desired You in the night, yes, by من الليل روحي تبكر إليك يا هللا من أجل أن
my spirit within me I will seek You early; for when Your تعلموا أن تصنعوا.أوامرك نور على األرض
judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world العدل أيها السكان على األرض ألن المنافق
will learn righteousness. Let grace be shown to the قد كف أن يتعلم ويصنع عدالً على األرض فال
wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness. In the land of فليرفع المنافق لكي ال يعاين مجد.ً يصنع حقا
uprightness he will deal unjustly, and will not behold the
وإذ، يا رب ذراعك عالي ولم يعلموا،الرب
majesty of the Lord. Lord, when Your hand is lifted up,
they will not see. But they will see and be ashamed for الغيرة تأخذ شعبا ً غير.يعلمون يخزون
their envy of people; yes, the fire of Your enemies shall . والنار تأكل اآلن المقاومين لك.متأدب
devour them.
Lord, You will establish peace for us, for You have أيها الرب إلهنا اعطنا سالمك ألنك أعطيتنا
also done all our works in us. O Lord our God, masters لم. أيها الرب إلهنا أقتنينا يا رب.كل شيء
besides You Have had dominion over us; but by You only واألموات.نعرف آخر سواك وبإسمك نسمى
we make mention of Your name. They are dead, they will ألجل. واألطباء ال يقومون،ال يرون الحياة
not live; they are deceased, they will not rise. Therefore هذا جلبت عليهم وأهلكتهم ورفعت كل ذكر
You have punished and destroyed them, and made all
زد شرفاء األرض.ً زدهم يا رب شرا.لهم
their memory to perish. You have increased the nation, O
Lord, You have increased the nation; You are glorified; .ً برا
You have expanded all the borders of the land.
Lord, in trouble they have visited You, they poured في الضيقة،يا رب في الشدة ذكرناك
out a prayer when Your chastening was upon them. As a وكمثل المتمخضة إذ.الصغيرة تأديبك لنا
woman with child is in pain and cries out in her pangs, هكذا صرنا،تقرب لتلد وفي طلقها تصرخ
when she draws near the time of her delivery, so have we لحبيبك ألجل خوفك يا رب حبلنا وطلقنا
been in Your sight, O Lord. We have been with child, we ،وولدنا روح خالص وصنعناه على األرض
have been in pain; we have, as it were, brought forth
.لكي تسقط السكان على األرض
wind; we have not accomplished any deliverance in the
earth, nor have the inhabitants of the world fallen.
Your dead shall live; together with my dead body they تقوم األموات ويقوم من في القبور ويفزع
shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in dust; for الذين على األرض ألن النداء الذي من قبلك
your dew is like the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast أذهب. وأرض المنافقين تهلك،هو شفاء لهم
out the dead. Come, my people, enter your chambers, and .يا شعبي إلى مخدعك وأغلق بابك عليك
shut your doors behind you; hide yourself, as it were, for a .أختف قليالً إلى أن يجوز غضب الرب
little moment, until the indignation is past.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Isaiah’s Second Praise (Isaiah 25:1-12)
)13-1 :35 تسبحة أشعياء النبي الثانية (أشعياء
O Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You, I will ألنك.أيها الرب إلهي أمجدك وأسبح أسمك
praise Your name, for You have done wonderful things; الرأي األول الصداق،صنعت اموراً عجيبة
Your counsels of old are faithfulness and truth. For You ، ألنك جعلت مدنا مثل التراب،ليكن للرب
have made a city a ruin, a fortified city a ruin, a palace of مدينة.مدنا ً حصينة لتسقط أساستها
foreigners to be a city no more; it will never be rebuilt. ألجل هذا يباركك،المنافقين ال تبني إلى األبد
Therefore the strong people will glorify You; the city of
الشعب المسكين ومدن الناس المظلومين
the terrible nations will fear You.
For You have been a strength to the poor, a strength to ً ألنك صرت عونا ً لكل مدينة ذليلة وسترا
the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shade ألجل القلة من الناس األبرار.للتائبين
from the heat; for the blast of the terrible ones is as a يا سترة العطاش وأرواح البشر.تنجيهم
storm against the wall. You will reduce the noise of مثل أناس صغيرى.المظلومة تباركك
aliens, as heat in a dry place; as heat in the shadow of a النفوس تباركك العطاش في صهيون ألنك
cloud, the song of the terrible ones will be diminished.
تنجيهم من الناس المنافقين الذين اسلمتهم
And in this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for وحر ظالل في.صوت غرباء الجنس تخزيه
all people a feast of choice pieces, a feast of wines on the تذل غصن األقوياء ويصنع رب.سحابه
lees, of fat things full of marrow, of well-refined wines on أعطوا.الصباؤوت بكل األمم على هذا الجبل
the lees. And He will destroy on this mountain the surface .هذه كلها لألمم ألن هذا الرأي على كل األمم
of the covering cast over all people, and the veil that is وأيضا ً ينزع هللا كل دمعة.ابتلع الموت وقوي
spread over all nations. He will swallow up death forever,
ونزع عار شعبه من كل،من كل وجه
and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces; the
rebuke of His people He will take away from all the earth; . ألن فم الرب تكلم بهذا.األرض
for the Lord has spoken.
And it will be said in that day: Behold, this is our ويقولون في ذلك اليوم ها الرب إلهنا الذي
God; we have waited for Him, and He will save us. This ألن. فلنتهلل ونفرح بخالصنا،توكلنا عليه
is the Lord; we have waited for Him; we will be glad and هللا يعطي خالصا ً على هذا الجبل وتداس
rejoice in His salvation. For on this mountain the hand of ويترك.موآب كما يدوسون البيدر بالنوارج
the Lord will rest, and Moab shall be trampled down ويضع عظمته على.يديه كما اتضع ليهلك
under Him, as straw is trampled down for the refuse heap.
الذين وضع يده عليهم وعلو ملجأ سورك
And He will spread out His hands in their midst as a
swimmer reaches out to swim, and He will bring down .يضعه وينزل إلى التراب
their pride together with the trickery of their hands. The
fortress of the high fort of your walls He will bring down,
lay low, and bring to the ground, down to the dust.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Isaiah’s Third Praise (Isaiah 26:1-9)
)1-1 :32 تسبحة أشعياء النبي الثالثة (أشعياء
In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: في ذلك اليوم يسبحون هذا التسبيح في
We have a strong city; God will appoint salvation for ها المدينة الحصينة:أرض اليهودية قائلين
walls and bulwarks. Open the gates, that the righteous .وخالصا ً يضع سورا ً ومترسة من خارج
nation which keeps the truth may enter in. You will keep افتحوا األبواب ليدخل الشعب الحافظ العدل
him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, ينجو البار ويمسك البر.والمتكلم بالحق
because he trusts in You. Trust in the Lord forever, for in
ألنهم توكلوا عليك يا رب إلى.ويحفظ السالم
Yah, the Lord, is everlasting strength. For He brings
down those who dwell on high, the lofty city. هللا العظيم األبدي الذي أذللت وأنزلت.األبد
.السكان في المرتفعات
He lays it low, He lays it low to the ground, He brings المدن الحصينة هدمتها وأنزلتها إلى التراب
it down to the dust. The foot shall tread it down-- the feet .وتدوسها أرجل الودعاء والمتواضعين
of the poor and the steps of the needy. The way of the just طريق الصديقين.طريق الصديقين مستقيمة
is uprightness; O Most Upright, You weigh the path of the توكلنا على.مستعدة ألن طريق الرب حكم
just. Yes, in the way of Your judgments, O Lord, we have إن ما قد اشتاقت إليه.اسمك وعلى ذكرك
waited for You; the desire of our soul is for Your name
نفسنا إنما هو تسبحة منذ الليل وروحي
and for the remembrance of You. With my soul I have
desired You in the night, yes, by my spirit within me I ابتكرت إليك يا هللا ألن أحكامك نور على
will seek You early; for when Your judgments are in the سكان فتعلموا ان تصنعوا البر يا.األرض
earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn .األرض
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Woe to us, for we have sinned! Because of this our . من أجل هذا حزن قلبنا.ويل لنا ألننا أخطأنا
heart is faint; because of these things our eyes grow dim; من أجل جبل.من أجل هذا أظلمت عيوننا
because of Mount Zion which is desolate, with foxes أنت يا. الثعالب ماشية فيه.صهيون الخرب
walking about on it. You, O Lord, remain forever; Your .رب إلى األبد تجلس كرسيك إلى دور فدور
throne from generation to generation. Why do You forget .لماذا تنسانا ً إلى األبد وتتركنا طول األيام
us forever, and forsake us for so long a time? Turn us
. جدد أيامنا كالقديم.أرددنا يا رب إليك فنرتد
back to You, O Lord, and we will be restored; renew our
days as of old, unless You have utterly rejected us, and هل رفضتنا كل الرفض؟ هل غضبت علينا؟
are very angry with us!
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
And now, O Lord God of Israel, who brought Your واآلن ايها الرب إله اسرائيل الذي اخرج
people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand and بآيات.شعبة من أرض مصر بيد قوية
with signs and wonders and with great power and وجعلت.وعجائب وقوة عظيمة وذراع رفيعة
outstretched arm, and made Yourself a name that اخطأنا وعملنا،لك اسما ً كما في هذا اليوم
continues to this day. We have sinned, we have been ايها الرب إلهنا علمنا جميع. نفاقا ً وظلمنا
ungodly, we have done wrong, O Lord our God, against .عدلك
all Your judgments.
Let Your anger turn away from us, for we are left, few فليرجع رجزك عنا ألننا بقينا قليلين في
in number, among the nations where You have scattered اسمع. في الموضع الذي اقصيتنا اليه،األمم
us. Hear O Lord, our prayer and our supplication, and for يا رب صالتنا وتضرعنا ونجنا من اجلك
Your own sake deliver us, and grant us favor in the sight لكي تعلم.وهب لنا نعمة امام الذين سبونا
of those who have carried us into exile. So that all the ألن اسمك.االرض كلها انك انت الرب إلهنا
earth may know that You are the Lord our God, for Israel
.الذي دعي به علي اسرائيل وعلي جنسه
and his descendants are called by Your name.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
And it came to pass, at the time of the offering of the ص َعا ِد الت َّ ْق ِد َم ِة أ َ َّن إِي ِليَّا النَّبِ َّي تَقَدَّ َمْ َِوكَانَ ِع ْندَ إ
evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and َسحَاق ْ ِأَيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ إِلَهُ إِ ْب َرا ِهي َم َوإ: َوقَا َل
said: “Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be َّ َ ِليُ ْعلَ ِم ْاليَوْ َم أَنَّكَ أ َ ْنت،ََو ِإس َْرائِيل
اَّلل ُ فِي
known this day that You are God in Israel and I am Your ت ْ
ُ َو ِبأَمْ ِركَ ق ْد فعَل، َع ْبد ُك
َ َ َ َوأَنِي أَنَا،َإِس َْرائِيل
ِ ُك َّل َه ِذ ِه األ ُ ُم
servant, and that I have done all these things at Your . ور
Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know ِليَ ْعلَ َم َهذَا،ست َ ِجبْ ِلي ْ ست َ ِج ْبنِي يَا َربُّ ا ْ ا
that You are the Lord God, and that You have turned their ْ ْ َ َّ
َ َوأنكَ أنتَ حَوَّ لت،اإلله َ ُ َ ْ َ
ِ ُّالش ْعبُ أنكَ أنتَ الرَّ ب َّ َ َّ
hearts back to You again.” Then the fire of the Lord fell ِ َب َوأَ َكل
ت ِ َُّ الر ار َ ن ْ
ت سقَ َط َ َ ف.قُلُو َب ُه ْم و ُر ُجعوا
and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood and the ،ابَ ارةَ َوالت ُّ َر َ ْال ُم ْح َرقَةَ َو ْال َح َط َب َوال ِح َج
stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in فَلَمَّا َرأَى.ت ْال ِميَا َه الَّتِي فِي ْالقَنَا ِة َ َولَ َح
ِ س
the trench. Now when all the people saw it, they fell on َ ُ َ َ
على وُ جُو ِه ِه ْم َ سقطوا َ َب ذ ِلك َّ
ِ َج ِمي ُع الش ْع
their faces; and they said, “The Lord, He is God! The
Lord, He is God!”
َّ اَّللُ! الرَّ بُّ هُ َو
!. ُ اَّلل َّ الرَّ بُّ ُه َو: َوقَالُوا
Blessed are You, Lord God of Israel, our Father, َار ٌك أ َ ْنتَ أَيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ ِإلَهُ ِإس َْرائِي َل أ َ ِبينَا ِمن َ َُمب
forever and ever. Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the ُ لَكَ يَا َربُّ ْالعَ َظ َمة.ِاأل َ َز ِل َوإِلَى األَبَد
power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; for all َ أل َ َّن لَك.ُ وت َو ْال َجالَ ُل َو ْالبَ َها ُء َو ْال َم ْجد ُ َو ْال َجبَ ُر
that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the لَكَ يَا َربُّ ْال ُم ْل ُك.ض ِ ْاء َواأل َر ِ س َم َّ ُك َّل َما فِي ال
kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all. َو ْال ِغنَى.يع ْ
ْ َ ً َوقَ ِد ارْ تَفَعْتَ َرأسا
ِ علَى ال َج ِم
َ َ َوأ َ ْنتَ تَت. ََو ْالك ََرا َمةُ ِم ْن لَد ُ ْنك
Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign ُ َّ
علَى َ سلط
over all. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand
وت َوبِيَ ِدكَ تَع ِْظي ُم ُ َوبِيَ ِدكَ ْالقُوَّ ةُ َو ْال َجبَ ُر.يع ِ ال َج ِم
َ َواآلنَ يَا ِإ َل َهنَا نَ ْح َمد ُك.يع ْ ْ َ َوت
it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now ِ شدِيد ُ ال َج ِم
therefore, our God, we thank You and praise Your ْ
. س َمكَ ال َج ِلي َل َ َُون
ْ س ِب ُح ا
glorious name.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Then Solomon stood before the altar of the Lord in ب ت ُ َجا َه ُك ِل ِ َّسلَ ْي َما ُن أ َ َما َم َم ْذبَحِ الر
ُ ف َ ََو َوق
the presence of all the assembly of Israel, and spread out اء
ِ س َم َّ س َط يَدَ ْي ِه إِلَى ال َ َ َوب،َع ِة إِس َْرائِيل َ َج َما
his hands toward heaven; and he said: Lord God of Israel, َس إِلَهٌ ِمثْلَك َ ُ َ َ
َ ل ْي،َ أيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ إِله إِس َْرائِيل:ََوقَال
there is no God in heaven above or on earth below like ض ِم ْن ِ ْق َوالَ َعلَى األَر ُ ْاء ِم ْن فَو ِ س َم َّ فِي ال
You, who keep Your covenant and mercy with Your َظ ْال َع ْه ِد َوالرَّ ْح َم ِة ِل َع ِبي ِدكَ السَّائِ ِرين ُ ِ َحاف،ُسفَل ْ َأ
servants who walk before You with all their hearts. You ْ ُ
َ الذِي ق ْد َح ِفظتَ ِلعَ ْب ِدك.أ َ َما َمكَ ِب ُك ِل قلو ِب ِه ْم
َ َّ ُ
have kept what You promised Your servant David my
father; You have both spoken with Your mouth and َ فَتَكَلَّمْ تَ بِفَ ِمكَ َوأَ ْك َم ْلت،دَاوُ دَ أَبِي َما كَلَّمْ تَهُ بِ ِه
fulfilled it with Your hand, as it is this day. .ِب َي ِدكَ َك َهذَا ْال َيوْ ِم
Therefore, Lord God of Israel, now keep what You َاحفَ ْظ ِلعَ ْب ِدكْ َواآلنَ أَيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ إِلَهُ إِس َْرائِي َل
promised Your servant David my father, saying, ‘You ِ الَ يُ ْعدَ ُم َلكَ أ َ َم:ًدَاوُ دَ أَبِي َما كَلَّمْ تَهُ بِ ِه قَائِال
shall not fail to have a man sit before Me on the throne of َ ِإ ْن كَان،َسي ِ ِإس َْرائِيل ِ ْعلَى ُكر َ س ُ َر ُج ٌل يَ ْج ِل
Israel, only if your sons take heed to their way, that they امي َ
ِ ِيروا أ َم َ ُ ُ
ُ بَنُوكَ يَ ْحفَظونَ ط ُرق ُه ْم َحتَّى يَس
walk before Me as you have walked before Me.’ And now واآلنَ يا إلَهَ إسْرائيل.َكما سِرْ تَ أ َ ْنتَ أَمامي
َ ِ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ َ َ
I pray, O God of Israel, let Your word come true, which
َعبد دَاوُ د ََك ْ َ فَ ْليَت َحقق كال ُم الذِي كَلمْ تَ بِ ِه
َّ َّ َك َ َ ْ َّ َ
You have spoken to Your servant David my father. َ .أ ِبي
But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, ض؟ هُ َوذَا ِ ْاَّلل ُ َحقا ً َعلَى األَر َّ س ُك ُن ْ ألَنَّهُ َه ْل َي
heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain You. فَ َك ْم، َسعُك َ َ ت الَ ت ِ اوا َ س َم َّ س َما ُء ال َ ات َو ُ او َ س َم َّ ال
How much less this temple which I have built! Yet regard ت؟ فالت َ ِف ْت إِلَى ْ َ ُ ت الذِي بَنَ ْي َّ ْ َ
ُ بِاألق ِل َهذا البَ ْي َ َ
the prayer of Your servant and his supplication, O Lord َ
،ضرُّ ِع ِه أيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ إِل ِهي َ َ ع ْب ِدكَ َوإِلَى ت
َ َ صالَ ِة َ
my God, and listen to the cry and the prayer which Your َع ْبد ُك َ ص ِلي َها ُ ي ي ت َّ ال َ ة َ الصَّ ال و خ َ اُّر ص ال ع ْ
servant is praying before You today.
َ ِ َ َ ِ َ َوا
م س
.أ َ َما َمكَ اليَوْ َم
That Your eyes may be open toward this temple night ًت لَ ْيال ِ علَى َهذَا ْالبَ ْي َ ع ْينَاكَ َم ْفتُو َحت َ ْي ِن َ َِلت َ ُكون
and day, toward the place of which You said, ‘My name ْ ُ
إِ َّن اس ِْمي: َعلَى ال َموْ ِض ِع الذِي قلت َّ ْ َ ،ًَونَ َهارا
shall be there,’ that You may hear the prayer which Your َع ْبد ُكَ ص ِلي َها َ ُصالَة التِي ي َّ َ َّ س َم َع ال ْ َ يَ ُكو ُن فِي ِه ِلت
servant makes toward this place. And may You hear the َع ْب ِدك
َ ع َ ُّضر َ َ س َمعْ ت ْ َوا.فِي َهذَا ْال َموْ ِض ِع
supplication of Your servant and of Your people Israel, صلُّونَ فِي َهذَا َ ُش ْع ِبكَ ِإس َْرائِي َل الَّ ِذينَ ي َ َو
when they pray toward this place. Hear in heaven Your
س ْكنَاكَ فِي ُ س َمعْ أنتَ فِي َموْ ِض ِع ْ َ ْ َوا،ْال َموْ ِض ِع
dwelling place; and when You hear, forgive. ْ َس ِمعْتَ ف
. ْاغفِر َ َوإِذَا،اء ِ س َم َّ ال
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Prayer of Daniel the Prophet (Daniel 9:4-19)
)11-3 :1 صالة دانيال النبي (دانيال
And I prayed to the Lord my God, and made أَيُّ َها:ت ُ ت َوقُ ْل ُ ب ِإلَ ِهي َوا ْعت َ َر ْف ِ َّت إِلَى الر ُ صلَّ ْي َ َو
confession, and said, “O Lord, great and awesome God, ْاإللَهُ ْالعَ ِظي ُم ْال َم ُهوبُ َحافِ َظ ْالعَه ِد ِ ُّالرَّ ب
who keeps His covenant and mercy with those who love أ َ ْخ َطأْنَا.ُصا َياه َ َ ِ ِ َ َ ِ ِ ِ ُ ِ ِ َوالرَّ ْح َم
و ي ظ ف اح و ه ي ب ح م ل ة
Him, and with those who keep His commandments, we شرَّ َوت َ َمرَّ ْدنَا َو ِح ْدنَا ع َْن َّ َوأَثِمْ نَا َوع َِم ْلنَا ال
have sinned and committed iniquity, we have done س ِم ْعنَا ِم ْن َ َو َما. ََامك ِ صايَاكَ َوع َْن أ َ ْحك َ َو
wickedly and rebelled, even by departing from Your َاء الَّ ِذينَ بِاس ِْمكَ كَلَّ ُموا ُملُو َكنا ْ َ
ِ َعبِي ِد األنبِي َك َ
precepts and Your judgments. Neither have we heeded َ
. ضِ ْر األ ب
ِ عْ ش
َ َّ
ل ُ
ك و َ
َ َ َ َ َ َو
ا ن ءا ب
َ آو ا َ ن ء اس َ
ؤ رُ
Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to
our kings and our princes, to our fathers and all the people
of the land.
O Lord, righteousness belongs to You, but to us ي ْالوُ جُو ِه َك َما ُه َو ُ أَمَّا لَنَا فَ ِخ ْز، ُّسيِد ُ ْالبِر َ لَكَ يَا
shame of face, as it is this day—to the men of Judah, to ش ِلي َم َو ِل ُك ِل
َ ورُ ُ ان أ ِ س َّكُ ْاليَوْ َم ِل ِر َجا ِل يَهُوذَا َو ِل
the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all Israel, those near and اضي ِ ِإس َْرائِي َل ْالقَ ِري ِبينَ َو ْالبَ ِعي ِدينَ فِي ُك ِل األ َ َر
those far off in all the countries to which You have driven الَّتِي َط َر ْدت َ ُه ْم إِلَ ْي َها ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل ِخيَانَتِ ِه ِم الَّتِي
them, because of the unfaithfulness which they have ي ْالوُ جُو ِه ِل ُملُو ِكنَا ُ سيِد ُ لَنَا ِخ ْز َ يَا.َخانُوكَ إِيَّا َها
committed against You. “O Lord, to us belongs shame of
face, to our kings, our princes, and our fathers, because ِ َّ لِلر. َسائِنَا َو ِآلبَائِنَا ألَنَّنَا أ َ ْخ َطأْنَا إِلَيْك
ب َ و ِل ُر َؤ
we have sinned against You. To the Lord our God belong َ اح ُم َو ْال َم ْغ ِف َرة ُ ألَنَّنَا ت َ َمرَّ ْدنَا
.علَ ْي ِه ِ ِإلَ ِهنَا ْال َم َر
mercy and forgiveness, though we have rebelled against
We have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God, to سلُكَ فِي ْ َب إِلَ ِهنَا ِلن
ِ َّصوْ تَ الر َ س ِم ْعنَا َ َو َما
walk in His laws, which He set before us by His servants عبِي ِد ِه ْ َ َ َ َّ
َ ش ََرائِ ِع ِه التِي َجعَل َها أ َما َمنا عَن يَ ِد
the prophets. Yes, all Israel has transgressed Your law, َعلَى ش َِري َعتِك َ َو ُك ُّل ِإس َْرائِي َل قَ ْد ت َ َعدَّى.اء ِ َاأل َ ْن ِبي
and has departed so as not to obey Your voice; therefore علَ ْينَاَ َس َك ْبت َ
َ صوْ ت َكَ ف َ س َمعُوا َّ
ْ ََو َحادُوا ِلئَال ي
ْ َ اللَّ ْعنَةَ َو ْال َح ْل
the curse and the oath written in the Law of Moses the سى ُ ْ
َ وب فِي ش َِريعَ ِة ُمو َ ف ال َمكت
.اَّللِ ألَنَّنَا أ َ ْخ َطأْنَا ِإلَ ْي ِه
servant of God have been poured out on us, because we
َّ ع ْب ِد َ
have sinned against Him.
And He has confirmed His words, which He spoke علَى َ علَ ْينَا َو َ َوقَ ْد أَقَا َم َك ِل َما ِت ِه الَّ ِتي ت َ َكلَّ َم ِب َها
against us and against our judges who judged us, by ً ب َعلَ ْينَا شَرا َ ضوا لَنَا ِليَ ْج ِل ُ َقُضَاتِنَا الَّ ِذينَ ق
bringing upon us a great disaster; for under the whole ت ُك ِل َها َك َما ِ اوا َ س َم َّ ع َِظيما ً َما لَ ْم ي ُْج َر ت َ ْحتَ ال
heaven such has never been done as what has been done ب فِي ش َِريعَ ِة َ ِ َك َما ُكت.ش ِلي َم َ ور ُ ُ علَى أ َ ي َ أ ُ ْج ِر
to Jerusalem. “As it is written in the Law of Moses, all َّ علَ ْينَا ُك ُّل َهذَا ال
ش ِر َولَ ْم َ سى قَ ْد َجا َء َ ُمو
this disaster has come upon us; yet we have not made our َ َ ْ
prayer before the Lord our God, that we might turn from
ِ ب إِ َل ِهنَا ِلنَرْ ِج َع ِمن آث
امنا ِ َّضرَّ ْع إِلَى َو ْج ِه الر َ َ نَت
our iniquities and understand Your truth. Therefore the
ُش ِر َو َجلَبَه َّ على ال َ َ ُّس ِه َر الرَّ ب َ ف. ََونَ ْف ِطنَ بِ َح ِقك
Lord has kept the disaster in mind, and brought it upon علَ ْينَا أل َ َّن الرَّ بَّ إِ َل َهنَا بَارٌّ فِي ُك ِل أ َ ْع َما ِل ِه الَّتِي َ
.ُ ه َ ت ْوصَ ْع م
َ سْ َ ن م
ْ َ ل ْ
ذ إ
ِ ا ه
َ َ لَم
ِ ع
us; for the Lord our God is righteous in all the works
which He does, though we have not obeyed His voice.
And now, O Lord our God, who brought Your people َش ْعبَكَ ََواآلنَ أَيُّ َها السَّيِد ُ إِلَ ُهنَا الَّذِي أ َ ْخ َر ْجت
out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and made َسكِ ص َر بِيَ ٍد قَ ِويَّ ٍة َو َجعَ ْلتَ ِلنَ ْف
ْ ض ِمِ ِْم ْن أَر
Yourself a name, as it is this day—we have sinned, we ْ
ع َِم ْلنَا.اسْما ً َك َما ُه َو َهذَا ْاليَوْ َم قَ ْد أ َ ْخ َطأنَا
have done wickedly! “O Lord, according to all Your ف ْ ص ِرْ ب ُك ِل َر ْح َمتِكَ اَ س َ س ِيد ُ َح َ يَا.ًشَرا
righteousness, I pray, let Your anger and Your fury be ش ِلي َم َجبَ ِلَ ور ُ
ُ ضبَكَ ع َْن َمدِينَتِكَ أ َ غ َ س َخ َطكَ َو َ
turned away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy ْارتَ ص َ َ َ َ َ
َ سكَ إِذ ِلخطايَانا َو ِآلث ِام آبَائِنا ْ ِ قُد
mountain; because for our sins, and for the iniquities of َيع الَّ ِذين ْ
ِ ش ْعبُكَ عَارا ً ِعندَ َج ِم َ ش ِلي ُم َو
َ ورُ ُأ
our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people are a reproach to .َحوْ لَنَا
all those around us.
Now therefore, our God, hear the prayer of Your ضرُّ عَا ِت ِه َ َ ع ْب ِدكَ َوت َ َصالَة َ س َم ِع اآلنَ َيا ِإ َل َهنَا ْ فَا
servant, and his supplications, and for the Lord’s sake َ
ب ِم ْن أ ْج ِل ْ
ِ سكَ ال َخ ِر ْ
ِ علَى َمق ِد َ ََوأ َ ِض ْئ ِب َو ْج ِهك
cause Your face to shine on Your sanctuary, which is ْافت َ ْح. ْس َمع ْ أ َ ِم ْل أُذُنَكَ يَا إِلَ ِهي َوا.السَّيِ ِد الرب
desolate. O my God, incline Your ear and hear; open ظرْ ِخ َربَنَا َو ْال َمدِينَةَ الَّتِي د ُ ِع َي ُ ع ْينَيْكَ َو ْان
Your eyes and see our desolations, and the city which is ُ علَ ْي َها ألَنَّهُ الَ أل َ ْج ِل ِب ِرنَا نَ ْط َر
ح َ َس ُمك ْ ا
called by Your name; for we do not present our
supplications before You because of our righteous deeds,
َاح ِمكِ ضرُّ عَاتِنَا أ َ َما َم َو ْج ِهكَ بَ ْل أل َ ْج ِل َم َرَ َت
ُ َ يَا. ْسيِد ُ اغفِر ْ َ يَا. ْس َمع َ يَا.ْالعَ ِظي َم ِة
ْ سيِد ُ ا
but because of Your great mercies. O Lord, hear! O Lord, سيِد
forgive! O Lord, listen and act! Do not delay for Your سكَ يَا ِإلَ ِهي ِ الَ تُؤ َِخرْ ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل نَ ْف. ْصنَع ْ ص ِغ َوا ْ َأ
own sake, my God, for Your city and Your people are . َش ْع ِبكَ علَى َ علَى َمدِينَتِكَ َو َ س َمكَ د ُ ِع َي ْ أل َ َّن ا
called by Your name.”
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, ُطولُه ُ ب ٍ صنَ َع تِمْ ثَاالً ِم ْن ذَ َه َ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك
whose height was sixty cubits and its width six cubits. He صبَهُ فِي َ َت أ َ ْذ ُرعٍ َون ُّ س ِ ُ ضهُ ْستُّونَ ذ َِراعا ً َوعَر ِ
set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon. س َل َ ُ
َ ْ ث َّم أر.َورا في والية بَابِل ُ
َ بقعة د
And King Nebuchadnezzar sent word to gather together َالش َحن ِ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك ِليَ ْج َم َع ْال َم َر ِازبَةَ َو
the satraps, the administrators, the governors, the َضاةَ َو ْال َخ َزنَةَ َو ْالفُ َق َها َء َو ْال ُم ْفتِين َ َُو ْالوُ الَةَ َو ْالق
ِ ت ِليَأْتُوا ِلت َ ْد
counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and
ين التِمْ ثَا ِلِ ش ِ َو ُك َّل ُح َّك ِام ْال ِوالَيَا
all the officials of the provinces, to come to the dedication
of the image which King Nebuchadnezzar had set up. .ص َبهُ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك َ َالَّذِي ن
So the satraps, the administrators, the governors, the ُ الش َح ُن َو ْالوُ الَة ِ اجت َ َم َع ْال َم َر ِازبَةُ َو ْ ِحينَئِ ٍذ
counselors, the treasurers, the judges, the magistrates, and َو ْالقُضَاة َوال َخ َزنَة َوالفق َها ُء َوال ُمفتُونَ َو ُك ُّل
ْ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ ْ ُ
all the officials of the provinces gathered together for the ُصبَه َ َين التِمْ ثَا ِل َّالذِي ن ِ ش ِ ت ِلت َ ْد ِ ُح َّك ِام ْال ِوالَيَا
dedication of the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك َو َوقَفُوا أ َ َما َم التِمْ ثَا ِل الَّذِي
set up; and they stood before the image that قَ ْد:ٍشدَّة ِ َونَادَى ُمنَا ٍد ِب.صبَهُ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر َ َن
Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Then a herald cried aloud: ْ
سنة ِعندَ َما ُ َ ْ َ ُ
ِ شعُوبُ َواأل َم ُم َواألل ُّ أ ُ ِمرْ ت ْم أيُّ َها ال
َ ُ
“To you it is commanded, O peoples, nations, and
languages, that at the time you hear the sound of the horn, صوْ تَ ْالقَرْ ِن َوالنَّاي ِ َو ْالعُو ِد َ َس َمعُون ْ َت
َْ ْ ِ ب َوالس ِْن ِط
flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds ِير َوال ِم ْز َم ِار َو ُك ِل أن َواع ِ َوالرَّ بَا
َّ َ
ِ س ُجدُوا ِلتِمْ ثا ِل الذ َه
ب ْ َ ف أ ْن ت َ ِخرُّ وا َوت َ ِ ْالعَ ْز
of music, you shall fall down and worship the gold image
that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up. .صبَهُ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك َ َالَّذِي ن
And whoever does not fall down and worship shall be ع ِة ي ُْلقَىَ س ُجد ُ فَ ِفي تِ ْلكَ السَّا ْ ََو َم ْن الَ يَ ِخرُّ َوي
cast immediately into the midst of a burning fiery ْ
أل َ ْج ِل ذَ ِلكَ َوقت َ َما.ٍون نَ ٍار ُمت َّ ِقدَة
ِ ُ س ِط أَت َ فِي َو
furnace.” So at that time, when all the people heard the َّ ْ
ِ صوْ تَ القَرْ ِن َوالناي َ ب ِ شعُو ُّ س ِم َع ُك ُّل ال
ِ ير َو ُك ِل أ َ ْن َواعِ ْالعَ ْز
sound of the horn, flute, harp, and lyre, in symphony with ف ِ ب َوالس ِْن ِط ِ َو ْالعُو ِد َوالرَّ بَا
all kinds of music, all the people, nations, and languages س َجدُوا َ سنَ ِة َو ْ َ ُ
ِ ب َواأل َم ِم َواألل ِ شعُو ُّ َخرَّ ُك ُّل ال
fell down and worshiped the gold image which King ُ.صبَهُ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِلك َ
َ ب الذِي ن َّ ِ ِلتِمْ ثَا ِل الذَّ َه
Nebuchadnezzar had set up. Therefore at that time certain شت َ ُكوا ْ أل َ ْج ِل ذَ ِلكَ تَقَدَّ َم ِحينَ ِئ ٍذ ِر َجا ٌل ِك ْلدَا ِنيُّونَ َوا
Chaldeans came forward and accused the Jews. They أَيُّ َها:علَى ْاليَهُو ِد َوقَالُوا ِل ْل َم ِل ِك نَبُو َخ ْذنَص ََّر َ
spoke and said to King Nebuchadnezzar, “O king, live
!ش إِلَى األبَ ِد ْ ْال َم ِل ُك ِع
You, O king, have made a decree that everyone who صدَرْ تَ أَمْ راً بِأ َ َّن ُك َّل ْ َ أ َ ْنتَ أَيُّ َها ْال َم ِل ُك قَ ْد أ
hears the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, صوْ تَ ْالقَرْ ِن َوالنَّاي ِ َو ْالعُو ِد َ س َم ُع ْ َان ي ٍ س َ إِ ْن
َْ ْ ِ ب َوالس ِْن ِط
ِير َوال ِم ْز َم ِار َو ُك ِل أن َواع
in symphony with all kinds of music, shall fall down and ِ َوالرَّ بَا
worship the gold image; and whoever does not fall down َ َو َم ْن ال.ب َّ
ِ س ُجد ُ ِلتِمْ ثَا ِل الذ َه ْ َف يَ ِخرُّ َوي ِ ْالعَ ْز
ِ ُ س ِط أَت َ س ُجد ُ فَ ِإنَّهُ ي ُْلقَى فِي َو
and worship shall be cast into the midst of a burning fiery ون نَ ٍار ْ َيَ ِخرُّ َوي
.ُمت َّ ِقدَ ٍة
There are certain Jews whom you have set over the علَى أَ ْع َما ِل َ يُو َجد ُ ِر َجا ٌل يَهُود ٌ الَّ ِذينَ َو َّك ْلت َ ُه ْم
affairs of the province of Babylon: Shadrach, Meshach, َه ُؤالَ ِء.ع ْبدَنَغُو َ ش ُخ َو َ خ َو ِمي ُ ش ْد َرَ :ِوالَ َي ِة َبا ِب َل
and Abednego; these men, O king, have not paid due ْ
.ًالر َجا ُل لَ ْم يَ ْج َعلُوا َلكَ أَيُّ َها ال َم ِل ُك ا ْعتِبَارا ِ
regard to you. They do not serve your gods or worship the َص ْبت َ َب الَّذِي ن ِ آ ِل َهتُكَ الَ يَ ْعبُد ُونَ َو ِلتِمْ ثَا ِل الذَّ َه
gold image which you have set up.” Then ب َ َ ِحينَئِ ٍذ أ َ َم َر نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر بِغ. َس ُجد ُون ْ َالَ ي
ٍ ض
Nebuchadnezzar, in rage and fury, gave the command to
.ع ْبدَنَغُ َو َ ش َخ َو َ خ َو ِمي َ ش ْد َرَ َار ِ غ ْيظٍ ِب ِإ ْحض َ َو
bring Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. So they َ ْ ُ
brought these men before the king. Nebuchadnezzar فَسألَ ُه ْم.الر َجا ِل قدَّا َم ال َم ِل ِك ِ فَأَتُوا ِب َه ُؤالَ ِء
spoke, saying to them: :نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر
“Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that َع ْبدَنَغُو الَ ت َ ْعبُد ُون َ ش ُخ َو َ خ َو ِمي ُ ش ْد َر َ تَعَمُّدا ً يَا
you do not serve my gods or worship the gold image ب الذِي َّ َّ َ
ِ س ُجد ُونَ ِلتِمْ ثا ِل الذ َه ْ َ آ ِل َهتِي َوالَ ت
which I have set up? Now if you are ready at the time you ْ
ست َ ِع ِدينَ ِعندَ َما ْ
ْ ت؟ فَ ِإ ْن كنت ُم اآلنَ ُم
ُ ُ ُ ص ْبَ َن
hear the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, صوْ تَ ْالقَرْ ِن َوالنَّاي ِ َو ْالعُو ِد َ َس َمعُون ْ َت
in symphony with all kinds of music, and you fall down َْ ْ ِ ب َوالس ِْن ِط
and worship the image which I have made, good! But if ِير َوال ِم ْز َم ِار َو ُك ِل أن َواع ِ َوالرَّ بَا
you do not worship, you shall be cast immediately into
َّ َ
س ُجدُوا ِللتِمْ ثا ِل الذِي ْ َ ف ِإلَى أ ْن ت َ ِخرُّ وا َوت َ ِ ْالعَ ْز
the midst of a burning fiery furnace. And who is the god ع ِةَ س ُجدُوا فَ ِفي تِ ْلكَ السَّا ْ َ َوإِ ْن لَ ْم ت.ُع َِم ْلتُه
who will deliver you from my hands?” َو َم ْن هُ َو.ون النَّ ِار ْال ُمت َّ ِقدَ ِة ِ ُ س ِط أَت َ ت ُ ْلقَوْ نَ ِفي َو
َي؟ ُ
َّ اإللَهُ الَّذِي يُ ْن ِقذ ُك ْم ِم ْن يَد ِ
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered and said يَا:ع ْبدَنَغُو َ ش ُخ َو َ خ َو ِمي ُ ش ْد َر َ اب َ فَأ َ َج
to the king, “O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to َنَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر الَ يَ ْل َز ُمنَا أ َ ْن نُ ِجيبَكَ ع َْن َهذا
answer you in this matter. If that is the case, our God ست َ ِطي ُع ْ َ هُ َوذَا يُو َجد ُ ِإلَ ُهنَا َّالذِي نَ ْعبُدُهُ ي.األَمْ ِر
whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning ون النَّ ِار ْال ُمت َّ ِقدَ ِة َوأ َ ْن ي ُْن ِقذَنَا ِ ُ أ َ ْن يُنَ ِجيَنَا ِم ْن أَت
fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O َ َو ِإالَّ فَ ْليَ ُك ْن َم ْعلُوما ً لَك.ِم ْن يَ ِدكَ أَيُّ َها ْال َم ِل ُك
king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do َ
س ُجد ُ ِلتِمْ ثا ِل ْ َأَيُّ َها ْال َم ِل ُك أَنَّنَا الَ نَ ْعبُد ُ آ ِل َهت َكَ َوالَ ن
not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image
which you have set up.” Then Nebuchadnezzar was full ِحينَئِ ٍذ امْ ت َ َأل َ نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر.ُص ْبتَه َ َب الَّذِي ن ِ الذَّ َه
of fury, and the expression on his face changed toward ش َخ َ خ َو ِمي َ ش ْد َر َ علَى َ غ ْيظا ً َوتَغَي ََّر َم ْن َظ ُر َو ْج ِه ِه َ
َس ْبعَة َ َع ْبدَنَغُو َوأ َ َم َر ِبأ َ ْن يَ ْح ُموا األَتُون َ َو
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He spoke and
commanded that they heat the furnace seven times more َ ً
.ضعَافٍ أ ْكث َر ِممَّا كَانَ ُم ْعتَادا أ ْن ي ُْح َمى َ َ ْ َأ
than it was usually heated.
And he commanded certain mighty men of valor who ش ِه ِبأ َ ْن يُوثِقُوا ِ َوأ َ َم َر َجبَا ِب َرةَ ْالقُوَّ ِة فِي َج ْي
were in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and ون َ ُ
ِ ُ ع ْبدَنَغُ َو َويُلقوهُ ْم فِي أت ْ َ ش َخ َو َ خ َو ِمي َ ش ْد َر َ
Abednego, and cast them into the burning fiery furnace. الر َجا ُل فِي َ ُ ُ
ِ ث َّم أوثِقَ َهؤال ِء.الن ِار ال ُمت ِقدَ ِة ُ َّ ْ َّ
Then these men were bound in their coats, their trousers, س ِه ْم ِ َ ِ َ ص ِت ِه ْم َوأَرْ ِد َي ِت ِه ْم
اب لو َ س َرا ِوي ِل ِه ْم َوأ َ ْق ِم َ
their turbans, and their other garments, and were cast into ْ
َو ِم ْن.ون النَّ ِار ال ُمت َّ ِقدَ ِة ِ ُ ت َ أ ط ِ س
َ وَ ي ف
ِ وا ُ قلْ ُ أ َو
the midst of the burning fiery furnace. Therefore, because َ َ ٌ ْ َ ُ
شدِيدَة َواألتُونَ ق ْد َح ِم َي َ َح ْيث إِ َّن َك ِل َمة ال َم ِل ِك
the king’s command was urgent, and the furnace َ َّ
exceedingly hot, the flame of the fire killed those men الر َجا َل ال ِذينَ َرفعُوا ِ ِجدا ً قَت َ َل لَ ِهيبُ النَّ ِار
ُ َو َه ُؤالَ ِء الثَّالَثَة.ع ْبدَنَغُ َو َ ش َخ َو َ خ َو ِمي َ ش ْد َر َ
who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And
these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell سقَطواُ َ ع ْبدَنَغُو َ ش ُخ َو َ خ َو ِمي ُ ش ْد َرَ الر َجا ِل ِ
down bound into the midst of the burning fiery furnace. َّ ْ
فكانوا.ون الن ِار ال ُمت ِقدَ ِة َّ َ
ِ ُ س ِط أت َ ُموث َ ِقينَ فِي َو
And they walked about in the midst of the flames, singing يتمشون في وسط اللهيب مسبحين هللا
hymns to God and blessing the Lord. .ومباركين الرب
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Then Azariah stood still in the fire and prayed aloud: ووقف عزاريا وصلى هكذا وفتح فاه فى
‘Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our ancestors, and مبارك أنت ايها الرب إله:وسط النار وقال
worthy of praise; and glorious is Your name for ever! For ، واسمك مملوء مجداً إلى األبد،آبائنا وحميد
You are just in all You have done; all Your works are true ألنك عادل فى جميع ما صنعت بنا وأعمالك
and Your ways right, and all Your judgments are true. وجميع.كلها صدق وطرقك كلها مستقيمة
You have executed true judgments in all You have
وقد اجريت أحكام حق،أحكامك أحكام حق
brought upon us and upon Jerusalem, the holy city of our
ancestors; by a true judgment You have brought all this المقدسة فيما جلبته علينا وعلى مدينة آبائنا
upon us because of our sins. ألنك بالحق والحكم جلبت جميع.أورشليم
.هذا علينا ألجل خطايانا
For we have sinned and broken Your law in turning لقد أخطأنا وآثمنا لنبتعد عنك واجرمنا فى كل
away from You; in all matters we have sinned grievously. ولم نسمع لوصاياك ولم نحفظها ولم.شئ
We have not obeyed Your commandments, we have not فجميع.ًنعمل بما أوصيتنا لكى يكون لنا خيرا
kept them or done what You have commanded us for our ما جبلته علينا وجميع ما صنعت بنا انما
own good. So all that You have brought upon us, and all فأسلمتنا إلى أيدى أعداء،صنعته بحكم حق
that You have done to us, You have done by a true
وملك ظالم أشر،آثمة وكفرة مبغضين أشرار
judgment. You have handed us over to our enemies,
lawless and hateful rebels, and to an unjust king, the most واآلن ليس لنا ان.من كل من على األرض
wicked in all the world. And now we cannot open our فقد صار الخزى والعار لعبيدك.نفتح أفواهنا
mouths; we, Your servants who worship You, have .الذين يعبدونك
become a shame and a reproach.
For Your name’s sake do not give us up forever, and وال،فال تخذلنا إلى اإلنقضاء ألجل اسمك
do not annul Your covenant. Do not withdraw Your تنقض عهدك وال تنزع عنا رحمتك ألجل
mercy from us, for the sake of Abraham Your beloved, إبراهيم حبيبك واسحق عبدك وإسرائيل
Isaac Your servant and Israel Your holy one, to whom الذين قلت لهم إنك تكثر نسلهم.قديسك
You promised to multiply their descendants like the stars كنجوم السماء وكالرمل الذى على شاطئ
of heaven and like the sand on the shore of the sea. For ألننا يا سيدنا قد قللنا عدداً أكثر من.البحر
we, O Lord, have become fewer than any other nation, كل األمم وقد اتضعنا نحن اليوم فى كل
and are brought low this day in all the world because of .األرض ألجل خطايانا
our sins.
In our day we have no ruler, or prophet, or leader, no وليس لنا فى هذا الزمان رئيس وال نبى وال
burnt-offering, or sacrifice, or oblation, or incense, no مدبر وال محرقة وال ذبيحة وال تقدمة وال
place to make an offering before You and to find mercy. بخور وال موضع لنثمر فيه أمامك ولنجد
Yet with a contrite heart and a humble spirit may we be ولكن بنفس منسحقة،رحمة نحوك يارب
accepted, as though it were with burnt-offerings of rams وكمحرقات.وروح متواضعة تقبلنا إليك
and bulls, or with tens of thousands of fat lambs; such
الكباش والثيران وربوات الحمالن السمان
may our sacrifice be in Your sight today, and may we
unreservedly follow You, for no shame will come to those وتكمل،هكذا فلتكن ذبيحتنا أمامك اليوم
who trust in You. .حلفك فانه ال خزى للمتوكلين عليك
And now with all our heart we follow You; we fear واآلن نتبعك بكل قلوبنا ونتقيك ونبتغى
You and seek Your presence. Do not put us to shame, but فال تخزنا بل اصنع معنا رحمة.وجهك
deal with us in Your patience and in Your abundant وانقذنا كحسب.كدعتك وككثرة رحمتك
mercy. Deliver us in accordance with Your marvelous وليخجل، واعط المجد السمك يارب،عجائبك
works, and bring glory to Your name, O Lord. Let all who وليخزوا،جميع الذين يطلبون الشر لعبيدك
do harm to Your servants be put to shame; let them be
. وليتحطم عزهم،من كل قوتهم واقتدارهم
disgraced and deprived of all power, and let their strength
be broken. Let them know that You alone are the Lord المكرم وليعلموا انك أنت الرب اإلله وحدك
God, glorious over the whole world.’ .على كل المسكونة
Now the king’s servants who threw them in kept ولم يفتر الذين يوقدون أتون النار خدام
stoking the furnace with naphtha, pitch, tow, and الملك وهم يوقدون اآلتون بكبريت وزفت
brushwood. And the flames poured out above the furnace فارتفع اللهيب فوق اآلتون تسعة،ومشاقة
forty-nine cubits, and spread out and burned those وانتشر واحرق الكلدانيين.ًوأربعون ذراعا
Chaldeans who were caught near the furnace. But the الذين وجدهم حول اآلتون ومالك الرب نزل
angel of the Lord came down into the furnace to be with
مع عزاريا فى آتون النار المتقدة ونقض
Azariah and his companions, and drove the fiery flame
out of the furnace, and made the inside of the furnace as عن اآلتون وجعل وسط اآلتون.لهيب النار
though a moist wind were whistling through it. The fire ريحا ً ذات ندى بارد فلم تمسهم النار البتة
did not touch them at all and caused them no pain or حينئذ سبح الثالثة.ولم تؤلمهم ولم تزعجهم
distress. Then the three with one voice praised and من فم واحد ومجدوا وباركوا هللا وسط
glorified and blessed God in the furnace. :اآلتون قائلين
Then the people chant the following hymn and repeats it after every 3 parts
ثم يرتل الشعب هذا اللحن ويكررونه بعد كل ثالثة أرباع
Praise Him, glorify Him, and exalt Him forever; for زيدوا علوا إلي االبد، مجدوه،سبحوه
He is praised, glorified, and exalted above the ages, and وهو، فهو المسبح وهو الممجد.رحمتة
His mercy is forever. . وإلي األبد رحمته،المتعالى علي األدهار
And it could be said in Greek as follows
ويقال باللغة اليونانية كاآلتي
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب يا جميع أعمال
works of the Lord, praise سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى،الرب
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ Him and exalt Him above .اآلباد
all forever.
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
Or could keep the following mix between Greek, English and Arabic
أو يجمع اليوناني واالنجليزي والعربي معا ً كما يلي
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted above . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
the ages, and His mercy is
K`cmarwout P[oic Vnou] `nte Blessed are You O Lord ،مبارك أنت أيها الرب إله أبائنا
God of our fathers, and ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد علوا ً إلى
nenio]@ `kerhou`o `cmarwout `kerhou`o exceedingly to be praised .اآلباد
and exalted above all
[ici sa ni`eneh.
+ F`cmarwout `nje piran e;ouab + Blessed is the holy ، مبارك إسم مجدك القدوس+
name of Your glory, and ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد علوا ً إلى
`nte pek`wou@ `ferhou`o `cmarwout exceedingly to be praised .اآلباد
and exalted above all
`ferhou`o [ici sa ni`eneh.
K`cmarwout qen piervei `nte Blessed are You in the مبارك أنت في هيكل مجدك
holy temple of Your glory, ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد،المقدس
pek`wou e;ouab@ `kerhou`o `cmarwout and exceedingly to be .علوا ً إلى اآلباد
praised and exalted above
`kerhou`o [ici sa ni`eneh.
all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ K`cmarwout vye;nau `eninoun + Blessed are You who مبارك أنت أيها الناظر إلى+
beholds the depths and sits ،األعماق الجالس على الشاروبيم
efhemci hijen Ni,eroubim@ `kerhou`o upon the Cherubim, and ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد علوا ً إلى
exceedingly to be praised .اآلباد
`cmarwout `kerhou`o [ici sa ni`eneh.
and exalted above all
K`cmarwout hijen pi`;ronoc `nte Blessed are You on the ،مبارك أنت على عرش ُملكك
throne of Your kingdom, ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد علوا ً إلى
tekmetouro@ `kerhou`o `cmarwout and exceedingly to be .اآلباد
praised and exalted above
`kerhou`o [ici sa ni`eneh.
all forever.
+ K`cmarwout qen pi`ctere`wma + Blessed are You in ، مبارك أنت في فلك السماء+
the firmament of heaven, ومتزايد بركة ومتزايد علوا ً إلى
`nte `tve@ `kerhou`o `cmarwout `kerhou`o and exceedingly to be .اآلباد
praised and exalted above
[ici sa ni`eneh.
all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic ni`hbyou`i tyrou `nte Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب يا جميع أعمال
works of the Lord, praise سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى،الرب
P[oic@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa Him and exalt Him above .اآلباد
all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nivyou`i@ hwc `erof + Bless the Lord, O ، باركي الرب أيتها السموات+
heaven, praise Him and .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. exalt Him above all forever.
Cmou `eP[oic niaggeloc tyrou Bless the Lord, all you باركوا الرب يا جميع مالئكة
angels of the Lord, praise سبحوه وزيدوه علوا ً إلى،الرب
`nte P[oic@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa Him and exalt Him above .اآلباد
all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nimwou tyrou + Bless the Lord, all باركي الرب يا جميع المياه+
you waters above the سبحيه،التي فوق السماء
etca `pswi `nt
` ve@ hwc `erof `arihou`o heaven, praise Him and .وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
exalt Him above all forever.
[acf sa ni`eneh.
Cmou `eP[oic nijom tyrou `nte Bless the Lord, all you ،باركي الرب يا جميع قوات الرب
powers of the Lord, praise .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
P[oic@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa Him and exalt Him above
all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic piry nem piioh@ + Bless the Lord, O sun باركا الرب أيتها الشمس+
and moon, praise Him and سبحاه وزيداه علوا ً إلى،والقمر
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. exalt Him above all forever. .اآلباد
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic niciou tyrou `nte Bless the Lord, all you باركي الرب يا سائر نجوم
stars of heaven, praise Him ً
سبحيه وزيديه علوا إلى،السماء
`tve@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all .اآلباد
+ Cmou `eP[oic nimounhwou nem + Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها األمطار مع+
rain and dew, praise Him سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى،األنداء
niiw]@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all .اآلباد
Cmou `eP[oic ni[ypi nem ni;you@ Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها السُحب
clouds and winds, praise ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،والرياح
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Him and exalt Him above .إلى اآلباد
all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn. glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic ni`pneuma tyrou@ + Bless the Lord, all ، باركي الرب يا جميع األرواح+
you spirits, praise Him and .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. exalt Him above all forever.
Cmou `eP[oic pi`,rwm nem Bless the Lord, O fire ،باركا الرب أيتها النار والحرارة
and heat, praise Him and .سبحاه وزيداه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
pikauma@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa exalt Him above all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic pi`wjeb nem + Bless the Lord, O ، باركا الرب أيها البرد والحر+
cold and heat, praise Him .سبحاه وزيداه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
pikaucwn@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic niiw] nem ninifi@ Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها األهوية
dew and winds, praise Him ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،واألنداء
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. and exalt Him above all .إلى اآلباد
+ Cmou `eP[oic ni`ejwrh nem + Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها الليالي+
nights and days, praise Him سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى،واأليام
ni`ehoou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all .اآلباد
Cmou `eP[oic piouwini nem pi,aki@ Bless the Lord, O light ،باركا الرب أيها النور والظلمة
and darkness, praise Him .سبحاه وزيداه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. and exalt Him above all
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic pijaf nem pi`wjeb@ + Bless the Lord, O باركا الرب أيها البرد+
frost and cold, praise Him ً سبحاه وزيداه علوا،والصقيع
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. and exalt Him above all .إلى اآلباد
Cmou `eP[oic ]pa,ny nem Bless the Lord, O snow ،باركا الرب أيها الجليد والثلج
and ice, praise Him and .سبحاه وزيداه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
pi,iwn@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa exalt Him above all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nicetebryj nem + Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها البروق+
lightnings and clouds, ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،والسحب
ni[ypi@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa praise Him and exalt Him . إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic pikahi tyrf@ hwc Bless the Lord, O all the ،باركي الرب أيتها األرض كلها
earth, praise Him and exalt .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
`erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Him above all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nitwou nem + Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها الجبال+
mountains and all hills, سبحيه وزيديه،وجميع اآلكام
nikalamvwou tyrou@ hwc `erof praise Him and exalt Him .علوا ً إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh.
Cmou `eP[oic ny tyrou etryt Bless the Lord, O all بارك الرب يا جميع ما يَنبت على
things that spring up on the سبحوه وزيدوه،وجه األرض
hijen `pho `m`pkahi@ hwc `erof `arihou`o earth, praise Him and exalt .علوا ً إلى اآلباد
Him above all forever.
[acf sa ni`eneh.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nimoumi@ hwc `erof + Bless the Lord, O you ، باركي الرب أيتها الينابيع+
fountains, praise Him and .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. exalt Him above all forever.
Cmou `eP[oic ni`amaiou nem Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها البحار
seas and rivers, praise Him ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،واألنهار
niiarwou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all .إلى اآلباد
+ Cmou `eP[oic nikytoc nem en,ai + Bless the Lord, O you باركي الرب أيتها الحيتان+
whales and all that moves ،وجميع ما يتحرك في المياه
niben etkim qen nimwou@ hwc `erof in the waters, praise Him .سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
and exalt Him above all
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic nihala] tyrou `nte Bless the Lord, all you باركي الرب يا جميع طيور
birds of the sky, praise Him سبحيه وزيديه علوا ً إلى،السماء
`tve@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa and exalt Him above all .اآلباد
+ Cmou `eP[oic ni;yrion nem + Bless the Lord, all باركي الرب أيتها الوحوش+
you wild beasts and cattle, ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،وكل البهائم
nitebnwou`i tyrou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o praise Him and exalt Him .إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
[acf sa ni`eneh.
Cmou `eP[oic nisyri `nte nirwmi@ Bless the Lord, O you ،باركوا الرب يا بني البشر
sons of men, worship the سبحوه وزيدوه،وأُسجدوا للرب
ouwst `mP[oic@ hwc `erof `arihou`o Lord, praise Him and exalt .علوا ً إلى اآلباد
Him above all forever.
[acf sa ni`eneh.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic Picrayl@ hwc + Bless the Lord, O سبحه، بارك الرب يا إسرائيل+
Israel, praise Him and exalt .وزده علوا ً إلى اآلباد
`erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Him above all forever.
Cmou `eP[oic niouyb `nte P[oic@ Bless the Lord, O you ،باركوا الرب يا كهنة الرب
priests of the Lord, praise .سبحوه وزيدوه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Him and exalt Him above
all forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic ni`ebiaik `nte P[oic@ + Bless the Lord, O you ، باركوا الرب يا عبيد الرب+
servants of the Lord, praise .سبحوه وزيدوه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh. Him and exalt Him above
all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
Cmou `eP[oic ni`pneuma nem Bless the Lord, O you باركوا الرب يا أرواح وأنفس
spirits and souls of the just, ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،الصديقين
ni'u,y `nte ni`;myi@ hwc `erof `arihou`o praise Him and exalt Him .إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
[acf sa ni`eneh.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nye;ouab nem + Bless the Lord, O you باركوا الرب أيها القديسون+
holy and humble of heart, سبحوه،والمتواضعو القلوب
nyet;ebiyout qen pouhyt@ hwc `erof praise Him and exalt Him .وزيدوه علوا ً إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh.
Cmou `eP[oic Ananiac Azariac Bless the Lord O باركوا الرب يا حنانيا وعزاريا
Hananiah Azariah Misael, ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،وميصائيل
Micayl@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf sa praise Him and exalt Him .إلى اآلباد
above all forever.
Eulogite pantata erga@ keri`e Praise Him, glorify زيدوا علوا إلي، مجدوه،سبحوه
Him, and exalt Him فهو المسبح وهو.االبد رحمتة
ton kerion@ `umnite ke `uperu'ote@ forever; for He is praised, وهو المتعالى علي،الممجد
glorified, and exalted . وإلي األبد رحمته،األدهار
auton ic touc `e`wnac. Amyn.
above the ages, and His
mercy is forever.
+ Cmou `eP[oic nyetercebec;e + Bless the Lord O you باركوا الرب يا عابدي الرب+
who worship the Lord the ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،إله أبائنا
`mP[oic Vnou] `nte nenio]@ hwc `erof God of our fathers, praise .إلى اآلباد
Him and exalt Him above
`arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh.
all forever.
Greek Psali Watos for the Three Saintly Youth
"ali Batoc `mpisomt `n`alou `n`agioc ourwmeoc
إبصالية واطس للثالثة فتية القديسين
Ari'alin `evy`etauasf@ `e`hryi O sing unto Him who وقُبر،رتلوا للذي صُلب عنا
was crucified, buried and ، وأبطل الموت وأهانه،وقام
`ejwn ouoh aukocf@ aftwnf afkwrf resurrected, who trampled .ًسبحوه وزيدوه علوا
and abolished death, praise
`m`vmou af]sosf@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
Him and exalt Him above
[acf. all.
Bws `mpirwmi `mpaleoc@ ouoh Take off the old man, والبسوا،اخلعوا اإلنسان العتيق
and put on the new and واقتربوا إلى ِع َظم،الجديد الفاخر
jwlh `mpiberi eu`kleoc@ ouoh `eqwnt superior one, come closer .ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،الرحمة
to greatness of mercy,
`emega`eleoc@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
praise Him and exalt Him
above all.
E;be Peknou] Maciac@ Vref] For the sake of your المانح،من أجل إلهك ماسيا
God the Messiah, the Giver ، َهلُ َّم إلينا يا حنانيا،اإلحسان
`neuergeciac@ `amou saron Ananiac@ of all good things, come .ًسبحوه وزيدوه علوا
unto us O Hananiah, praise
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him and exalt Him above
Zylwte Azariac@ ecperac ke O Azariah the zealot, عشية وبكرة،يا عزاريا الغيور
morning and noon and the أعط مجدا ً لقوة،والظهيرة
`prw`i ke mecym `briac@ ma`wou `n`tjom evening, glorify the power .ً سبحه وزده علوا،الثالوث
of the Trinity, praise Him
`n]`triac@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
and exalt Him above all.
+ Yppe gar ic Emmanouyl@ + Behold Emmanuel في، فها هوذا عمانوئيل+
[our Lord], is now in our تكلم بصوت،وسطنا يا ميصائيل
hitenmy] `w Micayl@ lali qen ou`cmy midst O Misael, proclaim .ً سبحه وزده علوا،التهليل
with the voice of joy, praise
`n;elyl@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him and exalt Him above
+ :wou] ]nou kata ,in tyrou@ + Gather now and ،ً اجتمعوا وثابروا جميعا+
persevere, and proclaim وسبحي،تكلموا مع القسوس
caji nem ni`precbuterou@ `cmou `eP[oic with the priests, bless the سبحوه،الرب يا جميع أعماله
nef`hbyou`i tyrou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
Lord all His works, praise .ًوزيدوه علوا
Him and exalt Him above
[acf. all.
Ic nivyou`i cecaji `m`p`wou@ `mVnou] The heavens declare the إلى،ها السموات تنطق بمجد هللا
glory, of God until this day, يا أيها المالئكة الذين،هذا اليوم
sa `eqoun `mvoou@ `w niaggeloc O you angels whom He has .ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،أنشأهم
made, praise Him and exalt
`etaf`jvwou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him above all.
Ke nun dunamic tou Kuriou@ `cmou Now all you powers of باركوا،واآلن يا قوات الرب
the Lord, bless His honored أيتها الشمس،اسمه الكريم
`epefran tou timiou@ piry nem piioh name, O sun and moon and سبحيه وزيديه،والقمر والنجوم
nem niciou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
all the stars, praise Him and .ًعلوا
exalt Him above all.
+ Loipon nimou`nhwou nem niiw]@ + And also you rain and ، وأيضا ً أيتها األمطار واألنداء+
dew, sing praises unto our ألنه هو إله،إمدحي مخلصنا
euvymica te penrefcw]@ je `n;of pe Savior, for He is the God of .ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،آبائنا
our fathers, praise Him and
Vnou] `nte nenio]@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
exalt Him above all.
+ Ma`wou `mP[oic `w ni[ypi euma@ + Glorify the Lord O ،ً أعطي مجدا ً أيتها السحب معا+
clouds and winds, together ،واألهوية واألنفس واألرواح
ni;you nem ninifi nem ni`pneuma@ with the souls and the سبحيه،والبرد والنار والحرارة
spirits, O you cold and fire .وزيده علوا
pijaf nem pi`,rwm pikauma@ hwc
and heat, praise Him and
`erof `arihou`o [acf. exalt Him above all.
Nuktec ke `ymererw pe@ vwc ke You also nights and والنور،ًأيتها الليالي واأليام أيضا
days, light, darkness and قائلة المجد،والظلمة والبروق
`ckotoc ke ac`trape@ je doxa ci lightning, glorify the Lover سبحوه،لك يا محب البشر
Vilan`;rwpe@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
of Mankind, praise Him .ًوزيدوه علوا
and exalt Him above all.
Xula ke panta ta vu`omena@ en You trees and all that ،أيتها األشجار وجميع ما ينبُت
springs on the earth, and all في،في األرض وكل ما يتحرك
ty gy ke panta ta kinoumena@ hi that moves in the waters, سبحوه،المياه والجبال والغياض
nimwou nem nitwou nem `drumona@
mountains and the forests, .ًوزيدوه علوا
praise Him and exalt Him
hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf. above all.
+ Ouoh on `cmou `nat,arwou@ + Praise without الرب، وأيضا ً سبحي بغير فتور+
ceasing, the Lord the King أيتها البحار،ملك الملوك
`eP[oic `pouro `nte niourwou@ ni`amaiou of the kings, O you rivers .ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا،واألنهار
and seas, praise Him and
nem niiarwou@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
exalt Him above all.
+ Pairy] `anon tennau `erwou@ + And we also seeing فلنقل، هكذا نحن إذ ننظر إليهم+
them, let us say with all ،مع هذه الموجودات جميعها
marenjoc nem nai wn tyrou@ `cmou these things, bless the Lord ،باركي الرب يا جميع الطيور
`eP[oic nihala] tyrou@ hwc `erof
all you birds, praise Him .ًسبحيه وزيده علوا
and exalt Him above all.
`arihou`o [acf.
Rw `nnipa,ny nem ni,iwn@ ke O snow and ice, cattle والبهائم،أيها الجليد والثلج
and wild beasts, bless the ، باركي رب األرباب،والوحوش
`ktynwn nem ni;yrion@ `cmou `eP[oic Lord of lords, praise Him .ً سبحيه وزيديه علوا
and exalt Him above all.
twn kuriwn@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Cmou `eP[oic kata `vtwmi@ `erof Bless the Lord as befits وليس،سبحوا الرب كما يليق به
Him, and not like the ، يا أبناء البشر،كالمخالفين
ke ou my paranomi@ `w nisyri `nte heretics, all you sons of .ًسبحوه وزيدوه علوا
men, praise Him and exalt
nirwmi@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him above all.
+ Timy ke doxa `w Picrayl@ `ini + O Israel offer before يا، مجدا ً وإكراما ً قدم أمامه+
Him, honor and glory in a يا كهنة،إسرائيل بصوت التهليل
nahraf qen ou`cmy `n;elyl@ niouyb joyful voice, all you priests .ً سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،عمانوئيل
of Emmanuel, praise Him
`nte Emmanouyl@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
and exalt Him above all.
+ Upyretwn `mVnou] `mmyi@ nem + You servants of the وأنفس، يا خدام هللا الحقيقي+
true God, the souls of the ، المتواضعين المحبين،األبرار
ni'u,y `nte ni`;myi@ nyet;ebiyout righteous, and the humble .ًسبحوه وزيدوه علوا
and the charitable, praise
`nrefmei@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him and exalt Him above
Vnou] Panou] `egw@ God my God is the One, هو مخلصكم من،هللا إلهي أنا
who saved you from يا سدراك وميساك،الخطر
petenrefcw] ek ton `agw@ Cedrak danger, O Sedrach Misach . سبحوه وزيدوه علوا،وأبدناغو
and Abednago, praise Him
Micak Abdenagw@ hwc `erof `arihou`o
and exalt Him above all.
+ "u,oc ke `anapaucic@ moi nan + Coolness and repose كلنا بغير، برودة ونياحا ً أعطنا+
without ceasing, grant unto سبحوه، لنقول بتمتُع، انقطاع
tyren ,wric `;raucic@ e;renjw qen all of us, that we may .ً وزيدوه علوا
joyfully proclaim, praise
ou`apolaucic@ hwc `erof `arihou`o [acf.
Him and exalt Him above
+ Wcautwc pekbwk pi`ptw,oc@ + And also Your poor ، كذلك عبدك المسكين سركيس+
servant Sarkis, make him ليقول مع،اجعله بغير دينونة
Carkic `aritf efoi `neno,oc@ `ecaji without condemnation, that سبحوه وزيدوه،هؤالء كشريك
nem nai hwc meto,oc@ hwc `erof
he may join all those and .ًعلوا
say, praise Him and exalt
`arihou`o [acf. Him above all.
Tenen `o;en ;ucian ke tyn We therefore present an فمن ثم نقدم الذبيحة والعبادة
offering and rational ونرسل لك فى هذا اليوم.العقلية
logikyn@ latrian `anapempwmen@ worship; we send unto you .التسابيح لدى مجدك يا مخلصنا
this day psalmodies for .حنانيا وعزاريا وميصائيل
ceautw cymeron `wdac@ `proc doxa
Your glory O our Savior.
cou cwtyr `ymwn@ Ananiac Azariac Hananiah Azariah and
ke Micayl.
Trion pai;on `nje melin natou When they were raised لما ُرفعوا ليأخذوا المجد فى
to take glory in their bodies, انحدر مالك وأطفأ،أجسادهم
peroc doxa `m`pcatetou@ cwmatoc the angel came down, اللهيب وصيره باردا ً عن حنانيا
stopped the fire and became .وعزاريا وميصائيل
aggeloc gar cenacel ;ede@
cool for Hananiah, Azariah
autoki;on `vligartyc@ `eleuce`wn and Misael.
Euhwc eu`cmou `eVnou] `ncyou They praise and يسبحون ويباركون هللا فى كل
worship God continually. .حين
Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished; and he ً ِحينَئِ ٍذ ت َ َحي ََّر نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر ْال َم ِل ُك َوقَا َم ُمس ِْرعا
rose in haste and spoke, saying to his counselors, “Did we َق ثَالَثَةَ ِر َجا ٍل ُموث َ ِقين ِ أَلَ ْم نُ ْل:ِيري ِه ِ سأ َ َل ُمش َ َو
not cast three men bound into the midst of the fire?” They ْ َ
.ص ِحي ٌح أيُّ َها ال َم ِل ُك َ َ
َ :س ِط الن ِار؟ فأ َجابُوا َّ َ فِي َو
answered and said to the king, “True, O king.” “Look!” ُ َ
َاظرٌ أرْ بَعَة ِر َجا ٍل َم ْحلو ِلين َ َ
ِ َها أنا ن:َفَقَال
َ َ
he answered, “I see four men loose, walking in the midst
ٌس ِط النَّ ِار َو َما ِب ِه ْم ض ََرر َ شونَ ِفي َو ُّ َيت َ َم
of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the
.ش ِبيهٌ ِبا ْب ِن اآل ِل َه ِة َ َو َم ْن َظ ُر الرَّ ا ِب ِع
fourth is like the Son of God.”
Then Nebuchadnezzar went near the mouth of the ون النَّ ِار ِ ب نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر إِلَى بَا
ِ ُ ب أَت َ ث ُ َّم ْاقت َ َر
burning fiery furnace and spoke, saying, “Shadrach, ع ْبدَنَغُو يَا َ ش ُخ َوَ خ َو ِمي ُ ش ْد َر َ يَا:ْال ُمت َّ ِقدَ ِة َونَادَى
Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, َ فَ َخ َر.اخ ُرجُوا َوتَعَالُوا
ج ْ ِ اَّللِ ْالعَ ِليَّ َعبِيد َ
come out, and come here.” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and .س ِط النَّ ِارَ َو ْ
ن م ِ و ُ غ َ نَ دبْ ع
َ و
َ ُ
خ شَ ي مِ وَ َ ُ
خ ر دْ ش
Abednego came from the midst of the fire. And the ِيرو ُ الش َح ُن َو ْالوُ الَة ُ َو ُمش ِ ت ْال َم َر ِازبَةُ َو ِ َاجت َ َمع ْ َف
satraps, administrators, governors, and the king’s
counselors gathered together, and they saw these men on ِ
الر َجا َل الَّ ِذينَ َل ْم ت َ ُك ْن ِللنَّار ِ ْال َم ِل ِك َو َرأُوا َه ُؤالَ ِء
whose bodies the fire had no power; the hair of their head س ِه ْم َل ْمِ شع َْرة ٌ ِم ْن ُر ُؤو َ ام ِه ْم َو ِ س َ علَى أ َ ْج َ ٌ قُوَّ ة
س َرا ِويلُ ُه ْم لَ ْم تَتَغَيَّرْ َو َرائِ َحة النَّ ِار لَ ْم َ ت َ ْحت َ ِر ْق َو
was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the
smell of fire was not on them. .علَ ْي ِه ْم َ ت ِ ْ ت َأ
Nebuchadnezzar spoke, saying, “Blessed be the God ش َخ َ خ َو ِمي َ ش ْد َر َ ُاركَ إِلَه َ َ تَب:فَقَا َل نَبُو َخ ْذنَص َُّر
of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who sent His ُعبِيدَه َ َس َل َمالَ َكهُ َوأ َ ْنقَذ َ ْع ْبدَنَغُو َّالذِي أَر َ َو
Angel and delivered His servants who trusted in Him, and ْ َ
علي ِه َوغي َُّروا ك ِل َمة ال َم ِل ِك َ َ ْ َ َ الَّ ِذ اتكلوا
ُ َ َّ َين
they have frustrated the king’s word, and yielded their س ُجدُوا ْ َسادَ ُه ْم ِلك َْي الَ يَ ْعبُدُوا أَوْ ي َ سلَ ُموا أ َ ْج ْ َ َوأ
bodies, that they should not serve nor worship any god َ
صد ََر أمْ رٌ ِبأ َّن ُك َّل َ َ
َ ف ِمنِي ق ْد.غ ْي ِر إِلَ ِه ِه ْم َ َ ِ ِإللَ ٍه
except their own God! Therefore I make a decree that any َُّوء َعلَى إِل ِه َّ ُ
people, nation, or language which speaks anything amiss
ِ ان يَتَكَل ُمونَ بِالس ٍ س َ ب َوأ َّم ٍة َو ِل ٍ ش ْع َ
ً صي َُّرونَ ِإرْ با ُ
َ ْ ِ ي م ُ
ه َّ ن إَ ف و ُ غ َ ن َ د ْ
ب ع
َ و
َ َ
خ ش
َ ي م ِ َ َو َ
خ ر د ْ ش
against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ْ ً
رُ َ
خ آ ٌ ه َ ل إ
ِ َ س ْ
ي َ ل ذ إ
ِ ة َ ل ب
َ ز ْ م َ م ْ ه ُ ُ ت ُو يُ ب ُ
ل ع
َ ِإرْ با ً َوت ُ ْج
shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made an
ash heap; because there is no other God who can deliver
ْ َ
ِحينَئِ ٍذ قدَّ َم ال َم ِل ُك.ست َ ِطي ُع أ ْن يُنَ ِج َي َه َكذا َ َ ْ َي
like this.” Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, َ
.ع ْبدَنغ َو فِي ِواليَ ِة بَا ِب َل ُ َ َ شخ َو َ َ شد َرخ َو ِمي َ ْ َ
and Abednego in the province of Babylon.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Prayers of the New Testament
صلوات العهد الجديد
Praise of Virgin Mary (Luke 1:46-55)
)55 - 32 :1 تسبحة العذراء مريم (لوقا
And Mary said: My soul magnifies the Lord, and my تُعَ ِظ ُم َن ْفسِي الرَّ بَّ َوت َ ْبت َ ِه ُج:َف َقا َل ْت َمرْ يَ ُم
spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. For He has regarded
ِاَّللِ ُم َخ ِل ِصي ألنَّهُ نَ َظ َر إِلَى اتِضَاع َّ وحي ِب ِ ُر
the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth َ ُ َ ُ
فه َُوذا ُمنذ اآلنَ َج ِمي ُع األ ْجيَا ِل تط ِوبُنِي.أ َ َمتِ ِه
ْ َ َ
all generations will call me blessed. For He who is mighty ٌ ُّس ُمهُ قُد
وس ْ ع َظا ِئ َم َوا َ صنَ َع ِبي َ ِير َ أل َ َّن ْالقَد
has done great things for me, and holy is His name. And صنَ َعَ .َُو َر ْح َمتُهُ ِإلَى ِجي ِل األ َ ْجيَا ِل ِللَّ ِذينَ يَتَّقُونَه
His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to
.ست َ ْكبِ ِرينَ بِ ِف ْك ِر قُلُوبِ ِه ْم ْ شتَّتَ ْال ُم َ .قُوَّ ةً بِذ َِرا ِع ِه
generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has
scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He . َسي ِ َو َرفَ َع ْال ُمت َّ ِض ِعين ِ أ َ ْن َز َل األ َ ِع َّزا َء ع َِن ْالك ََرا
has put down the mighty from their thrones, and exalted ف األ َ ْغ ِن َيا َء َ ص َر َ ت َو ٍ ع َخ ْي َرا َ ش َب َع ْال ِج َيا
ْ َأ
ً ْ
ضدَ إِس َْرائِي َل فَتَاهُ ِليَذ ُك َر َر ْح َمة َك َما َ ع َ . َفَا ِر ِغين
the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and
the rich He has sent away empty. He has helped His َ َ
.س ِل ِه إِلى األبَ ِد ْ َ ِ ِإل ْبرا ِهي َم َون.كَلَّ َم آبَا َءنَا
servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy, as He spoke
to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed forever.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
Lord, now You are letting Your servant depart in سالَ ٍم َ ِب قَوْ ِلكَ بَ سَ سيِد ُ َحَ ع ْبدَكَ يَا َ ق ُ اآلنَ ت ُ ْط ِل
peace, according to Your word; for my eyes have seen ُصكَ الَّذِي أ َ ْعدَ ْدتَه َ َص َرتَا َخال َ ع ْينَ َّي قَ ْد أ َ ْب
َ أل َ َّن
ور ِإ ْعالَ ٍن ِلأل َم ِمَ ُ ن.ب ُّ يع ال ُ
ِ قدَّا َم َو ْج ِه َج ِم
Your salvation which You have prepared before the face ِ شعُو
of all peoples, a light to bring revelation to the Gentiles, .ش ْع ِبكَ إِس َْرائِي َل َ َو َم ْجدا ً ِل
and the glory of Your people Israel.
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
There was a man living in Babylon whose name was كان فى بابل رجل إسمه يواقيم وتزوج
Joakim. He married the daughter of Hilkiah, named ً بإمرأة إسمها سوسنة إبنة حلقيا جميلة جدا
Susanna, a very beautiful woman and one who feared the وكان أبواها ِصديقين فأدبا.ومتقية للرب
Lord. Her parents were righteous, and had trained their وكان.إبنتهما على حسب شريعة موسى
daughter according to the law of Moses. Joakim was very وكانت له حديقة تلى.ًيواقيم زوجها غنيا ً جدا
rich, and had a fine garden adjoining his house; the Jews
وكان اليهود يجتمعون إليه ألنه كان.داره
used to come to him because he was the most honored of
them all. That year two elders from the people were أوجههم جميعا ً وكان قد أقيم شيخان من
appointed as judges. Concerning them the Lord had said: الشعب للقضاء فى تلك السنة وهما من الذين
‘Wickedness came forth from Babylon, from elders who أن اإلثم قد صدر من بابل:قال السيد عنهم
were judges, who were supposed to govern the people.’ من شيوخ قضاة كان يظن أنهم مدبرى
. الشعب
These men were frequently at Joakim’s house, and all وكان هذان الشيخان مالزمين يواقيم مع كل
who had a case to be tried came to them there. When the وكانت سوسنة.ذى دعوى ليحكما بينهما
people left at noon, Susanna would go into her husband’s متى إنصرف الشعب عند الظهر تدخل
garden to walk. Every day the two elders used to see her, وتتمشى فى حديقة رجلها فكان الشيخان
going in and walking about, and they began to lust for ينظرانها كل يوم تدخل وتتمشى فى البستان
her. They suppressed their consciences and turned away
فكلفا بهواها وأسلما عقولهما للفساد
their eyes from looking to Heaven or remembering their
duty to administer justice. ولئال السماء وأغمضا أعينهما لئال ينظرا إلى
.يتذكرا األحكام العادلة
Both were overwhelmed with passion for her, but they وكان كالهما شغوفين بها ولم يكاشف
did not tell each other of their distress, for they were أحدهما اآلخر بوجعه ألنهما كانا يخجالن أن
ashamed to disclose their lustful desire to seduce her. Day يخبرا بشهوتهما ألنهما كانا يريدان أن
after day they watched eagerly to see her. One day they َّ
وكان كل يوم يجدان.يضاجعاها هما اإلثنين
said to each other, ‘Let us go home, for it is time for وأن أحدهما.فى الترقب بتشوق لكى يراها
lunch.’ So they both left and parted from each other. But
قال لآلخر لننصرف إلى بيوتنا فإنها ساعة
turning back, they met again; and when each pressed the
other for the reason, they confessed their lust. Then فسأل،الغذاء فخرجا وتفارقا وإلتقيا إثناهما
together they arranged for a time when they could find بعضهما بعضا ً عن سبب رجوعه فإعترفا
her alone. بهواهما وحينئذ اتفقا معا ً على وقت يمكنهما
.فيه أن يخلوا بها وحدها
Once, while they were watching for an opportune day, وكان فى بعض األيام بينما هما مترقبان
she went in as before with only two maids, and wished to اليوم الموافق أنها دخلت مثل أمس وما قبل
bathe in the garden, for it was a hot day. No one was there أمس تتمشى داخل البستان ومعها جاريتان
except the two elders, who had hidden themselves and فقط وأرادت أن تغتسل فى الحديقة ألنه كان
were watching her. She said to her maids, ‘Bring me olive وهما،حر ولم يكن هناك أحد إال الشيخان
oil and ointments, and shut the garden doors so that I can
مختبئان يتأمالنها فقالت للجاريتين أئتيانى
bathe.’ They did as she told them: they shut the doors of
the garden and went out by the side doors to bring what بدهن وأغلقا أبواب الحديقة ألغتسل ففعلتا
they had been commanded. كما أمرتهما وأغلقتا أبواب الحديقة وخرجتا
.من أبواب السر لتأتيا بما أمرتهما به
They did not see the elders, because they were hiding. فلما.ولم تعلم أن الشيخين مختبئان هناك
When the maids had gone out, the two elders got up and خرجت الجاريتان قام الشيخان وهجما عليها
ran to her. They said, ‘Look, the garden doors are shut, ها هوذا أبواب الحديقة مغلقة وال:وقاال لها
and no one can see us. We are burning with desire for ونحن شغوفان بهواك فوافقينا،يرانا أحد
you; so give your consent, and lie with us. If you refuse, معك
ِ وإال فنشهد عليك أنه كان،وكونى معنا
we will testify against you that a young man was with
ِ شاب لذلك صرفت الجاريتين
you, and this was why you sent your maids away.’
Susanna groaned and said, ‘I am completely trapped. For لقد ضاق بى األمر من كل:سوسنة وقالت
if I do this, it will mean death for me; if I do not, I cannot جهة فإنى إن فعلت هذا فهو لى موت وإن لم
escape your hands. I choose not to do it and to fall into ولكن خير لى أن،أفعل فال أنجو من أيديكما
your hands, rather than sin in the sight of the Lord.’ ال أفعل ثم أقع فى أيديكم من أن أخطئ أمام
.إله السماء
Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, and the two وصرخت سوسنة بصوت عظيم فصرخ
elders shouted against her. And one of them ran and الشيخان عليها وأسرع أحدهما وفتح أبواب
opened the garden doors. When the people in the house فلما سمع أهل البيت الصراخ فى.الحديقة
heard the shouting in the garden, they rushed in at the side .الحديقة وثبوا إليها للوقت ليروا ما وقع لها
door to see what had happened to her. And when the ً ولما تكلم الشيخان بكالمهما خجل العبيد جدا
elders told their story, the servants felt very much
ألنه لم يقل أحد قط مثل هذا القول على
ashamed, for nothing like this had ever been said about
Susanna. .سوسنة
The next day, when the people gathered at the house وفى الغد لما إجتمع الشعب إلى رجلها
of her husband Joakim, the two elders came, full of their أتى الشيخان مضمرين نية أثيمة،يواقيم
wicked plot to have Susanna put to death. In the presence :ليهلكاها وقاال أمام الشعب
of the people they said:
‘Send for Susanna, daughter of Hilkiah, the wife of أرسلوا إلى سوسنة بنت حلقيا التى هى إمرأة
Joakim.’ So they sent for her. And she came with her فأرسلوا وأتت سوسنة هى ووالداها.يواقيم
parents, her children, and all her relatives. Now Susanna وكانت سوسنة،وبنوها وجميع ذوى قرابتها
was a woman of great refinement and beautiful in فأمر هذان.ًجميلة المنظر وحسنة جدا
appearance. As she was veiled, the scoundrels ordered her الفاجران أن تكشف رأسها ألن رأسها كانت
to be unveiled, so that they might feast their eyes on her
.مغطاة ليشبعا من جمالها
Those who were with her and all who saw her were .وكان أهلها وجميع الذين ينظرونها يبكون
weeping. Then the two elders stood up before the people ووضعا أيديهما،فقام الشيخان وسط الشعب
and laid their hands on her head. Through her tears she على رأسها فرفعت عيناها إلى السماء وهى
looked up towards Heaven, for her heart trusted in the فقال.باكية ألن قلبها كان متوكالً على هللا
Lord. The elders said, ‘While we were walking in the أننا كنا نتمشى فى الحديقة وحدنا:الشيخان
garden alone, this woman came in with two maids, shut فإذا بهذه قد دخلت ومعها جاريتان ثم صرفت
the garden doors, and dismissed the maids. .الجاريتين وأغلقت أبواب الحديقة
Then a young man, who was hiding there, came to her فأتاها شاب كان مختبئا ً فى الحديقة ووقع
and lay with her. We were in a corner of the garden, and عليها وكنا نحن مختبئين فى زاوية من
when we saw this wickedness we ran to them. Although فلما رأينا اإلثم أسرعنا إليهما،الحديقة
we saw them embracing, we could not hold the man, أما ذاك فلم نستطيع أن.ورأيناهما متعانقين
because he was stronger than we are, and he opened the .نمسكه ألنه كان أقوى منا ففتح األبواب وفر
doors and got away.
We did, however, seize this woman and asked who وأما هذه فقبضنا عليها وسألناها عن الشاب
the young man was, but she would not tell us. These فصدقهما. هذا ما نشهد به.فأبت أن تخبرنا
things we testify.’ Because they were elders of the people المجمع ألنهما شيخان وقاضيان فى الشعب
and judges, the assembly believed them and condemned فصرخت سوسنة.وحكموا عليها بالموت
her to death. Then Susanna cried out with a loud voice, أيها اإلله األزلى:بصوت عظيم وقالت
and said, ‘O eternal God, You know what is secret and are
، العالم بكل شئ قبل أن يكون،العارف الخفايا
aware of all things before they come to be. You know that
these men have given false evidence against me. And now أنك تعلم أيها الرب أنهما شهدا على بالزور
I am to die, though I have done none of the wicked things وها أنا أموت ولم أصنع شيئا مما إفتريا على
that they have charged against me!’ .به هؤالء
The Lord heard her cry. Just as she was being led off وإذ كانت تساق إلى.فإستجاب الرب لصوتها
to execution, God stirred up the holy spirit of a young lad الموت نبه هللا روحا ً مقدسا ً لشاب حدث
named Daniel, and he shouted with a loud voice, ‘I want أنا برئ:اسمه دانيال فصرخ بصوت عظيم
no part in shedding this woman’s blood!’ All the people فالتفت إليه الشعب كله.من دم هذه المرأة
turned to him and asked, ‘What is this you are saying?’ ما هذا الكالم الذى قلته؟:وقالوا
Taking his stand among them he said, ‘Are you such أهكذا أنتم أغبياء يا:فوقف فى وسطهم وقال
fools, O Israelites, as to condemn a daughter of Israel بنى إسرائيل؟ ما فحصتم وما عرفتم الحق
without examination and without learning the facts? وقضيتم على بنت إسرائيل؟ لكن ارجعوا إلى
Return to court, for these men have given false evidence .القضاء فإن هذين إنما شهدا عليها بالزور
against her.’ So all the people hurried back. And the rest : فقال له الشيخان.فأسرع الشعب كله ورجع
of the elders said to him, ‘Come, sit among us and inform
.هلم إجلس بيننا وأفدنا فقد أتاك هللا المشيَّخة
us, for God has given you the standing of an elder.’
Daniel said to them, ‘Separate them far from each فرقوهما بعضهما عن بعض:فقال لهم دانيال
other, and I will examine them.’ When they were فلما إفترق الواحد عن.بعيدا ً فأحكم عليهما
separated from each other, he summoned one of them and يا أيها المتعتق: دعا أحدهما وقال له.اآلخر
said to him, ‘You old relic of wicked days, your sins have لقد أتت عليك خطاياك التى،األيام الشريرة
now come home, which you have committed in the past, تحكم على، تقضى قضاء ظلم،إرتكبتها
pronouncing unjust judgments, condemning the innocent
:األبرياء وتطلق المجرمين وقد قال الرب
and acquitting the guilty, though the Lord said:
“You shall not put an innocent and righteous person to فاآلن إن كنت.أن البرئ والزكى ال تقتلهما
death.” Now then, if you really saw this woman, tell me قد رأيتهما فقل تحت أية شجرة رأيتهما
this: Under what tree did you see them being intimate : فقال دانيال. تحت الضروة:يتحدثان؟ فقال
with each other?’ He answered, ‘Under a mastic tree.’
And Daniel said, ‘Very well! This lie has cost you your فها هوذا مالك، َلقد صوبت كذبك على رأسك
head, for the angel of God has received the sentence from ثم.هللا قد أمر من لدن هللا بأن يشقك شطرين
God and will immediately cut you in two.’ Then, putting .عزله وأمر بإقبال اآلخر
him to one side, he ordered them to bring the other.
And he said to him, ‘You offspring of Canaan and not لقد، يا نسل كنعان وليس يهوذا:فقال له
of Judah, beauty has beguiled you and lust has perverted ،فتنك الجمال وأسلم الهوى قلبك إلى الفساد
your heart. This is how you have been treating the أهكذا كنتما تصنعان مع بنات إسرائيل وكن
daughters of Israel, and they were intimate with you أما بنت يهوذا فلم تحتمل،يخفن إن يحدثنكما
through fear; but a daughter of Judah would not tolerate واآلن قل لى تحت أية شجرة.فجوركما
your wickedness. Now then, tell me: Under what tree did
. تحت السنديانة:صادفتهما يتحدثان؟ فقال
you catch them being intimate with each other?’ He
answered, ‘Under an evergreen oak.’
Daniel said to him, ‘Very well! This lie has cost you وأنت أيضا ً قد صوبت كذبك:فقال له دانيال
also your head, for the angel of God is waiting with his على رأسكَ فمالك هللا واقف وبيده سيف
sword to split you in two, so as to destroy you both.’ Then .ليقطعك شطرين وليبيدكما أنتما اإلثنين
the whole assembly raised a great shout and blessed God, فصرخ المجمع كله بصوت عظيم وباركوا هللا
who saves those who hope in him. And they took action وقاموا على،مخلص الذين يرجونه
against the two elders, because out of their own mouths
وقد أثبت دانيال من نطقهما أنهما.الشيخين
Daniel had convicted them of bearing false witness.
.شهدا بالزور
They did to them as they had wickedly planned to do وصنعوا بهما كما نويا أن يصنعوا بالقريب
to their neighbor, acting in accordance with the law of فقتلوهما.عمالً بما فى شريعة موسى
Moses, they put them to death. Thus innocent blood was فسبح.وخلص الدم الزكى فى ذلك اليوم
spared that day. Hilkiah and his wife praised God for their حلقيا وامرأته الرب ألجل إبنتهما مع يواقيم
daughter Susanna, and so did her husband Joakim and all رجلها وذوى قرابتهم ألنه لم يوجد فى
her relatives, because she was found innocent of a
وعظم دانيال عند الشعب.سوسنة شئ قبيح
shameful deed. And from that day onwards Daniel had a
great reputation among the people. . من ذلك اليوم فما بعده
And praise be to God forever. .ً والسبح هلل دائما
And they go in procession around the church with lights in their hands and chanting with
cymbals the following hymn in its annual tune
ويطوفون الكنيسة باألنوار والناقوس مرتلين اللحن التالي بالطريقة السنوي إلى أن يدخلوا الخورس
Psali Watos
إبصالية واطس
Tenoueh `ncwk qen penhyt tyrf@ We follow You with all ، ونخافك،نتبعك بكل قلوبنا
our hearts, and fear You, . يا هللا ال تخزنا،ونطلب وجهك
tenerho] qatekhy@ ouoh tenkw] and we seek Your face, O
God do not forsake us.
`nca pekho@ Vnou] `mper]sipi nan.
+ Alla `ariou`i neman@ kata + But rather deal with ، بحسب دعتك، بل إصنع معنا+
us, according to Your . يا رب أعنَّا،وكثرة رحمتك
tekmet`epikyc@ nem kata `p`asai `nte meekness, and according to
Your great mercy, O Lord
peknai@ P[oic `aribo`y;in `eron.
help us.
Mare ten`proceu,y Pennyb@ `i May our prayers ascend ، أمامك يا سيدنا،فلتصعد صالتنا
onto You, O our Master, وعجول،مثل محرقات كباش
`e`pswi `mpek`m;o@ `m`vry] `nhan[lil like burnt offerings of .سمان
lambs, and fat calves.
`nte hanwili@ nem hanmaci
+ Mperer`pwbs `n]dia;yky@ + Do not forget the قطعته مع، ال تنس العهد الذي+
covenant, which You have ، إبراهيم وإسحق ويعقوب،آبائنا
;y`etakcemnytc nem nenio]@ Abraam made with our fathers, .إسرائيل قديسك
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
Icaak Iakwb@ Picrayl pee;ouab
Israel Your saint.
Cmou `eP[oic nilaoc tyrou@ Bless the Lord all you ،باركوا الرب يا جميع الشعوب
nations, the tribes and all سبحوه،والقبائل ولغات األلسن
nivuly niacpi `nlac@ hwc `erof ma`wou kinds of tongues, praise وزيدوه علوا ً إلى،ومجدوه
Him and glorify Him, .اآلباد
naf@ `arihou`o [acf sa ni`eneh.
above all forever.
+ Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w + Pray to the Lord on أيها، أُطلبوا من الرب عنا+
our behalf, O three saintly سدراك،الثالثة فتية القديسين
` lou `n`agioc@ Cedrak Micak children, Sedrach, Misach
pisomt `na ليغفر لنا،وميساك وأبدناغو
and Abednego, that He may .خطايانا
Abdenagw@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
forgive us our sins.
At the completion of the hymn, they offer the Matins Prayer as follows
يرفع البخور كالعادة باوشية بخور باكر،وعند نهاية اللحن السابق
Matins for Bright Satudray
باكر يوم سبت الفرح
The priest stands at the door of the sanctuary and says (while opening the curtain)
)يقف الكاهن أمام باب الهيكل (ويقول بينما يفتح ستر الهيكل
Ele`ycon `ymac `o :eoc `o Patyr `o Have mercy on us, O .ارحمنا يا هللا اآلب ضابط الكل
God, the Father, the .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
Pantokratwr@ pan`agia Triac Pantocrator. All Holy
Trinity, have mercy on us
`ele`ycon `ymac.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom swpi O Lord, God of hosts, أيها الرب إله القوات كن معنا
be with us for we have no ألنه ليس لنا معين في شدائدنا
neman@ je `mmon `ntan `noubo`y;oc qen helper in our tribulations .وضيقاتنا سواك
and afflictions but You.
nen`;li'ic nem nenhojhej `ebyl
Ouoh ,a nyeteron nan `ebol@ And forgive us our وأغفر لنا ذنوبنا كما نغفر نحن
trespasses, as we forgive وال تدخلنا.أيضا للمذنبين إلينا
`m`vry] hwn `nten,w `ebol `nnyete those who trespass against . لكن نجنا من الشرير.في تجربة
us. And lead us not into
ouon `ntan `erwou@ ouoh `mperenten
temptation, but deliver us
eqoun `epiracmoc@ alla nahmen `ebol from the evil one.
ha pipethwou.
Qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic@ In Christ Jesus our ألن لك،بالمسيح يسوع ربنا
Lord, for Thine is the .الملك والقوة والمجد إلي األبد
je ;wk te ]metouro nem ]jom nem Kingdom and the power .آمين
piwou sa `eneh. `amyn. and the glory forever.
After this, the priest prostrates before the sanctuary وبعد ذلك يسجد الكاهن أمام باب الهيكل
door, saying: :ويقول
Then he prostrates before his fellow priests and the ثم يضرب مطانية نحو أخوته الكهنة ومطانية
deacons, saying: :لناحية الشمامسة وهو يقول
Cmou `eroi@ ic ]metanoia@ ,w nyi Bless me. Behold, the اغفروا. ها المطانية.باركوا علي
repentance. Forgive me. .لي
The priest greets his fellow priests by touching their ثم يصافح أخوته الكهنة ويعود فيقف أمام
hands, then he returns and stands before the sanctuary باب الهيكل بخشوع ويبسط يديه وخلفه
door with contrition while stretching out his hands. The .الشماس عن يمينه ممسكا ً الصليب في يده
deacon stand behind him and to his right while he holds
the cross in his hand.
The priest bows his head towards his fellow priests, ،ثم يطامن الكاهن رأسه نحو إخوته الكهنة
and, while turning towards the west, he makes the sign of ويرشم الشعب بيده،ويلتفت إلي الغرب
the cross over the people with his right hand, and says: :اليمني بمثال الصليب وهو يقول
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
Peace be with all. .السالم للكل
Iryny paci.
Je afer`ckepazin `ejwn. For He has covered us, ألنه سترنا وأعاننا وحفظنا وقبلنا
helped us, guarded us, إليه وأشفق علينا وعضدنا وأتى
Aferbo`y;in `eron. Af`areh `eron. accepted us to Himself, .بنا إلى هذه الساعة
spared us, supported us, and
Afsopten `erof af]`aco `eron.
have brought us to this
Af]toten afenten sa `e`hryi hour.
`etaiounou ;ai.
N;of on maren]ho `erof hopwc Let us also ask Him, the هو أيضا ً فلنسأله أن يحفظنا في
Lord our God, the هذا اليوم المقدس وكل أيام حياتنا
`ntef`areh `eron@ qen pai `ehoou e;ouab Pantocrator, to guard us in بكل سالم الضابط الكل الرب
all peace this holy day and .إلهنا
vai nem ni`ehoou tyrou `nte penwnq@
all the days of our life.
qen hiryny niben `nje pipantokratwr
P[oic Pennou].
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
O Master, Lord, God أيها السيد الرب اإلله ضابط الكل
Vnyb P[oic Vnou] the Pantocrator, the Father أبو ربنا وإلهنا ومخلصنا يسوع
of our Lord, God and .المسيح
pipantokratwr@ Viwt `mPen[oic
Savior, Jesus Christ.
ouoh Pennou] ouoh Pencwtyr Iycouc
Tensep`hmot `ntotk kata hwb We thank You for نشكرك على كل حال ومن أجل كل
everything, concerning .حال وفى كل حال
niben nem e;be hwb niben nem qen everything, and in
hwb niben.
Je aker`ckepazin `ejwn. For you have covered ألنك سترتنا وأعنتنا وحفظتنا
us, helped us, guarded us, وقبلتنا إليك وأشفقت علينا
Akerbo`y;in `eron@ ak`areh `eron@ accepted us to Yourself, وعضدتنا وأتيت بنا إلى هذه
spared us, supported us, and .الساعة
Aksopten `erok ak]`aco `eron@
have brought us to this
Ak]toten akenten sa `e`hryi `etai hour.
ounou ;ai.
Ntef`areh `e`pwnq nem `ptaho And to preserve and وأن يحفظ لنا وعلينا حياة وقيام
confirm the life of our )...( أبينا المكرم البابا األنبا
`eratf `mpeniwt ettaiyout honored father, Papa Abba وشريكه في الخدمة الرسولية
`nar,i`ereuc papa abba (...) nem (…) and his partner in the أبينا المطران (األسقف) أنبا
liturgy, our father the .)...(
pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc peniwt metropolitan (bishop), Abba
`mmytropolityc (`nepickopoc) abba
V;onoc niben@ Piracmoc niben@ All envy, all temptation, كل حسد وكل تجربة وكل فعل
all the work of Satan, the الشيطان ومؤامرة الناس األشرار
`energi`a niben `nte `pcatanac@ `pco[ni counsel of wicked men and وقيام األعداء الخفيين والظاهرين
the rising up of enemies,
`nte hanrwmi euhwou@ nem `ptwnf
hidden and manifest,
`e`pswi `nte hanjaji nyethyp nem
nye;ouwnh `ebol.
The priest bows his head toward the East and signs يطامن الكاهن رأسه إلي الشرق ويرشم ذاته
himself with the sign of the cross, saying: :ًبمثال الصليب قائال
Then he turns towards the west from his right and ثم يلتفت إلي الغرب عن يمينه ويرشم الشعب
makes the sign of the cross over the people, saying the قائالً (إذا كان البابا أو المطران أو األسقف
following (If the pope, a metropolitan or a bishop is :)حاضرا ً فهو الذي يرشم الشعب ويقول ذلك
present, he makes the sign of the cross over the people
and says the following instead of the priest):
Nem `ebol ha peklaoc tyrf. And from all Your .وعن سائر شعبك
people. .وعن هذه الكنيسة
Nem `ebol ha taiek`klycia ;ai. And from this church.
Then he turns toward the East, making the sign of the ثم يلتفت إلي الشرق ويرشم علي المذبح
cross on the altar, saying: :ًقائال
nem `ebol ha paima e;ouab `ntak And from this, Your .وعن موضعك المقدس هذا
holy place.
Ny de e;naneu nem nyeternofri But those things which أما الصالحات والنافعات فارزقنا
are good and profitable do إياها ألنك أنت الذي أعطيتنا
cahni `mmwou nan. Je `n;ok pe `etak] provide for us, for it is You السلطان أن ندوس الحيات
who have given us the .والعقارب وعلى كل قوات العدو
`mpiersisi nan@ `ehwmi `ejen nihof
authority to tread on
nem ni`[ly@ nem `ejen ]jom tyrc `nte serpents and scorpions, and
upon all the power of the
pijaji. enemy.
Ouoh `mperenten `eqoun And lead us not into لكن نجنا،وال تدخلنا في تجربة
temptation, but deliver us .من الشرير
`epiracmoc@ alla nahmen `ebol ha from the evil one.
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt By the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh God and Savior Jesus
Pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد واإلكرام
glory, the honor, the والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
are due unto You, with Him .لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all .آمين
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Morning Doxology
ذكصولوجية باكر
Tenouwst `mViwt nem Psyri@ We worship the Father نسجد لآلب واألبن والروح
and the Son, and the Holy السالم للكنيسة بيت.القدس
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ ,ere Spirit, Hail to the Church, .المالئكة
the house of the angels.
]ek`klyci`a@ `pyi `nte ni`aggeloc.
+ <ere ]par;enoc@ `etacmec + Hail to the Virgin, السالم للعذراء التى ولدت+
who gave birth to our السالم لغبريال الذى.مخلصنا
Pencwtyr@ ,ere Gabriyl@ Savior, Hail to Gabriel who .بشرها
announced, to her the Good
`etafhisennoufi nac.
<ere Mi,ayl@ pi`ar,y`aggeloc@ Hail to Michael, the السالم لميخائيل رئيس المالئكة
archangel, Hail to the .ً السالم لألربعة والعشرين قسيسا
,ere pijout `ftoou@ `m`precbuteroc. twenty four, Presbyters.
<ere Iwannyc@ pinis] Hail to John, the great .السالم ليوحنا السابق العظيم
forerunner, Hail to the, .ًالسالم لألثنى عشر رسوال
`mprodromoc@ ,ere pimyt `cnau@ twelve apostles.
+ <ere peniwt Markoc@ + Hail to our father السالم ألبينا مرقس األنجيلى+
Mark, the Evangelist, the . مبدد األوثان
pieu`aggelictyc@ pirefjwr `ebol@ `nte destroyer, of the idols.
<ere Ctevanoc@ pisorp Hail to Stephen, the first .السالم إلستفانوس الشهيد
martyr, Hail to George, the السالم لجؤرجيوس كوكب
`mmarturoc@ ,ere Gewrgioc@ piciou morning star. .الصبح
`nte han`atoou`i.
+ <ere `p,oroc tyrf@ `nte + Hail to the whole السالم لجميع صفوف+
choir, of the martyrs, Hail السالم ألنبا انطونيوس.الشهداء
nimarturoc@ ,ere Abba Antwni@ to Abba Antony, and the .والثالثة المقارات
three Macarii.
nem pisomt Makarioc.
<ere `p,oroc tyrf@ `nte Hail to the whole choir, السالم لجميع صفوف لُباس
of the cross-bearers, Hail to السالم لجميع القديسين.الصليب
ni`ctaurovoroc@ ,ere nye;ouab all the saints, who have .الذين أرضوا الرب
pleased the Lord.
tyrou@ `etafranaf `mP[oic.
+ Hiten nou`eu,y@ Pi`,rictoc + Through their prayers, بصلواتهم. أيها المسيح ملكنا+
O Christ our King, have .اصنع معنا رحمة فى ملكوتك
Penouro@ `ari ounai neman@ qen mercy upon us, in Your
Pa[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ O my Lord Jesus Christ, يا ربي يسوع المسيح الذي وُ ضع
Who was Placed in the اسحق عنا شوكة،في القبر
vy`etaf,af qen pi`mhau@ ek`eqomqem tomb, trample down for us .الموت
the sting of Death.
` ryi `nqyten@ `n]couri `nte `vmou.
+ <ere pi`ctauroc@ `etaues pa[oic + Hail to the Cross, السالم للصليب الذي صلب+
which my Lord was السالم للقبر الذي.عليه ربي
`erof@ ,ere pi`mhau@ etau ,w crucified upon, Hail to the .وضع فيه جسده
grave, where they placed
`mpefcwma `nqytf.
His body
Pi`ctauroc pe penhoplon@ The Cross is our الصليب هو سالحنا الصليب هو
weapon, the Cross is our رجاؤنا الصليب هو ثباتنا فى
pi`ctauroc pe tenhelpic@ pi`ctauroc pe hope, the Cross is our .ضيقاتنا وشدائدنا
confirmation, in our
pentajro@ qen nenhojhej nem
troubles and sufferings.
+ Pouro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan + O King of peace, يا ملك السالم اعطنا سالمك+
grant us Your peace, render قرر لنا سالمك وإغفر لنا
`ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@ unto us Your peace, and .خطايانا
forgive us our sins.
,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Jwr `ebol `nnijaji@ `nte Disperse the enemies, of فرق اعداء الكنيسة وحصنها فال
the Church, and fortify her, .تتزعزع الى االبد
]ek`klyci`a@ `aricobt `eroc@ `nneckim sa that she may not be shaken
+ Emmanouyl Pennou]@ qen + Emmanuel our God, عمانوئيل إلهنا فى وسطنا اآلن+
is now in our midst, with .بمجد ابيه والروح القدس
tenmy] ]nou@ qen `p`wou `nte Pefiwt@ the glory of His Father, and
the Holy Spirit.
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
Ntef`cmou `eron tyren@ `nteftoubo May He bless us all, and يباركنا كلنا ويطهر قلوبنا ويشفى
purify our hearts, and heal .أمراض نفوسنا وأجسادنا
`nnenhyt@ `nteftal[o `nniswni@ `nte the sicknesses, of our souls
and bodies.
nen'u,y nem nencwma.
Amwini marenoust@ `amwini Come let us worship, let هلم نسأل المسيح،هلم نسجد
us ask Christ our Lord. .إلهنا
maren]ho `ePi`,rictoc Pennou].
Amwini marenoust@ `amwini Come let us worship, let هلم نطلب من،هلم نسجد
us beseech Christ our King. .المسيح ملكنا
maren]ho `ePi`,rictoc Penouro.
Amwini marenoust@ amwini Come let us worship, let هلم نتضرع إلى،هلم نسجد
us entreat Christ our Savior. .المسيح مخلصنا
maren]ho `ePi`,rictoc Pencwtyr.
Pen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ O our Lord Jesus Christ, كلمة،يا ربنا يسوع المسيح
the Word of God, our Lord, بشفاعة القديسة،هللا إلهنا
pilogoc `nte Vnou] Pennou]@ hiten through the intercession of ،مريم وجميع قديسيك
ni`precbi`a `nte ]`agi`a Maria nem
Saint Mary and all Your .ً احفظنا ولنبدأ بدءا حسنا
saints, preserve us, and .ارحمنا كإرادتك إلى األبد
nye;ouab `ntak `areh `eron ouoh bring us to a good start.
Have mercy on us
maren ]`wou `nou`wou `enanef@ ouoh according to Your will
nai nan kata pekouws sa `eneh@
Pi`ejwrh afcini@ tensep`hmot The night had passed; نشكرك يا رب ونسأل،الليل عبر
we thank You, O Lord, and أن تحفظنا في هذا اليوم بغير
`ntotk P[oic ouoh ten]ho `erok we ask You to keep us this .خطية وأنقذنا
day without sin and save us.
e;rek`areh `eron qen pai`ehoou vai enoi
Psalm 50
المزمور الخمسين
Nai nyi Vnou] kata peknis] Have mercy upon me, O ،ارحمني يا هللا كعظيم رحمتك
God, according to Your .ومثل كثرة رأفتك تمحو إثمي
`nnai@ nem kata `p`asai `nte lovingkindness. According اغسلني كثيرا من إثمي ومن
to the multitude of Your عارف ألني أنا،خطيتي طهرني
nekmetsenhyt ek`ecwlj `nta`anomia@
tender mercies, blot out my بإثمي وخطيتي أمامي في كل
transgressions. Wash me
E`keraqt `nhou`o `ebol ha ta`anomia .حين
thoroughly from my
ouoh ek`etoubi `ebolha panobi@ je iniquity, and cleanse me
from my sin. For I
ta`anomia `anok ]cw`oun `mmoc@ ouoh
acknowledge my
panobi `mpa`m;o `ebol `ncyou niben. transgressions, and my sin is
always before me.
N;ok `mmauatk ai`ernobi `erok@ Against You only, have I والشر قدامك،لك وحدك أخطأت
sinned, and done evil before . لكي تتبرر في أقوالك.صنعت
ouoh pipethw`ou ai`aif `mpek`m;o `ebol@ You: that You may be just in ألني ها أنذا.وتغلب إذا حوكمت
Your sayings, and overcome وبالخطايا ولدتني،باإلثم حبل بي
hopwc `ntekmai qen enkcaji ouoh
when You judge. For إذ، ألنك هكذا قد أحببت الحق.أمي
behold, I was brought forth
`ntek`[ro ekna[ihap@ hyppe gar qen أوضحت لي غوامض حكمتك
in iniquity, and in sin my
han`anomia au`erboki `mmoi@ ouoh qen mother conceived me. For .ومستوراتها
behold, You have loved the
hannobi `a tamau [isswou `mmoi@
truth: You have manifested
hyppe gar akmenre `;myi@ ny`ethyp to me the hidden and
unreaveled things of Your
nem ny`ete `nce`ouwnh `ebol an `nte wisdom.
tekcovia aktamoi `erwou.
Ek`enoujq ejwoi `mpeksenhuwpon@ Purge me with hyssop, ،تنضح على بزوفاك فأطهر
and I shall be clean; Wash .تغسلني فأبيض أكثر من الثلج
ei`etoubo ek`eraqt ei`eoubas `ehote me, and I shall be whiter فتبتهج،تسمعني سرورا وفرحا
than snow. Make me hear وجهك اصرف.عظامي المنسحقة
ou,iwn. Ek`e`;ricwtem `eou;elyl nem
joy and gladness that the قلبا. وامح كل آثامي،عن خطاياي
bones You have broken may
ou`ounof@ eu`e;elyl `nje nakac وروحا،نقيا أخلق في يا هللا
rejoice. Hide Your face from
et;ebiyout. Matac;o `mpekho cabol my sins, and blot out all my .مستقيما جدده في أحشائي
iniquities. Create in me a
`nnanobi@ ouoh na`anomia tyrou
clean heart, O God, and
ek`ecoljou. Ouhyt efouab `ek`econtf renew a right spirit within
`nqyt Vnou]@ ou`pneuma efcoutwn
Mperberbwrt `ebol ha pekho@ Do not cast me away ال تطرحني من قدام وجهك
from Your presence, and do .وروحك القدوس ال تنزعه منى
ouoh Pek`pneuma e;ouab `mperolf not take Your Holy Spirit وبروح،امنحني بهجة خالصك
from me. Restore to me the رئاسي عضدني فأعلم األثمة
`ebol haroi. Moi nyi `m`p;elyl `nte
joy of Your salvation, and .طرقك والمنافقون إليك يرجعون
pekoujai@ ouoh `n`hryi qen ou`pneuma uphold me by Your نجني من الدماء يا هللا إله
generous Spirit. Then I will
`nhygemwnikon matajroi. Ei`e`tcabe teach transgressors Your . فيبتهج لساني بعدلك،خالصي
ways, and sinners shall be
ni`anomoc hi nekmwit@ ouoh ni`acebyc
converted to You. Deliver
eu`ekotou harok@ nahmet `ebol qen me from blood, O God, the
God of my salvation, and
han`cnwf Vnou]@ Vnou] `nte my tongue shall rejoice in
tacwtyria@ ef`e;elyl `nje palac qen Your righteousness.
P[oic ek`eouwn `nna`cvotou ere jw O Lord, You shall open فيخبر فمي،يا رب افتح شفتي
my lips, and my mouth shall ألنك لو آثرت الذبيحة.بتسبيحك
`mpek`cmou. Je `ene akouws declare Your praise. For if ولكنك ال تسر،لكنت اآلن أعطي
You desire sacrifice, I would فالذبيحة هلل روح،بالمحرقات
souswousi@ naina] on pe han[lil
have given it; You do not القلب المنكسر.منسحق
delight in burnt offering.
`njofjef `mpek]ma] `e`hryi `ejwou. .والمتواضع ال يرذله هللا
The sacrifices of God are a
Pisouswousi `nte Vnou] ou`pneuma broken spirit. A broken and
a contrite heart--God shall
eftennyout pe@ ouhyt eftennyout
not despise.
ouoh ef`ef`e;ebiyout vai `nne Vnou]
The Litany of the Sick
أوشية المرضي
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلب من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب مرضي،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember O .شعبك
Lord, the sick among Your
P[oic `nny`etswni `nte peklaoc.
Ny`etauwck eu`styout qen niiabi Those who have long والذين أبطأوا مطروحين في
lain in sickness raise up and .األمراض أقمهم وعزهم
matounocou ouoh manom] nwou. comfort. Those who are ،والمعذبين من األرواح النجسة
Nyet`themkyout `ntotou `nni`pneuma
afflicted by unclean spirits, .ًأعتقهم جميعا
set them all free.
` ka;arton `aritou tyrou `nremhe.
Nyet qen ni`stekwou@ ie Those who are in الذين في السجون أو المطابق أو
prisons or dungeons, those الذين في النفي أو السبي أو
nimet`alwc@ ie ny`et,y qen who are in exile or المقبوض عليهم في عبودية
captivity, and those who are يا رب أعتقهم جميعهم،مرة
niexorictia@ ie nie,malwcia@ ie
held in bitter bondage, O .وارحمهم
ny`etou`amoni `mmwou qen oumetbwk Lord, set them all free and
have mercy upon them.
ecensasi@ P[oic `aritou tyrou
Je `n;ok petbwl `nnyetcwnh For You are He who ألنك أنت الذي تحل المربوطين
loosens the bound and رجاء من ليس.وتقيم الساقطين
`ebol@ ouoh ettaho `eratou uplifts the fallen; the hope ومعين من ليس له،له رجاء
of those who have no hope ، عزاء صغيري القلوب.معين
`nnyetauraqtou `eqryi@ ]helpic `nte
and the help of those who .ميناء الذين في العاصف
ny`ete `mmontou helpic@ ]bo`y;ia `nte have no helper; the comfort
of the fainthearted; the
ny`ete `mmontou bo`y;oc@ `;nom] `nte harbor of those in the
ny`etoi `nkouji `nhyt@ pilumyn `nte
"u,y niben ethejhwj ouoh All souls that are ،كل األنفس المتضايقة
distressed or bound, grant أعطها يا رب،والمقبوض عليها
`etou`amoni `ejwou@ moi `nwou P[oic them mercy, O Lord; grant أعطها،ً أعطها نياحا،َرحمة
them rest, grant them أعطها، أعطها نعمة،برودة
`nounai@ moi `nwou `nou`mton@ moi `nwou
refreshment, grant them أعطها،ً أعطها خالصا،معونة
grace, grant them help,
`nou`,bob@ moi nwou `nou`hmot@ moi .غفران خطاياها وآثامها
grant them salvation, grant
nwou `noubo`y;i`a@ moi nwou them the forgiveness of
their sins and their
`noucwtyria@ moi nwou `noumetref,w
`ebol `nte nounobi nem nou`anomia.
Anon de hwn P[oic niswni `nte As for us also, O Lord, أمراض،ونحن أيضا يا رب
the maladies of our souls, ، اشفها والتي ألجسادنا،نفوسنا
nen'u,y matal[wou@ ouoh na heal; and those of our أيها الطبيب الحقيقي الذي.عافها
bodies too, do cure. O You, يا مدبر كل، وأجسادنا،ألنفسنا
nenkecwma `arivaqri `erwou. Picyini
the true Physician of our
`mmyi `nte nen'u,y nem nencwma@ souls and our bodies, the .جس ٍد تعهدنا بخالصك
Bishop of all flesh, visit us
pi`epickopoc `nte carx niben@ with Your salvation.
jempensini qen pekoujai.
The Rest of Adam Morning Doxology (of the Hymn “Seven Tunes”)
)كمالة ذكصولوجية باكر آدام (من لحن السبع طرائق
Piouwini `nta`vmyi@ vy`eter`ouwini@ O True Light, that gives أيها النور الحقيقي الذي يضئ
light, to every man, that .لكل إنسان آت إلى العالم
`erwmi niben@ e;nyou `epikocmoc. comes into the world.
Ak`i `epikocmoc@ hiten You have come into the ،أتيت إلى العالم بمحبتك للبشر
world, through Your Love .وكل الخليقة تهللت بمجيئك
tekmetmairwmi@ a]`ktycic tyrc@ for mankind, and all the
creation, rejoiced at You
;elyl qa pekjin`i.
Akcw] `nAdam@ `ebol qen You have saved Adam, ،خلصت أبانا آدم من الغواية
from seduction, and وعتقت أمنا حواء من طلقات
]`apaty@ `aker Eua `nremhe@ qen delivered Eve, from the .الموت
pangs of death.
ninakhi `nte `vmou.
Ak] nan `mPi`pneuma @ `nte You gave unto us, the نسبحك،أعطيتنا روح البنوة
Spirit of Sonship, we praise .ونباركك مع مالئكتك
]metsyri@ enhwc en`cmou `erok@ nem and bless You, with Your
Qen `pjin`;ref`i nan `eqoun@ `nje When the morning عندما دخل إلينا وقت الصباح
hour, comes upon us, O .أيها المسيح إلهنا النور الحقيقي
`vnau `nswrp@ `w Pi`,rictoc Pennou]@ Christ our God, the True
piouwini `nta`vmyi.
Marousai `nqyten@ `nje Let the thought of light, وال،فلتشرق فينا حواس النور
shine within us, and do not .تغطينا ظلمة اآلالم
nilogicmoc `nte piouwini@ ouoh let the darkness, of pain
cover us.
`mpen`;refhobcten@ `nje `p,aki
Hina `ntenhwc `erok@ `nno`ytoc nem That we may praise ،لكي نسبحك عقليا مع داود
You, with understanding, .صارخين نحوك قائلين
Dauid@ `enws oubyk@ ouoh `enjw proclaiming and saying,
with David.
Je auersorp `mvoh@ `nje nabal My eyes have reached, سبقت عيناي وقت السحر ألتلو
the morning watch, that I .في جميع أقوالك
`m`vnau `nswrp@ `e`ermeletan@ qen might meditate, upon all
Your words.
nekcaji tyrou.
Cwtem `eten`cmy@ kata peknis] Hear our voices, ،اسمع أصواتنا كعظيم رحمتك
according to Your great .ونجنا أيها الرب إلهنا بتحننك
`nnai@ nahmen P[oic Pennou]@ kata mercy, save us O Lord our
God, according to Your
Vnou] pifairwous@ O Caring God, the يا هللا المهتم صانع الخيرات مدبر
Maker of all good things, .مختاريه حسنا
`nref`erpe;nanef@ pireferoikonomin@ who governs well, with His
chosen ones.
`nnefcwtp `nkalwc.
Pireferhemi `etjor@ `nny`etauvwt The strong governor for ،المدبر القوي للملتجئين إليه
those, who take refuge in .المتشوق لخالص ونجاة كل أحد
harof@ `vref[isswou `nte ouon niben@ Him, who longs for the
salvation, and deliverance
nohem `ntououjai.
of everyone.
Qen tekmet`,ryctoc@ akcob] nan Through Your انعم لنا.بصالحك هيأت لنا الليل
goodness, You provided for .بهذا اليوم ونحن بغير خطية
`mpi`ejwrh@ `ari`hmot nan `mpai`ehoou@ us the night, grant us to
pass, this day without sin.
`enoi `na;nobi.
E;rener`pem`psa@ `efai `nnenjij That we may be worthy, لنستحق أن نرفع أيدينا إليك
to lift up our hands, before أمامك بغير غضب وال فكر
`e`pswi@ harok `mpek`m;o@ ,wric jwnt You without anger, or evil .رديء
nem mokmek `efhwou.
Qen tai han`atoou`i@ coutwn At this dawn, make في هذا السحر سهل طرقنا
straight our coming in, and الداخلية والخارجية بسترك
nenmwit `eqoun@ nem nenmwit `ebol@ our going out, in the joy of .المفرح
Your protection.
qen `pounof `nte tek`ckepy.
E;renjw `ntekme;myi@ `ne` hoou That we may proclaim, لننطق بعدلك كل يوم ونمجد قوتك
Your righteousness daily, .مع داود النبي
niben@ `ntenhwc `etekjom@ nem Dauid and praise Your power,
with David the prophet.
Je qen tekhiryny@ Pi`,rictoc Saying “In Your peace, قائلين بسالمك أيها المسيح
O Christ our Savior, we مخلصنا رقدنا وقمنا ألننا توكلنا
Pencwtyr@ `anenkot `antwoun@ je` slept and arose, for we have .عليك
hoped in You.
anerhelpic `erok.
Hyppe `oupe;nanef@ ie oupetholj Behold how beneficent, ها ما هو الحسن وما هو الحلو
and how pleasant, it is for .ًإال اتفاق أخوة ساكنين معا
`ebyl@ e``p]ma] `nhan`cnyou@ `eusop hi brethren, to dwell together
in unity.”
Euercumvwnin@ qen ou`agapy United, in the True, متفقين بمحبة حقيقية إنجيلية
evangelic love, like the .كمثل الرسل
`mmyi@ `neu`aggeliky@ kata apostles.
M`vry] `mpicojen@ `e]`ave It is like the fragrant oil, مثل الطيب على رأس المسيح
on the head of Christ, النازل على اللحية إلى أسفل
` Pi`,rictoc@ `efnyou `ejen ]mort@ sa running down the beard,
m .الرجلين
down to the feet.
`e`qryi `eni[alauj.
Ef;whc `mmyni niben@ niqelloi That anoints every day, يمسح كل يوم الشيوخ والصبيان
the elders, the children and .والفتيان والخدام
nem nialwou`i@ nem niqelsiri@ nem young men, and the
Nai `etafhotpou `eucop@ `nje Those whom the Holy هؤالء الذين ألفهم الروح القدس
Spirit, has attuned together, معا مثل قيثارة مسبحين هللا كل
Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ `m`vry] as a stringed instrument, .حين
always blessing God.
`nouku;ara@ eu`cmou `eVnou] `ncyou
Qen hana'lmoc nem hanhwc@ By Psalms and hymns, بمزامير وتسابيح وترانيم روحية
and spiritual songs, by day .النهار والليل بقلب ال يفتقر
nem hanhwdy `mpi`pneumatikon@ and by night, with an
incessant heart.
`mpi`ehoou nem pi`ejwrh@ qen ouhyt
(E;be ]par;enoc) (For The Virgin) )(ألجل العذراء
You are the Mother of أنت يا أم النور المكرمة والدة
N;o `;mau `mpiouwini@ ettaiyout Light, the honored Mother .اإلله حملت الكلمة غير المحوى
of God, you have carried,
`mmacnou]@ `arefai qa pilogoc@
the Uncircumscript Logos.
Menenca `;remacf@ are`ohi ereoi After you gave birth to ومن بعد أن ولدته بقيت عذراء
Him, you remained a .نعظمك بتسابيح وبركات
`mpar;enoc@ qen hanhwc nem virgin, with praises and
blessings, we magnify you.
han`cmou@ ten[ici `mmo.
Je `n;of qen pefouws@ nem For of His own will, ألنه بإرادته ومسرة أبية والروح
and the pleasure of His .القدس أتى وخلصنا
`p]ma] `mPefiwt@ nem Pi`pneuma Father, and the Holy Spirit,
He came and saved us.
e;ouab@ af`i afcw] `mmon.
Anon hwn tentwbh@ e;rensasni And we too, hope to ونحن أيضا ً نطلب أن نفوز
win mercy, through your برحمة بشفاعتك لدى محب
eunai@ hiten ne`precbi`a@ `ntotf intercessions, with the .البشر
Lover of mankind.
Api`c;oinofi etcwtp@ `nte The select incense, of البخور المختار الذي لبتوليتك
your virginity, ascended to .صعد إلى كرسي اآلب
tepar;eni`a@ afsenaf `e`pswi@ sa the throne, of the Father.
pi`;ronoc `m`Viwt.
Ehote pi`c;oinofi@ `nte Better than the incense, أفضل من بخور الشاروبيم
of the Cherubim, and the .والسارافيم يا مريم العذراء
ni,eroubim@ nem niceravim@ Maria Seraphim, O Virgin Mary.
<ere ]ve `mberi@ ;y`eta Viwt Hail to the New heaven, السالم للسماء الجديدة التي
whom the Father has صنعها اآلب وجعلها موضع
;amioc@ af,ac `nouma `nemton@ created, and made a place .راحة ألبنه الحبيب
of rest, for His beloved
`mPefsyri `mmenrit.
<ere pi`;ronoc@ `mbacilikon@ Hail to the Royal السالم للكرسي الملوكي المحمول
throne, of Him who is, .على الشاروبيم
`mvyetoufai `mmof@ hijen ni,eroubim. carried by, the Cherubim.
<ere ]`proctatyc@ `nte nen'u,y@ Hail to the advocate, of السالم لشفيعة نفوسنا أنت
our souls, you are indeed, .بالحقيقة فخر جنسنا
`n;o gar `aly;wc@ pe `psousou the pride of our race.
Ari`precbeuin `ejwn@ `w ;ye;meh Intercede on our behalf, اشفعي فينا يا ممتلئة نعمة لدى
O full of grace, before our .مخلصنا ربنا يسوع المسيح
` mot@ nahren Pencwtyr@ Pen[oic Savior, Our Lord Jesus
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
Hopwc `nteftajron@ qen pinah] That He may confirm لكي يثبتنا في اإليمان المستقيم
us, in the upright faith, and .وينعم لنا بمغفرة خطايانا
etcoutwn@ ouoh `ntefer`hmot nan@ grant us the forgiveness, of
our sins.
`mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte ];e`otokoc Through the بشفاعات والدة اإلله القديسة
intercessions of the يا رب أنعم لنا بمغفرة.مريم
e;ouab Maria@ P[oic ari`hmot nan@ Theotokos, Saint Mary, O .خطايانا
Lord, grant us the
`mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
forgiveness of our sins.
Eu`ohi `eratou@ `mpe`m;o They stand before, the وقوف أمام كرسي ضابط الكل
throne, of the Pantocrator, .صارخين قائلين
`mpi`;ronoc@ `nte pipantokratwr@ proclaiming and saying.
euws `ebol eujw `mmoc.
Je `,ouab `,ouab@ `,ouab qen Holy Holy, Holy in قدوس قدوس قدوس بالحقيقة
truth, the glory and the .المجد والكرامة يليقان بالثالوث
oume;myi@ pi`wou nem pitai`o@ erprepi honor, befit the Trinity.
Hiten ni`precbia@ `nte `p,oroc Through the بشفاعات جميع صفوف المالئكة
intercessions, of the whole .يا رب انعم لنا بمغفرة خطايانا
tyrf `nte niaggeloc@ P[oic ari`hmot choir of the angels, O Lord,
grant us the forgiveness of
nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
our sins.
(E;be ni`apoctoloc) (For The Apostles) )(ألجل الرسل
Our fathers the apostles, آباؤنا الرسل بشروا في األمم
` poctoloc@ auhiwis qen preached unto the nations,
Nenio] `na .بإنجيل يسوع المسيح
the Gospel, of Jesus Christ.
nie;noc@ qen pieuaggelion@ `nte
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
A pou`qrwou senaf@ hijen `pkahi Their voices went forth, خرجت أصواتهم إلى األرض كلها
into all the earth, and their وبلغ كالمهم إلى أقطار
tyrf@ ouoh noucaji auvoh@ sa words have reached, the .المسكونة
ends of the world.
auryjc `n]oikoumeny.
Hiten nieu,y@ `nte na[oic `nio] Through the prayers of يا.بصلوات سادتي اآلباء الرسل
my masters and fathers, the .رب أنعم لنا بمغفرة خطايانا
` poctoloc@ P[oic ari`hmot nan@ apostles, O Lord, grant us
the forgiveness of our sins.
`mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
Hiten nieu,y@ `nte `p,oroc tyrf Through the prayers, of بصلوات جميع صفوف الشهداء
the whole choir of the .يا رب أنعم
`nte nimarturoc@ P[oic ari`hmot nan@ martyrs, O Lord, grant us
the forgiveness of our sins.
`mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
Hiten nieu,y@ `nte `p,oroc tyrf Through the prayers, of بصلوات كافة مصاف البسي
the whole choir of the cross الصليب واألبرار والصديقين يا
`nte ni`ctaurovoroc@ nem ni`;myi nem bearers, the righteous and .رب أنعم لنا بمغفرة خطايانا
the just, O Lord, grant us
nidikeoc@ P[oic ...
the forgiveness of our sins.
(E;be nipatriar,yc nem ni`provytyc) (For The Fathers and the )(من أجل اآلباء واألنبياء
Prophets) السالم إليليا النبي المتعفف
<ere `Yliac@ picovron Hail to Elijah, the .وإليشع تلميذه المختار
prophet of temperance, and
`m`provytyc@ nem Eliceoc@ pefcwtp
Elisha, his elect disciple.
Pinis] `nrefhiwis@ qen ],wra The great Evangelist, of المبشر العظيم في كورة مصر
the land of Egypt, Mark the .مرقس الرسول مدبرها األول
`nte <ymi@ Markoc pi`apoctoloc@ Apostle, the first prelate.
pecsorp `nneferhemi.
N;o te `;mau `mVnou]@ Maria You are the Mother of أنت هي أم هللا يا مريم العذراء
God, O Virgin Mary, ask .أطلبى منه عنا أن يرحم جنسنا
]par;enoc@ twbh `mmof `ejwn@ Him on our behalf, to have
mercy upon our race.
e;refnai qa pengenoc.
Pinis] `mpatriar,yc@ peniwt The great patriarch, our البطريرك العظيم أبونا ساويرس
father Abba Severus, whose الذي أنارت تعاليمه المقدسة
abba Ceuyroc@ vyeta nef`cbwou`i holy teachings, enlightened .عقولنا
our minds.
e;ouab@ `erouwini `mpennouc.
Peniwt `n`omologityc@ abba Our father the أبونا المعترف أنبا ديسقوروس
confessor, Abba Dioscorus, .حارب عن اإليمان ضد الهراطقة
Diockoroc@ afmisi `ejen pinah]@ oube defended the faith, against
the heretics.
Nem nenio] tyrou@ `etauranaf And all of our fathers, وكل آبائنا الذين أرضوا الرب
who have pleased the Lord, .ً بركتهم المقدسة تكون لنا حارسا
`mP[oic @ `ere pou`cmou e;ouab@ swpi may their holy blessings, be
a guard unto us.
nan `nourefrwic.
Hiten noueu,y@ ari`hmot nan Through their prayers, بصلواتهم أنعم لنا يا هللا بمغفرة
O God grant us, the .ً خطايانا وأعطنا سالما
Vnou]@ `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi@ moi forgiveness of our sins, and
give us peace.
nan `noucw].
Tqa`e `nNi;e`otokia `nAdam Conclusion of Adam ختام الثاؤطوكيات اآلدام
Niteltily `mmounhwou@ ce`yp All the rain drops, are قطرات المطر محصاة عندك
counted by You, and the جميعها ورمل البحر كائن أمام
`ntotk tyrou@ pikesw `nte `viom@ ce,y sand of the sea, are before .عينك
Your eyes.
nahren nekbal.
Ie auyr mallon@ ninobi `nte How much more are, فكم بالحري خطايا نفسي هذه
the sins of my soul, .الظاهرة أمامك يا ربي
ta'u,y@ nai e;ouwnh `ebol@ manifest before You, O my
`mpek`m;o Pa[oic.
Ninobi etaiatou@ Pa[oic The sins that I have الخطايا التي صنعتها يا ربى ال
committed, do not .تذكرها وال تحسب آثامي
`nnekerpoumeu`i@ oude `mper]`h;yk@ remember my Lord, and do
not count, my iniquities.
Je pitelwnyc akcotpf@ ]porny For You have chosen فإن العشار اخترته والزانية
the Publican, and the خلصتها واللص اليمين يا سيدي
akcw] `mmoc@ piconi etcaou`inam@ adulteress You have saved, .ذكرته
and the thief on the right
Pa[oic akerpefmeu`i.
hand, my Lord You have
Anok hw Pa[oic@ qa pirefernobi@ And me too, the sinner, وأنا أيضا ً الخاطئ يا سيدي
teach me O my Master, to .علمني أن أصنع توبة
ma`tcaboi `nta`iri@ `noumet`anaoi`a. offer repentance.
Je `,ouws `m`vmou an@ For You do not desire, ألنك ال تشاء موت الخاطئ مثل
the death of a sinner, but .أن يرجع وتحيا نفسه
`mpirefernobi `m`vry] `nteftac;of@ rather that he returns, and
that his soul may live.
`ntecwnq `nje tef'u,y.
Matac;on Vnou]@ `eqoun Restore us O God, to ردنا يا هللا إلى خالصك واصنع
Your salvation, and deal .معنا كصالحك
`epekoujai@ ariou`i neman@ kata with us, according to Your
Je `n;ok ou`aga;oc@ ouoh `nnayt@ For You are good, and ألنك أنت صالح ورحوم فلتدركنا
merciful, let Your .ً رأفتك سريعا
maroutahon `n,wlem@ `nje compassion, speedily come
to us.
Senhyt qaron tyren@ P[oic Have compassion upon ترأف علينا كلنا أيها الرب اإلله
us all, O Lord God our .مخلصنا وارحمنا كعظيم رحمتك
Vnou] Pencwtyr@ ouoh nai nan@ Savior, and have mercy
upon us, according to Your
kata peknis] `nnai.
great mercy.
Nai `k`iri `mpoumeu`i@ `w pennyb Remember those, O هؤالء أذكرهم يا سيدنا المسيح
Christ our Master, be .ًكن في وسطنا صارخا ً قائال
Pi`,rictoc@ ek`eswpi qen tenmy]@ among us, and proclaim
and say.
ekws `ebol ekjw `mmoc.
Je tahiryny `anok@ ]] `mmoc My peace I give to you, سالمي أنا أعطيكم سالم أبى
the peace, of my Father, I .أتركه معكم
nwten@ `thiryny `mPaiwt@ ],w `mmoc leave with you.
Pouro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan O King of peace, grant ، أعطنا سالمك،يا ملك السالم
us Your peace, render unto واغفر لنا،قرر لنا سالمك
`ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@ us Your peace, and forgive .خطايانا
us our sins.
,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Jwr `ebol `nnijaji@ `nte Disperse the enemies, ، الكنيسة وحصنها،فرق أعداء
of the Church, and fortify . إلى األبد،فال تتزعزع
]ek`klyci`a@ `aricobt `eroc@ `nneckim sa her, that she may not be
shaken forever.
Tenouwst `mmok `w Pi`,rictoc@ We worship You O مع أبيك،نسجد لك أيها المسيح
Christ, with Your Good ألنك، والروح القدس،الصالح
nem Pekiwt `na
` ga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma Father, and the Holy Spirit, .صلبت وخلصتنا
for You were crucified and
e;ouab@ je auask akcw] `mmon.
saved us.
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلبُ من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب أنفس عبيدك،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember, O . آبائنا وإخوتنا،الذين رقدوا
Lord, the souls of Your
P[oic `nni'u,y `nte nek`ebiaik
servants who have fallen
`etau`enkot nenio] nem nen`cnyou. asleep, our fathers and our
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
Pray for our fathers and اطلبوا عن آبائنا وإخوتنا الذين
Twbh `ejen nenio] nem nen`cnyou brethren who have fallen وتنيحوا في اإليمان،رقدوا
asleep and reposed in the آبائنا.بالمسيح منذ البدء
`etau`enkot au`mton `mmwou qen
faith of Christ since the ،القديسين رؤساء األساقفة
beginning: our holy fathers
`vnah] `mPi`,rictoc icjen `p`eneh@ وآبائنا،وآبائنا األساقفة
the archbishops, our fathers
nenio] e;ouab `na ` r,y`epickopoc ke the bishops, our fathers the وآبائنا القسوس،القمامصة
hegumens, our fathers the وآبائنا،وإخوتنا الشمامسة
nenio] `ne` pickopoc@ nenio]
priests, our brethren the وعن ،العلمانيين وآبائنا،الرهبان
`nhygoumenoc ke nenio] deacons, our fathers the .نياح كل المسيحيين
monks, and our fathers the
`m`precbuteroc nem nen`cnyou laymen, and for the full
`ndi`akwn@ nenio] `mmona,oc@ ke repose of all Christians,
Hina `nte Pi`,rictoc Pennou] that Christ our God may لكي المسيح إلهنا ينيح نفوسهم
repose all their souls in the ،أجمعين في فردوس النعيم
]`mton `nnou'u,y tyrou qen paradise of joy, and we too, ً،ونحن أيضا ً يصنع معنا رحمة
accord mercy unto us, and .ويغفر لنا خطايانا
piparadicoc `nte `pounof@ `anon de
forgive us our sins.
hwn `ntef`erpinai neman@ `ntef,a
Pima `etafvwt `ebol `nqytf `nje the place out of which الموضع الذي هرب منه الحز ُن
grief, sorrow, and groaning .والكآبةُ والتنهد ُ في ن ِور قديسيك
pi`mkah `nhyt nem ]lupy nem have fled away in the light
of Your saints.
pifi`ahom@ qen `vouwini `nte ny e;ouab
Ek`etounoc `ntoukecarx qen Raise up their bodies أقم أجسادهم في اليوم الذي
also on the Day which You رسمته كمواعي ِدكَ الحقيقية غير
pi`ehoou `etak;asf@ kata have appointed, according .الكاذبة
to Your true promises,
nek`epaggelia `mmyi ouoh
which are without lie.
Ek`eer,arizec;e nwou `nni`aga;on Grant them the good ما لم،هب لهم خيرات مواعيدك
things of Your promises, ولم،تره عي ٌن ولم تسمع به أذ ٌن
`nte nek`epaggelia@ ny`ete `mpe bal that which an eye has not .بشر
ٍ ب ِ يخطر علي قل
seen nor ear heard, neither
nau `erwou@ oude `mpe masj co;mou@
have come upon the heart
oude `mpou`i `e`hryi `ejen `phyt `nrwmi. of man,
N;ok de hwc `aga;oc ouoh O God, as the Good اللهم،فأنت كصالح ومحب البشر
One and Lover of Mankind, تفضل عبيدك المسيحيين
`mmairwmi Vnou] `arikataxioin P[oic graciously accord, O االرثوذكسيين الذين في
Lord,Your servants, the مشارق من،المسكونة كلها
`nek`ebiaik `n,
` ricti`anoc `nor;odoxoc
Orthodox Christians who ومن،مغاربها
are in the whole world,
ِ الشمس إلى
etqen ]oikomeny tyrc@ icjen .الشمال إلى الجنوب
from the east to the west
nima`nsai `nte `vry sa nefma`nhwtp and from the north to the
nem icjen `pemhyt sa `vryc.
Piouai piouai kata pefran nem Each one according to باسمه وك َّل واحد ٍة
ِ ك َّل واح ٍد
his name and each one واغفر، يا ربُ نيحهم،باسمها
]ou`i ]ou`i kata pecran@ Kuri`e according to her name, O .لهم
Lord repose and forgive
ma`mton nwou ,w nwou `ebol.
Je `mmon `hli efouab `e;wleb For no one is pure and ،فانه ليس أحد ٌ طاهرا ً من دنس
without blemish even ولو كانت حياتُه يوما ً واحدا ً على
oude kan ou`ehoou `nouwt pe pefwnq though his life on earth be a .األرض
single day.
hijen pikahi.
N;wou men ham ny P[oic `eak[i As for those, O Lord, أما هم يا ربُ الذين أخذت
whose souls You have نيحهم وليستحقوا،سهم َ نفو
`nnou'u,y ma`mton nwou@ ouoh taken, repose them, and .ِملكوت السموات
may they be worthy of the
marou`er`pem`psa `n]metouro `nte
kingdom of the heavens.
Anon de tyren ari,arizec;e As for us all, grant us وأما نح ُن كلُّنا فهب لنا كماَلنا
our Christian perfection .المسيحي الذي يرضيك أمامك
nan `mpenjwk `n,
` ricti`anoc@ efranak that would be pleasing to وأعطهم وإيانا نصيبا ً وميراثا ً مع
You, and give them and us . َكافة قديسيك
`mpek`m;o. Ouoh moi nwou neman
a share and an inheritance
`noumeroc nem ou`klyroc@ nem with all Your saints.
etan`erhelpic `erok. Je nenbal for You give them their
food in due season.
`nouon niben ce`erhelpic `erok@ je
Cwtem `eron Vnou] Pencwtyr@ Hear us, O God our اسمعنا يا هللا مخلصنا يا رجاء
Savior, the hope of all the وأنت يا رب.أقطار األرض كلها
]helric `nte auryjf `m`pkahi tyrf. regions of the earth. And تحفظنا وتنجينا من هذا الجيل
You, O Lord, keep us and مبارك أنت يا. آمين.وإلى األبد
N;ok de P[oic ek`e`areh `eron@
deliver us, from this مبارك أنت يا، علمني عدلك،رب
generation and forever.
ek`enahmen ek`etoujon `ebolhitotf@ مبارك أنت. فهمني حقوقك،رب
Amen. Blessed are You, O
`mpaijwou vai nem sa `eneh amyn. Lord; teach me Your . أنر لي برك،يا رب
statutes. Blessed are You, O
K`cmarwout P[oic ma`tcaboi
Lord; make me to
enekme;myi@ K`cmrawout P[oic understand Your
commandments. Blessed
maka] nyi `enekme;myi. K`cmrawout are You, O Lord; enlighten
P[oic ma `vouwini nyi `enekme;myi. me with Your
P[oic peknai sop sa `eneh@ Your mercy O Lord, .يا رب رحمتك دائمة إلى األبد
endures forever. Despise ،أعمال يديك يا رب ال ترفضها
ni`hbyou`i `nte nekjij P[oic `mper,au not, O Lord, the works of ألنك صرت لي ملجأ من جيل إلى
Your hands. For You have : أنا طلبت الرب وقلت.جيل
`ncwk. Je akswpi nan `nouma`mvwt
been my refuge from فإني،ارحمني وخلص نفسي
icjen jwou sa jwou. Anok aijoc je generation to generation. I .أخطأت إليك
asked the Lord and said:
P[oic nai nyi@ matoujo `nta'u,y je “Have mercy on me and
save my soul, for I have
ai`ernobi erok.
sinned against You.”
P[oic aivwt harok@ nahmet Lord, I have fled unto ،يا رب التجأت إليك فخلصني
You, save me and teach me ألنك.وعلمني أن أصنع مشيئتك
ma`tcabon `mpetehnak@ je `n;ok pe to do Your will. For You وعندك ينبوع،أنت هو إلهي
are my God, and with You وبنورك يا رب نعاين،الحياة
Panou]. C,y qatotk `nje ]moumi
is the Fountain of Life. In فلتأت رحمتك للذين.النور
Your light, we shall see
`nte `pwnq@ qen pekouwini P[oic وبرك للمستقيمي،يعرفونك
light. Let Your mercy come
en`enau `eouwini. Maref`i `nje peknai upon those who know You, لك يحق. لك تجب البركة.القلوب
and Your righteousness . لك ينبغي التمجيد.التسبيح
`nnyetcwoun `mmok@ ouoh tekme;myi
unto the upright in heart. To
`nny`etcoutwn qen pouhyt. `Fersau You belongs blessing. To
You belongs praise, To
nak `nje pi`cmou@ `fersau nak `nje You belongs glory.
pihwc@ `fer`prepi nak `nje piwou.
Viwt nem Psyri ne Pi`pneuma O Father, Son and Holy ،أيها اآلب واالبن والروح القدس
Spirit, existing from the الكائن منذ البدء واآلن وإلى
e;ouab@ vy`etsop icjen hy nem ]nou beginning, now and forever جيد هو االعتراف. آمين.األبد
and ever. Amen. It is good والترتيل السمك أيها،للرب
nem sa eneh `nte pi`eneh amyn. Nane
to confess unto the Lord, أن يخبر برحمتك في.العلي
and to sing praise unto
ouwnh `ebol `mP[oic `eer'alin . وحقك في كل ليلة،الغدوات
Your name, O Most High;
`ePefran pet[oci@ `e`pjinviri `epeknai to show forth Your mercy
every morning and Your
`nhan`atoou`i@ nem Tefme;myi kata
righteousness every night.
+ A P[oic tase `iri neman@ + The Lord has ، الرب أكثر الصنيع معنا+
increased goodness for us, فلنقل بغير،فصرنا فرحين
answpi `no` unof `mmon@ marenjoc so we became joyful, let us قدوس الحي الذى ال،سكوت
say without ceasing, holy .يموت إرحمنا
`n,arwf an@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
Immortal have mercy upon
nan. us.
+ Brotoc akswpi `mpenry]@ `w + You became man like يا وحيد،ً ِصرت مثلنا إنسانا+
us, O only-begotten God, ، بغير إستحالة وال تغيير،اإلله
pimonogenyc `nnou]@ qen without alteration or قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
change, holy Immortal have .إرحمنا
`oumet`atvwnh nem `oumetatsib]@
mercy upon us.
`agioc A;anatoc nai nan.
Ge gar `n;ok pe Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ You are Jesus Christ, إبن هللا،أنت هو يسوع المسيح
the Son of God the Word, قدوس، الذاتى الخالق،الكلمة
Psyri `mVnou] piLogoc@ Piaidioc the Existent and Creator, .الحي الذى ال يموت إرحمنا
holy Immortal have mercy
`nDumiorgoc@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
upon us.
Decpota Vulan`;ropon@ vwk pe O Master the Lover of لك المجد،أيها السيد محب البشر
men, glory and holiness are ، ألنك صلبت وخلصتنا،والتقديس
pi`w`ou nem pi`agion@ je auask akcw] due to You, for You were قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
crucified and saved us, holy .إرحمنا
`mmon@ `agioc A;anatoc nai nan.
Immortal have mercy upon
+ E`ouman]hap nahren Pilatoc@ + You stood in front of ، إذ وقفت في موضع الحُكم+
Pilate to be judged, You the ،أمام بيالطس أيها الغير المحوى
ak`ohi Pia,writoc@ e;be `vnohem uncircumscript One, for the قدوس الحي،ألجل خالص العالم
salvation of the world, holy .الذى ال يموت إرحمنا
`mpikocmoc@ `agioc A;anatoc nai nan.
Immortal have mercy upon
+ Zw`yvoroc `nAt`stahof@ afsep + The Giver of life and ، الالبس الحياة الغير المدرك+
the Incomprehensible, ، من أجل آدم ليقيمه،تألم وقُبر
`mkah ouoh aukocf@ e;be Adam suffered and was buried, for قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
the sake of Adam to raise .إرحمنا
e;reftounocf@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
him, holy Immortal have,
nan. mercy on us.
Yppe gar hiten pek`ctauroc@ Through Your cross, أنعمت،ها هوذا من ِق َبل صليبك
You granted us the ونلنا الحياة،لنا بالحرية
ak`er`hmot nan `ne` leu;eroc@ an[i freedom, and we gained the قدوس الحي الذى ال،الحقيقية
true life, holy Immortal .يموت إرحمنا
`mpi`wnq `na
` ly;inoc@ `agioc A;anatoc
have mercy upon us.
nai nan.
Loipon akcw] `mpekla`oc@ Adam Then You saved Your آدم وحواء،ثم خلصت شعبك
people, Adam and Eve and من الجحيم المملوء،وجنسهما
nem Eua nem pougenoc@ qen Amen] their race, from the Hades قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت،كآبة
full of sorrow, holy .إرحمنا
e;meh `mpa;oc@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
Immortal have mercy upon
nan. us.
Marenjoc qen `ourw`out@ nem Let us praise with قم، داود المبارك،فلنقل بفرح مع
David, the blessed saying, قدوس الحي،يا رب لماذا تنام
Dauid pe et`cmarw`out@ je twnk “Arise O Lord why sleep,” .الذى ال يموت إرحمنا
holy Immortal have mercy
P[oic e;be ou enkot@ `agioc
upon us.
A;anatoc nai nan.
+ Nim pet`oni `mmok qen ninou]@ + Who is like You أنت هو، من يُشبهك في اآللهة+
among the other gods, You ، نُسبحك بأنواع كثيرة،إله اآللهة
`n;ok pe Vnou] `nte ninou]@ tenhwc are the God of gods, we قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
praise You in many ways, .إرحمنا
`erok qen `ou;o `nry]@ `agioc A;anatoc
holy Immortal have mercy
nai nan. upon us.
Peje P[oic ]nou ]natwnt@ The Lord said, “Now I وأكون،قال الرب اآلن أقوم
will rise, and openly save ، في خالص خليقتى،عالنية
ei`eswpi `ei`ou`wnht@ qen `vnohem `ejen My creation,” holy قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
Immortal have mercy upon .إرحمنا
pacwnt@ `agioc A;anatoc nai nan.
+ Rasi ;elyl `w nipictoc@ qen + Be glad and rejoice O إفرحوا وتهللوا أيها+
you faithful, in the name of بإسم الرب يسوع،المؤمنون
`vran `mP[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ ouoh the Lord Jesus Christ, and وإصرخوا مع،المسيح
proclaim with Nicodemus, قدوس الحي الذى،نيقوديموس
ws `ebol nem Nikoudimoc@ `agioc
holy Immortal have mercy .ال يموت إرحمنا
A;anatoc nai nan. upon us.
+ Comc `eleycon `ymac@ `w + Bless and have mercy ، انظر وإرحمنا أيها المصلوب+
upon us, You who was وإحسبنا مع ديماس،من أجلنا
`ctaurw;ic di `ymac@ opten nem piconi crucified for us, and count قدوس الحي الذى ال،اللص
Diymac@ `agioc A;anatoc nai nan. us with Dimas the thief, .يموت إرحمنا
holy Immortal have mercy
upon us.
Tentwbh `mmok `w piref`[ro@ je We ask You O قائلين اذكرنا،نسألك أيها الغالب
victorious One, saying ، إذا جئت في ملكوتك،يا ملكنا
`aripenmeu`i `w pen`ouro@ aksan`i qen remember us O our King, قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
when You come in Your .إرحمنا
tekmet`ouro@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
kingdom, holy Immortal
nan. have mercy upon us.
Uioc :e`oc qen tekmah `cnou]@ O Son of God, grant us في مجيئك الثانى،يا إبن هللا
mercy and salvation, in إصنع معنا رحمة،المخوف
`mParoucia et`oi `nho]@ `ari`ounai Your fearful Second قدوس الحي الذى ال،ًوخالصا
Coming, holy Immortal .يموت إرحمنا
neman `n`oucw]@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
have mercy upon us.
+ Vyet`wli `m`vnobi `mpikocmoc@ + O You who carried أس ِكنا مع، يا حامل خطية العالم+
the sin of the world, place ، يوسف ونيقوديموس،الصديقين
ak`;renswpi nem nidike`oc@ Iwcyv nem us with the righteous, قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
Joseph and Nicodemus, .إرحمنا
Nikoudimoc@ `agioc A;anatoc nai
holy Immortal have mercy
nan. upon us.
+ <w nan `ebol `nnen`anomia@ + Forgive us our sins, من قِبَل طلبات، إغفر لنا آثامنا+
through the supplications ، سيدتنا كلنا مريم،وشفاعات
hiten nitwbh nem ni`precbia@ `nte and intercessions, of the قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
lady of us all Virgin Mary, .إرحمنا
ten[oic tyren Maria@ `agioc
holy Immortal have mercy
A;anatoc nai nan. upon us.
"u,y niben `nOr;odoxoc@ Sustain all the Orthodox ُ ،كل أنفس االرثوذكسيين
souls, in the paradise, of ، النعيم والفرح،في فردوس
sanousou qen piparadicoc@ `nte prosperity and delight, holy قدوس الحي الذى ال يموت
Immortal have mercy upon .إرحمنا
`p`ounof nem nikyporoc@ `agioc
A;anatoc nai nan.
W`ou niben nem han'alia@ er`prepi All glory and praise, ، يليق بسلطانك،كل مجد وترتيل
befit Your power, now and قدوس الحي،اآلن وإلى اإلنقضاء
qen tek`exoucia@ icjen ]nou sa forever, holy Immortal have .الذى ال يموت إرحمنا
mercy upon us.
]cuntelia@ `agioc A;anatoc nai nan.
Melody for Bright Saturday
مديحة سبت الفرح
I start with the name of the holy God, ،أبدأ بإسم هللا القدوس
The Immortal Eternal and the Judge, ،الحي األبدي الديان
Our Savior the Reviver of souls, ،مخلصنا ُمحيي النفوس
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
(Holy Immortal have mercy upon us) ()قدوس الحي الذي ال يموت إرحمنا
With planning and wisdom He came, ،بالتدبير والحكمة وافانا
He took flesh as a human, ،ولَبَس جسدا ً مثل اإلنسان
And freed us from slavery, ،وعتقنا من أسر أعدائنا
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ He resembled the servant He created, ،ً تَشبَّه ب َم ْن خلقُه عبدا+
For the salvation of those in sadness, ،ألجل خالص َم ْن كان في أحزان
And the eternal Word became flesh, ،ًوالكلمة األزلي صار جسدا
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ He united His divinity with, ،ً جعل الهوته ُمتحدا+
His humanity and He is the Judge, ،بناسوته وهو الديان
We praise and glorify Him, ،ًس ِبح ونُزيده مجدا َ ُفله ن
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Mary carried the One who is praised, ،َح َم َلت مريم َم ْن له التسبيح
Nine full months not less, ،تسعة أشهر من غير نُقصان
Who’s when mentioned the ranks proclaim, ،َم ْن بذِكر ِه الطغمات تصيح
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Our Master willingly saved us, ،برضاه ِ خلَّصنا سيدنا
And returned Adam to his home, ،وأعاد آدم لألوطان
After he was overwhelmed with sadness, ،ب وأضناه ِ بعد أن عمُّه الكَر
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Eternal Immortal and worshiped, ،باق أزلي معبود ٍ دائم+
The One who changed water into wine, ً
،ُمح ِول الماء خمرا في األدنان
Was crucified by the Jews, ،قد صلبه قَوْ ِم اليهود
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Kind Merciful Exalted and Honored, ، رؤوف رحيم عا ٍل وكريم+
Greatness and might are due to Him, ،له العَظمة والسلطان
Dwelled in Joachim’s daughter’s womb, ،سكن في أحشاء إبنة يواقيم
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
He erased the shame from Adam and his sons, ،أزال العار عن آدم وبنيه
By His dwelling in the Lady of the world, ،بحلوله في سيدة األكوان
And the universe rejoiced and its dwellers, ،ح الكون و َم ْن فيه
َ وقد فر
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
He was truly named the Son of God, ،ُمي إبن هللا بالتحقيق
َّ س
And also the Son of man, ،ُمي أيضا ً إبن اإلنسان
َّ وس
And He is the One God without division, ،وهو إله واحد بغير تفريق
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ The Cherubim and the Seraphim were seen, ،شو ِهد الشيروبيم والسيرافيم ُ +
Worshiping before the Judge, ،سجودا ً أمام الديان
Proclaiming with gladness and greatness, ،صائحين باألفراح والتعظيم
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Mary became like heaven, ،شب ِه سماءِ صارت مريم+
To the Son of God the Forgiver, ،إلبن هللا مانح الغفران
The scholars in her manner marveled, ،فتحيَّر في أمرها الفُهماء
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
A Light shone forth from David’s house, ،ضوء أشرق من بيت داود
Who lead the sons of mankind, ،فإهتدى به بنو اإلنسان
To whom the ranks of the throne worship, ،وله طغمات العرش سُجود
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
He bowed the heavens and came down, ،طأطأ السموات ونزل بيَقين
For the salvation of Adam His servant, ،لخالص آدم عبده اإلنسان
Let us all praise Him saying, ،فلنرتل جميعا ً قائلين
“Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan.” .""أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ He appeared united with humanity, ، ظهر ُمتحدا ً بالناسوت+
And opened the eyes of the blinds, ،وفتح أعين العميان
And He is the One of might and authority, ،وهو ذو العَظمة وال َجبَروت
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Great is the Lord of the powers, ، عظيم هو رب القوات+
Whom John worshiped profoundly, ،َم ْن سجد له يوحنا بإذعان
In his mother Elizabeth’s womb, ،وهو في بطن أُمه أليصابات
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
The Forgiver of all sins and iniquities, ،غافر كل الخطايا والذنوب
Healed the sick and cured Simon’s mother-in-law, ،شفى المرضى وأبرأ حماة سمعان
And for the salvation of Adam, was crucified, ،ومن أجل خالص آدم صار مصلوب
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
He saved Adam and granted him, ،فدى آدم وأعطاه عربون
Salvation after all sadness, ،الخالص من سائر األحزان
He saved him from tribulations and prisons, ،ونجاه من الضيق والسجون
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ He accepted for us all sufferings, ، قَبَل عنا تلك األتعاب+
From the oppressors Caiaphas and Annas, ،من المخالفين قيافا وحنان
And the Jewish people the stiff-necked, ،وشعب اليهود غليظ الرقاب
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Honored Forgiver and Knowledgeable, ، كريم تَوَّ اب عالم وخبير+
He spoke to Mary in the garden, ،قد خاطب مريم في البُستان
Our Savior the Almighty God, ،مخلصنا الرب القدير
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
To the Lord the earth and what’s in it, ،للرب األرض وما فيها
All the cities and its inhabitants, ،جميع ال ُمدن والسكان
ِ َيَميت ال َخل
He lets the creation die and revives it, ،ق ويُحييها
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Persian Kings had come to Him, ،ملوك فُرسان قد جاءوا إليه
With their three different gifts, ،بهداياهم ثالثة ألوان
And in Bethlehem worshiped Him, ،وفي بيت لحم َمثلوا بين يديه
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ A star shined at those times, ، نِجم أشرق تلك األوقات+
So they saw Him in those cities, ،فنظروه في تلك البلدان
He was leading them in darkness, ،وكان يرشدهم في الظلمات
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ Come to us with mercy, ،َهلُ َّم بالرحمة إلينا +
O You who was sought by the Persians, ْ
،يا َمن قصد ذاتك الفرسان
And dwell with Your Holy Spirit in us, ،وحل بروح قدسك فينا ِ
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Keep Your people from all evils, ،وإحفظ شعبك من كل شرور
And grant peace unto the Church, ،وإجعل البيعة في إطمئنان
And also let her servants be sons of light, ،وإجعل ُخدامها من أبناء النور
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Do not forget them O Holy One, ،ال تغفل عنهم يا قدوس
Accept their prayers and oblations, ،وأقبل صلواتهم والقربان
Keep them from the Devil’s snares, ،وإحفظهم من مكايد ال َم ْنجوس
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ O who accepted the publican, ، يا َم ْن َقبَل إليه العشار+
And brought forth Jonah from the whale’s belly, ،وأخرج من بطن الحوت يونان
Keep the evils’ snare away from them, ،إبعد عنهم كيد األشرار
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
+ And the chanter who is sinful, ، والمادِح ذو الهفوات+
Pleases You for Your forgiveness, ،يرجو منك العفو والغفران
And the gain of the joy of the Paradise, ،والفوز بنعيم الجنات
Agios Atha-na-tos nai nan. .أجيوس آثاناتوس ناي نان
Saturday Theotokia with Watos Tune
ثاؤطوكية يوم السبت بلحن واطس
=a) 1) )1
}`at;wleb `ncemne@ ouoh e;ouab O chaste and undefiled, القديسة.أيتها الغير دنسة العفيفة
holy in everything, who هللا. التى قدمت لنا.في كل شئ
qen hwb niben@ ;y`etac`ini nan brought God for us, carried .محموال علي ذراعيها
in her arms.
`mVnou]@ eftalyout `ejen nec`jvoi.
+ Crasi neme `nje ]`ktycic tyrc@ + The whole creation صارخة.معك كل الخليقة
ِ تفرح+
rejoiced with you, . السالم لك يا ممتلئة نعمة.قائلة
ecws `ebol ecjw `mmoc@ je ,ere proclaiming and saying, .معك
ِ الرب
"Hail to you O full of grace,
;ye;meh `nh
` mot@ ouoh P[oic sop
the Lord is with you."
=g) 3) )2
Hwc ma`nselet `nattako@ Like a bride without الروح القدس.كخدر بغير فساد
blemish, the Holy Spirit ظللتك يا. وقوه العلى.حل عليك
`aPi`pneuma e;ouab `i `ejw@ oujom `nte came upon you, and the .مريم
power of the most high,
vy`et[oci@ e;na`erqyibi `ero Maria.
overshadowed you O Mary.
+ Je `are`jvo `mpi`aly;inoc@ + For you have given الكلمة الحقيقى ابن. النك ولدت+
birth, to the true Word, the أتى. الدائم الى األبد.اآلب
`nLogoc `nSyri `nte Viwt@ e;myn Son of the ever-existing .وخلصنا من خطايانا
Father, who came and
`ebol sa `eneh@ af`i afcotten qen
redeemed us from our sins.
+ `N;o gar pe pigenoc@ nem ]nouni + You are the offspring, . وأصل داود. أنت هى جنس+
and root of David, who has مخلصنا يسوع.ولدت لنا جسديا
`nte Dauid@ `aremici nan kata carx@ given birth for us according .المسيح
to the flesh, our Savior
`mpenCwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
Jesus Christ.
Pimonogenyc `ebolqen Viwt@ The only begotten of the . قبل كل الدهور.الوحيد من االب
Father, before all ages, منك
ِ .أخلى ذاته وأخذ شكل عبد
qajwou `nni`ewn tyrou@ afsouwf emptied Himself and took .ألجل خالصنا
the form of a servant, from
`ebol `mmin`mmof af[i `noumorvy `mbwk
you for our salvation.
`nqy]@ e;be penoujai.
=e) 5) )5
Areswpi `noumah `cnou] `mve@ You became a second على االرض.صرت سماء ثانيه
heaven, on earth O Mother . ألنه أشرق لنا منك.يا والده االله
hijen pikahi `w ]macnou]@ je afsai of God, for out of you the .شمس البر
Sun of righteousness, shone
nan `ebol `nqy]@ `nje piry `nte
upon us.
+ Are`jvof hiten ou`provyti`a@ + You gave birth to بغير زرع وال. ولدته كالنبوه+
Him according to the . وكلمه االب. وهو الخالق.فساد
a[ne `jroj `na
` ttako@ hwc prophecies, without seed or
corruption, for He is the
dymiourgoc@ ouoh `nLogoc `nte Viwt.
Creator, and the Word of
the Father.
<ere ;ye;meh `nh
` mot@ ,ere Hail to you O full of السالم.السالم لك يا ممتلئة نعمة
grace, hail to you who has السالم لك.لك يا من وجدت نعمة
;y`etacjem `hmot@ ,ere ;y`etacmec found grace, hail to you . الرب معك.يا من ولدت المسيح
who has given birth to
Pi`,rictoc@ ouoh P[oic sop neme.
Christ, the Lord is with you.
^ 6) )2
+ }`ckyny ;y`etoumou] `eroc@ je + The tabernacle which قدس. القبه التى تدعى+
was called, the holy of . التى فيها التابوت.االقداس
;ye;ouab `nte ni`e;ouab@ `ere ]kibwtoc holies, which contains the .المصفح بالذهب من كل ناحيه
Ark, overlaid roundabout
`nqytc@ etosj `nnoub `ncaca niben.
with gold.
:y `ere ni`plax `nqytc@ `nte Wherein are the tablets, والقسط. لوحا العهد.التى فيها
of the covenant, and the . المخفى فيه المن.الذهبى
]di`a;yky@ nem pi`ctamnoc `nnoub@ `ere golden pot, wherein the
manna was hidden.
pimanna hyp `nqytf.
+ Foi `ntupoc `mPsyri `mVnou]@ + This is a symbol of الذى أتى. هو مثال البن هللا+
the Son of God, who came العذراء غير.وحل فى مريم
`etaf`i afswpi qen Maria@ ]par;enoc and dwelt in Mary, the . وتجسد منها.الدنسه
undefiled Virgin, and was
` t;wleb@ af[icarx `ebol`nqytc.
incarnate from her.
Ac`jvof `epikocmoc@ qen She gave birth to Him . باتحاد بغير أفتراق.ولدته للعالم
unto the world, in unity . أتى وخلصنا.أذ هو ملك المجد
oumetouai `n`atvwrj@ alla `n;of pe without separation, for He
is the King of glory, who
Pouro `nte `p`wou@ af`i ouoh afcw]
came and saved us.
+ Piparadicoc `e`slylou`i@ je af`i + Paradise rejoiced, at بمجىء الحمل. يتهلل الفردوس+
the coming of the Lamb, the . أبن اآلب الدائم الى األبد.الكلمة
`nje piHiyb@ `nLogoc `nSyri `nte Viwt Word the Son of the ever . ليخلصنا من خطايانا
existing Father, who came
e;myn `ebol sa `eneh@ af`i afcotten
and redeemed us from our
qen nennobi. sins.
+ Aumou] `ero je `;mau `mVnou]@ + You are called the . الملك الحقيقى.ت ام هللا
ِ دعي+
Mother of God, the true بقيت عذراء بأمر.وبعد ما ولدته
piouro `mmyi menenca `;remacf@ King, and after He was born . عجيب
from you, miraculously you
`are`ohi `ereoi `mpar;enoc@ qen ouhwb
remained a virgin.
Areten;wn] `e]mouki@ You were likened to the . الذى رآه يعقوب.شبهت بالسلم
ladder, which Jacob saw, والرب.مرتفعا الى السماء
;y`etaIakwb nau `eroc@ ec[oci sa rising up to heaven, with .المخوف عليه
the awesome God standing
`e`hryi `e`tve@ `ere P[oic hijwc qen
above it.
+ <ere ne `ebolhitoten@ `w + We hail the one who غير. سالمنا الى من قبلت+
did accept, the وبتوليتها.المحوى فى بطنها
;y`etacswp `eroc `mpi`a,writoc@ qen Uncircumscript in her . من كل ناحية.مختومة
womb, and her virginity,
tecmytria `mpar;eniky@ ouoh
was sealed from all sides.
ecsotem `ncaca niben.
Areswpi nan `nou`proctatyc@ You have become our أمام هللا.صرت لنا شفيعه
intercessor, before God our آلجل. الذى تجسد منك.مخلصنا
nahren Vnou] penrefcw]@ Savior, who became .خالصنا
incarnate of you, for our
vy`etaf[icarx `ebol`nqy]@ e;be
Hyppe ic P[oic af`i `ebol`nqy]@ `w Behold the Lord came ايتها.هوذا الرب خرج منك
out of you, O blessed and ليخلص العالم.المباركه الكاملة
;yet`cmamat etjyk `ebol@ `enohem perfect one, to save the . حسب كثره رأفاته.الذى خلقه
world which He has
`mpikocmoc `etaf;amiof@ e;be
created, according to His
nefmetsenhyt etos. many tender mercies.
+ Tenhwc `erof ten]`wou naf@ + We praise and glorify . ونزيده علوا. نسبحه ونمجده+
Him, and exalt Him above ارحمنا.كصالح ومحب البشر
tenerhou`o [ici `mmof@ hwc aga;oc all, as a good One and .كعظيم رحمتك
Lover of man, have mercy
ouoh `mmairwmi@ nai nan kata
on us according to Your
peknis] `nnai. great mercy.
etcwtp@ `nte ]oikoumeny tyrc.
+ <ere ]helpic `noujai@ `nte + Rejoice O hope of كل. إفرحى يا رجاء خالص+
salvation, for all the ُ . ألننا من أجلك.المسكونة
]oikoumeny tyrc@ e;by] gar creation, for through you we .من لعنة حواء
have been freed, from the
anerremhe@ `ebolha picahou`i `nte Eua.
curse of Eve.
E;by] on anerma`nswpi@ Because of you also we ً صرنا مسكنا.ًومن أجلك أيضا
became, a dwelling for the .عليك
ِ الذى حل.للروح القدس
`mPi`pneuma e;ouab@ vai `etaf`i `e`hryi Holy Spirit, who came upon .وقدسك
you, and sanctified you.
`ejw@ afer`agi`azin `mmo.
+ <ere ;y`eta Gabriyl@ + Hail to the one, whom غبريال. السالم للتى أقرأها+
Gabriel greeted saying, السالم لك يا ممتلئة.السالم قائال
er,eretizin `mmoc@ je ,ere ;y`e;meh "Hail to you O full of grace, .معك
ِ الرب.نعمة
the Lord is with you."
` mot@ ouoh P[oic sop neme.
A `p]ma] gar `mViwt@ swpi qen The joy of the Father, . كانت فى حبلك.ألن مسرة اآلب
was in your conception, and . كان فى أحشائك.وظهور اإلبن
pejin`erboki@ `a `tparouci`a `mPisyri@ the appearance of the Son,
was in your womb.
swpi `nh
` ryi qen temytra.
+ APi`pneuma e;ouab@ moh `mmai + The Holy Spirit, filled مأل كل موضع. والروح القدس+
every part of you, your soul يا مريم أم. نفسك وجسدك.منك
niben `nte@ te'u,y nem pecwma@ `w and your body, O Mary the .هللا
Mother of God.
Mari`a `;mau `mVnou].
E;be vai tenersai hwn@ qen Therefore we too ً عيدا.ًألجل هذا نعيد نحن أيضا
celebrate, both a spiritual, صارخين مع.ً ونبويا ً معا.ًروحيا
ousai `m`pneumatikon@ ouoh and prophetic feast, .الملك داود
proclaiming with king
`m`provytikon eucop@ enws `ebol nem
`pouro Dauid.
+ Je twnk P[oic `epek`mton@ `n;ok + "Arise O Lord to Your . إلى راحتك. قائلين قم يا رب+
rest, You and the ark, of ت
ِ الذى هو أن.أنتَ وتابوت قدسك
nem ]kibwtoc@ `nte pima e;ouab Your sanctuary, which is .يا مريم
you O Mary.
`ntak@ `ete `n;o te `w Mari`a.
+ <ere `;mau `mvy`etaf`errwmi@ + Hail to the mother of بإرادته. السالم ألم المتأنس+
the Incarnated, of His own والروح. ومسرة أبيه.وحده
qen pefouws `mmin `mmof@ nem free will, and the goodness .القدس
of His Father, and the Holy
`p]ma] Pefiwt@ nem Pi`pneuma
<ere pi`ctamnoc `nnoub@ `ere Hail to you O golden المخفى فيه.السالم للقسط الذهبى
vessel, wherein the Manna . وعصا الخشب اللوزى.المن
piManna hyp `nqytf@ nem pi`sbwt `nse was hidden, and the almond .التى ضرب بها موسى الصخرة
wooden rod, with which
`mpeukinwn@ `eta
Moses hit the rock.
Mwucyc mes ]petra `nqytf.
+ <ere ke,aritwmeny@ `w + Hail to you O full of المائدة. السالم للممتلئة نعمة+
grace, O the spiritual table, لكل. التى تعطى الحياة.الروحية
]`trapeza `m`pneumatiky@ eu] `m`pwnq that gives life to everyone, .من يأكل منها
who eats from it.
`nouon niben@ e;na`ouwm `ebol`nqytc.
<ere pikumillion@ `n`av;arton Hail to you O incorrupt الذى.السالم لإلناء غير الفاسد
vessel, of the divinity, لكل من. المعطى الشفاء.لالهوت
`nte ]me;nou]@ `etervaqri `no` uon which heals everyone, who .يشرب منه
drinks from it.
niben@ e;nacw `ebol`nqytf.
Je `n;oc gar pe pensousou@ nem For she is our pride, our فى. ورجاؤنا وثباتنا.ألنها فخرنا
hope and confirmation, in . ربنا يسوع المسيح.ظهور إلهنا
tenhelpic nem pentajro@ qen the second coming of our
God, our Lord Jesus Christ.
`tparouci`a `mpennou]@ Pen[oic Iycouc
+ Ten[ici `mmo qen ou`em`psa@ nem + We magnify you مع. نعظمك باستحقاق+
worthily, with Elizabeth مباركة.اليصابات نسيبتك قائلين
Elicabet tecuggenyc@ je your cousin saying, ومباركة هي.ت فى النساء ِ أن
"Blessed are you among .ثمرة بطنك
te`cmarwout `n;o qen nihi`omi@
women, and blessed is the
`f`cmarwout `nje `poutah `nte teneji. fruit of your womb."
nennobi nan `ebol.
nek`ar,i`aggeloc e;ouab.
M`vry] `etakswp `erok `nnidwron As You have received وكما قبلت إليك قرابين هابيل
the gifts of the righteous الصديق وذبيحة أبينا إبراهيم
`nte pi`;myi Abel@ nem ];ucia `nte Abel, the sacrifice of our .وفلسي األرملة
father Abraham, and the
peniwt Abraam nem ]tebi `cnou]
two mites of the widow,
`nte ],yra.
Pairy] on nikeeu,arictyrion `nte so also receive the اقبلها،هكذا أيضا نذور عبيدك
thank offerings of Your أصحاب الكثير وأصحاب،إليك
nek`ebiaik sopou `erok@ na pihou`o nem servants, those in . الخفيات والظاهرات،القليل
abundance or those in
na pikouji@ nyethyp nem ny e;ouwnh
scarcity, hidden or
`ebol. manifest.
Nye;ouws `e`ini nak `eqoun ouoh Those who desire to والذين يريدون أن يقدموا لك
offer to You but have none, والذين قدموا لك في،وليس لهـم
`mmon `ntwou@ nem ny``etau``ini nak and those who have offered .هذا اليوم هذه القرابين
these gifts to You this very
`eqoun qen pai`ehoou `nte voou
`nnaidwron nai.
`mper,au `ncwk.
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt By the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh God and Savior Jesus
Pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي ينبغي من قبله المجد
glory, the honor, the واإلكرام والعز والسجود يليق بك
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship مع الروح القدس المحيي،معه
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all .آمين
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Marenhwc nem ni`aggeloc je Let us praise with the :فلنسبح مع المالئكة قائلين
angels, saying, “Glory to المجد هلل في األعالي وعلى
ou`wou `mVnou] qen ny`et[oci@ nem God in the highest, peace األرض السالم وفى الناس
on earth, and good will . نباركك. نسبحك.المسرة
ouhiryny hijen pikahi@ nem ou]ma]
toward men.” We praise . نعترف لك. نسجد لك.نخدمك
You. We bless You. We
qen nirwmi. Tenhwc `erok ten`cmou .ننطق بمجدك
serve You. We worship
`erok@ tensemsi `mmok@ tenouwst You. We confess to You.
We glorify You.
`mmok@ tenouwnh nak `ebol@ tencaji
qen pekwou.
Tensep`hmot `ntotk@ e;be We give thanks to You أيها،نشكرك من أجل عظم مجدك
for Your great glory, O هللا،الرب المالك على السموات
peknis] `nwou@ P[oic Pouro et hijen Lord, King of heavens, God والرب االبن،اآلب ضابط الكل
the Father, the Pantocrator ، يسوع المسيح،الواحد الوحيد
nivyou`i@ Vnou] Viwt
(Almighty). O Lord, the ، أيها الرب اإلله.والروح القدس
One and Only-Begotten
Pipantokratwr. P[oic Psyri رافع خطية، ابن اآلب،حمل هللا
Son, Jesus Christ, and the
`mmauatf pimonogenyc Iycouc Holy Spirit. O Lord God, يا حامل خطية. ارحمنا،العالم
Lamb of God, Son of the . اقبل طلباتنا إليك،العالم
Pi`,rictoc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
Father, who takes away the
P[oic Vnou] pihyib `nte Vnou] @ sin of the world, have
mercy on us. You, Who
Pisyri `nte Viwt@ vy`etwli `m`vnobi takes away the sin of the
world, receive our prayers
`nte pikocmoc nai nan. Vy`etwli
unto You.
`m`vnobi `nte pikocmoc sep nen]ho
Vy`ethemci caou`inam `mPefiwt Who sits at the right ،أيها الجالس عن يمين أبيه
hand of His Father, have أنت. أنت وحدك القدوس.ارحمنا
nai nan. N;ok `mmauatk e;ouab@ `n;ok mercy on us. You alone are وحدك العالي يا ربى يسوع
the Holy; You only are the مجدا هلل.المسيح والروح القدس
`mmauatk et[oci@ pa[oic Iycouc
Most High, my Lord Jesus . آمين.اآلب
Pi`,rictoc nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ Christ, and the Holy Spirit;
Glory be to God the Father.
ouwou `mVnou] Viwt amyn. Amen.
}na`cmou `erok `mmyni `mmyni@ Every day I will bless وأسبح اسمك،أباركك كل يوم
You and praise Your holy . وإلى أبد األبد.القدوس إلى األبد
]na`cmou `epekran e;ouab sa `eneh Name forever and unto the منذ الليل روحي تبكر إليك.آمين
ages of all ages. Amen. ألن أوامرك هي نور،يا إلهي
nem sa `eneh `nte ni`eneh `amyn. Icjen
From the night season my كنت أتلو في.على األرض
jwrh a pa`pneuma swrp `mmof harok soul awakes early unto . ألنك صرت لي معينا،طرقك
You, O my God, for Your
panou]@ je hanououwini ne precepts are a light upon ،باكرا يا رب تسمع صوتي
the earth. I was meditating .بالغداة أقف أمامك وتراني
nekou`ahcahni hijen pikahi.
on Your ways for You have
Naiermeletan hi nekmwit@ je become a helper unto me.
In the morning You shall
akswpi nyi `nouboy;oc. Han`atoou`i hear my voice. Early, I
P[oic ek`ecwtem `e`t`cmy@ swrp shall stand before You, and
You shall see me.
ei`etahoi nahrak ek`enau `eroi.
Then, the people continue with the following .ثم يكمل الشعب بهذه الطلبة
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, holy Mighty, قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
holy Immortal, who was الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di crucified for us, have mercy . ارحمنا،عنا
on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, holy Mighty, قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
holy Immortal, who was الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di crucified for us, have mercy . ارحمنا،عنا
on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, holy Mighty, قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
holy Immortal, who was الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di crucified for us, have mercy . ارحمنا،عنا
on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke `agiw Glory to the Father and المجد لآلب واالبن والروح
to the Son and to the Holy اآلن وكل اوان وإلي دهر،القدس
Pneumati@ ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc Spirit, now and ever and . آمين.الدهور
unto the ages of the ages.
`e`wnac twn `e`wnwn@ `amyn.
Agia `triac `ele`ycon `ymac@ O Holy Trinity, have .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
mercy on us. O Holy .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
pan`agia `triac `ele`ycon `ymac@ ]`triac Trinity, have mercy on us. .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
O Holy Trinity, have mercy .يا رب اغفر لنا خطايانا
e;ouab nai nan. P[oic ,a nennobi
on us. O Lord, forgive us .يا رب اغفر لنا آثامنا
our sins. O Lord, forgive us
nan `ebol@ P[oic ,a nen`anomia nan .يا رب اغفر لنا زالتنا
our iniquities. O Lord,
`ebol@ P[oic ,a nenparaptwma nan forgive us our trespasses. O ،يا رب افتقد مرضى شعبك
Lord, visit the sick of Your .اشفهم من أجل اسمك القدوس
`ebol. P[oic jem`psini `ny`etswni `nte
people, heal them for the
peklaoc@ mata[wou e;be pekran sake of Your holy name.
Nenio] nem nen`cnyou `etau`enkot Our fathers and يا،آباؤنا وإخوتنا الذين رقدوا
brethren who have fallen يا من هو بال.رب نيح نفوسهم
P[oic ma`mton `nnou'u,y. Pi`a;nobi asleep, O Lord repose their يا من بال. يا رب ارحمنا،خطية
souls. O You Who are واقبل طلباتنا، يا رب أعنا،خطية
P[oic nai nan@ pi`a;nobi P[oic
without sin, Lord have ألن لك المجد والعزة.إليك
`ariboy;in `eron@ sep ten]ho `erok. Je mercy on us. O You Who يا. يا رب ارحم.والتقديس المثلث
are without sin, Lord help
vwk pe pi`wou nem pi`amahi@ nem us and receive our . آمين. يا رب بارك.رب ارحم
supplications. For Yours is
pi`triac agioc@ Kuri`e `ele`ycon@ Kuri`e
the glory, dominion, and
`ele`ycon@ Kuri`e `eulogycon `amyn. triple holiness. Lord have
mercy. Lord have mercy.
Lord bless us. Amen.
Ariten `n`m`psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray واجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: Our Father ... ... أبانا:بشكر
ouse`phmot@ Je Peniwt...
The Doxologies
The Introduction to the Doxologies
ثم يرتل الشعب مقدمة الذوكصولوجيات
<ere ne ten]ho `ero@ `w ;ye;ouab Hail to you. We ask أيتها القديسة،السالم لك نسألك
you, O saint full of glory, ، العذراء كل حين،الممتلئة مجدا
e;meh `nw
` ou@ `etoi `mpar;enoc `ncyou the Ever-Virgin, Mother of .والدة اإلله أم المسيح
God, Mother of Christ.
niben@ ]macnou] `;mau `mPi`,rictoc.
Aniou`i `nte`proc`eu,y@ `e`pswi ha Lift our prayers, to your إلى ابنك، صالتنا،اصعدي
beloved Son, that He may . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،الحبيب
pesyri `mmenrit@ `ntef,a nennobi nan forgive us our sins.
<ere ;y`etacmici nan@ `mpiouwini Hail to her who gave النور،السالم للتي ولدت لنا
birth to the True Light, العذراء، المسيح إلهنا،الحقيقي
`nta`vmyi@ Pi`,rictoc Pennou]@ Christ our God, the saintly .القديسة
]par;enoc e;ouab.
Ma]ho `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ Ask the Lord on our ، ليصنع رحمة،اسألي الرب عنا
behalf, to have mercy upon . ويغفر لنا خطايانا،مع نفوسنا
`ntef`er ounai nem nen'u,y@ `ntef,a our souls, and that He may
forgive us our sins.
nennobi nan `ebol.
}par;enoc Mariam@ ];eotokoc O Virgin Mary, the holy ، والدة اإلله،أيتها العذراء مريم
Mother of God, the trusted لجنس،القديسة الشفيعة األمينة
e;ouab@ ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ `nte advocate of the human race. .البشر
`pgenoc `nte ]metrwmi.
Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi ejwn@ nahren Intercede on our behalf, الذي،اشفعي فينا أمام المسيح
before Christ to Whom you بمغفرة، لكي ينعم لنا،ولدتيه
Pi`,rictoc @ vy`etar`ejvof@ hopwc gave birth, that He may .خطايانا
grant us the forgiveness of
`ntef`er`hmot nan@ `m`p,w `ebol `nte
our sins.
<ere ne `w ]par;enoc@ ]ourw Hail to you, O Virgin, الملكة،السالم لك أيتها العذراء
the right and true queen. السالم لفخر.الحقيقية الحقانية
`mmyi `na
` ly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte Hail to the pride of our . ولدت لنا عمانوئيل،جنسنا
race, who gave birth to
pengenoc@ are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl.
+ Swrp `m`v`ouai `nte nicabbaton@ + Early on one of the قام المسيح، باكر أحد السبوت+
Sabbath days, Christ arose ورد أعداءه إلى،من بين األموات
`aPi`,rictoc twnf `ebolqen from the dead, He placed .ً وأعطاهم عارا ً أبديا،خلف
His enemies behind Him,
ny`e;mw`out@ aftac;o `nnefjaji
He put them in eternal
`evahou@ af] nw`ou`n`ou`svit sa `ne` neh. shame.
E;be vai ten`er,oreuin@ nem Therefore we praise, ، نمدح مع المرتل،من أجل هذا
with David the Psalmist, . قد قام هللا مثل النائم،داود قائلين
pihumnodoc Dauid@ je aftwnf `nje saying "God has risen, like
one who sleeps."
Vnou]@ `m`vry] `mvy`etenkot.
+ Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a. + Alleluia Alleluia, . هلليلويا. هلليلويا. هلليلويا+
Alleluia Alleluia, Jesus يسوع المسيح ملك.هلليلويا
Allyloui`a. Allyloui`a. Iycouc Christ the King of glory, . قام من بين األموات،المجد
has risen from the dead.
Pi`,rictoc `p`ouro `nte `p`w`ou@ aftwnf
Wounia] `n;o Maria@ ]cabe ouoh Blessed are you O الحكيمة،طوباك أنت يا مريم
Mary, the prudent and the الكنز، القبة الثانية،العفيفة
`ncemne@ ]mah`cnou] `n`ckyny@ piaho chaste, the Second .الروحي
Tabernacle, the treasure of
the Spirit.
}[rompi gar `ete`mmau@ `n;oc For that dove, has ، هي بشرتنا،ألن تلك الحمامة
declared unto us, the peace . الذي صار للبشر،بسالم هللا
achisennoufi nan@ `n]hiryny `nte of God, toward mankind.
Vnou]@ ;y`etacswpi sa nirwmi.
Ete vai pe Iycouc@ pimici `ebolqen Who is Jesus our Lord, ولد، من اآلب،أي يسوع المولود
the Only-Begotten of the . وحرر جنسنا،لنا منك
Viwt@ aumacf nan `ebol `nqy]@ afer Father, He was born of you
unto us, and set free our
penjenoc `nremhe.
Vai gar marentaouof@ `ebolqen Wherefore let us وبعد، من قلبنا أوال،فلنقل هذا
declare, first with our صارخين،ذلك بلساننا أيضا
penhyt `nsorp@ menencwc on qen hearts, and then with our .قائلين
tongues also, proclaiming
penkelac@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc.
and saying.
Je Pen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc @ O our Lord Jesus اجعل لك،يا ربنا يسوع المسيح
Christ, make in us a ، لروحك القدوس،فينا هيكال
` ryi `nqyten@ `nouervei sanctuary, for Your Holy
ma;amio nak `nq .يعطيك تمجيدا
Spirit, Ever-glorifying You.
`nte Pek`pneuma e;ouab@
eu]doxologia nak.
Mi,ayl `par,wn `nna nivyou`i@ Michael the head of the هو،ميخائيل رئيس السمائيين
heavenly, he is the first, ، في الطقوس المالئكية،األول
`n;of etoi `nsor@ qen nitaxic among the angelic hosts, .يخدم أمام الرب
serving before the Lord.
`naggelikon@ efsemsi `mpe`m;o
Sare Vnou] ouwrp nan@ `nnefnai Wherefore God sends مراحمه،إن هللا يرسل لنا
unto us, His mercy and His ، بسؤاالت ميخائيل،ورأفاته
nem nefmetsenhyt@ hiten ni]ho `nte compassion, through the .رئيس المالئكة العظيم
supplications of Michael,
Mi,ayl@ pinis] `nar,y`aggeloc.
the great archangel.
Taio niben e;naneu@ nem dwron All good honor, and وكل موهبة،كل عطية صالحة
every perfect gift, comes to من، إنما تهبط لنا من فوق،تامة
niben etjyk `ebol@ eunyou nan `ebol us from on high, from the .عند أبى األنوار
Father of Light.
`m`pswi@ hiten Viwt `nte niouwini.
Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi `ejwn@ w Intercede on our behalf, يا رئيس،اشفع فينا أمام الرب
O holy archangel, Michael ميخائيل رئيس،المالئكة الطاهر
pi`ar,y`aggeloc e;ouab@ Mi,ayl the head of the heavenly, . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،السمائيين
that He may forgive us our
`par,wn `nna nivyoui@ `ntef,a
nennobi nan `ebol.
`mmuctyrion ethyp.
Ni,eroubim nem Niceravim@ The Cherubim the الكراسي،الشاروبيم والسارافيم
Seraphim, the Thrones the واألربع،واألرباب والقوات
ni`;ronoc nimet[oic nijom@ piftou Dominions and Powers, the ،حيوانات غير المتجسدين
four incorporeal creatures, .الحاملون مركبة هللا
`nzwon `nacwmatoc@ etfai qa piharma
carrying the Throne of God.
Pijout `ftou `m`precbuteroc@ qen The Twenty four في،االربعة والعشرين قسيسا
presbyters, in the Church of يسبحونه بال،كنيسة األبكار
]ek`klycia `nte nisorp `mmici@ euhwc the first-born, praising Him . صارخين قائلين،فتور
incessantly, proclaiming
erof qen oumetatmounk@ euws `ebol
and saying.
eujw `mmoc.
Je `agioc `o :eoc@ nyetswni Holy O God, the sick O ، المرضى اشفهم،قدوس هللا
Lord heal them, Holy O الراقدين يا رب،قدوس القوى
matal[wou@ `agioc Ic,uroc@ Mighty, those who slept .نيحهم
repose them.
nyetauenkot P[oic ma`mton nwou.
Ausanjoc `mpi allyloui`a@ sare And when they say يتبعهم،اذا ما قالوا هلليلويا
“Alleluia”, the heavenly قدوس آمين،السمائيون قائلين
na nivyou`i ouwh `mmwou@ je `agioc follow them saying, "Holy . المجد هو إللهنا.هلليلويا
Amen Alleluia, Glory be to
`amyn@ Allyloui`a@ pi`wou va
our God."
Pennou] pe.
Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi ejwn@ Intercede on our behalf, أيها،اشفعوا فينا أمام الرب
O angelic hosts, and all the والطغمات،العساكر المالئكية
nictratia `naggelikon@ nem nitagma heavenly multitudes, that . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،السمائية
He may forgive us our sins.
`nepouranion@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
Doxology for St. John the Baptist
ذوكصولوجية للقديس يوحنا المعمدان
Mpe ouon twnf qen nijinmici@ Among those born of من،لم يقم في مواليد النساء
women, no one is like you, أنت عظيم في جميع،يشبهك
`nte nihiomi efoni `mmok@ `n;ok ounis] you are great among the . يا يوحنا المعمدان،القديسين
saints, O John the Baptist.
qen nye;ouab tyrou@ Iwannyc
N;ok ouhou`o `m`provytyc@ ak[ici You are much more تعاليت في،أنت أفضل من نبي
than a prophet, you were حمل، أنت هو صديق الختن،البر
qen ]me;myi@ `n;ok pe `psvyr righteously exalted, you are .هللا
the friend of the
`mpipatselet@ pihiyb `nte Vnou].
Bridegroom, the Lamb of
Akerme;re qa piouwini@ `nta`vmyi You have witnessed to الذي أتى،شهدت للنور الحقيقي
the True Light, which came والذين يؤمنون،إلى العالم
etaf`i `epikocmoc@ nye;nah] `epefran@ into the world, those who . صاروا أبناء النور،باسمه
believed in His Name,
auswpi `nsyri `nte piouwini.
became children of the
Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi ejwn@ `w Intercede on our behalf, أيها السابق،اشفع فينا أمام الرب
O forerunner and baptizer, ليغفر، يوحنا المعمدان،الصابغ
pi`prodromoc `mbaptictyc@ Iwannyc John the Baptist, that He .لنا خطايانا
may forgive us our sins.
piref]wmc@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
Kurioc Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ afcwtp Our Lord Jesus Christ, اختار،الرب يسوع المسيح
has chosen His apostles, ، وهم بطرس واندراوس،رسله
`nnef`apoctoloc@ `ete Petroc nem who are Peter and Andrew, .ويوحنا ويعقوب
and John and James.
An`dreac@ Iwannyc nem Iakwboc.
:addeoc nem Mat;iac@ Pauloc Thaddaeus and وبولس،وتداوس ومتياس
Matthias, Paul Mark and وبقية التالميذ،ومرقس ولوقا
nem Markoc nem Loukac@ nem `pcepi Luke, and the rest of .الذين تبعوا مخلصنا
disciples, who followed our
`nte nima;ytyc@ nyetaumosi `nca
Apou`qrwou senaf `ebol@ hijen Their voices went forth, إلي وجه،خرجت أصواتهم
onto the face of the whole إلي، وبلغ كالمهم،األرض كلها
`pho `m`pkahi tyrf@ ouoh noucaji earth, and their words have .أقطار المسكونة
reached, the ends of the
auvoh@ sa auryjc `n]oikoumeny.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our يا سادتي،أطلبوا من الرب عنا
behalf, my masters and واالثنان والسبعون،اآلباء الرسل
na[oic `nio] `napoctoloc@ nem pi`sbe fathers the apostles, and the . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،ً تلميذا
seventy two disciples, that
`cnau `mma;ytyc@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
He may forgive us our sins.
Ak`i akerouwini eron@ hiten You have come and ، بإنجيلك،أتيت وأنرت لنا
enlightened us, through والروح،وعلمتنا اآلب واالبن
pekeuaggelion@ ak`tcabon `mViwt your Gospel, and taught us .القدس
the Father and the Son, and
nem `pSyri@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
the Holy Spirit.
Akenten `ebolqen `p,aki@ eqoun You brought us out of إلى النور،وأخرجتنا من الظلمة
the darkness, into the true ، وأطعمتنا خبز الحياة،الحقيقي
`epiouwini `mmyi@ aktemmon `mpiwik Light, and nourished us .الذي نزل من السماء
with the Bread of Life, that
`nte `pwnq@ etaf`i `epecyt `ebolqen
came down from heaven.
Au[i`cmou `nq
` ryi `nqytk@ `nje All the tribes of the . كل قبائل األرض،تباركت بك
earth, were blessed through إلى أقطار،وأقوالك بلغت
nivuly tyrou `nte `pkahi@ ouoh you, and your words have .المسكونة
reached, the ends of the
nekcaji auvoh@ sa auryjc
<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere Hail to you O martyr, السالم،السالم لك أيها الشهيد
hail to the Evangelist, hail ، السالم للرسول،لإلنجيلي
pieuaggelictyc@ ,ere pi`apoctloc@ to the Apostle, Mark the .مرقس ناظر اإلله
Beholder of God.
Markoc pi;ewrimoc.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our يا ناظر اإلله،أطلب من الرب عنا
behalf, O beholder of God ليغفر، مرقس الرسول،االنجيلى
pi;ewrimoc `neuaggelictyc@ Markoc the evangelist, Mark the .لنا خطايانا
Apostle, that He may
pi`apoctoloc@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
forgive us our sins.
Vyettaiyout `mmarturoc@ `nte The honored martyr, of الذي لربنا يسوع،الشهيد المكرم
our Lord Jesus Christ, ، القديس استفانوس،المسيح
Pen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ vye;ouab Stephen the Saint, which .الذي تأويله اإلكليل
means “a crown”.
Ctevanoc@ `ete pefou`whem pe
Vy`eta Vnou] [wrp `erof@ God revealed unto him, أسرارا،الذي كشف له هللا
the great mysteries, and his مثل، واستنار وجهه،عظيمة
`nhannis] `mmuctyrion@ af[iouwini face shone, like the face of .وجه مالك
an angel.
`nje pefho@ `m`vry] `m`pho `nouaggeloc.
Vy`etafnau `enivyou`i euouyn@ He saw the heavens ،الذي رأى السموات مفتوحة
open, and my Lord Jesus at ،وربنا يسوع عن يمين أبيه
ouoh Pa[oic Iycouc caouinam the right hand of His كان يطلب عن،والذين يرجمونه
Father, and those who were .خالصهم
`mPefiwt@ ny`etauhi`wni `ejwf@
stoning him, he prayed for
naftwbh `nca pououjai. their salvation.
Efws `ebol efjw `mmoc@ je Proclaiming and saying: صارخا قائال يا ربى يسوع
O my Lord Jesus Christ, وال، اقبل روحي إليك،المسيح
Pa[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ sep receive my spirit, and count علي هؤالء،تحسب هذه الخطية
not this sin against them. .الناس
pa`pneuma `erok@ `mperep painobi
Je `ncecwoun `nh
` lian@ qen For they know not, ، ماذا يصنعون،ألنهم ال يدرون
what they are doing, يا رب ال،من أجل عمى قلوبهم
ny`etou`iri `mmwou@ e;be pi;wm `nte because of the blindness of .تبكتهم
their hearts, Lord do not
pouhyt@ P[oic `mpercohi `mmwou.
hold this against them.
Pef`dromoc afjokf `ebol@ ouoh He completed his ، ومات على الحق،أكمل سعيه
mission, and he died for the ،ولبس اإلكليل غير المضمحل
afmou ejen ]me;myi@ afervorin truth, and he wore the ،الذي للشهادة
unfading crown, of
`mpi`,lom `natlwm@ `nte
<ere nak `w pi`a;lytyc@ `nte Hail O persevering one, الذي،السالم لك أيها المجاهد
of our Lord Jesus Christ, القديس،لربنا يسوع المسيح
Pen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ vye;ouab Stephen the Sain, which . الذي تأويله اإلكليل،استفانوس
means “a crown”.
Ctevanoc@ `ete pefou`whem pe
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our يا رئيس،أطلب من الرب عنا
behalf, O blessed استفانوس،الشمامسة المبارك
pi`ar,ydiakwn et`cmarwout@ archdeacon, Stephen the . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،الشهيد األول
first martyr, that He may
Ctevanoc pisorp `mmarturoc@
forgive us our sins.
`ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Sasf `nrompi afjokou `ebol@ `nje Saint George has القديس،سبع سنين أكملها
completed, seven whole ً وسبعون ملكا،جيؤرجيوس
vye;ouab Ge`wrgioc@ `ere pi`sbe `nouro years, while he was judged . يحكمون عليه كل يوم،منافقين
daily, by seventy lawless
` nomoc@ eu]hap `erof `mmyni.
Mpou`svwnh `mpeflogicmoc@ oude They could not change أفكاره وال،ولم يقدروا أن يميلوا
his mind, nor his upright وال عظم،إيمانه المستقيم
pefnah] etcoutwn@ oude tefnis] faith, nor his great love, for . في الملك المسيح،محبته
Christ the King.
` gapy@ `eqoun `e`pouro Pi`,rictoc.
Naf`era'lin nem Dauid@ je He was singing with قائال أحاط،وكان يرتل مع داود
David, saying "All the لكن باسم يسوع،بي جميع األمم
aukw] `eroi `nje nie;noc tyrou@ alla nations encircled me, but . انتقمت منهم،الهي
with the Name of my Lord
qen `vran `nIycouc Panou]@ ai[i `mpa[i
Jesus, I took revenge upon
`m`psis nemwou. them.
<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere Hail to you O martyr, السالم،السالم لك أيها الشهيد
Hail to the courageous ، السالم للمنتصر،للبطل للشجاع
piswij `ngenneoc@ ,ere pi`a;lovoroc@ hero, Hail to the struggle- .سيدي الملك جيؤرجيوس
mantled, my Master Prince
pa[oic `pouro Ge`wrgioc.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@`w Pray to the Lord on our أيها الشهيد،أطلب من الرب عنا
behalf, O struggle mantled سيدي الملك،الالبس الجهاد
pi`a;lovoroc `mmarturoc@ pa[oic martyr, my Master Prince . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،جيؤرجيوس
George, that He may
`pouro Ge`wrgioc@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
forgive us our sins.
Ouoh af[i qen tefjij@ `n]cyfi And he took in his ، السيف ذا الحدين،وأخذ بيده
hand, the two-edged sword, في يده،الذي ثبته مالك الرب
`nro`cnau@ ;y`eta piaggeloc `nte P[oic which the angel of the .اليمنى
Lord, placed in his right
tajroc@ qen tefjij `nou`inam.
Afsenaf `epipolemoc@ qen ]jom He went to the war, ، بقوة المسيح،مضى إلي الحرب
with the strength of Christ, . بجراحات عظيمة،وقتل البربر
`nte Pi`,rictoc@ afsari `eniBarbaroc@ he smote the barbarians,
with great wounds.
qen ounis] `nerqot.
Qen nai afervorin `mpi`,lom With this he wore the الشهادة غير،وبهذا لبس إكليل
unfading crown, of وعيد مع جميع،المضمحل
`natlwm@ `nte ]metmarturoc@ martyrdom, he celebrated . في كورة األحياء،القديسين
with all the saints, in the
afersai nem nye;ouab tyrou@ qen
land of the living.
`t,wra `nte ny`etonq.
<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere Hail to you O martyr, السالم،السالم لك أيها الشهيد
hail to the courageous hero, ، السالم للمجاهد،للشجاع البطل
piswij `ngenneoc@ ,ere pi`a;lovoroc@ hail to the struggle-mantled, .محب اآلب مرقوريوس
Philopateer Mercurius.
Vilopatyr Merkourioc.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our أيها الشهيد،اطلب من الرب عنا
behalf, O struggle mantled محب اآلب،المجاهد
pi`a;lovoroc `mmarturoc@ Vilopatyr martyr, Philopateer . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،مرقوريوس
Mercurius, that He may
Merkourioc@ `ntef,a nennobi nan
forgive us our sins.
Eswp oun `nte pirwmi@ jemhyou What will it profit a العالم كله،إذا ربح اإلنسان
man, if he gains the whole ، فما هي هذه،وخسر نفسه
`mpikocmoc tyrf@ `ntef]`oci world, and loses his soul, .الحياة الباطلة
this would be the life of
`ntef'u,y@ ou pe paiwnq `ne` `vlyou.
Pi`agioc `apa Myna@ afcwtem `nca The saint Abba Mina, سمع الصوت،القديس أبا مينا
heard the Divine voice, and ، وترك عنه العالم كله،اإللهي
]`cmy `nnou]@ af,w `mpikocmoc tyrf had forsaken the whole .ومجده الفاسد
world, and its corrupt glory.
`ncwf@ nem pef`wou e;natako.
Af] `ntef'u,y `e`vmou@ nem He gave his soul unto وجسده،وبذل نفسه للموت
death, and his flesh to the ألجل، وقبل عذابات عظيمة،للنار
pefcwma `epi`,rwm@ afsep hannis] fire, and received great .ابن هللا الحي
sufferings, for the Son of
`mbacanoc@ e;be Psyri `mVnou]
the Living God.
E;be vai `aPencwtyr@ olf `eqoun Therefore our Savior, ، إلي ملكوته،فلهذا رفعه مخلصنا
lifted him to His kingdom, التي لم ترها،وأعطاه الخيرات
`etefmetouro@ af]naf `nni`aga;on@ and granted him the good .عين
things, which an eye has
ny`ete `mpebal nau `erwou.
not seen.
<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere Hail to you O martyr, hail السالم،السالم لك أيها الشهيد
to the courageous hero, hail السالم لالبس،للشجاع البطل
piswij `ngenneoc@ ,ere pi`a;lovoroc@ to the struggle mantled, . القديس أبا مينا،الجهاد
Saint Abba Mina.
pi`agioc `apa Myna.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our أيها الشهيد،أطلب من الرب عنا
behalf, O struggle mantled ليغفر، القديس أبا مينا،المجاهد
pi`a;lovoroc `mmarturoc@ pi`agioc `apa martyr, Saint Abba Mina, .لنا خطايانا
that He may forgive us our
Myna@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Bwl `ebol qen netenhyt@ Take out from your ، أفكار الشر،انزعوا من قلوبكم
hearts, the thoughts of evil, التي تظلم،والظنون الخداعة
`nnimokmek `nte ]kakia@ nem nimeu`i and the pretentious images, .العقل
that darken the mind.
etsebswb@ et`iri `mpinouc `n,aki.
Vai `etafswpi nan `n[aumwit@ This is he who became مرشدا وميناء،هذا الذي صار لنا
our guide, and harbor for إلى الحياة، ودعانا بفرح،خالص
`nlumyn `nte pioujai@ af;whem `mmon salvation, he invited us with .األبدية
joy, to the eternal life.
qen ou`erouwt@ `eqoun `epiwnq `ne` neh.
Je aikw] ouoh aijimi@ ai`eretin "I sought and I found, I ، سألت فأخذت،طلبت فوجدت
asked and I was given, I . أنه سيفتح لي،قرعت وأؤمن
ouoh ai[i@ aikwlh ouoh ]nah]@ je knocked and I believed,
that it will be opened to
cena`aouwn nyi.
<ere peniwt Antwnioc@ piqybc Hail to our father مصباح،السالم ألبينا أنطونيوس
Antony, the light of ، السالم ألبينا أنبا بوال،الرهبنة
`nte ]metmona,oc@ ,ere peniwt monasticism, hail to our .حبيب المسيح
father Abba Paul, the
abba Paule@ pimenrit `nte Pi`,rictoc.
beloved of Christ.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our يا سيدي،أطلبا من الرب عنا
behalf, O my masters and أنبا،األبوين محبي أوالدهما
na[oic `nio] `mmainousyri@ abba fathers who loved their ليغفر لنا،انطونيوس وأنبا بوال
children, Abba Antony and .خطايانا
Antwnioc nem abba Paule@ `ntef,a
Abba Paul, that He may
nennobi nan `ebol. forgive us our sins.
Iwcyv pi`ar,y`ereuc@ `nte ]nis] O Joseph the high المدينة،يا يوساب رئيس كهنة
priest, of the great city of البتول،العظمى اإلسكندرية
`mbaki Rako]@ pipar;enoc Alexandria, the pure virgin, الملتحف بالتواضع،النقي
adorned with true humility. .الحقيقي
eutoubyout@ etjolh `mpi;ebio `mmyi.
Nhryi qen ni`ehoou@ `nte For in the days, of your ، أدركتنا هذه،في أيام رئاستك
high-priesthood, this great نحن غير،النعمة العظيمة
tekmetar,y`ereuc@ `apainis] `nh
` mot grace came to us, we the .المستحقين
tahon@ `anon qa ni`atem`psa.
Ete pijin`i saron@ `nte nenio] That is the coming of البسي الصليب،أي مجيء أبوينا
our fathers, the cross- ، أنبا بيشوى وأنبا بوال،إلينا
`nc` taurovoroc@ abba Piswi nem abba bearers, Abba Bishoy and .الكوكبين النيرين
Abba Paul, the shining
Paule@ nivwctyr `eterouwini.
Nai `etauswpi nan@ `mpi `cnau These who became unto ميناء،هذين اللذين صارا لنا
us, two harbors of ، وأضاءا أنفسنا،للخالص
`nlumyn `nte pioujai@ au`erouwini salvation, they have .بواسطة جسديهما الطاهرين
enlightened our souls,
`nnen`'u,y@ hiten noulum'anon
through their holy bodies.
<ere peniwt abba Piswi@ pi`ymyi Hail to our father Abba الرجل،السالم ألبينا أنبا بيشوى
Pishoy, the just and perfect السالم ألبينا أنبا،الكامل البار
pirwmi `ntelioc@ ,ere peniwt abba man, hail to our father . حبيب المسيح،بوال
Abba Paul, the beloved of
Paule@ pimenrit `nte Pi`,rictoc.
Twbh `mP[oic `e`hryi `egwn@ `w Pray to the Lord on our يا سيدي،أطلبا من الرب عنا
behalf, O masters and أنبا،األبوين محبي أوالدهما
na[oic `nio] `mmainousyri@ abba fathers who loved their ليغفر لنا،بيشوى وأنبا بوال
children, Abba Bishoy and .خطايانا
Piswi nem abba Paule@ `ntef,a
Abba Paul, that He may
nennobi nan `ebol. forgive us our sins.
Conclusion of Doxologies
ختام الذوكصولوجيات
Swpi `n;o erecomc ejwn@ qen Be a watch over us, في،ت ناظرة علينا ِ كوني أن
from the highest where you ت كائنة
ِ التي أن،المواضع العالية
nima et[oci etare,y `nqytou@ w are, O Lady of us all the ، يا سيدتنا كلنا والدة اإلله،فيها
Mother of God, the Ever- .العذراء كل حين
ten[oic `nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc@ etoi
`mpar;enoc `ncyou niben
Then, the people pray the Introduction to the Creed ثم يصلي الشعب مقدمة قانون اإليمان
“We Exalt You the Mother of the True Light”. .""نعظمك يا أم النور الحقيقي
Ten[ici `mmo `;mau `mpiououwini We exalt you, the ،نعظمك يا أم النور الحقيقي
Mother of the true Light. ،ونمجدك أيتها العذراء القديسة
`nta `vmyi@ ten]`wou ne `w ;ye;ouab We glorify you, O Saint, ألنك ولدت لنا،والدة اإلله
and Theotokos, for you أتى وخلص،مخلص العالم
ouoh `mmacnou] @ je aremici nan
brought forth unto us the المجد لكَ يا سيدنا وملكنا.نفوسنا
`m`pCwtyr `mpikocmoc tyrf@ af`i ouoh Savior of the whole world; إكليل، فخر الرسل،المسيح
He came and saved our
afcw] `nnen`'u,y. Ou`wou nak souls. Glory to You, our ثبات،الشهداء تهليل الصديقين
Master, our King, Christ, . غفران الخطايا،الكنائس
pennyb penouro Pi`,rictoc@ `psousou
the pride of the apostles, the
`nni `apoctoloc@ pi`,lom `nte crown of the martyrs, the
joy of the righteous, the
nimarturoc@ `p;elyl `nnidikeoc@ firmness of the churches,
`ptajro `nni`ekklyci`a@ `p,w `ebol `nte the forgiveness of sins.
Qen oume;myi tennah] `eounou] We believe in one God, هللا،بالحقيقة نؤمن بإله واحد
God the Father, the خالق السماء، ضابط الكل،اآلب
`nouwt@ Vnou] Viwt Pantocrator, Who created . ما ي َُرى وما ال يرى،واألرض
heaven and earth, and all
pipantokratwr@ vy`etaf;amio `nt
` ve
things, seen and unseen.
nem `pkahi@ ny`etounau `erwou nem
Tennah] `eou[oic `nouwt Iycouc We believe in one Lord ،نؤمن برب واحد يسوع المسيح
Jesus Christ, the only - المولود من اآلب،ابن هللا الوحيد
Pi`,rictoc Psyri `mVnou] begotten Son of God, .قبل كل الدهور
begotten of the Father
pimonogenyc@ pimici `ebolqen `Viwt
before all ages.
qajwou `nni`ewn tyrou.
Ououwini `ebolqen ououwni@ Light of light; true God إله حق من إله،نور من نور
of true God; begotten not مساو، مولود غير مخلوق،حق
ounou] `nta`vmy `ebolqen ounou] created; of one essence with الذي به كان،لآلب في الجوهر
the Father; by Whom all .كل شيء
`nta`vmyi@ oumici pe ou;amio an pe@
things were made.
ou`omooucioc pe nem Viwt vy`eta hwb
Vai `ete e;byten `anon qa nirwmi Who, for us men and ،هذا الذي من أجلنا نحن البشر
for our salvation, came نزل من،ومن أجل خالصنا
nem e;be penoujai af`i epecyt down from heaven, and was وتجسد من الروح،السماء
incarnate of the Holy Spirit ،القدس ومن مريم العذراء
`eblqen `tve@ af[icarx `ebolqen
and of the Virgin Mary, and .وتأنس
Pi`pneuma e;ouab nem `ebolqen Maria became man.
Ouoh auer`ctaurwnin `mmof `e`hryi And He was crucified وصلب عنا على عهد بيالطس
for us under Pontius Pilate; . وتألم وقبر،البنطي
`ejwn nahren Pontioc Pilatoc@ suffered and was buried.
afsep`mkah ouoh aukocf.
Ouoh aftwnf `ebolqen And the third day He وقام من بين األموات في اليوم
rose from the dead, .الثالث كما في الكتب
nye;mwout qen pi`ehoou `mmahsomt according to the scriptures.
kata ni`gravy.
Afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i He ascended into the وجلس عن،وصعد إلى السموات
heavens and sat at the right وأيضا يأتي في مجده،يمين أبيه
afhemci caou`inam `mpeviwt@ Ke hand of His Father; and He الذي،ليدين األحياء واألموات
is coming again in His .ليس لملكه انقضاء
palin `fnyou qen Pef`wou e]hap
Glory to judge the living
`enyetonq nem nye;mwout@ vy`ete and the dead; Whose
Kingdom shall have no end.
tefmetouro oua;mounk te.
Ce tennah] `ePi`pneuma e;ouab Yes, we believe in the الرب،نعم نؤمن بالروح القدس
Holy Spirit, the Lord, the نسجد.المحيى المنبثق من اآلب
P[oic `nref] `m`pwnq vye;nyou Giver of Life, Who ،له ونمجده مع اآلب واالبن
proceeds from the Father; .الناطق في األنبياء
`ebolqen Viwt. Ceouwst `mmof
Who, with the Father and
ce]`wou naf nem Viwt nem Psyri@ the Son, is worshipped and
glorified; Who spoke by the
vy`etafcaji qen ni`provytyc. prophets.
Eoui `na
` gia `nka;oliky And in one, holy, وبكنيسة واحدة مقدسة جامعة
catholic and apostolic ونعترف بمعمودية.رسولية
` poctoliky `nek`klycia. church, we confess one .واحدة لمغفرة الخطايا
baptism for the remission of
Tener`omologin `nouwmc `nouwt
`e`p,w `ebol `nte ninobi.
Tenjoust `ebol qa`thy We look for the وننتظر قيامة األموات وحياة
resurrection of the dead, . أمين.الدهر اآلتي
`n]`anactacic `nte nirefmwout@ nem and the life of the age to
come. Amen.
piwnq `nte pi`ewn e;nyou@ `amyn.
The priest holds the cross, with three lights, and says: يرفع الكاهن الصليب وعليه ثالث أنوار
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
Amen .آمين
They go in procession around the church with lights in their hands and chanting with
cymbals the long hymn of Kuri`e `ele`ycon followed by the prophecy and sermons
ويطوفون الكنيسة باألنوار والناقوس مرتلين كيرياليسون باللحن الكبير ثم تقرأ النبوة والعظة
A reading from Isiah the Prophet may his blessing النبوات من أشعياء النبي بركته المقدسة
be with us all. Amen. . آمين.تكون معنا
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let الطيِ َب َو ْلتَتَلَذَّ ْذ
َّ ستِ َماعا ً َو ُكلُوا ْ ست َ ِمعُوا ِلي ا ْ ا
your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and . أ َ ِميلُوا آذَانَ ُك ْم َو َهلُمُّوا ِإلَ َّي.س ُك ْم ُ ُس ِم أ َ ْنف َّ
َ ِبال د
come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live; And I will َ ْ َ
ً َوأق َط َع َل ُك ْم َع ْهدا ً أبَدِيا.س ُك ْم ُ ْ َ َ
ُ س َمعُوا فت َ ْحيَا أنف ْ ا
make an everlasting covenant with you-- The sure ً هُ َوذَا قَ ْد َجعَ ْلت ُهُ ش َِارعا.َاح َم دَاوُ دَ الصَّا ِدقَة ِ َم َر
mercies of David. Indeed I have given him as a witness to َ َها أُمَّةٌ ال.شعُوب ُّ ً
وصيا ِلل ً ُّ ِلل
ِ ِ ب َرئِيسا َو ُم ِ شعُو
the people, A leader and commander for the people.
َض ِإلَيْك ْ ٌ ُ
ُ عو َها َوأمَّة لَ ْم تَع ِْرفكَ تَرْ ُك ُ
ُ تَع ِْرف َها ت َ ْد
Surely you shall call a nation you do not know, And
ِ ُّب ِإ َل ِهكَ َوقُد
nations who do not know you shall run to you, Because of وس ِإس َْرائِي َل ألَنَّهُ قَ ْد ِ َِّم ْن أ َ ْج ِل الر
the Lord your God, And the Holy One of Israel; For He عوهُ َوهُ َو ُ ا ْد.ُ ا ُ ْطلُبُوا الرَّ بَّ َما دَا َم يُو َجد. ََم َّجدَك
has glorified you." Seek the Lord while He may be found, . ٌقَ ِريب
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous َُاره َ اإلثْ ِم أ َ ْفك
ِ ير َط ِريقَهُ َو َر ُج ُل ُ ِل َيتْ ُر ِك الش ِِر
man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will ب فَيَرْ َح َمهُ َو ِإلَى ِإلَ ِهنَا ألَنَّهُ يُ ْكثِ ُر ِ ََّو ْليَتُبْ ِإلَى الر
have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will ََار ُك ْم َوال ْ َ
َ س ْت أفك َ أل َ َّن أ َ ْفك َِاري لَ ْي. َْالغُ ْف َران
abundantly pardon. "For My thoughts are not your ِ ع َل
ت َ ألَنَّهُ َك َما. ُّط ُرقِي يَقُو ُل الرَّ ب ُ ط ُرقُ ُك ْم ُ
thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," says the Lord. ط ُر ِقي ع َْن ُ ض َه َكذَا َعلَ ْت ِ ْات ع َِن األَر ُ اوَ س َم َّ ال
"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ْ ْ ُ
ألَنَّهُ َك َما يَ ْن ِز ُل. ط ُرقِ ُك ْم َوأَفك َِاري ع َْن أَفك َِار ُك ْم
ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your
thoughts.”For as the rain comes down, and the snow from ان إِ َلى ِ اء َوالَ يَرْ ِج َع ِ س َم َّ ْال َم َط ُر َوالث َّ ْل ُج ِمنَ ال
heaven, And do not return there, But water the earth, And ُ ض َويَ ْجعَالَنِ َها ت َ ِلد َ ْان األَر ِ َهُنَاكَ بَ ْل يُرْ ِوي
make it bring forth and bud, That it may give seed to the لز ِارعِ َو ُخ ْبزا ً ِلآل ِك ِل َّ ت َوتُع ِْطي َزرْ عا ً ِل ُ َوت ُ ْن ِب
sower And bread to the eater, So shall My word be that .ج ِم ْن َف ِمي َّ
ُ َه َكذَا ت َ ُكو ُن َك ِل َمتِي التِي ت َ ْخ ُر
goes forth from My mouth.
It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish ت ِب ِه ُ ْغةً بَ ْل ت َ ْع َم ُل َما س ُِرر َ تَرْ ِج ُع ِإلَ َّي فَ ِار
what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I َّ َ
ٍ ألن ُك ْم ِبفَ َرح.ُسلت ُ َها لَه ْ َ َْوت َ ْن َج ُح فِي َما أَر
sent it. "For you shall go out with joy, And be led out ْال ِجبَا ُل َواآلكَا ُم. َسالَ ٍم ت ُ ْحض َُرون َ ِت َ ْخ ُرجُونَ َوب
with peace; The mountains and the hills Shall break forth ق َ ُ ش َج ِر ْال َح ْق ِل ت
ُ ص ِف َ تُشِيد ُ أ َ َما َم ُك ْم ت َ َرنُّما ً َو ُك ُّل
into singing before you, And all the trees of the field shall ٌسرْ و
َ ُت ُ شوْ ِك يَ ْنب َّ ِع َوضا ً ع َِن ال.ِباألَيَادِي
clap their hands. Instead of the thorn shall come up the
cypress tree, And instead of the brier shall come up the ِ َّ َويَ ُكو ُن لِلر.آس
ب ٌ يس يَ ْطلَ ُع ِ َو ِع َوضا ً ع َِن ْال َق ِر
myrtle tree; And it shall be to the Lord for a name, For an .عالَ َمةً أَبَ ِديَّةً الَ ت َ ْنقَ ِط ُعَ ً اسْما
everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."
Glory be to the Holy Trinity. .مجدا ً للثالوث القدوس
My beloved brethren, this is the time for the feast, it is قد حان وقت العيد أيها االخوة األحباء وهو
our present time. Rejoice in it always, O who are joyful in فافرحوا فيه كل حين ايها.وقتنا الحاضر هذا
the Lord, as it is written. And it is now for everyone by وهو اآلن.الفرحون بالرب كما هو مكتوب
the One Who sent Him to preach saying: O Judah, have بواسطة من أرسله ليكرز.يشير إلى كل أحد
your feasts and fulfill your vows. And offer God the fruits يا يهوذا اصنع أعيادك واوف:ًبه قائال
of your labors every year in pure will according to what
وقدم للرب ثمرة أعمالك كل سنة.نذورك
Lord told you.
.بنية طاهرة حسب ما أوصاك بها الرب
As by the tools the farmer raises the year's crop, Let .فكما أنه بآالت الفالح تصعد ثمرات السنة
our labor's fruits ascend to God every year according to فلتصعد ثمرة أعمالنا فى كل سنة للرب كما
His commands. Let us yield double the harvest as we فلنثمر ثمرا ً مضاعفا ً إذ نشرب من.أوصانا
drink from the Spring of Life when we establish ourselves ينبوع الحياة بثبوتنا فى الرب كثبوت
in the Lord as the branches to the vine. So let us go إذا ً فلنس َع إلى قدام وال.األغصان فى الكرمة
forward and disobey not Who said: keep the new month
نخالف الذى قال احفظ الشهر الجديد لتصنع
so that you may celebrate in it the Passover of the Lord ألن فصح الرب ليس.فيه فصح الرب إلهك
Your God. For the Lord’s Passover is not for man but for .هو إلنسان بل للرب
the Lord.
It means we should leave the old deeds and renew ومعنى ذلك أننا نترك عنا األعمال القديمة
ourselves through new deeds. This matter when the Jews هذا األمر الذى لما لم.ونتجدد بأعمال جديدة
did not consider they become without a feast. Although, it مع أنه قد.يتأمل فيه اليهود صاروا بال عيد
was said: Make the Passover unto the Lord our God, so قيل تصنع الفصح للرب إلهك فيعبر عنك شر
that the evil may Passover you. .المهلك
And we are certain now that this commandment is not هذا وقد تحققنا أن هذه الوصية ليست
a simple one. But it is like a complete work concerning بل هى مثال عمل كامل.بوصية بسيطة
God. For fulfilling the commandments: Do not commit وال، ألن العمل بالقول ال تزن.مختص باهلل
adultery, do not steal, do not bear false witness, with the وال تشهد بالزور مع باقى الوصايا،تسرق
rest of the commandments, is to us as an solid fortress هو لنا حصن منيع تحتمى فيه النفس فتعتز
guarding the soul to keep up its righteous behavior. It is
وهو اكليل االنتصار.بالسيرة المستقيمة
the crown of victory for the heavenly mission.
.للدعوة السماوية
We conclude the homily of our holy father St. فلنختم موعظة أبينا القديس أنبا أثناسيوس
Athanasius the Apostlic, who enlightened our minds and الذى أنار عقولنا وعيون قلوبنا باسم اآلب
our hearts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the .واإلبن والروح القدس إله واحد آمين
Holy Spirit, one God. Amen.
The Pauline Epistle is read, first half in Pascha tune and the second half in annual tune
يقرأ البولس نصفه األول بلحن البصخة والنصف الثاني باللحن السنوي
E;be ]`anactacic `nte nirefmwout For the resurrection of من اجل قيامة االموات الذين
the dead who have fallen رقدوا وتنيحوا في اإليمان
`etauenkout@ auemton `mmwou qen asleep and reposed in the بالمسيح يا رب نيح نفوسهم
faith of Christ. O Lord .اجمعين
`vnah] `mPi`,rictoc@ P[oic ma`mton
repose their souls.
`nnou'u,y tyrou.
Pauloc `vbwk `mPen[oic Iycouc Paul, a servant of our .بولس عبد ربنا يسوع المسيح
Jesus Christ, called to be an الرسول المدعو المفرز لكرازة
Pi`,rictoc@ pi`apoctoloc et;ahem@ apostle, appointed to the .هللا
gospel of God.
vy`etau;asf pihisennoufi `nte
=a Korin;ioc =e@ =z-=i=g 1 Corinthians 5:7-13 12-9 : 5 كورنثوس1
Hwcte marenersai qen ousemyr Therefore let us keep َع ِتيقَ ٍة َوال َ س ِب َخ ِم
َ ير ٍة َ ِإذا ً ِلنُ َع ِي ْد لَ ْي
the feast, not with old ير ْ
ِ ش ِر َوال ُخ ْب
ِ ث بَ ْل ِبفَ ِط َّ ير ِة ال َ ِب َخ ِم
`napac an oude qen ousemyr `nkakia leaven, nor with the leaven .ق ْ
ِ ص َوال َح ِ َاإل ْخال ِ
of malice and wickedness,
an nem ponyria alla qen
but with the unleavened
hanmetatsemyr `nte outoubo nem bread of sincerity and truth.
}nou de ai`cqai nwten But now I have written ُ َوأَمَّا اآلنَ فَ َكت َ ْب
َ ِإ ْن كَان:ت إِلَ ْي ُك ْم
to you not to keep company ْعوٌّ أَخا ً َزانِيا ً أَوْ َطمَّاعا ً أَو ُ أ َ َحد ٌ َم ْد
`e`stemmoujt nemwou eswp `eouon with anyone named a ْس ِكيرا ً أَو
ِ ْشتَّاما ً أَو َ ْعَا ِبدَ َوث َ ٍن أَو
ouai eu]ran `erof je con `eoupornoc ie
brother, who is sexually ُ
اطفا ً أ َ ْن الَ ت ُ َخا ِلطوا َوالَ ت ُ َؤا ِكلُوا ِ َخ
immoral, or covetous, or an َ.ِمثْ َل َهذا
ouref[injonc ie ourefsamse `idwlon idolater, or a reviler, or a
drunkard, or an extortioner-
ie ourefhwous ie ouref;iqi ie -not even to eat with such a
ourefhwlem vai `mpairy] oude
Erou gar nyi `e]hap `eny etcabol For what have I to do ألَنَّهُ َماذَا ِلي أ َ ْن أ َ ِدينَ الَّ ِذينَ ِم ْن
with judging those also who َست ُ ْم أ َ ْنت ُ ْم تَدِينُونَ الَّ ِذين
ْ ََخ ِارجٍ أَل
ny etcaqoun `n;wten mahap `erwou. are outside? Do you not ِ ِم ْن د
.َاخ ٍل
judge those who are inside?
Ny etcabol de Vnou] efe]hap But those who are َّ َأَمَّا الَّ ِذينَ ِم ْن َخ ِارجٍ ف
.اَّلل ُ يَدِينُ ُه ْم
outside God judges. َ فَا ْع ِزلُوا ْال َخ ِب
. يث ِم ْن بَ ْينِ ُك ْم
`erwou alioui `mpipethwou `ebol qen Therefore “put away from
yourselves the evil person.”
Pi`hmot gar nemwten tyrou@ je The grace of God the أمين.ًالنعمة معكم والسالم معا
Father be with you all. .يكون
`amyn ec`eswpi. Amen.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Je Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke `agiw Glory to the Father and المجد لآلب واالبن والروح
to the Son and to The Holy اآلن وكل أوان وإلي دهر،القدس
Pneumati@ ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc Spirit, now and ever and . آمين.الدهور
unto the ages of the ages.
`e`wnac twn `e`wnwn@ amyn.
Agia `triac `ele`ycon `ymac. O Holy Trinity, have . ارحمنا،أيها الثالوث القدوس
mercy upon us.
Joyful Cymbals
أرباع فرايحي
Pa[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ O my Lord Jesus Christ, يا ربي يسوع المسيح الذي وُ ضع
Who was Placed in the اسحق عنا شوكة،في القبر
vy`etaf,af qen pi`mhau@ ek`eqomqem tomb, trample down for us .الموت
the sting of Death.
` ryi `nqyten@ `n]couri `nte `vmou.
Ni<eroubim nem niCeravim@ The Cherubim and the المالئكة،الشاروبيم والسيرافيم
Seraphim, the angels and والعساكر،ورؤساء المالئكة
ni`aggloc nem ni`ar,y`aggeloc@ the archangels, the . والكراسى واألرباب،والسالطين
principalities and the
ni`ctratia nem ni`exoucia@ ni`;ronoc
authorities, the thrones and
nimet [oic nijom. the powers.
Euws `ebol eujw `mmoc@ je ou`wou Proclaiming and saying: صارخين قائلين المجد هلل في
Glory to God in the highest, األعالي وعلي االرض السالم
`mVnou] qen ny`et[oci@ nem ouhiryny peace on Earth and .وفى الناس المسرة
goodwill toward men.
hijen pikahi@ nem ou]ma] qen
`napoctoloc e;ouab.
Je hanmys `m`provytyc nem “Many prophets and إن أنبيا ًء وأبرارا كثيرين اشتهوا
righteous men have desired ،أن يروا ما أنتم ترون ولم يروا
han`;myi@ auer`epi;umin `enau to see the things which you وأن يسمعوا ما أنتم تسمعون ولم
see, and have not seen .يسمعوا
`eny`etetennau `erwou ouoh `mpounau@
ouoh `ecwtem `eny`etetencwtem `erwou them, and to hear the things
which you hear, and have
ouoh `mpoucwtem. not heard them.
N;wten de `wouniatou But blessed are your أما أنتم فطوبى ألعينكم ألنها
eyes, for they see, and your .تبصر وآلذانكم ألنها تسمع
`nnetenbal je cenau@ nem ears for they hear.” May فلنستحق أن نسمع ونعمل
we be worthy to hear and to بأناجيلك المقدسة بطلبات
netenmasj je cecwtem.
act according to Your Holy .قديسيك
Marener`pem`psa `ncwtem ouoh `e`iri Gospels, through the
prayers of Your saints.
`nnekeuaggelion e;ouab@ qen nitwbh
ten`anactacic tyren.
Ouoh `n;ok petenouwrp nak And to You we send up وأنت الذي نرسل لك إلى فوق
the glory, the honor and the المجد والكرامة والسجود مع أبيك
`e`pswi@ `mpi`wou nem pitaio nem worship, together with Your الصالح والروح القدس المحيي
good Father, and the Holy .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ nem Pekiwt `na
` ga;oc@
Spirit, the Giver of Life,
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo who is of One Essence with
ouoh `no` mooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . أمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages, Amen.
"almoc tw Dauid (=y=y) =y=;@ =d - =e> Psalm (88) 89: 4-5, 44 ،5 – 3 :31 )33( المزمور
(45): 23, 26 32 ،32 :35 )33(
(=d=d) =d=e@ =k=g> =k^
Aier`m`vry] `nourwmi I am like a man who has .صرت مثل إنسان ليس له معين
no strength, Adrift among استيقظ.صرت حرا ً بين األموات
`naterboy;in `erof@ eioi `nremhe qen the dead, Like the slain who قم وال تقصنا. لماذا تنام.يا رب
lie in the grave. Awake! قم يا رب.عنك إلي االنقضاء
nirefmwout@ Twnk P[oic e;beou
Why do You sleep, O وأنقذنا من أجل اسمك،أعنا
Lord? Arise! Do not cast us
`kenkot@ twnk `mperhiten `ncwk sa .القدوس
off forever. Arise for our
ولساننا ً حينئذ امتأل فمنا فرحا
`ebol.Twnk P[oic ariboy;in `eron@ help, And redeem us for
Your mercies' sake. حيتئذ يقال في األمم إن.ًتهليال
ouoh cotten e;be pekran `e;ouab@
Then our mouth was عظم.الرب قد عظم الصنيع معهم
Tote rwn afmoh `nrasi ouoh filled with laughter, And . الرب الصنيع معنا فصرنا فرحين
our tongue with singing. .هلليلويا
penlac qen ou;elyl@ tote eu`ejoc Then they said among the
qen nie;noc@ je a P[oic tase `iri nations, "The Lord has
done great things for them."
nemwou@ `aP[oic tase `iri neman The Lord has done great
things for us, And we are
answpi enounof`mmon. Allyloui`a. glad. Alleluia.
Hymn “Ke `upertou = We Beseech”
"لحن "كي ايبرتو = من أجل أن نكون مستحقين
Ke `upertou kataxiw ;yne `ymac@ We beseech our Lord من أجل أن نكون مستحقين
and God, that we may be إلي ربنا.لسماع اإلنجيل المقدس
tyc akro `acewc tou `agiou worthy to hear the Holy and مستقيمين، وإلهنا نتوسل بحكمة
Divine Gospel. In wisdom .أنصتوا لإلنجيل المقدس
euaggeliou@ Kurion ke ton ;eon
let us attend to the Holy
ymwn@ `iketeucwmen covi`a or;i Gospel.
Ou`anagnwcic `ebolqen O Lord have mercy and اللهم تراءف علينا وارحمنا
compassion on us and make واجعلنا مستحقين لسماع االنجيل
pieuaggelion e;ouab kata Iwannyn us worthy to listen to the فصل من إنجيل معلمنا.المقدس
Holy Gospel. A chapter بركته علي،يوحنا البشير
from the Holy Gospel .جميعنا
according to St. John, may
his blessings be with us all.
Ouoh `epefrac] `ete menenca On the next day, which ْ َوفِي ْالغَ ِد الَّذِي بَ ْعدَ ا ِال
ستِ ْعدَا ِد
followed the Day of سا ُء ْال َك َهنَ ِةَ اجت َ َم َع ُر َؤْ
]parackeuyte@ au;w`ou] `nje Preparation, the chief َين َ
: س قائِ ِل ُ َ
َ سي إِلى بِيالط َ َُّون َ
ِ َوالف ِريْ
priests and Pharisees
ni`ar,y`ereuc nem nivarice`oc ha
gathered together to Pilate,
Pilatoc eujw `mmoc@ saying:
Je pen[oic an`er`vmeu`i je `a Sir, we remember, س ِيد ُ َق ْد تَذَ َّكرْ َنا أ َ َّن ذَ ِلكَ ْال ُم ِض َّل
َ َيا
while He was still alive, ِإنِي بَ ْعدَ ثَالَث َ ِة أَي ٍَّام:قَا َل َو ُه َو َح ٌّي
pi`planoc etty afjoc icjen ef`onq je how that deceiver said, .أَقُو ُم
‘After three days I will
menenca somt `ne` ho`ou ]natwnt.
Ouah cahni oun `etajro `mpi`mhau Therefore command ِ ض ْب ِط ْالقَ ْب ِر ِإلَى ْال َيوْ ِم الثَّا ِل
ث َ َفمُرْ ِب
that the tomb be made ،ُِلئ ََّال يَأْتِ َي تَالَ ِميذهُ لَ ْيالً َويَس ِْرقوه
ُ ُ
sa pimah somt `ne` ho`ou@ my pwc secure until the third day, َ إِنَّهُ قَا َم ِمن،ب ِ ش ْع َّ َويَقُولُوا ِلل
`ntou`i `nje nefma;ytyc `ntoulof
lest His disciples come by َ ضالَلَةُ األ َ ِخ
ُ يرة َّ ت فَت َ ُكونَ ال ِ األَمْ َوا
night and steal Him away, !أَشَرَّ ِمنَ األُولَى
`n[i`ou`i@ ouoh `ntoujoc `mpila`oc@ je and say to the people, 'He
has risen from the dead.' So
aftwnf `ebol qen ny`e;mw`out@ ouoh the last deception will be
worse than the first."
`nte] qa `e `m`plany `tho nan `e]houi].
Peje Pilatoc de nw`ou je `ou`on Pilate said to them, ٌ َّ ِع ْندَ ُك ْم ُحر:س
.اس ُ َفَقَا َل لَ ُه ْم ِبيال
ُ ط
“You have a guard; go your . َضب ُُطوهُ َك َما ت َ ْعلَ ُمون
ْ اذ َهبُوا َوا ْ
` twten `mmau `nhankouctwdia mase way, make it as secure as
you know how.”
nwten matajrof `m`vry]
`etetencw`oun `mmof.
N;w`ou de ause nw`ou autajro So they went and made ِ َّطوا ْالقَ ْب َر بِ ْال ُحر
اس ُ َضبَ فَ َمضَوْ ا َو
the tomb secure, sealing the .َو َخت َ ُموا ْال َح َج َر
`mpi`mhau autobf nem ]kouctwdia. stone and setting the guard.
Glory be to God :الشعب
Doxa ci kuri`e. forever. .والمجد هلل دائما
E;be vai ten]w`ou naf@ enws Wherefore we glorify : صارخين قائلين:فلهذا نمجده
Him, proclaiming and ألنك:مبارك أنت يا ربي يسوع
`ebol enjw `mmoc@ je `k`cmarwout saying, blessed are You O .صلبت وخلصتنا
my Lord Jesus, for You
`wP[oic Iycoc@ je auask akcw]
were crucified and saved
`mmon. us.
The Exposition
طرح آدم
They crucified our Savior on the Cross with two وصلبوا معه.صلبوا مخلصنا على خشبة الصليب
other thieves, one on His left and the other on His واحد عن يمينه واآلخر عن يساره.لصين
right, while Christ was in the middle forgiving sins. وكتب بيالطس.والمسيح فى الوسط يغفر الخطايا
Pilate wrote an inscription above the head of our كتابة على الصليب فوق رأس مخلصنا وكان كل
Savior so that all who passed by may read what was ان يسوع هذا.من يمر من هناك يقرأ تلك الكتابة
written. That is “Jesus Is the King of the Jews.”
. ملك اليهود
The protesting Jews told the ruler not to write so ال تكتب هكذا انه:فقال اليهود المخالفين للوالى
but rather what He said, “I am the King or the Jews.” أنا يسوع ملك: بل أكتب ان هذا قال،ملك اليهود
Pilate replied, “What I have written, I have written.” ما كتبته: فقال بيالطس لليهود المخالفين.اليهود
The inscription was written in Hebrew, Roman, and كتب بالعبرانية والرومانية.قد كتبته وكمل األمر
Greek. The right thief cried to our Savior and said, فصرخ اللص اليمين.واليونانية انه ملك اليهود
“Remember me O Lord when You come into Your أذكرنى يارب متي جئت فى:ًبصوت عال قائال
kingdom.” .ملكوتك
Christ answered him, “Today, you will be with . إنك اليوم تكون معى فى ملكوتى:فقال له مخلصنا
me in Paradise.” A great darkness came over all the وصارت ظلمة فى المسكونة كلها ألجل ملك
earth because of the Creator’s crucifixion. He cried صرخ بصوت عظيم.الخليقة المعلق على الصليب
out in a loud voice towards His Father and gave up فجاء يوسف الذى.نحو أبيه واسلم الروح فى يديه
His Spirit. Then Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus .من الرامة ونيقوديموس األرخنين المكرمين
brought a mixture of myrrh and ointment for Christ’s
واحضرا معهما طيبا ً وصبرا ً ووضعاهما على جسد
Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and asked جاء يوسف الرامى ودخل إلى بيالطس وسأله
him saying, “Give me the Body of my Lord Jesus أعطنى جسد ربى يسوع لكى أكفنه لتدركنى:ًقائال
that I may wrap Him and that He may have mercy on فكفنا مخلصنا بلفائف كتان نقى ولفا.رحمته
me.” There, they wrapped the Body of our Savior in سكبا طيبا ً على رأسه ووضعاه فى.وجهه بمنديل
linen cloth. They wrapped His face in a handkerchief. قبر خارج المدينة وقام من األموات فى اليوم
They likewise placed Him in a tomb outside the city.
لذلك نمجده.الثالث وخلص العالم من خطاياهم
He rose from the dead on the third day and saved the
world. Therefore let us glorify Him and proclaim مبارك يا ربنا يسوع ألنك:ونصرخ إليه قائلين
saying, “Blessed are You, O our Lord Jesus Christ, .قمت وخلصتنا
for You have risen and saved us.”
Then the priest prays the three short litanies for the Peace, the Fathers and the Assembly
السالم واآلباء واالجتماعات:ثم يصلي الكاهن الثالثة أواشي الصغار
First Litany: The Litany of Peace
أوشية السالم
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلبُ من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب سالم كنيستك،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi. `ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember, O الواحدة الوحيدة المقدسة
Lord, the peace of your .الجامعة الرسولية
P[oic `n]hiryny `nte teko`ui `mmauatc
one, only, holy, catholic,
e;ouab `nka;oliky `na
` poctoliky and apostolic Church.
Second Litany: The Litany of the Fathers
أوشية اآلباء
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلبُ من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب بطريركنا،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember, O األب المكرم رئيس الكهنة البابا
Lord, our honored patriarch ) وأخويه الروحيين مار...( أنبا
P[oic `mpenpatriar,yc `niwt
and father, the high priest, ) بطريرك أنطاكية...( أغناطيوس
ettaiyout `nar,i`ereuc papa abba (...) Pope Abba (…), and his .) بطريرك أريتريا...( وأبونا
spiritual brothers, the
nem nef`cnyou `m`pneumatikon@ Patriarch of Antioch Mar
Ignatius (…) and the
pipatriar,yc `nt ` Anti`o,i`a Mar
Patriarch of Eritrea Abouna
Ignatioc (...)@ nem pipatriar,yc (…).
Nem pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc And his partner in the وشريكه في الخدمة الرسولية
apostolic liturgy, our father أبينا المطران (األسقف) المكرم
peniwt `mmytropolityc (`ne` pickopoc) the metropolitan (bishop), .)...( األنبا
Abba (…).
abba (...).
apoctoliky litoutgia@ Mar Ignatioc
Ke twn `or;odoxwn `ymwn And for our orthodox .وسائر أساقفتنا األرثوذكسيين
This prayer is said by the pope, a metropolitan or a يقولها اآلب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف إن
bishop, if present. .ًكان حاضرا
pipantokratwr@ Viwt `mPen[oic of our Lord, God and نسأل ونطلب من.المسيح
Savior Jesus Christ. We ask اذكر يا،صالحك يا محب البشر
ouoh Pennou] ouoh@ pencwtyr and entreat Your goodness, . باركها.رب اجتماعاتنا
O Lover of Mankind,
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ Ten]ho ouoh
remember, O Lord, our
tentwbh `ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ assemblies. Bless them.
cun`eleucewn `ymwn.
Hanyi `neu,y@ hanyi `ntoubo@ Houses of prayer, بيوت، بيوت طهارة،بيوت صالة
houses of purity, houses of انعم بها لنا يارب ولعبيدِك.بركة
hanyi `nc` mou@ `ari,arizec;e `mmwou blessing. Grant them to us, .اآلتين بعدنا إلي األبد
O Lord, and Your servants
nan P[oic@ nem nek`ebiaik e;nyou
who will come after us,
menencwn sa `eneh. forever.
The following litany may be said. :هنا تقال هذه األوشية أو تترك
}metsamse `idwlon qen oujwk The worship of idols, اقلعها من،عبادة األوثان بتمامها
utterly uproot from the .العالم
fojc `ebolqen pikocmoc. world.
Pcatanac nem jom niben ethwou Satan and all his evil ،الشيطان وكل قواته الشريرة
powers, trample and اسحقهم وأذلهم تحت أقـدامنا
`ntaf qemqwmou ouoh ma;ebi`wou humiliate under our feet .سريعا
capecyt `nnen[alauj `n,wlem. speedily.
Ni`ckandalon nem nyet`iri `mmwou All offenses and their ،الشكوك وفاعليها ابطلهم
instigators, abolish. Let the .ولينقض افتراقات فساد البدع
korfou@ maroukyn `nje nivwrj dissensions of corrupt
heresies cease.
`m`ptako `nte niherecic.
Nijaji `nte tekek`klycia e;ouab The enemies of Your ،أعداء كنيستك المقدسة يارب
Holy Church, O Lord, as at . اآلن أيضـا ً أذلهم،مثل كل زمان
P[oic@ `mvry] `ncyou niben nem ]nou all times, now also
Bwl `ntoumet[acihyt `ebol@ Strip their vanity, show عرفهم ضعفهم،حل تعاظمهم
them their weakness .سريعا
matamwou `etoumetjwb `n,wlem. speedily.
P[oic `aritou tyrou `naprakton@ O Lord, bring them all ،يا رب اجعلهم كلهم كال شئ
to no avail. Disperse their وبدد مشورتهم يا هللا الذي بدد
ouoh jwr `ebol `mpouco[ni@ Vnou] counsel, O God, who .مشورة أخيتوفل
dispersed the counsel of
vy`etafjwr `ebol `m`pco[ni
` ba@ eu`iri `mpekouws. Your will.
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt Through the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pencwtyr
God and Savior Jesus
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد واإلكرام
glory, the honor, the ،والعزة والسجود تليق بك معه
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship مع الروح القدس المحيي
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@ and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all .آمين
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Ouoh ,a nyeteron nan `ebol@ And forgive us our وأغفر لنا ذنوبنا كما نغفر نحن
trespasses, as we forgive وال تدخلنا.أيضا للمذنبين إلينا
`m`vry] hwn `nten,w `ebol `nnyete those who trespass against . لكن نجنا من الشرير.في تجربة
us. And lead us not into
ouon `ntan `erwou@ ouoh `mperenten
temptation, but deliver us
eqoun `epiracmoc@ alla nahmen `ebol from the evil one.
ha pipethwou.
Qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic@ In Christ Jesus our ألن لك،بالمسيح يسوع ربنا
Lord, for Thine is the .الملك والقوة والمجد إلي األبد
je ;wk te ]metouro nem ]jom nem Kingdom and the power .آمين
and the glory forever.
piwou sa `eneh. `amyn.
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
In Christ Jesus our .بالمسيح يسوع ربنا
Qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic. Lord.
The Absolutions
The First Absolution
The priest takes the cross and turns his face towards the East and says the first and second
prayers to the Son (inaudibly)
(وفي أثناء ذلك يمسك الكاهن الصليب ووجهه إلى الشرق ويقول التحاليل األول والثاني )سر ًا
Ce P[oic@ P[oic vyetaf] Yes, O Lord, the Lord يا رب الذي أعطانا،نعم يا رب
Who has given us authority السلطان أن ندوس الحيات
`mpiersisi nan@ `ehwmi `ejen nihof to tread on serpents and .والعقارب وكل قوة العدو
scorpions and upon all the
nem ni`[ly@ nem `ejen ]jom tyrc `nte
power of the enemy.
Qomqem `nnefavyo`ui@ capecyt Crush his heads اسحق رؤوسه تحت أقدامنا
beneath our feet speedily, سريعا ً وبدد عنا كل معقوالته
`nnen[alauj `n,wlem@ ouoh jwr and scatter before us his .الشريرة المقاومة لنا
every design of wickedness
`ebol haron `ntef`epinoia tyrc
against us.
`mmetreferpethwou et] oubyn.
Je `n;ok gar pe penouro tyren For You are King of us ألنك أنت هو ملكنا أيها المسيح
all, O Christ, our God, and إلهنا وأنت الذي نرسل لك إلى
Pi`,rictoc Pennou]@ ouoh `n;ok unto You we send up the ،فوق المجد واإلكرام والسجود
glory, the honor, and the ،مع أبيك الصالح والروح القدس
petenouwrp nak `e`pswi@ `m`p`wou nem
worship, with Your Good .المحيي المساوي لك
pitaio nem ]prockunycic@ nem Father and the Holy Spirit,
the Giver of Life, Who is
Pekiwt `na
` ga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma of one essence with You.
e;ouab `nreftanqo ouoh `nomooucioc
}nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now, and at all times, اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou. Amyn. ages. Amen.
N;ok P[oic vy`etakrek nivyou`i@ You, O Lord, Who أنت يا رب الذي طأطأت
bowed the heavens, You السموات ونزلت وتأنست من
ak`i `epecyt ouoh akerrwmi@ e;be descended and became .أجل خالص جنس البشر
man for the salvation of
`poujai `m`pgenoc `nnirwmi.
N;ok pe vyethemci hijen You are He Who sits أنت هو الجالس على الشاروبيم
upon the Cherubim and the والسارافيم والناظر إلى
ni,erobim nem niceravim@ ouoh Seraphim, and beholds .المتواضعين
those who are lowly.
etjoust `ejen nyet;ebi`yout.
N;ok on ]nou pennyb `ntenfai You also now, our أنت أيضا ً اآلن يا سيدنا الذي
Master, are He to Whom نرفع أعين قلوبنا إليك أيها الرب
`nnibal `nte penhyt `e`pswi harok we lift up the eyes of our الغافر آثامنا ومخلص نفوسنا
heart; the Lord Who .من الفساد
P[oic@ vyet,w `ebol `nnen`anomia
forgives our iniquities and
ouoh etcw] `nnen'u,y `ebolqen saves our souls from
Jvon nak vnou] Pencwtyr@ je Acquire us unto اقتننا لك يا هللا مخلصنا ألننا ال
Yourself, O God our اسمك.نعرف أحدا ً سواك
tencwoun `nkeouai an `ebyl `erok@ Savior, for we know none .القدوس هو الذي نقوله
other but You. Your Holy
pekran e;ouab petenjw `mmof.
Name we utter.
Matac;on Vnou] `eqoun Turn us, O God utno .ردنا يا هللا إلى خوفك وشوقك
the fear of You and the .سر أن نكون في تمتع خيراتك
`etekho] nem pek[isswou@ mama] desire of You. Be pleased
that we may abide in the
e;renswpi qen `t`apolaucic `nte
enjoyment of Your good
nek`aga;on. things.
Ouoh nyetauriki `nnou`avyoui qa And those who have والذين أحنوا رؤوسهم تحت يدك
bowed their heads beneath ارفعهم في السيرة زينهم
tekjij@ [acou qen nipolyti`a@ Your hand, exalt them in .بالفضائل
their ways of life, and
celcwlou qen ni`arety.
adorn them with virtues.
Ouoh marener`pem`psa tyren And may we all be ولنستحق كلنا ملكوتك الذي في
worthy of Your Kingdom .السموات بمسرة أبيك الصالح
`ntekmetouro etqen nivyoui@ qen in the heavens, through the
good will of God, Your
`p]ma] `mVnou] Pekiwt `naga;oc.
Good Father.
Vai etek`cmarwout nemaf@ nem With Whom You are ومع،هذا الذي أنت مبارك معه
blessed, with the Holy الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo ouoh Spirit, the Giver of Life, .لك
Who is of One Essence
`no` mooucioc nemak.
with You.
]nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now, and at all times, اآلن وكل أوان وإلي دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . أمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou. Amyn. ages. Amen.
The priest turns toward the West and signs the people ويرشم الشعب بالصليب،ثم يتجه إلي الغرب
with the cross in his hand, and says: :الذي بيده ويقول
The Absolution to the Son
The priest looks towards the West and, bowing his head, praying the following Absolution
)ثم يقول الكاهن التحليل الثالث جهر ًا ووجهه إلى الغرب وهو مطامن الرأس (تحليل االبن
Vnyb P[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc O Master, Lord Jesus أيها السيد الرب يسوع المسيح
Christ, the Only-begotten ابن هللا الوحيد وكلمة هللا اآلب
pimonogenyc `nSyri ouoh `nlogoc `nte Son and Logos of God the الذي قطع كل رباطات خطايانا
Father, Who has broken من قبل آالمه المخلصة
Vnou] Viwt@ vyetafcwlp `nc` nauh
every bond of our sins .المحيية
niben `nte nennobi@ hiten nef`mkauh through His saving, life-
giving sufferings.
`noujai `nreftanqo.
Vetafnifi `eqoun qen `pho Who breathed into the الذي نفخ في وجه تالميذه
face of His holy disciples القديسين ورسله األطهار
`nnef`agioc `mma;ytyc ouoh and saintly apostles, and :المكرمين وقال لهم
said to them:
`napoctoloc e;ouab `eafjoc nwou.
Je [i nwten `nou`pneuma efouab@ “Receive the Holy اقبلوا الروح القدس من غفرتم
Spirit. If you forgive the لهم خطاياهم غفرت لهم ومن
ny`etetenna,a nounobi nwou `ebol sins of any, they are .أمسكتموها عليهم أمسكت
forgiven; if you retain the
ce,y nwou `ebol@ ouoh
sins of any, they are
ny`etetenna`amoni `mmwou cena`amoni retained.”
N;ok on ]nou pennyb hiten You also now, O our أنت اآلن أيضا ً يا سيدنا من قبل
Master, have given grace رسلك األطهار أنعمت على
nek`apoctoloc e;ouab aker`hmot through Your holy الذين يعملون في الكهنوت كل
apostles to those who for a زمان في كنيستك المقدسة أن
`nny`eterhwb qen oumetouyb kata cyou
time labor in the يغفروا الخطايا على األرض
Priesthood in Your Holy
qen tekek`klycia e;ouab@ `e,a nobi ويربطوا ويحلوا كل رباطات
Church, to forgive sin
`ebol hijen pikahi@ ouoh `ecwnh ouoh upon the earth, and to bind .الظلم
and to loose every bond of
`ebwl `ebol `n`cnauh niben `nte ]`adikia.
}nou on ten]ho ouoh tentwbh Now, also we ask and اآلن أيضا ً نسأل ونطلب من
entreat Your goodness, O صالحك يا محب البشر عن
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ `e`hryi `ejen Lover of Mankind, for عبيدك أبائي وأخوتي وضعفي
Your servants, my fathers, هؤالء المنحنين برؤوسهم أمام
nek`ebiak. Naio] nem na`cnyou. Nem
and my brethren, and my .مجدك المقدس
tametjwb@ nai etkwlj `nnou`avyou`i weakness; those who bow
their heads before Your
`mpe`m;o `mpekwou e;ouab. holy glory.
Cahni nan `mpeknai@ ouoh cwlp Dispense to us Your ارزقنا رحمتك وأقطع كل
mercy, and loose every وإن كنا.رباطات خطايانا
`nc` nauh niben `nte nennobi. Icje de bond of our sins and, if we أخطأنا إليك في شيء بعلم أو
have committed any sin بغير علم أو بجزع القلب أو
aner `hli `nnobi `erok qen ou`emi@ ie qen
against You, knowingly or بالفعل أو بالقول أو بصغر
oumetat`emi@ ie qen oumet`slah `nhyt@ unknowingly, or through القلب فأنت أيها السيد العارف
anguish of heart, or in
ite qen `phwb@ `ite qen `pcaji@ `ite `ebol deed, or word, or from بضعف البشر كصالح ومحب
faint-heartedness, O اللهم أنعم علينا بغفران،للبشر
qen oumetkouji `nhyt@ `n;ok `vnyb
Master, Who knows the .خطايانا
vyetcwoun `n; ` metac;enyc `nte nirwmi@ weakness of men, as a
Good One and Lover of
hwc `aga;oc ouoh `mmairwmi@ Vnou] Mankind, O God, grant us
`ari,arizec;e nan `m`p,w `ebol `nte the forgiveness of our sins.
Cmou `eron. Matoubon `ariten Bless us, purify us; حاللنا وحالل، طهرنا،باركنا
absolve us, and all Your امألنا من خوفك.كل شعبك
`nremhe. Nem peklaoc tyrf `nremhe. people. Fill us with Your وقومنا إلى إرادتك المقدسة
fear, and straighten us for الصالحة ألنك أنت هو إلهنا
Mahten `ebolqen tekho]@ ouoh
Your holy good will, for ويليق بك المجد والكرامة
You are our God, and the
coutwnen `eqoun `pekouws e;ouab والعز والسجود مع أبيك
glory, the honor, the
` ga;on. Je `n;ok gar pe Pennou]@ dominion, and the worship الصالح والروح القدس المحيي
are due unto You, with .المساوي لك
`ere pi`wou nem pitai`o nem pi`amahi nem
Your good Father and the
]`prockunycic@ er`prepi nak nem Holy Spirit, the Giver of
Life, Who is of one
Pekiwt `na ` ga;oc nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab essence with You.
}nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now, and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر
and unto the ages of all . آمين.الدهور
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
P[oic@ P[oic@ P[oic@ icje ekoi O Lord, O Lord, O ان كنت، يا رب، يا رب،يا رب
Lord, You became like صرت مثل األموات واليهود
`m`vry] `nourefmwout@ `aniIoudai hitk those who are dead, and the طرحوك في قبر وبختم ختموا
Jews cast You in a tomb عليك حتي يحرسوا المقبرة لكي
`eou`mhau qen outebc auhitebc `ejwk
and sealed it. They guarded .تخلص نفوسنا
the tomb thus You save our
hwc de eurwic `e]`sfw je hina souls.
Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke agiw Glory be to the Father المجد لآلب واالبن والروح
and the Son and the Holy وإلي، اآلن وكل اوان.القدس
Pneumati@ ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc Spirit. Now and forever, .دهر الداهرين آمين
and unto the age of all ages.
`e`wnac twn `e`wnwn `amyn.
Enws `ebol enjw `mmoc je nai We cry out saying, have ارحمنا يا هللا:ونصرخ قائلين
mercy on us O god our ،مخلصنا يا من وُ ضع في القبر
nan Vnou] penCwtyr@ Vy`etau,af Savior. O You who was .اسحق عنا شوكة الموت
placed in the tomb, trample
qen pi`mhau ek`eqomqem `n`qryi `nqyten
death for us.
`n]couri `nte `vmou.
Kuri`e `ele`ycon Kuri`e `ele`ycon Lord have mercy: Lord يا رب. يا رب إرحم.يا رب إرحم
have mercy: Lord bless: باركوا. باركوا علي. آمين.بارك
Kuri`e `ele`ycon Kurie eulogycon Amen: Bless me: Bless me: قُل. اغفروا لي. ها مطانية.علي
Behold, the repentance: .البركة
`amyn@ `cmou `eroi@ `cmou `eroi@ ic
Forgive me: Say the
]metanoi`a@ ,w nyi `ebol jw `mpi`cmou. blessing.
P[oic nohem `mpeklaoc@ `cmou O Lord, save Your بارك.يا رب خلص شعبك
people, bless Your ارعهم وارفعهم إلى.ميراثك
`etek`klyronomi`a@ `amoni `mmwou inheritance, shepherd them, .األبد
and raise them up forever.
[acou sa `eneh.
{ici `m`ptap `nni`,rictianoc hiten Exalt the horn of ارفع شأن المسيحيين بقوة
Christians through the .الصليب المحيي
`tjom `mpi`ctauroc `nreftanqo. power of the life-giving
Hiten ni]ho nem nitwbh `ete`ciri And through the بالسؤاالت والطلبات التي ترفعها
supplications and prayers سيدتنا كلنا،عنا كل حين سيدتنا
`mmwou qaron `ncyou niben@ `nje which our Lady, the Lady والدة اإلله القديسة الطاهرة
of us all, the holy .مريم
ten[oic `nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc
Theotokos, Saint Mary,
e;ouab ]`agia Maria. makes for us at all times
Nem pisomt `nnis] `nreferouwini And through the والثالثة العظماء المنيرون
supplications and prayers of األطهار ميخائيل وغبريال
e;ouab@ Mi,ayl nem Gabriyl nem the three great holy .وروفائيل
luminaries Michael,
Gabriel, and Raphael;
Nem pi`ftoou `nzwon `nacwmatoc@ the four incorporeal واألربعة الحيوانات غير
living creatures; the twenty واألربعة والعشرون،المتجسدين
nem pijwt `ftoou `m`precbuteroc@ nem four presbyters; and all the . وكل الطغمات السمائية،ًقسيسا
heavenly orders.
nitagma tyrou `ne` pouranion.
Nem pi`agioc Iwannyc piref]wmc@ Saint John the Baptist; ،والقديس يوحنا المعمدان
the hundred and forty four ،ًوالمائة واألربعة واألربعون ألفا
nem pi se `hme `ftoou `nso@ nem thousand; my masters and والثالثة،وسادتي اآلباء الرسل
fathers the apostles; the والقديس،فتية القديسين
na[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc@ nem pisomt
three holy youths; Saint .استفانوس
` lou `n`agioc@ nem pi`agioc Ctevanoc. Stephen;
Nem pi;e`wrimoc `neuaggelictyc the beholder of God وناظر اإلله اإلنجيلي مرقس
Saint Mark the Evangelist, .الرسول القديس والشهيد
Markoc pi`apoctoloc e;ouab ouoh the apostle and martyr.
`nte nimarturoc.
Nem peniwt `ndikeoc pinis] abba our righteous father, the وأبونا الصديق العظيم أنبا
great Abba Anthony; the ، والبار أنبا بوال،أنطونيوس
Antwnioc@ nem pi`;myi abba Paule@ righteous Abba Paul; the .والثالثة أنبا مقارات القديسين
three saints Abba Macarii;
nem pisomt e;ouab abba Makari.
Nem peniwt abba Iwannyc@ nem our father Abba John; وأبونا أنبا،وأبونا أنبا يوحنا
our father Abba Pishoi; our وأبونا أنبا بوال،بيشوي
peniwt abba Piswi@ Nem peniwt abba father Abba Paul of وأبوانا الروميان،الطموهي
Tammoh; our Roman وأبونا،مكسيموس ودوماديوس
Paule piremtammoh@ nem nenio]
fathers Maximus and والتسعة واألربعين،أنبا موسى
Dometius; our father Abba
`nrwmeoc Maximoc nem Dometioc@ .شهيدا شيوخ شيهيت
Moses; the Forty nine
nem peniwt abba Mwcy@ nem pi`hme Martyrs of Shiheet;
`'it `mmarturoc niqelloi `nte Sihyt.
Nem `p,oroc tyrf `nte the whole choir of the وكل مصاف لباس الصليب
cross-bearers; the just; the وجميع،األبرار والصديقين
ni`ctaurovoroc@ nem ni`;myi nem righteous; all the wise ومالك هذا،العذاري الحكيمات
virgins; the angel of this اليوم المبارك ومالك هذه الذبيحة
nidikeoc@ nem nicabeu tyrou
blessed day, and the angel .المباركة
`mpar;enoc@ nem `paggeloc `nte of this blessed sacrifice.
Here, the patron saint of the church is mentioned, ،هنا يذكر اسم صاحب الكنيسة وقديسي اليوم
followed by the saint(s) of the day, then he says :ثم يقول
Nem pi`cmou `n];e`otokoc e;ouab And the blessing of the وبركة والدة اإلله القديسة
holy Theotokos, Saint .ًالطاهرة مريم أوالً وآخرا
]`agi`a Maria `nsorp nem qa`e. Mary, first and last.
Ere pou`cmou e;ouab nem May their holy blessing, ، ونعمتهم،بركتهم المقدسة
their grace, their power, ، ومحبتهم، وهبتهم،وقوتهم
pou`hmot nem toujom nem tou,aric their gift, their love, and ومعونتهم تكون معنا كلنا إلي
their help rest upon us all . آمين.األبد
nem tou`agapy nem toubo`y;i`a swpi
forever. Amen.
neman tyrou sa `eneh@ `amyn.
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
O King of Peace, grant أعطنا سالمك قرر.يا ملك السالم
Pouro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan us Your peace, establish .لنا سالمك واغفر لنا خطايانا
for us Your peace, and
`ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@
forgive us our sins.
,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Je ;wk te ]jom nem pi`wou nem For Yours is the power, ألن لك القوة والمجد والبركة
the glory, the blessing, and . آمين.والعز إلى اآلبد
pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa `eneh@ `amyn. the might, forever. Amen.
Ariten `nem`psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray اللهم اجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: :بشكر
The Third Hour
الساعة الثالثة
From the Book of Agpeya, they pray the introduction of every hour (Our Father Who Art
in Heaven…, Thanksgiving Prayer and Psalm 50) then the priest says:
) ثم يقول الكاهن51 وصالة الشكر والمزمور... يصلون مقدمة كل ساعة (أبانا الذي في السموات،من كتاب األجبية
Psalm 19 (20)
المزمور التاسع عشر
Ef`ecwtem `erok `nje P[oic qen The Lord shall hear you .يستجيب لك الرب في يوم شدتك
in the day of your trouble.
pi`ehoou `nte pekhojhej.
Ef`e] `e`hryi `ejwk `nje `vran The name of the God of .ينصرك اسم إله يعقوب
Jacob defend you.
`mVnou] `nIwakwb.
Ef`eouwrp nak `noubo`y;i`a He shall send you help .يرسل لك عونًا من قدسه
from His Holy.
`ebolqen pe;ouab.
Ef`e] nak `nje P[oic kata The Lord shall grant ويتمم،يعطيك الرب حسب قلبك
you according to your heart, .كل مشورتك
pekhyt@ ouoh pekco[ni tyrf ef`ejokf and fulfill all your counsel.
En`eouwnh nak `ebol P[oic qen We will confess your ،نعترف لك يا رب بخالصك
salvation, and in the name .وباسم إلهنا ننمو
qen peknohem@ ouoh qen `vran of our God we shall grow.
`mVnou] `en`eaiai.
Ere P[oic jek nek`etyma tyrou The Lord shall fulfill all اآلن.يكمل الرب كل سؤالك
your petitions. Now I know ،علمت أن الرب قد خلص مسيحه
`ebol@ ]nou ai`emi je P[oic nohem that the Lord has saved His واستجاب له من سماء قدسه
annointed: He shall hear .بجبروت خالص يمينه
`mpef`,rictoc@ `ef`ecwtem `erof qen
him from His holy heaven,
`ebolqen tefve e;ouab@ `vnohem `nte the salvation of His right
hand is in mighty deeds.
tefouinam af,y qen hanmetjwri.
Nai qen hanharma ouoh nai qen These in chariots, and ،هؤالء بمركبات وهؤالء بخيل
these in horses, but in the .ونحن باسم الرب إلهنا ننمو
han`h;wr@ anon de en`eaiai qen `vran name of the Lord our God
we will grow.
`mP[oic Pennou].
N;wou aucwnh ouoh auhei `anon They are overthrown ونحن قمنا،هم عثروا وسقطوا
and fallen, but we risen, and .وانتصبنا
de antwoun ouoh an`ohi eraten. set upright.
P[oic nohem `mpekouro ouoh O Lord, save Your king: يا رب خلص َم ِلكك واستجب لنا
and hear us in the day we . هلليلويا.يوم ندعوك
cwtem `eron qen pi`ehoou `etennaws call upon You. Alleluia.
oubyk `nqytf. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 22 (23)
المزمور الثانى والعشرون
P[oic pe;na`amoni `mmoi The Lord is He who .الرب يرعاني فال يعوزني شئ
shepherds me; I shall need إلى ماء،في مراع خضر يسكنني
`nnef`;rierqa`e `nh
` li@ af`;riswpi qen nothing. In a place of green .الراحة يوردني
pasture, there He has made
ouma efouetouwt@ afsanouwst
me dwell: by the water of
hijen `vmwou `nte `p`mton. rest, He has tended me.
Aftac;o `nta'u,y@ af[imwit nyi He has restored my يهدني إلى سبل البر.يرد نفسي
soul: He has guided me into .من أجل اسمه
qen pimwit `nte ]me;myi e;be the paths of righteousness,
for His name’s sake.
Eswp aisanmosi qen `;my] Even if I walk in the إن سلكت في وسط ظالل الموت
midst of the shadow of . ألنك أنت معي،فال أخاف شرا
` qyibi `m`vmou `nnaerho] qa`thy death, I shall not fear evil
things, for You are with me.
`nhanpethwou je `n;ok `k,y nemyi.
Pek`sbwt nem tekbaktyri`a Your rod and Your .عصاك وعكازك هما يعزيانني
staff, these comfort me. .هيأت قدامى مائدة تجاه مضايقي
`n;wou petau]nom] nyi@ akcob] You have prepared a table
before me in the presence of
`nou`trapeza `mpa`m;o `ebol.
those who afflict me.
Mpe`m;o `nnyethojhej `mmoi You have anointed my .مسحت بالزيت رأسي
head with oil.
ak;whc `ntaave `nouneh.
Ouoh pek`avot af`;ri;aqi `m`vry] And Your cup makes .وكأسك روتني بقوة
me drunk like power.
Peknai ef`e[oji `ncwi `mmi`ehoou Your mercy shall follow ورحمتك تدركني جميع أيام
me all the days of my life: ومسكني في بيت الرب،حياتي
tyrou `nte pawnq@ ouoh pajinswpi and my dwelling shall be in . هلليلويا.إلى مدى األيام
the house of the Lord unto
qen `pyi `mP[oic sa han`ehoou
length of days. Alleluia.
euouyou. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 23 (24)
المزمور الثالث والعشرون
Pikahi va P[oic pe nem pevjwk The earth and its المسكونة،للرب األرض وملؤها
fullness are the Lord’s; the .وجميع الساكنين فيها
`ebol ]oikoumeny nem ouon niben world and all that dwell in
etsop `nqytc.
N;of afhicen] `mmoc `ejen He has founded it upon وعلى،هو على البحار أسسها
the seas, and prepared it .األنهار هيأها
ni`amaiou ouoh afcebtwtc `ejen upon the rivers.
Nim e;na`sse `e`hryi `ejen `ptwou Who shall go up to the أو من،من يصعد إلى جبل الرب
mountain of the Lord, and يقوم في موضع قدسه؟
`mP[oic@ ie nim e;na`s`ohi `eratf qen who shall stand in His holy
pefma e;ouab.
Efouab qen nefjij eftoubyout He that is pure in his الذي. النقي القلب،الطاهر اليدين
hands, and clean in his لم يحمل نفسه إلى الباطل ولم
qen pefhyt@ vy`ete `mpef[i `ntef'u,y heart; who has not lifted up .يحلف بالغش
his soul in vanity, nor
qen oumet`evlyou@ ouoh `mpefranas
sworn deceitfully to his
qen ou,rof `mpef`svyr. neighbor.
Vai ef`e [i `nou`cmou `ebolhiten He shall receive a ورحمة،هذا ينال بركة من الرب
blessing from the Lord, and .من هللا مخلصه
P[oic nem oume;nayt `ebolhiten mercy from God his Savior.
Vnou] pefcwtyr.
:ai te ]genea `nte nyetkw] `nca This is the generation of هذا هو جيل الذين يطلبون الرب
those who seek the Lord, .ويبتغون وجه إله يعقوب
P[oic etkw] `nca `pho `mVnou] who seek the face of the
God of Jacob.
Fai `nnetenpuly `e`pswi niar,wn@ Lift up your gates, you ،ارفعوا أيها الرؤساء أبواكم
princes, and be lifted up, ،وارتفعي أيتها األبواب الدهرية
[ici `mmwten nipuly `ne` neh@ ouoh ef`e`i you everlasting doors; and .فيدخل ملك المجد
the king of glory shall come
eqoun `nje `pouro `nte `pwou.
Nim hwf pe paiouro `nte `pwoou@ Who is this king of من هو هذا ملك المجد؟ الرب
glory? The Lord who is الرب القوى في،العزيز القدير
P[oic etamahi ete ouon`sjom `mmof@ strong and mighty, the Lord .الحروب
who is mighty in war.
P[oic etejomjem qen nipolemoc.
Fai `nnetenpuly `e`pswi niar,wn@ Lift up your gates, you ،ارفعوا أيها الرؤساء أبوابكم
princes; and be lifted up, ،وارتفعي أيتها األبواب الدهرية
[ici `mmwten nipuly `neneh@ ouoh ef`e`i you everlasting doors; and .فيدخل ملك المجد
the king of glory shall come
eqoun `nje `pouro ` nte `pwou.
Nim hwf pe paiouro `nte `pwou@ Who is this king of من هو هذا ملك المجد؟ رب
glory? The Lord of hosts, . هذا هو ملك المجد،القوات
P[oic `nte nijom `n;of pe `pouro `nte He is this king of glory. .هلليلويا
`pwou. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 25 (26)
المزمور الخامس والعشرون
Mahap nyi P[oic je `anok aimosi Judge me, O Lord; for I احكم لي يا رب فإني بدعتي
have walked in my وعلى الرب توكلت فال،سلكت
qen tametataki`a aierhelpic `eP[oic innocence: and trusted in ، اختبرني يا رب وجربنى.أضعف
the Lord, I shall not be أمام ألن رحمتك.نق قلبي وكليتي
`nnaswpi@ aridokimazin `mmoi P[oic
weakened. Prove me, O
. وقد ارتضيت بحقك،عيني
`aripiazin `mmoi@ hi ,rwm `epahyt nem Lord, and try me; purify my
heart and my reins. For
na[lwt je peknai ,y `mpe`m;o your mercy is before my
eyes: and I am pleased with
`nnabal `ebol ouoh airanak qen
your truth.
Mpihemci nem ouman]hap I have not sat with the ومع،لم أجلس مع محفل باطل
vain council, nor shall I .مخالفي الناموس لم أدخل
efsouit@ ouoh `nnase `eqoun nem enter in with the
}naiatot `ebolqen pe;ouab@ ouoh I will wash my hands in وأطوف،أغسل يدي بالنقاوة
purity, and go around Your س ِمع صوت
َ أل.بمذبحك يا رب
`ntakw] `epekmanerswousi P[oic altar, O Lord, to hear the . وأنطق بجميع عجائبك،تسبيحك
voice of Your praise, and to
`e`pjintacwtem `ep`qrwou `nte
speak of all Your wonderful
pek`cmou@ ouoh `ntacaji `nnek`svyri works.
P[oic aimenre ]metcai`e `nte O Lord, I have loved the ،يا رب أحببت جمال بيتك
beauty of Your house, and .وموضع مسكن مجدك
pekyi nem `ptopoc `m`vmanswpi `nte the dwelling place of Your
Mpertako `nta'u,y nem Do not destroy my soul وال،فال تهلك مع المنافقين نفسي
toge-ther with the ungodly, الذين في.مع رجال الدماء حياتي
;ani`acebyc@ ouoh pawnq nem nor my life with bloody ويمينهم امتألت،أيديهم اإلثم
men: in whose hands are .رشوة
hanrwmi `nc` nof@ ny`ete ]`anomi`a qen
iniquity, and their right
noujij@ tououinam acmoh `ndwron. hand is filled with bribe.
Anok de aimosi qen But I have walked in my أنقذني.أما أنا فبدعتي سلكت
innocence: save me, and .وارحمني
tametataki`a@ cott ouoh nai nyi. have mercy upon me.
Tavat gar ac`ohi `eratc qen My foot stood in .ألن رجلي وقفت في االستقامة
uprightness: in the .في الجماعات أباركك يا رب
oucwouten@ ei`e `cmou `erok P[oic qen con-gregations I will praise .هلليلويا
You, O Lord. Alleluia.
hanek`klycia. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 28 (29)
المزمور الثامن والعشرون
Aniou`i `mP[oic nisyri `nte Bring to the Lord, O قدموا.قدموا للرب يا أبناء هللا
sons of God, bring to the .للرب أبناء الكباش
Vnou]@ `aniou`i `mP[oic `nhansyri Lord young rams.
`nwili@ `aniou`i `mP[oic `nouwou nem
Aniou`i `mP[oic `nou`wou `mpefran@ Bring to the Lord glory قدموا.قدموا للرب مجدا وكرامة
and honor. Bring to the اسجدوا للرب.للرب مجدا السمه
ouwst `mP[oic qen tefauly e;ouab. Lord glory to His name; .في دار قدسه
worship the Lord in His
holy court.
P`qrwou `mP[oic hijen nimwou@ The voice of the Lord is إله.صوت الرب على المياه
upon the waters: God of الرب على المياه.َالمجد أرعد
Vnou] `nte `pwou aferqarabai@ P[oic glory has thundered: the .الكثيرة
Lord is upon the many
hijen hanmwou euos.
P`qrwou `mP[oic qen oujom@ The voice of the Lord is صوت الرب.صوت الرب بقوة
mighty; the voice of the .بجالل عظيم
`p`qrwou `mP[oic qen ounis] Lord is in great beauty.
P`qrwou `mP[oic ef`eqomqem The voice of the Lord الرب.صوت الرب يحطم األرز
breaks the cedar; the Lord .يكسر أرز لبنان
`mpisencifi@ P[oic naqomqem will break the cedar of
`mpisencifi `nte niLibanoc.
Ouoh `fna`;rou`sma `m`vry] And He will beat them ، لبنان،ويسحقها مثل عج ٍل
small like the calf of . مثل ابن وحيد القرن،سريونِ و
`mpimaci `nLibanoc@ ouoh pimenrit Lebanon; and the beloved
one like a son of the
`m`vry] `nousyri `nte na pitan `nouwt.
P`qrwou `mP[oic ef`eswt `nousah The voice of the Lord .صوت الرب يقطع لهيب النار
cuts a flame of fire.
` rwm.
P`qrwou `mP[oic ef`emonmen The voice of the Lord الرب.صوت الرب يزلزل القفر
shakes the wilderness; the .يزلزل برية قادش
`m`psafe@ P[oic nakim `m`psafe Lord will shake the
wilderness of Kadesh.
P`qrwou `mP[oic ef`ecob] The voice of the Lord صوت الرب يولد األيائل ويكشف
strengthens the deer, and .الغابات
`nhan`eioul@ ouoh `fna[wrp will uncover the forests.
`nhaniah`ssyn `ebol.
Ouon niben etcaji `nou`wou qen And in His holy temple وفى هيكله المقدس كل واحد
every one speaks of glory. الرب يسكن في.ينطق بالمجد
pefervei e;ouab@ P[oic sop qen The Lord dwells in the .الطوفان
Fnahemci `nje P[oic efoi `nouro And the Lord will sit as الرب.الرب يجلس ملكا إلى األبد
a king forever. The Lord الرب يبارك،يعطى شعبه قوة
sa`eneh@ P[oic na] `noujom will give strength to His . هلليلويا.شعبه بالسالم
people; the Lord will bless
`mpeflaoc@ P[oic na`cmou `epeflaoc
His people with peace.
qen ouhiryny. Allyloui`a. Alleluia.
Psalm 29 (30)
المزمور التاسع والعشرون
}na[ack P[oic je aksopt `erok@ I will exalt You, O ،أعظمك يا رب ألنك احتضنتني
Lord; for You have .ولم تشمت بي أعدائي
ouoh `mpek`;re najaji ounof `mmwou accepted me, and not
caused my enemies to
`e`hryi ejwi.
rejoice over me.
P[oic panou] aiws oubyk ouoh O Lord, my God, I cried صرخت إليك،أيها الرب إلهي
to You, and You have .فشفيتني
aktal[oi. healed me.
P[oic aken ta'u,y `e`pswi qen O Lord, You have ،يا رب أصعدتَ من الجحيم نفسي
brought up my soul from وخلصتني من الهابطين في
`amen]@ ouoh aknahmet `ebol `ntotou Hades, You have delivered .الجب
me from the hands of those
`nnye;na`i `e`qryi `e`vlakkoc.
who will go down to the pit.
Ari'alin `eP[oic nye;ouab Sing to the Lord, all you ،رتلوا للرب يا جميع قديسيه
His saints, and confess the .واعترفوا لذكر قداسته
tyrou `ntaf@ ouoh ouwnh `ebol remembrance of His
`m`vmeui `nte tefmet`agioc.
Je ouon oujwnt qen pef`mbon For anger is in His وحياة في،ألن سخطا في غضبه
wrath, but life in His favor: ، في العشاء يحل البكاء.رضاه
nem ouwnq qen pefouws@ rouhi weeping shall be for the .وفى الصباح السرور
evening, but joy shall be in
ef`eswpi `nje ourimi ouoh swrp
the morning.
Anok aijoc qen pahenoufi je I said in my prosperity, أنا قلت في نعيمي ال أتزعزع إلى
I shall never be moved. . يا رب،الدهر
`nnakim sa`eneh.
P[oic qen pekouws ak] `noujom O Lord, in Your will .بمسرتك أعطيتَ جمالي قوة
You gave strength to my ُ
.فصرت قلقا ،صرفت وجهك عنى
`mpacai@ akvwnh `mpekho cabol `mmoi@ beauty: but You turned
away Your face from me,
aiswpi ei`s;ertwr.
and I became troubled.
Ei`ews `e`hryi oubyk P[oic@ ouoh To You, O Lord, I shall وإلى إلهي،إليك يا رب أصرخ
cry; and to my God I shall .أتضرع
]natwbh `mPanou]. make supplication.
AP[oic cwtem ouoh afnai nyi@ The Lord heard, and had الرب صار،سمع الرب فرحمني
mercy upon me; the Lord .لي عونا
`aP[oic swpi nyi `noubo`y;oc. became to me a helper.
Akvwnh mpanehpi eurasi nyi@ You have turned my مزقت،حولت نوحي إلى فرح لي
mourning into joy for me: .مسحي ومنطقتني سرورا
akvwq `mpacok ouh akmort You have rent off my
sackcloth, and girded me
with gladness;
Hina `ntefer'alin `erok `nje that my glory may sing لكي ترتل لك نفسي وال يحزن
praise to You, and I shall أيها الرب إلهي إلى األبد.قلبي
pa`wou ouoh `nnaer`mkah `nhyt@ P[oic not be troubled at heart. O . هلليلويا.أعترف لك
Lord, my God, I will
Panou] ]naouwnh nak `ebol sa
confess to You forever.
`eneh. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 33 (34)
المزمور الثالث والثالثون
}na`cmou `eP[oic `ncyou niben@ I will bless the Lord at وفي كل،الرب في كل وقت
َ ُ
all times: His praise shall be .حين تسبحته في فمي
`ncyou niben `are pef`cmou naswpi qen continually in my mouth.
Ec`esousou `mmoc qen P[oic `nje My soul shall boast يسمع،بالرب تفتخر نفسي
herself in the Lord: let the .الودعاء فيفرحون
ta'u,y@ maroucwtem `nje meek hear and rejoice.
niremraus ouoh `ntouounof.
Ma oumetnis] `mP[oic nemyi@ Magnify the Lord with لنرفع اسمه،عظموا الرب معي
me, and let us exalt His ُ
طلبت إلى الرب فاستجاب .جميعا
ouoh maren[ici `mpefran hi oucop@ name together. I sought the . ومن جميع مخاوفي نجاني،لي
Lord diligently, and He
aikw] `nca P[oic afcwtem `eroi@ ouoh
heard me, and delivered me
afnahmet `ebolqen namanswpi from all my fear.
`nje netenho.
Vai pihyki `etafws `ebol ouoh This poor man cried, هذا المسكين صرخ فاستمعه
and the Lord heard him, and . ومن جميع ضيقاته خلصه،الرب
`aP[oic cwtem `erof@ ouoh afnahmef delivered him out of all his
`ebolqen nefhojhej tyrou.
Paggeloc `mP[oic hikwt `m`pkw] The angel of the Lord يعسكر مالك الرب حول كل
will encamp round about .خائفيه وينجيهم
`nouon niben eterho] qatefhy ouoh those who fear Him, and
will deliver them.
Jem]pi ouoh `anau je ouhelje Taste and see that the !الرب
َ أطيب
َ ذوقوا وانظروا ما
Lord is sweet: blessed is the .طوبى لإلنسان المتكل عليه
pe P[oic@ wouniatf `mpirwmi man who hopes in Him.
eterhelpic `erof.
Ariho] qa`thy `mP[oic nye;ouab Fear the Lord, all you فإن،اتقوا الرب يا جميع قديسيه
His saints: for there is no .الذين يتقونه ال يعوزهم شيء
tyrou `ntaf je `nnouerqa`e `n`hli `nje want to those who fear
nyeterho] qatefhy.
Niramaoi auerhyki ouoh au`hko@ The rich have become أما،األغنياء افتقروا وجاعوا
poor and they hungered: but الذين يبتغون الرب فال يعوزهم
ny de etkw] `nca P[oic `nnouerqa`e those who seek the Lord .أي خير
shall not want any good
` ga;on niben.
Amwini nasyri cwtem `eroi Come, you children, ،هلم أيها البنون استمعوا لي
hear me: I will teach you .فأعلمكم مخافة الرب
`nta]`cbw nwten e]ho] `nte P[oic. the fear of the Lord.
Nim pe pirwmi e;ouws `ewnq@ Who is the man that من هو اإلنسان الذي يهوى
desires life, and is thinking ويحب أن يرى أياما،الحياة
ouoh efmeui `enau `ehan`ehoou `enaneu. to see good days? صالحة؟
Matal[o `mpeklac `ebolha Keep your tongue from وشفتيك،صن لسانك عن الشر
evil, and your lips from .عن النطق بالغش
pipethwou@ ouoh nek`cvotou speaking guile.
`e`stemcaji `nou`,rof.
Riki cabol `mpipethwou ouoh Turn away from evil, ،حد عن الشر واصنع الخير
and do good; seek peace, .اطلب السالمة واتبعها
`ariou`i `mpipe;nanef@ kw] `nca and pursue it.
ouhiryny ouoh [oji `ncwc.
Je nenbal `mP[oic `ejen ni`;myi@ For the eyes of the Lord are ،فإن عيني الرب على الصديقين
over the righteous, and His .وأذنيه مصغيتان إلى طلبتهم
ouoh nefmasj ceraki `nca poutwbh. ears are bent to their prayer.
Ani`;myi ws `ebol ouoh `aP[oic The righteous cried, and الصديقون صرخوا والرب
the Lord heard them, and ومن جميع،استجاب لهم
cwtem erwou@ ouoh afnahmou delivered them out of all .شدائدهم نجاهم
their afflictions.
`ebolqen nouhojhej tyrou.
Fqent `nje P[oic `enyettennyout The Lord is near to قريب هو الرب من منسحقي
those who are contrite in ويخلص المتواضعين،القلب
qen pouhyt@ ouoh nyet;ebyout qen their heart; and will save the .بالروح
ou`pneuma `fnanahmou. lowly in spirit.
Naswou ni`;lu'ic `nte ni`;myi@ Many are the afflictions ومن،كثيرة هي أحزان الصديقين
of the righteous: but out of .جميعها ينجيهم الرب
ouoh `fnanahmou `nje P[oic `ebol them all the Lord will
deliver them.
`nqytou tyrou.
P[oic na`areh `enoukac tyrou@ The Lord will keep all ،يحفظ الرب جميع عظامهم
their bones: not one of them .وواحدة منها ال تنكسر
ouai `ebol `nqytou tyrou shall be broken.
Vmou `nte nirefernobi `fhwou@ ny The death of the sinners ومبغضو،يموت الخطاة بشرهم
is evil: and those who hate الرب ينقذ.الصديق يندمون
de e;moc] `mpi`;myi cenaouwm righteousness will grieve. وال يندم جميع،نفوس عبيده
The Lord will save the souls . هلليلويا.المتكلين عليه
` ;you@ P[oic nacw] `nt
` 'u,y `nte
of His servants: and none of
nef`ebiaik@ ouoh `nnououwm `nh
` ;you those who hope in Him
shall grieve. Alleluia.
`nje ouon niben `ete `h;you ,a `erof.
Psalm 40 (41)
المزمور األربعون
Wouniatf `mvye;naka] `ejen Blessed is he who ،طوبى لمن يتعطف على المسكين
thinks of the poor and .في يوم الشر ينجيه الرب
ouhyki nem oujwb@ qen pi`ehoou needy: the Lord shall
deliver him in an evil day.
ethwou ef`enahmef `nje P[oic.
P[oic ef`e`areh `erof ef`etanqof The Lord shall preserve ويجعله في،الرب يحفظه ويحييه
him and keep him alive, and وال يسلمه أليدي،األرض مغبوطا
ouoh ef`eaif `nnaiatf hijen `pkahi@ make him blessed on the .أعدائه
earth, and not deliver him
ouoh `nneftyif `e`qryi `enenjij
into the hands of his
`nnefjaji. enemies.
Ef`eerboy;in `erof `nje P[oic The Lord shall help him ،الرب يعينه على سرير وجعه
upon the bed of his pain; إنك رتبت مضجعه كله في
hijen `p[loj `nte pef`mkah `nhyt@ You have made all his bed .مرضه
in his sickness.
pefmanenkot tyrf aktac;of qen
Anok aijoc je P[oic nai nyi@ I said, O Lord, have اشف،أنا قلت يا رب ارحمني
mercy on me; heal my soul; ُ
.أخطأت إليك نفسي ألني قد
matoujo `nta'u,y je aiernobi `erok. for I have sinned against
Najaji aujw `nhanpethwou nyi My enemies have متى:أعدائي تقولوا على شرا
spoken evil against me, يموت ويباد اسمه؟
je afnamou `n;
` nau `nteftako `nje saying, “When shall he die,
and his name perish?”
Nafnyou `eqoun pe `enau nafcaji And if he came to see الذي دخل ليراني كان يتكلم
me, he spoke in vanity; and . وقلبه يضمر له شرا،بالرياء
`noumetevlyou@ ouoh pefhyt his heart gathered unto him
af;wou] naf `nouanomi`a.
Nafnyou cabol nafcaji `ncwi He went forth and spoke .ثم كان يخرج خارجا ويتكلم على
in like manner. All my ،تهامس على جميع أعدائي
eucop@ au,ackec qaroi tyrou `nje enemies whispered against وكالما.وتشاوروا على بالسوء
me; against me they devised ،مخالفا للناموس رتبوا على
najaji@ auco[ni qaroi `nahnpethwou@
evil. They denounced a "أال يعود الراقد أن:قالوا
wicked word against me,
ouoh aucaji `mparanomoc "يقوم؟
saying, “Now that he lies,
petaucemnytf qaroi@ my vyetenkot shall he not rise up again?”
an `fnatwnf an je.
Ke gar `vrwmi `nte tahiryny For even the man of my حتى إنسان سالمتي الذي وثقت
peace, he whom I trusted, الذي أكل خبزي رفع على،به
vyetaierhelpic `erof@ vye;ouwm who ate my bread, lifted up .عقبه
his heel against me.
`mpawik aftwoun `mpef;ibc `e`hryi
N;ok de P[oic nai nyi ouoh But you, O Lord, have وأنت يا رب ارحمني وأقمني
mercy upon me, and raise .فأجازيهم
matounoct ouoh ei`e] nwou me up, and I shall
compensate them.
Anok de e;be tametatkaki`a But because of my ،أما أنا فمن أجل دعتي قبلتني
innocence You accepted .وثبتني أمامك إلى األبد
aksopt `erok@ ouoh aktajroi me, and have established
me before You forever.
`mpek`m;o cabol sa `eneh.
Fcmarwout `nje P[oic Vnou] Blessed be the Lord من،مبارك الرب إله إسرائيل
God of Israel, from .األزل وإلى األبد يكون يكون
`mPicrayl icjen `peneh sa `eneh everlasting and to .هلليلويا
everlasting. So be it, so be
ec`eswpi ec`eswpi. Allyloui`a.
it. Alleluia.
Psalm 42 (43)
المزمور الثاني واألربعون
Mahap `eroi P[oic ouoh [i Judge me, O Lord, and ،احكم لي يا رب وانتقم لمظلمتي
avenge my case, against an ومن إنسان.من أمة غير بارة
`mpemsis `nte pahapebolqen ou`slol impure nation: You shall .ظالم وغاش نجني
deliver me from the unjust
eftoubyout an nem `ebolha ourwmi
and crafty man.
`no` ji hi`,rof ek`enahmet.
Je n
` ;ok pe panou] ouoh For You are my God لماذا.ألنك أنت هو إلهي وقوتي
and my strength: why have أقصيتني؟ ولماذا أسلك كئيبا من
patajro@ e;be ou ak,at `ncwk ouoh You cast me off? And why مضايقة عدوي؟
do I walk gloomingly, while
e;be ou ]namosi eiwkem qen
the enemy oppresses me?
`pjin`;refhojhej `mmoi `nje pajaji.
Ouwrp `mpekouwini nem Send forth Your light فإنهما،أرسل نورك وحقك
and Your truth: they have يهديانني ويصعدانني إلى جبلك
tekme;myi@ je `n;wou petau[imwit led me, and brought me to .المقدس وإلى مسكنك
Your holy mountain, and to
nyi ouoh auent `e`pswi `ejen
Your dwelling.
Ei`e`i `eqoun sa pimanerswousi And I will go into the تجاه وجه،فأدخل إلى مذبح هللا
altar of God, before the face .هللا الذي يفرح شبابي
`nte Vnou] nahren `pho `mVnou] of God who gladdens my
vy`etaf] `m`pounof `nte tametalou.
}naouwnh nak `ebol Vnou] I will give praise to You .أعترف لك بالقيثارة يا هللا إلهي
with the harp, O God, my ولماذا،لماذا أنت حزينة يا نفسي
panou] qen ouku;ara@ e;be ou God. Why are you sad, O تزعجينني؟
my soul? and why do you
ta'u,y temokh `nhyt ouoh e;be ou
trouble me?
te`s;rter `mmoi.
Aierhelpic `eVnou] je Hope in God; for I will ،توكلي على هللا فإني أعترف له
give thanks to Him. The . هلليلويا.خالص وجهي هو إلهي
]naouwnh naf `ebol@ `poujai `mpaho salvation of my face is my
God. Alleluia.
pe panou]. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 44 (45)
المزمور الرابع واألربعون
Oucai`e pe qen tefmetberi para You are comely in .إنك أبرع جماال من بنى البشر
beauty more than the sons
nisyri `nte nirwmi. of men.
A`p`hmot jws `ebolqen Grace has been shed ،وقد انسكبت النعمة على شفتيك
forth from Your lips: .فلذلك باركك هللا إلى الدهر
nek`cvotou@ e;be vai `aVnou] `cmou therefore God has blessed
You forever.
`erok sa `eneh.
Mour `ntekcyfi `epek`aloj@ vy`eteGird Your sword upon تقلد سيفك على فخدك أيها القوى
Your thigh, O Mighty One, استله وانجح.جاللك وجمالك
ouon`sjom `mmof@ `n`hryi qen in Your comeliness, and in .واملك
Your beauty; draw it,
tekmetberi nem pekcai [wlk mama]
prosper, and reign.
E;be `;myi nem ]metremraus nem Because of truth and ،من أجل الحق والدعة والعدل
meekness and .وتهديك بالعجب يمينك
]dikeocuny@ ec`e[imwit nak qen righteousness; and Your
right hand shall guide You
ou`svyri `nje tekouinam.
Nekco;nef cesebswb vy`ete Your arrows are sharp, نبلك مسنونة في قلب أعداء
O Mighty One, in the heart الشعوب تحتك،الملك أيها الجبار
ouon`sjom `mmof@ hanlaoc eu`ehitou of the King’s enemies; the .يسقطون
nations shall fall under You.
capecyt `mmok qen `phyt `nnenjaji
Pek`;ronoc Vnou] sa`eneh `nte Your throne, O God, is ،كرسيك يا هللا إلى دهر الدهر
forever and ever: the قضيب االستقامة هو قضيب
pi`eneh@ ouoh pi`sbwt `mpicwouten pe scepter of Your kingdom is .ملكك
a scepter of uprightness.
`p`sbwt `nte tekmetouro.
Je akmenre `;myi ouoh akmecte You have loved .ألنك أحببتَ البر وأبغضتَ اإلثم
righteousness, and hated من أجل هذا مسحك هللا إلهك
]`anomi`a@ e;be vai af;ahck `nje iniquity: therefore, God, .بزيت البهجة أفض َل من رفقائك
Your God, has anointed
Vnou] peknou] `nouneh `n;elyl
You with the oil of gladness
`ehote nyetqa;ouwk. more than Your fellows.
Ou`cmurna nem ou`ctatky nem Myrrh and stacte and المر والميعة والسليخة طيب
cassia are from Your من قصور العاج التي.ثيابك
oukaci`a `ebolqen nek`hbwc@ `ebolqen garments, and out of the . بنات الملوك في تكريمك.أبهجتك
ivory palaces, with which
nielevantinon ethors
they have gladdened You;
`etau;rekounof `mmok `nqytou@ niseri Kings’ daughters for Your
`nte niourwou qen pektai`o.
Ac`ohi `eratc `nje ]ourw caou`inam The queen stood by on مشتملة،قامت الملكة عن يمينك
Your right hand, clothed in مزينة،بثوب موشى بالذهب
`mmok@ qen ou[i`hbwc `nieb`nnoub@ a vestment wrought with .بأنواع كثيرة
gold work, and adorned in
ecjolh eccelcwl `nou;o `nry].
divers manners.
Cwtem taseri `anau rek Hear, O my daughter, اسمعي يا ابنتي وانظري وأميلي
and see, and incline your .س ْي شعبك وبيت أبيك
َ وان،أذنك
pekmasj@ `ari`pwbs `mpelaoc nem `pyi ear; forget your people, and ألنه،فإن الملكَ قد اشتهى حسنك
your father’s house. .هو ربك وله تسجدين
`nte peiwt@ je apiouro ere`pi;umin
Because the King has
epecai@ je ouyi `n;of pe P[oic. desired your beauty; for
indeed He is your Lord, and
you shall worship Him.
Eu`eouwst `mmof `nje niseri `nte The daughters of Tyre ،صور بالهدايا
َ وله تسجد بنات
shall worship Him with ويترجى وج َهه أغنيا ُء شعب
Turoc qen handwron@ ouoh gifts; the rich of the people .األرض
of the land shall supplicate
eu`eerlitaneuin `mpefho `nje niramoi
His favor.
`nte pilaoc `nte `pkahi.
`nieb`nnoub eccelcwl `nou;o `nry]. fringed garments, adorned
in various manners.
Eu`eini `eqoun `mpiouro Virgins shall be brought ،تد ُخل إلى الملك عذارى في إثرها
to the King after her: all her يَ ْبلغن.جميع قريباتها إليه يُقدَّمْ ن
`nhanpar;enoc hivahou `mmoc@ eu`eini fellows shall be brought to يَد ُخلن إلى هيكل،بفرح وابتهاج
Him. They shall be brought .الملك
naf `eqoun `nnecke`sveri tyrou@
with gladness and
eu`eenou `eqoun qen ouounof nem exultation: they shall be
brought into the King’s
ou;elyl@ eu`eenou `eqoun `e`pervei temple.
N`tsebiw `nhanio] eu`eswpi nak Instead of Your fathers, ويكون لك أبنا ٌء عوضا عن
children shall be unto You: تقيمهم رؤساء على سائر،آبائك
`nje hansyri@ ek`e,au `nar,wn hijen You shall make them .األرض
princes over all the earth.
`pkahi tyrf.
Ouoh eu`eer`vmeui `mpekran qen They shall make ويذكرون اسمك جيال بعد
mention of Your name from من أجل ذلك تعترف لك.جيل
genea niben nem genea@ e;be vai generation to generation: وإلى،الشعوب يا هللا إلى الدهر
therefore the nations shall . هلليلويا.دهر الدهور
eu`eouwnh nak `ebol `nje hanlaoc
give praise to You, O God,
Vnou] saeneh nem saeneh `nte forever, even forever and
ever. Alleluia.
pieneh. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 45 (46)
المزمور الخامس واألربعون
Pennou] pe penmamvwt nem God is our refuge and ومعيننا في،إلهنا ملجأنا وقوتنا
our strength; He is our help .شدائدنا التي أصابتنا جدا
tenjom@ penbo`y;oc pe qen in the afflictions that have
come heavily upon us.
nen`;lu'ic `etaujemten `emasw.
E;be vai `nnenerho] Therefore we shall not لذلك ال نخشى إذا تزعزعت
fear when the earth is وانقلبت الجبال إلى قلب،األرض
afsan`s;orter `nje `pkahi@ ouoh troubled, and the mountains .البحار
are removed into the heart
`ntououwteb `nje nitwou qen pihyt
of the seas.
`nte ni`amaiou.
Auws ouoh au`s;orter `nje The waters have roared وتتزعزع،تعج المياه وتجيش
and been troubled, the .الجبال بعزته
pimwou@ au`s;orter `nje nitwou qen mountains have been
troubled by His might.
Aftoubo `mpefmanswpi `nje The Most High has وهللا في،لقد قدس العلي مسكنه
sanctified His dwelling. يعين هللا.وسطها فلن تتزعزع
vyet[oci@ ouoh Vnou] `nnefkim qen God is in the midst of her; .وجهها
she shall not be moved:
tecmy]@ ef`eerboy;in `epecho `nje
God shall help her face.
Au`s;orter `nje hane;noc@ auriki The nations were . وماجت الممالك،اضطربت األمم
troubled, the kingdoms . فتزلزلت األرض،أبدى صوته
`nje hanmetourwou@ af] `ntef`cmy tottered: He gave forth His
voice, the earth shook.
afkim `nje `pkahi.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom af,y The Lord, God of hosts, ناصرنا هو،الرب إله القوات معنا
is with us; the God of Jacob .إله يعقوب
neman@ penrefsopten `erof pe is our helper.
Vnou] `nIakwb.
Amwini `ntaretennau `eni`hbyoui Come, you, and behold التي،هلم فانظروا أعمال الرب
the works of the Lord, the الذي.جعلها آيات على األرض
`nte P[oic@ ni`svyri `etafcemnytou wonders which He has set ينزع الحروب من أقاصي
upon the earth. Putting an .األرض
hijen pikahi@ vyettal[o `nhanbwtc
end to wars to the ends of
sa auryjf `m`pkahi. the earth.
Ef`eqomqem `nnouvi] ouoh He will crush their ،يسحق قسيهم ويكسر سالحهم
bows, and break their .ويحرق أتراسهم بالنار
ef`ekws `nnouhoplon@ noukesebsi weapons, and burn their
bucklers in the fire.
ef`erokhou qen pi`,rwm.
Crwft ouoh `ari`emi je `aonk pe Be still, and know that I ،ثابروا واعلموا أنى أنا هو هللا
am God: I will be exalted أرتفع بين األمم وأتعالى في
Vnou]@ ei`e[ici qen nie;noc@ ouoh among the nations, I will be .األرض
exalted upon the earth.
ei`e[ici hijen `pkahi.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom af,y The Lord God of hosts ناصرنا هو،الرب إله القوات معنا
is with us; the God of Jacob . هلليلويا.إله يعقوب
neman@ penrefsopten `erof pe is our helper. Alleluia.
Vnou] `nIakwb. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 46 (47)
المزمور السادس واألربعون
Nie;noc tyrou kwlh `nnetenjij@ Clap your hands, all you يا،يا جميع األمم صفقوا بأيديكم
nations; shout to God with a هللوا،جميع األمم صفقوا بأيديكم
e`slylou`i `ebol `mVnou] qen ou`cmy voice of exultation. .هلل بصوت االبتهاج
Je `f[oci `nje P[oic ouoh `foi For the Lord is most ملك،ألن الرب عال ومرهوب
high and fearful; He is a .كبير على كافة األرض
`nho]@ ounis] `nouro pe hijen `pkahi great king over all the earth.
Hanlaoc af`;rou[nejwou nan He has subdued peoples واألمم تحت،أخضع الشعوب لنا
under us, and nations under أقدامنا
nem han`slwl qa nen[alauj. our feet.
Afcwtp nan `ntef`klyronomia@ He has chosen us for جمال يعقوب،اختارنا ميراثا له
His inheritance, the beauty .الذي أحبه
]metcai`e `nte Iakwb ;yetafmenritc. of Jacob He loved.
Afsenaf `e`pswi `nje Vnou] qen God has ascended with والرب بصوت،صعد هللا بتهليل
a shout, and the Lord with a .البوق
ou`slylou`i@ ouoh P[oic qen ou`cmy sound of a trumpet.
Ari'alin `ePennou] `ari'alin@ Sing praises to our God, رتلوا لمليكنا،رتلوا إللهنا رتلوا
sing praises: sing praises to ألن الرب هو ملك األرض،رتلوا
`ari'alin `epenouro `ari'alin@ je our King, sing praises; for رتلوا بفهم ألن الرب قد ملك.كلها
God is king of all the earth. .على جميع األمم
P[oic pe `pouro `m`pkahi tyrf@
Sing praises with
`ari'alin qen ouka]@ je aferouro understanding, for the Lord
reigned over all the nations.
`nje P[oic hijen nie;noc tyrou.
Fhemci `nje Vnou] hijen God sits upon His holy .هللا جلس على كرسيه المقدس
throne. Rulers of the people رؤساء الشعوب اجتمعوا مع إله
pef`;ronoc e;ouab@ hanar,wn `nte have assembled with God .إبراهيم
of Abraham.
hanlaoc au;wou] nem Vnou]
Je au[ici emasw `nje nyetamahi For God’s mighty ones ألن أعزاء هللا قد ارتفعوا في
have been greatly exalted . هلليلويا.األرض جدا
`nte Vnou] hijen `pkahi. upon the earth. Alleluia.
Prophecies of the Third Hour of Bright Saturday
نبوات الساعة الثالثة من سبت الفرح
Je `nnekcwjp `nta'u,y qen Because You will not النك ال تترك نفسى فى الجحيم وال
leave my soul in Hades, قد.ً تدع قدوسك أن يرى فسادا
`amen]@ oude `nnek] `m`pe;ouab `ntak neither will You allow Your تمألنى.عرفتنى طرق الحياة
`enau `e`ptako@ nimwit `nte `pwnq
Holy One to see corruption. . هلليلويا.فرحا ً مع وجهك
You have made known to
aktamoi `erwou ek`emahyt `nounof me the ways of life; You
will fill me with joy with
nem pekho. Allyloui`a. Your countenance. Alleluia.
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
We beseech our Lord من أجل أن نكون مستحقين
Ke `upertou kataxiw ;yne `ymac@ and God, that we may be إلي ربنا.لسماع اإلنجيل المقدس
worthy to hear the Holy and وإلهنا نتوسل بحكمة مستقيمين
tyc akro `acewc tou `agiou
Divine Gospel. In wisdom .انصتوا لإلنجيل المقدس
euaggeliou@ kurion ke ton ;eon let us attend to the Holy
ymwn@ `iketeucwmen covi`a or;i
Tote peje Iycouc `nnefma;ytyc@ Then Jesus said to His ِإ ْن:ِِحينَئِ ٍذ قَا َل يَسُوعُ ِلتَالَ ِمي ِذه
disciples, “If anyone desires ْأ َ َرادَ أ َ َحد ٌ أ َ ْن يَأْتِ َي َو َرائِي فَ ْلي ُْنكِر
je vy `e;ouws emosi ncwi to come after Me, let him .ص ِليبَهُ َويَتْبَ ْعنِي َ سهُ َويَ ْح ِم ْل َ نَ ْف
deny himself, and take up
marefjolf `ebol ouoh marefwli
his cross, and follow Me.
`mpef`ctauroc `ntefmosi `ncwi.
Ou gar `ete pirwmi najemhyou For what profit is it to a سا ُن لَوْ َر ِب َح َ اإل ْن
ِ ألَنَّهُ َماذَا يَ ْنت َ ِف ُع
man if he gains the whole سهُ؟ أَوْ َماذَا َ ْال َعا َل َم ُكلَّهُ َو َخس َِر نَ ْف
`mmof afsanjemhyou `mpikocmoc world, and loses his own س ِه؟ ِ سا ُن فِدَا ًء ع َْن نَ ْف َ اإل ْن
ِ يُع ِْطي
soul? Or what will a man
tyrf tef'u,y de `ntef]`oci `mmoc
give in exchange for his
` sebiw soul?
`mmon ou pete pirwmi natyif `nt
Psyri gar `m`vrwmi efnyou qen For the Son of Man will ف يَأْتِي فِي َ ْسوَ ان ِ سَ اإل ْن
ِ َفَ ِإ َّن ابْن
come in the glory of His َم ْج ِد أ َ ِبي ِه َم َع َمالَئِ َكتِ ِه َو ِحينَئِ ٍذ
`p`wou `nte Pefiwt nem nef`aggeloc Father with His angels, and .ع َم ِل ِه
َ ب َ اح ٍد َح
َ س ِ يُ َج ِازي ُك َّل َو
then He will reward each
tote `fna] `mpiouai piouai kata
according to his works.
Amyn ]jw `mmoc nwten je ouon Assuredly, I say to you, ق أَقُو ُل َل ُك ْم ِإ َّن ِمنَ ْال ِق َي ِام َه ُه َنا َّ ا َ ْل َح
there are some standing ْ ُ ُ
قَوْ ما ً الَ يَذوقونَ ال َموْ تَ َحتَّى يَ َروُ ا
hanouon qen ny `etohi `eratou `mpaima here who shall not taste .ان آتِيا ً فِي َملَ ُكوتِ ِه ِ س َ اإل ْن
ِ َابْن
death till they see the Son
`ncenajem]pi `m`vmou an satounau of Man coming in His
`ePsyri `mVrwmi efnhou qen `p`wou kingdom.”
`nte pefiwt.
<ouab `,ouab `,ouab P[oic Holy, Holy, Holy, is the رب، قدوس، قدوس،قدوس
Lord of Hosts. Heaven and السماء واألرض.الصباؤوت
`mpicabaw;@ `tve nem `pkahi meh earth are full of Your glory .مملوءتان من مجدك وكرامتك
and honor.
`ebolqen pek`wou nem pektai`o.
Ele`ycon `ymac `o :eoc `o Patyr `o O God, the Father, the .ارحمنا يا هللا اآلب ضابط الكل
Pantocrator, have mercy on .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
Pantokratwr@ pan`agia `triac us. O Holy Trinity, have
mercy on us.
`ele`ycon `ymac.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom swpi O Lord, God of hosts, ،أيها الرب إله القوات كن معنا
be with us. For we have no ألنه ليس لنا معين في شدائدنا
neman je `mmon `ntan `nouboy;oc qen helper in our hardships and .وضيقاتنا سواك
tribulations but You.
nen `;li'ic nem `nhojhej `ebyl `erok.
Bwl `ebol ,w `ebol `aricun,wrin Loose, remit, and حل واغفر واصفح لنا يا هللا عن
forgive us, O God, our التي صنعناها بإرادتنا،سيئاتنا
nan Vnou] `nnenparaptwma@ transgressions which we ،والتي صنعناها بغير إرادتنا
have committed willingly
ny`etanaitou qen penouws nem
and which we have
ny`etanaitou qen penouws an. committed unwillingly,
Ny`etanaitou qen ou`emi@ nem and those which we التي فعلناها بمعرفة والتي فعلناها
have committed knowingly . الخفية والظاهرة،بغير معرفة
ny`etanaitou qen oumetat`emi@ and those which we have
committed unknowingly,
nyethyp nem nye;ouwnh `ebol.
the hidden and manifest,
P[oic ek`e,au nan `ebol@ e;be O Lord forgive us, for من أجل اسمك،يا رب اغفرها لنا
the sake of Your Holy name .القدوس الذي دعي علينا
pekran e;ouab `etaumou] `mmof `e`hryi which is called upon us. Let .كرحمتك يا رب وليس كخطايانا
it be according to Your
`ejwn@ kata to `eleoc cou Kuri`e@ ke
mercy, O Lord, and not
my kata tac `amartiac `ymwn. according to our sins.
Ariten `nm
` `psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray واجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: Our Father... ... أبانا:بشكر
ouse`phmot@ Je peniwt...
The Sixth Hour
الساعة السادسة
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
The Prayer of the sixth تسبحة الساعة السادسة من
Tote `fnajoc `nje piref`slyl@ hour of the blessed day, we أقدمها للمسيح،النهار المبارك
offer to Christ our King and وأرجوه أن يغفر لي،ملكي وإلهى
Pihumnoc `nte ]ajp ^ `mpi`ehoou
our God, beseeching Him to .خطاياي
forgive us our sins.
et`cmarwout ]natyif `mPi`,rictoc من مزامير ابينا داود النبي
From the Psalms of our
paouro ouoh panou] ]naerhelpic father David the prophet . آمين.بركاته على جميعنا
and the king, may his
`erof `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.
blessings be upon us all.
Psalm 53 (54)
المزمور الثالث والخمسون
Vnou] nahmet qen pekran@ ouoh Save me, O God, by وبقوتك،اللهم باسمك خلصني
Your name, and judge me .احكم لي
mahap `eroi qen tekjom. by Your power.
Vnou] cwtem `eta`proc eu,y@ O God, hear my prayer; وأنصت إلى،استمع يا هللا صالتي
hearken to the words of my .كالم فمي
[i`cmy `enicaji `nte rwi. mouth.
Je hansemmwou autwounou For strangers have risen ،فإن الغرباء قد قاموا علي
up against me, and mighty لم يجعلوا.واألقوياء طلبوا نفسي
`e`hryi `ejwi@ ouoh hanjwri aukw] `nca men have sought my soul: .هللا أمامهم
they have not set God
ta'u,y@ `mpouersorp `n,a Vnou]
before them.
`mpou`m;o `ebol.
Hyppe ic Vnou] aferboy;in `eroi@ For behold, God helped والرب ناصر،هوذا هللا عوني
me; and the Lord is the نفسي
P[oic pe `vrefswp `erof `nta'u,y. protector of my soul.
Ef`etac;o `nnipethwou `enajaji@ He shall return the evil بحقك،يرد الشرور على أعدائي
things to my enemies; .استأصلهم
ouoh `nq
` ryi qen tekme;myi fotou utterly wipe them out by
Your truth.
Qen paouws ]naswt nak@ I will willingly sacrifice وأعترف السمك،فأذبح لك طائعا
to You: I will confess Your .يا رب فإنه صالح
]naouwnh `mpekran `ebol P[oic je name, O Lord; for it is
ouaga;oc pe. good.
Je aknahmet `ebolqen hojhej For You have delivered ،ألنك من جميع الشدائد نجيتني
me out of every affliction, . هلليلويا.وبأعدائي نظرت عيناي
niben ouoh pabal afnau qen najaji. and my eye has looked
down upon my enemies.
Psalm 56 (57)
المزمور السادس والخمسون
Nai nyi Vnou] ouoh nai nyi@ je Have mercy upon me, O فإنه،ارحمني يا هللا ارحمني
God, have mercy upon me: ْ
.توكلت نفسي عليك
ac,a`h;yc `erok `nje ta'u,y. for my soul has trusted in
}naerhelpic qa `tqyibi `nte And in the shadow of إلى أن،وبظل جناحيك أعتصم
Your wings I will hope, .يعبر اإلثم
nektenh sa teccini` je ]`anomi`a. until the iniquity passes
}naws oube Vnou] et[oci@ I will cry to God Most اإلله،أصرخ إلى هللا العلي
High; God who has .المحسن إلى
Vnou] vy`etarpe;nanef nyi. benefitted me.
Afouwrp `ebolqen `tve ouoh He sent from heaven ،أرسل من السماء فخلصني
and saved me; He gave over .وجعل العار على الذين يطأونني
afnahmet@ ouoh nyethwmi `ejwi to reproach those who
trampled on me.
aftyitou eusws.
Aftaouo `nje Vnou] `mpefnai God has sent forth His وخلص،أرسل هللا رحمته وحقه
mercy and His truth; and He نفسي من بين األشبال إذ نمت
nem tefme;myi afnohem `nta'u,y has delivered my soul from .مضطربا
the midst of young lions: I
`ebolqen `;my] `nhanmac `mmou`i
laid down to sleep, while
aienkot ei`ster;wr. troubled.
Nisyri `nte nirwmi nounakhi As for the sons of men, ،أسنان أبناء البشر سالح وسهام
their teeth are weapons and .ولسانهم سيف مرهف
hanholpon nem hanco;nef ne@ ouoh arrows, and their tongue a
sharp sword.
poulac oucyfi echiou`i te.
{ici `ejen nivyou`i Vnou]@ ouoh Be You exalted, O God, ،اللهم ارتفع على السموات
above the heavens; and وليرتفع مجدك على سائر
pek`wou hijen `pkahi tyrf. Your glory above all the .األرض
Aucob] `nhanvas `nna[alauj They have prepared نصبوا لرجلي فخاخا وأحنوا
snares for my feet, and have .نفسي
ouoh aukwlj `nta'u,y. bowed down my soul.
Auswk `nousik `mpa`m;o `ebol they have dug a pit before حفروا قدام وجهي حفرة فسقطوا
me, and fallen into it. My مستعد، مستعد قلبي يا هللا.فيها
ouoh auhei `erof@ Fcebtwt `nje pahyt heart, O God, is ready, my . أسبح وأرتل في تمجيدي،قلبي
heart is ready: I will sing,
Vnou]@ `fcwbtwt `nje pahyt@
and chant in my glory.
]nahwc `ntaer'alin qen pa`wou.
Twnk pa`wou@ twnk pi'altyrion Arise, my glory; arise, استيقظ أيها،استيقظ يا مجدي
psaltery and harp: I will rise أنا أستيقظ.المزمار والقيثارة
nem ]ku;ara@ ]natwnt `nhanatoou`i. early. .مبكرا
}naouwnh nak `ebol P[oic qen O Lord, I will confess ،أعترف لك في الشعوب يا رب
You among the peoples: I .وأرتل لك في األمم
hanlaoc ouoh ]naer'alin `erok qen will sing to You among the
Je afernis] `nje peknai sa For Your mercy has ألن رحمتك قد عظمت إلى
been magnified up to the . وإلى السحاب عدلك،السموات
`e`hryi enivyou`i@ ouoh tekme;myi sa heavens, and Your truth up
to the clouds.
`e`hryi eni[ypi.
{ici `ejen nivyou`i Vnou] ouoh Be You exalted, O God, ،اللهم ارتفع على السموات
above the heavens; and وليرتفع مجدك على سائر
pek`wou hijen `pkahi tyrf. Your glory above all the . هلليلويا.األرض
earth. Alleluia.
Psalm 60
المزمور الستون
Cwtem Vnou] epatwbh@ ma`h;yk Hear, O God, my وأصغ إلى،استمع يا هللا طلبتي
petition; attend to my .صالتي
`eta`proceu,y. prayer.
Ebolqen auryjf `m`pkahi `etaiws From the ends of the ،من أقاصي األرض صرخت إليك
earth I have cried to You, على الصخرة.عندما ضجر قلبي
`e`pswi harook `etafer`mkah `nje when my heart was in .رفعتني
trouble: You elevated me
pahyt@ ak[act hijen oupetra.
up on a rock.
Ak[imwit nyi akswpi nyi You guided me: You ،وأرشدتني وصرتَ رجائي
became a hope, a tower of .وبرجا حصينا في وجه العدو
`nouhelpic nem oupurgoc `nte oujom power from the face of an
`ebolha `pho `noujaji. enemy.
Ei`eswpi qen pekmanswpi sa I shall dwell in Your ،فأسكن في مسكنك إلى الدهر
dwelling place forever; I .وأستظل بستر جناحيك
`eneh@ ei`e[iqyibi qa `t`ckepy `nte shall be sheltered under the
shadow of Your wings.
N;ok Vnou] akcwtem `enaeu,y@ For You, O God, have ،ألنك أنت يا هللا استمعت صلواتي
heard my prayers; You have .أعطيت ميراثا لخائفي اسمك
ak] `nou`klyronomi`a `nnyeterho] given an inheritance to
those who fear Your name.
qa`thy `mpekran.
Han`ehoou `ejen han`ehoou `nte Days upon days of the ،تزيد الملك أياما على أيامه
king, You shall lengthen his إلى جيل.وسنينَ على سنيه
piouro ek`eou`ahou `ejen nefrompi sa years to all generations. .فجيل
han`ehoou `ngenea nem genea.
Ouoh `fnaswpi sa `eneh `mpe`m;o He shall endure forever رحمتك.ويدوم إلى األبد قدام هللا
before God. As for His .وحقك يحفظانه
`mVnou]@ pefnai nem tefme;myi nim mercy and truth, who will
be able to seek them out?
e;na`skw] `ncwou.
Pairy] ]naer'alin `epekran sa So I will sing to Your هكذا أرتل السمك إلى دهر
name forever and ever, that . ألفي نذوري يوما فيوما،الدهور
`eneh `nte pi`eneh@ `ep`jinta] `nnaeu,y I may perform my vows day .هلليلويا
by day. Alleluia.
`nou`ehoou `ebolqen ouehoou.
Psalm 62
المزمور الثاني والستون
Vnou] panou] ainasorpt harok O God, my God, I will عطشت، إليك أبكر،يا هللا إلهي
rise up early unto You; for .إليك نفسي
je ac`ibi `nqytk `nje ta'u,y. my soul has thirsted for
E;recviri nak `ebol `nje tacarx To make my flesh في أرض،يشتاق إليك جسدي
blossom for You, in a مقفرة وموضع غير مسلوك
qen oukahi `nsafe nem ouma `na;mosi barren land and a trackless .ومكان بال ماء
and dry place.
hiwtf nem ouma `na;mwou.
Pairy] aiouonht `erok qen So I have appeared ألرى،هكذا ظهرت لك في القدس
before You in the Holy, to .قوتك ومجدك
pe;ouab `enau `etekjom nem pek`wou. see Your power and Your
Je peknai cwtp `ehote For Your mercy is ،ألن رحمتك أفضل من الحياة
chosen more than life: my .شفتاي تسبحانك
hanjinwnq@ na`cvotou eu`ecmou `erok. lips shall praise You.
Pairy] ]na`cmou `erok qen So I will bless You وباسمك،لذلك أباركك في حياتي
during my life: I will lift up .أرفع يدي
pawnq@ ]nafai `nnajij `e`pswi qen my hands in Your name.
M`vry] `nouwt nem oukeni ec`eci My soul shall be filled .فتشبع نفسي كما من شحم ودسم
as with marrow and fatness; .بشفاه االبتهاج نبارك اسمك
`nje ta'u,y@ han`cvotou `nte `p;elyl and lips of joy shall praise
Your name.
eu`ecmou `epekran.
Naimeu`i erok pe hijen pa`vrys@ I have remembered You وفى،كنت أذكرك على فراشي
on my bed: in the time of .أوقات األسحار كنت أرتل لك
nesaiermeletan `erok pe `nninau `nte early morning I have
usually meditated on You.
Je akswpi nyi `noubo`y;oc@ ouoh For You have become وبظل،ألنك صرت لي عونا
unto me a helper, and under .جناحيك أبتهج
ei`e;elyl `mmoi qa `tqyibi `nte the shadow of Your wings I
shall rejoice.
Acjwl ` nje ta'u,y camenhyk My soul has kept very ويمينك،التحقت نفسي وراءك
close behind You: Your .عضدتني
`anok de acsopt `eroc `nje tekou`inam. right hand has upheld me.
N;wou de aukw] `nce ta'u,y But they vainly sought ،أما الذين طلبوا نفسي للهالك
after my soul; they shall go .فيدخلون في أسافل األرض
qen oumetevlyou eu`esenwou `eqoun into the lowest parts of the ،ويدفعون إلى يد السيف
earth. They shall be .ويكونون أنصبة للثعالب
`nnyetcapecyt `mpikahi@ eu`etytou
delivered up to the hand of
`e`qryi `e`tjij `n`tcyfi@ eu`eswpi `nhantoi the sword; they shall be
portions for foxes.
`nte hanbasor.
Piouro de ev`eounov `mmof `ejen But the king shall ويفتخر كل،أما الملك فيفرح باهلل
rejoice in God; everyone ألن أفواه المتكلمين.من يحلف به
Vnou]@ eu`esousou `nje ouon niben who swears by him shall be . هلليلويا.بالظلم تسد
proud; for the mouths of
etwrk `nqytf@ je eu`e;wm `nje rwou
those who speak unjust
`nnyetcaji `nahnmet [i`njonc. things shall be shut.
Psalm 66
المزمور السادس والستون
Vnou] ef`esenhyt qaron ouoh God shall pity us, and ،ليتراءف هللا علينا ويباركنا
bless us; and reveal His face .وليظهر وجه علينا ويرحمنا
ef`e`cmou `eron@ ouoh ef`eouwnh upon us and have mercy on
`mpefho `e`hryi `ejwn ouoh ef`enai nan.
E`pjincouen pekmwit hijen `pkahi@ That Your way may be وفى،لتعرف في األرض طريقك
known on the earth, Your .جميع األمم خالصك
nem pekoujai qen nie;noc tyrou. salvation among all nations.
Marououwnh nak `ebol `nje Let the peoples, O God, ،فلتعترف لك الشعوب يا هللا
give praise to You; let all .فلتعترف لك الشعوب كلها
hanlaoc Vnou]@ marououwnh nak the peoples give praise to
`ebol `nje nilaoc tyrou.
Marouounof `ntou;elyl `nje Let the nations rejoice ألنك تحكم،لتفرح األمم وتبتهج
and exult, for You will وتهدى،في الشعوب باالستقامة
hane;noc je `,na]hap `ehanlaoc qen judge peoples in equity, and .األمم في األرض
guide nations on the earth.
oucwouten@ ouoh `,na[imwit
Marououwnh nak `ebol `nje Let the peoples, O God, ،فلتعترف لك الشعوب يا هللا
give praise to You; let all .فلتعترف لك الشعوب جميعا
hanlaoc Vnou]@ marououwnh nak the peoples give praise to .األرض أعطت ثمرتها
You. The earth has yielded
`ebol `nje nilaoc tyrou@ af]
its fruit.
`mpefoutah `nje `pkahi.
Ef`ecmou eron `nje Vnou] God, our God, shall ، ليباركنا هللا.فليباركنا هللا إلهنا
bless us; and all the ends of .فلتخشه جميع أقطار األرض
Pennou]@ ef`ecmou `eron `nje Vnou]@ the earth shall fear Him. .هلليلويا
marouerho] qatefhy `nje neat
Psalm 69 (70)
المزمور التاسع والستون
Maroukotou `evahou ouoh Let them be turned وليرتدَّ إلى خلف ويخجل الذين
backward and put to shame, .يبتغون لي الشر
`ntou[isipi `nje nye;ouws those who wish to do evil
unto me.
`eerpethwou nyi.
Maroukotou catotou eu`svit `nje Let those who say to وليرجع بالخزي سريعا القائلون
me, “Aha, aha,” be turned . نِ ِعمَّا نِ ِعمَّا:لي
nyetjw `mmoc je kalwc kalwc. back in shame immediately.
Marou;elyl `ntouounof `e`hryi Let all who seek You وليبتهج ويفرح بك جميع الذين
exult and be glad in You: وليقل في كل حين،يلتمسونك
`ejwk `nje ouon niben etkw] `ncwk@ and let those who love Your . فليتعظم الرب:محبو خالصك
salvation say continually,
ouoh maroujoc `ncyou niben je
“Let the Lord be
marefernis] `nje P[oic `nje nye;mei magnified.”
Anok ouhyki de ouoh `njwb But I am poor and اللهم،وأما أنا فمسكين وفقير
weak; O God, help me: You أنت معيني ومخلصي يا.أعنى
Vnou] ariboy;in `eroi@ `n;ok pe are my Helper and Savior, . هلليلويا.رب فال تبطئ
O Lord, do not delay.
pabo`y;oc nem parefnahmet@ P[oic
`mperwck. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 83 (84)
المزمور الثالث والثمانون
Apahyt nem tacarx au;elyl My heart and my flesh قلبي وجسمي قد ابتهجا باإلله
have exulted in the living .الحي
`ejen Vnou] `etonq. God.
Ke gar ou[aj afjimi `nouyi naf@ For, the sparrow has ،ألن العصفور وجد له بيتا
found for himself a home, .واليمامة عشا لتضع فيه أفراخها
ouoh ou[rom`psal `noumoh nac e;rec and the turtledove for
herself a nest, where she
,a necmac.
may lay her young.
Nekmanerswousi P[oic Vnou] Your altars, O Lord, ملكي،مذاب َحك يا رب إله القوات
God of hosts, my King, and .وإلهي
`nte nijom@ paouro ouoh panou]. my God.
Wounitatou `nouon niben etsop Blessed are all who ،طوبى لكل الساكنين في بيتك
dwell in Your house: they .يباركونك إلى األبد
qen pekyi@ eu`ecmou `erok sa `eneh `nte will praise You forever and
Wouniatf `mpirwmi `ete pef]totf Blessed is the man طوبى للرجل الذي نصرته من
whose help is from You, O رتب مصاعد في،عندك يا رب
ou `ebolhitotk pe P[oic@ afcemni Lord; he sets paths upward في المكان، في وادي البكاء.قلبه
in his heart in the valley of .الذي قرره
`nhanma`mmosi `e`pswi qen pefhyt@
weeping, in the place which
qen ]qellot `nte `vrimi@ qen pima he has appointed.
Ke gar `fna] `nhan`cmou `nje For there the Law‑Giver ألن البركات يعطيها واضع
will grant blessings. They يسيرون من قوة إلى.الناموس
pinome;ytyc@ eu`emosi `ebolqen shall go from strength to يتجلى إله اآللهة في،قوة
strength: the God of gods . َصهيون
oujom eujom@ ef`eouonhf qen Ciwn
shall be revealed in Zion.
`nje Vnou] `nte ninou].
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom cwtem O Lord, God of hosts, أيها الرب إله القوات استمع
hear my prayer: hearken, O . أنصت يا إله يعقوب،لصالتي
etap`roceu,y@ [i`cmy Vnou] `nIakwb. God of Jacob.
Anau Vnou] penref] `ebol Behold, O God our واطلع،وانظر أيها اإلله ناصرنا
defender, and look upon the .إلى وجه مسيحك
hijwn@ ouoh joust `ejen `pho `nte face of Your anointed.
Je nan ou`ehoou qen nekaulyou For one day in Your ألن يوما صالحا في ديارك خير
courts is better than .من آالف
`ehote han anso. thousands.
Aicwtp nyi `erojpt qen `pyi I chose to throw myself أطرح على باب
َ اخترت لنفسي أن
down in the house of God, أفضل من أن أسكن في،بيت هللا
`mVnou]@ mallon `ehote `eswpi qen more than to dwell in the .مظال الخطاة
tents of the sinners.
ni`ckyny `nte nirefernobi.
Je ounai nem oume;myi `fmei For the Lord God loves ألن الرب اإلله يحب الرحمة
mercy and truth; He shall . ويعطى مجدا ونعمة،والحق
`mwwou `nje P[oic Vnou]@ ou`wou nem give grace and glory.
Fnatyitou `nnye;mosi qen The Lord shall not الرب ال يمنع الخيرات عن
withhold good things from يا رب إله.السالكين بالدعة
oumetatkaki`a@ `nnef`;rou erqa`e those who walk in طوبى لإلنسان المتكل،القوات
innocence. O Lord God of . هلليلويا.عليك
`nni`aga;on `nje P[oic@ P[oic Vnou]
hosts, blessed is the man
`nte nijom `wouniatf `npirwmi who hopes in You. Alleluia.
Psalm 84 (85)
المزمور الرابع والثمانون
P[oic ak]ma] `ejen pekkhai@ O Lord, You have taken َ رددت،رضيتَ يا رب عن أرضك
pleasure in Your land: You .سبى يعقوب
aktac;o `n]e,malwcia `nte Iakwb. have turned back the
captivity of Jacob.
Au,w `nnianmoi`a `nte peklaoc You have forgiven the سترتَ جميع،غفرتَ آثام شعبك
transgressions of Your .خطاياهم
nwou `ebol@ akhwbc `ebol `ejen people: You have covered
all their sins.
nounobi tyrou.
Akbwl `mpekjwnt tyrf `ebol@ You have dissolved all رجعتَ عن،حللتَ كل رجزك
Your wrath: You have .سخط غضبك
aktac;o `ebolha `pjwnt `nte turned from the wrath of
Your anger.
Matac;on Vnou] `nte penoujai Turn us, O God of our واصرف،ردَّنا يا إله خالصنا
salvation, and turn Your .غضبك عنا
matac;o `mpek`mbon `ebolharon. anger away from us.
My `,najwnt `eron sa `eneh@ ie Would You be angry أو،هل إلى األبد تغضب علينا
with us forever? Or will تواصل رجزك من جيل إلى جيل؟
`,nacouten pekjwnt icjen jwou sa You extend Your wrath
from generation to
N;ok Vnou] ek`ekotk ek`etanqon@ O God, You shall turn وشعبك،أنت يا هللا تعود فتحيينا
back and revive us; and .يفرح بك
ouoh peklaoc ef`eounof `e`hryi` ejwk. Your people shall rejoice in
Matamoi P[oic `epeknai@ ouoh Show us Your mercy, O وأعطنا،أرنا يا رب رحمتك
Lord, and grant us Your .خالصك
pekoujai myif nan. salvation.
}nacwtem je ou pete P[oic I will hear what the ،إني أسمع ما يتكلم به الرب اإلله
Lord God will speak in me: ألنه يتكلم بالسالم لشعبه
Vnou] nacaji `mmof `nqyt. Je for He shall speak peace to وللذين رجعوا إليه،ولقديسيه
His people, and to His .بكل قلوبهم
ef`ecaji `nouhiryny `ejen peflaoc nem
saints, and to those who
`ejen nye;ouab `ntaf@ nem turned back to Him with all
their heart.
nyetaukotou harof qen pouhyt
Plyn pefoujai qen `eouon niben Surely His salvation is ألن خالصه قريب من جميع
near to all who fear Him; to . ليسكن المجد في أرضنا،خائفيه
eterho] qatefhy@ e;refswpi `nje make glory dwell in our
ou`wou qen penkahi.
Ounai nem oume;myi au`i `ebol Mercy and truth have البر،الرحمة والحق تالقيا
met together: righteousness .والسالم تالثما
`e`hren nou`eryou@ oudikeocuny nem and peace have greeted
each other.
ouhiryny auseptotou `nnou`eryou.
}me;myi acsai `ebolqen `pkahi@ Truth has sprung out of والبر،الحق من األرض أشرق
the earth; and righteousness .من السماء تطلع
]dikeocuny acjoust `ebolqen `tve. has looked down from
Ke gar P[oic ef`e] For the Lord shall give ،ألن الرب يعطى الخيرات
goodness; and our land .وأرضنا تعطى ثمرها
`noumet`,rictoc@ ouoh penkahi ef`e] shall yield its fruit.
Oume;myi ec`eersorp `mmosi Righteousness shall go البر أمامه يسلك ويطأ في طريق
first before Him; and shall . هلليلويا.خطواته
`mpef`m;o@ ouoh `ef`e,w `nneftatci hi set His steps in the way.
pimwit `eqoun. Allyloui`a. Alleluia.
Psalm 85 (86)
المزمور الخامس والثمانون
Rek pekmasj P[oic cwtem `eroi@ Incline Your ear, O ألني،أمل يا رب أذنك واستمعني
Lord, and hear me; for I am .مسكين وبائس أنا
je `anok ouhyki ouoh `njwb `anok. poor and weak.
Areh `eta'u,y je ]toubyout@ Preserve my soul, for I يا إلهي،احفظ نفسي ألني بار
am pure; save Your servant, .خلص عبدك المتكل عليك
nohem `mpekbwk panou] O my God, who hopes in
vyeterhelpic `erok.
Nai nyi P[oic je aiws `e`pswi Have mercy on me, O ألني إليك أصرخ،ارحمني يا رب
Lord: for to You I will cry .اليوم كله
harok `mpi`ehoou tyrf. the whole day.
Ma `pounof `nt
` 'u,y `mpekbwk@ je Rejoice the soul of Your ألني إليك يا،فرح نفس عبدك
servant: for to You, O Lord, .رب رفعت نفسي
aifai `nta'u,y `e`pswi harok P[oic. I have lifted up my soul.
Je `n;ok ou`,rictoc `n;ok For You, O Lord, are ،ألنك أنت يا رب صالح ووديع
righteous, and gentle; and ورحمتك كثيرة لكافة المستغيثين
ouepikyc@ ouoh nase peknai `nouon plenteous is Your mercy to .بك
all who call upon You.
niben `etws `e`hryi oubyk.
Mmon pet`oni `mmok qen ninou] There is none like You, ،فليس لك شبيه في اآللهة يا رب
O Lord, among the gods; .وال من يصنع كأعمالك
P[oic@ ouoh `mmon pe;na`s`iri kata and there is none that is
able to do Your works.
Nie;noc tyru etak;ami`wou@ eu`e`i All nations whom You كل األمم الذين خلقتهم يأتون
have made shall come, and ،ويسجدون أمامك يا رب
eu`eouwst `mpek`m;o `ebol P[oic@ ouoh shall worship before You, O .ويمجدون اسمك
Lord; and shall glorify Your
eu`e]`wou `mpekran.
Je `n;ok ounis] ouoh ef`iri For You are great, and ،ألنك أنت عظيم وصانع العجائب
wondrous: You alone are .أنت وحدك اإلله العظيم
`nhan`svyri@ `n;ok `mmauatk Vnou] the great God.
{imwit nyi P[oic hi pekmwit@ Guide me, O Lord, in اهدني يا رب إلى طريقك فأسلك
Your way, and I shall walk ليفرح قلبي عند خوفه،في حقك
ei`emosi qen tekme;myi@ marefounof in Your truth: let my heart .من اسمك
rejoice, that I may fear
`nje pahyt `eerho] qathy `mpekran.
Your name.
}naouwnh nak `ebol P[oic I will confess You, O أعترف لك أيها الرب إلهي من كل
Lord my God, with all my . وأمجد اسمك إلى األبد،قلبي
panou] qen pahyt tyrf@ ouoh heart; and I will glorify
Your name forever.
`nta]wou `mpekran sa eneh.
Je ounis] pe peknai `e`hryi ejwi@ For Your mercy is great وقد،ألن رحمتك عظيمة على
toward me; and You have .نجيت نفسي من الجحيم السفلي
ouoh aknohem `nta'u,y `ebolqen delivered my soul from the
lowest Hades.
`amen] etcapecyt.
`mpou`m;ok `ebol.
N;ok de P[oic Vnou] `n;ok But You, O Lord God, وأنت أيها الرب اإلله أنت رؤوف
are compassionate and وكثير، أنت طويل الروح.ورحيم
ourefsenhyt ouoh `nnayt@ `n;ok merciful, long‑suffering, .الرحمة وصادق
and abundant in mercy and
ourefwou`nhyt ouoh nase peknai
ouoh `n;
` myi.
Joust `e`qryi ejwi ouoh nai nyi@ Look down upon me, أعط عزة
ِ .انظر إلي وارحمني
and have mercy on me: give . وخلص ابن أمتك،لعبدك
ma `pamahi `mpekbwk@ nohem `m`psyri strength to Your servant,
and save the son of Your
`nte tekbwki.
Ariou`i nemyi `noumyini euaga;on@ Establish with me a sign ليرى ذلك،اصنع معي آية صالحة
for good; and let those who .مبغضي فيخزوا
amrounau `nje nye;moc] `mmoi ouoh hate me see and be
Je `n;ok P[oic akerboy;in `eroi because You, O Lord, ألنك أنت يا رب أعنتني
have helped me, and . هلليلويا.وعزيتني
ouoh ak]nom] nyi. Allyloui`a. comforted me. Alleluia.
Psalm 86 (87)
المزمور السادس والثمانون
]hwdy `nte nisyri `nKore His foundations are in .أساساته في الجبال المقدسة
the holy mountains. The أفضل،يحب الرب أبواب صهيون
Nefcen] qen nitwou e;ouab@ P[oic Lord loves the gates of .من جميع مساكن يعقوب
Zion, more than all the
mei `nnipuly `nte Ciwn ehote
dwellings of Jacob.
nimanswpi tyrou `nte Iakwb.
Aucaji e;by]`nhan`hbyou`i Glorious things have أعمال مجيدة قد قيلت عنك يا
been spoken of You, O city .مدينة هللا
eutayout ]baki `nte Vnou]. of God.
Hyppeic niallovuloc nem Turoc Behold the foreigners, هوذا القبائل الغريبة وصور
and Tyre, and the people of هؤالء كانوا،وشعب الحبشة
nem pilaoc `nte E;aus@ nai auswpi Ethiopia: these were there. .هناك
Ciwn ]mau najc je ourwmi@ nem “My mother Zion,” a صهيون األم تقول إن إنسانا
man will say; and a man وهو العلي،وإنسانا ولد فيها
ourwmi afwpi `nqytc@ ouoh `n;of was living in her: and the .الذي أسسها إلى األبد
Most High Himself has
pet[oci afhicen] `mmoc sa eneh.
founded her forever.
P[oic ef`ecaji qen han`gravy `nte The Lord shall tell it in الرب يحدث في كتب الشعوب
the writings of peoples and أولئك الذين ولدوا،والرؤساء
hanlaoc@ nem hanar,wn@ nai princes, these who were in ألن سكنى الفرحين جميعهم.فيها
her. The dwelling of all . هلليلويا.فيك
etauswpi `nqytc. Icje ere `vmanswpi
who rejoice is within you.
`nte nyetounof tyrou `nqy]. Alleluia.
Psalm 90 (91)
المزمور التسعون
Petsop qen ]boy;ia `nte pet[oci@ He who dwells in the يستريح،الساكن في عون ال َعلي
help of the Most High, shall .في ظل إله السماء
ef`e`mton `mmof qa `tqyibi `mVnou] rest under the shelter of the
God of heaven.
`nte `tve.
Ev`ejoc `mP[oic je `n;ok pe He shall say to the Lord, يقول للرب أنت هو ناصري
“You are my defender and . إلهي فأتكل عليه،وملجأي
parefsopt `erof pamamvwt@ panou] my refuge: my God; I will
hope in Him.”
]nerhelpic `erof.
Je `n;of ef`enahmet `ebolha For He shall deliver you ومن،ألنه ينجيك من فخ الصياد
from the snare of the .كلمة مقلقة
pivas `nte pirefjwrj@ nem `ebolha hunter, and from
troublesome matter.
oucaji `nref`s;orter.
Ef`eerqyibi `ejwk qen `;my] He shall overshadow وتحت،في وسط منكبيه يظللك
you in the midst of His .جناحيه تعتصم
`nnefmo]@ ouoh ek`eerhelpic qa shoulders, and you shall
hope under His wings
Ec`ekw] `erok `nje tefme;myi His truth shall فال.عدله يحيط بك كالسالح
encompass you as a shield. وال من،تخشى من خوف الليل
`m`vry] `nouholpon@ `nnekerho] You shall not be afraid of .سهم يطير في النهار
the terror of the night; nor
`ebolha ouho] `nte piejwrh@ `ebolha
of an arrow flying in the
ouc;nef efhalai qen pi`ehoou. day;
Ebolha ouhwb efmosi qen `p,aki@ nor of a matter walking وال،وال من أمر يسلك في الظلمة
in darkness; nor of calamity .من سقطة وشيطان الظهيرة
`ebolha ou`htop nem ouiq `nte and demon of noon‑day.
Eu`ehei `ebol catekja[i `nje A thousand shall fall at وعن،يسقط عن يسارك ألوف
your left hand, and ten وأما أنت فال،يمينك ربوات
hananso@ nem han`;ba catekouinam@ thousand at your right hand; .يقتربون إليك
but they shall not be able to
`n;ok de `nnou`sqwnt erok.
come near you.
Plyn ek`e]natk `nnekbal@ ouoh Only with your eyes ومجازاة الخطاة،بل بعينيك تتأمل
shall you observe, and see .تبصر
`n]sebi`w `nte nirefernobi ek`enau the reward of sinners.
Je `n;ok P[oic pe tahelpic@ For You, O Lord, are َ جعلت.ألنك أنت يا رب رجائي
my hope. You have made .العلي ملجأك
ak,w `mpet[oci `mmamvwt nak. the Most High your refuge.
Nne hanpethwou `i `e`hryi `ejwk@ No evil things shall وال تدنو،فال تصيبك الشرور
come upon you, and no .ضربة من مسكنك
ouoh oumactiggoc `nnecqwnt plague shall draw near to
your dwelling.
Je afhonhen etoutou For He shall give his ،ألنه يوصى مالئكته بك
angels charge concerning .ليحفظوك في سائر طرقك
`nnefaggeloc e;bytk@ e;rouareh `erok you, to keep you in all your
hi pekmwit tyrou.
Eu`efitk `ejen noujij mypwc They shall bear you up لئال تعثر،وعلى أيديهم يحملونك
on their hands, lest you .بحجر رجلك
`ntek[i[rop `eouwni `nratk. stumble Your foot against a
Ek`ehwmi `ejen ouhof nem You shall tread on the ،تطأ األفعى وملكَ الحيات
serpent and basilisk: and .وتسحق األسد والتنين
oubacilikoc@ ouoh ek`eqomqem You shall trample on the
lion and dragon.
`noumou`i nem oudrakwn.
Ef`etwbh `mmoi ouoh ei`ecwtem He shall beseech Me, معه أنا في.يدعوني فأستجيب له
and I shall hear him: I am . أنقذه وأمجده،الشدة
`erof@ ],y nemaf qen ouhojhej. with him in affliction; and I
shall deliver him, and
glorify him.
Ei`enahmef ouoh ei`e]wu naf@ I shall satisfy him with وأريه،ومن طول األيام أشبعه
length of days, and show . هلليلويا.خالصي
oumetnb`ahi ei`etciof `mmoc@ ouoh him My salvation. Alleluia.
ei`etamf `epaoujai. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 92 (93)
المزمور الثانى والتسعون
A P[oic erouro@ af] `noucai The Lord has reigned; لبس. ولبس الجالل،الرب قد ملك
He has clothed Himself . وتمنطق بها،الرب القوة
hiwtf@ P[oic af] `noujom hiwtf@ with beauty: the Lord has
clothed and girded Himself
ouoh afmorf `mmoc.
with strength.
Ke gar aftajro `n]oikomeny ;ai For He has established .ألنه ثبت المسكونة فلن تتزعزع
the world, which shall not
`ete `nc` nakim an. be moved.
Fcebtwt `nje pek`;ronoc icjenhy@ Your throne is prepared وأنت هو،كرسيك ثابت منذ البدء
from the beginning: You .منذ األزل
ouoh icjen `p`eneh `n;ok pe. are from everlasting.
Autwounou `nje haniarwou The rivers have risen, O رفعت،رفعت األنهار يا رب
Lord; the rivers have .األنهار صوتها
P[oic@ au[ici `ntou`cmy `nje elevated their voices.
Haniarwou eu`e[ici `ntou`cmy@ The rivers shall elevate من صوت،ترفع األنهار صوتها
their voices, from the voices .مياه كثيرة
`ebolha `t`cmy `nte hanmwou euos. of many waters.
Han`svyri ne nirwous `nte `viom@ The billows of the وعجيب،عجيبة هي أهوال البحر
waves of the sea are .هو الرب في األعالي
`foi `ns
` vyri `nje P[oic qen nyet[oci. wonderful: the Lord is
wonderful in the highest.
Nefmetme;reu auswpi euenhot His testimonies are very لبيتك ينبغي،شهاداته صادقة جدا
faithful: holiness is worthy .التقديس يا رب طول األيام
`emasw@ `fersau `mpekyi `nje pitoubo of Your house, O Lord, .هلليلويا
unto length of days.
P[oic sa han`ehoou euouyou.
fire and in the sparks you have kindled-- This you shall واللهيب الذى. فامشو فى ضوء ناركم.النار
have from My hand: You shall lie down in torment. فتنامون فى. قد حل بكم من أجلى.أضرمتموه
Listen to Me, you who follow after righteousness, اسمعوا لى أيها المسرعون وراء العدل
you who seek the Lord: Look to the rock from which you انظروا إلى الصخرة الصلبة.والطالبون الرب
were hewn, and to the hole of the pit from which you وإلى نقرة الجب التى منها.التى منها قطعتم
were dug. Look to Abraham your father, and to Sarah انظروا إلى ابراهيم أبيكم وسارة التى.حفرتم
who bore you; for I called him alone, and blessed him ولدتكم النى دعوته وهو واحد وباركته
and increased him. For the Lord will comfort Zion, He
وأنت أيضا ً ياصهيون فقد.واحببته وأكثرته
will comfort all her waste places; He will make her
wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of عزيتك اآلن وزينت جميع مواضعك المقفرة
the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in it, ويوجد.وسأجعل جميع قفارك كفردوس الرب
Thanksgiving and the voice of melody. فيك الفرح والتهليل واالعتراف وصوت
Listen to Me, My people; and give ear to Me, O My اسمع اسمع يا شعبي وانصتوا إلى أيها
nation: For law will proceed from Me, and I will make فان الشريعة تخرج منى وحكمي نور.الملوك
My justice rest as a light of the peoples. My وعدلي يقترب سريعا ً وخالصى يظهر.لالمم
righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and مثل النور وعلى ذراعى تتوكل االمم واياى
My arms will judge the peoples. The coastlands will wait ارفعوا إلى. وعلى ذراعى تتكل.تنتظر الجزائر
upon Me, and on My arm they will trust. Lift up your
.السماء أعينكم وانظروا إلي االرض من تحت
eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath. For
the heavens will vanish away like smoke, the earth will واالرض.وانظروا كيف أن السماء كالدخان
grow old like a garment, and those who dwell in it will وسكانها يموتون كذلك وأما.تبلى كالثوب
die in like manner. But My salvation will be forever, and .خالصى فيكون إلي االبد وعدلى اليفنى
My righteousness will not be abolished.
Listen to Me, you who know righteousness, You وشعبى الذى.اسمعوا لى ياعارفى الحكم
people in whose heart is My law: Do not fear the .ناموسى فى قلوبهم ال تخشوا تعيير الناس
reproach of men, nor be afraid of their insults. For the وال تغتموا من رذائلهم النهم كالثوب يبلون
moth will eat them up like a garment, and the worm will أما عدلي. وكالرداء يأكلهم العث.فى زمان
eat them like wool; but My righteousness will be forever, . وخالص من جيل إلي جيل.فإلى اآلبد يكون
and My salvation from generation to generation.
Glory be to the Holy Trinity. .مجدا ً الثالوث االقدس
"almoc (==r=k=;) =r=l@ =a> (=r=m=a) =r=m=b @ =z Psalm (129):1 – (141) – 1 :121 )131( المزمور
142:7 9 :133 )131(
Ebol qen nyetsyk aiws oubyk Out of the depths have I .من األعماق صرخت إليك يارب
cried to You, O Lord. O أخرج من.يارب استمع صوتى
P[oic cwtem `eta`cmy@ `aniou `nta'u,y Lord, hearken to my voice. لكى أشكر اسمك.الحبس نفسى
Bring my soul out of prison, . هلليلويا.يارب
`ebol qen ou`steko@ `e`pjinouwnh `ebol
that I may give thanks to
`mpekran P[oic. Allyloui`a. Your name, O Lord.
Wouniatou `nnihyki mpi`pneuma je Blessed are the poor in ين ِبالرُّ وحِ أل َ َّن لَ ُه ْم
ِ سا ِكَ طوبَى ِل ْل َم
spirit, For theirs is the .ِاواتَ س َمَّ َملَ ُكوتَ ال
;wou te ]metouro `nte nivyou`i. kingdom of heaven.
Wouniatou `nny `eterhybi ]nou je Blessed are those who . َطوبَى ِل ْل َح َزانَى ألَنَّ ُه ْم يَتَعَ َّزوْ ن
mourn, for they shall be
`n;wou petouna]ho `erwou. comforted.
Wouniatou `nniremraus je `n;wou Blessed are the meek, ََاء ألَنَّ ُه ْم يَ ِرثُون
ِ طوبَى ِل ْلوُ دَع ُ
for they shall inherit the .ض َ ْاألَر
pe;near`klyronomin `mpikahi. earth.
Wouniatou `nny ethoker nem ny Blessed are those who اش إِلَى ْالبِ ِر
ِ طوبَى ِل ْل ِجيَاعِ َو ْال ِع َط ُ
hunger and thirst for ْ ُألَنَّ ُه ْم ي
. َشبَعُون
et`obi `n]me;myi je `n;wou pe;naci. righteousness, for they shall
be filled.
Wouniatou `nninayt je `n;wou Blessed are the . َاء ألَنَّ ُه ْم يُرْ َح ُمون ُ
ِ طوبَى لِلرُّ َح َم
merciful, for they shall
petounanai nwou. obtain mercy.
Wouniatou `nny e;ouab qen Blessed are the pure in ِ اء ْال َق ْل
ب ألَنَّ ُه ْم ِ َطوبَى ِلأل َ ْن ِقي
heart, for they shall see َّ َيُعَايِنُون
pouhyt je `n;wou pe;nanau `eVnou]. God.
`nte Vnou].
Wouniatou `nny `etau[oji `ncwou Blessed are those who طوبَى ِل ْل َم ْط ُرو ِدينَ ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل ْال ِب ِر ُ
are persecuted for .تِ اوا َ س َمَّ أل َ َّن لَ ُه ْم َم َل ُكوتَ ال
e;be ]me;myi je ;wou te ]metouro righteousness’ sake, for
theirs is the kingdom of
`nte nivyou`i.
Wouniaten ;ynou `eswp Blessed are you when عي َُّرو ُك ْم َو َط َردُو ُك ْمَ طوبَى لَ ُك ْم إِذَا ُ
they revile and persecute ير ٍة ِم ْنَ ش ِرِ َوقَالُوا َعلَ ْي ُك ْم ُك َّل َك ِل َم ٍة
ausan[oji `nca `;ynou ouoh `nceses you, and say all kinds of . َأ َ ْج ِلي كَا ِذ ِبين
evil against you falsely for
;ynou ouoh `nceje pethwou niben `nca
My sake.
;ynou euje me;nouj `erwten e;byt.
Rasi ouoh ;elyl je petenbe,e Rejoice and be exceedingly ْاف َرحُوا َوت َ َهلَّلُوا أل َ َّن أ َ ْج َر ُك ْم ع َِظي ٌم
glad, for great is your .ت
ِ اوا َ س َمَّ ِفي ال
ounis] pe qen nivyou`i. reward in heaven.
<ouab `,ouab `,ouab P[oic Holy, Holy, Holy, is the رب، قدوس، قدوس،قدوس
Lord of Hosts. Heaven and السماء واألرض.الصباؤوت
`mpicabaw;@ `tve nem `pkahi meh earth are full of Your glory .مملوءتان من مجدك وكرامتك
and honor.
`ebolqen pek`wou nem pektai`o.
Ele`ycon `ymac `o :eoc `o Patyr `o O God, the Father, the .ارحمنا يا هللا اآلب ضابط الكل
Pantocrator, have mercy on .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
Pantokratwr@ pan`agia `triac us. O Holy Trinity, have
mercy on us.
`ele`ycon `ymac.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom swpi O Lord, God of hosts, ،أيها الرب إله القوات كن معنا
be with us. For we have no ألنه ليس لنا معين في شدائدنا
neman je `mmon `ntan `nouboy;oc qen helper in our hardships and .وضيقاتنا سواك
tribulations but You.
nen `;li'ic nem `nhojhej `ebyl `erok.
Bwl `ebol ,w `ebol `aricun,wrin Loose, remit, and حل واغفر واصفح لنا يا هللا عن
forgive us, O God, our التي صنعناها بإرادتنا،سيئاتنا
nan Vnou] `nnenparaptwma@ transgressions which we ،والتي صنعناها بغير إرادتنا
have committed willingly
ny`etanaitou qen penouws nem
and which we have
ny`etanaitou qen penouws an. committed unwillingly,
Ny`etanaitou qen ou`emi@ nem and those which we التي فعلناها بمعرفة والتي فعلناها
have committed knowingly . الخفية والظاهرة،بغير معرفة
ny`etanaitou qen oumetat`emi@ and those which we have
committed unknowingly,
nyethyp nem nye;ouwnh `ebol.
the hidden and manifest,
P[oic ek`e,au nan `ebol@ e;be O Lord forgive us, for من أجل اسمك،يا رب اغفرها لنا
the sake of Your Holy name .القدوس الذي دعي علينا
pekran e;ouab `etaumou] `mmof `e`hryi which is called upon us. Let .كرحمتك يا رب وليس كخطايانا
it be according to Your
`ejwn@ kata to `eleoc cou Kuri`e@ ke
mercy, O Lord, and not
my kata tac `amartiac `ymwn. according to our sins.
Ariten `nm
` `psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray واجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: Our Father... ... أبانا:بشكر
ouse`phmot@ Je peniwt...
Apocalypse (Book of Revelation)
)أبو غلمسيس (سفر الرؤيا
Seven minarets are lit with olive oil, along with seven lights surrounding a cross in its midst
and seven censers. Then the priest raises incense while the people chant the Hymns of
Blessing and Mary the Queen
ويرفع الكاهن البخور ويقولون. وسبع أنوار وصليب في الوسط وسبع مجامر،يوضع سبع قناديل وتنار بزيت طيب
لحن البركة ولحن لحن السالم لمريم الملكة
Ten`ouwst `mViwt `nte pi`ouwini@ We worship the Father ، وإبنه الوحيد،نسجد آلب النور
of light, and His only- الثالوث،والروح المعزي
nem Pefsyri `mmonogenyc@ nem begotten Son, and the .المساوي
Spirit, the Paraclete, the
Pi`pneuma `mparaklyton@ ]Triac
Trinity, one in essence.
Arejem ou`hmot `w taiselet@ You found grace, O ،وجدت نعمة يا هذه العروس
bride. Many spoke of your كثيرون نطقوا بكرامتك ألن كلمة
hanmys aucaji `epetai`o@ je apiLogoc honor, for the Logos of the .منك
ِ اآلب أتي وتجسد
Father, came and was
`nte Viwt@ `i af[icarx `ebol `nqy].
incarnate of you.
Nim `nc` himi ethijen pikahi@ What woman on earth ً أية امرأة علي األرض صارت أما
became Mother of God but ألنك امرأة أرضية،سواك
ِ هلل
acermau `mVnou] `ebyl `ero@ je `n;o you? For while you are a .ت أما َ للباري
ِ صر
ou`chimi `nrem`nkahi@ `areermau woman of the earth, you
became mother of the
`mpirefcwnt. Creator.
A oumys `n`chimi [itai`o@ ausasni Many women received نساء كثيرات نلن كرامات وفُزن
honor and gained the بالملكوت لكن لم يبلغن كرامتك
`e]metouro@ alla `mpou`svoh `epetai`o kingdom, but they did not .أيتها الحسنة في النساء
reach your honor, O you,
;ye;necwc qen nihi`omi.
the beautiful among
N;o gar pe pipurgoc et[oci@ You are the high tower أنت هي البرج العالي الذي وجدوا
in which the treasure was فيه الجوهر أي عمانوئيل الذي
`etaujem pi`anamyi `nqytf@ `ete vai pe found, which is Immanuel, .أتي وحل في بطنك
who came and dwelt in your
Emmanouyl@ `etaf`i afswpi qen
Marentaio `nt
` par;enia@ `n]selet Let us honor the فلنكرم بتولية العروس التي بغير
virginity of the bride; شر النقية الكلية القدس والدة
` tkakia@ ]ka;aroc `mpan`agia@ without vice, pure, all-holy .اإلله مريم
the Theotokos Mary.
];e`otokoc Maria.
Are[ici `ehote `tve@ tetaiyout You are exalted more ت أكثر من السماء وأنت ِ إرتفع
than heaven. You are اكرم من االرض وكل المخلوقات
`ehote `pkahi@ nem cwnt niben `ete honored more than earth .التي فيها ألنك صرت أما ً للخالق
and all creation therein, for
`nqytf@ je areermau `mpirefcwnt.
you became the mother of
the Creator.
N;o gar `aly;wc@ pima `nselet You are truly the pure أنت بالحقيقة الخدر النقي الذي
bridal chamber of Christ the .للمسيح الختن كاألصوات النبوية
`nka;aroc@ `nte Pi`,rictoc pinumvioc@ Bridegroom, according to
the prophetic voices.
kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon.
Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w Intercede on our behalf, إشفعي فينا يا سيدتنا كلنا السيدة
O our Lady, the lady of us مريم والدة اإلله أم يسوع
ten[oic `nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc all, the Theotokos, Mary, . ليغفر لنا خطايانا،المسيح
the mother of Jesus Christ,
Maria@ `;mau `nIycouc Pi`,rictoc @
that He may forgive us our
`ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol. sins.
Hymn of St. John
لحن يوحنا البتول
Ere pi`cmou `nte pi;eologoc The blessing of the بركة الالهوتي اإلنجيلي يوحنا
theologian, the evangelist البتول تأتي وتحل علي هذا
`neuaggelictyc Iwannyc pipar;enoc@ John the Chaste, be upon all قولوا كلكم آمين،الشعب كله
this congregation. Say all of يكون
ef`e`i `e`hryi `ejen pailaoc `ajoc tyrou@
You, Amen so be it.
je amyn ec`eswpi.
Revelation 1
1 رؤيا
1@1 }`apogalum`'ic `nte Iycouc 1:1 The Revelation of الَّذِي،ِع ْال َمسِيح َ إِ ْعالَ ُن يَسُو1:1
Jesus Christ, which God َع ِبيدَهُ َما ال َ ي َ ِلي ُِر،ُأ َ ْع َطاهُ ِإيَّا ُه هللا
Pi`,rictoc ;y `eta Vnou] tyic naf gave Him to show His ُ َوبَيَّنَه،بٍ بُدَّ أ َ ْن يَ ُكونَ ع َْن قَ ِري
`etame nef`ebiaik `eny etce`m`psa
servants--things which must ،سالً بِيَ ِد َمالَ ِك ِه ِلعَ ْب ِد ِه يُو َحنَّا
ِ ْمُر
shortly take place. And He
`ntouswpi `n,wlem ouoh af]myini sent and signified it by His
angel to His servant John,
`erwou `eaftaou`wou `ebol hitotf
1@2 vy etaferme;re `mpicaji `nte 1:2 who bore witness to ِ الَّذِي ش َِهدَ بِ َك ِل َم ِة هللا1:3
the word of God, and to the ع ْال َمسِيحِ بِ ُك ِل َما َ ش َهادَ ِة يَسُو
َ َِوب
Vnou] nem ]metme;re `nte Iycouc testimony of Jesus Christ, to .َرآ ُه
all things that he saw.
Pi`,rictoc `nny etafnau `erwou.
1@3 Wouniatou `nny etws nem ny 1:3 Blessed is he who َطوبَى ِللَّذِي يَ ْق َرأ ُ َو ِل َّل ِذين ُ 1:2
reads and those who hear ُ ُّ ْ
َ َويَ ْحفَظون،س َمعُونَ أق َوا َل النبُوَّ ِة َ ْ َي
etcwtem `enicaji `nte tai`provytia the words of this prophecy, ْ ْ َّ َ
َ ألن ال َوقت،َما ه َو َمكتوبٌ فِي َها ُ ْ ُ
ouoh et`areh `eny et`cqyout hiwtc
and keep those things which . ٌقَ ِريب
are written in it; for the time
picyou gar afqwnt. is near.
1@4 Iwannyc `n]sasf (=z) 1:4 John, to the seven س ْب ِع ْال َكنَا ِئ ِس
َّ ِإلَى ال، يُو َحنَّا1:3
churches which are in Asia: َ نِ ْع َمةٌ لَ ُك ْم َو:سيَّا
سالَ ٌم ِ َ الَّتِي فِي أ
`nekklycia ny et,y qen ]Acia@ Grace to you and peace ِمنَ ْالكَائِ ِن َوالَّذِي كَانَ َو َّالذِي
`p`hmot nwten nem ]hiryny `ebol
from Him who is and who س ْب َع ِة األَرْ َواحِ الَّ ِتيَّ َو ِمنَ ال،َيأ ْ ِتي
was and who is to come,
ِ ْأ َ َما َم عَر
.ش ِه
hitotf `mvy etsop nem vy `enafsop and from the seven Spirits
who are before His throne.
nem pe;nyou nem `ebol hiten pisasf
1@5 Nem `ebol hiten Iycouc 1:5 And from Jesus َّ ع ْال َمسِيحِ ال
شا ِه ِد َ َو ِم ْن يَسُو1:5
Christ, the faithful witness, ،ِ ْالبِ ْك ِر ِمنَ األمْ َوات،ين
َ ِ األ َ ِم
Pi`,rictoc pimarturoc pipictoc the firstborn from the dead, الَّذِي.ض ِ ْوك األَر ِ ُيس ُمل ِ َِو َرئ
pisamici `nte nirefmwout ouoh
and the ruler over the kings سلَنَا ِم ْن َخ َطا َيانَا
َّ غَ َوقَ ْد،أ َ َحبَّنَا
of the earth. To Him who ،ِبد َِم ِه
`pAr,wn `nniourwou tyrou `nte loved us and washed us
from our sins in His own
`pkahi. Vy etafmenriten ouoh blood,
afjokmen `ebol qen nennobi `nq
` ryi
qen Pef`cnof@
1@6 Ouoh af;amion `noumetouro 1:6 and has made us ِ َو َجعَلَنَا ُملُوكا ً َو َك َهنَةً ِ ََّّلل1:2
kings and priests to His God لَهُ ْال َم ْجد ُ َوالس ُّْل َطا ُن إِلَى أَبَ ِد،أَبِي ِه
`mmetouyb `mVnou] Pefiwt@ vy and Father, to Him be glory . َآمين
ِ . َاآلبِ ِدين
and dominion forever and
etevwf pe pi`wou nem pi`amahi sa
ever. Amen.
`eneh `amyn.
1@7 Hyppe `n;of pe;nyou nem 1:7 Behold, He is ،بِ س َحا َّ هُ َوذَا يَأْتِي َم َع ال1:9
coming with clouds, and َ َو َّال ِذين،ع ْي ٍن
َ ظ ُرهُ ُك ُّلُ ست َ ْن َ َو
ni[ypi ouoh eu`enau `erof tyrou `nje every eye will see Him, َ
علي ِه َج ِمي ُع قبَائِ ِلْ َ ُ ُ
َ َويَنوح،َُطعَنوه ُ
bal niben nem ny etau;okcf ouoh
even they who pierced Him. . َآمين ِ نَ َع ْم.ض ِ ْاألَر
And all the tribes of the
eu`enau `erof tyrou `nje nivuly `nte earth will mourn because of
Him. Even so, Amen.
`pkahi `amyn.
1@8 Anok pe piAlva nem 1:8 “I am the Alpha and ُ ْالبَدَايَة،ُ أَنَا هُ َو األَلِفُ َو ْاليَاء1:3
the Omega, the Beginning يَقُو ُل الرَّ بُّ ْالكَائِ ُن،َُوالنِ َهايَة
piWmega@ ]Ar,y nem piJwk `ebol and the End,” says the Lord, ْالقَاد ُِر،َوالَّذِي كَانَ َوالَّذِي يَأْتِي
`fjw `mmoc `nje P[oic Vnou]@ vy
who is and who was and . ٍعلَى ُك ِل ش َْيءَ
who is to come, the
etsop vy `enafsop nem vy e;nyou Almighty.
1@9 Anok pe Iwannyc petencon 1:9 I, John, both your أَنَا يُو َحنَّا أ َ ُخو ُك ْم َوش َِري ُك ُك ْم1:1
brother and companion in ع
َ ت يَسُو ِ الضيقَ ِة َوفِي َملَ ُكو ِ فِي
ouoh peten`svyr qen nihojhej je the tribulation and kingdom ير ِة ْ
َ ت فِي ال َج ِز ْ
ُ ُكن.ِص ْب ِرهَ ْال َمسِيحِ َو
]metouro nem pi`amoni `ntotf auqen
and patience of Jesus س ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل َك ِل َم ِة َ الَّتِي ت ُ ْدعَى بَ ْط ُم
Christ, was on the island ع
َ ش َهادَ ِة يَسُو َ هللاِ َو ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل
that is called Patmos for the
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc aiswpi qen ]nycoc .ِْال َمسِيح
word of God and for the
;y etoumou] `eroc je Pa;mw e;be testimony of Jesus Christ.
picaji `nte Vnou] nem ]metme;re
1@10 Aiswpi qen ou`Pneuma qen 1:10 I was in the Spirit ت فِي الرُّ وحِ فِي يَوْ ِم ُ ُك ْن1:11
on the Lord’s Day, and I ً صوْ تا ُ س ِمع
َ ْت َو َرائِي َ َو،ب ِ َّالر
pi`Ehoou `nte ]kuriaky ouoh aicwtem heard behind me a loud ،ُوق
ٍ تب ِ ْصو ً
َ ع َِظيما َك
voice, as of a trumpet,
`ncamenhyi `eounis] `nc` my `m`vry]
1@11 Je ny eteknaco;mou `cqytou 1:11 saying, “I am the .ُ أَنَا هُ َو األَلِفُ َو ْاليَاء:ً قَائِال1:11
Alpha and the Omega, the ْ َو َّالذِي ت َ َراهُ ا ْكتُب.اآلخ ُر
ِ األَوَّ ُل َو
hi oujwm ouorpou `n]sasf (=z) First and the Last, and, what س ْب ِع َّ س ْل إِلَى الِ ْب َوأَر ٍ فِي ِكتَا
`nekklycia etqen ]Acia `ete Evecoc
you see, write in a book and َ
إِلى:سيَّا ِ ْال َكنَائِ ِس التِي فِي أ
َ َّ
َ أَفَس
send it to the seven َو ِإلَى،س ِميرْ نَا ِ َو ِإلَى،ُس
churches which are in Asia: َ ْبَر
te nem Cmurna nem Pergamwn nem َوإِلَى،يرا َ ِث ِِيَات َ َوإِلَى،س َ غا ُم
to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to ْ
َ َ َ
َوإِلى، َوإِلى فِيالدَل ِفيَا،ِس َ سارْ د َ
:uatyra nem Cardic nem Pergamos, to Thyatira, to
. َالَوُ ِد ِكيَّة
Sardis, to Philadelphia, and
Viladelvia nem Laodikia.
to Laodicea.”
1@12 Ouoh aivonht ainau `e]`cmy 1:12 Then I turned to َظ َر الصَّوْ تُ ت أل َ ْن
ُ َ فَ ْالتَف1:13
see the voice that spoke َ
ُ ت َرأ ْي
ت ْ
ُ َ َولَمَّا التَف.الَّذِي ت َ َكلَّ َم َم ِعي
;y `enaccaji nemyi ouoh etaivonht with me. And having turned ،بٍ س ْب َع َمنَايِ َر ِم ْن ذَ َه
I saw seven golden
ainau `esasf (=z) `nlu,nia `nnoub.
1@13 Ouoh qen `;my] `nnilu,nia 1:13 and in the midst of س ْب ِع ْال َمنَا ِي ِرَّ س ِط ال َ َوفِي َو1:12
the seven lampstands One ب َ ً
ٍ ْسرْ بِال بِثو َ َ ُمت،ان ٍ سَ ش ْبهُ ا ْب ِن إِ ْن
ou`ini `nte ouSyri `nrwmi `eouon like the Son of Man, clothed ع ْندَ ث َ ْد َي ْي ِه ً اق ط
ِ ِ َ ُ َ ِْ
ن م َ ت م و ، ن ْ
ي َ لجْ ِ َِإل
الر ى
oupotyrion toi hiwtf ouoh efmyr
with a garment down to the .بٍ ِب ِم ْن َطقَ ٍة ِم ْن ذَ َه
feet and girded about the
`ejen nefmo] `noumojq `nnoub. chest with a golden band.
1@14 Tef`ave de nem peffwi 1:14 His head and hair َ سهُ َو
شع ُْر ُه ُ ْ َوأَمَّا َرأ1:13
were white like wool, as ض ِ َُّوف األ َ ْبي
ِ َان كَالص ِ فَأ َ ْبيَض
euouobs `m`vry] `noucort `nouobs nem white as snow, and His eyes .ب نَ ٍار َ َو،ِكَالث َّ ْلج
ِ ع ْينَاهُ َك َل ِهي
like a flame of fire.
ou,iwn ouoh nefbal ceoi `m`vry]
`nousah `n,
` rwm.
1@15 Ouoh nef[alauj `m`vry] 1:15 His feet were like اس ِ ش ْبهُ النُّ َح ِ ُ َو ِر ْجالَه1:15
fine brass, as if refined in a َ
ٍ ُ ان فِي أت
.ون ِ َ كَأَنَّ ُه َما َم ْح ِميَّت،ِالنَّ ِقي
`nou,alkolibanoc efvoci qen furnace, and His voice as َ ِت ِميَا ٍه َكث
.ير ٍة ِ ْصو َ صوْ تُهُ َك َ َو
the sound of many waters.
ou`,rwm ouoh tef`cmy `m`vry] `nt
` `cmy
`nhanmys `mmwou.
1@16 Eouon sasf (=z) `nciou qen 1:16 He had in His right ُس ْب َعةَ َو َم َعهُ فِي يَ ِد ِه ْاليُمْ نَى1:12
hand seven stars, out of His اض ذُو َحدَّ ْي ِن ٍ س ْيفٌ َم َ َو،ب َ ك ََوا ِك
tefjij `nou`inam ouoh oucyfi echiou`i mouth went a sharp two- شمْ ِس ُ َ ْ
َّ َو َو ْج ُهه كَال،ج ِمن ف ِم ِه ُ يَ ْخ ُر
`nro `cnau (=b) ecnyou `ebol qen rwf
edged sword, and His .َو ِه َي ت ُ ِضي ُء فِي قُوَّ تِ َها
countenance was like the
ouoh pefho eferou`wini `m`vry] `m`vry sun shining in its strength.
qen tefjom.
1@17 Ouoh hote etainau `erof 1:17 And when I saw َت ِع ْندُ سقَ ْط َ ُ فَلَمَّا َرأ َ ْيتُه1:19
Him, I fell at His feet as ض َع يَدَهُ ْاليُمْ نَى
َ فَ َو،ٍِر ْجلَ ْي ِه َك َميِت
aihitt `epecyt qaratou `nnef[alauj dead. But He laid His right أَنَا هُ َو،ف ْ الَ ت َ َخ:علَ َّي قَا ِئالً ِلي
ouoh aier`m`vry] `nourefmwout ouoh
hand on me, saying to me: ِ األَوَّ ُل َو
.اآلخ ُر
Do not be afraid; I am the
aftale tefjij `nou`inam `ejwi efjw First and the Last.
1@18 Vy etonq ouoh aimou ouoh 1:18 I am He who lives, ُ َو ْال َح ُّي َو ُك ْن1:13
ت َم ْيتا ً َو َها أَنَا
and was dead, and behold, I َو ِلي. َآمين ِ . ََح ٌّي إِلَى أَبَ ِد اآل ِب ِدين
hyppe ]wnq sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh ouoh am alive forevermore. ِ َْمفَاتِي ُح ْال َها ِويَ ِة َو ْال َمو
Amen. And I have the keys
nisost `nte `vmou nau,y `ntot nem
of Hades and of Death.
1@19 Cqai oun `nny eteknanau 1:19 Write the things َو َما هُ َو، َ َفا ْكتُبْ َما َرأ َ ْيت1:11
which you have seen, and َعتِيد ٌ أَ ْن يَ ُكونَ بَ ْعد
َ َو َما هُ َو،كَائِ ٌن
`erwou `n;wou e;naswpi menenca nai. the things which are, and .َهذَا
the things which will take
place after this.
1@20 Pimuctyrion `nte pisasf (=z) 1:20 The mystery of the ب الَّتِي ِ س ْبعَ ِة ْالك ََوا ِك
َّ سِرُّ ال1:31
seven stars which you saw س ْبع ْال َمنَا ِي ِر َ ََرأ َ ْيت
ِ َّ َوال،علَى يَ ِمينِي
`nciou ny etaknau `erwou hi tajij in My right hand, and the س ْبعَةُ ْالك ََواكِبُ ِه َي َّ ال:الذَّ َهبِيَّ ِة
`nou`inam nem ]sasf (=z) `nlu,nia
seven golden lampstands: َو ْال َمنَا ِي ُر،س ْب ِع ْال َكنَا ِئ ِس َّ َمالَ ِئكَةُ ال
The seven stars are the َّ س ْب ُع الَّتِي َرأ َ ْيت َ َها ِه َي ال
س ْب ُع َّ ال
angels of the seven
`nnoub pisasf (=z) `nciou pisasf .ْال َكنَائِ ِس
churches, and the seven
`naggeloc `nte ]sasf `nekklycia lampstands which you saw
are the seven churches.
ouoh ]sasf `nlu,nia etaknau `erwou
Revelation 2
3 رؤيا
2@1 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 2:1 To the angel of the َ ا ُ ْكتُبْ ِإلَى َمالَ ِك َكنِي3:1
س ِة
church of Ephesus write: َهذَا يَقُولُهُ ْالمُمْ س ُِك:ُس َ أَفَس
]ekklycia `nte Evecoc@ je nai ne ny These things says He who ،ب فِي يَ ِمينِ ِه َ س ْبعَةَ ْالك ََوا ِك َّ ال
etefjw `mmwou `nje vy `ete pisasf
holds the seven stars in His س ْب ِع ْال َمنَا ِي ِر َ َ ِ ِ ْال َم
َّ س ِط ال و ي ف ي ش ا
right hand, who walks in .الذَّ َه ِبيَّ ِة
`nciou qen tefjij `nou`inam vy e;mosi the midst of the seven
golden lampstands.
qen `;my] `n]sasf `nlu,nia `nnoub.
2@2 Je ]cwoun `nnek`hbyou`i nem 2:2 I know your works, َ أَنَا ع َِارفٌ أَ ْع َمالَكَ َوتَعَبَك3:3
your labor, your patience, َوأَنَّكَ الَ ت َ ْقد ُِر أ َ ْن ت َ ْحت َ ِم َل، َص ْب َرك َ َو
nekqici nem pek`amoni `ntotk je `mmon and that you cannot bear َوقَ ْد جَرَّ ْبتَ ْالقَا ِئ ِلينَ ِإنَّ ُه ْم،ار َ َ َ األ
ر ْ
`sjom `mmok `efai qa oupethwou.
those who are evil. And you فَ َو َج ْدت َ ُه ْم،ًسال ُ س ٌل َولَ ْيسُوا ُر ُ ُر
have tested those who say . َكَا ِذبِين
Ouoh akerpirazin `nhanouon ny etjw they are apostles and are
not, and have found them
`mmoc `erwou je han`apoctoloc ne liars.
ouoh `ehanouon an ne ouoh aujemou
2@3 Ouoh ouon ou`amoni `ntotk 2:3 And you have ، ٌص ْبرَ َاحت َ َم ْلتَ َو َلك
ْ َوقَ ِد3:2
persevered and have .َوت َ ِع ْبتَ ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل اس ِْمي َولَ ْم ت َ ِك َّل
`mmau ouoh akfai `nnai e;be paran patience, and have labored
for My name’s sake and
ouoh `mpekqici.
have not become weary.
2@4 Alla ouontyi harok je 2:4 Nevertheless I have َعلَيْكَ أَنَّكَ ت َ َر ْكت
َ لَ ِك ْن ِع ْندِي3:3
this against you, that you .َم َحبَّت َكَ األُولَى
]`agapy `nte sorp ak,ac `ncwk. have left your first love.
2:5 Remember therefore ، ْسقَ ْطتَ َوتُب َ َاذ ُكرْ ِم ْن أَيْن ْ َ ف3:5
2@5 Ari`vmeu`i oun je pwc akhei
from where you have fallen; َوإِ َّال فَ ِإنِي،ع َما َل األُولَى ْ َ َوا ْع َم ِل األ
ouoh `arimetanoin `mmon ]nyou nak repent and do the first َ َح َمن
َارت َك ُ ب َوأ ُ َز ْح ِز
ٍ آتِيكَ ع َْن قَ ِري
ouoh `ntakim eteklu,nia `ebol qen
works, or else I will come . ْ ِإ ْن لَ ْم تَتُب،ِم ْن َمكَا ِن َها
to you quickly and remove
pecma eswp ak`stemermetanoin. your lampstand from its
place--unless you repent.
2@6 Alla vai `ete`ntotk@ je 2:6 But this you have, ُ أَنَّكَ ت ُ ْب ِغض: َولَ ِك ْن ِع ْندَكَ َهذَا3:2
that you hate the deeds of ض َهاُ أ َ ْع َما َل النُّقُوالَ ِويِينَ الَّتِي أ ُ ْب ِغ
akmoc] `nni`hbyou`i `nte Nikolaityc ny the Nicolaitans, which I .ً أَنَا أ َ ْيضا
also hate.
hw `e]moc] `mmwou.
2@7 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 2:7 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذُ ٌن فَ ْلي3:9
ُس َمعْ َما يَقُولُه
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِس
ُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches.
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
Vy e;na`[ro ei`e] naf `ntefou`wm To him who overcomes سأ ُ ْع ِطي ِه أ َ ْن يَأْ ُك َل ِم ْن
َ ََم ْن يَ ْغلِبُ ف
I will give to eat from the س ِط َ ش َج َر ِة ْال َح َيا ِة الَّ ِتي ِفي َو َ
`ebol qen pi`ssyn `nte `pwnq vy etqen tree of life, which is in the .ِفِرْ دَوْ ِس هللا
midst of the Paradise of
`;my] `mpiparadicoc `nte panou].
2@8 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 2:8 And to the angel of َ َوا ْكتُبْ ِإلَى َمالَ ِك َكنِي3:3
س ِة
ِ َهذَا يَقُولُهُ األَوَّ ُل َو:س ِميرْ نَا
the church in Smyrna write: ،اآلخ ُر ِ
]ekklycia `nte Cmurna@ je nai ne ny These things says the First .شَ الَّذِي كَانَ َم ْيتا فعَا
َ ً
and the Last, who was dead,
etefjw `mmwou `nje piHouit nem
and came to life.
Piqa`e vy etafmou ouoh afwnq.
`nte `pCatanac te.
2@10 Mperefho] qa`thy `nni`mkauh 2:10 Do not fear any of َف ْالبَتَّةَ ِممَّا أ َ ْنت
ِ الَ ت َ َخ3:11
those things which you are يسُ هُ َوذا إِ ْب ِل.عتِيد ٌ أ َ ْن تَتَأَلَّ َم ِب ِه
َ َ
etekna[itou hyppe ic pidiaboloc about to suffer. Indeed, the ْ ً ْ ْ
ُمز ِم ٌع أن يُل ِق َي بَعْضا ِمن ُك ْم فِي َ ْ
`fnahiou`i `nhanouon `ebol qen ;ynou
devil is about to throw some ُ َويَ ُكونَ لَك ْم،الس ِْج ِن ِلك َْي تُجَرَّ بُوا
of you into prison, that you ُك ْن أ َ ِمينا ً ِإلَى.عش ََرةَ أَي ٍَّام َ ق ٌ ِضي
`epi`steko hina `nceerpirazin `mmwtem may be tested, and you will ْ
.سأ ْع ِطيكَ إِ ْك ِلي َل ال َحيَا ِة ُ َ تفَ ِ ْْال َمو
have tribulation ten days.
ouoh `ncehejhej ;ynou `mmyt (=i) Be faithful until death, and I
will give you the crown of
`ne` hoou swpi ekenhot sa `e`qryi
`e`vmou ouoh ]na] nak `mpi`,lom `nte
2@11 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 2:11 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي3:11
س َمعْ َما
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِسُ يَقُولُهُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem je ou pe `ete says to the churches.
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
2@12 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 2:12 And to the angel of َ َوا ْكتُبْ إِلَى َمالَ ِك ْال َكنِي3:13
س ِة
the church in Pergamos ُ َهذَا يَقُولُه:س َ غا ُمَ ْالَّتِي فِي بَر
]ekklycia `nte Pergamwc@ je nai ne write: These things says He اضي ذُو ِ س ْيفُ ْال َم
َّ الَّ ِذي لَهُ ال
ny etefjw `mmwou `nje vy `ete ]cyfi
who has the sharp two- .ْال َحدَّ ْي ِن
edged sword.
`ntotf ;y ethiou`i `nro`cnau (=b).
2@13 Je ]cwoun je aksop ;wn 2:13 I know your works, َ َوأَيْن، َع َمالَك ْ َ أَنَا ع َِارفٌ أ3:12
and where you dwell, where ،ان ِ ش ْي َط َّ س ُّي ال ِ ْث ُكر ُ س ُك ُن َح ْي ْ َت
pima `ete pi`;ronoc `m`pcatanac ,y Satan’s throne is. And you َْوأَنتَ ُمت َمسِك بِاس ِْمي َول ْم تنكِر
ْ ُ َ ٌ َ ْ
`mmof ouoh ak`amoni `mparan ouoh
hold fast to My name, and ِإي َمانِي َحتَّى فِي األَي َِّام الَّتِي فِي َها
did not deny My faith even كَانَ أ َ ْنتيباس شَهيدِي األَمي ُن الَّذِي
ِ ِ ُ َ ِ
in the days in which ُ.س ُكن ُ َ َّ ث ال ُ قُتِ َل ِع ْندَ ُك ْم َح ْي
`mpekjel panah] `ebol ouoh qen ْ َش ْيطان ي
Antipas was My faithful
martyr, who was killed
ni`ehoou ak] `eqoun `e`hren pimarturoc among you, where Satan
pipictoc vy `etauqo;bef qaten ;ynou
2@14 Alla ouon `ntyi 2:14 But I have a few : َولَ ِك ْن ِع ْندِي َعلَيْكَ قَ ِلي ٌل3:13
things against you, because ِ أ َ َّن ِع ْندَكَ هُنَاكَ قَوْ ما ً ُمت َ َم
َس ِكين
`nhankekouji `nran harok eu`amoni you have there those who َ الَّذِي كَانَ يُعَ ِل ُم بَاالَق،يم بَ ْلعَا َم ِ ِبت َ ْع ِل
` `cbw `mBalaam vy etaf]`cbw
hold the doctrine of :َأ َ ْن ي ُْل ِق َي َم ْعث َرة أ َما َم بَنِي إِس َْرا ِئيل
َ ً َ
ِ َ أ َ ْن يَأ ْ ُكلُوا َما ذُبِ َح ِلألَوْ ث
Balaam, who taught Balak ،ان
to put a stumbling block
`mBalak `ehiou`i nou`ckandalon .َويَ ْزنُوا
before the children of Israel,
`mpe`m;o `nnensyri `mpIcrayl `eouwm to eat things sacrificed to
idols, and to commit sexual
swt `ni` dwlon ouoh `eerporneuin.
2@15 Pairy] hwk ouon `ntak 2:15 Thus you also have ع ْندَكَ أ َ ْنتَ أ َ ْيضا ً قَوْ ٌم
ِ َه َكذَا3:15
those who hold the doctrine َيم النُّقُوالَ ِو ِيينِ س ُكونَ ِبت َ َعا ِل ِ ُمت َ َم
`mmau ef`amoni `nt
` `cbw `nNikolaitwn. of the Nicolaitans, which .ُضه ُ
ُ الَّذِي أ ْب ِغ
thing I hate.
2@16 Arimetanoin oun ouoh 2:16 Repent, or else I َ َ فَتُبْ َوإِ َّال فَ ِإنِي آتِيك3:12
ً س ِريعا
will come to you quickly .ف فَ ِمي ِ س ْي َ َِوأ ُ َح ِاربُ ُه ْم ب
]nyou nak `n,
` wlem ouoh `ntabwtc and will fight against them
with the sword of My
nemwou qen ]cyfi `nte rwi.
2@17 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 2:17 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي3:19
س َمعْ َما
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِسُ يَقُولُهُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches.
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
Vy gar e;na`[ro ei`e] naf `ebol To him who overcomes َسأ ُ ْع ِطي ِه أ َ ْن يَأْ ُك َل ِمن
َ ََم ْن يَ ْغلِبُ ف
I will give some of the ًصاة َ َوأ ُ ْع ِطي ِه َح،ْال َم ِن ْال ُم ْخفَى
qen pimanna ethyp. Ouoh ei`e] naf hidden manna to eat. And I ٌ س ٌم َجدِيد ْ صا ِة اَ علَى ْال َح َ َو،َب ْيضَا َء
will give him a white stone, َّ
غ ْي ُر الذِي َ ُ
َ ٌَم ْكتُوبٌ الَ يَع ِْرفهُ أ َحد
`noual `nouwbs ouoh `n`hryi qen pial
and on the stone a new .ُ يَأ ْ ُخذ
`eouon ouran `mberi `cqyout hiwtf `mpe name written which no one
knows except him who
`hli nau `erof `ebyl `evy etaf[itf. receives it.
2@18 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 2:18 And to the angel of َ َوا ْكتُبْ ِإلَى َمالَ ِك ْال َكنِي3:13
س ِة
the church in Thyatira َهذَا يَقُولُهُ ا ْب ُن:يرا َ ِالَّتِي فِي ث َيَات
]ekklycia `nte :u`atyra@ je nai ne write: These things says the ،ب نَ ٍار ِ ان َك َل ِهي َ ُ الَّذِي لَه،ِهللا
ِ َع ْين
ny etefjw `mmwou `nje Psyri
Son of God, who has eyes .ِ اس النَّ ِقيِ َو ِر ْجالَهُ ِمثْ ُل النُّ َح
like a flame of fire, and His
`mVnou]@ vy `ete nefbal oi `m`vry] feet like fine brass.
`nousah `n,
` rwm ouoh nef[alauj
`m`vry] `nou,alkolibanoc.
2@19 Je ]cwoun `nnek`hbyou`i nem 2:19 I know your works, َع َمالَكَ َو َم َحبَّت َك ْ َ أَنَا ع َِارفٌ أ3:11
love, service, faith, and َوأ َ َّن، َص ْب َرك
َ َو ِخ ْد َمت َكَ َو ِإي َمانَكَ َو
tek`agapy nem peknah] nem your patience; and as for ُ
.يرةَ أَ ْكث َ ُر ِمنَ األولَى َ أ َ ْع َمالَكَ األ َ ِخ
your works, the last are
peksemsi nem tekhupomony nem
more than the first.
nek`hbyou`i `nqaeu e;naau `enihou`a].
2@20 Alla ouon `ntyi harok je 2:20 Nevertheless I َ أَنَّك:علَيْكَ قَ ِلي ٌل
َ لَ ِك ْن ِع ْندِي3:31
have a few things against يزابَ َل الَّتِي تَقُو ُل َ س ِيبُ ْال َمرْ أَةَ ِإ
َ ُت
َ َحتَّى تُعَ ِل َم َوتُغ ِو،إِنَّ َها نَ ِبيَّة
ak,w `n]`chimi je Iezabel ;y etjw you, because you allow that ي
`mmoc je `anok ou`provytyc ouoh
woman Jezebel, who calls عبِيدِي أ َ ْن يَ ْزنُوا َويَأ ْ ُكلُوا َما ذُبِ َح َ
herself a prophetess, to .ان َ َ
ِ ِلألوْ ث
`nref]`cbw ouoh eccwrem `nna`ebiaik teach and seduce My
servants to commit sexual
`eerporneuin ouoh `eouwm `ebol qen immorality and eat things
sacrificed to idols.
niswt `ni` dwlon.
2@21 Ouoh ai] `nou`,ronoc nac 2:21 And I gave her َ ُ َوأ َ ْع َط ْيت ُ َها َز َمانا ً ِلك َْي تَت3:31
time to repent of her sexual . ْع َْن ِزنَا َها َو َل ْم تَتُب
hina `ntecermetanoin ouoh `couws an immorality, and she did not
`eermetanoin `ebol qen tecpornia.
2@22 Hyppe ]natyic `e`p`[loj nem 2:22 Indeed I will cast ،اش ٍ َها أَنَا أ ُ ْل ِقي َها فِي فِ َر3:33
her into a sickbed, and َوالَّ ِذينَ يَ ْزنُونَ َمعَ َها فِي ِضيقَ ٍة
ny etauernwik nemac `eounis] those who commit adultery إِ ْن كَانُوا الَ يَتُوبُونَ ع َْن،ٍع َِظي َمة
`nhojhej eswp ac`stemermetanoin.
with her into great .أ َ ْع َما ِل ِه ْم
tribulation, unless they
repent of their deeds.
2@23 Necsyri ]naqo;bou qen 2:23 I will kill her .ِ َوأَوْ الَد ُ َها أ َ ْقتُلُ ُه ْم ِب ْال َموْ ت3:32
children with death, and all ستَع ِْرفُ َج ِمي ُع ْال َكنَائِ ِس أَنِي أَنَا َ َف
`vmou ouoh eu`eemi `nje niekklycia the churches shall know ُ ُ ْ
َ احصُ ال ُكلى َوالقل
،وب َ ْ َ ْ
ِ هُ َو الف
tyrou je `anok pe vy etqotqet
that I am He who searches ب
ِ س ُ ْ
َ اح ٍد ِمنك ْم بِ َح ِ سأ ُ ْع ِطي كل َو
َّ ُ َ َو
the minds and hearts. And I .أ َ ْع َما ِل ِه
`nnihyt nem ni`[lwt ouoh ei] `mpiouai will give to each one of you
according to your works.
piouai kata nef`hbyou`i.
2@24 N;wtem de ]jw `mmoc 2:24 Now to you I say, َ َولَ ِكنَّنِي أَقُو ُل لَ ُك ْم َو ِل ْلبَاقِين3:33
and to the rest in Thyatira, س لَ ُه ْم َ ُك ِل الَّ ِذينَ لَ ْي،يرا َ ِفِي ثَيَات
nwten qa `pcepi `nny etqen :u`atyra as many as do not have this ُ َ َّ
َوال ِذينَ ل ْم يَع ِْرفوا،َهذَا الت َّ ْع ِلي ُم
ny `ete tai`cbw `ntotou an ny `ete
doctrine, who have not ، َ َك َما يَقُولُون،ان ِ ش ْي َطَّ أ َ ْع َماقَ ال
known the depths of Satan, َ ِإنِي الَ أ ُ ْل ِقي
،علَ ْي ُك ْم ثِ ْقالً آ َخ َر
`mpou`emi `e`pswk `m`pcatanac `m`vry] as they say, I will put on
you no other burden.
etoujw `mmoc `n]nahiou`i `nkebaroc an
`ejen ;ynou.
2@25 Plyn vy eteten ;ynou 2:25 But hold fast what َّ َوإِنَّ َما الَّذِي ِع ْندَ ُك ْم ت َ َم3:35
س ُكوا
you have till I come. .ِب ِه ِإلَى أ َ ْن أ َ ِجي َء
`amoni `mmof sa]`i.
2@28 Ouoh ei`e] naf `mpiciou 2:28 and I will give him ِ ص ْب
.ح َ َوأ ُ ْع ِطي ِه كَوْ ك3:33
ُّ َب ال
the morning star.
`esafsai `ntoou`i.
2@29 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 2:29 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي3:31
س َمعْ َما
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِسُ يَقُولُهُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches.
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
Revelation 3
2 رؤيا
3@1 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 3:1 "And to the angel of س ِة َ َوا ْكتُبْ إِلَى َمالَ ِك ْال َكنِي2:1
the church in Sardis write, َهذَا يَقُولُهُ الَّذِي:ِس َ الَّتِي فِي
َ سارْ د
]ekklycia `nte Cardic@ je nai ne ny 'These things says He who ُس ْب َعة
َّ س ْب َعةُ أَرْ َواحِ هللاِ َوال
َ ُلَه
etefjw `mmwou `nje vy `ete pisasf
has the seven Spirits of God َ
أ َّن، َف أ ْع َمالَك َ ٌ أنَا ع َِار. ُْالك ََواكِب
and the seven stars: "I know .تٌ ِلَكَ اسْما ً أَنَّكَ َح ٌّي َوأ َ ْنتَ َمي
(=z) `m`pneuma `nte Vnou] ,y `ntotf your works, that you have a
name that you are alive, but
nem pisasf (=z) `nciou je ]cwoun you are dead.
`nnek`hbyou`i je ouon `ntak `nouran
3@2 Swpi oun ekryc `ebol ouoh 3:2 Be watchful, and ،سا ِهراً َوش َِد ْد َما َب ِق َي
َ ُك ْن2:3
strengthen the things which ألَنِي لَ ْم، َعتِيد ٌ أ َ ْن يَ ُموتَ الَّذِي ُه َو
matajre `pcepi `mmon `,namou je ouyi remain, that are ready to َ ً ِ أ َ ِج ْد أ َ ْع َما َلكَ ك
.َِاملَة أ َما َم هللا
die, for I have not found
gar `mpijem nek`hbyou`i eujyk `ebol
your works perfect before
qaten paNou]. God.
3@3 Ari`vmeu`i oun je pwc ak[i 3:3 Remember therefore َس ِمعْت َ ف أ َ َخ ْذتَ َو َ اذ ُكرْ َك ْيْ َ ف2:2
how you have received and ْسهَر ْ َ فَ ِإنِي ِإ ْن َل ْم ت، ْاحفَ ْظ َوتُب ْ َو
ouoh akcwtem ouoh `areh ouoh heard; hold fast and repent. َ َوالَ ت َ ْع َل ُم أَيَّة،ص ٍ علَيْكَ َك ِل َ أ ُ ْق ِد ْم
`arimetanoin eswp ouon
Therefore if you will not . َعلَيْك َ ع ٍة أ ُ ْق ِد ُم
َ ساَ
watch, I will come upon
ak`stemermetanoin ouoh you as a thief, and you will
not know what hour I will
`ntek`stemrwic ]na`i `m`vry] come upon you.
`nouref[iou`i ouoh `,na`emi an `e]ounou
3@4 Alla ouon hankouji `nran 3:4 You have a few س َما ٌء قَ ِليلَةٌ ِفي
ْ َ ِع ْندَكَ أ2:3
names even in Sardis who ،ِس َل ْم يُنَ ِجسُوا ثِيَابَ ُه ْم َ سارْ د َ
`ntyi qen Cardic nai `ete `mpou;wleb have not defiled their يض
ٍ ِب ب ٍ شونَ َم ِعي فِي ثِيَا َ َف
ُ ْسيَم
`nnou`hbwc nem `chimi ouoh eu`emosi
garments; and they shall . َست َ ِحقُّون
ْ ألَنَّ ُه ْم ُم
walk with Me in white, for
nemyi qen han`hbwc `nouwbs je they are worthy.
ce`m`psa gar.
3@5 Vy e;na`[ro `mpairy] eu`e] 3:5 He who overcomes ً س ثِيَابا ُ َسيَ ْلب َ َ َم ْن يَ ْغلِبُ فَذَ ِلك2:5
shall be clothed in white ْسف ِر ِ س َمهُ ِم ْن ْ َولَ ْن أَمْ ح َُو ا،ًِبيضا
hiwtf `nhan[i`hbwc `nouwbs ouoh garments, and I will not blot سأ َ ْعت َ ِرفُ بِاس ِْم ِه أ َ َما َم َ َو،ْال َحيَا ِة
`nnoucelj pouran `ebol hi piJwm `nte
out his name from the Book .أ َ ِبي َوأ َ َما َم َمالَ ِئ َك ِت ِه
of Life; but I will confess
`pwnq ei`eouwnh `mpouran `ebol his name before My Father
and before His angels.
`mpe`m;o `mPaiwt nem pe`m;o
3@6 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 3:6 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذُ ٌن فَ ْلي2:2
ُس َمعْ َما يَقُولُه
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِس
ُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches." '
pi`Pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
3@7 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 3:7 "And to the angel of َ َوا ْكتُبْ إِلَى َمالَ ِك ْال َكنِي2:9
س ِة
the church in Philadelphia ُ َهذَا يَقُولُه:الَّتِي فِي فِيالَد َْل ِفيَا
]ekklycia `nte Viladelvia@ je nai write, 'These things says He ُ الَّذِي لَهُ ِم ْفتَا،ق
ح ُّ وس ْال َحُ ُّْالقُد
ne ny etefjw `mmwou `nje pe;ouab
who is holy, He who is true, ْ
،ُ َّالذِي يَفت َ ُح َوالَ أ َ َحد ٌ يُ ْغ ِلق،َدَاوُ د
"He who has the key of .ق َوالَ أ َ َحدٌ يَ ْفت َ ُح
ُ َويُ ْغ ِل
pi`;myi vy `ete nisost `nte `pyi David, He who opens and
no one shuts, and shuts and
`nDauid `ntotf vy `e;naouwn `mmon no one opens":
`hli na`s;am ouoh afsan`s;am `mmon
`hli naouwn.
3@8 }cwoun `nnek`hbyou`i nem 3:8 I know your works. َهئَنَذَا قَ ْد. َ أَنَا ع َِارفٌ أَ ْع َمالَك2:3
See, I have set before you َت أ َ َما َمكَ بَابا ً َم ْفتُوحا ً َوال ُ َجعَ ْل
peknah] hyppe ic ai] `mpek`m;o an open door, and no one َ أل َ َّن لَك،ُست َ ِطي ُع أ َ َحد ٌ أ َ ْن يُ ْغ ِلقَهْ َي
`nouro ef`eouyn `mmon `sjom `nte `hli
can shut it; for you have a ْ
َوقَ ْد َح ِفظتَ َك ِل َمتِي،ًِيرة َ قُوَّ ةً يَس
little strength, have kept My .َولَ ْم ت ُ ْن ِك ِر اس ِْمي
`s;am `mmof je ouon `ntak `noukouji word, and have not denied
My name.
`njom `mmau ouoh ak`areh `epacaji
3@9 Hyppe ]na] nak `ebol qen 3:9 Indeed I will make َهئَنَذَا أ َ ْجعَ ُل الَّ ِذينَ ِم ْن َم ْج َم ِع2:1
those of the synagogue of ٌ ِمنَ ْالقَائِ ِلينَ إِنَّ ُه ْم يَهُود،انِ ش ْي َط َّ ال
]cunagwgy `nte `pCatanac ny etjw Satan, who say they are َ َهئَنَذا: َ بَ ْل يَ ْك ِذبُون،ًَولَ ْيسُوا يَهُودا
`mmoc je hanIoudai ne ouoh hanouon
Jews and are not, but lie-- س ُجد ُونَ أ َ َما َمْ ص ِي ُرهُ ْم َيأْتُونَ َو َي َ ُأ
indeed I will make them ُ
. َ َويَع ِْرفونَ أَنِي أَنَا أ َ ْحبَ ْبتُك، َِر ْجلَيْك
an ne alla cejeme;nouj hyppe come and worship before
your feet, and to know that I
ei`e`;rou`i ouoh ei`e`;rououwst `mmok have loved you.
ouoh eu`ehitou `epecyt `mpe`m;o
`anok pe etaimenritk.
3@10 Je ak`areh `epacaji nem 3:10 Because you have ،ص ْب ِري َ َ ألَنَّكَ َح ِف ْظتَ َك ِل َمة2:11
kept My command to ع ِة َ ظكَ ِم ْن
َ سا ُ َسأ َ ْحف َ ً أَنَا أ َ ْيضا
tahupomony e;be vai `anok hw ai`areh persevere, I also will keep علَى ْ
َ الت َّ ْج ِربَ ِة ْال َعتِيدَ ِة أ َ ْن تَأتِ َي
`erok `ebol ha pipiracmoc vy e;na`i
you from the hour of trial علَى
َ َب السَّا ِكنِين َ ْالعَا َل ِم ُك ِل ِه ِلت ُ َج ِر
ِ ْاألَر
which shall come upon the .ض
`e`qryi `ejen pi;o tyrf `e`erpirazin whole world, to test those
who dwell on the earth.
`nouon niben ethijen `pkahi.
3@11 }nyou `n,wlem `amoni `mvy 3:11 Behold, I am ت َ َمس َّْك.ًس ِريعا َ َها أَنَا آتِي2:11
coming quickly! Hold fast . َِب َما ِع ْندَكَ ِلئ ََّال يَأ ْ ُخذَ أ َ َحد ٌ ِإ ْك ِليلَك
`ete`ntotk hina `nte`stem `hli [i what you have, that no one
may take your crown.
3@12 Vy e;na`[ro ei`eaif `nc` tulloc 3:12 He who ً ع ُمودا َ ُسأ َ ْجعَلُه َ َ َم ْن يَ ْغلِبُ ف2:13
overcomes, I will make him ُ َوالَ يَعُود ُ يَ ْخ ُر،فِي َه ْي َك ِل إِلَ ِهي
qen `pyi `nte Panou] ouoh `nnef`i `ebol a pillar in the temple of My س َم َ ُ َوأ َ ْكتُب،ٍِإلَى َخ ِارج
ْ علَ ْي ِه ا
God, and he shall go out no ش ِلي َمَ ور ُ
ُ س َم َمدِينَ ِة إِلَ ِهي أ ْ َوا،إِلَ ِهي
je ouoh ei`e`cqe `vran `mPanou] hiwtf
more. And I will write on ْاء ِمن ِ س َمَّ ْال َجدِيدَ ِة النَّ ِازل ِة ِمنَ ال
him the name of My God
nem `vran `n]baki `mberi `nte Paiwt .َ َواس ِْمي ْال َجدِيد،ِع ْن ِد إِلَ ِهي
and the name of the city of
Ieroucalym ;y e;nyou `epecyt `ebol My God, the New
Jerusalem, which comes
qen `tve `ebol hiten Panou] nem
down out of heaven from
paran `mberi. My God. And I will write
on him My new name.
3@13 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 3:13 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي2:12
س َمعْ َما
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَا ِئ ِس
ُ َيقُولُهُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches." '
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
He who has an ear, let َما، ْس َمع ْ َ ٌ ُ
ْ ََم ْن لَهُ أذنان للسمع فلي ُ
Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof `ecwtem him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِس
ُ يَقُولُهُ الرُّ و
says to the churches.
marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete Pi`pneuma
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
3@14 Cqai `mpiaggeloc `nte 3:14 "And to the angel س ِةَ َوا ْكتُبْ ِإلَى َمالَ ِك َكنِي2:13
of the church of the ِ ُ َهذَا يَقُولُه: َالالوُ ِد ِك ِيين
،اآلمي ُن َّ
]ekklycia `nte La`odikia@ je nai ne Laodiceans write,'These ُ بَدَا َءة،ُشا ِهد ُ األ َ ِمي ُن الصَّا ِدق
َّ ال
ny etefjw `mmwou `nje Pi`amyn
things says the Amen, the ِ َخ ِليقَ ِة
Faithful and True Witness,
Pimarturoc Pipictoc ouoh the Beginning of the
creation of God:
Pialy;inoc `tAr,y `mpicwnt `nte
3@15 }cwoun `nnek`hbyou`i je oude 3:15 I know your works, َ أَنَّك، َ أَنَا ع َِارفٌ أ َ ْع َمالَك2:15
that you are neither cold nor َ لَ ْيت َكَ ُك ْنت.ًلَسْتَ بَ ِاردا ً َوالَ َحارا
`khors an oude `kqym an `amoi nakoi hot. I could wish you were .ًبَ ِاردا ً أَوْ َحارا
cold or hot.
`mmouhwj pe ie nakberber.
3@16 Je pairy] `koi `mmoucelho 3:16 So then, because َ َولَسْت، ٌ َه َكذَا ألَنَّكَ فَاتِر2:12
you are lukewarm, and أَنَا ُم ْز ِم ٌع أَ ْن،ًبَ ِاردا ً َوالَ َحارا
oude `koi `mmouqemi an oude `koi neither cold nor hot, I will .أَتَقَيَّأَكَ ِم ْن فَ ِمي
vomit you out of My mouth.
`mmouhwj an `mmon ]nasatk `nh
` ryi
qen `h;yi.
3@17 Je `kjw `mmoc@ je ourama`o 3:17 Because you say, 'I َ إِنِي أَنَا:ُ ألَنَّكَ تَقُول2:19
غنِ ٌّي
am rich, have become َوالَ َحا َجةَ ِلي إِلَى،ت ُ ست َ ْغنَ ْي
ْ َوقَ ِد ا
ouoh ]er`,ria `nh
` li ouoh `k`emi an je wealthy, and have need of َ َولَسْتَ ت َ ْعلَ ُم أَنَّكَ أ َ ْنت، ٍش َْيء
`n;ok oujwb `ntalepwroc ouoh `n;ok
nothing'--and do not know س َوفَقِيرٌ َوأ َ ْع َمى ُ ِش ِق ُّي َو ْالبَائَّ ال
that you are wretched, .انٌ َعرْ ي ُ َو
ousatme;nai `nhyki ouoh `mbelle miserable, poor, blind, and
pekbws ouoh oukoulaourion myif eyes with eye salve, that
you may see.
`enekbal hina `nteknau `mbol.
3@19 Anok gar ny `esaimenritou 3:19 As many as I love, ُ إِنِي ُك ُّل َم ْن أ ُ ِحبُّهُ أ ُ َو ِب ُخه2:11
I rebuke and chasten. . ْغيُورا ً َوتُب َ فَ ُك ْن.َُوأُؤ َِدبُه
saicahwou sai]`cbw nwou ,oh oun Therefore be zealous and
`epipe;nanef ouoh `arimetanoin.
3@20 Hyppe gar ]`ohi `erat hiren 3:20 Behold, I stand at ِ علَى ْال َبا
ب َ ٌ َهئَنَذَا َواقِف2:31
the door and knock. If صوْ تِي َوفَت َ َحَ ٌ س ِم َع أ َ َحد َ إِ ْن.َُوأ َ ْق َرع
piro ouoh ]kwlh vy e;nacwtem anyone hears My voice and ُشى َمعَه َ َْالب
َّ َ أ َ ْد ُخ ُل ِإلَ ْي ِه َوأَتَع،اب
ouoh `ntefou`wn `mpiro nyi ]nase
opens the door, I will come .َوهُ َو َم ِعي
in to him and dine with him,
`eqoun nemaf ouoh `ntaou`wm nemaf and he with Me.
3@21 Vy gar e;na`[ro ]natyic 3:21 To him who سأ ُ ْع ِطي ِه أ َ ْن
َ َ َم ْن يَ ْغلِبُ ف2:31
overcomes I will grant to sit َك َما،شي ِ ْس َم ِعي فِي عَر َ يَ ْج ِل
naf e;refhemci nemyi hi pa`;ronoc with Me on My throne, as I َ ُ َ ً
ت أنا أيضا َو َجلسْت َم َع أبِي ْ َ َ َ َ
ُ غلَ ْب
also overcame and sat down .ش ِهِ ْفِي عَر
`mpiry] etai`[ro ouoh aihemci nem
with My Father on His
Paiwt hi pef`;ronoc. throne.
3@22 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 3:22 He who has an ear, ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي2:33
س َمعْ َما
let him hear what the Spirit .ح ِل ْل َكنَائِ ِسُ يَقُولُهُ الرُّ و
`ecwtem marefcwtem@ je ou pe `ete says to the churches." ' "
Pi`pneuma jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
jw `mmof `nniekklycia.
Revelation 4
3 رؤيا
4@1 Menenca nai de ainau hyppe 4:1 After these things I ٌت َوإِذَا بَاب ُ ْ بَ ْعدَ َهذَا نَ َظر3:1
looked, and behold, a door ُ ْ َوالصَّو،اء
ت ِ س َمَّ ح فِي ال ٌ َم ْفتُو
ic ouro efouyn qen `tve@ ouoh ]`cmy standing open in heaven. And
ٍ س ِم ْعتُهُ َكب
ُوق َ األَوَّ ُل الَّذِي
`nhoui] `enaccaji nemyi ;y etaico;mec
the first voice which I heard ْ ا:ًيَتَكَلَّ ُم َم ِعي قَائِال
صعَ ْد إِلَى
َ هُنَا فَأ ُ ِريَكَ َما الَ بُدَّ أَ ْن يَ ِص
was like a trumpet speaking ير
with me, saying: Come up
`m`vry] `nt
` `cmy `noucalpigx eccaji .بَ ْعدَ َهذَا
here, and I will show you
nemyi ecjw `mmoc je `amou `e`pswi things which must take place
after this.
`mnai ouoh `ntatamok `eny e;naswpi
menenca nai.
4@2 Ouoh aiswpi qen Pi`pneuma 4:2 Immediately I was in ت فِي ُ ْت ِصر ِ َو ِل ْل َو ْق3:3
the Spirit; and behold, a throne ُ ْش َمو
ٌضوع ٌ ْ َوإِذَا عَر،ِالرُّ وح
ouoh ainau hyppe Ic ou`;ronoc efqen set in heaven, and One sat on علَى ْال َعرْ ِش َ َو،اء ِ س َم َّ فِي ال
the throne. .س
ٌ َجا ِل
4@3 Ouoh vy ethemci hi `p`;ronoc 4:3 And He who sat there س فِي ُ َوكَانَ ْال َجا ِل3:2
was like a jasper and a sardius ب
ِ ش ْ
ْ َش ْبهَ َح َج ِر اليِ ْال َم ْن َظ ِر
nafoi `nouwini pe `niacpic nem stone in appearance; and there ح َحوْ َل َ س قُ َز ُ ْ َوقَو،يق ِ َو ْالعَ ِق
oucardinoc ouoh ]iric eckw]
was a rainbow around the ِ ْال َعرْ ِش ِفي ْال َم ْن َظ ِر
ُش ْبه
throne, in appearance like an ُّ
.الزمُرُّ ِد
`epi`;ronoc efoi `nouwini `n`cmarakdoc. emerald.
4@5 Ouoh naunyou `ebol ha 4:5 And from the throne ُ َو ِمنَ ْالعَرْ ِش يَ ْخ ُر3:5
proceeded lightnings, ٌ ص َو
.ات ْ َ عودٌ َوأ
ُ ق َو ُر
ٌ ب ُُرو
thunderings, and voices. Seven ُ
َ س ْبعَة َم ْ
َ َوأ َ َما َم العَرْ ِش
ِصا ِبيح
pi`;ronoc `nje hancetebryj nem
ُ َ ِهي،ٌنَ ٍار ُمت َّ ِقدَة
ِس ْبعَة أَرْ َواح
lamps of fire were burning
han`cmy nem hanqarabai@ ouoh sasf
before the throne, which are
(=z) `nlampac `n,
` rwm eukw] the seven Spirits of God.
Vnou] ne.
4@6 Ouoh ef,y `mpe`m;o `mpi`;ronoc 4:6 Before the throne there َوقُدَّا َم ا ْل َعرْ ِش بَ ْح ُر3:2
was a sea of glass, like crystal. س ِطَ َوفِي َو.ور ِ ُّش ْبهُ ْالبَل ِ ٍُز َجاج
`m`vry] `nouiom `mbajyini efoni And in the midst of the throne, ُْالعَرْ ِش َو َحوْ َل ْالعَرْ ِش أَرْ بَعَة
`nou`,rictaloc@ ouoh qen `;my]
and around the throne, were عيُونا ً ِم ْنُ ٌ ت َممْ لُوَّ ة ٍ َحيَ َوانَا
four living creatures full of . ٍقُدَّ ٍام َو ِم ْن َو َراء
`mpi`;ronoc `eouon `ftoou (=d) `nzwon eyes in front and in back.
4@7 Ouoh pizwon `nhouit ef`oni 4:7 The first living creature ُش ْبهِ َو ْال َحيَ َوا ُن األَوَّ ُل3:9
was like a lion, the second ُش ْبهِ َو ْال َحيَ َوا ُن الثَّانِي،ٍسد َ َأ
`noumou`i@ ouoh pizwon `mmah`cnou] (=b) living creature like a calf, the ُث لَه ُ ان الثَّا ِل ُ َو ْال َح َي َو،ِع ْج ٍل
ef`oni `noumaci@ ouoh pizwon
third living creature had a face ،ان
ٍ س َ َو ْجهٌ ِمثْ ُل َو ْج ِه ِإ ْن
like a man, and the fourth ش ْبهُ نَس ٍْر ِ َو ْال َحيَ َوا ُن الرَّ ا ِب ُع
living creature was like a
`mmahsomt (=g) ef`oni `m`pho `nousyri .َطائِ ٍر
flying eagle.
`nrwmi@ ouoh pizwon `mmah`ftoou (=d)
4@8 Ouoh piouai piouai `mmwou 4:8 The four living ات ِل ُك ِل ُ َ َواألَرْ بَ َعةُ ْال َحيَ َوان3:3
creatures, each having six ستَّةُ أ َ ْجنِ َح ٍة َحوْ َل َها ِ اح ٍد ِم ْن َهاِ َو
eukw] `erwou icjen nouieb caqoun wings, were full of eyes around َ َوال،عيُونا ً ٌ ُ
ُ َاخ ٍل َممْ لوَّ ة ْ
ِ َو ِمن د
and within. And they do not وس ُّ ُ ً َ َ ً ْ َ
ٌ قد:ت َ َزا ُل نَ َهارا َوليال قائِلة ً
`mmwou eumeh `mbal@ ouoh naumoten
rest day or night, saying: Holy, ُاإللَه ِ ْ ُّ الرَّ ب،وس ٌ ُّوس قُد ٌ ُّقُد
holy, holy, Lord God
`mmwou an ne `mpi`ehoou nem pi`ejwrh الَّذِي، ٍْالقَاد ُِر َعلَى ُك ِل ش َْيء
Almighty, Who was and is and
eujw `mmoc@ je `fouab `fouab `fouab is to come! .كَانَ َو ْالكَائِ ُن َوالَّذِي يَأْتِي
4@9 Ouoh eswp aresan pi`ftoou 4:9 Whenever the living َو ِحينَ َما تُع ِْطي3:1
creatures give glory and honor ًات َم ْجدا ً َوك ََرا َمة ُ َْال َحيَ َوان
(=d) `nzwon ] `mpai`wou nem paitaio and thanks to Him who sits on ،علَى ْال َعرْ ِش َ ش ْكرا ً ِل ْل َجا ِل ِسُ َو
nem paisep`hmot `m`vy ethemci hijen
the throne, who lives forever ، َْال َحي ِ إِلَى أبَ ِد اآل ِب ِدين
and ever,
pi`;ronoc vy etonq sa `eneh `nte
4:10 the twenty-four elders ُ يَ ِخرُّ األَرْ بَعَة3:11
4@10 Sauhitou `epecyt `ejen pouho
fall down before Him who sits س ِ ش ْيخا ً قُدَّا َم ْال َجا ِل َ َش ُرون ْ َو ْال ِع
`nje nijout `ftoou (=k=d) `m`precbuteroc on the throne and worship Him َس ُجد ُون ْ َ َوي،علَى ْال َعرْ ِش َ
ouoh sauouwst `mpe`m;o `mvy etonq
who lives forever and ever, and ، َين د ب اآل
ِِ َِ د بَ أ ى َ لِ ِ َ ِل ْل
إ ي ح
cast their crowns before the َويَ ْط َرحُونَ أَكَا ِليلَ ُه ْم أ َ َما َم
throne, saying: َ ْ
sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh ouoh sau,w : َالعَرْ ِش قائِ ِلين
`nnou`,lom `e`qryi `mpe`m;o `mpi`;ronoc
eujw `mmoc@
4@11 Je `n;ok etem`psa P[oic 4:11 You are worthy, O ُّق أَيُّ َها الرَّ ب ْ أ َ ْنتَ ُم3:11
ٌّ ست َ ِح
Lord, to receive glory and َأ َ ْن تَأ ْ ُخذَ ْال َم ْجدَ َو ْالك ََرا َمة
Pennou] `e[i `mpi`wou nem pitaio nem honor and power; for You ألَنَّكَ أ َ ْنتَ َخلَ ْقتَ ُك َّل،ََو ْالقُ ْد َرة
created all things, and by Your ٌ َو ِهي بِ ِإ َرادَتِكَ كَائِنَة،اء ِ َشي ْ َ األ
]jom@ je `n;ok akcwnt `nhwb niben@ َ
will they exist and were .َو ُخ ِلقَ ْت
ouoh petehnak afswpi ouoh aucwnt. created.
Revelation 5
5 رؤيا
5@1 Ouoh ainau caou`inam `mvy 5:1 And I saw in the ين ْال َجا ِل ِس
ِ علَى يَ ِم َ تُ َو َرأ َ ْي5:1
right hand of Him who sat س ْفرا ً َم ْكتُوبا ً ِم ْنِ علَى ْال َعرْ ِش َ
ethemci hijen pi`;ronoc `eoujwm on the throne a scroll ْ
سبعَ ِة ً ُ ْ ْ
َ ِ َمختوما ب، ٍَاخ ٍل َو ِمن َو َراء ِ د
ef`cqyout caqoun nem cabol ouoh
written inside and on the ٍ ُ ُخت
back, sealed with seven
eftob `nsasf (=z) `ntebc. seals.
5@2 Ouoh ainau `eouaggeloc efjor 5:2 Then I saw a strong ت َمالَكا ً قَ ِويا ً يُنَادِيُ َو َرأ َ ْي5:3
angel proclaiming with a ق أ َ ْن ْ َم ْن هُ َو ُم:يم
ٌّ ست َ ِح ٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو
َ ِب
efhiwis qen ounis] `n`cmy@ je nim loud voice, “Who is worthy ُيَ ْفت َ َح الس ِْف َر َويَفُ َّك ُختُو َمه؟
to open the scroll and to
etem`psa `eouwn `mpaijwm ouoh
loose its seals?”
`ntefouwn `nneftebc.
5@3 Ouoh `mpe `hli `sjemjom qen 5:3 And no one in اء
ِ س َم َّ ست َ ِطعْ أ َ َحد ٌ فِي الْ َ فَلَ ْم ي5:2
heaven or on the earth or ض َ
ِ ْض َوالَ ت َ ْحتَ األر ِ ْعلَى األَر َ ََوال
`tve oude hijen `pkahi oude capecyt under the earth was able to .أ َ ْن يَ ْفت َح السِف َر َوال أن يَنظ َر إِلي ِه
ْ َ ُ ْ ْ َ َ ْ َ
open the scroll, or to look at
`m`pkahi `e`aouwn `mpijwm oude `enau
5@4 Ouoh naurimi tyrou pe je `mpe 5:4 So I wept much, ُ ألَنَّه،ًت أَنَا أ َ ْب ِكي َكثِيرا ُ ْ فَ ِصر5:3
because no one was found ْ َ ً
ست َ ِحقا أ ْن يَفت َ َح ْ لَ ْم يُو َج ْد أ َ َحد ٌ ُم
`hli em`psa `eouwn `mpijwm oude `enau worthy to open and read the ُ الس ِْف َر َويَ ْق َرأَهُ َوالَ أَ ْن يَ ْن
.ظ َر إِلَ ْي ِه
`erof. scroll, or to look at it.
5@5 Ouoh a ouai `ebol qen 5:5 But one of the elders :ِشيُوخ ُّ احد ٌ ِمنَ ال ِ فَقَا َل ِلي َو5:5
said to me, “Do not weep. َّ
سد ُ ال ِذي َ
َ ب األ َ َغل َ هُ َوذَا قَ ْد.الَ ت َ ْب ِك
ni`precbuteroc af`i haroi pejaf nyi@ Behold, the Lion of the ِليَ ْفت َ َح،َص ُل دَاوُ د ْ َ أ،س ْب ِط يَهُوذَا ِ ِم ْن
je `mperrimi hyppe af`[ro `nje piMou`i
tribe of Judah, the Root of .َس ْبعَة َّ الس ِْف َر َويَفُ َّك ُختُو َمهُ ال
David, has prevailed to
`ebol qen `tvuly `nIouda `ebol qen open the scroll and to loose
its seven seals.”
`;Nouni `nDauid `e`aouwn `mpijwm nem
5@6 Ouoh ainau qen `;my] 5:6 And I looked, and َ ت فَ ِإذَا فِي َو
س ِط ُ َو َرأ َ ْي5:2
behold, in the midst of the ت األَرْ َب َع ِة َو ِفي ِ ْال َعرْ ِش َو ْال َح َي َوانَا
`mpi`;ronoc nem pi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon throne and of the four living َ
ُشيُوخِ َح َم ٌل قَائِ ٌم كَأنَّه ُّ س ِط ال َ َو
creatures, and in the midst س ْب ُع
َ ون َو ُ ُ
ٍ س ْبعَة ق ُر ُ
َ له، ح َ ٌ َم ْذبُو
nem qen `;my] `nni`precbuteroc
ِس ْبعَةُ أَرْ َواحِ هللا َ ِه َي،أ َ ْعي ٍُن
of the elders, stood a Lamb
ِ ْسلَةُ ِإلَى ُك ِل األَر
as though it had been slain,
`eouHiyb ef`ohi `eratf efqelqwl
having seven horns and
.ض َ ْْالمُر
`eouon sasf (=z) `ntap `erof eu,y seven eyes, which are the
seven Spirits of God sent
hijwf nem sasf (=z) `mbal `ete
out into all the earth.
pisasf (=z) `mPneuma `nte Vnou] ne
5@7 Ouoh af`i af`wli `mpijwm `ebol 5:7 Then He came and ِ فَأَتَى َوأ َ َخذَ الس ِْف َر ِم ْن يَ ِم5:9
took the scroll out of the .علَى ْالعَرْ ِش َ ْال َجا ِل ِس
qen `;ou`inam `mvy ethemci hijen right hand of Him who sat
on the throne.
5@8 Ouoh etaf[i `mpijwm a 5:8 Now when He had تِ َّ َولَمَّا أ َ َخذَ الس ِْف َر َخر5:3
taken the scroll, the four ُات َواألَرْ بَعَة ُ َاألَرْ بَعَةُ ْال َحيَ َوان
pi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon nem pijout `ftoou living creatures and the ،ش ْيخا ً أ َ َما َم ْال َح َم ِل
َ َش ُرون ْ َو ْال ِع
(=k=d) `m`precbuteroc auhitou `epecyt
twenty-four elders fell ٌ ات َو َجا َم
ات ٌ ار َ َ اح ٍد ِقيثِ َولَ ُه ْم ُك ِل َو
down before the Lamb, ب َممْ لُوَّ ةٌ بَ ُخورا ً * ِه َي ٍ ِم ْن ذَ َه
each having a harp, and ْ
`mpe`m;o `mpiHiyb `eouon ouku;ara . َسينِ ات ال ِقدِيُ صلَ َو َ
golden bowls full of
`nten piouai piouai `mmwou nem incense*, which are the
prayers of the saints.
hanvu`aly `nnoub eumeh `n`c;oinoufi*
Pi`precbuteroc ce`ini `nou`c;oinoufi * Here the priest offers * هنا يعطي الكاهن بخوراً من
incense from the seven .السبع مجامر
5@9 Ouoh nauhwc qen ouhwdy 5:9 And they sang a ً َوهُ ْم يَت َ َرنَّ ُمونَ تَرْ نِي َمةً َجدِيدَة5:1
new song, saying: “You are َق أ َ ْنتَ أ َ ْن تَأ ْ ُخذ ْ ُم: َقَائِ ِلين
ٌّ ست َ ِح
`mberi eujw `mmoc@ je `kem`psa `e[i worthy to take the scroll, َ ألَنَّكَ ذ ُ ِب ْحت،ُالس ِْف َر َوت َ ْفت َ َح ُختُو َمه
`mpijwm ouoh `e`aouwn `nneftebc je
and to open its seals; for شت َ َر ْيتَنَا ِ ََّّللِ ِبد َِمكَ ِم ْن ُك ِل قَ ِبيلَ ٍةْ َوا
You were slain, and have ُ
.ب َوأ َّم ٍة ٍ ش ْع َ ان َو ٍ س َ َو ِل
auqelqwlk ouoh aksopten `mVnou] redeemed us to God by
Your blood out of every
` ryi qen Pek`cnof `ebol qen vuly tribe and tongue and people
and nation.
niben nem lac niben nem `slol niben
5@10 Ouoh ak;amiwou `mPennou] 5:10 And have made us ً َو َجعَ ْلتَنَا ِ ِإللَ ِهنَا ُملُوكا5:11
kings and priests to our .ض ِ ْعلَى األَر َ سنَمْ ِل ُك َ َ ف،ًَو َك َهنَة
`noumetouro nem hanouyb ouoh God; and we shall reign on
the earth.”
eu`eerouro hijen pikahi.
5@11 Ouoh ainau ouoh aicwtem 5:11 Then I looked, and َصوْ ت َ ْت ُ س ِمع
َ ت َو ُ ْ َونَ َظر5:11
I heard the voice of many ْ
يرينَ َحوْ َل العَرْ ِش ِ َِمالَئِ َك ٍة َكث
`e`t`cmy `noumys `naggeloc `m`pkw] angels around the throne, َ َوكَان،ِشيُوخ ُّ ت َوال ِ َو ْال َحيَ َوانَا
`mpi`;ronoc nem nizwon nem
the living creatures, and the وفَ ُت َوأُل ٍ ت َربَ َواِ عدَد ُ ُه ْم َربَ َوا َ
elders; and the number of ، ٍأُلُوف
ni`precbuteroc ouoh ne touypi ne them was ten thousand
times ten thousand, and
han`;ba `nhan`;ba ne nem hananso thousands of thousands,
5@12 Eujw `mmoc qen ounis] 5:12 saying with a loud :يمٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصوَ ِ قَائِ ِلينَ ب5:13
voice: “Worthy is the Lamb ح أ َ ْن ُ ق هُ َو ْال َح َم ُل ْال َم ْذبُو ٌّ ست َ ِح
ْ ُم
` rwou@ je `fem`psa `nje piHiyb who was slain to receive َيَأ ْ ُخذَ ْالقُ ْد َرةَ َو ْال ِغنَى َو ْال ِح ْك َمة
etqelqwl `e[i `n]jom nem ]metouro
power and riches and .ََو ْالقُوَّ ةَ َو ْالك ََرا َمةَ َو ْال َم ْجدَ َو ْالبَ َركَة
wisdom, and strength and
nem ]covia nem pitaio nem pi`wou honor and glory and
nem pi`cmou.
5@13 Ouoh cwnt niben etqen `tve 5:13 And every creature اء ِ س َمَّ َو ُك ُّل َخ ِليقَ ٍة ِممَّا ِفي ال5:12
which is in heaven and on ،ضِ ْض َوت َ ْحتَ األَر ِ ْعلَى األَر َ َو
nem hijen `pkahi nem ny etsop qen the earth and under the ، ُك ُّل َما فِي َها،على البَ ْح ِر ْ َ َ َو َما
earth and such as are in the علىَ ْ ً َ َ
َ ِلل َجا ِل ِس:س ِم ْعت ُ َها قائِلة َ
`viom nem ny tyrou `ete `nq
` ryi `nqytou
sea, and all that are in them, ُْالعرْ ش ول ْلحمل ْالبركَةُ و ْالكَرامة
َ َ َ َ ِ َ َ ِ َ َ َ ِ
ouoh aicwtem `erwou eujw `mmoc `mvy I heard saying, “Blessing َو ْال َم ْجد ُ َوالس ُّْل َطا ُن ِإلَى أَبَ ِد
and honor and glory and
ethemci hijen pi`;ronoc@ je pi`cmou power be to Him who sits . َاآل ِبدِين
on the throne, and to the
vwk pe nem pi`wou nem pitaio nem Lamb, forever and ever!”
pi`amahi sa `eneh `nte ni`eneh.
Revelation 6
2 رؤيا
6@1 Menanca nai ainau hote 6:1 Now I saw when the ت لَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َح َم ُل ُ ْ َونَ َظر2:1
Lamb opened one of the ،س ْب َع ِة ِ ُ احدا ً ِمنَ ْال ُخت
َّ وم ال ِ َو
etafou`wn `nje piHiyb `nou`i `nnitebc seals; and I heard one of the احدا ً ِمنَ األَرْ بَعَ ِة ِ ْت َو ُ س ِمع َ َو
aicwtem `eouai `mpi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon
four living creatures saying :ت َر ْع ٍد ِ ْصو ً
َ ت قائِال َكَ ِ ْال َحيَ َوانَا
with a voice like thunder, ." ْظر ُ " َهلُ َّم َو ْان
efjw `mmoc `m`vry] `nt
` `cmy “Come and see.”
`nouqarabai@ je `amou.
6@2 Ouoh ainau hyppe ic ou`h;o 6:2 And I looked, and ، ُس أ َ ْب َيض ٌ َو ِإذَا فَ َر،تُ ْ فَنَ َظر2:3
behold, a white horse. He َوقَ ْد،س ٌ ْعلَ ْي ِه َمعَهُ قَو
َ س ُ َو ْال َجا ِل
efou`wbs ouoh vy ethemci hijwf who sat on it had a bow; غا ِلبا ً َو ِلك َْي
َ ج َ َو َخ َر،ًأ ُ ْع ِط َي إِ ْك ِليال
`eouon ouvi] `ntotf ouoh au] naf
and a crown was given to .يَ ْغ ِل َب
him, and he went out
`nou`,lom af`i `ebol ef`[ryout ouoh conquering and to conquer.
6@3 Etafou`wn de `n]tebc 6:3 When He opened ، َولَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم الثَّانِ َي2:2
the second seal, I heard the :ًْت ْال َحيَ َوانَ الثَّانِ َي قَائِال ُ س ِمع
`mmah`cnou] aicwtem `epizwon second living creature ُ ْ
." ْ"هل َّم َوانظر ُ َ
saying, “Come and see.”
`mmah`cnou] (=b) efjw `mmoc@ je `amou.
6@4 Ouoh ainau af`i `ebol `nje 6:4 Another horse, fiery ،س آ َخ ُر أ َ ْح َم ُر ٌ ج فَ َر
َ فَ َخ َر2:3
red, went out. And it was َ علَ ْي ِه أَ ْن يَ ْن ِز
ع َ َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي ِل ْل َجا ِل ِس
ou`h;o `n`aouan `n,
` rwm tyrf ouoh vy granted to the one who sat َوأَ ْن يَ ْقت ُ َل،ض ِ ْسالَ َم ِمنَ األَر َّ ال
on it to take peace from the ً س ْيفا ْ ُ ً
َ َوأع ِط َي،بَ ْعض ُه ْم بَعْضا ُ
ethemci hijwf au] naf `e`wli
earth, and that people .ً ع َِظيما
`n]hiryny `ebol hijen `pkahi tyrf@ should kill one another; and
there was given to him a
hina `nceqolqel `nnou`eryou ouoh au] great sword.
6@5 Ouoh etafou`wn `n]tebc 6:5 When He opened ،ثَ َولَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم الثَّا ِل2:5
the third seal, I heard the :ًث قَائِال َ ْت ْال َحيَ َوانَ الثَّا ِل ُ س ِمع َ
`mmahsom] (=g]) aicwtem third living creature say, س ر َ ف ا
ٌ َ ِ َ ْر َ ذإو تُ َ
ظ َ ن َ ف ." ُ ْ
ْ" َّ َ ر
ظ انو م ُ لهَ
“Come and see.” So I َ علَ ْي ِه َمعَهُ ِم
يزا ٌن َ س ُ َو ْال َجا ِل،ُأَس َْود
`epimahsomt (=g) `nzwon efjw `mmoc@
looked, and behold, a black .فِي يَ ِد ِه
je `amou ouoh ainau hyppe ic ou`h;o horse, and he who sat on it
had a pair of scales in his
`n,ame ouoh vy ethemci hijwf `eouon hand.
6@6 Ouoh aicwtem `eou`cmy ecnast 6:6 And I heard a voice س ِطَ صوْ تا ً فِي َو َ ْت ُ س ِمعَ َو2:2
in the midst of the four ُ ثُمْ نِيَّة:ًت قَائِالِ األَرْ بَعَ ِة ْال َحيَ َوانَا
qen `;my] `mpi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon living creatures saying, “A ير
ٍ ش ِعَ ِ ث ث َ َمانِي ُ َ َوثَال،قَمْ حٍ بِدِينَ ٍار
`m`vry] `nt
` `cmy `nou`aqwm ecjw `mmoc@
quart of wheat for a َت َو ْال َخمْ ُر فَال َّ َوأَمَّا.بِدِينَ ٍار
ُ الز ْي
denarius, and three quarts of .ضرَّ هُ َماُ َت
je oujapiji `ncou`o qa ouca;eri ouoh barley for a denarius; and
do not harm the oil and the
som] (=g]) `njapiji `niwt qa ouca;eri wine.”
6@7 Ouoh etafou`wn `n]tebc 6:7 When He opened ، َولَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم الرَّ ا ِب َع2:9
the fourth seal, I heard the ان الرَّ ا ِب ِعِ صوْ تَ ْال َحيَ َو َ ْت ُ س ِمع
`mmah`ftoou (=d) aicwtem voice of the fourth living ُ ْ
." ْ " َهل َّم َوانظر:قَائِال
ُ ً
creature saying, “Come and
`epimah`ftoou (=d) `nzwon efjw `mmoc@
je `amou.
6@8 Ouoh ainau hyppe ic ou`h;o 6:8 So I looked, and ،س أ َ ْخض َُر ٌ ت َو ِإذَا فَ َر ُ ْ فَنَ َظر2:3
behold, a pale horse. And ،ت ْ
ُ ْس ُمهُ ال َمو ْ علَ ْي ِه اَ س ُ َو ْال َجا ِل
efouetouwt ouoh vy ethemci hijwf the name of him who sat on ً َوأ ُ ْع ِطيَا س ُْل َطانا،َُو ْال َها ِويَةُ تَتْبَعُه
pefran pe `vmou ouoh Amen] tyrf
it was Death, and Hades َض أَ ْن َي ْقتُال ِ ْعلَى ُر ْب ِع األَر َ
followed with him. And ِ ْف َو ْالجُوعِ َو ْال َمو
ت ِ س ْيَّ ِبال
power was given to them َ
efcwk `ncwf ouoh au]ersisi naf .ض ِ ُْوش األر ِ َو ِبوُ ح
over a fourth of the earth, to
`ejen pire`ftoou (=d) `nte `pkahi kill with sword, with
hunger, with death, and by
`eqo;bou qen `tcyfi nem pi`hko nem
the beasts of the earth.
pihojhej nem ni;yrion `nte `pkahi.
6@9 Ouoh etafou`wn `n]tebc 6:9 When He opened ،س َ ام ِ َولَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم ْال َخ2:1
the fifth seal, I saw under َّ
َوس ال ِذين َ ُت ت َ ْحتَ ْال َم ْذبَحِ نُف ُ َرأ َ ْي
`mmahetioou (=e) ainau capecyt `mpima the altar the souls of those قُتِلُوا ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل َك ِل َم ِة هللاِ َو ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل
`nerswousi `eni`'u,y `nte nirwmi
who had been slain for the .ش َهادَ ِة الَّ ِتي كَانَ ْت ِع ْندَ ُه ْمَّ ال
word of God and for the
etauqelqwlou e;be picaji `nte testimony which they held.
6@10 Ouoh au`ws `ebol qen ounis] 6:10 And they cried يم
ٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ ِص َر ُخوا ب َ َو2:11
with a loud voice, saying, ُ " َحتَّى َمتَى أَيُّ َها السَّيِد: َقَائِ ِلين
`nc` my eujw `mmoc je sa `;nau je “How long, O Lord, holy الَ ت َ ْق ِضي َوت َ ْنت َ ِق ُم،ق ُّ وس َو ْال َح
ُ ُّْالقُد
penNyb vy e;ouab pi`;myi `k]hap an
and true, until You judge ِل ِد َمائِنَا ِمنَ السَّا ِكنِينَ َعلَى
ِ ْاألَر
and avenge our blood on "ض؟
ouoh `ntek[i `m`pem`psis `mpen`cnof those who dwell on the
`ebol qen ny etsop hijen `pkahi.
6@11 Ouoh au] `mpiouai piouai 6:11 Then a white robe ً اح ٍد ثِيَابا ِ طوا ُك ُّل َو ُ فَأ ُ ْع2:11
was given to each of them; ست َ ِريحُوا ْ َ َوقِي َل لَ ُه ْم أ َ ْن ي،ًِبيضا
`mmwou `nou`ctoly `nou`wbs ouoh and it was said to them that َز َمانا ً يَسِيرا ً أ َ ْيضا ً َحتَّى يَ ْك َم َل
aujoc nwou hina `ntou`mton `mmwou
they should rest a little ،ً َوإِ ْخ َوت ُ ُه ْم أ َ ْيضا،ْالعَبِيد ُ ُرفَقَا ُؤهُ ْم
while longer, until both the .ْالعَتِيد ُونَ أ َ ْن ي ُْقتَلُوا ِمثْلَ ُه ْم
`nkekouji `ncyou satoujwk `ebol `nje number of their fellow
servants and their brethren,
nou`svyr `n`ebiaik nem nou`cnyou ny who would be killed as they
were, was completed.
etounaqo;bou hwou `mpoury].
6@12 Ouoh ainau hote etafou`wn 6:12 I looked when He ت لَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم
ُ ْ َونَ َظر2:13
opened the sixth seal, and ٌ َو ِإذَا َز ْل َزلَةٌ ع َِظي َمة،ِس َ السَّاد
`n]mahcoou (^) `ntebc ounis] behold, there was a great سوْ دَا َء َ تْ ار
َ َ ُ ص س ْم َّ
ش الوَ ،َحدَث َ ْت
`mmonmen afswpi ouoh `vry af`,mom
earthquake; and the sun ار
َ ص ْ
َ َوالقَ َم ُر،ش ْع ٍر َ ك َِمسْحٍ ِم ْن
became black as sackcloth .كَالدَّ ِم
`m`vry] `noucwk `mfwi ouoh piioh tyrf of hair, and the moon
became like blood.
6@13 Ouoh niciou auforfer `epecyt 6:13 And the stars of سقَ َط ْت إِلَى
َ اء َّ َونُجُو ُم ال2:12
ِ س َم
heaven fell to the earth, as a ِ ِش َج َرة ُ الت
ين َ ح ُ ض َك َما ت َ ْط َر
ِ ْاألَر
`ebol qen `tve `e`hryi `ejen pikahi fig tree drops its late figs ٌ.سقَا َط َها إِذَا َه َّزتْ َها ِري ٌح ع َِظي َمة
when it is shaken by a
`m`vry] `noubw `nkente a ounis]
mighty wind.
`n;you forfer `nnecbys.
6@14 Ouoh `tve eukwl `mmoc 6:14 Then the sky ٍس َما ُء ْانفَلَقَ ْت َكدَرْ جَّ َوال2:13
receded as a scroll when it َ ِ َ ٍ َو ُك ُّل،ف
ير ٍة ت َ َز ْح َز َحا زجَ و ل ب
َ جَ ٍ َ ُم ْلت
`m`vry] `noujwm ouoh twou niben nem is rolled up, and every .ِم ْن َموْ ِض ِع ِه َما
nycoc niben aukim `ebol qen pouma. mountain and island was
moved out of its place.
6@15 Ouoh niourwou tyrou `nte 6:15 And the kings of ض َو ْالعُ َظ َما ُء ِ ْوك األَر ُ ُ َو ُمل2:15
the earth, the great men, the ْ ُ
َواأل َ ْغنِيَا ُء َواأل َم َرا ُء َواألَق ِويَا ُء
`pkahi nem ni,iliar,oc nem niramaoi rich men, the commanders, س ُه ْم َ ُ أ َ ْخ َفوْ ا أ َ ْنف،ع ْب ٍد َو ُك ُّل ح ٍُر
َ َو ُك ُّل
the mighty men, every slave ،ص ُخور ْالجبَال
nem nijwri nem bwk niben nem ِ ِ ِ ُ فِي ْال َمغَايِ ِر َوفِي
and every free man, hid
niremheu tyrou au,opou qen nibyb themselves in the caves and
in the rocks of the
nem ni,ol `nte nipetra. mountains,
6@16 Ouoh cejw `mmoc `nnipetra 6:16 and said to the َو ُه ْم يَقُو ُلونَ ِل ْل ِجبَا ِل2:12
mountains and rocks, “Fall َ سقُ ِطي
علَ ْينَا ْ ُ "ا:ور ِ ص ُخُّ َوال
nem nitwou@ je hei `e`hryi `ejwn ouoh on us and hide us from the َ
على ْ
َ َوأ َ ْخ ِفينا عَن َو ْج ِه ال َجا ِل ِس
ْ َ
,opten `ebol ha `pho `mvy ethemci
face of Him who sits on the ،ب ْال َح َم ِل ِ ضَ غ َ ْال َعرْ ِش َوع َْن
throne and from the wrath
hijen pi`;ronoc nem `ebol qa`thy of the Lamb!
6@17 Je af`i `nje pinis] `n`ehoou 6:17 For the great day ضبِ ِه َ ألَنَّهُ قَ ْد َجا َء يَوْ ُم2:19
َ غ
of His wrath has come, and "وف؟ َ ُست َ ِطي ُع ْالوُ ق
ْ َ َو َم ْن ي.ْالعَ ِظي ُم
`nte pefjwnt nim `ete ouon `sjom who is able to stand?”
`mmof `e`ohi `eratf `mpef`m;o.
Revelation 7
9 رؤيا
7@1 Menenca nai de ainau `e`ftoou 7:1 After these things I ت أَرْ َب َع َة ُ َو َب ْعدَ َهذَا َرأ َ ْي9:1
saw four angels standing at َ
علَى أرْ بَ ِع َز َوايَا َ ََمالَئِ َك ٍة َواقِ ِفين
(`e=d) `naggeloc eu`ohi `eratou@ hijen the four corners of the َ
ِس ِكينَ أرْ بَ َع ِريَاح ِ ْ مُم،ض ِ ْاألَر
pi`ftoou lakh `nte `pkahi@ eu`amoni
earth, holding the four ض ِلك َْي الَ تَهُبَّ ِري ٌح َعلَى ِ ْاألَر
winds of the earth, that the َ َعلَى ْالبَ ْح ِر َوال
علَى َ َض َوال ِ ْاألَر
wind should not blow on
`mpi`ftoou ;ynou hina `ntou`stemnifi .ش َج َر ٍة َما َ
the earth, on the sea, or on
`nje ni;you hijen `pkahi oude hijen any tree.
`viom oude hijen niiarwou oude hijen
7@2 Ouoh aijoust ainau 7:2 Then I saw another ت َمالَكا ً آ َخ َر َطا ِلعا ً ِم ْن ُ َو َرأ َ ْي9:3
angel ascending from the ِشمْ ِس َمعَهُ َختْ ُم هللا َّ ق ال ِ ش ِرْ َم
`ekeaggeloc `eaf`i `ebol qen nima `nsai east, having the seal of the َ
يم إِلى ٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ ِ فنادَى ب،ِْال َحي
َ َ
`nte `vry `eouon ou`c`vragic `ntotf `nte
living God. And he cried طوا أ َ ْن ُ ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة األَرْ بَعَ ِة الَّ ِذينَ أ ُ ْع
with a loud voice to the four ،ض َو ْالبَ ْح َر َ ْضرُّ وا األَر ُ َي
Vnou] etonq@ ouoh afws `ebol qen angels to whom it was
granted to harm the earth
ounis] `nq
` rwou oube pi`ftoou (pi=d) and the sea,
`naggeloc ny etautyic nwou
7@3 Efjw `mmoc nwou@ je 7:3 saying, “Do not َض َوال َ ْضرُّ وا األَر ُ َ الَ ت:ً قَائِال9:2
harm the earth, the sea, or ْ
َحتَّى نَختِ َم،ار ْ َ ْالبَ ْح َر َوالَ األ
َ ش َج
`mpereradikin `mpikahi nem `viom nem the trees till we have sealed .علَى ِجبَا ِه ِه ْم َ عبِيدَ إِلَ ِهنَا
the servants of our God on
ni`ssyn satetenteb ni`ebiaik `nte
their foreheads.”
Vnou] `etoutehni.
7@4 Ouoh aicwtem `e`typi `nny 7:4 And I heard the ِ ُ عدَدَ ْال َم ْخت
َومين َ ْت ُ س ِمع
َ َو9:3
number of those who were ،ًِمئ َةً َوأَرْ بَعَة َوأرْ بَ ِعينَ ألفا
ْ َ َ ً
etautobou etoutehni se `hme `ftoou sealed. One hundred and س ْبطٍ ِم ْن بَنِي ِ ومينَ ِم ْن ُك ِل ِ ُ َم ْخت
forty-four thousand of all .إِس َْرائِي َل
(=r=m=d) `nso ny etautobou `ebol qen
the tribes of the children of
nivuly tyrou `nte nensyri `m`pIcrayl@ Israel were sealed.
7@5 `ebol qen `tvuly `nIouda 7:5 Of the tribe of Judah َ س ْب ِط يَهُوذَا اثْنَا
عش ََر ِ ِم ْن9:5
twelve thousand were ْ ُ
س ْب ِط َرأو ِبينَ اثنَا ِ ِم ْن.وم ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ أ َ ْل
myt`cnau (=ib) `nso@ `ebol qen `tvuly sealed; of the tribe of ِ ِم ْن.وم
َس ْب ِط َجاد ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ عش ََر أ َ ْل َ
`nRoubyn myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen
Reuben twelve thousand .وم ُ ْ
ٍ ف َمخت ْ َ
َ عش ََر أل َ اثْنا
were sealed; of the tribe of
`tvuly `nGad myt`cnau `nso@ Gad twelve thousand were
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Of the tribe of Judah ً.عش ََر أ َ ْل َفا َ ْ َ
َ س ْب ِط يَهُوذا اثنا ِ ِم ْن
Ebol qen `tvuly `nIouda myt`cnau twelve thousand. .ً عش ََر أ َ ْلفَا َ س ْب ِط َرأُو ِبينَ اثْنَا
ِ ِم ْن
Of the tribe of Reuben ْ َ
.ً عش ََر ألفَا ْ
َ س ْب ِط َجادَ اثنَا ِ ِم ْن
(=ib) `nso.
twelve thousand.
Ebol qen `tvuly `nRoubyn Of the tribe of Gad
twelve thousand.
myt`cnau `nso.
7@6 `ebol qen `tvuly `nAccyr 7:6 Of the tribe of Asher عش ََر َ ير اثْنَاَ ش ِ َ س ْب ِط أِ ِم ْن9:2
twelve thousand were س ْب ِط نَ ْفتَا ِلي اثْنَا
ِ ِم ْن.وم ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ أ َ ْل
myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen `tvuly sealed; of the tribe of ِ ِم ْن.وم
س ْب ِط ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ عش ََر أ َ ْلَ
Naphtali twelve thousand ْ
ٍ ُ ف َمخت
.وم ْ َ
َ عش ََر أل ْ
َ َمنَسَّى اثنَا
`nEv;alim myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen
were sealed; of the tribe of
Manasseh twelve thousand
`tvuly `nManacy myt`cnau `nso@ were sealed;
myt`cnau `nso.
7@7 `ebol qen `tvuly `nCumewn 7:7 of the tribe of عش ََر َ س ْب ِط شَمْ عُونَ اثْنَا ِ ِم ْن9:9
Simeon twelve thousand ْ
س ْب ِط الَ ِوي اثنَا ِ ِم ْن.وم ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ أ َ ْل
myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen `tvuly `nLeui were sealed; of the tribe of ِ ِم ْن.وم
س ْب ِط ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ عش ََر أ َ ْلَ
Levi twelve thousand were .وم ُ
ٍ ف َمختْ ْ َ
َ عش ََر أل َ ْ
َ يَسَّاك ََر اثنا
myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen `tvuly
sealed; of the tribe of
`nIca,ar myt`cnau `nso@ Issachar twelve thousand
were sealed;
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Of the tribe of Simeon ً.عش ََر أ َ ْلفَا َ ْ
َ س ْب ِط شَمْ عُونَ اثنا ِ ِم ْن
Ebol qen `tvuly `nCumewn twelve thousand. .ً عش ََر أ َ ْلفَا َ س ْب ِط الَ ِوي اثْنَا
ِ ِم ْن
Of the tribe of Levi ْ َ
.ً عش ََر ألفَا ْ
َ س ْب ِط يَسَّاك ََر اثنَاِ ِم ْن
myt`cnau (=ib) `nso.
twelve thousand.
Ebol qen `tvuly `nLeui myt`cnau Of the tribe of Issachar
twelve thousand.
myt`cnau `nso.
7@8 `ebol qen `tvuly `nZaboulwn 7:8 of the tribe of عش ََرَ س ْب ِط َزبُولُونَ اثْنَا ِ ِم ْن9:3
Zebulun twelve thousand ُف اثْنَا
َ س ْب ِط يُوس ِ ِم ْن.وم ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ أ َ ْل
myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen `tvuly were sealed; of the tribe of ِ ِم ْن.وم
س ْب ِط ٍ ُ ف َم ْخت َ عش ََر أ َ ْل َ
Joseph twelve thousand ْ
ٍ ُ ف َمخت
.وم ْ َ
َ عش ََر أل ْ
َ امينَ اثنَا ْ
ِ َِبني
`nIwcyv myt`cnau `nso@ `ebol qen
were sealed; of the tribe of
`tvuly `nBeniamin myt`cnau `nso Benjamin twelve thousand
were sealed.
etauer`c`vragizin `mmwou.
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Of the tribe of Zebulun ْ َ
.ً عش ََر ألفَا ْ ُ
َ س ْب ِط َزبُولونَ اثنَا ِ ِم ْن
Ebol qen `tvuly ` nZaboulwn twelve thousand. ً.عش ََر أ َ ْلفَا َ ْ
َ ف اثنا َ س ُ س ْب ِط يُو ِ ِم ْن
myt`cnau (=ib) `nso.
Of the tribe of Joseph .ً عش ََر أ َ ْلفَاَ امينَ اثْنَاِ س ْب ِط ِب ْن َي
ِ ِم ْن
twelve thousand.
Ebol qen `tvuly `nIwcyv myt`cnau Of the tribe of Benjamin
twelve thousand.
myt`cnau `nso.
7@9 Ouoh menenca nai ainau 7:9 After these things I ت َو ِإذَا جَمْ ٌع ُ ْ بَ ْعدَ َهذَا نَ َظر9:1
looked, and behold, a great ِم ْن،ُست َ ِطعْ أ َ َحد ٌ أ ْن يَعُدَّه
َ ْ ََكثِيرٌ لَ ْم ي
`eounis] `mmys `mmon `sjom `nte `hli multitude which no one
ِ ُك ِل األ ُ َم ِم َوالقبَائِ ِل َوالشعُو
ب ُّ َ ْ
[iypi `mmof `ebol qen `slol niben nem
could number, of all َوا ِقفُونَ أ َ َما َم ْال َعرْ ِش،سنَ ِة ِ َواأل َ ْل
nations, tribes, peoples, and بٍ سرْ ِب ِلينَ ِبثِيَا ْ
َ َ ُمت،َوأ َ َما َم ال َح َم ِل
vuly niben nem laoc niben nem lac tongues, standing before the
throne and before the Lamb,
.سعَفُ النَّ ْخ ِل َ ِيه ْمِ يض َوفِي أ َ ْيد ٍ ِب
niben eu`ohi `eratou `mpe`m;o clothed with white robes,
with palm branches in their
`mpi`;ronoc nem pe`m;o `mpiHiyb eujyl
`nhan`ctoly `nouwbs `ere ouon
hanouwini `nq
` ryi qen noujij@
7@10 Euws `ebol qen ounis] `nc` my 7:10 and crying out with ٍ ْصو
ت َ ِص ُر ُخونَ ب ْ َ َوهُ ْم ي9:11
a loud voice, saying, ْال َخالَصُ ِ ِإللَ ِهنَا: َيم قَائِ ِلين
ٍ ع َِظ
eujw `mmoc@ je pioujai va Pennou] “Salvation belongs to our .علَى ْال َعرْ ِش َو ِل ْل َح َم ِلَ ْال َجا ِل ِس
God who sits on the throne,
pe vy ethemci hijen pi`;ronoc nem
and to the Lamb!”
7@11 Ouoh niaggeloc tyrou 7:11 All the angels َو َج ِمي ُع ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة كَانُوا9:11
stood around the throne and
ِشيُوخ ُّ َواقِ ِفينَ َحوْ َل ْالعَرْ ِش َوال
nau`ohi `eratou `mpe`m;o `mpi`;ronoc the elders and the four َو َخرُّ وا أ َ َما َم،ت األَرْ بَ َع ِة ِ َو ْال َحيَ َوانَا
nem ni`precbuteroc nem pi`ftoou
living creatures, and fell on س َجدُوا َ علَى وُ جُو ِه ِه ْم َو َ ْالعَرْ ِش
their faces before the throne ،ِِ ََّّلل
`nzwon ouoh auhitou `epecyt hijen and worshiped God,
auouwst `mVnou]@
pisep`hmot nem pitaio nem ]jom na honor and power and might, ِ . َِإلَى أَبَ ِد اآل ِب ِدين
. َآمين
Be to our God forever and
penNou] ne sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh@ ever. Amen.”
7@13 Ouoh aferou`w `nje ouai `ebol 7:13 Then one of the َاحد ٌ ِمن ِ سأَلَنِي َو َ َو9:12
elders answered, saying to َسرْ ِبلُون َ
َ ُ ِت م ْ
ال ءَ ال ُ
ؤ َ
ه :ِشيُوخُّ ال
qen ni`precbuteroc pejaf nyi@ je nim me, “Who are these arrayed َ
َ َم ْن هُ ْم َو ِم ْن أيْن،يض ْ
ِ ب ال ِب ِ ِبالثِيَا
ne nai `ete nai`hbwc `nouwbs toi
in white robes, and where أَتُوا؟
did they come from?”
hiwtou ouoh etau`i `ebol ;wn.
7@14 Pejyi naf@ je pa[oic `n;ok 7:14 And I said to him, .سيِد ُ أ َ ْنتَ ت َ ْعلَ ُم
َ يَا:ُت لَه ُ فَقُ ْل9:13
“Sir, you know.” So he said َ َه ُؤالَ ِء هُ ُم الَّ ِذينَ أَتُوا ِمن:فَقَا َل ِلي
etcwoun `mmwou@ ouoh pejaf nyi@ je to me, “These are the ones سلُوا َّ غ َ َوقَ ْد،الضيقَ ِة ْالعَ ِظي َم ِة
nai ne ny e;nyou `ebol qen ninis]
who come out of the great ْ
.ضو َها فِي د َِم ال َح َم ِل ُ َّثِيَابَ ُه ْم َوبَي
tribulation, and washed
`nhojhej ouoh aurwqi `nnou`ctoly their robes and made them
white in the blood of the
ouoh auveriwou qen pi`cnof `nte Lamb.
7@15 E;be vai ce,y `mpe`m;o 7:15 Therefore they are ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل ذَ ِلكَ ُه ْم أ َ َما َم9:15
before the throne of God, ًعَرْ ِش هللاِ َويَ ْخ ِد ُمونَهُ نَ َهاراً َولَ ْيال
`mpi`;ronoc `nte Vnou]@ ouoh cesemsi and serve Him day and س َعلَى ْال َعرْ ِش ُ َو ْال َجا ِل،ِفي َه ْي َك ِل ِه
`mmof qen pefervei `mpi`ehoou nem
night in His temple. And He .يَ ِح ُّل فَوْ قَ ُه ْم
who sits on the throne will
pi`ejwrh@ ouoh vy ethemci hijen dwell among them.
7@16 Nnou`hko oude `nnouibi je 7:16 They shall neither عوا بَ ْعدُ َولَ ْن ُ لَ ْن يَجُو9:12
hunger anymore nor thirst علَ ْي ِه ِم
َ شوا َب ْعد ُ َوالَ تَقَ ُعُ َي ْع َط
oude `nnouqici oude `nne qyibi `i `ejwou anymore; the sun shall not ْ
،س َوالَ ش َْي ٌء ِمنَ ال َح ِر ُ ْشم َّ ال
strike them, nor any heat;
oude kaucwn niben.
7@17 Je piHiyb et,y `mpe`m;o 7:17 for the Lamb who س ِط َ أل َ َّن ْال َح َم َل الَّذِي فِي َو9:19
is in the midst of the throne َويَ ْقتَاد ُ ُه ْم إِلَى،ْالعَرْ ِش يَرْ عَا ُه ْم
س ُح هللا ُ ُك َّل َ ْ َويَم،ٍيع َماءٍ َحيَّة ِ َينَا ِب
`mpi`;ronoc `n;of efmosi nemwou ouoh will shepherd them and lead
Revelation 8
3 رؤيا
8@1 Ouoh etafouwn `n]tebc 8:1 When He opened َولَمَّا فَت َ َح ْال َختْ َم السَّابِ َع َحد ََث3:1
the seventh seal, there was فِ صْ ِاء نَ ْح َو نِ س َمَّ وت فِي ال ٌ س ُك ُ
`mmahsasf (=z) a ou`qrwou swpi qen silence in heaven for about .ع ٍة
َ سا َ
half an hour.
`tve sa ouounou.
8@2 Ouoh ainau `episasf (=z) 8:2 And I saw the seven َس ْب َعةَ ا ْل َمالَ ِئكَة
َّ ت الُ َو َرأ َ ْي3:3
angels who stand before ُ ُ
الَّ ِذينَ يَ ِقفُونَ أ َما َم هللاِ َوق ْد أ ْعطوا
َ َ
God, and to them were ٍ س ْبعَةَ أ َ ْب َو
.اق َ
`naggeloc et,y `mpe`m;o `mVnou]
given seven trumpets.
eu`ohi `eratou ouoh au] nwou `nsasf
(=z) `ncalpigx.
8@3 Ouoh keaggeloc af`i af`ohi 8:3 Then another angel, َ َو َجا َء َمالَ ٌك آ َخ ُر َو َو َق3 3:2
having a golden censer, َو َمعَهُ ِم ْب َخ َرة ٌ ِم ْن،ِِع ْندَ ْال َم ْذبَح
`eratf qaten pima`nerswousi `eouon came and stood at the altar. ب َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي بَ ُخورا ً* َكثِيرا ً ِلك َْي ٍ ذَ َه
oulibanon `nnoub `ntotf ouoh au]
He was given much َسينِ ت ْال ِقدِي ِ ص َل َوا
َ يُقَ ِد َمهُ َم َع
incense*, that he should ب الَّذِي َّ ْ
ِ علَى َمذبَحِ الذ َه َ َج ِمي ِع ِه ْم
offer it with the prayers of
naf `noumys `n`c;oinoufi*@ hina .أ َ َما َم ْالعَرْ ِش
all the saints upon the
`nteftyitou `nca ni`proceu,y `nte golden altar which was
before the throne.
niagioc tyrou hijen pima`nerswousi
Pi`precbuteroc ce`ini `nou`c;oinoufi * Here the priest offers * هنا يعطي الكاهن بخوراً من
incense from the seven .السبع مجامر
8@4 Ouoh afse naf `e`pswi `nje 8:4 And the smoke of ور َم َع ِ ص ِعدَ د ُ َخا ُن ْالبَ ُخَ َ ف3:3
the incense, with the سينَ ِم ْن يَ ِد ْال َمالَ ِك ِ ت ْال ِقدِي ِ صلَ َواَ
pi`,remtc `nte pi`c;oinoufi `nte prayers of the saints, .ِأ َ َما َم هللا
ascended before God from
ni`proceu,y `nte niagioc tyrou `ebol
the angel's hand.
qen `tjij `mpiaggeloc vy et,y
`mpe`m;o `mVnou].
8@5 Ouoh piaggeloc af[i 8:5 Then the angel took َ ث ُ َّم أ َ َخذَ ْال َمالَ ُك ْال ِم ْب َخ َرة3:5
the censer, filled it with fire ار ْال َم ْذ َبحِ َوأَ ْلقَا َها ِإلَى ِ ََو َم َأل َ َها ِم ْن ن
`mpilibanon `nnoub afmahf `ebol qen from the altar, and threw it ٌعود ُ ات َو ُر ٌ ص َو ْ َ فَ َحدَث َ ْت أ،ض ِ ْاألَر
to the earth. And there were ٌ.ق َو َز ْل َزلَة ٌ َوب ُُرو
pi`,rwm `nte pima`nerswousi ouoh
noises, thunderings,
afhitf `e`qryi `ejen pikahi ouoh lightnings, and an
auswpi `nje hanqarabai nem han`cmy
8@6 Ouoh pisasf (=z) `naggeloc ny 8:6 So the seven angels َس ْبعَةَ ْال َمالَئِكَةَ َّال ِذين َّ ث ُ َّم إِ َّن ال3:2
who had the seven trumpets َيْ ق ت َ َهيَّأُوا ِلك ُ س ْبعَةُ األ َ ْب َواَّ َمعَ ُه ُم ال
`ete ]sasf (=z) `ncalpiggoc `ntotou prepared themselves to .يُ َب ِوقُوا
aucebtwtou hina `nceercalpizin.
8@7 Ouoh pihouit `naggeloc 8:7 The first angel َ فَ َحد،ُ فَبَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك األَوَّ ل3:9
sounded: And hail and fire َوأ ُ ْل ِقيَا،ان ِبد ٍَمِ بَ َرد ٌ َونَارٌ َم ْخلُو َط
afercalpizin ouoh afswpi `nje oual followed, mingled with ُاحت َ َرقَ ث ُ ْلث
ْ َ ف،ض ِ ْإِلَى األَر
nem ou`,rwm eumojt qen pi`cnof ouoh
blood, and they were بٍ ش ْ عُ احت َ َرقَ ُك ُّل ْ َ األ
ْ ش َج ِار َو
thrown to the earth. And a .أ َ ْخض ََر
auhitou hijen pikahi ouoh afrwkh third of the trees were
burned up, and all green
`nje `vresomt (=g) `mpikahi nem grass was burned up.
`vresomt (=g) `nni`ssyn ouoh afrwkh
8@8 Ouoh piaggeloc `mmah`cnou] 8:8 Then the second فَكَأ َ َّن، ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك الثَّانِي3:3
angel sounded: And َجبَالً ع َِظيما ً ُمت َّ ِقدا ً ِبالنَّ ِار أ ُ ْل ِق َي ِإلَى
(=b) afercalpizin `m`vry] `nounis] something like a great .ً ث ْالبَ ْح ِر دَما ُ ار ث ُ ْلَ صَ َ ف،ْالبَ ْح ِر
mountain burning with fire
`ntwou `n,
` rwm efmoh auhitf `e`qryi
was thrown into the sea,
`e`viom ouoh `vresomt (=g) `m`viom and a third of the sea
became blood.
8@9 Ouoh aumou `nje `vresomt (=g) 8:9 And a third of the ق الَّتِي فِي ِ ِث ْال َخالَئُ َو َماتَ ث ُ ْل3:1
living creatures in the sea ُ َوأ ُ ْه ِلكَ ث ُ ْل،ٌْالبَ ْح ِر الَّتِي لَ َها َحيَاة
`nnicwnt tyrou etqen `viom ny `ete died, and a third of the ships .سفُ ِن
ُّ ال
were destroyed.
ouon 'u,y `nwnq `nqytou ouoh
8@10 Ouoh piaggeloc `mmahsomt 8:10 Then the third ،ث ُ ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك الثَّا ِل3:11
angel sounded: And a great اء كَوْ كَبٌ ع َِظي ٌم َّ سقَ َط ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم َ َف
(=g) afercalpizin ouoh afhei `epecyt star fell from heaven, ث ِ َو َوقَ َع َعلَى ث ُ ْل،ٍص َباح ْ ُمت َّ ِقد ٌ ك َِم
`ebol qen `tve `nje ounis] `nciou
burning like a torch, and it .يع ْال ِميَا ِه
ِ علَى يَنَا ِبَ األ َ ْن َه ِار َو
fell on a third of the rivers
efmoh `m`vry] `noulampac `n,
` rwm and on the springs of water.
8@11 Ouoh `vran `mpiciou je 8:11 The name of the َ ب األ َ ْف
.س ْنتِي ُن ِ س ُم ْالكَوْ َك ْ َوا3:11
star is Wormwood. A third َ َو َمات،ًسنتِينا ْ ْ َ ْ
َ ث ال ِميَا ِه أف ُ ار ث ُ ْل
َ صَ َف
a'in;ion er`enf ouoh `vresomt (=g) of the waters became اس ِمنَ ْال ِميَا ِه ِ َّيرونَ ِمنَ الن ُ َِكث
`nnimwou auerensasi `m`vry]
wormwood, and many men .ًار ْت مُرَّ ةَ َ ألَنَّ َه
ص ا
died from the water,
`nouallo`y ouoh oumys `ebol qen because it was made bitter.
8@12 Ouoh piaggeloc `mmah`ftoou 8:12 Then the fourth ،ُ ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك الرَّ ا ِبع3:13
angel sounded: And a third ث ْالقَ َم ِر ُ شمْ ِس َوث ُ ْل
َّ ث الُ ب ث ُ ْل َ ض ِرُ َف
(=d) afercalpizin ouoh `vresomt (=g) of the sun was struck, a ُ ْ ُ ْ
، َحتَّى يُظ ِل َم ثلثه َُّن،ُوم ِ َوث ُ ْلث النج
ُّ ُ
`mpiry afmisi nem `vresomt (=g)
third of the moon, and a َواللَّ ْي ُل،ُار الَ ي ُِضي ُء ث ُ ْلثُه ُ َوالنَّ َه
third of the stars, so that a . ََكذَ ِلك
`mpiioh nem `vresomt (=g) `nniciou hina third of them were
darkened. A third of the day
`ntouer,aki `nte`stem pouresomt (=g) did not shine, and likewise
the night.
erouwini qen pi`ehoou nem pi`ejwrh
pairy] on.
8@13 Ouoh ainau ouoh aicwtem 8:13 And I looked, and I ً ْت َمالَكا ُ س ِمع َ ت َو ُ ْ ث ُ َّم نَ َظر3:12
heard an angel flying ًاء قَائِال ِ س َم َّ س ِط ال َ َطائِرا ً فِي َو
`eouaqwm qen `;my] `nt ` ve efws `ebol through the midst of " َو ْي ٌل َو ْي ٌل َو ْي ٌل:يم ٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ ِب
qen ounis] `nc` my efjw `mmoc@ je ouoi
heaven, saying with a loud َ
ض ِمن أ ْج ِل ْ َ
ِ ْعلى األر َ َ َِللسَّا ِكنِين
voice, “Woe, woe, woe to اق الثَّالَث َ ِة ْ َ ْ َ َب ِقيَّ ِة أ
the inhabitants of the earth, ِ َ ِ ص َوا
و ب أ ت
ouoi ouoi `nny etsop hijen pikahi ُ
."ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة ال ُم ْز ِم ِعينَ أ َ ْن يُبَ ِوقوا
because of the remaining
`ebol qen `pcepi `nte ni`cmy `nte pisomt blasts of the trumpet of the
three angels who are about
(=g) `naggeloc ny e;naercalpizin.
to sound!”
Revelation 9
1 رؤيا
9@1 Ouoh pimahetioou (=e) 9:1 Then the fifth angel ،س ُ امِ ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك ْال َخ1:1
sounded: And I saw a star اء
ِ س َم َّ سقَ َط ِمنَ ال َ ت كَوْ كَبا ً َق ْد ُ فَ َرأ َ ْي
`naggeloc afercalpizin ouoh ainau fallen from heaven to the ح ِبئْ ِر ُ
َ َوأ ْع ِط َي ِم ْفتَا،ض ِ ِْإلَى األَر
`eouciou `eafhei `ebol qen `tve hijen
earth. To him was given the .ْال َها ِويَ ِة
key to the bottomless pit.
pikahi@ ouoh au] naf `nnisost `nte
]sw] `m`vnoun.
9@2 Ouoh afse `e`pswi `nje 9:2 And he opened the َص ِعدَ َ ف، فَفَت َ َح ِبئْ َر ْال َها ِويَ ِة1:3
bottomless pit, and smoke ون ِ د ُ َخا ٌن ِمنَ ْال ِبئْ ِر َكد ُ َخ
ٍ ُ ان أَت
pi`,remtc `nte ]sw] `m`vry] arose out of the pit like the ُّس َو ْالجَوُ ْشم َّ ت ال ِ فَأ َ ْظلَ َم،يمٍ ع َِظ
` `,remtc `nounis] `nh
` rw ouoh
smoke of a great furnace. .ان ْال ِبئْ ِر
ِ ُ ِم ْن د
So the sun and the air were
afer,aki `nje `vry nem pi`ayr `ebol darkened because of the
smoke of the pit.
qen pi`,remtc `nte ]sw].
9@3 Ouoh au`i `nje han`sjyou `e`hryi 9:3 Then out of the ٌ ج َج َراد َ ان َخ َر ِ َو ِمنَ الدُّ َخ1:2
smoke locusts came upon فَأ ُ ْع ِط َي سُلطانا َك َما،ض
ً َ ْ ِ ْعلَى األَر َ
`ejen pikahi `ebol qen pi`,remtc ouoh the earth. And to them was ٌ ض س ُْل َط
.ان ِ ْر َ األ ب َ
ِ ِ َ ِل
ار قع
given power, as the
au]ersisi nwou `m`vry] `nni`[ly `ete
scorpions of the earth have
ouontou ersisi `mmau hijen `pkahi. power.
9@5 Ouoh autyic nwou hina 9:5 And they were not َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي أ َ ْن الَ يَ ْقتُلَ ُه ْم بَ ْل أ َ ْن1:5
given authority to kill them, ُعذَابُه َ َو.شه ٍُر ْ َ سةَ أ َ ْيَت َ َعذَّبُوا َخم
`ntou`stemqo;bou alla hina but to torment them for five َ غ إِ ْن
.ً سانا َ َب إِذَا َلدٍ ب ع َْق َر ِ َكعَذَا
months. Their torment was
`nce]`mkah nwou `netioou (=e) `na
` bot
like the torment of a
ouoh pi`mkah `nte pou`themko ef`eswpi scorpion when it strikes a
efmokh `m`vry] `mpi`themko `nte
9@7 Ouoh `p`cmot `nte ni`sjyou 9:7 The shape of the ِ ش ْك ُل ْال َج َرا ِد
ش ْبهُ َخ ْي ٍل َ َو1:9
locusts was like horses س َها ِ علَى ُر ُؤو َ َو،ب ِ ُْم َهيَّأ َ ٍة ِل ْلحَر
`ete`mmau eu`oni `nni`h;wr etcebtwt prepared for battle. On their َووُ جُوهُ َها،ب ِ ش ْب ِه الذَّ َهِ كَأَكَا ِلي َل
`e`ppolemoc `eouon ou`,lom eftoi `ejen
heads were crowns of .اس ِ ََّكوُ جُو ِه الن
something like gold, and
`t`ave `mpiouai piouai `mmwou euoi their faces were like the
faces of men.
` ouan `nnoub ouoh pouho ef`oni `m`pho
9@8 Ouoh nounajhi eu`oni `nna 9:8 They had hair like شع ِْرَ ش ْعرٌ َكَ َوكَانَ لَ َها1:3
women’s hair, and their ان ْ َ سنَانُ َها كَأ
ِ َسن ْ َ َو َكانَ ْت أ،اءِ س
َ ِالن
nimou`i@ ouoh `ere poufwi `oni `mva teeth were like lions’ teeth. ،ِاألُسُود
9@9 Ouoh noutenh `m`vry] 9:9 And they had ع َكدُ ُروعٍ ِم ْنٌ َوكَانَ لَ َها د ُ ُرو1:1
breastplates like ت َ ت أ َ ْجنِ َحتِ َها َك
ِ ْصو ُ ْصو َ َو،ٍَحدِيد
`nhanqellibs `mbenipi@ ouoh ]`cmy breastplates of iron, and the ير ٍة ت َ ْج ِري ِإلَى
َ ِ ٍ ت َخ
ث َ
ك ل ْ
ي ِ َمرْ َك َبا
sound of their wings was .قِتَا ٍل
`nte noutenh `m`vry] `n`t`cmy `nte
like the sound of chariots
hanharma `nte han`h;wr eucebtwt with many horses running
into battle.
9@10 Ouoh ouon cyt `erwou `m`vry] 9:10 They had tails like ،ب ِ ٌ َولَ َها أ َ ْذنَاب1:11
ِ ش ْبهُ ْالعَقَ ِار
scorpions, and there were ٌ َوكَانَ ْت فِي أ َ ْذنَا ِب َها ُح َم
`nni`[ly nem hancouri ouoh `ere stings in their tails. Their َسةَ ْاس َخمَ َِّي الن َ َوس ُْل َطانُ َها أ َ ْن ت ُ ْؤذ
pouersisi `nh
` ryi qen poucyt
power was to hurt men five .شه ٍُر ْ َأ
`eeradikin `nnirwmi `netioou (=e) `n`abot.
9@11 Ef,y hijwou `nje `pouro 9:11 And they had as ً َولَ َها َمالَ ُك ْال َها ِويَ ِة َم ِلكا1:11
king over them the angel of " َس ُمهُ ِب ْال ِع ْب َرا ِنيَّ ِة "أ َ َبدُّون
ْ علَ ْي َها ا
piaggeloc `nte `vnoun vy `ete pefran the bottomless pit, whose ." َُوليُّون َ
ِ س ُم "أب ْ
ْ َولَهُ ِباليُونَانِيَّ ِة ا
name in Hebrew is
`mmetebreoc pe Magedwn
Abaddon, but in Greek he
`esauouahmef `mmetoueinin je vy has the name Apollyon.
9@12 Pihouit `nouoi afcini ic hyppe 9:12 One woe is past. احد ُ َمضَى هُ َوذَا ِ ْال َو ْي ُل ْال َو1:13
Behold, still two more woes َ.يَأْتِي َو ْيالَ ِن أ َ ْيضا ً بَ ْعدَ َهذا
efnyou `nje pimah`cnau (=b) `nouoi are coming after these
menenca nai.
9@13 A pimahcoou (^) `naggeloc 9:13 Then the sixth ،ِسُ ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك السَّاد1:12
angel sounded: And I heard احدا ً ِم ْن أَرْ َبعَ ِة
ِ صوْ تا ً َو
َ ْت َ َف
ُ س ِمع
afercalpizin ouoh aicwtem `eou`cmy a voice from the four horns ،ِب الَّذِي أ َ َما َم هللاِ ون َم ْذبَحِ الذَّ َه
ِ قُ ُر
of the golden altar which is
`ebol qen nitap `nte pima `nerswousi
before God,
`nnoub vy et,y `mpe`m;o `mpi`;ronoc
`nte Vnou]@
9@14 Efjw `mmoc `mpimahcoou (^) 9:14 saying to the sixth ِس الَّذِي ِ قَائِالً ِل ْل َمالَ ِك السَّاد1:13
angel who had the trumpet, َ فُ َّك األَرْ بَعَةَ ْال َمالَ ِئكَة:َُمعَهُ ْالبُوق
`naggeloc vy `ete ]calpigx `ntotf@ je “Release the four angels
ِ ْال ُمقَيَّ ِدينَ ِع ْندَ النَّ ْه ِر ْال َع ِظ
bel pi`ftoou (=d) `naggeloc `ebol.
who are bound at the great ِ ْالفُ َرا
river Euphrates.”
9:15 So the four angels, ُ فَ ْانفَ َّك األَرْ بَعَةُ ْال َمالَئِكَة1:15
9@15 Ouoh aubolou `mpi`ftoou (=d)
who had been prepared for ش ْه ِر َّ ع ِة َو ْال َيوْ ِم َوال َ ْال ُم َعدُّونَ ِللسَّا
`naggeloc `ebol ny etauconhou the hour and day and month .اس َّ
ِ ث الن ْ ُ ُ ْ
َ ِلك َْي يَقتُلوا ثل،سنَ ِة َّ َوال
and year, were released to
`eounis] ni`aro Eu`vratyc ny
kill a third of mankind.
etcebtwt `e]ounou nem pi`ehoou nem
9@16 Ouoh `t`ypi `mpi`ctateuma `nte 9:16 Now the number of ان
ِ سَ ُْوش ْالفُر
ِ عدَد ُ ُجي
َ َو1:12
the army of the horsemen ُ
.عدَدَه ْم ُ
َ س ِمعْت َ َ ٍ ِمئَتَا ِم ْلي
َ َوأنا.ُون
pihuppikon `;ba `cnau (=b) `nhan`;ba ne was two hundred million; I
heard the number of them.
aicwtem etou`ypi.
9@17 Mpairy] ouoh ainau `eni`h;or 9:17 And thus I saw the ت ْال َخ ْي َل فِي ُ َو َه َكذَا َرأ َ ْي1:19
horses in the vision: those َل ُه ْم،علَ ْي َها َ َسين ِ الرُّ ْؤيَا َو ْال َجا ِل
qen ]horacic nem ny ethemci hijwou who sat on them had ٌس َم ْانجُونِيَّة ْ َ د ُ ُروعٌ نَ ِاريَّةٌ َوأ
`eouon hanqelibs `n`,rwm toi hiwtou
breastplates of fiery red, وس ْال َخ ْي ِلُ َو ُر ُؤ،ٌَو ِك ْب ِريتِيَّة
hyacinth blue, and sulfur َو ِم ْن أ َ ْف َوا ِه َها،ِوس األُسُود ِ ك َُر ُؤ
nem ouhu`akin;inon nem han;yn ouoh yellow; and the heads of the .يت ٌ ج نَارٌ َود ُ َخا ٌن َو ِك ْب ِر ُ يَ ْخ ُر
horses were like the heads
`t`ave `nni`h;wr `m`vry] `nt
` `ave of lions; and out of their
mouths came fire, smoke,
`nhanmou`i eunyou de `ebol qen rwou
and brimstone.
`nje ou`,rwm nem ou`,remtc nem
9@18 Ouoh `ebol qen paisomt (=g) 9:18 By these three ُ ِم ْن َه ِذ ِه الث َّالَث َ ِة قُتِ َل ث ُ ْل1:13
plagues a third of mankind ِ اس ِمنَ النَّ ِار َوالدُّ َخ
ان ِ َّالن
`nerqot aumou `nje `vresomt (=g) was killed--by the fire and ْ
.ت ْال َخ ِار َج ِة ِم ْن أَف َوا ِه َها ِ َو ْال ِك ْب ِري
`nnirwmi `ebol qen pi`,rwm nem the smoke and the
brimstone which came out
]`,remtc nem pi;yn ny e;nyou `ebol of their mouths.
qen rwou.
9@19 Persisi gar `nte ni`h;wr 9:19 For their power is فَ ِإ َّن س ُْل َطانَ َها هُ َو فِي1:11
in their mouth and in their أل َ َّن أَذنَا َب َها،أ َ ْف َوا ِه َها َو ِفي أ َ ْذنَا ِب َها
naf,y qen rwou pe nem poucyt tails; for their tails are like وس َو ِب َها ٌ ت َولَ َها ُر ُؤ ِ ش ْبهُ ْال َحيَّاِ
serpents, having heads; and ُ َت
. ُّضر
poucyt gar nafoni pe `nhan`hfw
with them they do harm.
`eouon han`ave `erwou ouoh `nh
` ryi qen
(=e) `na
` bot.
9@20 Ouoh `pcepi `nnirwmi `mpoumou 9:20 But the rest of اس َّال ِذينَ لَ ْم ِ َّ َوأَمَّا بَ ِقيَّةُ الن1:31
mankind, who were not ت فَلَ ْم يَتُوبُوا ِ ض َربَا َّ ي ُْقتَلُوا بِ َه ِذ ِه ال
َ َحتَّى ال،ِيه ْم ِ ع َْن أ َ ْع َما ِل أ َ ْيد
qen naierqwt oude `mpouermetanoin killed by these plagues, did
not repent of the works of ب َّ
ِ صنَ ِام الذ َه َ
ْ ين َوأ ِ اط ِ َشي َّ س ُجدُوا ِلل ْ َي
`ebol qen ni`hbyou`i `nte noujij@ hina
their hands, that they should ْ
اس َوال َح َج ِر ُّ
ِ ض ِة َوالن َح ْ
َّ َوال ِف
`ntou`stemouwst `nniiq nem ni`idwlon not worship demons, and ْست َ ِطي ُع أَن َ َ
ْ ب التِي ال ت َّ َ َو ْال َخ
idols of gold, silver, brass, ِ ش
ninoub nem nihat nem nihomt nem stone, and wood, which can َ س َم َع َوالَ تَمْ ش
.ِي ْ َ ت ُ ْب ِص َر َوالَ ت
neither see nor hear nor
nise nem ni`wni ny `ete `mmon `sjom
`mmwou `enau `mbol oude `ecwtem oude
9@21 Ouoh `mpouermetanoin `ebol 9:21 And they did not َ َوالَ تَابُوا ع َْن قَتْ ِل ِه ْم َوال1:31
repent of their murders or َس ْح ِر ِه ْم َوالَ ع َْن ِزنَاهُ ْم َوال ِ ع َْن
qen nouqwteb oude `ebol qen their sorceries or their َ
.ع َْن سِرْ قتِ ِه ْم
sexual immorality or their
nouvaqri `nhik oude `ebol qen
noupornia nem noucwf oude `ebol
qen nou[iou`i.
Revelation 10
11 رؤيا
10@1 Ouoh ainau `ekeaggeloc 10:1 I saw still another ً ت َمالَكا ً آ َخ َر قَ ِويا ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي11:1
mighty angel coming down ًسرْ بِالَ َ ُمت،اءِ س َم َّ نَ ِازالً ِمنَ ال
efjor `eaf`i `ebol qen `tve `eouon from heaven, clothed with a ،َس قُ َزح ُ ْس ِه قَو ْ
ِ علَى َرأ َ َو،ٍس َحا َبة
َ ِب
ou[ypi toi hiwtf ouoh ]iric ec,y
cloud. And a rainbow was ُ َو ِر ْجالَه،شمْ ِس َّ َو َو ْج ُههُ كَال
on his head, his face was .َكعَ ُمود َْي نَ ٍار
hijen tef`ave ouoh pefho efoi `m`vry] like the sun, and his feet
like pillars of fire.
`m`vry ouoh nef[alauj euoi `m`vry]
`nhan`ctulloc `n,
` rwm.
10@2 Ouoh ouon oujwm `n`qryi qen 10:2 He had a little ٌصغِيرَ ٌس ْفر
ِ َو َمعَهُ فِي يَ ِد ِه11:3
book open in his hand. And علَىَ ض َع ِر ْجلَهُ ْاليُمْ نَى ٌ َم ْفتُو
َ فَ َو.ح
tefjij@ ouoh af,w `ntef[aloj he set his right foot on the .ضِ ْعلَى األَر َ ْالبَ ْح ِر َو ْاليُس َْرى
sea and his left foot on the
`nou`inam hijen `viom tefja[y hijen
10@3 Ouoh afws `ebol qen ounis] 10:3 And cried with a يم َك َما
ٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ خ ِب َ ص َر َ َو11:2
loud voice, as when a lion خَ ص َر
َ َوبَ ْعدَ َما.ُسد َ َ ي َُزمْ ِج ُر األ
`nc` my `m`vry] `noumou`i efhemhem ouoh roars. When he cried out, ْ َ س ْبعَةُ بِأ
.ص َواتِ َها َّ عود ُ ال ُ ُّت الرِ تَكَلَّ َم
seven thunders uttered their
etafws `ebol a ]sasf (=z) `nqarabai
au] `ntou`cmy.
10@4 Ouoh aicwtem `eny 10:4 Now when the ُ عود ُ ُّت الر ِ َوبَ ْعدَ َما تَكَلَّ َم11:3
seven thunders uttered their َ
ت ُمز ِمعا ً أ ْنْ ُ ص َواتِ َها ُك ْنْ َ س ْبعَةُ ِبأ َّ ال
etaujotou `nje ]sasf (=z) `nqarabai voices, I was about to write; اء
ِ س َم ً
َّ صوْ تا ِمنَ ال َ ْت ُ س ِمع َ
َ ف،ب َ ُ أ َ ْكت
naina`cqytou on pe ouoh aicwtem
but I heard a voice from علَى َما تَكَلَّ َم ْت َ اخ ِت ْمْ " :قَا ِئالً ِل َي
heaven saying to me, “Seal ُ
."ُس ْبعَة َوالَ ت َ ْكت ُ ْبه َّ عود ُ ال ُ ُِّب ِه الر
`eou`cmy `ebol qen `tve ecjw `mmoc nyi@ up the things which the
seven thunders uttered, and
je tobou `mper`cqe ny etaucaji do not write them.”
`mmwou `nje ]sasf (=z) `nqarabai.
10@5 Ouoh piaggeloc etainau 10:5 The angel whom I ً َو ْال َمالَ ُك الَّذِي َرأ َ ْيتُهُ َواقِفا11:5
saw standing on the sea and َرفَ َع،ض ِ ْعلَى األَر َ علَى ْالبَ ْح ِر َو
`erof ef`ohi `eratf hijen `viom nem on the land raised up his .اءِ س َمَّ يَدَهُ إِلَى ال
hand to heaven.
hijen pikahi afcwouten `ntefou`inam
`e`pswi `e`tve@
10@6 Ouoh afwrk `mvy etonq sa 10:6 And swore by Him س َم ِب ْال َحي ِ ِإلَى أ َ َب ِدَ َوأ َ ْق11:2
who lives forever and ever, س َما َء َو َما َّ الَّذِي َخلَقَ ال، َاآل ِب ِدين
`eneh `nte pi`eneh vy etafcwnt `nt
` ve who created heaven and the ض َو َما فِي َها َو ْالبَ ْح َر َ ْفِي َها َواألَر
nem pikahi nem `viom nem ny etsop
things that are in it, the ،ُ أ َ ْن الَ َي ُكو ُن َز َما ٌن َب ْعد،َو َما ِفي ِه
earth and the things that are
tyrou je `nne `cnou swpi je. in it, and the sea and the
things that are in it, that
there should be delay no
10@7 Qen pi`ehoou `nte ]`cmy `nte 10:7 but in the days of ت ْال َمالَ ِك ِ ْصو َ بَ ْل فِي أَي َِّام11:9
the sounding of the seventh السَّا ِب ِع َمتَى أ َ ْز َم َع أَ ْن يُ َب ِوقَ َي ِت ُّم
pimahsasf (=z) `naggeloc angel, when he is about to ُع ِبيدَه
َ ش َر َّ َ َك َما ب،ِأ َ ْيضا ً سِرُّ هللا
afsanercalpizin afjwk gar `ebol
sound, the mystery of God .األ َ ْن ِبيَا َء
would be finished, as He
`nje pimuctyrion `nte Vnou] `m`vry] declared to His servants the
etafhiwis `ebol hiten nef`ebiaik
10@8 Ouoh ]`cmy etaico;mec `ebol 10:8 Then the voice ت قَ ْد ُ ت الَّذِي ُك ْن ُ ْ َوالصَّو11:3
which I heard from heaven ً اء كَلَّ َمنِي أ َ ْيضاِ س َم َّ س ِم ْعتُهُ ِمنَ ال َ
qen `tve naccaji nemyi pe ecjw spoke to me again and said, ير َّ ْ ُ
َ "اذهبْ خ ِذ السِف َر الص ِغ:ََوقال َ ْ َ
“Go, take the little book فِ ح فِي يَ ِد ْال َمالَ ِك ْال َوا ِق َ ْال َم ْفتُو
`mmoc@ je mase nak [i `mpijwm
which is open in the hand of ."ض َ
ِ ْعلَى األر َ علَى ْالبَ ْح ِر َو َ
e;ouyn vy etqen `tjij `mpiaggeloc the angel who stands on the
sea and on the earth.”
vy et`ohi `eratf hijen `viom nem hijen
10@9 Ouoh aise nyi ha piaggeloc 10:9 So I went to the ًت ِإلَى ْال َمالَ ِك قَا ِئال ُ فَذَ َه ْب11:1
angel and said to him, ."ير َ ص ِغ ْ
َّ "أ َ ْع ِطنِي السِف َر ال:ُلَه
pejyi naf@ je ma pijwm nyi ouoh “Give me the little book.” سيَ ْجعَ ُل َ َ ف،ُ " ُخ ْذهُ َو ُك ْله:فَقَا َل ِلي
And he said to me, “Take َو َل ِكنَّهُ فِي فَ ِمكَ يَ ُكو ُن،ًَجوْ فَكَ ُمرا
pejaf nyi@ je [itf nak ouoh ef`e`;re
َ ح ُْلوا ً ك َْال َع
and eat it; and it will make ."س ِل
tekneji ersasi ouoh ef`eswpi your stomach bitter, but it
will be as sweet as honey in
efholj qen rwk `m`vry] `nou`ebiw. your mouth.”
10@10 Ouoh ai[i `mpijwm `ebol qen 10:10 Then I took the ير
َ ص ِغ َّ ت الس ِْف َر ال ُ فَأ َ َخ ْذ11:11
little book out of the angel’s فَكَانَ فِي،ُِم ْن يَ ِد ْال َمالَ ِك َوأَك َْلتُه
`tjij `mpiaggeloc ouoh afswpi hand and ate it, and it was ُ َو َب ْعدَ َما أَك َْلتُه.س ِلَ َفَ ِمي ح ُْلوا ً ك َْالع
efholj qen rwi `m`vry] `nou`ebiw ouoh
as sweet as honey in my .ًار َجوْ فِي ُمرا َ ص
mouth. But when I had
etaiouomf a taneji ersasi. eaten it, my stomach
became bitter.
10@11 Ouoh pejwou nyi@ je hw] 10:11 And he said to َ "يَ ِجبُ أَنَّك: فَقَا َل ِلي11:11
me, “You must prophesy ب َوأ ُ َم ٍم ُ علَى
ٍ شعُو َ ً تَتَنَبَّأ ُ أ َ ْيضا
`erok on pe `nteker`provyteuin `ejen again about many peoples, ." َيرين ِ َوأ َ ْل
ِ ِسنَ ٍة َو ُملُوكٍ َكث
nations, tongues, and
hanlaoc nem han`slol nem hanlac
nem oumys `nouro.
Revelation 11
11 رؤيا
11@1 Ouoh au] `noukas `nnoub nyi 11:1 Then I was given a ِ ًص َبة
ش ْب َه ُ ث ُ َّم أ ُ ْع ِط11:1
َ َيت ق
reed like a measuring rod. :ف ْال َمالَ ُك قائِالً ِلي
َ َ َ َو َوق،ًعَصا
efoi `nou`sbwt eujw `mmoc nyi@ je And the angel stood, س َه ْي َك َل هللاِ َو ْال َم ْذبَ َح ْ ِ"قُ ْم َوق
saying, “Rise and measure .َّاج ِدينَ فِي ِه
twnk si `mpiervei `nte Vnou] nem ِ َوالس
the temple of God, the altar,
pima`nerswousi nem ny etouwst and those who worship
11@2 Nem ]auly etcabol 11:2 But leave out the َ ار الَّتِي ِه َي َخ ِار
ج ُ َّ َوأَمَّا الد11:3
court which is outside the َاط َر ْح َها َخ ِارجا ً َوال ْ َْال َه ْي َك ِل ف
`mpiervei hitc `ebol `mpersitc je temple, and do not measure ، ألَنَّ َها قَ ْد أ ُ ْع ِط َي ْت ِلأل ُ َم ِم،س َها ْ ت َ ِق
it, for it has been given to َسة َ
َ َّسونَ ْال َمدِينَة ْال ُمقَد ُ سيَدُو َ َو
autyic `nnie;noc nem ]baki e;ouab
the Gentiles. And they will .ً ش ْهرا َ َاثْنَ ْي ِن َوأرْ بَ ِعين
eu`ehwmi `nqytc `nh
` me `cnau (=m=b) tread the holy city
underfoot for forty-two
` bot. months.
11@3 Ouoh ei`e] `mpame;re `cnau (=b) 11:3 And I will give ِ َي فَيَتَنَب
َّآن َّ سأ ُ ْع ِطي ِلشَا ِهد
َ َو11:2
power to my two witnesses, س ْي ِن
َ ِ بَ ال ،ً ام ْوَ ِ ِ َ ِ أ َ ْلفا ً َو ِمئَت َ ْي
ي َين ت س و ن
eu`eer`provyteuin `nouso `n=c nem =x and they will prophesy one ."ً ُمسُوحا
thousand two hundred and
`ne` hoou `eouon hancok toi hiwtou.
sixty days, clothed in
11@4 :ai te ]bw `cnou] `njwit nem 11:4 These are the two ان َّ ان هُ َما
ِ َ الز ْيتُونَت ِ َ َهذ11:3
olive trees and the two ِ ان أ َ َم ِام َر
ب ِ َ ان ْال َقائِ َمت َ ََو ْال َمن
ِ َ ارت
]lu,nia `cnou] et,y eu`ohi `eratou lampstands standing before .ض ِ ْاألَر
the God of the earth.
`mpe`m;o `mP[oic.
11@5 Ouoh vy etououasf `n;wou 11:5 And if anyone َو ِإ ْن كَانَ أ َ َحد ٌ ي ُِريد ُ أ َ ْن11:5
wants to harm them, fire ج نَارٌ ِم ْن فَ ِم ِه َما ُ ت َ ْخ ُر،ي ُْؤ ِذيَ ُه َما
eu`eaif ou`,rwm ef`e`i `ebol qen rwou proceeds from their mouth ٌ َوإِ ْن كَانَ أَ َحد.َوتَأ ْ ُك ُل أ َ ْعدَا َءهُ َما
ef`eouwm `nca noujaji ouoh vy
and devours their enemies. ُي ُِريد ُ أ َ ْن ي ُْؤ ِذ َي ُه َما فَ َه َكذَا الَ بُدَّ أَنَّه
And if anyone wants to .ي ُْقت َ ُل
e;ouws `eeradikin `mmwou pairy] harm them, he must be
cenaqo;bou. killed in this manner.
11@6 Je ouontou ersisi `mmau 11:6 These have power ُ ان لَ ُه َما الس ُّْل َط
ان أ َ ْن ِ َ َهذ11:2
to shut heaven, so that no ً س َما َء َحتَّى الَ تُمْ ِط َر َم َطرا َّ يُ ْغ ِلقَا ال
`e`s;am `nt
` ve hina `nte`stem rain falls in the days of their َولَ ُه َما س ُْل َطا ٌن،فِي أَي َِّام نُبُوَّ تِ ِه َما
mou`nhwou `i `e`hryi `ejen pikahi
prophecy; and they have ،علَى ْال ِميَا ِه أَ ْن يُ َح ِوالَ َها إِلَى د ٍَم َ
power over waters to turn ضرْ بَ ٍةَ ض ِب ُك ِل َ ْض ِربَا األَر ْ ََوأ َ ْن ي
them to blood, and to strike
`nni`ehoou tyrou `nte tou`provytia .ُكلَّ َما أ َ َرادَا
the earth with all plagues,
ouoh ouontou ersisi rw on hijen as often as they desire.
nimwou e;rouvonhou `nceer`cnof ouoh
etououasf `n;wou.
11@7 Ouoh eswp ausanjwk 11:7 When they finish ش َهادَت َ ُه َما َ َو َمتَى ت َ َّم َما11:9
their testimony, the beast ْ
ش الصَّا ِعدُ ِمنَ ال َها ِويَ ِة ُ فَ ْال َو ْح
`n]metme;re `nte tou`provytia that ascends out of the صنَ ُع َم َع ُه َما حَرْ با ً َو َي ْغ ِلبُ ُه َما ْ س َي َ
pi;yrion de e;nyou `e`pswi `ebol qen
bottomless pit will make .َويَ ْقتُلُ ُه َما
war against them, overcome
`vnoun ef`e`iri `noubwtc nemwou ouoh them, and kill them.
11@8 Ouoh `ere poucwma ef`eswpi 11:8 And their dead َوت َ ُكو ُن جُثَّت َاهُ َما َعلَى11:3
bodies will lie in the street ش َِارعِ ْال َمدِينَ ِة ْال َع ِظي َم ِة الَّتِي ت ُ ْدعَى
hi pi`s;yh `nte ]nis] `mbaki ;y of the great city which ب ُ ث
َ ص ِل ُ َح ْي،ص َر ْ سدُو َم َو ِم َ ً وحياِ ُر
etoumou] `eroc `m`pneumatikoc je
spiritually is called Sodom ً.َربُّنَا أ َ ْيضا
and Egypt, where also our
Codoma `nte <ymi pima etaues Lord was crucified.
pou[oic `mmof.
11@9 Ouoh eu`enau `epoucwma `ebol 11:9 Then those from ب
ِ شعُو ُّ س ِمنَ ال ٌ ظ ُر أ ُ َنا ُ َويَ ْن11:1
the peoples, tribes, tongues, َّ ُ
سنَ ِة َواأل َم ِم جُثت َ ْي ِه َما ِ َو ْالقَبَائِ ِل َواألل
ْ َ
qen vuly niben nem laoc niben nem and nations will see their َ َوالَ يَدَعُون،ًصفا ْ ِثَالَثَةَ أَي ٍَّام َون
lac niben nem `slol niben eu`ejoust
dead bodies three-and-a- ٍ ان ِفي قُب
.ُور ِ ض َع َ جُثَّت َ ْي ِه َما تُو
half days, and not allow
`ejen noucwma `nsomt (=g) `n`ehoou nem their dead bodies to be put
into graves.
ouvasi ouoh `nnou,a `hli `e,a
11@10 Ouoh eu`erasi tyrou `nje ny 11:10 And those who َت ِب ِه َما السَّا ِكنُون ُ ش َم ْ َ َوي11:11
dwell on the earth will ُ َّ
، َض َويَت َ َهللون ِ ْعلَى األَر َ
etsop hijen pikahi `e`hryi `ejwou ouoh rejoice over them, make ْض ُ
ٍ سلونَ َهدَايَا بَ ْعض ُه ْم ِلبَع ُ ِ َْويُر
eu`eounof ouoh eu`eouwrp `nhandwron
merry, and send gifts to one أل َ َّن َهذَ ْي ِن النَّ ِبيَّ ْي ِن كَانَا قَ ْد عَذَّ َبا
ِ ْعلَى األَر
another, because these two .ض َ َالسَّا ِكنِين
`nnou`eryou eujw `mmoc je nai ne prophets tormented those
who dwell on the earth.
ni`provytyc `cnau (=b) ny
11@11 Ouoh ec`eswpi menenca 11:11 Now after the ث ُ َّم بَ ْعدَ الثَّالَث َ ِة األَي َِّام11:11
three-and-a-half days the ح َحيَا ٍة ُ يه َما ُرو ِ ِف دَ َخ َل ف ِ ص ْ َِوالن
somt (=g) `ne` hoou nem ouvasi ouoh breath of life from God َ َ َ َ
. ف َوقفا َعلى أرْ ُج ِل ِه َما،ِِمنَ هللا َ
ou`pneuma `nte Vnou] ef`ese `eqoun
entered them, and they َعلَى الَّ ِذين َ َو َوقَ َع َخوْ فٌ ع َِظي ٌم
stood on their feet, and .ظ ُرونَ ُه َما ُ كَانُوا يَ ْن
`erwou ouoh eu`e`ohi `eratou hijen great fear fell on those who
saw them.
nou[alauj ouoh ounis] `nho] ec`e`i
11@12 Ouoh aicwtem `eounis] 11:12 And they heard a ً صوْ تا ً ع َِظيما َ س ِمعُوا َ َو11:13
loud voice from heaven صعَدَاْ "ا:اء قَائِالً لَ ُه َما َّ ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم
`nc` my `ebol qen `tve ecjw `mmoc nwou@ saying to them, “Come up اء
ِ س َمَّ ص ِعدَا إِلَى ال َ
َ ف."إِلَى َه ُهنَا
je `amwini `e`pswi `e`mnai ouoh ause
here.” And they ascended to .عدَا ُؤهُ َما ْ َ ُ َ َ
َونظ َره َما أ،س َحابَ ِة َّ فِي ال
heaven in a cloud, and their
nwou `e`pswi `e`tve qen ou[ypi ouoh enemies saw them.
`nte `tve.
11@14 Piouoi `mmah`cnau (=b) afcini 11:14 The second woe ْال َو ْي ُل الثَّانِي َمضَى11:13
is past. Behold, the third َ ث يَأْتِي
.ً س ِريعا ُ َوهُ َوذَا ْال َو ْي ُل الثَّا ِل
ouoh hyppe ic piouoi `mmahsomt (=g) woe is coming quickly.
`fnyou `n,wlem.
11@15 Ouoh pimahsasf (=z) 11:15 Then the seventh ،ُ ث ُ َّم بَوَّ قَ ْال َمالَ ُك السَّا ِبع11:15
angel sounded: And there ات ع َِظي َمةٌ فِيٌ ص َو ْ َ فَ َحدَث َ ْت أ
`naggeloc afercalpizin ouoh auswpi were loud voices in heaven, ت مما ِل ُك
َ َ ْ ارَ ص َ "قَ ْد:ًاء قَائِلَة ِ س َم َّ ال
saying, “The kingdoms of َ ُ
سيَمْ ِلك إِلى َ
َ ف،ِيح ِهِ ْالعَال ِم ِل َربِنا َو َمس
َ َ
`nje hannis] `nc` my `ebol qen `tve
this world have become the ." َأَبَ ِد اآل ِب ِدين
eujw `mmoc@ je `;metouro `mpikocmoc kingdoms of our Lord and
of His Christ, and He shall
acswpi `mP[oic penNou] nem reign forever and ever!”
Pef`,rictoc ouoh ef`eerouro sa `eneh
`nte pi`eneh.
11@16 Ouoh pijout `ftoou (=k=d) 11:16 And the twenty- َش ُرونْ َواألَرْ بَ َعةُ َو ْال ِع11:12
four elders who sat before علَى َ ِش ْيخا ً ْال َجا ِلسُونَ أ َ َما َم هللا
`m`precbuteroc et,y `mpe`m;o `mVnou] God on their thrones fell on على وُ جُو ِه ِه ْم َ َ
َ ش ِه ْم خرُّ وا ِ ع ُرو ُ
their faces and worshiped َّ ُ
،ِس َجدوا َِّلل
َ َو
euhemci hijen ni`;ronoc auhitou `ejen
pouho auouwst `mVnou]@
11@17 Eujw `mmoc@ je 11:17 saying: “We give ش ُك ُركَ أَيُّ َها ْ َ "ن: َ قَائِ ِلين11:19
You thanks, O Lord God ، ٍعلَى ُك ِل ش َْيء َ اإللَهُ ْال َقاد ُِر
ِ ْ ُّالرَّ ب
tensep`hmot `ntotk P[oic Vnou] Almighty, the One who is ْ
،ْالكَائِ ُن َوالذِي كَانَ َوالذِي يَأتِي
َّ َّ
and who was and who is to َألَنَّكَ أ َ َخ ْذتَ قُ ْد َرت َكَ ْالعَ ِظي َمة
Pipantokratwr vy etsop ouoh vy
come, because You have . ََو َملَ ْكت
enafsop ouoh `,nyou je ak[i `n]jom taken Your great power and
ouoh akerouro.
11@18 Ouoh nie;noc aujwnt je 11:18 The nations were ت األ ُ َم ُم فَأَتَى ِ َغ ِضب َ َو11:13
angry, and Your wrath has ُ
،ت ِليُدَانوا َ ُ
ِ ضبُكَ َو َز َمان األمْ َوا َ غ َ
af`i `nje pekjwnt nem `pcyou `nte come, and the time of the ِ َو ِلت ُ ْع َطى األ ُ ْج َرة ُ ِل َع ِبي ِدكَ األ َ ْن ِب َي
]`krycic `e]hap `enirefmwout ouoh `e]
dead, that they should be ، َس َمك ْ سينَ َو ْال َخائِ ِفينَ ا ِ َو ْال ِقدِي
judged, and that You should َ َو ِليُ ْهلَكَ الَّ ِذين،الصغَ ِار َو ْال ِكبَ ِار ِ
reward Your servants the َ
`m`vbe,e `nte nek`ebiaik nwou
prophets and the saints, and
."ض َ ْكَانُوا يُ ْه ِلكونَ األر
ni`provytyc nem niagioc nem ny those who fear Your name,
small and great, and should
tyrou eterho] qa`thy `mpekran
destroy those who destroy
nikouji nem ninis] ek`etako `nny the earth.”
ettako `mpikahi.
11@19 Ouoh afouwn `nje piervei 11:19 Then the temple َو ْانفَت َ َح َه ْي َك ُل هللاِ فِي11:11
of God was opened in ع ْه ِد ِه فِي ُ َو َظ َه َر تَاب،اء
َ ُوت ِ س َمَّ ال
`nte Vnou] `nh
` ryi qen `tve ouoh heaven, and the ark of His ٌص َوات َ
ْ ق َوأ ْ َ
ٌ َو َحدَثت ب ُُرو،َه ْي َك ِل ِه
acouwnh `ebol `nje ]kubwtoc `nte
covenant was seen in His . عود ٌ َو َز ْل َزلَةٌ َو َب َرد ٌ ع َِظي ٌم ُ َو ُر
temple. And there were
]dia;yky qen piervei ouoh auswpi lightnings, noises,
thunderings, an earthquake,
`nje hancetebryj nem hanqarabai and great hail.
nem han`cmy nem hanmonmen nem
hanal `mve.
Revelation 12
13 رؤيا
12@1 Ouoh ic hyppe a ounis] 12:1 Now a great sign َو َظ َه َر ْت آيَةٌ ع َِظي َمةٌ فِي13:1
appeared in heaven: a ٌسرْ ِبلَة
َ َ امْ َرأَة ٌ ُمت:اءِ س َم َّ ال
`mmyini afouonhf `ebol qen `tve woman clothed with the َ َ ْ
، َوالق َم ُر ت َ ْحتَ ِر ْجل ْي َها،شمْ ِس َّ بِال
sun, with the moon under َ س َها ِإ ْك ِلي ٌل ِم ِن اثْنَ ْي
عش ََر ْ
ِ َ َعل
أر ى َ َو
ou`chimi ecjolh `m`vry ouoh piioh
her feet, and on her head a ،ًكَوْ كَبا
capecyt `nnec[alauj ou`,lom eftoi garland of twelve stars.
12@2 Ouoh ec`mboki ecws `ebol 12:2 Then being with ُ ص ُر
خ ْ َ َو ِه َي ُح ْبلَى ت13:3
child, she cried out in labor .َُمت َ َم ِخضَةً َو ُمت َ َو ِجعَةً ِلت َ ِلد
ec]nakhi ecmokh ecnamici. and in pain to give birth.
12@3 Ouoh kemyini afouonhf qen 12:3 And another sign َو َظ َه َر ْت آيَةٌ أ ُ ْخ َرى فِي13:2
appeared in heaven: behold, هُ َوذَا ِت ِني ٌن ع َِظي ٌم أ َ ْح َم ُر:اء
ِ س َم
َّ ال
`tve ouoh ic ou`drakwn `na` ouan a great, fiery red dragon ،ون ُ
ٍ عش ََرة ُ ق ُر َ وس َو ُ َ ُلَه
ٍ س ْبعَة ُر ُؤ
having seven heads and ten ُ
ٍ س ْبعَة تِي َج
.ان َ س ِهِ علَى ُر ُؤو َ َو
` rwm ounis] pe `emasw `eouon
horns, and seven diadems
` ve `erof nem myt (=i) `ntap on his heads.
sasf (=z) `na
`n]`chimi hina eswp acsanmici
12@5 Ouoh acmici `mpiSyri `nhwout 12:5 She bore a male عتِيدا ً أ َ ْن َ ً ت ا ْبنا ً ذَكَراِ َ فَ َولَد13:5
Child who was to rule all يَرْ عَى َج ِمي َع األ ُ َم ِم بِعَصا ً ِم ْن
vai pe vy e;na`amoni `nnie;noc qen nations with a rod of iron. ِف َولَدُ َها ِإلَى هللا ْ َو.ٍَحدِيد
َ اخت ُ ِط
ou`sbwt `mbenipi@ ouoh auhwlem
And her Child was caught ،ش ِه ِ َْو ِإلَى عَر
up to God and His throne.
`mPisyri `e`pswi ha Vnou] nem ha
12@6 Ouoh ]`chimi acvwt `e`psafe 12:6 Then the woman َو ْال َمرْ أَة ُ َه َربَ ْت إِلَى ْالبَ ِريَّ ِة13:2
fled into the wilderness, ث لَ َها َموْ ِض ٌع ُم َعدٌّ ِمنَ هللاِ ِلك َْي ُ َح ْي
`epima `eta Vnou] cebtwtf nac@ hina where she has a place َستِين ْ َ
ِ يَعُولُو َها هُنَاكَ ألفا ً َو ِمئَت َ ْي ِن َو
`ncesanousc `mmau `nouso nem (=c)
prepared by God, that they .ً يَوْ ما
should feed her there one
`nce(=x) `n`ehoou. thousand two hundred and
sixty days.
12@7 Ouoh ounis] `mbwtc afswpi 12:7 And war broke out :اء
ِ س َمَّ َو َحدَث َ ْت حَرْ بٌ فِي ال13:9
in heaven: Michael and his . َاربُوا التِنِينَ ِمي َخائِي ُل َو َمالَئِ َكتُهُ َح
qen `tve@ Mi,ayl nem nefaggeloc angels fought with the ُ،ب التِنِي ُن َو َمالَئِ َكتُهَ ار
َ َو َح
dragon; and the dragon and
`ebwtc oube pi`drakwn@ ouoh
his angels fought,
pi`drakwn afbwtc oubyou nem
12@8 Ouoh `mpef`sjemjom oubyou 12:8 but they did not فَ َل ْم يُو َج ْد، َولَ ْم يَ ْقوُ وا13:3
prevail, nor was a place .اء َّ َمكَانُ ُه ْم بَ ْعدَ ذَ ِلكَ فِي ال
ِ س َم
`e] nemwou ouoh `mpou,a ma naf je found for them in heaven
any longer.
`e`pswi qen `tve.
12@9 Ouoh auhiou`i `mpi`drakwn 12:9 So the great dragon ،ح التِنِي ُن ْال َع ِظي ُم ُ َ ف13:1
َ ط ِر
was cast out, that serpent of يس ُ ْال َحيَّةُ ْالقَدِي َمة ال َم ْد
َ عوُّ إِ ْب ِل ْ ُ
pinis] `nhof `par,eoc vy etoumou] old, called the Devil and ُ الَّذِي ي ُِض ُّل ْالعَالَ َم ُكلَّه، َش ْي َطان َّ َوال
`erof piDiaboloc `pCatanac vy
Satan, who deceives the ُط ِر َح ْت َمعَه ُ َو،ض َ
ِ ْح إِلى األر َ َ ط ِر ُ -
whole world; he was cast to .َُمالَئِ َكتُه
etcwrem `mpikocmoc tyrf auhitf the earth, and his angels
were cast out with him.
`epecyt `m`pkahi auhiou`i
12@10 Ouoh aicwtem `eounis] 12:10 Then I heard a ً صوْ تا ً ع َِظيما َ ْت ُ س ِمع َ َو13:11
loud voice saying in ار
َ ص َ َ "اآلن:اء ِ س َم َّ قَائِالً فِي ال
`nc` my `m`pswi qen `tve ecjw `mmoc@ je heaven, “Now salvation, َُخالَصُ إِلَ ِهنَا َوقُ ْد َرتُهُ َو ُم ْل ُكه
]nou a pioujai swpi nem ]jom nem
and strength, and the ح ُ ألَنَّهُ قَ ْد،ِيح ِه
َ ط ِر ِ َوس ُْل َطا ُن َمس
kingdom of our God, and َعلَى ِإ ْخ َوتِنَا الَّذِي كَان َ شت َ ِكيْ ْال ُم
]metouro `nte penNou] nem piersisi the power of His Christ ًعلَ ْي ِه ْم أ َ َما َم إِ َل ِهنَا نَ َهارا
َ شت َ ِكي ْ َي
have come, for the accuser
ً.َولَ ْيال
`nte Pef`,rictoc je auhiou`i of our brethren, who
accused them before our
`mpikatygoroc `nte nen`cnyou `epikahi
God day and night, has
vy etaferkatygorin `mpe`m;o been cast down.
12@11 Je `n;wou au`[ro `erof e;be 12:11 And they غلَبُو ُه بِد َِم ْال َح َم ِلَ َوهُ ْم13:11
overcame him by the blood َو َل ْم ي ُِحبُّوا،ش َهادَتِ ِه ْم
َ َوبِ َك ِل َم ِة
`p`cnof `nte piHiyb nem e;be `p`cnof `nte of the Lamb and by the .تِ َْحيَات َ ُه ْم َحتَّى ْال َمو
word of their testimony, and
toumetmarturoc je ouyi gar
they did not love their lives
`mpoumenre tou`'u,y sa `e`qryi to the death.
12@12 E;be vai ounof `mmwten 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل َهذَا ْاف َر ِحي13:13
O heavens, and you who .ات َوالسَّا ِكنُونَ فِي َها ُ او َّ أَيَّت ُ َها ال
َ س َم
nivyou`i nem ny etsop `nqytou ouoi dwell in them! Woe to the َ ْ
أل َّن،ض َوالبَ ْح ِر َ
ِ ْسا ِكنِي األر َ َو ْي ٌل ِل
`mpikahi nem `viom. Je af`i `epecyt
inhabitants of the earth and ٌضب َ ُ َ
َ يس ن َز َل إِل ْيك ْم َوبِ ِه غ َ َ إِ ْب ِل
the sea! For the devil has ."ً عَا ِلما ً أَ َّن لَهُ َز َمانا ً قَ ِليال،ع َِظي ٌم
harwten `nje pidiaboloc `eouon come down to you, having
great wrath, because he
ounis] `nm
` bon `nqytf ef`emi je knows that he has a short
kekouji `ncyou `ete`ntaf `mmau.
12@13 Etafnau de `nje pi`drakwn 12:13 Now when the ُالت ِني ُن أَنَّه
ِ َولَمَّا َرأَى13:12
dragon saw that he had been َط َهدَ ال َمرْ أَة َ ض ْ ا،ض ِ ْح ِإلَى األَر ُ
َ ط ِر
je auhitf `e`pkahi af[oji `nca ]`chimi cast to the earth, he .الَّتِي َولَد َْت ا ِالبْنَ الذَّك ََر
persecuted the woman who
;y etacmici `mPisyri `nhwout.
gave birth to the male
12@14 Ouoh au] nac `nnis] `ntenh 12:14 But the woman ِ ت ْال َمرْ أَةُ َجنَا َحيِ َ فَأ ُ ْع ِطي13:13
was given two wings of a ير ِإلَى ِ النَّس ِْر ْال َع ِظ
َ يم ِلك َْي ت َ ِط
`cnau (=b) `m`vry] `nna ouaqwm hina great eagle, that she might ث تُعَا ُلُ َح ْي،ْالبَ ِريَّ ِة إِلَى َموْ ِض ِع َها
`ntechwl `e`psafe `nje ]`chimi `e`vma
fly into the wilderness to ان ِم ْن ٍ ف َز َم َ ص ْ َِز َمانا ً َو َز َمانَ ْي ِن َون
her place, where she is .َو ْج ِه ْال َحيَّ ِة
nourished for a time and
etounasanousc `noucyou nem times and half a time, from
the presence of the serpent.
hancyou nem `tvasi `nte oucyou `ebol
ha `pho `mpihof.
12@15 Ouoh pihof afhiou`i `ebol 12:15 So the serpent ت ْال َحيَّةُ ِم ْن فَ ِم َها ِ َ فَأ َ ْلق13:15
spewed water out of his َو َرا َء ْال َمرْ أ َ ِة َما ًء َكنَ ْه ٍر ِلت َ ْج َعلَ َها
qen rwf `m`vry] `nouiaro `mmwou mouth like a flood after the .ت ُ ْح َم ُل ِبالنَّ ْه ِر
woman, that he might cause
cavahou `n]`chimi.
her to be carried away by
the flood.
12@16 Ouoh `pkahi afouwn `nrwf 12:16 But the earth َت األَرْ ضُ ْال َمرْ أَة ِ َ فَأَعَان13:12
helped the woman, and the تِ ت األَرْ ضُ فَ َم َها َوا ْبتَلَ َع ِ َوفَت َ َح
af`omk `mpiiaro `mmwou `eta pi`drakwn earth opened its mouth and .النَّ ْه َر الَّذِي أ َ ْلقَا ُه التِنِي ُن ِم ْن فَ ِم ِه
swallowed up the flood
hitf `ebol hivahou `n]`chimi.
which the dragon had
spewed out of his mouth.
12@17 Ouoh afjwnt `nje 12:17 And the dragon علَى َ ب التِنِي ُن َ فَغَ ِض13:19
was enraged with the صنَ َع حَرْ با ً َم َع ْ َب ِليَ َوذَ َه،ْال َمرْ أ َ ِة
pi`drakwn hijen ]`chimi ouoh afse woman, and he went to َظون ُ َس ِل َها الَّ ِذينَ َي ْحف
ْ ََبا ِقي ن
naf `eiri `noubwtc nem `pcepi
make war with the rest of َ ش َهادَةُ يَسُو
ع ْ
َ َو ِعندَهُ ْم،ِصايَا هللا َ َو
her offspring, who keep the .ِْال َمسِيح
`m`p`cperma `n]`chimi ny etareh commandments of God and
have the testimony of Jesus
`enientoly `nte Vnou] nem Christ.
]metme;re `nte Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
Revelation 13
12 رؤيا
13@1 Ouoh ai`ohi `erat hijen pisw 13:1 Then I stood on the ،علَى َرمْ ِل ْالبَ ْح ِر َ ت ُ ث ُ َّم َوقَ ْف12:1
sand of the sea. And I saw a ُطا ِلعا ً ِمنَ ْالبَ ْح ِر َله َ ً ت َو ْحشا ُ فَ َرأ َ ْي
`nte `viom@ ainau `eou;yrion efnyou beast rising up out of the ،ون ٍ عش ََرة ُ قُ ُر َ وس َو ٍ س ْبعَةُ ُر ُؤ َ
sea, having seven heads and ،ان ُ
ٍ عش ََرة تِي َج ُ
َ على ق ُرونِ ِه َ َ َو
`e`hryi qen `viom `eouon myt (=i) `ntap
ten horns, and on his horns . ٍس ُم ت َ ْجدِيف
ْ س ِه ا ِ علَى ُر ُؤو َ َو
hijwf nem sasf (=z) `n`ave `eouon myt ten crowns, and on his
heads a blasphemous name.
` lom hijen neftap `eouon ouran
`cqyout hi nef`avyou`i.
13@2 Ouoh pi;yrion etainau `erof 13:2 Now the beast َش الَّذِي َرأ َ ْيتُهُ كَان ُ َو ْال َو ْح12:3
which I saw was like a ،بٍ ُ َوقَ َوائِ ُمهُ َكقَ َوائِ ِم د،ش ْبهَ نَ ِم ٍرِ
nafoni pe `noupardalic ouoh leopard, his feet were like ُ َوأَ ْع َطاهُ التِنِين.ٍسد َ َ ُ
َ َوف ُمه َكف ِم أَ
nef[alauj eu`m`vry] `nna oulaboi `ere
the feet of a bear, and his .ً شهُ َوس ُْل َطانا ً ع َِظيما َ ْقُ ْد َرتَهُ َوعَر
mouth like the mouth of a
rwf oni `nourwf `noumou`i@ ouoh a lion. The dragon gave him
his power, his throne, and
pi`drakwn ] `ntefjom naf nem great authority.
pef`;ronoc nem ounis] `nersisi.
13@3 Ouoh `eouon ou`erqot hi 13:3 And I saw one of ِ احدا ً ِم ْن ُر ُؤو
س ِه ِ ت َو ُ َو َرأ َ ْي12:2
his heads as if it had been ُ َوجُرْ ُحه،ِح ِل ْل َموْ ت ٌ كَأَنَّهُ َم ْذبُو
nef`ave `m`vry] `nouqolqel `m`vmou mortally wounded, and his َوتَعَ َّجبَ ْت ُك ُّل.ش ِف َيُ يت قَ ْد ُ ْال ُم ِم
ouoh pi`erqot `nte pefmou auervaqri
deadly wound was healed. .ض َو َرا َء ْال َو ْح ِش ِ ْاألَر
And all the world marveled
`erof@ ouoh afer`svyri `nje `pkahi and followed the beast.
13@4 Ouoh auouwst `mpi;yrion 13:4 So they worshiped ين الَّذِي ِ ِس َجدُوا ِللتِن َ َو12:3
the dragon who gave س َجدُوا َ َو،أ َ ْع َطى الس ُّْلطانَ ِلل َو ْح ِش
ْ َ
eujw `mmoc@ je nim et`oni `mpai;yrion@ authority to the beast; and " َم ْن هُ َو ِمثْ ُل: َِل ْل َو ْح ِش قَائِ ِلين
ouoh nim `ete ouon `sjom `mmof `ebwtc
they worshiped the beast, ْ ْال َو ْح ِش؟ َم ْن َي
ست َ ِطي ُع أ َ ْن
saying, “Who is like the "يُ َح ِاربَهُ؟
nemaf. beast? Who is able to make
war with him?”
13@5 Ouoh au] rwf naf `ejw 13:5 And he was given َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي فَما ً يَتَكَلَّ ُم بِعَ َظائِ َم12:5
a mouth speaking great َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي س ُْل َطانا ً أ َ ْن،ِيف َ َوت َ َجاد
`nhannis] `njeou`a ouoh au]ersisi things and blasphemies, and .ًش ْهرا َ َيَ ْف َع َل اثْنَ ْي ِن َوأَرْ بَ ِعين
he was given authority to
naf `ebwtc `nh
` me `cnau (=m=b) `n`abot.
continue for forty-two
13@6 Ouoh afouwn `nrwf `ejeou`a 13:6 Then he opened his علَى
َ ِيفِ فَفَت َ َح فَ َمهُ ِبالت َّ ْجد12:2
mouth in blasphemy against علَى
َ علَى اس ِْم ِه َو َ ِف َ ِليُ َجد،ِهللا
`eVnou] nem `ejeou`a `epefran nem God, to blaspheme His علَى السَّا ِك ِنينَ ِفي َ س َك ِن ِه َو ْ َم
name, His tabernacle, and .اء
ِ س َم َّ ال
tef`ckuny nem ny etsop `nh
` ryi qen
those who dwell in heaven.
13@7 Ouoh autyic naf `eiri 13:7 It was granted to ً صنَ َع حَرْ باْ َ َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي أ َ ْن ي12:9
him to make war with the َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي،سينَ َويَ ْغ ِلبَ ُه ْم
ِ َم َع ْال ِقدِي
`noubwtc nem niagioc nem `e[ro `erwou saints and to overcome ان
ٍ سَ علَى ُك ِل قَ ِبيلَ ٍة َو ِل َ ً س ُْل َطانا
ouoh au]ersisi naf `ejen nivuly
them. And authority was .َوأ ُ َّم ٍة
given him over every tribe,
tyrou nem lac niben nem `slol tongue, and nation.
13@8 Ouoh eu`eouwst `mmof tyrou 13:8 All who dwell on س ُجد ُ لَهُ َج ِمي ُع َ َ ف12:3
ْ َسي
the earth will worship him, َ ال ِذين،ض َّ َ
ِ ْعلَى األر َ َسا ِكنِين َّ ال
`nje ny etsop hijen `pkahi ny `ete whose names have not been ُ س َما ُؤهُ ْم َم ْكتُوبَةً ُم ْنذ َ
ْ س ْت أَ لَ ْي
pouran `cqyout an hi `pJwm `m`pwnq
written in the Book of Life س ْف ِر َحيَا ِة ِ يس ْالعَالَ ِم فِي ِ س ِ ْ تَأ
of the Lamb slain from the ُ
.ْال َح َم ِل َّالذِي ذ ِب َح
`nte piHiyb vy etauqelqolf icjen foundation of the world.
`;kataboly `mpikocmoc.
13@9 Vy `ete ouon masj `mmof 13:9 If anyone has an ْ َ َم ْن لَهُ أُذ ُ ٌن فَ ْلي12:1
! ْس َمع
ear, let him hear.
`ecwtem marefcwtem.
13@10 Vy e;nase qen 13:10 He who leads into ً س ْبياَ إِ ْن كَانَ أ َ َحد ٌ يَ ْج َم ُع12:11
captivity shall go into ٌ َو ِإ ْن كَانَ أ َ َحد. ُس ْبي ِ َي ْذ َهب َّ فَ ِإلَى ال
oue,malwcia marefse vy captivity; he who kills with ف فَيَ ْنبَ ِغي أ َ ْن ي ُْقت َ َل َّ يَ ْقت ُ ُل ِبال
ِ س ْي
e;naqwteb `nt
` cyfi cenaqo;bef
the sword must be killed َسين ْ
ِ ص ْب ُر ال ِقدِيَ هُنَا.ف ِ س ْي
َّ ِبال
with the sword. Here is the ُ
.َوإِي َمان ُه ْم
` cyfi vy de `ete ]hupomony `ntotf patience and the faith of the
nem pinah] `nte niagioc `wouniatf.
13@11 Ouoh ainau `eke;yrion 13:11 Then I saw ت َو ْحشا ً آ َخ َر ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي12:11
ِ َ َوكَانَ لَهُ قَرْ ن،ض
another beast coming up out ان ِ َْطا ِلعا ً ِمنَ األَر
efnyou `e`pswi `ebol qen `pkahi ne of the earth, and he had two ،ينٍ ِ َوكَانَ يَتَكَلَّ ُم َكتِن، ٍش ْبهُ َخ ُروف ِ
horns like a lamb and spoke
ouon `cnau (=b) `ntap hijwf pe eu`oni
like a dragon.
`nouhiyb ouoh eucaji `m`vry]
13@12 Pefersisi tyrf af`m`vry] 13:12 And he exercises ِ َويَ ْع َم ُل ِب ُك ِل س ُْل َط12:13
all the authority of the first َويَ ْجعَ ُل،ُْال َو ْح ِش األَوَّ ِل أ َ َما َمه
`mpihouit `n;yrion nafiri `mmof beast in his presence, and َس ُجد ُون ْ َض َوالسَّا ِكنِينَ فِي َها ي َ ْاألَر
`mpef`m;o ouoh af`;re `pkahi nem ny
causes the earth and those ُش ِف َي جُرْ ُحه ُ ِل ْل َو ْح ِش األَوَّ ِل َّالذِي
who dwell in it to worship ُ ْال ُم ِم
etsop hiwtf ouwst `mpi;yrion the first beast, whose deadly
wound was healed.
`nhouit vy etafoujai `nje peferqot
`nte pefmou.
13@13 Ouoh ef`eiri `nhanmyini@ hina 13:13 He performs great ،ًت ع َِظي َمة ٍ صنَ ُع آ َياْ َو َي12:12
signs, so that he even makes ْ
ََحتَّى إِنَّهُ يَ ْجعَ ُل نَارا ً تَن ِز ُل ِمن
`ntef`;re ou`,rwm `i `epecyt `ebol qen fire come down from ِ ض قُدَّا َم الن
،اس َّ ِ ْعلَى األَر َ اء ِ س َم
َّ ال
heaven on the earth in the
`tve hijen `pkahi `mpe`m;o `nnirwmi. sight of men.
13@14 Ouoh ef`ecwrem `nny etsop 13:14 And he deceives ع َلىَ َ َوي ُِض ُّل السَّا ِكنِين12:13
those who dwell on the ت الَّتِي أ ُ ْع ِط َي أ ْن
َ ِ ض ِباآليَا ِ ْاألَر
hijen `pkahi e;be nimyini etautyitou earth by those signs which ً قَائِال،صنَعَ َها أ َ َما َم ْال َو ْح ِش ْ َي
naf `eafaitou `mpe`m;o `mpi;yrion
he was granted to do in the صنَعُواْ َض أ َ ْن ي َ
ِ ْعلى األر َ َ َين ِِللسَّا ِكن
sight of the beast, telling ُ ُْورةً ِل ْل َو ْح ِش الَّذِي كَانَ ِب ِه جُر
ح َ ص
those who dwell on the
efjw `mmoc `nny etsop hijen pikahi
earth to make an image to
َ ف َوع ِ س ْي َّ ال
je `ntou;amie hukwn `mpi;yrion vy the beast who was wounded
by the sword and lived.
`ete `perqot `nt
` cyfi `nqytf ouoh
13@15 Autyic naf `e] `pneuma 13:15 He was granted ً َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي أ َ ْن يُع ِْط َي ُروحا12:15
power to give breath to the َحتَّى تَتَك ََّل َم،ُور ِة ْال َو ْح ِش َ ِلص
`e]hukwn `nte pi;yrion ouoh `eqwteb image of the beast, that the ْ
ُورة ال َو ْح ِش َويَ ْجعَ َل َج ِمي َع ُ َ ص
`nny `ete`ncenaouwst an `mpi;yrion
image of the beast should ْ ْ
ُور ِة ال َوح ِش َ الَّ ِذينَ ال يَسجد ِلص
َُون ُ ْ َ
both speak and cause as . َي ُْقتَلُون
nem tefhukwn. many as would not worship
the image of the beast to be
13@16 Ouoh ef`e`;re nikouji tyrou 13:16 He causes all, ار ِ : َويَ ْج َع َل ْال َج ِمي َع12:12
َ الص َغ
both small and great, rich ، َواأل َ ْغنِيَا َء َو ْالفُقَ َرا َء،ارَ ََو ْال ِكب
nem ninis] nem niramaoi nem nihyki and poor, free and slave, to ْ ُ ت،َار َو ْالعَبِيد
صنَ ُع لَ ُه ْم َ َواأل َ ْح َر
nem niremheu nem nibwk ef`esolhou
receive a mark on their right علَىَ ْعلَى يَ ِد ِه ِم ْاليُمْ نَى أَو َ ٌس َمة ِ
hand or on their foreheads, ،ج ْبهتهم َِِْ ِ
qen toujij `nou`inam nem toutehni@
13@17 Hina `nte`stem `hli 13:17 and that no one َوأ َ ْن الَ َي ْقد َِر أ َ َحد ٌ أ َ ْن12:19
ُالس َمة
ِ ُي أَوْ يَ ِبي َع إِ َّال َم ْن لَه ْ َي
may buy or sell except one َ شت َ ِر
`sjemjom `nswp ie `e] `ebol `ebyl `evy who has the mark or the .عدَد ُ اس ِْم ِه َ
َ ْس ُم ال َو ْح ِش أو ْ ْ أ َ ِو ا
name of the beast, or the
`ete ouon swlh `nte pi;yrion toi
number of his name.
hiwtf ie pefran ie `t`ypi `nte pefran.
13@18 }`cbw `mpaima vy `ete ouon 13:18 Here is wisdom. هُنَا ْال ِح ْك َمةُ! َم ْن لَهُ فَ ْه ٌم12:13
Let him who has ُ عدَدَ ُعدَدَ ْال َو ْح ِش فَ ِإنَّهَ ْفَ ْليَ ْحسِب
hyt `mmof mareffiwp `nt
` `ypi `nte understanding calculate the ٌستَّةِ ت ِمئ َ ٍة َو ُّ س
ِ :ُعدَدُه َ َو،انٍ س َ إِ ْن
pi;yrion `t`ypi gar `nourwmi te ouoh
number of the beast, for it is . َستُّونِ َو
the number of a man: His
tef`ypi =,=x=^ ne. number is 666.
Revelation 14
13 رؤيا
14@1 Ouoh ainau `epiHiyb ef`ohi 14:1 Then I looked, and ٌ ِت َوإِذَا َح َم ٌل َواق
ف ُ ْ ث ُ َّم نَ َظر13:1
behold, a Lamb standing on ٌ َو َمعَهُ ِمئ َة، َعلَى َجبَ ِل ِص ْهيَوْ ن َ
`eratf hijen pitwou `nte Ciwn nem se Mount Zion, and with Him س ُمْ لَ ُه ُم ا،ًَوأَرْ َب َعةٌ َوأَرْ َبعُونَ أَ ْلفا
`hme `ftoou (=r=m=d) `nso eu,y nemaf
one hundred and forty-four .علَى ِجبَا ِه ِه ْم َ ً أ َ ِبي ِه َم ْكتُوبا
thousand, having His
`ere pefran nem `vran `mPefiwt Father’s name written on
their foreheads.
ef`cqyout hi toutehni.
14@4 Nai ne ny `ete `mpou;wleb 14:4 These are the ones َه ُؤالَ ِء ُه ُم ا َّل ِذينَ لَ ْم13:3
who were not defiled with . ٌاء ألَنَّ ُه ْم أ َ ْطهَار ِ س َ ِيَتَنَ َّجسُوا َم َع الن
`nnou`hbwc nem `chimi hanpar;enoc women, for they are virgins. َه ُؤالَ ِء هُ ُم الَّ ِذينَ يَتْبَعُونَ ْال َح َم َل
gar ne nai ne ny e;mosi nem piHiyb
These are the ones who شت ُ ُروا ِم ْن ْ َه ُؤالَ ِء ا.ب َ َح ْيث ُ َما ذَ َه
follow the Lamb wherever ْ ً
.ورة ِ ََّّللِ َو ِلل َح َم ِل َ اس بَا ُك ِ َّبَ ْي ِن الن
`epima etefnase naf `erof nai ne ny He goes. These were
redeemed from among men,
etausopou `ebol qen nirwmi `n`apar,y being firstfruits to God and
to the Lamb.
`mVnou] nem piHiyb.
14@5 Ouoh `mpoujem `hli 14:5 And in their mouth َو ِفي أ َ ْف َوا ِه ِه ْم لَ ْم يُو َج ْد13:5
was found no deceit, for ب قُدَّا َم عَرْ ِش ٍ ع ْي َ َ ألَنَّ ُه ْم ِبال،ش
ٌّ ِغ
`mme;nouj qen rwou cetoubyout gar. they are without fault .ِهللا
before the throne of God.
14@6 Ouoh ainau `ekeaggeloc 14:6 Then I saw another ًت َمالَكا ً آ َخ َر َطائِرا ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي13:2
angel flying in the midst of ٌ َارة
َ اء َمعَهُ ِبش ِ س َم َّ س ِط ال َ فِي َو
efhyl qen `;my] `nt ` ve `eouon heaven, having the على َ َ َ ِليُبَش َِر السَّا ِكنِين،ٌأَبَ ِديَّة
oueuaggelion `ne` neh `ntotf
everlasting gospel to preach ان
ٍ س َ ض َو ُك َّل أ ُ َّم ٍة َوقَ ِبيلَ ٍة َو ِل ِ ْاألَر
to those who dwell on the ،بٍ ش ْع
َ َو
efhisennoufi `nny etsop hijen `pkahi earth--to every nation, tribe,
tongue, and people--
nem `slol niben nem vuly niben nem
14@7 Efjw `mmoc qen ounis] 14:7 saying with a loud :يمٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ ِ قَائِالً ب13:9
voice, “Fear God and give ُ ألَنَّه،ًطوهُ َم ْجدا ُ " َخافُوا هللاَ َوأ َ ْع
` rwou@ je `ariho] qa`thy `mVnou] glory to Him, for the hour .ساعَةُ دَ ْينُونَتِ ِه َ قَ ْد َجا َء ْت
ouoh mawou naf@ je ac`i `nje ]ounou
of His judgment has come; ض ِ ْاء َواألَر ِ س َمَّ صانِ ِع ال َ س ُجدُوا ِلْ َوا
and worship Him who made ْ
."يع ال ِميَا ِه َ ْ ْ
heaven and earth, the sea ِ َِوالبَح ِر َويَناب
`nte pefhap@ ouoh ouwst `mvy
and springs of water.”
etaf;amie `tve nem `pkahi nem `viom
nem nimwou.
14@8 Ouoh keaggeloc `mmah`cnou] 14:8 And another angel :ً ث ُ َّم تَبِعَهُ َمالَ ٌك آ َخ ُر قَائِال13:3
followed, saying, “Babylon ُسقَ َط ْت بَابِ ُل ْال َمدِينَة َ سقَ َط ْت َ "
(=b) afmosi `ncwf efjw `mmoc@ je is fallen, is fallen, that great ُ
سقَ ْت َج ِمي َع األ َم ِم َ ا ه
َ َّ نَ أل ،ُ ة َ ْال َع
م ي ظ
achei `nje Babulwn ]nis] `ebol qen
city, because she has made ."ب ِزنَا َها ِ ض َ غ َ ِم ْن َخمْ ِر
all nations drink of the wine
`pyrp `nte pe`mbon `nte tecpornia of the wrath of her
auhei `nje nie;noc tyrou.
14@9 Ouoh keaggeloc `mmahsom] 14:9 Then a third angel ًث قَائِال ٌ ث ُ َّم تَبِعَ ُه َما َمالَ ٌك ثَا ِل13:1
followed them, saying with ُ س ُجدْ َ ِإ ْن كَانَ أ َ َحد ٌ ي:يمٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو
َ ِب
(=g) afmosi `ncwou efjw `mmoc@ je vy a loud voice, “If anyone ُس َمتَه ْ
ِ َويَقبَ ُل،ُورتِ ِه َ ِل ْل َو ْح ِش َو ِلص
e;naouwst `mpi;yrion nem tefhukwn
worships the beast and his ،ِعلَى َج ْب َهتِ ِه أَوْ َعلَى يَ ِده َ
image, and receives his
ouoh `nteftobf `eteftehni ie tefjij@ mark on his forehead or on
his hand,
14@10 N;of e;nacw `ebol qen 14:10 he himself shall ش َربُ ِم ْن ْ َسيَ ً َفه َُو أ َ ْيضا13:11
also drink of the wine of the ً ب ِصرْ فا ِ صبُو ْ ب هللاِ ْال َم ِ ض َ غ َ َخمْ ِر
piyrp `nte pe`mbon `mVnou] vy et;yt wrath of God, which is َويُ َعذَّبُ بِنَ ٍار،ضبِ ِه َ غ َ فِي كَأ ْ ِس
`nyrp `nakraton qen pi`avot `nte
poured out full strength into َسينِ ت أ َ َما َم ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة ْال ِق ِدي
ٍ َو ِك ْب ِري
the cup of His indignation. .َوأ َ َما َم ْال َح َم ِل
pefjwnt ouoh eu`eerbacanizin He shall be tormented with
fire and brimstone in the
`mmwou qen ou`,rwm nem ou;yn presence of the holy angels
and in the presence of the
`mpe`m;o `nniaggeloc nem pe`m;o
14@11 Ouoh pi`,remtc `nte 14:11 And the smoke of ص َعد ُ دُ َخا ُن َعذَا ِب ِه ْم
ْ َ َوي13:11
their torment ascends ٌ َوالَ ت َ ُكو ُن َرا َحة. َإِلَى أَبَ ِد اآل ِب ِدين
pou`themko ef`ese `e`pswi sa `ebol je forever and ever; and they ْ َنَ َهارا ً َولَ ْيالً ِللَّ ِذينَ ي
َس ُجد ُون
`mmon `mton `mmau `mpi`ehoou nem
have no rest day or night, ُورتِ ِه َو ِل ُك ِل َم ْن يَ ْقبَ ُل
َ ِل ْل َو ْح ِش َو ِلص
who worship the beast and ."س َمةَ اس ِْم ِه ِ
pi`ejwrh `nte ny e;naouwst his image, and whoever
receives the mark of his
`mpi;yrion nem tefhukwn nem vy name.”
e;na[i `mpiswlh `nte pefran.
14@12 Vy de e;na`amoni `ntotf 14:12 Here is the هُنَا. َسين ِ ص ْب ُر ْال ِقدِي
َ هُنَا13:13
patience of the saints; here َهللا َو ِإي َمان
ِ صا َيا َ ظونَ َو ُ َالَّ ِذينَ َي ْحف
nem niagioc ny e;na`areh `enientoly are those who keep the .ع
َ يَسُو
commandments of God and
`nte Vnou] nem pinah] `nte Iycouc.
the faith of Jesus.
14@13 Ouoh aicwtem `ekenis] 14:13 Then I heard a َصوْ تا ً ِمن
َ ْتُ س ِمع َ َو13:12
voice from heaven saying to طوبَى ُ . ْ "ا ْكتُب:اء قَائِالً ِلي ِ س َمَّ ال
` rwou `ebol qen `tve efjw `mmoc@ je me, “Write: Blessed are the
`nq ب ُ
ِ َّت ال ِذينَ يَ ُموتونَ فِي الر َّ ِ ِلألَمْ َوا
`wouniatou `nnirefmwout qen P[oic
dead who die in the Lord ِلك َْي،حُ نَعَ ْم يَقُو ُل الرُّ و- َُم ْنذ ُ اآلن
ْ َ ْ َ َوأ،ست َ ِريحُوا ِم ْن أَتْ َعا ِب ِه ْم
from now on-- Yes, says the عمالُ ُهم ْ َي
Spirit, that they may rest
ausantwounou icjen ]nou `fjw ."تَتْبَعُ ُه ْم
from their labors, and their
`mmoc `nje Pi`pneuma@ hina `ntou`mton works follow them.”
`mmwou `nwnq.
14@15 Ouoh keaggeloc af`i `ebol 14:15 And another َج َمالَ ٌك آ َخ ُر ِمن َ َو َخ َر13:15
angel came out of the يم إِلَىٍ ت ع َِظ ٍ ْصو َ خ ِبُ ص ُرْ َ ي،ْال َه ْي َك ِل
qen piervei efws `ebol qen ounis] temple, crying with a loud س ْل ِ ْ "أَر:س َحابَ ِة َّ علَى ال َ ْال َجا ِل ِس
` rwou efjw `mmoc `mvy ethemci
voice to Him who sat on the تِ ألَنَّهُ قَ ْد َجا َء،ص ْد ُ احْ ِم ْن َجلَكَ َو
cloud, “Thrust in Your س ْ
َ ِإذ قَ ْد يَ ِب،ِصاد َ السَّاعَةُ ِل ْل َح
sickle and reap, for the time
hijen ]`[ypi@ je ouwrp `mpekwcq ouoh
has come for You to reap,
."ض ِ َْح ِصيد ُ األَر
wcq je ac`i `nje ]ounou `nte `pwcq for the harvest of the earth
is ripe.”
14@16 Ouoh vy ethemci hijen 14:16 So He who sat on س َعلَىُ فَأ َ ْلقَى ْال َجا ِل13:12
the cloud thrust in His ،ضِ ْعلَى األَر َ ُس َحابَ ِة ِم ْن َجلَهَّ ال
][ypi afouwrp `mpefwcq hijen sickle on the earth, and the .ض َ
ُ ْت األر ِ َُصد ِ فَح
earth was reaped.
14@17 Ouoh keaggeloc `eaf`i `ebol 14:17 Then another َ ث ُ َّم َخ َر13:19
َج َمالَ ٌك آ َخ ُر ِمن
angel came out of the ُ َمعَه،اء َّ ْال َه ْي َك ِل الَّذِي فِي ال
ِ س َم
qen `tve `eouon oucyfi `ntotf echiou`i. temple which is in heaven, .ٌّأ َ ْيضا ً ِم ْن َج ٌل َحاد
he also having a sharp
14@18 Ouoh keaggeloc af`i `ebol 14:18 And another َج َمالَ ٌك آ َخ ُر ِمن َ َو َخ َر13:13
angel came out from the ،علَى النَّ ِار َ ان ٌ ْال َم ْذ َبحِ لَهُ س ُْل َط
qen pima`nerswousi `eouon ouersisi altar, who had power over خ ص َُراخا ً ع َِظيما ً إِلَى َّالذِي َ ص َر َ َو
`nte ou`,rwm `ntotf ouoh afmou] qen
fire, and he cried with a س ْل َ ً َ ْ
ِ ْ "أر: قائِال،َُّمعَه ال ِمن َج ُل ال َحاد ْ ْ ُ
loud cry to him who had the عنَاقِيدَ كَرْ ِم َ ف ْ ِم ْن َجلَكَ ْال َحادَّ َو ْاق ِط
ounis] `nq` rwou `evy `ete ]cyfi ethiou`i sharp sickle, saying, ."ض َج َ َ أل َ َّن ِعنَبَ َها قَ ْد ن،ض ِ ْاألَر
“Thrust in your sharp sickle
`ntotf efjw `mmoc@ je ouwrp and gather the clusters of
the vine of the earth, for her
`ntekcyfi ethiou`i ouoh [el pi`cmah
grapes are fully ripe.”
` loli `nte `pkahi.
14@19 Ouoh a piaggeloc hiou`i 14:19 So the angel فَأ َ ْلقَى ْال َمالَ ُك ِم ْن َجلَهُ إِلَى13:11
thrust his sickle into the ،ض ِ ْف كَرْ َم األَر َ ض َوقَ َط ِ ْاألَر
`ntefcyfi `e`pkahi ouoh af[el pi`aloli earth and gathered the vine
ِب هللاِ ض َ غ َ ص َر ِة َ فَأ َ ْلقَاهُ إِلَى َم ْع
`nte `pkahi ouoh afhitf `e`qryi `e]nis]
of the earth, and threw it .ْالعَ ِظي َم ِة
into the great winepress of
` rwt `nte `pembon `mVnou]. the wrath of God.
Revelation 15
15 رؤيا
15@1 Ouoh ainau `ekenis] `mmyini 15:1 Then I saw another ت آيَةً أ ُ ْخ َرى فِي ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي15:1
sign in heaven, great and َ :ًاء ع َِظي َمةً َوع َِجيبَة
َس ْبعَة ِ س َم
َّ ال
` vyri sasf (=z) marvelous: seven angels
`e`pswi qen `tve efoi `ns ات َّ
ُ َس ْب ُع الض َرب َّ َمالَئِ َك ٍة َمعَ ُه ُم ال
`naggeloc `ere pisasf (=z) `nerqot
having the seven last .هللا
ِ ُضب َ أل َ ْن ِب َها أ ُ ْك ِم َل َغ،ُيرة َ األ َ ِخ
plagues, for in them the
` ryi `nqytou afjwk wrath of God is complete.
`nqa`e `ntotou je `nh
15@2 Ouoh ainau `m`vry] `nouiom 15:2 And I saw ٍت َكبَ ْح ٍر ِم ْن ُز َجاج ُ َو َرأ َ ْي15:3
something like a sea of علَىَ َ َو ْالغَا ِلبِين،ُم ْختَلِطٍ بِنَ ٍار
`nabajyini efmoujt qen ou`,rwm glass mingled with fire, and س َم ِت ِه ِ علَى َ ْال َو ْح ِش َوص
َ ُور ِت ِه َو
ouoh ny tyrou etau`[ro `epi;yrion
those who have the victory ْ
علَى البَ ْح ِر َ َعدَ ِد اس ِْم ِه َواقِ ِفين َ َو
over the beast, over his ُ ار َ ُّ
.ِات هللا َ َمعَ ُه ْم قِيث،ِاجي ِ الز َج
nem tefhukwn nem `t`ypi `nte pefran image and over his mark
and over the number of his
eu`ohi `eratou hijen `viom `nabajyini name, standing on the sea
of glass, having harps of
`ere ouon hanku;ara `nte Vnou] ,y
15@3 Eujw `n]hwdy `nte piHiyb 15:3 They sing the song َ َوهُ ْم ي َُرتِلُونَ تَرْ نِي َمة15:2
of Moses, the servant of ع ْب ِد هللاِ َوتَرْ نِي َمةَ ْال َح َم ِلَ سى َ ُمو
nem Mwucyc pibwk `nte Vnou] eujw God, and the song of the "ع َِظي َمةٌ َوع َِجيبَةٌ ِه َي: َقَائِ ِلين
Lamb, saying: “Great and اإللَهُ ْالقَاد ُِر
`mmoc@ je hannis] ne nek`hbyou`i ouoh ِ ْ ُّأ َ ْع َمالُكَ أَيُّ َها الرَّ ب
marvelous are Your works, ق ِه َي ٌّ عَا ِدلَةٌ َو َح. ٍعلَى ُك ِل ش َْيء َ
Lord God Almighty! Just ْ ُ ُ
ceoi `ns
` vyri P[oic Vnou] َين
. س َك َك
ِ ط ُرق يَا َم ِل ال ِقدِي
and true are Your ways, O
Pipantokratwr pi`;myi nekmwit King of the saints!
tyrou hanme;myi ne `pOuro `nte
15@4 Nim `ete `nneferho] qa`thy 15:4 Who shall not fear ُّ َم ْن الَ يَ َخافُكَ يَا َرب15:3
You, O Lord, and glorify َ ألَنَّكَ َو ْحدَك، َس َمك ْ َويُ َم ِجد ُ ا
`mP[oic ouoh `ntef]wou `mpekran@ je Your name? For You alone ْ
َسيَأتُون ُ
َ أل َ َّن َج ِمي َع األ َم ِم،وس ٌ ُّقُد
nie;noc tyrou eu`e`i `nceouwst
are holy. For all nations أل َ َّن أ َ ْحكَا َمكَ قَ ْد، َس ُجد ُونَ أ َ َما َمك ْ ََوي
shall come and worship ."أ ُ ْظ ِه َرت
`mpekran@ je nekme;myi auouwnh before You, for Your
judgments have been
`ebol. manifested.”
15@5 Ouoh menenca nai ainau 15:5 After these things I ُ ْ ث ُ َّم بَ ْعدَ َهذَا نَ َظر15:5
ت َو ِإذَا َق ِد
looked, and behold, the َّ ْانفَت َ َح َه ْي َك ُل َخ ْي َم ِة ال
ش َهادَ ِة فِي
hyppe afouwn `nje piervei `nte temple of the tabernacle of .اء
ِ س َمَّ ال
the testimony in heaven was
]`ckuny `nte ]metme;re `m`pswi qen
15:6 And out of the ُس ْب َعةُ ْال َمالَئِكَة َّ ت الِ َو َخ َر َج15:2
15@6 Ouoh au`i `ebol `nje pisasf
temple came the seven ُ َض َرب
َات ِمن َّ س ْب ُع ال َّ َو َمعَ ُه ُم ال
(=z) `naggeloc qen piervei ny `ete angels having the seven َّ
ٍ سرْ بِلونَ بِ َكت
ان ُ َ َ َوه ْم ُمت،ْال َه ْي َك ِل
pisasf (=z) `nerqot `ntotou `eouon
plagues, clothed in pure َ َو ُمت َ َم ْن ِطقُونَ ِع ْند،ٍنَ ِقي ٍ َو َب ِهي
bright linen, and having .ب ٍ اطقَ ِم ْن ذَ َه ِ َور ِه ْم ِب َمنِ ُ صد ُ
han`hbwc `niau toi hiwtou euvori their chests girded with
golden bands.
eumyr `ejen tou]pi `nhanmojq `nnoub.
15@7 Ouoh a ouai `ebol qen 15:7 Then one of the احد ٌ ِمنَ األَرْ بَعَ ِة ِ َو َو15:9
four living creatures gave to َس ْبعَةَ ْال َمالَئِكَة َّ ت أَعطى ال
َ ْ ِ ْال َحيَ َوانَا
pi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon af] `mpisasf (=z) the seven angels seven َممْ لُوَّ ٍة،ب ٍ ت ِم ْن ذَ َه ٍ س ْب َعةَ َجا َما َ
`naggeloc `n]sasf (=z) `mvu`aly `nnoub
golden bowls full of the دِ ب
َ َ أ ى َ لإ
ِ ِ ي ح
َ ْ
ال ِ هللا ب
ِ َ
ض َ
غ نْ ِم
wrath of God who lives . َاآلبِ ِدين
eumeh `ebol qen pi`mbon `nte Vnou] forever and ever.
15@8 Ouoh afmoh `nje piervei 15:8 The temple was َوامْ ت َ َأل َ ْال َه ْي َك ُل د ُ َخانا ً ِم ْن15:3
filled with smoke from the ٌ َو َل ْم يَ ُك ْن أ َ َحد،َم ْج ِد هللاِ َو ِم ْن قُ ْد َرتِ ِه
`ebol qen pi`,remtc `nte pi`wou `nte glory of God and from His يَ ْقد ُِر أ َ ْن يَ ْد ُخ َل ْال َه ْي َك َل َحتَّى ك َِملَ ْت
Vnou] nem `ebol qen tefjom ouoh
power, and no one was able .س ْبعَ ِة ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة
َّ ت ال ِ س ْب ُع ض ََربَا
to enter the temple till the
`mpe `hli `sjemjom `n`i `eqoun `epiervei seven plagues of the seven
angels were completed.
satoujwk `ebol `nje naierqot `nte
Revelation 16
12 رؤيا
16@1 Ouoh aicwtem `eounis] `n`cmy 16:1 Then I heard a loud َصوْ تا ً ع َِظيما ً ِمن َ ت ُ س ِم ْعَ َو12:1
voice from the temple َ ْ َّ ْال َه ْي َك ِل قَائِال ِلل
:س ْبعَ ِة ال َمالئِ َك ِة ً
`ebol qen `tve ecjw `mmoc `nniaggeloc@ saying to the seven angels, ب
ِ ضَ غ َ ت ِ س ُكبُوا َجا َما ْ ضوا َوا ُ ْ"ام
“Go and pour out the bowls ."ض ِ ْعلَى األَر َ ِهللا
je mase nwten jes netenvu`aly
of the wrath of God on the
`epecyt `nte `pembon `mVnou]. earth.”
16@2 Ouoh afse naf `nje pihouit 16:2 So the first went َُب َجا َمه َ سكَ فَ َمضَى األَوَّ ُل َو12:3
and poured out his bowl ٌام ُل َخ ِبيثَة
ِ ض فَ َحدَث َ ْت دَ َم ِ ْعلَى األَر َ
`naggeloc afjes tefvu`aly `ejen upon the earth, and a foul ُس َمة َّ
ِ اس ال ِذينَ بِ ِه ْم َّ
ِ على الن َ ٌ
َ َو َر ِديَّة
pikahi ouoh a ousasi efhwou swpi
and loathsome sore came ْ ْال َو ْح ِش َوالَّ ِذينَ َي
َس ُجد ُون
upon the men who had the .ُورتِ ِه
َ ِلص
qen nirwmi ny ettob `epi;yrion nem mark of the beast and those
who worshiped his image.
ny e;ouwst `ntefhukwn.
16@3 Ouoh a pimah`cnau (=b) 16:3 Then the second َب ْال َمالَ ُك الثَّانِي
َ سكَ ث ُ َّم12:2
angel poured out his bowl ار دَما ً َكد َِم
َ ص َ َ ف،علَى ْالبَ ْح ِر َ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen on the sea, and it became َو ُك ُّل نَ ْف ٍس َحيَّ ٍة َمات َ ْت ِفي.ٍَم ِيت
`viom ouoh afer`cnof `m`vry] `mva
blood as of a dead man; and .ْالبَ ْح ِر
every living creature in the
ourefmwout ouoh 'u,y niben etonq sea died.
16@4 Ouoh a pimahsomt (=g) 16:4 Then the third ُ َب ْال َمالَ ُك الثَّا ِل
ث َ سك َ ث ُ َّم12:3
angel poured out his bowl
ِ علَى يَنَا ِب
يع َ علَى األ َ ْن َه ِار َو َ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen on the rivers and springs of .ً ار ْت دَما َ صَ ف،ِْال ِميَاه
water, and they became
niiarwou nem nimoumi `mmwou ouoh
16@5 Aicwtem `epiaggeloc `nte 16:5 And I heard the ْت َمالَكَ ْال ِميَا ِه
ُ س ِمع َ َو12:5
angel of the waters saying: "عَا ِد ٌل أ َ ْنتَ أَيُّ َها ْالكَائِ ُن:ُيَقُول
nimwou efjw `mmoc@ je `n;ok ou`;myi “You are righteous, O Lord, َ ألَنَّك،َوالَّذِي كَانَ َوالَّذِي يَ ُكو ُن
vy etsop ouoh vy enafsop@ je
The One who is and who .َحكَمْ تَ َه َكذَا
was and who is to be,
ak]hap `enai. because You have judged
these things.
16@6 Je pi`cnof `nte nimarturoc 16:6 For they have shed ِ سفَ ُكوا دَ َم قِدِي
َسين َ ألَنَّ ُه ْم12:2
the blood of saints and ْ َ فَأ َ ْع َط ْيت َ ُه ْم دَما ِلي،َوأ َ ْنبِيَا َء
.ش َربُوا ً
nem ni`provytyc auvonf `ebol ak] prophets, and You have "! َست َ ِحقُّون ْ ألَنَّ ُه ْم ُم
given them blood to drink.
`cnof nwou `ecw je cem`psa.
For it is their just due.”
16@7 Ouoh aicwtem 16:7 And I heard ِْت آ َخ َر ِمنَ ْال َمذبَح ُ س ِمع َ َو12:9
another from the altar َ ْ
اإلله القاد ُِرُ َ َ
ِ ُّ "نَعَ ْم أيُّ َها الرَّ ب:ًقَائِال
`epima`nerswousi efjw `mmoc@ je ce saying, “Even so, Lord God ٌ
ق َوعَا ِدلَة ِه َي ٌّ علَى ُك ِل ش َْيءٍ ! َح َ
P[oic Vnou] Pipantokratwr@ pi`;myi
Almighty, true and ." َأ َ ْحكَا ُمك
righteous are Your
nekhap tyrou hanme;myi ne. judgments.”
16@8 Ouoh pimah`ftoou (=d) 16:8 Then the fourth َب ْال َمالَ ُك الرَّ ا ِب ُع َ سك َ ث ُ َّم12:3
angel poured out his bowl شمْ ِس فَأ ُ ْع ِطيَ ْت أ َ ْن َّ علَى ال َ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen on the sun, and power was َ
.اس بِن ٍار َّ
َ ت ُ ْح ِرقَ الن
given to him to scorch men
`vry ouoh autyic naf `eerkauma `ejen
with fire.
nirwmi qen ounis] `nkauma.
16@9 Ouoh auerkauma `nje nirwmi 16:9 And men were ً احتِ َراقا
ْ اس ُ َّاحت َ َرقَ الن
ْ َف12:1
scorched with great heat, ُ
ِ َو َجدَّفوا َعلَى اس ِْم هللا،ًع َِظيما
ouoh aujeoua `e`vran `mVnou] vy `ete and they blasphemed the علَى َه ِذ ِه َ انٌ الَّذِي لَهُ س ُْل َط
ouontef ersisi `mmau `ejen naierqot
name of God who has ُْطوهُ َو َل ْم َيتُوبُوا ِليُع،ِض َر َبات َّ ال
power over these plagues; .ً َم ْجدا
ouoh `mpouermetanoin `e]wou and they did not repent and
give Him glory.
16@10 Ouoh pimahetioou (=e) 16:10 Then the fifth سُ ام ِ َب ْال َمالَ ُك ْال َخ
َ سك َ ث ُ َّم12:11
angel poured out his bowl ،علَى عَرْ ِش ْال َو ْح ِش َ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen on the throne of the beast, ً
َوكَانُوا.ار ْت َممْ لَ َكتُهُ ُم ْظ ِل َمة
َ ص َ َف
pi`;ronoc `nte pi;yrion ouoh acer,aki
and his kingdom became ْ
.سنَتِ ِه ْم ِمنَ ال َو َج ِع ْ َ
ِ علَى أل َ َضون ُّ َيَع
full of darkness; and they
`nje tefmetouro ouoh nauouojouej gnawed their tongues
because of the pain.
`nnoulac `ebol qen pi`mkah.
16@12 Ouoh pimahcoou (^) 16:12 Then the sixth ُ َب ْال َمالَ ُك السَّاد
ِس َ سك َ ث ُ َّم12:13
angel poured out his bowl ،ِير ْالفُ َراتِ علَى النَّ ْه ِر ْال َك ِبَ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen on the great river Euphrates, ُ ِف َما ُؤهُ ِلك َْي يُعَدَّ َط ِري
ق َ فَنَش
`viaro pinis] piEu`vratyc ouoh
and its water was dried up, .س َّ ق ال
ِ ْشم ِ ش ِر ْ وك الَّ ِذينَ ِم ْن َم ِ ُْال ُمل
so that the way of the kings
afswou`i `nje pimwou@ hina `ntefcob] from the east might be
`nje pimwit `nte niourwou etcanima
16@13 Ouoh ainau `ebol qen rwf 16:13 And I saw three ِ ِت ِم ْن فَ ِم التِن
،ين ُ َو َرأ َ ْي12:12
unclean spirits like frogs ِ َو ِم ْن فَ ِم النَّبِي،َو ِم ْن فَ ِم ْال َو ْح ِش
`mpi`drakwn nem `ebol qen rwf coming out of the mouth of َش ْبه
ِ س ٍة َ ثَالَثَةَ أَرْ َواحٍ نَ ِج،ب ِ ْالكَذَّا
`mpi;yrion nem `ebol qen rwf
the dragon, out of the mouth َ ضفَا ِد
.ع َ
of the beast, and out of the
`mpi'eudo`provytyc `esomt (=g) mouth of the false prophet.
16@14 Han`pneuma gar `niq ne euiri 16:14 For they are َاطين ِ َشي َ ح ُ فَ ِإنَّ ُه ْم أَرْ َوا12:13
spirits of demons, ِ ُعلَى ُمل
وك َ ج ُ ت َ ْخ ُر،ٍصانِعَةٌ آيَات َ
`nhanmyini `ebol qen niourwou `nte performing signs, which go س ُكونَ ِة ِلت َ ْج َم َع ُه ْم ْ ْال َعا َل ِم َو ُك ِل ْال َم
`pkahi e;ouwtou `e`ppolemoc `nte
out to the kings of the earth ِ يَوْ ِم هللا،يم ِ ِل ِقتَا ِل ذَ ِلكَ ْاليَوْ ِم ْالعَ ِظ
and of the whole world, to . ٍْالقَاد ِِر َعلَى ُك ِل ش َْيء
ninis] `ne` hoou `nte Vnou] gather them to the battle of
that great day of God
Pipantokratwr. Almighty.
16@15 Hyppe ]nyou `m`vry] 16:15 “Behold, I am ُطوبَى.ص ٍ " َها أَنَا آتِي َك ِل12:15
coming as a thief. Blessed is ُ َس َه ُر َو َي ْحف
ظ ِث َيا َبهُ ِلئ ََّال ْ ِل َم ْن َي
`nouref[iou`i@ `wouniatf `mvy e;narwic@ he who watches, and keeps ."ُعرْ يَتَه ُ عرْ يَانا ً فَيَ َروْ ا ُ ِيَ يَمْ ش
his garments, lest he walk
ouoh `ntef`areh `enef`hbwc@ hina
naked and they see his
`ntef`stemmosi efbys ouoh `ntounau shame.”
16@16 Ouoh af;ouwtou euma 16:16 And they فَ َج َم َع ُه ْم ِإلَى ْال َموْ ِض ِع12:12
gathered them together to الَّذِي يُ ْدعَى ِب ْال ِع ْب َرانِيَّ ِة
eumou] `erof `mmetHebreoc je the place called in Hebrew, ." َ" َهرْ َم َجدُّون
16@17 Ouoh pimahsasf (=z) 16:17 Then the seventh َب ْال َمالَ ُك السَّا ِب ُع َ سكَ ث ُ َّم12:19
angel poured out his bowl ٌ ْصو
ت َ ج َ فَ َخ َر،اء ِ علَى ْال َه َوَ َُجا َمه
`naggeloc afjws `ntefvu`aly `ejen into the air, and a loud َاء ِمنِ س َمَّ ع َِظي ٌم ِم ْن َه ْي َك ِل ال
pi`ayr ouoh afes ounis] `nq
` rwou
voice came out of the "! "قَ ْد ت َ َّم:ًْالعَرْ ِش قَائِال
temple of heaven, from the
`ebol qen piervei `ebol ha pi`;ronoc throne, saying, “It is done!”
16@18 Ouoh auswpi `nje 16:18 And there were ٌ عود ُ ات َو ُر ٌ ص َوْ َ فَ َحدَث َ ْت أ12:13
ٌ ٌ
noises and thunderings and ت َز ْل َزلَة ع َِظي َمة لَ ْم ْ َ َو َحدَث.ق ٌ َوب ُُرو
hanqarabai nem han`cmy nem lightnings; and there was a علَى َ اس َّ
ُ ار الن َ ص ُ ُ ْ
َ يَ ْحد ُ ْث ِمثل َها ُمنذ
great earthquake, such a ٌ َز ْل َزلَةٌ بِ ِم ْقد َِار َها ع َِظي َمة،ض ِ ْاألَر
hancetebryj ouoh ounis] `mmonmen
mighty and great .َه َكذَا
afswpi `mpe ouon swpi `mpefry] earthquake as had not
occurred since men were on
icjen `eta rwmi swpi hijen `pkahi. the earth.
16:19 Now the great ُت ْال َمدِينَةُ ْالعَ ِظي َمة ِ ار َ صَ َو12:11
16@19 Ouoh acswpi `nje ]nis]
city was divided into three َ
،سقَط ْت ُ
َ َو ُمد ُ ُن األ َم ِم،س ٍام َ ثَالَثَةَ أ َ ْق
`mbaki `esomt (=g) `ntoi ouoh nibaki `nte parts, and the cities of the
َِوبَابِ ُل ْالعَ ِظي َمةُ ذُ ِك َر ْت أ َ َما َم هللا
nie;noc auhei ouoh babulwn ]nis]
nations fell. And great .ض ِب ِه َ غ َ س َخ ِط َ س َخمْ ِر َ ِْليُع ِْط َي َها كَأ
Babylon was remembered
au`erpecmeu`i `mpe`m;o `mVnou] `e] nac before God, to give her the
cup of the wine of the
`mpi`avot `n`yrp `nte `p`embon `nte fierceness of His wrath.
16@20 Ouoh nycoc niben auvwt 16:20 Then every island ير ٍة َه َربَ ْت
َ َو ُك ُّل َج ِز12:31
fled away, and the .َو ِجبَا ٌل لَ ْم تُو َج ْد
ouoh nitwou `mpoujem pouma. mountains were not found.
16@21 Ouoh hanal `m`vry] 16:21 And great hail نَ ْحوُ ثِقَ ِل، َوبَ َرد ٌ ع َِظي ٌم12:31
from heaven fell upon men, علَىَ اء ِ س َمَّ نَ َز َل ِمنَ ال،ٍَو ْزنَة
`nhanjin`[wr `nsi au`i `ebol qen `tve each hailstone about the ْعلَى هللاِ ِمن َ اس ُ َّف الن َ َّ فَ َجد.اس ِ َّالن
weight of a talent. Men ٌضرْ بَتَهُ ع َِظي َمة َ أل َ َّن،ِضرْ بَ ِة ْالبَ َردَ
`ejen nirwmi ouoh a nirwmi jeou`a
blasphemed God because of .ً ِجدا
`eVnou] `ebol qen pierqot `nte pial the plague of the hail, since
that plague was exceedingly
etos `emasw. great.
Revelation 17
19 رؤيا
17@1 Ouoh af`i `nje ouai `ebol qen 17:1 Then one of the َّ احد ٌ ِمنَ ال
س ْبعَ ِة ِ ث ُ َّم َجا َء َو19:1
seven angels who had the ُس ْبعَةَّ ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة الَّ ِذينَ َمعَ ُه ُم ال
pisasf (=z) `naggeloc ny `ete ]sasf seven bowls came and : َوتَكَلَّ َم َم ِعي قَائِالً ِلي،ات ُ ْال َجا َم
talked with me, saying to َ ُ
َّ " َهلُ َّم َفأ ِريَكَ دَ ْينُونَة
الزانِيَ ِة
(=z) `mvu`aly `ntotou ouoh afcaji
me, “Come, I will show you ْ
س ِة َعلَى ال ِميَا ِه َ ْالعَ ِظي َم ِة ْال َجا ِل
the judgment of the great
nemyi efjw `mmoc@ je `amou
harlot who sits on many َ ِْال َكث
،ير ِة
`ntatamok `e`phap `n]nis] `mporny ;y waters,
17@2 :y `eta niourwou `nte `pkahi 17:2 with whom the ُ ُ الَّ ِتي َزنَى َم َع َها ُمل19:3
kings of the earth ِ ْس َّكا ُن األَر
ض ِم ْن ُ س ِك َر
َ َو،ض ِ ْاألَر
ernobi nemac ouoh auerporneuin committed fornication, and ."َخمْ ِر ِزنَا َها
the inhabitants of the earth
au;iqi `ebol qen `pyrp `nte tecpornia
were made drunk with the
`nje ny etsop hijen `pkahi. wine of her fornication.”
17@3 Ouoh afolt `e`psafe qen 17:3 So he carried me فَ َمضَى ِبي ِبالرُّ وحِ ِإ َلى19:2
away in the Spirit into the علَىَ ًسة َ ت امْ َرأَةً َجا ِل
ُ فَ َرأ َ ْي،ٍبَ ِريَّة
ou`pneuma ouoh ainau `eou`chimi wilderness. And I saw a ْ َ َو ْح ٍش قِرْ ِم ِزي ٍ َممْ لُوءٍ أ
س َما َء
echemci hijen ou;yrion `nkokkoc
woman sitting on a scarlet ُ عش ََرةَ وس َو ٍ س ْب َعةُ ُر ُؤَ ُ لَه، ٍت َ ْجدِيف
ٍ قُ ُر
beast which was full of .ون
efmeh `nran `njeou`a `eouon sasf (=z) names of blasphemy,
having seven heads and ten
` ve hijwf nem myt (=i) `ntap. horns.
17:4 The woman was ًسرْ بِلَة َ َ َو ْال َمرْ أَة ُ كَانَ ْت ُمت19:3
17@4 Ouoh ]`chimi nacjolh
arrayed in purple and ٍ َو ُمت َ َح ِليَةً بِذَ َه،ُوان َوقِرْ ِم ٍز
ب ٍ بِأُرْ ج
`nou`hbwc `n[yji nem oukokkoc ouoh scarlet, and adorned with َو َم َع َها،ار ٍة ك َِري َم ٍة َولُ ْؤلُ ٍؤ َ َو ِح َج
ecoi `nieb `nnoub qen `vnoub nem pi`wni
gold and precious stones ٌ ب فِي يَ ِد َها َممْ لُوَّ ة ٍ س ِم ْن ذَ َه ٌ ْ كَأ
and pearls, having in her .ت ِزنَا َها ِ ساَ ت َونَ َجا ٍ سا
َ َر َجا
ettaiyout nem hananamyi `eouon hand a golden cup full of
abominations and the
ou`avot `nnoub qen tecjij efmeh filthiness of her fornication.
`ncwf `nte nicwf `nte tecpornia nem
`pkahi tyrf.
17@5 Eouon ouran `cqyout hi 17:5 And on her ْ علَى ِج ْب َهتِ َها ا
س ٌم َ َو19:5
forehead a name was ُ بَابِ ُل ْالعَ ِظي َمةُ أ ُّم. ٌّ "سِر: ٌَم ْكتُوب
tectehni@ je pimuctyrion `nte written: mystery, Babylon ."ض ِ ْت األَر ِ سا َّ
َ الز َوانِي َو َر َجا
the great, the mother of
`;Babulwn `;mau `nnipornoc nem
harlots and of the
nicafhyt `nte `pkahi. abominations of the earth.
17@6 Ouoh ainau `eou`chimi ec;aqi 17:6 I saw the woman, س ْك َرى ِم ْن َ َت ْال َمرْ أَة ُ َو َرأ َ ْي19:2
drunk with the blood of the َاء
ِ ش َهد ُ سينَ َو ِم ْن د َِم ِ د َِم ْال ِقدِي
`ebol qen pi`cnof `nte niagioc nem `ebol saints and with the blood of ً ت لَمَّا َرأ َ ْيت ُ َها ت َ َعجُّبا
ُ فَت َ َع َّج ْب.ََيسُوع
qen `p`cnof `nte nimarturoc `nte Iycouc
the martyrs of Jesus. And !ً ع َِظيما
when I saw her, I marveled
ouoh aier`svyri. with great amazement.
17@7 Ouoh peje piaggeloc nyi@ je 17:7 But the angel said " ِل َماذَا: ث ُ َّم قَا َل ِلي ْال َمالَ ُك19:9
to me, “Why did you سرَّ ْال َمرْ أَ ِةِ َتَعَ َّج ْبتَ ؟ أَنَا أَقُو ُل لَك
e;beou aker`svyri `anok ]natamok marvel? I will tell you the ُ الَّذِي لَه،ام ِل لَ َهاِ َو ْال َو ْح ِش ْال َح
`epimuctyrion `nte ]`chimi nem
mystery of the woman and ْ ُ س ْبعَةُ الرُّ ُؤ
ُ وس َوالعَش ََرة َّ ال
of the beast that carries her, ُ ْالقُ ُر
pi;yrion etfai `mmoc vy `ete ]sasf which has the seven heads
and the ten horns.
(=z) `na
` ve hijwf nem pimyt (=i) `ntap.
17@8 Pi;yrion etaknau `erof 17:8 The beast that you َ كَان، َش َّالذِي َرأ َ ْيت ُ ْال َو ْح19:3
saw was, and is not, and َص َعد َ
ْ َعتِيد ٌ أ ْن ي َ َوهُ َو، َس اآلن َ َولَ ْي
efsop ouoh `fsop an efnyou `e`hryi will ascend out of the .ِمنَ ْال َها ِويَ ِة َويَمْ ِض َي إِلى ال َهال ِك
َ ْ َ
`ebol qen `vnoun ouoh efna `e`ptako
bottomless pit and go to ضِ ْعلَى األَر َ َس َيت َ َع َّجبُ السَّا ِكنُون َ َو
perdition. And those who ً
س َما ُؤ ُه ْم َم ْكتُوبَة فِي ْ َ س ْت أ
َ الَّ ِذينَ لَ ْي
ouoh eu`eer`svyri tyrou `nje ny etsop dwell on the earth will ْ
،يس ال َعالَ ِم ِ س ْ ُ
ِ س ْف ِر ْال َحيَا ِة ُمنذ تَأ
ْ ِ
marvel, whose names are َّ َ ْ
hijen `pkahi ny `ete pouran `cqyout an not written in the Book of ُ
َش أنه كَان َ
َ ِحين َما يَ َروْ نَ ال َو ْح
Life from the foundation of . َم َع أَنَّهُ كَا ِئ ٌن، َس اآلن َ َولَ ْي
hi `pJwm `nte `pWnq icjen `psa `ncwnt
the world, when they see
`mpikocmoc eujoust `epi;yriony je the beast that was, and is
not, and yet is.
`fsop ouoh `fsop an ouoh afhei.
17@9 Vy `ete ouon hyt `mmof nem 17:9 Here is the mind !ٌالذ ْه ُن الَّذِي لَهُ ِح ْك َمةِ هُنَا19:1
which has wisdom: The س ْبعَةُ ِجبَا ٍل
َ وس ِه َي ُ س ْبعَةُ الرُّ ُؤ َّ ال
ou`cbw marefka] `e]sasf (=z) `na
` ve seven heads are seven ً.سة َ ل
ِ اجَ ُ ةَ أ ْرمَ ْ
ال اهَ ي ْ َعل
mountains on which the
`ntwou ne `ere ]`chimi hemci hijwou.
woman sits.
17:10 There are also ٌ سةَ ْ َخم: ٍس ْبعَةُ ُملُوك
َ َو19:11
17@10 Nai sasf (=z) `nouro ne
seven kings. Five have َواآل َخ ُر،ٌاحد ٌ َموْ جُود ِ َو َو،طوا ُ َسق َ
pietioou (=e) auhei ouoh pi,et `f`wop fallen, one is, and the other َ ْ َ
َو َمتَى أتَى يَنبَ ِغي أ ْن.ُت بَ ْعد ِ ْ لَ ْم يَأ
an ouoh pikeouai `mpatef`i ouoh eswp
has not yet come. And when .ً يَ ْبقَى قَ ِليال
he comes, he must continue
afsan`i `fna`ohi `noukouji. a short time.
17@11 Ouoh pi;yrion `enafsop 17:11 And the beast that َش الَّذِي كَان ُ َو ْال َو ْح19:11
was, and is not, is himself َ َوهُ َو ِمن،ام ٌنِ َ س اآلنَ فَه َُو ث
َ َولَ ْي
ouoh `nf
` sop an ouaggeloc hwf pe also the eighth, and is of the ْ
. َويَمْ ِضي إِلَى ال َهالَ ِك،س ْبعَ ِة
َّ ال
seven, and is going to
`ebol qen pisasf (=z) ouoh `fna
17@12 Ouoh pimyt (=i) `ntap 17:12 The ten horns ون الَّتِيُ َو ْالعَش ََرة ُ ْالقُ ُر19:13
which you saw are ten kings عش ََرة ُ ُملُوكٍ َل ْم يَأ ُخذُوا َ َرأ َ ْيتَ ِه َي
etaknau `erwou myt (=i) `nouro ne nai who have received no ْ ُ ْ
لَ ِكن ُه ْم يَأ ُخذونَ سُل َطانَ ُه ْم،ُُم ْلكا ً بَ ْعد
`ete `mpatou[i `nouersisi `m`vry]
kingdom as yet, but they .احدَةً َم َع ْال َو ْح ِش ِ ساع ًَة َو َ ٍَك ُملُوك
receive authority for one
`nhanourwou `nouounou `eauouahou hour as kings with the beast.
menenca pi;yrion.
17@13 Ouon `nte nai `nou`gnwmy 17:13 These are of one ،ٌاحد
ِ ي َو ٌ ْ َه ُؤالَ ِء لَ ُه ْم َرأ19:12
mind, and they will give ش قُ ْد َرت َ ُه ْم
َ ْطونَ ْال َو ْح ُ َويُع
`nouwt `mmau nem ou`ersisi toujom their power and authority to .َوس ُْل َطانَ ُه ْم
the beast.
cenatyic `mpi;yrion.
17@14 Nai eu`ebwtc nem piHiyb 17:14 These will make َسيُ َح ِاربُون َ َه ُؤالَ ِء19:13
war with the Lamb, and the ُّ ألنهُ َرب، َو ْال َح َم ُل يَغ ِلبُ ُه ْم،َْال َح َمل
َّ َ ْ
ef`[ro `erwou@ je `n;of pe P[oic `nte Lamb will overcome them, َ َوالَّ ِذين،وك ِ ُب َو َم ِل ُك ْال ُملِ األَرْ بَا
ni[oic ouoh `pouro `nte niourwou@ nem
for He is Lord of lords and ُ َ عوُّ ونَ َو ُم ْخت
َارون ُ َم َعهُ َم ْد
King of kings; and those ." ََو ُم ْؤ ِمنُون
ny et;ahem nemaf nem nicwtp nem who are with Him are
called, chosen, and
nipictoc. faithful.”
17@15 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je nimwou 17:15 Then he said to " ْال ِميَا ُه الَّتِي: ث ُ َّم قَا َل ِل َي19:15
me, “The waters which you سةٌ ِه َي َ الزانِيَةُ َجا ِلَّ ث ُ َرأ َ ْيتَ َح ْي
etaknau `erwou `ere ]`chimi hemci saw, where the harlot sits, ٌ.سنَةِ شعُوبٌ َو ُج ُموعٌ َوأ ُ َم ٌم َوأَ ْل ُ
are peoples, multitudes,
hijwou hanlaoc ne nem hanmys
nations, and tongues.
17@16 Ouoh pimyt (=i) `ntap 17:16 And the ten horns َوأَمَّا ْالعَش ََرة ُ ْالقُ ُرو ُن19:12
which you saw on the beast, علَى ْال َو ْح ِش فَ َه ُؤالَ ِء َ َالَّتِي َرأ َ ْيت
etaknau `erwou nem pi;yrion nai these will hate the harlot, َ َو،َالزا ِن َية
س َي ْج َعلُونَ َها َّ َضون ُ سيُ ْب ِغ
make her desolate and ْ ً
َويَأ ُكلُونَ لَ ْح َم َها،عرْ يَانَة ُ َخ ِربَةً َو
eu`emecte ]porny cenaswf `mmoc
naked, eat her flesh and .َوي ُْح ِرقُونَ َها بِالنَّ ِار
cena,ac ecbys ouoh neccarx burn her with fire.
17@17 Vnou] gar aftyic `e`hryi 17:17 For God has put it ض َع فِي قُلُوبِ ِه ْم َ أل َ َّن هللاَ َو19:19
into their hearts to fulfill صنَعُوا ْ َ َوأ َ ْن ي،ُصنَعُوا َرأْيَه ْ َأ َ ْن ي
`epouhyt `eiri `ntef`gnwmy ouoh His purpose, to be of one ش ْ ُ
َ َويُعْطوا ال َو ْح،ًاحدا ِ َرأْيا ً َو
e;rouswpi qen ou`gnwmy `nouwt `e]
mind, and to give their .ُِم ْل َك ُه ْم َحتَّى ت ُ ْك َم َل أ َ ْق َوا ُل هللا
kingdom to the beast, until
`noumetouro `mpi;y rion satoujwk the words of God are
`ebol `nje nicaji `nte Vnou].
17@18 Ouoh ]`chimi etaknau `eroc 17:18 And the woman َو ْال َمرْ أَةُ الَّتِي َرأ َ ْيتَ ِه َي19:13
whom you saw is that great ْال َمدِينَةُ ْالعَ ِظي َمةُ الَّتِي لَ َها ُم ْل ٌك
]nis] `mbaki te ;y `ete ouontec city which reigns over the ."ض ِ ْوك األَر ِ ُعلَى ُمل َ
kings of the earth.”
metouro `ejen nimetourwou tyrou
`nte `pkahi.
Revelation 18
13 رؤيا
18@1 Menenca nai ainau 18:1 After these things I ً ت َمالَكاُ ث ُ َّم بَ ْعدَ َهذَا َرأ َ ْي13:1
saw another angel coming ٌ لَهُ س ُْل َط،اء
ان َّ آ َخ َر نَ ِازالً ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم
`ekeaggeloc etaf`i `ebol qen `tve down from heaven, having ت األَرْ ضُ ِم ْن َ َستَن
ِ ار ْ َوا.ع َِظي ٌم
great authority, and the .بَ َهائِ ِه
`eouon ounis] `nersisi `ntotf ouoh
earth was illuminated with
`pkahi aferouwini `ebol qen pefho his glory.
nem pefwou.
18@2 Ouoh afws `ebol qen ounis] 18:2 And he cried تٍ ْصو َ ِشدَّ ٍة ب ِ ِخ ب َ ص َر َ َو13:3
mightily with a loud voice, سقَ َط ْت بَا ِب ُلَ تْ طَ َ قسَ " : ًيم قَائِال
ٍ ع َِظ
` rwou@ je achei `nje Babulwn saying, “Babylon the great ً سكَنا ْ ار ْت َم َ ص ُ
َ َو،ْالعَ ِظي َمة
ٍ َو َم ْح َرسا ً ِل ُك ِل ُروح، َاطين
is fallen, is fallen, and has ِ َشي
َ ِل
]nis] `mbaki ouoh acswpi `mma
become a dwelling place of َ ً
َو َمح َرسا ِلك ِل طائِ ٍر ن ِج ٍس،نَ ِج ٍس
َ ُ ْ
`nenkot `nniiq nem ma`nswpi `m`pneuma demons, a prison for every ،ٍَو َممْ قُوت
foul spirit, and a cage for
niben `naka;arton nem ma`nswpi every unclean and hated
`nhalyt niben etcwf `mmectou.
18@3 Je `ebol qen `pembon `mpiyrp 18:3 For all the nations ب ِزنَا َهاِ ض َ غ َ ألَنَّهُ ِم ْن َخمْ ِر13:2
have drunk of the wine of ُ ُ َو ُمل،ب َج ِمي ُع األ ُ َم ِم
وك َ قَ ْد ش َِر
`nte tecpornia auhei `nje nie;noc the wrath of her fornication, ض ِ َّْار األَر
ُ َوتُج،ض َزنُوا َم َع َها ِ ْاألَر
the kings of the earth have ."يم َها ْ
ِ ست َ ْغنُوا ِم ْن َوف َر ِة نَ ِع
ْ ا
tyrou@ nem niourwou tyrou `nte
committed fornication with
`pkahi ny etau`erporneuin nemac@ nem her, and the merchants of
the earth have become rich
niso] `nte `pkahi `ebol qen pecjerjer through the abundance of
her luxury.”
18@4 Ouoh aicwtem `eou`cmy `ebol 18:4 And I heard َصوْ تا ً آ َخ َر ِمن َ ْت َ ث ُ َّم13:3
ُ س ِمع
another voice from heaven اخ ُرجُوا ِم ْن َها يَا ْ " :ًاء قَائِال ِ س َم َّ ال
qen `tve ecjw `mmoc@ je `amwini `ebol saying, “Come out of her, َ َ َ ُ َ ْ
،ش ْعبِي ِلئ َال تشت ِركوا فِي خطايَاهاَ َّ َ
`nqytc na palaoc hina `nteten`stem[i
my people, lest you share in .َو ِلئ ََّال تَأ ْ ُخذُوا ِم ْن ض ََر َبا ِت َها
her sins, and lest you
`ebol qen necerqot. receive of her plagues.
18@5 Je automou `eroc `nje 18:5 For her sins have ِ َ أل َ َّن َخ َطايَا َها لَ ِحق13:5
reached to heaven, and God . َوتَذَ َّك َر هللا ُ آثَا َم َها،س َما َء
َّ ال
necnobi sa `e`hryi `e`tve ouoh a Vnou] has remembered her
er`vmeu`i `nnec[i`njonc.
18@6 Moi nac `m`vry] etac]sebiw 18:6 Render to her just ً ازو َها َك َما ِه َي أ َ ْيضا
ُ َج13:2
as she rendered to you, and ُ
ً َوضَا ِعفوا لَ َها ِضعْفا،ازتْ ُك ْم
َ َج
`mmof ouoh kobou nac kata nec`hbyou`i repay her double according َّ ْ ْ ْ
فِي الكَأ ِس التِي.ير أع َما ِل َها َ َ نَ ِظ
qen pecavot `m`vry] etac;otf kobf
to her works; in the cup .ً َم َز َج ْت ِفي َها امْ ُزجُوا لَ َها ِضعْفا
which she has mixed, mix
nac. double for her.
18@7 Pi`wou etacswpi `nqytf nem 18:7 In the measure that َ ِبقَ ْد ِر َما َم َّجد َْت نَ ْف13:9
س َها
she glorified herself and َ
ً طو َها َعذابا ُ ِبقَ ْد ِر ذَ ِلكَ أ َ ْع،َوتَنَعَّ َم ْت
pijerjer myif nac `nemkah `nhyt nem lived luxuriously, in the أَنَا: ألَنَّ َها تَقُو ُل فِي قَ ْلبِ َها.ًَوح ُْزنا
hybi@ je `cjw `mmoc qen pechyt@ je
same measure give her َو َل ْن،ًْت أَرْ َملَة ُ َولَس،ًسةٌ َم ِلكَة َ َجا ِل
torment and sorrow; for she .ً أ َ َرى ح ُْزنا
]nahemci eioi `nourw ouoh `anok says in her heart, ‘I sit as
queen, and am no widow,
ou,yra an ouoh `nnanau `ehybi. and will not see sorrow.’
18@8 E;be vai qen ou`ehoou `nouwt 18:8 Therefore her اح ٍدِ ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل ذَ ِلكَ فِي يَوْ ٍم َو13:3
plagues will come in one ت َوح ُْز ٌن ٌ ْ َمو:ستَأْتِي ض ََربَات ُ َها َ
eu`e`i `nje necerqot oumou nem ouhybi day--death and mourning َّ أل َ َّن الرَّ ب،ق ِبالنَّ ِارُ َوت َ ْحت َ ِر،ٌَوجُوع
ٌّ اإللَهَ الَّذِي يَدِينُ َها قَ ِوِْ
and famine. And she will be .ي
nem ou`hko ouoh ec`erwkh qen
utterly burned with fire, for
pi`,rwm@ je `fjor `nje P[oic Vnou] strong is the Lord God who
judges her.
vy etaf]hap `eroc.
18@9 Ouoh eu`erimi eu`enehpi `e`hryi 18:9 “The kings of the علَ ْي َها
َ ح ُ سيَ ْب ِكي َويَنُوَ " َو13:1
earth who committed الَّ ِذينَ َزنُوا،ض ِ ْوك األَر ُ ُُمل
`ejwc `nje niourwou tyrou `nte `pkahi fornication and lived ُ ْ
َ ِحينَ َما يَنظ ُرون،َوتَنَعَّ ُموا َمعَ َها
luxuriously with her will ،د ُ َخانَ َح ِري ِق َها
ny etauerporneuin tyrou ouoh
weep and lament for her,
aujerjer eswp de ausannau when they see the smoke of
her burning,
`epi`,remtc `nte pecrwkh
18@10 eu`eohi `eratou hivouei e;be 18:10 standing at a َواقِ ِفينَ ِم ْن بَ ِعي ٍد أل َ ْج ِل13:11
distance for fear of her ! َو ْي ٌل َو ْي ٌل: َعذَا ِب َها قَائِ ِلينَ ف ِ َْخو
`tho] `nte pec`themko eujw `mmoc@ je torment, saying, ‘Alas, alas, ُْال َمدِينَةُ ْالعَ ِظي َمةُ بَابِلُ! ْال َمدِينَة
ouoi nac ouoi nac ]nis] `mpolic
that great city Babylon, that احدَ ٍة
ِ ع ٍة َو َ ساَ ْالقَ ِويَّةُ! ألَنَّهُ ِفي
mighty city! For in one hour .َجا َء ْت دَ ْينُونَت ُ ِك
Babulwn ]polic etjerjer qen your judgment has come.’
18@11 Ouoh niso] `nte `pkahi 18:11 And the ض ِ َّْار األَرُ َويَ ْب ِكي تُج13:11
merchants of the earth will َ أل َ َّن بَضَائِ َع ُه ْم ال،علَ ْي َها
َ ََويَنُوحُون
eu`erimi eu`eerhybi `e`hryi `ejwc je weep and mourn over her, ،ُشت َ ِري َها أ َ َحد ٌ ِفي َما َب ْعد
ْ َي
for no one buys their
`mmon `hli nasep nougomoc `ntotou@
merchandise anymore:
18@12 Pougomoc `nnoub nem 18:12 merchandise of بِ بَضَائِ َع ِمنَ الذَّ َه13:13
gold and silver, precious الل ْؤلُ ِؤُّ يم َو ِ ض ِة َو ْال َح َج ِر ْالك َِر َّ َو ْال ِف
ِ َو ْالبَ ِز َواألُرْ ج
ِ ُوان َو ْال َح ِر
pougomoc `nhat nem niwni ettaiyout stones and pearls, fine linen ير
nem nimargarity c nem nisenc nem
and purple, silk and scarlet, ٍعو ٍد ِثي ِني ٍ َو ُك َّل ِإنَاء ُ َو ْالقِرْ ِم ِز َو ُك َّل
every kind of citron wood, ْ
ِمنَ ْالعَاجِ َو ُك َّل ِإنَاءٍ ِم ْن أَث َم ِن
every kind of object of
[yji nem olocirikon nem kokkinon اس َو ْال َحدِي ِدِ ب َوالنُّ َح ِ ش َ ْال َخ
ivory, every kind of object
nem `ckeuoc niben `nelevantinon nem of most precious wood, ،َو ْال َمرْ َم ِر
bronze, iron, and marble;
`ckeuoc niben `ebol qen nise
18@13 Nem kunamwnon nem 18:13 and cinnamon and ً َوقِرْ فَةً َوبَ ُخورا ً َو ِطيبا13:12
incense, fragrant oil and ً س ِميذاَ َولُبَانا ً َو َخمْ را ً َو َز ْيتا ً َو
`c;oinoufi nem cojen nem libanoc nem frankincense, wine and oil, ،ًغنَما ً َو َخ ْيالَ َو ِح ْن َطةً َوبَ َهائِ َم َو
yrp nem neh nem cumedalion `ncou`o
fine flour and wheat, cattle
َ ُ َونُف،ًسادا
وس َ َوأ َ ْج،ٍَو َمرْ َكبَات
and sheep, horses and .اس ِ َّالن
nem tebny nem `ecwou nem `h;o nem chariots, and bodies and
souls of men.
cwma nem 'u,y `nrwmi.
18@14 Nem `cpora `nte ]`epi;umia 18:14 The fruit that your ش ْه َو ِة َ َوذَ َه َب ع َْن ِك َجنَى13:13
soul longed for has gone َ َوذَ َه،نَ ْفس ِِك
ب ع َْن ِك ُك ُّل َما هُ َو
`nte ]'u,y ause nwou `ebol haro from you, and all the things َولَ ْن ت َ ِجدِي ِه فِي َما،ش ِح ٌم َوبَ ِه ٌّي ْ ُم
which are rich and splendid .ُ بَ ْعد
nem nekeni tyrou nem neviri autako
have gone from you, and
`ebol haro ouoh `nnoujemou je `nje you shall find them no more
at all.
18@15 Je nai ne ny etauerrama`o 18:15 The merchants of َاء الَّ ِذين ْ َ َّار َه ِذ ِه األ
ِ َشي ُ تُج13:15
these things, who became ُ
،ٍسيَ ِقفونَ ِم ْن بَ ِعيد َ ست َ ْغنُوا ِم ْن َها ْ ا
`ebol `mmo eu`ohi `eratou hivouei e;be rich by her, will stand at a ُ ْ
َ يَبكون،عذابِ َها َ َ ف َ ْ
ِ ِْمن أج ِل خوَ ْ
`tho] `nte pec`themko eu`erimi
distance for fear of her ، ََو َينُوحُون
torment, weeping and
eu`eerhybi@ wailing,
18@16 Eujw `mmoc@ je ouoi nac 18:16 and saying, ‘Alas, ! َو ْي ٌل َو ْي ٌل: َ َويَقُولُون13:12
alas, that great city that was سرْ بِلَةُ بِبَ ٍز َ َ ْال َمدِينَةُ ْالعَ ِظي َمةُ ْال ُمت
ouoi nac ]nis] `mpolic ;y etjolh clothed in fine linen, purple, ُ َو ْال ُمت َ َح ِليَة،ُوان َوقِرْ ِم ٍزٍ َوأُرْ ج
`mpisenc nem pi[yji nem pikokkinon
and scarlet, and adorned ،يم َولُ ْؤلُ ٍؤ ٍ ب َو َح َج ٍر ك َِر ٍ ِبذَ َه
with gold and precious
etoi `nieb `nnoub nem pi`wni stones and pearls!
18@17 Je `nh
` ryi qen ouounou 18:17 For in one hour احدَ ٍةِ ع ٍة َو َ سا َ ألَنَّهُ فِي13:19
such great riches came to ٍ َو ُك ُّل ُرب.نى ِمثْ ُل َهذَا
،َّان ً ب ِغ َ َخ ِر
acswf `nje tainis] `mmetrama`o ouoh nothing.’ Every shipmaster, ُ
،سف ِن ْ
َ َو ُك ُّل ال َج َما
ُّ ع ِة فِي ال
referhemi niben `nte `viom nem ouon
all who travel by ship, ،عمَّا ِل ْال َب ْح ِر
ُ َو ْال َمالَّحُونَ َو َج ِمي ُع
sailors, and as many as ،ٍَوقَفُوا ِم ْن بَ ِعيد
niben eterhwt qen `viom eu`ohi `eratou trade on the sea, stood at a
18@18 Ouoh euws `ebol eunau 18:18 and cried out ص َر ُخوا إِ ْذ نَ َظ ُروا َ َو13:13
when they saw the smoke of َ أَيَّةُ َمدِين ٍة: َد ُ َخانَ َح ِري ِق َها قَائِ ِلين
`epi`,remtc `nte pecrwkh eujw `mmoc@ her burning, saying, ‘What ِمثْ ُل ْال َمدِينَ ِة ْال َع ِظي َم ِة؟
is like this great city?’
je nim et`oni `ntainis] `mbaki.
18@19 Ouoh autale kahi `ejen 18:19 They threw dust علَى َ ً َوأ َ ْلقُوا ت ُ َرابا13:11
on their heads and cried out, َص َر ُخوا بَا ِكين َ َو،س ِه ْم ِ ُر ُؤو
tou`ave euws `ebol eurimi nem weeping and wailing, and َ
! " َو ْي ٌل َو ْي ٌل: ََونَائِ ِحينَ قائِ ِلين
euerhybi eujw `mmoc@ je ouoi nac
saying, ‘Alas, alas, that الَّتِي فِي َها،ُْال َمدِينَةُ ْالعَ ِظي َمة
ِ ُ ست َ ْغنَى َج ِمي ُع الَّ ِذينَ لَ ُه ْم
great city, in which all who سفُ ٌن في ْ ا
]nis] `mpolic ;y etauerrama`o `ebol had ships on the sea became َّ َ
ألن َها فِي،س َها ِ ِْالبَ ْح ِر ِم ْن نَفَائ
rich by her wealth! For in
`nqytc `nje ny `ete nou`ejyou qen `viom one hour she is made .احدَ ٍة َخ ِربَ ْت ِ ع ٍة َو
َ ساَ
`eauerrama`o `ebol qen pectaio@ je
` ryi qen ouounou acswf.
18@20 Ounof `mmo `tve `e`hryi `ejwc 18:20 Rejoice over her, س َما ُءَّ ا ِْف َر ِحي لَ َها أَيَّت ُ َها ال13:31
O heaven, and you holy أل َ َّن،ُسونَ َواأل َ ْن ِبيَاء ُ س ُل ْال ِقدِي ُ َُّوالر
nem niagioc tyrou nem ni`apoctoloc apostles and prophets, for ُ َ ُ َ ْ َ
."الرَّ بَّ قد دَان َها دَ ْينونتَك ْم
God has avenged you on
nem ni`provytyc@ je a P[oic Vnou]
afiri `mpetenhap `ebol `mmoc.
18@21 Ouoh a ouaggeloc efjor 18:21 Then a mighty يٌّ احدٌ قَ ِو
ِ َو َرفَ َع َمالَ ٌك َو13:31
angel took up a stone like a َو َر َماهُ فِي،ًحى ع َِظي َمة ً َح َجرا ً ك ََر
afes ou`qrwou `ebol ouoh af`el great millstone and threw it سترْ َمى ُ ْ
َ " َه َكذا بِدَف ٍع:ًْالبَ ْح ِر قَائِال
ounis] `nw
` ni `mmy,any afberborf
into the sea, saying, “Thus َ َولَ ْن تُو َجد،َُبا ِب ُل ْال َمدِينَةُ ْال َع ِظي َمة
with violence the great city .ُ فِي َما بَ ْعد
`e`qryi `e`viom efjw `mmoc@ je pairy] Babylon shall be thrown
down, and shall not be
qen ouhei `cnahei `nje Babulwn ouoh found anymore.
cenahitc `epecyt `e]nis] `nlumny
18@22 Oude `t`cmy `nououwini nem 18:22 The sound of َض ِار ِبين َّ ت ال
ُ ْصو َ َو13:33
harpists, musicians, flutists, َار ِة َو ْال ُمغَنِينَ َوال ُم َز ِم ِرين
ْ َ َ ِب ْال ِقيث
ِ َوالنَّافِ ِخينَ بِ ْالب
ْ ُُوق لَ ْن ي
ourefjw nem oucalpigx `nnoucwtem and trumpeters shall not be يك
ِ ِس َم َع ف
heard in you anymore. No ً
صا ِن ٍع ِصنَاعَة لَ ْن َ َو ُك ُّل.ُِفي َما َب ْعد
`eouon `nqy] je nem te,nityc niben
craftsman of any craft shall ُ ْصو
ت َ َو.ُيك فِي َما بَ ْعد ِ ِيُو َجدَ ف
be found in you anymore,
`nnoujemou `nqy] je oude `t`cmy .ُيك فِي َما بَ ْعد ِ ِس َم َع ف ْ ُحى لَ ْن يً َر
and the sound of a millstone
`mmoulwn `nnoucwtem `erof `nqy] je. shall not be heard in you
18@23 Oude ououwini `nqybc 18:23 The light of a س َراجٍ لَ ْن ي ُِضي َء ُ ُ َون13:32
ِ ور
lamp shall not shine in you يس
ٍ ت ع َِر ُ ْصوَ َو.ُيك ِفي َما َب ْعد ِ ِف
`nnef`erouwini `nqy] je oude `t`cmy anymore, and the voice of يك فِي َما ْ ُوس لَ ْن ي
ِ ِس َم َع ف ٍ َوع َُر
`nte oupatselet nem ouselet
bridegroom and bride shall َ
عظ َما َء ُ
ُ َّار ِك كَانوا َ أل َ َّن تُج.ُبَ ْعد
not be heard in you إِ ْذ بِس ِْح ِر ِك ضَلَّ ْت َج ِمي ُع.ض ِ ْاألَر
`nnoucwtem `erof `nqy] je `nje neso] anymore. For your .األ ُ َم ِم
merchants were the great
nem niourwou `nte `pkahi nem men of the earth, for by
your sorcery all the nations
nimetnis] je `nqryi qen nevaqri
were deceived.
aucwrem tyrou `nje nie;noc.
18@24 Ouoh aujem `p`cnof 18:24 And in her was َوفِي َها وُ ِجدَ دَ ُم أ َ ْنبِيَا َء13:33
found the blood of prophets علَىَ َو َج ِمي ُع َم ْن قُ ِت َل، َسين ِ َو ِقدِي
`nni`provytyc nem niagioc `nqytc nem and saints, and of all who ."ضِ ْاألَر
were slain on the earth.”
ouon niben etauqelqolou hijen
Revelation 19
11 رؤيا
19@1 Menenca nai aicwtem `m`vry] 19:1 After these things I ً صوْ تا
َ ْت َ َوبَ ْعدَ َهذَا11:1
ُ س ِمع
heard a loud voice of a اء
ِ س َم ٍ ِع َِظيما ً ِم ْن جَمْ عٍ َكث
َّ ير فِي ال
`nounis] `nq
` rwou `nte oumys efos great multitude in heaven, . َه ِللُيلويَا:ًقَائِال
saying: Alleluia.
qen `tve eujw `mmoc@ je allyloui`a@
hanme;myi ne.
19@2 Ouoh qen ouhap `mmyi 19:2 For true and ،ٌق َوعَا ِدلَة ٌّ أل َ َّن أ َ ْحكَا َمهُ َح11:3
righteous are His الزانِيَةَ ْالعَ ِظي َمة التِي
َّ َ َّ َإِ ْذ قَ ْد دَان
af]hap `e]nis] `mporny ouoh af[i judgments, because He has انتَقَ َم ِلد َِمْ َو،ض بِ ِزنَا َهاَ ْت األَر ِ َسد َ أ َ ْف
`mpe`m`psis `m`pcnof `nte nef`ebiaik
judged the great harlot who .عبِي ِد ِه ِم ْن يَ ِد َها
corrupted the earth with her
`ebol hitotc. fornication; and He has
avenged on her the blood of
His servants shed by her.
19@3 Ouoh `vmah`cnau (=b) afjoc@ 19:3 Again they said: . َه ِللُيلو َيا:ً َوقَالُوا ثَا ِن َية11:2
je allyloui`a.
19@4 Ouoh auhitou `epecyt `nje 19:4 And the twenty- َش ُرون ْ َو َخرَّ األَرْ بَعَةُ َو ْال ِع11:3
four elders and the four ُ َش ْيخا ً َواألَرْ بَ َعةُ ْال َحيَ َوان
،ات َ
pijout `ftoou (=k=d) `m`precbuteroc nem living creatures fell down ْ ْ
س َجدُوا ِ ََّّللِ ال َجا ِل ِس َعلَى العَرْ ِش َ َو
pi`ftoou (=d) `nzwon ouoh auouwst
and worshiped God who sat ُ
. َه ِلليلويَا. َآمين ِ : َقَائِ ِلين
on the throne, saying:
`mVnou] vy ethemci hijen pi`;ronoc Amen. Alleluia.
19@6 Ouoh aicwtem `m`vry] 19:6 And I heard, as it ت جَمْ ٍع ِ ْصو َ ْت َكُ س ِمعَ َو11:2
were, the voice of a great َ ِت ِميَا ٍه َكث
،ٍيرة ِ ْصوَ َو َك،ير ٍ َِكث
`nounis] `nc` my `nte ounis] `mmys nem multitude, as the sound of ً.شدِيدَ ٍة قَائِلَة
َ عو ٍدُ ت ُر ِ ْصو َ َو َك
`m`vry] `nt
` `cmy `noumys `mmwou nem
many waters and as the .َه ِللُيلو َيا
sound of mighty
`t`cmy `nte hanqarabai eujor eujw thunderings, saying:
`mmoc@ je allyloui`a.
19@7 Marenrasi ouoh `nten;elyl 19:7 Let us be glad and ِلنَ ْف َر ْح َونَت َ َهلَّ ْل َونُع ِْط ِه11:9
rejoice and give Him glory, ،س ْال َح َم ِل قَ ْد َجا َء َ ْعر ُ أل َ َّن،َْال َم ْجد
ouoh `nten]`wou naf@ je af`i `nje for the marriage of the .س َها َ َوامْ َرأَت ُهُ َهيَّأ َ ْت نَ ْف
Lamb has come, and His
pihop `nte piHiyb nem tefselet
wife has made herself
etaucebtwtc naf. ready.
19@8 Ouoh au] nac hina `ntec] 19:8 And to her it was ً س َبزا ً نَ ِقياَ َوأ ُ ْع ِط َي ْت أ َ ْن ت َ ْل َب11:3
granted to be arrayed in fine ُ أل َ َّن ْالبَ َّز هُ َو تَبَرُّ َر،ًبَ ِهيا
hiwtc `nousenc efvori efouab pisenc linen, clean and bright, for ." َسين ِ ْال ِقدِي
the fine linen is the
gar nime;myi `nte niagioc.
righteous acts of the saints.
19@9 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je `cqai@ je 19:9 Then he said to طوبَى ُ : ْ ا ْكتُب: َوقَا َل ِل َي11:1
me, “Write: Blessed are عرْ ِس ُ َاء
ِ عش َ ع ِوينَ ِإلَىُ ِل ْل َم ْد
`wouniatou `nny etau;ahmou those who are called to the " َه ِذ ِه ِه َي أ َ ْق َوا ُل: َوقَا َل."ْال َح َم ِل
`epidipnon `nte piHiyb. Ouoh pejaf
marriage supper of the ."ُهللاِ الصَّا ِدقَة
Lamb!” And he said to me,
nyi@ je naicaji hanme;myi ne `nte “These are the true sayings
of God.”
19@10 Ouoh aihei `mpe`m;o 19:10 And I fell at his ت أ َ َما َم ِر ْجلَ ْي ِه
ُ ْ فَ َخ َرر11:11
feet to worship him. But he َظرْ ال ُ " ْان: فَقَا َل ِل َي،ُس ُجدَ لَه ْ َ أل
`nnef[alauj aiouwst `mmof ouoh said to me, “See that you do َع ْبد ٌ َمعَكَ َو َم َع ِإ ْخ َوتِك َ ت َ ْفعَ ْل !أَنَا
pejaf nyi@ je `mvwr je `anok ou`svyr
not do that! I am your س ُج ْدْ ا.َش َهادَة يَسُوع ُ َ الَّ ِذينَ ِع ْندَ ُه ْم
fellow servant, and of your َ فَ ِإ َّن.ِِ ََّّلل
ُ ع ِه َي ُرو
ح َ ش َهادَةَ يَسُو
brethren who have the
`mbwk `ntak nem nek`cnyou ny `ete ."النُّبُوَّ ِة
testimony of Jesus. Worship
]metme;re `ntotou `nte Iycouc. God! For the testimony of
Jesus is the spirit of
Ouwst `mVnou] ]metme;re gar `nte prophecy.”
19@11 Menenca nai ainau `e`tve 19:11 Now I saw س َما َءَّ ت الُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي11:11
heaven opened, and behold, ٌ َو ِإذَا فَ َر،ًَم ْفتُو َحة
ُس أ َ ْب َيض
ecouyn ouoh ainau `eou`h;o efouwbs@ a white horse. And He who ً علَ ْي ِه يُ ْدعَى أ َ ِميناَ س ُ َو ْال َجا ِل
ouoh vy ethemci hijwf eumou] `erof
sat on him was called . ُ َوبِ ْالعَ ْد ِل يَ ْح ُك ُم َويُ َح ِارب،ًصادِقا َ َو
Faithful and True, and in
je Pipictoc ouoh Pi`;myi ouoh af] righteousness He judges
and makes war.
`mpihap qen oudikeocuny.
19@12 Ouoh nare nefbal `oni pe 19:12 His eyes were ،ب نَ ٍار ِ ع ْينَاهُ َك َل ِهيَ َو11:13
like a flame of fire, and on ُ َولَه،يرة ٌ َ ِس ِه تِي َجا ٌن َكث ِ ْعلَى َرأ
َ َو
`nousah `n,
` rwm `eouon oumys `n, ` lom His head were many َّس أ َ َحد ٌ يَع ِْرفُهُ إِال َ ُ ْ
َ س ٌم َمكتوبٌ ل ْي ْ ا
crowns. He had a name .هُ َو
hijen tef`ave `eouon@ ouran `cqyout
written that no one knew
`mmau `mmon `sjom `nte `hli `emi `erof except Himself.
19@14 Ouoh pi`ctrateuma naumosi 19:14 And the armies in َواأل َ ْجنَاد ُ الَّ ِذينَ فِي11:13
heaven, clothed in fine علَى َخ ْي ٍلَ ُاء كَانُوا يَتْبَعُونَه ِ س َمَّ ال
`ncwf pe qen han`h;wr euouwbs linen, white and clean, ً.ض َونَ ِقيا َ ً
َ َسينَ بَزا أ ْبي ِ ِ الَب،يض ٍ ِب
followed Him on white
`eouon hansenc euvori toi hiwtou.
19@15 Ouoh `cnyou `ebol qen rwou 19:15 Now out of His ٌس ْيف
َ ج ُ َو ِم ْن فَ ِم ِه يَ ْخ ُر11:15
mouth goes a sharp sword, َوهُ َو.ب بِ ِه األ ُ َم َم َ ض ِرْ َاض ِلك َْي ي ٍ َم
`nje oucyfi echiou`i@ hina `ntefsari that with it He should strike ُ َوه َو،ٍسيَرْ عَاهُ ْم بِعَصا ً ِم ْن َحدِيد َ
`enie;noc `nqytc ouoh `n;of ef`e`amoni
the nations. And He َ ص َرةَ َخمْ ِر
س َخ ِط َ وس َم ْعُ ُ يَد
Himself will rule them with . ٍعلَى ُكل شَيء
ْ ِ َ ب هللاِ ْالقَاد ِِر ِ ض َ غَ َو
`mmwou qen ou`sbwt `mbenipi ouoh a rod of iron. He Himself
treads the winepress of the
`n;of ef`ehwmi `n]`hrwt `nte piyrp fierceness and wrath of
Almighty God.
`m`pjwnt `mVnou] Pipantokratwr.
19@16 Ouoh ouran ef`cqyout hi 19:16 And He has on َ علَى ثَوْ ِب ِه َو
ع َلى َ ُ َولَه11:12
His robe and on His thigh a ُ ْ ْ فَ ْخ ِذ ِه ا
ِ " َم ِل ُك ال ُمل: ٌس ٌم َم ْكتُوب
pef`hbwc nem pef`alwj@ Je Pouro name written: King Of ."بِ َو َربُّ األَرْ بَا
kings and Lord of lords.
`nte niourwou ouoh P[oic `nte ni[oic.
19@18 Hina `ntetenouwm `nnicarx 19:18 that you may eat ، ٍ ِلك َْي تَأ ْ ُك ِلي لُحُو َم ُملُوك11:13
the flesh of kings, the flesh ، َولُحُو َم أ َ ْق ِويَا َء،ٍَولُحُو َم قُوَّ اد
`nte niourwou nem nicarx `nte of captains, the flesh of ،علَ ْي َها
َ َسين ِ َولُحُو َم َخ ْي ٍل َو ْال َجا ِل
ni,iliar,yc nem nicarx `nte nijwri
mighty men, the flesh of ً ص ِغيرا
َ ً ع ْبدا َ َولُحُو َم ْال ُك ِل حُرا ً َو
horses and of those who sit ."ً َو َكبِيرا
nem nicarx `nte ni`h;wr nem ny on them, and the flesh of all
people, free and slave, both
ethemci hijwou nem nicarx `nte small and great.”
niremheu nem nibwk nem nikouji nem
19@19 Ouoh ainau `epi;yrion nem 19:19 And I saw the َش َو ُملُوك َ ت ْال َو ْح ُ َو َرأ َ ْي11:11
beast, the kings of the earth, َض َوأ َ ْجنَادَ ُه ْم ُم ْجت َ ِم ِعينِ ْاألَر
niourwou `nte `pkahi nem and their armies, gathered صنَعُوا حَرْ با ً َم َع ْال َجا ِل ِس َعلَى ْ ِل َي
nou`ctrateuma eu;ouyt `eiri
together to make war .ْالفَ َر ِس َو َم َع جُن ِد ِه
against Him who sat on the
`noupolemoc nem vy ethemci hi pi`h;o horse and against His army.
19@20 Ouoh autahe pi;yrion nem 19:20 Then the beast علَى ْال َو ْح ِش َ ض َ ِ فَقُب11:31
was captured, and with him ُ الصَّانِ ُع قدَّا َمه،ُب َم َعه ِ َوالنَّ ِبي ِ ْالكَذَّا
ny e;nemaf nem pi'eudo`provytyc the false prophet who ض َّل الَّ ِذينَ قَ ِبلُوا َ َ ت الَّتِي ِب َها أ ِ اآليَا
vy etafiri `nnimyini `nq
` ryi `nqytou
worked signs in his س َجدُوا َ َس َمةَ ال َو ْح ِش َوال ِذين
َّ ْ ِ
presence, by which he َ ْ َّ
ان َحيي ِن إِلى َ ْ
ِ ح ا ِالثن ُ
َ َوط ِر.ُورتِ ِه َ ِلص
deceived those who
`mpef`m;o `eaucwnh `nny etau[i .تِ بُ َح ْي َر ِة النَّ ِار ْال ُمت َّ ِقدَ ِة ِب ْال ِك ْب ِري
received the mark of the
`n]tebc `nte pi;yrion nem ny beast and those who
worshiped his image. These
e;ouwst `ntefhukwn auhitou `e`qryi
two were cast alive into the
mpi`cnau (=b) euonq `e]lumny e;moh lake of fire burning with
` rwm nem ;yn.
19@21 Ouoh `pcepi auqo;bou qen 19:21 And the rest were ف َ َو ْالبَاقُونَ قُتِلُوا ِب11:31
ِ س ْي
killed with the sword which علَى ْالفَ َر ِس ْال َخ ِارجِ ِم ْن َ ْال َجا ِل ِس
`tcyfi `mvy ethemci hi pi`h;o ;y etac`i proceeded from the mouth ش ِب َع ْت ِم ْن
َ ُور ُّ َو َج ِمي ُع،فَ ِم ِه
ِ الطي
`ebol qen rwf ouoh nihala] tyrou
of Him who sat on the ِ لُح
.ُوم ِه ْم
horse. And all the birds
`nte `tve auouwm `ebol qen noucarx. were filled with their flesh.
Revelation 20
31 رؤيا
20@1 Ouoh ainau `eouaggeloc `eaf`i 20:1 Then I saw an َت َمالَكا ً نَ ِازالً ِمن ُ َو َرأ َ ْي31:1
angel coming down from ،ح ْال َها ِويَ ِة ُ اء َمعَهُ ِم ْفتَا ِ س َمَّ ال
`epecyt `ebol qen `tve `ere `psost heaven, having the key to .على يَ ِد ِه َ ٌ
َ سلة ع َِظي َمة ٌ َ ْ
ِ سل ِ َو
the bottomless pit and a
`m`vnoun `ntotf nem ounis] `nhalycic
great chain in his hand.
qen tefjij.
20@2 Ouoh af`amoni `mpi`drakwn 20:2 He laid hold of the ْال َحيَّ ِة،ينِ ِعلَى التِن َ ض َ َ فَقَب31:3
dragon, that serpent of old, ُ الَّذِي ُه َو إِ ْب ِل،ْالقَدِي َم ِة
pihof piar,eoc `ete piDiaboloc pe who is the Devil and Satan, ،ٍسنَة
َ ف َ َوقَيَّدَهُ أ َ ْل،ش ْي َطا ُن
َّ َوال
and bound him for a
`pCatanac ouoh afconhf `nouso
thousand years;
20@3 Afhitf `e`qryi `e`vnoun 20:3 and he cast him َو َط َر َحهُ فِي ْال َها ِويَ ِة31:2
into the bottomless pit, and َعلَ ْي ِه ِلك َْي ال َ َو َخت َ َم،علَ ْي ِهَ ََوأ َ ْغلَق
afma`s;am `erwf ouoh aftwb ca`pswi shut him up, and set a seal ي ُِض َّل األ ُ َم َم فِي َما بَ ْعد ُ َحتَّى تَتِ َّم
`mmof@ hina `ntef`stemcwrem
on him, so that he should َوبَ ْعدَ ذَ ِلكَ الَ بُدَّ أَ ْن.سنَ ِة َّ األ َ ْلفُ ال
deceive the nations no more .ً يُ َح َّل َز َمانا ً يَسِيرا
`nnie;noc satoujwk `ebol `nje piso till the thousand years were
finished. But after these
`nrompi ouoh menenca nai hw] pe things he must be released
for a little while.
`ntoubolf `ebol `nkekouji `ncyou.
20@4 Ouoh ainau `ehan`;ronoc 20:4 And I saw thrones, ع ُروشا ً فَ َجلَسُوا ُ ت ُ َو َرأ َ ْي31:3
and they sat on them, and تُ َو َرأ َ ْي.ً َوأ ُ ْع ُطوا ُح ْكما،علَ ْي َها َ
`eauhemci hijwou au]hap nwou e;be judgment was committed to ش َهادَ ِة َ ُ
َ وس ال ِذينَ قتِلوا ِم ْن أ ْج ِلُ َّ َ نُف ُ
ni'u,y `nte ny etauqo;bou e;be
them. Then I saw the souls َ َوالَّ ِذين.ِع َو ِم ْن أ َ ْج ِل َك ِل َم ِة هللا َ يَسُو
of those who had been ،ُور ِت ِهَ ص ل َ ال
ِ َ ِ َ ِو ش ح ْ و لْ ل وا ُ د ُ
ج ْ لَ ْم َي
beheaded for their witness َ ْ
]metme;re `nte Iycouc nem picaji علَى ِجبَا ِه ِه ْم َ الس َمة ِ َولَ ْم يَقبَلُوا
to Jesus and for the word of َ َ
شوا َو َملَ ُكوا َم َع
ُ فعَا،علَى أ ْيدِي ِه ْم
َ َو
`nte Vnou] nem ny `ete `mpououwst God, who had not .سنَ ٍة َ ْال َمسِيحِ أ َ ْل
َ ف
worshiped the beast or his
`mpi;yrion oude tefhukwn nem ny image, and had not received
his mark on their foreheads
`ete `mpou`[i `nteftebc `etoutehni nem
or on their hands. And they
toujij auwnq nemaf ouoh auerouro lived and reigned with
Christ for a thousand years.
nem Pi`,rictoc `nouso `nrompi.
20@5 Ouoh `pcepi `nnirefmwout 20:5 But the rest of the ِ َوأَمَّا بَ ِقيَّةُ األَمْ َوا31:5
ت فَ َل ْم
dead did not live again until َه ِذ ِه.سنَ ِة َّ ش َحتَّى تَتِ َّم األ َ ْلفُ الْ ت َ ِع
`mpouwnq satoujwk `ebol `nje piso the thousand years were .ِه َي ْال ِق َيا َمةُ األُولَى
finished. This is the first
`nrompi@ ;ai te ]`anactacic `nhoui].
20@6 Wouniatf ouoh ouagioc `nte 20:6 Blessed and holy is ُس َم ْن لَه ٌ َّار ٌك َو ُمقَدَ َ ُمب31:2
he who has part in the first َه ُؤالَ ِء.نَ ِصيبٌ ِفي ْال ِق َيا َم ِة األُولَى
ِ َ ت الثَّانِي س ُْل َطا ٌن
resurrection. Over such the ،علَ ْيه ْم ِ ْس ِل ْل َموَ لَ ْي
Vnou] vy `ete ouontef oumeroc
second death has no power, ،َّللِ َو ْال َمسِيح ً َ ُ
َّ ِ سيَ ُكونونَ َك َهنة َ بَ ْل
`mmau qen ]`anactacic `nhoui] `e`qryi ِ
but they shall be priests of َ
.سن ٍةَ ف ْ َ
َ َمعَه ألُ َون ُ
سيَمْ ِلكَ َو
`ejen nai `nnefjem ersisi `e`hryi `ejwf God and of Christ, and shall
reign with Him a thousand
`nje pimou `mmah`cnou] (=b) alla years.
eu`eswpi `nhanouyb `mVnou] nem
`mpiso `nrompi.
20@7 Ouoh eswp ausanjwk `ebol 20:7 Now when the َّ ت األ َ ْلفُ ال
سنَ ِة ِ ث ُ َّم َمتَى ت َ َّم31:9
thousand years have ،س ْجنِ ِهِ ش ْي َطا ُن ِم ْن َّ يُ َح ُّل ال
`nje piso `nrompi eu`ebel `pCatanac expired, Satan will be
released from his prison,
`ebol qen pi`steko.
20@8 Ouoh ef`ecwrem `nni`ebiaik nem 20:8 and will go out to َج ِلي ُِض َّل األ ُ َم َم الَّ ِذينُ َويَ ْخ ُر31:3
deceive the nations which ج
َ جُو:ض ِ ْفِي أَرْ بَ ِع َز َوايَا األَر
nie;noc qen pi`ftoou lakh `nte `pkahi are in the four corners of the َ الَّ ِذين،ب ْ
ِ ْ ِليَ ْج َمعَ ُه ْم ِللحَر،ََو َماجُوج
Gwg nem Agwg eu`e;ouwtou
earth, Gog and Magog, to .عدَد ُ ُه ْم ِمثْ ُل َرمْ ِل ْالبَ ْح ِر
gather them together to
`epipolemoc nai `ete tou`ypi oi `m`vry] battle, whose number is as
the sand of the sea.
`mpiso `nte `viom.
20@9 Ouoh au`i `e`pswi `ejen 20:9 They went up on ض ِ ْعلَى عَر َ ص ِعدُوا َ َ ف31:1
the breadth of the earth and ُ
ْ َ َوأ َحاطوا ِب ُمع،ض
سك َِر َ ِ ْاألَر
]ouysci `nte `pkahi ouoh aukw] surrounded the camp of the ،سينَ َوبِ ْال َمدِينَ ِة ْال َم ْحبُوبَ ِةِ ْال ِقدِي
`e]paremboly `nte niagioc nem ]baki
saints and the beloved city. اء َّ فَنَ َزلَ ْت نَارٌ ِم ْن ِع ْن ِد هللاِ ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم
And fire came down from
`mberi ouoh af`i `nje ou`,rwm `ebol qen God out of heaven and .َوأ َ َكلَتْ ُه ْم
devoured them.
`tve `nten Vnou] afouomou.
20@10 Ouoh pidiaboloc etcwrem 20:10 The devil, who َيس الَّذِي كَان ُ َوإِ ْب ِل31:11
deceived them, was cast َّ
ح فِي بُ َح ْي َر ِة الن ِار ُ ي ُِضلُّ ُه ْم
َ ط ِر
`mmwou auhitf `e`qryi `e]lumny into the lake of fire and ش َوالنَّ ِب ُّي ُ ث ْال َو ْح ُ َح ْي،َِو ْال ِك ْب ِريت
` rwm e;moh `n;yn pima `ete
brimstone where the beast ًسيُعَذَّبُونَ نَ َهارا ً َولَ ْيال َ َو. ُْالكَذَّاب
and the false prophet are. . َإِلَى أَبَ ِد اآلبِ ِدين
pi;yrion `mmof nem pi'eudo`provytc And they will be tormented
day and night forever and
ouoh auerbacanizin `mmwou `nni`ehoou ever.
nem ni`ejwrh sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh.
20@11 Ainau `eounis] `n`;ronoc 20:11 Then I saw a ً ت عَرْ شا ً ع َِظيما ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي31:11
great white throne and Him َّ
س َعلَ ْي ِه الذِي ِم ْن َ َو ْال َجا ِل،ض َ َأ َ ْبي
efouobs nem vy ethemci hijwf vy who sat on it, from whose َّ ت األَرْ ضُ َوال
،ُس َماء ِ ََو ْج ِه ِه َه َرب
`ete `pkahi vwt `ebol qa`thy `mpefho
face the earth and the !َولَ ْم يُو َج ْد لَ ُه َما َموْ ِض ٌع
heaven fled away. And
nem `tve ouoh `mpoujem ma`ntwou. there was found no place
for them.
20@12 Ouoh ainau `enirefmwout 20:12 And I saw the ًت األَمْ َواتَ ِصغَارا ُ َو َرأ َ ْي31:13
dead, small and great, َو ْانفَت َ َح ْت،َِو ِكبَارا ً َواقِ ِفينَ أ َ َما َم هللا
tyrou nikouji nem ninis] eu`ohi standing before God, and س ْف ُر
ِ س ْفرٌ آ َخ ُر ُه َو ِ َو ْانفَت َ َح. ٌسفَار ْ َأ
`eratou `mpe`m;o `mpi`;ronoc ouoh
books were opened. And ات ِممَّا هُ َو ُ َو ِدينَ األمْ َو،ْال َحيَا ِة
another book was opened, بِ سَ سفَ ِار بِ َح ْ َ َم ْكتُوبٌ فِي األ
which is the Book of Life.
auouwn `nhanjwm ouoh afouwn .أ َ ْع َما ِل ِه ْم
And the dead were judged
`nkeJwm `ete va `pWnq pe ouoh according to their works, by
the things which were
au]hap `enirefmwout `ebol qen ny
written in the books.
et`cqyout hi pijwm kata nou`hbyou`i.
20@13 Ouoh a `viom ] `nnirefmwout 20:13 The sea gave up َسلَّ َم ْالبَ ْح ُر األَمْ َواتَ َو31:12
the dead who were in it, and ُت َو ْال َها ِويَة ُ ْسلَّ َم ْال َموَ َو،الَّ ِذينَ فِي ِه
Death and Hades delivered َودِينُوا ُك ُّل.يه َما ِ ِاألَمْ َواتَ الَّ ِذينَ ف
` ryi `nqytf ouoh `vNoun nem
20@15 Nem vy `ete `mpoujemf 20:15 And anyone not ً َو ُك ُّل َم ْن َل ْم يُو َج ْد َم ْكتُوبا31:15
found written in the Book ح فِي بُ َح ْي َر ِة
َ ط ِرُ س ْف ِر ْال َحيَا ِة
ِ فِي
ef`cqyout hi `pjwm `nte `pwnq auhitou of Life was cast into the .النَّ ِار
lake of fire.
`e]lumny `n,rwm.
Revelation 21
31 رؤيا
21@1 Ouoh ainau `eouve `mberi nem 21:1 Now I saw a new ًس َما ًء َجدِيدَة َ ت ُ ث ُ َّم َرأ َ ْي31:1
heaven and a new earth, for س َما َء األُولَى َّ أل َ َّن ال،ًَوأَرْ ضا ً َجدِيدَة
oukahi `mberi ]ve gar `nhoui] nem َ ض األُولَى َم
the first heaven and the first َ َو ْالبَ ْح ُر ال،ضتَا َ َْواألَر
earth had passed away. Also .ُيُو َجد ُ فِي َما بَ ْعد
pikahi ause nwou ouoh `mmon iom je.
there was no more sea.
21@2 Ouoh ainau `e]baki e;ouab 21:2 Then I, John, saw َت ْال َمدِينَة ُ َوأَنَا يُو َحنَّا َرأ َ ْي31:3
the holy city, New ًش ِلي َم ْال َجدِيدَةَ نَ ِازلَة َ ورُ ُ سةَ أ َ َّْال ُمقَد
Ieroucalym `mberi ecnyou `epecyt Jerusalem, coming down ًاء ِم ْن ِع ْن ِد هللاِ ُم َهيَّأَة َّ ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم
`ebol qen `tve hiten Vnou] eccebtwt
out of heaven from God, َ َ
.وس ُمزيَّن ٍة ِل َر ُج ِل َها ٍ َكعَ ُر
prepared as a bride adorned
`m`vry] `nouselet eccelcwl `mpechai. for her husband.
21@3 Ouoh aicwtem `eounis] `nc` my 21:3 And I heard a loud َصوْ تا ً ع َِظيما ً ِمن َ ْت ُ س ِمع َ َو31:2
voice from heaven saying, س َك ُن هللاِ َم َع ْ هُ َوذَا َم:ًاء قَائِال ِ س َم َّ ال
`ebol qen `tve ecjw `mmoc@ je ic “Behold, the tabernacle of َوهُ ْم،س ُك ُن َمعَ ُه ْم
ْ َسيَ َو ُه َو،اس ِ َّالن
]`ckuny `nte Vnou] ec,y nem nirwmi
God is with men, and He سهُ يَ ُكو ُن ُ َوهللاُ نَ ْف.ً شعْبا َ ُيَ ُكونُونَ لَه
will dwell with them, and .َم َع ُه ْم ِإلَها ً لَ ُه ْم
ouoh ef`eswpi `nemwou ouoh `n;wou they shall be His people.
God Himself will be with
hwou eu`eswpi naf `eoulaoc ouoh them and be their God.
`n;of Vnou] ef`eswpi nemwou.
21@4 Ef`efet ermy niben `ebol qen 21:4 And God will wipe ح هللا ُ ُك َّل دَمْ عَ ٍة ِم ْنُ س َ ْسيَم َ َو31:3
away every tear from their ون ِفي َما ُ ت الَ َي ُك ُ ْ َو ْال َمو،عيُو ِن ِه ْم
noubal ouoh `nne mou swpi je oude eyes; there shall be no more ٌ َوالَ يَ ُكو ُن ح ُْز ٌن َوالَ ص َُرا،ُبَ ْعد
hybi oude `qrwou `nne qici swpi je
death, nor sorrow, nor
َ أل َ َّن األ ُ ُم،َُوالَ َو َج ٌع فِي َما بَ ْعد
crying. There shall be no ."َت ْ األُولَى قَ ْد َمض
epidy nihoua] aucini hyppe more pain, for the former
things have passed away.
cenaerberi tyrou.
21@5 Ouoh peje vy ethemci hi 21:5 Then He who sat س َع َلى ُ َوقَا َل ْال َجا ِل31:5
on the throne said, “Behold, ٍصنَ ُع ُك َّل ش َْيء ْ َ " َها أَنَا أ:ْالعَرْ ِش
pi`;ronoc nyi@ je hyppe ]naaitou I make all things new.” And فَ ِإ َّن، ْ "ا ْكتُب: َوقَا َل ِل َي."ً َجدِيدا
`mberi tyrou@ ouoh pejaf nyi@ je `cqai
He said to me, “Write, for ."ٌصا ِدقَةٌ َوأ َ ِمينَةَ َه ِذ ِه األ َ ْق َوا َل
these words are true and
`nnaicaji ce`nhot ouoh hanme;myi ne. faithful.”
21@6 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je Anok pe 21:6 And He said to me, "قَ ْد ت َ َّم! أَنَا ُه َو: ث ُ َّم قَا َل ِلي31:2
“It is done! I am the Alpha أَنَا.ُ ْال ِبدَايَةُ َوالنِ َهايَة،ُاألَلِفُ َو ْاليَاء
piAlava nem piWmega@ ]Ar,y nem and the Omega, the ِ أ ُ ْع ِطي ْالعَ ْطشَانَ ِم ْن يَ ْنبُوعِ َم
piJwk `ebol. `Anok pe vy e;na] `mvy
Beginning and the End. I .ً ْال َحيَا ِة َمجَّانا
will give of the fountain of
etobi `ebol qen ]moumi `mmwou `nwnq the water of life freely to
him who thirsts.
21@8 Ny de e;naer`slah `nhyt 21:8 But the cowardly, َ َوأَمَّا ْال َخائِفُونَ َو31:3
غ ْي ُر
unbelieving, abominable, َسونَ َو ْالقَاتِلُون ُ ْال ُم ْؤ ِمنِينَ َوالرَّ ِج
murderers, sexually ِ َ عبَدَة ُ األَوْ ث
ان َ س َح َرة ُ َوَّ الزنَاة ُ َوال ُّ َو
nem niatnah] nem nicafhyt nem
21@9 Ouoh af`i `nje ouai `ebol qen 21:9 Then one of the َاحد ٌ ِمن ِ ث ُ َّم َجا َء إِلَ َّي َو31:1
seven angels who had the س ْبعَ ِة ْال َمالَئِ َك ِة َّال ِذينَ َمعَ ُه ُم َّ ال
pisasf (=z) `naggeloc ny `ete ]sasf seven bowls filled with the َات ْال َممْ لُوَّ ة ُ ِمن ُ س ْب َعةُ ْال َجا َمَّ ال
(=z) `mvu`aly `ntotou eumeh `ebol qen
seven last plagues came to َوتَكَلَّ َم،ير ِة َ ت األ َ ِخ ِ ض َربَاَّ س ْب ِع ال َّ ال
me and talked with me, ْ ُ َ ُ
َ " َهل َّم فأ ِريَكَ العَ ُر:َم ِعي قائِال
وس ً َ
saying, “Come, I will show
pisasf (=z) `nerqot `nqa`e afcaji ."امْ َرأَةَ ْال َح َم ِل
you the bride, the Lamb’s
nemyi efjw `mmoc@ je `amou wife.”
`ntatamok `e]selet `t`chimi `nte
21@10 Ouoh afolt qen pi`pneuma 21:10 And he carried َوذَ َه َب بِي بِالرُّ وحِ إِ َلى31:11
me away in the Spirit to a َ َوأ َ َرانِي ْال َمدِينَة،يم عَا ٍل ٍ َجبَ ٍل ع َِظ
`e`pswi `ejen ounis] `ntwou ef[oci great and high mountain, ًسةَ نَ ِازلَة َ ُ َ ِ ُ ُ ْال َع ِظي َمةَ أ
َّ دَ قم ْ
ال مي لشَ ور
aftamoi `e]baki e;ouab Ieroucalym
and showed me the great ،ِاء ِم ْن ِع ْن ِد هللا َّ ِمنَ ال
ِ س َم
city, the holy Jerusalem,
ecnyou `epecyt `ebol qen `tve hiten descending out of heaven
from God,
21@12 Eouon `ntac `nounis] `ncobt 21:12 Also she had a َوكَانَ لَ َها سُورٌ ع َِظي ٌم31:13
great and high wall with ً،عش ََر بَابا َ َوكَانَ لَ َها اثْنَا،َوعَا ٍل
`mmau ef[oci nem pimyt`cnau (=i=b) twelve gates, and twelve ،ًعش ََر َمالَكا َ ب اثْنَا ِ علَى األ َ ْب َوا
َ َو
angels at the gates, and اط
ِ َسبْ َ س َما ُء أ ٌ
ْ َ س َما ٌء َم ْكتُوبَة ِه َي أ ْ َ َوأ
`mpulwn ouoh pimyt`cnau (=i=b)
names written on them, .عش ََر ْ
َ بَنِي إِس َْرائِي َل ا ِالثنَ ْي
`naggeloc hiren nipulwn nem hanran which are the names of the
twelve tribes of the children
eu`cqyout `e`vran `n]myt`cnau (=i=b) of Israel:
`mvuly `nte nensyri `m`pIcrayl@
21@14 Ouoh picobt `nte ]polic 21:14 Now the wall of ُُور ْال َمدِينَ ِة كَانَ لَه
ُ َوس31:13
the city had twelve س َما ُء َ َ
ْ عل ْي َها أ ً
َ َو،ساسا َ َ عش ََر أ َ اثْنَا
`eouon myt`cnau (=i=b) `ncen] `mmof ouoh foundations, and on them .عش ََر َ س ِل ْال َح َم ِل ا ِالثْنَ ْي
ُ ُر
were the names of the
eu`cqyout hiwtou `nje `vran
twelve apostles of the
`mpimyt`cnau (=i=b) `na
` poctoloc `nte Lamb.
21@15 Ouoh vy etcaji nemyi `eouon 21:15 And he who َوالَّذِي كَانَ يَت َ َك َّل ُم َم ِعي31:15
talked with me had a gold ب ِلك َْي ٍ ص َبةٌ ِم ْن ذَ َه
َ َكَانَ َم َعهُ ق
oukas `nnoub `ntotf hina `ntefsi reed to measure the city, its .ُور َها َ
َ يس ْال َمدِينَة َوأ ْب َوابَ َها َوس
َ َ يَ ِق
gates, and its wall.
`n]baki nem nec`s;om nem neccobt.
21@16 Ouoh ]baki ne 21:16 The city is laid ضوع ًَةُ ْ َو ْال َمدِينَةُ كَانَ ْت َمو31:12
out as a square; its length is .ض ِ ْطولُ َها ِبقَ ْد ِر ْالعَر ُ ،ًُم َربَّعَة
outetragwnon te ouoh `m`vry] as great as its breadth. And َسافَةَ صبَ ِة َم َ َاس ْال َمدِينَةَ بِ ْالق
َ َفَق
`ntecsiy pairy] on pe tecouysci ouoh
he measured the city with ُّ . غ ْل َو ٍة
الطو ُل َ ف َ اثْنَ ْي
َ عش ََر أ َ ْل
the reed: twelve thousand ٌ.سا ِويَةَ َ ع ُمتُ َو ْالعَرْ ضُ َوا ِالرْ تِفَا
afsi `n]baki afjemc ecoi `mmyt`cnau furlongs. Its length, breadth,
and height are equal.
(=i=b) `nso `n`ctadion `nsiy nem
21@18 Ouoh `pkw] `mpicobt ]hiou`i 21:18 The construction ُور َها ِم ْنِ َوكَانَ بِنَا ُء س31:13
of its wall was of jasper; ِ َو ْال َمدِينَةُ ذَ َهبٌ نَ ِق ٌّي،ب
ُش ْبه ٍ ش ْ َي
`ncen] nacoi `m`vry] `nouiacpic pe ouoh and the city was pure gold, .ٍ ُز َجاجٍ نَ ِقي
like clear glass.
]baki nacoi pe `nieb `nnoub efouab
` ry] `noubajyini efouab.
21@19 Ouoh nicen] `nte picobt `nte 21:19 The foundations ُور ْال َمدِينَ ِةِ ات س ُ س َ سا َ َ َوأ31:11
of the wall of the city were اس
ُ س ٍ ُم َزيَّنَةٌ ِب ُك ِل َح َج ٍر ك َِر
َ َ األ.يم
]baki eukyt `ebol qen `wni niben adorned with all kinds of .ق ٌ ُ الثَّانِي يَاق. ٌشب
ُ وت أ َ ْز َر ْ َاألَوَّ ُل ي
ettaiyout@ ]cen] `nhoui] ne ouiacpic
precious stones: the first . ُق أ َ ْبيَض ٌ ع ِقيَ ث ُ الثَّا ِل
foundation was jasper, the
te@ ]mah`cnou] (=b) oucapviroc te@ second sapphire, the third
]mahsom] (=g) oukar,ydwn te.
}mah`ftoou (=d) ou`cmarakdoc te. The fourth emerald. .الرَّ ا ِب ُع ُزمُرُّ دٌ ذُبَا ِب ٌّي
te. was amethyst.
Ere Pencwtyr qen tecmy] And our Savior in its ًومخلصنا في وسطها يعطي إكليال
midst giving a crown and .وكرامة للذين يحبونه
ef]`,lom hi tai`o `nny e;mei `mmof. honoring the ones who
love Him.
21@21 Ouoh pimyt`cnau (=i=b) 21:21 The twelve gates عش ََر بَابا ً اثْنَتَا َ َوا ِالثْنَا31:31
were twelve pearls: each َاح ٍد ِمن ِ ُك ُّل َو،ًعش ََرةَ لُ ْؤلُؤَ ة َ
`mpulwn `mmargarityc `nouai `nouai individual gate was of one .ٍاحدَة ُ ْ ُ
ِ ب كَانَ ِمن لؤل َؤ ٍة َو ْ َ
ِ األ ْب َوا
ouoh pi`s;eh `nte ]baki ounoub efouab
pearl. And the street of the اج
ٍ َج ُ
َز ك ي ق
ٌّ ِ َ ن ٌب َ
ه َ ذ ة َ
ِ َ ق
ن ِي
د م ْ
ال ُ َوسُو
city was pure gold, like . ٍشَفَّاف
pe `m`vry] `nouabajyini eferouwini. transparent glass.
pecqybc pe piHiyb.
21@24 Ouoh eu`emosi `ebol qen 21:24 And the nations ُشعُوب ُ َوتَمْ شِي31:33
of those who are saved shall ُ
ُ َو ُمل،ور َها
وك ِ ُْال ُم َخلَّ ِصينَ ِبن
pecouwini `nje nie;noc nem niourwou walk in its light, and the ض يَ ِجيئُونَ بِ َم ْج ِد ِه ْم ِ ْاألَر
`nte `pkahi eu`e`ini `m`p`wou `nnie;noc nem
kings of the earth bring .َوك ََرا َمتِ ِه ْم إِلَ ْي َها
their glory and honor into it.
]timy `eqoun `eroc.
21@25 Ouoh necpulwn `nnou`s;am 21:25 Its gates shall not ،ً َوأ َ ْب َوابُ َها لَ ْن ت ُ ْغلَقَ نَ َهارا31:35
be shut at all by day (there . َأل َ َّن لَ ْيالً الَ يَ ُكو ُن هُنَاك
`mpi`ehoou ouoh `nne `ejwrh swpi shall be no night there).
21@26 Eu`e`i `nje nie;noc nem 21:26 And they shall َويَ ِجيئُونَ بِ َم ْج ِد األ ُ َم ِم31:32
bring the glory and the .َوك ََرا َم ِت ِه ْم ِإلَ ْي َها
pou`wou nem poutaio `eqoun `eroc. honor of the nations into it.
21@27 Nne `hli efcwf se `eqoun 21:27 But there shall by ٌ ِ َولَ ْن يَ ْد ُخ َل َها ش َْي ٌء دَن31:39
no means enter it anything إِ َّال،ًصنَ ُع َر ِجسا ً َو َكذِبا
ْ ََوالَ َما ي
`eroc nem ny etiri `nhancwf `nne that defiles, or causes an ْ
.سف ِر َحيَا ِة ال َح َم ِل ْ ِ ْال َم ْكتُوبِينَ فِي
abomination or a lie, but
me;nouj `i `eqoun `eroc `ebyl `eny
only those who are written
et`cqyout hi piJwm `nte `pWnq `nte in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Revelation 22
33 رؤيا
22@1 Ouoh autamoi `eouiaro 22:1 And he showed me َ ً َوأ َ َرانِي نَ ْهرا33:1
صافِيا ً ِم ْن
a pure river of water of life, ٍ ُّاء َحيَا ٍة الَ ِمعا ً َكبَل
ور َخ ِارجا ً ِم ْن ِ َم
`mmwou `nwnq efvori `m`vry] clear as crystal, proceeding .هللا َو ْال َح َم ِل
ِ ش ِ ْعَر
from the throne of God and
`nou`,rictallon efnyou `ebol ha
of the Lamb.
pi`;ronoc `nte Vnou] nem piHiyb.
22@2 Qen `;my] `mpec`s;eh ouoh 22:2 In the middle of its علَى َ س ِط سُوقِ َها َو َ فِي َو33:3
street, and on either side of ُ ش َج َرةَ َالنَّ ْه ِر ِم ْن هُنَا َو ِمن هناك
َ ُ ْ
piiaro ca`mnai nem ca`mnai ou`ssyn the river, was the tree of ،ًش َرةَ ث َ َم َرة ْ ع َ صنَ ُع اثْنَت َ ْي
ْ َ َح َيا ٍة ت
`nte `pwnq ef`ini `mpimyt`cnau (=i=b)
life, which bore twelve ُ َو َو َر،ش ْه ٍر ث َ َم َر َها
ق َ َوتُع ِْطي ُك َّل
fruits, each tree yielding its ُ ِ َشف
.اء األ َم ِم َّ ال
ِ ش َج َر ِة ِل
`noutah `ebol ouai qara `abot ouoh fruit every month. The
leaves of the tree were for
nijwbi `nte pi`ssyn euervaqri the healing of the nations.
`nnenbal `nnie;noc.
22@3 Ouoh cwf niben `nnefswpi@ 22:3 And there shall be َوالَ ت َ ُكو ُن لَ ْعنَةٌ َما فِي َما33:2
no more curse, but the ش هللاِ َو ْال َح َم ِل يَ ُكو ُنُ ْ َوعَر.ُبَ ْعد
je ouoh pi`;ronoc `nte Vnou] nem throne of God and of the ُ.عبِيدُهُ يَ ْخ ِد ُمونَه
َ َو،فِي َها
Lamb shall be in it, and His
piHiyb eu`eswpi `nqytc ouoh
servants shall serve Him.
`nnefswpi `nje `pjwnt alla ni`ebiaik
22@4 Ouoh eunau `epefho ouoh 22:4 They shall see His ،ُظ ُرونَ َو ْج َهه ُ سيَ ْن
َ َوهُ ْم33:3
face, and His name shall be .علَى ِجبَا ِه ِه ْم َ ُس ُمه
ْ َوا
pefran hi toutehni. on their foreheads.
22@5 Nne `ejwrh swpi je oude 22:5 There shall be no َ َوال، َ َوالَ يَ ُكو ُن لَ ْي ٌل هُنَاك33:5
night there: They need no ورِ ُس َراجٍ أَوْ نِ يَ ْحتَاجُونَ إِلَى
lamp nor light of the sun, َ ِ َّ أل َ َّن الرَّ ب،شَمْ ٍس
ُ ِاإللهَ يُن
ير ْ
`nnouer`,ria `nouwini `nqytc oude
22@6 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je naicaji 22:6 Then he said to " َه ِذ ِه األ َ ْق َوا ُل: ث ُ َّم قَا َل ِلي33:2
me, “These words are ِ َ َوالرَّ بُّ إِلَهُ األ َ ْنبِي.ٌصا ِدقَة
اء َ أ َ ِمينَةٌ َو
ce`nhot ouoh ceouab hanme;myi ne. faithful and true.” And the ي َ ْسينَ أَر
َ س َل َمالَ َكهُ ِلي ُِر ِ ْال ِقدِي
Ouoh P[oic Vnou] `nte ni`pneuma `nte
Lord God of the holy َ ْ
َع ِبيدَهُ َما يَنبَ ِغي أ ْن يَ ُكون َ
prophets sent His angel to ً
."س ِريعا َ
ni`provytyc aftaou`o `mpefaggeloc show His servants the
things which must shortly
`etame nef`ebiaik `eny etce`m`psa take place.
`ntouswpi `n,wlem.
22@8 Anok pe Iwannyc vy 22:8 Now I, John, saw ُ َوأَنَا يُو َحنَّا الَّذِي كَانَ يَ ْن33:3
ظ ُر
and heard these things. And ْتُ س ِمعَ َ َو ِحين.س َم ُع َهذَاْ ََوي
etafnau ouoh vy etcwtem `enai tote when I heard and saw, I fell َ
س ُجدَ أ َما َم َ
ْ ت ألُ ْ َخ َرر،ت ُ َْونَ َظر
etaicwtem ouoh etainau `enai aihitt
down to worship before the َّ ْ
ِر ْجلَي ِ ال َمالَ ِك الذِي كَانَ يُ ِرينِي
feet of the angel who .َهذَا
`epecyt `mpe`m;o `nnen[alauj showed me these things.
22@9 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je `mvwr 22:9 Then he said to !ظرْ الَ ت َ ْف َع ْل ُ " ْان: فَقَا َل ِل َي33:1
me, “See that you do not do َع ْبد ٌ َمعَكَ َو َم َع إِ ْخ َوتِكَ ألَنِي
`anok ou`svyr `mbwk `ntak nem that. For I am your fellow ظونَ أ َ ْق َوا َل ُ َ َوالَّ ِذينَ يَ ْحف،اءِ َاأل َ ْنبِي
nek`cnyou ni`provytyc nem ny
servant, and of your ."ِس ُج ْد ِ ََّّلل
ْ ا.بِ َهذَا ْال ِكتَا
brethren the prophets, and
e;na`areh `enicaji `nte paijwm@ of those who keep the
words of this book.
ouwst `mVnou]. Worship God.”
22@10 Ouoh pejaf nyi@ je 22:10 And he said to ع َلىَ "الَ ت َ ْختِ ْم: َوقَا َل ِلي33:11
me, “Do not seal the words َ أل َ َّن ْال َو ْقت،ب
ِ أ َ ْق َوا ِل نُبُوَّ ِة َهذَا ْال ِكتَا
`mperteb nicaji `nte tai`provytia `nte of the prophecy of this . ٌقَ ِريب
book, for the time is at
paijwm picyou gar afqwnt.
22@11 Vy et[i`njonc 22:11 He who is unjust, .ُ َم ْن يَ ْظ ِل ْم فَ ْليَ ْظ ِل ْم بَ ْعد33:11
let him be unjust still; he .َُّس بَ ْعدْ س فَ ْليَتَنَج ٌ َو َم ْن ُه َو نَ ِج
maref[i`njonc on vy et;wleb who is filthy, let him be ْ َو َمن.َُو َم ْن ُه َو بَارٌّ فَ ْليَتَبَرَّ رْ بَ ْعد
maref;wleb pi`;myi maref`;maiof vy
filthy still; he who is ."ُ س َب ْعد ْ َّس فَ ْل َيتَقَد
ٌ َّهُ َو ُمقَد
righteous, let him be
e;ouab mareftoubof. righteous still; he who is
holy, let him be holy still.”
22@12 Hyppe ]nyou `n,wlem 22:12 “And behold, I َ " َو َها أَنَا آتِي33:13
ً س ِريعا
am coming quickly, and My اح ٍد َ َوأ ُ ْج َرتِي َم ِعي ِأل ُ َج ِاز
ِ ي ُك َّل َو
pabe,e nemyi ]na] `mpiouai piouai reward is with Me, to give .ُع َملُه
َ ون ُ َك َما يَ ُك
to every one according to
kata nef`hbyou`i.
his work.
22:13 I am the Alpha ُ ْالبِدَايَة،ُ أَنَا األَلِفُ َو ْاليَاء33:12
22@13 Anok pe piAlva nem
and the Omega, the ِ األَوَّ ُل َو،َُوالنِ َهايَة
."اآلخ ُر
piWmega@ ]Ar,y nem piJwk `ebol. Beginning and the End, the
First and the Last.”
22@14 Wouniatou `nouon niben ny 22:14 Blessed are those َصنَعُون ْ َطوبَى ِللَّ ِذينَ ي ُ 33:13
who do His علَىَ صايَاهُ ِلك َْي يَ ُكونَ س ُْل َطانُ ُه ْم َ َو
e;nairi `nnefentoly@ hina `nte commandments, that they ب ا
ِ َو ْ
ب َ األ َن م
ِ وا ُ ل ُ
خ ْ
د ي
َ و
َ ة
ِ اي
َ ح
َ ْ
ال ة
ِ ر
َ ش َج
pouersisi swpi hijen pi`ssyn `nte
may have the right to the ْ
،إِلَى ال َمدِينَ ِة
tree of life, and may enter
`pwnq ouoh eu`ese `eqoun `e]baki `ebol through the gates into the
qen pipulwn.
22@15 Niouhwr de cabol nem 22:15 But outside are ب َ َ أل َ َّن َخ ِارجا ً ْال ِكال33:15
dogs and sorcerers and َعبَدَةَ الزنَاةَ َو ْالقَتَلَةَ َو
ُّ س َح َرةَ َو
َّ َوال
nivarmagoc nem nipornoc nem sexually immoral and ْ َ َو ُك َّل َم ْن ي ُِحبُّ َوي،ان
صنَ ُع ِ َ األ َوْ ث
nirefqwteb nem nisamse iq nem
murderers and idolaters, .ً َكذِبا
and whoever loves and
ouon niben etiri `n]me;nouj. practices a lie.
22@16 Anok pe Iycouc aitaou`o 22:16 “I, Jesus, have تُ س ْل َ ْ أَر،ُ "أَنَا يَسُوع33:12
sent My angel to testify to ور ع َِن ُ
ِ ش َهدَ لَ ُك ْم ِب َه ِذ ِه األ ُم ْ َ َمالَ ِكي أل
`mpaaggeloc `eerme;re nwten you these things in the ُ ُ
.َص ُل َوذ ِريَّة دَاوُ د ْ أنَا أ.ْال َكنَائِ ِس
َ َ
`nnaicaji qen niekklycia tyrou.
churches. I am the Root and ."ير ُ ِص ْبحِ ْال ُمنُّ كَوْ َكبُ ال
the Offspring of David, the
`Anok pe ]Nouni nem piGenoc `nte Bright and Morning Star.”
22@17 Nem Pneuma nem ]selet 22:17 And the Spirit وسُ ح َو ْالعَ ُر ُ َوالرُّ و33:19
and the bride say, “Come!” ْس َمعْ َ َو َمن ي." "تَعَا َل:يَقُوالَ ِن
ouoh cejw `mmoc@ je `amou. Nem vy And let him who hears say, شْ َو َم ْن يَ ْع َط." "تَعَا َل:فَ ْليَقُ ْل
“Come!” And let him who َو َم ْن ي ُِر ْد فَ ْل َيأ ْ ُخ ْذ َما َء َح َيا ٍة.ِفَ ْل َيأْت
etcwtem maroujoc@ je `amou. Ouoh
thirsts come. Whoever
vy etobi maref`i vy e;ouws maref[i desires, let him take the .ً َمجَّانا
water of life freely.
`noumwou `nwnq `njinjy.
22@19 Vy de e;najwj `ebol qen 22:19 And if anyone َوإِ ْن كَانَ أ َ َحدٌ يَ ْحذِفُ ِم ْن33:11
takes away from the words ُ ب َه ِذ ِه النُّبُوَّ ِة َي ْحذِفُ هللاِ أ َ ْق َوا ِل ِكتَا
nicaji `nte paijwm `nte tai`provytia of the book of this َ َو ِمن،س ْف ِر ْال َحيَا ِة ِ نَ ِصيبَهُ ِم ْن
`ere Vnou] ef`eel pefmeroc `ebol hi
prophecy, God shall take ب ْ
ِ َو ِمنَ ال َم ْكتُو،س ِة َ َّْال َمدِينَ ِة ْال ُمقَد
ِ فِي َهذَا ْال ِكتَا
away his part from the .ب
`pJwm `nte `pWnq nem ]baki e;ouab Book of Life, from the holy
city, and from the things
et`cqyout hi paijwm. which are written in this
22@20 Fjw `mmoc `nje vy 22:20 He who testifies :شا ِهد ُ ِب َهذَا
َّ يَقُو ُل ال33:31
to these things says, “Surely . َآمين ً
ِ ."س ِريعا َ "نَعَ ْم! أَنَا آتِي
eterme;re `nnai@ je cenaswpi ouoh I am coming quickly.” .عُ تَعَا َل أَيُّ َها الرَّ بُّ يَسُو
Amen. Even so, come, Lord
cenyou `n,wlem `amou pen[oic Iycouc
22@21 Ejen niagioc tyrou sa `eneh 22:21 The grace of our َ نِ ْع َمةُ َر ِبنَا يَسُو33:31
ِع ْال َمسِيح
Lord Jesus Christ be with . َآمين ِ .َم َع َج ِمي ِع ُك ْم
`nte ni`eneh. Amyn. you all. Amen.
When reading is completed, they chant long Kuri`e `ele`ycon 3 times while the priest anoints
people with the oil that was prayed upon then they start the prayer of the Ninth Hour
مرات باللحن الكبير بينما يرشم الكاهن الشعب بالزيت المصلي عليه ثم2 يقولون كيرياليسون،وعند انتهاء القراءة
يبدأون صالة الساعة التاسعة
Hymn Ak[i `t,aric `mMw`ucyc
لحن نلت نعمة موسى
Ak[i `t,aric `mMw`ucyc@ You were granted the نلت نعمة موسى وكهنوت ملكي
grace of Moses, the .صادق
]metouyb `nte Mel,icedek. priesthood of Melchizedek,
}metqello `nte Iakwb@ pinoj the old age of Jacob, وشيخوخة يعقوب وطول عمر
the long life of .متوشالح
` hi `nte Ma;oucala. Methuselah,
Pika] etcwtp `nte Dauid@ the excellent والفهم المختار الذي لداود
understanding of David, .وحكمة سليمان
]covi`a `nte Colomwn. the wisdom of Solomon,
Pi`pneuma `mParaklyton and the Spirit, the والروح المعزى الذي حل على
Paraclete who came down .الرسل
vyetaf`i `ejen ni`apoctoloc. upon the apostles.
P[oic `ef`e `areh `e`pwnq nem `ptaho May the Lord preserve الرب يحفظ حياة وقيام أبينا
the life and rising of our المكرم رئيس الكهنة البابا أنبا
`eratf `mpeniwt ettaiyout honored father, the high .)...(
priest Pope Abba (…).
`nar,iereuc papa abba (...).
Nem peniwt `mmetropolityc And our father(s) the وأبينا المطران (األسقف) األنبا
metropolitan/bishop(s), / ) (أو أبائنا المطارنة...(
(`ne` pickopoc) abba (...) (nyet,y Abba (…) (who are with .)األساقفة الكائنين معنا
Vnou] `nte `tve ef`etajrwou May the God of heaven إله السماء يثبتهم على كراسيهم
confirm them on their .سنين عديدة وأزمنة سالمة
hijen nou`;ronoc@ `nhanmys `nrompi thrones for many years and
peaceful times,
nem hancyou `nhirynikon.
and humiliate all their
Ntef;ebio `nnoujaji tyrou ويخضع أعداءه تحت قدميه
enemies under their feet
capecyt `nnou[alauj `n,wlem. speedily. .ًسريعا
The Ninth Hour
الساعة التاسعة
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
The Prayer of the ninth تسبحة الساعة التاسعة من النهار
Tote `fnajoc `nje piref`slyl@ hour of the blessed day, we أقدمها للمسيح ملكي،المبارك
offer to Christ our King and وأرجوه أن يغفر لي،وإلهى
Pihumnoc `nte ]ajp =; `mpi`ehoou
our God, beseeching Him to .خطاياي
forgive us our sins.
et`cmarwout ]natyif `mPi`,rictoc من مزامير ابينا داود النبي
From the Psalms of our
paouro ouoh panou] ]naerhelpic father David the prophet . آمين.بركاته على جميعنا
and the king, may his
`erof `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.
blessings be upon us all.
Psalm 95 (96)
المزمور الخامس والتسعون
Hwc `eP[oic qen ouhwc `mberi@ hwc Sing to the Lord a new ،سبحوا الرب تسبيحا جديدا
song; sing to the Lord, all ،سبحي الرب يا كل األرض
`eP[oic `pkahi tyrf@ hwc `eP[oic `cmou the earth. Sing to the Lord, .سبحوا الرب وباركوا اسمه
bless His name: proclaim .بشروا من يوم إلى يوم بخالصه
epefran@ hisennoufi `mpefoujai
His salvation day to day.
qathy `p`ehoou.
Caji `mpefwou qen nie;noc@ nem Declare His glory حدثوا في األمم بمجده وبين
among the Gentiles, and His .جميع الشعوب بعجائبه
nef`svyri qen nilaoc tyrou. wonders among all peoples.
Je ounis] pe P[oic ouoh For the Lord is great, .ألن الرب عظيم هو ومسبح جدا
and greatly praised: He is .مرهوب على كل اآللهة
`f`cmarwout `emasw@ `foi `nho] `ejen fearful above all the gods.
ninou] tyrou.
Je ninou] tyrou `nte nie;noc For all the gods of the أما،شيَاطين
َ ألن كل آلهة األمم
nations are devils, but the .الرب فصنع السموات
handemwn ne@ P[oic de `n;of Lord made the heavens.
af;ami`o `nnivyou`i.
Ououwnh `ebol nem oucai`e ce,y Majesty and splendor الطهر،الجالل والبهاء قدامه
are before Him: holiness .والجمال العظيم في قدسه
`mpef`m;o@ outoubo nem ounis] and great beauty are in His
`mmetcai`e etqen pe;ouab `ntaf.
Aniou`i `mP[oic nimetiwt tyrou Bring to the Lord, O the ،قدموا للرب يا جميع قبائل األمم
families of the Gentiles, قدموا،قدموا للرب مجدا وكرامة
`nte nie;noc@ aniou`i `mP[oic `nouwou bring to the Lord glory and .للرب مجدا السمه
honor. Bring to the Lord the
nem outaio@ aniou`i `mP[oic `nou`wou
glory of His name.
Fai `nhansouswousi masenwten Carry offerings, and go ،احملوا الذبائح وادخلوا دياره
into His court. Worship the .اسجدوا للرب في دياره المقدسة
eqoun enefaulyou@ ouwst `mP[oic Lord in His holy court.
qen tefauly e;ouab.
Marefkim `ebolha pefho `nje Let all the earth tremble فلتتزلزل األرض كلها من أمام
before His face. .وجهه
`pkahi tyrf.
Ajoc qen nie;noc je `a P[oic Say among the nations, قولوا بين األمم إن الرب قد ملك
“The Lord reigned on a وأيضا ثبت،على خشبة
erouro `ebolhi ouse@ ke gar aftaho wood: for He has يدين.المسكونة فلن تتزعزع
established the world that it .الشعوب باالستقامة
`n]oikoumeny `eratc `ete `nc` nakim an@
shall not be moved: He will
`fna]hap `ehanlaoc qen oucwouten. judge the peoples in
Marouounof `nje nivyou`i@ ouoh Let the heavens rejoice, فلتفرح السموات ولتبتهج األرض
and the earth exult; let the .وليعج البحر وجميع ملئه
maref;elyl `nje `pkahi@ marefkim sea be moved: and its
`nje `viom nem pefmoh tyrf.
Eu`erasi `nje nimesso] nem hwb The plains shall rejoice, حينئذ،تفرح الوديان وكل ما فيها
and all things in them: then يبتهج كل شجر الغاب أمام وجه
niben `ete `nqytou@ tote eu`e;elyl all the trees of the forest . ألنه يأتي ليدين األرض،الرب
shall exult before the face
`nje ni`ssyn tyrou `nte piah`ssyn@
of the Lord: for He is
`ebol qathy `m`pho `mP[oic je `fnyou coming to judge the earth.
`e]hap e`pkahi.
Fna]hap `e]oikoumeny qen He will judge the world يدين المسكونة بالعدل والشعوب
in justice, and the peoples . هلليلويا.باالستقامة
oudike`ocuny nem hanlaoc qen with His truth. Alleluia.
tefme;myi. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 96 (97)
المزمور السادس والتسعون
A P[oic erouro mare `pkahi The Lord reigns, let the ،الرب قد ملك فلتتهلل األرض
earth exult, let the many .ولتفرح الجزائر الكثيرة
;elyl@ marounof `mmwou `nje islands rejoice.
ninycoc etos.
Ou[ypi nem ou`gnovoc etkw] Cloud and darkness are العدل،سحاب وضباب حوله
round about Him; .والقضاء قوام كرسيه
`erof@ oume;myi nem `phap pe righteousness and
judgement are the
`pcwouten `mpef`;ronoc.
uprightness of His throne.
Ou`,rwm ef`eersorp `mmosi Fire shall precede Him, وبلهيب،النار تسبق فتسلك أمامه
and with a flame shall burn .تحرق أعداءه الذين حوله
`mpef`m;o@ ouoh qen ousah ef`ekwrh up His enemies who
surround Him.
`nnefjaji etkw] `erof.
M`vry] `noumoulh aubwl `ebol The mountains melted ذابت الجبال مثل الشمع من قدام
like wax before the face of من أمام وجه رب،وجه الرب
`nje nitwou `ebolha `pho `mP[oic nem the Lord, before the face of .األرض كلها
the Lord of the whole earth.
`ebolha `pho `mP[oic `m`pkahi tyrf.
Nivyou`i aucaji `ntefme;myi@ ouoh The heavens have وعاينت،أخبرت السموات بعدله
declared His righteousness, .جميع الشعوب مجده
aunau `epef`wou `nje nilaoc tyrou. and all the peoples have
seen His glory.
Eu`e[isipi tyrou `nje nye;ouwst All those who worship يخزي جميع الساجدين لصنعة
graven images and boast in . المفتخرين بأصنامهم،األيدي
`nnimonk `njij@ nyetsousou `mmwou their idols shall be ashamed.
` ryi qen nou`idwlon.
Ouwst naf nefaggeloc tyrou@ Worship Him all you .اسجدوا هلل يا جميع مالئكته
His angels. Zion heard and وتهللت،سمعت صهيون ففرحت
accwtem `nje Ciwn ouoh acounof@ rejoiced; and the daughters من أجل أحكامك يا،بنات يهوذا
of Judea exulted, because of .رب
au;elyl `nje niseri `nte ]Ioude`a
Your judgements, O Lord.
e;be nekhap P[oic.
Je `n;ok pe P[oic et[oci hijen For You are Lord most ألنك أنت هو الرب العالي على كل
high over all the earth; You ارتفعت جدا فوق جميع،األرض
`pkahi tyrf@ ak[ici `emasw `ehote are greatly exalted above all يا محبي الرب أبغضوا.اآللهة
the gods. You who love the .الشر
ninou] tyrou@ nye;mei `mP[oic mecte
Lord, hate evil.
Je `fna`areh `nje P[oic `eni'u,y The Lord preserves the ،إن الرب يحفظ نفوس أبراره
souls of His saints; He will .وينجيهم من أيدي الخطاة
`nte nye;ouab `ntaf@ ouoh `fnanahmou deliver them from the hands
of the sinners.
`ebolqen nenjij `nte nirefernobi.
Ououwini afsai `nni`;myi nem Light has shined for the نور أشرق للصديقين وفرح
righteous, and gladness for افرحوا أيها.للمستقيمي القلوب
ouounof `nnyetcoutwn qen pouhyt@ the upright in their heart. واعترفوا لذكر.الصديقون بالرب
Rejoice in the Lord, you . هلليلويا.قدسه
ounof `ni`;myi qen P[oic@ ouoh ouwnh
righteous; and praise the
`ebol `m`vmeui `nte tefmetagioc. remembrance of His
holiness. Alleluia.
Psalm 97 (98)
المزمور السابع والتسعون
Hwc `eP[oic qen ouhwc `mberi@ je Sing to the Lord a new سبحوا الرب تسبيحا جديدا ألن
song; for the Lord has ،الرب قد صنع أعماال عجيبة
af`iri `nhan`hbyou`i euoi `ns
` vyri `nje wrought wonderful works, ْ
خلصت له يمينه وذراعه
His right hand and His holy .القدوس
P[oic@ actanqo naf `nje tefou`inam
arm, have wrought life for
nem pefswbs e;ouab. Him.
A P[oic ouwnh `mpefoujai `ebol The Lord has made أعلن الرب خالصه وكشف قدام
known His salvation; before .األمم عدله
`mpe`m;o `nnie;noc@ au[wrp the nations He has revealed
his righteousness.
`ntefme;myi nwou `ebol.
Afer`vmeui `mpefnai `nIakwb@ nem He has remembered His ذكر رحمته ليعقوب وحقه لبيت
mercy to Jacob, and His .إسرائيل
tefme;myi `m`pyi `mPicrayl. truth to the house of Israel.
Aunau `e`poujai `mpennou] `nje The ends of all the earth نظرت أقاصي األرض جميعا
have seen the salvation of .خالص إلهنا
auryjf `m`pkahi tyrf. our God.
Eslylou`i `ebol `mP[oic `pkahi Shout to the Lord, all سبحوا،هللوا للرب يا كل األرض
the earth; sing and exult, .وهللوا ورتلوا
tyrf@ hwc ouoh ;elyl `ari'alin. and sing psalms.
Ari'alin `eP[oic qen ouku;ara@ Sing to the Lord with a بالقيثارة،رتلوا للرب بالقيثارة
harp, with a harp and a بأبواق خافقة.وصوت المزمار
qen ouku;ara nem ou`cmy `m`'almoc@ voice of psalm, with .وصوت بوق القرن
directed trumpets, and a
qen hancalpigx eu[wrem nem ou`cmy
sound of a trumpet of horn.
`ncalpiggoc `ntap.
Eslylou`i `ebol `mpe`m;o `m`pouro Shout joyfully before فليعج.هللوا أمام الرب الملك
the Lord King. Let the sea المسكونة وكل،البحر وكل ملئه
P[oic@ marefkim `nje `viom nem be moved, and its fullness, .الساكنين فيها
the world and all who dwell
pefmoh tyrf@ ]oikoumeny nem ouon
in it.
niben etsop `nqytc.
Psalm 98 (99)
المزمور الثامن والتسعون
A P[oic erouro maroujwnt `nje The Lord reigned; let .الرب قد ملك فلترتعد الشعوب
the people rage; He who sits الجالس على الشاروبيم فلتتزلزل
hanlaoc@ vyethemci hijen ni,erobim upon the cherubim, let the .األرض
earth be shaken.
marefkim `nje `pkahi.
Ounis] pe P[oic qen Ciwn@ ouoh The Lord is great in عظيم هو الرب في صهيون
Zion, and is high over all .ومتعال على كل الشعوب
`f[oci `ejen nilaoc tyrou. peoples.
Marououwnh `ebol `mpefnis] Let them confess His فليعترفوا السمه العظيم ألنه
great name; for it is fearful مرهوب وقدوس وكرامة الملك
`nran je `yoi `nho] ouoh `fouab@ ouoh and holy, and the King’s أن يحب العدل أنت هيأت
honor loves the judgement. أنت أجريت القضاء.االستقامة
`ptaio `nououro efmei `m`phap@ `n;ok
You have prepared .والعدل في يعقوب
akcob] `nnyetcoutwn@ ouhap nem uprightness. You have
made judgement and justice
oume;myi `n;ok akaito qen Iakwb. in Jacob.
{ici `mP[oic Pennou] ouwst Exalt the Lord our God, ارفعوا الرب إلهنا واسجدوا
and worship at His .لموطئ قدميه فإنه قدوس هو
`m`vmancemni `nte nef[alauj je footstool; for He is holy.
Mwicyc nem Aarwn qen nefouyb@ Moses and Aaron موسى وهرون بين كهنته
among His priests, and وصموئيل بين الذين يدعون
nem Camouyl qen nyettwbh Samuel among those who .باسمه
call upon His name.
Nautwbh `mP[oic ouoh `n;of They called upon the ،كانوا ي ْدعون الرب فيستجيب لهم
Lord, and He heard them. ألنهم.بعمود الغمام كان يكلمهم
nafcwtem `erwou@ qen ou`ctulloc He spoke to them in a pillar واألوامر التي
َ ،حفظوا شهاداتِه
of cloud; for they kept His .أعطاهم
`n[ypi nafcaji nemwou@ au`areh gar
testimonies and the
`enefmetme;reu@ nem nihwn ordinances which He gave
`etaftyitou nwou.
P[oic Pennou] `n;ok nakcwtem O Lord our God, You أنت استجبت،أيها الرب إلهنا
answered them; O God, ، صرت لهم يا هللا غفورا.لهم
`erwou@ Vnou] akswpi nwou You became for them a .ومنتقما على جميع أعمالهم
forgiver and an avenger
`nouref,w `ebol@ nem ouref[i`m`psis
over all their deeds.
`e`hryi `ejen nou`hbyou`i tyrou.
{ici `mP[oic Pennou]@ ouwst Exalt you the Lord our واسجدوا في،ارفعوا الرب إلهنا
God, and worship at His فإن الربَّ إلهنا،جبله المقدس
`mpeftwou e;ouab@ je `fouab `nje holy mountain; for the Lord . هلليلويا.قدوس
our God is holy. Alleluia.
P[oic Pennou]. Allyloui`a.
Psalm 99 (100)
المزمور التاسع والتسعون
Eslylou`i `ebol `mP[oic `pkahi Shout joyfully to the اعبدوا.هللوا للرب يا كل األرض
Lord, all the earth. Serve ادخلوا أمامه،الرب بالفرح
tyrf@ aribwk `mP[oic qen ouounof@ the Lord with gladness; .بالتهليل
come into His presence
`amwini `mpef`m;o qen ou;elyl.
with exultation.
Ari`emi je P[oic `n;of pe Vnou]@ Know that the Lord هو،اعلموا أن الرب هو إلهنا
Himself is our God; He ونحن شعبه،صنعنا وليس نحن
`n;of af;amion@ ouoh `anon an pe@ made us, and not we .وغنم رعيته
ourselves; we are His
`anon de pe peflaoc nem niecwou `nte
people, and the sheep of His
pef`ohi. pasture.
Amwini `eqoun `enefpuly qen Enter into His gates ودياره،ادخلوا أبوابه باالعتراف
with thanksgiving, and His .بالتسابيح
ouwnh `ebol@ nem `eqoun `enefaulyou courts with praise.
qen han`cmou.
Ouwnh naf `ebol `cmou `epefran@ Give thanks to Him, فإن. وباركوا اسمه،اعترفوا له
praise His name. For the والى األبد،الرب صالح هو
je ou`,rictoc pe P[oic@ je pefnai Lord is good, His mercy is . وإلى جيل فجيل حقه،رحمته
forever; and His truth is .هلليلويا
sop sa `eneh@ ouoh tefme;myi icjen
from generation to
jwou sa jwou. Allyloui`a. generation. Alleluia.
Ainahwc nak P[oic `nounai nem I will sing of mercy and .رحمة وحكما أسبحك يا رب
judgement, to You, O Lord; وأتفهم في طريق بال.أترنم لك
ouhap@ ]naer'alin ouoh `ntaka] I will sing a psalm, and I متى تأتى إلي؟.عيب
will have understanding in a
qen oumwit `natat[ni@ je akna`i
blameless way. When will
saroi `n`;nau. You come to me?
Naimosi pe qen `;metatkakia `nte I walked in the لقد كنت أسلك بدعة قلبي في
innocence of my heart, in لم أضع أمام عيني.وسط بيتي
pahyt qen `;my] `mpayi@ `mpi,w the midst of my house. I .الناموس
َ أمرا يخالف
have not set before my eyes
`nouhwb `mparanomoc `mpe`m;o `nnabal
any unlawful thing; I have
`ebol. hated transgressors.
Vyetcaji `nca pef`svyr `n,wp@ He who secretly speaks والذي يغتاب قريبه سرا كنت
against his neighbor, him I .أطارده
vai nai[oji `ncwf pe. have driven from me.
Ourefhi`pho qen nefbal nem He who is proud in his المستكبر بعينيه والمنتفخ القلب
eyes and haughty in heart, .لم أوآكله
ouhyt `natci@ vai `mpaiouwm nemaf. with him I have not eaten.
Nabal `ejen nipictoc tyrou `nte My eyes were upon all عيناي على جميع أمناء األرض
the faithful of the land, that .لكي أجلسهم معي
`pkahi@ e;rouer`svyr `nhemci nemyi. they might sit with me.
Vye;mosi hi oumwit `nata[ni vai He who walked in a السالك في الطريق بال عيب هذا
blameless way, he .كان يخدمني
nafsemsi `mmoi. ministered to me.
Mpafswpi qen `;my] `mpayi `nje The proud doer did not .المتكبر لم يسكن في وسط بيتي
dwell in the midst of my
vyet`iri `noumetrefhi`pho. house.
Vyetcaji `nhan[injonc@ The unjust speaker did المتكلم بالظلم لم يست ِقم أمام
not prosper before my eyes. .عيني
`mpafcwouten `mpef`m;o `nnabal
Qen ninau `nte toou`i naiqwteb In the morning I slew all في أوقات الغدوات كنت أقتل
the sinners of the land, that ألبيد من،جميع خطاة األرض
`nnirefernobi tyrou `nte `pkahi@ I might wipe out from the .مدينة الرب جميع صانعي اإلثم
city of the Lord all who .هلليلويا
e`pjinfw] `ebolqen `;baki `mP[oic
work iniquity. Alleluia.
`nouon niben eterhwb `e]`anomi`a.
Peje P[oic `mpa[oic je hemci The Lord said to my اجلس عن يميني:قال الرب لربي
Lord, “Sit on My right حتى أضع أعداءك تحت موطئ
cataou`inam@ sa],w `nnekjaji hand, until I place Your .قدميك
enemies under Your feet.”
capecyt `nnek[alauj.
Ou`sbwt `njom `ntak ef`eourpf A rod of power, the عصا قوة يرسل لك الرب من
Lord shall send out for You .صهيون وتسود في وسط أعدائك
`nje P[oic `ebolqen Ciwn@ ouoh out of Zion: and You shall
rule in the midst of Your
ek`eer[oic qen `;my] `nnekjaji.
Csop nemak `nje ]ar,y qen With You is dominion في،معك الرياسة في يوم قوتك
in the day of Your power, in .بهاء القديسين
`p`ehoou `nte tekjom@ qen `vouwini `nte the splendor of the saints.
Ebolqen `;neji qajwf `mpiciou From the womb before من البطن قبل كوكب الصبح
the morning star I have .ولدتك
`nte hanatoou`i `anok ai`jvok. begotten You.
Afwrk `nje P[oic ouoh The Lord has sworn and أقسم الرب ولن يند َم أنك أنت هو
shall not repent: “You are .الكاهن على طقس ملكيصادَق
`nnefouwm `nh
` ;yf@ je `n;ok pe `vouyb the Priest forever, after the
order of Melchizedek.”
sa `eneh kata `ttaxic `mMel,icedek.
P[oic caou`inam `mmok afqomqem The Lord is at Your يحطم في يوم،الرب عن يمينك
right hand; He dashed kings .رجزه ملوكا
qen `p`ehoou nte pefjwnt in the day of His wrath.
Ef`e]hap qen nie;noc ef`emahou He shall judge among ،يقضي بين األمم ويمألهم جثثا
the nations. He shall fill يسحق رؤوس كثيرين على
`nhan`htop@ ouoh ef`eqomqem `n`tave them with dead bodies. He .األرض
shall crush the heads of
`noumys hijen `pkahi.
many on the earth.
Ef`ece mwou hi `vmwit `ebolqen He shall drink of the وفي الطريق يشرب الماء من
brook in the way; therefore . لذلكَ يرفع رأسه.الوادي
oumouncwrem@ e;be vai ef`e[ici He shall lift up the head. .هلليلويا
`nouave. Allyloui`a.
}naouwnh nak `ebol P[oic qen I will confess You, O .أعترف لك يا رب من كل قلبي
Lord, with my whole heart, في مجلس المستقيمين وفي
pahyt tyrf@ qen `pco[ni `nte in the council of the upright, عظيمة هي أعمال.مجمعهم
and in their congregation. . ومشيئاته كلها مفحوصة،الرب
nyetcoutwn nem toucunagwgy@
Great are the works of the
hannis] ne ni`hbyou`i `nte P[oic@ Lord, examined are all His
ceqetqwt `nje nefouws tyrou.
Ouwnh `ebol nem ounis] Majesty and splendor are وعدله دائم،جالل وبهاء عمله
His works: and His .إلى أبد األبد
`mmetcai`e pe pefhwb@ ouoh righteousness endures
forever and ever.
tefme;myi sop sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh.
Tjom `nte nef`hbyou`i aftame He has declared to His ليعطيهم،خبَّر شعبَه بقوة أعماله
people the power of His .ميراث األمم
peflaoc `eroc `e`pjin] nwou works, to give them the
inheritance of nations.
`nou`klyronomi`a `nte hane;noc.
Ni`hbyou`i `nte nefjij oume;myi te The works of His hands كل.أعمال يديه حق وعدل
are truth and justice: all His .وصاياه صادقة
nem ouhap; ce`nhot `nje nefentoly commandments are faithful:
Cetajryout sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh@ established forever and مصنوعة،ثابتة إلى دهر الدهور
ever, made in truth and .بالحق واالستقامة
eu`e;amiyout qen oume;myi nem uprightness.
Tar,y `n]covi`a ]ho] `nte P[oic The fear of the Lord is ،رأس الحكمة مخافة الرب
the beginning of wisdom, ،والفهم صالح لكل من يعمل به
te@ pika] de nanef `nouon niben et`iri and understanding is good to .وتسبحته دائمة إلى األبد
all who do according to it. .هلليلويا
`mmof@ ouoh pef`cmou sop sa `eneh
His praise endures forever
`nte pi`eneh. Allyloui`a. and ever. Alleluia.
Psalm 111 (112)
المزمور المئة والحادى عشر
Wouniatf `mpirwmi eterho] Blessed is the man who طوبى للرجل الخائف الرب
fears the Lord, and delights يقوى نسله.ويهوى وصاياه جدا
qathy `mP[oic@ `nh` ryi qen nefentoly greatly in His جيل المستقيمين.على األرض
commandments. His seed .ُبارك
ef`eouwsc emasw@ ef`ejemjom hijen َ ي
shall be mighty in the earth:
`pkahi `nje nef`jroj@ eu`e`cmou e]genea the generation of the
upright shall be blessed.
`nte nsetcoutwn.
Ou`wou nem oumetrama`o eu`eswpi Glory and riches shall ً مجد ٌ و ِغ
وبره يدوم،نى في بيته
be in His house; and His .إلى األبد
qen pefyi@ ouoh tefme;myi sop sa righteousness endures
`eneh `nte pi`eneh.
Ououwini afsai `ebol qen `p,aki To the upright, light has نور أشرق في الظلمة
sprung up in the darkness. .للمستقيمين
Ounayt `nrefsenhyt ouoh ou`;myi The Lord God is رحيم هو الرب اإلله ورؤوف
compassionate, merciful, صالح هو الرجل الذي.وبار
pe P[oic Vnou]@ ou`,rictoc `nrwmi pe and righteous. A good man يتراءف ويُقرض ويدبر أقواله
is he who pities and lends: ألنه ال يتزعزع إلى،بالحق
vyetsenhyt ouoh ef] `e`pousap@
he shall direct his words .الدهر
ef`eeroikonomin `nnefcaji qen ouhap@ with truth. For he shall not
be moved forever.
je `nnefkim sa `eneh.
Ef`eswpi `nje pi`;myi eumeu`i The righteous shall be وال،ذِكر الصديق يدوم إلى األبد
in everlasting remembrance. .يخشى من خبر السوء
`ne` neh@ ouoh `nneferho] qathy He shall not be afraid of
any evil tidings:
`nou`cmy echwou.
Fcebtwt `nje pefhyt `eerhelpic his heart is ready قلبه.قلبه مستعد متكل على الرب
trusting the Lord. His heart ثابت ال يتزعزع حتى يرى
`eP[oic @ `ftajryout `nje pefhyt ouoh is established, he shall not .بأعدائه
move, till he shall look
`nnefkim satefjoust `ejen nefjaji.
upon his enemies.
Afcwr `ebol af] `nnihyki@ ouoh He has dispersed بره دائم.فرق وأعطى المساكين
abroad; he has given to the يرتفع قرنه.إلى دهر الدهور
tefme;myi sop sa `eneh `nte pi`eneh@ poor; his righteousness .بالمجد
endures forever and ever:
ef`e[ici `nje peftap qen ou`wou.
his horn shall be exalted
with honor.
Ef`enau `nje pirefernobi ouoh The sinner shall see and الخاطئ يبصر فيغتاظ ويصر
be angry, he shall gnash his شهوة الخاطئ،بأسنانه ويذوب
ef`ejwnt@ ef`e`qrajrej `nnefnainajhi teeth, and consume away: . هلليلويا.تبيد
the desire of the sinner shall
ouoh ef`ebwl `ebol@ `t`epi;umi`a `nte
perish. Alleluia.
pirefernobi ec`etako. Allyloui`a.
Cmou `eP[oic nialwou`i@ `cmou Praise the Lord, O the سبحوا،سبحوا الرب أيها الفتيان
servants, praise the name of ليكن اسم الرب مباركا.اسم الرب
`e`vran `mP[oic@ mare `vran `mP[oic the Lord. Let the name of .من اآلن والى األبد
the Lord be blessed, from
swpi ef`cmarwout icjen ]nou nem
now and forever.
sa `eneh.
Icjen nimansai `nte `vry sa From the risings of the من مشارق الشمس إلى مغاربها
sun to its settings, praise the .باركوا اسم الرب
`nefma`nhwtp `cmou `e`vran `mP[oic. name of the Lord.
F[oci `nje P[oic `ejen nie;noc The Lord is high above الرب عال على كل األمم وفوق
all the nations; upon the .السموات مجده
tyrou@ pefwou `nh
` ryi qen nivyou`i. heavens is His glory.
Nim etoi `m`vry] `mP[oic Pennou] Who is like the Lord our من مثل الرب إلهنا؟ الساكن في
God? Who dwells in the األعالي الناظر إلى المتواضعين
vyetsop qen nyet[oci@ ouoh high places, and looks upon .في السماء وعلى األرض
the low things in heaven
efjoust `ejen nijaneu `n`hryi qen `tve
and on the earth:
nem hijen pikahi.
Psalm 114 (115)
المزمور المئة والرابع عشر
Je au`amoni `mmoi `nje ninakhi `nte The pains of death ألن أوجاع الموت اكتنفتني
grasped me; the dangers of .وشدائد الجحيم أصابتني
`vmou@ nikundinoc `nte `amen] Hades have found me.
Ouhojhej nem ou`mkah`nhyt I found affliction and وباسم الرب،ضيقا وحزنا وجدت
sorrow. Then I called on the . يا رب نج نفسي:دعوت
petaijemou@ ouoh aitwbh `m`vran name of the Lord: “O Lord,
deliver my soul.”
`mP[oic@ `w P[oic nohem `nta'u,y.
Ounayt P[oic ouoh ou`;myi pe@ The Lord is merciful .الرب رحيم وصديق وإلهنا يرحم
and righteous; and our God
ouoh Pennou] safnai. has mercy.
Vyet`areh `enikouji `n`alwou`i pe The Lord preserves the .الذي يحفظ األطفا َل هو الرب
infants: I was brought low, ُ
.اتضعت فخلصني
P[oic@ ai;ebioi ouoh afnahmet. and He saved me.
Kot] ta'u,y `epema`nemton@ je Return to your resting ارجعي يا نفسي إلى موضع
place, O my soul, for the ، ألن الرب قد أحسن إلى،راحتك
`aP[oic erpe;nanef nyi@ ouoh Lord has dealt bountifully وأنقذ نفسي من الموت وعيني
with you. He has delivered .من الدموع ورجلي من الزلل
afnohem `nta'u,y `ebolqen `vmou@
my soul from death, my
nem nabal `ebolha hanermwou`i@ nem eyes from tears, and my feet
from falling.
na[alauj `ebolqen pi`cla].
Ei`eranaf `mP[oic `mpef`m;o qen I shall please the Lord أرضي الربَّ أمامه في كورة
in the land of the living. . هلليلويا.األحياء
`t,wra `nte nyetonq. Allyloui`a. Alleluia.
Psalm 115 (116)
المزمور المئة والخامس عشر
Ei`e[i `nou`avot `noujai@ ouoh I shall take the cup of كأس الخالص آخذ وباسم الرب
salvation, and call upon the أوفي نذوري للرب قدام كل.أدعو
`ntatwbh `m`vran `mP[oic@ ]na] name of the Lord. I will pay .شعبه
my vows to the Lord, in the
`nnaeu,y `mP[oic `mpe`m;o `mpilaoc
presence of all His people.
Ftaiyout `mpe`m;o `mP[oic `nje Precious in the sight of يا.كريم أمام الرب موت قديسيه
the Lord is the death of His أنا عبدك واب ُن،رب أنا عبدُك
`vmou `nte nye;ouab `ntaf@ `w P[oic saints. O Lord, I am Your فلك أذبح. قطعتَ قيودي.أمتك
servant; I am Your servant, .ذبيحة التسبيح
`anok pe pekbwk@ `anok pe `psyri `nte
and the son of Your
tekbwki@ akcwlp `nna`cnauh ]naswt handmaid: You have broken
my bonds. I will sacrifice to
nak `nousouswousi `n`cmou. You the sacrifice of praise.
Ouoh `ntatwbh `m`vran `mP[oic@ And will call upon the أوفي للرب.وباسم الرب أدعو
name of the Lord. I will pay قدام،نذوري في ديار بيت الرب
]na] `nnaeu,y `mP[oic qen niaulyou my vows to the Lord in the . في وسط أورشليم،كل شعبه
presence of all His people, .هلليلويا
`nte `pyi `mP[oic `mpe`m;o `mpilaoc
in the courts of the Lord’s
tyrf@ qen `;my] `nIeroucalym. house, in the midst of
Jerusalem. Alleluia.
together, who are makers of idols. But, Israel shall be ً الن اسرائيل يخلص من قبل الرب خالصا
saved by the Lord with an everlasting salvation. You . ال تخزون والتخجلون إلي االبد.ً أبديا
shall not be ashamed or disgraced forever and ever.
For thus says the Lord, Who created the heavens, النه هكذا يقول الرب االله الذى خلق السماء
Who is God, Who formed the earth and made it, Who وهذا هو هللا الذى جبل االرض وما.واالرض
has established it, Who did not create it in vain, Who صنعها باطل بل ليسكنوا فيها أنا هو هللا
formed it to be inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is no لم أتكلم فى الخفاء وال فى.وليس آخر سواى
other. I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the لم أقل لنسل يعقوب.موضع مظلم من االرض
earth; I did not say to the seed of Jacob, ‘Seek Me in
باطالً اطلبونى أنا هوالرب هللا المتكلم بالصدق
vain’; I, the Lord, speak righteousness, I declare things
that are right. Assemble yourselves and come; Draw near اجتمعوا وهلموا وتشاوروا.ً والقائل بالحق
together. .ً معا
Glory be to the Holy Trinity. .مجدا ً الثالوث االقدس
"almoc (==r=k=;) =r=l@ =a> (=r=m=a) =r=m=b @ =z Psalm 41: 10, 5 5 ،11 :33 )31( المزمور
N;ok le P[oic nai nyi ouoh But you , O Lord , be وانت يارب ارحمنى وارفعنى
merciful unto me, and raise ان اعدائى تقاولوا على.فأجازيهم
matounoct@ ouoh eie] nwouw me up, that I may requite . ان متى يموت ويبيد اسمه،ًشرا
`ntousebiw. Najaji afjw them. Mine enemies speak .هلليلويا
evil of me, when shall he
` nau die, and his name perish?
`nhanpethwou nyi@ je afnanou `n;
`nteftako `nje pefran. Allyloui`a.
M`vry] gar `ete Viwt tounoc For as the Father raises ألنه كما ان اآلب يقيم الموتى
the dead and gives life to كذلك األبن أيضا ً يحيى.ويحييهم
`nnirefmwout ouoh `ftanqo `mmwou them, even so the Son gives .من يشاء
life to whom He will.
pairy] on pikesyri ny etefouasou
`ftanqo `mmwou.
Ou gar Viwt `fna]hap `e`hli an For the Father judges no بل قد.ً وليس األب يدين أحدا
one, but has committed all .أعطى الحكم كله لألبن
alla pihap tyrf aftyif `mpisyri. judgment to the Son,
Hina `nte ouon niben ertiman that all should honor the لكى يكرم كل أحد األبن كما
Son just as they honor the ومن ال يكرم األبن.يكرمون األب
`mPisyri `m`vry] etouertiman `mViwt Father. He who does not فليس يكرم أيضا ً األب الذى
honor the Son does not .أرسله
` ertiman an `mPisyri
honor the Father who sent
`fertiman an on `mpikeiwt Him.
Amyn. Amyn. }jw `mmoc nwten “Most assuredly, I say to أن من.الحق الحق أقول لكم
you, he who hears My word يسمع كالمى ويؤمن بالذى
je vyetcwtem `epacaji ouoh and believes in Him who وال.أرسلنى فله الحياة االبدية
sent Me has everlasting life, بل قد انتقل من.يأتي إلي الدينونة
`ntefnah] `evyetaftaouoi ouontef
and shall not come into .الموت إلى الحياة
wnq `neneh `mmau ouoh `fna`i an `e`phap judgment, but has passed
from death into life.
alla `fouwteb `ebol qen `vmou `eqoun
Amyn. Amyn. }jw `mmoc nwten Most assuredly, I say to الحق الحق أقول لكم أنه ستأتى
you, the hour is coming, حين يسمع فيها.ساعة وهى األن
je `cnyou `nje ouounou ete ]nou te and now is, when the dead األموات صوت أبن هللا والذين
will hear the voice of the .يسمعون يحيون
hote ere nirefmwout nacwtem
Son of God; and those who
`e`t`cmy `m`psyri `mv] ouoh hear will live.
nye;nacwtem eu`ewnq.
M`vry] gar ete ouon ouwnq sop For as the Father has life ،وكما أن لألب الحياة فى ذاته
in Himself, so He has كذلك أعطى األبن أن تكون له
qen Viwt pairy] aftyic `mPikesyri granted the Son to have life .الحياة فى ذاته
in Himself.
e;re ouwnq swpi `n`qryi `nqytf.
Ouoh af]ersisi naf e;ref`iri And has given Him وأعطاه سلطانا أن يحكم ألنه أبن
authority to execute .االنسان
`nouhap je ousyri `nrwmi pe. judgment also, because He
is the Son of Man.
Mperer`svyri qen vai je `cnyou Do not marvel at this; for فأنه ستأتى.ال تتعجبوا من هذا
the hour is coming in which ساعة حينما يسمع فيها كل من
`nje ouounou hote ouon niben et,y all who are in the graves .فى القبور صوته
will hear His voice and
qen ni`mhau eu`ecwtem `etef`cmy.
come forth,
Ouoh eu`e`i `ebol `nje nyetau`iri those who have done فيخرج الذين فعلوا الحسنات إلى
good, to the resurrection of والذين عملوا.قيامة الحياة
`nnipe;naneu euanactacic `nwnq ouoh life, and those who have .السيئات إلى قيامة الدينونة
done evil, to the
nyetau`iri `nnipethwou euanactacic
resurrection of
` rycic. condemnation.
Mmon `sjom `ntaer `hli `anok `ebol I can of Myself do لست اقدر ان افعل شيئا ً من ذاتى
nothing. As I hear, I judge; كما اسمع ادين ودينونتى.وحدى
hitot `mmauat@ `m`vry] `e] cwtem and My judgment is النى لست اطلب.هى عادلة
righteous, because I do not مشيئتى بل مشيئة اآلب الذى
]]hap@ ouoh pahap `anok oumyi pe@
seek My own will but the .ارسلنى
je `n]kw] an `nca paouws@ alla will of the Father who sent
`vouws `mvy `etaftaouoi.
Ouwst `mpieuaggelion e;ouab Bow down before the .اسجدوا لإلنجيل المقدس
Holy Gospel
Glory be to God :الشعب
Doxa ci kuri`e. forever. .والمجد هلل دائما
<ouab `,ouab `,ouab P[oic Holy, Holy, Holy, is the رب، قدوس، قدوس،قدوس
Lord of Hosts. Heaven and السماء واألرض.الصباؤوت
`mpicabaw;@ `tve nem `pkahi meh earth are full of Your glory .مملوءتان من مجدك وكرامتك
and honor.
`ebolqen pek`wou nem pektai`o.
Ele`ycon `ymac `o :eoc `o Patyr `o O God, the Father, the .ارحمنا يا هللا اآلب ضابط الكل
Pantocrator, have mercy on .أيها الثالوث القدوس ارحمنا
Pantokratwr@ pan`agia `triac us. O Holy Trinity, have
mercy on us.
`ele`ycon `ymac.
P[oic Vnou] `nte nijom swpi O Lord, God of hosts, ،أيها الرب إله القوات كن معنا
be with us. For we have no ألنه ليس لنا معين في شدائدنا
neman je `mmon `ntan `nouboy;oc qen helper in our hardships and .وضيقاتنا سواك
tribulations but You.
nen `;li'ic nem `nhojhej `ebyl `erok.
Bwl `ebol ,w `ebol `aricun,wrin Loose, remit, and حل واغفر واصفح لنا يا هللا عن
forgive us, O God, our التي صنعناها بإرادتنا،سيئاتنا
nan Vnou] `nnenparaptwma@ transgressions which we ،والتي صنعناها بغير إرادتنا
have committed willingly
ny`etanaitou qen penouws nem
and which we have
ny`etanaitou qen penouws an. committed unwillingly,
Ny`etanaitou qen ou`emi@ nem and those which we التي فعلناها بمعرفة والتي فعلناها
have committed knowingly . الخفية والظاهرة،بغير معرفة
ny`etanaitou qen oumetat`emi@ and those which we have
committed unknowingly,
nyethyp nem nye;ouwnh `ebol.
the hidden and manifest,
P[oic ek`e,au nan `ebol@ e;be O Lord forgive us, for من أجل اسمك،يا رب اغفرها لنا
the sake of Your Holy name .القدوس الذي دعي علينا
pekran e;ouab `etaumou] `mmof `e`hryi which is called upon us. Let .كرحمتك يا رب وليس كخطايانا
it be according to Your
`ejwn@ kata to `eleoc cou Kuri`e@ ke
mercy, O Lord, and not
my kata tac `amartiac `ymwn. according to our sins.
Ariten `nm
` `psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray واجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: Our Father... ... أبانا:بشكر
ouse`phmot@ Je peniwt...
Bright Saturday Liturgy
قداس سبت الفرح
The Prayer of Preparation
(By Patriarch Severus of Antioch)
صالة االستعداد للقديس ساويرس بطريرك أنطاكية
P[oic vyetcwoun `nnihyt `nte O Lord, who knows the ،أيها الرب العارف قلب كل أحد
hearts of all, who is holy, ،القدوس المستريح فى قديسيه
ouon niben@ vye;ouab ouoh e;moten and who rests in His saints; القادر على،الذي بال خطية وحده
who alone is without sin .مغفرة الخطايا
`mmof qen nye;ouab `ntaf@ vyetoi
and who has power to
`na;nobi `mmauatf@ ouoh `ete ouon forgive sins.
N;ok `vnyb etcwoun You, O Lord, know my أنت يا سيد تعلم أنى غير مستحق
unworthiness and my وال مستعد وال مستوجب لهذه
`ntametatem`psa@ nem tametatcob]@ unpreparedness, and my .الخدمة المقدسة التى لك
lack of meetness for this
nem tametathikanoc@ `eqoun
Your holy service.
`epaisemsi e;ouab `ntak.
Ouoh `mmon ho `mmoi `eqwnt And I do not have the وليس لى وجه أن أقترب وأفتح
countenance to draw near بل،فمى أمام مجدك المقدس
`eqoun@ ouoh `e`aouwn `nrwmi `mpe`m;o and open my mouth before .بكثرة رأفتك أغفر لى أنا الخاطئ
Your holy glory, but وأمنحنى أن أجد نعمة ورحمة فى
`mpek`wou e;ouab@ alla kata `p`asai
according to the multitude .هذه الساعة
`nte nekmetsenhyt@ ,w nyi `ebol of Your tender mercies
pardon me, a sinner. And
`anok qa pirefernobi@ ouoh myic nyi grant to me that I may find
grace and mercy at this
e;rijimi `nou`hmot nem ounai qen tai
ounou ;ai.
Here, as the priest continues to pray, he uncovers the هنا يكشف الكاهن الكأس ويضعها على
chalice and arranges it on the altar, together with the بينما يستمر،المذبح مع الصينية والمستير
paten and the spoon. :في تالوة الصالة قائال
Ouoh ouwrp nyi `e`qryi `noujom And send me strength لكي،وأرسل لى قوة من العالء
from on high that I may كما،أبتدئ وأهيئ وأكمل
`ebolqen `p[ici@ e;rierhytc ouoh begin and make ready and كمسرة، خدمتك المقدسة،يرضيك
accomplish Your holy . رائحة بخور،ارادتك
`ntacob] ouoh `ntajwk `ebol
pe;ranak `mpeksemsi e;ouab@ kata service after Your pleasure,
according to the ascent of
`p]ma] `mpekouws `eou`c;oi `nc` ;oinoufi. Your will, for a sweet
savor of incense.
Ce pennyb swpi neman@ `ari`svyr Yes so, O our Master, اشترك في، كن معنا،نعم يا سيدنا
be with us; be a partner . باركنا:العمل معنا
`nerhwb neman@ `cmou `eron. working with us. Bless us.
N;ok gar pe `p,w `bol `nte for You are the ،ألنك أنت هو غفران خطايانا
forgiveness of our sins, the قوتنا، حياتنا،ضياء أنفسنا
nennobi@ `vouwini `nte nen'u,y@ light of our souls, our .ودالتنا
strength, and our boldness.
penwnq nem tenjom nem
Ouoh `n;ok petenouwrp nak And unto You, we send ،وأنت الذي نرسل لك إلى فوق
up glory, honor and أيها،المجد واالكرام والسجود
`e`pswi@ `mp`wou nem pitai`o nem worship, O Father and Son اآلن،اآلب واالبن والرُّ وح القدس
and Holy Spirit, now and at وإلى دهر الدهور،وكل أوان
]`prockunycic@ Viwt nem Psyri nem
all times and unto the age . آمين.كلها
Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ ]nou nem `ncyou of all ages. Amen.
While reciting the Prayer of Preparation, the priest وفي أثناء تالوة صالة االستعداد يمسح
wipes the vessels and arranges them in their places. Then وإذا.الكاهن األواني ويضع كالً في مكانه
he says the following prayer inaudibly. :ً انتهي من ذلك يقول هذه الصالة سرا
N;ok P[oic ak`tcabon `epainis] O Lord, You have َّ علمتَنا هذا السر، ُّأنت يارب
taught us this great mystery أنت. الذي للخالص،العظيم
`mmyctyrion `nte pioujai@ `n;ok of salvation. You have نحن األذالء غير،دعوتَنا
ak;ahmen qa nyet;ebi`yout ouoh
called us, Your lowly and ً لنكون خداما،المستحقين عبيدك
unworthy servants, to be .لمذبحك المقدس
`natem`psa `n`ebiaik `ntak@ servants of Your holy altar.
e;renswpi `nrefsemsi
`mpek;uciactyrion e;ouab.
N;ok pennyb `ariten `nhikanoc O our Master, You ،أنت يا سيدنا اجعلنا مستوجبين
make us worthy in the أن نكمل،بقوة روحك القدُّوس
qen ]jom `nte Pek`pneuma e;ouab@ power of Your Holy Spirit لكي بغير وقوع في،هذه الخدمة
to accomplish this service; نقدم،دينونة أمام مجدك العظيم
`ejwk `ebol `ntaidi`akonia ;ai@ hina
so that, without falling into مجدا ً وعظم،لك صعيدة البركة
condemnation before Your
qen oumetathitten `e`phap `mpe`m;o .بهاء في قدسك
great glory, we may bring
`mpeknis] `nw
` ou@ `nten`ini nak `eqoun to You a sacrifice of praise,
glory, and great beauty in
`nou;ucia `n`cmou@ ou`wou nem ounis]
Your sanctuary.
`mmetcai`e qen pe;ouab `ntak.
ouon niben.
Ouoh je `ctoubyout@ kata For behold, it is pure ألنها طاهرة كموهبة روحك
according to the gift of . بالمسيح يسوع ربنا،القدوس
]dwre`a `nte Pek`pneuma e;ouab@ qen Your Holy Spirit, in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf@ `ere pi`wou Through whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor and والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem worship are due unto You, الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
with Him and the Holy وإلى دهر، اآلن وكل أوان.لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
Spirit, the Giver of Life, . آمين.الدهور كلها
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo who is of one essence with
You, now and at all times
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak. }nou nem and unto the age of all ages.
`ncyou niben nem sa `eneh ni`eneh
tyrou@ `amyn.
The priest kisses the altar and washes his hands three ويغسل يديه ثالث،ثم يقبل الكاهن المذبح
times, saying the first time: :دفعات وهو يقول في الدفعة األولي
Ek`enoujq `ejwi `mpeksenhucwpon Purge me with hyssop, تنضح على بزوفاك فأطهر
and I shall be clean; wash .تغسلني فأبيض أكثر من الثلج
ei`etoubo@ ek`eraqt ei`eoubas `ehote me, and I shall be whiter
than snow.
Ek`e`;ricwtem `eou;elyl nem Fill me with joy and let تسمعني سرورا ً وفرحا ً فتبتهج
the bones which You have .عظامي المتواضعة
ouounof@ eu`e;elyl `mmwou `nje nikac broken rejoice.
Then the priest wipes his hands slightly with a white ثم ينشف يديه قليالً في ستر كتان ابيض
linen veil. During the Offering of the Lamb, he stands at يقف في باب، وعند تقديم الحمل.نظيف
the door of the sanctuary facing west, holding in his hand .الهيكل متجها ً إلى الغرب وبيده لفافة حرير
a silk veil. Then the loaves and the wine are presented to .ً ويقدم له الحمل والخمر فيستبرئ ذلك جيدا
him, which he examines carefully. He takes the Lamb in ويأخذ الحمل على راحة كفه اليسري
the palm of his left hand and wipes the top and the
ويمسحه بيده اليمني فوق وأسفل وهو يقول
bottom with his right hand, saying:
:من صالة بعد االستعداد
Ouoh je `ctoubyout@ kata For behold, it is pure ألنها طاهرة كموهبة روحك
according to the gift of . بالمسيح يسوع ربنا،القدوس
]dwre`a `nte Pek`pneuma e;ouab@ qen Your Holy Spirit, in Christ
Jesus our Lord.
Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf@ `ere pi`wou Through whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor and والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem worship are due unto You, الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
with Him and the Holy وإلى دهر، اآلن وكل أوان.لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
Spirit, the Giver of Life, . آمين.الدهور كلها
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo who is of one essence with
You, now and at all times
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak. }nou nem and unto the age of all ages.
`ncyou niben nem sa `eneh ni`eneh
tyrou@ `amyn.
Then he mentions those whom he desires to remember, وباألخص من،ثم يذكر من يريد أن يذكره
especially those on whose behalf the offering is made. وعن المسيحيين.يكون القربان قد قدم عنه
And for Christians in general, and for his family and kin : وعن أهله وأقاربه خصوصا يقول،عموما
in particular, he says:
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `mpaiwt nem Remember, O Lord, my اذكر يا رب أبي وأمي وأخوتي
father, my mother, my وآبائي،وأقربائي الجسديين
tamau nem na`cnyou@ nem nyetqent brothers, and my kin in the فاالحياء منهم احفظهم،الروحيين
flesh, and my spiritual .بمالك السالم والراقدين نيحهم
`eroi `ncarkikon@ nem naio]
fathers. Keep those who are
`m`pneumatikon@ ny men etonq `areh living, by the angel of
peace, and repose those who
`erwou qen `paggeloc `nte ]hiryny@ ny have departed.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `ntametjwb Remember, O Lord, my اذكر يا رب ضعفي أنا المسكين
weakness – even I the poor .واغفر لي خطاياي الكثيرة
`anok qa pihyki@ ouoh ,w nyi `ebol – and forgive me my many
`nnanobi etos.
After completing the above, the priest covers the يلف الحمل (القربان) في لفافة،ومتي أكمل ذلك
bread with a silk veil and holds it to the top of his كذلك الشماس يلف.حرير ويرفعه على رأسه
forehead, and the deacon does the same with the cruet وعاء الخمر في لفافة حرير ويرفعه على رأسه
of wine. Then they encircle the altar once preceded by ، ويكون قدام كل منهما شماس بيده نور.أيضا
a deacon bearing a light. .ويدورون حول المذبح دورة واحدة
Ouhiryny nem oukw] `ejen ]ou`i Peace and edification to سالما وبنيانا ً لكنيسة هللا الواحدة
the one, only, holy, الوحيدة المقدسة الجامعة
`mmauatc e;ouab `nka;oliky Catholic, and Apostolic . آمين.الرسولية
Orthodox Church of God.
`n`apoctoliky `nek`klycia `nte Vnou]@
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nny`etau`ini nak Remember, O Lord, أذكر يا رب الذين قدموا لك هذه
those who have brought to ،القرابين والذين قدمت عنهم
`eqoun `nnai dwron@ nem ny`etau`enou You these gifts and those والذين قدمت بواسطتهم أعطهم
on whose behalf they have .كلهم األجر السمائي
`ejwou@nem ny`etau`enou `ebolhitotou@
been brought, and those by
moi nwou tyrou `mpibe,e pi`ebolqen whom they have been
brought. Give them all the
nivyou`i. heavenly reward.
The people stand silently and they do not say يقف الشعب صامتا ً وال يقولون "هلليلويا هذا هو
“Alleluia. This is the day”. ."اليوم
At the first signing, he says: :ثم يرشم الرشم األول وهو يقول
At the second signing, he says: :ثم يرشم الرشم الثاني وهو يقول
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
Amen. .آمين
At the third signing, he says: :ثم يرشم الرشم الثالث وهو يقول
Nye;noc tyrou `cmou `eP[oic @ Praise the Lord, all you .يا جميع االمم باركوا الرب
nations, praise Him all you الن.ولتباركه جميع الشعوب
marou`cmou `erof `nje nilaoc tyrou@ peoples, for His mercy is وحق الرب.رحمته ثبتت علينا
confirmed upon us, and the . هلليلويا. آمين.يدوم إلى األبد
je `apefnai tajro `e`hryi `ejwn@ ouoh
truth of the Lord endures
]me;myi `nte P[oic sop sa`eneh@ forever. Amen. Alleluia.
`amyn@ Allyloui`a.
During this time, the priest places the bread on the وفي أثناء ذلك يضع الكاهن القربانة في
paten, beneath which is a silk veil; while saying the الصينية وتحتها لفافة حرير ويقول اآلتي
following inaudibly: :ًسرا
Ou`wou nem outaio@ outaio nem Glory and honor, honor ً مجدا ً وإكراما ً إكراما ً ومجدا
and glory to the All-holy للثالوث القدوس اآلب واإلبن
ou`wou@ `n]pan`agi`a Triac Viwt nem Trinity, the Father and the .والروح القدس
Son and the Holy Spirit.
Psyri nem Pi`pneuma `e;ouab.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times .اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all .آمين
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
After this, the priest pours wine into the chalice, ثم يصب الخمر في الكأس ويصفي القارورة
emptying the cruet. Then he pours water into the empty جيدا ً ويضيف إلى الخمر قليالً من الماء نحو
wine cruet and from it, he odds a water to the wine in the ثم يمسح، وال يقل عن العشر،ثلثه أو ربعه
chalice (the proportion of water to wine being not less فم القارورة بلفافة بيضاء وينزلها من
than a tenth, normally a quarter but not more than a : ويبدأ الصالة فيقول.المذبح
third). The priest wipes the mouth of the cruet with a
white veil and removes it from the altar. He then starts
the prayer saying:
Pennou] ouoh Pencwtyr Iycouc
Je afer`ckepazin `ejwn. For He has covered us, ألنه سترنا وأعاننا وحفظنا وقبلنا
helped us, guarded us, إليه وأشفق علينا وعضدنا وأتى
Aferbo`y;in `eron. Af`areh `eron. accepted us to Himself, .بنا إلى هذه الساعة
spared us, supported us,
Afsopten `erof af]`aco `eron.
and has brought us to this
Af]toten afenten sa `e`hryi hour.
`etaiounou ;ai.
N;of on maren]ho `erof hopwc Let us also ask Him, the هو أيضا ً فلنسأله أن يحفظنا في
Lord our God, the هذا اليوم المقدس وكل أيام
`ntef`areh `eron@ qen pai `ehoou e;ouab Pantocrator, to guard us in حياتنا بكل سالم الضابط الكل
all peace this holy day and .الرب إلهنا
vai nem ni`ehoou tyrou `nte penwnq@
all the days of our life.
qen hiryny niben `nje
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
Tensep`hmot `ntotk kata hwb We thank You for نشكرك على كل حال ومن أجل
everything, concerning .كل حال وفى كل حال
niben nem e;be hwb niben nem qen everything, and in
hwb niben.
Je aker`ckepazin `ejwn. For you have covered ألنك سترتنا وأعنتنا وحفظتنا
us, helped us, guarded us, وقبلتنا إليك وأشفقت علينا
Akerbo`y;in `eron@ ak`areh `eron@ accepted us to Yourself, وعضدتنا وأتيت بنا إلى هذه
spared us, supported us, .الساعة
Aksopten `erok ak]`aco `eron@ and have brought us to this
Ak]toten akenten sa `e`hryi `etai
ounou ;ai.
Ntef`areh `e`pwnq nem `ptaho And to preserve and وأن يحفظ لنا وعلينا حياة وقيام
confirm the life of our )...( أبينا المكرم البابا األنبا
`eratf `mpeniwt ettaiyout honored father, Papa Abba وشريكه في الخدمة الرسولية
(…) and his partner in the أبينا األسقف (المطران) أنبا
`nar,i`ereuc papa abba (...) nem
liturgy, our father the .)...(
pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc peniwt bishop (metropolitan),
Abba (…).
`nepickopoc (`mmytropolityc) abba
Then the priest prays
ثم يصلي الكاهن
V;onoc niben@ Piracmoc niben@ All envy, all temptation, كل حسد وكل تجربة وكل فعل
all the work of Satan, the الشيطان ومؤامرة الناس األشرار
`energi`a niben `nte `pcatanac@ `pco[ni counsel of wicked men and وقيام األعداء الخفيين والظاهرين
the rising up of enemies,
`nte hanrwmi euhwou@ nem `ptwnf
hidden and manifest,
`e`pswi `nte hanjaji nyethyp nem
nye;ouwnh `ebol.
The priest bows his head toward the East and signs يطامن الكاهن رأسه إلى الشرق ويرشم ذاته
himself with the sign of the cross, saying: :ًبمثال الصليب قائال
Then he turns towards the west from his right and ثم يلتفت إلى الغرب عن يمينه ويرشم الشعب
makes the sign of the cross over the people, saying the قائالً (إذا كان البابا أو المطران أو األسقف
following (If the pope, a metropolitan or a bishop is :)حاضرا ً فهو الذي يرشم الشعب ويقول ذلك
present, he makes the sign of the cross over the people
and says the following instead of the priest):
nem `ebol ha peklaoc tyrf. And from all Your وعن سائر شعبك
Then he turns toward the East, making the sign of the ثم يلتفت إلى الشرق ويرشم على المذبح
cross on the altar, saying: :ًقائال
nem `ebol ha tai`trapeza ;ai And from this table, and وعن هذه المائدة
from this, Your holy place. .وعن موضعك المقدس هذا
nem `ebol ha paima e;ouab `ntak vai.
Ny de e;naneu nem nyeternofri But those things which أما الصالحات والنافعات فارزقنا
are good and profitable do إياها ألنك أنت الذي أعطيتنا
cahni `mmwou nan. Je `n;ok pe `etak] provide for us, for it is You السلطان أن ندوس الحيات
who have given us the .والعقارب وعلى كل قوات العدو
`mpiersisi nan@ `ehwmi `ejen nihof
authority to tread on
nem ni`[ly@ nem `ejen ]jom tyrc `nte serpents and scorpions, and
upon all the power of the
pijaji. enemy.
Ouoh `mperenten `eqoun And lead us not into لكن نجنا،وال تدخلنا في تجربة
temptation, but deliver us .من الشرير
`epiracmoc@ alla nahmen `ebol ha from the evil one.
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt By the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh
God and Savior Jesus
Pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد واإلكرام
glory, the honor, the والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
are due unto You, with Him .لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all .آمين
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Then the priest prays inaudibly the Prayer of the يقول الكاهن صالة تقدمة الخبز والخمر هذه
Prothesis of the Bread and the Wine to the Son: :سرا ً لالبن
O Master, Lord Jesus Christ, the co-eternal Logos of أيها السيد الرب يسوع المسيح الشريك
the unblemished Father who is of one essence with Him المساوي له،الذاتي وكلمة اآلب غير الدنس
and the Holy Spirit; for You are the living bread which انت هو الخبز الحي الذي،مع الروح القدس
came down from heaven, and formerly made Yourself a ً وسبقت أن تجعل ذاتك حمال.نزل من السماء
lamb without spot for the life of the world. We ask and نسألك ونطلب من.بال عيب عن الحياة العالم
entreat Your goodness, O Lover of Mankind,
.صالحك يا محب البشر
Here, the priest points with his hand to the bread set هنا يشير إلى الخبز الموضوع أمامه في
before him on the paten. :ًالصينية قائال
Show Your face upon this bread .أظهر وجهك على هذا الخبز
He points to the wine set before him in the chalice. ويشير بيديه إلى الخمر الموضوعة في
:الكأس قائال
And upon this cup, which we have set upon وعلى هذا الكأس هذين اللذين وضعناهما
He points to the altar, saying: :ثم يشير إلى المذبح قائال
This, Your priestly table. .هذه المائدة الكهنوتية التي لك
He makes the sign of the cross three times over the bread هنا يرشم على الخبز والكأس معا ثالثة
and wine together, saying at the first signing: : ففي الرشم األول يقول.رشوم
Bless them, .باركهما
and at the second signing: :في الرشم الثاني
Sanctify them. .قدسهما
and at the third signing :في الرشم الثالث
Purify them and change them. .طهرهما وانقلهما
He points with his hand to the bread in particular, saying: :ثم يشير إلى الخبز خاصة قائال
In order that, on the one hand, this bread may indeed .لكي هذا الخبز يصير جسدك المقدس
become Your holy Body.
He points with his hand to the chalice in particular. :ثم يشير إلى الكأس خاصة قائال
And, on the other hand, the mixture which is in this والمزيج الذي في هذه الكأس يصير دمك
cup, indeed Your precious Blood. .الكريم
And may they become for all of us communion, ً وليكونا لنا جميعا ً إرتقاء وشفاء وخالصا
healing, and salvation of our souls, bodies, and spirits. .ألنفسنا وأجسادنا وأرواحنا
For You are our God. And glory is due unto You, ألنك انت هو إلهنا الذي يليق بك المجد مع
with Your good Father and the Holy Spirit, the Giver of
أبيك الصالح والروح القدس المحيي
Life, who is of one essence with You, now and at all
times and unto the age of all ages. Amen. المساوي لك اآلن وكل اوان وإلى دهر
. آمين.الدهور كلها
The Absolution of the Servants
تحليل الخدام
The priest makes the sign of the cross at each of the يرشم الكهنة الخدام رشما واحدا بمثال.1
following times: .الصليب
1. The serving priests. . يرشم الشمامسة رشما واحدا.3
2. The deacons. يرشم باقي الخدام الوقوف في الخورس.2
3. The rest of the servants on the north side. .البحري
4. Tthe entire congregation on the west side.
. يرشم الشعب كله الواقف في جهة الغرب.3
5. Himself.
. يرشم ذاته.5
Eueswpi euoi `nremhe@ `ebolqen be absolved from the يكونون محاللين من فم الثالوث
mouth of the All- Holy القدوس اآلب واالبن والروح
rwc `n]pan`agi`a Triac@ Viwt nem Trinity, the Father and the .القدس
Son and the Holy Spirit.
Psyri nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
Nem `ebolqen rwc `n]ou`i `mmauatc And from the mouth of ومن فم الكنيسة الواحدة الوحيدة
the one, only, Holy, .المقدسة الجامعة الرسولية
e;ouab `nka;oliky `na
` poctoliky Catholic and Apostolic
Nem `ebolqen rwou `mpimet`cnau And from the mouths of ومن أفواه االثني عشر رسوال
the twelve apostles; and ومن فم ناظر اإلله اإلنجيلى
` poctoloc@ nem `ebolqen rwf from the mouth of the مرقس الرسول الطاهر والشهيد
Beholder of God the والبطريرك القديس ساويرس
`mpi;ewrimoc `neuaggelictyc Markoc
Evangelist Saint Mark, the ومعلمنا ديوسقورس والقديس
apostle and martyr; the
pi`apoctoloc e;ouab ouoh أثناسيوس الرسولي والقديس
patriarch Saint Severus; our
`mmarturoc. Nem pipatriar,yc teacher Dioscorus, Saint بطرس خاتم الشهداء رئيس
Athanasius the Apostolic; الفم ذهبي الكهنة والقديس يوحنا
e;ouab Ceuyroc@ nem pencaq
Saint Peter the holy martyr والقديس كيرلس والقديس
Diockoroc@ nem pi`agioc A;anacioc and the high priest; Saint باسيليوس والقديس
pi`apoctolikoc@ nem pi`agioc Petroc John Chrysostom; Saint .اغريغوريوس
Cyril; Saint Basil; and Saint
ieromarturoc piar,iereuc@ nem Gregory.
pi`agioc Iwannyc pi`,rucoctomoc@ nem
Nem `ebolqen rwou `mpisomt se And from the mouths of ومن أفواه الثالثمائة والثمانية
the three hundred and عشر المجتمعين بنيقية والمئة
met `smyn `etau;wou] qen Nike`a@ eighteen assembled at والخمسين بالقسطنطينية
Nicea; the one hundred and .والمائتين بأفسس
nem pise tebi `nte
fifty at Constantinople, and
Kwctantinoupolic@ nem pi`cnau se the two hundred at
`nte Evecoc.
Nem `ebolqen rwf `mpeniwt and from the mouth of ومن فم أبينا المكرم رئيس
our Honored father the high ) وشريكه...( الكهنة البابا أنبا
ettaiyout `n`ar,i`ereuc abba (...) nem priest Pope Abba …, and في الخدمة الرسولية أبينا
from the mouth of his )...( األسقف (المطران) أنبا
pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc peniwt
partner in the liturgy, our .ومن فم حقارتي
pi`epickopoc (pimytropolityc) abba honored father the bishop
(metropolitan), Abba (…)
(...)@ nem `ebolqen rwc and from the mouth of my
abject self.
tyrou `amyn.
The Liturgy of the Word
قداس الكلمة
The prayer of incense for the Pauline Epistle
أوشية بخور البولس
Swpi neman hwn pennyb qen Be with us also, O our كن معنا نحن أيضا ً يا سيدنا في
Master, in this hour and هذه الساعة وقف في وسطنا
taiounou ;ai@ ouoh `ohi `eratk qen stand in the midst of us all. .كلنا
tenmy] tyrou.
Ouoh ten]ho `erok pennyb... only holy catholic...
As mentioned in the offering of incense in the ثم يكمل األواشي الثالثة الصغار (السالمة
Vespers and Matins prayers, the priest says the prayer واآلباء واالجتماعات) كما تقدم في رفع
above and the Three Small Litanies for the peace of the البخور وهو يدور حول المذبح ثالثة دورات
Church, the pope, and the Assemblies, while encircling ويقول الشماس ابروساتها وهو دائر،ويبخر
the altar three times and offering incense. The deacon وينزل من الهيكل ويعطي.مقابل الكاهن
says the appropriate responses while facing the priest.
البخور امام باب الهيكل ويبخر لالنجيل ولالب
Then the priest descends from the sanctuary and offers
incense before the door of the sanctuary. He then censes البابا أو المطران أو األسقف إن كان أحد
the gospel, the pope, the metropolitan or bishop, if any of ، وللكهنة والشعب جميعه،منهم حاضرا
them is present, and afterwards the priests and the people. :ويقول في بخور الشعب
As he cense the people, the priest says:
Cmou `mPauloc pi`apoctoloc `nte A blessing of Paul, the بركة بولس رسول يسوع
apostle of Jesus Christ. May بركته المقدسة تكون،المسيح
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ `ere pef`cmou his holy blessing be with us. . آمين.معنا
e;ouab swpi neman@ `amyn.
The priest returns to the sanctuary and recites the ويعود إلى الهيكل ويقول سر اعتراف الشعب
following Prayer of Confession of the People inaudibly: :سرا كما يلي
Vnou] vyetafswp `erof O God, who accepted يا هللا الذي قبل إليه اعتراف
the confession of the thief .اللص على الصليب المكرم
`n]`omologia `nte piconi hijen upon the honorable Cross.
pi`ctauroc ettaiyout.
Swp `erok `n]`omologia `nte Accept the confessions اقبل إليك اعترافات شعبك واغفر
of Your people and forgive لهم جميع خطاياهم من أجل
peklaoc@ ouoh ,w nwou `nnounobi them all their sins for the اسمك القدوس المبارك الذي دعى
sake of Your holy name كرحمتك يارب وليس.علينا
tyrou `ebol@ e;be pekran e;ouab
which is called upon us. .كخطايانا
`etaumou] `mmof `e`hryi `ejwn@ kata to According to Your mercy,
O Lord, and not according
`eleoc cou Keri`e@ ke my kata tac to our sins.
`amartiac `ymwn.
The priest encircles the altar once, comes down from ثم يدور حول المذبح دورة واحدة وينزل من
the sanctuary, and offers incense a second time before the الهيكل ويبخر ثانية أمام بابه ويعطي البخور
door of the sanctuary. Then he censes the priests only or للكهنة فقط أو لألب البابا أو المطران أو
the pope or bishop, if either is present. . إن كان حاضرا،األسقف
The Pauline Epistle is read, first half in Pascha tune and the second half in annual tune
يقرأ البولس نصفه األول بلحن البصخة والنصف الثاني باللحن السنوي
E;be ]`anactacic `nte nirefmwout For the resurrection of من اجل قيامة االموات الذين
the dead who have fallen رقدوا وتنيحوا في اإليمان
`etauenkout@ auemton `mmwou qen asleep and reposed in the بالمسيح يا رب نيح نفوسهم
faith of Christ. O Lord . اجمعين
`vnah] `mPi`,rictoc@ P[oic ma`mton
repose their souls.
`nnou'u,y tyrou.
Pauloc `vbwk `mPen[oic Iycouc Paul, a servant of our .بولس عبد ربنا يسوع المسيح
Jesus Christ, called to be an الرسول المدعو المفرز لكرازة
Pi`,rictoc@ pi`apoctoloc et;ahem@ apostle, appointed to the . هللا
gospel of God.
vy`etau;asf pihisennoufi `nte
Vai on `etetennanohem `ebol by which also you are هذا:هذا الذي أنتم فيه ثابتون
saved, if you hold fast that الذي خلصتم من قبله النى بالكالم
hitotf je qen oucaji aisennoufi word which I preached to بشرتكم ان كنتم به تتمسكون واال
you; unless you believed in .فباطل قد آمنتم
nwten icje tetenamoni `mmof cabol
imyti hiky aretennah].
Ai] gar `nten ;ynou `nsorp `mvy For I delivered to you النى سلمت اليكم أوالً ما قد أخذت
first of all that which I also ان المسيح مات عن خطايانا كما
etai[itf je Pi`,rictoc afmou `e`hryi received: that Christ died فى الكتب
for our sins according to the
`ejen nennobi kata ni`gravy.
Ouoh je aukocf ouoh je aftwnf and that He was buried, وانه دفن وانه قام في اليوم
and that He rose again the .الثالث كما في الكتب
qen pi`ehoou `mmahsomt kata third day according to the
Ouoh je afouonhf `eKyva `ita and that He was seen by وانه ظهر لصفا ثم ظهر لألثنى
Cephas, then by the twelve. .عشر
afouonhf `epi myt `cnau.
Menencwc afouonhf ca`pswi After that He was seen ومن بعدهم الكثر من خمسمائة
by over five hundred أخ معا ً أكثرهم باق أحياء الى
`ntiou `nse `ncon eucop nai ete brethren at once, of whom .االن ومنهم من قد رقد
the greater part remain to
pouhouo sop sa `eqoun `e]nou
the present, but some have
hanke,wouni de auenkot. fallen asleep.
Ita afouonhf `eIakwboc `ita After that He was seen ثم ظهر ليعقوب ثم ترآى لسائر
by James, then by all the .الرسل
afouonhf `eniapoctoloc tyrou. apostles.
E`pqae de `mmwou tyrou `m`vry] Then last of all He was وفي آخر جميعهم أنا الذي مثل
seen by me also, as by one .ً السقط ظهر لي أيضا
`mpiouqe afouonhf `eroi hw. born out of due time.
Anok gar pe pikouji `ebol oute For I am the least of the .وانا أصغر الرسل جميعهم
apostles, who am not ،ولست مستحقا ً أن ادعى رسوال
niapoctoloc tyrou `n]em`psa an worthy to be called an .من أجل أني طاردت بيعة هللا
apostle, because I
e;roumou] `eroi je apoctoloc e;be
persecuted the church of
je ai[oji `nca ]ek`klycia `nte Vnou]. God.
Qen ou`hmot de `nte Vnou] ]oi But by the grace of God وبنعمة هللا صرت إلى ما أنا
I am what I am, and His في ليست ُّ ونعمته التي.عليه
`m`pe]oi `mmof ouoh pef`hmot etenqyt grace toward me was not in بل قد تعبت أكثر من،بباطل
vain; but I labored more ولكن ال أنا بل نعمة هللا،جميعهم
`mpefswpi efsouit alla ai[iqici
abundantly than they all, .التي معي
`ehoterwou tyrou anok de an alla yet not I, but the grace of
God which was with me.
pi`hmot `nte Vnou] e;nemyi.
Ite oun anok ite ny tenhiwis Therefore, whether it فإن كنت إذا أنا أو أولئك فهكذا
was I or they, so we preach .نبشر وهكذا أمنتم
`mpairy] ouoh pairy] atetennah]. and so you believed.
Icje de Pi`,rictoc cehiwis `mmof Now if Christ is وان كان ينادى بالمسيح انه قام
preached that He has been فكيف صار فيكم،من األموات
je aftwnf `ebol qen ny e;mwout raised from the dead, how قوم يقولون انه ال تكون قيامة
do some among you say لألموات؟
pwc ouon hanouon jw `mmoc qen
that there is no resurrection
of the dead?
;ynou je `mmon anactacic `nte
nirefmwout naswpi.
Icje de `mmon anactacic `nte But if there is no فأن لم تكن قيامة لألموات
resurrection of the dead, .فالمسيح اذا ً ما قام
nirefmwout naswpi ie oude `mpe then Christ is not risen.
Pi`,rictoc twnf.
Icje de `mpe Pi`,rictoc twnf And if Christ is not risen, وان كان المسيح لم يقم فكرازاتنا
then our preaching is empty .باطلة وباطل أيضا ً ايمانكم
hara `fsouit `nje penhiwis `fsouit on and your faith is also
`nje petenkenah].
Cenajemen de on enoi `mme;re Yes, and we are found وسنوجد نحن أيضا ً شهود زور
false witnesses of God, هلل حيث قد شهدنا على هللا انه قد
`nnouj qa Vnou] je anerme;re qa because we have testified of أقام المسيح وهو لم يقمه ان كان
God that He raised up .الموتى ال يقومون
Vnou] je aftounoc Pi`,rictoc vai
Christ, whom He did not
ete`m`peftounocf icje hara raise up—if in fact the dead
do not rise.
nirefmwout natwounou an.
Icje gar nirefmwout natwounou For if the dead do not فإن كان الموتى ال يقومون فال
rise, then Christ is not risen. .ً يكون المسيح قد قام أيضا
an ie `mpe Pi`,rictoc twnf.
Icje de `mpe Pi`,rictoc twnf And if Christ is not فباطل،وإن كان المسيح لم يقم
risen, your faith is futile; هو إيمانكم وأنتم بعد تحت في
ou`e`vlyou pe petennah] eti on you are still in your sins! .خطاياكم
teten,y `nqryi qen netennobi.
Ie hara ny`etauenkot qen Then also those who أو لعل الذين ماتوا فى المسيح قد
have fallen asleep in Christ .هلكوا
Pi`,rictoc autako. have perished.
Icje de `nqryi qen paiwnq If in this life only we وإن كنا فى هذه الحياة فقط نرجو
have hope in Christ, we are فنحن أشقى جميع،المسيح
`mmauatf anerhelpic `ePi`,rictoc ie of all men the most pitiable. .الناس
ten[i `nounai `eron `ehote rwmi niben.
}nou de `a Pi`,rictoc twnf `ebol But now Christ is risen واآلن قد قام المسيح من األموات
from the dead, and has .وصار باكورة الراقدين
qen nye;mwout `tapar,y `nte become the firstfruits of
those who have fallen
nyetauenkot. asleep.
Epidy gar `ebolhiten ourwmi `a For since by man came ،وكما أنه بإنسان كان الموت
death, by Man also came كذلك بإنسان آخر تكون قيامة
vmou swpi `ebol hiten kerwmi the resurrection of the dead. .األموات
`tanactacic `nte nirefmwout.
M`vry] gar ete qen Adam For as in Adam all die, ،وكما أنه فى آدم يموت الجميع
even so in Christ all shall كذلك فى المسيح أيضا ً سيحيا
cenamou tyrou pairy] on qen be made alive. .الجميع
Pi`,rictoc cenawnq tyrou.
Piouai piouai qen peftagma But each one in his own .كل واحد وواحد فى رتبته
order, Christ the firstfruits, فالمسيح هو البدء ثم الذين
`apar,y Pi`,rictoc ita na Pi`,rictoc afterward those who are .للمسيح عند مجيئه
Christ’s at His coming..
qen pefjini.
Pi`hmot gar nemwten tyrou@ je The grace of God the أمين.ًالنعمة معكم والسالم معا
Father be with you all. .يكون
`amyn ec`eswpi. Amen.
During the reading of the Pauline Epistle, the fellow يقول الكاهن الشريك هذه،وفي أثناء قراءته
priest (or if there is no fellow priest, then the serving األوشية سرا لالبن وإن لم يكن حاضرا كاهن
priest himself) says inaudibly the following prayer to the :معه فيقولها هو
P[oic `nte ]`gnwcic@ ouoh O Lord of knowledge يا رب المعرفة ورازق الحكمة
and provider of wisdom, الذي يكشف األعماق من الظلمة
pirefcahni `nte ]covia@ vyet[wrp who reveals the deep things والمعطي كلمة للمبشرين بقوة
out of darkness, and gives a .عظيمة
`nnyetsyk `ebolqen `pkaki@ ouoh et]
word to those who preach
`noucaji `nnyethisennoufi qen with a great power;
ounis] `njom.
Ouoh qen vai ak]ma] e;refswpi and in this You were ًوبهذا سررت أن يكون رسوال
pleased that he should be مدعوا ً وكارزاً بإنجيل ملكوتك
`nou`apoctoloc@ ef;ahem ouoh called to be an apostle and a .أيها المسيح إلهنا
preacher of the Gospel of
`nrefhiwis `mpieuaggelion `nte
Your kingdom, O Christ
tekmetouro@ Pi`,rictoc Pennou]. our God.
N;ok on ]nou pi`aga;oc ouoh You also now, O Good انت اآلن أيضا ً أيها الصالح محب
One and Lover of Mankind, نسألك أنعم علينا وعلى،البشر
`mmairwmi@ ten]ho `erok we ask You, grant us and شعبك كله بعقل غير منشغل وفهم
all Your people a mind free لكي نعلم ونفهم ما هي،نقي
`ari,arizec;e nan nem peklaoc tyrf@
from wandering and a clear منفعة تعاليمك المقدسة التي
understanding, that we may
`nounouc `nat[i`hraf nem ouka] .قرئت علينا اآلن من قبله
learn and understand how
eftoubyout@ `e`pjinten`emi `ntenka]@ profitable are Your holy
teachings which are now
je ou te ]`wvelia `nte nek`cbwo`ui
read to us through him.
e;ouab@ `etau`osou `eron ]nou
Ouoh `m`vry] `etaf`ini `mmok@ `n;ok And as he followed وكما تشبه بك أنت يا رئيس
Your example, O You, هكذا نحن أيضا ً إجعلنا،الحياة
`par,ygoc `nte `pwnq@ pairy] `anon Author of life, so make us مستحقين أن نكون متشبهين به
also worthy to be like him في العمل واإليمان ممجدين
hwn `ariten `nem`psa e;renswpi en`oni
in deed and in faith that we ومفتخرين،إسمك القدوس
`mmof@ qen `phwb nem `vnah] en]`wou may glorify Your holy .بصليبك كل حين
name and glory in Your
`mpekran e;ouab@ ouoh ensousou Cross at all times.
`mmon qen pek`ctauroc `ncyou niben.
Ouoh `n;ok petenouwrp nak And unto You we send وأنت الذي نرسل لك إلى فوق
up glory, honor, and مع،المجد واالكرام والسجود
`e`pswi@ `mpi`wou nem pitai`o nem worship with Your good ،أبيك الصالح والروح القدس
Father and the Holy Spirit, المحيي المساوي لك اآلن وكل
]`prockunycic@ nem Pekiwt `na
` ga;oc@
the Giver of Life, who is of .أوان وإلى دهر الدهور كلها
one essence with You, now
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo .آمين
and at all times and unto
ouoh `no` mooucioc nemak@ ]nou nem the age of all ages. Amen.
`ncyou niben nem sa `eneh `nte ni`eneh
tyrou@ `amyn.
Catholic Epistle
Ka;olikon `ebol qen pe pihouit The Catholic epistle of الكاثوليكون من رسالة معلمنا
the first epistle of our father . آمين.بطرس األولي بركته علينا
`ne` pictoly `nte peniwt Petroc. St. Peter. May his blessings يا احبائي
be with us all. Amen. My
Amyn. Namenra].
Petroc `papoctoloc `nte Iycouc Peter, an apostle of بطرس رسول يسوع المسيح الى
Jesus Christ, To the المختارين المتغربين في شتات
Pi`,rictoc `nnicwtp etsop hi `psemmo pilgrims of the Dispersion بنطس وغالطية وكبادوكية واسيا
in Pontus, Galatia, .وبيثينية
`n`qryi qen pijwr `ebol `nte Pontoc
Cappadocia, Asia, and
`tGalatia `tKappodokia ]Acia nem Bithynia
Kata ousorp `ne` mi `nte Vnou] elect according to the السابق،بمقتضى علم هللا اآلب
foreknowledge of God the في تقديس الروح للطاعة ونضح
Viwt qen pitoubo `nte pi`pneuma Father, in sanctification of لتكثر لكم.دم يسوع المسيح
the Spirit, for obedience .النعمة والسالم
eucw] nem ounoujq `nte `p`cnof
and sprinkling of the blood
`nIycouc Pi`,rictoc Pen[oic `p`hmot of Jesus Christ: Grace to
you and peace be multiplied
nem ]hiryny eu`e`asai nwten
F`cmarwout `nje Vnou] ouoh Blessed be the God and تبارك هللا ابو ربنا يسوع المسيح
Father of our Lord Jesus الذي حسب رحمته الكثيرة ولدنا
Viwt `mPen[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc Christ, who according to ثانية لرجاء دخول الحياة بقيامة
His abundant mercy has .يسوع المسيح من االموات
vy`ete kata `p`asai `nte pefnai
begotten us again to a
af`jvon `eqoun `eouhelpic `nwnq living hope through the
resurrection of Jesus Christ
`ebolhiten `ptwnf `nIycouc Pi`,rictoc from the dead,
`ebolqen nye;mwout.
Qa ny`etounarwic `erwou qen who are kept by the أنتم الذين بقوة هللا وباإليمان
power of God through faith محفوظين للخالص المعد أن يعلن
oujom `nte Vnou] `ebolhiten `vnah] for salvation ready to be .في الزمان االخير
revealed in the last time.
`euoujai efcebtwt efna[wrp
Hina `;metcwtp `nte petennah] that the genuineness of .لكي تكون تزكية ايمانكم كريمة
your faith, being much وهي أثمن من الذهب الفاني
`ntecswpi ectaiyout `ehote pinoub more precious than gold فتوجدون بقخر.المجرب بالنار
that perishes, though it is ومجد وكرامة عند ظهور يسوع
vye;natako@ euerdokimazin `mmof
tested by fire, may be found .المسيح
`ebolhiten ou`,rwm@ `ntoujem ;ynou to praise, honor, and glory
at the revelation of Jesus
qen ousousou nem ou`wou nem Christ,
outai`o@ qen pi[wrp `ebol `nte Iycouc
Vye`tetencwoun `mmof an whom having not seen .ذلك الذي وان لم تعرفوه تحبونه
you love. Though now you ذلك الذي وان كنتم ال ترونه اآلن
tetener`agapan `mmof@ vai ]nou do not see Him, yet فتبتهجون بفرح.لكن تؤمنون به
believing, you rejoice with .ال ينطق به ومجيد
`etetennau `erof an tetennah] de
joy inexpressible and full of
`erof@ ;elyl qen ourasi `nat`scaji glory,
`mmof `eaf[i`wou.
Ereten[i `m`pjwk `nte petennah] receiving the end of نائلين غاية ايمانكم خالص
your faith -- the salvation of .نفوسكم
`vnohem `nte neten'u,y. your souls.
Na`cnyou `mpermenre pikocmoc Do not love the world ال تحبوا العالم وال االشياء التى
nor the things which are in العالم يزول وشهوته،فى العالم
oude nyetsop qen pikocmoc@ the world. The world passes واما الذي يصنع ارادة هللا يدوم
away, and its desires; but . آمين.إلى االبد
pikocmoc nacini nem tef`epi;umia@ vy
he who does the will of God
de et`iri `m`vouws `mVnou] `fnaswpi abides forever. Amen.
sa `eneh@ `amyn.
During the reading of the Catholic Epistle, the fellow يقول الكاهن،وفي أثناء قراءة الكاثوليكون
priest (or if there is no fellow priest, then the serving الشريك هذه األوشية سرا لالب وإن لم يكن
priest himself) says inaudibly the following prayer to the :حاضرا كاهن معه فيقولها هو
P[oic Pennou] vy`ete `ebolhiten O Lord our God, who أيها الرب إلهنا الذي من قبل
through Your holy apostles رسلك القديسين اظهرت لنا سر
nek`apoctoloc e;ouab@ akouwnh nan have revealed to us the .إنجيل مجد مسيحك
mystery of the Gospel of
`ebol `m`vmuctyrion `nte `p`wou `nte
the glory of Your Christ,
Ouoh aktyic nwou kata ]nis] and have given to them كعظيم الموهبة التي،وأعطيتهم
according to the great أن يبشروا،ال تحد التي لنعمتك
`ndwre`a `nat]si `eroc `nte pek`hmot@ immeasurable gift of Your في كل األمم بالغني الذي ال
grace that they should .يستقصي لرحمتك
e;rouhisennoufi qen nie;noc tyrou@
proclaim among all nations
`n]metrama`o `nat[itatci `ncwc `nte the good news of the riches
of Your mercy,
}en]ho `erok pennyb `ariten we ask You, O our نسألك يا سيدنا إجعلنا مستحقين
Master, make us worthy of .نصيبهم وميراثهم
`nem`psa `mpoumeroc nem pou`klyroc. their share and inheritance.
Ari,arizec;e nan `ncyou niben Grant to us at all times وانعم لنا كل حين أن نسلك في
to walk in their footsteps آثارهم ونكون متشبهين بجهادهم
e;renmosi `nca nouse`ntatci@ ouoh and to imitate their ونشترك معهم في األعراق التي
struggle, and to have .قبلوها على التقوى
`ntenswpi en`oni `nnoua`gwn. Ouoh
communion with them in
`ntenerkoinwnin nemwou qen nifw] the sweat which they
accepted for the sake of
`etausopou `e`hryi `ejen ]meteucebyc. godliness.
Ekrwic `etekek`klyci`a e;ouab@ ;ai Watch over Your holy هذه التي،حارسا بيعتك المقدسة
Church which You have وبارك خراف،أسستها من قبلهم
`etakhicen] `mmoc `ebolhitotou@ ouoh founded through them, and ، وإجعل هذه الكرمة تكثر.قطيعك
bless the sheep of Your هذه التي غرستها يمينك بالمسيح
ek`e`cmou `eni`ecwou `nte pek`ohi@ ouoh
flock and make this vine to .يسوع ربنا
ek`e`;ro `ntaibw `n`aloli `asai@ ;ai increase, which Your right
hand has planted, in Christ
`etac[oc `nje tekouinam@ qen Jesus our Lord.
Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf@ `ere pi`wou Through whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor, the والعز والسجود تليق بك معه
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship ومع الروح القدس المحيي
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Praxis Reply
مرد االبركسيس
Aukocf au,af qen pi`mhau@ They wrapped and الكائن،ُكفن ووُ ضع فى القبر
placed Him in the tomb, وقالوا بجهلهم أن،خارج المدينة
vy`et,y cabol `n]baki@ `etaujoc qen which was outside the city, . ال يستطيع أن يقوم بعد،هذا
in their ignorance they said,
toumet`athyt@ je vai `fna `stwnf an
it is impossible for Him to
je. rise.
K`cmarwout `aly;wc@ nem Pekiwt Blessed are You indeed, مبارك أنت بالحقيقة مع أبيك
with Your good Father and ألنك،الصالح والروح القدس
` ga;oc@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab@ je the Holy Spirit, for You . ارحمنا.أتيت وخلصتنا
have come and saved us.
ak`i akcw] `mmon nai nan.
Have mercy on us.
The Praxis
Etafnau de `nje Petroc af`erou`w So when Peter saw it, فلما رأى بطرس ذلك اجاب
he responded to the people: ايها الرجال:الشعب
`mpilaoc nirwmi niIcrahlityc e;be ou Men of Israel, why do you االسرائيليون ما بالكم تتعجبون
tet`ener`svyri `ejen vai ie `aqwten marvel at this? Or why look من هذا ولماذا تتفرسون فينا
so intently at us, as though كأننا بقوتنا او تقوانا قد جعلنا
tetencomc `eron hwc je `nq
` ryi qen by our own power or .هذا يمشي
godliness we had made this
tenjom ie tenm`eteucebyc an`i` ri `mvai
man walk?
e;re vai mosi.
Vnou] `nAbraam nem Vnou] The God of Abraham, ان إله ابراهيم إله اسحق واله
Isaac, and Jacob, the God يعقوب إله ابائنا قد مجد فتاه
`nIcaak nem Vnou] `nIakwb@ Vnou] of our fathers, glorified His يسوع هذا الذي اسلمتموه أنتم
Servant Jesus, whom you وانكرتموه اما وجه بيالطس وهو
`nte nenio] af]`wou `mpef`alou Iycouc
delivered up and denied in .حاكم باطالقه
vai `n;wten et`aretentyif the presence of Pilate, when
he was determined to let
atetenjolf `ebol `mpe`m;o `mPilatoc Him go.
N;wten de pe;ouab pi`;myi But you denied the واما أنتم فقد انكرتم القدوس
Holy One and the Just, and البار وطلبتم ان يوهب لكم رجل
atetenjolf `ebol `aret`ener`etin asked for a murderer to be .قاتل
granted to you,
e;rou,a ourwmi nwten `ebol
Par,ygoc de `nte `pwnq and killed the Prince of ورئيس الحياة قتلتموه هذا الذي
life, whom God raised from اقامه هللا من بين االموات هذا
`aretenqo;bef vai `eta Vnou] the dead, of which we are .الذي نحن له شهود
tounocf `ebolqen nye;mwout vai
Ouoh `nq
` ryi qen `vnah] `nte And His name, through واإليمان باسمه هذ الذي
faith in His name, has made تنظرونه وتعرفون اسمه هو
pefran vai `etetennau `erof ouoh this man strong, whom you الذي شفاه واإليمان الذي
see and know. Yes, the بواسطته اعطاه هذه الصحة أمام
tetencwoun `mmof pefran pe
faith which comes through .جميكم
`etaftal[of ouoh pinah] ou Him has given him this
perfect soundness in the
`ebolhitotf pe af] naf `mpioujai presence of you all.
`mpeten`m;o `ebol tyrou.
}nou de na`cnyou ]cwoun je Yet now, brethren, I واالن يا اخوتى أنا أعلم انكم
know that you did it in بجهالة عملتم ذلك كما رؤساؤكم
et`aretenaic qen oumetat`emi `m`vry] ignorance, as did also your .ً أيضا
Vnou] de ny`etafjotou icjen But those things which واما هللا فما سبق وأنبأ به على
God foretold by the mouth افواه جميع انبيائه ان يتألم
sorp `ebolqen rwou `nnef`provytyc of all His prophets, that the .مسيحه فقد تممه هكذا
Christ would suffer, He has
tyrou e;re pef`,rictoc sep`mkah
thus fulfilled.
afjokou `ebol `mpairy].
Arimetanoin oun ouoh ket ;ynou Repent therefore and be فتوبوا إذا ً وارجعوا لتمحى
converted, that your sins خطاياكم حتى توافيكم أوقات
e;roufw] `ebol `nnetennobi hopwc may be blotted out, so that .الراحة من قبل الرب
times of refreshing may
`nce`i nwten `nje hancyou `n`,bob `ebol
come from the presence of
qa`thy `m`pho `mP[oic. the Lord.
Ouoh ef`etaou`o nwten And that He may send ويرسل لكم يسوع المسيح
Jesus Christ, who was .السابق االنذار به
`mvy`etafersorp `n;asf Iycouc preached to you before,
Vai `ete hw] pe `nte nivhou`i whom heaven must هذا الذي ينبغى ان تقبله السماء
receive until the times of إلى الوقت الذي ينفذ فيه كل شئ
sopf `erwou sa `pcyou `nt
` `ave `nhwb restoration of all things, الذي تكلم عنه هللا على افواه
which God has spoken by .أنبيائه القديسين منذ الدهر
niben `etafcaji `mmwou `nje Vnou]
the mouth of all His holy
`ebolqen rwou `nnef`provytyc icjen prophets since the world
Picaji de `nte P[oic ef`eaiai ouoh The word of the Lord لم تزل كلمة الرب تنمو وتعتز
shall grow, multiply, be .وتثبت في كنيسة هللا المقدسة
ef`e`asai@ ef`e`amahi ouoh ef`etajro@ mighty and be confirmed in .آمين
the holy church of God.
qen ]`agia `nek`klycia `nte Vnou]@
During the reading of Acts, the priest says inaudibly يقول الكاهن،وفي أثناء قراءة اإلبركسيس
the following prayer: :ًهذه األوشية سرا
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
O God, who accepted يا هللا الذي قبل إليه محرقة
Vnou] vy`etafswp `erof `mp`[lil the burnt offering of إبراهيم وبدالً عن اسحق اعددت
`nte Abraam@ ouoh `vma `nIcaak
Abraham and prepared for هكذا إقبل منا أيضا ً يا،ً له خروفا
him a sheep in place of .سيدنا محرقة هذا البخور
akcob] naf `nou`ecwou@ pairy] on Isaac, even so, again accept
at our hand also, O our
swp `erok `ntoten hwn pennyb Master, the burnt offering
of this incense,
`mpi`[lil `nte pai`c;oinoufi.
Ouoh ouwrp nan `e`qryi and send down upon us وأرسل لنا عوضه رحمتك ذات
in return Your abundant إجعلنا ان نكون أنقياء من،الغني
`ntefsebiw@ `mpeknai etoi `nrama`o@ mercy, cleansing us from .كل نتن الخطية
every stench of sin,
ouoh `eak`;renswpi enoi `nka;aroc
Ouoh `ariten `nem`psa@ and make us worthy to وإجعلنا مستحقين ان نخدم أمام
serve in holiness and صالحك يا محب البشر بطهارة
e;rensemsi `mpe`m;o `ntekmet`aga;oc righteousness before Your .وبر كل أيام حياتنا
goodness, O Lover of
pimairwmi@ qen outoubo nem
Mankind, all the days of
oume;myi@ `nni`ehoou tyrou `nte our life.
Ouoh ten]ho `erok pennyb... And we ask You, O our ... ونسألك يا سيدنا
As mentioned in the offering of incense in the ثم يقول األواشي الثالثة الصغار (السالمة
Vespers and Matins prayers, the priest says the prayer واآلباء واالجتماعات) كما تقدم في رفع
above and the Three Small Litanies for the peace of the البخور وهو يدور حول المذبح ثالثة دورات
Church, the Pope, and the Assemblies, while encircling ويقول الشماس ابروساتها وهو دائر،ويبخر
the altar three times and offering incense. The deacon وينزل من الهيكل ويعطي.مقابل الكاهن
says the appropriate responses while facing the priest.
البخور امام باب الهيكل ويبخر لالنجيل
Then the priest descends from the sanctuary and offers
incense before the door of the sanctuary. He then censes كان ولألب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف إن
the gospel, the pope, the metropolitan or bishop, if any of وللكهنة والشعب في،أحد منهم حاضرا
them is present, and afterwards the priests and the people, ويقول في أثناء بخور،الخورس الداخلي فقط
in the inner choir only. As he cense the people, the priest :الشعب
Cmou `nna[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc A blessing of my أي،بركة سادتي اآلباء الرسل
masters and fathers the أبينا بطرس ومعلمنا بولس وبقية
`ete peniwt Petroc nem pencaq apostles, namely, our father بركتهم المقدسة،التالميذ
Peter and our teacher Paul, . آمين.تكون معنا
Pauloc nem `pcepi `nte nima;ytyc@
and the rest of the disciples.
`ere pou`cmou ou`cmou e;ouab swpi May their holy blessings be
with us. Amen.
neman. Amyn.
Then the priest returns and stands before the door of ثم يعود إلى الهيكل ويقف أمامه ويقول سر
the sanctuary and censes three times to the East, saying اعتراف الشعب (يا هللا الذي قبل إليه اعتراف
inaudibly the Prayer of the Confession of the people, (O ،) سرا ثم يناول المجمرة للشماس...اللص
God, who accepted the confession of the thief…). Then .ويسجد هلل
the priest hands the censer to the deacon and makes a
prostration to God.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Je Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Agioc `o :eoc@ Agioc ic,uroc@ Holy God, Holy قدوس، قدوس القوى،قدوس هللا
Mighty, Holy Immortal, الذي صلب،الحي الذي ال يموت
Agioc `a;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di Who was crucified for us, . ارحمنا،عنا
have mercy on us.
ymac@ `ele`ycon `ymac.
Doxa Patri ke Uiw ke `agiw Glory to the Father and المجد لآلب واالبن والروح
to the Son and to The Holy اآلن وكل أوان وإلي دهر،القدس
Pneumati@ ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc Spirit, now and ever and . آمين.الدهور
unto the ages of the ages.
`e`wnac twn `e`wnwn@ amyn.
Agia `triac `ele`ycon `ymac. O Holy Trinity, have . ارحمنا،أيها الثالوث القدوس
mercy upon us.
Then the priest, taking the censer, stands before the ثم يأخذ الكاهن المجمرة ويقف أمام باب
door of the sanctuary and says: :الهيكل ويقول
`napoctoloc e;ouab.
Je hanmys `m`provytyc nem “Many prophets and إن أنبيا ًء وأبرارا كثيرين اشتهوا
righteous men have desired ،أن يروا ما أنتم ترون ولم يروا
han`;myi@ auer`epi;umin `enau to see the things which you وأن يسمعوا ما أنتم تسمعون ولم
see, and have not seen .يسمعوا
`eny`etetennau `erwou ouoh `mpounau@
them, and to hear the things
ouoh `ecwtem `eny`etetencwtem `erwou which you hear, and have
not heard them.
ouoh `mpoucwtem.
N;wten de `wouniatou But blessed are your أما أنتم فطوبى ألعينكم ألنها
eyes, for they see, and your .تبصر وآلذانكم ألنها تسمع
`nnetenbal je cenau@ nem ears for they hear.” May فلنستحق أن نسمع ونعمل
we be worthy to hear and to بأناجيلك المقدسة بطلبات
netenmasj je cecwtem.
act according to Your Holy .قديسيك
Marener`pem`psa `ncwtem ouoh `e`iri Gospels, through the
`nnekeuaggelion e;ouab@ qen nitwbh prayers of Your saints.
ten`anactacic tyren.
Ouoh `n;ok petenouwrp nak And to You we send up وأنت الذي نرسل لك إلى فوق
the glory, the honor and the المجد والكرامة والسجود مع أبيك
`e`pswi@ `mpi`wou nem pitaio nem worship, together with Your الصالح والروح القدس المحيي
good Father, and the Holy .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ nem Pekiwt `na
` ga;oc@
Spirit, the Giver of Life,
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo who is of One Essence with
ouoh `no` mooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . أمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages, Amen.
The Psalm (half in Pascha tune and half in annual tune)
)المزمور (نصفه بلحن البصخة والنصف اآلخر سنوي
"almoc tw Dauid =g@ =5> =g - (==p=a) =p=b@ =y Psalm 3: 5, 3 and (81) :33 )31( و2 ،5 :2 المزمور
82:8 3
Anok de aienkot ouoh aihwrp@ I lay down and slept; I أنا اضطجعت ونمت ثم استقظت
awoke, for the Lord . فأنت يارب.الن الرب نصرنى
ouoh aitwnt je P[oic pe;nasopt sustained me. But, You, O مجدي ورافع،أنت هو ناصرى
Lord, are a shield for me, . قم يا هللا ودن األرض.رأسى
`erof@ `n;ok de P[oic `n;ok pe
My glory and the One who .ألنك أنت ترث فى جميع األمم
lifts up my head. Arise, O
parefsopt `erok@ pa`wou ouoh `p[ici .هلليلويا
God, judge the earth; for
`nte ta`ave@ twnk Vnou] mahap You shall inherit all
nations. Alleluia.
`e`pkahi je `n;ok e;near`klyronomin
` ryi qen nie;noc tyrou.
Ou`anagnwcic `ebolqen O Lord have mercy and اللهم تراءف علينا وارحمنا
compassion on us and make واجعلنا مستحقين لسماع االنجيل
pieuaggelion e;ouab kata Mat;eon us worthy to listen to the فصل من إنجيل معلمنا.المقدس
Holy Gospel. A chapter . بركته على جميعنا،متى البشير
from the Holy Gospel
according to St. Matthew,
may his blessings be with
us all.
Rouhi de `nniCabbaton `etoou`i Now after the Sabbath, وبعد السبت عند فجر اول
as the first day of the week جاءت مريم المجدلية،األسبوع
`m`vouai `nniCabbaton ac`i `nje Mari`a began to dawn, Mary .ومريم االخرى لتنظرا القبر
Magdalene and the other
]Magdaliny nem ]ke Mari`a `enau
Mary came to see the tomb.
Ouoh ic ounis] `mmonmen afswpi And behold, there وإذا زلزلة عظيمة حدثت ألن
was a great earthquake; for مالك الرب نزل من السماء وجاء
ouaggeloc `nte P[oic af`i `epecht an angel of the Lord ودحرج الحجر عن باب القبر
descended from heaven, .وجلس فوقه
`ebolqen `tve ouoh af`ckerker `mpi`wni
and came and rolled back
`ebolhi rwf `mpi`mhau afhemci hijwf. the stone from the door, and
sat on it.
Ebol de qen tefho] aumonmen And the guards shook فمن خوفه اضطرب الحراس
for fear of him, and became .وصاروا كاالموات
`nje nyet`areh ouoh auer `m`vry] like dead men.
Af`erou`w de `nje piaggeloc So they went and made فأجاب المالك وقال للنسوة ال
the tomb secure, sealing the ألني أعلم انكن،تخفن أنتن
pejaf `nnihi`omi je `mpererho] stone and setting the guard. .تطلبن يسوع المصلوب
`n;wten ]`emi gar je Iycouc
N`f,y `mpaima an aftwnf gar He is not here; for He is بل قد قام كما،إنه ليس هو هنا
risen, as He said. Come, see تعالين وانظرن إلى المكان.قال
`m`vry] `etafjoc `amwini `anau `epima the place where the Lord .الذي كان فيه
`enaf,y `mmof.
Ouoh `n,wlem masenwten `ajoc And go quickly and tell فاسرعن واذهبن وقلن لتالميذه
His disciples that He is وها هوذا،انه قد قام من األموات
`nnefma;ytyc je aftwnf `ebolqen risen from the dead, and .يسبقكم إلى الجليل وهناك ترونه
indeed He is going before .ها أنا قد قلت لكن
nye;mwout ouoh hyppe `fnaersorp you into Galilee; there you
will see Him. Behold, I
`erwten `e]Galile`a `aretennanau have told you.
`erof `mmau ic hyppe aijoc nwten.
Ouoh ic hyppe af`i `ebol `e`hrau And as they went to tell وفيما هما منطلقتان لتخبرا
His disciples, behold, Jesus : وإذ يسوع القاهن وقال،تالميذه
`nje Iycouc efjw `mmoc je ,erete met them, saying, “Peace فاما هن فأمسكن.سالم لكن
be with you!” So they came .بقدميه وسجدن له
`n;wou de au`amoni `nnef[alauj ouoh
and held Him by the feet
auouwst `mmof. and worshiped Him.
Tote peje Iycouc nwou je Then Jesus said to ال تخفن:حينئذ قال لهن يسوع
them, “Do not be afraid. Go واذهبن واعلمن اخوتى ان
`mpererho] masenwten matame and tell My brethren to go يذهبوا إلى الجليل وهناك
to Galilee, and there they .يروننى
na`cnyou hina `ntousenwou
will see Me.”
`e]Galile`a ouoh cenanau `eroi `mmau.
Etausenwou de ic hanouon Now while they were وفيما هن ذاهبات وإذا قوم من
going, behold, some of the الحراس جاءوا إلى المدينة
`ebolqen nikouctwdi`a au`i `e ]baki guard came into the city وأخبروا رؤساء الكهنة بكل ما
and reported to the chief .حدث
autame niar,y`ereuc `ehwb niben
priests all the things that
`etauswpi. had happened.
Eujw `mmoc je `ajoc je saying, “Tell them, ‘His "قولوا ان تالميذه اتوا:قائلين
disciples came at night and ".ليالً وسرقوه ونحن نيام
nefma;ytyc au`i `njwrh auolf `n[iou`i stole Him away while we
hwcte `enenkot.
Ouoh `eswp `nte pihygemwn And if this comes to the وإذا سمع الوالى هذا الكالم
governor’s ears, we will .اقنعناه نحن وجعلناكم مطمئنين
cwtem `epaicaji en`e;et`h;yf `anon appease him and make you
ouoh en`eer ;ynou `natrwous.
N;wou de `etau[i `nnihat au``iri So they took the money اما هم فأخذوا الفضة وفعلوا كما
and did as they were وذاع هذا القول عند.علموهم
`m`vry] `etau`tcabwou ouoh `a paicaji instructed; and this saying .اليهود إلى هذا اليوم
is commonly reported
cwr `ebol qen niIoudai sa `eqoun
among the Jews until this
`evoou. day.
Pi mytouai (=i=a) `mma;ytyc Then the eleven وأما األحد عشر تلميذا ً فذهبوا
disciples went away into إلى الجليل إلى الجبل الذي عينه
ausenwou `e`hryi `e]Galile`a `e`hryi Galilee, to the mountain .لهم يسوع
which Jesus had appointed
`ejen pitwou `eta Iycouc ]nei nwou
for them.
Ouoh `etaunau `erof auouwst When they saw Him, أما بعضهم.فلما رأوه سجدوا له
they worshiped Him; but .فشكوا
`mmof hanouon de au[icanic. some doubted.
Ouoh af`i `nje Iycouc afcaji And Jesus came and قد:فجاء يسوع وخاطبهم قائال
spoke to them, saying, “All اعطيت كل سلطان فى السماء
nemwou efjw `mmoc je au] ersisi authority has been given to .وعلى األرض
Me in heaven and on earth.
niben nyi qen `tve nem hijen pikahi.
Masenwten oun ma`cbw `nnie;noc Go therefore and make فاذهبوا وتلمذوا كل األمم
disciples of all the nations, وعمدوهم باسم األب واالبن
tyrou `eretenwmc `mmwou qen `vran baptizing them in the name .والروح القدس
of the Father and of the Son
`mViwt nem Psyri nem Pi`pneuma
and of the Holy Spirit,
Ereten]`cbw nwou `e`areh `ehwb teaching them to وعلموهم ان يحفظوا جميع ما
observe all things that I اوصيتكم به وها أنا معكم كل
niben `etaihenhen ;ynou `erwou ouoh have commanded you; and . آمين.األيام والى انقضاء الدهر
lo, I am with you always,
ic hyppe `anok ],y nemwten
even to the end of the age.”
`nni`ehoou tyrou sa `pjwk `ebol `nte Amen.
ni``eneh. Amyn.
Glory be to God :الشعب
Doxa ci kuri`e. forever. .والمجد هلل دائما
Pa[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ vy Blessed are they in يا ربى يسوع المسيح الذي وضع
truth, the saints of this day, اسحق عنا شوكة،فى القبر
`etaf,af qen pi`mhau@ ek`eqomqem each one according to his .الموت
name, the beloved of
` ryi `nqyten@ `n]couri `nte `vmou.
Je `f`cmarwout `nje Viwt nem Blessed be the Father مبارك اآلب واالبن والروح
and the Son and the Holy نسجد له، الثالوث الكامل،القدس
Psyri@ nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab @ Spirit, the perfect Trinity. .ونمجده
We worship Him and
}`triac etjyk `ebol@ tenouwst `mmoc
glorify Him.
ten]`wou nac.
During the reading of the Gospel, the priest says the يقول الكاهن هذه،وأثناء تالوة اإلنجيل
following prayer to the Father inaudibly while holding :الصالة لآلب سرا ً والمجمرة في يده
the censer in his hand:
Piref`wou`nhyt@ va pimys `nnai O You who are الكثير الرحمة،أيها الطويل األناة
longsuffering, abundant in إقبل سؤاالتنا وطلباتنا،الحقيقي
ouoh `na
` ly;oc@ [i `nnen]ho nem mercy and true, receive إقبل إبتهاالتنا وتوبتنا،منا
from us our prayers and وإعترافنا على مذبحك المقدس
nentwbh `ntoten@ [i `ntenparaklycic
supplications, receive from .غير الدنس السمائي
`ntoten@ nem tenmet`anoia@ nem us our petitions, repentance,
and confession upon Your
penouwnh `ebol@ `e`hryi `ejen holy, undefiled altar in
pekma`nerswousi e;ouab `nat;wleb@
`nte `tve.
map@ qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc Pen[oic. our Lord.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nny`etswni `nte Remember, O Lord, the ،أذكر يا رب مرضي شعبك
sick among Your people; إفتقدهم بالمراحم والرأفات
peklaoc@ `eakjempousini qen hannai visit them with mercy and .إشفهم
compassion; heal them.
nem hanmetsenhyt matal[wou.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nnenio] nem Remember, O Lord, our أذكر يا رب آباءنا وأخوتنا
fathers and brethren who ردهم إلى أوطانهم،المسافرين
nen`cnyou `etause `e`psemmo. are traveling; bring them .بسالم وعافية
back to their homes in
Matac;wou `eny`ete nouou peace and safety.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nni`ayr `nte `tve@ Remember, O Lord, the أذكر يا رب أهوية السماء
air of heaven and the fruits . باركها،وثمرات األرض
nem nikarpoc `nte `pkahi@ `cmou `erwou. of the earth; bless them.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic ` nnimwou `nte Remember, O Lord, the ، باركها،أذكر يا رب مياه النهر
waters of the river; bless .أصعدها كمقدارها كنعمتك
`viaro@ `cmou `erwou@ anitou `e`pswi them; raise them up to their
measure according to Your
kata nousi kata vy`ete vwk `nh
` mot. grace.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nnici] nem nicim Remember, O Lord, the أذكر يا رب الزروع والعشب
seeds, the herbs, and the . باركها،ونبات الحقل
nem nirwt `nte `tkoi@ `cmou `erwou. plants of the field; bless
Ari`vmeui P[oic `mpiproedroc Remember, O Lord the أذكر يا رب رئيس (ملك) أرضنا
president (king) of our land, إحفظه في سالم وعدل،عبدك
(`mpiouro) `nte penkahi pekbwk@ `areh Your servant; keep him in .وقوة
peace, truth, and strength.
`erof qen ouhiryny nem oumetjwri.
Ari`vmeui P[oic Remember, O Lord, أذكر يا رب المسبيين نجهم
those who are in captivity; .ً جميعا
`nnyetauere,malwteuin `mmwou@ save them all.
nahmou tyrou.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nnenio] nem Remember, O Lord, our أذكر يا رب آبائنا وإخواتنا الذين
fathers and brethren who رقدوا وتنيحوا في اإليمان
nen`cnyou `etauenkot au`mton `mmowu@ have fallen asleep and نيح نفوسهم،األرثوذكسي
reposed in the orthodox .أجمعين
qen `vnah] `nor;odoxoc@ ma`mton
faith; repose all their souls.
`nno'u,y tyrou.
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nny`etau`ini nak Remember, O Lord, أذكر يا رب الذين قدموا لك هذه
those who have brought to ، والذين قدمت عنهم،القرابين
`eqoun `nnai dwron@ nem ny`etau`enou You these gifts and those on أعطهم،والذين قدمت بواسطتهم
whose behalf they have .كلهم األجر السمائي
`ejwou@nem ny`etau`enou `ebolhitotou@
been brought, and those by
moi nwou tyrou `mpibe,e pi`ebolqen whom they have been
brought. Give them all the
nivyou`i. heavenly reward.
marouer`pem`psa `mpijwkem `nte the remission of their sins,
as You prepare them to be a
piou`ahem mici `e`p,w `ebol `nte temple of Your Holy Spirit.
nounobi@ ekcob] `mmwou `nouervei `nte
Pek`pneuma e;ouab.
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt By the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh
God and Savior Jesus
Pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي ينبغي من قبله المجد
glory, the honor, the واإلكرام والعز والسجود يليق بك
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship ومع الروح القدس المحيي،معه
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of
one essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
The serving priest says the following Prayer of the ً يقول الكاهن الخديم نفسه صالة الحجاب سرا
Veil inaudibly as he stands before the veil of the وهو واقف مقابل حجاب المذبح مطامن
sanctuary with his head bowed toward the East. :الرأس إلى الشرق وهي هذه
Vnou] vy`ete e;be O God, who in Your يا هللا الذي من أجل محبته للبشر
ineffable love toward أرسلت إبنك،التي ال ينطق بها
tekmetmairwmi `nat`scaji `mmoc@ mankind sent Your only- الوحيد إلى العالم ليرد إليك
begotten Son into the world .الخروف الضال
akouwrp `mpekmonogenyc `nSyri
that He may return the lost
`epikocmoc@ hina `nteftac;o `erok sheep to You.
`mpi`ecwou `etafcwrem.
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat Your نسأل ونتضرع إلى صالحك يا
goodness, O Lover of أن ال يكون هذا،محب البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ je hina Mankind, that this mystery ،السر الذي دبرته لخالصنا
which You have .دينونة لنا وال لشعبك أجمع
`ntef`stemswpi nan euhap nem
administered to us for
peklaoc tyrf@ `nje paimeuctyrion salvation may not be unto
condemnation to us or to
`etakeroikonomin `mmof nan `eououjai. any of Your people.
Alla `eoufw] `ebol `nte nennobi@ But unto the washing ً ولكن محوا ً لخطايانا وغفرانا
away of our sins and the ومجدا ً وإكراما ً إلسمك،لتكاسلنا
nem ou,w `ebol `nte nenmet`amelyc@ forgiveness of our القدوس أيها اآلب واالبن والروح
negligence, and unto the .القدس
`eou`wou de nem outai`o `mpekran
glory and honor of Your
e;ouab Viwt nem Psyri nem holy name, O Father and
Son and Holy Spirit.
Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
The priest, having made a prostration to the East .يسجد الكاهن تجاه الشرق أمام باب الهيكل
before the altar, receives absolution from the pope, the ويضرب المطانية للبابا أو المطران أو
metropolitan, or the bishop, if any of them is present. ليتلقي منه،ًاألسقف إذا كان أحدهم حاضرا
Then he stands at the west side of the altar facing East. ثم يقف غربي المذبح متجها ً إلى.الحل
Then he prays the three long litanies. . ثم يصلي الثالثة أواشي الكبار.الشرق
The Three Long Litanies
الثالث األواشي الكبار
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلبُ من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب سالم كنيستك،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi. `ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember, O الواحدة الوحيدة المقدسة
Lord, the peace of your .الجامعة الرسولية
P[oic `n]hiryny `nte teko`ui `mmauatc
one, only, holy, catholic,
e;ouab `nka;oliky `na
` poctoliky and apostolic Church.
`apoctolikyc or;odoxou tou :eou
Nilaoc tyrou nem ni`ohi tyrou All peoples and all .كل الشعوب وكل القطعان
flocks, bless. The heavenly السالم الذي من.باركهم
`cmou `erwou@ ]hiryny ]`ebol qen peace, send down into all السموات إنزله على قلوبنا
our hearts; even the peace بل وسالم هذا العمر أنعم.جميعا
nivyou`i@ myic `e`qryi `enenhyt tyrou.
of this life, graciously grant .ً به علينا إنعاما
Alla nem ]kehiryny `nte paibioc to us.
Pouro `nte ]hiryny moi nan O King of Peace, grant ، أعطنا سالمك،يا ملك السالم
us Your peace; for You .الن كل شئ قد أعطيتنا
`ntekhiryny@ hwb gar niben aktyitou have given us all things.
Jvon nak Vnou] pencwtyr@ je Acquire us to Yourself, اقتننا لك يا هللا مخلصنا ألننا ال
O God our Savior, for we إس ُمك القدوس،آخر سواكَ ُنعرف
tencwoun `nkeouai an `ebyl `erok@ know none other but You. .هو الذي نقوله
Your Holy name we utter.
Pekran e;ouab petenjw `mmof.
Marouwnq `nje ny`ete noun May our souls live by .بروحك القدوس
ِ فلتحي نفوسُنا
Your Holy Spirit.
`m'u,y hiten Pek`pneuma e;ouab.
Ouoh `mpen`;refjemjom `eron And let not the death of وال تدع موت الخطية يقوى
sin have dominion over us, ِ (وال على، نح ُن عبيدك،علينا
`anon qa nek`ebiaik@ `nje `vmou `nte we Your servants, (nor over *).شعـِبك
all Your people.)*
hannobi@ (oude qa peklaoc tyrf.)*
* Said by the pope or a metropolitan or a bishop, if * يقولها اآلب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف
present: .ًإذا كان حاضرا
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلبُ من صالحك يا محب
Your goodness, O Lover of اذكر يا رب بطريركنا،البشر
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi@ ari`vmeu`i Mankind, remember, O األب المكرم رئيس الكهنة البابا
Lord, our honored patriarch ) وأخويه الروحيين مار...( أنبا
P[oic `mpenpatriar,yc `niwt
and father, the high priest, ) بطريرك أنطاكية...( أغناطيوس
ettaiyout `nar,i`ereuc papa abba (...) Pope Abba (…), and his .) بطريرك أريتريا...( وأبونا
spiritual brothers, the
nem nef`cnyou `m`pneumatikon@ Patriarch of Antioch Mar
Ignatius (…) and the
pipatriar,yc `nt ` Anti`o,i`a Mar
Patriarch of Eritrea Abouna
Ignatioc (...)@ nem pipatriar,yc (…).
Nem pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc And his partner in the وشريكه في الخدمة الرسولية
apostolic liturgy, our father أبينا المطران (األسقف) المكرم
peniwt `mmytropolityc (`ne` pickopoc) the metropolitan (bishop), .)...( األنبا
abba (...). Abba (…).
Ke twn `or;odoxwn `ymwn And for our orthodox .وسائر أساقفتنا األرثوذكسيين
`etaktenhoutou `eroc `ebolhitotk Yourself, according to Your
holy and blessed will,
`mmet`ar,i`ereuc@ kata pekouws
Euswt `ebol `m`pcaji `nte rightly dividing the ،مفصلين كلمة الحق باستقامة
word of truth, shepherding .راعين شعبك بطهارة وبر
]me;myi qen oucwouten@ eu`amoni Your people in purity and
`mpeklaoc qen outoubo nem
Nem ni`epickopoc tyrou and all the orthodox ،وجميع األساقفة األرثوذكسيين
bishops, hegumens, priests, والقمامصة والقـسوس
`nor;odoxoc@ nem nihygoumenoc nem and deacons, and all the وكـل امتـالء،والشمامسة
fullness of Your one, only, كنيستك الواحدة الوحيدة المقدسة
ni`precbuteroc@ nem nidiakwn@ nem
holy, catholic, and apostolic .الجامعة الرسولية
`vmoh tyrf `nte tekou`i `mmauatc Church.
Ek`eer,arizec;e nwou neman Grant them and us أنعـم عليـهم وعلينا بالسالم
peace and safety in every .والعافية في كل مـوضــع
`nouhiryny nem ououjai `ebolqen mai place.
Nou`proceu,y de etou`iri `mmwou Their prayers which ،وصلواتهم التي يقدمونها عنا
they offer on our behalf, (وعن كل شعبك)* وصلواتنا
`e`hryi `ejwn@ (nem `ejen peklaoc (and on behalf of all Your .نحن أيضا عنهم
people)*, as well as ours on
tyrf)*@ nem noun hwn `e`hryi `ejwou.
their behalf,
* Said by the pope, a metropolitan or a bishop, if * يقولها اآلب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف
present. .ًإن كان حاضرا
The deacon presents the censer to the priest, who puts هنا يقدم الشماس المجمرة إلى الكاهن فيضع
a spoonful of incense into it, while saying: :فيها يد بخور واحدة وهو يقول
Sopou `erok `ejen Receive them upon إقبلها إليك على مذبحك المقدس
Your holy, rational altar of .الناطق السمائى رائحة بخور
pek;uciactyrion e;ouab@ `nellogimon heaven, as a sweet savor of
`nte `tve `eou`c;oi `nc` ;oinoufi.
Noujaji men tyrou ny`etounau All their enemies, فسائر أعدائهم الذين يرون
visible and invisible, اسحقهم وأذلهم،والذين ال يرون
`erwou@ nem ny`ete `ncenau `erwou an trample and humiliate under .ً تحت أرجلهم سريعا
their feet speedily.
qemqwmou ouoh ma;ebiwou capecyt
`nnou[alauj `n,wlem.
N;wou de `areh `erwou qen As for them, keep them وأما هم فاحفظهم في سالم وعدل
in peace and righteousness .في كنيستك المقدسة
ouhuryny nemoudie`ocuny@ qen in Your holy Church.
tekek`klycia e;ouab.
This prayer is said by the pope, a metropolitan or a يقولها اآلب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف إن
bishop, if present. .ًكان حاضرا
* The priest makes the sign of the cross once on the :* هنا يرشم الشعب رشما واحدا ً وهو يقول
people, saying:
cun`eleucewn `ymwn.
The priest takes the censer and says: :يأخذ الكاهن المجمرة ويقول
The priest stretches forth his hand with the censer يمد الكاهن يده بالمجمرة فوق المذبح إلى
over the altar toward the four corners, first to the East, الجهات األربع بمثال الصليب أي إلى الشرق
then to the west, the north, and the south, while saying: :ثم الغرب ثم الشمال ثم الجنوب وهو يقول
Hanyi `neu,y@ hanyi `ntoubo@ Houses of prayer, بيوت، بيوت طهارة،بيوت صالة
houses of purity, houses of انعم بها لنـا يـارب ولعبيدِك.بركة
hanyi `nc` mou@ `ari,arizec;e `mmwou blessing. Grant them to us, .اآلتين بعدنا إلى األبد
O Lord, and Your servants
nan P[oic@ nem nek`ebiaik e;nyou
who will come after us,
menencwn sa `eneh. forever.
The following litany may be said. :هنا تقال هذه األوشية أو تترك
}metsamse `idwlon qen oujwk The worship of idols, اقلعها من،عبادة األوثان بالتمام
utterly uproot from the .العالم
fojc `ebolqen pikocmoc. world.
Pcatanac nem jom niben ethwou Satan and all his evil ،الشيطان وكل قواته الشريرة
powers, trample and اسحقهم وأذلهم تحت أقـدامنا
`ntaf qemqwmou ouoh ma;ebi`wou humiliate under our feet .سريعا
capecyt `nnen[alauj `n,wlem.
Ni`ckandalon nem nyet`iri `mmwou All offenses and their ،الشكوك وفاعليها ابطلهم
instigators, abolish. Let the .ولينقض افتراقات فساد البدع
korfou@ maroukyn `nje nivwrj dissensions of corrupt
heresies cease.
`m`ptako `nte niherecic.
Nijaji `nte tekek`klycia e;ouab The enemies of Your ،أعداء كنيستك المقدسة يارب
Holy Church, O Lord, as at . اآلن أيضـا ً أذلهم،مثل كل زمان
P[oic@ `mvry] `ncyou niben nem ]nou all times, now also
Bwl `ntoumet[acihyt `ebol@ Strip their vanity, show عرفهم ضعفهم،حل تعاظمهم
them their weakness .سريعا
matamwou `etoumetjwb `n,wlem. speedily.
The priest censes towards the East three times above ثم يرفع الكاهن يده ويبخر شرقا ً فوق المذبح
the altar, saying: :ثالث مرات وهو يقول
The priest turns to the west and censes the priests, the ثم يلتفت إلى الغرب ويعطي البخور ثالث
deacons, and the people three times, saying: مرات للكهنة والشمامسة والشعب وهو
Peklaoc de marefswpi qen But let Your people be ألوف
َ ،وأما شعبك فليكن بالبركة
in blessing, thousands of يصنعون،ٍت ربواتِ ألوفٍ وربوا
pi`cmou `ehananso `nso@ nem han`;ba thousands and ten thousand .إرادَتك
times ten thousand, doing
` ba@ eu`iri `mpekouws.
Your will.
The priest turns to the East, saying inaudibly: :ًثم يلتفت إلى الشرق وهو يقول سرا
Qen pi`hmot nem nimetsenhyt Through the grace, بالنعمة والرأفات ومحبة البشر
compassion, and love of اللواتي البنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
nem ]metmairwmi `nte pekmonogenyc mankind, of Your only- .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh Pencwtyr
God and Savior Jesus
Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد واإلكرام
glory, the honor, the ،والعزة والسجود تليق بك معه
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship مع الروح القدس المحيي
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, who is of one
essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
At the words ‘Through whom the glory... Vai `ete ...وعندما يقول " هذا الذي من قبله المجد
" يعطي البخور إلى الشرقVai `ete `ebol
`ebol” the priest again censes three times toward the East,
then gives the censer to the deacon.
. ثم يعطي المجمرة للشماس،ثالث مرات
The Orthodox Creed
قانون اإليمان
Tennah] `eounou] `nouwt@ We believe in one God, ضابط، هللا اآلب،نؤمن بإله واحد
God the Father, the ما، خالق السماء واألرض،الكل
Vnou] Viwt pipantokratwr@ Pantocrator, Who created .ي َُرى وما ال يرى
heaven and earth, and all
vy`etaf;amio `n`tve nem `pkahi@
things, seen and unseen.
ny`etounau `erwou nem ny`ete `ncenau
erwou an.
Tennah] `eou[oic `nouwt Iycouc We believe in one Lord ،نؤمن برب واحد يسوع المسيح
Jesus Christ, the only - المولود من اآلب،ابن هللا الوحيد
Pi`,rictoc Psyri `mVnou] begotten Son of God, .قبل كل الدهور
begotten of the Father
pimonogenyc@ pimici `ebolqen Viwt
before all ages.
qajwou `nni`ewn tyrou.
Ououwini `ebolqen ououwni@ Light of light; true God إله حق من إله،نور من نور
of true God; begotten not مساو، مولود غير مخلوق،حق
ounou] `nta`vmy `ebolqen ounou] created; of one essence with الذي به كان،لآلب في الجوهر
the Father; by Whom all .كل شيء
`nta`vmyi@ oumici pe ou;amio an pe@
things were made.
ou`omooucioc pe nem Viwt vy`eta hwb
Vai `ete e;byten `anon qa nirwmi Who, for us men and ،هذا الذي من أجلنا نحن البشر
for our salvation, came نزل من،ومن أجل خالصنا
nem e;be penoujai@ af`i `epecyt down from heaven, and was وتجسد من الروح،السماء
incarnate of the Holy Spirit ،القدس ومن مريم العذراء
`eblqen `tve@ af[icarx `ebolqen
and of the Virgin Mary, and .وتأنس
Pi`pneuma e;ouab nem `ebolqen Maria became man.
Ouoh auer`ctaurwnin `mmof `e`hryi And He was crucified وصلب عنا على عهد بيالطس
for us under Pontius Pilate; . وتألم وقبر،البنطي
`ejwn nahren Pontioc Pilatoc@ suffered and was buried.
afsep`mkah ouoh aukocf.
Ouoh aftwnf `ebolqen And the third day He وقام من بين األموات في اليوم
rose from the dead, .الثالث كما في الكتب
nye;mwout qen pi`ehoou `mmahsomt according to the scriptures.
kata ni`gravy.
Afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i He ascended into the وجلس عن،وصعد إلى السموات
heavens and sat at the right وأيضا يأتي في مجده،يمين أبيه
afhemci caou`inam `mpeviwt@ Ke hand of His Father; and He الذي،ليدين األحياء واألموات
is coming again in His .ليس لملكه انقضاء
palin `fnyou qen Pef`wou e]hap
Glory to judge the living
`enyetonq nem nye;mwout@ vy`ete and the dead; Whose
Kingdom shall have no end.
tefmetouro oua;mounk te.
Ce tennah] `ePi`pneuma e;ouab Yes, we believe in the الرب،نعم نؤمن بالروح القدس
Holy Spirit, the Lord, the نسجد.المحيى المنبثق من اآلب
P[oic `nref] `m`pwnq vye;nyou Giver of Life, Who ،له ونمجده مع اآلب واالبن
proceeds from the Father; .الناطق في األنبياء
`ebolqen Viwt. Ceouwst `mmof
Who, with the Father and
ce]`wou naf nem Viwt nem Psyri@ the Son, is worshipped and
glorified; Who spoke by the
vy`etafcaji qen ni`provytyc. prophets.
Eoui `na
` gia `nka;oliky And in one, holy, وبكنيسة واحدة مقدسة جامعة
catholic (universal) and ونعترف بمعمودية.رسولية
` poctoliky `nek`klycia. apostolic church, we .واحدة لمغفرة الخطايا
confess one baptism for the
Tener`omologin `nouwmc `nouwt
remission of sins.
`e`p,w `ebol `nte ninobi.
Tenjoust `ebol qa`thy We look for the وننتظر قيامة األموات وحياة
resurrection of the dead, . أمين.الدهر اآلتي
`n]`anactacic `nte nirefmwout@ nem and the life of the age to
come. Amen.
piwnq `nte pi`ewn e;nyou@ `amyn.
The Prayer of Reconciliation is not said. Instead, they chant the following Aspasmos and
then “Through the intercessions of the Theotokos, Saint Mary”
ال تقال صالة الصلح بل يقال بدالً منها األسبسمس اآلدام التالي ثم بشفاعات والدة اإلله
Aspasmos Adam
األسبسمس اآلدام
Piouwini `nta `vmyi@ vy`eterouwini@ O true Light, that shines أيها النور الحقيقى الذي يضئ
upon, every man, that .لكل انسان آت إلي العالم
`erwmi niben@ e;nyou `epikocmoc. comes into the world.
Hiten ni`precbia `nte ];e`otokoc Through the بشفاعات والدة اإلله القديسة
intercessions of the يا رب انعم لنا بمغفرة،مريم
e;ouab Maria@ P[oic ari`hmot nan Theotokos, Saint Mary, O .خطايانا
Lord, grant us the
`mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi.
forgiveness of our sins.
Daring the above chant, the priest washes his hands يغسل الكاهن يديه في،وفي أثناء تلحينها
three times at the north side of the sanctuary, saying the جانب المذبح البحري ثالث مرات وهو يقول
first time (inaudibly): :)ًفي المرة األولي (سرا
The second time, he says: :وفي المرة الثانية يقول
Ek`e`;ricwtem `eou;elyl nem Make me hear joy and فتبتهج،تسمعني سرورا وفرحا
gladness that the bones You :51 عظامي المنسحقة (مزمور
ou`ounof@ eu`e;elyl `mmwou `nje nikac have broken may rejoice في النسخة3 :51 مزمور- 3
(Psalm 50: 8 - Psalm 51: 8 .)القبطبة
in Coptic copy).
}naia tot `ebolqen pe;ouab@ I will wash my hands in اغسل يدي بالنقاوة واطوف
innocence. So I will go بمذبحك يا رب لكيما اسمع صوت
ouoh `ntakw] `epekma`nerswousi about Your altar, O Lord. :32 هلليلويا (مزمور.تسبيحك
Alleluia (Psalm 25: 6, 7 - في9-2 :35 مزمور- 9-2
P[oic@ `e`pjintacwtem `e`p`qrwou `nte
Psalm 26: 6, 7 in Coptic .)النسخة القبطية
pek`cmou. Allyloui`a. copy).
The Anaphora
Turning to the west, the priest signs the people once يرشم الكاهن الشعب غربا ً رشما ً واحدا ً بمثال
with the sign of the cross, saying: :الصليب وهو يقول
The priest turns to the East and signs the deacons on ً يرشم الكاهن الخدام شرقا ً عن يمينه رشما
his right once with the sign of the cross, saying: :واحدا ً وهو يقول
The priest signs himself once with the sign of the :ثم يرشم الكاهن ذاته رشما ً واحداً وهو يقول
cross, saying:
axion ke dikeon.
Vyetsop `vnyb P[oic Vnou] `nte O You, The Being, أيها الكائن السيد الرب اإلله
Master, Lord, God of Truth, الكائن قبل الدهور والمالك.الحق
]me;myi. Vyetsop qajwou `nni`eneh@ being before the ages and .إلى األبد
reigning forever.
ouoh etoi `nouro sa `eneh.
Vyetsop qen nyet[oci@ ouoh Who dwells in the الساكـن في األعالي والناظر إلى
highest and look upon the .المتواضعات
etjoust `ejen nyet;ebiyout. lowly;
Vy`etaf;amio `n`tve nem `pkahi who have created the الـذي خلق السماء واألرض
heaven, the earth, the sea, .والبحر وكل ما فيها
nem `viom@ nem ny`ete `nqytou tyrou. and all that is therein.
Viwt `mPen[oic ouoh Pennou] The Father of our Lord, أبو ربنا وإلهنا ومخلصنا يسوع
God, and Savior Jesus .المسيح
ouoh pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ.
Vai `etak;amio `m`ptyrf By whom You have ما يري،هذا الذي خلقت الكل به
created all things, visible .وما ال يري
`ebolhitotf@ ny`etounau `erwou nem and invisible.
ny`ete `ncenau `erwou an.
Vyethemci hijen pi`;ronoc `nte Who sits upon the ،الجالس على كرسى مجده
throne of His glory; and المسجود له من جميع القوات
pef`wou@ vy`etououwst `mmof hiten who is worshipped by all .المقدسة
the holy powers.
jom niben e;ouab.
nimet[oic@ nijom.
Je `agioc `agioc `agioc@ Kurioc “Holy, holy, holy, Lord of رب. قدوس. قدوس.قدوس
hosts. Heaven and earth are السماء واألرض.الصاباؤت
cabaw;@ `plyryc `o ouranoc ke `y gy@ full of Your holy glory.” .مملوءتان من مجدك االقدس
tyc `agiac cou doxyc.
The priest takes in his right hand the veil that is upon ثم يأخذ الكاهن اللفافة الموضوعة على
the chalice, and with it makes the sign of the cross three ،الكأس بيده اليمني ويرشم بها ثالثة رشوم
times; firstly, upon himself, his face being turned toward .األول علي ذاته وهو متجه إلى الشرق
the East, then upon the deacons on his right hand, and والثالث على.والثاني على الخدام عن يمينه
lastly towards the west, upon the people, saying “Holy وكل رشم يقول "أجيوس.الشعب إلى الغرب
`agioc” each time:
<ouab@ <,ouab@ <ouab@ qen Holy, holy, holy, بالحقيقة، قدوس، قدوس،قدوس
indeed, O Lord our God. .أيها الرب إلهنا
oume;myi P[oic Pennou].
Vy`etafer`plazin `mmon@ ouoh Who formed us, created الذي جبلنا وخلقنا ووضعنا في
us, and placed us in the .فردوس النعيم
af;amion@ ouoh af,au qen paradise of joy.
piparadicoc `nte `pounof.
Mpek,an `ncwk on sa `ebol@ You have not لم تتركنا عنك أيضا إلى
abandoned us to the end, بل تعهدتنا دائما،االنقضاء
alla akjempensini qen oumoun but have always visited us .بأنبيائك القديسين
through Your holy
`ebol hiten nek`provytyc e;ouab.
Ouoh qen `tqa`e `nte ni`ehoou And in the last days نحن،وفي آخر االيام ظهرت لنا
You manifested Yourself to الجلوس في الظلمة وظالل
akouwnh nan `ebol@ `anon qa us, who were sitting in .الموت
darkness and the shadow of
nyethemci qen `p,aki nem `tqyibi
Hiten pekmonogenyc `nSyri Through Your only- بابنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
begotten Son, our Lord, .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh God, and Savior Jesus
pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc. Christ,
Vai `ete `ebolqen Pi`pneuma who, of the Holy Spirit هذا الذي من الروح القدس ومن
and of the holy Virgin .العذراء القديسة مريم
e;ouab@ nem `ebolqen ]par;enoc Mary.
e;ouab Maria.
The deacon presents the censer to the priest, who puts يقدم الشماس المجمرة إلى الكاهن فيضع
a spoonful of incense into it. .فيها يد بخور
Eafer,arizec;e nan `mpimici He granted us the birth وأنعم لنا بالميالد الذي من فوق
from on high through water .بواسطة الماء والروح
pi`ebol `m`pswi hiten oumwou nem and Spirit.
Afaiten naf `noulaoc ef;ouyt@ He made us unto وصيرنا،ً وجعلنا له شعبا ً مجتمعا
Himself an assembled .أطهارا ً بروحك القدوس
af`;renswpi enouab@ hiten people, and sanctified us by
Your Holy Spirit.
Pek`pneuma e;ouab.
Vai etafmenre ny`ete nouf etqen He loved His own who هذا الذي أحب خاصته الذين في
are in the world, and gave إلى، وسلم ذاته فدا ًء عنا،العالم
pikocmoc@ aftyif `mmin `mmof `ncw] Himself up for our هذا،الموت الذي تملك علينا
salvation unto death, which مبيعين من،الذي كنا ممسكين به
qaron@ `e`vmou etoi `nouro `e`hryi `ejwn@
reigned over us, whereby .قبل خطايانا
vai `enau`amoni `mmon `ebol hitotf@ we were bound and sold on
account of our sins.
entoi `ebol hiten nennobi.
Afsenaf `epecyt `e`amen] `ebol He descended into .نزل إلى الجحيم من قبل الصليب
Hades through the Cross.
hiten pi`ctauroc.
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Amen. I believe. .حقا أؤمن
Amyn ]nah].
Afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ He ascended into the وجلس عن،وصعد إلى السموات
heavens and sat at Your .يمينك أيها اآلب
afhemci catekou`inam Viwt. right hand, O Father.
Eaf;ws `nou`ehoou `n]sebi`w@ vai He has appointed a Day هذا الذي،ورسم يوما للمجازاة
for recompense, on which يظهر فيه ليدين المسكونة
`ete `fnaouwnh `ebol `nqytf@ `e]hap He will appear to judge the ويعطى كل واحد حسب،بالعدل
world in righteousness, and .أعماله
`e]oikoumeny qen oudike`ocuny@ ouoh
give each one according to
`fna] `mpiouai piouai kata nef`hbyou`i. his deeds.
The priest censes his hands three times and then يبخر الكاهن يديه على المجمرة ثالث مرات
censes the bread, followed by the wine, with his hands, ثم يبخر بيديه إلى القربانة ثم إلى الخمر وهو
while saying: :يقول
The priest takes away his smoke-filled hands from ثم يرفع الكاهن يديه من فوق المجمرة
the censer, and says: :بالبخور ويقول
Ef;ys gar `etyif `e`vmou qa `pwnq For being determined to ألنه فيما هو راسم أن يسلم نفسه
give Himself up to death .للموت عن حياة العالم
`mpikocmoc. for the life of the world.
The priest takes the bread into his left hand, raises the يأخذ الكاهن القربانة ويضعها على يده
silk veil which was beneath it on the paten and kisses it, ويرفع اللفافة الحرير التي تحتها،اليسري
then places it on the altar, saying: في الصينية ويقبلها بفيه ويتركها على
:المذبح وهو يقول
The priest places his right hand upon the bread that is يضع الكاهن يده اليمني على القربانة التي
in his left hand, raises his eyes upward, and says: ويرفع نظره إلى فوق،على يده اليسري
The priest makes the sign of the cross with his finger يرشم الكاهن الخبز بأصبعه ثالثة رشوم وفي
three times, and each time the people responds, saying, ."كل رشم يجاوبه الشعب قائلين "آمين
“Amen.” :في أول رشم يقول الكاهن
At the first signing, the priest says:
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
And when He had given .وشكر
Etafsep`hmot. thanks.
The priest breaks the oblation into a two-thirds and a ثم يقسم القربانة ثلثين وثلثا ً بعناية من غير
one-third part, carefully, slightly, and without separating ومن غير أن يمس.فصل بعضهما عن بعض
one part from the other, and without touching the وتكون القسمة بإبهام يده.االسباديقون
Despotikon. The fraction must be made with his right ويجعل القسمة من.اليمني وليس بالظفر
thumb, and not with the nail. Making the fraction from فوق إلى أسفل ويكون الثلث عن يمينه
the top to the bottom with the one-third part on his right
: وهو يقول،والثلثان عن يساره
and the two-thirds part on his left, he says:
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
He broke it, and gave it وأعطاه لتالميذه،وقسمه
Afvasf aftyif `nny`ete nouf to His own holy disciples :القديسين ورسله األطهار قائال
and saintly apostles, saying, ألن هذا،"خذوا كلوا منه كلكم
` gioc `mma;ytyc@ ouoh `na
` poctoloc
“Take, eat of it, all of you. .هو جسدي
e;ouab efjw `mmoc@ je [i ouwm `ebol For this is My Body,
The priest slightly and gently breaks the top of the ًهنا يفرق رأس القربانة من فوق قليال
oblation with the tips of his fingers, without completely بأطراف أصابعه بعناية من غير فصل
separating it. He places it in the paten, and cleans his وينظف يديه داخل.ويضعها في الصينية
hands inside the paten so that nothing of the oblation الصينية لئال يكون قد التصق بهما شيئ من
should adhere to them. He does this while saying: : وهو يقول،القربانة
The priest places his hand upon the rim of the chalice, :يضع الكاهن يده على حافة الكأس ويقول
and says:
nem oumwou.
The priest makes the sign of the cross on the chalice يرشم الكاهن الكأس ثالثة رشوم وفي كل
three times, and each time the people responds, saying, ."رشم يجاوبه الشعب قائلين "آمين
“Amen.” :في أول رشم يقول الكاهن
At the first signing, the priest says:
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
And when He had given .وشكر
Etafsep`hmot. thanks.
The priest holds the rim of the chalice with his hands, :يمسك الكاهن حافة الكأس بيده ويقول
The priest moves the chalice in the form of the cross, أي يميلها،يحرك الكأس مثال الصليب
inclining it carefully first to the west, then to the East, to باحتراس إلى الغرب أوالً ثم الشرق والشمال
the north, and to the south, while saying: : وهو يقول،والجنوب
Je [i cw `ebol `nqytf tyrou. “Take, drink of it all of ."خذوا اشربوا منه كلكم
The priest points with his hand to the chalice, and :ثم يشير بيديه إلى الكأس ويقول
Vai gar pe pa`cnof `nte ]dia;yky For this is My blood of ألن هذا هو دمي الذي للعهد
the new covenant which is الذي يُسفَك عنكم وعن،الجديد
`mberi@ `etounavonf `ebol `ejen ;ynou shed for you and for many, .كثيرين يعطي لمغفرة الخطايا
to be given for the ".هذا اصنعوه لذكري
nem hankemys@ `ncetyif `e`p,w `ebol
remission of sins. This do
`nte ninobi@ vai `aritf `epaer`vmeu``i. in remembrance of Me.”
The priest points with his hand to the Body, saying: :يشير الكاهن بيديه إلى الجسد وهو يقول
The priest points with his hand to the chalice, and :ثم يشير بيديه إلى الكأس وهو يقول
ouoh `ntetencw `ebolqen pai`avot vai@ And drink of this cup, .وتشربون من هذه الكأس
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Amen. Amen. Amen. بموتك يا رب. آمين. آمين.آمين
Amyn `amyn `amyn@ ton ;anaton Your death, O Lord, we وبقيامتك المقدسة،نبشر
proclaim. Your holy . نعترف،وصعودك إلى السموات
cou Kuri`e kataggelomen@ ke tyn
Resurrection and Ascension
`agian cou `anactacin ke tyn into the heavens, we
`analy'in cou en tic ouranic ce
Nem tefmah`cnou] `mparoucia@ And His Second وظهوره الثاني اآلتي من
Coming from the heavens, المخوف المملوء،السموات
e;nyou `ebolqen nivyou`i@ etoi `nho] awesome and full of glory, .ًمجدا
ouoh e;meh `nw
` ou.
Tener`procverin nak `nny`ete nouk we offer unto You Your ،نقرب لك قرابينك من الذي لك
gifts from what is Yours, ومن أجل كل حال،على كل حال
`ndwron `ebolqen ny`ete nouk@ kata for everything, concerning .وفى كل حال
everything, and in
hwb niben@ nem e;be hwb niben@ nem
qen hwb niben.
While all the people bow their heads, they say: يسجد جميع الشعب هلل ويقولون وهم
.مطامنون رؤوسهم
While kneeling with hands stretched forth, the priest ً يقول الكاهن أوشية حلول الروح القدس سرا
says the following Prayer of the Descent of the Holy : وهي هذه،وهو ساجد وباسط يديه
Spirit (the Epiclesis) inaudibly.
Tenouwst `mmok `ebol hiten we worship You by the ليحل،نسجد لك بمسرة صالحك
pleasure of Your goodness; .روحك القدوس
`p]ma] `nte tekmet`aga;oc@ e;re thatYour Holy Spirit may
Pek`pneuma e;ouab `i `e`qrhi.
He points to himself with his hands and then to the يشير بيديه إلى ذاته ثم إلى القرابين
oblations present before him and says: :الموضوعة أمامه ويقول
`ejwn nem `ejen naidwron nai upon us and upon these علينا وعلى هذه القرابين
gifts set forth, and purify ويطهرها وينقلها،الموضوعة
et,y `e`qryi@ ouoh `nteftoubwou@ ouoh them, change them, and .ويظهرها قدسا ً لقديسيك
manifest them as a
`ntefouo;bou@ ouoh `ntefouonhou
sanctification of Your
`ebol e;ouab `nte nye;ouab `ntak. saints.
Everyone raises his head, and, three times, the priest ويرشم الكاهن،يرفع الجميع رؤوسهم
quickly signs with the sign of the cross the oblation القربان ثالثة رشوم بسرعة وهو موضوع
which is upon the paten, and says aloud: :في الصينية ويصرخ ويقول
Meanwhile, the priest stretches forth his hands and يبسط الكاهن يديه ويخضع برأسه للرب
bows his head to the Lord, saying inaudibly: :ًويقول سرا
Three times, the priest quickly signs the chalice with يرشم الكاهن الكأس أيضا ً ثالثة رشوم
the sign of the cross, and says aloud: :بسرعة ويصرخ ويقول
The people bow down and say: :يسجد الشعب أيضا ويقول
Now indeed the bread has become the Body of Christ اآلن فقد صار القربان جسد المسيح والخمر
and the wine the Blood of Christ. After this, the signing, دم المسيح وصار رشمهما في ما بعد منهما
of both of Them shall be through Them and by Them. .وبهما
The priest takes a veil in his right hand and another ثم يأخذ الكاهن لفافة على يده اليمني ولفافة
one in his left hand, and says: :أخري على يده اليسري ويقول
nem nen`pneuma.
Hina `ntenswpi `noucwma `nouwt@ that we may become وروحا،لكي نكون جسدا واحدا
one body, and one spirit, ونجد نصيبا وميراثا مع،واحدا
nem ou`pneuma `nouwt@ `ntenjimi and may have a share and جميع القديسين الذين أرضوك
an inheritance with all the .منذ البدء
`noumeroc nem ou`klyroc@ nem
saints who have pleased
nye;ouab tyrou `etauranak icjen You since the beginning.
Areh `eroc qen ouhiryny@ nem Keep her in peace, with وكل األساقفة،احفظها بسالم
all the orthodox bishops .األرثوذكسيين الذين فيها
ni`epickopoc tyrou `nor;odoxoc `ete who are in her.
Nsorp men `ari`vmeu`i P[oic Foremost remember, O وأوالً اذكر يا رب بطريركنا األب
Lord, our blessed and .)...( المكرم رئيس الكهنة أنبا
`mpenmakarioc `niwt ettaiyout honored father, the
archbishop our patriarch,
`nar,i`epickopoc penpatria,yc abba
Abba (…).
Nem nef`cnyou `m`pneumatikon And his spiritual وأخويه الروحيين مار
brothers the Patriarch of ) بطريرك أنطاكية...( أغناطيوس
pipatriar,yc `nt
` Anti`o,i`a Mar Antioch Mar Ignatius (…) .) بطريرك أريتريا...( وأبونا
and the Patriarch of Eritrea
Ignatioc (...) nem pipatriar,yc
Abouna (…).
`nEritrea Apouna (...).
Nem pefke`svyr `nlitourgoc And his partner in the وشريكه في الخدمة أبينا
liturgy, our father the المطران (األسقف) المكرم األنبا
peniwt `mmytropolityc (`ne` pickopoc) metropolitan (bishop), )...(
Abba (…)
abba (...)
Then he concludes: :ثم يكمل
Ke twn `or;odoxwn `ymwn And for our orthodox .وسائر أساقفتنا األرثوذكسيين
*Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `nteknai nan *Remember, O Lord, to .*أذكر يا رب أن ترحمنا كلنا معا
have mercy upon us all.
tyrou eucop.
* To be said by the pope, a metropolitan or a bishop, ،* يقولها األب البابا أو المطران أو األسقف
if present. .ًإذا كان حاضرا
* ke tou monactyriou `ymwn * “This monastery of "* في األديرة يقال "وديرنا هذا
ours” is said in the ."بدالً من " ومدينتنا هذه
toutou monasteries instead of “this
city of ours”
`nte Vnou].
The priest says the appropriate prayer according to هنا يقول الكاهن ما يوافق الوقت من أوشية
the season, either the Litany of the Waters, the Litany of .المياه أو أوشية الزروع أو أوشية الثمار
the Plants, or the Litany of the Fruits. يونية إلي11( بابة1 بؤونة إلى13 من
From Paoni 12 to Paapi 9 (June 19 to October 19/20, . أكتوبر) يقول أوشية المياه هذه31/11
the Litany of the Waters is said:
From Paapi 10 to Tobi 10 (October 20/21 to January أكتوبر31/31( طوبة11 بابة إلى11 ومن
18/19), the Litany of the Plants is said: . يناير) يقول أوشية الزروع11/13 إلى
tairompi ;ai@ `cmou `erwou.
From Tobi 11 to Paoni 11 (January 19/20 to June 18), يناير31/11( بؤونة11 طوبة إلى11 ومن
the Litany of the Fruits is said: . يقول أوشية الثمار،) يونية13 إلى
ouhiryny a[ne `mkah@ `ntef,a nennobi
nan `ebol.
The three litanies may be combined as follows: .ويمكن أن يقال الثالثة أواشي معا
After any one of these three litanies, or the combined أو االوشية،وبعد كل أوشية من هذه الثالثة
litany, the priest continues with the following: :ً يكمل الكاهن قائال،الموحدة
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
Raise them to their فرح،اصعدها كمقدارها كنعمتك
Anitou `e`pswi kata nousi kata measure according to Your وجه األرض ليرو حرثها ولتكثر
grace. Give joy to the face .أثمارها
vy`ete vwk `nh
` mot@ ma`pounof `m`pho
of the earth. May its
`m`pkahi@ marou;iqi `nje nef`;lwm@ furrows be abundantly
watered and its fruits be
marou`asai `nje nefoutah. plentiful.
Cebtwtf `eou`jroj nem ouwcq@ Prepare it for sowing ودبر،أعدها للزرع والحصاد
and harvesting. Manage our .حياتنا كما يليق
ouoh `arioikonomin `mpenjinwnq kata lives as deemed fit.
Cmou `epi`,lom `nte ]rompi hiten Bless the crown of the بارك اكليل السنة بصالحك من
year with Your goodness من أجل،أجل فقراء شعبك
tekmet,ryctoc e;be nihyki `nte for the sake of the poor of والغريب،االرملة واليتيم
Your people, the widow, ومن أجلنا كلنا نحن،والضيف
peklaoc@ e;be ],yra nem piorvanoc
the orphan, the traveler, the الذين نرجوك ونطلب اسمك
nem pisemmo nem pirem`njwili@ nem stranger, and for the sake of .القدوس
us all who entreat You and
e;byten tyren qa nyeterhelpic `erok seek Your Holy Name.
Je nenbal `nouon niben For the eyes of ألنك أنت،ألن أعين الكل تترجاك
everyone wait upon You, الذي تعطيهم طعامهم في حين
ceerhelpic `erok@ je `n;ok et] for You give them their .حسن
food in due season.
`ntou`qre nwou qen oucyou `enanef.
Ariou`i neman kata Deal with us according يا،اصنع معنا حسب صالحك
to Your goodness, O You امأل.معطيا طعاما لكل جسد
tekmetaga;oc@ vy et] `qre `ncarx who give food to all flesh. لكي نحن،قلوبنا فرحا ونعيم
Fill our hearts with joy and أيضا إذ يكون لنا الكفاية في كل
niben@ moh `nnenhyt `nrasi nem
gladness that we too, having كل حين نزداد في كل عمل،شئ
sufficiency in every thing
ouounof@ hina `anon hwn `ere `vrwsi .صالح
always, may abound in
`ntoten qen hwb niben `ncyou niben@ every good deed.
`ntenerhou`o qen hwb niben `naga;on.
The priest points with his hands to the oblations set وبعد ذلك يشير الكاهن بيديه إلى القرابين
before him, saying the following (which is said by the الموضوعة أمامه وهو يقول (يقولها األب
pope, the metropolitan or the bishop, if present): إذا كان،البابا أو المطران أو االسقف
Nenio] e;ouab@ nipatriar,yc Our holy fathers the آباءنا االطهار رؤساء اآلباء
patriarchs, the prophets, the والرسل والمبشرين،واألنبياء
ni`provytyc ni`apoctoloc nirefhiwis apostles, the preachers, the والشهداء،واإلنجيليين
evangelists, the martyrs, the وكل أرواح،والمعترفين
nieuaggelictyc nimarturoc
confessors, and all the الذين كملوا في،الصديقين
spirits of the righteous
ni`omologityc@ nem `pneuma niben .االيمان
perfected in the faith.
` myi `etaujwk `ebol qen `vnah].
Nem pi`agioc Iwannyc And Saint John the والقديس يوحنا السابق الصابغ
forerunner, Baptist, and والقديس استفانوس،والشهيد
pi`prodromoc `mbaptictyc ouoh martyr; Saint Stephen the ،رئيس الشمامسة وأول الشهداء
archdeacon and وناظر اإلله اإلنجيلى مرقس
`mmarturoc@ nem pi`agioc Ctevanoc
protomartyr; the beholder- .الرسول الطاهر والشهيد
piar,idiakonoc ouoh of-God Saint Mark the
evangelist, the apostle and
`m`prwtomarturoc@ nem pi;e`wrimoc martyr.
`neuaggelictyc Markoc pi`apoctoloc
Nem pi`agioc Iwannyc Saint John Chrysostom; ،والقديس يوحنا ذهبي الفم
Saint Theodosius; Saint والقديس،والقديس ثاودوسيوس
pi`,rucoctomoc@ nem pi`agioc Theophilus; Saint والقديس،ثيئوفيلوس
Demetrius; Saint Cyril; ، والقديس كيرلس،ديمتريوس
:e`odocioc@ nem pi`agioc :e`oviloc@
Saint Basil; Saint Gregory والقديس،والقديس باسيليوس
nem pi`agioc Dymytrioc@ nem pi`agioc the Theologian; Gregory ،اغريغوريوس الناطق بااللهيات
the wonder worker; Saint
Kurilloc@ nem pi`agioc Bacilioc@ nem Gregory the Armenian. والقديس اغريغوريوس صانع
pi`agioc Grygorioc pi;e`ologoc@ nem والقديس اغريغوريوس،العجائب
pi`agioc Grygorioc pi;aumatourgoc@
Nem pisomt se met `smyn The three hundred and والثالثمائة والثمانية عشر
eighteen assembled at والمئة،المجتمعين بنيقية
`etau;wou] qen Nike`a@ nem pise teui Nicea; the one hundred and ،والخمسين بمدينة القسطنطينية
fifty at Constantinople; and .والمائتين بأفسس
`nte Kwnctantinoupolic@ nem pi`cnau
the two hundred at
se `nte Evecoc. Ephesus.
Nem peniwt `ndikeoc pinis] abba our righteous father, the وأبانا الصديق العظيم أنبا
great Abba Anthony; the ، والبار أنبا بوال،أنطونيوس
Antwnioc@ nem pi`;myi abba Paule@ righteous Abba Paul; the ،والثالثة أنبا مقارات القديسين
nem pisomt e;ouab abba Makari@
three saints Abba Macarii .وجميع أوالدهم لُباس الصليب
and all their children, the
nem nousyri tyrou `nc` taurovoroc. cross-bearers.
Nem peniwt abba Iwannyc Our father Abba John وأبانا،وأبانا أنبا يؤأنس القمص
the hegumen; our righteous ،أنبا بيشوي البار الرجل الكامل
pihygoumenoc@ nem peniwt abba father Abba Pishoy, the .حبيب مخلصنا الصالح
perfect man, the beloved of
Piswi pi`;myi pirwmi `ntelioc@
our good Savior.
pimenrit `nte pencwtyr `n`aga;oc.
Nem peniwt abba Paule Our father Abba Paul of ،وأبانا أنبا بوال الطموهي
Tammoh and Ezekiel his وسيدي األبوين،وحزقيال تلميذه
piremtammoh@ nem Iezekiyl disciple; my masters, the القديسين الروميين مكسيموس
Roman fathers Saints واألربعين والتسعة،ودوماديوس
pefma;ytyc@ nem na[oic `nio] e;ouab
Maximus and Dometius; والقوي،شهيدا شيوخ شيهيت
the Forty-nine Martyrs;
`nrwmeoc Maximoc nem Dometioc@ ويحنس كاما،القديس أنبا موسى
elders of Shiheet; the strong
nem pi`hme `'it `mmarturoc niqelloi saint Abba Moses; John .القس
Kame the priest.
`nte Sihyt@ nem pijwri e;ouab abba
Nem peniwt abba Daniyl Our father Abba Daniel وأبانا،وأبانا أنبا دانيال القمص
the hegumen; our father وأبانا،أنبا ايسيذوروس القس
pihygoumenoc@ nem peniwt abba Abba Isidore the priest; our وتادرس،أنبا باخوم أب الشركة
father Abba Pachom of the وأبانا أنبا شنودة رئيس،تلميذه
Icidwroc pi`precbuteroc nem peniwt
Koinonia, and Theodore his . وأنبا ويصا تلميذه،المتوحدين
disciple; our father Abba
abba Paqwm va ]koinwnia@ nem Shenoute the archimandrite,
and Abba Wesa his
:e`odwroc pefma;ytyc@ nem peniwt disciple.
abba Senou] piar,yman`drityc@ nem
Nem `p,oroc tyrf `nte nye;ouab And all the choir of هؤالء،وكل مصاف قديسيك
Your saints, through whose ،الذين بسؤاالتهم وطلباتهم
`ntak@ nai `ete `ebolhiten nou]ho nem prayers and supplications وأنقذنا من أجل.ارحمنا كلنا معا
have mercy on us all and .اسمك القدوس الذي دعي علينا
noutwbh nai nan tyrou eucop@ ouoh
save us, for the sake of
matoujon e;be pekran e;ouab Your holy name, which is
called upon us.
`etaumou] `mmof `e`hryi `ejwn.
The priest say the following commemoration of the .يقول الكاهن هذا الترحيم سرا
departed inaudibly.
Sanousou qen ouma `n,
` loy@ Sustain them in a green على،موضع خضرة
ِ علهُم فيُ
pasture, by the water of rest .النعيم
ِ فردوس
ِ ماء الراح ِة في
hijen `vmwou `nte `pemton@ qen in the paradise of joy.
piparadicoc `nte `pounof.
Pima `etafvwt `ebol `nqytf `nje The place out of which الموضع الذي هرب منه الحز ُن
grief, sorrow and groaning .والكآبةُ والتنهد ُ في ن ِور قديسيك
pi`mkah `nhyt nem ]lupy nem have fled away, in the light
of Your saints.
pifi`ahom@ qen `vouwini `nte ny e;ouab
Nyetqen `vmeu`i `mpiouai piouai Those whom each one ،الذين في فكر كل واحد منا
of us has in mind and those .والذين ليسوا فينا
`mmon@ nem ny`ete `nqyten an. who are not in mind.
Etauenkot au`mton `mmwou qen Those who have fallen الذين رقدوا وتنيحوا في االيمان
asleep and reposed in the .بالمسيح
`vnah] `mPi`,rictoc. faith of Christ.
The priest mentions the name(s) of the departed and, هنا يذكر الكاهن اسم المتنيح ويضع يد بخور
with his hand covered with a veil, puts a spoonful of .في المجمرة ويده مستورة بلفافة
incense in the censer.
Nenio] e;ouab `n`ar,i`epickopoc@ Our holy fathers, the ،آبائنا القديسين رؤساء األساقفة
archbishops, our fathers the وآبائنا،وآبائنا األساقفة
ke nenio] `ne` pickopoc@ nenio] bishops, our fathers the وآبائنا القسوس،القمامصة
hegumens, our fathers the وآبائنا،وإخوتنا الشمامسة
`nhygoumenoc ke nenio]
priests, our brothers the وعن، وآبائنا العلمانيين،الرهبان
deacons, our fathers the
`m`precbuteroc nem nen`cnyou .نياح كل المسيحيين
`ndiakwn@ nenio] `mmona,oc@ ke monks, and our fathers the
laymen, and for the full
nenio] `nla`ikoc@ nem `e`hryi `ejen repose of all Christians,
]`anapaucic tyrc `nte ni,rictianoc.
Hina `nte Pi`,rictoc pennou] that Christ our God may لكي المسيح إلهنا ينيح نفوسهم
repose all their souls in the ،أجمعين في فردوس النعيم
]`mton `nnou'u,y tyrou qen paradise of joy, and we too, ً،ونحن أيضا ً يصنع معنا رحمة
accord mercy unto us, and .ويغفر لنا خطايانا
piparadicoc `nte `pounof@ `anon de
forgive us our sins.
hwn `nteferpinai neman@ `ntef,a
Pima `etafvwt `ebol `nqytf `nje The place out of which الموضع الذي هرب منه الحز ُن
grief, sorrow and groaning .والكآبةُ والتنهد ُ في ن ِور قديسيك
pi`mkah `nhyt nem ]lupy nem have fled away, in the light
of Your saints.
pifi`ahom@ qen `vouwini `nte nye;ouab
Doxa ci Kuri`e@ Kuri`e `ele`ycon Glory to You, O Lord. يا رب لك،المجد لك يا رب
Lord have mercy. Lord . يا رب ارحم. يا رب ارحم.المجد
Kuri`e `ele`ycon@ Kuri`e eulogycon@ have mercy. Lord, bless us. . يا رب نيحهم.يا رب باركنا
Lord, repose them. Amen. .آمين
Kuri`e `anapaucon@ `amyn.
After the commomeration of the departed, the priest, ويداه، يقول الكاهن ما يلي،وبعد الترحيم
with his hands extended on high, continues saying: :مبسوطتان إلى العلو
Anon de hwn qa nyetoi And we too, who are ونحن أيضا ً الغرباء في هذا
sojourners in this place, وأنعم، احفظنا في ايمانك،المكان
`nrem`njwili `wpaima@ `areh `eron qen keep us in Your faith, and .لنا بسالمك إلى التمام
grant us Your peace unto
peknah]@ `ari`hmot nan `ntekhiryny
the end.
sa `ebol.
Hina nem qen vai kata `vry] on that as in this, so also in ، كما أيضا في كل شئ،لكي وبهذا
all things, Your Great and ويرتفع اسمك،يتمجد ويتبارك
qen hwb niben `ntef[i`wou ouoh holy name be glorified, ، في كل شئ،العظيم القدوس
blessed and exalted in المسيح مع يسوع،كريم ومبارك
`ntef[i`cmou ouoh `ntef[ici@ `nje
everything, honored and .ابنك الحبيب والروح القدس
peknis] `nran e;ouab@ qen hwb niben blessed with Jesus Christ,
Your beloved Son, and the
ettaiyout ouoh et`cmarwout@ nem Holy Spirit.
Je af`;rener`pem`psa on ]nou For He also has made us ألنه جعلنا أهال اآلن ان نقف في
worthy now to stand in this ونرفع،هذا الموضع المقدس
`e`ohi `eraten qen paima e;ouab vai@ Holy Place, to lift up our ونخدم اسمه،أيدينا إلى فوق
hands and to serve His holy .القدوس
ouoh `efai `nnenjij `e`pswi@ ouoh
`esemsi `mpefran e;ouab.
N;of on maren]ho `erof hopwc Let us also ask Him to هو أيضا فلنسأله أن يجعلنا
make us worthy of the مستحقين لشركة واصعاد أسراره
`ntefaiten `nem`psa `n]met`svyr nem communion and partaking .اإللهية غير المائتة
of His divine and immortal
]met`alum'ic `nte nefmuctyrion
`nnou] ouoh `na;mou.
The priest takes the pure Body with his right hand يأخذ الكاهن الجسد الطاهر بيده اليمني ويضعه
and places It in his left hand, and places the index finger ويضع إصبعه السبابة،على اليد اليسري
of his right hand on the Body at the side of the اليمني على الجسد بجانب األسباديقون من
Despotikon, at the place of separation, and says:
: وهو يقول،المكان المقسوم
The priest dips his finger into the precious Blood and ،ثم يغمس إصبعه السبابة في الدم الكريم
then raises his finger a little from the Blood and makes ً ويرشم بها رشما،ويرفعها قليالً من الدم
one sign of the cross with it above the Blood within the : وهو يقول،واحدا ً علي الدم داخل الكأس
chalice, while saying:
The priest signs the pure Body with the Blood which ً ثم يرشم الجسد بالدم الذي على إصبعه رشما
is on his finger, once on the front and once on the back of : ويقول، ورشما ً أسفل أي على ظهره،فوق
It, and says:
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
And with your spirit. ً ولروحك أي
Ke tw `pneumati cou.
N;ok pe `pouro `nte ni`ewn@ You are the King of the غير،انت هو ملك الدهور
ages, the Immortal, the كلمة هللا الذي، األبدي،المائت
pia;mou pisa `eneh@ Pilogoc `nte Everlasting, the Logos of راعي الخراف.على الكل
God who are above all, the .الناطقة
Vnou] ethijen pi`e`ptyrf@
Shepherd of the rational
piman`ecwou `nte ni`ecwou `nlogikon. sheep,
Piar,i`ereuc `nte ni`aga;on the High Priest of the ،رئيس كهنة الخيرات العتيدة
good things to come, who الذي صعد إلى السموات وصار
e;naswpi@ vy`etafsenaf `e`pswi ascended into the heavens .فوق السموات
and has become higher than
`enivyou`i@ afer ca`pswi `nnivyou`i.
the heavens.
Afsenaf caqoun He went within the veil ودخل داخل الحجاب موضع قدس
to the place of the Holy of األقداس الموضع الذي ال يدخل
`mpikatapetacma@ pima e;ouab `nte Holies, the place into which .إليه ذو طبيعة بشرية
anyone of human nature
nye;ouab@ pima `ete `mpare `hli `mvucic
cannot enter.
`nrwmi hwl `eqoun `erof.
Afswpi efoi `m`prodromoc `e`hryi He became a forerunner صائراً رئيس،وصار سابقا ً عنا
on our behalf, having كهنة إلى األبد على رتبة ملكي
`ejwn@ `eafswpi efoi `nar,i`ereuc sa become a high priest .صادق
forever after the order of
`eneh kata `ttaxic `mmel,icedek.
N;ok pe `eta Ycayac pi`provytyc You are He concerning انت هو الذي تنبأ من أجلك
whom the prophet Isaiah "مثل خروف:ًأشعياء النبي قائال
er`provyteuin e;bytk efjw `mmoc@ je prophesied, saying, “As a ومثل حمل بال،سيق إلى الذبح
sheep He was led to the هكذا ال،صوت أمام الذي يجزه
`m`vry] `nou`ecwou auenf `e`pqolqel@
slaughter. And as a lamb ُرفع حكمه في.يفتح فاه
ouoh `m`vry] `nouhiyb `mpe`m;o silent before his shearer, so وجيله من يقدر أن،تواضعه
He opened not His mouth. "يقصه؟
`mvyetqwk `mmof efoi `nat`cmy@ In the humiliation, His
judgment was taken away;
pairy] `nf
` ouwn `nrwf an@ au`wli
and who shall declare His
`mpefhap qen pef;ebio@ tefgene`a de generation?”
Ak[i erqot e;be nennobi@ ouoh You were wounded on وتوجعت،جرحت ألجل خطايانا
account of our sins and ، تأديب سالمنا عليك،ألجل آثامنا
akswni e;be nen`anomia `t`cbw were weakened for our كنا كلنا،وبجراحاتك شفينا
iniquities. The chastisement ،ضالين مثل خراف
`ntenhiryny `e`hryi `ejwk@ qen
of our peace was upon You,
neklele,ymi anoujai@ nancwrem and with Your bruises we
were healed. We were all
tyren pe `m`vry] `nhan`ecwou. going astray like sheep.
Ak`i pennyb aknahmen `eqoun You have come, O our أتيت يا سيدنا وأنقذتنا بمعرفة
Master, and saved us وأنعمت لنا.صليبك الحقيقية
`epi`emi `mmyi `nte pek`ctauroc@ through the true knowledge بشجرة الحياة التي هي جسدك
of Your Cross, and granted .اإللهي ودمك الحقيقي
aker`hmot nan `mpi`ssyn `nte `pwnq@
us the tree of life, which is
`ete pekcwma `nnou] pe nem pek`cnof Your divine Body and true
` ly;inon.
E;be vai tenhwc `erok@ ten`cmou Therefore, we praise ، ونباركك،من أجل هذا نسبحك
You, we bless You, we ، ونمجدك، ونسجد لك،ونخدمك
`erok@ tensemsi `mmok@ tenouwst serve You, we worship .ونشكرك كل حين
You, we glorify You, and
`mmok@ ten]`wou nak@ tensep`hmot
we give thanks to You at all
`ntotk `ncyou niben. times.
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh `mmok We ask and entreat ،نسأل ونطلب إليك يا محب البشر
You, O God, the Lover of ،اللهم إقبل ذبيحتنا منا يا سيدنا
pimairwmi Vnou]@ sep Mankind, receive our كما قبلت قرابين وبخور
sacrifice from our hands, O وسؤاالت رؤساء اآلباء واألنبياء
pensouswousi `ntoten pennyb@
our Master, as You have .والرسل وجميع قديسيك
`m`vry] `etakswp `erok `nnidwron nem received the gifts, the
incense, and the
ni`c;oinoufi nem ni]ho `nnipatriar,yc supplications of the
patriarchs, the prophets, the
nem ni`provytyc nem ni`apoctoloc
apostles, and all Your
nem nye;ouab tyrou `ntak. saints.
Matoubo `nnen'u,y nem Purify our souls, our طهر نفوسنا وأجسادنا وأرواحنا
bodies, our spirits, and our .ونياتنا
nencwma nem nen`pneuma nem consciences,
Hopwc qen ouhyt efouab@ nem so that, with a pure لكي بقلب طاهر ونفس مستنيرة
heart, an enlightened soul, ووجه غير مخزي وإيمان بال
ou'u,y `eac[iouwini@ nem ouho an unashamed face, a faith .رياء ومحبة كاملة ورجاء ثابت
unfeigned, a perfect love,
`nat[isipi@ nem ounah] `natmetsobi@
and a firm hope,
nem ou`agapy ecjyk `ebol@ nem
ouhelpic ectajryout.
Ntenertolman qen ouparrycia we may dare with نجسر بدالة بغير خوف أن نقول
boldness, without fear, to الصالة المقدسة التي سلمتها
`naterho] `ejw `n]eu,y e;ouab@ say the holy prayer which ورسلك،لتالميذك القديسين
;y`etaktyic `etotou `nny`ete nouk
You have given to Your "إذا صليتم:األطهار قائالً لهم
holy disciples and saintly ... يا أبانا:فأطلبوا هكذا وقولوا
` gioc `mma;ytyc ouoh `n`apoctoloc apostles, saying to them,
“Whenever you pray,
e;ouab ekjw `mmoc nwou@ je `eswp entreat in this manner and
say: Our Father…
`aretensaener`proceu,ec;e twbh
The deacon inside the altar and the people outside يتبادل الشماس داخل الهيكل والشعب خارجه
exchange the following responses. .هذه المردات
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
Let us attend in the fear .آمين.أنصتوا بخوف هللا
Proc,wmen :eou meta vobou. of God. Amen.
While the deacon and the people exchange the above ،بينما يرتل الشماس والشعب المردات أعاله
responses, the pries prays the folloing inaudibly. .يقول الكاهن سرا ً هذه الصلوات
Alla nahmen `ebolha ni`hbyo`ui But deliver us from لكن نجنا من األعمال الغير
worthless works and from النافعة وأفكارها وحركاتـها
`natsau@ nem noume`ui@ nem noujinkim the thoughts, motions, .ومناظرها ومالمسها
sights, and touches thereof.
de@ nem noujinnau nem
Ouoh pireferpirazin men korff@ Destroy the tempter and ،والمجرب أبطله واطرده عنا
drive him away. Rebuke وانتهر أيضا ً حركاته المغروسة
ouoh [oji `ncwf `ebolharon@ `ari also his movements وأقطع عنا األسباب التي.فينا
implanted in us, and cut off .تسوقنا إلى الخطية
`epitiman de on `nnefjinkim et[yout
from us all impulses which
` ryi `nqyten@ ouoh jwji `ebolharon drag us into sin.
Ouoh matoujon qen tekjom And deliver us by Your ونجنا بقوتك المقدسة بالمسيح
holy power in Christ Jesus .يسوع ربنا
e;ouab@ qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc our Lord.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor, the والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
are due unto You, with Him .لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of
one essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
Tensep`hmot `ntotk P[oic We give thanks to You, نشكرك أيها الرب اإلله ضابط
O Lord God the الكل ألن رحمتك عظيمة علينا إذ
Vnou] pipantokratwr@ je ounis] Pantocrator, for Your mercy أعددت لنا ما تشتهى المالئكة أن
pe peknai `e`hryi `ejwn@ `eakcob] nan
is great upon us, for You َّ
.تطلع عليه
have prepared for us those
`nny`etere niaggeloc er`epi;umin `enau things which the angels
desire to behold.
Ten]ho ouoh tentwbh We ask and entreat نسأل ونطلب من صالحك يا
Your goodness, O Lover of ُمحـب البشر إذ طهرتنا كلنا تؤلفنا
`ntekmet`aga;oc pimairwmi hina Mankind, that, since You بك من جهة تناولنا من أسرارك
have purified us all, You
`eaktoubon tyren@ `ntekhotpen `erok@ join us to Yourself through .اإللهية
our partaking of Your
`ebolhiten penjin[i `ebolqen divine Mysteries,
nekmyctyrion `nnou].
E;renswpi enmeh `ebolqen that we may become لكي نكون مملوئين من روحك
filled with Your Holy Spirit القدوس وثابتين في إ ِيمانك
Pek`pneuma e;ouab@ ouoh and confirmed in Your وإذ قد امتألنا من شوق.المستقيم
upright faith. Having been فاننا ننطق،محبتك الحقيقية
entajryout qen peknah] etcoutwn@
filled with the longing for بمجدك كل حين بالمسيح يسوع
Your true love, may we
`eanmoh `ebolqen pi[isswou `nte .ربنا
speak of Your glory at all
tek`agapy `mmyi@ ouoh `ntencaji times in Christ Jesus our
`mpek`wou `ncyou niben@ qen Pi`,rictoc
Iycouc Pen[oic.
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor, the ،والعز والسجود تليق بك معه
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship ومع الروح القدس المحيي
are due unto You, with Him .المساوي لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of
one essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
nen'u,y nem nencwma nem
N;ok pe `etakjoc `mpeniwt You are He who said to من،أنت الذي قلت ألبينا بطرس
our father Peter, from the ربنا وإلهنا،فم إبنك الوحيد
Petroc@ `ebolqen rwf mouth of Your only- :ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
begotten Son, our Lord,
`mpekmonogenyc `nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh
God, and Savior Jesus
Pennou] ouoh pencwtyr Iycouc Christ:
Je `n;ok pe Petroc@ ei`ekwt “You are Peter, and on وعلى هذه،"أنت هو بطرس
this rock I will build My وأبواب،الصخرة أبني كنيستي
`ntaek`klycia `e`hryi `ejen taipetra@ Church, and the gates of .الجحيم لن تقوى عليها
Hades shall not prevail
ouoh nipuly `nte `amen]
against it.
`nnou`sjemjom `eroc.
Ei`e] de nak `nnisost `nte I will give you the keys واعطيك مفاتيح ملكوت
of the kingdom of the ما ربطته على األرض،السموات
`;metouro `nte nivyou`i. heavens, and whatever you يكون مربوطا ً في السموات وما
bind on earth shall be bound ًحللته على األرض يكون محلوال
ny`eteknaconhou hijen pikahi
in the heavens, and ".في السموات
eu`eswpi `eucwnh qen nivyou`i@ ouoh whatever you loose on earth
shall be loosed in the
ny`eteknabolou `ebol hijen pikahi heavens.”
eu`eswpi eubyl qen nivyou`i.
Marouswpi oun `vnyb `nje Therefore, O Lord, let ، أبائي،فليكن يا سيد عبيدك
Your servants, my fathers وضعفي محاللين من،وإخوتي
nek`ebiaik@ naio] nem na`cnyou nem and my brethren and my أيها،فمي بروحك القدوس
own weakness, be absolved .الصالح محب البشر
tametjwb eubyl `ebolqen rwi@ hiten
by my mouth, through Your
Pek`pneuma e;ouab@ pi`aga;oc Holy Spirit, O Good One
and Lover of Mankind.
Vnou] vyet`wli `m`vnobi `nte O God, who takes away ابدأ،أللهم يا حامل خطية العالم
the sin of the world, hasten ً نورا،بقبول توبة عبيدك منهم
pikocmoc@ `arisorp `n[i `n;
` metanoi`a to accept the repentance of .للمعرفة وغفرانا ً للخطايا
Your servants, for a light of
`nte nek`ebiaik `ntotou@ `eouwini `nte
knowledge and forgiveness
`pemi@ nem ou,w `ebol `nte ninobi. of sins.
Je `n;ok ounou] `nrefsenhyt For You are a أنت،ألنك أنت إله رؤوف ورحوم
compassionate and merciful .طويل األناة كثير الرحمة وبار
ouoh `nnayt@ `n;ok ouref`wou`nhyt@ God, You are patient; Your
mercy is great and true.
nase peknai ouoh `n;
` myi.
Icje de anernobi `erok `ite qen If we have sinned أو،إن كنا قد أخطأنا إليك بالقول
against You, either by word ، فسامح وإغفر لنا،بالفعل
`pcaji `ite qen ni`hbyou`i@ aricun,wrin or by deeds, pardon and .كصالح ومحب البشر
forgive us, as a Good One
,w nan `ebol@ hwc `aga;oc ouoh
and Lover of Mankind.
Vnou] `ariten `nremhe nem O God, absolve us, and .اللهم حاللنا وحالل كل شعبك
absolve all Your people.
peklaoc tyrf `nremhe.
Here the priest remembers those whom he wishes to هنا يذكر الكاهن من يريد أن يذكره من
remember from the living and the dead, then continues :ً ثم يكمل قائال.األحياء والراقدين
Ari`vmeu`i P[oic `ntamet`ebiyn hw@ Remember, O Lord, my ،ًأذكر يا رب ضعفي أنا أيضا
own weakness and forgive ،وإغفر لي خطاياي الكثيرة
ouoh ,w nyi `ebol `nnanobi etos@ my many sins, and where وحيث كثُر اإلثم فلتكثر هناك
transgression has abounded, ومن أجل خطاياي خاصة،نعمتك
ouoh `vma `eta ]`anomia erhou`o
let Your grace be multiplied ال تمنع شعبك،ونجاسات قلبي
in abundance. Because of
`nqytf@ mare pek`hmot erhou`o `asai .نعمة روحك القدوس
my own sins and the
`mmau@ ouoh e;be nanobi nou`i nem abomination of my heart,
deprive not Your people of
nicwf `nte pahyt@ `mperfej peklaoc
the grace of Your Holy
`mpi`hmot `nte Pek`pneuma e;ouab. Spirit.
Vnou] `ariten `nremhe nem O God, absolve us, and من،اللهم حاللنا وحالل كل شعبك
absolve all Your people ومن كل، ومن كل لعنة،كل خطية
peklaoc tyrf `nremhe@ `ebolha nobi from every sin, from every ومن، ومن كل يمين كاذب،جحود
curse, from every denial, .كل مالقاة الهراطقة الوثنيين
niben@ nem `ebolha cahou`i niben@ nem
from every false oath, and
`ebolha jwl `ebol niben@ nem `ebolha from every encounter with
the heretics and the heathen.
wrk `nnouj niben@ nem `ebolha
nem nie;nikoc.
Ari,arizec;e nan pennyb O our Master, grant us a أنعم لنا يا سيدنا بعقل وقوة
reason and power and لنهرب إلى التمام من كل،وفهم
`nounouc nem oujom nem ouka]@ understanding to flee unto وإمنحنا أن،أمر رديء للمضاد
the end from any evil deed .نصنع مرضاتك كل حين
e;renvwt sa `ebol@ `ebolha hwb
of the adversary, and grant
niben ethwou `nte piantikimenoc@ us to do what is pleasing to
You at all times.
ouoh myic nan e;ren`iri `mpe;ranak
`ncyou niben.
Cqe nenran nem `p,oroc tyrf `nte Inscribe our names with أكتب أسماءنا مع صفوف قديسيك
all the choir of Your saints بالمسيح،في ملكوت السموات
nye;ouab `ntak `nh
` ryi qen `;metouro in the kingdom of the .يسوع ربنا
heavens in Christ Jesus our
`nte nivyou`i@ qen Pi`,rictoc Iycouc
Vai `ete `ebol hitotf `ere pi`wou Through Whom the هذا الذي من قبله المجد والكرامة
glory, the honor, the والعز والسجود تليق بك معه مع
nem pitaio nem pi`amahi nem dominion, and the worship الروح القدس المحيي المساوي
are due unto You, with Him .لك
]`prockunycic@ er`perpi nak nemaf@
and the Holy Spirit, the
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab `nreftanqo Giver of Life, Who is of
one essence with You.
ouoh `nomooucioc nemak.
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the ages of all . آمين.كلها
`eneh ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. ages. Amen.
The priest says inaudibly the short litanies for the ثم يقول الكاهن أوشيتي السالم واآلباء
peace of the church and for the fathers. Then he exclaims :ً ثم يقول جهرا.ًالصغيرتين سرا
The deacon raises the cross, and says: :يرفع الشماس الصليب ويقول
Pidiakwn@ Deacon: :الشماس
Saved. Amen. And with ننصت، ومع روحك،ًخلصت حقا
Cw;ic `amyn@ ke tw `pneumati cou@ your spirit. In the fear of .بخوف هللا
God, let us attend.
meta vobou :eou `proc,wmen.
The priest takes in his hands the Despotikon and يأخذ الكاهن األسباديقون بيديه ويرفعه إلى
raises It up to arm’s length, and with bowed head, he فوق إلى آخر امتداد وهو مطامن الرأس
exclaims aloud “The holies for the holy”, while the صارخا ً قائالً " القدسات للقديسين" ووقتها
people worship before the Lord with fear and trembling, يسجد الشعب أمام الرب بخوف ورعدة
praying for the forgiveness of their sins with tears and .طالبين غفران خطاياهم بدموع وابتهال
ثم يأخذ الكاهن األسباديقون بيده اليمني
Then the priest takes the Despotikon between the tips
of two fingers of his right hand, and with It he signs the ويرشم به الدم الكريم في،بطرف أصبعين
precious Blood inside the chalice in the form of the cross. ثم يغمس طرفه داخل.الكأس بمثال الصليب
Then he dips the extremity of It inside the chalice and ، ويرفعه مغموسا ً بالدم باحتراس،الكأس
carefully raises It soaked in the Blood, and with It signs, ويرشم به الجسد الطاهر الذي في الصينية
in the form of the cross, the pure Body which is all on the ثم يعود به أيضا ً إلي.جميعه بمثال الصليب
paten. Then he takes the Despotikon and signs with It the ويرشم به على وجه الدم داخل الكأس،الدم
Blood inside the chalice in the form of the cross. He then ثم يضع األسباديقون في الدم.بمثال الصليب
carefully places the Despotikon upside down in the وتكون يده اليسري.ًداخل الكأس مقلوبا
Blood inside the chalice, all the while with his left hand لئال تقع منه،مبسوطة تحت األسباديقون
cupped under the Despotikon lest any of the pearls كل ذلك وهو.جوهرة أو ينقط منه شيئ
should fall or drip, while saying: :يقول
The people raise their heads, and respond in a loud ويجاوبونه،ثم ينهض الشعب من سجودهم
voice saying: :بأعلي أصواتهم قائلين
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
One is the all-holy .واحد هو اآلب الكلي القدس
Ic `o pan`agioc Patyr@ Ic `o Father, One is the all-holy .واحد هو االبن الكلي القدس
Son, One is the all-holy .واحد هو الروح الكلي القدس
pan`agioc Uioc@ en to pan`agion
Spirit. Amen. .آمين
Pneuma@ `amyn.
Ic Patyr `agioc@ ic Uioc `agioc@ en One is the Holy Father, واحد هو،واحد هو اآلب القدوس
one is the Holy Son,one is واحد هو الروح،االبن القدوس
Pneuma `agion@ `amyn. the Holy Spirit.Amen .امين.القدوس
The Confession
Pilaoc@ People: :الشعب
Amen. .آمين
oume;myi@ `amyn.
Je ;ai te ]carx `nreftanqo `eta that this is the life- الذي،أن هذا هو الجسد المحيي
giving Flesh that Your ربنا وإلهنا،أخذه ابنك الوحيد
pekmonogenyc `nSyri@ Pen[oic ouoh only-begotten Son, our ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح من
Lord, God, and Savior Jesus سيدتنا كلنا والدة االله،سيدتنا
Pennou] ouoh pencwtyr Iycouc
Christ, took from our Lady, .القديسة الطاهرة مريم
Pi`,rictoc@ [itc `ebolqen ten[oic the Lady of us all, the holy
Theotokos, Saint Mary.
`nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc e;ouab ]`agia
Afaic `nouai nem tefme;nou]@ He made It One with وجعله واحدا مع الهوته بغير
His divinity without .اختالط وال امتزاج وال تغيير
qen oumetatmoujt nem oumetat;wq mingling, without
confusion, and without
nem oumetatsib].
Eafer`omolgin `n]omologia He confessed the good واعترف االعتراف الحسن أمام
confession before Pontius .بيالطس البنطي
e;nanec nahren Pontioc Pilatoc. Pilate.
Aftyic `e`hryi `ejwn@ hijen pise He gave It up for us وسلمه عنا علي خشبة الصليب
upon the holy wood of the . عنا كلنا، بإرادته وحده،المقدسة
e;ouab `nte pi`ctauroc@ qen pefouws Cross, of His own will, for
us all.
`mmin `mmof `e`hryi `ejwn tyren.
Aly;wc ]nah] je `mpe Truly I believe that His أن الهوته لم،بالحقيقة أؤمن
divinity parted not from His يفارق ناسوته لحظة واحدة وال
tefme;nou] vwrj etefmetrwmi@ humanity for a single .طرفة عين
moment, nor a twinkling of
`noucoucou `nouwt oude ouriki `mbal.
an eye;
Eu] `mmoc `ejwn `noucw]@ nem given for us for يعطى عنا خالصا وغفرانا
salvation, remission of sins, للخطايا وحياة أبدية لمن يتناول
ou,w `ebol `nte ninobi@ nem ouwnq and eternal life to those who .منه
partake of Him.
`n`eneh `nnye;na[i `ebol `nqytc.
}nah] ]nah] ]nah] je ;ai te I believe, I believe, I أن هذا هو. أؤمن. أؤمن.أؤمن
believe that this is true. . آمين.بالحقيقة
qen oume;myi@ `amyn. Amen.
Twbh `e`hryi `ejwn nem `ejen Pray for us and for all اطلبوا عنا وعن كل المسيحيين
Christians who said to us أذكرونا،الذين قالوا لنا من أجلهم
`,rictianoc niben `etaujoc nan concerning them, .في بيت الرب
“Remember us in the house
e;bytou@ je `aripenmeu`i qen `pyi
of the Lord.”
Y `iryny ke `agapi Iycou <rictou The Peace and Love of سالم ومحبة يسوع المسيح تكون
Jesus Christ be with you. . رتلوا بنشيد هلليلويا،معكم
me; `umwn@ 'allate@ jw Sing. Alleluia.
Proceuxac;e `uper tyc axiac Pray for the worthy صلوا من أجل التناول باستحقاق
communion of the من هذه االسرار المقدسة
metaly'ewc a,rantwn ke immaculate, heavenly, and .الطاهرة السمائية
holy mysteries.
`epouraniwn twn `agiwn muctyriwn.
The priest places the pearls which are in his hand on وفي أثناء ذلك يضع الكاهن الجواهر التي
the paten in their place, and he gathers all the particles ويجمع جميع،بيده في الصينية في مكانها
together and rubs his hands over the paten and cleans ويفرك يديه داخل،األجزاء بعضها إلى بعض
both of them thoroughly, and with bowed head he gives ثم يعطي المجد هلل.ًالصينية وينظفهما جيدا
glory to God, saying: :ً قائال،وهو مطامن الرأس
}nou nem `ncyou niben nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلى دهر الدهور
and unto the age of all ages. .آمين
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou@ `amyn. Amen.
`nouwt nemak.
Another prayer before the distribution of the Holy .وأيضا ً صالة قبل التناول
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
Loose, remit, and حل واغفر واصفح لنا يا هللا عن
Bwl `ebol ,w `ebol `aricun,wrin forgive us, O God, our التي صنعناها بإرادتنا،سيئاتنا
transgressions which we التي،والتي صنعناها بغير إرادتنا
nan Vnou] `nnenparaptwma@
have committed willingly فعلناها بمعرفة والتي فعلناها
and which we have
ny`etanaitou qen penouws nem يا. الخفية والظاهرة،بغير معرفة
committed unwillingly,
ny`etanaitou qen penouws an@ which we have committed من أجل اسمك،رب اغفرها لنا
knowingly and which we .القدوس الذي دعي علينا
ny`etanaitou qen ou`emi@ nem
have committed
ny`etanaitou qen oumetat`emi@ unknowingly; the hidden
and the manifest, O Lord,
nyethyp nem nye;ouwnh `ebol@ P[oic remit for us, for the sake of
Another prayer before the distribution of the Holy .وأيضا ً صالة قبل التناول
Piwik `nta`vmyi `etaf`i `epecyt The true Bread which الخبز الحقيقي الذي نزل من
came down from heaven; .السماء واهب الحياة لمن يتناوله
`ebolqen `tve@ `vref] `m`pwnq the giver of life to those
who partake of Him.
`nnye;na[i `ebol `nqytf.
Ariten `nem`psa at[ne hio`ui Make us worthy, بغير وقوع في،ًإجعلنا أهال
without falling into دينونة أن نتناول من جسدك
` hap@ e;ren[i `ebolqen pekcwma condemnation, to partake of .المقدس ودمك الكريم
Your holy Body and Your
e;ouab nem pek`cnof ettaiyout.
precious Blood.
Mare penjin[i `ebolqen May our partaking of وليصيرنا تناولنا من أسرارك
Your Holy Mysteries make المقدسة واحدا ً معك إلى اإلنقضاء
nekmuctyrion e;ouab@ aiten `nouai us one with You unto the .وباركنا
end; and bless us.
nemak sa `ebol@ ek`e`cmou `eron.
N;ok pe `psyri `mVnou]@ pi`wou You are the Son of لك المجد معه.أنت هو إبن هللا
God; Yours is the glory, ومع الروح القدس المحيي إلى
nak nemaf nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab with Him and the Holy . آمين.األبد
Spirit, the Giver of Life,
`nreftanqo sa `eneh@ `amyn.
forever. Amen.
Another prayer before the distribution of the Holy .وأيضا ً صالة قبل التناول
Ouoh `nten`stem penjin[i swpi without it being .وال يكون تناولنا لنا دينونة
condemnation for us.
nan `eouhap.
Alla kata `vry] `etakjoc Rather, as You have لكن كما قلت لتالميذك األطهار
said to Your holy disciples, "خذوا من جسدى ودمى لمغفرة
`nnekagioc `mma;ytyc@ je [i `ebolqen “Take my Body and Blood ."خطاياكم
for the remission of your
pacwma nem pa`cnof@ `ep,w `ebol `nte
Pairy] on `nte oukoinwnia swpi Likewise, may we have هكذا أيضا ً تكون لنا شركة مع
communion with Your holy تالميذك األطهار بتناولنا من
nan nem nekma;ytyc e;ouab@ disciples, partaking of Your .أسرارك المحيية
life-giving Mysteries.
`ebolqen nekmuctyrion `nreftanqo.
Ouoh `nten[i `nou,w `ebol `nte That we may be granted ً وصفحا،فننال مغفرة لخطايانا
remission of our sins and وطهارة ألنفسنا،ً آلثامنا
nennobi@ nem oucun,wrycic `nte forgiveness of our iniquities وأجسادنا وأرواحنا وثباتا ً على
and purity for our souls, االيمان باسمك القدوس الى
nen`anomia@ nem outoubo `nte
bodies, and spirits, unto .النفس األخير
nen'u,y nem nencwma nem firmness in the faith of
Your holy name till the last
nen`pneuma@ nem outajro hijen breath.
pinah] etcoutwn qen pekran e;ouab
sa pinifi `nqae.
Hiten nitwbh `nte ]agia `nnyb Through the prayers of بطلبات الطاهرة مريم وكافة
our Lady, Saint Mary, and . آمين.قديسيك
Maria@ nem nye;ouab tyrou `ntak@ of all Your saints. Amen.
During the distribution of the Holy Mysteries, the وفي وقت توزيع األسرار يرتل الشعب اللحن
people chant the following hymn instead of Psalm 150. .151 اآلتي بدالً من المزمور
+ Ouon niben e;nau `eroi auelksai + Everyone who saw كل الذين أبصروني إستهزأوا+
me mocked me. They spoke تكلموا بشفاههم وحركوا.بي
`ncwi. Aucaji qen nou`cvotou aukim with their lips, they shook وقالوا “إن كان آمن،رؤوسهم
their heads, and they said وأتكل على الرب فليخلصه
`nou`ave@ aujoc je icje afnah]
“If he believed and hoped in .”ولينجه إن كان يريده
aferhelpic `eP[oic marefnahmef@ the Lord, let Him rescue
him, let Him deliver him if
mareftoujof icje afou`asf. He wants him.”
+ Aukw] `eroi `nje ou;o + Many dogs have مجمع. أحاطت بي كالب كثيرة+
surrounded me. The يدي
َّ ثقبوا.األشرار إكتنفتني
`nououhor. Oucunagwgy `njajbwn assembly of the wicked has ،ورجلي وأحصوا كل عظامي
enclosed me. They pierced .فأبصروني تأملوني وهم
petac`amoni `mmoi. Au[wlk `ntot nem
my hands and feet, they أقتسموا ثيابي بينهم وعلي لباسي
counted all my bones, and
rat auwp `nnakac tyrou@ `n;wou de وأنت يا رب ال تتباعد.إقترعوا
they observed and looked at
aumelqiatou `mmoi ouoh aunau `eroi. me. They divided my . إلتفت إلى نصرتي،عن معونتي
garments among them and
Auvws `nna`hbwc `e`hrau ouoh
for my clothing they cast
tahebcw auhiwp `eroc. `n;ok de P[oic lots. But You O Lord, do
not let my help be far from
`mpen`;re tabo`y;ia ouei cabol `mmoi@ me and attend to my
ma`h;yk `etajin sopt `erok. redemption.
+ Auberbwrt `ebol `anok + They rejected me I am رفضوني أنا الحبيب مثل ميت+
the beloved; a forsaken ومساميرا ً جعلوا في،مرذول
pimenrit@ `m`vry] `nourefmwout dead and they have driven فال تهملني يا ربي.جسدي
nails into my body. Do not إلتفت.وال تتباعد عني. وإلهي
ef`oreb@ ouoh au]`ift `etacarx.
forsake me O Lord my God. .إلى معونتي يا رب خالصي
`Mper,at `ncwk P[oic paNou]. Do not be far from me.
Attend to my help O Lord
`Mperouei cabol `mmoi ma`h;yk. of my salvation.
`Etabo`y;ia P[oic `nte tacwtyria.
+ Ai`ohi `mvye;naer `mkah `nhyt + I waited for one to وأنتظرت من يحزن معي فلم+
grieve with me, but there ، ومن يعزيني فلم أجد،يوجد
nemyi ouoh nafsop an pe@ ouoh was none; and for one to وجعلوا في طعامي مرارة وفي
vye;na]nom] nyi ouoh `mpijemf@
comfort me, I did not find; . ً عطشي سقوني خال
and they gave gall for my
ouoh au] `nousasi `eta`qre ouoh food and for my thirst they
gave me vinegar to drink.
au`tcwi@ `nouhemj qen pa`ibi.
+ Mare tou`trapeza swpi nwou + Let their table become ً فلتصر لهم مائدتهم أمامهم فخا+
a snare before them and لتُظ ِلم عيونهم فال.ًومجازاة وشكا
`nouvas `mpou`m;o `ebol nem ou]sebiw recompense and a scandal. .يبصورا ألنهم طاردوا من إبتليته
Let their eyes be darkened أنت يا ربي وإلهي في يديك أضع
nem ou`ckandalon. Noubal marouer
so that they do not see, علي أوجاع
those who smote him are
َّ ألنهم زادوا.روحي
`,remtc `e`stemnau `mbol@ je .جراحاتي
those who persecuted him.
vy`etaksari `erof `n;wou petaf[oji But You O Lord my God, I
shall put my spirit in Your
`ncwf. `n;ok de P[oic paNou]@ ei`e,w
hands. They have increased
`mpa`pneuma qen nekjij. Auou`ahou the pains of my wounds.
+ Ouoh auouah `anomia `ejen tou + And they added وال. وزادوا إثما ً على إثمهم+
iniquity to their iniquity. وليُمحوا من،يدخلوا في برَّ ك
`anomia. Mpen`;rou`i `eqoun qen Let them not enter Your ومع الصديقين ال،سفر األحياء
righteousness, be blotted .يكتبوا
tekme;myi@ eu`efw] `ebolha `pjwm
out of the book of the
`nte nyetonq@ ouoh `mpen`;rou `cqytou living, and not be written
with the righteous.
nem ni`;myi.
+ }sop `anok ouhyki ouoh + I am poor and وخالص، أنا بائس وموجع+
sorrowful, and the salvation َ وجهك يا هللا ع
efmokh@ ouoh `poujai `nte pekho of Your face O God has في مواضع،في جُب سفلي
helped me. They placed me . وظالل الموت،مظلمة
Vnou] petafsopt `erof. Au,at qen
in a low den, in dark places,
oulakkoc efcapecyt@ qen hanma and the shadow of death.
+ Anok de aienkot ouoh aihwrp@ + I rested and I slept ُ ِ أنا أضطجعت ون+
مت ثم
than I rose, for the Lord has هل.صرني َ َ ألن الرب ن،إستيقظت
ouoh aitwnt je P[oic pe;nasopt redeemed me. Will he who وأنت يا.النائم ال يعود أن يقوم
`erof. My fy`etenkot an `fnatwnf an.
sleeps not rise? Therefore . فاُجازيهم،رب إرحمني وإقمني
You O Lord, have mercy أية.وبهذا علمت إنك أحببتني
upon me and raise me up,
Je `n;ok de P[oic nai nyi ouoh منفعة في دمي إذا هبطت إلى
and I shall repay them. By
mastounoct@ ouoh ei`et] nwou this I know that You have .الهالك
loved me. What is the
`ntousebiw. N`qryi qen vai ai`emi je
benefit of my blood when I
akou`ast. Ou pe `phyou `mpa`cnof@ go down to destruction?
+ `n;ok de paNou] afent `e`hryi + But You O my God وأنت يا إلهي أصعدتني من+
have brought me up from .جُب الشقاء ومن طين الحمأة
`ebolqen `vlakkoc@ `nte `ptalepwria the den of sorrow and the حولت نُ َوحي.سمع الرب فرحمني
mud of hardship. The Lord .إلى فرح لي
nem `ebolqen `p`omi `nte ]huly. A
heard and had mercy upon
P[oic cwtem ouoh afnai nyi. me. You have turned my
mourning into joy for me.
Akvwnh `mpanehpi eurasi nyi.
+ Tote rwn afmoh `nrasi ouoh + Than our mouths were حينئذ إمتأل فمنا فرحا ً ولساننا+
filled with joy and our حينئذ يُقال في االمم أن.ًتهليال
penlac qen ou;elyl. Tote euejoc tongue with happiness. أكثر،عظم الصنيع معهم َّ الرب قد
Than they shall say in the فصرنا
qen nie;noc@ je `aP[oic tase `iri ِ ،الرب الصنيع معنا
nations, “The Lord has done .فرحين
nemwou@ `aP[oic tase `iri neman@ great things with them,” the
Lord has done great things
answpi enounof `mmon. for us, so we became joyful.
Eou`wou `mP[oic sa `eneh `amyn. For glory be to the Lord .والمجد للرب إلى األبد آمين
forever Amen.
If distribution of mysteries is not finished, they read the following Prophecies of the Eve of
تقرأ نبوات ليلة الفصح التالية،وإن لم ينته التوزيع
Isaiah 60:1-8 3-1:21 أشعياء
Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of ُ َو َم ْجد،ور ِك ُ ُيري ألَنَّهُ قَ ْد َجا َء ن ِ ِستَن ْ ومي ا ِ ُق
the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall ُالظ ْل َمة
ُّ ألَنَّهُ َها ِه َي.علَ ْي ِك َ َش َرق ْ َب أِ َّالر
cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord َ
أمَّا.س األ َم َمُ ُ ام َّ
ِ َّض َوالظالَ ُم الد َ
َ ْتُغَ ِطي األر
will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you. .علي ِك ي َُرى ْ َ ُ ْ
َ ُ َو َمجده، ُّق الرَّ ب ُ ش ِر ْ ُعلَ ْي ِك فَي َ
The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the اء ي
ِ َ ِ ِض ي ف وك ُ ُ لم الْ
ُ َ ِ ِ و ، ك ور ُ ن ي ِ ُ َ ُ َف
ف م م ُ األ ِير س َ ت
brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes all around, and ُ ْ
.ع ْينَ ْي ِك َح َوالَ ْي ِك َوانظ ِري َ اِرْ فَ ِعي.ش َراقِ ِك ْ ِإ
see: they all gather together, they come to you; your sons ْ ُّ
shall come from afar, and your daughters shall be nursed at
ُ َ
ِ يَأتِي بَن. َجاءُوا إِل ْي ِك.اجت َ َمعُوا ُكل ُه ْم
وك ْ قَ ِد
your side. .علَى األ َ ْيدِي َ ِم ْن بَ ِعي ٍد َوت ُ ْح َم ُل بَنَات ُ ِك
Then you shall see and become radiant, and your heart ق قَ ْلب ُِكُ ُيرينَ َويَ ْخف ِ ِظ ِرينَ َوتُن ُ ِحينَئِ ٍذ ت َ ْن
shall swell with joy; because the abundance of the sea shall ، ألَنَّهُ تَتَحَوَّ ُل إِلَ ْي ِك ثَرْ َوة ُ ْالبَ ْح ِر،ُسع ِ َّ َويَت
be turned to you, the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to ُيك كَثْ َرة ِ تُغَ ِط.َو َيأ ْ ِتي ِإلَ ْي ِك ِغنَى األ ُ َم ِم
you. The multitude of camels shall cover your land, the ان ِم ْديَانَ َو ِعيفَةَ ُك ُّل َها تَأْتِي ِم ْن ُ بُ ْك َر،ْال ِج َما ِل
dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba
ِسابِيح َ َ َوتُبَش ُِر بِت، ت َ ْح ِم ُل ذَ َهبًا َولُبَانًا.شبَا َ
shall come; they shall bring gold and incense, and they shall َ َ َ
اش ْ
ُ ِك َب.َار تجت ِم ُع إِلي ِك َ ْ َ َ كل غن ِم قِيد.ب ُّ ُ ِ َّالر
proclaim the praises of the Lord. All the flocks of Kedar ًص َعد ُ َم ْقبُولَة ْ
ى َعل
َ ْ َ ت .ك ِ ُم د
ِ خ َ ت َُوت نَ َباي
shall be gathered together to you, the rams of Nebaioth
shall minister to you; they shall ascend with acceptance on َم ْن ه ُؤالَ ِء. َوأ َز ِي ُن بَ ْيتَ َج َما ِلي،َم ْذبَ ِحيُ
My altar, and I will glorify the house of My glory. Who are ب َوك َْال َح َم ِام ِإلَى بُيُوتِ َها؟ ٍ س َحا َ الطائِ ُرونَ َك َّ
these who fly like a cloud, and like doves to their roosts?
The Lord shall go forth like a mighty man; He shall stir ُب ي ُْن ِهض ٍ ك ََر ُج ِل ح ُُرو.ج ُ الرَّ بُّ ك َْال َجب َِّار يَ ْخ ُر
up His zeal like a man of war. He shall cry out, yes, shout علَى َ خ َويَق َوى ْ ُ ص ُر ْ َ يَ ْهتِفُ َوي.ُغ ْي َرتَه َ
aloud; He shall prevail against His enemies. I have held My ُّ.سكَت ْ َّ
َ .ص َمت ُمنذ الده ِر ُ ْ ُّ َ قد.أَعدَائِ ِه
ْ َ ْ
peace a long time, I have been still and restrained Myself. . أ َ ْنفُ ُخ َوأَنَ ُخ ُر َمعًا. ك َْال َوا ِلدَ ِة أ َ ِصي ُح.ت ُ ت َ َجلَّ ْد
Now I will cry like a woman in labor, I will pant and gasp ،ش ِب َها ْ ع ُ
ُ أ َ ْخ ِربُ ال ِجبَا َل َواآلكَا َم َوأ َجفِفُ ُك َّل ْ
at once. I will lay waste the mountains and hills, and dry up
all their vegetation; I will make the rivers coastlands, and I
سيِ ُرَ َوأ،ار يَبَسًا َوأُنَشِفُ اآل َجا َم
ُ َ َوأ َ ْجعَ ُل األ َ ْن َه
will dry up the pools. I will bring the blind by a way they سا ِلكَ لَ ْم َ فِي َم.ْالعُمْ َي فِي َط ِريق لَ ْم يَع ِْرفُو َها
did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not الظ ْل َمةَ أ َ َما َم ُه ْم
ُّ أ َ ْج َع ُل.ِيه ْم ِ َي ْد ُرو َها أ ُ َمش
ُ ً
ُ ه ِذ ِه األ ُم.ست َ ِقي َمة
ور ْ ت ُم ِ َو ْال ُمع َْوجَّا،ورا ً ُن
known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked
places straight. These things I will do for them, and not ِ ق ِد ارْ تَدُّوا ِإلى ال َو َر.أ َ ْفعَل َها َوالَ أت ُر ُك ُه ْم
.اء ْ َ َ ْ َ ُ
forsake them. They shall be turned back, they shall be ،ِعلَى ْال َم ْنحُوتَات َ َيَ ْخ َزى ِخ ْزيًا ْال ُمت َّ ِكلُون
greatly ashamed, who trust in carved images, who say to the ! أ َ ْنت ُ َّن آ ِل َهتُنَا:ت ِ سبُوكَا ْ ْالقَا ِئلُونَ ِل ْل َم
molded images, ‘You are our gods.’
bow down to you with their faces to the earth, and lick up فَت َ ْعلَ ِمينَ أَنِي أَنَا الرَّ بُّ الَّذِي الَ يَ ْخ َزى
the dust of your feet. Then you will know that I am the .ُُم ْنت َ ِظ ُروه
Lord, for they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.
O Lord, were You displeased with the rivers, was Your علَى َ علَى األ َ ْن َه ِار َح ِم َي يَا َربُّ ؟ َه ْل َ َه ْل
anger against the rivers, was Your wrath against the sea, َُس َخطك ْ ْ
َ على البَح ِر َ َ
َ ْضبُكَ ؟ أو َ األ َ ْن َه ِار غ
that You rode on Your horses, Your chariots of salvation? تِ َمرْ َك َبا ِتكَ َمرْ َك َبا، ََحتَّى ِإنَّكَ َر ِك ْبتَ َخ ْيلَك
Your bow was made quite ready; oaths were sworn over ُ سبَا ِعي
َّات ُ .ًسكَ تَع ِْريَة ُ ْع ِريَ ْت َقوُ ص؟ ِ َْال َخال
Your arrows. You divided the earth with rivers. The
ً ض أ َ ْن َه
.ارا َ ْ شَقَّ ْقتَ األَر.ْسالَه ِ . َس َه ٍام َك ِل َمتُك
mountains saw You and trembled; the overflowing of the ْ ْ
َ ُ
.سيل ال ِميَا ِه ط َما ْ َ .ُت ال ِجبَال ِ ع َ َ َك
َ ص َرت فف ِز ْ َ أ َ ْب
water passed by. The deep uttered its voice, and lifted its َرفَعَ ْت يَدَ ْي َها ِإلَى.صوْ ت َ َها َ ُت اللُّجَّة ِ أ َ ْع َط
hands on high. The sun and moon stood still in their وج ِه َما َ
ِ س َوالقَ َم ُر َوقفَا فِي ب ُُر ْ ُ ْشم َّ اَل.ْالعَالَ ِء
habitation; at the light of Your arrows they went, at the . َق َم ْج ِدك ِ ْان بَر َّ َامك
ِ َ ِللَ َمع،الطائِ َر ِة ِ س َهِ ور ِ ُِلن
shining of Your glittering spear. You marched through the َس َخطٍ دُسْت َ ِب،ض ِ ْب َخ َطرْ تَ ِفي األَر ٍ ضَ َِبغ
ِ َ َخ َر ْجتَ ِل َخال.األ ُ َم َم
land in indignation; You trampled the nations in anger. You ص ِ َ ِل َخال، َش ْع ِبك َ ص
َ ْس َح ْقتَ َرأ
went forth for the salvation of Your people, for salvation
ير ُمعَ ِريًا ِ ت الش ِِر ِ س بَ ْي َ . َِيحك ِ َمس
with Your Anointed. You struck the head from the house of ْ
the wicked, by laying bare from foundation to neck. Selah.
.ْساله ِ .ق ُ
ِ اس َحتى العُنَّ َ س َ َ األ
You thrust through with his own arrows the head of his صفُواَ ع َ .س قَبَائِ ِل ِه َ ْام ِه َرأ ِ س َه ِ ثَقَ ْبتَ ِب
villages. They came out like a whirlwind to scatter me; ين فِي ِ س ِك ْ َ
ْ ا ْبتِ َها ُج ُه ْم َك َما أل ْك ِل ال ِم.شتِيتِي ْ َ ِلت
Their rejoicing was like feasting on the poor in secret. You ْ َ ْ
ُك َو َم ال ِميَا ِه، َسلكتَ البَ ْح َر بِخ ْي ِلك ْ َ َ .ْال ُخفيَ ِة
walked through the sea with Your horses, Through the heap َ ِمن.ْت فَارْ تَعَد َْت أ َ ْحشَائِي ُ س ِمع َ .ير ِة َ ِْال َكث
of great waters. When I heard, my body trembled; My lips دَ َخ َل النَّ ْخ ُر فِي.اي
quivered at the voice. Rottenness entered my bones; and I َ َ شفَت َ ت َر َج َف ْت ِ ْالصَّو
ست َ ِري َح فِي َ
ْ ت فِي َمكَانِي أل ُ َوارْ تَعَ ْد،امي ِ ِع َظ
trembled in myself, that I might rest in the day of trouble.
When he comes up to the people, He will invade them with ب ا َّلذِيِ ش ْع َّ صعُو ِد ال ُ َ ِع ْند،يق ِ الض ِ يَوْ ِم
َوالَ َي ُكو ُن،التي ُن ِ ُِ ر ه ْ
ُز ي َ ال ُ ه َّ نَ أ ع م َ
َ َ ََي ْز َح ُمن
ف .ا
his troops. Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit
be on the vines; though the labor of the olive may fail, and ،الز ْيتُونَ ِةَّ ع َم ُل َ ُ يَ ْكذِب.وم ِ حَمْ ٌل فِي ْال ُك ُر
the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off َ يَ ْنقَ ِط ُع ْالغَنَ ُم ِمن.صنَ ُع َطعَا ًما ْ َ َو ْال ُحقُو ُل الَ ت
from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls-- Yet I will فَ ِإنِي أ َ ْبت َ ِه ُج،ِ َوالَ بَقَ َر فِي ْال َمذَا ِود،ير ِة َ ْال َح ِظ
rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. ُ اَلرَّ بُّ الس َِّيد.ح ِب ِإل ِه َخالَ ِصي ُ ب َوأ َ ْف َر ِ َِّبالر
The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like َويُ َمشِينِي، َويَ ْجعَ ُل قَدَ َم َّي كَاأليَائِ ِل،قُوَّ تِي
deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. .علَى مُرْ تَفَعَاتِي َ
the Lord who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel; and He has وس ِإس َْرائِي َل الَّذِي َق ِد ِ ُّ َوقُد،الَّذِي ُه َو أ َ ِمي ٌن
chosen You.” َ َ اخت
. َارك ْ
Thus says the Lord: “In an acceptable time I have heard ، َست َ َج ْبتُك ْ ت ْالقُبُو ِل ا ِ فِي َو ْق: ُّه َكذَا َقا َل الرَّ ب
You, and in the day of salvation I have helped You; I will َظكَ َوأ َ ْجعَلُك ُ ََ أ َ ْحف. َص أَع َْنتُك ِ ََوفِي يَوْ ِم ْال َخال
preserve You and give You as a covenant to the people, to يك أَمْ الَ ِك ِ ِلتَمْ ِل،ض ِ ْ ِإلقَا َم ِة األَر،ب ِ ش ْعَّ ع ْهدًا ِلل َ
restore the earth, to cause them to inherit the desolate اخ ُرجُوا ِللَّ ِذينَ ِفي ْ : قَا ِئالً ِلألَس َْرى،ِْال َب َر ِاري
heritages; that You may say to the prisoners, ‘Go forth,’to ق يَرْ عَوْ نَ َوفِي ُّ َعلَى.اظ َه ُروا ْ :الظالَ ِم َّ
those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’ They shall ِ الط ُر
feed along the roads, and their pastures shall be on all
َ الَ يَجُوعُونَ َوال.ب َمرْ عَا ُه ْم ِ ُك ِل ْال ِهضَا
desolate heights. They shall neither hunger nor thirst, أل َ َّن،س ٌ ْض ِربُ ُه ْم حَرٌّ َوالَ شَم ْ َ َوالَ ي، َيَ ْع َطشُون
neither heat nor sun shall strike them; for He who has يع ْال ِميَا ِه
ِ ِيه ْم َو ِإلَى يَنَا ِب ِ الَّذِي يَرْ َح ُم ُه ْم يَ ْهد
mercy on them will lead them, even by the springs of water ، َوأ َ ْجعَ ُل ُك َّل ِجبَا ِلي َط ِريقا.ُوردُهُ ْم
ً ِ ي
He will guide them. I will make each of My mountains a َ
.َو َمنا ِه ِجي تَرْ ت َ ِف ُع
road, and My highways shall be elevated.
Joshua 5:1-7 9-1:5 يشوع
So it was, when all the kings of the Amorites who were َور ِيينَ الَّ ِذين ِ وك األ َ ُم
ِ ُس ِم َع َج ِمي ُع ُمل َ َو ِع ْندَ َما
on the west side of the Jordan, and all the kings of the ُ َ
ِ َو َج ِمي ُع ُمل،ع ْب ِر األرْ د ُ ِن غرْ بًا
وك ُ َ فِي
Canaanites who were by the sea, heard that the Lord had ْ أ َ َّن الرَّ بَّ قَد،ع َلى ْالبَ ْح ِر َ َْالك َْنعَانِيِينَ ال ِذين
dried up the waters of the Jordan from before the children َّس ِم َيا َه األُرْ د ُ ِن ِم ْن أ َ َم ِام َب ِني ِإس َْرا ِئي َلَ َيب
of Israel until we had crossed over, that their heart melted; ُ
ِ ِ ذَابَ ْت قلُوبُ ُه ْم َولَ ْم ت َ ْبقَ ف،عبَرْ نَا
يه ْم َ َحتَّى
and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the ْ
children of Israel.
.َاء بَنِي إِس َْرائِيل ِ َّح بَ ْعد ُ ِمن جَر ٌ ُرو
At that time the Lord said to Joshua, “Make flint knives ْصنَع ْ ا:َشوع ُ َت قَا َل الرَّ بُّ ِلي ِ فِي ذ ِلكَ ْال َو ْق
for yourself, and circumcise the sons of Israel again the اخت ُ ْن ْ َع ْد ف ُ َو،ان ٍ َّسكَا ِكينَ ِم ْن صَو َ َسك ِ ِلنَ ْف
second time.” So Joshua made flint knives for himself, and َسكَا ِكين َ ُشوع ُ َصنَ َع ي ً
َ َ ف.بَنِي ِإس َْرائِي َل ثَانِيَة
circumcised the sons of Israel at the hill of the foreskins. ان َو َخت َنَ بَنِي إِس َْرائِي َل فِي ت َ ِل ٍ َِّم ْن صَو
ِ َْالقُل
And this is the reason why Joshua circumcised them: All ُ
:ع إِيَّاه ْم ْ
ُ َسبَبُ خت ِن ي َ ُ َ
َ شو َ َوهذا ه َو.ف
the people who came out of Egypt who were males, all the
،ص َر ْ ب ْال َخ ِار ِجينَ ِم ْن ِم ِ ش ْع َّ أ َ َّن َج ِمي َع ال
men of war, had died in the wilderness on the way, after
they had come out of Egypt. َماتُوا فِي،ب ِ ْ َج ِمي َع ِر َجا ِل ْالحَر،الذُّ ُك ِو َر
.ص َر ْ وج ِه ْم ِم ْن ِم ِ يق ِب ُخ ُر ِ الط ِر َّ علَى َ ْالبَ ِريَّ ِة
For all the people who came out had been circumcised, ب َّال ِذينَ َخ َرجُوا كَانُوا ِ ش ْع َّ أل َ َّن َج ِمي َع ال
but all the people born in the wilderness, on the way as they ب الَّ ِذينَ وُ ِلد ُوا ِ ش ْع َّ َوأَمَّا َج ِمي ُع ال، ََم ْختُونِين
came out of Egypt, had not been circumcised. For the ْ وج ِه ْم ِم ْن ِم
ص َر ِ يق بِ ُخ ُر ِ الط ِر َّ علَى َ فِي ْالقَ ْف ِر
children of Israel walked forty years in the wilderness, till اروا ُ س َ أل َ َّن َب ِني ِإس َْرا ِئي َل.فَلَ ْم ي ُْختَنُوا
all the people who were men of war, who came out of سنَةً فِي ْالقَ ْف ِر َحتَّى فَنِ َي َج ِمي ُع َ َأَرْ بَ ِعين
Egypt, were consumed, because they did not obey the voice
،ص َرْ ب ْال َخ ِار ِجينَ ِم ْن ِم ِ ْ ِر َجا ُل ْالحَر،ب ِ ش ْعَّ ال
of the Lord--to whom the Lord swore that He would not َّ
show them the land which the Lord had sworn to their ف َ َحل َ َين ال ِذ،ب َ
ِ َّس َمعُوا ِلقوْ ِل الر ْ َالَّ ِذ ل ْم ي
َ َين
fathers that He would give us, “a land flowing with milk ف َ َض الَّتِي َحل َ ْيه ِم األَر ِ الرَّ بُّ لَ ُه ْم أَنَّهُ الَ ي ُِر
and honey.” ض التِي َّ َ ْ األر،الرَّ بُّ آلبَائِ ِه ْم أ َ ْن يُع ِْطيَنَا إِيَّا َها
َوأَمَّا بَنُو ُه ْم فَأَقَا َم ُه ْم.ًسال َ ع َ ت َ ِفيضُ لَبَنًا َو
شوعُ ألَنَّ ُه ْم كَانُوا ُ َ فَ ِإيَّاهُ ْم َخت َنَ ي.َمكَانَ ُه ْم
.يق ِ الط ِر َّ ِإ ْذ َل ْم يَ ْختِنُوهُ ْم فِي،قُ ْلفًا
A Prayer of Thanksgiving After Communion
صالة شكر بعد التناول
After distributing the Holy Mysteries, the priest says يقول الكاهن هذه األوشية شكرا ً هلل من بعد
this prayer of thanksgiving to God, which is addressed to : وهي لآلب،تناول األسرار المقدسة
the Father.
Ny gar `ete `mpe bal nau `erwou@ For that which an eye ألن ما لم تره عين ولم تسمع به
has not seen nor ear heard, .أذن ولم يخطر على قلب بشر
oude `mpe masj co;mou@ oude `mpou`i neither have entered into
the heart of man,
`e`hryi `ejen `phyt `nrwmi.
Ny`etakcebtwtou Vnou] the things which You, ما أعددته يا هللا لمحبي إسمك
O God, have prepared for هذا أعلنته لألطفال،القدوس
`nnye;mei `mpekran e;ouab@ ak[orpou those who love Your holy .الصغار الذين لكنيستك المقدسة
name, You have revealed to
`ebol `nhankouji `n`alwou`i `nte
the little children of Your
tekek`klycia e;ouab. holy Church.
Aha Viwt je vai pe pi]ma] Yes, O Father, this is إن هذه هي،نعم أيها اآلب
the pleasure before You, for ألنك،المسرة التي كانت أمامك
`etafswpi `mpek`m;o@ je `n;ok ounayt You are merciful. .رحيم
Ouoh tenouwrp nak `e`pswi We send up unto You ونرسل لك إلى فوق المجد
glory and honor, O Father أيها اآلب واإلبن،واإلكرام
`mpi`wou nem pitai`o Viwt nem Psyri and Son and Holy Spirit. والروح القدس
nem Pi`pneuma e;ouab.
}nou nem `ncyou niben@ nem sa Now and at all times اآلن وكل أوان وإلي دهر الدهور
and unto the age of all ages. . آمين.كلها
`eneh `nte ni`eneh tyrou. `amyn. Amen.
The Prayer of the Laying-on of Hands after the Distribution of the Holy
صالة وضع يد بعد التناول من األسرار المقدسة
A prayer of submission to the Father is said before وهي صالة خضوع لآلب تقال قبل وضع اليد
the laying-on of hands after receiving the Holy موجهة،بعد التناول من األسرار المقدسة
Mysteries. .لآلب
Swpi `nqytou P[oic@ ouoh mosi Dwell in them, O Lord, .حل فيهم يا رب وسر بينهم
walk among them, aid them .ساعدهم في كل عمل صالح
`nqytou@ matotk nemwou qen hwb in every good deed.
niben `na
` ga;on.
Matounoc pouhyt `ebolha meu`i Awaken their heart أنهض قلبهم من كل فكر رديء
from every vile earthly إمنحهم أن يحيوا.أرضي
niben ethwou `nte `pkahi@ myic nwou thought, grant them to live ويفكروا في ما لألحياء ويفهموا
and think of that which .ما هو لك
e;rouwnq@ ouoh `ntoumeu`i `ena
pertains to the living and to
nyetonq@ ouoh `ntouka] `eny`ete nouk. understand the things that
are Yours.
Hiten pekmonogenyc `nSyri Through Your only- بابنك الوحيد ربنا وإلهنا
begotten Son, our Lord, .ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح
Pen[oic ouoh Pennou] ouoh God, and Savior Jesus
pencwtyr Iycouc Pi`,rictoc.
Vai `ete `anon nem peklaoc tyrf To whom we and all هذا الذي نحن وكل شعبك نصرخ
Your people cry out saying, . إرحمنا يا هللا مخلصنا:قائلين
enws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je nai nan “Have mercy upon us, O
God, our Savior.”
Vnou] pencwtyr.
After the priest finishes washing the sacred vessels, يُصب،وبعد نهاية هذه الصالة وغسل اآلنية
water is poured into the palms of his hands, of which he فيرش منه قليال على،ماء للكاهن في يديه
sprinkles a small amount onto the table, and he says the :المائدة ويقول هذا الربع
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
O angel of this يا مالك هذه الصعيدة الطائر إلى
Paggeloc `nte tai;ucia@ ethyl sacrifice, flying up to the اذكرنا قدام،العلو بهذه التسبحة
highest with this hymn, .الرب ليغفر لنا خطايانا
`e`p[ici nem paihumnoc@ `aripenmeu`i
remember us before the
qa`thy `mP[oic@ `ntef,a nennobi nan Lord, that He may forgive
us our sins.
The Dismissal
The Priest wipes his face with his hands, and he ثم يمسح وجهه بيديه ويلتفت إلى أخوته
turns to his brothers the priests, and makes them وكل من شاركه يمسح.الكهنة ويشاركهم بيديه
partners with him by the touch of his hands, and they do . وهم أيضا ً يعملون كذلك.هو بيديه على وجهه
likewise. Then he places his hand upon the heads of the ثم يضع يده على رؤوس الشعب ويباركهم
people and blesses them (this is now done through (ولكن هذا يتم حاليا ً عن طريق رشهم بماء
sprinkling them with the holy water instead of laying
مقدس بدالً من وضع اليد على كل واحد) ثم
the hand on each one). He then dismisses them and
concludes with the blessing. . ويختم ذلك بقراءة البركة.يعطيهم التسريح
The Short Blessing
البركة القصيرة
P[oic nohem `mpeklaoc@ `cmou O Lord, save Your بارك.يا رب خلص شعبك
people, bless Your ارعهم وارفعهم إلى.ميراثك
`etek`klyronomi`a@ `amoni `mmwou inheritance, shepherd them, .األبد
and raise them up forever.
[acou sa `eneh.
{ici `m`ptap `nni`,rictianoc hiten Exalt the horn of ارفع شأن المسيحيين بقوة
Christians through the .الصليب المحيي
`tjom `mpi`ctauroc `nreftanqo. power of the life-giving
Hiten ni]ho nem nitwbh `ete`ciri And through the بالسؤاالت والطلبات التي ترفعها
supplications and prayers سيدتنا كلنا،عنا كل حين سيدتنا
`mmwou qaron `ncyou niben@ `nje which our Lady, the Lady والدة اإلله القديسة الطاهرة
of us all, the holy .مريم
ten[oic `nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc Theotokos, Saint Mary,
makes for us at all times
e;ouab ]`agia Maria.
Nem pisomt `nnis] `nreferouwini And through the والثالثة العظماء المنيرون
supplications and prayers of األطهار ميخائيل وغبريال
e;ouab@ Mi,ayl nem Gabriyl nem the three great holy .وروفائيل
luminaries Michael,
Gabriel, and Raphael;
Nem pi`ftoou `nzwon `nacwmatoc@ the four incorporeal واألربعة الحيوانات غير
living creatures; the twenty واألربعة والعشرون،المتجسدين
nem pijwt `ftoou `m`precbuteroc@ nem four presbyters; and all the . وكل الطغمات السمائية،ًقسيسا
heavenly orders.
nitagma tyrou `ne` pouranion.
Nem pi`agioc Iwannyc piref]wmc@ Saint John the Baptist; ،والقديس يوحنا المعمدان
the hundred and forty four ،ًوالمائة واألربعة واألربعون ألفا
nem pi se `hme `ftoou `nso@ nem thousand; my masters and والثالثة،وسادتي اآلباء الرسل
fathers the apostles; the والقديس،فتية القديسين
na[oic `nio] `n`apoctoloc@ nem pisomt
three holy youths; Saint .استفانوس
` lou `n`agioc@ nem pi`agioc Ctevanoc. Stephen;
Nem pi;e`wrimoc `neuaggelictyc the beholder of God وناظر اإلله اإلنجيلي مرقس
Saint Mark the Evangelist, .الرسول القديس والشهيد
Markoc pi`apoctoloc e;ouab ouoh the apostle and martyr.
`nte nimarturoc.
Nem peniwt `ndikeoc pinis] abba our righteous father, the وأبونا الصديق العظيم أنبا
great Abba Anthony; the ، والبار أنبا بوال،أنطونيوس
Antwnioc@ nem pi`;myi abba Paule@ righteous Abba Paul; the .والثالثة أنبا مقارات القديسين
three saints Abba Macarii;
nem pisomt e;ouab abba Makari.
Nem peniwt abba Iwannyc@ nem our father Abba John; وأبونا أنبا،وأبونا أنبا يوحنا
our father Abba Pishoi; our وأبونا أنبا بوال،بيشوي
peniwt abba Piswi@ Nem peniwt abba father Abba Paul of وأبوانا الروميان،الطموهي
Tammoh; our Roman وأبونا،مكسيموس ودوماديوس
Paule piremtammoh@ nem nenio]
fathers Maximus and
`nrwmeoc Maximoc nem Dometioc@ Dometius; our father Abba والتسعة واألربعين،أنبا موسى
Moses; the Forty nine .شهيدا شيوخ شيهيت
nem peniwt abba Mwcy@ nem pi`hme Martyrs of Shiheet;
`'it `mmarturoc niqelloi `nte Sihyt.
Nem `p,oroc tyrf `nte the whole choir of the وكل مصاف لباس الصليب
cross-bearers; the just; the وجميع،األبرار والصديقين
ni`ctaurovoroc@ nem ni`;myi nem righteous; all the wise ومالك هذا،العذاري الحكيمات
virgins; the angel of this اليوم المبارك ومالك هذه الذبيحة
nidikeoc@ nem nicabeu tyrou
blessed day, and the angel .المباركة
`mpar;enoc@ nem `paggeloc `nte of this blessed sacrifice.
Here, the patron saint of the church is mentioned, ،هنا يذكر اسم صاحب الكنيسة وقديسي اليوم
followed by the saint(s) of the day, then he says :ثم يقول
Nem pi`cmou `n];e`otokoc e;ouab And the blessing of the وبركة والدة اإلله القديسة
holy Theotokos, Saint .ًالطاهرة مريم أوالً وآخرا
]`agi`a Maria `nsorp nem qa`e. Mary, first and last.
Ere pou`cmou e;ouab nem May their holy blessing, ، ونعمتهم،بركتهم المقدسة
their grace, their power, ، ومحبتهم، وهبتهم،وقوتهم
pou`hmot nem toujom nem tou,aric their gift, their love, and ومعونتهم تكون معنا كلنا إلي
their help rest upon us all . آمين.األبد
nem tou`agapy nem toubo`y;i`a swpi
forever. Amen.
neman tyrou sa `eneh@ `amyn.
The priest sprinkles water on the people, saying: : ويقول،ويرش الكاهن الشعب بالماء
Pi`precbuteroc@ Priest: :الكاهن
O King of Peace, grant أعطنا سالمك قرر.يا ملك السالم
Pouro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan us Your peace, establish .لنا سالمك واغفر لنا خطايانا
for us Your peace, and
`ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@
forgive us our sins.
,a nennobi nan `ebol.
Je ;wk te ]jom nem pi`wou nem For Yours is the power, ألن لك القوة والمجد والبركة
the glory, the blessing, and . آمين.والعز إلى اآلبد
pi`cmou nem pi`amahi sa `eneh@ `amyn. the might, forever. Amen.
Ariten `nem`psa `njoc qen Make us worthy to pray اللهم اجعلنا مستحقين أن نقول
thankfully: :بشكر
pantwn `umwn.
Masenwten qen ouhiryny@ Go in peace. The peace of سالم الرب مع،امضوا بسالم
the Lord be with you all. .جميعكم
`t`hriny `mP[oic nemwten tyrou. Amen.
The priest turns and kisses the altar, and encircles it . يلتفت الكاهن ويقبل المذبح،وبعد أن ينتهي
once, saying Psalm 46. Then he descends from the altar 32 ويدور دورة واحدة ويقول المزمور
and takes off his service vestments and distributes the ويخلع ثياب، ثم ينزل من المذبح.بتمامه
eulogia, that is, the blessed bread.And he dismisses the . أي لقمة البركة، ويفرق األولوجية،الخدمة
people in peace from the Lord. May His grace, mercy,
and blessing be upon us forever. Amen. لتكن نعمته.ويصرف الشعب بسالم من الرب
. آمين.ورحمته وبركته معنا إلي األبد