OB Coursefie
OB Coursefie
OB Coursefie
Section A
Importance of Management
• Figurehead role,
• Leader role
• Liaison role
⦿ Figurehead
A manager plays a figurehead role when he performs activities such as attending
ceremonial functions which have symbolic nature.
Sometimes managers greet visitors, attend social functions involving employees,
and handling out merit certificates and other awards to outstanding employees.
⦿ Leader
The leader role of a manager involves leading and motivating his subordinates
for willing contribution. Managers perform leader roles when they perform
activities such as Hiring, Training, motivating, and guiding subordinates.
⦿ Liaison
In the Liaison role, the manager act as a mediator between the organization and
the outsider.
He serves as a connecting link between his units and organizational units, and
sometimes with people from the external environment.
Managers perform liaison roles while interacting with other managers outside the
organization to obtain favors and information.
Informational Roles of Manager
The informational role of a manager is like serving as a focal point for the
exchange of information. It includes communication, giving, and receiving
information, both within and outside the organization. Information is required at
every level in an organization to make decisions effective.
There are three types of informational roles of a manager in an organization.
• Monitor role
• Disseminator role
• Spokesperson role
⦿ Monitor
The manager seeks and receives information about those factors which affect his
activities. These factors may be within the organization as well as outside it.
By playing a monitor role, Managers gain an understanding of the Organization
and its environment.
⦿ Disseminator
In the disseminator role, the manager transmits information to subordinates,
peers, and superiors within the Organization.
The manager has to act as a disseminator and distributes the information to his
subordinates because they may not be in a position to collect it.
⦿ Spokesperson
In the spokesperson role, the manager represents his organization or unit while
interacting with outsiders.
More precisely, the Spokesperson Speaks on behalf of the Organization and
transmits information on Organization plans, policies, and actions to outsiders.
Decisional Roles of Manager
Decisional roles of a manager involve choosing the most appropriate and best
alternative out of the available ones so that the organization achieves its
objectives when the chosen alternative is put into action.
In his decisional roles, the Manager performs four different roles as follows;
• Entrepreneur role
• Disturbance handler role
• Resource allocator role
• Negotiator role
⦿ Entrepreneur
Manager as an Entrepreneur role, take initiative and make changes or
improvements in the activities of the Organization.
The manager assumes certain risk which is involved in terms of the outcomes of
action because these are affected by a variety of external factors.
External factors are dynamic and change constantly. And manager is required to
bring suitable changes in the organizational processes to align these with the
requirement of the environment.
⦿ Disturbance handler
As a role of disturbance handler, the manager has in charge and takes corrective
action when Organization faces unexpected crises.
The manager is required to tackle those forces and events which tend to disturb
the organizational equilibrium and normal functioning.
These forces and events may be strikes by Employees and the Trade/Labor Union,
shortage of raw material, employee complaints and grievances, etc.
⦿ Resource allocator
A manager as the resource allocator role must divide work and delegate authority
among his subordinates. He must decide who will get what work.
The manager allocates resources such as human, physical and financial among
his subordinates.
⦿ Negotiator
the manager represents the organization in bargaining and negotiations with
outsiders as well as insiders.
In the negotiator role, the manager negotiates with various interest groups in the
organization. Such interest groups are shareholders, employees, and outside
• Introvert
• Extrovert
• Motivated
• Dominating
• Other
Section -D
Que. Define Communication. Why was communication assumed important
in Modern Industrial Organisation?
Communication: Meaning
• The sender is encoding the message in any form like voice, written or any
signs. So, they are offered as Encoder
• The receiver is decoding the message from the sender to understand the
message. So, they often called as Decoder.
• Channel: Any messages or information needs some channel or a medium.
Example: television is an audio visual medium which decodes the
electronic signals into an audio visuals to the audience
• Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one
place, person or group to another
Section D
Que, What is organization culture? Describe the nature and significance of
Organisation Culture.
These shared values strongly influence the people in the organization and dictate
how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.
• The ways the organization conducts its business, treats its employees,
customers, and the wider community,
• The extent to which freedom is allowed in decision making, developing
new ideas, and personal expression,
• How power and information flow through its hierarchy, and
• How committed employees are towards collective objectives.
Many Scholars have given the definition of organizational culture. Some of the
popular definitions are given below:
1. Innovation
Companies that value innovation will encourage their people to be brave and take
risks. This will empower people and inspire them to think creatively. Companies
who do not value innovation will have set guidelines and practices that must be
adhered to.
2. Attention to Detail
This dictates the level to which employees are expected to be accurate in their
work. For some organisations, attention to detail is key for success. Financial
organisations and law firms are prime examples of this. A culture that places a
high value on this will expect their employees to undertake their duties with
precision. A culture that places a low value on this will adopt a “try your best”
attitude. Putting less pressure on everyone.
3. Outcome (Results)
Companies that value outcome will focus on results, but not on the processes.
They will strive for results by any means necessary. Companies that value the
processes will believe that when everything is done correctly, the outcome will
take care of itself.
4. People
Organisations that value their people will consider how their decisions affect
everyone. These companies will value their staff and will give them input in
organisational decisions. The inverse of this is when companies adopt strict
policies and procedures and are more focused on financials than people.
5. Teamwork
Companies that organise work activities around teams instead of individuals are
advocates for teamwork. They emphasise cooperation and collaboration. Cultures
that promote this will encourage positive and open relationships – at all levels.
6. Aggressiveness
7. Stability
“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”
- Simon Sinek
A strong organisational culture will ensure that everyone aligns with the
company’s values. This will positively impact every part of the business. Here
are some ways organisational culture can improve business:
1. Identity
2. Onboarding
A company with a clear organisational culture will easily be able to align new
starters with the company’s goals, and values. They will have a clear set of
practices and beliefs. This will encourage new starters to adhere to their processes
and rules of engagement.
3. Loyalty
If your employees view themselves as part of the culture, they will make decisions
for the greater good of the organisation. It will also ensure your people will
remain loyal during periods of organisational change and won’t consider jumping
4. Direction
When your people are aware of the company goals and vision – they will have a
clearer sense of what is expected of them and why. This provides everyone with
direction, which will keep your people on-task.
5. Unity
Overcoming resistance
Before trying to carry out any change, leaders must recognize that resistance is
normal, especially when people don’t understand the change, trust leadership, or
believe the new initiative is necessary. In some cases, employees might think that
a different change is needed or they’ve become cynical after a few failed change
projects. They may think that this is just another flavor of the month initiative
that will fizzle out soon enough. Some people can also have low tolerance for
change in general.
The first thing to remember is that a supportive workplace culture, clear and
inclusive communication, and reliable feedback loops as part of an organizational
framework can be a huge help to any change management initiative. Experts
know this too, which is why the recommended approaches to handling resistance
always stress the importance of communication and employee involvement.
Six change approaches
Kotter and Schlesinger suggested Six Change Approaches to handle resistance to
1. Education and communication
First and foremost, employees need to understand the reasons for the change
initiative. It’s important for people to see the leaders’ logic and hear the rationale,
even if they don’t agree with it. And this should be done before any steps towards
the change are taken. To help employees really understand the reasons behind the
change, leaders should use a range of techniques and multiple meetings to
hammer home the message. This is especially true if they know there’s a lack of
knowledge on the subject or that inaccurate information is being circulated.
2. Participation and involvement
When building a change management team, it’s important to gather input from
all levels and departments of the organization. Having people involved in the
process helps them engage in (or at least tolerate) the change in a positive way. If
people are given a chance to come up with ideas, discuss the ideas of others, or
otherwise be involved in the process, they’ll become invested in the change and
understand it better.
When it’s clear that certain individuals are more likely to resist the change,
leaders should make sure to include them in the design aspect of the plan. They
will then have ownership of it and they’ll feel more involved, leading to
commitment, which is worth much more than meek compliance. This approach
is most useful when leaders don’t yet have all the necessary information to plan
the change and where there is a chance that employees will have the power to
3. Facilitation and support
Leaders need to invest a little more time to provide facilitation and support when
people are resistant due to fear and anxiety. Training alone is not enough. Leaders
should think about guided discussion groups to help people talk about their
worries or even vent their frustrations. In anxiety-inducing situations, the change
curve can help leaders understand what kind of support is needed at each stage.
4. Negotiation and agreement
When individuals or groups value logic and stability, and think they’d be worse
off because of the change, leaders need to take an approach that is fair, logical
and consistent. Employees have to see clearly that the change—whether they
agree with it or not—is being introduced and implemented in a way that makes
sense. For example, if an action needs to be performed, leadership should
communicate the reasons behind it and the outcomes that are expected. This will
ensure that employees will see why certain choices are being made and provide
the much-needed stability.
5. Manipulation and co-optation
In order to encourage change-resistant people to adjust their position, information
must be used in a selective way. Leaders need to determine which employees are
happy with the prospect of change and appoint them as “change agents”. Their
mission will be to sell the change to others in the organization, so leaders must
choose their agents wisely. For individual employees or well-respected group
leaders, this could mean including them in the change management team.
This approach can be a bit of an ethical dilemma, but it’s often the only option
left when all others have failed. If it’s done incorrectly, and people realize that
they are being manipulated, it can intensify resistance and lead to more problems.
6. Explicit and implicit coercion
If there’s absolutely no willingness from people to accept and participate in the
change, leaders could consider communicating potential negative consequences
of continuing the status quo. This approach should be the absolute last resort, only
to be used if all else fails.
People and change
It’s important to remember that getting buy-in or acceptance of a change initiative
is not the end of the initiative. Employees still need to develop new habits that
are required within the newly changed environment, and learning new habits can
be tricky, so organizational support will be required.
For example, a new safety initiative may be accepted by employees, but if a
change of behavior is required, leaders should remember that developing new
habits takes time, conscious effort and encouragement. Having a strong culture
with a great framework of communication and reliable feedback loops is the basis
on which successful change can happen and new habits can be developed.
Change is never easy. And whatever the company is struggling with—safety,
training, structure or communication—considering the human aspect of change
is a critical (and sometimes the most unpredictable) part of any management plan.
Organizations must always keep in mind that it’s people who will be
implementing and living the change.
Q1. What do you mean by Management ? Discuss the scope and Important
of Management ?
Ans. The term management has been used in different sense. Sometimes it refers
to the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and
controlling, at other times it is used to describe it as a function of managing
people. It is also referred to as a body of knowledge, a practice and discipline.
There are some who describe management as a technique of leadership and
decision-making while some others have analyzed management as an economic
resource, a factor of production or a system of authority.
1. Financial management
Financial management is a top priority for companies as the effective and
proper managing of finances enables them to stay in business and remain
competitive. It is necessary for companies to plan, organise, direct and control
their financial activities to increase profit and reduce wastage of resources. By
applying management principles to their financial resources, companies can
keep track of how they procure revenues and how they utilise them.
They can make informed decisions for making investments, estimating capital
requirements, financing projects and deciding on share dividend policies.
Additionally, they can prepare and examine financial statements, expand the
business and negotiate with external stakeholders. Financial management also
allows businesses to remain compliant with regulations, maintain records and
plan ahead.
2. Marketing management
Marketing management usually covers the different marketing activities
undertaken by the company's marketing department. These may include
identifying consumer trends and creating appropriate business solutions to
respond to them. Implementing marketing plans, directing their implementation
and controlling the work activities are also usually part of marketing
management. The different functions of marketing management typicssally
include market research, financing, risk-taking, campaign planning, customer
outreach, loyalty programmes, lead generation and customer relationship
4. Production management
Production management is the application of management principles to the
different production activities in a company's production department. It usually
involves handling the entire manufacturing process and planning, organising,
overseeing and monitoring the production of goods and services. In production
management, the production manager is responsible for procuring raw
materials, hiring and assigning labour for different work activities, maintaining
equipment and creating production budgets. They also supervise work
performance, oversee research and development, ensure quality control and
monitor delivery and storage of finished products.
The main types of production management are job production, batch production
and mass production. Job production involves making a single product in the
manufacturing process. It may be as per customer order and involves gathering
the necessary raw materials, components, tools and equipment and qualified
personnel to make the products and fulfil the commission. The company plans
to produce a set quantity of products in batch production and divides the
production operation into different and repetitive work batches. It completes
one operation before proceeding to the next. Mass production involves large-
scale production to ensure a continuous supply.
5. Office management
Office management concerns the planning, coordinating and controlling the
different work activities in an office environment. The aim of office
management is to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of all office
departments to get the necessary work done and achieve the organisation's work
targets and business goals. The primary functions of office management are
planning projects, hiring qualified employees, organising and assigning work
tasks, directing and guiding project work and monitoring and controlling the
work processes.
When planning projects, the office manager considers the organisation's goals
and objectives and creates plans to meet these. This can include determining
which projects to undertake, their completion time frames and the expected
work standards. It also usually covers creating project budgets, listing the
necessary materials and resources and adjusting the project plans to suit
business requirements. The organising stage covers selecting the right
employees for the project, delegating work responsibilities, creating work
schedules and procuring materials. The office manager is also typically
responsible for leading the projects, reviewing work performances and ensuring
quality control.
Q2. What are management skill? What skill mix is expected of the
management the top level of the organization?
Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs,
desires, wants or drives within the individuals.
It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals
In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s
behaviour can be -
physiological needs
love and belonging
Maslow mapped these needs onto a pyramid diagram, with each need occupying
a different level of the pyramid. The lowest and biggest levels represent the
basic and highest-priority needs that are essential for survival.
• Transparent conversations
• Everyone’s opinion counts
• Values collaboration and teamwork
• Encourages discussions
2. Autocratic Leadership
This is precisely the opposite of democratic leadership. The opinions of team
members are not considered while making any business decision. Instead,
leaders expect others to adhere to their decisions, which is not sustainable in the
long run.
3. Laissez-faire Leadership
Laissez-faire means “let them do”. This leadership style is the least intrusive
and ensures that the decision-making authority lies with the team members.
This leadership style empowers team members and holds them accountable for
their work. This motivates many team members to put their best foot forward,
improving the organisation’s efficiency and productivity.
4. Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership is when leaders use their skills and capabilities to help team
members and organisation achieve their long-term goals. Strategic leaders strive
to get the best out of people or situations.
Here are some unique traits of strategic leaders
5. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders inspire others to achieve the unexpected. They aim to
transform and improve team members’ and organisations’ functions and
capabilities by motivating and encouraging them.
6. Transactional Leadership
This type of leadership is task-oriented, which means team members who meet
the leader’s expectations will be rewarded, and others will be punished. It is a
prevalent leadership style based on the action-and-reward concept.
7. Coach-Style Leadership
This leadership style focuses on identifying and nurturing a team member’s
strengths and weaknesses. A coaching leader develops strategies that emphasise
team members’ success.
Though this is similar to strategic and democratic leadership styles, the focus
here is more on the individual.
8. Bureaucratic Leadership
This kind of leadership style sticks to the rules. For example, they might listen
to their team members’ opinions while deciding.
Leaders provide direction and vision, motivate and inspire others to achieve the
organization’s goals, and help to create an environment conducive to success by
promoting communication and collaboration among team members. In short,
leadership and strong management are essential for any organization that wants
to achieve its objectives.
One of the most important duties of a leader is to facilitate communication within
the workplace. Clear and concise communication is essential for any team to
function correctly. Effective leaders will make it a point to keep lines of
communication open at all times and create an open and inclusive environment
where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas. By ensuring employees
have a forum to voice their concerns and opinions, a leader can encourage a work
culture where new ideas are welcome, and misunderstandings are avoided.
Leaders have a profound impact on their overall work environment. They create
an atmosphere of trust and respect, which in turn fosters creativity and
collaboration. Employee morale is also higher in workplaces with strong
management, leading to greater motivation.
An effective leader makes all the difference in a team’s productivity. When
employees feel valued and motivated, they are more likely to be productive. On
the other hand, a poor leader can cause employees to become disengaged and
uninterested in their work. A team that is led effectively will be more productive,
efficient, and successful overall.
A productive leader can help to improve efficiency by getting the most out of
their team. Leaders can help improve efficiency by ensuring everyone is working
towards the same goal and doing what they do best. They can provide guidance
and direction and delegate tasks to make the most of everyone’s strengths.
A capable leader is essential for any workplace that wants to minimize mistakes
and run smoothly, especially important in high-pressure environments where
mistakes can have serious consequences. A leader needs to be able to identify
potential problems early on and head them off to avoid costly mistakes.
Good leaders know how to effectively motivate their employees. They understand
that people are different and that what works for one person may not work for
another. As a result, they take the time to get to know their team members and
discover what makes them tick. They also create a positive work environment
where employees feel valued and appreciated. When employees feel like they are
part of a team and that their contributions matter, they are more likely to be
engaged and motivated.
An effective leader knows that setting a good example is one of the best ways to
inspire others. After all, people are more likely to follow someone they see as a
role model. That’s why it’s so crucial for leaders to lead by example. By behaving
in a way that exemplifies the values and goals of their team or organization, they
can show others what it means to be a committed and successful member.
A great leader is able to instill a sense of purpose in their team. When people feel
like they are working towards something bigger than themselves, they are more
likely to be willing to put in the hard work required to achieve it. An effective
leader knows how to tap into this sense of purpose and channel it into productive
A successful leader understands the importance of having a solid vision and how
to create one that will guide their organization toward a bright future. A strong
vision means having a clear idea of where the organization is going and what it
wants to achieve. It also means articulating this vision in a way that inspires and
motivates others to follow. Without a clear vision, maintaining momentum or
progressing toward long-term goals can be challenging. A leader with a strong
vision can create a sense of direction and purpose, helping to focus and energize
an entire organization.
Once the company’s vision is well-articulated and understood, sound leadership
is essential to keep employees focused on reaching that goal. This means clearly
communicating the company’s vision and objectives as progress is made and
changes occur and then providing the necessary support and resources.
Maintaining lines of communication throughout projects, being positive, and
ensuring employees receive the support they need to achieve their tasks all help
keep staff on track with an organization’s overarching vision.
Ans. The English word ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin communis,
which means common sense. The word communication means sharing the same
ideas. In other words, the transmission and interaction of facts, ideas, opinions,
feelings or attitudes. Communication is the essence of management. The basic
function of management (planning, planning, staffing, supervision and
management) cannot be done effectively without effective communication.
Communication is a Latin word which means “to share”. There are different
modes of communication available today. These include emails, chats,
WhatsApp, skype (conference calls), etc. Effective communication makes
people’s work easier and smooth.
Communication Process
Communication is an ongoing process that mainly involves three components
namely. sender, message, and recipient. The components involved in the
communication process are described below in detail:
1. Sender:
The sender or contact generates the message and transmits it to the
recipient. He is the source and the first contact
1. Message:
It is an idea, knowledge, opinion, truth, feeling, etc. produced by the sender
and intended for reference.
1. Encoding:
The message produced by the sender is encrypted in a symbolic way such
as words, pictures, touches, etc. before transfer.
1. The media:
This is how the coded message is conveyed. The message can be conveyed
orally or in writing.
1. Recording:
It is a process of modifying the signals sent by the sender. After recording
the message is received by the recipient.
1. Recipient:
You are the last person in the chain and the message you sent was sent. If
the recipient receives the message and understands it correctly and acts on
the message, only then the purpose of the communication is achieved.
1. Answer:
Once the recipient confirms to the sender that you received the message
and understood it, the communication process is complete.
1. Noise:
Refers to any restrictions caused by the sender, message or recipient during
the communication process. For example, incorrect telephone connection,
incorrect coding, incorrect recording, careless recipient, incorrect
understanding of message due to discrimination or inappropriate touch, etc.
Q8. What do you mean by planned changes? How should a manager handle
changes in his organization ?
Planned change is the process of preparing an entire organization, or a
significant part of it, to achieve new goals or move in a new direction. This
direction can refer to a company’s culture, internal structure, processes, metrics
and rewards, or any other aspect related to the business.