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evaluation, a poor report on performance and dissatisfactory recommendation are

the examples of coercion.

Past Year Solved Question Paper

July 2022 Solved Question Paper

Section A

Q1. Explain the difference between Management and Administration

Ans. Following are the difference between administration and management.

• Management is the process of managing people at every level. From an

individual to a team, it is done at micro and macro level. Within each
level of the hierarchy, there are managers working to ensure smooth
workflow. On the other hand, the administration is at an upper level
where high level authorities are involved. This is done on a macro level.

• Administration represents creating plans and actions to achieve the

objectives of the company. Management is the process of implementing
these plans to achieve the final goal.

• Administrative functions are legislative in nature, whereas managerial

functions are executive in nature.

• In administration, decisions related to the people involved in

accomplishing a set of task are taken. This means that administrators
decide which professionals are appropriate for a particular objective. On
the other hand, management involves making decisions on actionable
items that will help in achieving that goal.

Que. What do you mean by learning?

Ans. Learning is a relatively lasting change in behavior that is the result of
experience. It is the acquisition of information, knowledge, and skills. When you
think of learning, it's easy to focus on formal education that takes place during
childhood and early adulthood. But learning is an ongoing process that takes place
throughout life and isn't confined to the classroom.
Learning became a major focus of study in psychology during the early part of
the twentieth century as behaviorism rose to become a major school of thought.
Today learning remains an important concept in numerous areas of psychology,
including cognitive, educational, social, and developmental psychology.
Psychologists study how learning occurs but also how social, emotional, cultural,
and biological variables might influence the learning process. 1
Learning Is an Active Process
Even if you learn something relatively quickly, it is still a multi-step process. To
learn, you must encounter new information, pay attention to it, coordinate it with
what you already know, store it in your memory, and apply it.2
For example, say you want to fix a running toilet. You might search for a how-to
video, watch it to see if it addresses your need, and then use the instructions to
make the repair. Or, consider a time when you came across an unfamiliar word
while reading. If you stopped to look up the meaning, then you learned a new
Que. Explain the importance of Perception.

Ans. Perception may be defined as a process by which individuals organize and

interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.
According to Joseph Reitz, “Perception includes all those processes by which an
individual receives information about his environment—seeing, hearing, feeling,
tasting and smelling. The study of these perpetual processes shows that their
functioning is affected by three classes of variables—the objects or events being
perceived, the environment in which perception occurs and the individual doing
the perceiving.”
Importance of Perception:

(i) Perception is very important in understanding the human behaviour, because

every person perceives the world and approaches the life problems differently-
Whatever we see or feel is not necessarily the same as it really is. It is because
what we hear is not what is really said, but what we perceive as being said. When
we buy something, it is not because it is the best, but because we take it to be the
best. Thus, it is because of perception, we can find out why one individual finds
a job satisfying while another one may not be satisfied with it.
(ii) If people behave on the basis of their perception, we can predict their
behaviour in the changed circumstances by understanding their present
perception of the environment. One person may be viewing the facts in one way
which may be different from the facts as seen by another viewer.
(iii) With the help of perception, the needs of various people can be determined,
because people’s perception is influenced by their needs. Like the mirrors at an
amusement park, they distort the world in relation to their tensions.
(iv) Perception is very important for the manager who wants to avoid making
errors when dealing with people and events in the work setting. This problem is
made more complicated by the fact that different people perceive the same
situation differently. In order to deal with the subordinates effectively, the
managers must understand their perceptions properly.
Thus, for understanding the human behaviour, it is very important to understand
their perception, that is, how they perceive the different situations. People’s
behaviour is based on their perceptions of what reality is, not on reality itself. The
world as it is perceived is the world that is important for understanding the human
Que. What do you mean by Organizational development. What is its

Ans. Organizational development can be defined as an objective-based

methodology used to initiate a change of systems in an entity. Organizational
development is achieved through a shift in communication processes or their
supporting structure. Studying the behavior of employees enables professionals
to examine and observe the work environment and anticipate change, which is
then effected to accomplish sound organizational development.
Benefits of Organizational Development
Increasing productivity and efficiency comes with many benefits. One of the best
ways to encourage positive results in these metrics is by using a well-thought-out
organizational development structure. Organizational development is used to
equip an organization with the right tools so that it can adapt and respond
positively (profitably!) to changes in the market. The benefits of organizational
development include the following:
1. Continuous development
Entities that participate in organizational development continually develop their
business models. Organizational development creates a constant pattern of
improvement in which strategies are developed, evaluated, implemented, and
assessed for results and quality.
In essence, the process builds a favorable environment in which a company can
embrace change, both internally and externally. The change is leveraged to
encourage periodic renewal.
2. Increased horizontal and vertical communication
Of considerable merit to organizational development is effective communication,
interaction, and feedback in an organization. An efficient communication system
aligns employees with the company’s goals, values, and objectives.
An open communication system enables employees to understand the importance
of change in an organization. Active organizational development increases
communication in an organization, with feedback shared continuously to
encourage improvement.
3. Employee growth
Organizational development places significant emphasis on effective
communication, which is used to encourage employees to effect necessary
changes. Many industry changes require employee development programs. As a
result, many organizations are working toward improving the skills of their
employees to equip them with more market-relevant skills.
4. Enhancement of products and services
Innovation is one of the main benefits of organizational development and is a key
contributing factor to the improvement of products and services. One approach
to change is employee development – a critical focal point is a reward for
motivation and success.
Successful engagement of employees leads to increased innovation and
productivity. Through competitive analysis, consumer expectations, and market
research, organizational development promotes change.
5. Increased profit margins
Organizational development influences the bottom line in many different ways.
As a result of increased productivity and innovation, profits and efficiency
increase. Costs come down because the organization can better manage employee
turnover and absenteeism. After the alignment of an entity’s objectives, it can
focus entirely on development and product and service quality, leading to
improvements in customer satisfaction.
Que. Define the concept of Conflict Management
Ans. Conflict management is the practice of being able to identify and managing
conflicts sensibly, fairly, and efficiently. Conflict management process deals with
(perceived) incompatibilities or disagreements arising from, for example,
diverging opinions, objectives, and needs.
Since conflicts in a business are a natural part of the workplace, it is important
that there are people who understand conflicts and know how to resolve them.
This is important in today's market more than ever. Everyone is striving to show
how valuable they are to the company they work for and at times, this can lead to
disputes with other members of the team.
Section B
Que What do you mean by Management? Discuss the characteristics and
importance of management in present Scenario in India.
Ans. Management is required in all kinds of organisations whether they are
manufacturing computers or handlooms, trading in consumer goods or providing
saloon services and even in non-business organisations. No matter what the
organisation is or what its goals might be, they all have something in common –
management and managers. Successful organisations achieve their goals by
following a deliberate process called ‘management. Management consists of a
series of interrelated functions that are performed by all managers. In simple
words Management is the art of getting things done through people. Let’s
understand the concept of management.
Meaning of Management
According to George R Terry, Management consists of planning, organising,
actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish the objectives
by the use of people and resources.
So Management can be defined as a process of getting things done with the aim
of achieving goals effectively and efficiently. Some important terms in this
definition are:

1. Process: Process means the primary functions or activities that

management performs to get things done. These functions are planning,
organising, staffing, directing and controlling.
2. Effectiveness: Effectiveness is concerned with the end result. It basically
means finishing the given task. Thus Effectiveness in management is
concerned with doing the right task, completing activities and achieving
3. Efficient: Efficiency means doing the task correctly and with minimum
cost. Management is concerned with the efficient use of input resources
which ultimately reduce costs and lead to higher profits.

it is important for management to achieve goals (effectiveness) with minimum

resources i.e., as efficiently as possible while maintaining a balance between
effectiveness and efficiency.
Characteristics of Management
Basic characteristics of management are:

1. Management is a goal-oriented process: An organisation has a set of

basic goals which are the basic reason for its existence. Management unites
the efforts of different individuals in the organisation towards achieving
these goals.
2. Management is all pervasive: The activities involved in managing an
enterprise are common to all organisations whether economic, social or
3. Management is multidimensional: Management is a complex activity
that has three main dimensions:
1. Management of work: All organisations exist for the performance
of some work. Management translates this work in terms of goals to
be achieved and assigns the means to achieve it.
2. Management of people: Human resources or people are an
organisation’s greatest asset. Managing people has two dimensions:
1. it implies dealing with employees as individuals with diverse
needs and behavior;
2. it also means dealing with individuals as a group of people

The task of management is to make people work towards achieving

the organisation’s goals, by making their strengths effective and
their weaknesses irrelevant.

3. Management of operations: It requires a production process which entails

the flow of input material and the technology for transforming this input into the
desired output for consumption
4. Management of operations: It requires a production process which entails
the flow of input material and the technology for transforming this input into the
desired output for consumption
5. Management is a continuous process: The process of management is a
series of continuous, composite, but separate functions (planning, organising,
directing, staffing and controlling). These functions are simultaneously
performed by all managers all the time.
6. Management is a group activity: An organisation is a collection of
diverse individuals with different needs. Management should enable all its
members to grow and develop as needs and opportunities change
7. Management is a dynamic function: Management is a dynamic function
and has to adapt itself to the changing environment. In order to be successful, an
organisation must change itself and its goals according to the needs of the
8. Management is an intangible force: Management is an intangible force
that cannot be seen but its presence can be felt in the way the organisation

Importance of Management

1. It helps in Achieving Group Goals - It arranges the factors of

production, assembles and organizes the resources, integrates the
resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It directs group efforts
towards achievement of pre-determined goals.
By defining objective of organization clearly there would be no
wastage of time, money and effort. Management converts disorganized
resources of men, machines, money etc. into useful enterprise. These
resources are coordinated, directed and controlled in such a manner
that enterprise work towards attainment of goals.

2. Optimum Utilization of Resources - Management utilizes all the physical

& human resources productively. This leads to efficacy in management.
Management provides maximum utilization of scarce resources by
selecting its best possible alternate use in industry from out of various
It makes use of experts, professional and these services leads to use of
their skills, knowledge, and proper utilization and avoids wastage. If
employees and machines are producing its maximum there is no under
employment of any resources.

3. Reduces Costs - It gets maximum results through minimum input by

proper planning and by using minimum input & getting maximum output.
Management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a
manner which results in best combination. This helps in cost reduction.

4. Establishes Sound Organization - No overlapping of efforts (smooth and

coordinated functions). To establish sound organizational structure is one of the
objective of management which is in tune with objective of organization and for
fulfillment of this, it establishes effective authority & responsibility
relationship i.e. who is accountable to whom, who can give instructions to
whom, who are superiors & who are subordinates.
Management fills up various positions with right persons, having right
skills, training and qualification. All jobs should be cleared to

5. Establishes Equilibrium - It enables the organization to survive in

changing environment. It keeps in touch with the changing environment.

With the change is external environment, the initial co-ordination of

organization must be changed. So it adapts organization to changing
demand of market/changing needs of societies. It is responsible for
growth and survival of organization.
6. Essentials for Prosperity of Society - Efficient management leads
to better economical production which helps in turn to increase the
welfare of people. Good management makes a difficult task easier by
avoiding wastage of scarce resource.

It improves standard of living. It increases the profit which is beneficial

to business and society will get maximum output at minimum cost by
creating employment opportunities which generate income in hands.
Organization comes with new products and researches beneficial for
Que. What role are performed by managers? Explain each role in the context
of a business enterprise.

Ans. Roles of Manager refers to the responsibilities of managerial position,

Mintzberg has defined the roles of managers to identify what managers do in the
organization. The role is defined as the behavior which is defined for different
Managerial Roles by Henry Mintzberg
Managerial roles are well defined by Mintzberg in his book “The Nature of
Managerial Work”. This book dedicated to roles and characteristics of managerial
work, based on his doctoral thesis (study of five managers).
Henry Mintzberg is a management author and Professor at McGill University,
Canada. He has written more than 30 books and publications on Business and
Mintzberg introduced some basics concepts of management that are known as the
Management Theory by Henry Mintzberg.
He identified organizational types, the basic structure of an organization, and the
role of the manager in an organization.
According to Mintzberg, the Roles of a manager refers to the expected behavior
of the occupant of a position – not all their behavior, but to what he does as the
occupant of that position.
These roles of manager applicable to all type of managers whether he is product
manager, case manager, account manager, finance manager, nurse manager,
general manager, sales and marketing manager.
Roles of Manager
Managerial roles depend on the formal authority which is delegated to the
manager in an organization. The degree of authority determines his position and
different roles.
Mintzberg has pointed out that there are three broad categories of roles that a
manager performs in each category of roles. These three categories consist total
of 10 different roles of a manager.
The manager uses his managerial skills and other characteristics while
performing a particular role.
The three main categories of roles of a manager are interpersonal, informational,
and decisional.

• Interpersonal Roles (Figurehead, Leader, Liaison)

• Informational Roles (Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson)
• Decisional Roles (Entrepreneur, Disturbance handler, Resource
allocator, Negotiator)

10 Roles of Manager are as follows;

1. Figurehead
2. Leader
3. Liaison
4. Monitor
5. Disseminator
6. Spokesperson
7. Entrepreneur
8. Disturbance Handler
9. Resource Allocator
10. Negotiator

Interpersonal Roles of Manager

The interpersonal role is all about interacting with people inside and outside the
There are three types of interpersonal roles of a manager in an organization;

• Figurehead role,
• Leader role
• Liaison role

⦿ Figurehead
A manager plays a figurehead role when he performs activities such as attending
ceremonial functions which have symbolic nature.
Sometimes managers greet visitors, attend social functions involving employees,
and handling out merit certificates and other awards to outstanding employees.
⦿ Leader
The leader role of a manager involves leading and motivating his subordinates
for willing contribution. Managers perform leader roles when they perform
activities such as Hiring, Training, motivating, and guiding subordinates.
⦿ Liaison
In the Liaison role, the manager act as a mediator between the organization and
the outsider.
He serves as a connecting link between his units and organizational units, and
sometimes with people from the external environment.
Managers perform liaison roles while interacting with other managers outside the
organization to obtain favors and information.
Informational Roles of Manager
The informational role of a manager is like serving as a focal point for the
exchange of information. It includes communication, giving, and receiving
information, both within and outside the organization. Information is required at
every level in an organization to make decisions effective.
There are three types of informational roles of a manager in an organization.
• Monitor role
• Disseminator role
• Spokesperson role

⦿ Monitor
The manager seeks and receives information about those factors which affect his
activities. These factors may be within the organization as well as outside it.
By playing a monitor role, Managers gain an understanding of the Organization
and its environment.
⦿ Disseminator
In the disseminator role, the manager transmits information to subordinates,
peers, and superiors within the Organization.
The manager has to act as a disseminator and distributes the information to his
subordinates because they may not be in a position to collect it.
⦿ Spokesperson
In the spokesperson role, the manager represents his organization or unit while
interacting with outsiders.
More precisely, the Spokesperson Speaks on behalf of the Organization and
transmits information on Organization plans, policies, and actions to outsiders.
Decisional Roles of Manager
Decisional roles of a manager involve choosing the most appropriate and best
alternative out of the available ones so that the organization achieves its
objectives when the chosen alternative is put into action.
In his decisional roles, the Manager performs four different roles as follows;

• Entrepreneur role
• Disturbance handler role
• Resource allocator role
• Negotiator role

⦿ Entrepreneur
Manager as an Entrepreneur role, take initiative and make changes or
improvements in the activities of the Organization.
The manager assumes certain risk which is involved in terms of the outcomes of
action because these are affected by a variety of external factors.
External factors are dynamic and change constantly. And manager is required to
bring suitable changes in the organizational processes to align these with the
requirement of the environment.
⦿ Disturbance handler
As a role of disturbance handler, the manager has in charge and takes corrective
action when Organization faces unexpected crises.
The manager is required to tackle those forces and events which tend to disturb
the organizational equilibrium and normal functioning.
These forces and events may be strikes by Employees and the Trade/Labor Union,
shortage of raw material, employee complaints and grievances, etc.
⦿ Resource allocator
A manager as the resource allocator role must divide work and delegate authority
among his subordinates. He must decide who will get what work.
The manager allocates resources such as human, physical and financial among
his subordinates.
⦿ Negotiator
the manager represents the organization in bargaining and negotiations with
outsiders as well as insiders.
In the negotiator role, the manager negotiates with various interest groups in the
organization. Such interest groups are shareholders, employees, and outside

Que. What do you mean by Organization Behaviour? Explain the

Importance of OB in Present Scenario in an Industrial environment?
Ans. What Is Organizational Behaviour
Organizational Behavior has included two terms in it. Therefore, these two terms
should be detailed first before diving into the title in question.
→ Organization: It is a group of people who are collected to work for a common
goal with collective efforts. Organization works through two concepts i.e
coordination and delegation among its group members. Delegation is necessary
to allocate group members with equal work according to their capability, and
coordination is required to achieve organizational goal with precision.

→ Behavior: It is a verbal or physical response shown by a person as a

consequence of the impact of his/her surroundings. Individual Behavior varies in
accordance with their mental reactivity to particular circumstances because of
their deeply imbibed morals and value system.

→ Organizational Behavior: Organizational Behavior is the observation of

individual and/or group Behavior in response to the other individuals or group as
a whole. It studies Behavior of people or group to know their attitude towards
particular circumstances.

Fundamental Aspects Of Organizational Behavior: There are various aspects

of Organizational Behavior which it has to deal with, to know the soul of
particular Organization. Below mentioned are some of the fundamental aspects
of Organizational Behavior-
1) People: This element is the soul of the Organization because people work to
achieve the target of Organization and Organization works to fulfill the needs of
individual or group of individuals. The word ‘people’ can be anyone who is
working inside the Organization, like employees or any external person like
supplier, customer, auditor, or any government official.
2) Structure: It is the body of the Organization which is to be taken care of to
bring coordination between different levels of Organization, because
Organization does not work aloof and is dependent on people which again work
on the concept of division of labor. So, there is always a hierarchy in Organization
which if not properly dealt with can mess the system because of nil scrutiny and
flow of control.
3) Technology: Organizations work on technologies to help people in efficiently
doing their work. Same technology does not apply to each Organization but
different Organizations demand different technologies for their different line of
businesses e.g bank needs mediating technology which connects customers and
bankers, Manufacturing companies need long linked technology because of their
assembly line process, and hospitals work on intensive technology because of
their responsibility to provide specialized services in terms of doctors and medical
4) Environment: Organizations are influenced by the environment in which they
work, at a substantial level. Environment is important to Organizations because
of the following factors:
# Supply and demand comes from this environment.
# Human resource, competitors, government agencies, unions, and political
parties comes from environment in which Organization is surviving.
# The Organizations have to follow rules and regulations fostered by this
Importance of Organisational Behaviour
ADMIN Notes Organisational Behaviour
Understanding the importance of Organisational Behaviour provides direction to
the Organisation. Organisational behaviour has great significance & relevance in
today’s business environment. Studying OB helps to understand and predict
organisational life.

• It also helps to understand the nature and activities of people in an

• It has great need and significance to motivate employees and to
maintain interrelations in the organisation.

Importance of Organisational Behaviour

The need and importance of organisational behaviour are as under:
1. Skill Improvement
Study of Organisational Behaviour helps to improve skills.
This includes the ability of employees and use of knowledge to become more
Organisational Behaviour study also improves managers as well as other
employees work-skill.
2. Understanding Consumer Buying Behaviour
It also an important part to improve the marketing process by understanding
consumer buying behaviour.
3. Employee Motivation
Organisational Behaviour (OB) helps to understand the basis of Motivation and
different ways to motivate employees properly.
4. Nature of Employees
Understanding of personnel and employee nature is important to manage them
With the help of Organizational behaviour, we can understand whether
employees or people are –

• Introvert
• Extrovert
• Motivated
• Dominating
• Other

5. Anticipating Organisational events

The scientific study of behaviour helps to understand and predict organisational
For example Annual Business Planning, Demand Management, Product line
management, Production Planning, Resources Scheduling, Logistics etc.
6. Efficiency & Effectiveness
Study of organisational behaviour helps to increase efficiency and effectiveness
of the organisation
7. Better Environment of Organisation
OB helps to create a healthy, ethical and smooth environment in an organisation.
8. Optimum or Better Utilization of Resources
Study of OB helps to understand employees and their work style and skill better
way.By understanding this, management can train and motivate employees for
optimum utilization of resources.
9. The Goodwill of organization
Organisational Behaviour helps to improve Goodwill of organization.
Que. “ Motivation is the Core Management”. Discuss
Ans.Importance of Motivation
The importance of Motivation are as follows:
• Motivation helps to improve performance level: Motivation helps in
satisfying needs of the employees and providing them satisfaction.
Performance of the employees is improved with the help of motivation
as it bridges the gap between the capacity to work and willingness to
work. As a result, employees work with full dedication and make full
use of their abilities to raise the existing level of efficiency.
• Motivation helps in changing negative attitude to positive
attitude: Positive attitude towards the organisation helps to achieve
organisational goals easily. Sometimes, employees have a negative
attitude towards the organisation or work. Motivation helps to change
this negative attitude to a positive attitude through suitable rewards,
positive encouragement and praise for good work. When the workers
are motivated they work positively towards the organisational goals.
• Motivation helps to reduce employee turnover: Lack of motivation
is the main cause behind employee turnover. Employees do not think of
leaving the job when they are motivated by financial and non-financial
incentives. Reduction in employee turnover saves a lot of money as
direct expenses(recruitment and selection costs) and indirect
expenses(labour dissatisfaction) are reduced. The organisations also
benefit because the skill and competence of employees continue to be
available to the organisation.
• Motivation helps to reduce absenteeism: Some of the reasons behind
absenteeism are improper work environment, inadequate rewards, lack
of recognition, etc., and these can be overcome or reduced if the
employees are motivated properly. Proper motivation makes the work
a source of pleasure, and workers do not refrain from work unless it is
• Motivation helps to introduce changes smoothly: An organisation
can survive and grow only when it adapts itself to the dynamic
environment. Changes are generally resisted by the employees because
of fear of adverse effects on their employment. This resistance can be
overcome by proper motivation. Motivation helps to convince
employees that proposed changes will bring additional rewards to them.
As a result, they readily accept these changes.

Section -D
Que. Define Communication. Why was communication assumed important
in Modern Industrial Organisation?

Communication: Meaning

Roots of Word Communication

The English term 'Communication' has been evolved from Latin language.
'Communis and communicare' are two Latin words related to the word
communication. Communis is noun word, which means
common, communiality or sharing. Similarly, communicare is a verb, which
means 'make something common'.
Communication means transferring thoughts, information, emotion and ideas
through gesture, voice, symbols, signs and expressions from one person to
another. Three things are most important and essential in any communication
process they are Sender, Receiver and the Channel (medium).

• The sender is encoding the message in any form like voice, written or any
signs. So, they are offered as Encoder
• The receiver is decoding the message from the sender to understand the
message. So, they often called as Decoder.
• Channel: Any messages or information needs some channel or a medium.
Example: television is an audio visual medium which decodes the
electronic signals into an audio visuals to the audience
• Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one
place, person or group to another

Communication is the process of how we share information, whether it’s verbally,

nonverbally or in written form. Learning to communicate better can improve job
performance and advance your career.
Why is communication important in business?
Communication in business is important to convey clear, strong messages about
strategy, customer service and branding. A business building a brand reflects a
consistent message tailored to its audience. Internal communication builds
rapport among employees and managers and encourages teamwork and
Good communicators are vital to a business's profit margin and reputation.
Employees who communicate well and understand the company's vision help
make the company successful. Using effective communication skills can benefit
a business and its employees in a variety of ways, including:
1. Building better teams
Effective communication builds a positive atmosphere where teams can flourish.
When communication is positive and encouraging, team members become
stronger and work better together. Those who practice good communication skills
make working beside them easier and less stressful. Job tensions or friction are
promptly addressed since effective communicators work toward finding
2. Preventing misunderstandings and conflicts
Listening is a part of communicating used to understand a situation fully. Good
communicators listen well and react appropriately, and they're more likely to find
solutions without becoming defensive. When conflicts arise, good
communicators address the problem right away and listen to the other side.
3. Improving customer service
Businesses need to know what their customers want and need from them to serve
them. Forming business relationships is how companies build trust in their brand
and bring customers back. Reliable and positive communication with customers
is paramount to maintaining a valued customer service reputation.
Effective communication with customers by answering questions and providing
solutions helps to improve the business's reputation. Communicating well over
the phone or through social media or email improves customer confidence and
loyalty. Written communication that is consistent with the brand's voice can help
promote community between customers and organizations.
4. Meeting goals and earning success
For a business to be successful, short- and long-term goals must be clear and
concise. When employees know what the goals and visions of their company are,
they are better able to focus their efforts on achieving them.
Communicate goals clearly, and regularly remind employees of the team or
individual goals to keep them motivated and encouraged. It can also help
employees understand the importance of their roles in making the company
successful, which can improve loyalty within the company and reduce hiring
5. Promoting creativity and innovation
People who are good communicators are usually open to sharing ideas without
judgment. When trust is built based on effective communication, team members
are more apt to share with each other to inspire creativity.
Effective communicators are more inclined to collaborate to find creative
solutions, as well. When employees are keen to share ideas, companies can
transform their approaches and find unique ways to serve customers and clients.
6. Advancing individual career prospects
Good communication skills, such as open and honest communication, eliminate
surprises and reinforce your commitment to solve problems and support the
business. This can help you earn promotions and secure leadership positions in
your current organization or pursue new advanced career opportunities

Section D
Que, What is organization culture? Describe the nature and significance of
Organisation Culture.

Ans. Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs,

which govern how people behave in organizations. Organizational culture
includes an organization’s expectations, experiences, philosophy, and values that
hold it together and is expressed in its self-image, inner workings, interactions
with the outside world, and future expectations.
It is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs, and written and unwritten rules
that have been developed over time and are considered valid.

These shared values strongly influence the people in the organization and dictate
how they dress, act, and perform their jobs.

Every organization develops and maintains a unique culture, which provides

guidelines and boundaries for the behavior of the members of the organization.

Organizational culture/corporate culture includes-

• The ways the organization conducts its business, treats its employees,
customers, and the wider community,
• The extent to which freedom is allowed in decision making, developing
new ideas, and personal expression,
• How power and information flow through its hierarchy, and
• How committed employees are towards collective objectives.

Definition of Organizational Culture

Many Scholars have given the definition of organizational culture. Some of the
popular definitions are given below:

• According to Robbie Katanga, “Organizational Culture is how

organizations do things.”
• According to Alec Haverstick, “In large part, Organizational culture is a
product of compensation.”
• According to Bruce Perron, “Organizational culture defines a jointly
shared description of an organization from within.”

Organizational culture affects the organization’s productivity and

performance and provides guidelines on customer care and service, product
quality and safety, attendance and punctuality, and concern for the

It also extends to production methods, marketing and advertising practices, and

new product creation.

Key Elements of Organisation Culture.

Organizational culture is unique for every organization and one of the hardest
things to change. Corporate culture reflects the values, beliefs, and attitudes that
permeate a business.
Corporate culture is often referred to as “the character of an organization,”
representing the collective behavior of people using common corporate vision,
goals, shared values, attitudes, habits, working language, systems, and symbols.

The 7 Characteristics of Organisational Culture

It is widely accepted that organisational culture has seven key characteristics.

Every organisation will value each of these characteristics, which, when
combined, will define the organisation.

1. Innovation

Companies that value innovation will encourage their people to be brave and take
risks. This will empower people and inspire them to think creatively. Companies
who do not value innovation will have set guidelines and practices that must be
adhered to.

2. Attention to Detail

This dictates the level to which employees are expected to be accurate in their
work. For some organisations, attention to detail is key for success. Financial
organisations and law firms are prime examples of this. A culture that places a
high value on this will expect their employees to undertake their duties with
precision. A culture that places a low value on this will adopt a “try your best”
attitude. Putting less pressure on everyone.

3. Outcome (Results)

Companies that value outcome will focus on results, but not on the processes.
They will strive for results by any means necessary. Companies that value the
processes will believe that when everything is done correctly, the outcome will
take care of itself.

4. People

Organisations that value their people will consider how their decisions affect
everyone. These companies will value their staff and will give them input in
organisational decisions. The inverse of this is when companies adopt strict
policies and procedures and are more focused on financials than people.

5. Teamwork

Companies that organise work activities around teams instead of individuals are
advocates for teamwork. They emphasise cooperation and collaboration. Cultures
that promote this will encourage positive and open relationships – at all levels.

6. Aggressiveness

This characteristic dictates whether everyone is expected to be forceful or not

when dealing with competitors. Companies with an aggressive organisational
culture will strive to outperform their competitors at all costs. Companies who
oppose this will focus on their own performance more than their competitors’.

7. Stability

A company who encourages stability will be administrative and rule-orientated.

They will focus more on maintaining their output and processes, rather than
growth. Companies who do not value stability will regularly adapt their processes
and practices.

The Importance of a Thriving Organisational Culture

“Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.”
- Simon Sinek

A strong organisational culture will ensure that everyone aligns with the
company’s values. This will positively impact every part of the business. Here
are some ways organisational culture can improve business:

1. Identity

An organisation’s identity is underpinned by its culture. The processes and values

of an organisation will contribute to its brand image. Employees, clients,
customers and the public will all have their own perceptions of your organisation.
This is largely determined by its culture.

2. Onboarding

A company with a clear organisational culture will easily be able to align new
starters with the company’s goals, and values. They will have a clear set of
practices and beliefs. This will encourage new starters to adhere to their processes
and rules of engagement.

3. Loyalty

If your employees view themselves as part of the culture, they will make decisions
for the greater good of the organisation. It will also ensure your people will
remain loyal during periods of organisational change and won’t consider jumping

4. Direction

When your people are aware of the company goals and vision – they will have a
clearer sense of what is expected of them and why. This provides everyone with
direction, which will keep your people on-task.

5. Unity

Strong organisational cultures create a sense of community and cohesion. This

will help to unite all your people – irrespective of their backgrounds. By
encouraging a shared culture within your workplace, you will create a sense of
acceptance and diversity in the workplace. This will promote better
communication, thus improving collaborative projects and reducing conflicts

Que. Why is change resisted in the Organisation? What can you do to

overcome it?
Ans.Resistance to change is natural. Organizations often resist change
because they are composed of people who have an invested stake in the
People resist change for a variety of reasons. One or a mixture of rational, non-
rational, political, and management factors typically play a major role in an
individual’s resistance to change.
Three common reasons for resistance to change and team conflict are due to the
perception of risk involved, the amount of effort required, and a desire to remain
comfortable. These reasons highlight a fear of the negative consequences that can
sometimes follow organizational change.
Reasons for resisting change vary based on the cultural context and scale of the
proposed changes, but fear is often at the root of this resistance.
“People do not resist change per se, rather they resist the uncertainties and
potential outcome that change can cause”
- Diane Waddell and Amrik Sohal (1998)
Uncertainty about an issue can play a major role in shaping individual and
organizational decision making. As a result, it is important to learn why specific
stakeholders are resisting this particular change. Understanding the why can help
you to address the issue of uncertainty by asking what they fear will happen if the
change occurs and listening closely to their responses.
Change requires empathy. Understanding stakeholders’ resistance and allowing
them to feel as though their opinions have been heard can be helpful in developing
better solutions that stakeholders can mutually agree on and be invested in.
Stakeholders who resist change often focus on the benefits of not changing,
whereas people who design the changes focus on the benefits of changing.
Stakeholders will often focus on the benefits of their own approach. They make
sense of the issue by framing it in terms of their own interpretation, needs, and

Overcoming resistance
Before trying to carry out any change, leaders must recognize that resistance is
normal, especially when people don’t understand the change, trust leadership, or
believe the new initiative is necessary. In some cases, employees might think that
a different change is needed or they’ve become cynical after a few failed change
projects. They may think that this is just another flavor of the month initiative
that will fizzle out soon enough. Some people can also have low tolerance for
change in general.
The first thing to remember is that a supportive workplace culture, clear and
inclusive communication, and reliable feedback loops as part of an organizational
framework can be a huge help to any change management initiative. Experts
know this too, which is why the recommended approaches to handling resistance
always stress the importance of communication and employee involvement.
Six change approaches
Kotter and Schlesinger suggested Six Change Approaches to handle resistance to
1. Education and communication
First and foremost, employees need to understand the reasons for the change
initiative. It’s important for people to see the leaders’ logic and hear the rationale,
even if they don’t agree with it. And this should be done before any steps towards
the change are taken. To help employees really understand the reasons behind the
change, leaders should use a range of techniques and multiple meetings to
hammer home the message. This is especially true if they know there’s a lack of
knowledge on the subject or that inaccurate information is being circulated.
2. Participation and involvement
When building a change management team, it’s important to gather input from
all levels and departments of the organization. Having people involved in the
process helps them engage in (or at least tolerate) the change in a positive way. If
people are given a chance to come up with ideas, discuss the ideas of others, or
otherwise be involved in the process, they’ll become invested in the change and
understand it better.
When it’s clear that certain individuals are more likely to resist the change,
leaders should make sure to include them in the design aspect of the plan. They
will then have ownership of it and they’ll feel more involved, leading to
commitment, which is worth much more than meek compliance. This approach
is most useful when leaders don’t yet have all the necessary information to plan
the change and where there is a chance that employees will have the power to
3. Facilitation and support
Leaders need to invest a little more time to provide facilitation and support when
people are resistant due to fear and anxiety. Training alone is not enough. Leaders
should think about guided discussion groups to help people talk about their
worries or even vent their frustrations. In anxiety-inducing situations, the change
curve can help leaders understand what kind of support is needed at each stage.
4. Negotiation and agreement
When individuals or groups value logic and stability, and think they’d be worse
off because of the change, leaders need to take an approach that is fair, logical
and consistent. Employees have to see clearly that the change—whether they
agree with it or not—is being introduced and implemented in a way that makes
sense. For example, if an action needs to be performed, leadership should
communicate the reasons behind it and the outcomes that are expected. This will
ensure that employees will see why certain choices are being made and provide
the much-needed stability.
5. Manipulation and co-optation
In order to encourage change-resistant people to adjust their position, information
must be used in a selective way. Leaders need to determine which employees are
happy with the prospect of change and appoint them as “change agents”. Their
mission will be to sell the change to others in the organization, so leaders must
choose their agents wisely. For individual employees or well-respected group
leaders, this could mean including them in the change management team.
This approach can be a bit of an ethical dilemma, but it’s often the only option
left when all others have failed. If it’s done incorrectly, and people realize that
they are being manipulated, it can intensify resistance and lead to more problems.
6. Explicit and implicit coercion
If there’s absolutely no willingness from people to accept and participate in the
change, leaders could consider communicating potential negative consequences
of continuing the status quo. This approach should be the absolute last resort, only
to be used if all else fails.
People and change
It’s important to remember that getting buy-in or acceptance of a change initiative
is not the end of the initiative. Employees still need to develop new habits that
are required within the newly changed environment, and learning new habits can
be tricky, so organizational support will be required.
For example, a new safety initiative may be accepted by employees, but if a
change of behavior is required, leaders should remember that developing new
habits takes time, conscious effort and encouragement. Having a strong culture
with a great framework of communication and reliable feedback loops is the basis
on which successful change can happen and new habits can be developed.
Change is never easy. And whatever the company is struggling with—safety,
training, structure or communication—considering the human aspect of change
is a critical (and sometimes the most unpredictable) part of any management plan.
Organizations must always keep in mind that it’s people who will be
implementing and living the change.

2021 Question Paper Solved

Q1. What do you mean by Management ? Discuss the scope and Important
of Management ?
Ans. The term management has been used in different sense. Sometimes it refers
to the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and
controlling, at other times it is used to describe it as a function of managing
people. It is also referred to as a body of knowledge, a practice and discipline.
There are some who describe management as a technique of leadership and
decision-making while some others have analyzed management as an economic
resource, a factor of production or a system of authority.

Scope or Branches of Management:

Management is an all pervasive function since it is required in all types of
endeavour. Thus, its scope is very large.
The following activities are covered under the scope of management:
(i) Planning,
(ii) Organization
(iii) Staffing.
(iv) Directing,
(v) Coordinating, and
(vi) Controlling.
The operational aspects of business management, called the branches of
management, are as follows:
The definition of the scope of management comes from the business ideas,
theories, principles and responsibilities that a business uses for managing its
various functions. The scope of management can cover:

1. Financial management
Financial management is a top priority for companies as the effective and
proper managing of finances enables them to stay in business and remain
competitive. It is necessary for companies to plan, organise, direct and control
their financial activities to increase profit and reduce wastage of resources. By
applying management principles to their financial resources, companies can
keep track of how they procure revenues and how they utilise them.

They can make informed decisions for making investments, estimating capital
requirements, financing projects and deciding on share dividend policies.
Additionally, they can prepare and examine financial statements, expand the
business and negotiate with external stakeholders. Financial management also
allows businesses to remain compliant with regulations, maintain records and
plan ahead.
2. Marketing management
Marketing management usually covers the different marketing activities
undertaken by the company's marketing department. These may include
identifying consumer trends and creating appropriate business solutions to
respond to them. Implementing marketing plans, directing their implementation
and controlling the work activities are also usually part of marketing
management. The different functions of marketing management typicssally
include market research, financing, risk-taking, campaign planning, customer
outreach, loyalty programmes, lead generation and customer relationship

Aside from traditional, offline marketing, marketers may undertake digital

marketing, content marketing, video marketing, social media marketing, search
engine marketing, inbound marketing and outbound marketing. To succeed in
their marketing efforts, it may be necessary for marketing managers to be aware
of the features of the goods and services they are selling. It can also help
understand how to utilise available resources to achieve desired outcomes
effectively. Additionally, it is essential to know how to capture and retain the
target group's attention and convert them to customers.
3. Personnel management
Personnel management is about managing the personnel or staff in an
organisation and maintaining a positive and productive business environment. It
includes establishing effective communication with the organisation's personnel,
publishing company policies, implementing health and safety practices,
responding to grievances and taking disciplinary action when necessary.
Personnel management also involves determining the compensation and
benefits packages that the employees can receive from the organisation. The
three main types of personnel management are strategic management, tactical
management and operational management.

Strategic personnel management includes recruiting qualified personnel to meet

the organisation's staffing needs, training new recruits, assigning departments
and work, providing work tools and resources and determining compensation.
Tactical personnel management involves shifting personnel to different
departments when necessary, determining work schedules and monitoring work
performances. In operational personnel management, the focus is usually on
ensuring employee welfare and salary payments.

4. Production management
Production management is the application of management principles to the
different production activities in a company's production department. It usually
involves handling the entire manufacturing process and planning, organising,
overseeing and monitoring the production of goods and services. In production
management, the production manager is responsible for procuring raw
materials, hiring and assigning labour for different work activities, maintaining
equipment and creating production budgets. They also supervise work
performance, oversee research and development, ensure quality control and
monitor delivery and storage of finished products.
The main types of production management are job production, batch production
and mass production. Job production involves making a single product in the
manufacturing process. It may be as per customer order and involves gathering
the necessary raw materials, components, tools and equipment and qualified
personnel to make the products and fulfil the commission. The company plans
to produce a set quantity of products in batch production and divides the
production operation into different and repetitive work batches. It completes
one operation before proceeding to the next. Mass production involves large-
scale production to ensure a continuous supply.
5. Office management
Office management concerns the planning, coordinating and controlling the
different work activities in an office environment. The aim of office
management is to ensure the smooth and efficient functioning of all office
departments to get the necessary work done and achieve the organisation's work
targets and business goals. The primary functions of office management are
planning projects, hiring qualified employees, organising and assigning work
tasks, directing and guiding project work and monitoring and controlling the
work processes.

When planning projects, the office manager considers the organisation's goals
and objectives and creates plans to meet these. This can include determining
which projects to undertake, their completion time frames and the expected
work standards. It also usually covers creating project budgets, listing the
necessary materials and resources and adjusting the project plans to suit
business requirements. The organising stage covers selecting the right
employees for the project, delegating work responsibilities, creating work
schedules and procuring materials. The office manager is also typically
responsible for leading the projects, reviewing work performances and ensuring
quality control.

Q2. What are management skill? What skill mix is expected of the
management the top level of the organization?

Types of Management Skills

According to American social and organizational psychologist Robert Katz the
three basic types of management skills include:
1. Technical Skills
Technical skills involve skills that give the managers the ability and the
knowledge to use a variety of techniques to achieve their objectives. These
skills not only involve operating machines and software, production tools, and
pieces of equipment but also the skills needed to boost sales, design different
types of products and services, and market the services and the products.
2. Conceptual Skills
These involve the skills managers present in terms of the knowledge and ability
for abstract thinking and formulating ideas. The manager is able to see an entire
concept, analyze and diagnose a problem, and find creative solutions. This helps
the manager to effectively predict hurdles their department or the business as a
whole may face.
3. Human or Interpersonal Skills
The human or the interpersonal skills are the skills that present the managers’
ability to interact, work or relate effectively with people. These skills enable the
managers to make use of human potential in the company and motivate the
employees for better results.
Skill mix
There is a wide range of skills that management should possess to run an
organization effectively and efficiently. The following are six essential
management skills that any manager ought to possess for them to perform their
1. Planning
Planning is a vital aspect within an organization. It refers to one’s ability to
organize activities in line with set guidelines while still remaining within the
limits of the available resources such as time, money, and labor. It is also the
process of formulating a set of actions or one or more strategies to pursue and
achieve certain goals or objectives with the available resources.
The planning process includes identifying and setting achievable goals,
developing necessary strategies, and outlining the tasks and schedules on how to
achieve the set goals. Without a good plan, little can be achieved.
2. Communication
Possessing great communication skills is crucial for a manager. It can determine
how well information is shared throughout a team, ensuring that the group acts
as a unified workforce. How well a manager communicates with the rest of
his/her team also determines how well outlined procedures can be followed,
how well the tasks and activities can be completed, and thus, how successful an
organization will be.
Communication involves the flow of information within the organization,
whether formal or informal, verbal or written, vertical or horizontal, and it
facilitates the smooth functioning of the organization. Clearly established
communication channels in an organization allow the manager to collaborate
with the team, prevent conflicts, and resolve issues as they arise. A manager
with good communication skills can relate well with the employees and, thus,
be able to achieve the company’s set goals and objectives easily.
3. Decision-making
Another vital management skill is decision-making. Managers make numerous
decisions, whether knowingly or not, and making decisions is a key component
in a manager’s success. Making proper and right decisions results in the success
of the organization, while poor or bad decisions may lead to failure or poor
For the organization to run effectively and smoothly, clear and right decisions
should be made. A manager must be accountable for every decision that they
make and also be willing to take responsibility for the results of their decisions.
A good manager needs to possess great decision-making skills, as it often
dictates his/her success in achieving organizational objectives.
4. Delegation
Delegation is another key management skill. Delegation is the act of passing on
work-related tasks and/or authorities to other employees or subordinates. It
involves the process of allowing your tasks or those of your employees to be
reassigned or reallocated to other employees depending on current workloads. A
manager with good delegation skills is able to effectively and efficiently
reassign tasks and give authority to the right employees. When delegation is
carried out effectively, it helps facilitate efficient task completion.
Delegation helps the manager to avoid wastage of time, optimizes productivity,
and ensures responsibility and accountability on the part of employees. Every
manager must have good delegation abilities to achieve optimal results and
accomplish the required productivity results.
5. Problem-solving
Problem-solving is another essential skill. A good manager must have the
ability to tackle and solve the frequent problems that can arise in a typical
workday. Problem-solving in management involves identifying a certain
problem or situation and then finding the best way to handle the problem and
get the best solution. It is the ability to sort things out even when the prevailing
conditions are not right. When it is clear that a manager has great problem-
solving skills, it differentiates him/her from the rest of the team and gives
subordinates confidence in his/her managerial skills.
6. Motivating
The ability to motivate is another important skill in an organization. Motivation
helps bring forth a desired behavior or response from the employees or certain
stakeholders. There are numerous motivation tactics that managers can use, and
choosing the right ones can depend on characteristics such as company and
team culture, team personalities, and more. There are two primary types of
motivation that a manager can use. These are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Q3. What do you mean by organization Behavior? What contempory

challenges and opportunities of OB in present scenario in an organization?
All businesses have an internal culture that is unique to their company. Each
employee contributes not only a certain skill set but also a personality with
inherent values and beliefs, and those values and beliefs will determine how they
will interact in work groups, with other employees, and toward management.
Organizational Behavior (OB) is the multidisciplinary study of the employee
interactions and the organizational processes that seek to create more efficient
and cohesive organizations.
In the field of Organizational Behavior, researchers have found that scientific
approaches can be applied to personnel management to bring out the best in
employees and improve the overall success of an organization. Researchers in the
disciplinary fields of psychology, sociology, social psychology, anthropology,
political science and economics have all contributed to the research of
Organizational Behavior.

Organizational behavior is the culture of the organization, which includes how

employees interact with each other. This also includes how employees feel about
the company. The challenges and opportunities of organizational behavior in
most companies include overcoming cultural and ethnic differences, improving
productivity, hiring employees suited to the organizational culture or who can
improve it, delegating tasks to employees, and finding an appropriate level of life
balance. Challenges and opportunities for organizational behavior are massive
and rapidly changing for improving productivity and meeting business goals.

Challenges and Opportunities of Organizational Behavior

The challenges and opportunities of Organizational Behavior can be fully
understood with the help of the following points: –
1. Improving Peoples’ Skills;
2. Improving Quality and Productivity;
3. Total Quality Management (TQM);
4. Managing Workforce Diversity;
5. Responding to Globalization;
6. Empowering People;
7. Coping with Temporariness;
8. Stimulating Innovation and Change;
9. Emergence of E-Organisation & E-Commerce;
10. Improving Ethical Behavior;
11. Improving Customer Service;
12. Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts; and
13. Flattening World.
Explanation: –
1. Improving People’s Skills: – Technological changes, structural changes,
environmental changes occur at a rapid pace in the business sector. Unless
employees and executives are equipped to have the necessary skills to
adapt to those changes, targeted goals may not be achieved in a timely
manner. These are two different categories of skills – managerial skills and
technical skills. Some of the managerial skills include listening skills,
motivational skills, planning and organizing skills, leading skills, problem
solving skills, decision making skills. These skills can be enhanced by
conducting a range of training and development programmes, career
development programmes, induction and socialisation.
2. Improving Quality and Productivity: – Quality is the extent to which
customers or users believe that the product or service exceeds their needs and
expectations. For example, a customer who buys an automobile has a certain
expectation, one of which is that the automobile will start when the engine is
started. If the engine does not start, the customer’s expectations will not be met
and the customer will find the quality of the car to be poor. The major dimensions
of quality are as follows: –
• Performance: -Primary rating characteristics of a product such as
signal coverage, audio quality, display quality, etc.
• Features: – Secondary features, additional features, such as
calculator, and alarm clock features in the handphone
• Conformity: – meeting specifications or industry standards, the
degree of workmanship to which the product’s design or operating
characteristics match pre-established standards
• Reliability: – The probability of a product falling out within a
specified period
• Durability: – It is a measure of the life of a product having both
economic and technical dimensions.
• Services: – Problem and complaints resolution, Ease of repair
• Feedback: – Human-to-human interfaces, such as Courtesy of
Dealer « Aesthetics: Sensory features such as exterior finishes.
• Reputations: – Past performance and other abstractions, such as
being in the first place.
More and more managers are facing challenges to meet the specific needs of
customers. To improve quality and productivity, they are implementing programs
like total quality management and reengineering programs that require extensive
employee participation.
3. Total Quality Management (TQM): – Total Quality
Management (TQM) is a philosophy of management driven by continuous
achievement of customer satisfaction through continuous improvement of all
organizational processes. The components of TQM are: –
• an intense focus on the customer,
• concern for continuous improvement,
• improving the quality of what the organization does,
• accurate measurement and,
• Empowerment of employees.
4. Managing Workforce Diversity: – It refers to employing different
categories of employees who are heterogeneous in terms of gender, caste,
ethnicity, affiliation, community, physically disadvantaged, elderly people etc.
The primary reason for employing a heterogeneous range of employees is to
harness talent and potential, harness innovation, to achieve synergistic effects
among the divorced workforce. In general, employees wanted to maintain their
personal and cultural identity, values, and lifestyle, even if they were working in
the same organization with similar rules and regulations. The biggest challenge
for organizations is to become more accommodating to different groups of people
by addressing their different lifestyles, family needs and work styles.
5. Responding to Globalization: – Today’s business is mostly market-
driven; wherever the demands exist irrespective of distance, locations, climatic
conditions, the business operations are expanded to gain their market share and
to remain in the top rank, etc. Business operations are no longer restricted to a
particular locality or region. The company’s products or services are spreading
across the nations by using mass communication, internet, fast transportation etc.
More than 95% of Nokia handsets are sold outside their home country of Finland,
Japanese cars are being sold in different parts of the world, Sri Lankan tea is
exported to many cities across the world, Garment products from Bangladesh are
exported to USA and EU countries. Executives of multinational corporations are
very dynamic and move more frequently from one subsidiary to another.
6. Empowering People: – The main issue is to delegate more power and
responsibility to the lower-level cadre of employees and to provide more freedom
to make choices regarding their schedules, operations, procedures and method of
solving problems related to their work. Encouraging employees to participate in
work-related decisions will significantly increase their commitment to work.
Empowerment is defined as putting employees in charge of the work they do by
gaining some kind of ownership. Managers are going far ahead by allowing
employees complete control over their work. The movement implies constant
change, with an increasing number of organizations using self-managed teams,
where workers largely work without bosses.
7. Coping with Temporariness: In recent times, product life cycles are
shortening, operating methods are improving, and fashion is changing very
rapidly. In those days, managers were required to undertake major transformation
programs once or twice a decade. Today, change is an ongoing activity for most
managers. The concept of continuous improvement refers to continuous change.
In the old years, there used to be a long period of stability and sometimes
interrupted by a short period of change, but at present, the change process is an
ongoing activity due to competition in developing new products and services with
better features. Everyone in the organization today is facing permanent
impermanence. The actual work to be done by the workers is in a permanent state
of flow. Hence, workers need to constantly update their knowledge and skills to
meet the requirements of the new job.
8. Stimulating Innovation and Change: – Today’s successful organizations
must foster innovation and master the art of change; Otherwise, they will become
candidates for extinction over time and disappear from their field of business.
Wins will go to organizations that maintain flexibility, continually improve their
quality, and beat the competition with a constant stream of innovative products
and services in the market place. For example, Compaq was successful in making
more powerful personal computers than EBNM or Apple for the same or less
money, and in getting their products to market faster than larger competitors.
9. The Emergence of E-Organisation & E-Commerce: – It refers to
business operations involving electronic mode of transaction. This includes
presenting products on websites and filling orders. Most of the articles and media
attention given to using the Internet in business has focused on online shopping.
The process involves marketing and selling of goods and services on the Internet.
In e-commerce, the following activities are happening quite frequently – with a
tremendous number of people shopping on the internet, business houses setting
up websites where they can sell goods, following transactions such as receiving
payments and fulfilling orders.
10. Improving Ethical Behavior: – Complexity in business operations is
forcing the workforce to face ethical dilemmas where they need to define right
and wrong conduct to carry out their assigned activities. For example, should
employees of a chemical company blow the whistle if they uncover that its
untreated waste in the river is polluting its water resources? Do managers give an
inflated performance appraisal to an employee of their choice, knowing that such
an appraisal could save that employee’s job? The basic rules governing the
components of good ethical behavior are not clearly defined, separating right
things from bad behavior becoming more blurred. It has become a common
practice to follow unethical practices such as successful executives who use
insider information for personal financial gain, employees in competing
businesses participating in mass cover-ups of defective products, etc.
11. Improving Customer Service: – OBs can contribute to improving
organizational performance by showing how employee attitudes and behaviors
are correlated with customer satisfaction. In that case, the service must first be
production-oriented, using technological opportunities such as computers,
internet, etc. We also need to provide sales service and also after-sales service in
order to improve customer service.
12. Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts: – In the 1960s or
1970s, normal workers showed up at the workplace from Monday to Friday and
worked 8 or 9 hours a day. Workplaces and hours were specified. This is no
longer true for a large part of today’s workforce. Employees are increasingly
complaining that the line between work and non-work time has become blurred,
leading to personal conflict and tension. Several forces have contributed to the
blurring of the lines between the working life and personal life of the employees,
such as
• The creation of global organizations means that their world never
sleeps. For example, at any given time and on any given day, there
are thousands of General Electric employees working somewhere.
• Communication technology allows employees to do their jobs at
home, in their cars or on the beach in Cox’s Bazar.
• Organizations are asking employees to work longer hours.
• In the end, fewer families have only one breadwinner. Today’s
married worker is usually part of a couple with a dual career. This
makes it difficult for married employees to find time to meet
commitments to the home, spouse, children, parents, and friends.
• Today’s married worker is usually part of a couple with a dual
career. This makes it difficult for married employees to find time to
meet commitments to the home, spouse, children, parents, and
friends. Employees are increasingly recognizing that work is
squeezing personal lives and they are not happy with it.
13. Flattening World: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century outlines
that the Internet has “flattened” the world and created an environment in which
more access to information is needed. There is a level playing field. This access
to information has led to an increase in innovation, as knowledge can be shared
quickly across time zones and cultures. It has also created intense competition, as
the pace of business is getting faster and faster all the time. In his book
Wikinomics, Don Tapscott notes that large-scale collaboration has changed the
way people work, how products are made, and the ability of people to work
without ever meeting.

Q4. What is motivation ? What does Maslow’s’ Hierarchy of Need Tell

Us About Peoples’ Needs?

Motivation is the word derived from the word ’motive’ which means needs,
desires, wants or drives within the individuals.
It is the process of stimulating people to actions to accomplish the goals
In the work goal context the psychological factors stimulating the people’s
behaviour can be -

• desire for money

• success
• recognition
• job-satisfaction
• team work, etc
One of the most important functions of management is to create willingness
amongst the employees to perform in the best of their abilities. Therefore
the role of a leader is to arouse interest in performance of employees in their
The process of motivation consists of three stages:-

1. A felt need or drive.

2. A stimulus in which needs have to be aroused.
3. When needs are satisfied, the satisfaction or accomplishment of goals.
Therefore, we can say that motivation is a psychological phenomenon which
means needs and wants of the individuals have to be tackled by framing an
incentive plan.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a model for understanding the motivations for

human behavior. It maps different motivations onto a pyramid, with each level
representing a different human need. These include physiological needs, safety,
love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.
The psychologist Abraham Maslow created this model. He believed that people
could not focus on the needs higher up the pyramid until they had mostly
obtainedTrusted Source the needs in the lower levels. Maslow also felt that
fulfillment in life results from being able to meet the needs in all five levels.
Keep reading to learn more about Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and its
applications, as well as what happens when the needs are unmet and criticisms
of the theory.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a psychological theory about what drives human
behavior and what makes humans feel fulfilled. It represents five key human
needs that people must meet in order to achieve well-being. They are:

physiological needs
love and belonging
Maslow mapped these needs onto a pyramid diagram, with each need occupying
a different level of the pyramid. The lowest and biggest levels represent the
basic and highest-priority needs that are essential for survival.

The smaller and higher sections represent self-esteem and self-actualization,

which are essential for fulfillment or emotional well-being.
The pyramid diagram shows how Maslow believed that human needs are
hierarchical, meaning some take priority over others. According to his theory,
people cannot achieve the needs higher up the pyramid until they have taken
care of the ones below. Maslow argued that it is only after meeting all five
needs that humans can truly thrive.
Maslow published the hierarchy of needs in 1943Trusted Source. Researchers
today consider it one of the most impactful ideas in personality science and
motivation psychology.

Maslow’s five needs

Starting at the bottom of the pyramid, the five needs are as follows:
Physiological needs
These include physical needs that humans must meet in order to survive, such as:
• food
• water
• sex
• warmth
• shelter
• sleep
Safety needs
These include things that make humans feel safe. Order, predictability, and
having a sense of control may contribute to this.
Safety can come from the actions of an individual or from their family or
community. Depending on the person, it might include:
• living or working in a safe environment
• having a stable and sufficient source of income
• feeling protected from crime or abuse
• being in good physical health with no serious illnesses
Many people in the United States live in physically or emotionally unsafe
environments. Feeling unsafe in childhood can affect mental health into
Love and belonging needs
Love and belonging needs include the feeling of being connected to others,
belonging to a group, and having secure relationships. People meet these needs
• making friends
• giving and receiving affection
• emotional intimacy
• feeling accepted by loved ones
Esteem needs
“Esteem” is admiration and respect. Maslow divided this part of the pyramid into
two subcategories: the esteem a person has for themselves, or self-esteem, and
the respect they desire from others.
Self-esteem involves a healthy positive regard for oneself. The things a person
needs to have good self-esteem include:
• self-worth, which is when a person feels they have value
• competency, which involves feeling skilled or knowledgeable
• dignity, which is feeling worthy of respect
• independence, which, in this context, means a person feels they can do
things for themselves
Esteem from others may involve gaining:
• respect from peers
• acknowledgment for one’s achievements
• status or prestige
• fame or reputation
However, Maslow noted that the healthiest form of esteem that comes from
others needs to be earned. Celebrity and fleeting recognition cannot fulfill a
person’s esteem needs long term.
The highest need on Maslow’s pyramid is self-actualization, which involves a
person knowing themselves, understanding their full potential, and reaching it.
This is different from the esteem needs of the previous section. According to
Maslow, people who become self-actualized find motivation in growth and
possibility rather than trying to gain something they lack. They see things that
they or their community could achieve, and they pursue them, whether or not it
results in an external reward.
Other characteristics that Maslow felt self-actualized people possess include:
• a realistic perception of reality
• acceptance of imperfections
• flexibility and spontaneity in pursuing goals
• autonomy and responsibility
• consistent and strong morals
• appreciation for life
• creativity
Being self-actualized does not mean a person has no problems and is always
happy. Maslow described self-actualization as an ongoing process rather than the
end point of a journey.

Q5. What do you understand by leadership? Examine the different style of

leadership? What is the importance of leadership in modern business?
Ans. Leadership is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence
and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team. Leadership
often is an attribute tied to a person's title, seniority or ranking in a hierarchy.
However, it's an attribute anyone can have or attain, even those without leadership
positions. It's a developable skill that can be improved over time.
Leaders are found and required in most aspects of society, including business,
politics, religion and social- and community-based organizations. Leaders are
seen as people who make sound and sometimes difficult decisions. They
articulate a clear vision, establish achievable goals and provide followers with the
knowledge and tools necessary to achieve those goals.

Different Types of Leadership

1. Democratic Leadership
A democratic leader makes decisions based on their team’s opinion and
feedback. In simpler words, they get everyone involved in the decision-making
However, this type of leadership cannot be used in the long run because of
drawbacks like losing the leader’s authority, debates, and miscommunication
between team members. Here are some scenarios in which you can adopt a
democratic leadership style:

• New project that requires constant brainstorming

• Solve complex business problems
• Tight-knit or small organisations like start-ups, etc.

Here are some features of this leadership style

• Transparent conversations
• Everyone’s opinion counts
• Values collaboration and teamwork
• Encourages discussions

2. Autocratic Leadership
This is precisely the opposite of democratic leadership. The opinions of team
members are not considered while making any business decision. Instead,
leaders expect others to adhere to their decisions, which is not sustainable in the
long run.
3. Laissez-faire Leadership
Laissez-faire means “let them do”. This leadership style is the least intrusive
and ensures that the decision-making authority lies with the team members.
This leadership style empowers team members and holds them accountable for
their work. This motivates many team members to put their best foot forward,
improving the organisation’s efficiency and productivity.
4. Strategic Leadership
Strategic leadership is when leaders use their skills and capabilities to help team
members and organisation achieve their long-term goals. Strategic leaders strive
to get the best out of people or situations.
Here are some unique traits of strategic leaders

• They are interested in the well-being of others

• They are open-minded
• They are self-aware
• They are good at interpersonal communication

5. Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders inspire others to achieve the unexpected. They aim to
transform and improve team members’ and organisations’ functions and
capabilities by motivating and encouraging them.
6. Transactional Leadership
This type of leadership is task-oriented, which means team members who meet
the leader’s expectations will be rewarded, and others will be punished. It is a
prevalent leadership style based on the action-and-reward concept.
7. Coach-Style Leadership
This leadership style focuses on identifying and nurturing a team member’s
strengths and weaknesses. A coaching leader develops strategies that emphasise
team members’ success.
Though this is similar to strategic and democratic leadership styles, the focus
here is more on the individual.
8. Bureaucratic Leadership
This kind of leadership style sticks to the rules. For example, they might listen
to their team members’ opinions while deciding.

Leaders provide direction and vision, motivate and inspire others to achieve the
organization’s goals, and help to create an environment conducive to success by
promoting communication and collaboration among team members. In short,
leadership and strong management are essential for any organization that wants
to achieve its objectives.
One of the most important duties of a leader is to facilitate communication within
the workplace. Clear and concise communication is essential for any team to
function correctly. Effective leaders will make it a point to keep lines of
communication open at all times and create an open and inclusive environment
where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas. By ensuring employees
have a forum to voice their concerns and opinions, a leader can encourage a work
culture where new ideas are welcome, and misunderstandings are avoided.
Leaders have a profound impact on their overall work environment. They create
an atmosphere of trust and respect, which in turn fosters creativity and
collaboration. Employee morale is also higher in workplaces with strong
management, leading to greater motivation.
An effective leader makes all the difference in a team’s productivity. When
employees feel valued and motivated, they are more likely to be productive. On
the other hand, a poor leader can cause employees to become disengaged and
uninterested in their work. A team that is led effectively will be more productive,
efficient, and successful overall.
A productive leader can help to improve efficiency by getting the most out of
their team. Leaders can help improve efficiency by ensuring everyone is working
towards the same goal and doing what they do best. They can provide guidance
and direction and delegate tasks to make the most of everyone’s strengths.
A capable leader is essential for any workplace that wants to minimize mistakes
and run smoothly, especially important in high-pressure environments where
mistakes can have serious consequences. A leader needs to be able to identify
potential problems early on and head them off to avoid costly mistakes.
Good leaders know how to effectively motivate their employees. They understand
that people are different and that what works for one person may not work for
another. As a result, they take the time to get to know their team members and
discover what makes them tick. They also create a positive work environment
where employees feel valued and appreciated. When employees feel like they are
part of a team and that their contributions matter, they are more likely to be
engaged and motivated.
An effective leader knows that setting a good example is one of the best ways to
inspire others. After all, people are more likely to follow someone they see as a
role model. That’s why it’s so crucial for leaders to lead by example. By behaving
in a way that exemplifies the values and goals of their team or organization, they
can show others what it means to be a committed and successful member.
A great leader is able to instill a sense of purpose in their team. When people feel
like they are working towards something bigger than themselves, they are more
likely to be willing to put in the hard work required to achieve it. An effective
leader knows how to tap into this sense of purpose and channel it into productive
A successful leader understands the importance of having a solid vision and how
to create one that will guide their organization toward a bright future. A strong
vision means having a clear idea of where the organization is going and what it
wants to achieve. It also means articulating this vision in a way that inspires and
motivates others to follow. Without a clear vision, maintaining momentum or
progressing toward long-term goals can be challenging. A leader with a strong
vision can create a sense of direction and purpose, helping to focus and energize
an entire organization.
Once the company’s vision is well-articulated and understood, sound leadership
is essential to keep employees focused on reaching that goal. This means clearly
communicating the company’s vision and objectives as progress is made and
changes occur and then providing the necessary support and resources.
Maintaining lines of communication throughout projects, being positive, and
ensuring employees receive the support they need to achieve their tasks all help
keep staff on track with an organization’s overarching vision.

Q6. Define Communication? State the Common barriers to effective

communication in an organization?

Ans. The English word ‘communication’ is derived from the Latin communis,
which means common sense. The word communication means sharing the same
ideas. In other words, the transmission and interaction of facts, ideas, opinions,
feelings or attitudes. Communication is the essence of management. The basic
function of management (planning, planning, staffing, supervision and
management) cannot be done effectively without effective communication.

Communication is a two-way process which involves transferring of information

or messages from one person or group to another. This process goes on and
includes a minimum of one sender and receiver to pass on the messages. These
messages can either be any ideas, imagination, emotions, or thoughts.

Communication is a Latin word which means “to share”. There are different
modes of communication available today. These include emails, chats,
WhatsApp, skype (conference calls), etc. Effective communication makes
people’s work easier and smooth.
Communication Process
Communication is an ongoing process that mainly involves three components
namely. sender, message, and recipient. The components involved in the
communication process are described below in detail:
1. Sender:
The sender or contact generates the message and transmits it to the
recipient. He is the source and the first contact
1. Message:
It is an idea, knowledge, opinion, truth, feeling, etc. produced by the sender
and intended for reference.
1. Encoding:
The message produced by the sender is encrypted in a symbolic way such
as words, pictures, touches, etc. before transfer.
1. The media:
This is how the coded message is conveyed. The message can be conveyed
orally or in writing.
1. Recording:
It is a process of modifying the signals sent by the sender. After recording
the message is received by the recipient.
1. Recipient:
You are the last person in the chain and the message you sent was sent. If
the recipient receives the message and understands it correctly and acts on
the message, only then the purpose of the communication is achieved.
1. Answer:
Once the recipient confirms to the sender that you received the message
and understood it, the communication process is complete.
1. Noise:
Refers to any restrictions caused by the sender, message or recipient during
the communication process. For example, incorrect telephone connection,
incorrect coding, incorrect recording, careless recipient, incorrect
understanding of message due to discrimination or inappropriate touch, etc.

Barriers to Effective Communication

Communication is defined as the process by which information is exchanged
between individuals through a system of signs, symbols. The concept of
communication involves a sender, a message and a recipient.
The sender sends the message and the recipient is the receiver of the message.
The process of communication is never smooth as it is affected by the barriers of
Barriers to effective communication can result in confusion which can lead to
incorrect information being conveyed or miscommunication which can lead to
loss of business.
Following are some of the barriers to effective communication:
1. Semantic barriers
2. Psychological barriers
3. Organisational barriers
4. Cultural barriers
5. Physical barriers
6. Physiological barriers
Let us study in detail about the various types of barriers to effective
Semantic barriers: Semantic barriers are also known as language barriers. These
barriers are caused due to improper communication between the sender and the
receiver. The following instances of semantic barriers can be witnessed in
Poor quality of message: Message when communicated should be precise and
easy to understand, that makes it easy for the receiver to grasp the information
Sometimes, due to the lack of clarity or complexity of the way of providing
information from the sender, there can be a case of semantic barriers.
For e.g. A manager is conversing in English to a group of workers who understand
and speak Bengali. It will create confusion among workers as they will not be
able to understand what is being conveyed by the manager.
Technical language: Language barriers also arise when the sender of the message
is speaking in technical terms while the receiver is unaware of the terms. It creates
confusion and misunderstanding between the sender and receiver by acting as a
barrier to effective communication.
Psychological Barriers: Psychological barriers play an important role in
interpersonal communication as the state of the mind of the sender or the receiver
can make it difficult to understand the information that is conveyed, which often
leads to misunderstanding.
Here are some instances where psychological barriers to communication can be
1. Premature evaluation of information by the receiver even before it is
transmitted can lead to barriers in communication, as it will create premature
conclusion to the message, which withholds the original message.
2. Inadequate attention from the receiver’s end at the time of communication can
lead to barriers of communication as the information conveyed by the sender is
not properly received by the receiver.
3. When information is passed within multiple sources, the final information is
distorted as the receivers of the message are not able to retain everything that was
conveyed. This can cause communication barriers.
Organisational barriers: Organisational barriers are those barriers that are caused
due to the structure, rules and regulations present in the organisation. The various
types of barriers that can be encountered due to superior subordinate relationships
where the free flow of communication is not possible.
Sometimes the complexity of organisational structure and multiple managers
make it difficult to convey information properly, and the information gets
distorted leading to miscommunication.
Cultural barriers: Cultural barriers are those that arise due to lack of similarities
among the different cultures across the world. A term that can be harmless in one
culture can be regarded as a slang in another culture. Moreover, various beliefs
can differ from one culture to another.
Physical barriers: Physical barriers to communication are those that arise due to
certain factors like faulty equipment, noise, closed doors and cabins that cause
the information sent from sender to receiver to become distorted, which results in
improper communication.
Physiological barriers: Physiological barriers arise when a sender or the receiver
of the communication is not in a position to express or receive the message with
clarity due to some physiological issues like dyslexia, or nerve disorders that
interfere with speech or hearing.

Q7. Discuss the basic consideration to be kept in view which designing an

organization structure?

“Organization Design and Structure.” The structure of any building depends on

its base or foundation. A strong foundation and a basic structure are critical to
making a building strong. Although it is possible to redesign and restructure a
building, if the base is weak, the whole structure of a building will be unstable.

Similarly, from an organizational point of view, the foundation is the

‘Organizational Structure’ which demonstrates different roles, hierarchy levels
and terms, and conditions in an organization. ‘Organisational Design’
encompasses restructuring and destructuring roles, hierarchy level, terms, and
conditions as per business or organizational needs.

the organization structure is the system which describes the organizational

hierarchy in terms of different functions, roles, responsibilities, supervision, etc.
It demonstrates different concerns including different roles of the employees,
job descriptions, job functions, decision-making authorities, reporting structure,
allocation of tasks in the department, individuals, project team, branch, etc.
The organizational structure also defines the flow of information between
different levels of an organization, clarity of job of each employee, and its
fitment in the overall system which motivates the employees to work efficiently
by keeping their morale high; hence, increasing the overall productivity of an

Organizational Structure Is Of Two Types

1. Centralized Structure
In this type of organizational structure, all decisions, as well as processes, are
defined; and handled by the top management. Employees and managers are
responsible for the successful implementation of decisions and have to follow
them. The employees low in the chain of command play a minimal role in the
process of decision-making. Few real-life examples of such organizations are
Army, companies like Flipkart, Apple, McDonald’s, etc. where the power of
decision- making is held at the top level and there is a wide chain or hierarchy
of managers and subordinates. Thus, the centralized structure has a top-down
approach for decision flow.

2. Decentralized Organization Structure

In such type of organizations, day-to-day tasks and the decision-making
processes are delegated to the supervisors at the middle and lower level by the
top management for fast and effective decisions and to improve efficiency. By
letting the middle and lower level executives jump in the process of decision-
making, the top management can focus on other major decisions. This also
increases the responsibility and accountability of the employees.

Q8. What do you mean by planned changes? How should a manager handle
changes in his organization ?
Planned change is the process of preparing an entire organization, or a
significant part of it, to achieve new goals or move in a new direction. This
direction can refer to a company’s culture, internal structure, processes, metrics
and rewards, or any other aspect related to the business.

Organizational change is the process by which a business alters key components

of its strategy or operations. This may involve changes to company culture,
essential technologies, organizational structure, or major initiatives and goals.
Depending on the objectives you're trying to achieve, organizational change
may be either continuous or intermittent.

Organizational change is typically categorized into two types: Adaptive and

transformational change. Adaptive changes are small, incremental modifications
that an organization undertakes to evolve over time. They can be thought of as
the fine-tuning of processes and business strategies. Transformational changes,
on the other hand, are larger in scope and scale, and typically involve a radical
shift in direction for the business. These changes are often the result of outside
forces putting pressure on the company, such as the emergence of a new


Below are five tips and strategies you can use to better manage change within
your workplace.
1. Understand the Process of Change
No two change initiatives are the same. But the vast majority of those that are
successful follow the steps of the change management process.
All change processes have a set of starting conditions (Point A) and an endpoint
(Point B). The change process is everything that happens between those two
points. It involves multiple steps that are typically grouped into three stages:
Preparation, implementation, and follow-through. Here's what happens during
each phase:

• Preparation: The change manager is focused on preparing both the

organization and its employees. This involves helping the employees
understand the need for the impending transition and outlining the vision and
plan for achieving it.
• Implementation: The change manager is focused on executing changes in a
way that is compatible with the company’s vision for the future.
• Follow-through: The change manager is focused on ensuring the change
sticks and becomes embedded in the company’s culture and practices.
2. Understand the Forces of Change
To effectively manage change, managers must first grasp why it’s necessary.
Without doing so, it can be difficult for you to craft a plan that addresses root
concerns and pressing questions, such as:

• What pressures are driving change?

• Are they internal pressures, such as new leadership?
• Are they external pressures, such as the development of new technologies, a
shift in your industry, or the emergence of a new competitor?
By understanding the precipitating factors that have made an organizational
change necessary, you’ll be better suited to address those concerns.
3. Create a Plan
Once the motive for change is understood, you need to create a plan.
This plan should broadly outline the reasons for change, define its scope, outline
key stakeholders, establish a team, and provide a detailed roadmap of the steps
that will be required to complete the project. Having a defined strategy in place
makes it easier to communicate the change to your team members and monitor
progress toward key milestones and goals.
4. Communicate
When it comes to guiding your business and employees through a period of
significant change, clear and focused communication is one of the most
powerful tools in your arsenal. Ultimately, you must be capable
of communicating change to two very distinct audiences.
The first consists of your employees and team members: These individuals need
to understand the need for change, as well as how it will impact their job
responsibilities. You must also recognize the importance of listening to their
concerns so you can assuage any fears they may have.
“Despite realizing that change is necessary, employees are often afraid of big
changes in the organization, preferring the dissatisfaction of the status quo to
the risks of a new reality,” said Harvard Business School Professor David
Garvin in the online course Management Essentials. “Often, the most important
thing a manager can do is not identify the need for change, but provoke the
momentum to begin and maintain the change.”
The second audience includes key stakeholders within the company—other
members of management, the C-suite, and board members. If you’re the person
proposing a change, it’s these individuals who need to be convinced it’s
necessary. If they have initiated the change but charged you with overseeing the
process, it’s these individuals whom you must regularly update on the status of
the project.
5. Prepare for Roadblocks
No matter how thoroughly you prepare for change, everything is not always
going to go according to plan. You need to be ready for a number of potential
By doing your best to anticipate roadblocks, you can take some of the mystery
out of the equation. Empower your employees to modify their behavior by
removing the obstacles that prevent them from working toward change. Once
those hindrances are identified, even the most complex problems can be
addressed and corrected.

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