The Midnight Pumpkin
The Midnight Pumpkin
The Midnight Pumpkin
STUDY - EVENING, YEAR 2030 (FUTURE TED) TEDS CHILDREN SIT ON THE COUCH, LISTENING INTENTLY. FUTURE TED (V.O.) Kids, if there's one day of the year that you want to avoid shopping at all costs, it's Black Friday. If theres two, its Super Sale Saturday. INT. MCLARENS - AFTERNOON (DAY ONE) (BARNEY, MARSHALL, LILY, ROBIN, TED) THE GANG, MINUS TED, SITS AT MCLARENS. MARSHALL You can all now refer to me as Marshall Eriksen: Inventor. Ive come up with the single greatest idea in food history. Okay, its macaroni-TED HURRIES TO THE BOOTH. TED Guys, you'll never believe this! The bicycle store on 35th & Clark is having a huge sale. BARNEY Oh, joy! (BEAT) Bikes are for losers, Ted. Real men grow awesome mustaches. ROBIN Barney, you don't have a mustache. Let alone an awesome one.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 2. BARNEY If youd read my blog, youd know that real real men have the ability to, but don't need to prove their manliness by actually growing one. Like Rambo. And Rocky. Or the guy in Cliffhanger. LILY Sylvester Stallone. BARNEY No. He's not a real man. Far from it. ROBIN He might be an old man, but Id go to town on him Showgirls style. BARNEY GIVES ROBIN A WHAT IN THE HELL LOOK. MARSHALL I'm pretty sure I could grow a fairly thick and awesome mustache if I tried. LILY Oh, honey. (CHUCKLES, BEAT) Even I can grow a better mustache than you. ROBIN Uh, TMI, Lily. LILY Don't act like we don't go get our 'staches waxed every other Tuesday. ROBIN LAUGHS NERVOUSLY. SHE TAKES A DRINK.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 3. BARNEY 'Stache waxing? I've never been less aroused than I am right now, and I've seen those nudes of Barbara Walters that are going around. (SHUTTERS) Ugh. TED Guys! Can we get back to my story? MARSHALL Yeah, go ahead. TED Anyway. EXT. SIDEWALK - EARLIER THAT DAY (TED) TED POWER WALKS DOWN THE SIDEWALK. A SIGN IN A WINDOW. TED (V.O.) I was on my daily power walk when-INT. MCLARENS - PRESENT (TED, BARNEY) WHERE WE LEFT THEM. BARNEY SLAMS HIS GLASS ON THE TABLE. BARNEY Wait a cottin pickin minute! Power walk? You power walk? What, did you break a hip, Grandpa Mosby? TED For your information, power walking is recommended as an alternative to jogging because it significantly decreases impact on the joints.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 4. BARNEY (SARCASTICALLY) You got me there. EXT. SIDEWALK - EARLIER THAT DAY (TED) TED STARES, SLACK-JAWED IN THE WINDOW OF BUCKS BIKES. TED (V.O.) Anyway. I was pow-- walking past Bucks Bikes when I saw a sign in the window that said for one day only, Schwinn Tailwinds are half-price! INT. MCLARENS - PRESENT (TED, BARNEY, MARSHALL, ROBIN, LILY) BACK AT THE BAR. ROBIN So what? TED Do you know how much theyre worth? It's a top-of-the-line model! It's the only present I've asked my parents for since I was nine years old. BARNEY That's the only thing you've wanted since you were nine? A dumb bike? TED It's not a bike, it's a Schwinn. BARNEY Whatever. The only Schwinns I need are named Olga and Svetlana.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 5. ROBIN I don't get it. BARNEY Swedish twins. Schwinns. Try to keep up. LILY (RE: BIKE, TO TED) When's the sale? TED About that. It's kind of on... Super Sale Saturday. MARSHALL AND LILY GASP. HORRIFIED. BARNEY SPITS HIS DRINK. LILY That's crazy! MARSHALL Are you mad!? BARNEY You must be loco, ese! ROBIN Wait. What's Super Sale Saturday? LILY Black Friday was the new Christmas Eve. Then Cyber Monday became the new Black Friday. Now Super Sale Saturday is the new Cyber Monday. MARSHALL Prices are so low, they're practically subterranean. (MORE)
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 6. MARSHALL (CONT'D) It's the single most dangerous shopping day of the year. (BEAT) Well, except for the day U2 tickets go on sale. TED Its not that bad. LILY What about what happened last year? INT. DEPARTMENT STORE - FLASHBACK (TED) TED AND A NERDY GUY PLAY TUG-OF-WAR WITH THE LAST STAR WARS DVD BOX SET. TED PUNCHES HIM IN THE FACE. HE TRIUMPHANTLY RAISES THE DVDS IN THE AIR. HE TURNS AND IS IMMEDIATELY PUNCHED IN THE FACE BY A NERDY GIRL. SHE SNATCHES THE DVDS. INT. MCLARENS - WHERE WE LEFT THEM (TED, MARSHALL, LILY, ROBIN, BARNEY) BACK AT THE BOOTH. TED But it's a Schwinn. And I need someone to come wait in line with me in case I have to pee. Marshall? Lily? MARSHALL & LILY No. TED Come on guys. Robin? ROBIN I'm gonna say... no? TED Barney?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 7. TED GIVES BARNEY THE PUPPY DOG EYES. CUT BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN TED'S SAD FACE AND BARNEY TRYING TO RESIST. THERE'S PAIN IN HIS FACE. HE EVENTUALLY GIVES IN. BARNEY You know I cant say no to the puppy dog eyes! That's cheating! TED JUMPS UP. HE DOES A CELEBRATORY DANCE. TED Yes! (SINGSONGY) I'm getting a Schwiinn! I'm getting a Schwi-inn! BARNEY How can anyone say no to such a poor, sad, pitiful, de-jected-TED I get it, I'm pathetic. But it's common knowledge that every Triple S shopper needs a great wingman. BARNEY Hmmm. (THINKING IT OVER) Bike suit up, Ted! Because tomorrow baby's coming home with a shiny, new bicycle! TED It's not a bike, it's a Schwinn. BARNEY Sch-whatever. END OF COLD OPEN/ACT ONE
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 8. ACT TWO INT. TEDS APARTMENT - NIGHT (MARSHALL, LILY, ROBIN) MARSHALL AND ROBIN SIT ON THE COUCH. MARSHALL And Im going to call it Snack... aroni! Snackaroni! It's the New York City treat. ROBIN And what is it exactly? MARSHALL What is it!? I'll tell you what it is. It's only the tastiest macaroni and cheese on the planet! And itll come in single serving packs for enjoying when and where you feel the urge. ROBIN And thats different than Easy Mac, how? MARSHALL You know... It's like... like totally different. And stuff. ROBIN Awesome idea, Marshall Eriksen: Inventor. LILY ENTERS FROM THE KITCHEN. MARSHALL, WEARING EXTREMELY TIGHT PANTS, STANDS. HE BENDS OVER TO PICK UP A MAGAZINE.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 9. LILY Oh, Marshall. You're not wearing those pants again, are you? MARSHALL What's wrong with these pants? I think they're very becoming on me. LILY Nothing. Other than the fact that theyre a size 31 and it takes you over an hour to squeeze into them. MARSHALL Just because Im a 34 doesnt mean I cant wear my sexy pants. LILY Seriously, they make your usually amazing ass look like two honey-baked hams shoved in a denim garbage bag. MARSHALL You know exactly how to hurt me, Lily Aldrin-Eriksen. (STIFLES HIS TEARS)You know exactly-MARSHALL RUNS AWAY. LILY TAKES A SEAT NEXT TO ROBIN. ROBIN You tell Marshall what clothes he can wear? What, is he ten years old? LILY My baby got's to look good.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 10. ROBIN Yeah, well I think baby's lookin' pretty fine in those pantaloons. You got yourself one hot piece of man meat. LILY Robin! Whats gotten into you tonight? ROBIN I cant remember the last time I-LILY Took a dump? ROBIN Ewww, no. Knocked boots. I really need to find a guy tonight. I have a serious case of lady-boner right now. LILY LOOKS DISGUSTED. INT. MCLARENS - NIGHT - LATER (TED, BARNEY) TED AND BARNEY STAND AT THE BAR, DRINKS IN HAND. BARNEY If Im going to risk life and limb so you can fulfill some silly childhood dream of owning a Huffy Sledgehammer, you have to repay me in kind. TED I guess that's fair. As long as it doesn't involve stealing a platypus from the zoo.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 11. FREEZE FRAME ON TED. FUTURE TED (V.O.) Kids, if theres one thing you should never bring to a bar, its a platypus. But Ill tell you more about that later. UNFREEZE. BARNEY PUTS AN ARM AROUND TEDS SHOULDER. BARNEY We arrived here tonight as men, but by the morn, good sir, we will be gods. TED We have to be in line at Bucks Bikes by 2 AM. Not a millisecond later. It's eight o'clock now, so that gives you... (LOOKS AT WATCH) six hours. A COUNTDOWN APPEARS ON SCREEN. 6:00:00 IT STARTS. 5:59:00. BARNEY (CONT'D) Ted, Im a pro. Thats ample time. Prepare to make history, because tonight, we do... The Midnight Pumpkin. INT. TED'S APARTMENT - NIGHT (LILY, ROBIN, MARSHALL) LILY AND ROBIN STAND OUTSIDE THE BATHROOM DOOR. MARSHALL HAS LOCKED HIMSELF INSIDE. LILY Marshall, will you just come out of the bathroom already!?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 12. MARSHALL (O.S.) This booty is one-of-a-kind! It does NOT look like a Thanksgiving turkey. LILY I said Christmas ham. MARSHALL (O.S.) Oh, like that's any better! ROBIN Actually, you said honey-baked ham. MARSHALL (O.S.) How heartless can you be? ROBIN If it's any consolation, I think you're rockin' the hell out of those jeans. I mean... (BITES LIP) Mmm. MARSHALL (O.S.) You hear that, Lily! I'm rockin' 'em! LILY Im sorry I said your buns look like hams. Just come out. MARSHALL (O.S.) Not until you admit that its just as supple and juicy... and delicious... ROBIN Are you talking about your ass or the ham?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 13. MARSHALL My derriere, thank you very much. ROBIN POKES LILY, URGING HER. ROBIN (TO LILY) If you dont end this soon, I cant be held responsible if I break down that door and have my way with your husband. Mama needs it bad. LILY I admit it! MARSHALL WHIPS OPEN THE DOOR. HE TAKES A HEROIC STANCE. MARSHALL Lets roll! INT. BAR - NIGHT - LATER (TED, BARNEY) TED AND BARNEY AT THE BAR WHERE WE LEFT THEM. TED Midnight Pumpkin? BARNEY I originally called it The Pinocchio, but due to copyright infringement, Disney made me change it. TED (SKEPTICAL) Disney? BARNEY Dude. My blog. READ IT!
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 14. TED So you're going to pretend you've been carved out of wood? BARNEY Don't be silly, Ted. There's only one part of my body that's wood. What up! BARNEY RAISES HIS HAND FOR A HIGH FIVE. TED SHAKES HIS HEAD. BARNEY (CONT'D) Okay, so here's the deal. We acquire a gullible girl. You tell her that you are a woodcarver from a small Italian village and that you carved me out of a piece of magical wood. Ive come to life, but at the stroke of midnight, Im going to turn back into a block of wood, unless... Well, you know. TED This is what's going to make us gods? BARNEY This is one of the hardest plays to pull off. That's why I need YOU. You play a crucial roll in this one. You're Geppetto. TED You do know that Pinnocchio turned into a real boy, not a block of wood. (MORE)
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 15. TED (CONT'D) Cinderella's carriage turned into the pumpkin at midnight. BARNEY Don't be such a buzz kill, Ted. I never said it was a perfect metaphor. INT. BAR - NIGHT - LATER (MARSHALL, LILY, ROBIN, TED, BARNEY) CLOCK: 3:59:59. MARSHALL AND LILY STAND AT THE BAR. MARSHALL Brett Favre was right! These pants are comfortable. (SINGING) Wearin' my comfy pa-ants/Feelin' so good, on muh bod-ay. LILY Really, Marshall? Really? MARSHALL Come on, babe. I know I look good in my special pants. You cant tell me you don't want to hit this. LILY Oh, I want to hit you all right. ROBIN, LOOKING DISHEVELLED, COMES TO THEM AT THE BAR. ROBIN If I dont find a guy soon, Im going to explode! I will literally take anything I can get.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 16. LILY Anything? ROBIN Anything. MARSHALL How about that guy over there? THEY ALL LOOK AT AN OVERWEIGHT, UNIBROWED GUY. ROBIN Well, not anything. I just dont know whats wrong with me lately. Ive been in the worst slump of my adult career. LILY Come on, it cant be that bad. ROBIN Oh, really? INT. BAR - EARLIER (ROBIN, GUY) ROBIN TAPS A RANDOM GUY ON THE SHOULDER. HE TURNS. ROBIN Okay, Ive struck out with every guy in this place, so heres a one time offer. How about you BEEP my BEEP then BEEP BEEP me in the BEEP. Take your BEEP and BEEP until you cant BEEP anymore. GUY (REPULSED) Oh my god!
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 17. HE RUNS AWAY LIKE A LITTLE GIRL. INT. BAR - PRESENT (ROBIN, MARSHALL, LILY) WHERE WE LEFT OFF. LILY You mightve come on a little strong. ROBIN I need a drink. ROBIN EXITS. TED AND BARNEY JOIN MARSHALL AND LILY. TED Hey, Marshall. Nice pants. LILY GLARES AT TED. CLOCK: 3:28:59. LILY Marshall, it looks like youre smuggling a hotdog and bun down the front of your pants. BARNEY Lily, we have more important things to worry about than food storage. We need a gullible looking girl, pronto. MARSHALL What do you think about her, Barney? BARNEY Yeah right. Shes got a booty-doo. LILY A what?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 18. BARNEY Booty-doo, where the stomach sticks out more than the booty do. TED POINTS TO A SMALL-CHESTED GIRL WITH BUMPED HAIR. TED What about Snookie Jr.? BARNEY Youve got to be kidding. MARSHALL What's wrong with her? BARNEY Only this whole region. (SQUEEZES HIS CHEST) Shes all nips. It looks like two aspirin on an ironing board. Like I dropped two peanut M&Ms on my kitchen floor. LILY Youre disgusting, Barney. BARNEY Come on, guys! Get your heads in the game! Ted, youd think you know your best friend better than that by now. TED I do know Marshall very well. TED AND MARSHALL CLANG THEIR BEER BOTTLES TOGETHER. BARNEY No. Me. Me, Ted. I'm your best friend.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 19. MARSHALL Unh, that's open to debate. LILY Ooh, what about the blonde? LILY POINTS TO A GIRL IN AN UGLY BROWN COAT. BARNEY I'd do her... TED Then lets--BARNEY A favor! And tell her that no matter how hard you try, corduroy... its just not coming back. INT. BAR -NIGHT (ROBIN, LIMAHL) ROBIN STANDS WITH A VERY COCKY LOOKING MUSTACHED MAN. ROBIN Hey there, cowboy. What's your name? LIMAHL You don't recognize me? I'm only the face of one of the most popular bands of all time. That's right, Limahl in the flesh. ROBIN Youre in a band? That is so cool. (LUSTFULLY) You have great hair. LIMAHL Im aware.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 20. ROBIN Do you have room for another groupie? LIMAHL Limahl can make accommodations. But first I need to excuse myself to the little boys room to make tinkle. Don't you run off, beautiful. LIMAHL TAPS ROBIN ON THE NOSE, SHE NEARLY MELTS. HE EXITS. SHE RUNS BACK TO THE GROUP. ROBIN You'll never believe this. I just met Limahl. Apparently, he's into extreme sports and hes the lead singer and synthesist... er... ist... He played keyboard for Kajagoogoo. I am so good to go right now. LILY What the hell is Kafloogl-loo? MARSHALL Only one of the greatest 80s bands of the 80s! TED GIVES MARSHALL A LOOK. MARSHALL (CONTD) They had tons of songs. And when he went solo, he made the greatest movie song ever! The Neverending Story song! TED AND MARSHALL INSTANTLY BREAK INTO SONG.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 21. MARSHALL & TED (SINGING) Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds/And there upon the rainbow is the answer to a never ending sto-ryyy! Ah-u-ah, ah-u-ah, ah-u-ah! MARSHALL Great movie. How awesome would it be to ride Falkor? TED I dont think theres enough awesome on the planet for that. BARNEY And just when I thought you two couldnt get any lamer. MARSHALL I have to meet Limahl! He sounds unreal! TED He sounds like a real douche to me. LILY Shut up, Ted. (TO ROBIN) Go get yourself some, Miss Thang. MARSHALL (HAVING TEDS BACK) Yeah, totally. Extreme sports? What is this, 2004? (CHUCKLES) Am I right? Am I right?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 22. TED Robin, you're only attracted to him because hes famous. ROBIN That's not true. I'm attracted to him because... because... Okay, its because hes famous! I've never banged a rockstar before. Im gonna whip it! TED Whip It is a Devo song. ROBIN SEES LIMAHL COME OUT OF THE BATHROOM. ROBIN I gotta go. LILY GIVES HER TWO EXCITED THUMBS UP. ROBIN RUNS OFF. INT. BAR - LATER (ROBIN, LIMAHL) ROBIN STANDS FLIRTATIOUSLY NEXT TO LIMAHL. ROBIN So, you were about to take me back to your-- Wait a minute. Somethings different. What did you do in there? LIMAHL Oh, yeah, I shaved off my mustache. ROBIN Why would you get rid of such a sweet flavor saver? You were rockin' the hell out of that 'stache.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 23. LIMAHL The blog I read says that real real men gain their power from knowing they have the ability to grow a mustache, but not actually growing one. ROBIN The guy who writes this blog wouldn't happen to be named Barney would he? LIMAHL (EXCITED) You know about The Barnacle? ROBIN Oh, I know. END OF ACT TWO
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 24. ACT THREE INT. BAR - LATER (BARNEY, TED, WOMAN) TED AND A WOMAN STAND AT THE BAR. BARNEY RUNS UP. CLOCK: 2:07:43. BARNEY Papa! Papa! TED Oh, there you are, Pinocchio. WOMAN Are you really Pinocchio? BARNEY Gee whiz, I sure am, pretty lady. WOMAN If youre lying, your nose will grow. BARNEY Thats not the only thing I have that grows. BARNEY WINKS. THE WOMAN SLAPS BARNEY IN THE FACE. WOMAN Thats no way for a child to speak. SHE STORMS OFF. BARNEY We almost had it that time. INT. BAR - LATER (ROBIN, LIMAHL) ROBIN IS STILL WITH LIMAHL AT THE BAR.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 25. ROBIN Why would the singer of Kajagoogoo care what Barney Stinson thinks? LIMAHL About that... ROBIN Oh my god! You werent really in a onehit-wonder 80s band, were you? LIMAHL My name is Carl Stevens. Im in a Kajagoogoo tribute band. ROBIN Do you even like extreme sports? LIMAHL I went frolfing once. ROBIN STARES AT HIM, THINKS IT OVER FOR A SECOND. ROBIN Eh. SHE GRABS HIM, PLANTS A HUGE KISS ON HIM. INT. BAR - NIGHT - LATER (BARNEY, TED, GIRL) TED AND BARNEY ARE AT THE BAR WITH A GIRL. CLOCK: 1:49:32. GIRL Did you really carve him yourself? TED That's right. I sure did.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 26. BARNEY Golly gee willickers, Papa. I don't want to turn back into a piece of wood at midnight. I want to be a real boy! GIRL Oh my gosh... You're going to turn back into wood? BARNEY The only way to stop the process is to have sex with me before the stroke of midnight. GIRL Ugh! I don't think so. You're only 6! SHE THROWS HER DRINK IN HIS FACE THEN WALKS AWAY. BARNEY So close. So-o close. I really thought we had it that time. I don't know why this isn't working. TED You mean, besides the fact that you're trying to convince girls that you're a wooden puppet and I'm your Italian woodcarving father? BARNEY Okay, I admit, The Midnight Pumpkin isn't the greatest. That's why you should always have a Plan P.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 27. TED Come on, Barney. I don't want to do this anymore. Its getting late. Were going to have to leave soon. BARNEY Ted, you cant honestly expect me to stand in line for six straight hours with out first getting my freak on. Plus, you made a promise. And if you go back on a promise, then what faith can any of us have in this crazy, mixed-up world? Promises are the only thing that separate us from animals. TED Here I thought it was opposable thumbs. BARNEY Nope. Its promises. TED Okay, what's Plan P? BARNEY It's simple, really. Plan P is the platypus plan. TED Are you just saying that to piss me off? I said, no platypi.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 28. BARNEY Au contraire, you said no stealing of platypi. I don't need to burgle a platypus. I have a guy. TED You need an exotic animal license for a pla-- Wait, you have a platypus guy? BARNEY Well, no. But I have a guy that has a guy. And he has a platypus guy. INT. BAR - NIGHT - LATER (MARSHALL, BARNEY, LILY, ROBIN, TED, LIMAHL) THE WHOLE GANG STANDS AT THE BAR WITH LIMAHL. CLOCK: 1:07:12. LIMAHL Those pants are quite striking. MARSHALL Thank you. Let me ask you something, fake Limahl. What is the greatest culinary innovation of all time? LIMAHL Uh, the fork? MARSHALL No, it's macaroni and cheese that comes in single serving packets. Its a million dollar idea. And Im going to call it Snackaroni! Does that not blow your mind?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 29. LIMAHL You mean Easy Mac? MARSHALL You too? Okay, I get it. Nobody appreciates true genius anymore! MARSHALL THROWS HIS ARMS IN THE AIR. HE LEAVES. ROBIN Limahl, I mean, Carl, have ya met Barney? LIMAHL It can't be... THE Barney Stinson? BARNEY That's right. What's it to ya? LIMAHL I'm your biggest fan! Your blog is like my Bible, only less boring and way more awesome! I can't believe I'm actually standing here with you. BARNEY Finally! Someone's reading my blog. LIMAHL I live by your blog. LILY He even shaved his mustache. ROBIN He went into the bathroom stached-up and came out 'stacheless.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 30. LILY That bathroom is like the Bermuda Triangle for mustaches. One mustache goes in. No mustaches come out. BARNEY Way to slash the 'stache, bro. Like I always say, real real men know they-LIMAHL Have the ability to grow a mustache, but don't have to prove their manliness by actually growing one. BARNEY POINTS AT HIM. LIMAHL (CONTD) Barney, you have to teach me. BARNEY I'm sorry, fake Limahl, but my bro limit has already been met. I'm at maximum bropacity. LIMAHL I'm upset, but I understand, sensei. BARNEY I have provided you with the tools and information you need to succeed via my blog. You must go and put them to use on your own, young grasshopper. LIMAHL I will make you proud.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 31. LIMAHL LEAVES. ROBIN Hey, wait up! BARNEY TURNS TO TED AND LILY. ROBIN RUNS AFTER HIM. BARNEY Good guy. MARSHALL WALKS UP TO TED AND BARNEY. HE HAS A PET CARRIER. MARSHALL Hey, Barney, some guy said to give this to you. I think there's something alive in there. TED It's a duck-billed platypus. MARSHALL (OVERLY EXCITED) No way! Are you going to dress him up in little clothes and a hat and have a tea party? BARNEY No. I'm definitely going to be doing... that. Let's go, Ted. TED GRABS THE PET CARRIER. TED AND BARNEY EXIT. LILY Marshall, will you just take off those ridiculous pants already? MARSHALL The girl at the pants store said these pants are very flattering on me.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 32. LILY Thats because she works for commission and they cost 150 dollars. MARSHALL Vivica wouldnt lie to me. LILY Honey. I love you, but you look like a thirteen year old girl in those pants. Im telling you for your own good. MARSHALL Okay, Ill take them off, but under one condition... You know what. MARSHALL RAISES HIS EYEBROWS. INT. BAR - NIGHT - LATER (BARNEY, TED, WANDA) TED AND BARNEY STAND AT THE BAR. TED IS HOLDING THE PET CARRIER. THEY APPROACH A GIRL. CLOCK: 00:59:37. WANDA What's in the cage? BARNEY Ted, the puss! TED RAISES THE PET CARRIER. BARNEY (CONTD) This here's a platypus. One of natures most amazing and ridiculous looking creatures. Whats say you come back to my place and get a closer look at my platypus?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 33. WANDA Do you have a license for that thing? BARNEY The only license I need is a license to love. WANDA (SEDUCTIVELY) Oh, you don't need a license for that. (BEAT) But unfortunately for you, I'm a police officer and in the state of New York, you do need a permit for your platypus. SHE FLASHES HER BADGE. TED No. WANDA I'm afraid you're under arrest. SHE CUFFS HIM. BARNEY Its just a fish-rodent! TED Actually, its a semiaquatic, egglaying mammal. WANDA You too, Science boy. Put your hands behind your back. Lack of a platypus permit, that's a class 2 misdemeanor.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 34. TED Its not my platypus, I swear! Im holding it for a friend. SHE CUFFS TED. INT. JAIL CELL - NIGHT - LATER (BARNEY, TED, CELLMATE, JAILER) BARNEY AND TED SIT IN JAIL. THE CLOCK FLASHES 0:00:00. BARNEY Who would've known you needed a permit for a platypus? TED Me! I knew! I told you! And thanks to you, Im not going to get my Schwinn. I hope your platypus was worth it. BARNEY Chillax, Bro Piscapo. Little Parney was definitely worth it. TED You ruin everything, you know that? BARNEY I said I was sorry. Isn't that enough? CELLMATE Whatre you two arguing about? TED He cost me a Schwinn Tailwind. CELLMATE You're that mad over a dumb bike?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 35. TED & BARNEY It's not a bike, it's a Schwinn. CELLMATE Whatever. THE JAILER OPENS THE JAIL CELL DOOR. JAILER Okay, you're free to go. INT. POLICE STATION LOBBY - NIGHT - LATER (TED, BARNEY, ROBIN) ROBIN STANDS IN THE LOBBY. TED AND BARNEY ENTER. ROBIN Hey there, criminals, need a ride? TED I do. But he'll be taking a taxi. BARNEY Come on, Ted, I said I was sorry. What else do you want from me? TED I want my Schwinn. Goodnight, Barney. BARNEY But, Ted I-TED I said goodnight. INT. TED'S APARTMENT - AFTERNOON (DAY 2) (TED, MARSHALL, MAILMAN) MARSHALL So what do you think?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 36. TED It sounds like you just invented Easy Mac. MARSHALL You, of all people, Ted. I thought you'd be on my side. TED What side? Are we choosing sides? MARSHALL You know what side! MARSHALL HUFFS AND PUSSES THEN EXITS ANGRILY. SFX: DOORBELL TED OPENS THE DOOR. MAILMAN. HE HAS A HUGE BOX. MAILMAN Delivery for Theodore Evelynn Mosby. TED I didn't order anything. MAILMAN I guess I must have the wrong Theodore Evelynn Mosby. Just sign for it, dude. I have Maroon 5 tickets. TED SIGNS. HE CLOSES THE DOOR. HE OPENS THE BOX. IT'S A BIKE. INT. BAR - AFTERNOON (DAY THREE) (TED, BARNEY, MARSHALL, ROBIN, LILY) TED, LILY AND ROBIN SIT AT THE BOOTH. LILY Robin, you seem different.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 37. ROBIN Maybe its because I had an amazing two and half minutes in a bathroom stall with the lead singer of a Kajagoogoo tribute band Friday night. MARSHALL, WEARING A RIDICULOUS PONCHO, SETS 4 BEERS ON THE TABLE AND TAKES A SEAT. LILY Marshall, I take it back. Id rather have you wear the tight pants. You look like a Mexican drifter. MARSHALL You have to come to terms with your jealousy. That's what Dr. Phil says. LILY Well, Dr. Lily says, men who wear stupid ponchos don't get sex. Are you ready to come to terms with that? MARSHALL Poncho gone. MARSHALL QUICKLY REMOVES THE PONCHO AND TOSSES IT OVER HIS HEAD. BARNEY ENTERS. TED Barney, did you buy me a bike? BARNEY No Ted, I bought you a Schwinn. TED Whatever. How did you afford it?
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 38. BARNEY Cyber Monday, dude. Why would I wait in line when I could buy on line? TED I can't believe this. BARNEY I know. Cyber Monday deals are way better than those stupid Super Sale Saturday sales, sucka. MARSHALL Great alliteration. TED It's been over twenty years, and I finally have it. This is the greatest day of my life. Well, except for the day I got those U2 tickets. LILY What are you waiting for? Try that beeotch out! ROBIN Ride that thing like it's your birthday! TED You're right. I need to do this. I'm gonna ride! TED GRABS THE BIKE AND RUNS OUT.
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 39. EXT. CITY STREET - AFTERNOON (TED, SHADY GUY) TED RIDES HIS SCHWINN DOWN THE STREET. HAPPY MUSIC. FUTURE TED (V.O.) And that's how I got my first Schwinn. SHADY GUY HEY! Hey, guy! TED COMES TO A STOP NEXT TO THE SHADY GUY. TED And what can I do for you this fine day, sir? THE SHADY GUY PULLS A GUN. HE POINTS IT AT TED. TED (CONTD) Wait... Are you stealing my bike? SHADY GUY No. I'm stealing your Schwinn. Its a Tailwind. Do you know how much this thing is worth? TED GIVES HIM THE BIKE. THE SHADY GUY RIDES AWAY. SHADY GUY (CONTD) (SINGSONGY) I got a Schwi-inn! I got a Schwi-inn! FUTURE TED (V.O.) And that's how I lost my first Schwinn. END OF ACT THREE
HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER - "THE MIDNIGHT PUMPKIN" 40. TAG EXT. THE SKY - DAY - (DREAM) (MARSHALL, FALKOR) MARSHALL, EXHILARATED, RIDES FALKOR. THE MOVIE THEME PLAYS. MARSHALL Hurry, Falkor, the nothings everywhere! FALKOR Dont worry, Marshall, well reach the boundaries of Fantasia. MARSHALL Falkor? FALKOR What is it, Marshall? MARSHALL Can you call me Bastian? FALKOR All right, hold on tight, Bastian! Whaaaa! MARSHALL Yeah! MARSHALL THROWS AN ARM IN THE AIR AS THEY FLY THROUGH THE CLOUDS AND OVER MOUNTAINS. MARSHALL (CONTD) Wow! Wow-wee! THE END *