Paradise Valley
Paradise Valley
Paradise Valley
Noah White Virgil O. Stamps
1. As I trav el thru life, with its trou ble and strife, I've a
2. As I roam the hill side, or I list to the tide, As I
3. Tho your gar den is rare, it is not to com pare With the
glo ri ous hope to give cheer on the way Soon my toil will be o'er and I'll
pluck the sweet flow ers that grow in the dale; A faint pic ture is there of a
flow ers that bloom in the gae den a bove, In the midst of it grows Shar on's
rest on that shore Where the night has been turned in to day.
land bright and fair Where per en ni al flow ers ne'er fail. Up in
per fect sweet Rose 'Tis the won der ful Flow er of Love.
Up in the beau ti ful par a dise val ley, By the side of the riv er of life,
par a dise val ley Up in
of the riv er of life,
Up in the val ley, the won der ful val ley, We'll be free from all pain and all
par a dise val ley, from all
strife; There we shall live in the rose tin ted gar den 'Neath the
pain and all strife; There we'll live in the gar den
shade of the ev er green tree, How I long for the par a dise
of the ev er green tree, for the
val ley, Where the beau ty of heav en I'll see.
beau ty of heav en I'll see.
par a dise val ley,