Gone Is All My Debt of Sin - Samuel W. Beazley
Gone Is All My Debt of Sin - Samuel W. Beazley
Gone Is All My Debt of Sin - Samuel W. Beazley
M. S. Shaffer, 1915 Samuel William Beazley, 1917
= 112
2. Oh, I hope to please Him now, Light of joy is on my brow,
3. Sin ner, not for me a lone Did the Son of God a tone;
And to live I now be gin, Ris en from the fall; Yet the debt I
As at His dear feet I bow, Safe with in His love. Mak ing His the
Your debt, too, He made His own, On the cru el tree. Come to Him with
did not pay— Some one died for me one day, Sweep ing all the
debt I owed, Free dom true He has be stowed; So I’m sing ing
all your sin; Be as white as snow with in; Full sal va tion
14 Refrain
debt a way— Je sus paid it all. Je sus died and paid it all, yes,
on the road To my home a bove.
you may win And re joice with me.
Je sus died and paid it
Public Domain
Courtesy of the Cyber Hymnal™
On the cross of Cal va ry, Oh And my ston y heart was melt ed
On the cross of Cal va ry, And my heart was melt
At His dy ing, dy ing call; Oh, His heart in shame was brok en
ed At His dy ing call.Oh, His heart was brok
On the tree for you and me, yes, And the debt, the debt is can celed,
en On the tree for you and me. And the debt is can
Je sus paid it, paid it all.
celed, Je sus
Public Domain
2 Courtesy of the Cyber Hymnal™