Student Teaching Lesson Plan
Student Teaching Lesson Plan
Student Teaching Lesson Plan
Class: 2-202
Date: 10/25/2023
Subject Reading
Standards 2W7: Recall and represent relevant information from experiences or gather
information from provided sources to answer a question.
2W6: Develop questions and participate in shared research and explorations to
answer questions and build knowledge.
Academic Language
Demands and prior ● Inference is an intelligent guess that readers make based on clues in the
knowledge text and what they already know.
List academic
vocabulary required
● Evidence - clues or details in the text that support an answer or idea
● Conclusion -a statement you make, or an idea you have about a text based
on thinking about a lot of different things
Indicate ongoing ● Observes student participation and engagement during the discussion and
assessments TURN AND TALK routine to assess their understanding of making
throughout the lesson inferences.
as well as the final ● Assings level-appropriate passages for classroom activities.
check for ● Assigns additional reading passages and have students practice making
understanding inferences independently at home.
Attach rubric if ● Checks to see if students used their checklist. Did you make an inference?
applicable - Using the text
- Using pictures
State the daily lesson "Today, we will become super detectives; we’ll use clues from our reading, and
objective that will be what we already know to figure out things that the author didn't say directly. It's
communicated to the like solving a puzzle in a fun book! "
This needs to be
written in student
friendly language.
“I do”
Explicit Modeling Teacher:
Time required is ● Thinks aloud —- Asks a question and answers it.
based on objective ● Explains to the students that authors don't always explicitly state
everything in the text.
Think aloud of the
skill. Including clear, ● Introduces the concept of making inferences: using clues in the text
consistent and concise (evidence) and what they already know to make educated guesses or
language. conclusions.
Provide several ● Displays Anchor Chart
models. ● Makes Inferences and explains the components, emphasizes the equation:
Involve students in the evidence from text and pictures + prior knowledge = an inference.
later models (ask ● Asks: How did I make my inference or figure out …?
questions in which the
answers rely on
knowledge from the
first model or previous
“We do”
Prompted or Guided Let's try it together …
Practice Teacher:
(taking them through
guided practice). More ● Provides students with passage the “Finding Grandpa’s House”
than one practice
● Instructs students to read along
Indicate faded ● Pauses occasionally to gauge their understanding and encourages them to
prompts. (TAR: Tell make inferences using the provided prompts.
the students how to do
it, Ask them how to What does the title “Finding Grandpa’s House” suggest?
do it, Remind them
out to do it) Possible answers: It was their first time going there. Grandpa has a new
Physical prompts to
verbal prompts when
applicable. Why was Shanti and her Father going to visit her grandpa?
● Encourages students to refer to the Anchor Chart to explain the clues they
used to make inferences.
● Encourages students to TURN AND TALK
● Models checking checklist
Closing Teacher:
1) Brief review of ● Reminds scholars of the lesson objective. "Today, we practiced being
what was learned. super detectives and using clues from our reading and what we know to
2) Preview the next determine things the author didn't say directly. We made inferences just
lesson like detectives do!"
3) Assign Independent ● Reviews the components and emphasizes how they used the evidence from
Work the text and their prior knowledge to make inferences.
Tip: This should ● Asks three (3) students to share their inferences and the clues they used
bring lesson to full from the text.
circle and address ● Encourages scholars to explain their thought process.
the daily objective ● Reminds scholars how making inferences is like solving real-life mysteries
and the language or puzzles.
function (s) ● Encourages students to share instances where they have used clues to
figure something out.
● Praises the students for their efforts and engagement during the lesson.
● Recognizes specific instances where they demonstrated excellent
inferencing skills.
● Assigns a related homework task or suggest additional reading materials
for students to practice making inferences independently.
● Reminds scholars that, “making inferences is an amazing skill that will
help them become better readers and thinkers. You must keep using your
detective skills in everything you read!"
Applying (Application):
● What clues or evidence did you use that allowed you to make that
Analyzing (Analysis):
● How can you break down a complex situation into its components and
make inferences about each part?
Evaluating (Evaluation):
Can you critique an inference made? Is it well-supported by evidence? Explain
Creating (Synthesis):
Design a set of clues and information that will lead to a specific inference, and ask
your peers to make that inference.