Phytochemistry, Pharmacological and Traditional Uses of Datura Stramonium L

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Phytochemistry, pharmacological and traditional uses of Datura stramonium L.

Article · December 2013

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Aqib Sayyed
Shandong University


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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2014; 2 (5): 123-125

ISSN 2278-4136
JPP 2014; 2 (5): 123-125 Phytochemistry, pharmacological and
© 2013 AkiNik Publications
Received: 16-12-2013 traditional uses of Datura stramonium L.
Accepted: 25-12-2013
Aqib Sayyed
Department of Botany Abdul Wali Aqib Sayyed, Mohib Shah
Khan University Mardan, Pakistan
Mohib Shah Datura stramonium or jimson weed is a wild shrub belongs to family Solanaceae. It has both toxics
Department of Botany Abdul Wali and medicinal properties. Traditionally it is used in skin disorder, ear pain, cough, fever and asthma.
Khan University Mardan, Pakistan Juice of fruit is used for body pain. Leaves extract are externally used for injuries, wounds bleeding
Email: and pains. Juice of fruit is applied to scalp for falling hair and as antidandruff. Datura stramonium
contains biologically active substances like alkaloids, atropine, scopolamine, tannin, carbohydrate
and proteins. It is used in many drugs due to its analgesic and antiasthmatic activities.

Keywords: Datura stramonium, Medicinal, Traditional, Solanaceae, antiasthmatic.

1. Introduction
Datura stramonium is commonly known as Jimson weed or Datura belongs to family
Solanaceae. It is 60-120 cm or more tall, branched and pubescent plant. Leaves are 8-17x4-13
cm, ovate, sinuately dentate and minutely puberulose. The flowers are trumpet-shaped, white to
creamy or violet and 6 to 9 cm long [27]. Mostly found in temperate and subtropical region [1].
Humans use different plant for treatment and still are in search of medicinal value plants.
Datura stramonium has both the poisonous and medicinal uses [5].
From the beginning of life humans use plant for different purposes like food and medicine. Still
today a large number of people use different plant for different disease treatments. Datura
stramonium is a most important medicinal plant. Traditionally it has an important medicinal
value throughout the world. Its leaves and seeds are used in different treatment recipes. The
leaves of Datura stramonium are mixed with mustard oil for treatment skin disorder. Juice of
flower petals is used in ear pain. Seeds are used as purgative, in cough, fever and asthma. Seeds
are also used for smoking for its narcotic action [12]. It is often used as an analgesic plant in
folklore medicine in the “Old world” [31]. The drugs obtained from medicinal plants are termed
crude drug of natural or biological origin as described by pharmacist and pharmacologist
. Datura stramonium contains different type of phytochemical including Saponins, Tannins,
Steroids, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Phenols and Glycosides [23]. Its leaves and branches extracts
show high anti-fungal and anti-microbial activities [10].

2. Phytochemistry
D. stramonium contains Sixty-four tropane alkaloids. Two new tropane alkaloids, 3-
phenylacetoxy-6, 7-epoxynortropane and 7- hydroxyapoatropine were tentatively identified. The
alkaloids scopoline, 3-(hydroxyacetoxy) tropane, 3-hydroxy-6-(2-methylbutyryloxy) tropane,
3a-tigloyloxy-6-hydroxytropane, 3,7- dihydroxy-6-tigloyloxytropane, 3-tigloyloxy-6-
propionyloxytropane, 3-phenylacetoxy-6,7- epoxytropane, 3-phenylacetoxy-6-hydroxytropane,
aponorscopolamine, 3a,6a-ditigloyloxytropane and 7-hydroxyhyoscyamine are reported for the
first time for this species [3]. The main components of essential oil were sterols and their
derivatives, and the major constituents of Datura stramonium essential oil are sterols and there
derivatives and 5.alpha.-Ergosta-7,22- dien-3.beta.-ol (16.53%), 3-Hydroxycholestan-5-yl,
Aqib Sayyed
Department of Botany Abdul Wali acetate (14.97%), and 26,26-Dimethyl-5, 24(28)-ergostadien-3.beta.-ol (10.39%) [29]. Protein
Khan University Mardan, Pakistan and ash are highly distributed in the seed coat than the seed. In contrast the fat, carbohydrate
Email: and fiber contents of the seed were higher than the seed coat.
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

The seeds also contained higher concentration of phytate, tannin added 86 gm atosh (root of an unidentified plant) and an equal
and oxalate than the seed coat. In seed coat calcium, iron, amount of darmuz (arsenic), mudra shankar (unidentified
potassium, sodium and phosphorus were higher than the seeds [17]. chemical, possibly a chromium salt) and camphor. One powdered
Extract with water and ethanol contain saponins, steroids, seed of Datura stramonium is added to the mixture along with
alkaloids, and glycosides [23]. Saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, 400 gm of oil from seeds of Brassica campestris. The whole
glycosides and phenol are common among crude aqueous and amount is boiled thoroughly, slightly cooled and applied to places
ethanol extract of the plant [2-21]. Leaves extract contain different where there is rheumatic pain. This is done 2-3 times daily till
types of secondary metabolites such as glycosides, phenol, cure of the pain [4].
lignins, saponins, sterols and tannins [15]. The primary biologically
active substances in D. stramonium are the alkaloids atropine and 5. Conclusion
scopolamine [11]. Studies indicated that Datura stramonium is a wild plant having
various medicinal and pharmacological properties. Phytochemical
3. Pharmacological uses of the plant are alkaloids, atropine, scopolamine, tannin, saponine,
Datura stramonium is widely growing plant and well known to glycosides, phenol, sterols, lignins, fats, carbohydrates and
have great pharmacological potential with a great utility and proteins. Extract with water and ethanol contains saponine,
usage in folklore medicine folklore medicinal herbs. It contains steroids, alkaloids and glycosides. Alkaloids, tannins,
alkaloids, tannins, carbohydrates and proteins and use in medicine carbohydrates and proteins are used in medicines due to its
due to its analgesic and antiasthmatic activities [26]. Leaves are analgesic and antiasthmatic activities. Atropine used in treatment
used in asthma treatment [22-18]. The primary biologically active of Parkinson’s disease, peptic ulcers, diarrhea and bronchial
substances in Datura stramonium are the alkaloids atropine and asthma. Water extract of D. stramonium show insecticidal while
scopolamine. Atropine has been used in treating Parkinson’s ethanol extract show good anti-microbial activities. Traditionally
disease, peptic ulcers, diarrhea, and bronchial asthma [11]. Its leaves past and extracts are externally used for injuries, wounds,
leaves mucilage and Poly Vinyl Pyrrolidone combination can be bleeding and pain. Juice of flower petals is used in ear pain
used as a matrix forming material for making sustained release and seeds are used as purgative, in cough, fever and asthma.
matrix tablets [1]. Datura stramonium is a natural source of
antioxidants and phytochemical having antimicrobial activities [2]. 6. Acknowledgement
Its extracts show significant antimicrobial activity against The authors are thankful to the Department of Botany, Abdul
Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas Wali Khan University Mardan for providing full support and
aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Aspergillus niger and Fusarium encouragement during course of study.
species [21]. The secondary metabolites of Datura stramonium are
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