A Building-Integrated Eolic System For The Exploitation of Wind Energy in Urban Areas
A Building-Integrated Eolic System For The Exploitation of Wind Energy in Urban Areas
A Building-Integrated Eolic System For The Exploitation of Wind Energy in Urban Areas
S. Carcangiu, A. Montisci
deficit of power has to be managed by a set of lead-acid
Control Unit
Not represented in the diagram of Fig. 4 is a data
acquisition system that records all variables, i.e. voltages,
PM ~ = currents and wind speed.
Wind kWh
= ~
Rectifier Inverter 3. THE CFD MODEL
u = 5 m/s
Fig. 6 Velocity map of the 3D model. Fig. 8 Velocity profile of the minimal section of the 3D duct.
In Fig. 5 the 3D model of the system and the pressure 4.1. Experimental set-up
contours are reported. The overall number of elements is
240 660, and a nonlinear solver has been used, with 178 448 In order to test the model, it was decided to conduct a series
degrees of freedom. As can be noted in Fig. 5 the wind of preliminary experiments. Taking into account the system
approaching the building generates a pressure distribution modelled by the CFD tool, a laboratory-scale prototype (up
on the front façade. Therefore high wind speeds are induced to 600 mm high, 1000 mm wide and 1000 mm deep) was
Voltage [V]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Fig. 9 Vertical axis centripetal turbine
In the last month, the data of voltage generated by the registered, the system has produced a correspondent
prototype, at standard conditions of temperature and quantity of energy, without the needed of put the system in
atmospheric pressure, have been collected and analyzed. cut-off configuration. In fact it has been possible to exploit
The data are in time-series format, where the resolution of all the incoming energy because of the little centrifugal
the series is 1 min. Each day then contains a number N of forces that made sustainable the strong wind.
data points equal to 1440. In Fig. 10 the time diagram of the
voltage is shown. 5. CONCLUSIONS
The daily energy E produced by this laboratory-scale
prototype in a time period T (one day, in this preliminary The integration of wind energy converters into buildings is a
work), is calculated by the following discrete relation, challenging problem which is still largely unsolved. A wind
considering the monitored instantaneous power P: generation system that permits to exploit the wind energy in
N built up areas has been presented in this paper. In the
E = ∑ Pi ⋅ Δti (4) proposed eolic generation system the turbine is in-shore,
i =1
because it is contained inside a flow conveyor which
performs at the same time as stator of the turbine and as roof
where Δti is the sampling time (60 sec). of the building. This allows one to employ turbines which
The daily energy (eq. 4) has been divided by 3600 in cross-section is small with respect to the elaborated flow
order to covert it in Wh. In Fig 11 the daily wind energy tube, in this way saving installation costs and increasing the
output is reported. As can be noted, in all the monitored functioning range of admitted wind velocities. As is used to
days the system has produced at least a small quantity of do in urban areas, a vertical axis turbine is adopted, so that
energy, excepted the 14th and 15th when the system was out the wind direction does not affect the efficiency of the
of order for maintenance. This in accordance with the fact system, nor any reorienting apparatus is necessary.
that the cut-in velocity of the system is very low due to the The CFD models and the initial experiments on a
small inertia of the impeller and to the multiplication effect prototype have shown the potentialities of this new system
of the statoric structure. Furthermore, in the two days when offering many possibilities to increase its efficiency and the
a velocity much above the average value has been quantity of produced energy.
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