CGS S2001 e 07 - Lsvim01 - 0
CGS S2001 e 07 - Lsvim01 - 0
CGS S2001 e 07 - Lsvim01 - 0
■Overview Specifications
Analog input 8 1 to 5 V
Auxiliary input(Analog)(Panel I/O) 2 1 to 5 V
Digital output(Panel I/O) 2 DC 30 V
Serial communication 2 RS232C level
USB connector(For maintenance) 1 For maintenance communication mini-B
Watchdog timer, MCU communication monitoring, Flash access monitoring,
Self-diagnostic functions
Clock monitor, Power-supply voltage(Low / High), CRC check
IDOL Implementation Possible
Display LED × 4: Run / Status / Network status A / Network status B
Channel State LED × 16: Ch 1 to Ch 16 Arbitrarily set by internal logic
AC 500V Analog input terminal (Terminal block) – PE
AC 500V Analog input terminal (Panel I/O) – PE
Dielectric strength
AC 500V Digital output terminal (Panel I/O) – PE
AC 500V RS232C Serial communication (Panel I/O) – PE
Ambient temperature (Operating / Storage) -5 to 60°C
Environmental conditions
Ambient humidity (Operating / Storage) 0 to 95% RH (No condensation)
Operating power supply DC 24 V ±20% Dual power reception (The voltage supplied from the backplane)
Shock / Vibration 15 G 11 ms / 3.5 mm @5 to 8.4 Hz, 1 G @8.4 to 150 Hz
Dimensions 62 mm (D) x 94 mm (H) x 46 mm (W) (Except projection)
Mitsubishi Power is a power solutions brand of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. CGS-S2001-E-07 (2021.10.29)
SL : 1 ECT : N/A
LSVIM01 Vibration Interface module
LS communication Vibration pressure variation , Combustor vibration input , FFT analysis
Number of channels 8 (Channel Individual Isolation)
Input range 1 to 5 V
Terminal Cutoff frequency 20 kHz
Analog input Signal filter
block (Input frequency characteristics ±0.2 dB @ DC to 10 kHz)
Input impedance More than 100 kΩ
Input frequency range 0 to 10 kHz
Number of channels 2 (Common)
Input range 1 to 5 V / 12 bit
Input impedance More than 100 kΩ
Number of channels 2 (Common)
Applied maximum voltage DC 30 V
Panel I/O Digital output
Maximum load current 0.1 A
Leakage current when OFF 0.1 mA or less
Number of channels 2 (Common)
Interface RS232C level
Maximum communication speed 115200 bps
USB connector(For maintenance) 1 (For maintenance communication mini-B)
Calculation cycle usable in NPS More than 50 ms
AC 500 V Analog input terminal (Terminal block) – PE
AC 500 V Analog input terminal (Panel I/O) – PE
Dielectric strength
AC 500 V Digital output terminal (Panel I/O) – PE
AC 500 V RS232C Serial communication (Panel I/O) – PE
Watchdog timer
MCU communication monitoring
Flash access monitoring
Self-diagnostic functions
Clock monitor
Power-supply voltage (Low / High)
CRC check
Overvoltage protection
Protective function
Overcurrent protection
・Display LED (RUN / STS /NSA / NSB)
・Channel State LED (Arbitrarily set by internal logic)
Current consumption 179 mA
Weight 0.14 kg
Dimensions 62 mm (D) x 94 mm (H) x 46 mm (W) (Except projection)
Analog input
Analog input terminal (Terminal block): Transformer insulation
Insulation method Analog input terminal (Panel I/O): Digital Isolator Isolation
Digital output terminal (Panel I/O): Photocoupler insulation
RS232C Serial communication (Panel I/O): Digital Isolator Isolation
Hot swap Possible
Power supply DC 24 V ±20% (The voltage supplied from the backplane)
Module ambient temperature (Operating / Storage) -5 to 60°C
Environmental conditions
Module ambient humidity (Operating / Storage) 0 to 95% RH (No condensation)
3.5 mm @ 5 to 8.4 Hz
1 G @ 8.4 to 150 Hz
Shock 15 G 11 ms
Standard/Directive IEC61131-2:2007, RoHS
Mitsubishi Power is a power solutions brand of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. CGS-S2001-E-07 (2021.10.29)
LSVIM01 Vibration Interface module
LS communication Vibration pressure variation , Combustor vibration input , FFT analysis
■Block diagram
2 4 V_A Current & 3.3 V 1.0 V
2 4 V 3.3 V
DC 2 4 V Voltag e limit
(3.3 V) (1.0 V)
G ND 2 4 V_B
DC 24 V
24 V 5 V 3.3 V 1.8 V 1.8 V 1.2 V
G ND (1.8 V) (V_IO)
(5 VI O)
Power_ Enab le P/S
G ND 3.3 V 2.5 V
(2.5 V)
LVD S (3.3 V/2.5 V/ Is ola tion
1.8 V/1.0 V)
Voltag e monitori ng PWM 1 Anal og Inp ut FET drive
In pu t CH 1+ 1
filter ( V_IO ) AI1
2.5 V Trance si gnal CH 1- 2
・ (fc=20 kH z) Current s ense conversion
5 VI O
・ (5 VI O) res istor
CH 2+ 3
・ AI2
Voltag e mon itori ng CH 2- 4
<IO Backp la ne >
24 V_A
24 V_B CH 3+ 5
3.3 V (Monitor )
6 AI3
AD C CH 3-
1.0 V SPI
Reset (5 VI O,3.3
・ ・ CH 4+
CH 4-
V,1.8 V) 8
・ CH 5+ 9
・ CH 5- 10
CH 6+ 11
CH 6- AI6
CLK 13
CH 7+
14 AI7
Flas h CH 7-
Anal og Inp ut
FET drive 15
Input CH 8+
filter ( V_ IO)
Trance si gnal AI8
CH 8- 16
LED (fc=20 kH z)) Current s ense
c on ve rsion
(5 VI O) res istor
Dis pl ay LED ×4
G en era l p u rp ose d isp la y LED ×1 6 DI/DO I / O s witching
( F ron t pa ne l )
Photocoup le r
(3.3 V) Mechanical
sw itch
CH 9+ 17
Photoc oup e
lr Sw itc h ing Do not
( OutsideV) c ircu it CH 9- 18
Is ola tion
Is ola tion
P/ S <Field >
3.3 V 6 V(For Pa ne l IO)
・ ・ ・ 6 pin AO 6
Outp ut Ena bl e 7 p in AO 7
AO 8 p in AO 8
(6 V2) 9 p in G ND
Sy nchroniza tion s ignal 1 0 p in G ND
11 pin G ND
1 2 p in G ND
RS 232 C 13 pin RS 232 C TXD 1 (Transmis sion d ata 1)
Lev el 1 4 p in RS 232 C TXD 2 (Transmis sion d ata 2)
c on ve rsion 1 5 p in RS 232 C RXD 1 (Received data 1)
1 6 p in RS 232 C RXD 2 (Received d ata 2)
RS 232 C
1 7 p in RS 232 C RTS 1 ( Transmis sion reques t 1 )
Lev el
1 8 p in RS 232 C RTS 2 (Transmis sion reques t 2 )
c on ve rsion
IS O 19 pin RS 232 C C TS 1 (Send permis sion 1)
AI 2 0 p in RS 232 C C TS 2 (Send permis sion 2)
(3.3 V2) 2 1 p in AI1
Voltag e AI 2 2 p in AI 2
mon itori ng Anal og (3.3 V2) 23 pin G ND
2 4 p in DO0
3.3 V (3.3 V2) DO
2 5 p in DO1
2.5 V Photocoupl er 2 6 p in DO COMMON
( MCU ) Transi stor
( DO_ COM )
Photocoupl er
( MCU ) Transi stor
(DO_ COM )
P/C Is ola tion
Is ola tion
IS O UA RT USB c on ne c tor
(miniB )
(Front pa nel )
When using, please read the instruction manual attached to the product carefully and use it properly.
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DIASYS Netmation/DIASYS Netmation4S is a registered trademark of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.
The service names and product names of other companies described in this catalog are the trademarks or registered trademarks of each company.
Mitsubishi Power is a power solutions brand of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. CGS-S2001-E-07 (2021.10.29)